« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 4/28/21

2021-04-28 | 🔗

President Joe Biden will announce a roughly $1.8 trillion plan to invest in universal preschool, free community college and expanded access to child care in his joint address to Congress on Wednesday night, the White House said.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We know that there are many challenges that your business is faced over the past year. Overcoming these obstacles together has been our strength. One challenge that businesses should never face alone is dealing with the impact of foreign competition in pencil. Vain you, we support your business and employs through benefits and resources, learn more about how we can help you. At De L, I dont be a dot gov, Slash, rapid response paid for with Pennsylvania taxpayer dollars Those that I took to the constitution compelled me to vote for impeachment and it doesn't bend to partisanship it doesn't Ben to political pressure is Donald. For the time twenty Germany would use it, for. I would not lose Jane, very good catching there's got pregnant, paused yeah, exactly like
not sure what to do with that little Cheney. Those staying the course when it comes to her defence of the. U S, car Solution, it's easy for her. Let's see if every Republican can do that, drop it I've without a hell of a journey. I hated this way. Oh my god. I hate it from our point of view, is bit of Gaza cordial growth, but today. First Anglesey. All I can say is count me out enough is enough, but I'm doing a golf tournament were present tromp this Sunday may the second impact campaign is gonna optional, slot off the plane you have lunch, you have breakfast present trump you get a photo you play. It has of course, in Florida is gone, bail, fine we really do actors. That is so they had the strongest of convictions. They had the weakest.
Unfortunately, there are a lot more Lindsey Grams in their our lives. Cheney's affect their two or three lives changes in this case, Adam Kinsey, some others who said they sat on January sex was that we had. This was a bad day that you can inside a riot that you can't bring people to the Kapital in an insurrection and have stayed today. Which wouldn't seem to be that of a position to hold, and yet we see people like Lindsey, Grammont and Kevin Mccarthy, headed right back and we ve, never Kevin Mccarthy went to Morrow Logo shortly after January six to get his photo taken with president and to remind his voters that he still stands with the former president, well in Wednesday's De France and Linda in Wednesday's defence. He said what he said and they the Reagan, national and three people and a puppy dog we're bargain, adding freaking out.
Everything changed after that. Actually, everything changed on January six than if you bear the capital, as we were both yesterday its desolate and The capital police are our heroes and they ve been through a lot and it's sad unbelievable. How completely transform the place is it's quiet? It's empty. It's supposed to be the people's house. It's just a few people. Working there, and it is a tragic you have is, Ratchik, what has happened is it is really something I will tell you a willing. The one thing we did say we walk past saw those kept police officers. And he s not everybody. We ve talked about it, not every capital, police officer, did the way the cap oil police would have wanted them to act and Dave, add those investigations and they ve handled situations by
overwhelming number are extraordinarily loyal to the badge and too their duty and their country, you just can't help but thanking each one of us for their services, you see him up there on the hill epsilon, what they ve done and what they know they still have to do, because there are still enemies among us. There's still our people like aren't or in the building actively about about causing more chaos. They are protecting them. They do their job and they ve got a big security event tonight murmur they lost another officer a few weeks ago. On the other side of the capital, ram, so they ve had a very difficult few months. One of the officers actually was on CNN last night, with down lemon gave an extraordinary interview where he recounted what happened to him that they remember, he was the officer on the front steps who was beaten with a flag he had several strokes. He has four children and he began.
Ask himself what was going to happen to his children without their father he was ready to die and he just said he believe when he turns on the tv and watches some of the politicians like the ones we just saw whitewashing, happened in January six because he was there and he knows what happened. You take RON Johnson show that he was not a little state senator from Wisconsin telling arrogance that There was no risk that day, I'm never felt threatened. That day and again, like you said trying to whitewash the facts it. One Johnson works would sedition lists. Ron Johnson works with people who actively encourage people to come up to the hill. Where did what it wanted Rudy Giuliani, call it combat justice and and Don Jr saying we're coming after you we're coming up there and we're at work and we're going to love it we're going to enjoy it and Donald Trump and courage,
of mediation by the way. Why are we still talking about this near the end of April? We support you in this by the end of April, because there are people like around Johnson, who were whitewashing at their people like Linsey, Graham who are watching us. Forget not only what happened on January, the sixth, but also that he properly blamed Donald Trump for what happened on January. The sex, just like Cavern Mccarthy,. Blamed Donald Trump on January, the sixth in a very heated phone call and then on on on the House floor later saying that it was Donald Rumsfeld, so you know it truth is inconvenient for some of these people, who still want to hang out more go, but the truth is a truth maker and- and there was an insurrection,
tenth of a mile that way and and we're not gonna for it and Americans shouldn't forget it and they shouldn't forgive so, as you were describing Willie here is the DC metropolitan. Police officer, recounting his traumatic experience being brutally attacked by a on January, six and blasted. The quote: whitewashed rhetoric that followed. The violence. Take a listen, it's been very difficult, seeing elected, officials and other individuals, kind of white the events that day or downplay what happened. It is some of the terminology that is used like hugs and kisses, and you know very fine. People is like very different from what I expected and what my coworkers experienced experienced a group,
visuals that were tried to kill me to accomplish. If you know their goal- and I think that so I don't then I didn't think I'd get this emotional. The army I experienced the most brutal. Savage hand to hand combat. Of my entire life, let alone what policing career with fans almost two decades is officer Michael for known. Can you imagine not? Can you again. These Terrorists Donald Trump
Don, will use used the american and flag did beat officers and beat them within an inch of their lives and. It's just staggering to me that you actually have people in the media on the right, baiting, thus trying to downplay the US in trying to do play? The officer signet die of a struggle, had several strokes the next day and you look at what all the officers went through, that were beaten by Donald Trump supporter and it is sickening Lindsey Gram. It is sickening that Kevin Mccarthy, this sickening that a lot of these people, are supporting the the
the terrorists, the rioters, this additional, the insurrectionists who were trying to overthrow the United States Constitution and stop the cards to counting of votes unforgivable, isn't it and when you look back in and think about what led up to that day, the lies that were told for a couple of months, leading up to that day that it was a stolen election of these people had to stop the steel. They were driven largely by the present United States, but by others, and on that day by senators like TED Crews and Josh Holly, and I would just ask You stand with police? Do you stand with officer for known who was lying on the ground somewhere in their being beaten with an american flag yelling? I have kids, I have kids so that they wouldn't kill him. Do you stand with officer for known, listen to him Listen in his interview with Don Lemon last night and think about what happened: on that day and confront what led up to that day and there are a lot of
the Publicans and capital held, know exactly what happened on that day were scared on that day, both still won't tell the truth about what happened There are, of course, some Republican soon will tell the truth and who, I told the truth by When the clarity and am Lindsey Groundswell their sort of in both camps, they told the truth early and then decided that they might face and political ramifications for showing character and speaking out, against this interaction of the people who inspired it, but that was then this is now and I'll. Instagram wants you to know that there is a really golf package that you can be a part of You spend enough money, you can hang out where the guy that was responsible for this insurrection and the brutalization of police officers with american flags. I'm sorry, I I have weekend plans. It sounds like actually for patriot
people who love America there's a lot better things they can do with. It good Lord this sector, that's Lindsey out anyway, with a meagre William may we have hopes of MSNBC politics, nations and present of the national Action network, Reverend Sharp Nelson event, washing bureau. Chief Elizabeth Boom Miller. Anwar Whitehouse editor for political. Sam Sty knew you were going If you look at those pics, you look at Lindsey Gram speech, on the floor. You look at the speech of Kevin Mccarthy, They were outraged by Donald Trump Behaviour until. They realized it might cause them a little bit politically Liz Jamie, said what he said when she did before and after and its Cheney and a couple other Republicans who don't really care. What the
legal consequences are their speaking. Truths devour yeah we're in a cannon, Mccarthy has May the calculation like Lindsey, Graham that I've been closed to Donald it is important to us political future. His goal is to become speaker of the house. Should the reporting eyelids should Republicans win back the house and twenty twenty two, so he has made the calculation of people say private that Ninos privately exactly what the problem is with Donald Trump. These exist as exasperated and Appalled by his behaviour as anybody else, but ISA is made the calculation that, but he is too important to his political future, to denounce him to do it. Lit beardless Janni did then once again and Kevin Mccarthy is trying to be, as he says, thread the difficult needle and keep it open open door to President Trump and budgets.
I dont know how long is as an additive than aware. Well over time. I dont know up look like next year as the big question. Europeans. These some of that support for Donald Trump ebbing away already. You can see how low The priority is right now again, I think I said I'm not sure it's right, calculation right now yeah in politics. Usually a train moves on. I think this is I'm gonna be one more example of that at some point, and you may be right early next year, people can it really be looking at around a sad at Sir look. Someone else is a leader. The party, SAM Stein, Elizabeth Boy, she's dead. On about that calculation that that Mccarthy Mccarthy is made Kevin, told, told people told people January, the and after how outraged he was it Donald Trump and that it was unforgivable. What Donald Trump did in the Donald Trump was an eighty. Eighty eight here, who would not have been a harsher two people close down
even now weeks later a month or two later Has his attitude for people around a move. Talk, too, is what you expect me to do it. To be speaker of the house. I have to have Donald Trump support. And so we went down and kissed the ring. He's very clear. It's not like is so in private and things same thing, he's saying publicly and private he's blasting, Donald Trump, but he's just fleur de lis. Cynical about it and says what do you want me to do? If I want to be speaker of the house, I have to have this guy. On my side, Yeah me during the course of the second impeachment trial. We got news in word that now infamous call that hardly had withdrawn and which try. Basically said you know, I guess I care more about the election than you do cabin
there was a time where Mccarthy could have made its first kid it away from Trump. You could have stood up in a moment, calculation embraced. The call essentially said yeah are this happened in its but we need to move on In that moment, he made the calculation in the other direction. Are you time by, which is that is clear objectives were in line with the embracing trump instead, so we went down tomorrow, Muggah, I will say there is another member of european leadership who has gone in the other direction decided you know it's not worth it. That's the change in her status in GNP leadership. Circles right now is imperilled because although she still is in leadership, adjust its very evident from watching these people talk. How much clear her consciences when she asked questions. Yes, she has a little pause there, but there's the pauses for dramatic, it's because she's not because she's thinking
stop it? I'm gonna now show no largely while she says it. She has a short say she says it now. The only thing I would say is totally convinced that Mccarthy's gambit doesn't work out for him honestly you know trump as may be adding a little bit. But you look at these poles in John, both intrinsic said the soup or which was very clearly designed to show the Trump support was fading, but even in that poll they tested. Twenty forty four nominees and tramples at something like forty. Four in the next closest person to Santa through that nine percent reminiscing twenty six p. Where You know we're like while he's not over fifty, but eventually they just call us run, and so I think you know is power is still. Very tangible, it's obvious obvious, even in Lindsey Graham doing these golf things, so I'm not totally sure he fades that quickly. It could very well be that this
persists through twenty twenty four, when he asked to make a decision on whether he runs for the presidency Well. This morning we are learning new details about president binds addressed to a joint session of Congress. Tonight. A key theme will be a guy A government that works one White House Visual said the address will be something of a victory lap on his administrations, handling of the endemic vaccination, campaign and then immediate impact of the american rescue plan, including the stimulus tat checks. It will also be a quote, sober assessment of what we ve been through, and I quote career assessment of the challenges we still face the White House, says. Racial justice will be another major theme. One official tells They say news. The president will make a quote a fugitive push for the Senate to take up the police form bill that has already passed house centre
TIM Scott, the leave republican negotiator on police reform will deliver the gene p response there been no guests in the gallery so that it also very different as well. Law makers will be seated there too. Love for social distancing house minority with Steve Scully says just twenty five house Republicans will be present many of them freshmen members centre, John One expects. Sixty senators will attend thirty from each party. Ideas, remarks Whitehouse Press secretary, General Zackie, says the president will mean: staffers who were inside the capital during The January sixth attack, White House says he will take his message on the road beginning tomorrow, with a trip to Georgia Friday, the president will visit Adelphi, where he will also mark the fiftieth anniversary of em, track Willie of course he well. He also tonight in the address
formerly announces american families plan that expands healthcare, child care and education assistance. The present reportedly will ass Congress to pay for the entire Many of the one point eight trillion dollars and new spending by increasing taxes on the wealthy, including increasing the top marginal tax rate nearly doubling the capital gains rate, the administration of supply to use revenue from some of the corporate tax increases he announced last month, so rare One point: eight trillion dollars. This is a new package, in addition to the one point nine trillion dollars. We have for the covert relief to point to five trillion propose for infrastructure. One point: eight trillion here it is really about education is about fighting poverty, extends education. Pre K makes that national and then pays for two years of free community college, so extends frankly, our education system from K, through twelve pre k into college,
among other things, what do you make of the plan and what you might hear from the president tonight plan is necessary, because you must remember we're dealing with this in light of a nation that has been virtually and locked down for over a year and many of our youngsters. Was students out four year, those that are in areas with broadband deserts that couldn't even do education online. We need investment to lie only bring us to an even playing field, but to pray catch up, though there were already behind before the pandemic. Now handicapping infer the slide thing that when you look at the context, in which the president is making there's a dress and sing out in making this request You must say that the president is right on point here, so I'm ancient to see how he lays it out
to see what his emphasis is on racial justice and policing. I think that you got to with the time in which we're in and the forecast for this speech tonight says President is going to address the times, not due times Elizabeth The numbers really are staggering. We just throwing around trillions and trillions using that term casually at this point, this new plan, the proper, so what here tonight about education does call for another taxing as we already know that plan. We're in the middle of discussing right now and infrastructure is being held up by Republicans because of a proposed tax increase. What are they? aspects for getting all this legislation through the Congress. Well, I think they're going to have to, I don't think they're going to get any Republican
That's for it, if you add up all that the three different packages of infrastructure, human human infrastructure and stimulate its six trillion dollars as extraordinary and the president is proposing the paper this by increasing taxes on the ridge the top marginal rate, thirty nine percent, is also proposing to two. You have eight billion dollars to the IRS ticket to crack down on tax cheap. So, if you may more than four hundred thousand dollars a year are you have a much better chance that this axis of getting I did it also and their arguing that they can pay Bacon Jenny one trillion dollars in an extra money from bad. You know getting getting people to pay their third, their fair share, tat, we shall see, but I dont think I gotta get any republican boats. This is gonna, be done through the process of reconciliation, and I think it's all. I get a password democratic boats, including
Trusting me enough. There's a lot in the infrastructure plan. Traditional infrastructure plan, they Republicans like bridges, roads. You know, tunnels and you know it looks like from republicans- are going to vote for big infrastructure plans and their own districts, and you know that but I'd but there's just no. Given these two some pieces. I don't think there's any prospect of getting Republican both Willie. I wonder about Joe Mansion, Kirsten Cinema, so I Think of the out of all of the covered relief bills from last year and this year it adds up to four trillion dollars. If I'm not mistaken, you add, on top of that, the one point. Nine are you out? On top of that, the two point three trillion dollar infrastructure plan. On top of that, one point eight trillion dollars, I mean man, I don't know
I dont know how those numbers out, I'm just too. Country lawyer, but it's boy, a trillion dollars here. A trillion dollars. There is dark since suit, so here. Can about real money? It is extraordinary and I know Republicans who were trying now there some behind the scenes meetings about infrastructure, about trying to get pieces of this giant bill that they can agree on and get pass on. We hear now. You want me to spend another one point: eight trillion dollars and raise taxes, and on somebody else say Stein. Obviously, the infrastructure bill is difficult enough tonight, President binds gonna lay another one point: eight trillion dollar proposal on a congress, he's trying to get to do this deal. In the middle out right now and infrastructure me I mean it was absolutely right. The idea that there be reopened boats for this is wishful thinking,
I would say, is a good way to put it probably not going to happen, ironically, the tax sites that they are calling for to pay for this stuff pull better than the package. Sometimes people want to soak it to the rich. They want to soak it to corporations rich Americans raising marginal rates go for it. I just want to step back and not just our extraordinary this package is that he is going to introduce tonight. You know anyone The components in this package, whether its parental leave child tax credits, pre K on their own, would have been a policy. Why well for democrats- and these are generational struggles, that the party has pursued, they're, gonna, bundled altogether and say: let's do it at once, and it will be a monumental restructuring if it acts as a monument to restructuring of the american economy. It would dramatically overhaul the competent in any of our workforce or it will juice workforce productivity in ways that we probably are familiar with. But could you know that on the website you know if you heard me, fear
concern about deficits. First of all, you should have spoken out a bit more during the Trump years, but now you're, confronted with what Joe notes is trillions and trillions of dollars of spending, even though this portion will be paid for, but you know you might concern about overheating economy translation to so those are the things he has to juggle those concerns, in addition to the idea that Republicans will come back at them and say, look This is just too much spending too fast, there's no way, but you should be going it alone, like the sun. These monumental acute packages me to slow down Elizabeth, because these bills are is so massive because the skull as a sound said, generational kind of hard to get the problem. Solvers clock is together and say: ok, we're Oh, I don't know, worry one point nine trillion dollars you're at it hundred billion dollars? Let's wait in the middle somewhere. It makes it did
gold for for Republicans Democrats to come together because again Joe Biden of all people is doing his best after your right right now and trying to change the size and scope of government in a way that no president has since L, B, J and nineteen sixty four people they buy now. Biden knows Priscilla he's been very motivated by the talk, but this is like he's like the artist has been expelled, exciting to him and thrilling, because he's not think not. I wasn't thinking, there's a transformational president right when he was elected and he, but what he is he's a president in a hurry. He sees obviously like everybody else that they could lose. The house in twenty two and so he's got about to the end of the Vienna. He doesn't have a lot of time to get the step through and so they're moving really fast and really
and the other thing that he's doing is making a big bet on on the middle class and deciding that the way to lift up the country. It's a lift up the class as we all know in two thousand and eight slash, two thousand and nine. When Congress passed the big the big rescue plan after the financial crisis, the people have benefited where the rich that we can see that over over a decade. They are determined now to see about this a different way and to tax which you have really benefited and then super well, the last two decades and then very well during the pandemic able to stay home work from home. They stopped away saving Samuel see all the numbers. Yes, I can people who are really suffering so are you? Are you? as already for really late light, Willie, orbits, yo, ok, we're
I mean, if late mean six thirty six five, so I can get ready for will of fortunate seven, some crackers that could be more milk, I'm ready for a late night. You can join Joe Willie and me tonight on peacock for coverage. Of the president's addressed to Congress. We're gonna start things off at eight thirty Eastern wait. It ends at eight thirty, no, no, no! No, we're gonna get along the night is stored. Sedate the eastern we're gonna have a great time, Joe Yes, so I Willie one? What happens after Thirty eastern will you do I e that we'll fortune jeopardy block, usually don't even make it to jeopardize. You pass out right at the final puzzle and say Jack and Vana say Goodnight. This can reply I get
lazy boy. Yet I had, unlike slump in the chair, now tell me I'm workin really late tonight. Still I had on more White House principle. Deputy president secretary, Corinne John Pair will be our guest plus after ongoing debate. The cdc finally is. It its guidance for wearing masks outdoors, I'm Doctor Joe. We
oh that there are many challenges that your business is faced over the past year. Overcoming these obstacles together has been our strength. One challenge that businesses should never face alone is dealing with the impact of foreign competition in pencil. Vain you, we support your business and employs through benefits and resources, learn more about how we can help you. At De L, I don T a dot, Gov, Slash, rapid response paid for with Pennsylvania taxpayer dollars a guy's Willie guys here this week on the Sunday sit down podcast I get together with actor just in the row to talk about his new tv series, the mosquito coast and his high profile relationship with Jennifer Innocent, get our conversation now for free or every downloader pot casts Starting today, if you're, fully vaccinated and you're outdoors, you need and not a big crowd. You no longer need to wear a mask,
did, he say, is able to make this announcement. Because our scientists are convinced by the data at the odds of getting giving the virus to others is V very, very low if you're both been fully vaccinated and out the open air, so go get the shot. It's never but easier and once you, vaccinated go without a mask when you, outside and away from big crowds. The bottom line is clear: if you're vaccinated, you can do more things more safely, both outdoors as well as indoors for so for those who haven't gotten the vaccination year, especially if you're younger we're thinking you don't need it. This is another great reason. Go get vaccinated now now, yes,
Vaccines are about saving your life. Also the lives of the people around you. But there are also about helping you get us get back to closer to normal and our lily. More normal living getting friends, going through the park for a picnic, without needing to mask up we're back to that play now, as long as you get vaccinated, binding. Yesterday, commenting on the city sees updated guidance, unmask wearing fully vaccinated people can now forego wearing a mask outside in small groups. Settings regardless of other p, was vaccination status? The CDC recommends everyone where a mask outdoors in a crowded setting so there You go Joe rights they just where we to catch up with their guidelines and it was an abundance.
Of caution, but this is good news and for young people it's actually incredible news, because a lot of young people really suffering and want to have that here, connection and see people and be able to go outside what, unless a written, that's what it's, what we ve been talking about now for a month or two that or that with it, that the same, but there were criticising Donald Trump for not following the science me follow the science and, if you're, CDC director doktor vouch insane open up the schools for Middle health reasons kids need to be in school and that the risks are very low and if you're saying people too think about going outside without mask. We need to follow We all need to follow that guidance. Now that cutting the open the other way, and we have a chance to reopen this society. It really shows how political people have become because wouldn't volatile size when doktor
out, she and others were wanting us to be very- fallen, aware mass can to limit supposed others and they were adamant that they would not gonna what a man can they we're not going to do what he said now, one day, all relieving some of that now I must say, no we're going to do it and we don't trust that, and I think that it is It is really really Supposing how polarized a lot of people on political level where we're talking but something clearly we ought to be listening to the health risk experts and now the easing up. It is some We ought to listen to them as well about yeah, and you know SAM Stein, when, when there is embossed in early April. It says talking about how the place, so much of it was just shut down and in a way that really wasn't lining up with with what city sea were saying with
fenway with with my boys to see a couple games there. Like three people in Fenway. I mean seriously. If you still look at those games it's insanity, I think there, thirteen or fourteen percent now there's, I think the state of Massachusetts is doing or other states that lines up with CDC guidelines, its political and they're going the, other direction but saying that to be like the Texas Rangers, where their content, to see if they can get everybody in the stadium and stack them up three to four on top of each other, but seriously you look. There's a country mile between people that are in games fin away and last night at city and other stadiums these these people need to catch up with CDC guidelines. We I mean, look I'm with the refuge.
You just gotta, go by the science Raymond. This is what they ve been preaching from day. One wear masks because their helpful on me now give axing because you can return to life in a more normal fashion and more quickly- and you know everything scientifically tells us in the six he's now catching up on. This is that our door events I oppose very little risk for transmission, so bring life outdoors as much as you can. You possibly can, and that includes Baseball games in here know that the images of the Texas Rangers Attack Stadium, Gimme a palpable palpitations. I was just like all my god. What is going on there necessarily go that far? But, yes, I think you know we have now scientific consensus, that being our door. He said we have scientific consensus that you can be outdoors a mass concern settings in the people who were passionately, arguing that we should follow the science in all times. Grace these findings and go with them in practice. What they preach
really. They said. Follow the science when we're shutting the society when we're shutting business down for good reason, and now the basically saying ignore their science, where this is bigger. We neither nor what the CDC saying I mean it's, it's it's It's ridiculous and its. Extreme on the other? It yeah there's no question, I think from by and large most people are just trying to do the right thing. They don't want to be controlled, they're not trying to have their freedom taken away, but they're listening to leadership, they're listening to public health experts. So it's important when the CDC makes a statement like this, just even anecdotally being out last month, in New York going for a run or a biker, whatever you're doing big crowds of people and half the people? Didn't mass anymore? If I'd gone a week ago, almost everybody has the mask on so people are list to their leaders. It is important that the CDC take the lead and they finally did that. Yesterday. It's also worth pointing out what about the Rangers, and it is that those images were jarring at first, but when Texas start
roll back those measures. Member present by while the neanderthal thinking loving concerned about what was going to happen there. They have not seen a spike in cases in Texas. Note has been a fascinating to watch. They ve taken away the mask mandate. They ve relaxed, other rules about what people can do and where they can go and capacities in restaurants, and there has not been a spike, so that's been an interesting test case. Has its rhythm of the country what you know, I'm not a doktor. Now you're not going play one until not even close, and it seems to me that if we go back over the year Elizabeth, we can actually see trend lines. I can't wait five so now d C, epidemiologist. Look back and see what we got and what we get wrong, but this way we does go in waves when it first started in February and March. You have been, these it was getting head and then
Burundi Santa going out, and I think it was maybe April or may of last year and is and we did everything right. We did it. We ve got hot, we went to the window and then everybody went. Then everybody went inside and errors taxes and fly. And what happened because people in the but these were going out. Infection rates went down because everybody in the south in text, Arizona, affordable, going inside the ways we saw this spike Is very clear that when you're inside and there's not a lot of ventilation, This is how covered it appears, spreads, and so the northeast, I suspect now is going to really sick numbers already going down, but I suspect with these now, where the warming up will really gonna, see numbers plunge because it's really hard to get covid outside. I talked about the mask mandate, though it's been so
over time, over the last year and summits in so confusing because they have been the the CDC has been all over the place on mass. Sooner than beginning they said you, don't need to wear them. There is. There is a shortage when you had the wear them and then they said where them outside I'd, never made sense to me that I had to wear a mask outside what there was Nobody else around in the woods had never made set but rob. But you know I go down to the park and there's people in the world with the diamond you where mass of interesting is needed, we can, but it looks like, but the mass guides very confusing, even the yesterday when they said you should not be shouldn't. We weren't you shouldn't you anywhere mass and small gatherings, but Medium sized there is you do. What is a medium sized gathering? I mean you said you know. Yourself, and I also think that, when Biden talked yesterday yesterday about you know, you fully back
you don't have to wear a mask outside. That was an incentive I think, to try and get people to be vaccinated like there are real advantages to being vaccinated. You can get part of your life back. I think that was part of plan to do so, but I agree with you: I've been having dinners outside were under that either On my desk for a year now went up, I've had been a family members over is none of us were vaccinated. When and I'm eager to, you know go back inside, but it's a little cold in the evening. It's a nice change. I do remember a Christmas brunch outside under heaters when it was sort of snowing, so I'm an so we will have their memories for a long time. He's got his very will be nice memories, economic, there was a month or two ago when I was, LOS Angeles sooner, we all aware we show the stories because it is we show the stories of people from
months ago, knocking over racks and targets of masks, right, When is an ally, working on sidewalk or no without anybody who then actually talking to remember same thing happened with him at the base walking on the sidewalk and nobody within half a mile off the did you get screamed out. There's somebody link across the road going fifty miles now put on a mass lank blank to which our yeah back when I am dead now Willie. I never do that, but seriously think about again. How can this craziness on both sides, where people will need to read the CDC guidelines. They need to use common sense and I Irish. I hate that we have to keep saying this Willie, but fair for the goose is Aristotle said, is fair for the gander and your cat attacked
I'll drop for a year for ignoring science guidelines and then ignore science guidelines because it makes you feel morally superior because you don't want to go back to school or because of you, whatever whatever is motivating you or because you don't. Why are you for building the open back. It doesn't work. You gotta or the CDC guidelines and get this contrary open again, we get over two hundred people vaccinated now too, hundred million people and wisdom, anyway. What's let's just wait for the night hundred no, let's not just wait for the next one hundred million. Let's follow science: let's follow the CDC guidelines. Yeah absolutely in schools are the next frontier I mean, I think, if you talk about history of the last year, will be unkind to many people who were fighting to keep schools closed. Of course, we want to have teachers safe, but it was. Establish long ago that schools could be open safely, and many of them still are not open, but we gotta get people.
MAX needed. As Elizabeth said, you ve seen some amazing messages from republican members of Congress, who are doctors, cut PSA literally wearing their lab coats, and just they say is of a visual representation. I am a doctor. I am a republic and I represent you. You can trust me. Please go get your vaccine because really the way out of this? If we can reach a certain percentage of this country vaccinated, we can squash it, but we're not there yet There are those who still believe it's a scam up there. You go Elizabeth or thank you so much for coming on this morning, coming up Margo Rubio, woke capital tantrum, that's, New York Times columnist. Michel Goldberg is calling Rubeus recent column, accusing corporate Amerika quote bending a need to woke progressive craziness mission? joins us next also ahead. Our conversation with former defence
Secretary and CIA director Leon Banana he's saying about the decision to withdraw. U S, troops from Afghanistan morning, Joe is back in a moment after a year of heartbreak and hardships covert, nineteen vaccinations are now available, but you might find yourself asking a lot of questions like. Where can you get the vaccine? How much does it cost? Do you need insurance, and are you even eligible one sure way to get your questions answered, is to go to plan your vaccine, dot com and interactive tool powered by NBC News and Comcast NBC Universal Burial find a state by state breakdown of where? When
how to get your covid nineteen vaccination make a plan so you'll be ready. When it's your turn go to plan your vaccine com today, I found it completely discouraging to find a bunch of corporate ceos getting in the middle of my advice to the corporate egos of America's stay out of politics. Don't pick sides in these big fight senator Mitchell Conall earlier this month, calling out corporate Amerika for criticising Georgia's new voting overhaul. While he walked those comments back a bit, it looks like the rift between big business and the Republican Party is growing a bit. Senator marker Rubio latest are bad for the New York posts, slams companies, the report can senator writing quote corporate annihilated an entire entire way of life. Us now calm this for the New ties, Michel Goldberg, who writes about Senator Ruby s argument in her latest column. So, let's
set this up a little bit Michelle good Morning, Senator Rubio wrote in his peace quote. These hypocrites want to have it both ways to coast off everything that makes America the most business friendly country in the world while moving good jobs out of our nation in waging a merciless war against traditional values. So far, they have succeeded getting in with the Chinese Communist Party has opened up enormous new markets. Rubio rights, outsourcing jobs, when a tremendous cost safer, bending a need to woke progressive craziness has made, He owes more popular than ever in elite settings, but increasingly the bill is coming do more politicians are realising what I understand as our corporate leaders care, less and less about the strength of our nation policy advice. They give lawmakers, makes less and less sense for our country. Michel responds this way. Writing quote Rubio
following a model pioneered by Trump rail against big corporations, occasionally bully those that defy you but ultimately put their profits and influence first on issues of race and sets the disjunction between the values of the Republican Party in those of big corporations as a function of our counter majority area in politics, because of gerrymandering and the small state by it's in the Senate. Republicans can afford to agonize young people. Poland, cities and most people of color consumer? Mrs cannot, the Republican Party doesn't have to care what, majority of Americans. Think public facing corporations largely do so Michel a lot to wade through their. Let's start with Marco Ruby argument. First, where is he? from its is prompted by Georgia or the roots much deeper than that. Now I think it's prompted by Georgia.
And other instances in which corporations have criticized right wing legislation. The offshoring part is a bit of a red herring, not because it's not important, but because you didn't see Republicans, and really objecting to it for many many years that it was going on this sudden corporate the sudden Anthea corporate turned by Marco Rubio. If it was about offering it would have happened, a lot a lot It's really about. He gives three examples. He talks about Wolf, progressive craziness of the three examples that he gives to our companies reacting to the right. The voting restrictions in Georgia. So he's not talking about Eric language policing he's not talking about human resources, fads that some people object to when he it's about woken as he's talking about voting rights and he is really really angry that companies. After all, the difference they've been given by the Republican Party,
would intervene in political issues. On the side of Democrats, Michelle is there's some implicit message that Rubio dad also also sending operations that because they felt they had been so friendly in terms of policies that benefited corporate in terms of profits and tax structure. The things regulations that debt, if you can can you things like things like voting rights in Georgia doing things that are considered progressive tat. They would find some kind of backlash in terms of regulations and other things that day corporations have enjoyed from the Republicans in in Washington is trying to do that. But it's to flex, because what? If he doesn't,
any regulations, any new taxes, any consequences at all that he would actually support besides giving I'm kind of rhetorical backing to this. Union Drive and Bessemer Alabama, while opposing promo union laws. More broadly, you know, if Republicans really wanted to stick to big corporations, even if it just purely as a spite and revenge they have. A lot of opportunity is there's a bunch of things. They could do good team up with Democrats to raise the corporate tax rates they could team up with three cratic senator shared Brown Warner and run widen, who have a bill. That's really very specifically kind of sticking it to the globalizers that would raise taxes on overseas profits that would repeal tax breaks for oversee tax.
Overseas factories and would make it harder for companies to shield their money and tax havens. But you know Centre widened says they have no republican support for this legislation. So Republicans you know they wanna threatened big business. I guess protection of just Holly, whose a shameful figure in a lot of ways but is serious about. Trust these other weakens our in sort of a by its because on the one hand they are very very angry about this rhetorical turn from big corporations, but they're, really not willing to do anything know they're not willing to sort of change their pro corporate politics, and so that's why it's like Donald Trump Donald Trump railed against corporations. He would occasionally try to take revenge on Amazon, for example, by he ultimately lowered their taxes by an unbelievable amounts, deregulated and kind of gave them everything on their wish list.
Sam. I know you have a question for Michelle. First, though, I just wanted to double down on what you said: they're not going to raise corporate tax rates. They're, not to close corporate tax. Loopholes and allow the top corporations in America pay. Zero and income tax is to make sure that people who are at the bottom of the economic totem Paul their factories pay more and income is likely, then say, Amazon or these. These other large corporations there. And to do that then, and there the corporations. On the other hand, there look at their bottom. I remember when Michael Jordan getting in trouble. Could somebody wanted you may get involved in a democratic political campaign and Michael Jordan said Republic and by shoes to boil I make money, they get their market and, by the way,
They see, owes or not judged by who likes them at a cocktail parties judged by the bottom line. That is the reality decisions are making they're just bottom lining it what's best for our corporate brand. It may sound cold and cynical, but I would think conservatives Free marketeers and Republicans would understand that the most This is pure economics for the corporations and what Michelle is getting at the hypocrisy standpoint is really almost understated for decades. The An argument around corporations was that you can donate money and political campaigns, because Money is speech, but, on the contrary, are actually speaking the same speeches. Speech and they're trying to punish them for that in the one thing I am this is the question has been asked Michel on it's not quibble with her with a point: it's actually.
I'm kind of curious, if you scenes, which is new you're saying I know that there are taken correctly There is no way to punish them any review its the Amazon Union Drive, which was a little bit bizarre because he's not a purely economic but I'm wondering, is one minute happening in the federal level. Is it happening on the state level, and by that I mean statement, just stay lawmakers in Georgia were trying to strip the tax incentives for delta in this there. I don't think it advance, but are their cases where, on the state level, you're seeing punitive actions against corporations that take on sort of a more left, leaning agenda that we're not tightened on the federal level. Now I've been trying is the key word there right. You see
proposals in Georgia you, proposals in Texas, but they've never gone through right, so punitive legislation against actual voters against people who would try to support voting rights that kind of passes easily they make these threats, but these threats never actually at least so far had had never actually been enacted. Aren't we shall go burger? Thank you. Very much to our world is facing some big challenges. Chuck Jawed breaks them down every Thursday, a deep dive into a new topic instead of covering all the big stories cover. What single subject impacting american politics exploring and explaining the critical issues that affect our future, make the press reports thursdays at eight p m, MR streaming on embassy news now available next day on the man Peacock
Transcript generated on 2021-05-27.