« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 1/9/24

2024-01-09 | 🔗

Trump says he hopes the stock market crashes under Biden

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We have an account, Let me that's incredible: we have an economy that is so fred and the only reason is running. I was its running off the fumes of what we did. What the trumpet it just running off. The fumes and On this occasion. I hope it's gonna be during the next twelve months. Because I don't want to be Herbert hoover, donald trump hopes. Millions of americans lose their money from their for one case and return and savings within the next twelve months. he doesn't look bad, we have to get to this morning, including I keep hearing today for trumps claim of prayer essential immunity in the federal election interference case. We're gonna have
for legal analysis on that in just a moment, plus the very latest on two major developments in the Middle EAST. Israel says it has killed hezbollah commander in southern manon. It comes as the israeli military says. It is shifting to a more tar. It did campaign inside Gaza, we're tired force. Our navy admiral james stavridis will join us with more insight on both, stories good morning and welcome to morning Joe it is tuesday january. Ninth with us. We have former aid to the door, with bush white house and state department, Elise, Jordan, pulitzer prize winning columnist at the washington post, eugene robinson, is with us here in washington. Also here in washington. U s special correspondent for BBC news, caddy k who will be with us in just a moment and Joe you gotta love more president again so worried about his image. He's hoping people lose
their retirements. Now, rather than later, there were some things wrong with what he said. So many where you are What you're gonna love is that he's once again exposed himself d show just how horrific of of a public service would be. This is a guy that admitted on television. Bicker is so far cast on himself he wants americans star hurry up and lose their jobs He won't send a lose their savings. He won and a lose. Therefore, a one case: yes, he once their retirement accounts to be over the next twelve months. He's that desperate to be elected now few talk to columnist from left to right there, hell you, this economy is stronger than it span. it's more resilient than they ever expected to bay.
That this economy, you even had conservatives, you had gerard baker and no phantom toby In saying one of the big winners of twenty twenty three last year was united states economy. it is strong, Jean Robinson feel. I must go to you on this question only because I just think you get it the top you game, because all the one, their first national championship this century. This way side by side is terrific. It was amazing, of course I stayed up to watch the game and staying up to watch the presentation of the trophy and so and I'm awake, because this does not happen all every year and it was a great team and was a great game, and there you have the bed, the the better team won last night so so
Who is it was? It was quite quite a rhyme catty k, gesture it's hard to imagine again, people in britain. britain has its own problems with people across the world. They used to look at the united states before Donald trump ass. Really stable force we now have in the new york times and article compare brazil with the united states and actually the first million people are condemning the riots at their cost. Caddy are you there cat? Are you there caddy? I am yeah. That was me. That was that was me calling for caddy. So you have new york times article comparing brazil with the united states. Now, the united stage used to come out on top of that comparison, but now there talking, bout the reaction of the public to write
against a cap on the brazilians of all predictably come out and said it's a bad thing. we don't want our capital overrun by rioters- biogas I just saw the election and yet we are shockingly enough. Years later, and you have a large chunk of donald trump supporters. actually supporting the riots saying that they were over They weren't is bad as weak, we're all saying they were that many were peaceful protests and that's No that's just a lie and what are they willing to do for this? Guy who is homing. They lose their retirement accounts over the next twelve lines and that the accounts if goes into a depression, so he can get real acted. Yes, he does I have to be hoover and it all goes into a recession or have an economy crashed just after he gets into office. That was a was a weird comment wishing he cannot. There are two sides: your fee on the matter.
can people, but could they couldn't happen just before I am elected, rather than just after I'm elected you're right I mean a in our kind of copied, the trump playbook and the million people had a very different reaction. There's a certain amount of revisionism. It's so interesting. Looking at the polls here around generate the six states at the moment, but not just American voters who we are would that will add. I think, every time we play it. We probably do the country a service where we remind people of what it looked like on that day and how shocked by and large this country was and how shocked members of coal as in the republican party were- and I think that's the critical thing is that it's not just the public that might be reno trumps apple, does that may now be saying what she generally. The six was a sort of mice walk in the park, and it was fine. It's also those members of congress, came. I hope that they woods and said this was a terrible events, as elisa divining said that should be prosecuted to the fullest extent.
The law. I want a different june there singing today and this past week we saw some some clips. It came out of men of congress that worship the republican right shouting at the rioters trying to get in and killed people inside the capital saying that they were ashamed of them and now what are they doing now there on the side of the rioters there? On this the writers. But you know there was a big debate and You saw it across the papers watching post Wall street journal new york times this past weekend over over how how should the media react an old trop. Well, though, in the way the media should reacted, Arnold rum is just stop acting like one, says things that it's a it's away like that. You know it. There's nothing elise normal about you. sturdy, supplying the clap, there's nothing normal. Donald trump saying that Abraham
lincoln below it we're home him. I should negotiated with with the slave slave holders, and go shaded slavery away. So we could have avoided the civil war which we talked about making only for a week or two when making hayley said- mickey here said, but notice. I looked through the papers there. He attacked abraham lincoln, he said I am lanka whose warmonger I say, thing in the newspapers about that, because its normalizes there's nothing normal about it. Jamie, as with a bulwark rota com that I I hope is to be true, and I think it just may be the dial proposition his high water mark right now, because these walls, seeing through a primary a coordination. He won't eat debate. When that he gets out in the heat of the campaign,
time he opened his mouth. He says things like this. I hope the economy crashes, I hope wall street crashes. I hope people lose or for a one case. I hope they can these destroyed, so I can get elected president doesn't happen on my watch J Vila said what I bet rapporteur for national review com is for this review. Baseball crank said Couple years ago It is this when americans are talking now Joe Biden republicans when, when americans are talking about. Donald trump Democrats went and is from Gaza this election- and he said Crazier things everyday and they're. Getting crazier done drop summers likely will go down again, Joe. You would hope. So you would hope that insane ranting that sound
someone should not be in power; rather they should be an strait jacket and given some kind of injection, you at hope that that would not be just dismiss by a lot of voters but Fortunately, as we ve seen, there are plenty of republican voters who are willing to look away and dismiss it justice. Feared justice performance cause they're so again, there's the polarization it so strong and they're so against that their side, the end Matters is defending the other side, and you look at although electorate in this country has become so radicalized, where two out of ten may can see that the other side is the enemy, not just political opposition, but the end. and so I worry that donald trump is winning when it engine is own him, no matter how insane or inane here Comments are at a given moment, though gay,
what will move to donald trump may well be a guy. Who are you? What news did I make a carpet? Let's sit down, You can do that by the way when you return the caddy. She was listening to you from another studio sprinted in here jumped in her see and answered perfectly. I thought that was acrobatic very good. Thank you I think it's. What we find is it no sugar. She ass. She got it. She's, just people printing was in skin k. Do exactly are you? Let's move to download asked? We need that we need that part Brazil is how you I like tat hour. The argument is still hurts will begin. The former president drums appeals court hearing on presidential immunity trump is expected to attend, as at three judge appeals court panel decides if can be charged with election interference. There
cameras in the courtroom, but audio of the hearing will be broadcast especial Council has charged tromp with illegally. Attempting to for their turn. The twenty twenty election, culminating in the january six in action at the capitol trunks lawyer, is argue with any actions he took are protected by presidential immunity, they also claim and a prosecution would be a form of double jeopardy since he was already impeached and acquitted by the seven senate. Trumps legal team is arguing the thirteen count indictment against him in the full county georgia election interference? Rico case should also be dismissed because trump allegedly not know that trying to return. An election was illegal. The lawyers make our government in a new court filing quote our willingness to help, and so on, one of those times where we doubt let you,
the wide fly and the wall when, guy rob says I did not know that calling the secretaries of state of georgia tellingham allowed eleven thousand, however many votes article, but why don't we we play the where this we're. Donald trump is demanding that the secretary of state of georgia steal the election for him and listen to this, and this guy is climbing this guy. Who wants you to lose your retirement savings in you for a one wants economy to crash, so we can get elected president I'd say it's because he's that debts were to be elected I presume united states? That's us guy, who is so desperate remain, is presumed. I say: that's the guy here here where he calls the secretary of state of georgia and said steel, election for me break a lesson.
I only need eleven thousand dollars. I need eleven thousand votes. Gimme, a break I want to do. Is this guy? Is one side Eleven thousand seven. in eighty loves, which is why more than we have, because we want to see is nothing wrong with saying that you know that you recalculated there's nothing wrong. Donald trump says where the lying, through your teeth. Finally, Eleven thousand seven hundred and eighty voted listen. You know, I don't like to admit this. Gene I'm a simple country, lawyer, simple country lawyer, I fell off a turnip truck. and I landed in congress- and I served in congress- were a few years even as a simple country lawyer me and the FAO,
since and thousands of people who were elected every two years to serve in congress. It seems I thousand if there would know that stealing and election and vat is illegal,
yeah, and you know I grew up in in a town where there were turnip truck somewhere. I grew up too and still and still anybody the driver of the turnip truck the eight other people who loaded the turnips and unloaded them. They all knew that stealing an election was illegal. Everybody knows that and it's what a ridiculous claim, what a ridiculous filing again in a in a series in a blizzard of ridiculous, frivolous legal filings that the the former prisoners made in within a hailstorm of a ridiculous offensive and just crazy comments that he's making- and you are right that we cannot become inured to to to any of this, because it is
I and is it. It is completely out of bounds in terms of the way, our our democracy or any democracy. Our work, Let's wait around former yours attorney in attorney mess msnbc containing a sharp rise in trust me didn't. Just follow fraternal drug yesterday, twined beside the studios, thirty rock, like may spread big job. Where, where laughing about this this defence and were laughing about it, I think for valid reasons, but why don't you take us there legally? Any chance stay. Donald trump gonna prevail on that point or any of these points that that make a red Joe you're laughing about because it's laughable, fence attorneys can write what they want? They can file what they want. It does really matter, because at the end of the day, assuming this this goes to trial in georgia twelve men and women in the jury box or are going to decide what they think of this defence now the others
clear ignorance of the law is not a defence more than that he tried to still in elections that in a number of ways, by submitting, It's a fake electors by putting pressure on local officials by trying to get as president pants on that awful day in january, to halt the vote and the substitute his electors for the genuine electors We will see that the jury will hear that will see the evidence here from the witnesses and so its laughable. We can laugh about it at the end of the day in a serious place in a court of law, a jury will decide and there via they didn't. As you and eugene have talked about, just fall off a turnip truck shut. This seems pretty straightforward that today, Donald from is going to go in and he's probably not going to get an outcome. That is, to his liking. Oars defence attorneys do think, that's probably
what's gonna happen, or what do you think is the best case scenario for donald trump today I think that's right, at least so that's a different case. This is an oral argument in the dc circuit court of appeals, MR trump, filed a motion to dismiss the indictment against him because he claimed tooth and one that he immune from prosecution as a former president, theirs without legally is no non you're, not, and then the second claim that he brought is that double jeopardy precludes in being charged with these crimes. Again, the answer is no wrong. Double jeopardy does not that's, not double jeopardy. That's not going to work to his fate so you know maybe unbiased biased. Maybe I can at this from a different vantage point, because I was a former federal prosecutor, but I think these arguments is advanced than the dc circuit. To dismiss the underlying indictment are frivolous. I thank you this. I think he loses unanimously and I think he loses quickly so
chuck. If he loses the double jeopardy argument, he loses. The sorry I didn't know it was. A crime argument is the biggest potential in that delays. That march start date of the see trial right, that's a great she carried the trial. We're talking about this, ro case in Washington dc slated for trial on march forth, and I think that that trial date is endangered, I'm not do the mummy explained that if the court of appeals can quickly the side, this case finding that he is indeed not immune from the kitchen finding, indeed, that double jeopardy does not preclude this prostitution. They issue their ruling. They should the mandate quickly and the supreme court refuses the case they don't have to, of course
chance that this can get back on track rather quickly in the district court in the trial court in the district of columbia. Will it be march? Fourth, kennedy that quickly. I dont know I hope so, but if things breaks the way, I think they're going to break caddy I believe this case can be tried before the election, in fact well before the election, so but wait, chalk. There's more. A federal appeals court has denied donald trump request to consider his presidential immunity claim in the information, lawsuit files by aging carol carol alleges the former president sexually abused. Her a department store in the nineties trump denies the allegation, bought in may a jury deemed him liable and awarded care Five million dollars and damages it's important to point out. The judge actually considered it. Rape
a second trial is pending, in which jurors will decide whether carols should be awarded more money for the comments trump made after that verdict, when he continued to defame her as the statements he made shortly after she came forward with her allegation in twenty nineteen when tromp was allegedly president was president judge has already ruled. Tromp is liable for defamation, the former and lawyers, have been arguing, he has legal protection from lawsuits pertaining to his actions. While he was in office and appeals to initially rejected that claim last month. Now so has the second. Do s circuit court of appeals? Trump now has the option to take their case to the supreme court. The defamation trial is scheduled to begin on january, sixteenth, so chuck. What are the odds? his here and again, aging carol had no
Well, when he defamed her again too. So again, that's right he's right to sue the first time. In short, is right. This is the second time and they were right to award her the damages Mika. So what two trumps. Lawyers are arguing in essence, is that he should be immune from civil liable Well, four defaming does carol. and they are short of tethering- that to a nineteen. Eighty two supreme court case Nixon verses. Fitzgerald that case stands proposition that a president, if he is, thing in his official capacity. Really important distinction. Is immune from civil lawsuits by clear. defaming missus Carroll and all the other awful things he did to missus Carroll cannot. Simply be within definition of official conduct the present, don't get to duty free is anyone else for that matter. It doesn't to behave that way and hide
and immunity, and so it's simply that maker is Artificial conduct for his, not immune from liability. Therefore, she camper, against him and when her judgment and hopefully collect on it check and thank you so much for coming in this morning. We appreciate there's so much going on. We will see you again soon still ahead on morning, Joe secretary state amply lincoln s and Israel this morning in his latest diplomatic push to prevent a wider conflict in the middle east will have an update on the country's war against Hamas, as the israeli military announces, a shift to a new, more targeted approach in Gaza.
morning, Joe we'll be right back here. I must then be big. We're staying on top of that rural, fast. Moving stories to these news requires more facts. A new report finds the climate crisis is getting much worse, more context. We are seeing record numbers of people crossing into the united states just in the southern border and more groaned com. The commission will continue to carry out regime change in the Gaza strip worlds, never even harder to understand. That's why it's we ve, been more important to try MSNBC, understand more time, miss, and for me the news is so much more than I have mine. It informs spires and it still matters the covering you have to begin. It will take you to the front lines of the store or its actually have
with NBC news journalists on the ground from all over the world. We cover what you need to know and bring your news feed to live in prime time and streaming live. It's your news. Playlist join me for top scored weeknights at seven eastern on NBC news now Twenty six pass, the our welcome back to morning jail of beautiful shot of the capital What is it tuesday, scientists, tuesday, ok, Israel is taking responsibility for a strike that killed a hezbollah commander. The country's foreign minister took credit for the attack in southern lebanon. Yesterday in aid televised interview? The commander was a man Hezbollah is governing board and was related by marriage to the middle and groups later. His death is the latest sign of mounting tensions between Israel and
hizbollah. Yes, israeli officials, warn their prepare to escalate military operation in lebanon in order to came the threat from across the border commanders death comes a week after a suspect. It is rarely airstrikes, Hilda senior us official in Beirut. Hezbollah has vow to retaliate for vat attack, meaning While these secretary state and faint blanket is now in Israel meeting with officials about the war in gaza and efforts to prevent a wider conflict, his visit comes just today. After the israeli military announce it is shifting to a new phase of combat the eye He says it's moving away from a large scale, ground and air campaign to a more targeted approach that includes fewer troops, in Gaza. This is something the binding administration has been pushing for, U s. Officials say they expect the israeli military to rely
on smaller groups of elite forces, who will focus on eliminating Hamas, leaders and rescuing the hostages, the idea as it has already begun this phase in northern gaza officials. How the? U s, while they hope to complete the transition by the end of the month that could change if they discover new threats. or encounter a stiffer hamas resistance, Joe radio, former supreme ally, command of nato, retired, forced or navy admiral james survey, disease chief international analyse for NBC news admiral always and honour to have you here with us. We look at the headlines today about that. Has ballade commander senior commander has been killed. Also, the lead story here in the new york times will get back to the other leads towards better times in a second about the new phase of israel war, but not to be too crude about there But where is seen to be over the past week, or so in a phase where the hunters have become the hunter,
yeah the Hamas leader killed you ever hezbollah as hezbollah, leader kill. You have isis going after leaders and IRAN. You have with these that that are are subjects two more attacks. Now I stand, and I hear from from I guess they would be called the cons in the past, I'm not sure, but but I hear The criticism of buying that we should marge. We should support, the ukrainians watching straight to moscow and we should support absolute annihilation, an of of of every country, the middle east, saturate only slightly but violence Can a measured approach, most people, not The far right would say he's done a pretty extraordinary job of this. there's no doubt there, There is now what finally, starting to see in a more targeted way, the ram
vacations, what Hamas stead and they're starting to feel real pressure? Indeed, and I think Joe dissolve can be kind of confusing Hamas and Hezbollah, who thieves and what we need to remember. Is there kind of a one word summary, and that word would be IRAN or These groups are trained, organised equipped, directed from tehran and so it is a good thing to watch is realised. I in a relatively measured way. They could have started dropping huge bombs on Beirut. This was a very targeted para strikes up north took out mass leader, one hezbollah leader, its measure, in terms of the who, these of the iranian pirate soon I've talked about in the red sea. I think the bite
the is working their way up. The ladder escalation in a way that is sending a signal for, the whole of the pirates to tehran. that's. What has well contain on here is a measured approach. What and roll what You just said about that: measured approach and sort of an increase. and of of intensity of attacks the same Joe Biden, dead and ukraine? Why? ten years to do an ukraine, yet not yet have for on the sidelines, saying why doesn't he give them this? Why does he given that he has? He has its Azured vow it step by step by step, because again, I'm sorry when you're dealing with a country like russia that has more nuclear weapons than anybody else. No such movements,
when you're dealing with what we're dealing with in the middle east and IRAN, and the possibility of a mass of regional war, no son movements. Let's talk about Joe Biden has, I am criticising many earlier. We get what we want to criticise and we'll talk about afghanistan, but it seems to me in These cases he's done what's required. What a and servant and with a small sea would be calling for here's a way to think about it. A lot is never almost never in on off switch life, so often is kind of a real step. You know that dimmer on the wall in your dining room, you got a kind of dial lit in and so I think in ukraine, for example, they said It was stingers and javelins they kind of up the ante to patriot air defences. They moved upset ladder with the aid
tat comes missiles kept dialing, and I think that at the same process their undertaking The middle least die. Lit up, encourage the israelis to use less brute force. more specific, targeted, special forces. So think of it as a real step. Now we could argue back and forth about whether they should spun- that dial faster and gotten F sixteen to ukraine. But those are tactical decisions, this strategic chick way in which the administration as approach both ukraine in the middle east is bound insensible the wine and and continuous putting private eye. I will love rating these stories about now russia is so powerful and russia's, whether this storm in russia's theirs, and what that, because end of the year. There are a lot of into the year story said: russia was house they've. They
handle the sanctions wonderfully their economies doing better than ever that this there that euro zone that are older, remember stories from eighty five, eighty, six, eighty seven about powerful soviet empire. We remember a book it's what my favorite books, so I don't mean to be good go, but the rise and fall of the grey. fires Paul Paul Kennedy talking it be a kennedy talking about the rising follow the united states are over extended and he missed the fact that the soviet union would collapse in two three years at I when I when, when I hear this now about russia's I've heard this before and it did and well for the russian Let's go to the lead story, the new york times admiral. It talks about israel entering a new phase of the work, Finally doing what the bite
ministration, what our secretary of state, anthony, blankets and so many other what jake solvent suddenly other is a vine administration have been pushing is, they do, and that is to take a more targeted approach to their campaign and their health down of Hamas terrorists and israeli and american hostages. It's a good move when as follows. They ve had the israelis have had significant success in the north. Now they are ramping down from the big blockbuster bombs, they are using their special forces and they're using their engineers Joe to go after that tunnel com. Like sets the centre of gravity in the north. That's a good phase, the campaign for the israelis in the south different campaign, theirs
fighting very hard street to ST going after the leadership of Hamas and in those areas they are desperately searching for the hostages, hoping against hope they can. Conduct kind of a rescue operation good news, such as it is, is that that two pronged and pain in the north and the south play into the strings of the israelis, their very good and special forced, very good at the ability, to do this kind of fine, engineering task to take out that centre of gravity that tunnel com the flags in the north, I think you're good. she dumped, conversely, slowing down in an old peer to the outside world, really moving effectively, both north and south inside Gaza, admiral kirk really there's so much going on in the world, and there was no there's a break over the holiday so to speak, but
the news of general lloyd, auster secretary Austin, just being out of touch how dangerous duty it was for america's national security readiness will ledge lodestar by simply saying I've known void, austin for decades he's out Fourthly, a contemporary mine a couple years, older, perhaps west point graduate- I won't help against him, but a in person- and we all ought to be hoping for. He is a quick recovery and into the saddle as joel you talked about a moment ago- is still a very steady pair hands for the department. In terms of that episode, you know- a lease on a scale that kind of runs from We ought to be looking for his resignation, mighty absolutely not, but at the other end it's no big deal. You know the deputy took over this one. This kind of in the middle east
two years as the senior military assistant effectively, the military chiefs of staff to secretary defence die rumsfeld it. I just can't imagine a moment, let alone ways in which the white house didn't know where the secretary of defense was as was walking in here and leaves the panic. announced a thirty day review of what happened that needs to occur. Close with this lloyd or since been very forthright saying. I take responsibility for this. Frankly, I'm looking at his senior staff. What happened there? Look he had this person Wager he was in a great deal of pain, it's the job of his team to make sure that continuity exists so kind of worrisome. Let's see what comes out of this study,
I take you back to Israel, Gaza, for a second and and and and ask you when, and how do you see some relief for civilians in Gaza they've effectively been a couple of million people have been pushed kind of I have kind units all the waiter Raphael in appalling conditions this still under fire, when and how do you see that situation being relieved? Not in days not in weeks, but I thought we can measure in months, and that is an entirely unsatisfactory answer the israelis knee to understand that their responsibilities under the laws of war are quite clear here. To protect these civilian populations, I think there can Pain has been insufficiently attentive to that jean, I think
It's going to be at least two more months of hard combat in the south. At that point we hit the discussion of what comes next and that could be some combination of the palestinian authority, the air a bleed local groups the israelis themselves entirely. Unclear as saw goes its easy to get into a war, its to get out a why our right retard star emerald james to readers. Thank you very much for your insight this morning and Next morning, Joe former forced lady, Michelle obama says she is terrifying the potential outcome of the twenty twenty we're election we'll play for you. Her new remarks and we'll talk about what democrats can do about it, plus one gene best.
in the glory of his wolverine morning, job right back chief white house, correspondent, Kristen welker, joins me now from across the nation the number one issue for you to the national states, and I welcome them to the final twenty twenty presidential debate we included results were killed still too closed. and when power was held, we kept his abuse of power. The christian group at the moment now she joins, meet the press as it's new moderator, the vet sunday, it's meet the press some days, bc. Get the best msnbc it all in one place every day
with the mss NBC daily newsletter each morning in your inbox, you'll find expert analysis. Video highlight of your favorite shows running for railway dissent, as we say, get europe or card from the american previews from our pod casts and documentary, as well as written perspectives from the news makers themselves understand for mass NBC daily at msnbc dot com he is The quick, like a cat, the still dry that is our support there are people out there that believe that whenever michigan does is tainted. It's up to you to decide, but held this again. They are the champions of twenty twenty three
the victors adopting universal michigan, his college footballs, national champions for beating or to washington last night side again, must bring right now best selling all authority has been come. Data paul fine bomb ball, we'll talk about the coach who was banned twice the season from being on the sidelines and a little bed. First, I must say, I think, the southern thing, I don't have a great deal of respect for most big ten teams. Occasionally, Ohio state has a really good team that can compete with. As you see james, this michigan team by the end. One me over last night more so than the alabama game, which I will forever think we should have one this game last night showed this is a heck of a team top to bottom.
yeah. I agree and it's easy to joke about how until last night, Michigan had won one and a half national championships in the last seventy years and it seems like alabama and georgia just went through a drive through somewhere and picked up another one but- but if it was real on for all the criticism and I've been at the tip of that spear for the last couple of months, it was a dominating performance. This was not last year with tc. You, Washington really was a was an excellent I Michael Appendix quarterback. This had a rough night. It's deepened captain in the game, they probably shouldn't, have been in the game as long as they were, but to Jim harvest credit he he was stood all types of criticism and whiplash end at the end. He was he was alone, smiling and questions today or not so much, whether he will win another ones where he will go next and we'll get to that. I'm sure in a second
robinson. You know the interesting thing and any my knock on big ten teams, I think, most as he say, fans have looked at big. Ten t is being these slow, hulking players, and I am mean I've big, ten games in and said my god. This is. This is a high school football. That michigan team last night blew away all of us. spray conceive notions over the past thirty years, the michigan last night looked like them she teams- I grew up with as a kid in this, these when, when a guy named bow was their head coach day, they want a powerful fast. All I mean put together great football team. That's what they were being been there. These were all remember. These are five star recruits that that harbour brought to michigan
In building this programme, for years, the third year in a row, we made the college football play off the first year, of course, that he he broke through this is a really really balance tea with us. I have running game very good and a gave a clever and mobile quarterback in general, Mccarthy and they dominated the line of scrimmage me. Those guns old fashioned football, but that's what they did to Alabama, which I want to people thought they could not.
do were both in assisi powerhouse like alabama and that's what they did against washington, it's what they, but they did all year what they did against ohio state and so in a sense which again is a bit late. The scale ohio state has been, as has been said at sea level, for awhile, took bishop, get a wild catch backup by, but now of course, no, when you talk about big ten football starting next year, you being loading washington you'll be including these west coast teams, and so I think, we're going to have to have to expand the meaning of that term, but it was a great night for furthermore, marines and their france twenty twenty years. Right now, of course, alabama forget a block in the first half of the game against michigan still only three points by that time and I had seven points into the fourth quarter, but they were not we're, not, go back and replay. That game
To date we took due to painful and I do I do not why and where I am michigan fan, I'd want to focus on the kids and- and I do focus on what what a great team they are- and I really do the morning after I hate to bring this but we need it. Need to bring it up. If, if there when somebody cutaway shots to harbour, I could focus on kids on the field, but this is a guy that was suspended twice and and the cheating scandal was was was terrible and not only was it herbal. He lied about it. There were, if you talk to other big Coaches. If you talk to other big ten officials, He saw me again got away with with wages well get away with with with no one is a well. They should have been patient,
ban from ball games are, they should have had wins taken away from. What they did was was pretty horrible and then they got caught lying about it. So what? What? What? is the legacy of Harbaugh. Even with this strong, ordinary when last night, it's yours- Why should we mention, but here's the real issue and everything you said is accurate and coaches Texted me and told me all these things that you just regarding but some problem with with sticking is they they did what they had to do on the field of the scandal. Part stealing did was not of whatever didn't help them last or against our ban in quite four beating alabama was very significant, being someone else last week. I have had the same residents, but they beat the biggest and the best of all, the biggest name in college football and the greatest coach. I think it was subside
The main reason it will subside Joe because there's so much going on right now in college athletics, there's so much under the tale player are getting four hundred thousand dollars to sign and it's not against the rules. So it any fishing being untoward in making its day to day yet, but it is It is insane that the chaos that is spreading across college football- and we really saw it during the ball games. I hope they need to get their act together and and and and and changed some bade someone the kids transfer but they need, they need to wait till february or so to get us the ball games through ball games. Finally- and this is just stir, point of food personal privilege. Here, I'm sorry, I we haven't talked about the alabama game, alabama, michigan game, Titus really quickly, guy is the yellow
jack. I've never been to in alabama game. I what a horrible father I was you rightly that had been in season, so we to go. We carved out and we got to go to the the championship in atlanta and I will tell you that, as you see championship in atlanta, even though isn't in georgia Paul valuable fans were louder the team. more fired up. They wanted that more view. Just tell they wanted it more there bizarre flatness the rose ball where, she can fans were where, as you know, you were there as they would cheering louder mission. The team seemed to want it more. We still still should one we're ahead in the fourth quarter, but I'm telling you was like, we were playing in Ann arbor, it was, verse of what happened it. Does he see championship? Here's a strike. flatness about alabama team, can you can eat Jimmy? Give us,
side some on what happened there, I started the wind, so the obligation of no respect for the big ten. from it happened nine years ago, never being in new orleans for their house. They gained the first year of the play all and I couldn't find any about things. I finally found one of the core. I say where's everybody's and they skip this. We're going on two dollars for the championship. That's how alabama role! I don't need to tell you I test in front of us: they all of em staff after the game just checking in he said we were better than just like you said in that system, integrity and by the way, I'll about realisable them didn't when last night because they weren't there. But that's how about my has road for our know about sixty or seventy years has meant. I mean they get six national championships. They went those national chant, six under sabin great. This was a team and I think I gotta admit I read it minute I was sitting at the stands before the game and the weak leading up to the going? How does
you can beat us. I don't know how they beat us You could sense that the alabama team the first task thinking the same thing: they they didn't wake up to the third quarter, some any. alright we're all well, I guess I d ask nick saban, everybody says he's gonna retirees, gonna hang out in florida and goals I dont know how mix saving does that add said? Does it seem like that's in his make up? What do you think we? girl, I thought if you could be mission, wonder at the national championship. He would walk away because with such a perfect ending, but so much has changed in eight days joe, he said it was our creating the weekend. I think I think the rest of college football stuck with next sagan for awhile. The earlier predictions are already offer next year desert. The top two teams are in everybody's paul georgia in alabama. and I will say the schedule next year's extraordinary and
Jane was saying the conferences are moving together, but I I know this sounds strange for michigan fans that was open. Particularly galling loss for alabama last wake, and yet you you're exactly right mix save and if he had won the problem, be golf and would be trying to figure out who than I expected was. He is gonna go out on that, losing no dizzy. And a lot of people are watching you going what's wrong with these alabama people here, I didn't go. There met my wife in alabama sand and german ugly, but you are, but that's it that's what really separate alabama from the rest of it. What it also, which meant what makes it sk in winning, so unique progress. Michigan has an air to they want round for the last thirty years like college football, revolves around them last, they finally had something to back it up there really
Paul fine bomb. Thank you so much and jean I'll get Alex yell at me, but I gotta give you the last word because we ve been talking about alabama because well, It's my show bite there should be a I want. I want to repeat this. I didn't think Michigan had a shot of when I thought it was ridiculous and I think seventy percent of people who bad bad on alabama. That's what I was hearing. This was an extraordinary come. They were a complete tea. They were a beautiful football team to such nothing life forever, even alibi for the staff of god, football and plant gets a great team. It's gonna bid alabama, we'll be back, but several michigan Harbaugh his body. I built a really good team.
Really good program. They're gonna be competitive with the best of the scc. So when you, when you figuring out your ranking for next year or go go ahead. Put georgia alabama mess around and find out Will we in our genes? That is a measure. In fact, it's not enough that the dogs, when sab two words that exemplary yorker magazine article eighty said, explains michigan fans snake. Well, Dogs, one last night and all they I've lost circling regulations, jane varying due to re team and a great season in next year? We have bandit play off so a lot to look forward to a very clear way.
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-10.