« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 5/18/21

2021-05-18 | 🔗

Dozens of Israeli jets launched more than 100 missiles into the Gaza Strip overnight as the violence entered its second week and hours after President Joe Biden said he would support a ceasefire in the conflict.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
In order to support our show. We need the help of some great advertisers and we want to make sure those advertisers are ones you actually want to hear about. But we need to learn a little more about you to make their possible so go to part survey darker slash morning, hyphen Joe, it take a quick, anonymous survey that will help us get to know you better. That way we can bring on advertising. You won't want to skip once you ve completed the quick survey you can answer for it shares to win a hundred dollar Amazon gift card terms. A committee apply again. This part survey dot com slash morning, hyphen Joe thanks for your help. Its confusing time when the best buy has tougher health rules and the city see some cdc. Guidelines have become more confusing, then a parking side, New York City here on Tuesday, for the directive,
said that, for the new guidelines to work, the CDC is asking Americans to be honest about their vaccination status Really people can't even tell the truth a tender profiles was a picture of me. I looked It wasn't a best buy yesterday and yes, it was very strict mask guidelines. Maybe getting more confusing he even as the pandemic shows signs of abating for the first time and covid cases are down in all fifty states. Now the Biden, administration is poised to send more vaccines overseas to countries that are desperate for them good morning, welcome to morning Joe it's Monday may eighteenth, along with Willie, and may we have cheap Whitehouse course for the New York Times, Peter Baker Whitehouse corresponding? for political and co, author of the play book, you
Daniels he's also at MSNBC, contributor and former Democrat. Congressman Jane Harmon of California, she's a distinct fellow and President America at the Wilson Centre and author of the new book in, Entity defence. Why? Our failure to confront hard nation security problems make less safe and what a really important place to start this morning we'll get much more on the changes to state mask guidelines in just a moment, but first after a brief stoppage in fighting overnight? Violence continues in Israel and Hamas and now lie. Banana this morning, smoke clouds and flame could be seen rising Gaza buildings at sunrise following overnight attacks from israeli warplanes? This while sirens blared through an israeli sitting near the Gaza border warning the Hamas rocket attack,
the israeli military says close to ninety rockets, were launched from Gaza overnight, bringing the total to more than thirty three hundred since the conflict began last week is Ellie forces also reported a shelling of Lebanon. Last night in retaliation for six rockets fired toward Israel, tension have been high at the israeli Lebanese. Where, where protesters have come out in support of the Palestinians after a meeting with top defence officials is rarely. Prime minister. Benjamin Netanyahu is said yesterday that Israel would quote contained to strike terror targets. For long as necessary. Gaza's health History says two hundred and twelve people have been killed since air strikes began last week, including sixty one children is really a It was reported ten deaths with two being chill
Willie. Meanwhile, in a call with israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, the White House says: President Biden Quote: express support for a ceasefire wearing a White house. Read out of that call. The present quote reactor his firm support for Israel's right to defend itself, while also quote encouraging Israel make every effort to ensure the protection of innocent civilians be carefully worded even comes as a number of Democrats urge the president to speak out more forcefully against Israel joining us now long time, foreign correspondent, Martin, Fletcher, who's, for NBC News in TEL Aviv. Martin Good morning. What's the very latest from where you're sitting what a good morning- everybody it was a fairly quiet night. It most in most of the area and suddenly took in the morning with israeli jet at five Jedi warplane attacks on Gaza Rockets Rockets from Gaza, into Israel, you mention the new twist of life, which is the fact that rockets fired from lead
on towards Israel is actually the second time that's happened. Six rockets fired from Lebanon towards Israel apparently they all landed short and Israel palliated with artillery fire against those against the source of the others to rocket attacks. But the fear here, of course, is that, as long as there's no cease fire, the greater the possibility of the convicts spreading Levin on being an obvious possibility of extra warfare here. So there's pressure, for a ceasefire pressure also from the United AIDS on Israel, but my political sources Toby. Yes, there is pressure from America, but it's not what they call could strong pressure visual seems to have the green light from the United States to continue knocking off those targets that it has in Gaza, the tunnels in the homes and offices of islamic military leaders in Gaza and the moment there's no Sir
that there is any real movement towards a cease fire from either Side Willie, so Martin Joe Scarborough here in calls over the past several days, it seems diploma said, the region also foreign policy leaders in this country keep quietly saying the the same thing we're focusing right now and Hamas focusing now, when the missiles but Israelis should be most concerned about. Is the civil unrest Arabs make up obviously of Israel Arab Israelis and the Israelis for the first time inside the country really experiencing flashpoints. Can you talk about that and talk about the long term danger that poses for the nation of Israel. Absolutely Joe look at you and, as you indicate that this is the fifth round of fighting between her master Israel in the last in the last fifteen years, so they just certain cycle. Presuming
they'll get unfortunately gotta be more debt on both sides. Then they'll be a cease fire negotiated of some kind and then the sitting here the conflict will go on. I ate is, if you like, till the next round. What is new. Is the fighting inside Israel between Israeli Arabs and israeli Jews, and that is a very significant deterioration in relations inside a country that is really fragile. Based on that, The easy relationship between you than out of that is now falling apart. Today, for instance, is the being a call for a strategy will strike among ourselves on the West Bank and Arabs inside Israel. The Arabs, hang on a street corner it all over. They all over the area. There has been another terror attacks, foiled West Bank, that eight terror attacks foiled on the West Bank in the last three days, so its building up, and that the possibility of putting that gene you back in the bottle, if you like, of arab unrest against Israel and other
caravan resting as Israel. I have to point out it's also israeli unrest against the Arab, because these are basically mobs on both sides who are not fighting each other mob against mob both sides Jews and am looking for easy targets, beating them up and when some cases killing them, one is Radie Jew. Who was severely beaten a few days ago. He just he died. So that's one is read. It literally beaten to death by a palestinian love and kind of senior have also been killed by the bye bye israeli. So this is an extremely tense dangerous, volatile situation. That is going to need some serious thought about how to me. How to get drew them back on the same page, inside is, and this is being played out, of course, in the attempt to form a new government, Prime Minister Netanyahu has gathered. Support
the right wing over the last several attempts to form governments his fourth in two years, by whipping up discontent with the Arabs and the Arabs feel disassociated from the country. This is not something that just comes just from the violence in Gaza. Now it's something that's been building up for many years, whipped up by right wing politicians in Israel and Arabs, feeding disenchanted separated from the state losing their role, they not so sure that position inside the country more the young, the angry there, the hopeless, because many of them have jobs. This is a very volatile situation, Jews and add inside Israel. That does not augur well for the future. I thank you so much NBC, Missis Martin such we greatly appreciate it, be safe, Peter Baker, right obviously the situation continues: to move in enormous direction. Most observers Nigeria is a cynical play between Hamas and
at Yahoo government who has been fomenting unrest even inside the country between israeli Jews and israeli Arabs for his own political benefit to try to stop those coalitions from coming together. That said, their Patients and the United States that are concerning the Joe Biden, the administration. Many people suggesting yesterday that the binding administration was far more careful in confronting that on about these scenes of the dead children being taken out of buildings trying to call a cease fire because he may not have the support in Congress to back him. In standing up to these acts the standing up, the Netanyahu upon this domestically domestically for Biden. Biden are pretty right right, pretty pretty difficult to navigate because democratic Democratic Party, historically supportive of
Israel has, you know, evolved over recent years to being much more divided between those who think that too he's gone too far. More sympathetic to the palestinian cause. Verses who have been traditionally Israel supporters in the country. Whereas on the other side you have the Republicans much more monolithically profuse all these days, then than in the past, so you for by and then everywhere, every statement, every move, dissected and analyze and subject to criticism from one part of his party or the other, depending on how forty leans swear that way. Then, of course over three thousand Hamas Rockets being fired Peter in Israel and it continues well into the second week.
Some is how does Biden tell Netanyahu? How does he tell the Israelis to stay down while those missiles continue going in to Israel. Why doesn't have a very warm relationship right now with Prime Minister Netanyahu? They have had their differences the pass back when President Biden was the vice president and foreign relations chairman. Obviously I mentioned. Netanyahu had a better friend, as he saw it in President Trump, and so there's been this sort of frosty start this particular administration present binding, deep, didn't speak with Prime Minister Netanyahu for quite a while he's not here near the top of the list of the foreign leader calls he may when he came into office in that was notice, of course, in Jerusalem. So there isn't this sort of in a strong relationship there to begin with, but obviously present by an if you choose to use them as quite a few tools, leverage there. You know America still remains significant.
Contributor of foreign aid to Israel. Obviously, a security partner, Israel, a that of equipment that the military uses has been provided for support by american aid chose to use a present by Biden. Obviously has that pressure to it to use but again, because the domestic precious at home he hasn't has chosen to use it yet he's trying, I think, to take a but another other my hands off, but not completely hands on You know approach at this point and we'll see where that leads, because, as is as has been said before, obviously the American dont have any kind of real contacts are connections with him ass. It were playing on one side, even as we try to get out intermediaries to maybe reach out to the the Gaza leadership, yeah Egyptians with batteries or rather said, is Hopkins where should? I would not be dealing with it and so far has taken on a relative,
We light approached him. I Jane this brings us to you. Your book is while why our failure to confront national security problems makes us less safe. Does this fit the bill here? and what nuances should the United States be considering to really deal with this constructively James that maker and thank you for paving the way for the rest of us to write books, difficult hard books and Missis first and may be my last try. It was a hard thing to do better hard problem on this item: a few things beyond what has been said already, and here they number one? Bb Netanyahu has two objectives: one- is to survive politically. Out of jail and he's doing it. He has scrambled the effort by his opponents to form a new government
was unable to do that after the fourth election. But now the coalition against him is falling apart. So I predict Israel will go to a fifth, and if he wins out, I think everybody is exhausted. Then stay out of jail. Tat Box under Box is to thoroughly degree Hammas by distance The trials very tricky closer under civilian buildings, and that was why idea of going in and groundless floated besides soldiers, go into the tunnels and blow them up, and this to the way, let's be fair, that their humble ashes, smuggled in rockets materials, will check Israel and I assume those rockets are coming from IRAN, something that we're talking about. So that's one thing. The second and saying, as Hezbollah He or she networks
I was actually there during the Israel eleven on war with a group of members of Congress, everyone thought we were crazy when missiles were going overhead and there we were, but at any rate one hundred thousand plus missiles with precisionguided munitions, meaning they can hit their targets and there are hidden under again civilian build its the Lebanese, our shields, and so all of this could be a bigger catastrophe that were already talking guidance very tricky for everybody dynamic. Jane? You studied this problem very closely or the ranking member on the House Intel Committee. You worked with President's here a lot of time abroad in the Middle EAST? How was it Britain. Now, in your analysis- and perhaps it was when you were working the problem in the nineties and in the two and after nine eleven, even what does it look like to you and is it more intractable today than it was even then I would say it's intractable, shabbily social media the deeper
chapter seven in my book is called the incredible, discouraging the Congress incredible shrinking Congress. Congress is so much less of a factor. It's in the far left. The far right in the middle and Congress used to speak, more or less, with one voice on foreign policy, which has hobbled us. In addition, and I'd say, the third thing is that the problems are just the breakdown of the nuclear deal with IRAN, which I said I thought its present function stated made it stronger about Afghanistan. I supported by the ministry changing our mission, not leaving Afghanistan but in our troops out, but this daily emergence the new Abraham accords. Have we noticed that the Sunni Arab states are saying nothing here the Basque not having any real power Alas, I would guess: is it a secret hard he's happy to have amassed degraded, and all these factors just makes is solving this problem
much harder, Eugene Daniels on the concept of Congress speaking on in one voice about this. What does it take to get there and what impact could that have it's just so hard to see them getting to that one voice. Really on anything right at this point- and it's been said before- that the left and the Democrats have a different conversation happening than the Republicans are on the republican side. You know it feels very much like the years pass, where any kind of support for Palestine is basically the relative. No, no on the left, the democrats- that is not the case anymore right, you're you're, seeing people come to the house for speaking with us passion against Israel in a way that you haven't. We had been such a long time so bite is dealing with this party who have in its own dynamic X and change dynamics. On of the issue, I think that's part of the reason why are already seeing how knows if now baffling,
that's the kind of soft touch diplomacy in conversations that he's doing. They won him be doing more, and he knows that it with Israel being one of the leader of one of our strongest allies in the Middle EAST and how much money that we give them their peoples I won't get. We should be using that all of that aid as some kind of leverage- and that is something that you would not have heard any politician in Cairo say a long time ago right. This is a white house that policies they wanted to concentrate on China. They wanted to focus on Russia into dealing with this right now kind of so early on in the administration, something I don't think they were expecting an answer that trying to figure out navigate with the changing dynamic and Congress, because that is it just me. The dynamics of changed in Congress does me they ve changed elsewhere right, and that is how whether issues really really lie.
I'd still ahead. On morning, Joe the Biden administration, ramps up corona virus vaccine diplomacy, diplomacy, promising, descended twenty million doses overseas plus the president's is the road to Michigan in an effort to promote his infrastructure plan. As Republicans prepared, other counter offer you're watching Joe we'll be right back. Hi, it's MSNBC's, haze, brown. You know these days, there's just so much news to wrap your head around. It's challenging to get a deeper understanding of things so every morning go beyond the headlines with MSNBC Daily. It features written perspectives from people. You know and trust enlightening articles by Tramaine, Lee Medi Hassan List Plank and frank, big lots plus we'll get a fresh take. Every morning from me
your day with MSNBC daily at innocent BC, dot com, a major shift from a guide from how to protect yourself. For all this, the CDC now saying people should use claw face com things are going outside. The federal government is now recommending Americans, where non surgical mass her face covering in public present tromp, says his knock it off a mask, despite the CDC new recommendation that America, should do it. I think, wearing a face mask as I greet presidents, prime ministers, dictators kings queens, I don't know somehow I don't see it for myself. I had one on before I wore one in this back area, but I didn't want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it. There are a lot of people think the masks are not good and there are a lot of people but that as an example and those people who are tell you who those people are waiters, I wish you would stop talking and let the scientists speak. I know
walk out of this house without a mask on. Let the president's start by sending that signal, very simply just where the miss the President to take a serious look at this, and the colonel has not taken a too, but we can stop. This if we follow the science you see, Willie Trump was saying Amica where Trump was saying. Oh, I just it makes sense for president's prime ministers dictators idle. Where do you want index? Where were you want to wanna retailers and where real drive, just insanity insanity, but yet so so yeah that was natural by men, Democrats are saying followed science, and I could not agree more followed. Science and what the CDC says yes
and that is what most democratic leaders were saying a year ago when it came to listening to the CDC of wearing a mask, but now there's this in since in which states are allowing for the new CDC guidelines for fully vaccinated people stop worrying masks its confusing president job yesterday announced that for the first time, covert cases are down in all fifty stay ten sixty percent of Americans have received at least on vaccine dough switches amazing news, but New Jersey When our film Murphy says it's too soon to drop his states indoors public mask rules. New Jersey will continue to require all people vaccine, it or not to keep worrying masks indoors in public making. The only state in the northeast not to adopt the new CDC, mask guidance, governor
he says. The state is just not ready. Ve been clobbered, not once but twice we have lost over twenty six thousand people, We know the virus is more lethal indoors and in Europe somebody who's, a hardware store workin there or in a retailer grocery store to make the judgment on whose vaccinated who's, not where we're not there. Yet we're close but really I mean this is your home, say WWW, only four hundred four hundred and thirty four cases in the entire state. Last week those cases have continued to decline the CDC guidance says if you vaccinated you, don't have to where masking the worse, the CDC. You're, saying hey. It's time to go back to living normal. The way you did before and Scott got what saying if, if we
lift these mask mandates now, when we're having a break. We're not gonna, have the credibility to re to them in the fall if there is a spike and do need them. We implemented, but there's not a spike over. Sixty percent of Americans have at least one vaccination. I know it's I guess it's easy. They complain from from the cheap seats here, but it just Follow the science. If we're telling governors to follow the CDC for a year when Donald Trump President, the United States, shouldn't they follow the CDC guidance when Joe Biden Present the United States absolutely and actually in the state of New Jersey, almost seventy percent- or maybe it's push even over a little since I last looked. Seventy percent of adults in New Jersey have at least one dose of the vaccine, so I mean you're getting into where we heard about heard immunity numbers several, ago, and also its into New Jersey is active, sort of in concert with New York
Pennsylvania and Connecticut where this last year, or so they ve been taking their cues from each other, because the numbers were so bad here. Will New York now it's yesterday that, starting tomorrow, it's going to follow the CDC guidelines. Take off the mass Pennsylvania too that a long time ago, Connecticut did it alone, time ago. So the numbers act in New Jersey are pretty good, so this is a curious move. By Governor Murphy and he does really stand alone. I mean he's, not he's, working with Governor Cuomo Guatemala's out we're going to Governor Lama in Connecticut any more on this he's. Looking in saying I dont think we're out of the woods, but if you look at the number If this isn't out of the woods it's hard to see where it would be- and I would just say out in good luck getting people not good luck, getting people to where Mass through Memorial Day weekend at the Jersey Shore. I think this just isn't going. I mean it. The thing is- and I think MIKE you and I may have a difference of opinion here but again
two things. I think that the public health officials need to be can concerned about one of Em is again the vaccination right boy. We should all wish we were doing as well as New Jersey if we can get that sixty percent over seventy percent, like New Jersey, we are moving towards heard immunity, that's the first, and the second thing is, mental health, I've been talking about it now for well over a month, we have got to get this country going again and back to normal. We were saying it several months ago and Anthony values it get the kids back in school. That's a trot top priority now the CDC saying go back. Living your normal life? This is needed. For a lot of reasons, we can talk about business. That's one big part of it can talk about restaurants. We can talk about family businesses that been absolutely shattered by this, but we also need to talk mental health. We have to have a return to normal saying when the CDC saying return to normal
and vaccinations are skyrocketing up over sixty percent. We need to return them For so many reasons. I hear we're thing you're saying, and I do think, though, their needs some clarity that there are some pockets of the country that may not be ready? I'm here Washington in many. I'm here doing no your value interviews, but I am working with the team here and there is one point on the team who is not vaccinated, I'm wearing a mask around that person. It is really is. We have followed. The science then our times, you need to still where the mask and that's why I think it gets they confusing as we try and move forward as a country and put this pandemic behind us. The other thing is this pandemic. Because not behind us globally, and that means that could run into problems again. You never know. If you're look
at the science and you're, looking at breakthrough cases and you're. Looking at other strains, it's not completely behind us. That's. Why This can be very confusing along the way. Some states following more slowly in California, though, who are fully back said it will be able to go indoors without a mask, starting on June, fifteenth officials are delaying the move by a month to get backs nation rates higher and business. There's more time to figure out how to verify whether people are in fact vaccinated and until June obtained. The masks are still required indoors, fully back, edit individuals do not have to wear masks outdoors, except in crowded settings in Massachusetts, Fenway Park and Tv Garden wall reopen with no capacity friction starting on. May twenty? Ninth, the move coincides with governor
Charlie bakers announcement that the state is on track to vaccinate over four million residents by First week of June Fenway Park seats over thirty seven, thousand fans when doubt and well. I said New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that tomorrow, New York will adopt this. These new mask and social distancing guidance for fully vaccinated residents now it will still be required on public transit in nursing homes, schools and health care facilities. Cross the state private than you can still impose additional mask rules as they see fit Despite the new mask rules going into effect tomorrow for New York State Morning chief medical correspondent. Doktor Dave Campbell found out that many fully Vaccinated new Yorkers are reluctant to give up the mask but now doors and said
officials are fine with letting people go at their own pace. The tree. By us, you don't know who has vaccinated and who hasn't it's gonna take a while. I mean I think it took a lot for people to get comfortable wearing masks workin here the farmers market. I had a couple experiences of people coming up: unmasked, Mozilla shocking. We need to take our time to come out of this. I think our people going to trust each other in your restaurant. I dont think Someone work soon without a mosque claiming that of action needed. How do you know ever since I got vaccinated? I don't feel the pressure to wear mask outside anymore, especially that wants a city, setbacks and individuals. Dont need to wear, masks, yeah, but then this is confusing because you don't know who, on whose values that it I think in places like this, where it does get that crowded- and I noticed there are more at risk- individuals all tend to keep it on. Just for us sake, but also my sake personally. I'm a lot more comparable when I'm out in public groups when I'm wearing a mask and trust
science right now, I'm hoping things like really worked out for the best at the end of the year. That probably back soon, maybe somebody else doesn't have it good incentive. I'm alive, it's scary accurately, because I had I am fully vaccinated. I see the news about the Yankees sports team had of outbreak, even though they got vaccines. I was out of its scared. We spoke to the healthcare and the mayor to bring clarity to New Yorkers during this transitional time, even though I know that I have protection because I'm fully vaccinated there, some settings where it will be harder for me to shed you know the habit of wearing my mass. I think we have to allow or to move at their own pace, because there is the rational science part of this, but there is also just the very human side of
people making their way through the challenges that we ve been through over the last few months. There are a lot of younger people that I talk to throughout my day to day activities at home that their sole little hesitant. I think the CDC send a powerful message said if you are vaccinated, you can start to act differently, particularly side but with the clear boundaries, if you're, not hospital, setting or nursing homes school places where people are tightly packed, mass transit, it still smart to have the mask on. I think that's common sense, but remember it's if you are vaccinated, you get more freedom. If you aren't vaccinated. You have to deal with those Ruth during one or a mask on the subway and transportation of the rest of my life. Yes, if its dance areas, I still feel comfortable even on backs and ate it, I'm stuck personally comfortable keeping it on. What are the political issues play right,
as it relates to masks and vaccinations that that you're part of think we got to start with the CDC the cdc was constrained and politicized by Trump. It has now been professionalized by Biden, its actual doktor, saying what they think makes sense, when you're dealing with a global pandemic tional governments posed to lead the way we didn't have that in the priests and restoration we have now seen you see saying now is the time, and I really respect that they did it based on the data and the science. I believe in the CDC today, CDC like the vast majority of my fellow Democrats do as well. Yet all life is live locally, irish to anyone who says we want to take a lot more time. We want to be a lot more cautious. Anyone still wants to be careful and cautious. We ve gotta show them the respect. Let them take their time to get to the point that they need to be more comfortable. I think that's only fair I mean I'm working at this great job, a doctor David's usual a lotta masks outside in New York City,
a mask and ears, I'm with build the blasio here, everybody needs to go at their own pace it's fine, but states and local They need to follow the CDC and lift the mask mandates. But you know really. This is this is just like, so many other things. People have forgotten how to how to be courteous with other people. You know I still carry a mask around. I don't wear it inside. Maybe things going to get really crowded. But if I see something buddy inside wearing a mask, and I get close so I'll put it on not for me, but to make them feel more comfortable we can do things like that. We can make that decision to be courteous. But again I hate to sound like a broken record. But if you got a follow Mass going to follow CDC Guidelines and, if we're to lecture Trump for a year that he needs to follow CDC guidelines. Well, these governors that were attacking Trump for a year, need to follow suit
see guidelines and the thought that New Jersey still shut down with over seventy percent vaccination rate and their cases plumbing the fact that California and lived there. Dates for another month after the CDC said, go back to living normal. I dont know I don't know what that is, maybe maybe that's virtue signalling. There certainly was virtue signalling from the other side. Try King mask stands and things like that, oh dear Lord, but whatever it is again, people live in live whatever they want to do is fine, but these government ended. From New Jersey, the California they need to follow the science they need to follow the city safely on the explanation has just been. It doesn't feel right, yet we ve been struck beforehand burned before, but you gotta look at that science. You have to look at the evidence is you're saying and at the scene you see told us last week about. Than I did say. I go
run in New York City almost every day, beautiful day in central park. It's a beautiful week here I do see fewer and fewer mass outside. Just yesterday, not a ton of some people have them and again, if you get close to somebody, your entire quarters, he put on your mask. If you know that if, as you say out of basic respect and basic courtesy for someone else and again, we should point out the businesses, whether its best buyer, Carrasco or restaurant or hardware, sir. They have the right to have a policy that says: look if ah to come in here. For now, you still have to wear mass, that's their right, but what you're talking about talking about. Is this level guidance and it isn't The point out that New Jersey in this area anyway stands alone that need has moved on that Pennsylvania and Connecticut have moved on based on the numbers based on science, which aren't all that different from the state of New Jersey and Peter make
This announcement yesterday sees me last week from the CDC in many ways actually caught the White House off Guard and we ve seen some fumbling, even at the top of the CDC about what exactly they mean when they say you can take off the mask doktor will then he took a step back nowadays guns and will this doesn't mean people should go inside and rip their mass off and everyone said, wait. I thought that was exactly what it meant as long as I was vaccinated. So how is the way how serve managing this flow of information in this guidance from the federal level the states they were caught off guard by this number of White House officials didn't even know it was coming until the the announcement other basically but you're you're, see I think, away ass. It still try going to make sure that it is self is sending the wrong signal right. The presence begun taking his mask off in order say he's following the CDC guidelines they ve now send out, due to our staff training was inside the West wing. You know four months. Basically, this Biden team has
been sitting as offices inside the White House meeting with each other through zoom you know not allowed to actually beetles presence for more than a have you no small now time, and so they are trying to now run just their own rules in order to send a message to the rest, the country that we are beginning to move on, but is a confused time, is it use time. Obviously we're in this sort of an interim you know period between when I was as wars and winning that will fade even further, when we don't know which store we can go into a city has through which data which will to be travel. What does that mean and it's kind of a muddle and in the federal government and the White House haven't provided Enough message to, I think, get through to many people and, as you say, because member states are going to take different actions that doesn't help them. This may be a little bit like Asia, though, if anybody's travel in Asia in recent years will see. A lot of people there, where mask long after Sars went away that became caught a permanent culture.
Gold chain for a lot of people in Asia, just simply where mass in public, even when there wasn't a particular outbreak at the moment. It may be that we see a little of that here. The nice days release pockets of United States where Mass become a perennial even without a particular risk at the moment and by the way you where mass that may actually you know be preventative for other kinds of illnesses. Look how much flu gone down in the last year. Look how much other diseases communicable diseases have been stem to some extent by the public health measures we took in order com call me you wouldn't I may seem ass being a kind of permanent part of the american and you know, ethos these parts of the country for some people for a while and again, that should be up to individuals to make that decision what they want to do, live their lives or where they want to live their lives. If it, moves fast, CDC guidelines,
and they want to wear a mask still that's up to them and it's really set of small businesses at restaurant one. I still require masks out, be honest with that's a paint that's up to them to make that business decision for themselves. Is the government entities, though, that need to follow Cdc Guidelines guidelines. You know, California, California, a californian boy That is a state that is how to tell of about three or four pandemic scythe right. Right after the pandemic began last spring. They seem to be doing better than everybody else than the numbers exploded and in its gone back and forth. Now there too, king about waiting another month before on the CDC guidelines? What are your thoughts? Well? I was in California for the worst a bit of a Christmas time in about six months before, and it is very difficult. To see my own grandchildren suffers enters a homeless problem on top of it, let's go in there. I am. I thought your kind of like me guess that this is going
going to be a needs to be a gradual reentry and, let's point something out south exchanges in the? U S? I know major going down somewhat in all fifty stage. Such great views I think about the world, and let us think about travel to the US from the world and the Fortunately, we have using pandemic. Diplomacy wishes it a pillar of the new binding force which I strongly support to help the rest of the world with our vaccines and are at our logistics, and our other technology is don't do that. We have missed an opportunity to re, engage in a way that your wife So are you Jeanne what what what stories you covering today? What are you expecting to happen on the hill? Well, first, you have infrastructure right. You have may repeat meeting with us, give me secretary, Pinnacle Murphy for so long secretary me
with some Republicans and what we're expecting is finally to see what their they're kind of final go at this for under the republican inside there's been no seat. Negotiations back and forth came about what stage What goes, and it's been an I mean the same this it's possible that there actually maybe a bipartisan deal that could pass some because you, Republicans who having six hundred two eight hundred billion dollars range of what they ve been talking about, but then you of what was in the original plan from the White House on the hard infrastructure right, the rose, the bridges, those kinds of things kind of being around the same amount when you, when you boil down that plan that present and talks released in talks has been talking about. Other aspect of it is a lot more interesting that something that people should keep an eye on, because there conversation. You know, that's true. That was at one point trillions of dollars, and now it could be billions, but then,
That means is that the White House in this administration are also going to have to have some more conversations within their own party about these social infrastructure, the care infrastructure that they ve been talking about, something that their most likely going to have to do without any kind of republican votes at all if they we actually get. Some of that done. So there's a lot moving in that direction, as well as everything else that everyone's been talking about today, all right Eugene Daniels, Peter Baker and former Congresswoman Jane Harman, thank you very much for being on this morning. Jane's new book is insanity, defense, why our failure to confront hard national security problems makes us
less safe and Jane. Congratulations on that day, everyone, it's true, mainly MSNBC, corresponded and host of the past into America. As a black man in America. I know it can sometimes feel like the weight of the world is stacked against us, so we act of or buried the most human parts of our selves may is meant other. Where does one so this week on the package, I talk with black men, who are trying to say blackmail and our mental health, while working from a place that most of us know will the barbarous chair four into America where we listening now and subscribe, and to some business headlines now, nearly three and three years after eight anti rattled, the entertainment business by merging, what time Warner the telecommunications company is doing, again yesterday, eighteen,
He announced it will spin off Warner media and combine it with discovery communications. The deal would create a new company valued at over one hundred and fifty billion dollars, including debt, making it the second. Just media company by revenue. It still needs to be approved by regulators I approve. The deal is expected to close in the middle of twenty twenty two this morning, Lamborghini announced plans to transition to a fully electric car by twenty thirty but he says it will produce hybrid vehicles over the next decade as it makes that transition Lamborghini to reduce co2 emissions by fifty percent by the beginning of twenty five by the Willie this is great news for Donny Deutsch now
flies around in the Hamptons going ninety five miles an hour through cornfields, he can fill socially conscious. Right that he's going to be. It's gonna, be an electric vehicle and I may be moves away. I dont know from the powder blued vehicle It has an script on the side doubled, but still this is a move for the environment may very good news for the people of east. Hampton anything I, I listen to that story. I thought this is important news you can use for fourteen people on earth who have Lamberg. Yes, do you know what else Donnie does, which is an important part of his game? Is he put the car seat with? baby doll in it. So he looks like a loving father it, but the problem is it puts it in a shutdown of the Lambeau when he's driving through these tat it out, to indulge in the back seat. Andy has a pink one: a barbie, alembic Lamborghini with bling.
By larger, really fleet yeah, I did not know until I met Donnie that there's actually a service where you can rent out children and come around did trade. We'd tracked. Other cable, You seem like a more loving, insensitive parent, its maybe that's a New York thing, I don't yeah, don't doesn't need to rent them all right. The conservative social networking site parlor is back in the I've store with a new c of the company named prominent UK conservative George Farmer, its chief executive, as works to rebuild its reputation, the January sixth capital riot riot Parlour I could have say new guidelines have been established to ensure the site won't be used as a quote tool for crime or unlawful. Swore. Why look why rounds responsible? I would woe
you mean they, so let me ask: does that also apply Willy de Facebook we'll facebook now take same guideline and stop being used to promote crimes because you look at the election, you you look, you look, the assassination of federal agent by right wing extremists in Oakland, during the black lives matters protests in both cases It was Facebook that that pushed a lot of people that those sites I mean This is a front and center. The last couple weeks, with the decision from that advisory panel about whether or not president Trump should remain suspended six more months. Then they kick it back to Facebook, so we'll see I guess then, if Facebook makes a policy about what can it cannot exist on site, but so far, not much from the top. There I mean really were still waiting there pathetic coming
the latest on the charade of a real count in Arizona that has grown so far. Called many Republicans are now calling it out that conversation straight ahead on morning, Joe, everyone is Willie Geist thanks for listening now I want you to talk to us here at MSNBC, we'd like to know more about you and the topics you'd be interested in hearing about as we look to launch new podcast text, podcast two hundred and sixty six, eight hundred and sixty six and will text you a link to a short survey again text, the word podcast to six thousand six hundred and eighty six six standard text. Messaging rates apply your input matters and we're looking forward to hearing from you.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-18.