« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 3/29/21

2021-03-29 | 🔗

President Biden gets high marks for his handling of coronavirus vaccine response, according to new numbers from ABC News/Ipsos. The president has less approval for his handling of the border crisis and gun violence.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I look at it this way. The first time we have an excuse, there were about a hundred thousand deaths that came from that original search, all of the rest of them. In my mind, could have been mitigate at our decrease substantially. If we took the less We had learned from that moment. That's why others from aid every day that stop Doktor Deborah works, the former White House, of it. Responds coordinator under president from saying most of the five hundred and fifty one thousand, U S. Corona virus deaths could have been prevented. Imagine that and we are at a point where we have been so shocked by what we ve seen over the past four years. By what we saw with a capital riots, we ve been so shocked by the body
the mismanagement and lives during the Trump administration. During this pandemic, America has lost five. in fifty one thousand people and Doktor Burke's herself. Who was it inside a scientist saying all of those fatalities. Much of them, many of them could have been prevented. Social Distancing guidelines, a race to seeing me skin man this pandemic. Actually, even though a border A lot of sacrifice on the part of the american people actually was easy to lead through. You had to work to be as bad as the last present and to allow so many people to die well, and really it just comes
to force a present meeting. I told the truth and he refused to do that. From the beginning. We chose the clubs you ve seen them. The president saying that things weren't bad. It was only one person coming in from China. Sooner was gonna be gone. The president saying the next month it was fifteen people coming in. that too american rally that soon, there are gonna be gone. The president, telling how we can members of the Senate just relax. This is all going away, nothing to worry about the present telling african american leaders don't worry, about this going to go away. You'll see just like magics going to go away that he started talk to you about Easter, we're going to be back by Easter. We're all going to be very wary that use bleach. All of these things are so It is good to hear somebody who was, alongside the president, every step of the way saying what historians will likely saying.
Members have trumps, call will push back upon, and that is it. Yes, he was responsible for a large number of these deaths just because he denied in public when he method privately to Bob Woodward, that this was a deadly virus, that it was a killer, but something that he just didn't want to get out, because he cared more about the bottom line, the stock market, The DOW Jones than he did the live for his millions data headline now Joe. I mean it's important to look back as painful events as it is to look back at every step of how everything unfolded in the trunk presidency, but moving forward. What I see is that this is an over that this, the trump in a way that the Trump effect tromp. Following necessarily gone. It's not high in the United States of America.
in many ways that will discuss during the show today and in the days to come, it still very much an ongoing proposition. Where There are many Americans who are following him still so welcome too. Winning Joe. It is Monday March. Twenty ninth with us, we have what house Rapporteur for the Associated Press, China than the mere hosting Emerson, abysses, politics, nation and president of the National Action Network, Reverend L, sharpen and co founder of punch, ball, whose honour Palmer is with us as well. This morning, it's great to have you all on board the later Our vision is obsessed poll shows widespread approval for present by top priorities, seventy five percent approval his handling of vaccine distribution. Seventy two percent approve of his handling of endemic raw and sixty percent approve of how his handling the economic
recovery already, so that's it out right now it s a good news: Jonathan Wellmere, you look at those three numbers. You have a president whose joints ordinarily well with the american people, actually has a majority of support on two most important issues. Right now and that is getting vaccines out there and also handling the epidemic epidemic. The pan. But even though it pretty well with the economic recovery, so that's one side of the coin, there, the positive side we get a second, but our enlightened team you're about how they're doing and how they need to stay one step bad will? This, of course, is central focus, he was elected more than anything beyond, just simply not being done. Tromp, was to manage this crisis has are worth health crisis in a century and they feel what about where they are, particularly at last after the first couple weeks they will, went up, vaccine manufacturing and then distribution and
a win for them. I can't be overstated. How much better things are In terms of getting vaccines out the door into the arms Americans long way to go, of course, are there people who has it take the vaccine we to be convinced? Yes, but right now that is it. Huge strength and they, like the positive signs, are safe from the economy. The administration feels, like Biden, has momentum right now because he's handling this, and I believe this can lead to his being of a push through other parts. the agenda, but I have always said this job number one the fights out over, but they feel good about where they are and our of President president, his Jonathan said his people have feel like he s in the wind at his back, especially as it pertains handling of the covered crisis, help some push democrats forward, maybe a night them a little more as it moves forward or whether its infrastructure voting rights. Absolutely, I think, basically,
you're dying Joe minors in the strongest position. He possibly could be a lot of people on Capital Hill. Even myself, I booked fairly sceptical that he was going to be able to move as aggressively as they did get cold relief, a dime, that's six, ass. The role it has been a success in the back seat is Johnson, says the big guy she's going to be Wednesday Bill back better better. Do Democrats coalesce around infrastructure a much more complicated, probably in some cases near the visitor in terms of what the priorities should be, whether it's clean jobs or other things. You can't continue that momentum clearly, Republicans are concerned about those pull numbers there, not talking about covered relief, they're talking about the border and nothing has looked at those poor Joe back and is in a very strong position. so when it comes to the president's handling of the border crisis, fifty seven percent approve forty one percent. Actually I saw a disapprove scares me so fifty seven percent deficit
more than forty. One percent approve the press and is also underwater when it comes to his handling of gun violence after two high profile, mass shootings? Just over forty two percent approve fifty seven. percent disapprove. Those are little. I want to understand those a little harder to dig into reverent now, because of course, some on the right may think that he's doing too much when it comes to people seeing new gun safety legislation. Others may think on the left that not doing enough. But let's talk about that border crisis, it's it's! It's been a mass along the border. You know it's concerning when some people in the admission, Thracian and also in and left wing media go there's not a crisis at the border
Nothing to see here, move along this is just regular migration flow when that's not what what what we are hearing from people on the ground. That's not what we are hearing from experts in this field, so of white, what disappear mean to do what we are seeing at wonder what people say. This is the normal arise during the spring, because the terrain across Central America is easier to travel. But there is even a surge about that and I think the presidency needs to deal with the facts the strategy, the reason that he's got such marks the area of corporate ninety days because he's what is a street shooting? He must be a street shooter about was have you get a lot of? It is because people in central and South America fields He is a more humane president and understood
The president, then its predecessor trap and a lot of the most of it is work people running from. We must look at the fact that we do not leave their countries riskier children unless they are spreading from something they feel. That is what die so he was at last. I could deal with leveraging those countries to do things that would make citizens now, one only what you may policy at the border at the same time to stop the surge, and I do not think I need to be treated like a try anyway, to cover what is going. you just did that research is even a little beyond that. We need to deal with that deal with it in a square, a fair way to the top. And Jonathan taking care of the problem, but the source with foreign aid that is force more of a longer term solution and it certainly needs to be done. It works but Joe by
and his camp and his campaign team and is, is political team. sighed the White House are not going to be looking these at these numbers. Where he's great on just about every other issue, but the border and sit back and do not What do you expect them to do? How do you expect them to adjust politically over the next week to theirs? personnel he started doing that with some of the things he said at the press conference, he took a more moderate. More tough, tough stay Than initially did the, what do we expect this coming week? couple things her Joe first. You write his rhetoric changes at last. We also in certainly, let's remember, he appointed vice premier. A cobbler Harris to lead the measures in response to the situation of the border, that's a big deal. This is our first real major piece of her portfolio. it shows illustration, is taking us very seriously. That's a signal there too. There they are working overtime. Span facilities there at the border and they are looking.
to change their approach somewhat. Here, in the coming days, also allowing more media access- I should point out, but also, but it is clear right, though this is also political situations, a humanitarian crisis, of course at the border, but it's also politics for the White House. Of course it is, and they are, Harry this, the first time, the Republicans of late, a glove on that we saw how popular the covert relief bill. Why The republican saw that and largely left alone. They did it I voted for it, of course, are publicly lawmakers. They saw how popular was with their own constituents, but they focused on things like doktor suits and MR potato head. But here they ve rat Dave sees the boy, is an issue where they can score some points, even if it led to some images like that I'd rags trip down at the border from Republican sent had cruising Lizzie ground among them a few days ago and the wind He is aware that this is one where they have taken a few heads and are looking to push back in. That starts with setting a mortgage the agenda, including putting the vice president has an unhealthy.
So tell me: who are we talking about poles? Obviously everybody's curious about what the President's doing this falls by absolutely fascinating, Paul about Andrew Cuomo that came out yesterday, then that we were still the sea hands up over the past week or two blocks voters in New York had said have remained loyal. Andrew Cuomo, the base of the Democratic Party has remained loyal. The Andrew Cuomo and now is: All numbers, after being buffet with weeks minds of really bad press and an answer. Really serious stories. His ball numbers of stabilize it sat The latest morning, council poll shows the approval for New York. Governor Andrew Cromwell is. stabilizing in the wake of two scandals threatening his career, unfair,
eleven Cuomo was still writing a wave of support from the pandemic. He was its sixty three percent approval when the news broke, that his administration withheld data on nursing home deaths from Cove it about. Weeks later, just before a former aid here's my sexual harassment. He had dropped seven points to fifty six percent over the past months. more accusers, have come forward. Any suddenly dropped about three points. Now at fifty three percent approval as the morning consult notes these later numbers are similar to other surveys conducted over the past few days. That suggests the decline in almost approval, is levelling I mean Joe, he had it coming from the nursing home scandal alone, you would think would be pretty debilitating hit on especially given. I think a lot of people really looked up to him during the pandemic.
A lot still do obviously, and nursing home prices and the after effects of that that the hidden numbers so to speak, and I put that in quotes. You would think really taken take it, take a hit on his leadership numbers, especially because he wrote that book on leadership. But you know what that, on top of several accusations that have been highway publicized, put on national now networks, tv networks, interviews with women who say that the governor sexually ran down. the young women and you would think the meter. What moved a little more well, this isn't. This is not a new phenomenon. As we know, rather, we saw Donald Trump supporters. Do people and Donald. strive stayed within through thick and fast on this
level you can look at Ralph North on people in the media were calling for Ralph, North and Virginia. They get out same thing with his lieutenant governor and both of them said they weren't going anywhere and the democratic base stayed with em, and black voters stayed with them and that's what's happening now with Andrew Cuomo. My way, the New York assemblies not gonna, be able impeach guy if seventy five percent, the Democrats are so but above all, and most black voters are still supportive of it. I think what we must do with the fact that discharge is suggested again. Scotland, with nursing all numbers Article charges by women serious, but people also feel The people have the right to defend themselves and I think, because we have become so accustomed,
the country now see. Public figures accuse that we are now waiting to say, wait a minute. Let us see what happens when they give the opportunity to defend themselves. It. Is that a rush to judge I'm not surprised data? Google chrome? Those members did not go down to the black community. I was doing every day on mercilessly radio she'll never was saying you're so did the people did not reflect without giving it does not take away from the seriousness of what, the charge. But people are serious enough. You gotta, have you have to blood and just make an accusation for me to go, get someone is demonstrated You know I make I told me when she when she saw the numbers she said. We talk about black voters remaining loyal make is that we are now in the media. We try people,
We try, amend their kicked out without due process and easy time and time again, no due process, no hearing, some he says something or does some and their immediately cancelled. Their immediately kicked out an end lightweight weight with Mika said: Ralph was the black community in the case of nor and in the case of Cuomo, they understand what what it's like at times like they're not receiving due process, so you said they may be More patient to actually work who allegation, I'm actually says it might happen if I could address their use to actually being sometime targeted and arrested just for being black lives. You look at the french beauty. Any data shows that many black disproportionately
now frail these people had to deal with the Kremlin. Justice system was at some level of accusation. So we understand personally morning anyone get some one has the right to defend themselves against. accuse being smear, We need to do that. They are not guilty, but you right, It will have to prove that you killed when my closet lab I myself made for us they choose so that as well community says that I can't think of one visible black needed. There is not had to go through some of that that you guilty to approve a menace and I think that govern Cuomo another's Bill Clinton Black stood by Bill Clinton all the way through gerbil Eyes presidency, so I think that there's no surprise other than those that don't understand that their lives in our community dares to look at a crumbling.
the system and those who use it differently than others who get a more factory, well now, there's some of those facing charges in the capital riot are raising their legal, online USA today, reports riot? and thence are using an expanded network of online platforms to crowd fund their legal fees. Despite a crack down by tech companies. Reading from the report quote, capital, riot, extremists and others are engaged in these companies in a game of cat and mouse as they spring from work Fund raising tool to another using new sites, user names and accounts, in one case, a crowd funding website set up
in late twenty twenty has been adopted by a defendant charged with storming the capital who used it to raise almost one hundred and eighty thousand dollars. His was one of aid fund razors on the site. As last week, and his donations accounted for eighty four percent money raised on that platform. Last week, former president from tolls soon. That rioters who broke into the capital on January six, four quote: hugging and kissing police and posed zero threat to lawmakers. That's just again as sick fatuous shocking. What do you say to the families of I was police officers maimed and your dad and who were beaten and abused by a man why President Tromp had their heads shoved in like em I sent a door say how sick can you denying that in Haiti
police officers, so much hating cop. So much did you to say something like former chief of staff speaking over the weekend didn't see it that way. I was surprised to hear the President say that yesterday or earlier this week, or something like that, clearly their work, people who were behaving themselves and then there were people who absolutely were not to come out and say that everybody was fine and there was no risk is just as manifestly false people died. I would people more severely injured, are videos of behaving themselves and protesting peacefully, but they should not have there and there was it's not right to say there was no risk of how you can say that when people were killed but other I can tell you. You have Donald Trump saying this. Basically throwing police officers under the by suggesting that that they were never in danger that they were. We did wonderfully when we know the horrors that that day,
to ensure that many of them had to endure, but but its Donald Trump, its RON Johnson, they're lying through their teeth and everybody they're lying through their teeth, and yet they continued to lie. What what is it? What is the game for them Try this. This would be like a leader trying to pour over nine eleven and pretend that it never happened and said No, no, no, the islamic extremists actually treated the pilots very well are are whatever whatever it algae wanted draw here You have police officers being brutalize with american flags police. officers having their heads shoved into doors one officer lying down on the ground being beaten and say that he knows it he's not going.
survive and he's wondering how is four daughters are going to live without him another police officer sprayed with bare spray who died lighter than this is this. Is This is so deeply offensive than these. sources and their families to pray. This never happened. It so deeply offensive to well. You know Kevin Mccarthy also screaming as the United States asking for help, the president refusing help another Republicans called MIKE pants, stuck there with his family wall, These trump terrorists were chatting. Hang my pants hang my chance. They Donald Trump never came in fact, he tweeted inflammatory rhetoric about my tents after you found out that might pensive been washed from that
Labour and Donald Trump is saying that these police officers, you hear that screaming at the agony. From that police officer. Donald Trump is saying that the police were treated wonderful RON Johnson is saying there was now any risk. There was never any threat of the United States capital on its. It says breathtaking I don't see what the upside is for them. What white? What is the political calculation here? it's hard to understand me so divorced from reality. This stark teachers were just watching right, it's not as if this happens, and nobody saw it in the end the world, was it completely worked in watching, for, as you know, the country that is to be standing for freedom and democracy is
being overrun by its own people. You know- and I think it's very divorcing RON Johnson is on outlier on Capital Hill. When you talk to members of Congress, you talk to leadership. Republicans and Democrats. There is alive fear right now as a member of Congress and when they feel their under attack your seeing more members and arrive seen in fifteen plus years of conquering Congress with security detailing tat, just leadership remembers, would expect, but rank and file numbers were getting serious threats. Based on what the president and some of his supporters are pushing but they have to have security details at airports at homes me. This is not as if this was a After that, we find have some security fencing that is going down around the capital, but everybody's hi alert here and understand exactly what down from his doing, except for the fact that he wants, though supporters, to continue to support him and then get that's very, very important
his calculation is for his next business venture or future in politics, but it is absolutely just now totally separating apart from what most people in Washington understand, was the truth and most of all the world you're saying that RON, Johnson and Donald Trump are actually in outlier. Based on the Republicans that you talk to day in day out. I do, I think they are. I think that RON Johnson is definitely not in the mainstream of republican lawmakers who understand what happened While still I had on morning too was easy and its now chowne debts a new warning from intelligence officials about the potential for the Taliban to take over Afghanistan, if U S, troops are pulled out plus stand, say, chair, Jamie Harrison is standing by. He joined the conversation
Four vowing to fight robot like and efforts to restrict access to the ballot box you're watching morning. Job will be right, back looking for more dateline mysteries peacocks on the case. with a new streaming channel dateline. Twenty four seven programme stories from true crime original go to pick up. dot com and sign up for free welcome back the morning challenge Thirty pass the hour what a pretty shut up you, Washington, Dc Ass, the sun, about names, and look at the drafting. Oh, my gosh is a lot of traffic, actually
President Biden that people are getting back to work. President Biden may step in to address the restrictive new voting laws in Georgia. He told reporters that the White House is working on a response. Take a look, Is there anything to White House came to protect voting rights in Georgia while we're working on that right? Now, we don't know quite exactly what we can do at this point. Just apartments taking a look as well statement earlier in the day, the president again urged Congress to pass the voting rights bills that would prevent restrictions like the ones in Georgia. He wrote in part. This is Jim grow in the twenty first century. It must end We have a moral and constitutional obligation to act at once, again urge Congress to pass the for the people act and the John Lois Voting Rights Advancement ACT too
can easier for all eligible Americans access the ballot box and prevent attacks on the sacred right to vote And ass, they administration looks to shift its priorities to the next big project of infrastructure. Senator rough Warnock of Georgia, as the country cannot simply move on. We gotta work on the infrastructure of our country, our roads and bridges. And without a work on the infrastructure of democracy after all, the reason we are able to get anything done, how the prospects of getting more done. This Congress because people were able to show up and express their views in their democracy. We want, in the past, american Rescue plan had the people of Georgia not stood up in the way that they did historic turn out, and so we gotta do both of those things.
joining us now? Dnc, Chairman Jamie Harrison, welcome back the show it's great to have you it's right out of the box, acts ask about these new restrictions. What can be done before the next election to try and pull back these restrictions? That some boys say are new laws that are based on lies make a we're gonna do everything we possibly can within our power to fight back against these wars. We're gonna take a look What are these lawsuit already pending against Georgia? The Georgia law, but we are also them- fight this in Congress as well anything new- you know I'm a son of the south that grew up here in South Carolina that you know one of the last things I do when my grandfather was vote. He passed away in two thousand and four and that day I sat on the porch with him, and Germany reminded me of the history. He said Jamie here,
South Carolina, I wasn't always considered a whole me. I wasn't always allowed to grow and he said Jamie. Never let anybody tell you that you don't matter in that. You don't count what Georgia has I'm in this bill is in essence, said to a group of thought in Georgia that you don't matter, and you don't come from either criminalizing, giving somebody a bottle of war. This is America. This is not a rat or something over in the Far EAST. This is America are we send our sons and daughters overseas to fight for democracy in other countries where over here the report in party does every damn thing that they can in order to take the right or the right to vote away from Julie, qualified a meal and it's not right and women are fight back against. It I wonder in their first Iraq election what american commentators, what the Republican Party would have done if let's say she and militia
had ordered a rule and enforced dead that, if you try to give water one of those Iraqis at wanted to vote and hold up failure to showing that the purple figure that everybody was getting weepy about. What, if the Iraq governments are what? If what? If sheer militias said, if you can't do You can't give water it. We would be outraged. We would be rightly irate so so. Mr chairman, It's the most obvious extreme idiocy of of this bill Tell me we ve heard a lotta generalities about this is New Jim Crow. This is Jim Crow to point out, give our viewers they the provision that you find the most troubling that you find the most aggressively targeted at black voters and Hispanics and other people of color
what is just ass Joanna appreciate. You bring this up, because this provision has not been discussed in essence we know about the calls it mangi grant me to the Secretary of state. We know about a calls. It Donald trump me too. The secretary state as well in bill? It provides a very partisan state board of elections, the the opportune to go and you say fallen county. Where is the counting which Lana is vastly over Asia Democratic Count, gives them the opportunity to replace the entire county border of elections in Falcon County really, no reason at all other there, To say we don't like what you do allows them the state which is controlled by Republicans, didn't, say I'll work on it. this qualified voters in this county? We're gonna do not allow
these voters to vote in this particular county, and there is really nothing that anybody can do about an that's what's in there Feel right now, and we need to fight that with everything that we asked Rob. We're Jamie out, Mr Gem, is the fact that their as you said, a tradition in these kind of certain states fractal. Forty three states are to change the laws, which means Have we really need a national legislation that we refer to the statement in terms of the Senate there? Why John Louis Bill, where the democratic, by coming to terms with the fact that it may have to try its members to deal with the fellow was too in order to get federal mark to protect us against the state
by state election laws and other measures that are sold for wheeled the day and see five determined Deal with? The question? Must. already now you know better than I did I won't be the first time that the federal government has had to step in order to protect the writer citizens from why what is going on in some of these states and what the Democratic Party has to do with we cannot be shy about this. We can, I walk out on both sides are now we have to do everything that we possibly can and that means looking at the rules in the Senate to to make sure that we are protecting the right. Of all Americans they kill. You hear republic, like landing and others. Mitchell colonel were saying. This is a big federal paragraph. No, this is protecting the most sacred right we have as american citizens is. This is the foundation in which all other rights are built upon and so when,
We allowed us to slip awaited everything else in this country falls apart and we can't you We as Democrats need to make sure- and this is what we want- we want every American ago involved. Even have you no vote for it? guys, I would love for you to vote for Democrats, but even if you don't, It is an american citizen to go and votes, and I know that weaken when the battle the issues and we have better candidate Tom Wilna get into that arena, but I'm not willing to allow one political party who only He can win by cheating to do just that. We can't do that. We have do all the giant Jonathan Mere, where the peace where this and as a question, Jonathan. as chairman good, to see you this morning. I want to pick up where the Reverend Whoop left off and ask you more specifically about the filibuster Iverson your job as a Dnc chairman, is relaxed by Democrats as possible germanic. West Virginia is a Democrat
as one who has signalled some opposition to the filibuster in the past. He and his aid. made very clear in recent days he is the only Democrat who could win in West Virginia so there. Or he sort of an immovable objects, and it would seem that he has suggested that if he cast about, can be voted out of office or he could switch teams whatever it might be. How concerned are you in particular, with Joe Mansion here? What is your game plan, along with Senator Shoe, were in the White House to work with mansion? Syn Arabs centre similar? There is on as well on this filibuster wishing, where we're form is likely going to be needed in order to get things done For voting rights, gun control and other measures. I think sooner imagines, probably right daddy. He may be the only democratic and Wednesday while in West Virginia. Listen at this point in time, He had to deal with the reality of the situation. We got. Fifty six fifty votes in the in the Senate right now, common hairs. just one more, and so that deals
control of the Senate at this point tat now we know that a limited control. We don't have the flexibility that we really need into my job. What IP control is how we can get more democratically elected to do you send it to give juncture. more roads, so that gives other members that the flexibility to do what they need to do in. So that's the thing that I can control to judge humor and others in the Senate. Right now to decide. where they can take this caucus. I hope, though, that Democrats will understand that the american people in the Duma, base is looking for them for leadership on this issue of voting rights, and this is something that is personal to so many of us, because many of our forefathers inform others didn't always enjoy this right, and so this is a most important that they can do the course of the next few weeks and months
And see Chairman Jimmy Harrison. Thank you very much for coming on the show this morning. We appreciate it. We bringing now political scientist, election and and founder of the digital platform. The cycle Rachel Indica virtually recently surveyed about twelve hundred Georgia odorous on election election, twenty twenty and the capital riot and has also been listening to this previous conversation? But let's start with what you found out with the work you have done. Looking add the election and the riot young very pleased to present these results. In the context of this conversation, and it's really critical, because I think what we are weak the deal on this side of the Isle anyway, forget about that. Thirty thousand foot contacts- and you know it's a nice to think that RON, Johnson and Donald Trump, what they are doing with trying to pretend the capital riot ways you know, hugging abandoned and peaceful non risky is something that's
marginal or fringe movement thing, but I Commission survey because I wanted to quantify how radical are regular. Lincoln voters and I use the state of Georgia because of the voting legislation that was being grows there to demonstrate that it is not a marginal viewpoint and that only fifty three percent overall, Georgia's electorate, view the capital right today as an armed. Direction, and that is driven and predominantly by the fact that only nineteen for end of self identified. Republicans in Virginia in Georgia view it. As interest insurrection, and so it's not run nonsense: surroundings, IRA, it's the entire republican Party, each being fed that information the right wing, media machine and then really. Why we're in this little legitimate, ongoing democratic crisis that is no feed the passion for restricting voting rights across the whole country,
putting in measures that will allow them to invalidate even get around these new suppression laws their pudding in backs that will allow state legislatures to overturn election result? We really need to be talking more about this in a thirty thousand foot democratic crisis type of of frame. I think And at home, or has the next question Anna evolve and what you are talking about about the fringe versus the mainstream, because I think in the capital we see a real difference, dream RON, Johnson as being an outlier compared alive, Republicans The survey between you know is it we, the French, or is it actually just minions dream Republicans having the same kinds of ideas? Yellow give you some startling data and its consequences is really startling. Twelve percent of Republicans in this data say that Joe Biden Ledge definitely won the election okay. So when we and others
Georgia, voters and although we see a pretty robust rejection and data about these specific voter laws, I can tell you now that, when it comes to election day and twenty twenty two, these Republicans are going to vote for Republican. candidates. So it may be that in a window in the capital are elected, republican elites who earn did not Johnson frame are telling reporters I'm so uncomfortable with the direction of the party they are being pushed very high. Lee by these gerrymander districts and we're about to undermine Oh another gerrymander were ready down to about fifteen percent of overall how seats being competitive. If the Republican Party doubles down and doesn't another partisan gerrymandering, which is what their intention is to do to take the house majority. We are looking at a twenty two thousand two hundred and twenty twenty four cycle in which the GOP the US every indication that this time,
putting in the mechanics to contested the results of the twenty twenty four election number, which way comes, So we are really in a protest situation in the unfortunate part. Is that we're not talking about that? Were too about micro issues which are important but ultimately It doesn't matter, what's happening at the border and Healthcare Cove it if your democracy is coming. I'm flames around you and no one's talking out it. that is not such a critical whence I Rachel thank you for being here, and it is critical loads time. We have a story about January, the sex and we show them What did from that day? It bears repeating what happened. It's like, I said about nine eleven, which was an attack on our country in the panic, it's something that we need the show you something that we needed to talk about something that we needed a plan for the next attack on
here. When the United States Capital is overrun by domestic terrorists and police officers die and an ear, you have police officers being brutally and our democratic process stop at in its track love. It will end is the definition of sedition where, where our conspiracy to commit sedition, where people plan and then moved and to stop the constitutional, the constitutionally required counting of electoral ballots, that is, that it In addition, and it happened, while we were all watching on television law enforcement while it to continue to happen for too long we have sitting. President actually sitting there You fully watching as police officers were brutalize. B with american flags wondering why people in his office, weren't
cheering along with him. We had Republicans Ike Kevin Mccarthy calling on the phone screaming begging for help president at that time refused to offer help had other work we can members of Congress who actually serve overseas and uniform, calling asking the president for help vice president of the United States being chased around people change hang light pants his family hiding away from the mob and but for the actions of an extraordinarily tactical strategic, Catherine, your police officer. We probably would have had a confrontation between the mob and members of the United States Senate so Rachel your eye, we can never forget.
And we have to see what's happening, just in Georgia, but all across the country, as it continued effort to prop up a republican party that- obviously believes it can now only when by anti democratic measures is very this very simple battle. You ve got people fighting for the constitution. Now they have a study of people fighting to undermine the constitution. We have people fighting for an expansion of western liberal democracy and you have people on the other side who are ill. Liberals don't want american democracy, western liberal democracy, to expand because they know they don't have the numbers when David ass. The popular vote in seven of the last presidential elections might be eight out of the last nine led to check on that bit bit meagre Rachel is right. Yes, it's important to look at specific issues that were debating that were going through every day, but this all happens against a door
backdrop of January, the sex tat, we can now forget and we have to continue supporting the FBI as they try to bring every last person who is part of that sedition to just Rachel Benaco four things. You very much for being on the show. Once again, we'll see you soon and still I had we'll talk about what we can expect in court today as open. statements get under way in the trial of direction. In the former Minneapolis police officer, charged in the death of George Floyd or back in just a moment. Hey everyone, it's true, mainly MSNBC, corresponded and hosted the podcast into American took the side of the one point: nine trillion dollar relief bill is five dollars in aid for black and disadvantaged farmers. This we want in Mercosur. I taught the job.
Of the National Black Farmers Association about the long here discrimination. That makes this relief so critical. My grandfather said never mistreated anybody that people do and that he could make just as good as crap. Is anybody if he had a fair opportunity to do that, and I from any Louis, a fifth generation shirking farmer in Louisiana with this aid be able to save his farm from foreclosure like the tears daughter role now, because those like, I can form a search, or into America, where we listening now subscribe? The trial of former meant office police officer, Derek chauvinist set to begin today in minute, Minneapolis show faces second degree, murder, third degree, murder and manslaughter charges in George Floyd's death last June, the prosecution will argue chauvinism,
strange of Floyd for about nine minutes, was any substantial cause of this loss of consciousness and adult lay his death. Meanwhile, the defence is expected to present evidence that suggests. Floyd could have died from several health conditions and is used drugs, and they also bring up its previous arrest in May of twenty nineteen as part of their case, Reverend A river now: what are you thinking, As far as your hearing as to what the defence is gonna put forward in the man who died has he couldn't breathe, because somebody was kneeling on his neck. In Minneapolis will begin with the family to be opening arguments. I was the Eu Budget George Schweitzer fuels Bogey Lydia Tuesday, and one of the things that
The family is true. Is that The key issue will raise the fact that if, in fact, the officer held eyes me on the next You are right, the eight minutes and forty six seconds it son to why even ever officer was reacting out eventually get some planet turns into in Tibet and, in the end, is impractical. There's no caused a great job and you can raise the question of drugs? You could raise questions of his previous arrest. The question is even leave all that is true and again that must be proven even Ojo rose. I want drought. She believes you still have to deal with the fact that you have the right to a ten to harm here. Only days, death and track going into
what this morning of the family and I to include a clause on unequal, eight minutes. Forty six seconds People around the world it will join. Us will say it's a long try not to many ideas like saying I can't breathe, you call it Mother, that's a long period. Tat is people closer to his fate list. Forty six seconds arguments for both sides, but the tag jerry that day it was gonna, be problematic from it, Fritz Reverend what are hearing from the family and does the family plan to speak to the people yeah. I was in the country before or after judgment is rendered. We had a brass rosea last night was lacking in early family spoke, they will speak in the course of this money lose, family who join attributed crocodiles.
One is returned, and only one is justice in I'm looking for violence, the violence has been done on George you're. Looking for is it looking for a fair trial before the aggressive prosecution, because in many ways this case only about she'd been, is about the american criminal justice system shaken, isn't what rule, but America's on trial Red Brain justice in a case where a policeman, on video for was nine medicines. Despite please, please lie leads to someone's brutality. Will this officer be able to walk away from this America is gonna, have to really stand up and deal with the fact that we have got to be able to police account Is it not better laws are not there, but at some point the bare police must be held to account for half an hour. Thank you coming.
The United States, it's a new record for Daily Corona virus vaccinations, but it comes some states see an increase in case numbers, how Doktor Anthony Fashion is explaining the rise of infections morning Joel coming right back.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-30.