« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 3/16/21

2021-03-16 | 🔗

Two people were arrested and charged in connection with assaulting U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, but federal authorities stopped short of charging them with his death, according to court documents. The Morning Joe panel discusses.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And then I see the disinfectant with Nazi out in a minute. What is your way we can do something like that they enjoy action in war the cleaning because you see gets in the lungs and it does it from does not also be interesting to check their so that you can have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds It sounds interesting to me. Now moment. Obviously, there's a tape on that. You can see how extraordinarily I'm I was frankly. I you didn't know how to handle that episode, I still big about it. Every day is something doctor biology, and I talked about all that time is how to correct the record. While I still, about it. Every day, Doktor Deborah works. The former White House covered response coordinator under President Trump the new interview with ABC News Good Morning and well known to morning Joe it's Tuesday March sixteenth, so so
let's I'd rather for one. Second, you know really at the time Doktor Burke's was getting abused. And criticised and There are some things she said and did that work concerning to me by what should generally always trying to stay and have some influence on a guy who was erratic and and crazy on on this issue? people say well. She just we think she's just quit. Cheese and you're. Ok, why? How can you get worse if you just quit? Well, Onager Scott Alice could mean it can always that ain't we learned with tromp is it can always get worse and all people there we're having abuse heaped on them like doktor bergs, for trying to stay in the game to have some sort of influence. We see what happens when they give up. You then get a
their Scott ATLAS or a Rick Grenelle who were the bottom wrong of of of bureaucracy and would never be an any position for any other president. Do we really really bad things once there given power yeah, what happens is you're right? That person leaves former president. Would see someone on Fox NEWS or Fox Business Channel and hire them to an elevated position. That person shouldn't be. It's got ATLAS as a great case in point. He saw him talking on tv, so I mean can only imagine who a doctor like Doktor Burke's, who is a real doc should be there and understands this disease sitting. In listening to those comments from the podium, it's good to hear actually talk about what that was. Like I mean you here began almost a year later and at shocks you all over again and he was talking about injecting disinfected or shooting powerful light into people's bodies in the hopes that this morale
illicitly would go away. We have doktor Fauci on the show and just a little while he obviously is another case in that point. He hung in despite what was hearing often from that podium because he thought he could do better for the country on the inside them by walking away and it's so ridiculous, but there wasn't such carnage such such death and destruction. Attached to this would be some comedy show. It was ridiculous things. The president with from the podium than it was probably painful for these we're trying to hang in there like Doktor Burke's, who buy I didn't say anything ridiculous. It's what she didn't say she didn't stop him, but Many would ask what was she supposed to do because she would lose her job and, like Joe said, the next would come in and it would be a very bad or vague, said the country along with you, willing and may we have columnist and associate ever for the Washington Post State Ignatius member of the
times, Editorial Board Mara Gay is with us this morning and senior calmness for the daily bees. Matt Louis lines as great to have you all our top store. This morning two men arrested and charged on Sunday with assault on capital, police officer Brian's. Picnic who later died from India sustained in the January sixth attack on the capital Julian caterer, Pennsylvania and George Tawny, Tawny of West Virginia are accused of working together to use, bears on sickness, but according to court documents, authorities have- short, of charging them with killing him. The search warrant, application says there is video of Cato reaching into ten years back and later holding a can of chemical spray, a body camera of officer captured one of the men holding a cat
stir in his right hand and aiming at in the officers direction while moving his arm from side to side. Both men made court appearances yesterday and ordered to remain in custody and Joe if you follow the FBI are slowly trying to arrest anyone, for one who was involved in any violent way in the capital riot and there still looking for people, but these two men. It appears according to those who are in a charging them had something to do with the death of a capital police are well, we don't. We know that that that's that's David Ignatius. One of the things I wanted to bring up with you is there there may not be, the late there. We arrived we were told, I think, there's a New York Times told us that he die from being hit by a fire extinguisher a couple of times, then the Catholic,
police pull back and haven't known these talk specifically about how he has died. There hasn't been a follow up their questions. Rounding that with their was it this very spot. That somehow caused a condition. So we have that question. We had ten officials com before Congress a couple weeks ago, but not the Pentagon officials. That I didn't send the National Guard straight over. There are all of these questions. They continue to hang around one of the worst attack on the United States Capitol since the war of one thousand eight hundred and twelve, and yet we still have. No nine, no nine, eleven tied commission we're not moving in the right direction, Nancy policies proposing something that report. Will never agree to that. Has a seven for split between Democrats and Republicans is it
for the Bite administration, the reeds back to some former Republican leaders, like maybe Tom Ridge might Lucchese and others, and some former democratic leaders and just get a nine eleven style Commission inside the executive branch, would be good to have a commission record. The that's the country needs to go forward has to be established in a way that people think it is fair and impartial, but I'm impressed shown by the fact that this investigation continues to roll forward is true. We don't have the coroner's report don't believe on the death of officers techniques, so you can't charge him yet. For murder when im, not sure exactly how charge these two says by Sir Murder: what when you're, not sure how he died, but but the investigation
for there is no sign of a split within the FBI about carrying it out. There is less reaction to the amounts, creation than I fear there might be around the country. Officers, state law, what local law enforcement are going There are knocking on doors, putting together complicated conspiracy cases against these people, so yes, good to have the commission with a lot of distinguished the men and women who had come with a final judgment. But for me now, it's list the inexorable pace of backing down and charging and then eventually trying the people who who were involved that day and that having public support, and it does so. That's that's my. Otherwise is actually is that this is probably right now exactly what we need and Willie F B. I just continues to do an extraordinary job. Searching out these people, trying to get help from the public
finding them and bringing them to justice gather people in that building. So this is a methodical effort has been less than two months in their using all the technology at their disposal. A capture images to use facial recognition to me job insignia. They may have seen in their clothing that something there wearing and other fate social media poster they're doing the best they can gay when you read the details of this charging document against the two men who again are not church charged with the murder of officers signet, but our charge of the salt and you realize that they were calling for the bare spray for people who don't know, bear sprays exactly what it sounds like you're walking in the woods in Montana. You carry bear sprays. You can realize six foot grizzly bear. So some of these people came prepared but to hear some people the media. In fact, some republican centres try to downplay this was not an armed insurrection that this wasn't so bad. It was a few bad apples and was people strolling through statuary hall. This choice,
Jeanne document is another reminder of what people came with to this event. People came in tactical gear. They came with ties. They came bear spray which anybody who has ever gone camping in the presence of any kind of bare knows you don't use are another human being asked to protect. You having a gun and rifle. They also came and put a noose on outside the capital, and so these were not well, who came to have conversation and, lest we forget that you had members of Congress who were terrorize and terrified without any plan for their own safety or the safety of their staff, not as police officers were also serve the public democracy, but also those members of Congress and journalists. So in
it was a mass of failure, and I I can't say enough how important it is that, as these perpetrators are brought it It is a criminal offence. But also we have a nine eleven South mission that is wherever possible, the extent possible at the pump can actually understand and see, I think, there's there- is an important part of this process that needs to be public, to whatever extent that's possible, The FBI is engaged in a nationwide surgeon, and I have friends who live in cities across the country. New Orleans were sending me pictures of billboards right in their city that they were looking for further individuals. The FBI is hunting. These people die as it should to justice by the american public needs to see that that this is a duty created before then as well. We need to know what happened. We need to know who failed and needs to be held accountable, and I think we haven't seen that yet so there's a dead,
apparently here that that really is important. What's really important to, and I'm just going to go back to the nine Eleven Style commission that needs to be done. We need to know where actually members that we give tours the day before, where their members that were calling during the terrorist attack I did the location of Nancy Pelosi and other members of Congress that the mob would be it stayed in adopting and possibly killing They certainly were looking for my parents to kill him and yet, despite All of this you have Republicans where they had an and voted and voted not care millions and millions of votes- and you Others who were true downplay this mob still trying to downplay this. My maker, like IRAN,
and who said he wasn't concerned, because they were law. Abiding people know they were bashing police, officers heads they were jamming police officers heads in doors. They were There sprang up, please officer who later dies down these? These are terrorists. I will say RON Johnson saw these people and he said this disease, a big it yeah you, if you judge him by his words, he's a big it he's If these were black people, then he would ve been scared. As I said the day after they were black people, they would have all been shot in the face if they were Muslims, they Kevin snipe from the top of the building their white people so No one knew would be. Ass was allowed to continue for two. Long, that actual guard wasn't called in police officer, set move- is quickly. Some capital college, letting them in and out freely opening at the gate
letting them run through it. This is just kids grow task. And if it is an insult, it is an insult to the These officers who who died that day and who were hurt that day, that, a United States senator that these were peaceful law abiding people, who you are I'm worried about what would have been worried if they were black, but they weren't black. So this didn't bother yeah, there are reporters and people staffers people who work there, who are still suffering from PTSD from this day, As you mentioned, RON Johnson show the reply like a senator, is defend. His comments, if this is possible that he made about black this matter protesters and the deadly capital riot here what he said late last week, followed by his defence yesterday, I needed, even though those thousands of people there were marching the Kapital
we're trying to pressure people like me to vote the way they want me to vote. I knew those people that love this country that did truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break the law, insert now had the tables been turning this- could be in trouble. Had the tables been turned and present Trump won. The election in those were tens of thousands of blue guys modern, Antigua protestors. I might have been a little concerned. There was nothing racial about my comments. Nothing what's she's, my racist about riots, and I was I have been attacked and criticized because I pushed back. Narrative that
there are thousands of armed insurrectionists in this just part of a small small part of the city for a million Americans were present. Trumpet also need to be suspected being tension. Domestic terrorists are also potentially armed. Insurrections is false narrative. I wasn't surprised, but still pretty shockingly. That would take what I consider clearly was comment and turn it into use. Arrays card on me. And it had innocuous always comment where he said. I'm gonna get in trouble for saying yeah, so he knew exactly what he was there. He has an abandoned today's Wall Street Journal entitled Joe, I won't be so and by the left now keep talking about, obviously the left is good. Let me tell you on the left: doesn't work to be silent because the more you save bigoted things like you said the other day, the more you actually help the laugh.
The world sends out where you are. You hurt Republicans, show yes wrong, I don't want you to be silenced and, of course you, silence because you actually wrote in our bad and one of the largest newspapers on the at one of the most important newspapers on the planet. I mean this is all right. We keep here this Willie. I will I be silence as ass people write our beds in the New York Times in the Wall Street Journal and go on national news that works and actually get more says the american people than anybody else. It states. This is stupid. Stupid argument, but again RON Johnson set in the EU He was gonna drop for saying this, but these be truly respect the law enforcement, unlike black lives, matters marchers, and they would never break the law. What what the hell
what our, how does he say that, when several cops are dead and scores of cops, were battered and abused by Donald Trump supporters that day we're going around? Linda hanging MIKE pants enchanting. It had a news for MIKE pants. They were calling for adds employers who wanted to get her and their own Republicans just as scared of this mob as Democrats. So how does RON Johnson say that peoples, lives being endangered and police officers being killed is, worrisome as worrisome to him as black people marching it's a stand. We joke about RON Johnson, because so many of his colleagues, not so many of his colleagues current informer, tell us how limited he is, but this is something different. This is clearly something different amid but This is the game now Matt Louis this is go on
a friendly radio, show say something in: amatory. Wait for Europe, opponents on the left in this case to react to it and then bad in the Wall Street Journal, saying I'm being silenced by the lap. I would S Centre Johnson, to approach officer, sickness family or to approach the family of officer for known who was lying on the capital, steps being beaten, who had a heart attack at a stroke in wonder, It was gonna happened. It was four daughters when he was gone, he was resigned to his fate. I would ask him to go to those officers and see if he believes that the that the rioters, the attackers that day respect lawn This meant and outrageous statement by Senator Johnson RON. Johnson, is obviously an idiot. I think I'll say that myself Anybody who just solid video, you were showing a watch. The insurrection knows it was utterly violence
there's a scene in one of those documentaries that came out afterwards. It showed them rifling through TED cruises papers about to turn on him. Saying that you know here sold them out. There were looking from like heads not going. For an anti policy would have been ok, but it's not just Democrats that thereafter were after RON Johnson and I'm not that they could have recognized you as one of the union's current, were good guys if they found you but listen. I think that this is the as key, steady, I've ever seen, Rendre These comments for the best case tat. He had ever seen the best evidence of systemic racism and bloom and racism I honestly do not big but, with trolling us initially to try to get attention when he went on that radio show eyes
I do not think RON Johnson believes that he is a racist and his mind. These protesters are our people there. You know they're good patriotic White Americans and mine. I honestly think he believes that he does it get it, and so I think you really proves the point that a lot of us over the years. I think also didn't grass, which is the fact that there are a lot of people. A lot of Republicans, sadly, who maybe are just unconsciously racists. You know that harbouring this bias and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. I think that's what just happened: RON Johnson just told us who he is what in a mad at you, and I both Republicans for
the past quarter century yeah. We wish we were wrong about a large swathes of people who were in our party and and fool ourselves and kid ourselves, but Maura RON Johnson. What said that was not subliminal. Racism to that was work and what I found actually most disturbing about what he said. He knew it was racist He knew what he was saying was racially charge. He said is going to get me in trouble, but every I want you to know there are less concerned with a white mob. It's going around screaming, hang my pants. Actually committing sedition against the United States of America. Then RON, would be if there were black marchers going down Pencil avenue for black lives matters I mean
it's not subliminal. That is a virtue. Racism, he wanted his listeners to know that he was racist right I mean we have Donald Trump to thank for this wonderfully disgusting and grotesque outpouring of open racism, the likes of which we really haven't seen in this country in a mainstream cultural sense, I would say since the nineteen fifty years, if not the nineteen twice before that, so we do have Donald Trump to thank for that and transfer them, but I think he knew exactly what he was saying and its funding, because I think it's not funny effectually. It's really sad, but If you ask any black American of any age, they will tell. You
that way. It means be a black American is sometimes just to be ghastly. Bite, arrest. The country to be told that you aren't scene was in front of your face. What the country has seen didn't happen, but actually, despite the fact that your people have been oppressed, for generations quit. You are that threat so you can literally have wait. Mom attack the seat of democracy, bash the heads of police officers and still you are the threat, because your black- and so it is the blackness and the whiteness. That is just the screaming elephant in the room in this case, and I think we're really confronted now with the fact that a majority of the country, not just black Americans, is now being Gaslight saying. How can this be? How can they be telling us
didn't see what we saw before pieces whenever, in the course of american history, you have had a lazy small. Small minded politicians who job want to show real leadership or build coalitions or offer real solutions to the american people whenever they are desperate for power. They turn to racism, so that this We assign, in my opinion of the desperation, other public inquiry in this moment. This is really the easiest. Well is hanging through when all else fails. Blamed lack people, that's what this is about well, it's gonna be very interesting to see how the voters, was cards and respond to this. I know I go back the way waiter early December, two thousand fifteen. After the muslim registry after Donald Trump statements about Muslims and talking about how that was
but Nazi Germany must have been like in the early nineteenth thirty's Talking about registries, for people based on their faith and. Among the fact that it would probably help Donald Trump in the polls it did, and you had other people saying races things the former now former high chairman secretary, saying things that actually helped him racist things that he said about Muslims, helping him we very answering to see in the state constant if somebody making does, white and racist statements, about how he had the courage to make blatantly racist statements bragging This is gonna. Hurt me I'm gonna say it anyway. The people brutalized police officers with american flags. Shoved american police officers
Adds in doorways the people that spread feces throughout the EU, I did say its capital, he blew desecrated that captain were guilty of sedition them. Their went what solvency thing good good people who truly quelled says, run trolley was bad law forests make, because that why now the people right would be scared or black people marching. Thank that says it all to have. Now it's up to the rebel Wisconsin, whether they want to reward a big it who represents them is that is that what was constant ones to pay? well that attacked the capital and calls a people that hold down. Please, officers and bash their brains and with american flag and sprays of sir who dies and the family behind calls them good american
who was truly respect, law enforcement so yeah I'd, be very curious to see what how the people Wisconsin respond to that still had on morning Joe a new model in the global fight against the corona virus. A growing number of european countries are suspending use of the asked rosetta vaccine We'll talk was a doctor. I am linear avowed jokes about that later this morning. A lot ahead watching morning. Job will be right back.
Hey Guys, Willie Geist Ear this week on the Sunday sit down podcast I get together with the great Michael J Dot Fox, to discuss his new book. No time like the future about his thirty year, fight against Parkinson's disease. You can get our conversation now for free Wherever you download, your pot casts thirty one ass. They are alive. Look at times Square in New York, largely it's absolutely not very basic- are divided, really early in the morning, sun slot even up we'll get him. Now to the story: rocking New York, politics right now
solving allegations of sexual harassment against Governor Andrew Cuomo, new, Pauling shows half of new Yorkers say Cuomo should not immediately resign from his position, the latest Sienna college Paul found a fifty percent said he, Not resign, while thirty five percent so they should fifteen percent undecided. The pole also found that fifty's Seven percent said they were sad of satisfying without the governor had addressed the allegations, while thirty two percent said they were not. We should note that the pull was conducted last week. Largely before the surgeon calls from democratic elected officials for his. Resignations was a really interesting numbers. Those poles again taken last, we seem to see a big hole by it. Edie I had already been charged with with lying about nursing home doubts from his political opponents.
The media, there are already some of the allegations coming from women who had worked with him are who hid in India, in social events, like the wedding, those honours and tv those numbers or are our higher, I think than most of us would expect, but it LEO minds we right now. What's going on Virginia, where you have a lieutenant governor and governor who faced scan so. There are not exactly like the Cuomo scandal, a bite getting less and all the calls to resign and are still there and now in a flourishing. In Virginia at least drew out people asking Ralph North EM to campaign for omen, state, legislative races and theirs question that govern Cuomo and his aids are looking at the north. The model, which is that there is this photographic, came that was alleged to have shown governor North em in black face years ago? In a year book, he apologized for
then later said wait a minute. I don't think that was me. I'm not gonna resign just put his head. Empowered through, despite all the calls for his resignation and now we're too years away from it, and he has a high approval, radiant. Getting good marks for how is handling the job in Virginia so numbers that we just put on the screen, that is why Governor Cuomo is hanging and if you look at the numbers and sees only thirty five percent of New York, I want him to go well. Can I say, I'm not leave it if the majority of the people, my state, want me to stay, and fifty seven percent of the people are ok with the web in handling this. What if I like North and other charges obviously are much much different and the ILO patients are many, many more. What if I put my head down and power through, I think the question will is: does he run for reelection again, maybe as a carrot to say, I'm going. Hang in, but I won't run again will see if that's how it plays out. The White House is being asked about this. All the time now, Whitehouse Press Secretary General Saki asked again about those out
nations around Governor Cuomo new device. When seem to happen every day we in troubling. The president finds them troubling hard to read and every woman who steps forward needs to be treated with dignity and respect An investigation needs to be both quick and thorough. Consistent with how serious these negations are what's brain of the conversation. Times national political report ashamed, gold, mocker, his new reporting titled, can buy Stay on the sidelines of the Andrew most saga change of morning. It's good to see you. So what's the answer to that question? Obviously the White House is being asked every time, there's a new allegation. What the president thinks it it has not said one way or another if he thinks that Governor Cuomo should resign. How long do they think they can hold that position? Why think the answers. They're gonna try to hold that position about what Joe Biden has is a unique here, which is one of really possibly only to people who could bring. This
your resolution right now you have almost the entire democratic, congressional delegation from New York, your chuck humor, your cursed, Angela Brain all, calling brand you Pulmotor stepped down. These are cause he's made clear. He plans to resist So. How do you bring this due to an end? The how'd? You come up with some kind of resolution, while there's the state legislature which could potentially remove him and in peace, You already have a majority. A majority of the state Assembly resigned, letters are announced that they would support, asking him to be removed from office and for him to resign, and you I'm Joe Biden, who's been a friend Andrew Promo and who could not Jim step in it has happened, boards haven't or in New York for the New York governor at them at present David Patterson. I say you need to announce: do not run again in twenty twenty two so far from what you have just said is an interesting and offers, despite these false resignation, he has not said he's not gonna run again for a potential fourth term
cheer shame David Ignatius has a question for you, David Should I would ask how the state of politics in the Euro state got so bitter. The relation between the governor Unmarried was resting poisonous, the increasing, polarization is the state is. Is it has this been developing for four years and years and just wasn't visible a few months ago? What what's what's go on? You I mean certainly knew your politics is always been rough and tumble, but look bingo water. What's happened with Andrew Promo speaks to who Andrew for my ways and what kind of leader he is. I get a story over the weekend about rising and be imperiousness of his bride, and that has accelerated this this this down Maltese experiencing because he made so few friends along the way in the democratic party. Look especially
mere build applause? You- and I know you guys about among the programme- you'd- know how he cares about Andrew Homo, because whenever a big initiative comes up its annual Massachusetts To nudge, build the balls you out of the way or a member of Congress or member state legislature and take credit for it. He has and look that's been very successful, ranging from a who, as retained a great deal of support from the broader public in New York, some resiliency so far during this scandal. You need to have retained the support of his fellow Democrats near. This is really the opposite of what happened with Donald Trump and Republican Party right where the party yours would not go ahead of the voters to say look. It is time for this matter, step aside, even in two thousand sick in what you have here is democratic leaders getting ahead of the democratic electorate, they're saying it's time for him to come out of, though not not after the voters are saying that, but before the voters are saying that then-
I remember. Actually, when Andrew Cuomo was first running and was first governor, we were caught sitting around the table about how what he was a rude. He was to people to members of the press how thin skinned I think is how we terms back then- and I remember asking How a guy like that was going to survive in New York, state. Having is a shop. Elbows, as he had with absolutely everybody and not liking the press and not light like talking to the breast and here our three terms later, he somehow kept everything together for over three terms. Yeah, I mean there's a parallel that books have drawn with Elliot Spencer, who came in also elbows, also angering his fellow demographics and look he didn't last two years in the governorship right, there's something unique. We skilful about the re Andrew Promo here
as we all, did his power and the fear that he has created. He has squashed his political enemies over the last decade, over and over and over again, and it has allowed him to me Can you to rule you what they really unique political coalition is that he has the broad support of black boaters specially in New York City and easy. A more moderate profile so out in the suburbs. In a long island, you knees were tape, support of white voters that has been a lethal combination in the democratic primary and a pretty powerful combination in the general election in it, and there is no surprise that the events that used on the few events he's done in the last two weeks have been surrounded with black origin. Peters and one yesterday on Long Island, all right These are my shame. We greatly appreciate your report. Maura your thoughts it's on those numbers that room
again for new Yorkers stubbornly high. It does reminders bad weather. Looking at Virginia with Ralph North ARM or whether you're looking at just and fair acts, a lieutenant governor there or the attorney general in Virginia are Donald Trump. Barbarically you name it chief executives. We hear time and again there going to be run out of office and more often denied they they claim the power. Will it tells us a couple things? I think, first of all to a sign of hope for Andrew Cuomo, who is a very talented politician, but who is running out of chess ISA? frankly, and I think his is best hope of staying in office and certainly a running for a fourth term is taking his case directly to New Yorkers throughout the state and that's Billy. What he's
but he is hoping to do to pull off just as Governor Norton has successfully, but I also want to say that there is a lot time. As you know, Joe, it's a lifetime in american politics between now stay and this time next year we met him would really get under way- and so I think one thing to look for is whether, as we get farther away, from the trumpet ministration and the trauma that administration costs to me, workers throughout the state, whether that vacuum actually creates more space for workers to take a hard look at Governor Roma, because I think a lot of almost success, especially with lap voters, but not only within the past year and a half of the pandemic has really been defined by him. Being this this and the Anti Trust in some ways. So, whereas Donald Trump was making plans, people for rang masts, governor voila
as holding these press conferences like holding court now and there's a joke with it. Near politics that, since he should win an army for them, but truly He was talking about the importance of science in this and the importance of protecting all new Yorkers. So I think that profile is still really helping the governor in this moment, and it might be a while before sing home scandal or really kind of b the lack of support. Among other Democrats really percolates, One thing I would say that I would be very surprised to see this broad support for him laying down among the New York delegation, not just in Congress but also in the state legislature, can be lawmakers, didn't think that they could, Then their own voters, that that was the right thing in obey,
picture Mara. I just wonder what you think, because he has apologised he's had these lengthy apologetic statements. But there is something missing and obviously, in a triggers, the women even closely involved in some way who have complained to have stepped up and the complaints speak to a pattern. They speak to a culture and I just wonder what is it more than he could say or do that would change that culture, because I'm thinking of all. Of course, you don't act that way that sent horrible and so many ways and a lot of men have learned the hard way. That's how you act in the workplace, but what what kind of culture has a young girl going to a powerful man's house or young woman going too powerful man's house to help him with this phone. In his hot mean there are cultures
situations when it comes to the workplace and what is appropriate and what is it I think there are certain things that are not any more because they set up scenario of of power, and people who are put in very, very awkward positions who in ultimately it ends badly. I mean What can he do or say that would change things? Well, that's great question meagre mean what one thing to consider is that Yet the culture in Albany did not begin with Andrew Cuomo and its We want a mare, yet just just fur provokes outside of New York Albany hundreds of miles away from New York City, and you know what happened baron some. It is unfortunately stays there like Vegas in this way, and so anyway including myself. This ban
order in Albany or who has spent any amount of time. There knows that you know it's not just a governor who able to act in this way, if he so chooses its state lawmakers it lobby is in some ways. Is that a true cesspool or and this kind of behaviour- and so that's kind of what's being spoken about? And I and I think also it's important with the governor. I mean it's not just about sexual harassment, although that an extremely serious and important issue is also about the culture of fear and bullying and terror that he has created Everybody knows that if you step out of line with the governor, you will get a phone, all from him our work is a little but you back and very quickly, and so that's part of what
has gone on here and that's why the governor has soapy brats right now, I'm insane legislature and outside of it now Mara gave a lot more. We can talk about with this. Thank you so much for coming on this morning. A noose finds that three feet of social distancing in schools could be just as safe as six feet. It's a finding that done Anthony found. She says, maybe enough to justify reopening schools. Doktor voucher joins a head morning, Jos, coming right back its embassy embassies, haze brand you know these days is just so much news to wrap your head. Around is challenging. To get deeper understanding of things. So every morning go beyond that. Lines with MSNBC Daily. If features Britain person, just from people. You know and trust enlightening art,
fight for mainly many Hassan List Plank and Frank. The gipsy plus we'll get a fresh take every morning from me, start your day with innocent BC, daily innocent BC, dot com I welcome back to morning Joe it is fifty pass the hour alive, look at the capital and that daylight savings times. Change has made everything so dark the zone early in the morning. Its wish to Mordechai Priscilla, just in time I will just then the issue so the beginning of the Obama administration. Was marked on the foreign policy side, that is what we have had from lotta people inside of the Obama wide out, trying to figure out how the true to add to the Afghanistan fight General, also going back and forth and took a long time we're
The other end of that now and the question is whether all the groups or remove out of Afghanistan or not and you say the running out of time- to make a decision the funny thing about the two thousand nine decision when they did adds is substantial. Additional numbers thirty thousand more troops at present about food was the Joe Biden was one of the few people senior levels. Who said don't do it. This is a counter term terrorism keep it small. Don't moreover, overdo it in terms of numbers and looking back, he was probably right The number we ve got now in Afghanistan is two thousand five hundred a very small number focused on on counter terrorism. There is a May one deadline that was negotiated by president tromp for removal of all of those troops and the probable faces either. This is the toughest problem yet for his presidency is that if people those twenty five hundred up right now
see I other animals say: Afghanistan is likely to fall right back into civil war. Mass, the government's probably gonna, fall so Bidest gotta make his mind. He has had real before they ve been I'm told repeated meetings situation, room still no decision and their running the time of the society you you need. Ideally, I need ninety days to live Lotus session site to get all the people and equipment out. So you don't leave anything behind for the adversary. We've already passed that mark that would have been February one. You could still get the people but it would be a ragged departure, and I think that there is growing concern is just not possible now to meet that may on deadlines, so interesting leeway, by the is doing, is asking for help asking for help in wait for it. Moscow, Sweet recycles other negotiators heading the Moscow is gonna meet there with the chief Taliban
go shelter and chief representative from the government, a couple of Ashraf, Ghani and the Russians are gonna, be the meat creators and brokers, and it's a sign, I think, of how did difficult. This decision is forbidden that there will, in turn to Russia our principal adversary, for help in trying to negotiate an x ray a way out If they're gonna have to do it soon, Cosette deadline is coming week by week. May one is the date all american troops, as was to be up so David. Why why? Why is there the the necessity of rum? when those troops we remove. We had a small footprint in Syria that you knew about well, you went there and you saw how that small footprint held rush
at Bay held the Iranians at Bay held the Turks at Bay held the Syrians at bay. It was done without very small footprint. Isis, back when the same situation in Afghanistan. Now, a small footprint that can be making a big difference is: is there no choice but to remove all of those both from Afghanistan and am allow Afghanistan. They go straight back. Into the Talibans hand our hands or at least into the hands of some other terrorist group, the ideal situation, Joe obviously, would be to get a power sharing agreement, a ceasefire that that reduced terrible while assist us broken that country apart. That's one short circuit, we're power sharing agreement work very well, so our.
Turn leaders arguing just the same case that the two just did that we leave the small number, therefore, terrorism purposes, prevent Al Qaeda from ever rebuilding a safe haven that could attack the United States. Here's the problem with that, and I think that in the end a proper way, the most sensible course the people have to understand that those troops, you're gonna, have to be there a long time and that the Talibans gonna start firing on them. Again, we ve been through a blasted of last year. The violence has continued in Afghanistan, but it hasn't been hitting are true, our men and women in uniform. That would change. I think they would become targets again and the prospect of work is longest war being even longer a while longer that's not advertising, especially if Europe, President Biden so he's told by the military, keep this force has impact on american security at low cost. You got
a thousand NATO troops that want to stay there with us, so work with them. Stay here, to stay the course you're Joe Biden, and you felt this was a mistake. Way back when ten years ago. This is a hard fell. The swamp Firstly, we stop calling it America's longest war. We troops in Germany for seventy six years we ve had troops in North Korea for over six decades and it's it's actually been an insurance policy that sometimes if you're the indispensable power in the world, you just have to do that better That debate goes on and will soon happens in other debates. Going on right now has to do with the tutor in dollar covered relief bill inflation and debt and here to show us some charts. Wake up. The kids
because they're going to want to hear about inflationary pressures put on the: U S, economy. One point: nine trillion dollar covered early bill, it's time for Steve's uncle steams jar setting goals, thieves chart Well, Joe deficit hawks have become nearly an extinct species but as you- and I at least think we need to keep an eye on this. So let's take a look what's going on out there, because we all know spending a lot, but maybe everybody doesn't know what the impact of that is on our fiscal balance. So what you can see this chart, those two big Mars the bottom. There, of course, are what we ve been doing. The last two years. Three point: four trillion dollars of deficit this year slightly less last year, a total of six point, four five trillion dollars of deficit over two years and just to put that in perspective, that is about fifty percent. More than all the day
I said that we accumulated from nineteen sixty five to two thousand and five at another way. To put that perspective is to look just to the After what you see, some other bars at are not nearly as far down but come down a bit. That is our response to the financial crisis under President Obama, four years of deficits are also only about two thirds of what we ve put on in these two years, and you can see going further left. Of course we had very few deficits and even the Clinton surpluses, but if you look to the right of the three point, four trillion, what now. Those numbers seem to get a lot better and they do you're still look a trillion dollar deficits out, as far as I can see a deficits that start to get even worse, so eventually lira trillion dollar plus deficits as a matter of routine business. Now, let's take a look at how that compares to what other countries have and this data actually goes back before covered. But it's only gotten worse. Since then, and out of thirty seven
freeze around the world all the way over on the left. There's the United States in two thousand and nineteen, with the worst hit the set of any Australia's the country. Next to us, but look at some of the other countries, Colombia that have done better. Colombia, Belarus, Slovakia and Lithuania, and in Greece which had its own near bankruptcy in two thousand and ten, all those countries in Black the right half of that screen are operating actually operating in certain even as we run these massive deficits now, let's take a look at what that means for our national debt, which is something of course, that it should be important us. So just to put this again Spectre of all away on the left is world war. Two, that is our previous high point of national that, in relation to the size of the economy, just over a hundred, some of the size of the economy, and then we were sit down, and in fact,
low point in the middle of there is in the late 70s early 80s when we had other economic problems, but none the last a good debt to a debt ratio, and now you climbing all the way back up, and it's just about to get back to a hundred percent right about to get back to that will work to peak and even worse than that in which it will keep growing undercurrent projections. The dotted red line is water, have been without covered, the dotted. Blue line is what it looks. I now and as we here today or as will sit here in a few months when the books close we'll be it about Seventy two thousand dollars of debt parent. Can worker and that is roughly twice what American worker earns in a year so. We're amassing an awful lot of debt. It hasn't yet led to inflation, the deficits and the deficit spending, but a lot of people, including course famously Larry Summers and- and myself are what that's worth I do worry about.
Putting this amount of stimulus into the economy at this moment and of course, worry about what this so our overall debt loads going forward and what happened a story children. What happens to our ability to fund out of them in government needs because interest costs will be high so that's what we have to worry about today Now the kids slow down chewing their tricks and captain crimes watching these chargeable jack's a little worried right now, Matt loses whether she has a question that, let me ask this question: do you think that part of the problem is that, most of the last thirty or forty years we haven't had inflation So there is a lot of Americans today who, in their living memory, this is You can keep spending money and it never matters there Never a price to pay. The bill never comes do
much of this is a failure of experience or of imagination. Matt, certainly you're right. It's very. It seemed to me as someone who live through. Reported on the late nineteenth seventies, early nineteen eighties, how that has disappeared from memory for met people's memories, and so there are really two risks we run. One is that inflationary risk and, as you say that to show memory is kind of gone and therefore its very for those of us who remember it's really make a case, and we have also had examples like the financial crisis, where we did spend a lot without rekindling inflation. I purse, We think there is a point at which that can happen. The amount of stimulus we're talking about is really massive and is in Will we in excess of what we actually need to get the economy back? so. I do worry alot about that, but waiting to happen, Why sure not you're, so gonna have debt and use and our interests pass. An official
its rise, which inevitably we think they will do the costs that will work now an already we spend more on interest on the national debt. Then we spend on things like parents, affairs and military retirement and housing? and science and transportation way more on interest that all those things and so more and more tat means more more interests, crowds out all those other kinds of equally more important spending. I'd stay Ratner. Thank you so much and met Louis. Thank you as well. It's great to have you both on this morning.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-26.