« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 5/19/23

2023-05-19 | 🔗

Disney scraps plan for new Florida campus amid DeSantis feud

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good morning and welcome to morning Joe this morning, a debt ceiling deal seems to be on the right path. How speaker Kevin Mccarthy had a two more optimistic tome yesterday, while answering questions about the negotiator then we'll have those comments for you. comes as president Biden is busy with world leaders at the G7 summit in Japan. The group justin a new round of sanctions for russia aimed at closing loopholes. Moscow has been things since the start of the ukraine in asian. Meanwhile, Ukraine could soon be receiving more. U s. Military aid, thanks to an accounting error, will explain what happened I also had the manhattan dna shuts down what appears to be a delay tactic from donald trump defence team and Nicky Hayley, finally pushes
against her old boss, we'll have her response to trust. Calling january sixth a beautiful day good morning. welcome to burning Joe, it is friday, will aching you believe. It's friday, I'm we processing. We made it I was the morning off. I told him not to come along the way out of the house to wait to correlate white Ellsberg cheap at political, Jonathan, lanier former you senator now and NBC news and emerson missy political analysts, Claremont mccaskill whitehouse editor for let it go. Sands dine and senior columnist for the daily beast, Matt Louis is with us this morning, and you know what willie, I will say I will say Joe was right about messing with bob eiger, you just don't do that
yeah, the governor and a santa suit is learning that the hard way right now. This is a move that we've been talking about for a long time, his fight with disney, and now it has cost his state, potentially a one billion dollar investment, thousands of jobs as well the company disney announced. It is scrapping plans now for a new employee campus in florida. In a memo, the chair of disney's park experiences division said the decision was based on quote changing this conditions, the billion dollar project, would have brought two thousand jobs, two thousand jobs to florida from California, a spokesperson for the I responded to the new york times than email questioning. Does these commitment to the project? criticising the company's financial situation. California go gave a new some posted on twitter. The door is open for dizzy. To bring those go back to a state they represent. The values of its workers- that's what he said there, Donald trump, of course,
in his well. He sat a campaign in highlighting a done his social media platform from last month. That said, disney could stop it. vesting in the state trump also called the disease. And by the scientists to take disney and necessary political stunt. So here it s ass. Well, you have A new some aligned with donald trump in criticism of the scientists again appeal to be, except for a sop to a small sliver of the base of voters Four rhonda santas a colossal mistake as their money and jobs are not to florida because of his fight with disney yeah. The obvious hit on the santa is for this entire presidential primary. bang is that he represents big government. He represents tied business. He represents telling people they can read and what they can learn and all
stuff that he thought I was gonna. Be his ticket to the overall is, it turns out, just kind of looks like many me of trump and it you know if he can't really handle this I gotta tell you, I don't think, there's a lane for him. I really don't think it opens up. I think trumpet ends up with most of the voters who think it's really a good thing to ban books and two to attack the biggest taxpayer of the biggest busy in florida and so Matt louis. Obviously, there are some virtue signalling to a certain portion of the sands of voter support his is based, but in the big picture this remains absolutely confounding this decision to go on with the largest private employer in your state. This icon that has transferred the state of Florida brings out, makes it all the tourism in the money that comes with it. To pick this fight, because his feelings were hurt the disney criticized It's a piece of legislation he put forth last year
is there any explanation for it at this point other than to just sort nod to a certain percentage of voters. He thinks he needs to keep close. Now I mean, I think, was initially right, rather santa's wanted to position himself. As someone who was a tromp exert, more competent and competent and not only winning elections but on the sort of executing culture war, so going to disney. I think he saw is like this out. I want to call it a stud, but something that would help boost timid elevate. Him is like a real fire fighting in winning the culture war and it didn't get help the way that he planned and now it has escalated, and it's becoming a quagmire. I don't know how he gets out of it. He is now fighting a two front war, really a three front war he's got disney he's got. gave a new somebody's got donald trump. Everybody for ham and look at this
when does this in this Can you do this forever? They could always be a big jack disney was going to roll out, but now they're not going to end Additionally, you have people like my parents who are criticising dissenters, public Nicky hayley offered disney. Come this, our carolina, walk disney have some fun with that too right. So I just I just don't know where this ends for rob this and this and how he gets out of it at the person, ice moment when this story broke yesterday. The disney was abandoning Florida Enron. Dishonest was taking this head. Where was bob agar here handsome festival, he was staying, next harrison ford at the indiana jones five premier, as they got standing ovation that happened at the exact same moment by blah Bob one. This round to be clear, meagre- and it does seem like this- is such an unforced error, and so many republicans attacking dissent is here for undermine
The whole credo of the gnp is being the party of business and instead trying to intervene with government and as he is attaches whole pitches to make america florida. well he's second on the extreme right of so many issues right now, and it seems to really content, which is as other argument, which is what you get? I know you're about to tell us about which the he's the most electable of the Republicans tat he can win Finally, a trump can't be it he's box himself under when you're on some of the issues of just with disney in florida that undermine the whole argument. Here I was just be separate himself from tromp, which will talk about at the same time. Don't separate yours even worse I mean this is a politically such rookie move to do these. This gesture politics to try and own the libs and maybe get in a small sum sector. The Tampa area- and In the end you end up costing florida jobs floridians. You know them.
their different points of view across the state, but I think they're, pretty unanimous on wanting jobs in the state, so a total road. Move on the part of this governor who can't see beyond one foot in front of his face This I'm going to dad I'll get him this way, I'll get him that way and then, in the end, lose as much bigger politically, but also for, state malpractice if you're the governor of the state of floor and you're driving jobs out of the state, because you have sort of petty Anger politics, I don't know, I don't know how that place. The big stage and I think it gives tromp a lotta material. Meanwhile, though, on a private cars, top donors ends of borders ahead of his expected entry into the pro in race next week, rhonda and as argued he is the most electable republican
york times reporter. Listen to the call yesterday organised by a super pack supporting dissenters. The reporter quoted santa saying you have basically three people at this point that are credible in this whole thing. Biden tromp and me, and I think, those of those three To have a chance to get elected president Biden and me, based on all the data in the swing states, which is not right for the former president and probably insurmountable, because people are going to change their view of him. Sam Stein. That be true, I'm not going to argue with that. I do think you know. If Joe was here, he would last all the different times. Tromp has lost for the republican party, but run to say Does this not batting a thousand in the state of florida? How does he moved beyond that? Onto the big stage? Will look, I think, he actually probably is correct in
a broad generalization of the race that he has. He and trump are the most likely to win and then of the three he trump and Biden he and Biden have the most likely chance to win the general, but there is one sort of major caveat in there that I think goes undress. We were we reporting on it, which is here to make the case that trump actually lost in twenty twenty, the synthesis Girded that issue about whether the election was rightfully one by Joe biden- and I said, is that Joe Biden and president that that's a major hurdle he does have to clear, because otherwise you can make the case- forcefully, the trump as a loser. If you can concede that he in fact lost now back to the point about disney in all this stuff. I think these are intertwined. I think you're absolutely right if you Entire modus operandi is to fight something that two feet in front of each to be react, to the sort of online politics the moment to live in a conservative, echo chamber, then it becomes
increasingly hard for you to appeal beyond that. Echo chamber. This disney fight is just proof positive of it. mean if you saw the reaction to it online yesterday after the news through action from concerns, align war is actually quite or cheering condescend to say. So I who needs these jobs anyway. We don't want two thousand people from California coming afforded too much traffic and flora as there is. That is a very short term. The situation it doesn't appreciate the that anyone who is not following this very sort of bizarre fight now will look at say, wait a second. They just lost a billion dollars in two thousand jobs. How is at a wind for dissent is not louis, Is there another boy can who who could jump, ban and really make an impact in this? What appears to be an array of choices that are limited
I don't think so I mean I liked him scott alot. I I would like to see him in the race had it would be nice to have someone who can offer a more positive, optimistic brand of conservatism. I don't think you can win bud It be nice to have them in the rays. Glenn yanking, Sid Ahmed video. Yesterday that look like campaign video. I dont know what he's up to sort of learning navy with the idea of running, but I think right, Santos is right about this. That is essentially, it looks like a race a primary between. And the sad does, the question I would have produced. Santa's, though, is does he think the elect ability argument is actually persuasive. Look I realize if you're talking to political donors and you're trying their money, if you're on a conference call it political donors, maybe at work- you tell them donald trump, can't when I'm the only public and you can wear so find me that may work with donors. I don't think it works with the average voters. I don't think the
average republican voter is a convinced that donald trump chat when a general election because he's surprised, everybody and twenty sixteen- and I think trump has- is magical aura. him months for public ends, and I just offered, since, if it's an inspiring message, it may be the best message dissenters has, but I don't know if it inspires, are motivated. Actual republican voters. Well, claire. If you read into this read out the new york times had of ronda santas his phone call with supporters and donors, the characterizations that he did not talk about any of this cultural stuff that he sort of presented himself as the general election candidate, the guy who can beat Joe Biden and stayed away from this. A lot of these are big business, men and women who don't like that, he's taking on disney and keeping jobs out of this state of florida, so he's going to have to figure out who he is be one guy in the primary, though you have to win those voters. Obviously, first and then
to transform yourself into some sort of guy who flies above at all in the general election. So how does it work that line? How does it go at donald trump, while still pretty himself as elected a general yeah, I would argue that is who he is he is somebody who is going to be what you things did me. He needs to be that day. He is a performance politics politician. This is not a guy who was built relationships in the republican party. This is a guy who has shown the kind characteristics that most independent voters in america want, and here thing really that everybody has to remember he's gonna happen, hundreds of millions of dollars, are paid and earned media attacking him. In the months, to come he has relatively little baggage right now compared to trap, but yet this is just a god.
And everybody who is other than trump and scientists are gonna active santas, because it's easier to attack attacked a scientist than trump and their image move ahead of him, so they can the viable alternative. So this is a long way from over and I think to scientists has real trouble ahead, because there is a lot to attack him on all right before we go to I think what we are learning that senator Dian Feinstein of California suffered more severe health asians than previously disclosed, so Feinstein was taken to the hospital in february for shingles and was absent from congress for several months. She, and the senate last week, and according to her spokesperson, Feinstein diagnosis had triggered. for litas ass witches inflammation of the brain, she's dealing with Ramsay hunt syndrome which causes facial paralysis,
time has said she still recovering and will be taking on a lighter workload, but according to new time some people close to her. Cried seeing her in her current state as frightening. They worry this whole cached a shot over her legacy and achievements. this is also rights- questions about whether the eighty nine year old is fit to continue serving for the rest of her term ends in january of twenty twenty five but law. Ankara's on both sides of the I'll have been quick to defend the california senator Feinstein has announced she will not seek re election and well retire at the end of her term? So I guess the Ashton clare is I'd like to know who those people are who are saying that her situation is frightening because sort of in that in that offensive but who are dealing with issues of aging? Sometimes you can look a little different, but you still,
and function and knew. No, that's that's kind of a cruel word use, I am not sure exactly what they mean they might want to expound upon, that a little war I feel defensive, senator because it is ones choice. Also ask where the family is where the staff is. If the situation is becoming. Ten of all I mean there are people who care about. One and who should step in your thoughts what's emotional. For me, I became the washington and diana. in stein was someone who was such a pleasant surprise me, because I had some cynicism about senators and I watched her, I watched her do the work she was more prepared I she was more knowledgeable. She was not staff driven. She was really just an inn,
strength that various moments like when the white house was trying to get her to not give a speech on towards and anyone who wants to see die in fine style of fame, really at her best should watch speech she gave on the floor of the senate about torture, And she was such a role model for me and I think were literally thousands of women in california and beyond. This is really really hard area and I get that have been men that have stayed when they were very ill, but the car maybe believe the issue is real and I think gotta be honest about that. She is struggling with her cognitive abilities and the thing listen, I was sent in front of a train for Diane Feinstein, but I care so deeply about her legacy and I look at all the women who left when they thought it was time. Like a barbara mikulski
alike and when the snow go nancy castle bomb there. You know just really iconic women who have known that its time and it Hurts me too What happened this week when a reporter ask her a question, and she clearly was not tracking what was going on in her life, and that's painful, for all those who care about her- and I I I wonder why the people who love her are more aggressively trying to protect her legacy and protect her at this point in time and that a tough one, because often what find someone and what makes them happy is their work, and I just know from my own personal experience with my mother that in four number five years in the last years of her life, she had really lost the ability to talk as much with
our concerns and her face would would appear differently than how she felt, but she could still compute. She still completely understood her vision with her art and she still wanted to do it and she just needed a help to do it, and I know I think that it's a very difficult line that only the people closest to the loved one know when the actual cognitive ability is going away because it may look like it's going, way may be frightening to whatever staffer leaked out or whoever. Then at me say when he quietly age they look different. I would make the behind your mother's love creative diane love diane's love is a public facing job. We're here ability to communicate is the essence of the job and that's what makes this so hard. Is it
She cannot be the Dian Feinstein that we all know she is and that's why it's difficult to watch is difficult, but there are other members of the senate who are having trouble, communicating and it s are allowed to do their jobs that net election about that. But it is you know I'm just being honest about. I personally feel about this because she was you know was really very, very important to me. Understand matt Lois. Thank you very much for being on this morning, and still I had on morning Joe we're following president Biden overseas in Japan, where ukrainian president woloda Mirza Lansky is expected to join the group of seven leaders in person to seek commitments from aid and his country's fight against russia. on Hiroshima jeez. Seven leaders are also focused on curbing but is being called economic coercion by china. We'll get a life,
more from beijing about what it means for? U s: business on the mainland, you're watching John I'll, be right back underwriting reuben for a prosecutor in legal writer with MSNBC these days. It seems every new story has a major legal angle to it, whether it's the multiple investigations into donald trump decisions from the supreme court that impact our lives or fall out from the january six committees. Findings: that's why we ve launched deadline legal blood in online extension fine white house, with nickel wallis, roby breaking down the legal implications of the stories that are driving the new cycle. Read the latest at MSNBC, dot com, slash deadline blog
keep up with abortion, bans and restrictions are already a lived reality for millions of people across nearly twenty states to keep up with inflation seems to police tickets peak there's, no water growing keep up with political violence and intimidation. Venice has been cultivated and encouraged by the ex president to his followers to keep up with what matters keep up with Gris all in with Chris Hayes weeknights at eight eastern on MSNBC, and why is this happening? The Chris Hayes podcast new episodes every tuesday wherever you get your podcasts. that's a beautiful. I picture the white house at six. Twenty five on a friday morning, president Biden has wrapped up his opening day with world leaders at the G7 summit in japan after outdoor ceremonies in the morning leaders how the working lunch. While two remarks by the japanese prime minister: the war in ukraine is expected to be a big focus of that summit. As the group of seven leaders. Reportedly,
impose new sanctions on russia, specifically targeting export controls and run ability to sell and ship diamonds, which is one of the few remaining industries in russia not dramatically affected by western sanctions. Ukrainian president, ballade mares reportedly, will join the gathering in person on Sunday details not yet being shared publicly anyway, for security reasons joyous now, president of the council, on foreign relations, richard sir richard, obviously, ukraine will be front in centre here. it is on the agenda. What should President Biden try to get out of this g? Seven, while further support for ukraine she just discuss. Willie will be on the agenda, won't change that the metals, but it will be another demonstration of what and solidarity. Indeed, the whole idea of the west has come back the G7 which created fifty years ago for them. major industrial, democratic countries. The idea was to bring in japan, but the major countries of europe, canada, the united states and itself
is this entire institution is having a rebirth. Just we can once again talk about the west. Japanese wanna put nuclear weapons on the agenda. Abolition of hence the meeting in Hiroshima? The problem is that all world right now going through. If you will a nuclear boom, no pun intended in the sense that china and north korea are both ramping up. Nuclear weapons fast fastest, as as they can last banal please the the unwritten story of the background story is what we're talking about here and it's both that's shilling debate and the uncertainty over the twenty twenty four elections. So all these other, yours are meeting, were president Biden and as look at him to looking at the uncertainty of the outcome of the debt ceiling. What that says about mary american politics, whether in two years that once again going to have donald trump to meet with so there's lots going on at this you seven meeting too rigid? should note that, before president's lansky region
japan is actually in saudi arabia right now, for the arab league summit, including meeting with syria bashar, Al Assad, who, of course, is propped up by russia this entire time. So we'll have to see what comes of that, but ukraine is one topic focused. The G. Seven china, of course, is another. The president's had to curtail his trip, he's no longer making stops in papa. In australia which were explicitly about china because you to be in washington for debt ceiling negotiations, but to talk to us little bit about how china is just hovering over what we're seeing there in hiroshima, china hovers over everything going on in the indo pacific are all these countries are worried about the rise of chinese power. China's become much more repressive at home, more statist, economically much more assertive and its farm policy or worried about what china do against taiwan, the talking about how they can avoid becoming more vulnerable to china economically, how they can restrict certain technology, jenny to china. The problem is every single led around the table, is economically dependent to one degree or another, on access to china's market on Shelly,
to china are importing things from China and there's a real tension there. A real dilemma, and the question is how farther than the short that out of that, while the optimistic jonathan richard talk a little bit about how excited China must be over the notion that we would default and what then, does for world economics in terms of our long for is at the centre of all economic activity on the globe and how china has not the here that, frankly, the crazy work is in the house of representatives is clearly not giving much slot to us. You are excited about two things sees your word. One is the fact that both president Biden has to curtail the trip, the competition going on the idea that you can't go to visit one of america's principle: allies, australia, this competition for places like popcorn jenny, the solomon islands, so china that, if we're not on the playing field very hard for us to compete with them, so there's that second of all the default is just a shorter
january sectors. On the swiftly. It's all the things that choice points to an they say: hey this so called it is democratic system in so good we are much more orderly. We can deliver steady growth. It shows that democracies are unfair, global unreliable, so China, actually really likes that the one caveat is obviously there still dependent on the six so the world economically, which in turn to upon the united states, but in the broad strokes. Yes, china, any shine that the united states is unable to meet its international responsibilities. That said, they're not yet prepared to step up it anyway, to take our place, for example, their cut their currency. Is it while they don't yet have an alternative to the dollar. His own limits are pretty profound. But yes, I take your basic point: exactly right whenever we fail to some extent that they fear they feel it's good for them, so
we're on china. Earlier this month, consulting service cap vision became the latest american company to be rated by china authorities and what has been described as a crackdown on foreign, This entities joining us now with more This is NBC news. Foreign correspondent nike friar live in aging jasper? Can you tell us dates can, I lay poured foreign companies here on edge. This latest raid, saw a chinese security agents crack down on several purposes of cap vision, incivism business, consulting firm that deals in economic data, which is thing that chinese authorities now see as sensitive information in what is an increasingly restrictive security environment. Here staff were questioned there no word on end the tensions. Vain and company
was minsk group have also been targeted in the last month and it creates this. contradiction because there's a war, we're seeing me, Astrogation in this need for national security considerations, almost tromp thing, the appetite for foreign investment, here at a time when china is trying to prop up the economy after posts coated rules. So it's created a lot of confusion for american businesses here and a big risk, because there is no clarity, there is very little transparency and there is now the legal risk facing it can companies. I spoke earlier today with Michael heart. He is the president of Amsterdam. China That's the american chamber of commerce here and he says The community is rattled, from our point of view, if you can't do due diligence- and you can't collect economic statistics, you can't run a business so well.
understand the companies have been targeted where those that we're doing due diligence for potential mergers and acquisitions or collecting data for coming he's trying to understand: comics around their business? So you can, if you can't collect nation. How can you run and manage a business if we look at cause and effect are? Are the raids and these counter espionage laws, a precursor to china? One to decouple with the? U s is unclear to me what I ve been driving the rights. This is one of the things that concerns the business environment, a business climate, this it, concerns the business communities. We don't have enough clarity on the concerns we don't think China really wants to decouple. We think they probably want to de risk. We think the Chinese I understand that the cross border business is critical for both economies don't see the chinese having a wide scale. Decoupling!
state media have been covering the raids as saying that certain western countries have been stealing intelligence about china's military industry, the economy and finance. Officially, the ministry of foreign affairs here called the cat vision raid, a normal law enforcement act. Inventions safeguarding national security and development have vision, has commented. Yet neither of the other companies that have been targeted for investigations. U S, officials here and certainly businesses are worried and champion. just spent a week in Washington dc having meetings with policy makers and we see egos, and they told me that they heard a dozen times, and see egos back quote: they want to come to china. They would like to come to china, but they are afraid to come to china right now.
is janis mackey frere live from beijing. Thank you very much for your reporting, and richard has love to hear your thoughts on this I mean, certainly, if there's no interest in decoupling, that's funny, of showing it. There is no interest decoupling, what they want to become a more selective, but I think that such a revealing story mika that tells you alone. what you need to know about XI, jinping's china, he's been in power for just- over ten years and what you're saying in every sphere of life. He is me questions of his rule. The parties, continuity, what they see as national security and their ability to control things paramatta, even if that means there some loss in western economic environment, which used to be the priority for china. This is very much a different china troll security, the party the person all now come first, even at the cost of a degree of economic growth. That is today's china.
richard richard. Thank you very much for being on this morning of a great weekend, and you can check out richards weekly column on sub stack and home in a way it publishes every friday and is available at richard start sub stack dot com and coming up. Donald trump is losing a lead lawyer from his defence team will dig into that new development and the state The many investigations into the former presidents morning, Joe we'll be right back tommy Jarvis for me. The news is so much more than I have mine, you didn't forms spires and it still matters the covering you have to begin. It will take you to the profile of the store. Words actually have
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The letters that changed both of our lives. This is letters from things apart, from NBC new studios. All episodes available now. Listen wherever you get your package. What a former president trumps top lawyers has quit temper, the tory was one of the attorneys defending trump again special council jack Smith's investigation into the handling of classic documents found a moral logo, and her presence efforts to overturn the twenty twenty election parliamentary resign from trumps legal team this week saying he informed but the decision directly and he left them legal team on good terms with the former present for the tory is called the special councils. Investigation quote improper and repeated his criticism of jack. Miss investigation in the city.
when announcing his departure join its now criminal defence attorney in former watergate prosecutor, john sale and state attorney for palm beach county florida. Dave errand Good morning team of John, begin with you there. He says all the right things, MR parliamentary, that he left on good terms. There had been some talk, though, that after hearing donald trump at last week, scene and town hall talk, so openly and saying I took what I took about the classified I that he no longer could Send him. What's your reading of this move, while MR parliamentary has not said anything publicly critical of donald trump because that would be appropriate in a week inspector, as to why he left. But you know I don't know think of matters. I think where I was when I was coming on this morning, is We went to hollywood what this script the president of the united states, the front runner, the republican nominee. already under one indictment- is likely to be
possibly to three other indictments that won't believe it. A hollywood This is a crazy world, but donald trump has presumption of innocence piety? institution that he wanted to suspend so up. I don't think we can make any judgments about the fact that MR patera left I'm anything, but we really focus on is one of the investigation is, and I don't care What bravado donald trump exhibits, I've represented a lot of people being under investigation being under indictment than hadn t? It is not fun, it is stressful and he is a client that is not going to listen to council. That's very, very difficult and law is just There are independent and if they did their best advice of isaf, followed, they might move on without any adverse consequences, and just when you
for president, though you have you can't keep your mouth shut like quiet, I would say, don't say anything I think that the media, what one someone's running for president, they can't say I'm not commenting so it's just an untenable situation that unbelievable one sir john offs also some of the lawyers for trump, maybe and legal pop water themselves. thought about the cases. What what is your assessment right now when haven't one as is moving forward, slowly there. We were all eyes towards georgia in the coming months. Where do you think things go here? Well, I think, the georgia, the fulton county district attorney was giving us signal to the feds so that they didn't make the same mistake that the manhattan d made of starting with the his case She was saying: hey guys what going to do and probably gonna bring indictments is going to be in the summer. So if you what to do something first, which may be more appropriate, I'm giving you plenty of plenty of time. So in some
we could talk about the investigations forever, but the moral logo case it's all about obstruction and when, Everything was fine until they got a subpoena when they the grand jury subpoena. That was a game changer. At that point, no longer an option to negotiate the law, Basically is you have to turn over everything that's called for unless its privileged and if someplace privilege is a procedure. You file a log, what it's called, and you say I am not turning over this lesson this in this, because its privilege and a judge will decide what you cannot do is you cannot Prepare declaration like one of the lawyers and say we ve done it in search had everything then turned over. You can that unless it's true, so what their investing It is in various investigating his did donald trump conseil move documents were under subpoena and they ve call Jarrett jack Smith,
not been aggressive out like that. Work has been thorough and they ve called everybody and they ve immunize some of the lawyers and they called it even the housekeeper, the golden admiral at mar the chef they want. They look at the surveillance types they want to see if Donald trump personally knew they were and quickly. The. january six investigation, the main thing, I think, they're the main witness to see whether or not donald trump had the requisite intent of the interaction is the vice president and executive privilege is real It's a real privilege. The conversations between a vice president and a president, a sacred but that's overcome its followed criminal conspiracy, and despite what my pen says publicly, talk to the president on January. Sixth, he talked to a before and he talked to him after and I think those conversations will show if Donald trump is personally cope. But, as I said, the count
the notion that he trashes the judges, a short term trashes they're? All that protect because that's what our systems all about- hey dave, SAM Stein here to get back to the original story about the lawyer. Quitting look, I know you're a prosecutor on defence lawyer, but I'm just sort of curious. Have you ever seen a client there's someone who steps in it and his own legal cases all the time who is unreliable in terms of paying, as legal counsel, whose own lawyers end up in legal trouble. If you were approached by donald trump to be a defence lair, how would you go about even consider? in the case of this junction on cures, for your thoughts on what he is like. As a client We were the same as a prosecutor to worry about those things that I have never seen a client like it. John sale actually turned down donald trump, so it's
We would John, and he had his own reasons were beyond to me what stood out with the departure of TIM pilot or is that the same lawyer who wrote a letter to congress, setting our trumps defences. He said that it was trumps aids, not trump blue hastily, packed up the boxes and shook them down to florida his hands were supposedly clean and then trump went on that live town hall meeting the other day and didn't know he's the one who did trump did it himself and had every right to do so. So I think the reason why he withdrew called tour is the sea, was exasperated with his client, along with perhaps knowing that he, would become a witness impossible defended in the case himself. He testified before the grand jury and his thing that that, though, I'm wondering Now the new york times also reported that there were two attorneys left. You got James trusty and John rally leading trumps defence. What happened chris guys chris keyser, the former
flora, solicitor general, very while respecting you, gotta three million dollar retainer up front, and then he was Sidelined by donald trump, because trump didn't agree with his advice, cause wanted trump to be more conciliatory, more cooperative with d o j rather than confrontational, so instead trump went his own way. The confrontational approach and look what's happening now with each miss misstep he's getting close closer to an indictment, and his lawyers are dropping like flies So the manhattan district attorney prosecuting donald trump has rejected a request from the former presidents lawyers asking for information about the evident, they plan to use against him and the filing this week day, Alvin brag denied trumps attorneys, what's known as a bill of particulars where prosecutor provide a more detailed explanation of the allegations against a defendant according to brag trunks
already has more than enough information to prepare as defence and will be given even more in the upcoming discovery. Is it the case from floor? We are also seeking to learn what second crime that his office, believes he committed that allows What are usually misdemeanor charges to be elevated to thirty two felony counts of falsifying business records. The former president has pleaded not guilty to the church, does against him and is expected to appear for a hearing tuesday, by video deafening want to see happens, they are clare mechanical. But what do you make? What think they're asking for constantly it's you to me that there is a vintage trump playing out and all of these cases here, which is delay, deny just push whereas around just drag it out surprising that a defence lawyer would ask for a bill particulars added
surprising that they want to know the underlying felony that elevates the case from a misdemeanor to a felony. Because of the way the the statute is written, so I don't think there's anything remarkable about them asking. I think what is interesting is brag, is holding the line and saying hey, you're gonna get we then you're entitled to through discovery that is in the process- and I am sure that this case is not gonna, go quickly, but idle think. There's anything donald trump I mean John, might know better, but I figures. Anything donald trump can do to make this case. beyond that next year's election. That would be a long time for a state to criminal case to linger. This isn't the feds, the feds take forever state power. peters are used to having to go much more quickly than the federal criminal the system is, I assume that you believe this case would be tried before next november will Fan of that case going first, because when
Try a former president! You want to go the strongest case, and I think the the heart of all this is him allegedly destroying our constitution, and I think that should go first, but a pillar, particulars, etc. weighing tactic it, but it's not up to alvin brig if he gets a bill of particulars is up to the court right so excited delaying too. Dixon risk its appropriate motion, but I think it will likely you go first and I think that's unfortunate. We know what prosecutor should talk to each other in other, even in chop all they talk to each other and they coordinator? Who should go first, so it is possible that the capacity It doesn't have a conversation right and maybe The federal cases will go first Just think this is so terrible for our system and
well. The thing is like a nightmare: it's like a movie that just can't It would never be so. We know that so unrealistic, because every time he goes on tv, MR trump, he makes matters worse and worse for his own cause. Exactly but there's no need to that Dave cameron. Let's get you to give you the final word here. Your assessment there on that the sequence of these cases the timeline. You see the state investigation going for Jonathan that there's nothing to say at the state case in new york. It has to go first. Even though was the first one filed and it's seems like there's a lot of delays built into it, so you could see the feds going first. After all, I agree with John sale that this is the least strong of the four cases and to get back to center macaskill a question about the bill of particulars. Let me actually say from a prosecutor's standpoint. I think that The prosecutor in new york, should give this position on what that second charges its import.
because right now it's a misdemeanor unless you have a second crime and a bill. Particulars is about facts not about the law, but the day they are, I think, should give it up any ways, because we're talking about the first time were present has ever been indicted. This is not the time to play. Hide the ball interesting criminal, defence attorney and former watergate process, john sale and state attorney for Paul beach, county dave ehrenberg. Thank you both very much for coming this morning and before we go to break so, stein. What are you working on today? there couple weird stories, but mostly we're we're. Looking at the dead silly negotiations and, of course, wandering what's happening in japan hours excuse supposed to go and talk with leaders bite Biden do on how we comes back and deals with domestic and foreign issues that will top of mine for us today
sam. Thank you very much still ahead. President Biden may have given more than a commencement speech over the weekend. It could be a preview of Twenty twenty for re election campaign that is straight ahead on morning, Joe all right. A few minutes the top of the our time now for a look at the morning papers on this friday morning that detroit free press reports, the parents, urged in amassed shooting our appeal. to the michigan supreme court to get say. James and Jennifer crumbly disregarded their sons, mental health issues and bob gun that he used in the deadly twenty twenty one oxford high school shooting will now the parents will argue that the shoot
was not reasonably foreseeable and that charging them sets a dangerous precedent that will coat quote cause justice is the beaufort gazette has a front page nature and south carolina advancing to a near total abortion ban, in a special session called by the governor of the state house, approved a six week, abortion ban after twenty four hours of contentious. Debate. Democrats unsuccessful tried to amend the bell to include things like the state covering funeral ah said, the mother or feeders die because they are denied an abortion. The bill, now heads to the senate. We will be watching that the atlanta journal, constitution lays without trumps visit to georgia? The former president is expected to speak at the states geo peak. venture on june tenth, this will be his first. vent in georgia since he launched his twenty two. for presidential bed and fund
in connecticut the greenwich times highlights, and audit that finds the states pension system. Overpaid, were tired workers by a total of One point: six million dollars the audit covered fiscal years one twenty and twenty twenty one and did not include the teachers retirement fun officials now recommend the state return. That money and revises how it pays. Retired workers yikes its about the top of the hour. Jonathan DA mayor and clare mechanical are still with us and join in the conversation. We have pulled surprise when it Listen, it says editor of the washington post. Eugene robinson joining us also Thus, although I told them tat just stay with Joe and not to come. Msnbc contributor. I ll article is here so I don't know, I guess Joseph here too, but well I why don't you take us to our top story? Despite barnacle, despite
monica. We love you MIKE barnacle you're, giving out dismissals today. I think I'm going to be next year, let's see, but yes, we probably deserve a day off after yesterday. We've earned it alright. Let's talk about the debt ceiling. A little bit of progress may be here. House, speaker, Kevin Mccarthy, shifted to a tone of optimism yesterday on those negotiations, saying a deal would be made now in time in order to avoid a default.
I just where we were a week ago and where we are today is a much better place because you got the right people discussing it in a very professional manner, with all the knowledge of all the background from all the different leaders, what they know and I can see where it feel can come together and I think that's important. I can see from our discussions to where everybody can get to where this could raise the dead ceiling. Take concerns what we have about our screening take concerns about wanting to limit save and I think we can find common negotiating it is for president Biden echoed a bit of that optimism. Saying there's been progress made here. The president, telling his team to continue to push programmes as he says, help everyday americans, I was in a video call for gee seven summit in Japan yesterday, so jostle Amir, whereas this optimism this bit of optimism anyway come
from where has been the movement as that june first deadline laid out by treasure secretary, JANET Yellin, approaches quickly. Thousands the contrast shift in tone from negotiators. They feel like they're, making progress, but there hasn't been much in the way of breakthrough of details just yet, but both sides negotiators and the can negotiators the republicans have spent. at a time together over the last couple of days on the hill. Working through this process, the president getting up dates from overseas. In fact his alas per second cringe jean Pierre just said you actually be leaving early teens. A dinner at seven dinner in japan swing you'll get another update from his team. He got level on this first one this morning worth seeing their so clear castro, though, what's emerging as a sticking point, and we should we should stress, though those optimism a deal. Is not duck, and the clock is ticking its work Parliament's right now are part of this where there on the table, the president said, day that he could we now she could live with it
It wasn't me too onerous, but there's been a lot of blow back from the last from fellow democrats about this. Where do you see it? I will first of all this is really weird, because no one is talking about the fact that, for all the food programmes that are currently in existence boat and if an snap which of the two different programmes that people can get assistance. Fine food they already have work requirements- already are there. So all that Mccarthy is asking for which is so irresponsible, he's ready to blow up the economy over. moving the age from fifty to fifty five. That's what they're asking for their asking that this, the exam requirements that are there now just be moved up five years now. I you know, I get it that that's a bad thing to happen. But certainly you see that there could be some room for negotiation. I dont understand where the Democrats back and saying hey. We already have work requirements on food programmes on medicaid.
Over. Eighty percent of the people on medicaid are working disabled care. for someone are going to school. There's a seven percent of the people on medicaid right now there are in one of those activities and by the way that seven percent, but only save like eleven billion over ten years, compare that the republican trump tax deal for wealthy people. The right of three point: five trillion. So really what mccarthy is doing is performance politics around this work required he's, not gonna, uncomplex, really anything and I get it did. The Democrats are pushing back, but the next big she and Jonathan. We all need to ask the sides of the bs that the work requirements stuff represents as far as mccarthy is concerned, is how many democratic votes, while mccarthy need he's not going to get everybody. If I was a net negotiating room and I'm sure the people that are in the negotiating room are going. Ok, if we agree to anything Kevin mccarthy many votes. Are you going a half
our voters, are you gonna need how many democratic votes are. You ve been need to get this across in the house no deal should be cut till you know how many votes mccarthy can deliver, and I don't even know that he's done a hard count. Blue battle over he's right to choose global action It challenges the ongoing at a democracy when you sign up for MSNBC daily news letter, your signing up to a deeper understanding of today's biggest issues every more you'll, get insightful articles them directly to your inbox, ridden by people you when trust like haze round and many hudson along with me, yo highlights from your favorite MSNBC, shows sign up for em, NBC daily at msnbc dot com.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-21.