« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 1/24/22

2022-01-24 | 🔗

U.S. weighs troop deployment near Ukraine, orders embassy families out

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I see tat you see she read your game for the first time since nineteen eighty eight forty years, San Francisco is moving on with a thirteenth eighteen win here, Lambeau in this crowd and perceiving stunned thirty yards to win the game, rims everyday skinny tcp. What many consider to be the best weekend, then a foul play football ever good morning and welcome to morning tat with this Monday January, twenty. Fourth: in with us, we have a host of way too early and white has Bureau Chiefs Politico Jonathan, the mere Emma
and they contributor MIKE Barnacle and conservative attorney. George Conway will be getting to his recent column for the Washington Post entitled the Supreme Court's order against Donald Trump is even worse for him than it appears, but First Joe either. I know will be talking football first. You look so tired and we be jogging football first, there's a most extraordinary, weaken football. My barnacle waited there that I think any of us in saying I think by the end of last night, everybody agrees that in all history then fell play. of games back to back unites starting with Lambeau actually starting with the bangles game, but then just that all classic from another century the Niners and Green Bay zero during its degree, whether snow for nine figure out a way to come back and then Brady finds a way to come back, but unfortunately he can't play all eleven
positions on the veiled and then last night there are no words for touchdowns in two minutes. my homes, the hidden sheaves the five yards in thirteen, cats are at least to fill your position and thirteen seconds nothin, like you, it even describe it adequately, just an unbelievable few days, Joe As you know, I am a baseball guy. I love baseball I feel so badly for major League baseball and every other professional sport in the wake of what we witness as a nation. This weekend it was latest weekend of play football in history, I believe in king growing up with the greatest football game I ever saw, and it was on a little black and white tv when I was a little kid
where's the giants in the Baltimore calls, and I love the New York Football Giants and now, when I meet you crashing into the end zone in sudden death to win that football game that pale In comparison to what we saw last night Kansas City versus Buffalo bills. It was the most believable incredible mind, boggling game I've ever see in sport and to cap off weekend of above play football. It was built, I what we were watching come away with two conclusions: one. It was indeed the greatest football game. I've ever seen into the NASH Football League has to change their overtime rules to have Josh sitting on the bench watching the conclude of his season without getting his hands on the ball. They have to fix that the great great quarter, performances in play
If history to Josh Alan, I dont know if I've ever seen anybody more in control of a game whether he was running, whether he was rolling too, is laughed. Throwing too is right across his body flicking the ball forty yards with his wrists chestnut straw ordinary job, but I will say we ve talked about Josh Alan Patrick mom. She could talk about San Francisco, credible, Yellow John, mere. I I stop watching the NFL. I watch for a better part of a decade until maybe this Four balls, I just I stopped enjoying the game But I will tell you that the new players here that that have just been extraordinary. I started. I started watching with Jack about three regular season games out before the play us and is compelling stories. This really dies. I mean this this weekend. I wonder at me that fails not hurting anyway, but I wonder if
it brings some people back who ve been away. Much those Lakers celtic show downs in the nineteen eighty cause we have bigger then live stars on the stage that to be around for a while, yet and this young quarterbacks on display this weekend, Josh Alan Patch bombs, Joe. borough. He added to my first point is also happens: Meiji Baseball in a lock out every other What right now paling comparison do the NFL, which has seen ratings tick back up after they had declined couple years, just an extraordinary product, a journalist go through. Let's start with that, for last gave incredible finnish to the final game of the plan. We can patch moms here. It is in overtime after Josh. I never got them all, because he called tales rather than head here spies, Travis, Kelsey, Indians, Stout Kansas City Chiefs wins to the thirty six over the bills, two teams. mining forget this and Ethel record twenty five points
Finally, two minutes regulations bills seem to have the game wants going right there with just thirteen seconds left. The four quarters job throws a strike but take chicken into the insults attacks that they could have one. A little back that gave homes, time to place it in those who plays, he got the chiefs in opposition. Forty yards ties. The game more seeing the overtime winner again just a heart, breaking loss for the bills. I said, has never won the Superbowl they lost four straight in the nineties that such passionate fans extra New York and knew all the chiefs now. The first team for history to host for straight ass, a chant your games, but George Conway Debate right now beyond. Just while is this, the grass and Ethel gain ever played, and certainly not suitable division right near the top books, delete change their overtime rules. Coin cheeks wanted they got the boy.
the way the world works. Now, as you gonna touchdown, that's the game, the other team. Does yet the ball you settle for a feel, go the other team does get possession. Of course. If you dont score the other team gets procession cod. Balls set up there. Over times each team gets the ball at least once what do you think's ethylene James rules? I definitely think they should change the rules and its actually amazing to think about that used to be that you ve just kick, feel goal in your purse: possession and win the game and over time, but now I think As we saw last night, I mean, I think it's just important. Both teams get a full possession even first team scores touchdown, and I know that it tat would. Then you have to do that in the regular season, but they certainly not during the play off and then, if against, get out of it, they give another possession after that and if it, if they dont, if they don't, you know, break to tie. for that they make and go to some kind of a college football sister Maybe I can you make a third Angola on the ten and
two shots at the Enzo need should keep doing that without any opportunity for feel goals it doing out until till they done like you know what kind of like a soccer shoot out there that that that's what they ought to do. I not weeping. Can you imagine how exciting that would be if they did that. you're back into that on Saturday Game George, I was kind of glad it ended last, like as I had to go to bed and once again if these two guys kept exchanging possessions, they are going to be playing all my because they were the two great. As you know, the same game. I've seen it unbelievable and yesterday's early game was crazy to was a blow out a halfway through the third quarter. Now this What else do you guys they blew out San Francisco? Seventeen did nothing last game of the year to fully Niners came back almost beat him Tom Brady, though yesterday was the one working his magic. yet again and you get the buck spread in the back in the game lay.
to have a baby, sound twenty seven, the three at one point this reminds me of when Tom, Brady, oh, my either in my heart, felt concerns a few years back in in the super the bad Pascal within seven. They would tie late in the fourth quarter, but there was too much time left from the field formats effort in the RAM Stafford, yet Cooper CUP who, for some unknown reason, wide open down the mentally was tackled, the ten grand spiked it. one feel gulped? So the little mere I know, you're all Brady, all the time the guy can't Where is he You can't go the defence and play cornerback as well. I
I was surprised by a couple of blown coverages by the box yesterday, just terrible defence. At times we can start there with just a few seconds. I think, Why are called on our lips were. All you need to do is keep IRAN's attitude will arrange in play for overtime. You ve got all elements in your home. Show total breakdown, letting Cooper CUP get wide open down that field and regrets the ran. Stepmom Stafford answered the bell. Every time you play great but Joe again, a lot of talk about Tom Brady, not just the fact that he let another epoch come back there Chris Chatter, that Brady might walk away he's a forty four years old, still play at every p level heap, we have always said he wanted to play till. He was fully I've been one more season, but in the last couple of days, have been a lot of shadow that he might step aside this off season after the game. Brady, of course, the greatest pleasure to ever laced them up was pretty non committal in terms of what he would do say. He would take his time with his family to to make his decision
Certainly, he has proven even at his advanced for college that he can still do it. It would be it personally. I in a state of mourning. Were he to walk away of course our guide, but were he to retire? He would do so seventh walls and on question legacy Joe Why any should have been in another enough see championship game this year as well on Saturday now I I know, last night was crazy. Ok, but if you're all like me- and you remember the black and blue division guys are going around in the tundra on ice, the lions playing the bears a bears playing the Packers Packers playing the Vikings in Sub zero, whether with ice. Coming down, then Saturday Night Game was for you. It was a game from another century. The savages A forty diner stood on the Green Bay Packers Lambeau, and
thanks to grant special teams play by the forty? Nine is just some of the worst special teams play by the packers anybody's ever see the Niners box. Finally, the fourth quarter score to Tidy Amy ten Aaron Rodgers Packers couldn't get down the veal than the legs possessions. They had the pot San Francisco to finally drive the ball and feel go range and Robbie GO hits the game winner with no time left, sending San Francisco to the annex II, championship game and twitter. Into a frenzy of jokes about Rogers on vaccinated status straightaway that really wise. I mean many people Twitter was made for a night like Saturday night, I'm serious, you can fill arms block with a one says that started immediately after the game was over me. People were He was amusing, a super ball and I mean the jokes justice broke themselves that we're just hysterical and dumb. Then they saw
for the two games yesterday and they started up again last night. My barnacle you're like me me. this is real football. We ve, we cannot keep it the domes where we want on the plane and zero degree, whether an I believe I think the most remarkable thing is you guys guys from San Francisco who are used to this. Whether came in and actually ended on in the fourth quarter. They looked like the team that was you to playing in sub zero, whether in the packers. Well, they do. kind of melted down and I gotta say Aaron Rodgers, unlike all of the other great quarterbacks this weekend, once again he's, the guy. You don't want a near bunker with. the things on the why he just too conservative could not closed. the forest e
game, couldn't win played in that time. Capsule I'm in the environment with the snow is starting to coming down. They could men play of level whether helmets and no face masks and in terms of the forty nine is taking precedence over the package in the final ends is again, I don't think the temperature matters for these guys when there was a game like that, I mean the competent in itself. I mean they thrive on. It is incredible. Plus I mean they're gain. Preparation involves getting prepared for the game in various ways in which we probably don't want to get into here, but I mean here of a mind as one to win the game. Jimmy apple, not the greatest quarter back in the world, but I felt very good for him because, A wonderful there is a great kid Aaron Rodgers. As joint just pointed out, the jokes just wrote themselves all night long, but in context for the entire weaken the ass Let us system of the quarter backs that we saw, to my mind, was absolute.
Amazing capped off by the two quarterbacks last night, more homes and Josh Alan. The on these guys in baseball traditionally, almost always your best athlete is gonna, be it short, stop the rain The short stops have the velocity of the throws. The first base from a deep hole in the short stop in the field is short. stop and usually the best athlete one among the best athletes, the arms that thing two quarterbacks displayed last night, Josh Alan and Patrick Mahomet. throwing sideways, throwing overhand near the velocity of the throws. It was mind, boggling, absolutely mind boggling well, you know, and also the coolness how how cool they were back in the pocket. Again, a great contrasts with their enrage. You know, John or mere my favorite, sorry one, my favorite, and it fell stories that repeated a million times is when Montana drove his team last summer.
Ninety four yards in the Superbowl to beat the being dolls and everybody was freak down the huddle and screaming all over the stadium, and he looks up in the stands, the points you guys hey its job candy and everybody inside Idle said. If he's worried we're worried. He have the confidence to there are ninety four yard sets what you saw Patrick now, homes. That's what you saw ajar challenge, that's what's so with Tom Brady guys who want to be in that moment, and that's just something that are in Rogers. He does being in that moment, you can tell he gets more conservative, he gets more marshes and he just not the type of guy that can take a team field and when I'm a time again, whereas Brady Ma Homes and Alan come on market down just get their corner. The hall of Fame, of course, Brady up front, but all these guys the hall of famers their extraordinary and is it is Aaron Rodgers. Is his lifetime play Africa now eleven intent
barely over five hundred new law, some killer, humble Afghans, one of my favorites of there, twitter jokes is that he apparently did his research about forty nine. Its defects couldn't get through. speaking of the negroes, though, and John Candy well, the Bengals are back in the spotlight. Joe borrow another good young who quarterback very for his team independently and beat the number one c. Nay, the ball. With less than thirty seconds left negate O Brien details passed there, you see it deflected and the bangles grabbed the interception that gave birth the bangles good seal position and borrow fight She wonderful looking wide receive a great threat on this I like puts them he'll range times about to inspire you place later. There is ever Mc Fierce called on the sidelines as we're gonna have to talk again he's right. They nearly fifty our game when civil as time expired, bangles going Our first actually chaps your game since nineteen. Eighty eight
There's a suffering franchise bangles are another one. They ve never want to civil war, while they ve got a chance to go back, they play. They go to Kansas City to play the chiefs. That's early game on Sunday, that's three o clock and then its sixth. All California, for the annex ii, It also serves to forty dollars blow to us just rematch that game just at the the regular season. A few weeks ago, four hours rams the winners. Honest rule, fifty six in LOS Angeles, so the somebody will play to strength, aims in their stadium, that's February, third It's an Joe that game will be on and be see. What do you get? Who do you got it. Why guy I've I've gotta go to be going with Kansas City, and I think San Francisco demon destiny again hears it The came back from seventeen to nothing deficit just to get into the playoffs against the rounds than that incredible, went against the cowboys, then the Green Bay One there I bit bit anybody when this obviously but here
you talk about your browsers and other extraordinary quarterback, a great young kid going he's going to be all store for years to come, so there's going to be one of the most exciting football weakens next week, and I think- exist in a lot of great teams and extraordinary talent lining up and MECCA. I know I know you're sorry that you missed all of this being in Poland, but honey. There's always next week, well you were texting all night, the team about these games. So I kept getting live updates as I was trying to slave, but we will get to the news after seventeen minutes of sports sounds like it was worth it by the way. As you can see, I'm in Warsaw, Poland. This is my backdrop here, which is the castles where the old town in warsaw- it's very beautiful, I'm here, but helping my brother get settled in as ambassador to Poland. I get his family said and settled then, and I met discovery, owned, tv and and
Kelly actually made this possible its run by her she's on the fifty over fifty less, and even my own mug, as you can see ready to go into all morning. Yeahs care of tv and thank you and Joe before I go to news. I just want to say the way you were this morning with the sports veal key value, ten Chico Hum. Look it up to the news now. Political has obtained some of the records that former President Donald Trump tried to shield from the committee investigating January six. That includes a draft order data December, sixteen twenty twenty that would have directed the It states military to seize voting machines. The draft included Conspiracy theories about election fraud in Michigan and Georgia, as well as quote international and for interference. The order would have appointed special counsel to oversee the operation and would have given us
Secretary of Defence Sixty days to ride up an assessment as political notes. This suggests Trump would have used. His big lie to stay power until at least made fast I showed this information is really beginning to pile up. It really is, and George Conaway, you can line things up and see what Dick Cheney this rotarian, defences, who all sign that letter writing was in January. Third and fourth, they knew what was coming talk about the gravity. The impact of of this finding this, this document is the most insane thing, you're, we're going to see- and I don't even think their words describe how crazy it is. I mean they're doing there's no statutory basis for it. There's no accented are just mostly are basically just made up and exaggerated I mean this is just like that I mean, these analyses, but this was this document have been if it were tried to be executed, is kind of almost like the mob.
Equivalent of the of the german enabling act in the nineteen. Thirty, where you the programme, Second, it is taking all power for itself and and allow me to use the military, which would mean, in violation of the insurrection at two seas, voting machines and see voting records throughout the country that anybody who even thought that this could be possible and let alone put it down on a piece of paper, is not of sound mind and the notion that these people live. Pushing this idea actually had access to the present the United States in the way we in the oval office. I think, is just it's it's agreeing to even think about its hard, not to be jobs MAC to George, your latest are bad for the Washington Post is entitled. The Supreme Court's order against Donald Trump is even worse for hen. Then it appears, and you write in part. Donald Trump is often his own.
Stand me, but sometimes he gets competition from his lawyers, perhaps no better example of it can be found. Then it away days water from the Supreme Court, which summarily rejected former presidents emergency request to block on grounds of executive privilege, the release of documents to the Select House Committee investigating the January six hundred and twenty one, two thousand and twenty one attack on the capital. The court's decision was a brutal and personally singing loss for trump and they arguments zone lawyers advanced may have made the defeat worse, that says relied solely on reasoning that trumps claims were so paltry his privilege. arguments so weak that transport have lost and were he still in office? The result an even more devastating rejection of trumps. Privilege claim an effect, an unambiguous blanket holding by the Supreme Court that
The president's who incite insurrections in office don't get to invoke executive, privet village good work team tromp grateful country. So you mean they were their own worst enemy, Joe, it's as if they laid out for body was really be able to to. Through and to end make the claim against the president time and time again, his lawyers worry its worst enemies by George. It looks like we have a pretty good precedent against this for presidential overreach. In the years to come, you read Cavanaugh, explanation of the opinion saying it doesn't matter whether D on top of the current president or a more present a heated of claims of executive privilege anyway, and we share any any discussion by the lower courts about his status as a former president, is just stick to that. That actually, eggs this case. Even bigger laws against Donald Trump Absolute
May I mean it was one of those things like when they told Nixon how against the United States came out and nineteen. Seventy four- and I told him- I must present- there's no air in it and there was no air in this for the former present, because sometimes ports will we'll see Well, if you come back in your prove this, then it might be different and you know it it might, but this they basically because they took out the they stop. The thing ended the reliance that than to court of Appeals had on the fact that President depressed is isn't for President budget trumpets, the former president, and we defer to the judgment of the current president. It took that right out, they had a whole. The patient has just emphasised how frivolous these claims are and in a puts everybody who has been trying to hide behind executive privilege in a lotta heap a trouble, I'm a vodka tromp. Nothing now There's nothing, they got no defences now to compliance with these subpoenas.
It was all because I ain't gonna play they. They pushed s. Pay push this argument too far, but I don't want to I'm on the lawyers too much because I mean they're, sort of an unwritten run. Unwritten full of legal practice, which is, if you represent bad people who do bad things. You end up having to make bad arguments and you pay a price and they certainly did, as did everybody around Donald Trump, but it wasn't just this decision from the Supreme Court might barnacle. This was a terror. This past week was one of the worst weeks Donald Trump experienced in the inside court and out Interesting to me enjoy just alluded to it is the language used? these decisions. It mean the justices written as a team in responding to this. It wish that they would be one language from lower courts when selling these clownish suits are filed. in conjunction with this case, and they the way the judges addressed. It basically saying you know Missus,
I wish this is foolish its irresponsible and it's a waste of our time, you'd like to see more of that at various levels of jurisdiction. you sure would have been big, but this decision again says it all, and I think we can have a big impact where this January six, the commission goes in the weeks and months to come. George Conway, you so much for your great legal Analysis and, of course, you're football insights meagre. We still a lot more to go, including I'm sorry, I'll, even more on football. Ok, we have more ball, but also more on the region. I'm in right now. Still I had on morning Joe from President Biden, considering sending troops to Eastern Europe and the Baltic to this state department ordering did amounts to leave the. U S embassy in Ukraine. We will have the first asked moving developments as concerns over a parcel. Russian invasion ramp up plus a member.
the house, Foreign Affairs Committee Congresswoman Abigail Span. Burger joins us you're watching morning, Joe we'll be right back We have been clear that first, in the event that there is a renewed russian incursion, russian forces going into Ukraine, is going to be a swift, a severe and united response, but we ve also been, or that there are other things were just talking about this- that Russia. new, shorter, sunny forces into Ukraine again to try to stabilizer topple the government side the hybrid means etc and there
we ve also been clear, they'll, be a swift response, they'll be calibrate, a response will be a united response. Tensions escalate between Russia and Ukraine. The- U S State Department is ordering all family members of the american Embassy staff in Kiev to leave. Ukraine. Now the State Department says security conditions, particularly along Ukraine's borders, are unpredictable, and can Cheery rate with little notice It's also urging you S, citizens in Ukraine to leave King Americans, not to travel to Russia. This, as president by considering deploying several thousand Jew S, troops and warships to NATO. allies in the Baltics and Eastern Europe and this morning. so now says it is sending additional ships and fight or jets The Eastern Europe, amid the Russia troop build up near you could
in joining us now calmness and associate ever for the Washington Post, David Ignatius. U S banana national editor at the Financial Times Ed loose and think. I know this guy senior fellow at the Atlantic Council in Brzezinski. Good to have you all David Ignatius. You recently returned from a trip to Kiev and you decide did in your new peace entitled as Vision, looms. Ukrainians are calmly defiant. You right click over and over here and didn't Warsaw. I heard argument that the United States must stop reactive in dealing with Putin? The russian Lee Leader loves to provoke anxiety in the west, and he has shown with Ukraine that he's ready to turn dial weigh up. It falls to Biden to find it to contain this bullying russian later without
agreeing in all out war in the heart of Europe, the best advice I heard echoed by the most thoughtful analysts in Kiev in Warsaw- is that thing it states and its allies must check the balance, intimidation by taking action themselves, rather than spawning to Moscow imposed severe sanctions on Russia now, rather than it after it has rolled into Ukraine is poor this and covert actions in the West match him and Joe I'll, throw question you and you can. You can take it to David along with yours, that's a hard battle When you have people here on in this part of the world, saying don't be too reactive and at the same time. One must be ready. Well one must be ready by David Ignatius. Your column points out. seems to me the central problem with this strategy, which is we don't want to upset Putin. So, let's let
move to quickly. Let's not do anything that could be seen is provocative what was lacking turn is from king, the West, every single that you and over there the Ukrainians are basically telling you the same thing: hey you guys need D sham move for me, because if you wait until I have three invades the games already over joy. I found removing to being in Kiev. I returned Saturday, I found a country That's me edge of what we fear could be, savage war, but people very tough minded about it, and the first thing they said was what you mean then discussing don't wait upon Russia after it levels. Are our country rules into our capital move now take steps now the most Obvious example would be if the Germans would join with eyes and say the Nord Stream pipeline that Russia's counting on we're not gonna, build
until its clearer crisis is resolved that russian troops are backing away from the border of Ukraine. I would say message that it is now up to you, the reverse, the out of a been temptation. I think things tat. We ve been doing in the last few days sending more troops anymore warplanes into the region, giving should the opposite of what it hoped to obtain by its ultimatums and threats it's now I am in the current situation. It didn't wanna, see moving our art are our for and families out of care. The Russians did that. Are we the girl and were now doing the same. This basically aware of showing their process of escalation. Staying with them as we go up that later, this is scary ladder. I should make clear that the feeling that, get from the people in Kiev- is one of
stoicism, their tough minded, their prepared to fight this war, but they know it's gonna be it's gonna be brutal and they just want that. have some confidence that the western world stands with them and I think the growing signs that the binding administration wants to lead that european I'm still not sure whether the French and Germans already, come on board Russia's watching that very carefully as a key variable. But In some myself. I've been in here was they expect wars gonna come they say there ready for third some size that they need to prepare more new things, the: U S is doing now to make this straight up. fight, I think, are encouraging encouraging people in the streets well I'm and breaking news this morning, of course, that by now considering sending thousands of troops to Eastern Europe and the Baltics absolute. So it appears.
That divide administration is getting off their heels and starting to lean forward a bit more today Ignatius talked about Germany. Germany has been acting deplorably. The past several weeks, acting like their aligned with Russia? For the most part, I wonder if Joe Biden, forcefully and makes a statement on the pipeline and if he doesn't start acting more aggressively towards Germany as well, because right now it's very clear that we have, we have our strong allies. We have our NATO ally shoulder to shoulder with the Germans who We see more attention than energy than the freedom of the Ukrainians. When people talk about european disunity, o allied changes, emphasis and confusion that really talking about german infusion
much confusion coming from France or awesome independent initiatives, as you would expect from the French, but does not ready much difference between most data members, emphatically between my significant data member and then you get many in Germany is not just taking a different starts to most of its european partners, but its it. Side itself inside this new coalition government we got in Germany. There are very different points of view: We shall see the chance led by the guy you took over from Angela Merkel is immoral national, not Russia, but let's accommodate Russia kind of FIFA and the Green Party, which is in coalition, is much more hawkish on Russia. We saw at the weekend ahead russian Navy, would be aimed at a conference in Delhi. Speaking too
The Indians at this conference in saying that we all all put in one's is some respect. We should let him keep Crimea, and he was forced to resign, which I get is a positive sign that the Germany's is trying to tighten up. But Britain which has been very hawkish a mess this, I am a little bit sceptical of some Britain's moves, given that the price minister, that Boris Johnson is desperately trying to cling onto his job and the end therefore tempted to change the subject. that Britain has been flying arms, defensive weapons, anti tank equipment etc into Ukraine, but by passing german airspace, so this carry this carried out about These commitment uncertainty about its internal unity on this issue, which look with which is nowhere near cloister to forging
Haiti and were certainly seeing some ominous signs. Last couple days: U S ordering, embassies personnel to evacuate we're seeing troops and warships to the region. But still there is a path diplomacy. Here. The widest AIDS told me last couple days that there's no appetite frayed Biden Putin face to face, but labourers blinking are scheduled to meet again in a handful of days. What is a diplomatic offering? Perhaps that could be offered to Putin here to get him to back them. I don't think it's gonna be a diplomatic off ramp that gets button to back down the binding mystery has been emphasising these last week's strategy that calls for more diplomacy. and posture of after the fact, economic sanctions- and it has worked- and we look Russians have continued increase. Their offensive presence on Ukraine's frontiers were saying. A dramatic gains deployment Bello rose. You seem cyber attacks, boss, flag operations to plans,
needs to be a fundamental change in binding strategy, and it's got to be something that ships from basically passive deterrence and please with diplomacy, for posture of deterrence, one designed really seize the initiative and Putin and more controlled. The dynamics of this crisis is not going to be an off ramp. It's gonna be really or key elements escalate. Economic sanctions, responses disruption that Russia is already impose upon the region, but more so efforts to be taken? Shoulda narrative, this crisis, for western audiences, but also the repression public intention I'd military engagement, Ukrainians included accelerated transfer lethal military equipment for Ukraine's CAN defend themselves, know what we're talking about today, supplemented
literary forces to South Eastern Poland needs to Romania. The complicate russian military planning, that's gonna, be key because that's gonna complicate russian military planning. I gotta go one last point: it binds heading down this route, which he should so make sure that that force deployment enables eastern frontiers as both mass and cross by cross border punch strike aircraft, long range artillery and air missile defence capacity, a small, the plumbing. Thousand personnel in the handful of aircraft and ships. Nato's not sending to the region could almost be counter productive In the face of a hundred and twenty thousand Russians host to invade Ukraine for deployment, You want to change the game, cots potent changes, calculus hashed it and demonstrate that we have the stomach for a fight.
David Ignatius? You've been writing about the moods and moves Vladimir Putin for two decades now. So my question to you is what happens in Moscow when the body bags that returning there, you know That's really the essential question and calculating how this is going to turn out. My told that in Russia there is a phrase that was used during the two thousand and fourteen. seizure of Crimea and battle, and eastern Ukraine for those bodies They call him cargo two hundred and Peugeot two hundred was arriving, which was a euphemism for the few Cost of this war- and Russia's didn't like it and I think, as grim as it is to say this, that if food and attacks and submit way across the line in the Ukraine. grand strategy, as best I can understand from trying to people, is the key
Russian soldiers quickly. in as many numbers as they can to show the cost right away, because Lange suggest this war MIKE is not popular with parts of Russia, there is no overwhelming tide of support for food, as I idea that crane and Russia are wanting, as this almost mystical view of the way, the two or intertwine, most Russians don't seem to have that same passion and that's. Why is this war is really a bloody one. It's gonna be call for food, and I think, to explain it to him to his country, but that's the kind of we're in planning. But I'm hearing yeah, you know I'd lose we America, look, look inward, so much and look at our failings militarily weather Afghanistan or Vietnam. Moreover, a rock
the Russians very remember what happened in nineteen? Seventy nine. They remember what happened when Doktor Penske gayer writing about it. When Doktor Brzezinski affords me Carter and the Carter Administration organised resistance in Afghanistan? That was a nightmare. That was it terrible black eye for a country- and it is the beginning of the end for the Soviet Empire, and I'm just wondering Guys- does Vladimir Putin not remember what happened the last time he took on the euro. it states in the West, in one of these and one of these situations Well I mean that its I'm remains a very good analogy, as does that non soviet invasion of Poland in ninety nine either we discuss before that. He and his as written written about you know I think the soviet invasion of Afghanistan and Americans response. The cartridge restorations response lead
I make his dad was ready. Revenge for Vietnam is to create a sob, yet my in that country, but I think of it. Talking about Afghanistan. Hutchinson today is in by a much more recent afghani start at the side, which is the withdrawal of the EU and its allies from Afghanistan last summer, which made major reinforced the impression that the Bible administration was weak. With focused on EAST Asia. Other parts of the world and that there might be an opening for preaching here too, to exploit so I think That's what's in Bruges might as well as our response. Chiefly economic so the seizure of Crimea and twenty fourteen, and indeed to the occupation of part of Georgia in two thousand nights a pigeon wouldn't believe The Russians can take these economic sanctions.
In the last seven years is built up massive rushing. I'm central bank We talking about five six hundred dollars against lesson four billion dollars in twenty fourteen. He has made Russia less dependent on western. Learns they favour so far away from the donor in the random be the Chinese random be so he has taken all kinds of steps to incinerate Russia from the coming I'll make sanctions so This is the topic of discussion here in Warsaw, so David Ignatius had loose in Brzezinski sure to see you again here on morning Joe to continue covering this as it develops. Thank you all for being on this morning and a more on what many consider to be the best weekend of the NFL play off ever with all four games going down to. The final second will take another look
the drama on the field and why so many people were so happy that Erin address was sent packing Might Florio of pro Football talk joins us next will be right back with much more morning, job forty years later spinal gains the dreamy backers. These are all saying that lucky relationship with a team over the past few years and ask for a trade last off season here structured is contracts, so he can be free agent. This off season is also not ruled out retiring, Roger, is one of the best quarterbacks ever to play the NFL, but he's not as well liked is others who played that position
Former general manager told fan cited. guys selfish t made still liking. Coaches, don't like him. It's all about Aaron. They deal with him because he's a superstar, Roger reputation. Second vision, of course, after controversy over is covered vaccination status when the quarterback caught covered in November now that he actually had not been vaccinated, something Rogers received the shots based on prior comments. He made about being emulate he's had set up a wave of criticism against Rogers for being sleeping about a status. Rogers responded by saying that he was the victim of a woke mob and a witch hunt regional earlier in the season. Lodgers also get and some heat, four yelling and cursing and a woman. in Chicago and screaming that he blinking all down owned them repeatedly Roger says he was given set off by a fan. We gave you
Finger after he's gotta touchingly spring right now, tv commentator radios might Florio he's the creator of pro football talk, dot com so great to have you here following up great weakens. We ve talked about some of the games. You want to go through that within Would. First, let's talk about Aaron Rodgers many peoples, the twitter was created four nights like Saturday night just the and, of course, twitter lights up for the next word next two days, but but look about Aaron Rodgers and how his teammates his own coaches, some of these fans have trouble giving wrapping their arms around this. Incredibly, talented quarterback, it is such a difficult and style he's one of the great quarterbacks keenly history not just currently, but of all time time. He has become incredibly polarizing envy v explanation live, and he told back in July because he intensely hates,
This is me, wants to be praised. It doesn't want to be created and that was what caused this, and we ve seen so much about Romero. Marauders, especially in recent years, has been talking. More I've been using his pipe and he still have that attention and adulation would the criticism that goes along with it and see that ending, regardless of whether he retires or whether he plays for somebody else, Aaron Rodgers is who he is and he's going to keep on talking and we're going to keep on talking about the things he has to say, Well you ten years from now nobody's gonna, be talking about his anti backs position if they are talking about position and nfl history, it's gonna be. How did he reform. The big game she's eleven in ten Islamic as pointed out and play games. He said it does not come through your way. other quarterbacks great quarterbacks, have come through in the past, where the internet Montana our Brady, are MA homes and Alan talk about that game was that for
the greatest stir in a fair play off game we ve seen. I think it is right up there with the best of best now Joe you in our old enough to remember the immaculate reception game, which was the moment that Vienna fell from me, became a big deal this thing, what happened? The final two minutes back and forth, and up and down to feel twenty five points after a two minute, a hundred and seventy seven passing yards from patent Mahomet after two minute warning it that's the thing about this game is exciting, is it was? It is unsatisfying and there needs to be a long conversation about the overtime rules, because it's just not fair. It doesn't give both team to chance to continue to do what. We're doing late in the game, but I hope doesn't take away much from the exports we saw, and I hope that this is the second of what will be many job shall and passed by off games in the coming years. I mean credible. Let's talk about in San fully Niners, I e they look
like a team of destiny, since coming back from seventeen did nothing deficit to get into the play us against the rivals, the rams. They played a great against the cowboys and then out play entire game. Lambeau both filled the other night but found a way to win in a football game, and other century talk about that minors and where this team has come from and just how extraordinary Debo is there an incredibly good? team. The key for them is to be healthy. They play with such reckless abandoned. They get their guys injured, but when they all lined up healthy, like Debo Samuel, who is incredible with the football hands as a running back. Even though, is a receiver. George Kittle he's one of the best time in football and a guy who will knock you off your feet, rolling out of bed and Nick, both of whom healthy enough to go after suffering caution last week get these guys healthy. They can be anyone and the irony is their quarterback, the most in position on the field.
For the forty nine is the quarterback. Is the weak link he's the guy? You hold your breath and say: oh no is Jimmy grovel up, but they just keep waiting Hence hey MIKE Joscelyn we're gonna, get you quickly on the other emerging store line from the weekend. Cut came out of nowhere, but was everywhere yesterday was that Tom Brady is quarterback. Grace pluralist history was that Tom Brady's landscape. This one is amazing to me Jonathan, because Brady said multiple times throughout the seas, and he will play through twenty twenty two and then decide after that, how much longer we'll go. It was never an issue it was given. He said it over and over eight on Wall Street Journal magazine. He said it on a serious Ex uptown holly. Seven on his part tasked with Jim Break over and over again on playing through twenty twenty two now, all of a sudden in recent days it comes up, is not committed. the plan one where it may not played one way, the prevailing thought is that Times it's time for him to focus.
family, twenty two years in the NFL. These myths, so much of his kids growing up in dismay, the time. That is why a bunch and says: that's it Tommy. It's done it's over and you're, not playing any more, so he said Game name is gonna. Take a day by day which the far cry from him saying throughout the season. I would definitely plan twenty twenty two die my Florio. Thank you so much for being with us today after system. strawberry weekend of football and, of course, you're new book play makers. How the NFL really works and does it is available for pre order, and please come back The books released and still out across the United States covered. Nineteen cases are finally following what time. Of officials are saying about that trend plus Interview with five time, Grammy Award Winning Musician Quest love about his remark, and I mean it is remarkable. It's mine, blowing Cisco extraordinary music documentary. That's
so much more than music, we're back in two minutes.
Transcript generated on 2022-01-25.