« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 12/28/23

2023-12-28 | 🔗

IDF expands operations in refugee camps

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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New york city mare, Eric Adams, again calling out the republican governor of texas and the binding administration will go through the mayor's executive action to address the bustle of migrants from the border. As attention continues to grow, between the democratic mayor and the president of the united states, this all comes Secretary of state anti blanket met yesterday with mexico's president to discuss what can be done about the surge of migrants with their caravan moving toward the border. Also this morning, mickey hayley making headlines this morning for her response to a question, the civil war wasn't hard won, will shake exchange from a campaign stop in new Hampshire, another warning about donald trump plans for a second term, this time coming from raw, the scientists one of his opponents for the republican primary, but more weapon a morning Joe. It is thursday december twenty eightth unwilling, willie joan mika, have the morning off with us the way to orally whitehouse bureau chiefs, politico joy,
but then the mayor and from a white house directive, communications to president obama, Jennifer palmary great, to have you the long for the morning. Let's get right into at israeli forces moving forward with their expanded operations in refugee camps. In Gaza. Yesterday the idea launched new strikes across the each targeting shelters where they believe Hamas terrorists. Are hiding officials say troops, also fighting in the northern part of the Gaza strip and Israel navy has attacked targets along Gaza's coastline. Nbc news, new senior national corresponded, J gray is in tel Aviv with more and Israel's offensive, but first and be seen his foreign corresponded. Josh letterman it was inside with the israeli military says, is one of Hamas, as largest tunnel systems in Gaza. Ever since this week started, Israel has been saying that the Hamas moved to build tunnels underneath
civilian infrastructure in the Gaza strip was one of the reasons that it is so difficult for Israel to conduct this war without potentially putting the lie. civilians in danger, and today we got a first hand, look inside what is It says: is the largest Hamas tunnel discovered during this war. So far, it's about ten feet tall with concrete walls, it's actually able for a car to be driven into it, based on the width and the fact that there is a declining slope from the surface of the earth into this tunnel? Israel says that this is only about it border mile from the israeli border, but that it extends some two and a half miles into Gaza toward a gaza now NBC news cannot independently verify what Hamas was using that tunnel for whether it was used for any military purposes or how recently it was inhabited, but NBC was invited to
where this tunnel by the idea is there really working to bolster their claims about how Hamas, in their few, has jeopardize the safety of their own a civilian population, as Israel, says that there are hundreds of these two types of tunnels throughout the Gaza strip. The israeli government now looking for ways to try to destroy these tunnels, even as they are say that getting every single one of them is going to be a very difficult task, but they say it is critical you'll be able to root out these tunnels if they are going to be able to accomplish their goal of completely eliminating Hamas. Let's get on the ground in Gaza, where the offence is expanding in the central portion of the strip outside of Gaza city? The idea now saying it is targeting some of the refugee camp.
in that area, calling the areas quote a new battlefield, saying that Hamas is mingled in amongst those who have left their homes for an area that they were told would be safe and now must find somewhere. To go adding to the chaos the panic on the ground there. The fact that there continues to be a communications black out, so no cell phones, no internet. So that's making it much more difficult for those trying to find some place where they can be safe. The fighting is very intense in very densely populated urban areas and the idea of says that they will continue this effort for as long as necessary, while continuing air strikes to the north and over the last twenty four hours, saying that they have indeed killed a senior Hamas military leader. They haven't said who, at this point
They ve hit more than one hundred targets. In that twenty four hours time hammas run palestinian health ministry says that more than two hundred and fifty people have died during that same time period. Israel's says that they are dealing now with seven other fronts, to this war. Seven other areas where they are taking and responding to fire and says that everyone who acts against us is a potent target. There is concern not only here in Israel but globally, about the regional escalation of fight. to the north along eleven on border. We know that is the israeli air force care
out a raid in the last twenty four hours on what they say, our military sites and other infrastructure belonging to Hezbollah and less remember. American troops across the region have been targeted as well more than one hundred times since the middle of october, with no expectation that those attacks will ease any times. and in TEL Aviv. I'm jay gray back to you and b c j gray and josh letterman reporting for us they're from Israel. You heard jay mentioned hezbollah. Member of Israel's war admin is threatening to open its second front along His northern border with lebanon, the iranian back group, has been has been firing, rockets and israel since the war with Hamas began earlier this week the group struck a greek orthodox church ensuring two israeli christians. Now former israeli defence minister, benny Ganz is warning quote if the world
lebanese government don't act in order to prevent the firing and Israel's northern residents. The idea will do it. A spokesperson for prime minister Netanyahu offs pierced to support that view, saying either hezbollah backs off or israel push it away themselves, these rarely mill. Harry says its northern command is quote in a state of very high readiness, Jonas now nationals curate border for poland. Go alex ward and senior correspondent foreign policy michael hearse good morning to you both I'll start with you, you're hurt J, say it kind of staff, junior tracks talking about six or seven front war for Israel and obviously as J, also mentioned american groups in iraq and syria have been targeted. So is this part of what Hamas was looking for and october seventh, but that heinous attack was to provoke real into just this kind of war I'm not sure hammas expected it to be this, why they were deftly expecting a massive reaction and got
itself, which they have definitely received the fact that it is as broad as it has at? This point is perhaps beyond mosses expectations. We should note of where's, that you know the who the attacks, which they say our response to Israel's retaliate in Gaza. Of course, with hezbollah, all this sort of tangentially and around that central conflict they haven't necessarily broken out into you, know, you're fighting. They are, of course that has been the deaths and I've been skirmishes, but it has a gun. The all out stage like Israel, Hamas, that is still, of course, a concern and that I think Hamas would see as a combination of their heinous attack, and so Michael. I guess the question has to be raised: can Israel is there to Israel capable, even with the support of the united states, a fight a war on six or seven france to the north to in Gaza. Course in some ways in the west bank and an across the region. What would that even look like
be very ugly indeed capable. Yes, the by administration is rather desperately trying to prevent it from happening, particularly on the northern front, with Hezbollah, because that would truly inflame the region bring in IRAN more direct way than iran has been so far, and could go on for years. I mean the israelis are already warning that this conflict with the palestinian I could go on for years. This would be rather a nightmarish turn of events so alex. Let's talk about this with the backdrop of the threat of a expanded war, we ve had some high level diplomacy between Israel and the binding ministries. In recent days, a close Netanyahu adviser was DC met with secretary of state blinkem met with now secure adviser Sullivan this week. We also now know the secretary lincoln putting back to Israel in the coming days. Tell us
what we know now terms the latest in terms of the impasse. The real difference of opinion right now between washington and Israel as to how that an end let me I'll administration is conducting this war. You mean that this division here is that you have Israel saying that this war is going to last month. Maybe years is Michael noted, You have the! U s saying that now is the time to wind down the all out operations that now is the time to go after high value targets minimized arm on civilians, in the you, the the widespread body campaign, they. I run report preparing for this, that there folks, in some of the refugee camps that felt that there, the bombardments over were as large as sore the earliest days of this war, and so That is where the big division is the. U s is really trying to get Israel to wind down. Operations, it's unclear, that's going to happen, the messaging at least in public. They are completely far apart. So if
The efforts of this diplomacy was to get Israel to choose of course, we haven't seen any evidence that that's gonna happen anytime soon, Michael the vital demonstrators managing its relations with Israel is doing the same with ukraine. The bad administration, announcing more assistance for ukraine yesterday as part of another weapons draw down from: u s stockpile less than two hundred fifty million dollar package includes. tellers shells, air defence equipment, anti aircraft and anti tank missiles. small arms ammunition officials say this latest batch of weapons could be the ass from? U S, stockpiles and less congress approves new funding for ukraine, so Michael you ve got me reporting, political magazine on the inside discussions between the Biden, administration and european european, allies surrounding the warring ukraine's, specifically that both are now shifting their focus away from total victory, in short, a negotiated path to end the war. So this is something that's been
floated now for several months, that there isn't probably going to be total victory, another ukraine at the end of this may not get back. All it has lost during this war. So what is it sense of where those talks are and how ukraine is feeling about them well there are any talks yet, nor are there any planned ukraine in position, that of President Zelaya ski, is we're not we're not talking right now and the only conditions for aviation. There would be to start with complete russian withdrawal, which of course, is not going to happen. I think what's happening now is in it by the united states and europe to set up the euro. in a much stronger defensive posture, Russian advances much more unlikely as we get into what is poor. blue, going to be spring offensive by russia. I think there is a great fear that the russians will bring in
very formidable air force and away they haven't done so until now. As the uk, in run out of air defence munitions so there's there's a very quiet push going on to strengthen their hand at any future negotiating table although there is no of pretty, I think, good consensus At this point, I'm on the part of the united states, the europeans, that Putin is unlikely to come to the table until he sees who wins the the united states, a presidential election nov. Will you let me michael them next question: a negotiation requires somebody on the other side of that table. What is yours and of lad a mere putin being willing to come to a negotiated end to this, of course, almost two years ago, a thousand a role, his tanks in a cave and raise the flag over the capital there hasn't happened. He's been frustrated by that would,
at some point, maybe after, as you say, after the twenty twenty four election sit down talk and have a negotiated end to this war I mean it's entirely possible. There was a near times report last week, which no one really has matched indicating that putin has signalled, threw back channels a willingness to talk to keep what he's got, which is pro only twenty percent of ukrainian territory in the east there has been indication of actual negotiations being planned was widening Biden. Administration official told me that he knew of nothing. Like that. So there is a sense that at some point, Putin might be well to negotiate, and I think that would be particularly true if jobs the winds. Real action and donald trump does not get back into the oval office, because there is a sense that trump might he's indicated this himself quickly cut a deal with Putin that could
Leave the ukrainians at a disadvantage. By I think it's going to be many months, possibly even more and more than a year before we know we know of any negotiations that be under way. We now hope this ruling for in the upcoming american election senior corresponding foreign policy, Michael harsh, national security reporter for political, Alex ward. Thank you. Both we appreciate so jonathan LE mayor. We just talked about the department offence, giving that last supply weapons and ammunition to ukraine. Now was back whenever we comes back from this holiday break to congress and to whether they are willing to put forth money for ukraine and for israel as well, which of course, has been tied up demands for something on border security is the presently. I stay till you cover every day. Is he re to sit down and give republicans something on the border in order to keep this water flowing into ukraine in Israel has telegraph that he's
willing to do so. It is a question of what and there's a lot of internal pressure here among democrats. Do not give republicans too much fearful of empowering the chief executive that when potentially donald trump could take control of the white house again a year or so and therefore be equal, to do more on the border. There's also servants that you know that from lip prickly progressive liberal democrat, You don't want to see too restrictive policy. The border, even though so many in this country do think something needs to be done. There are present binding. Let us, therefore largely my hands off approach to these negotiations Jen. But we have heard from the press I think he's willing to make a deal at the border. He wants to make a deal at the border and I think it's for two reasons. One is to Willy's point. He needs to make a deal at border in order to keep the funding flowing to Israel in ukraine and ukraine in particular. Right now seems to be at a pretty vulnerable point in this, Where are they being real trouble of the? U s? Funds disappeared, but for his own political future. He needs to make a deal at the border, because migration
right now in the numbers are staggering in terms of how many people are approach trying to cross the border is good, overshadow the twenty four election, the I think that they would, in the ukraine and israeli funding was ordered the infant, the original impetus to be time up where security, but we would be talking about border security, whether or not that was in whether or not ukraine in Israel were on the table with congress. Right now, regardless I mean images of caravans. Protein in the united states is an election year. Stable it's an elixir, feeble and its and its brutal, and I know I checked with the white house to early the see how their feeling about base in about the border, security and negotiations, and that there is a chance that this could come to get Actually I'm actually get done, but there is seen- and there is a big pressure to get something done. There is the concerns about from you know from the left about giving away too much. But you know you look at those images coming
mexico, and that is a tough thing entering the election year if you're Jane, when you type when you type people inside the white house- and you see the images are describing there do here every day, the democratic mayor york, city, the mayors and gum as in illinois in chicago saint. Please please. We need your help. Administration? This is a completely untenable situation. We have ten thousand apprehensions of day border patrol of saying. This is a humanitarian crisis were not equipped to handle this does I did administration does as white house does the campaign now get that this is a real, on this is not a creation of fox news or whatever they may have thought it was in the past gap at the yet at the real problem, and I think what day it out, they are hoping that congress we actually get something done.
and then man, and that or alongside that making sure people understand. They have asked for more funding for the border that the republicans have not acted on. They have been trying. They have put forward comprehensive immigration reform indifferent years at the congress has not that acts found that the republicans in congress particular have not acted on and there you know it has been true since two thousand thirteen, when the last time there was a very serious by partisan effort to pass comprehensive immigration reform. When Biden was working with republican congress, and that the underlying political vice there is republicans like to talk about immigration and make it a political issue, and they do not want to act on it because they don't actually want to solve the problem, or at least many of them, don't So I think the Biden team needs to that. They understand they need to make that argument as well. So if something doesn't get down, people understand whose preventing and just to expand on general point there,
willy. I mean there was progress made in the senate before they went away on the holiday break. I think there is an appetite to deal in the upper chamber. The question is the haps. The question is that What happens then, with this new speaker who as has the slimmest, have margins, who is in Heaven Barely hang on to power ass to deal with the radical right who want signal it demands antigens point may not even really want to deal. They just want to be able to talk about immigration as we go into this campaigns the senate and the house may be two very different stories and I also have heard, there's some slight optimism towards a deal, but no one is taking it for granted that it's going to get done. Yeah you're right in the house? At least? They certainly like this is an issue to hit the abide administration on every day, speaking in that race, for the presidency, coming up in one minute, we'll have an update on the republican presidential campaign. Ronda sant is trying to trim Donald trump's lead in the polls by pointing out the former president's authoritarian plan,
and for a second term, plus picking hayley. Answer to a question: The civil war will show what she morning, Joe back in just sixty seconds. The abortion Sweeping the nation are about control planned parenthood, believes no one, but you should be able to control your decisions about your body, your life or your future. Reclaim our rights and restore access to safe legal abortion visit planned parenthood, dot org slack future give before December thirty first and your donation will be match up to a total of five hundred thousand dollars. There comes a point. When a singular event shapes our future, broadens our perspective and marks across road in our cultural landscape. The turning in original documentary series from Emily
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it decided and ethics complaint, the trump campaign filed against him earlier this year as one piece of evidence of trumps willingness to use the government against his enemies, so no news here really Jan other than it is a republican, has been supportive. Broadly of of, though tromp over the years, coming out in saying publicly this guy's gonna, be in a third, tearing now which had pause mention if round the scientists doesn't when the nomination, I'm sure he'll come right back around in a circle, the wagons around donald trump, but you saying it for now? Why for now, although he also said that when trump was indicted, he said that it was a weapon insatiable of against of the federal government against against trump, and this is great argument to great argument to make two republican voters the problem of a great argument to make republican voters all along in order if it was going to actually have an impact and move people, but move republican voters,
the fantasies way. It's almost january, one we're about two and a half weeks away from the iowa carcasses- and you know you can't miss- isn't it you can't now be making an argument that, but they indictments that we set a long or politically motivated that trump is also trying to weapon, it's the government against against his opponents like this. If is just going to work, badlands you've got to live it every day, as we opened the segment with his like his it's weird to scientists, a word to say that the oblivion nicely dungeons, right from new jersey to your ears. So gene I ask you then about that, because its two and a half weeks until the I will caucuses, this republican primary feel outside of Chris Christie has dipped. Its toll went from criticism. It is sort of had its moments where that's nicky, hayley, or rather santas, where they pushed back ever so slightly, but not ever fully. It's just. I think it strikes most
the local observers as a difficult way to defeat somebody if you're not willing to really go after him. Full throated gin is complete right right. This is the argument that the scientists and others could have been making this entire time donald trump always made it very clear that he would use a second term to go after his political opponents. He has talked about the vindictiveness of a trump twenty twenty five and on four in months and months of this isn't a new right and you, if you want someone to die, you have to say why you're better at the job- and they have not and that right, they have tried to needle around it because they are worried and scared of trump supporters. Right they're worried that trying to get those folks on their side during this primary means the figure out how to be nice to donald trump, but that our means that there is no constituents that you don't have download from support, I can you and then the folks who, maybe never
hampers or oh, don't wanna be trumpery. Don't really have a reason to go to you either. Why go for you know that cope the shasta when you have coke standing right in front of that's what republican voters have been looking at this entire time. This change, probably isn't. Gonna change a lot of mines in new Hampshire and iowa for Rhonda santa's, especially when word two days a couple weeks away from things actually kicking off and sold figuring out. How he's gonna continue to say that, especially a vulgar reporters asking this question and asked him to go further, will be kind of something folks need. A watch and, of course, governor to santa's, is put most of his eggs in that I would ask it so it's gotta. Do something ran out of the gate here on the fifteenth of january. Meanwhile, new hampshire during a campaign stop republican presidential candidate for south carolina govern Nicky hayley was ass. This question by an audience member quote: what was the cause? as of the civil war, just how governor hayley responded,
was the cause of the united states, civil war Well, don't come with an easy question. May I think the cause of the civil war was basically how government was gonna run freedoms and what people could and couldn't do. What do you think the cause of the civil war was I got a good thing. I mean you always comes down to the role of government and what the right. The people are, and we I will always stand by the fact that I think government intended to secure the rights and freedoms of the people. That was never meant to be. All things to all people government does to tell you how to live your life. They dont need to tell you what you can and cannot do. They don't need to be a part of your life they to make sure that you have freedom. We need to have
capitalism, we need to have economic freedom, we need to make sure that we do all things so that individuals have the liberties so that they can have for of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to do or be anything they want to be without government getting in the way of this what do you want me to say about slavery? My next question so you Jeanne, we can pick through them a million different ways? Perhaps the follow up question where she says what it me to say about slavery is what stuck with most people as they watch that a commentary on governor hayley, perhaps but also about the state of the republican party you watch the gears turning their what she should and should not say another big keeps in order to keep her support near them absolutely right and if you watch the crowd ass thing,
we're going downhill. You could start to see people can squeeze Google squeamish ass. She was asking those questions in my family's always been from south carolina I am very, very well versed on the conversation that happens. I was just there earlier this week for christmas. We're well versed in the conversation that happens versus whether it was states, rights or slavery. What what was the real conversations and she's showing that right that she's a she's a product of that conversation? This is also something in line with what she said before when asked when running for governor in two thousand and ten about slavery, and I are about the about the cause of the civil war. Obviously it about slavery. If it was about states' rights, it was the state's ability to hold slaves if it was about freedoms and what the government could tell you what to do. It was whether or not the government could tell you whether or not you can own and beat people, rape and kill them, because they were your property right. That is clear, too one who has eyes and has read history books
but she is showing is the fact that in the republican party, right now, There is not a lot of room for folks who would say something like that would be honest about slavery as the cars in the main cause of the civil war. You know you think about the law a few years and what the republican party has focused on the conversation about raising this country, their attacking of queer, critical race theory so does No other answer that she could give in this republican primary. That, wouldn't you know, take some votes away from her ass. She is moving forward. I will say I got some texts from some other staffers on the other campaigns of the six pack message when it happened, but then, when I asked them how their candidate would answer, they got a little glow. Pissed off,
and then he would never ask them that question until it tells you that while they want this did not kurd, they don't want to answer. The question I have their gender shouldn't have been hard. Slavery is the answer here, but to two eugene It is reflective of where the republican bases right now that you can't tell us simple truth for fear of losing voters in what has become such a radicalized republican party. But let us take a step back and this in the context of this primary season. I mean we didn't have a rhonda santas welcome to the resistance moment there, but at least he's telling the truth about what trump is going to do very late to the party of santa that the actually saying now what he has always thought, but not because it's just because his campaign appears to be in it's death. Racism has got nothing left to lose. I suppose, but I wonder this is going to this this moment here, the last night hayley in a civil war which has really exploding sure media we had the Biden campaign way in an already also make clear it was about slavery. If this could blots him for a moment,
It does seem like she has some last year. I was always been hard verb, but it seems like going. new hampshire. She did have the winter back. Maybe this cost her it spread take up and I had read the transcript, but I had not actually seen it and it assists breathtaking when she says what want me to say about slavery. I that is her campaign in one question right: it is they who do you. Want me to be right now and order who do I need to morph into in order to never take trump on but be acceptable enough to sort of the maga majority. That should something happen outside of my control, because she's not doing anything to actually beat trump. I can be the person that inherits everyone else's votes, and this could be so when this is a new Hampshire right that may Hampshire voters, but all they want. You to be courageous, they like independent thinkers. They want you to speak frankly. This could you know, so I think that it could
her and you know to santa fantasies. Operation is effective. They should be doing more to lifted up and make it a thing, but it also It had been a really big mom for her, because she came on the national scene, five free coming by being the republican governor who who took down or was part of taking down the confederate flag. where the south carolina state legislature after the terrible shooting break his shooting in charleston at the a m e church there in two thousand and fifteen, and that is when we first learned of Nikki haley. This could have been a great moment for her to say, like I came from, I come from the south. This is what, we ve learned and and stared it with it. It is this panic. What do you want me to say about slavery, last line. What do you want me to say about slavery must serve defiance that she was gonna work. Used to say something there so eugene let's talk about now. The man you cover at the white house for politico Joe Biden has returned the.
Into a new year into this all important election year. How he's feeling how his campaign is feeling about its problem encouraging economic data and yet his approval, numbers and somebody's head to head match up that. We see, obviously most of them within the margin of error samples, better form, some worse, how their feeling about a match. Up likely, unless something dramatic happens, likely with Donald trump one. They feel good about a match up against Donald trump right they have have kind of all ways seeing that is what was going to happen and obviously Biden people once they feel like he could do it again and warmth if they want to make this a choice: election right, they don't wanna, make it a referendum on. president Biden? They want to say to voters and have said to voters. This is I'm gonna, do look how scared this guy is right- and you have all of this with great reporting about what a second term for trumpet look like
Ronda sant is not added that reported about how you know he would be vindictive and in how he would go after his and then attack his his political rivals. Donald trump has said he would do as much. So that's one thing I also say on this: of selling the economy and their agenda. They have to be granted. They know this test to make people feel better about the economy. You can't just explained the macro economics and talk about jobs. That's great. You can't just talk about inflation going down, I'm sorry If the price is going down, you have to figure out a way to get people to feel differently about the economy, and that's going to be, you know their their struggle here. They have The last three plus years struggled with selling the things that they have done. American people now they have to figure out a way to make folks feel better. So that contrast against donald trump, I think, would be extremely helpful for them moving forward, because can say you know
our economy as much better. Your may be filling scary, but let us give us the wills again and you won't have to be scared that he no donald trump, his coffee in the warehouse. Jenny when at the centre of presidential campaigns in the past. Of course, how would you be feeling right now holding the hand that Joe Biden has turning anyone action. Here, I would say it's look, look at super scary. You know like if the fate of the republic is hanging in the balance, and there are polls that have donald trump leading right now, but I would have faith that I mean on the on to Eugene's point on the economy We know that the we know that the resort federal was planning on lowering rates. We know that we know about it, and that is something that can bad is. That is something that signals to
Actual consumers real voters. Things are different and things are improving. You hear that when you hear about people not liking Biden's economic policies, if you dig underneath that interest rates are a big part of that, I would feel good about making economic argument. I would feel great about being able to make the argument against what this of the threat that trump represents and we can use rhonda santas talking about trump optimizing government. We can use Chris Christie's voice talking about the danger that trump represents. So it's not just going to be Biden, but there is just this scary thing: that overhangs everything about whether you know we're just too divided it's just too There's too many silos power. How am I going to reach all of the voters? I need to reach, given all the media, I looked that there are real bad is. What I would be turning on every day is is, is just one of the mechanics of getting that message:
out and the by demonstration also has to contend with this sort of anti encumbered sediment globally. The right now that young leaders in office just art pulling while people are coming out of the pandemic prices are too high. People all over the world are just sort unhappy with what have. I think that is a real fear among summoned Biden camp that, even though they're the account metrics are good to gents point. They should get better people like say, like things about it, but there's a sense that just they ve written off the Biden economy that they will ever give him credit. for it and that something there worried about, but will Aids tell me by made something that there really believe that their best chance to win, though, is the next year and will be will be months from now, but when it actually becomes that ban binary choice when the republic and feel is gone and it simply Biden tromp an american stop paying attention, because most people are not pay attention like we all do each and every day when they start paying attention again and they see what trumpets saying they hear waste threatening
do they reminded of what has the chaos and what its time in office was like that they simply won't want to make the choice to go through that all again and it may not be enthusiastically for president Biden but it'll be a vote for binding, and they feel like that. We have to win and you can, the binding campaign will be leading, heavily on donald trump. Saying again and again I am the man who got rid of rope versus wade took away the right to an abortion. Whitehouse correspond for political eugene Daniels. Thank you so much as always, eugene good to see you covered up next will break down the good, the bad and the wild because stories that define twenty twenty three semaphores day waigel joins us for his second annual america awards possible we're Tom smothers one half of the same comedy and music. Do oh, the smothers brothers
morning Joe's coming right back the hi, I'm jennifer, palmieri and unclear mechanical, where the hosted of the MSNBC podcast how to win twenty twenty four. We both know first hand that winning an election is hard and having been in and around tough races for most of our don't lives. We have some unique insight into what it will take to win this twenty twenty four election and some crazy stories to share to search for how to win twenty twenty four wherever you listening and follow new episodes every thursday everyone on Tom yarmouth from top story on NBC news now, every night top story is your news playlist we take you to the front. The story. Words actually happening with envy. Jordan was on the ground from all over the world. We cover what you need to know
bring your new sweet to life and now Tom stories available as a podcast, so you can listen anytime anywhere subscribed now from new episodes every week, when comedian tom smothers died yesterday at the age of eighty six after battle with cancer, he of course men a path of the smothers brother. Do I was variety shown? The nineteen sixties became a bain for network executives and be sees Harry Psmith reports singing right now, No, I didn't know, because I can nice waters made us laugh first, that look on these is well listening to brother dick. Then what came like likes to deal like you best in nineteen sixty seven, this mothers brothers,
own variety show on sea vs. I do everything as a unit we do. Is we don't do everything you and others? We do you listen. You couldn't touch my wife with a ten foot pole. that's right and eleven football is set to rise to power and made clear their opposition to the vietnam war. Having had a word that neither the shoe was a kid, but the network was not amused. I guess thing that we have after multiple runs with network sensors, c b. cancelled this mother brothers comedy our eighteen, seventy. We feel that it's a grave, very grave thing when any network Can take out the show that reflecting these maybe unpopular views
the dual continued to perform for decades of tom, his brother, dick this in a statement. Our relationship was like a good marriage. The long we were together the more we loved and respected each other. We were truly blessed I'm smothers was eighty six years old and he Harry Psmith reporting, they're comin up next NBC, Steve cornick. He will give us a look ahead. What to with next year's elections season as president donald trump and, of course, for a likely rematch, while independent and third party candidates could impact the race morning, Joe the
by picture of national airport in washington, six forty seven in the morning for the second year, some before is out with its annual breakdown of the biggest political hits and mrs of the year and joining santa claus, stir. The americana awards is senior politics report for some afore David Waigel David's greatly Hey, I feel like I should be in black tie for this award ceremony, but this lab to do at this hour. Or of the morning. So let's get right into its starting with the best winning and pain ok, non candidate division? Who was it this year? that was the ohio coalition for reproductive freedom. The people who really in august and november, one double digit margin, these abortion referenda and and republicans I social conservatives in in coalition. Republicans had a year you're at a strategy. They tried everything they tried linking it to gender jerry? They tried warning there with it without
which is low but inaccurate, how far reaching this would be? It didn't work. at this point one of them efficient operations in centre left Politics are these pro of these projects campaigns, and this I when was probably the most effective we seen and as you point out, in the peace, as there was that first run to sort of stop the way constitutional amendments are made. That was one run at it defeated by fourteen points, and then the amendment itself defeated by nearly the same margin. Let's move to best winning campaign talking about an actual candidate here and an incumbent governor Yes, that was kentucky governor Andy Bashir, who started the with the lady- was the top priority on defence for democrats on off answer. The kids are other concerns. The attorney general that day no cameron rising star in the party who had never gave tough primary, but and it pretty easily with down trumps endorsement, and you had in a red state with
eerie bleak mood about president Biden binds approval rating simple parts, the state and that in this in the single digits bishop, able to win, expand his margin from for four years, and he did so can be a theme this year. He did did so for a number of reasons that he by the states economy, but he also talked about abortion rights and he had what I thought was effective out of the year about a woman talking about her very the gruesome, unpleasant personal experience with abortion really befuddled publicans, who were on the defending a state. Why total abortion ban so good campaign blocked tackle, did all the right things and also came up with messaging that I already with hours. The campaign was the other democrats. Try to copy and other states will add will revisit that add in just a moment later in this awards, show us continue with the the honor role here best winning campaign. Challenger division tell us who is a wire it matters.
It was Jeff Landry Louisiana, he's someone who do not make a lot of national loses here. Just for the dynamic that, if somebody swimming by a lot, they don't get the same coverage but the campaign they very early early on organised to replace John bell edwards, the popular outgoing democratic over louisiana started with a simple message about I need Many general, a former cop, I'm going to crack down on crimes specifically in the bay urban pricing, figure in parts of level, easy, anna, big urban parishes and did combination of reach to republican voters and reached a black voters. He had very effective burly adds directed, black voters in Louisiana who do not vote rubber can mostly about how crime was affecting them by a black victims of crime. Talking about why they supported Jeff Landry, just the kind of very efficient base. Expanding, I should say, elect the land villages electorate expanding, but pulling in variable who vote republican normally very, very
campaign of what we did not see a lot of and twenty three taking have best losing, campaign. That was an often given good mention, so you ve picked gluttony, younger and effort to win back the state legislature in virginia now. There's someone I paid attention here because I was what we know there is a worry among Democrats bowed. He had a fifteen, we worship band that he was sort of putting the campaign for republicans behind, and there was concern that if that was succeeded- and he was succeeded in capturing the senate, that the Democrats controlled in virginia- that this would mean that a national and a state like virginia pretty blue is a little tender purple in there. But that would mean that that sort of that moderate position that this can be perceived as a moderate position that would do well on twenty twenty four republicans across the board. So I you know I look at this as a law but you look you're, giving the young king credit for almost twenty, so explain why that was significant others
Well, the hallway spirit go on tried, also correct. I think there is a lot of of a bitch in writing for the young can effort. After they merrily lost these elections. They lost the state house, it it gets by one see there ass. They lost senate by one see that than losing seats in the house of delegates on a new map. reason. I say it was an effective campaign is because they want every seat in both houses. They voted for Joe by by less than eight eight points, so they want everything was robbed again. They they really cool very close to the young containing twenty one margin. Again, I'm comparing this too. What republicans doing around the rest, the country outside Louisiana and virginia. There is not much over performance, they were losing in suburbs, they lost, they lost somewhere moralities in indiana and other parts the country where they bay. They were feeling confident in Virginia they were able to come close to build those young can coalition of voters and some suburban nights that just around these sea, but around rich
non untied water region. They are able to do that with a we're the republicans we're were and improve the economy. We also do not want to ban abortion. Democrats say we do we don't we want a pretty weak limit they lost their was not logical say about effective. That was, it was fairly effectively. They didn't, I talked republican. Therefore it did give incur then that you can run and swing how seat with aversion message in twenty twenty four: they they were spent in the end by democratic. They were hurt. Frankly by all the presidential special in IRAN. Young kid you have very wealthy donor, saying we need yet going up in these elections and then run for president, even without complication, which scared of tens of millions of dollars. For Democrats they day again ran way. of their baseline, close to twenty twenty one. It was like the rest, the action. That opposition wasn't happening in virginia it just wasn't for that, because it is such a democratic states. Try as we move best campaign. Add we come back around to one you mentioned already from Andy Bashir, the governor of content its titled on
google around the issue of abortion is a stunning add: let's watch it by my stepfather after years of sexual abuse, I was twelve Anyone who believes there should be no exceptions for raven and says could never understand what it's like to stay. In my shoes it says to you, gain your cameroon to tell twelve year old girl, she must have the baby of her stepfather who raped her is unthinkable. Speaking out, because women and girls needs have options. Daniel Cameron, would give us nine days of it had they Duvall she's. Twenty one now talking about her experience when she was twelve being raped by her stepfather and that really echoed well beyond kentucky. She started in many ways became the voice of this, abortion rights movement nationally. Yes, and that format of vat as one be seen a lot of since twenty twenty. Since the dove decision is democrats, finding a woman
until a personal story, there's not a rebuttal from somebody else is now the third narrator the candidates knives and featured in it apart. and endorsing the add, this I think the most effective version of it we ve seen because in kentucky like I said it, These states that had a ban ready to go if it grows ever. Heard you had a attorney general Dana Cameron, for governor who had defended the total ban most I was saying at the top of zog meant they were Just this add was effective and it humanize the issue. It it totally. Scrambled his strategy, he started to say: well, maybe he was open to some exceptions that the legislature would pass them. He denounced the abbot. It wasn't quite clear what he was denouncing. He didn't have the answer for dimmer for democrats are really for the electorate on house choices like hers would not happen. I think it. A dynamic we seen all year is that there were the republican. on abortion for a long time, at least since twenty sixteen has been well Democrats, limits no limits means abortions. Up to the nine month means abortions on there on the table, after babies born we're democrats as well
look at what is actually happening in a in a in a total ban situation. You have the contrast of a story that is happening. You saw one out of texas, a rafter the elections and then look at the The fantasy of applicants are talking about a healthy pregnancy being terminated in the month. Nine that status That's not a thing that happened. It's nothing general stories. These stories are real and it's not just that rights are good at running adds about them. They are realistic. That this is happening in america. It is something horrifies. Those voters who maybe you ve got five or six reasons they might vote. Rob lookin for parts of the best Maybe they're anger at inflation whenever, but on this issue. They know the Democrats are not in favour of total bands, and that really has been enough for democrats to hold and take back. Lotta ground. the country this here again with the president sitting in the dumb stir a lot of these states in europe. your camera, the republican candid. There had no good answer for that. Add because what could you possibly say two hadley when confronted with that David stay with us? If you can, we love this list? I take a quick break and then bring everyone.
NI worst campaign, add of the year will be right back a morning, Joe just ass, seven o clock in the morning, sun not played up yet in times square three days from now about in people standing right there to watch the ball drop. This will turn the forerunner to twenty twenty four speaking of which Steve cornet he is standing by for us at the big board, with a breakdown of the twenty twenty four presidential campaign. The primary third party contenders and everything that's going to the stew into a campaign. Unlike any ever had see. Welcome back to the second, our of mourning, Joe I have one here on the east coast, we're talking to David, our goal of some afore with the second annual americana words a day, let's hop right back in, we just gave me ask campaign paying out of the year to Andy Bashir is campaigning Kentucky was the worst campaign. Add of twenty twenty three that was trumpeter
I work, which is one of the first negative ads and ever back down there on this, as you are, which still exists but has been down scale massively run. It was one of several eight, where it ran about trump card, size and came reynolds. A governor violet went up endorsing this answers, but it was both. Notable for using an ai reconstruction of drums voice. They had posted something untrue, socially hadn't set it. It turned the trunk. Couldn't this kind of tiny? like giving any a voice that you ve heard it sounded off. Instead of creating a clear hit for the campaign on message, it created a alice eizenstat and political notice. This first, in a negative? What the hell are they doing new cycle? That really is you mentioned a domino with one dominoes spilling over and a number. Maybe this is dominant number five in the in the tumult of have never back down. It wasn't just that this super packed with a ton of money lifted from just antes as a state pack was an effective. It was that its adds often backfired. They have had something negative, the campaigning
we associate with by september enough or when the campaign was reformulated? I should say later november it never backgrounds. and was terrible and a superpower should not her have branded. All people should not see something's button on tv and say: oh it's the super back. I don't like that. But running. These adds that babies our decisions in and did not help to santa at all. This is the most dramatic of them. I think some really strange stuff here is that add that some are more calls the worst of twenty twenty three, let's watch governor camera it is a conservative champion. She signed the heartbeat bill and stands up for iowans every day. So why is Donald trump attacking her that opened up the governor
and for Kim reynolds in which she fell behind. I endorsed her to take rallies and she was now she wants to remain neutral. I don't invite her to events. Trump should do the republicans. What happened to donald trump? Never back down is responsible for the content of this advertising. So Jonathan, that was an air recreation of a post. That down trump has written. Not not great therein is dave, says one of the many reasons that that run descent supporters sort of abandoned, never back down. There is also just so poorly done that didn't sound any why there are so many people are comedians out there who do terrific, the coordination is finally most of us round the table to release a version of em. We could have done better than that data. I want to turn to an intriguing category, which is called first best friends, we all have a few of those but tell us what you mean in this context
Worse best best friends were the mega donors. I mention some before who kept giving unsolicited his candidates, often without money attached and so a a theme cycle, as it was not so much of democrats and twenty twenty as democrats are low, little embarrassed about having super facts but like when he's sixteen they're a bunch of donors Everyone knew could put twenty million dollars to campaign like Larry ellison, like ken griffin, like thomas petr fee, and they would The rapporteur is honour off the record, often on the record, about what they wanted the candidates to do. They created this super structure, this layer of criticism over the campaigns that may expectations higher sometimes, lands and has a ways they couldn't deliver. Petrified live with young can have talked about This is a donor who just kept stepping duncans message back home by saying, if he wins, this ceiling and you should run for president, but with came griffin, you Somebody who made it known that he thought that
santa signing the heart be bill. The six we cut bersiamites florida would you saw reference that add not popular with the voters are outside of elegant base. he made it known. That was a mistake you saw with Larry ellison. He made it known early on he loved him. Scott he'd supported him in every race, given his pet to super back twenty million dollars and the ten sky budgeting decisions based on Larry Allison coming back the camp in ended up, I should say the super pack ended up attracting it's it's it's. It's buys leader. Embarrassing cycle for the campaign that maybe ten scott wasn't going to in any way. But you saw that the the risk therefore lying on a donor who thought this candidate was amazing. This happened. A futile is it who do not happen to down trump and nicky Nikki haley until the very end of the campaign think with a sum of donations. He's gotten didn't get much criticism for who is supporting a super back. You did not see it. is coming out and saying bad things about. You saw them praising increased than I think could hurt her down alignment. Jamie diamond saying
The things about our use of the scene, Rhonda santa say that she is good, she's, botany and establishing candidate there. outside who, having these donors talk so much about the candidates and I think, coming When you twenty and watching Democrats closely, it's an advantage to that he's. Gonna paths, people who expect to deliver exactly the message that they are delivering to CNBC on squat box to these candidates. Just me as they have twenty million dollars. Talkative donors ended. So gives against trump a big opening to save their? Each of these people are owned by establishing a specific establishment. The billionaire so ok and speaking of giving Donald trump a big opening. You have an interesting choice for your best bet of twenty twenty three years: it was the trumps decision not to debate, which I heard a lot of peoples of bottom lines of reporting targets, but It was not obvious when he did when he
that he wasn't doing participate in the first debate in Milwaukee. Walkie was not obvious. This gonna pay off there is a risk of him alienating some people do. You saw both around. The scientist Chris Christie really more at the time MIKE pence, who is still running, criticize him and say this is donald trump, whose change he has new statement: some men allegations that needs redress and aunt before his voters, but what and the first debate in milwaukee foxy, organizing it the first half of it not touch on trumpet all, because they are trying to keep trump's audience watching the debate, the heat It is a counter programming event without her curls needed to more kind of programming, evidence for the next two debates and then stop authoring bite. really by the second those talking to his campaign manager and spin around that second debate: men they they can pay without saying, look we're by so much. Why the rest of these candidates indulging in this exercise and hurting our nominee in debating. It was
the only thing you can only do as a candid up by thirty points, I'm not trying to privileged this and say in the future. All candidates who are winning by this much should skip debates, but it was a smart move for trying to make. That was not obvious that was risky and that left we're one kind of scrambling that, by the end, as I point out right, answers. This train of a fundraiser around the debate now alabama in member and has to cancel it. Because, though aren't even showing up in the number that they should be for these things trump through Instead of personality and force of thirty point led squash, the whole process, Dave. Let's end these semi for american awards for twenty twenty three, where we began, which is with the issue of abortion and worst bet. You have susan, be Anthony's pro life. America promise to oppose any an actual candidate who refuses to embrace at a minimum of fifteen weak national standard wives of such a body that Yes, and that's also partly a term story. This is the problem of a lot of a lot of organizations on the right is: can
get down trop on board. If he's not than was the impetus for anybody getting on board, that was the problem. Susan b It's as per life. America should say had here: They said flat out. We want at least a federal fifteen weak limit on abortion as a standard for our candidates. We want that we're to say we want that, but we can't get down trump to commit a who will weapons of happening. Scott commits to that my pants commit that they use their speeches at events to say they want to fifty we ban, but who doesn't commit trump Nicky here, who actually gives a speech at issue, yet they lies headquarters which people going in might be her announcing a fifteen weak limit as if as her policy, it's not it's her owing to this group and saying I'm a different kind of who believes in compromise we're not going. get a federal abortion ban. I'll tell you to your face and it was the phrase the soldiers over used. It wasn't quite that, but it was. Hayley, taking a fairly careful pull tested position doing it. Looking like she was taking, it carry a big risk
this group, so you have by in the year a group that one. Generational gains mean the pro life movement has one more than it would have dreamed of five to ten years ago, the, but it can get republic. He can't its president commit to its abortion position. It it's coming off a cycle as we stopped at the top where they lost a cue winnable, looking races on abortion rights if the movement is, is in a lot of territory. There are a lot of red states where it's it's laws are in place but it does not have the clout in public in primary that, of conservative groups do, and that was not obvious. That was because of a couple choices made earlier on to show their cloud that totally backfired the threat of abortion running all the way through twenty twenty three and will be through twenty twenty four hours mention here best political book, the squad by ryan, grim best presidential biography ordinary man by richard Norton Psmith. That's the definitive study of gerald are
ward and best, as you put it almost presidential biography, romney by mackay, coffins all great, but. some for his day waigel doing a lot of work for us today. Taking us through some offers, a man o connor awards Dave thanks. So much. We will see you at the after party who appreciate man. Thank you. a dark prophecy foretold her death, then through fire it came to pass and the faithful mourned, but it wasn't the hand of god, the bachelor mortal sin, newport gas from daylight and from me judgments listen to all episodes of mortal sin. Now, wherever you get, your pod casts
Transcript generated on 2023-12-30.