« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 2/19/21

2021-02-19 | 🔗

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, told reporters Thursday his decision to go on a family vacation to CancĂșn, Mexico, as Texans suffer without heat, water and power because of a historic winter storm was a mistake he now regrets. The panel discusses.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's crazy that will be taking a research must not take any recesses. Let's work: let's work every day, let's work weekends, let's work till we get the job done. Currently the majority later made the decision that it is more important for senators to be home on vacation home playing gone home, doing anything but being here on the floor of the Senate, doing the peoples this President Obama, and for that matter, Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party that they're so out of touch with where the american people are right. Now he go those in place. Golf hundreds of times with its bodies he is not focused on the people who are hurting who are paying the cost. We got a job to do in a short window of time and so we ought to start taking recesses stop taking time. Often just keep go until we get is apparently play a game of coal as a higher priority. For this precedent that would be to go and see. The humanitarian crisis has created,
look in hindsight if I have understood how it would be perceived. The reaction people have obviously wouldn't done, and it was a mistake right. Ok, good morning, and welcome to morning Joe. It is Friday February nineteenth with, as we have heard stood MSNBC politics, nation and president of the National Action Network, Reverend L Shopton Rogers chair in the american presidency, Vanderbilt University, Pulitzer Prize Winning historian John Mitchum. He occasionally unofficially advises present Joe Biden and Republic and communication strategies and MSNBC political contributor, Rick Tyler, who has had the pleasure of in the past as a communication, The director for Senator TED crews, to have you all on board, so so worrying. Why don't we start with you, since you ve had experience with senator crews and this I just stayed there so many
things that are wrong with what happened over the past, couple of days. I just go back to my time and Congress, and I know he's had a couple of of Tromp type people trying to defend him, saying, there's nothing and it could do I just go back to when we had a case in our district. It was all men and women on board. I would see and childs. I would say chap boy shy, would see, I mean you name it. I would say bill. Well sir. I would seek haughty MAC and it's all hands on deck everybody is working. We were all together. We were talking defamer. We were talking Ba. We were talking to every agency. We were. We worked working together with the local officials asking what they needed. We do just
must have a check list, especially somebody like George Bush, was all hands on deck. Give I've had ever side that I was going to go on a of and vacation a vacation overseas. Without her, Cain and head. I promise My staff would have before Let me do that they would have put equalizer like guy is shot me in my neck. To stop me from going it's just. This is is actually beyond the realm of anything that the island almost speechless Rick. How does something like this happen? look at my job. Well, look, I'm I'm just it country coms, Guy in the various fiscally world of political community.
This is what you call me a dumb ass move. There is really no there's no excuse for it, and it's really remarkable that in moments that require leadership, leadership in a disputed lights, in like leadership in a pandemic and leadership in a man made and the natural disaster in taxes, taxes is losing three billion dollars a day because of the incompetence of the management of power grid. Was foreseeable, though that's been, we ve known after ten years, their people and a legislature, events ring about writing reports for ten years about, this is inevitable, just the way the pandemic was inevitable and then I'm trying to thought process shows the way you do is during that crisis, where people don't have electricity and their told by the state, the boil water that doesnt even come out other facets. You decide to get online book yourself, a ticket to a first class.
Jordan Camp COM and then get your plane and after you ordered your first class one first class you decide- and this is the queen said it approves the statement that something just doesn't feel right about pits that- and you know, maybe this is the wrong thing to do, and then tat crews. A really horrendous mood. He leaned his mistake on his children and nowhere I can promise you get a ten year old. A twelve year old suit daddy. I know you haven't worn obligations, etc, but we want to go into this problem thinking whom this week and you're going to take us and he would succumb to that. You see church groups, in our view, good there, but here's. How do you good debt, emotional leaves your children so dry prices. They don't need you standard through the ice and senator and you're a leader
our responsibility to your constituents. You don't go off to get going because your children wanna go, and I promise you didn't ask this would serve mood and now his back and you suddenly wants to have a reset about together? This is rose, negligent, reckless incompetence. Yeah, and you know, will be, of course, tax measures that were revealed lighter, showed it wasn't it children asking that he goes down for a day and then comes back. Use is seven, which again everybody's welcome to go ever anybody wants to go just not the middle. An ice storm and this is again more than an ice or more catastrophe. It is just a catastrophe, but this is again a place that falls
popular somebody always talks about that's what it's revealed. You know, I'm just too, you know against all the fighters and my God, Barack Obama's playing pool Oh my god brought in oh here's a guy that window Instead he went the Harvard. He missed our latest himself always playing the populace card, and it's just It's been found a any. You got called out this this this week. That's almost like all that outrage was insincere and completely phony. As we look through those clips even a couple of months ago, he criticized the mayor of Austin for going to Cabo during a crisis. And here he is, and maybe some combination of what Rick just described. It also is just complete and utter arrogance to think you could stroll onto a plane on a commercial flight and get away with it people literally are dying freezing to that without water, without power, without heat in your state- and I agree with you, Joe those few people- and it was a few- let's be clear- who defend
TED crews who say: what's a senator supposed to do? If you think tat, crews could have done it, thing in this circumstance that you understand how government works really this Further to two senators and the state of Texas shouldn't be their due constituent service is doing all the things Joe just described that he would do. Their senators in Florida would do on the ground during a hurricane, of course, should be there and not just for optics. This is more than optics. This is a man who, as levers of power, he can pull to get things done for people. So with up on the story. Here's exactly what happened! News came out of TED Cruises, came out Wednesday night pictures of crews and his family waiting at an airport gate in Houston, with luggage, boarding a plane and to circulate and social media after his senator this did not respond to repeated requests for comment for twelve hours. They didn't respond. Anybody senator finally released the statement explaining his decision to leave the state and said he was returning home Thursday afternoon.
Read this way quote with school cancelled for the week our girls ass, to take a trip with friends wanting to be a dad I flew down with them last night and I'm flying back this afternoon, NBC News caught up with senator as he boarded his return flight home from Canada. Well, Texas is going through a horrific storm and millions of Texans have lost power, loss, heat and him and her and her family with. Among them, we had no heat and no power, and yesterday my daughter's ass and see if they could take a trip with some friends and heidi- and I agreed so- I flew down with him last night drop them off here and now. I'm headed back to Texas and back to continuing to work to try to get the power on what's happening in Texas is unacceptable in a lot of pictures of her a source of knowledge. Relations. Had senator crews initially was book to return
Holmes Saturday and that he bought his return ticket at six. A m yesterday, which flies in the face so what he said, which is that he was dropping off his girls in returning home. The plan was this day through the weekend app return home centre, crews acknowledged he had planned to stay through the wood. But he said he had second thoughts after he got on the plane, but the New York Times ports text messages sent from MRS Crew Centre cruises wife, too, and use the neighbors on Wednesday reveal they hastily plan trip. Their house was free as MRS Kroes put it, and she proposed to get away until Sunday. This crew invited others to join them at the Ritz Carlton in Cancun, where they had stated many times, noting the room price. This week, three hundred nine dollars per night and its good security. She wrote the paper reports. The text messages were provided them confirm my second person on the thread who declined to be identified because the private nature of the text Mika.
Wow. Power has been restored to more Texas homes and businesses, but the crisis still appears to be far from over right now, Many Texans don't have safe drinking water, at least, seven million people, a quarter of the population of taxes, are under a boy. Water order after the record lieutenant serious damage to infrastructure and pipes. As for electricity, more than Three hundred thousand people are still without power, and utility officials have worn that rolling blackouts are still possible the estate? storm has made things particularly difficult at hospitals across this date, where several cities are going to great lengths to protect water supplies. Nurse and Austin told the local station cavy you. I e that the staff do use trash bags to remove feces from toilets
but I'm used and had to rely on buckets of rain water from the roof to fly. Toilets and in some instances staff members have had to clean themselves, Bhutan sanitize or instead of open water, insurance industry officials are warning that this week's winter storm, maybe the costly as whether event in Texas State history, even more than our Kane Harvey in twenty seventeen, which amounted to about nine ten million insurance claims. So John. Let's take a step back. Obviously, things were still absolutely tariffs when taxes- and we ask everybody, keep your he please keep praying for the people of taxes they if we needed right now, especially the disadvantage to still are having trouble finding shelter even
are having trouble getting food and also contribute to whatever organizations can contribute to the child. I am reminded of a conversation I had with a guy one of my chief of staff, Sir good friend of mine, David Stafford. We we were driving over to me said be in Louisiana during Katrina after it was obvious and that first week what an absolute catastrophe it was and we we took supplies over and we're taking supplies over every day and we were just shock that even seven days in both Mississippi and Louisiana, there was no I hope there is no help from the federal government. There was no help from the state government. There was no help from the local government. It was chaos at my feet.
David Stafford turned to me because he can. You know this is part of this the error that were an you said Republicans we just look. Can we check off boxes? Are they pro life they proton or they print this and that are they anti? This gives democrat sailor? Are they approach choice, Are they gonna programme control and you go down and use back off those boxes, and then you go in and vote. You said it used to be the first box that we checked out was this person going to be a good later. Person gonna be a strong later and instead at that We are talking about a democratic government from Louisiana who was just performed horribly, a democratic mare who perform just horribly and a republican president who performed just
horribly and Hurricane Katrina and Everybody is so wrapped up when they wanted the voting, both v, Four somebody's ideology in David said: do they check off all the boxes and we forgot to ask the most important question, but take the leaders Are they going to be able to help their constituents their constituents need the most and that's what we see in TED crew, I can't I cannot imagine, remember the Senate even from my time in the nineties doing this. This is an explicable, but. I suspect there are a lot of members in the United States Senate idea, so ideologically driven it would ever occur to them that their fur, job is constituent services, their first job taking care
There are people instead of holding press conferences. Now you know, I think, I keep thinking the image I have observer. Crews is not from the airport other and given the Hale, with which he was documented by his constituents, one suspects he has some, maybe so- problems at home even before he got on the plane, are having their following like and a camera with their with their phones, and this is a case where, as Jeremy Bentham once publicity is the very soul of justice. Absence of a of iphones and video. I think the scenario would be at the breakfast bar right now that down there, so that that's one thing to do to remember the image I keep going back to, though, is- the smugness with which he stood up in the house, are represented on January sixth and said?
he was the senator citing the questioning of the certification. Remember that and there was a blow cheer from the republican side, and I think we're in this hour where and it's not both sides? by the way we do? This is not a weirdo equivalence thing where they, I hate to say is that somebody use it as a resident modify this trumpet Fide republican Party. As put power and privilege far ahead of, fundamental democratic principles, and I dont know over extrapolate from from CAN Coon, but Is it sits in a pattern where at least in the guy who did? It is somewhat Who tried to warn us about
from whose family was wife, as I recall, was the little old insulted by Donald Trump, But who gave a speech- as I remember at in twenty sixteen that had a couple Brave lines in it about be careful of this for the sake of power or just around, given the term right he likes, Many others is called from South Carolina, among others,. Totally embraces the former president. For the sake of position and power This goes to you your point about by backtracking boxes. It it is. Less about not just constituent service though, if anybody needs it right now, it's it's is the state of Texas. It's a bow. Do you really believe in this overall experiment where all part of
Do you believe in the former Soviet Union? And if so dear, all the rules and the rules of that unit. So he not, broke the rules of political common sense to go to exploit, but he help trying break the rules of the constitution, in the last six weeks with his tail of problems and it's a pretty big one? Remember but he did on January sex and then Cancun, their plight enduring issue is that he tried to argue Joe Biden was not the duly elected president of the United States moments before it. The capital of the United States, was breached, is it that is one huge got a lot of people can can argue. Apparently it's an argument to some, but for some reason Joe. This can contract reveals a lot about how he
about his job and his power and his state and its very trompe it's very trump in constituent services is something you talk about all the time as me, number one, most fulfilling part of the job of a public servant to be to actually help people directly known to be rich. To be able to like solve things for the people of your district or your state, then to me during. Time and then to treat your constituents like they are so stupid that they would believe a lie that the kids forced him to go: to Cancun and that he was just giving them a ride. That's Firstly, there is the second lie and then the third line comes out where his wife if is texting, everybody they're having a party there and he is bringing everyone there I mean. Three lies later. He then come back in lies about how much he cares about what is happening.
Taxes, it is painful to see such a waste of assent. It see you know, you know its ensuing rev but me crossing a constituent services. I, as you, are aware, as much as anybody When I get elected the Congress, I was ideological. I was a small government. Conservative, slash, libertarian, slash populist, and I was I was very, ideological. I was always trying. To do whatever it is. We could do to move towards a balanced budget as quickly as possible, and so it was interesting that when I left Congress that what people came up talk to me about wolves. If they see me on applying its I love when you put out that build a bell the budget in six years instead of four, it's always hey my
parents were having trouble with their form and the Irish had been investigating on for ten years, and you my mom and dad, and then you called the IRS. He said- and I repeat what I said it was, they said: listen you ve been there for two. There's begin arrest and arrest them if they done something wrong. Do them, if not wrap it up, cause you're destroying their business two weeks later, You know I arrests rap. The case up acted honourably, in this situation and it happened time and time again it's actually. It is the constituent services and I never thought that the first time around it's a constituent services, it's the people that you are able to help that actually makes that job work. So I was just telling the story somebody this weekend who The rod and their very ideological fiery, there said that's great, but the first
firstly, a higher is a really good constituent services person in your district and and and that's what you drive. That's what you do cause that's what people need the most in your district and that's why You will find most rewarding at the end of your career, and sadly that something I think that too many people in Washington and forgotten Torrents services come from a leader on Elect, The first showed that has real compassion for the people. They want to serve relieved at the Hague, the glaring fair you showed, crews, is, he really doesn't care about the people there. He is Rep learning in the Senate, if you are elected official or even just an advocate leader like I do we go to people in trouble not run from people in trouble. I mean you mention Katrina, Joe many of us
Cable around a country to Katrina. We were elected to rubber, Louisiana, we went to. Michigan, so that the dish It shows me about crews how here, as the moral capacity to walk away from people that up in the dark that of freezing get on a plane. And then, when he's question about it, he has such a low more accomplice. He throws his own daughters in front of the bus to blame it on them. This is the kind of character that people to assess what may go to his election. How who puts them? daughters on line when they are caught holding in in a friend the people who elected them in context? is the same kind of person. There would hold voters in contempt January. Six same forget the voters, my gosh President, because is all about him,
the level of self aggrandizement itself. Engagement is is beyond what we can even measure and I think that the most eager just think about what he did walk away when it should have been running toward the people. Needed his help in leadership and assistance. Also point two thousand eighteen TED crews, barely better or work in that salaries? By two points yesterday, for the last couple of days, while TED crews was in Cancun, better work, a private citizen had a phone bank going doing house visits to get people food and he and water doing. Can excellent services, despite the fact that he is not the elected senator of text, We are learning just how close Texas came to a catastrophic failure that could have left people in the dark for months these. The states these are the stakes. Officials with the electric reliability Council, too, this also known as Urca say: the States power grid
just seconds and minutes away from a total failure. Earlier this week it was only where did when operators on Monday morning made the decision to cut power, and ferment rolling blackouts across the state Graham meteorologists bill parents for the very latest on the impact of this winter storm bill. How does it look today? last day, Willie we just have to get through this morning. There still more damage being done. These temperatures are record breaking this morning in Texas, only South Texas not below freezing it's ridiculous. Thirty, four million people are freeze wanting this does include a lot of our friends in Louisiana and also Mississippi too, and these temperatures this morning look at Northern Texas we're at sixteen and die O Connor cities at five, and especially those areas run San Antonio to Houston. Those pipes are just not protected from the car. As well as areas to the north, and so when we get temperatures like this, young people have been having their force its on four days. Big, that's why we have low water pressure in cases where the water runs out. That's when the pipes freeze and
the water returns and attempt to warm up or have leaks all over the place, so sister broken record rinsing repeat and how about this duration and in this is ridiculous. Dallas has now gone far Straight days, below freezing and look at our friends to the north in Kansas City, Chicago Minneapolis. This means, if you put in Cuba in the shade fifteen days, in Chicago that ice cube is still there. That's why the roads have been so treacherous in so many areas, still have areas of ice. This morning, a heads up, all our friends from DC through New York, city all the way. Through southern new angle, we ve had freezing rain overnight, and now we have lights, knelt still treacherous conditions are we still Sixty two million people impacted by this last round went to whether, after all of this is said and done, it looks like a warmer weekend. We should be in the sixties by Sunday in Texas and finally, today, in Dallas, we'll go above freezing for the first time in six days. But the magnitude and duration of this willing. We have never
this and are recorded history in the deep south, freeze and boiling water still across taxes Bill Karen's bill thanks, so much make it isn't a point on this with TED crews. Last night, in an interview on Fox NEWS, presumably to do more about duty, he was given the opportunity by the host blame the media to say the media mob was coming form in a rare moment of humility, TED Crew said now. I screwed up I made a mistake. So how do you know that this is indefensible? Even TED crews isn't trying to defend what he did. Yeah, thing at this point, is got nowhere else to go still I had unwell there is. There are people that are so shameless. They would blame the media law there, this chip Tipp, they took my hat to him for four. Leave at least doing that and at least sounding but I do a do again want to underline the fact that that can stay.
Went services its. We see a lot of people on tv and a lot of people running around him that I, as so many people, have forgotten that that this is about helping your constituents and you get. The right people in your local offices. I had man weaver running all over the local offices and and- and that has to be your focus- that has be your obsession and then everything else takes care of itself and something that I have a lot of members in the house and a lot of members in this who are you were members, can learn from this lesson still. I have a morning Joe, the very latest, on the investigation into nurse. The home corona virus deaths in New York and we're learning about involvement by federal prosecutors, looking into the Cuomo Administration plus the winter,
Arms across the country are having an impact on corona virus vaccine distribution will be joined by former De Commissioner Doktor Scott got leave to discuss the state of the Seen roll out here, Jeanne morning, Joe we'll be right back hey, it's good, phase as we go. My pockets wise is happening all be talking with Aaron debate about the theory and practice of the minimum wage, a minimum wage hikes. It turns out that for some employers, if you actually the forest and pr which you may end up having more workers, and that sounds kind of crazy, because why would you have more workers will have to pay higher wage? It's because if you are completely constrained by that supply of workers that how many workers are willing to take this really enough, maybe not such a great job. Well, I have to pay higher
wage. I'm not happy about that, but I can get more workers because actually wanted to Filmore vacancies before anyway. So what I ended up doing is partly reduced seeing the number of vacancies is poised to killing jobs that this week on wisest winning search for wise is happening? Reverie, listening right now and subscribe sad thing to say: Micawber, that's classic Andrew Cuomo, alot of people and state have received those phone calls: the bullying is nothing new. I believe wrong care man, it's very, very sad. No public servant, no first news, a cow The truth should be treated that way. I fear that the threat the boat, the belittling the demand that someone change their statement right that moment, many many times. I've heard that- and I know a lot of other people in this state of her that
so you believe, Assemblyman camp that he was threatened. One hundred percent that was yesterday morning Joe and their bill deposit, not mincing words about governance, Cromwell. We too Now two new reporting on the investigation under way in New York into nursing, deaths from the corona virus, the walls regional reports that federal prosecutors in Brooklyn sought data. This month, on nursing home deaths from Governor Andrew Qualmless Administration Some say that the request seeks the number of deaths, including when and where they happened as part of a broader input. Into the states handling of the pandemic. A senior advisor to the governor said that the Justice Department has been looking into the nursing home issue for months, and that quality is office has quote been cooperate. With them and will continue to do so,
spring in Albany Bureau Chiefs for the New York Times, Jesse Mckinley also with us for can strategist and MSNBC political endless Susan Perceval, whose sir, Does a special adviser to Cuomo from twenty fourteen to twenty fifteen I think, Susan. I would just like to ask starting off if your experience reflects what layered build. The plaza was describing in pretty great detail emphatically Well, I was a staff or non elected fish. Also I didn't have quite that experienced by the governor is known to strong arm. Officials, and there is no doubt about that. It happened for years. The difference, Now, though, Mika is that now at the state legislature is right:
to take away his emergency powers during this crisis and since they have a veto, proof majority, they can override the governor, and I think that has him concerned from some Jesse it's one thing: they call up a legislator and the governor and strong arm them on a piece of legislation, I would not recommend that, but a lot of people who do it. You're going with me on this- are very looking closer Europe procreation that never works, but still some executives. Completely different thing that when you know the Department of Justice is investigating you, when you know that the attorney general of your own state may be investigating you to call members the state legislature and ask them to lie and when you know all of these investigations are going on. I am a bit surprised,
that, first of all, that they would be that devious, but also for a guy. That's been office that long grew up around power at ten a m. Sure, move to say the least forget about being corrupt and possibly criminal. I'm shocked that they be that stupid to expose themselves, well. As his own saying you know, these sorts of Jericho strident news from the governor uncommon, someway journalists have heard them, as currently law makers have heard them I think that the common to run can which we report on as well. I think that does illustrate some of the frustration in this administration at this moment in time. Reporting of the last couple of days about this investigation coming out of the eastern district in Brooklyn indicated, it was sparked by the comments from his Melissa, Rosa about basically
freezing and worrying about the several investigation that the trunk dear J had had launched. So I thinking administration. There is a real bunker mon right now. I think they're very concerned what's going on out of Brooklyn and so on. The state has a Susan mention. You know this is a democratic state. It is a democratic legislature and even they are talking about stripping means. So it is not an area of gray couple weeks for car. I just It's really obviously, over the last decade as Governor Andrew Cuomo has kind of grown into feeling, almost invincible bullet proof. He gets good coverage, well, I've national media, when it gave those press briefings over the last year or so do they act. We feel like they're in some trouble. Here is a worry, for example, about being stripped of those emergency powers like what kind of peril he view himself in right now. Well,
Can I have to break the two parts. I think that first peril, the ones who are pressing right now, is whether or not there being any legal jeopardy, and I think, certainly worst, giving details on that. The indications are that that pro about abroad, it is very early until you know a couple weeks, all all, although the deal, has don't gotta poking around since last fall in terms of political peril. However, You know this, as I said, is a democratic state. He would be up for a fourth term next year. You know big issue. There would be a primary. You know whether or not it a Democrat from his last would take him on, and I think that this, this controversy over. The last couple of weeks has given a momentum today. You know this he's a transparency are not being forthcoming with the data as well as this kind of his heavy handed political style. I think that plays right into a progressive to attack him from the wound and say, love he's been in office
for decades, maybe someday turn the page you know, John Medium. Why don't we continue this young politician politics, one or one seminar I talked about. If you take lots of home kids number wine, constituent services, put it on of your list and put your most talented people, their handling considerate services cycles. Instilling not just where the legislators but dealing with others. John you, let's look back through history and we could talk about Lincoln and and talk about our target sdr how everybody that came in with a talk, damn it seems they would leave thinking that that heat that those presidents agreed. With them, when they were really just taking all the information and in trying to chart their course but Reagan early on after winning a landslide head legists there's an they knocked over his jellybean Johnny get on the floor picked him up.
Handsome he's put em back and put him up. There was always gracious bill, Clinton, who always said the best thing a governor present could have is a short. Where you could impeachment choose date, inviting golf on a Wednesday. That's a gifts some eggs. I can't think of an example where this Cuomo style of governing or your screaming and yelling, and I can't I can't think of an example of where that actually work. In a legislative process. It certainly didn't work with the last press time its embassy embassies, haste Brown, you know these days is just so much news to wrap your head around is challenging to get Deeper understanding of things so every morning, go beyond the headlines Amazon BC daily, if features Britain person just from people you know and trust, enlightening art. Fight for mainly many Hassan List Plank and Frank. The gipsy plus we'll get a fresh take every morning from me
start your day with innocent BC daily innocent BC. Dotcom. Now your eye the Great Churchill inside those associated with them, is this morning's foe. Is this afternoon's ally and they are the same human being, even though you may virulently disagree with them on acts. You're probably gonna need them on why, and so the nature of the legislative process, not unlike human nature, in fact really is just human nature in a kind of a petri dish. You have all the appetite, did ambition and noble Letty and venality sometimes and My favorite Reagan story about how he thought about other people is laughter. He had been shot He had spilled some water in the bathroom
when he was in the hospital and Vice President Bush went to see him and New Box in and Reagan's not the bed, which was a little concerning any real is that the president is in the bathroom door being up water off the floor with a towel. And he said well said, Mister What's going on here why build the water. But I don't want the nurse to get blamed and in its Plutarch once said. Well, he put that on the card. Plutarch said that Often a small gesture tells us, as about a year and a king as the met the large battles and largest public action, and I think one of the reasons and the attic, I don't think it's just self evident the grapes
grow. The greatest legislator president's have been the ones who understood that slave tours, have what is sometimes in the business? As you know, Joe called equities ever got some lines they can't go over. Everybody's got some concerns they had to take care of and for insisted The speakers of the house, the greatest Senate majority leaders have all stood what makes the other part what what's important to the other person. Jim Baker brought this you know present bidest, you there's a lot of foreign policy coming up today. Jim Baker was a genius at this the sentence often spoken, but one of the things one fixy absolutely saw- and this is true both in form policy domestic policy is that in a political context, these our politicians and they all have interests and concerns, and we could pretend they doubt and weakened.
Try to say. Oh well, you know the suggest so right you can do it. You should do it, but you have to get them there. And that's the nature already tell you this destiny sure of a fall in world neighbours? Ed but that one down Willie neighbours The sad duty of politics is to establish justice in us. For world and that's what we're doing could learn and you ve got to figure it out and ears. Less number, three kids. Whenever I walk on vows floor, I'd look at em therein lies that everybody needs something. What are they A lot of aid and the You figure that out and one, figure out. What's on the top of their agenda, you know how to talk to them You know if there's possibility to make a deal. It's just a simple and picking up the phone screaming at a legislator. Doesn't work, but it is interesting that willing and I actually are having r r r Monthly had cast PLUTO.
What were the dark com? I have five hundred zero lined up in the word decided about ok. Already. Five hundred is ok, five hundred, that's the max. But will well lecture next week. So why so rather don't wanna put you on the spot, so bees diplomatic as you want, but Andrew Cuomo had this reputation really from the beginning cause I'm sure. I remember reading me your time stories wondering whether he was going to be able to be an effective governor load, the press as much as he did why? Andrew almost always had the reputation of being very blunt and canned and his garden wall importers and tractors One thing I would say you know I have no idea
Whether or not there you are the federal investigation or the others led anything. Can't say that I have no doubt Andrew Cuomo for years. It was an attorney general before was governor any The law side take that He may have been many things. Stupid is not one of them. I do not see him putting himself in any legal jeopardy. Now, whether pupil Undine have done things. We will see a butterfly to raise its voice and scream video they go, One would say they heard stories about that. He lived in there with me because I was probably already screaming when he called is great for that de the to say that it went above all legal lie, I would We have to wait and see, I just don't see him not being caught she's got these. Allow you and always strategy. The thing I do hope go
is that in the midst of all it is we don't forget that there are people in this state? that are still not getting the vaccines and is still communities that need it, Hence our we don't get so driven in story there, we ve The services that are needed in- the state of New York that needs of governor and states ended and the state assemblies attention. Now the people get trebled on while we're seeing one way or another in terms of these allegations. Yes, a lot of work to do obviously in the state of New York and Jesse. I think part of what's new here and you know better than any of us is He ran into an assembly men and run. Can who was happy to go out and talk about what had happened to him. Show us calls described the phone calls it and in some detail, so what happens from you're. Not what do you see necks, whether its in The assembly weathers up in Albania in the courts in Brooklyn. What's the next step here? Well, I think what is interesting is that on Monday call came out in were as Reverend
seemed to try to turn the page. No, he was he took responsibilities that love there. We created a voice in which you know about information came out and there on Wednesday kind of went back and attacked wrong. Camp was gonna reopened. The story so in terms of what they are on this. In the messaging on this he had an opportunity to kind of move on and then They seemed kind of took a step backward gonna picking this dispute with Roger came in and, as you know, in addition to that angering wrong can buy. Angering penal law makers and members of the assembly now he's put down on her work as well. So, just politically speaking, No, that was exactly what he wanted to be doing when the legislature itself is considering stripping his powers. But that's where we are here, as expected. The state today, if you all should a form, so we may day when they have explanation. But we have to answer that
beer Archie for the New York Times Jesse Mckinley. Thank you very much for coming on the show this morning. Now the corona virus, the? U S has surpassed twenty eight million covert nineteen cases since the stars pandemic last year, a court to an NBC News, tally over four hundred and ninety five thousand deaths have been confirmed nationwide and now it's a global race to the covert vaccines up to speed with the numerous variants joining us and we see new chief foreign correspondent, Richard Angle, who has a spy. So this Sunday on the variant, verses vaccine race, Richard. Let's go to talk to you, there are hundreds actual. There are several thousand very and right now, according to the latest calculation there about four thousand known variants. But really there are three
major concerned and, unfortunately, all three of the ones of concern are in the United States. The south african vary in Brazil Variant and the You gave her it actually here in the UK. Is now talk about giving these very his name's like they give to tropical storms and hurricanes, because there is a bit of a stigma attached. People in the UK dont want, to be to be known as the spreading of the variant since the variant just happened. He created here happened to have evolved here, not through anyone's fault, but all three of these, these meetings, these these variant strains of concern, are spread in the United States and one in particular. The the UK variant is, is particular concern in the U S, because it has the ability to replicate so quickly. It has the ability to spread so quickly, which makes it very can they just and by being very contagious. It makes it a pretence, more deadly across populations. So yes have this.
Special, our coming up all about variants all about how they they came about out where their heading, what can be done to stop them, because there is race right now, there's a race as the as as though the virus is evolving and viruses evolve very very quickly because of their their very short life. And their enormous populations and their their structure, because this structure is changing as they are. Tate and the ability of the scientists to re fashion they are vaccines in order to catch up with the viral evolution, and the UK varied in particular is the one that is expected to be dominant in the. U s quite too so I spoke to doktor Change is one of many scientists that that I interviewed for this hour and asked him specifically about the UK variant, and these upgrades, we're seeing to the to the virus in all of the different mutations
corona viruses have spikes to bind too enter our cells in the EU. Hey strain, the spikes mutated ever so slightly. Allowing them to penetrate about fifty percent more efficiently, making the virus far more contagion. Scientists identify this new strained by its main mutation b, on one seven, this CDC as debates this super spreader will be moment in the U S by March. When we say we are concerned that it will be dominant by the time we get to March what we're talking about that, because of its advantage that it has over the other strains, namely the replicated advantage that it replicates more efficiently and effectively than over a period of time,
by the pure fanatics of replication in the dynamics of the outbreak after a couple of months. It will gradually take off the turf as it were right and be sees Richard angle. Thank you very much and will be watching the special on covert mutants this Sunday on MSNBC, still, I had Doktor Scott got leave joins us in a few minutes, plus there's an interest. Story, developing out of Australia where Facebook does to remove news from its platform in that country and recent news, foreign correspondent, Matt Bradley, Join, says to explain why that's next morning, Joe
Transcript generated on 2021-03-27.