« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 3/2/21

2021-03-02 | 🔗

Following former President Trump's speech at CPAC, the WSJ editorial board encourages the GOP to '...look past the Trump era to a new generation of potential standard-bearers.' The Morning Joe panel discusses the current state of the GOP and what changes it should make.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We know that there are many challenges that your business is faced over the past year, overcoming these obstacles together has been our strength. One challenge that businesses should never face alone is dealing with the impact of foreign competition in Pennsylvania. We support your business and employs through benefits and resources, learn more but how we can help you at De L, I dont be a dot gov, Slash, rapid response paid for with pensive taxpayer dollars at Washington's National Institutes of health. America's virus control official Doktor Anthony, fell, cheap, says the corona virus is spreading and America may need to take time stick actions. What are we dealing with with corona virus covert. Nineteen with dealing with clearly and emerging infectious disease that is now reached outbreak proportions likely pandemic proportions. If we get a major outbreak
this corona virus in this country. That would mean closing schools temporarily getting people to do. What working cancelling events where there a lot of crowds in confine places, cans, in unnecessary travel so that you're not on an aeroplane for five hours with a bunch of people who might be infected. That would be a huge, who would have enormous economic, societal, psychological, in which case it would put it would be temporary, but it would be necessary. Wow, a fascinating time. Capsule from one year ago, today, guys Doktor Anthony found she warned The nation water was up against and what a year it is Well, I he predicted it to a tea, and things got worse because of how badly Things were run trying to to counter the pandemic,
It's amazing! Isn't it to listen to that? That was one year ago today, and then you look down at the lower right side of your screen and see five hundred and sixteen thousand Americans more than that have died. Because of this. And all the things doktor Frank, you said there was interesting what you had to introduce them, who doctor She was a year ago now these become such a part of the furniture of our lives every day, but he's talking about school, closing Actually, cancelling events may be some tell a working here. We are now a year later shut down at us and in the meantime, we pass all these other anniversaries, we're former president from said it was going to disappear that it was one person coming in from China. So while people are like doktor two were sounding the alarm. A year ago we were still getting from top of our government. The message that it was going to be ok if we closed their eyes and let it disappear. Will you an end just to put things in proper perspective, because I know
February Marge April seem to be a blur, the two to so many hours. The doctrine she said that in March the second leader, was in February, where Bob Woodward had sat down with Donald Trump already was saying this it's going to be a killer virus. It was going to affect the old and the young. It was five times as bad as the flu that it was was really badly in a big problem and it actually more than a month before that the Joe Biden Road and not bad, and they as stated in the USA today and in that that bad. He said we are not prepared for the pandemic, and the president would do well to listen to his scientists and researchers. Of course, talking about then Present Donald Trump and that never happen and Willie. The consequences are really hard to fathom
is you know if we will pass the five hundred thousand dollar suit me. Five hundred thousand death mark half a million a few days ago, a member. We sat here and said a year ago on top of a hundred thousand, maybe two hundred forty thousand deaths on the high end and that seemed unthinkable impossible and now we ve March well past half a million deaths, so our life been completely up ended and it takes a moment like that to watch that a year ago, it's hard to even remember a time when we are speculating that schools might have to closed for a short period of time. Maybe some avenge would be cancelled since then make a businesses those children have lost a year of education. People have lost loved ones. It has completely changed this country over years year since that interview took place. Really has along with Joe willing and may we have Roger chair and the american presidency at Vanderbilt University Pulitzer Prize when it gets and John Major em he occasionally unofficial, vice President Joe Biden and we
have a lot to get to this morning on the virus. The first doses of Johnson and Johnson's vaccine are rolling out across the country as the city see director warrants it's not time to ease up on restrictions, yet social did sing and mask wearing. The Senate is expected to vote this week on President Biden, corona virus relief bill a bill that, among the most popular bills in decades will show you the numbers on that. Also morning, a third woman, has come forward. a harassment allegation against nature. Governor Andrew Cuomo, and now some Democrats are calling for him to resign. Also, U S. Sanctions on Russia are expected as early as today we're going to get the new reporting on vat, but Joe a lot to get too because, You know I was so interesting over the weekend. Back event and former president Trump stage it was almost like he walked.
the stage and, like you, invisible again everything everything's of fell flat. I dont think you got the reaction that he wanted and all the disks since that we have about the party and the impact having on the party, it's also sort of interesting watch just general reaction to him, I'm just not, why you gotta say getting reporting a day later. He wasn't pleased with the speech you the first hour on teleprompter, but he was inside somebody. There described it as so much sound check for a ban, you're inside this Big hall yeah, it's a third fall, and that's because of covered it. Washington it's down in Orlando and the who things seemed very small. They have, and he was here. It stated that he didn't give them reaction. He why didn't get the re actually wanted, then after an hour, he went off. Script.
and when he went off scrapped, that's when he really started churning out the conspiracy theories which upset people their upset, his people there who thought he really needed to stay away from the conspiracy theories. all in all it go well and then, of course, make I saw last night the Wall Street Journal opinion page who we ve been following very closely because at times they theyve seemed for two new. Well, they kaliko Donald Trump attacked, but there have been other times where they have drawn a line in the sand and been very tough. and it certainly seems like this morning's up ad- is one of them times were wise. Data is is a vain had enough, and I I I'm gonna, say Democrats and the media,
ring their hands when Donald Trump comes out. Now what we talked about it yesterday and and the Wall Street Journal is saying- and I think that maybe right that actually Donald Trump when he comes out something democratic should share about cause, he's genuinely bad for their party and and end the senatorial, let's wait a little bit an editorial me get this editorial, I think really is it has to be. They must read, especially for republican some cap oil that yeah ok. So it's entitled the grievances of trumpets passed in which they ask if he was so great politically for the GEO P. Why party now out of power and the board rights in part. This mister said Sunday, I won't former third party because it divide the centre right coalition and, unlike Democrats,
but he also laid out his political enemies list and is clearly and on revenge against anyone who voted to impeach or convict him or disagree. with his election claims these interim party fight well sap, geothermal energy and resources when they Priority now should be re taking Congress and twenty twenty two mister the base of support means, he will play an important role in the GEO peep, but as the five months roll on and the policy com, the contents of the twenty twenty two feet become stark. Perhaps the parties ground, routes will begin to look past the Trump era to it. generation of potential standard break bearers, as as Republicans focus on grievances trunk passed, they won't be a governor majorities soda Joe. What they're saying is Trump. Losing money.
As every any there. The party of grievance and, as the Wall Street Journal said, the Party of grievance Past and won't you to compare the Democratic Party right now republican Party right now, you have the democratic the wind up behind a candidate where you're looking like Bledsoe about Bernie Sanders, and they say they lined up behind a candidate job and who, as I see said aunt em for any other country, would be in another party from her very little in common bacon setter, Joe Biden to be a relic from a different aim: ideologically democratic party past? And yet what did they do? They were around the clock to get him elected. You talked him by people buy off the record. They would say the burning Saunders work, hard is hard, is any body ticket, them alive. Today I see worked hard as well other progressive to disagree Joe Biden on a lot of issues, even now democratic trying to figure out how to come together from
Bernie Sanders did Joe Mansion to pass a bill. That seventy six percent of american support and the republic parties opposing that Bill Democrat the Democratic Party, is acting, and I I know republic I understand that Sunday, Hill, the democratic right now is acting like a governing majority. There acting like a party that wants to pass legislation who to make a difference who wants to vats. Their causes that are here and there to them and guess what their willing to compromise even with Joe Mansion with Bernie Sanders. They want to move all down the film many of the Republican Party that has to and into a party of gestures, empty gestures and grievance hangar. This is not a contest. This is not clear
the Republican Party, unless they actually read the Wall Street Journal editorial today and take it to heart. And figure out how to start being constructive and understand, said this yes this is so important. understand that this is not two thousand nine, the battlefields always changing. You lose. fighting the last war, that's an old saying Joe Biden has not Brok Obama, you can't just of straw. In two thousand twenty one, and then you can get the same results you get from two thousand and nine, two thousand sixteen it's not going to work they're going to Ass legislation they're going to run over you, they're gonna, ruin around you you're, going to run through you all day,
because they know what you did in two thousand. I two thousand ten two thousand eleven, two thousand twelve, two thousand. They understand they understand it, even when Donald Trump get elected your heartily asked any landmark legislation you pass attacks, got yes, good free, you good for you, you you made tat billionaires, even richer. You made sure that Amazon paid zero, in tax, as you made sure that all the people you- claimed a hate mail Billy, in billions and billions of dollars during this, the crisis, while working class arrogance and middle class. Americans were suffering so badly. So yeah you did that and of course, Donald Trump. Is you I went down to more alike on brag does billionaire friends. I made you all a lot Richard Wright, so yet you get that! Ok, great! So that's one thing you ve die legislatively two thousand, I snuck gonna cut it
so the rest is grievance. Did you guys go If you Ivy League boys going up attacking ivy schools. TED grows, going up, attacking parties of country clubs when TAT cruises, worshipping a guy is really sad. Shrilly weaken pathetic, but he's continued the worship, a guy politically, who acts lives in his own country club and spend a lot of presidency in his own country clubs that he in Germany too. There's a part of this that I just think cut to the quick, Republicans or thousand two thousand eighteen, a suburban voters, fled to check Mr Tromp, you proceeded to lose White House in November. Third, any cause the GEO B to Georgia's and it raises on January, fit as he made his claims of election fraud. The main issue, rather than checking Mr Biden Betsy Policy MR
essentially told Georgia supporters that their votes state matter and they stayed home so Ethiopia losses in MR trumps as the Wall Street Journal. Editorial page is now Trying to we write is history as someone else's fault Democrat Sue cheated report against you won't quote fight a cowardly cream Court, that includes three of his appointees any body but himself This isn't true as another tromp pollster four breathe easy. I made clear in this post election analysis, MR I'll bet. Wine landmark victory in two thousand sixteen, but he has caused the GEO pay dearly sense well, Jim, made them from the famous words determined to get off the train and a guy scream Beddington for ten minutes and said that
If you were the last man on earth, he would never vote for Harry Truman term and said Marcie down is undecided then and walked on waste. More video Wall Street Journal editorial pigs down is undecided here, but then again, there they're telling truth that I dont think even Democrats, Your stand right now, which is tromp at this point, is actually good for them building their majorities. Perhaps You know the direct to meet their cup, divisions just looking at his clinically in the broad trunk coalition right you don't. The seventy four million people with just them here's the Wall Street Journal editorial page or just the negative votes that you saw in the year in Orlando and and Yeah it's this is it. This is fusion of a couple of different things and
one of the things that I think has been puzzling to to a lot of those who have followed and is always admired the Republican Party eyes an hour and Reagan, and the bushes is that what is it about the culture of grievance he was demagogic self. Evidently, culture personality, tromp appeal I'm gonna get you. You know the thirty five forty percent, perhaps that the German, the thirty five percent of the country after he was censured. Ah you know you. in forty percent of the country's they almost in. But where that
the twelve percent and I'm not sure what the millions would be in the seventy four million people who voted for Donald Trump, pointing out that eighty one million people voted for job. It's it's people you- and I know that you and I like who were wrong Hey, Republicans were wrongly applicants were Jim Bush Republicans till all of a sudden down trunk becomes denominate. And then there they matter all in culturally. They're all in when it matters which is voting, and then these have to be some of the folks who are saying Joe Biden, wasn't at legitimately elected president. Because what usually get an under count of the tropical right, so you just need to get more than fifty percent. Republican saying oh times through president, that's not just
the paranoid style american politics, people that those people we talked and no and so I just what I'm wondering is less run the evidence. I think the court. Friend Michael Bash loss. We remain in a national emergency about the durability of democracy. one of the concerns I've heard from Republicans the kind that Johns talking about John Mccain, Republicans, George W Bush Reagan, Republicans That we all know is that even if Donald Trump doesn't run again, even he's pushed to the side and forgotten in some ways over the next few years. It's all the many trumps or coming up through system, having learned a lesson that the way to get elected the way to become press, the United States and trumps case, is to be seen as fighting constantly being a perpetual state of combat, not mired down in policy discussions and debates in the Senate, but you always
He agreed to always seen as fighting we see that with people like TED crews, but also with a bunch of freshmen members, membership come in this year too, now. I understand that think I I'm in the distance minority when I say this I dont think Tromp ISM is transferable as a national message. They may cause after eight years of run, Reagan Republicans were sure that they were going to be able. To extend Reagan ISM over the next decade, as far as I can going to win the White House after Reagan and Bush, what is dead? the crowds of one seven and eight popular votes soaring in eighteen. Ninety two, Obama ISM the Obama coalition. That we heard was the new rising coalition that was gonna forever dominate american politics.
two thousand eight that was not transferable either Bill Clinton I his success was not transferable, so I'm just sure meagre F, F there's another person that road wrote a book in the nineteen eighties about excess when he was the biggest loser, history of the United States regarding the IRS lots, more money to new areas and then add a celebrity show every went bankrupt about twenty times. I exaggerate yeah end in casinos, yeah I can get in Atlantic City and and then ran for president to adjust. Holly can't pull that off. Like ten crews tat. Crews barely be better a roared in tax as a couple of years ago. I just I, don't see it as being transferred I may be very naive. I do believe, though, that what
past four years have shown. Is that I very naive as it pertains to the threats to democracy I agree with, John meets him? Several Michael Bagshawe said we need to a vigilant because We have seen over the past four years that the very we'll challenges to our constitutional republic and what we need to be on guard for as we move forward, the twenty first century, the iron. You know you mention day I see in being for binding, even though she was ass. Far away within the party is possible and. had crews being oppose refer, tromp air safety working for taxes when TAT grows was out of taxes in Cancun and it's not a low blow. My point is that Democrats are our work. King, on their issues like I'm or not, and their performing public service doing their jobs. I dont know what these Republicans are doing their angry, their undermining and there
always lying there trying to sort of adopt the Trump mythology. But it's not working as much or maybe it won't better than the worrying me is that in our trump got by everybody, member of the thing is Willie Tramp Tramp win. Put out onstage and still the same These lay yet out. I said his sight with no disrespect to the king he's, like Elvis in the final year, you, like you, know, he's doing everything but intelligent suit, lazily jump sued, lazily, throwing the scarf off into the audience. It's really my all sweaty. Now on my fight, you know say, Tromp was able to fill state stronger was able to fill arenas trial or not from one thing. We never said about Donald Trump. Is he means acting last year, but because P,
believed tat. It was all Alai, it would all be as but you look at TED crows, I'm so glad you Here yesterday, will you were spared of watching TED Cruises, MEL Gibson? It was awful. I saw all my guy it with horror. And Josh Holly Dog dawned on it since all poor Joe? go away it's really I be these guys terrible. You look at me. I really am Do you want us to consider starting it go fund beside for their acting like. that's Khazars, so bad, but that we say that just say you can. What Donald Trump was able to do and to fail? in sixteen forty lost every election. After that, none of these other people can do They just look like Clown
when they try to pay its procedures as we go. My pack ass wise is happening all be talking with Aaron debate about the theory and practice of the minimum wage, a minimum wage hikes. It turns out that for southern players, if you actually the forest and pr which you may end up having more workers, and that sounds kind of crazy, because why would you have more workers will have to pay higher wage? It's because if you are completely constrained by that supply of workers, that how many workers are willing to take this really enough, maybe not such a great job. Well, I have to pay higher Wage- I'm not happy about that, but I can get more workers because actually wanted to feel more vacancies before anyway. So what I ended up doing is partly review seeing. The number of vacancies is poised to killing jobs, that this week on wisest running, search for wise is happening, reverie listing right now and subscribe, and so many people have looked like clown,
over the years member during the two thousand sixteen campaign, when marker Rubio tried the Trump ACT for a couple of days there ass it just doesn't work unless, unless you're Donald, Trump and down could those stadiums and he can fly and on his plane and dip his wings and Mobile Alabama act the place. None of these other guys can do that, but their trial. and they're trying to get in the way. Right now of corporate relief Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumacher, announced yesterday, the Senate will take up the covert relief plan for passage this week. The house version passed over the weekend with fifteen dollar minimum wage in it, but so majority whip Dick Durban says this Senate Democrats will Overall, the parliamentarian who ruled the measure was not permissible under the rules of budget celebration. Nbc news report, the cinema material will allow pension plant protection and assistance with paying cobra premiums to remain in the bill. Let's Brian
thereof the Washington Post early morning, newsletter power up Jacqueline albanian data journalist for the economist Elliot more ass, good, table Jackie. Let me start with you, so how was Gonna roll out this week are they can appeal off the fifteen dollar minimum wage and pass it through reconciliation with just democratic boats, it's a really good question, Willie, I'm, and that still something has happened here. We know that the chairman of the budgets committee since in the Bernie Sanders, is pushing this minimum wage provision, despite the Senate parliamentarians ruling, but it can't be protected by budget reconciliation, but overruling the Senate parliamentarian would be quite dramatic and something that the White House has said that there are against that being said, sender centres that he's going to raise it as an amendment in a sense,
daring set people like sender, Joe Mansion, who have said that they don't want to overrule the parliamentarian to vote on the fifteen dollar minimum wage height in the boat. Aroma. That's going to begin as the Senate begins to debate this final covered package, but look. The White House has also said that they are against overruling the son, a parliamentarian when you had Republicans fire bogged down the parliamentarian. Two thousand one people disk written me as a pretty shop the situation. There was almost unprecedented. It's hard to imagine, Democrats doing it, but you have progressives people like senders and senator warring pressing this ahead, calling for what overruling the parliamentarian or to eliminating the filibuster so Jackie, if you ve, got powerful so nurse Light Senator Warren and senators analysing this has to be in or at least we have to pass this by some other means. Where does that leave the White House? What are they say to Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth warm? Yet
You know it is unclear what that debate looks like internally right now, but from a public perspective. We just had both sides sticking with there. You know it their proclamations, that they are not binding, either way, but right now, Was it stand? Democrats don't really have a way forward and delivering a signature policy proposal that David promising of hiking the minimum wage because it doesn't cost. and had the votes, stem sorry democratic senders, don't have the vote on the republican side to pass this as a stand alone Bell because renders having agreed to tenders like Joe Mansion and Christian Cinema haven't agree to eliminate the filibuster is unclear who's going to bug sheer the white. I so far has done a pretty good job at accommodating it progressive leftist flank on these sorts of provisions, perhaps they'll by John Indifferent, vision here like increasing
women insurance extending in a month or two, but that something that we're gonna see play out on the hill starting today Boy Elliot look at appalling on this. I know you ve been studying it. This is one of the most popular pieces of legislation we ve seen in a long time. Obviously it helps people get back on. feet in many ways it pushes us closer schools reopen whether your democratic republic in theirs, obviously something in here. For you, That's right and I should say we compared this pulling data just said. The sources from Chris Warsaw political scientist at George Washington University We found that on average of the polls that have our support covered release. Tell about seventy percent americans- is highest. Seventy six percent, depending on the ball, support buying and Democrats. Measures and next higher. Even then, the support that The two thousand seven minimum wage tiger, two thousand nine minimum wage, like God that's support and in any trumps legislation from past.
Four and a half years, and this is as staggeringly popular bill, Americans quite might argue, Levine relief The answer we have also asked the question of why this isn't being exploited in the Senate. My servants, No barriers could could be, could be stalling progress. yeah you John, these summits is fascinating, that that republic answer are all lined up against this. I understand some of those concerns that actually I've had over the past four years and none of them have had, I dont think, which, as I dont think its is focused as it should be. I think they could probably by with about a trillion dollars last in this two trillion dollar bill, but again the national debts, not something the tropical the worry about it also really start from complaining about it now, You do sit and watch how? How does this party, if there
filling the bow and scraped Donald Trump for four years, how This party turned their backs on one of the most popular bills. In my gosh, the past two years, a bill that seventy six percent of Americans support and a majority of republican support is this is this once again, the Republican Party playing off of an old playbook, think so, I think they're gonna call it. Socialism even have already voted for similar stuff. Gonna be a kind of functional Weapon ized cynicism about this and near at hand, because this bill is popular because it is part of a fight New administration push to vaccinate the country to try to stop the dreaded
soften the economic paying, so many people are feeling. I think that Even they are capable of seeing the logic that, if a democratic president successfully backs annexes and six Hopefully there ameliorate the difficulties that so many people are facing he's gonna Having a case of a case to take to the people, for other things. He wants to do right, it's not simply walking into a ball room and yapping about it not simply waiting about it. Simply pushing culture a grievance and victim, but one of them Ray I rebates in our political life- is a party that disdains victimhood has embraced it right. They are victims, big tat. They are vague idea issues.
on and on and on, and I ate some apparent radically one of them that didn't see a lot of attention paid to it his ears. it's not the Supreme Court and the courts. Sunday are incredibly revealing because one of the ways the republic survived and that not hyperbole, it's not hyperbole, one of the way the Republic survive. Is that one of them three branches of the council laid out in the constitution did the right thing, and that was the courts. And we haven't paid a lot of attention to it, and I even here sounds a full time. Marine even hesitate to say, but the court's played there their constitutional role but when the president was not, he was self
evidently and doubly undermining the Democratic Republic He had, and so many allies in Congress who were willing to do with it. and so I don't want to go so far as to say the Supreme Court saved America, but it came from, damn close? and what would have happened if they had granted to one of those cases and somehow or another and a five for decision, they refused us finally, electors from Pennsylvania. The whole thing falls apart. I bet the whole thing here. I really think one of the unwritten stories of the past year, and I I also we talked about it actually John before other than the fact that Jim Kleiber was probably
the man who moved history more than anybody else, and twenty twenty for four reasons, really should be self evident to everyone. He had as much to do with Donald Trump losing anybody else but as far as holding the line for this constitutional republic, that there has to be one day, a story written a book written and not just about the United States Supreme Court and what they, what they did, the line they held during the twenty twenty election, but the entire federal court system, and not just at the end. But you can go all the way back February of two thousand seventeen. When a Washington state Judge put an injunction on, I believe it was trumps so called muslim ban and done
prompt challenged that that Bush avoided judge, call him a so called judge question his integrity immediately federal judges or whether they were liberals whether they were federalist society judges all all understood at that moment that the independence of the federal judiciary was at risk and they they they they. Accordingly over the next four years, and it is an extraordinary story or a constitutional republic. survived so many of the challenges and, if you believe like I do, the things could have gone extra early badly and and we could have lost. Mark receive that we came. The Recognise, John. I think we we those of us who believe that oh federal judges,
of all stripes a great debt of gratitude. Federal judges, absolutely it's like. They say There are some heroes and civil rights era right of these, and these a democratic and point he didn't around a boy, district judges who were brave and in the end the maelstrom, the other is the secretaries of state These late officials, the election officials who stood up remarkable political pressure and we talk so much about what goes wrong understandably, but this is a case where the constitution only works, If there's human agency and a kind of often unseen but clear felt devotion to it at those those Those who were guardians of the democracy
I don't mean to be overly grand about it, but but blocked by watching it again. Watch again. The other day Almighty. We came so clubs and and here blessedly less at them to bring all this up again cause blessedly you're talking about the colored relief, though you're talking about what our backs your showing vouchers, it were actually governing a big, complicated, disputations, multi, ethnic, diverse country again, but that force that almost rector's and that sent Go into the capital is not going away. It's a perennial force and then it flows, during the Trump years, God willing were done with the Trump years, but I dont think anybody who is concerned about the future of democracy, the future of our prosperity, the future of what
It has made us more perfect union can afford to rest I'll write John Mitchell, that was actually not boring at all. Thank you for that. Didn't internalized data journalist or the economist Elliot Morrison, the Washington Post, Jacqueline our main thank you both for your reporting and analysis. This morning, now too Multiple sources telling NBC News that the? U S The European Union are expected to impose Co. Warden sanctions on Russia as really, as today, the same calm after the poisoning of russian opposition leader Alexei Novotny and his arrest. The attention that followed and will be the first to target Moscow. Since Biden became president when he the comprehensive review of. U S. Russia policy, including the Kremlin's Sean's against Novotny Interference.
The? U S, election, the soul wins, hack and reported bounties offered. the Taliban linked groups to target. You forces in Afghanistan. That's a lot! That's been happening over the past dearest. Let's bring in White House correspondent for let it go, and Some basic contributor Natasha Bear Trend, it's been following. All of this Natasha good to have you on the show, tell us the latest, with the sanctions and on Nepal. Knee
Yes, we are expecting men as soon as today, there is going to be kind of more discussions among the White House officials about how to rule this out in coordination with the European Union. This is something that they had been discussing since Biden came into office. They were doing this massive Russia Review and they were trying to figure out the best way to penalize Russia for its human rights abuses. Of course, poisoning relaxing of all me the espionage campaign that targets so many federal agencies in the United States and the reports that Russia Russians were putting bounties on american troops. Heads in Afghanistan, so happening now is there was act
the aid packages thinks it's Texans sanctions package left by the Trump Administration for the by the administration that never got passed at the end of the presidency on the president's last couple days office and they ve been deciding whether or not to use part of that single sanctions package or whether to just you no kind of re establish their own parameters for penalizing Russia looks like they wanted this to be more multi lateral. They wanted to work war with the European Union on this and that's what we're going to see this week, but it is an important first step and in the binding administrations. I plans to whole brush accountable for these mine activities. Natasha, obviously put in Gothenburg comfortable the last four years under down of knowing their we're going to be many consequences for his actions, and we see now why he worked so hard to get Donald Trump elected because we're seeing the opposite.
How was Putin viewing this new by the administration and how seriously, as you take any sanctions, it's well or share, I mean they're United States ties course impose sanctions many times on Russia, and it has yet to really change bottom Moutans behaviour, one of the big things that activists in that foreign policy expert than that former administration officials say could change. Its behaviour, of course, is mixing Nord stream to which is that gas pipeline in Germany TAT to Russia. That is something that, allies of the United States, including Ukraine, who are foes of Russia, are really pushing Biden to consider taking harsher steps to you know just completely Lee impede the construction of the pipeline. It doesn't look like that's going to happen and that is kind of working you as allies again like Ukraine, who are cut it
crosshairs of russian aggression at this point, but the sanctions are an important first step, of course, or signalling to the Russians this administration is willing to hold them accountable in a way that at least the former presidents wasn't a horse. He never confronted by Putin directly on anything all right, Natasha Bertrand. Thank you very much for that update this morning. We appreciated, and still I had on morning, Joe the impact of It's an Johnson's corona virus vaccine now making its way across the country plus reporting of a third allegation of harassment against New York, Governor Andrew Promo and the group in calls for him to step down you're watching
new jobs will be right. Back after a year of heartbreak and hardships codes, nineteen vaccinations are now available. What you might find yourself asking a lot of questions like where can you get the vaccine? How much does cost him do you need insurance, and are you even eligible one sure way to get your questions answered is to go to playing your vaccine Thou Tom, an interactive too. Powered by NBC News and Comcast NBC Universal. There you'll find a state by state breakdown of where, when and how to get your covert. Ninety vaccination make a plan you'll, be ready when it's your turn go to plan, Vaccines are calm today
forty five past the hour, a third woman has come forward to accuse New York Governor Andrew Cuomo of an unwanted advance according to the our times and our roof met the governor at a friend's wedding in twenty nineteen, the now thirty three year old claims, Mama approached her and put his hand on her bare lower back according to rule when she removed his hand with her own hands the governor allegedly said that she seemed quote aggressive and play his hands on her cheeks. She claims they Cuomo asked if he could kisser loudly enough. Fourth friends stand thereby to hear she then the way as the governor drew. Closer spokesmen for Cuomo did not directly address the account and dead refer to the times. As to a general statement released on Sunday acknowledging
that some things he had said quote may have been misinterpreted as an unwanted flirtation and they see news also contacted Cromwell S office for comment, but has not heard back. Meanwhile, the New York attorney General's office is investigating the to sexual harassment. Allegations levelled against Governor Cuomo by two former female employees attorney general. Latisha James confirmed yesterday that she received the Sorry were first letter from Cuomo to begin the process. The governor initially suggested investigation by a lawyer of his choosing and then under immense political pressure. So it allow a review to take place by a person chosen by James Andy, Cuomo, appointed judge the our continues to don't deny the allegations and some day grants are calling on governor, promote to step down. Congresswoman Catholics
Rice, who represents a district on Long Island posted the our times report about the third Cuomo allegation and wrote the tie. this calm, the governor, must resign New York City. air build. The plaza also suggested the governor should step down if an investigation corroborates the accusations being issued low. Yesterday, this apology- I guess you could call an apology, saying if my kidding was misinterpreted- that I'm sorry that you misinterpreted that why? What what did you think? That's not an apology. He seemed to be saying eyes just kidding around sexual harassment. Not funny is sick. this has to be taken seriously. If someone purposely tried to use their power to force a woman to have sex with them. Of course,. that? Someone who should no longer be in public service at a White House, breathing asked
I pressed Secretary General Saki was asked again about the allegations interview has been consistent and clear. that every woman coming forward should between treated with dignity and respect. applies to Charlotte. That applies to Lindsey and any women coming forward. There is a process. Of revealing, as you know it dependent investigation. We will leave it to that process through the attorney general to make it nation, the path forward all right, walking here. To follow this and coming up, the director of the CDC is raising, alarms about lifting run a virus restrictions to soon will show you that warning plus Our Lindsey Gram tout, says relationship with former press, then from saying a boat allowed me to be in his world or play that for you, head on morning Joe
Transcript generated on 2021-03-27.