« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 4/7/22

2022-04-07 | 🔗

Pentagon: Russia has fully withdrawn from Kyiv, Chernihiv

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Israel welcomed his old boss to the White House in that seems. I have lightened his mood. I mean it's just so outrageous. The two trillion dollar tax cut the last guy. What was his name anyway, Alaska, the I forgot it. He never showed up inauguration day raft. Obama comes about for one day, all of a sudden Biden turns into Billy Crystal easier, the at the late night shows still getting mileage at a former President Obama's visit to the White House this week. There's a lot going on this morning to tell you about including the Supreme Court as
boy, is to gain new justice and votes scheduled today for Judge Khatami Brown, Jackson, Tom Tom, the guy from work and saw he didn't back off of Isn T thing: do they cling into that Y? All will get to that. Also. I have the latest in a new wave of covert in Washington. The Bush on Capital Hill to hold members have Donald trumps inner circle accountable for the surrounding January six and the very latest, with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, things get personal for Vladimir Putin, as, U S, sanctions, the? U S, sanctions his adult children and the world. The reels from Russia's atrocities in Ukraine will tell you about the Kremlin's new targets in the east. After it's failed, I to see is that country's capital good morning Welcome to morning Joe, it is Thursday April seventh with us. We the host of way too early and White House beer cheap at politico. Jonathan Le Maire and US special correspondent for BBC News
in case, you really think this. The first story that leak is about to read, but I'm going to why? Don't I just go ahead and kill hamlet in the first act. Here is what we do it's, what we do it's from EAST, as Russians. Ship focus of attacks it is its remarkable. I look at the map last night and day yeah like they are gone from Can you vary of north of caves or back in Belarus? The back I mean there. slightly out of there edit, and I we're seeing so much coming at us every day. There's so many sides of the story every day, but just think how historical that was Putin wanted to get this so called nod seat out of the use let's see her out of the cave, wanted to put his own puppet government in there and expected to be able to do it two or three days they are now back in.
trade in Belarus and Russia, out of their members, two months ago. Conventional wisdom was that Putin decided to do this role in there. What yes, vastly out manned army against the Ukrainians, take key installed get rid of a lengthy all those things that were expected, happen, I now showing the opposite has happened, and it's not just, of course the weakness and incompetence of the russian military. It's the extraordinary courage and bravery and competence of the ukrainian military ukrainian civilians, with the backing of the West, who have turned the I know they are rolling back and as they do, that they are resorting to these hideous tactics, which is that these are acts of desperation. So it's not a great story to tell, but it is a story about the russian military being pushed out of a country. They thought they were going to roll through Calais months ago, Jonathan Weir. The White House of course understands this is all very fluid, but, as the Russians escape from NFL defensive and going back to lick their wounds. Keith
It's not like things are static on the battlefield. Training for not having to defend the capital. That means you're gonna, be more ukrainians. Going down trying to break up, That land bridge that connects Russia with with Crimea gap as met, though there, more Russians in the east. There also be more Ukraine in an even more you members, the ukrainian military. Certainly, the White House feels heartened with work they are to Willy's point the fierce resistance by the ukrainian military the prize so many, and there were some of the top minds within abide in distress. You also thought that the Putin, at war machine would roll through Ukraine a matter of days, and there was real worry that he wouldn't stop there, that he would move on to other ex soviet nations next. That, of course, now we're a worry reduced rise, the as the russian military has been shown to be a fraudulent nowhere near what people thought it would be out. May the equipment is not as good the men not well trained, not as nearly as competent as they hoped,
recognized recognize, though this still worse far from over and they do fear as we been reporting this week. This will I move into a long quagmire, a slog in the east and which is why there's such urgency to get more equipment to the Ukrainians, as their defense minister yesterday said, when asked what he needed. He said. Weapons were and what s caddy, hey. The propaganda really is having an impact inside of Russia is just chilling to real one story out for another: how the Russians completely by the lies about than not suffocation of Ukraine I buy the lies of Vladimir Putin, is feeding them and he's been feeding them for years yeah, and you can't really trust russian impulse very much, because the cost of saying anything, this anti criminal is pretty high in Moscow these days. But he does approval of both President Putin and of the war in Ukraine appears to be growing their suggestions, that is, in its eighties some eighty three percent of Russians approve of the ward, it's because of what their reading and listening to and run.
still has a mass media in a sense that many countries, including this one, don't people really do wars. One tell us and programme in the evening. That's what people outside of Moscow and particularly will get their news from, and the common line on those state broadcast tv channels and talk shows in the evening is that this is all the Ukrainians folder, and it's just staggering it's black and white. What we have seen from future. They are blaming on Ukrainians, backed by british intelligence as saying it's, the british intelligence, is particularly good at this kind of thing and look how awful it is that what the Ukrainians are doing to their own people. I don't know if you remember there was that video that awful video of marry you call a drone, shot and marry you pull that came out last week that ran that evening on russian television. It's not that they're not showing this they're, showing the same images that we are seeing in the west, but they're showing them saying this is what
Ukrainian Nazis are doing to their own people. That bombing their own cities there killing their own people. In some cases there saying there actors and if that see only news you get neuron yet you're getting a few minutes. If it is not just what the hell getting very little news about this is being treated as something not a big deal, they're getting a few It's a bit every evening, and if you get that night after night, you start to believe it, while still to you point, though they made me moving ace, but Ukraine is bracing for renewed russian offensive, as musgos forces shift their focus to the east, while withdrawing from the country north the Pentagon says around twenty four thousand. Russian troops have left areas around the capital of keys and the northern city of chair and a here in the last twenty four hours. It warns, though, these troops have into to Belarus or Russia, perhaps too
supply, reorganise and likely will return to fight in the Dun Basque region in Eastern Ukraine, where russian forces have already stepped up their attacks. Carrying out several miss strikes sturdy. Amid those fears of a fresh russian offensive in eastern Ukraine officials, there are urging civilians to evacuate immediately. Thirties yesterday told people living internet school HANS can car key that they should leave as soon as possible while cope. possibility still exists Ukraine's Prime Minister also said this later people will come under fire and we won't be able to do anything to help them. That's it if urgency from ukrainian officials comes days after reports emerged of crimes against civilians, as russian forces were retreating from the capital of keys and surrounding areas. The White House meanwhile hit Russia with a new round of sanctions, including
targeting the adult children of Vladimir Putin, the bided ministration announced the moves yesterday in response to those horrific scenes out of Buddha. the sanctions against the children of Putin and russian Foreign Minister, Sergei lab rob the new penalty take aim, two of Moscow's largest banks and said State owned enterprises, a new executive order signed by President Biden, It prohibits Americans from making any new business investments in Russia with many believing the war in Ukraine has entered a new phase. The New York Times reports. Nato countries are divided on what What's next, step should be according to western officials who spoke with the times, quotes central european members like Poland and the Baltic. Steaks want to total break with Moscow, but other nations believe that Russia cannot be easily subdued and that the war's outcome is like
to be messy? The other nations include Turkey, France and Germany. Another reported point of disagreement is how seriously to take the Kremlin in peace talks with Ukraine, while some believe Russia is looking for an avenue to escape the war. You officials are reportedly skeptical that scope is willing to make concessions, are also we'll complications right now, Jonathan Mere the White House, while there are saying publicly they're going to let Ukraine have their wishes in the negotiations and its its Ukraine's its Ukraine's peace talks in Ukraine. country. The same time we are hearing from not only officials inside the United States, but also in inside of NATO that they're, just not going to be comfortable with Ukraine, giving up too many concessions. Vladimir Putin cannot see this as victory in any sense, so
what they're saying this is up to Ukraine. Certainly, there are going to be putting pressure on it to make sure the terms are not too favorable for Putin. Yeah we're seeing some tension play out right now in the nation's capital of this. My colleagues that I worked on a story this week, We have sanctions and more more members of Congress and Democrats want the sanctions on Russia to be left in place for as long as Putin, is in power, Of course, since we don't see an actual end game for him, leaving complicate peace talks, for instance, if Russia, this is what a White House official who expressed some concern with what lawmakers are asking for. If Russia say look, we'll call will have a seat we'll have a ceasefire will end this war, but one of our conditions needs with sanctions lifted and its allies. he presents letting comes the. U S and says we want you to do that. Can the? U s really say no to him if he say this is what my country needs right now. So that underscores this tension, because there is concern from other parts of Europe and particularly that of patent is able to walk away with this with you,
claim some sort of victory, but his power largely intact. Maybe he ramps up at them a couple of years and does something like this again, whether it's Ukraine or somewhere else, so that he is going to be tough years? What sort of state do you leave Moscow in when this war of Finally, does are joining us. Now is Mark Paula, Morocco S, he's a twenty six year, veteran of the CIA, serving in both a rack and Afghanistan and is one of the agency's most decorated field. Officers is also the author
clarity in crisis leadership. Lessons from the sea, I can tell he's one of the most secretary source because he's wearing the most effective option in the CIA, where that is a boss and roads schools Ox Eirik go GO sacks. We ask our Yankees fan the Van still look past events and listen to the wisdom of this, the subway Lucy. I sense that really is that guy, so some work. We have a lot to talk to you about, but I want to start with a mass expulsions of so called diplomats from NATO countries. Russians, that's actually something quite significant as and it's not really getting a lot of play. Tell us about it. Since this is extraordinary, knowing my career withstand thirty years. I've never seen. You know. Expulsions in these numbers solely the economists in open a number of over four hundred yesterday is a russian intelligence officers were posted. It
in Europe and its extraordinary, because for a long time you know, particularly when I was over seeing operations to the CIA in Europe, Europe. We consider Europe as Russia's playground. No, they operated in almost with impunity and whether it was elected their appearance in multiple european stage, whether its assassination operations but successful and unsuccessful. the Russians it out at had no bounds. There's a business really important step because it's gonna degrade the russian ability to conduct human intelligence operations after ability assess. Develop handling recruit penetration of western countries. Now they're still have built a little networks. Those are those individuals not under official cover, but ultimately this is a really good stuff, but I commend abide in this region. I am quite confident that this was for NATO from Washington of Extinct we ve done in the past, but certainly not in those numbers, and this is a business. Where does tat looked the Italians war is heating up right now
as you say, it's one piece of this large package, some curious of your assessment of the pressure the United States in the West has put on Russia right now and in support of Ukraine when you, the expulsion of those diplomats, the sanctions package, the weapons that had been flooding in these are gathering in organizing of allies in Europe. In this effort, how was the United States performing, let's say over the last month or so? And what more would you like to see done? its extraordinary? The administration deserves a lot of credit, but I don't think it's necessarily enough because right now, what you pray needs is assistance in the east, obviously them where the fight is going to be the shipping and also in the south, to protect Odessa, navvies, more weapons systems and more advanced weapon systems like multiple launch rocket systems and anti ship missile. So we have to keep the consistent love of of
arms what what what has been going on in ending and wraps amount of work. They have a much more if we have actually reached us sweet spot of maximum economic and military pressure doesn't go with enough which cause a serious escalation. I think we can I do more and I come back each time to a famous engagement, two thousand and eighteen, where members of the joint special operations command the US military killed three hundred Wagner mercenaries from Russia Chairman Chertoff former Secretary of Defense, Mattis in testimony you know He he said something that was extraordinary. He said he gave the order to annihilate them and guess what the russian response was nothing. So I think we can do more. We have to be very cognizant of of escalation bite, but the Ukrainians are depending on us, and this is no. This is the great fight of our time right now John Madison arrives. They say he earned
mad mad dog, Mattis name he hated, but perhaps deserved, Mark talked to us. If, indeed this becomes a sustained in the east. We with us the West feel that Russia is sort of look they're full on retreat from Kiev, but eventually some of those assets will get their ways to the Donbass Ukrainians able to do the same. They are able to reposition. The fight is going to be centered there and officials, I talked to say, could be months. If not longer we heard from General Milley suggest it could be here's. What is your sense as to how terrible a slog this could be, again look back at history being so, fortunately, or unfortunately, you know a lot more prudent and Russia will be patient day. What they are, they are able to sustain kind of these long campaigned in smaller areas. Zebra. that is the way the war in Chechnya certainly don't rush their campaign sera. This he's did didn't last month, lasted years and so on.
I think we have to be cognizant of that, but you know that make no mistake. We have to support the Ukrainians as they need need, need our assistance and I get worried sometimes because I get a sense there is a growing forests are less do just enough. Did he pay I to get to the negotiating table and look back at my career as an operator for the CIA, what actually dealt with foreigners on the ground and I want to be able to look my ukrainian counterpart, the faces and say look. We're gonna give you enough not just to help you the negotiating table, but to help you win, and so I think we have to have. You know the same type of resolve that Ukraine is why, if we have to sustain this, you know the support to Ukraine for four years. I then I think that something that we really should do log jam Mccaffrey was on the show the other morning with us, and he made a stunning kind of comparison, which was that during the of the Iraq war, the? U S with sending something like nine billion dollars a month worth of
the military supplies to Iraq. So far, I think there's been two billion spent since the beginning of this year, just over a billion since the beginning of the war itself. So a lot less, there's clearly a lot more that the West could be spent and could be spending in Ukraine. We seem to be at a pivotal moment where the Russians are pulled back. The assumption is that pullback. In order to launch another offensive in the east, possibly even to try and push further back again into the country, how much can we turn on the spigot fast and how much willingness do you think there is here in Washington, but also in west in the western Alliance and Asian Alliance, to really ramped up significant place so that the Ukrainians could take advantage of this pools.
Sure, and I think that we're doing that again in terms of logistics, look at the difference between russian logistics, which is a debacle and then the alliance, so it might, it may take several days, if not weeks, for us to get the right weapon systems end, but I think we're doing that. I hope we don't get wobbly on this. I mean there was a very good you know mentioned before that. There are divide within Europe on how much we should push, but I think that you know look look between the intelligence community and our special operations forces. We are built to do this and we can certainly push these to be weapons systems in it's gotta be based on needs based assessments. Our ukrainian counterparts are going to have quiet military. Military intelligence unit went out to retard on what they actually need in pursuit of the theatre of some of the more advanced systems. Like me, mixed would have been great, but I think that probably off the table now, but we have to give the Ukrainians what they need. They are giving us lists and we should not take me seriously and then provide these these weapons systems and again not get wobbly in Heaven
patients to see this through. We have that Ukraine, the allies, have a boot and his neck right now in it. We shouldn't take it off. We have to be content, is enough of escalating begin it's like there's in Ukraine. No we're not introduction of NATO troops right now. Keep the weapons lugged slow going in that that's! You know that that is the number one issue on the agenda for the binding restoration, in my view, Mark pollen,
propolis once again. Thank you so much for your insight this morning, we'll see you soon to our other major headlines. This morning the full Senate is set to vote on the nomination of judge, Katon G Brown Jackson to to the Supreme Court today and be seen news reports. Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, expects a final confirmation vote around one. Forty five, this afternoon, Judge Jackson is expected to pass with bipartisan support after three republican Senators cross party lines to back her. We'll talk much more about that historic moment coming up. Meanwhile, the house is moving forward with contempt of Congress charges against former Trump Administration officials, Peter Navarro and Dance Cadino, while makers voted to twenty to two o three to pass a resolution referring the former aides to the Justice Department for their refusal to comply with subpoenas from a January six Select Committee representatives, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzer were the only Republicans to vote in favor. The committee has said Navarro a trade advisor in the trumpet
castration and scavino, who was White House Deputy chief of staff, key roles in the Ex presidents effort to overturn the twenty twenty election. The panel has noted Navarro publicly boasted about plans you up in the election results and that he published a book last year in which you referred to the plan as the Green Bay sweep the January. It's committee's chair and vice chair made the case for the contempt charges on house floor. It doesn't matter they if they were father or mother or sister or brother had children. If they the law they break the law, no one's above the law. And that's what the point we are trying to make. There is no such thing in America as the privileges of the crown every Listen has a duty to comply with a subpoena too many Republicans are once again ignoring the rulings of the courts, as many of them did in the run up two January sixth
you're, the tale of what happened following that May twenty election resulting in the violence of January. Sixth. Is a of stunning deceit. It is of lies about our election and contempt. For the links of our courts deal the claims made by Donald Trump we're so frivolous and so unfounded that the president's lead lawyer did not lose these cases. He asked his license to practice law. This third time. The house has voted to send criminal contempt charges of Trump Loyalists to the Department of Justice, the first your member with Steve Ban in who phases trial this summer. The justice department still is reviewing the referral of former chief of staff mark meadows that the house and in December, a third referral for former Department of Justice, Stafford Jeffrey Clark, was voted out of committee, but Clark sat for an interview before a house vote was taken in that interview. He played the fifth world
one hundred times, Jonathan La Mere. Just to underline a point. Peter Navarro won't show up for this hearing and yet he's written a book about the plan. Like you have written a book called the big lie coming out in July. Can we agree that it's going to be great, which talks about this very issue? He goes. if the tv again and again and again proudly describing the plan to stage a coup, and yet he won't sit before the committee. Now it is and that's why there's such pressure being placed on justice to do something about this that you sent with this contempt of Congress, there's been growing impatience even in the highest levels of Biden World, so in charge of Merrick Garland, and his team need to take this more seriously to send this message, because they do feel like that Navarro and his like are just flaunting this- that they know they're not going to cooperate, but yet they are still appearing on tv shows and they're going to write a book about it, skimming over. So who is the pain? The president's two Ex presents twitter account he's another one that they want to talk to almost certainly won't
I ever show up for that, and we have a new interview with the former present outside the Washington Post, in which, of course, he denies smart solely for the virus and says that it was an anti policies followed in all other other nonsense. Guy get that other nonsense like that it still taking disputing the results of the election, which, of course, was fair. Our I'd still, I had on morning to have a new. U S. Shipment of javelin missiles should arrive in Ukraine in a matter of days for me to speak, live with Pentagon press. Second John Kirby plus. Will play for you, former President Barack Obama's comments about the war and talk to the man who interviewed him yesterday, the Atlantics Jeffrey Gold,
while join us. Also New York City Mayor Eric Adams joins the table to talk about his first one hundred days in office. Your watch him morning, Joe we'll be right back broken van growth, the Magter morning, meagre aha, Willie and I were just talking
There are some advantages to having know from experience: oh yeah, now anti social, the only right thing noting that we're invited to bedroom we weren't going to do. We were going to go to this thing. Was we? But we have this other thing that we have to do and they really didn't have any baggage to now. We have not put any way, but so yes, sometimes it's better just to kind of stay home and do nothing. I have a work. Go home. Have a dear friend who once said to me: everytime I'd left my apartment, I've regretted it and I think that speaks to that White House officials and members of Congress. We shouldn't be, or is it ok to laugh, know the fact we lose that maybe we're getting to the point where Cove well, okay, so let's get the Tori furs levels? Why? How I'm so confused members of Congress have tested positive for corporate nineteen after attending the grid and clean
dinner last weekend, attorney General Merrick, Garland and commerce. Secretary Gina Raimondo are the latest positive cases after they attended the high profile event, most of those who have tested positive, say they are experiencing mild or no symptoms. That's good for the gridiron club dinner returned to Washington after a two year. Hiatus because of the vet Democrats should have waited a third. Such villainy are a couple things here. First of all, you say a lot of members of the press. You know it gives the color of the Green Bay Suite a whole slew of porters who got did nothing serious. So that's it. That's also Gridiron now talking about possibly getting rid of that group hug in the center at the end of the event are the vision they should perhaps abandon. Yeah I mean there, it is communism as some scrutiny here. There are two two cabinet members, as well as members of Congress, other White House officials about two does. reporters have all come down
I suppose I've come down with cobit in the last few days stemming from this dinner or another event. That was held a few days earlier. No reports of politicians yet, but some of them are quite sick. So it's a reminder that covet still here and cases coming in and, unfortunately seeing cases tick back up, particularly here in the northeast. This new sub variant of overcrowding has has seemingly arrived, also the notice no testing requirement ahead of this dinner, which is an issue the White House correspondents dinner, which is held later in the month, think they are going to
testing to hopefully prevent a similar way to come back here to turn to a girl in the republic of it like an hour before so you'd tested positive, so long these they were out and about so to universities. George, Shannon Johns Hopkins our reinstating their mask mandates following a surge in coveted affections among students, I would take Johns Hopkins very seriously and Georgetown. Honestly, they are on that cause into the cutting edge of medical research. Georgetown officials say that indoor mask mandate will go into effect on the main and medical campuses starting today, students are required to wear a mask all classrooms residents and dining halls, with exceptions for eating and drinking both schools
we'll test all undergraduate students for covert through the end of this month. The new surge of covert nineteen cases is partly due to the New Ba to Omicron sub variant, which is now the dominant strain in the U S. So this is interesting I'll be following. This cabinet looks like this as I go right now, a MID atlantic thing. We just had three stories: Washington Dc Georgetown, also, obviously Johns Hopkins up in Baltimore yeah. It depends on protesting. Actually, I am a member of the grid, but I didn't managed to go on Saturday in them now feeling maybe I'd dodge.
Something of an infection spread event and the I think it's partly to do with testing is also to do. People are not boosted. What are we well vaccinated, but a lot of people in this country didn't get the boosters, particularly in that age group in those student age groups, because they felt they didn't need them. They you know, they'd had all of their shots. This seemed to be behind them, as Jones was saying, you're getting sick, but it's mild, so the booster rates are still low. Now they've started instituting false boosters for people over the age of fifty and at the end, we're going to have to decide. Are we just going to accept that if you go to a big event and I've been to the gridiron, there's no ventilation or if you're, in a classroom or if you are in a student, dining hall that doesn't have much ventilation, the chances are, you could get it, but it's not going to lead to hospitalization you're, probably going to have to stay home for a few days, because you do feel pretty sick and and we're just going to have to live with that I mean otherwise what we're just not going to do indoor events anymore, when I I think we're going to have to live with it. The fingers of your booster via vaccine, if you're boosted, you're fine
You know me can I travelled pretty regularly to Washington and New York through Delta through omelette crime. We went to events, sometimes they required mask. Sometimes they didn't require mass and we have no doubt I mean it part is probably because we were booths and also because we are moving around it may be. A resistance was a little bit higher and you know now I mean the booster sort of Saki get them and you don't feel well for a couple of days, if you're old, like me, but I'd, don't aren't we up to like the twelfth like they didn't. They say where you, where you can get a new get another one, and Dr Fauci made the point of it all this in the last couple of days that these they do wear off the booster wears off. You're gonna have to keep coming back for more, and you need to get more of it and you're right. We joked about never leaving the apartment, but the world is opening up again. Yeah he's got open outside of New York. City's back are going to go to a dinner, there's going to be a fundraising event. A charity event and people are and doing those thing so as as caddy said how much
ask. Are we willing to tolerate what executive about the way we need to get back out there? I will tell you that my family, over the past couple of weeks, We got out everybody's getting out. The masks are coming off or nobody get coven, but take what we all get the flu. I mean it's, it's like fine like get out there. That's one of the things. I think that China really is grappling with right now. They've had a zero covert tolerance policy and it's it's actually devastating their economy. Hong Kong's they've got problems with Hong Kong. Down entire cities. We need to get on with our lives. We need to keep moving forward, get the booster go on out and ads are overwhelming. That not Will you not be hospitalized you you won't. the serious sickness here. The images attache higher brutal right back. Twenty six zero people try to be tested their separating parent.
In children in order to do so, public health officials. I've talked to the: U S to say they are a little worried about these next few weeks because of the very the new very more contagious is here, and it comes at a time as mass minutes have been lifted, as people boosters the boosters, though effective they don't seem to be the ones last a month couple of months and people might be due for another shot, turns out really last or not that that is a concern that there are only a cup like eight to ten weeks of effectiveness, but there is also hope, though, at around the corner, so officials, I've talked to say that middle this next month might be dicey once we get to spring summer. Hopefully people are outside the. well. You know we have to stay, prepare, I'm not going to say stay vigilant. As far as when you say stay vigilant, people are saying, you know, put fifteen masks on and don't do anything people need to go out need to do the thing. Do things again. You can trust us what's going on in China and the is that that We we have moved through
we have moved through omicron and their tragedies mean people that people are dying and it's. It is it's very sad, but we just don't have the option to shut down shut down the country and we also have the option to cancel all indoor events. We more you wanna, we're mask where exactly aids are really stuffy tighter than I would use common sense. I just walked into some places and thought There is no reason to be disclosed to common sense measures like mass or require test like yeah ways to do this safely. We're coming up. Florida's governor is threatening to take away special privileges from Disney in an ongoing fight of large virtual legislation relate design w we get demo light. Is he gonna? I mean you seriously this Guy just have to make he does this case through three he's: inaction derive valleys and action judgment value are taken on making
Why? I don't why, just say I mean seriously. This whole thing is so funny and by the way- let's just say it like the media there banning any talking about people up. It was Kay through three three, republicans masterful, something that schools weren't doing anyway, and now he has a full blown culture war. Exactly for you I'll get the Democrats taking the paint plus SEN Tom cotton doubles down on his claim that judge, Catan G Brown Jackson would have defended the Nazis at Nuremberg that guy needs. What is wrong with him? What he needs to get some sleep needs to delay his latest cricket in the ozarks and just kind of relax, if fresh air Willie, Disney has gotten over its skis on this and what there's policy disputes and that's fine
you're, trying to impose a woke, giddy ology on our state we view that as a significant threat, this wokeness will destroy this country. If we let it run unabated It will destroy Europe because we are talking about are week, in this era, point zero zero three percent of the population? This will for your country, like people on both sides seriously. Just nonstop talk. Nonstop talk about zero point: zero, zero! Three of Democrats, America's population- Series. This will destroy our country. this and yes, it is what about ISM, because the the incredible focus on these issues. It just it's ok, just five attention. In Florida. Governor RON Desantis are rising after the company criticized the new Florida law, which prohibits teachers.
From discussing sexual orientation or gender identity, with schoolchildren in kindergarten through third so this is? This is really shocking, because a year children and their kindergarten, they were talking to them about transitioning right now, here now No you're not going to do that, but in third, they did right now, I have my gaiety, seven kids, labourer haven't you ever happened, willing any of your kids with from kindergarten through third Gregg sorts of middle school to the best of my recollection later on in middle school are really with. I was due to your college, but I love in highly only that their faces such area people about this at the edge of fine you're being set up in response to Santa wants to revoke Disney special privileges. Since nineteen sixty seven fifty four years Disney World
been allowed to act essentially as its own government under the reading. improvement at the park? I'd surfaces, accounting government typically would if descent successfully revokes this statute Disney world would wonder: regulation of to Florida, county, so they're, they're, cotton, candy, waterfalls, Willie, would come under Florida rejoining down our mental regulates. Where's s, Coralie question does ask and Willie The shower just started, say: governor of is willing to sing use this moment to signal everybody Rachel Signal to attack The institution that employs eighty thousand people in his state he's going after is needed to make a point to some food political audience, perhaps virtue signalling, obviously more important. Let's bring right now national political bordering BC knows put out. He knows a thing or two about
if the state of Florida also state attorney for Palm Beach County Dave, Ehrenberg Dave. This special does a carve out that Santas is so upset about the staff help write. It yeah good morning Joe. This is just another example of Maga performance art. His staff did write an exemption in his anti social media LAW for Disney, so that was a major carve out for the mouse, and now the governor is saying: oh, we can't have special car. throw them out well now, and just the sort of trolling the twenty twenty one version of himself, because this just happened last year- and you know this special improvement district has been around since nineteen sixty seven. As you say, and it's never been a real issue for Florida leaders until Disney started complaining about the a bill and announced that it was imposing a moratorium. Campaign donation, and so the time It is a bit suspect. So
Are you cover Florida so closely? You understand the politics of the states so well for our national audience. What's going on here? What's governor dissent is doing what, sentences do not yours surfacing nationally with a lot of conservative figure such as him or he he's willing to give special interests and business is special interests and business carve out he's really do have the business of the legislature be the business of private business, but here in the south of the culture war between if there's a choice between the two. Which is the sort of libertarian republican hands off government? Let business be business or engaging the culture war, and there has to be a choice. He should go Culture, war, so Disney Sand in the eyes of the scientists. Here was a stepping out and putting its head up and criticizing his fill for dissent as this is the fight he also wants to have. This gives them an opportunity to have a full, pink,
or he gets to now say. Oh we're not going to be doing the bidding of special interests and yeah sure I took their money, but I'm not going to do everything. They said, I'm not going to jump, wouldn't have they said, jump out, I'm not going to ask how high hey mark- Jonathan Lemire, Disney's chances in this there are huge employer in the state. We have all the money. Will that extra amount of influence, what recourse could they have? What the think it technically underwrite the lawsuit to defeat the legislation we are talking about earlier. However, that's being represent a proposal on behalf of another algae BT, a number of elderly BT groups.
what they can do, what they did, which is withhold their contributions. I have a suspicion they're going to be back because Disney, as Dave knows, he used to be in the state Senate is a big power player. One of the reasons that got the special interest carve out in the San Francis big Tech bill is at the last minute in two thousand twenty one. They said hey. We think that this big tech crackdown bill might apply to us. Do something and then, behind the scenes everyone jumped to make Disney happy that used to be the normal course of business in the Florida legislature. What happened with this most recent legislation was different in that the company, the the new ceo after initially saying, hey, we're going to stay out of this fight, then suddenly decided to get involved in this fight and then they suddenly lost and all of a sudden, the conservatives of the state, perhaps with a nation began. Turning on Disney and you're you're, seeing some of the fall out of that subsequently, but
like I don't see, Disney running a candidate against Rhonda Santa's, but at the same time I dont see them contribute much more money to be there so Dave evident. This is such a issue. I I've lived in Florida for very long time, as you know kids going to school in Florida bed for kids in Florida, and I can say with quite a with Confidence- nobody none of my kindergartners first greater second graters or third graders for. taught about Trans issues, wherever taught their sexuality about fluidity, about whatever what ever this bill is supposed to. Stop was there? Really a public outcry parents demanding that kindergartners not be taught these issues, because because again, We never were It is from children er that I know you Joe this bill is.
only about firing up the GLP base. This is politics above public policy. It's a solution in search of a problem, because sex education is already banned in Florida up to the fifth grade, just like it is in most other states there are some repercussions from this bill. There are some reports. There that some cash strapped schools are already ditching, some of their LGBT. Q books in their libraries and reportedly some places are appealing off the Rainbow safe space stickers from windows, and so that's a concern, because the bill, though people focus on its application at K through three, is action on the part of the bill. It says that any parent sue a school district. They believe that construction Discussion is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students. So what does that mean? It's Eric Vague and opens, up assuming the lawsuit, but that's the bomb, chill speech and it can have lasting repercussions
and then the benefit of horses for dissent is so we can run for president twenty twenty four he's in this Magda arms race against Gregg Abbot is clearly looking beyond his re election this year to a presidential campaign and he doesn't care who gets in his way even his former mentor Donald Trump Or an embassy, Marco Polo and state attorney for Palm Beach counted Dave, Ehrenberg good to see you thank you both for being on today, and still I had people who reside in Russia and Belarus won't be to run in this year's Boston, a fine plus were hours away from it. A store vote on the second floor that is expected to confirm, judge could Tangier Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court with a partisan support, but one Republican, Senator Tom Cotton is refusing to back down from his widely condemned comments that judge Jackson.
and even the hawks news thought it was too too far bridge too far. We'll talk about it next on morning, job, whether it's, the complexity, climate change, the challenge, the racial injustice or the threat to american democracy get your daily seven lightning articles at MSNBC, daily written perspectives people, you know, and trust Mehdi Hassan Joyce, Vance and Darker Kavita Patel, along with a groan, as to experts offering their insights less fresh, takes four Hayes Brown and Zeeshan Ali start, your with MSNBC daily at MSNBC dot, com.
Transcript generated on 2022-04-08.