« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 5/18/23

2023-05-18 | 🔗

Biden leading Trump by seven points in new 2024 polling

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Beautiful sunrise, washington, d, say good morning. I welcome till morning Joe thursday may eighteen donald trump claims that he couldn t classifying materials just by thinking about them. Like I dream of gene, but as a new evidence in the marilla go documents investigation that may prove he knows. That's not true. Meanwhile, the former cement is seizing on two failed endorsements and florida from governor ron Desantis, while ignoring the lack of excess his candidates had in the last election also ahead. The latest on the debt ceiling negotiations with both sides digging in One big issue will explain what that is and work keeping an eye on president Biden this morning as he is in Japan, for the geese?
and some at work. Everybody along with Joe willie and may we have the host of wages a white house. Fair, cheap at political jonathan, le Maire, former to the george w bush white house, the state department, alleys, Jordan, is with us and former one has directive communiques mr president- obama, Jen palmary, she is co host of show times the circus. and also with us. This morning, former chairman of the republic and national committee michaels he'll joins us and I see spy joseph, Ro showed up on tat this morning how close wow I tell you, I did now foes gonna make it. You have me either Last last night I was, I heard you had a big night out with me barnacle polo and is usually the case with my barnacle.
can't go anywhere in peace, would go outside and he's got his subaru. We, across the street and willie. I don t. I felt strong line was Tenzin setting until This was merrily caught us stop come on we're going around willie. Ok, let's say MIKE super dry, wrapped back and these are all operate. Can I am I getting here for their markets? rights you might is right and it was like the slightly like clockwork, thereby who caused like almost right going around the city for worse, that's hard to do
Why do you think a whore for our heroine, Joe I'm? So sorry, being chased around by gord cage with animals. I tell you: was it the women women who, just you know, barney, just a barnacle, is a magnet he's a man, I'm telling you willy four hours. savages now list the cab driver who jumped into a cab. It was like right out of our days night from one or to another, we run in their there Shame on us, and until you swear to god a worm, let's get you why do I get with horror? And I tell you I tell you man we get in We get in have the cab with them,
The cab driver later says what dangerous seems like a pig it was its new york city. What is it nearly catastrophic? You didn't even those damned error in the back seat pick up and draw where does this happen? Also here's that these egg, where votes I understand at all. So this is not a lie. Meagre yeah, this is not what this is all this is then all over amerika
writing here is teaching your hey. What do I know and seemingly heroin hold on hold on? How would I go about significant weight? Can you believe this? Can you get this? Sadly, this is all over your accident. It's this is out of all over is its courage. You know we have a mirror datum show now for our city. Is that safe for you? might bar evil. This lady, my has real problem exactly what's happening. be nice that it could have been tough mika I've. our chaise or new york city. just as a cab driver like I wouldn't stop how a danger in an area where we weigh down on the highway, which is also questionable judgment, so Anyway, we were always. How can I just can I just say miles
here's your once. You get out of it after you are. There are no speed limits and if you know Henry hudson: I'm thinking the eighty I mean seriously willie you may leave, we probably broke. One hundred gone up depends on how fast and furious that it is diesel. I'm ludacris and there's. There's barnacle and Subaru kind of gas were of an inbetween, really crazy. Hatchback he's going to tell you what I got. I got a key, a Van Minivan that that thing takes off. I go there, but are amazing. They are. I love so listen, here's the deal willie, I would love, like everybody's impression of the week adding to this the nearly catastrophic chase for two hour you mentioned the cab driver who drove? Are they still the duke and duchess? I thought they got rid of those they're not right
now go ahead and very out exaggerated to and you picked them up. He said I wasn't so bad. The new york police publicly were below more tempered privately. No way back cameras or no rats, no collisions, but let's get this story. Let's get the fools. Very I've already told my story and get their store underlined. Anna sours, why Harry have memories of what happened to his other contacts? Crawled s figures NBC news national correspondents gave each year as with more prince Harry this white megan market since you're losing your charity of into new york, there appear to be differing accounts about what happened. Next spoke, send for the duke and duchess sussex admonishing photographers for a relentless pursuit at lasted two hours and resulted in multiple near com
visions involving other drivers on the road pedestrians in two and why pd officers, adding the near catastrophic car chase, came at the hands of a ring of highly grass it paparazzi the briefing I receive while offices could have been injured, there was a bit reckless and irresponsible three law enforcement sources. Tell NBC news. The couple was followed, not chased and that the incident was a bit chaotic, not near catastrophic I would find it hard to believe that there was to our high speeches in a written. Stay meant the unwise pity says numerous photographers made the couples transport challenging, but there were no reported collisions injuries or arrests. Hurrying you can have private security as they left standing to law enforcement sources. Tell him he's is that they wanted to into Manhattan's upper side with it. We're staying with a friend did not want. The proper ought to follow
the law enforcement sources say, the couple was driven up and down manhattan for more than an hour with a police escort. Then the pair was taken to this police precinct were a taxi pick them up. Would you describe it as chaotic? Does it came out. It was rather a lot of what happened previously. The day right with media was kay artic, but not crazy. Crazy. Do you think the popular party went too far You know, I don't know when we were. There would be kept their distance when they were following us. In my cab sony seeing holders he's the taxi driver who picked up the couple, but he says they drove around for only ten minutes before the street was blocked by a garbage truck people just came out of nowhere with cameras, snapping pictures that they seem worried. They seem very worried and nervous as long as he then said, He dropped them back off at the police precinct were different. Car eventually took them home, prince harry of
it has railed against the paparazzi for much of his life, accusing them of invading his privacy to everything I could to protect. My family, though critics say Harry Meghan, also court, the cameras and publicity pointing to their netflix docuseries No one sees or something I was twenty. Six years ago, this summer, mother princess Diana die during a court case in paris. Followed. Photographed chase, aroused to clicking of cameras in the flesh of the chemist makes. My blood boiled makes me angry. Takes me back to my mom, my mom. Of course. You course understand what he feels that way. I will get a defence of the the paparazzi here and, generally speaking, but the new york city, police department had come out and say it may and chaotic. It certainly was not mere catastrophic, but they are looking at every traffic camera
yeah corner in the city is covered by cameras and they're going to look at. If anybody committed a crime, they'll go find yeah, I mean they they're, saying the police are saying off the record. It wasn't really much about nothing the cab driver, said they followed bit at a respectful distance? yeah. But you know what who wants to be followed? Who want that sets and when there are five have to drive elsewhere to get out of the way they have to drive. for, however, that long- that's not ok come on, who has to drive around two comrades meant come on. Follow me around what drawings? around. Ok, I follow you. Ok, you got an erasmus. I do. I do you get laws, You you've see my worst eyes turned to power isi.
what can I say anything tour guiding her really guys is a good time for me to tell you. I'm legally blind, actually like cause special contact, will obviously you're legally blind, you're married that make up what we do here. Let me tell you, I'm going to take the politics out of cats when he worked the catskills. The way I do come on, don't set up any duty pitches. Your jacket is in the middle, doing a belated judge. Any home runs last night know they lost trainings thrilling gap, which is dual they gave up through run home, run in the tent walk off you, you know and fourth place, though not last Yonah loop occur declared the socks, season over too? nights ago and now one to analyses texting oliver saying this: is it dusk fifa
after a real roller coaster, ride being a red sox fan, not really the world one night world series, but you see that's the thing, don't need that it's a marathon baby! it's. I drive your car in new york city. I can takes hours and hours just to go right. Three blocks it's true, it's a marathon and nl mir. Why don't we brand new into this and make sure we will get to this polling which, by the way which, by the way leading with this pauling, because since new york posts, which is, of course, what is it willing paper, reckon It's a barber bracken from morning Joe. You think if we say that enough, though, by this over and let us go to know, and just The printing press is but one that before open your post made the headlines I the incredible, be the are incredible. That's excellent it has, of course exactly exactly Johnson reaches mode rightness icing likely
I say here: let's there's these seven point. Well, on line. I made my own, I put it in the paper, but so binds get. The seven point laid over tromp. Accordingly, your post, the new york poll, showed an end buyers of air, despite binds buttons, crushing absolutely crushing donald trump, and this Paul now do, I think, this is the and I'll be all Paul. I mean it's in the new york posts, so, of course I do other than bad. Are we going to talk about this Paul now, for a month like we talked about the one bad joe I'd and Paul. We showed you pull the other day, that was from the economist one of the most recent do the publications on the planet they had. By fifty percent. Do I think, he's a fifty percent? Probably not maybe it's an owl wire, but guess what in the year. The media talk about that for a week, and I have I didn't have like them.
Kratz telling you that had the tear that she's from their bad because they wet their bed for a week talking badly Joe Biden was going to do next year is very selective. I swear to god. It's the one pulled the one paul and people are will writing articles begin in a major newspaper saying while you go by you know, he has a thirty cent percent approval rating at where we're at where the world's coming to an end. Well, new york, post paper of record, what are they having met their crushing donald trump? Forty seven to forty, the economist, has him at fifty percent. Among registered voters. I dont give let's about these for a week series Let's talk about these for a week. If we're talking outliers, it's just do That's all I have to say, but let's go to Jonathan a mere, because I almost no please our concern about that, it's, like I'm sick, swerving around the yard for four hours, and they know where he's going. Let's talk about os, insulting, surely quickly, because that's what people what they wanted?
I want to see your pain and they want to see your suffering. They want to see your irish anguish spill out all over the screen tell us about your boston, celtics last night, good morning to you, too at yesterday's harrowing ordeal this this was the celtics. Are they have been a? They are extremely talented, but deeply inconsistent and frustrating team. They look like the best team in the league, one night, that game seven win against Jonathan, and I just interrupt and just say I don't really care about it and be a hero or a willingness to go ahead. Go ahead. I'll direct this willie good morning to you, the olympics, yeah this or that jimmy jimmy butler, you saw him there I mean he is just goes to another level. Every post season and the celtics had a nine point, lead at half and then blew it. They they they came out. They gave up forty six points in the third quarter and they lose another home playoff game. So this doesn't mean the series is over, but miami
seven seed or not they absolutely with their smart for tough and better coastline Alex is going it's a shame. It's a experienced one. Now Joe, he told the three its acts. Why, Michael, if we get out things, are the greatest seem on the planet suggest? Let me ask you about how long here's, the red sox, absolutely absolutely crushed seattle to Tom. You know, if they get swept by the cardinals who have been one of their worst seasons ever so there has panic in Boston but you're right. Everybody needs to just get a paper bag long run, hake it to fill it up with my ribs and hot dogs, eat the ribs and hotdogs and then breathe into that. It's only may exactly so. Let's talk really quickly about Joe Biden. I swear. We talked about the fall for say, swear to god, I'm getting so sick and tired. I can't do anything can't talk to a Democrat without is collapsing about that.
That zone is going to lose. He was at thirty eight percent in the polls it off. Just like that. All of them do I say: do you, people care, like I've, heard this about Biden repeatedly. still all the when he one in twenty twenty he's too all they get anything dine he's too old understand! You can't pass bipartisan legislation. He passes most bipartisan legislation, since I don't Maybe maybe I'll, be J. It goes on these two all the we're getting I sat in the mid term. There's gonna be a red wave. He has a historic, mid term. To all the air. No, we want the mid term, but guys just too he does a state of the union they go. Kai looks really good. I mean this going on I gave up, gave few weeks shows up and keep a few weeks later. Always virile and mighty, and and then two days later, oh he's too old and then and then this all comes out of weakened
ago and everybody freaks out over it. Nobody the attention of the other bulls of having crushing donald trump any does and does it go when he doesn't do press conferences and then he takes a lot of questions manages really well like puts mccarthy in a box. Unum occur if every time they ve had they had to meet needs. Now the debt limit both times Mccarthy Mcconnell of, walked outside and had to say something akin to like we're, not gonna default. Continuing to put the republicans in a box full of blake that doesn't happen, and I think, if the meaning You know, I was. Why does vacations art for brok? Obama know how frustrating it is with the with the whip when the press doesn't give you any winds, but I think that the white house, it's feeling despite the hand, wringing proof of concept is working right. The economy, wages are growing. Inflation continues to go down the border where they women were title. Forty two went away the if they feel like that plan is working, that that the numbers did not end up being the size of the expected. And now is that the G7 does he have to come home early? Yes, he does too,
he'll with republican dysfunction. There are consequences to what the republicans do, but on of like it the poles are still lower than they would lie, but kind of, but at least and sort of every sex foreign policy with ukraine, the economy fighting to get better getting the republican a box on debt limit proof of concept. Its working Democrats will always fret yeah. So Michael steel. If you look inside this Paul as well for the bed wetter chose talking about, there's more in urging numbers, which is the independent number, which is, as you know, very well, decisive in a general election finest was fourteen among independence, and if you look a little deeper donald trump of a rating among independent voters. A twenty one percent twice one, why send its disapproval is in the seventies? That's where the election is one or lost, and donald trump is doing terribly with.
and that's not getting any better, especially off the CNN town hall. It is not. That is where the last few cycles have been of four four republicans: they cannot pull those urban, independent voters back to the table with The reasons are merely there are those abortion? There is gone legislation there is what was said about the economy, people They may say you now to just point the skies falling. There's a disease aggregation of how people feel about certain things and how they are going to vote, and I Think at at the back end of this, which is a very interesting kind of peace. This whole debate was a thing which people cannot set a blue off still a thread. The narratives around a president who has now been a dinner judy adjudicated to have
Actually, you know offended abused a woman and these, types of narratives, do not help within the penny. Voters they just don't. Yes, there is a desire to get into policy and talk about what the economy, He is going to look like what's gonna happen at the border, etc You have all these other actions that are being performed by the characters inside the geo p, and and that surround abortion, that we see playing on state, legislatures, It is around. You know that sort of crazy relations that marjorie tell a green ties are having been raised up inside the party by them public leadership to speak for them and those voters, a hearing that dawn
one crazy, I'm not I just care, and so you seeing that reflected in a lot of these numbers and while people want one, fixated on our job. Is old or Joe Biden has a bad paul voters in very played to Joe's earlier points are falling back to the point that I cant do crazy so there is no ran away. I cant do crazy them. It's a winning the special elections in places Florida in some of the two cities that they should be winning, and so I need some jacksonville too Hands is democrat I have been a wildly over performing even read areas. Well, I mean how do I know how much Does abortion have to play with that? When you look at these what's happening in these states, I just can't Imagine that, spans the stricter laws on procedure that women need for their health is an empty.
In the way, even some republicans about I'm sorry, whether they say it or not. They understand that women need healthcare sought their business. or that when you didn't jump care generally. I just put a pig Exclamation point on that, because I think a lot of the public merit of around this issue is way off base their people want into this prob ly, verses in approach, choice, camp and that of the world. Is it's just kind of moving in this pro life direction? The reality of it is a lot of pro life. Voters do not like what's been happening in the state legislatures do not like what's been happen, With criminalizing the wounds of women, penalizing those who helped them, who try to get the kind of medical care attention that they need, and so, if you keep believing that
everybody is buying what you're selling you can t the cell bad stuff, and you see this play out in ways that it I'll kansas city become a real big example of the problem that the parties having on initial like abortion, we're going to continue this conversation because we finally got to it with some political news coming up the tent and political attention between Donald and enron dissenters. We have evidence of that and also evidence potentially that donald trump knew he was mishandling classified doc. Men's. That's all I had on morning, Joe Our world is based Some complex issues made the press reports break them down. Joint chapter every friday it set up
The color a lot of topics in one episode, we're going to focus on one and take a deeper look at how it impacts america, with expert analysis and in depth, discussion exploring and explaining the critical stories that affect our future meet the press reports fridays at ten thirty pm eastern streaming on NBC news now and on demand on peak aka youtube: hey guys, willie geist here, reminding you to check out this sunday sit down podcast on this week's episode. I get together with academy award winner, jessica Chastain to talk about winning the asker. Last year, her tony nominated performance in the new broadway revival of a dolls house and much more. You can get our conversation now for for re. Wherever you download. Your pot casts. it's almost half past the hour. Evidence cited in a new report may undercut former president donald trump claims that these secret documents he took to morrow logo were automatically decline.
Provide cnn reports, the national? archives has informed the former president. It will give special counsel jack smith. Sixteen records that show trump and his team advisers had knowledge of the correct de classification process? while he was president in amazed, extend the latter. They acting archivist rights to trump quote the sixteen records income can all reflect communications. Following close presidential adviser, some of them directed to you personally, concerning where why and how you should to classify certain class of my records. The letter has not been dependent, verified by NBC news. The latter reportedly goes on to say from tried to block the special council from accessing the sixteen records by asserting a claim of constitutionally based privilege, but the ark
This rejects that claimed by trump stating in the latter. The special councils office quote is prepared to demonstrate, with specificity to a court, why? It is likely that the sixteen wreck contain evidence that would be important to the grand juries investigation Joe. seems, like I mean he constantly says that he he'd, like I dream of genes, can blank and documents or are somehow declassified There is going to be a big problem for the former president. If he continues to double down on lies about taking classified documents away from where they are supposed to be in government archives. There are no doubt about it in the least with he has seldom trump has said, will alive to speak, think about it and there classified. There is process importance of this, obviously, as they they have records now of the ark.
Working with the trump saying: if you want to Classify these the these documents. This is the proper way to do it. They got it. Now donald trump trying to assert privileges, make it said and the supreme court robert Supreme court, they they ve done it they reject every one of his claims when it comes to things like this, so it is It's gonna be extraordinarily important when it comes to in tat way a chance to come clean sensibly, and yet he still went back and messed around the documents. Tried to still intercept document. That's not good for him, because you look at the way that president Biden handle the way that vice president pence handled it, and it would just such dramatically different, circumstances so this case too seems like he's at me: or risk of legal peril really than political peril, because I dont think voters frankly that much
stand that much about classified documents, but the legal risks seems to be there when and where they do understand about obstruction. That's what separates him from everybody else. It's done this! They understand about why, in general, it's no way down, but will you sign something where you and your lawyer swear? You don't have any docking sure we'll sign that now, we'll give it back to you F b, I did they give it back and they're lying to them. They do understand that and I think in the end, that's his biggest problem. I think that of the obstruction the lying in georgia. I think those are his wheel problems as he moves forward. As a candidate said, that's the difference between my pants and Joe Biden, which is they found them in boxes. They alerted the proper authorities, went through the channels and gave them back obstruction. In this case, That's why the f b, I make it hard to get a search warrant to go and get the rest of those documents, and we too about the additional trouble the down front made for himself at last week, cnn town hall, he said quote when he was asked about this. I took what I took
which sounds channel like a confession to a lot of beer and said it was ok for him to show it to whoever he wanted to show it to which and its lawyer quit ice chain of events there exactly I haven't I heard him tell one plea: story on this. Yet I don't think anyone house, but that's that's gonna, be out in the court of law will see what happens legally, but politically. The problem for former present tromp often can be losing, and now there is tension between the former. Nintendo florida governor ron, Desantis, who is expected to enter, enter the two thousand and twenty four republican primary field in the coming weeks. Donald trump but is ratcheting up his attacks against his likely opponent in a series of posts on its social media side. Yesterday, trump love to do so just for endorsing to republicans who lost
state elections on tuesday runs magic is gone. He rode after the descent aspect, candidate finished third to the trump backed candidate in Kentucky Israel What can primary for governor troubles bemoaned republicans loss in Jacksonville Florida, the mayoral election on tuesday, claiming if they would have asked me to endorse the candidate bobo meagre easily. You don't know, stand the candidate that endorsed in the jacksonville races kind of weird it's not even from Jacksonville doctor eyes, doctor advised, I mean, Michael still, if you're going to win, make you gotta stop endorsing doctor eyes he's not even from Jacksonville. I guess he voted for erdogan this past week, I'm not sure who voted for over there, but but come on. Did you really think the good people of Jacksonville we're going to vote for a tv doctor,
much. Winning, however, is high and, to stier be honest with you: they've be ousted Did you know I would I knew that to keep my job at the hour and see all I had to do was lose chip. I gotta signed up for that, but I believe that this is This is an interesting tension inside the geo p. I just no. If the base gives m about it that the it's it's a very weird signal out there that there's a I think there's a longer play here, Joe love, to get your thoughts on on how I'm looking at this, because I dont think the basis as put out as the establishment. Obviously as they want the power and the control the base things they can get that power we're in control in other ways is so
big re says that everyone kind of focuses on us as well. This is a turning point. This means that this means this a lot of the rank of. While folks are like? Okay, if you say so, because I look around and see where they are winning at school board elections where there's winning and you know it at local levels, where they're taking over infrastructure and control of you know about electoral processes. There's a longer play here longer strategy that sets up much more difficult future for the country. I think in many respects, so there in all these sort of losses in india. the horse races. There are called by the mayor stream media, for example, or morning Joe run. They look at that. I go out. You focus on that. We have another, play there's a longer term, and I think the press oftentimes tricks all on the sanderson in an and you know, donald trump,
Basically, we would we would try so yeah keep on talking about this going someplace else. I just think you lose sight of the longer play I really do. come why what I obsess over areas, five Six states that a good return, a fact: a white house, artisans ruddy, who supports american democracy, so I keep saying I can the sound six. Seven states and you can say wisely always because on election I those states are going to matter and in those states their goal. To be counties You know a handful of colonies in oregon, german, who wins raise the school board. Rayson law are in one hour, actually matters for the one alike drove out that goes back and forth, but idaho I'm not really focus on bad as much as you know, gin
gave saying it the sovereign rights of leather, the suburbs of philly this firms of detroit. The sub herbs of of of Milwaukee maricopa county and when I look at into the voters, taking away from either candidate right the breaking away from donald trump, and why look at the actions that make them breakaway that that suddenly makes a big difference where I like it. jack, please I can tell you when, when I wanted in ninety four, it was a huge shark that we, over the house representatives, but if you had looked where a publican said one and now these three you'd have said. Will I can connect those dots and say you look at the huge them, attic winds and eighteen years I remember reading stories and seventeen about them rats winning delaware county. pennsylvania
the commissioner races for the first time in a hundred years. Your well that's something crass winning in an incredible turn around and the virginia assembly a monopoly, believed that it was a shock and twenty seventeen seeing those women standing in wine that you know when it will lose raining and that is our while that, so that significant and I couldn't Five other races and seventeen that tromp republicans lost. It does actually it does it does matter. I believe it does. It does show you what's going to be happening. The next year I looked at the turnout, numbers for colorado, springs and Jacksonville yesterday cause you thought you know like. Alright, these were in years old. Democrat won in colorado, springs Democrat won in Jacksonville. It was an expected to happen and thought if people are low turn out, did they win just by in a kind of ikey now, but no, it was like a big. It was like a big turn out that that, in both cities higher than the previous one, so it just shows like people or pay,
attention- and I can't I have to think that the six week- abortion bands just past and what that, due to the gens unveil, may ran right, and you know maybe there's pole that show rhonda santas beating Joe Biden. I don't know, but not major dobbin people understand, but that is for a six week. Abortion ban like Joe. He waited to that prime santas. You know florida politics, it just seemed like it's prey for a while had stayed away, and I thought oh he's going to be smart enough to avoid this hot potato and then he has to go there. You know, I will say it's just people who lack the touch. They really do, donald trump and end, donald trump. Why does Donald trump back so crazy and act? So radical, because he's not really a republican he's really a conservative. So from the view, beginning. He said: ok, I'm a man hadn't, Democrat I've, I've
we got this is this. Is it I had known that guy, I'm a manhattan Democrat, a very liberal on abortion on very liberalism, Donald very liberal on banning gone seems very liberal on all of these issues, and so when the he decided to rice, ok, we're what what are those backwater, redneck republicans think what do they want, and so because he doesn't have the touch cause he's not conservative. Could he goes extreme want a sad ass. He doesn't have the touch so he's like ok, well, I can't lose any back instead you know when I ran a ninety four everybody's no abortion should have by guns. They Ass may said: well, What are your motion at an integrated approach?. The national debt continues. Which that national that europe acacia needs to be decentralized and- and you know, because was a conservative. I want- and I am a conservative ion.
Stand because I had holding my wife and I, no that like and my best please people want obsess over that, just throw it out their talk about. and talk about issues that are lacking bring independence and talk about issues, battle, bring democrats and that will bring swing. Voters in the guys don't have the touch it I'll just like king ball because they think what I do a mere I just I just stopped there has to be a republican out their swear to god. There has to be republican out there. That cares about the things that I can about that cares about The things that america care about, we gotta thirty one trillion dollar national, that we get rid of. Look who's talking about, trading and and appeasing Vladimir Putin, we got republicans talking about six week. Abortion bands- if they had just if
all this would have been for nod and republicans whatever the high ground on abortion. Progressives won't like this. This is the reality. If John, one roberts had been able convince Cavanaugh or the coney barrett, come with me sign onto the fifteen weak, mississippi abortion ban exceptions that's where the middle, forty of americans, all right now if they had done that, not his conversations would have been had none republicans wouldn't be running for the hills on the issue of abortion, but again no touch they too the extreme position we'll wade too in winning more elections and more pro choice, more pro choice Justice is going on supreme court its the feeding their. Maybe
republicans like that out there job but they're, not in positions of prominence here in washington and they're, not on the twenty twenty four campaign trail at least not at least not yet, and instead you have a party that is continuous, shifting to the right and putting itself in extreme positions on issues like abortion, certainly but also guns and others. That is just out of step from where the american people are and right now there are. Two leaders in the primary field. Anyway, are trump into scientists, and we often see this from trump him so closely for so many years now, where he takes his biggest vulnerability and tries to use it as a weapon against his opponent, and in this case, is this endorsement with the santas, because we're starting to see the broad contours, the beginnings of a de santa strategy here and it's frankly, been echoing what you say on the show on a daily basis, where you count down all the losses that republicans have taken, and we heard that from dissenters sort of a vague way earlier this week. But it caught a lot of attention in the party and they wonder if that is going to be de santas. His main argument going forward look he's running to the right of trump, a lot of issues that might help you in the Dupree primary that's difficult to sell in a general election to be sure, but he is trying to make the case that trump
do not attack him personally, but trump has seen overseen a culture of losing in the republican party and that the santas has a chance to win, and they point to some polls to tabac that up that he's going to have to actually prs attacks on trump. You can't you can't take down the king without actually should now, but they're gonna, but this is this. Some people in the party believe that's where dissenters eventual starting to go and we should hear is announced where the canopy, maybe as soon as next week, boy abortion, I have just had to say bush, had been such a huge issue, much larger issue than I even expected. I knew the overturning would make a difference, just nothing, the political earthquake that it is stated long among republicans, among p, who call themselves pro life, their entire life fix stream positions, state legislatures are taking including a six week. Abortion ban again to your genes right that made a big difference.
in Jacksonville. I wanted I really quickly before we gonna break about reading in mississippi. And our alabama. mrs, if the two states, I'd love to stay, I've lived in states, when I hear were forty nineth and this in fifty years. In that I wrote my eyes, did you about the mississippi miracle yesterday that MRS if he's waiting scores, have shot way yet burma miracle. I mean it's really it's so heartening and maybe offers a roadmap for other areas in states. I'd be doing better, but where their pockets of and receded to really help rating is just such good news for these kids very good news and let's hope that it's a program that can be model in places around the country and that something that I love about mississippi and alabama give out. They have a credit to the literature cold
is so strong and it's our one of our best exports and I'm glad that for now, more children or learning three hours and I ve learned to rein in mississippi rests gioia. We learned I learned to read in mississippi erika now to read an hour ago I learned at rio. We learn how to read of mississippi it was. It was now great memories of mississippi. I love that states. Here's the stature of mississippi, which, for a long time, was ranked second worst in the country in childhood. Literacy has moved up to twenty first stuff in just a day. gave me a say they say a lot of. It is early intervention identifying heads who need the help using firefox, fining kids and giving them specialised help and getting the catch up to their classmates sooner and its lifted. So many kids, it's great We emphasise gray eyes out of this out on that and that, as such those maker
Still I had on morning, Joe president, via the yankee, the yankee. Does it make a cares? Knowledge you can't use was right through it well knew for northeast boy, wait, a minute, thurston power, then thirst in howls, but can I say I dream of jeannie you bringing of gilligan's island? We are dating ourselves series one other thing here, so we're going around the curve right. This is Columbus circle right. Oh, that's, tough! We're spreading out, I'm in the Subaru range. Fortunately, this thing strive to the ground: yeah. Have it stays low to the ground? This thing, swerve, it's up on two wheels, is a fast and furious. We I'll go around the cop, now. I wear a broadway before you now what had passed and the beacon swiftly still no nine one. One calls are collisions
but now, knowing that we wanted to take take it, but it was for a while and the city's chaotic ten non catastrophic years. Cattle nearly catastrophic is at the core, nearly daily life. Catastrophic that the naked year, but the good news in mississippi about kids being able to read better. I did wonder wonderful, truly, wonderful, we're? Ok, someone were now going to go to a break, but coming up on morning Joe president Biden in japan for the G7 summit, while the default deadline looms here at home or have worsened, stand on the ongoing debt ceiling, negotiation plus. What's next or indicted congressmen. George santos, after a resolution to expel the republican from the house, is referred to the ethics committee, also I had access to the abortion pill faces. A new legal tasks will have the latest on the case considered by federal appeals court?
morning, Joe we'll be right back We are. Maybe someone does America John it was almost is in los angeles to explore the lack of lifting a representation in german tv there's still a lot of work to do to get proper representation behind the camera, I'm talkin the writers, producers, directors, envy executives, the p, for making decisions about what and who we see language What does America final effort? sunday at ten p m eastern on amazon busy and streaming on pick up there. Comes a point when a singular event shapes our future broadens our perspective and mark. cross road in our cultural landscape. The turning point in a row no document every serious from MSNBC films and executive producer trevor Noah that explorers watershed moment for the biggest issue
of our time and asks we got here and we We go next. The turning we documentary series on MSNBC and streaming on pick up. did you about by our president Biden, touch down Japan earlier this morning to meet with world leaders at the G7 summit, but the debt sailing too continue to loom over washington. The latest sticking point, we're both sides, work requirements for federal aid recipients. Biden said: He would not accept quote anything. Of course, the queen sung the Republicans demand, while how speaker Kevin Mccarthy says the issue his room line. Former treasure visual and mourning geo economic analyse state ratner. Is that the big wall with charts explaining this dilemma steve? What you got
well make we most had been talking during this debt ceiling thing about spending cuts and the extent of the spending cuts that the Republicans want. But we should talk about revenues, particularly because there were some numbers that came out yesterday from the congressional budget off what kind of underscore what the republicans have in mind on revenues: Kevin Mccarthy's unrest saying that he wants to, stand the bush of the from tax cuts, which are supposed to expire starting in the middle of this decade, but extend them and make them permanent. Let's take a look at what the impact of that would be so as I said they start to expire, and so there's not a lot of revenue loss if you extend them in the four couple years, but then it jumps up really quickly, and this was all done to conform, a bunch of really arcane budget, at the senate and the house have, but none the less. This would cost Treasury over four hundred billion dollars a year starting twenty twenty seven reach
five hundred billion dollars a year at the end of the ten year budget. Window that we all look at, so this would have a massive increase on the deficit which you can see over here. The deficit, before you do any of this over the next ten years is going to be twenty trillion dollars, that's trillion with tee, and this vision, extending these tax cuts and making them permanent would add three five trillion so that So where does way to? Are you telling me that Kevin Mccarthy's talking about how they need to be fiscally responsible, but they want to add three points: five trillion dollars to the debt. Is it part of these negotiations, not as part of these negotiations. I mention this because the cbr yesterday came out with this new score as we call it what it would cost, but Kevin recruited, on record as saying that as and when the republicans get control of congress and the white house back. This is what they want to do.
Three point: five trillion dollars: ok, with that sort of inconsistent yeah got so So what is the tissue jeers? We call it the trunk tax cutlass. Just as a reminder talk about what extending those tax cuts would mean, so the total amount of the trunk tax cuts. Fifty four percent of that work, people making more than seventy five thousand dollars a year? Thirty one percent went to bed and always sixteen percent of those tax it's that we now want to extend and make person permanent when two people making love and seventy five thousand a year and another way to look at this is what was the impact on people's? What would be the impact on people's after tax income of making those tax cuts permanent, and this is by income if you're in the top? one percent, which is seven hundred thousand dollars of income or more you're after tax income, would but by three point four percent. If you're in the in the next four percent,
which is from four hundred thousand dollars to seven hundred thousand dollars. Your after tax income would go by four point. One percent but everybody else. The aid bottom aid. percent. None of the bottom. Eighty percent on average would see their incomes by as much as two percent, so the highly regressive tax cuts that favour the rich that the Republicans on or extend as soon as they get enough control of congress and the white. To do it and we should start so an extraordinary gets. The point you are you're making Joe about the actual impact of what the look! You want to do on the deficit. So if you start here what they all their limits, saving grow plan. Just what is on the table right now in the white house which, as we talked about ass, we would cut forty seven percent of spending from that will be called fresh airy programmes would say four point: eight trillion, but, as you pointed out, we back three and a half trillion, and you end up with
deficit reduction of one always dave really quickly that four point: eight million people are looking down. That's not a real number there talking, but ab absolutely savaging, the government savaging the building for the government to do the most basic of things, and you look at that they want to do the irs. He s the irs, here's an agent the bed. That's been slash. The funding for the irish has been slashed, so much did a view as working class or middle class american have a tax reform. coming and you don't get it. The lot getting on the fall of getting the irish to answer because they don't have many people left to end The funds, if you do going to be waiting on the phone for hours or hours if the ios messes up something and you need to talk to a live human being at the irs's. Good luck getting them on the phone this. Where is antiquated. Everything is leo outdated and all
Doing is lying about the irish saying they want to go to so america in kill people where they are fifteen's, is what an aging republican senator as set out by bit again you look at that. That's even a wheel number there just saying, let's just everything that the government does, Energy is absolute insanity. Forty seven percent of all those discretionary programmes of department of agriculture, labour people will make your food your water, safe, all those by just forty seven percent and the real irony on the irs is at the ira, actually makes the government money. If you cut the irs budget, revenue actually spending actually and revenues go down because doing as many audits, they're, not policing and by I guess what we can do here, guess what we can do here. We can the grocery store and be pretty darn sure that when we buy groceries, it's not gonna point
our kids. We can be pretty sure when we drink water. It's gonna be taken care of in the few cases where that's not the case, it makes National, an news for months, look at flat mission, makes national nos four lines, because why? Because of government agencies that make sure that when your children, your family, your parents, your grandparents turn on the faucet clean water comes out the Wood is fine when you get on an airplane. When you put your well ones on an airplane. You know that it's a safer, seeing that you actually can do only in america but in the world, because it is so safe and by the way, steve that takes a lot of money. All of this takes money for us to live in the kind
country, that we live in right now and they're talking about slashing food safety there talking about slashing air safety there talking about slashing the ability of americans to get their tax refunds back in a timely manner. I mean there are I call why the consequences that this number does not we're. Never gonna pass that this is. This is never congress will never pass. There's the present will never signed at a republican present would never signed this. I'm just saying they're coming, I can't swear kids of woke up. They ve common, they ve com. To these negotiations with numbers that our rank horse crap, and and they're sitting there with a straight face, go no Joe Biden woke up. Let's, let's ramp up the the trunk tax cuts again, so the witches people in america can get richer.
Quetta are here very that show that is essentially what they're doing and and on top of all that they don't even make that much of a difference in the deficit that they claim that they're so worried about, and you can see that here so our deficit, three trillion dollars during the pandemic, for lots of good reasons we had to spend that money. We ve gotta go four trillion and have it is gonna start. black line is going to continue to go up on its own, simply because of increased costs for so sturdy medicare things like that. But here's the interesting thing. If you look at the two republican plans, the cut spending plan, which is this red line, this endeavour, reduction there. If you look at if you put the tax extensions back in that deficit reduction, almost entirely goes away, and in fact this The blue line down here is bidest plan. He would actually reduce the deficit when you get out to twenty twenty twenty thirty three by more than the republicans under any of these plans, and ironically, they claim that there, the party of fiscal responsibility but there's not much impact.
The deficit when you with these tax cuts for the rich men and binds plan actually does better than the republicans. What a shock same as it ever was same as it ever was steve ratner. You have you have delighted, children across america and I you say because yo million kids across the globe, watch him on youtube. the last the last the last ratner short popery, that had over a million views on you to our influence He is alone surrounding you get the court actions you got ratner and true as his make up videos where he shows what you know. That right has steam says getting ready to do. Charge of warning on tv shouldn't be hard and let me show you least outside there can make it a lot easier is essential.
The positive is the next kiley jenner. A lot of people are saying. Well, I would say many people are saying many people are say many people say Steve rattner at the big board. Thank you so much steve. We love you. It's so great thanks anyway, let's go to another influence or lose sight egg, ever seen his make up. Thank you not really. I would. I would one day I would love to show people I get ready for the shell. there are ways we get. What show how we could get ready for the show. Which is our respect for human beings. We get ready for the show and then how It rightly movies, like both of you very quickly like get out here. It is turn on the false it take your time the faucet like towel. Brush and then stop it you're supposed to use for like your arms and just go, and that is what is in turn around honey
This applies to that, but I Yes, that's that's four minutes. While I've been sitting, therefore, I don't know along the south, you shoulda tv news member per year, fabulous absolutely abby listen so does Michael Steele, but if you ve seen his makeup videos on shocking. Why so? I go live bandit. I get I ran for congress because of the deficit. I did. I know it's, it sounds so extraordinarily boring because of runaway spending it just what so, when I was, focused on, and so I pay close attention to it throughout my adult. Why, and backdrop look ends even one on the hill and talk to mark meadows when using the freedom carcass mark stop chasing the conspiracy theories. Do what we did
focus on, where you can save taxpayers money balance Imagine we balance a budget for years in a row when I was there for years in a row. It can be done, but you look at what republicans, are doing, take that the deficits and the debts exploded. The record numbers under donald trump an end what their proposing now is just pure nonsense. It it's just There are posing a small government conservative and there hasn't been a smoke government conservative in a position of authority. There well twenty years. It's a joke, now in twenty years. I mean he, you stop and think about that moment in which you were in congress day, even even give the fraught political climate that ultimately led to the impeachment of a president bill Clinton is still bound.
The nations budget you paid its bills, you you even reform some long, sacrosanct institutions like welfare and end the social safety net. This idea, of getting big things done for the country mattered. Evil in the midst of political back and forth. That is not where we are now is performative bs in law. To measure it is of not even really good smoke and mirrors It is sort of setting up these political narratives that basically push genders that have nothing to do with solving the problem they Republicans. acting like you know that this is. This is the hill that is the most important for us, it is so rooted in who we are, and conservatives, but wait. A minute is
when a trillion dollars in four years under donald trump view review both elude the nations debt in such a manner? Oh and by the way you you had to raise the dead ceiling three times in four years, so now in the end, though, now you've got this high brow sanctimonious, you know, stood two to Joe Biden. Why, Because he's the democratic power, so it's not solving the problem is creating the narrative that will get to the power back where he is just a little thing gel. Do you really think people are that tied into the discussion about never debt and the deficit, I don't care away. They once were now nine, and this is my climate, so It's always always been frustrating you're me is in britain, like eight inbox is the same book. Actually maybe it was three. on deficits dad
republican, see him become conservative again responsibly, and you know you sit there talking about it and go. Oh, we love that. Tell us what was newt Gingrich really like what was bill Clinton really like people, just they don't they don't focus on this stuff. Unfortunately, nerds like I do and and donald trump? You took these these people now that are negotiating along with donald trump. raise the national debt more in four years, then every president George Washington, through bill Clinton raised the dead over the course of over two hundred years. George washington to the beginning of george w bush's admin, straighten. They raise the debt, or in four years. These republicans, who are being self righteous about it, it's matting, Michael still, Zoe Thank you so much sales tech talk page. You can see how you too can get your makeup
looking fresh and clean in less than five minutes lets. It was a pitch black night in the high desert, sheriff's deputy billy Cox drove over to the park and ride palmdale, something very wrong around that bright. Blue mustang, a woman's left leg and barefoot were hanging out of the door. L a county homicide detective richard long was sound asleep when he got the call their cases. You will take home with you at night and that will last till the end of your life. Jeez Morrison- and this is the girl in the blue mustang apart gas from dateline. Listen to all episodes. Now, wherever you get your podcast.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-21.