« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 4/5/21

2021-04-05 | 🔗

The Morning Joe panel reflects on Easter weekend, the anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King Jr., the return of Major League Baseball and Georgia's new voting law.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Morning Joe starts right now, a weekend after the Orioles swept the Red Sox, not something I ever thought I would get to say Joe. No, it was It was wrong. It was rough, took my boys defend way and my my son, when my son's totally right before we are about to be shut out in the first game, so you know dad they haven't the Red Sox have been shot out in their home opener home. Since you're eleventh birthday, I got I spent And then, yesterday I hear the Red Sox had been swept their opening series Harry Truman was president I dont know by next week we may be going all the way back the Magna Carta, I'm hoping for the red Sox eggs. Ok, see that the Orioles or like a twenty seven. He Haiti is that each year, because that's what they look like an fenway
look. Shall I gotta tell you. The Orioles have not won the world Series in my lifetime, which I think says more about them, and it does about me. But who knows? I will also say it was good. I get. I am sorry that you guys were there to witness that. I know everyone wants the home team to win scene Unseen, come back on the field after beating colon cancer and for three runs bad it in three hour be eyes. I think it was a really really great message to everyone that you can really come back strong from some tough, so I you know, let's go owes, a positive story, gray weaken. Thank you so much K C. We really. We really appreciate you talking about this way. It was tat. It was though it was. It was incredible to be back in Fenway I don't want to be there, sharing it with my kids. They were, I think, only thirteen percent of the seats that were occupied a far cry from what the Texas Rangers are doing right now.
It. Can Cuba meet somewhere in the middle, but I hope you had a great weekend with us. This morning we have hosted MSNBC politics, nation and present the national action that work river. Now sharp and professor at Stan University Eddie go out junior and found her the conservative website, the bulwark and author of how the right lost its mind. Charlie Sykes. We also a former chief of staff to the Dietrich see Adrian L ride. She recently work for the Biden campaign and the inaugural committee and Willie have them often there is quite away- get rather Easter weekend, but also, obviously yesterday bring the passing of Martin Luther king over half a century later, fifty three years later years it was. The irony of the day is as we that Christians read the resurrection,
many of us and in this country, and then the surprise community, remember the assassin vision of doktor king. I was thirteen years old really was assassinated and at all we become youth directive- is New York chapter of Bread Basket, not thought about as we are in the midst of this trial, of of Derek shaven in Minneapolis around the killing of George Floyd, as we are dealing with. Voters fresh laws in Georgia and in forty three other states how far we have come and how far we have not come says: Doktor kings assassination, but I am reminded of his last book entitled. Where do we go from here? Chaos, our community, we're still confronted with those choice Is our butter, his last message, the night before the assassination he predicted. He said we ll have some difficult days ahead, but I want denoted. We as people will get to the promised land and guess what
as many of us that remain in that tradition of doktor king. He promised us we'd get too Obviously, no matter how difficult the days may see, one of the more one of the more extraordinary speeches in american history, the speech he gave that night in Memphis on April, the third nineteen sixty eight the night, before you was assassinated, talked about c the promised land and he might not get there with you, but t talk about that we as a country we're going to reach that promised land. Here we are fifty years later and by many metrics, we ve moved me miles and miles and miles as a country on the issue of race. Other metrics, not so much in this sure weakened, obviously city like Minneapolis still on edge over upon,
simple racial showdown in the coming week or weeks, only Joe it was a powerful weekend resurrect resurrection Sunday for those of us who are Christians is an extraordinary Lee import day, I'm thinking about what you have just said, though you know, we often run pass that line and kings famous speech. We have some difficult days ahead. You know like running pass totally Saturday in order to get to resurrection Sunday? You know we have to deal with what Saturday represents as Christians in some ways, and so I think those difficult days he spied we're still in but again, he gave an Easter Sunday speech in April twenty seven nineteen, fifty seven, where you talked about the power of love, the importance of love, how love can out out last right, the ugliness of the poor of the moment, and so here we are in these difficult days. If we stand on the power of love, you can imagine rising again, it seems to me it can actually happen
and during his Easter Sunday Address Pope France's called on the world to end violence to end poverty, and the pandemic, but France is called The leaders of the wealthy nations to display the quotes spirit of global responsibility by speeding up the vaccination distribution and share the quote essential tool to end the pandemic with poor, nations. The United States is now administering more than three million new vaccine shots daily this, easy, also reported a record four point. One million four point: one million new doses that we're given out on Saturday, the agencies Just over one hundred and four million Americans are thirty. One percent of the population have received it. one dose of the vaccine. Nearly sixty million people are eighteen percent of the population are for
we vaccinated the CDC says it's now say for fully vaccinated people to travel Americans within the EU? S can now do so without needing a covert test or quarantining if you're leaving the country. You also don't need a test unless a place your visiting asks for it and when you are coming back from an international trip. You should get a negative test for flying and get another test upon arrival. The guidance hasn't changed for Americans who aren't fully vaccinated, though, as their urge to avoid travelling these J has come at frontiers. They reported the most passengers screening since the start of the pandemic on Friday, nay Charlie, so I went up. As I said, I would have to Boston with my boy and we watched the Red Sox at a different wake, and I will tell you seriously what was more the guilt for me was driving through Boston,
the city is abandoned. You know why we we mark and for good reason, and many other things at Rhonda Santa say we ve been very concerned about Florida. Look at a lot of the pictures and there's just rank irresponsibility. He seems we trying to quote the labs with with every statement. He makes at the same time I'm you go to the other extreme and I'll. Let you watch early Baker and the state of Massachusetts is doing I'm telling you it's like going back ten minds, almost all the buildings were shut down. Almost all the restaurants were shut down. a lot of the schools are shut down. I mean they're there, A happy medium between and mental health care crisis floating. The weight is right now and every metal provider. I talk to says we or now at a tipping point.
Charlie. I know you like me more conservatives, but we ve been urging caution through this pandemic. I think that caution now goes. People need to start opening up would get one out of three Americans at least partially vat. Did four million Americans got vaccinated on Saturday deaths and hospitalizations are plunging? It is time to open every school. It is time to start opening up cities like Boston them, Health of Americans requires it with all of these vaccines already in the arms of Americans. Well, he, you're right? We're in this race, though, win the race between the vaccination in the herd, immunity and then the recklessness of you know some people in the country who are not moving any of the limits whatsoever, but but you're right look. This country is in theirs is pent up to and it's like. I it's a wound spring. The people are just ready to get back, to their lives and you mention getting back to school look. This is,
to be the number one priority, and it is not a good look from some of the teachers unions, who are continuing to resist going back to school. Even they ve been vaccinated. Look we gotta get the kids back to school, we're not gonna get back to normal until we do that the the science, make it seems to make it very clear that you can reopen. schools without a significant health danger, so absolutely we need to get back to school You're in Wisconsin were much more open than the you described in Boston were not yet at floored levels, but you know I, I guess the I guess my concern is that were at the what three hardline right. Now, let's not spite of all this. We are line, let's take all of the precaution, but the client like let the clock is ticking. I mean you know by the end of this month by the beginning of May people gotta go back to them
whatever the rules or whatever the guidelines are whatever the shut down. Rules are now that the clock is ticking, but we night on the three our line as it pertains to schools a month ago, Anthony couch and others were saying it's time to get kids back in school. I'm sorry if politicians are scared. Teachers unions. I really am, if you're really that week, that you're not gonna, do what's in the best interests of children after Anthony Faulty is telling you to open up the schools. I feel sorry for because you need to do what's in the kids best interest- and you know what again, let me be very clear: we were not ready, sir, of two thousand twenty one. Donald Trump was recklessly saying, opened the country where it Easter we're past Easter, of twenty twenty wine when one- Three Americans have had at least one of them vaccinations and, and we had four million vaccination given the other day. We we have made great,
it is over the last year. We understand what causes covert and what does it cause Cove, and there is no reason why buildings across Boston and this country can open up at least partially we're in ninety five mask require six foot. Distancing have proper ventilation enough is enough, follows and so what we were saying when we are criticising Donald Trump. That's what we're saying now follow the science and if you. follow the sides every school should be opened in America, Adrian? I know it's a balancing act I know that a lot of people have looked at. What's happened over the past year and looked at the recklessness of the former president looked at the recklessness of certain Lookin governors who were more interesting than owning the lives than they are for.
Following science and medicine. At the same time, aren't we getting really close to the point where cities, towns, businesses, small businesses, restaurant should be allowed to open up across the three yeah absolutely do I may need you talk about that Happy medium striking. That balance, that's exactly what we're looking for. You have state like Florida Arkansas, my homesick They have taken this, I think, to the farthest extreme, by lifting the mask mandate, not helpful. You have saved like Massachusetts. As you mentioned that problem need to be a little more aggressive in terms of opening up businesses, but Joe want to mention something when you talk about what's in the best interests of kids in sending kids back to school is also that in the best interest of parents there's a lot of parents out there is simply cannot afford to stay here. their kid and then we don't have a federal Paley policy, thereby demonstrating its made it clear that that something that they are hope,
we'll be I'm path for maybe one of the next step coming stimulus bells, but something that's got to be focused on here, because you just don't get not every parent in this country has the luxury I'm staying home and taking care of their kids about something that governors across the country have gotta be focused on in it, something that you know we ve gotta, taking into consideration when it comes to the interest of the cat. I'm no Rev Adrian brings up a great point. I'm talking about the children. Obviously again, I want to keep going back. Underlining the mental health crisis, which has been very tough throughout the year, but again talking to mental health providers. It's getting worse by the day and we are reaching a critical moment right now, where, where kids happy get back in the scope of Adrian brings up a great point. There are a lot of parents that that can't continue to be
be staying at home, staying away for them their job being distracted from their job. This has a disproportionate impact, especially the working class and middle class Americans who can't Forward and Annie, can't afford a babysitter day in and day out, not does it have a disproportionate impact on working class parents. It has a disproportionate pack or knows youngsters there in broadband desert areas. They can't go to school. online because is not available tool. So when you can proud of the fact that we have large swathes of the community that I come from, that have been demise by broadband deserts? You could proud that would the mental health issue and by parents and some of them single mothers that can't afford to stay home. It is time to go back to school, particularly when vaccine
actions have been all is so widespread. Now it is the more necessary for those that have been disparate disproportionately impact. And allowed. You also look at the financial crisis that working ass and middle class Americans have been through you. Also. You look at the disproportionate impact that this that this pandemic has had not just economically not a righteous medically, but also economically on people of color. And what I'm driving bass those buildings in Boston, one after another, There are, after another after another shot down, you know, but people that run the building the exam it is on that building there in their money multiply the stock market over the past year. This past years been one of the best year for the top one percent, but it's when those every day. Surely Baker allow
those buildings, distaste shut down every day, people can't go back to work. It's not the top one percent that are being damaged if, for the most part, It's working class Americans working class, Bostonians middle classes cons, middle class, Bostonians and and not just in Boston but across the country that people who are feeling the disproportionate impact. of course, not opening this country back up when one out of three Americans have been vaccinated when the mid already of Americans, yet o r r r moving toward toward immunity. We ve got to get this country open back up for working class and middle class. Americans cause you look again at the death rate you look at the hospitalization right, it's going down right.
I made is going down you're absolutely right, and we have we ve seen and experience covert capitalism where the top one percent they ve, actually as you as you, they ve multiply their bank accounts, while every day ordinary working people have struggled to keep their noses above water. We also know among our dead than the poor are disappointingly represented black people. People of color, poor people and white poor people are disproportionately represented. one that that extraordinary number of American did. I think part of what we have to emphasise this listening to you and I think, you're right in this regard we have to be. We have to follow the science we have to follow the science we have to be deliberate, but we also see. At the same time, we have to acknowledge that the variants of covert nineteenth its having it look at what is happening in Michigan, so we have to be done. in how we do this so that we don't lined up in a position where what, where, where we have to do all this all over again, but I think you're absolutely right in terms of mental health, we're on the brink, we
to figure out how to do this in a reasonable way. We have examples of how not to do it, but we need to begin to open up Joe. I agree with that point. and by the way, a balanced approach. You're, exactly right. You look at those pictures out of Florida were peep, are our jammed together. No masks, no social, distancing, It is a happy medium for the science, follow Madison Open up you're in ninety five masks require six feet of distancing, make sure that you have proper ventilation do all of those things it can be done and it needs to be done for working class Americans, it needs to be done for our children. It needs to be. for the millions and millions of Americans who are the breaking point, this now has become again, I think, a mental health crisis that is now perhaps even more urgent, more urgent.
then, where we are in the cove and crisis. If you look at the number of vaccinations, the four million back nations that were given on Saturday. The fact that the number of deaths Or going down the fact that the number of hospital patients are going down and they say they said There are variants, there are varying. We need to be turned about. Well, we have therapeutics, we have in ninety, five masks. We know what works. We know that six foot distancing works. We know that proper ventilation works. Think its responsibility of governors is the responsibility of leaders to figure out how to strike that Happy Medium between Boston and Miami Beach, Still out all morning, Joe Georgia, Governor Brian Cowen, pits back after Major league baseball. decides to move this. Some results are game out of Atlanta. Amid backlash over this its new voting law. How does Georgia's election compare to other states plus scores of supporters of former
is about tromp unknowingly, donated in this disease, heart breaking story, I'm knowingly donated more money do is campaign than they wanted to. According to the New York Times investigation? In fact, the tramp campaign may have accounted for three percent of credit card fraud. Complaints in the entire you're contrary watching morning, job will be right back looking for more dateline mysteries, peacocks on again with a new streaming channel, dateline twenty. Four seven with care It sees and episodes and topics from the archives they Twenty four seven is all dateline, all the Thai plus with He got dateline collections. You can easily find top episodes in themes like love, triangles reed and more today
started, gotta pick on tv dot, com and sign up for free. What were watching the game here is opening game up in Boston work across that major League baseball was moving. They all star game out of Atlanta because of the new voting bill that passed out of Georgia. Obviously it caused a firestorm Georgia, Governor O Brien Camp, Besides that decision, and also criticize several Atlanta based companies as backlash over the states, new voting war continue. So it was fry Actually, there will be announced, can be moving the upcoming all sorry game out of Atlanta to a ball park in another state that news that the governor dating back over the weekend
even comparing voting oars and Georgia to those in New York state where Major League baseball is headquartered. Major League, baseball, cave to fear, and last from They ignore the facts of our new election integrity law and they ignored the consequences of their decision on our local can George's and all Americans should know what this decision means. It means cancelled. Sure and partisan activists are come for your business they're coming your game or event in home town in their coming to cancel everything from sports to how you make a living. In New York. They have ten days of early voting in Georgia. We a minimum of seventeen with two additional sundays that are optional for all counties
stay in New York. You have to have an excuse to vote by absentee in Georgia. You can absentee for any reason, and you can do it securely its. here to vote in Georgia than it is in New York. Even more ridiculous. Does that email Bay didn't sign a single reason that they disagreed with the bill in their state. Everyone standing here today, home. No. Why? Because the facts in the truth, don't support their neared. So that's really the question: what are the facts. what's the truth and was this reaction by major league baseball extreme? It's a question that was explored by election, analysing sort of the data go when it comes to elections for the New York Times nightgown in its latest peace sidled Georgia's election law, and why turn out isn't
easy to turn off and it common rights. In part this there is a real and bipartisan misunderstanding about whether making it easier harder to vote, especially by mail, has a significant effect on turn out or election outcomes. The evidence suggests it does not, possible. The law is intended to do exactly what progress is fear reshape the electorate to the advantage of Republicans soon after an electoral defeat, making it harder to vote and yet the laws voting provisions are unlikely to sink. This is count speaking the voting. Provisions are unlikely to significantly affects turn out or democratic chances. It could plausibly even increase turn out the final outcome. it will probably be hard to say whether it had any effect on turn out at all. That's nightgown the New York Times Election data expert.
Let's take a closer look at what the new law does and what the loot new law does. I do want to do this, so you can actually work. make up your mind. Instead of having people telling you what you should, it shouldn't believe and check this out. This is all in the times it's all in the Wall Street Journal, it's all in the Washington Post. It's all out. Their producers done a good job, breaking this down under the new law, Georgians are going to have at least seventeen days of early voting, including Saturday is the governor said with an option of on as well now the law before the pandemic in the last election in two thousand eighteen used to require only one Saturday for early voting policing It had along lines in the past elections in Georgia, my god they had some of the longest in the country are now
required to add machines, are now required to add. Staff are required to split the precinct, which a lot of these precincts need to be split on that count rights. It could be a big when for voters in Georgia's urban areas we have dealt with some of the longest lines in the country but those voting by mail will be required to provide a day and the window to request in return and absentee ballot is shorter than it was in two thousand eighteen run out, you're going to be held for weeks after the initial election, instead of nine weeks after that, squeeze in early voting to just one week down from three ballot drop boxes which had not been part of Georgia voting until the pan, chemic when they were added under emergency rules fork of it now there are dropped boxes, interact
written into the law. There are limits, though, on the number and each county, and why Sandra boxes in the last election were outdoors and and usable at all hours. They must now be indoors and excessive. only during early voting out we're so instead of being accessible all ours now only during early voting hours. Now, with this one place, Georgia, will still have no excuse absentee voting in that respect. The governors right, it's far more permissive, the New York State, which has a democratic governor, chronic legislature and allows only limited absentee voting New York also has few four days of early voting, just nine Georgia's maximum of seventeen and again is the Georgia. Governor would tell you that's New York is where M L B
is based. New Jersey was just praise last month for a law that expanded early voting. It went up to nine days or about half of like Georgia has now And critics of the law, including present, bind, have singled out the restriction I have to the restriction on handing water to voters in line, but that same provision states quote this code, section shall not be rude to prohibit a pull off from making available self service water from an unattended receptacle to an lecter waiting aligned about another state with respect since on bringing water to voters in line you guessed it New York How did New York State LAW to freshman's, given out, must be worth less than the dollar and the people giving them out cannot open lead in a fight with a candidate violations of that rule is a class a misdemeanor. I got to say so you probably
Using these things, like I M saying: ok a little of this little that it's kind of hard to figure out. How long did it provisions compared in New York to New Jersey to other states, some Delaware, where, where some blue states, or even more restrictive than Georgia, the big concern. I think, for people that have really read this closely. What what's concerned me? The most has banned the action. They by Georgia, and- and this is also what concerned your base caught me no email bay is, is in you, look at the shock of the posts trump. and what happened on January, six, that the problem is that the law is drafted in the first I'm in the face of essentially zero voters, fraud in the twenty twenty election, and so you just have to be asked yours up why in the world, would they create this new?
even if it does expand voting in some areas and constricts it and others. If you had Georgia's own secretary, state repeatedly denying that there is widespread. Fraud in the last election so aided, so the question you have to ask and the provisionally turns me the most, where the state can actually step in and and and take over local election officials decision making process. Question you have to ask is what, if there weren't any problems in the last election, what's a need for a new bill here? Is the Secretary state of Georgia last December, we ve never found systemic fraud not enough to overturn the election. We have over two hundred fifty cases right now we reach out to the governor
and asked for additional manpower resources which can be? I guess this additional reach, so we can finish up these investigations quickly, but right now we don't see anything that would overturned the will of the people here in Georgia, a said, whatever tromp judge said, he said what every Trump justice set on the Supreme Court Comp avoided no widespread voter, fraught nobody found widespread about fraud and Rapids Burger as Secretary of State has also been chair of this State Board of elections. Now the legislature that was criticising him during the the recounts, He's gonna pick the chair of the board and a majority of the members of the Secretary of State becomes a non voting member state boards. Gonna. Have the authority to take over low election boards under certain under certain circumstances. Again, my greatest Are the concern of a lot of people and last week,
when Georgia's governor face pressure from president trumped to intervene and vote County said the Secretary of State at the authority over elections, they cannot be overridden New law gives some of that authority to the legislature, which has been under republican control. Now for almost two decades there maybe this scenario present tromp was looking for and other battleground states last fall. That's when Trump invited top Michigan Republicans to the White House just days before the state certified its vote tally, but, according to the eight p, they told drop. They had no authority when it came to awarding electoral votes. One final thing: critics have Can Georgia's law to Jim Crow era voting rules? I am convinced,
be able to stop this because it is the most pernicious thing this makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle, menaces gigantic. What they're trying to do, It cannot be sustained and do everything in my power, along with my friends in the house of the cell, to keep her from from becoming the law. Again, I understand the reaction to whatever on January, the sex. I understand the scepticism on why George it would change voting laws. change voting laws when actually there was no widespread voter fraud just a month or two ago bike we need to be precise in our criticism. Here's. What Jim Crow era voting look like in Georgia, the state established a pole, tax and eighteen. So They want and later at a requirement that citizens pay back taxes in order to vote by one estimate that cut black turn out in Georgia in half
in nineteen O. Seven, Georgia added a literacy test for voters, but a number of exit, Genes allowed white Georgians devout, even if they failed that tests, not so for black voters, in the early nineteenth hundreds Georgia's Democratic Party, explicitly blocked nine, none non white voters from participating in their primaries does seem were quite away from Jim Crow to point out, but let's and right now share and constitutional law for the Ohio State University NED fully mad a lot. A light thrown in jail surrounded Americans right now, looking trying to sort through this George, a law and. My question to you is: does this Georgia law look, like quote crow to point out, is its critics have suggested and that major League baseball is suggested, or is it a bit more ambiguous,
Embassies haste brown. You know these days. just so much news to wrap your head around is challenging to get deeper understanding of things. So every morning go beyond that lines with MSNBC daily if features perspective from people. You know and trust enlightening article bite for mainly many Hassan List Plank and Frank. The gipsy plus we'll get a fresh take every morning from me, start your day with MSNBC Daily Emerson BC, Dotcom. Well, I think you're right the great summary by the way and I'd like to give it to my students, if that's ok, because it really laid out in the other data so and when I particularly like, was that you focused on before and after the as well as side by side. By what I mean by that is there's two ways to look at a change in voting rules and one is compare what it was previously and I'm
measure there's a lot of different parts to this new bill. Some are expansions meaning it's easier to vote. If there's more days of early voting, some of it is a bit of interaction? The rules on absentee voting, for example, while more nor is the New York, are more restrictive than with Georgia had previously and part of the reason why that before versus after comparison is important, does on the other new- and I talked about previously, which is the shall be county decision from the? U S, Supreme Court, which refer to a part of the Voting Rights ACT which was specifically about that before and after perspective section. Five of the voting rights access states were able to make changes to the voting rules. The covered states like some eleven in the south proving that it wasn't making things worse off for the voters who, at previous, we experienced in elections and so
Some of the provisions, I think, of the new Georgia law to look a little bit worse off at the tickle. Your point was like: why was it necessary? Georgia ran a really good election in November, two thousand and twenty. Why make some of these changes? including the food and water change in particular, on the other hand, if you don't take that before and after perspective- and you look side by side to New York and new yours, New Jersey, Georgia doesn't look so bad So I do think it is a nuanced multi factored story that has multiple components, and I think you are absolutely right that the most dangerous each of the law is the one that you pointed out to which takes the power away from the incumbent secretary of state who did such a good job for voters. greedy and election integrity last year when President Trump asked for the population of the voting process.
The secretary say said: no, we do it properly. We count everybody's vote unaccountably, but about fairly He made some very good decisions and it looks like this laws in part revenge for him standing up for the truth and standing up for fairness and that's what's most worrisome to me, that really is worrisome. Let's talk, though, state by state comparisons, because major League baseball right now would probably be better off being based. soda or or again or other states? they don't have the restrictive. Voting laws that New York State has any New York States just been seen as a nightmare. I too, when I called my friends during, one in twenty? Even in the early voting, they all said the same thing I listen. I want to vote I really really feel compelled to be a part of this alike but it's a three hour. Wait Nyjord, that time and time again, not only
This New York have some some, the most restrictive voting list. say of some of the most restrictive ballot access laws for people who want to rhyme for office? so talk about how New York, which actually only has limited absentee voting, while Georgia actually is kept in place, no excuse absentee voting. and have nine day early voting days compared to Georgia's seventeen early voting days at a minimum time? about how major League baseball's argument. Sir, is made weaker by the fact that they are based in a state that has in ways even more restrictive voting laws in Georgia, but that's actually true, it's been well known among the election law, scholars and practitioners that New York has been an outlier. Bad way for years. In turn, limited access to voting in really antiquated and old fashioned.
who used to be decades ago. The model was no day of voting on election day with very limited vote by mail or absentee vote. but many other states around the country expanded in order to give borders more choice, more opportunity without sacrificing integrity, Oh hi always done that floored is done than many. Other states have done that, but not new you. New York was, I was behind Times as it were, and still stuck to that very old fashioned, very restricted method. You I think New York is finally trying to up a little bit, but again you know that their expansion leaves them and jerseys still leaves them with fewer days. early voting than many other states. Nor Thank you so much chair and constitutional law at the Ohio State University, Folly and mad, if makers can be very excited when I tell her that your cat joined in on the shots and was
star and that head. Thank you. Thank you. Much for being used. very well. Thank you so much that we have to see you back soon so we have. Let me bring you in here going through the facts. You talk about your biggest, sir, and how we balance some of these things out, and I just gotta ask based on what we are learning because as a first time battle people really dug in the New York. I know you ve probably spent your life trying to make New York place where it's easier to vote or New Jersey other than working on New York also to expand their their voting rights. What what? What? What are you take away on this debate- and you think major League baseball did the right thing again, Major league baseball did do the right thing I think, was missing in a lot The reporting is that the players began saying they did not want to play in Georgia
and this was not just a corporate decision by major league baseball. Praise was saying that, based on allegations. Unproven and honour but our trump, is, why The judge, a legislator went legislature, went back in to check in some of the things. If you compare Georgia to do, Europe Obviously, new Yorkers is looks worse, and many of us have been fighting that, for all of our careers too, for the errors in New York, but George you went back in already changing things? Let's not forget. Governor camp had changed things his last rays to beat Stacy Abrams. Now you go back in again because You want to react to what trumped say. I think that is what escalated this, because you are. made certain change. You just close voting sites. You have done a number. changes in Georgia in the last
Natalia raised that many of us felt was unfairly stacks against state Stacy. Now you incited by double Donald Trump you the Secretary of State, to now if Donald Trump could have called other people may have won the state of judge. I think best would escalated this, but in comparison to New York, I think they win in compare into themselves. They have to explain why you keep changing the rules after Easter election. Is it because the results are not what say in wild rules. Always where it disproportionately impact, whereas been large black turn out Eddie. If you look at the side by side, comparisons of Georgia and New York. The wraths right In many instances, New York actually compares unfavourably the biggest question.
He's been ask from the beginning of this process has gone to the intent of the legislature, and why did the legislature go back in change these voting rules when there was no evidence, no court found evidence of widespread vote or fraud, so few go down line by line in many instances, Georgia actually did expand voting. Georgia did express, other areas guaranteed for the first time drop boxes again. You still have to go back and you have to ask really one of the most important questions will. Why did they do this in the first place, if well, that the Secretary of State, whose Republican, either republic and officials in Georgia in Trump appointed judges in Georgia, Tromp appointed Georgia's
Judges across the country all said the same thing. There was no spread now widespread voter front. So what exactly where they trying to fix Joe, I think that's the question and of course there is the historical backdrop. compared Georgia, too, to the state of New York. Let's just ask basic Still I dont have the answer, so I'm doing something that lawyers they'll do. How often is new been sued in terms of The re voting rights of minority, its minority citizens or black people, and how often is Georgia has been sued in relation to two that practice and I think, is very important. Understand the effort to be balanced here, but you're absolutely right. We try to extend good faith to camp and the republican legislature in terms of this particular piece of legislation If you do that, then you kind of offer the kind of analysis that tone has offered, but what we think about it as a kind of road and crass political gesture in not even a gesture act in life.
Of what we just saw in the presidential election and in this run off. We see this a crude and crass power grab on the part of the Republican Party when we talk I'm looking at an earlier piece in the New York Times about that vote about the law. Early voting is expanded and a lot of small counties, but probably not in the more popular ones. We talk you already talked about. What's going, with the State Election Board and and the suspension of county of election officials and what that would mean for the democratic process. I can go through a whole range of other elements of that law, which suggests that it wasn't passed in good faith, so part of what I want us to do understand it for what it is a crude and crass political act? I understand the polemics around The analogy oftentimes we use Jim Crow as a way of calling it into. What seems too a cynical racist action and often dive. That
allergy, Joe, does more harm, it obscures more than an illuminates. But what we need to understand is that this is a crude political, keep using that word, a cruel crass political act aimed at securing power on the part of white republican men in the state of Georgia, So so, like lead, say, Charlie Sykes, I read bit of Nate Cones article that a lot of people are talking about. Yesterday were nightgown said correctly. We don't know what turnouts gonna be in twenty Twenty two- and I say this- is a republican, avert, democratic, complaining and Republicans complaining for a quarter of a century about our turn out is going to be knocked down or turn out it's going to be affected by this voting law that voting law. Nobody really, no general! We, my God, how many days, how many weeks, how many months do we talk about the post office?
they were going to read and fix this election and stop voted, now we had extraordinary voter turn out this election. So we made cones point. We don't know why. How how this is going to turn is correct. Well now, the day after the twenty twenty two election, but I want to focus Charlie, have you focus on two things? Ok, good, because it seems to me that's the heart of this first is: do people need to pull back when they they they're, calling this law Jim Crow to point out? lot of people have is that hyperbole and is it doing what Eddie suggested, maybe more harm than good cause? It obscures other facts and the second thing is: did I'll be the major league baseball overreact are, as the Rev said, where they just reacting to their players, who said a but we're not going to play there, because as one
person connected Major League baseball, told me on Friday. If you have one player decides not to shove, they all start game Then another player decides then pretty soon. You have things falling apart quickly, so so those two things, Joe Crow, major league baseball is Jim Crow to point out and did major League baseball overreact. Ok, so you. You ve, laid this out really well and- and I think eddies point about this legislation being bad faith. What was the intention of this legislation, based on the download from big lie about an election that, in fact I was free, fair and completely secure, is absolutely about this. The other real concern oughta be about whether or not this does politicize. This is. and whether or not this makes it easier for. Our report guns to overturn, say the twenty twenty four election, the retaliation against Brad Rapids Berger, I think, is a real red flag. in this legislation, but having said that there is,
need to gild the lily. Then, if you look at what you know, the intention and the possible implications of this? You don't need to engage in the over the top rhetoric like Jim Crow, who point out Jim Crow was a very specific hey. It was and a you laid out what it was. This big has a lot of flaws, but I think the danger of of over the top rhetoric is the risk of disease ready during the attacked and you're. Seeing this right now, the blow back Republicans has been. You are misrepresenting this bill and governor I am not a fan lays out Eddie, as you have done, lays out the did, the they'd, the differences between the Georgia law and the New York luck and concern. Is that what's happening, is is that some of the critics are losing their credibility and will make it harder easier to fight against
of these voter suppression laws around the country, and so that's the problem. When you go to death, can we not one word defcon five I always get confused. I fancy. I know this is Jim Crow to point out as likely when and where do you go when, in fact, you have an overt attempt to overturn it actions what happened when you have an overt attempt to suppress the election and I am not defending the door delight in any way whatsoever. I'm just saying that it did The concerns are legitimate enough without going so far as to say that a Jim Crow to point out, specifically, as you pointed out, that it actually makes it easier to vote early so M l B, did they go to far. I think it's going to be interesting. Where are they going to go now? Consider I know that some of these other states also have voter Idee requirements are also have limited. early access. What I think is
interesting is watching the number of republican senators and congressmen who are reacting to this by threats legislative retaliation were kind of in a new era. Now we're Republicans decided the blend together their anti corporate class warfare culture war into bundle and they're going to be focusing on going after companies and businesses threatening their tax breaks. threatening the Anti trust exemption of major league baseball. This is going to be a very interesting new era. How much are they going to willing to use government power to punish private entities that take political positions? They don't like you know. It's interesting also await. It seems. What are these Georgia legislate lighters they don't understand the forty nine other states, I'm sure Jacksonville Florida would love to have Coca COLA in their city limits. I
in Connecticut, when I was living in Connecticut, there are legislators, Consulting a general electric, you know General Electric: did they moved in Boston so is so again I ate it seems a little short sighted, but but will see its initiative It is interesting, though, as we talk about the all star game that the governor was talking about Stacy Abrams, said email be listen day, Stacy Avram, snow now, actually and they'll be, did not listen to Stacy. Abrams goes Stacy. Abrams wanted all star game to stay in Atlanta. Ask em it'll be to keep it in Atlanta. The same thing with John US off same thing with Ralph Warnock. They all said. Please don't this game out of Atlanta. Let's have the spotlight on this voting all by having the all star game here, it's a better opportunity and don't hurt people
in this city. A lot of people in Georgia wish listen to Stacy Abrams and the two democratic senator so every now ride? Let's talk about the provision that think causes. Most concerns to most people who do see this as a power grab by Republicans and that is where you are allowing the state legislature to take over and step in for the Secretary of State and step for local election officials. I know you and and and so many people remember what was happening in Michigan without Young Republic in election official they kept getting intimidated and knocked around cause ordered him to cheat and they refuse to cheat. They couldn't step in same thing happened in Georgia. The same thing happened across The country with Donald Trump and other Republicans too.
to intimidate these local officials. Talk about the danger, the Georgia law in respect to allowing this state, legislature to step in and actually make decisions for the secretary. State and even local officials, well Joe. This is really the dangerous path that a law like this to those just pass in Georgia will create for other stay. I mean that's the fundamental thing here now that this law,
in Georgia were seeing other states like Arizona. They should have a republican held legislators that are going to focus on passing a similar law. So make no mistake this. They systematic effort that Republicans are taking across the country to try to restrict the rights of voters and yes, of course, Governor Kemp, come forward and said well, there is actually a couple things. This law does to expand the rights of voters in I'm, so glad Joe that you in the show, took the statements where you did, because I think it so important to look at the full picture. But when you take the thirty thousand foot view and take a step that is important to also keep in mind that this is an effort that Republicans are taking across the country to make it that much harder for people to vote, which is why we got a look at the questions. Why, in the world, is Georgia trying to change their state law on this when there is no boat of private was found? Why are we turn anything over to the power politicians, whether your democratic Republic reports in this case, it really is the Republicans that are doing this-
You know it, and why are we trying to do anything to reject or make it difficult or boaters about, even if there are some areas that are expanded? The fact there, the areas that are restricted in this law. Why are we doing anything like that in this day and age, when we should only be trying to expand the right for people about, ride. Adrian now right. Thank you. So much is always Charlie sites at Eagle out junior thing. He was well
Transcript generated on 2021-04-07.