« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 12/28/21

2021-12-28 | 🔗

The CDC cuts Covid quarantine time in half

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good morning and welcome to morning Joe on a Tuesday morning. It is December twenty eight just four days until we put the calendar to a new year. I am willing Geiss Joe and make up half the morning, often joining our conversation, Mss, see, contributor, best selling, author Catty K and the host of way to early and White House beer, gee that political, Jonathan, Le Maire, good morning to you both happy almost new year to you? Let's dive right in the CDC is out with the new guidelines on coverage meaning the recommended isolation in quarantine times for those who test positive or who are exposed to the virus. This comes as the fast spreading o mccrone variant, pressure on hospitals, airlines. Businesses serious shortfall of available tests and the seniors correspond Sam Brok has more
change in policy from the CDC cutting the recommended quarantine time in half for all Americans infected with covered nineteen from ten days down to five, provided the re symptomatic and wear masks around others for five. More days this as testing for the virus, reaches a crisis point by five o clock in the morning the lines in South Florida were already forming with the prospect of free covert testing kits, Loring fell. Since what are you saying in store shelves right now are empty and be everywhere every You go to their island start. There are fine, but I guess they disappeared in the matter of three days later. They just weren't there at this library in Miami did county you're looking at two different lines. Right now, this is for free testing. Kids. This one is protesting onsite, both of them snake around the building in both directions with no end in sight, It's a Miami microcosm of a national crisis. Chaos
lie from New York to Charlotte to Dallas President bided press on the inadequate supply seen how temper was for some folks to go. ass this weekend shows that we have more work to do regard group Pharmacies offering free test and there are now more than twenty thousand places where you get tested for free that expense. Access comes alongside some alarming developments. A two hundred thousand daily case average with records in Florida, Louisiana aware a New York and in New York City. The number of its hospitalized more than quadrupling from twenty two early December to one oh, nine through last week, zeal percent of them were fully vaccinated. Shoulder now bear not seeing any cases are vaccinated children in the hospital. I doubt that has pushed New York's governor to make this plea. We parents, I'm calling on you. This is the time you have kids Humphrey. well there's plenty of vaccination opportunities from your pediatrician to a site set up by the state
york, our urgent care centres, New York City, also implementing the strictest private sector vaccine mandate in a country, while also adding even more testing like this site in Times square This is a priority, but I don't eat stakes, never mind the chicken go, give covert, testing or get the vaccine healthcare workers increasingly are trying to address full. I see use with depleted staffs average acts. We have a text message that goes out. That says that, where our shoring are looking for and arrests, but a lot of people are burnt out the attrition taking a total across the globe with Israel now testing out a fourth, not to help strengthen it's a virus stricken Frontline Sambre reporting forest there, let's bring in physician and fellow the Brookings institution doktor, could be the Patel she's an semi seen medical contributor as well? Doktor tell it's great to see this morning where there's a lot through their just in that announcement alone. Yesterday, from the CDC, let's start there,
of the isolation period cut in half from ten days to five days for people who have covered a been exposed to it. What went into that decision? Yeah? Well they well. A lot of us are asking that question because what went into it were data that actually existed, even while beyond this past year, with early experiences with covered, but unfortunately a lot of the data that that I see BC even site that its back information is not very recent from Alma crown, which we know is the kind of here and now. But data had supported up until I'm a crime that, if you were positive, asymptomatic or your symptoms, had resolved that your period have been infectious really and that early few Dave, not in the last few days that ten day period of courses positions, we ve seen all sorts of cases than without Mccrone. I think especially Willie I'll just say it without having a negative test. Do you really want to be sitting next to somebody who tells you well about my mask? Is not even a high quality masking the CDC didn't
Take that and I'm resolving in my symptoms, but don't worry about it. Will you're you're fine next to me, and I think that's actually what we're gonna see, though the data does support it, but those are ideal situations which were not it. And there's the obvious and answered question in this report from the CDC is: what about the distinction between people who are vaccinated and people who are unhappy needed, should that period be different for those two groups? Yes, and that is something that were seen- Data that from the u can from other countries, including the United States. The vaccination does make a difference. We do know that vaccinated individuals. This was true before I'm a chronic thing still hold true with The crime, although our problem is creating a scenario Willie, where even I as a triple vaccinated, original, two doses and booster still can have a pretty high viral load in my nose and infectious I am I've had patient to have had rapid antigen test
positive, even beyond ten day period. So it begs the question how We know what this infectious period really is in order to be state to return people to work, and I have the same part of me. I can't help it feel, like this policy really came on the heels of these headlines that were just talking about healthcare workers, shortage of airlines, carefully, flight, perverse scarcity in the economy of workers? So I do think this was the right policy eventually to land done. Communication has not been very good, not a shock, and I worry that telling people to trust to wear a mask after day. Five is absolutely general flat. We ve already seen that We do not work in this country and then there's a question on a macro question, but you can speak to it. If you want to have the timing of this, there are a lot of people in this country. Will look at that since that well, that would have been nice to know. A week ago when I was travelling for Christmas, a of people, of course cancelled plans are, or you know or amend.
The many way because of the ten day waiting period. What about the timing of the announced when we get to the communication you were just talking about me. I do think that dead. So look, I'm I'm always try to give them latitude. What, whenever administration, it may be said, scientific epidemiologist, the fight of the theory, so I will say that December twenty seven right after you had now literally any. We still will by the way, Willie these prisoners gathering in that we have already had a holiday gatorade. There can result in the next two to three weeks and end of scores, millions of people testing positive. So I do think that the timing is something that doesn't seem awfully coincidental to comment on the back and fight Peggy about fools. Reopening majority of country schools reopen next Monday and it'll be a really important question to see how this guidance plays out in school because, as we know so many of these goals are already quarantined or shut down right before the holidays. What will happen when spills are pressured to reopen
I do not have some of these measures and what you see, teachers who do not have high quality masts nation in those are the critical differences Willie that would have been nice if tea in the media advisory and in plain language to people the quality of your mass matters, we should throw away these fabric mask the even I've been throwing the Mona garbage now they're useless, pretty much at this point dutch foretell. Of course, this change comes at a moment when there is a nationwide shortage of tests, particularly in some big cities along the EAST and West Coast, and but those who have had tests have shown that at times they will get tat test negative day. On a day to they feel ill, their negative negative and the boom then comes the positive. It seems like this quickly, it is a little more hitter mission harder to pick up at times least anecdotally. Doesn't that just add a further degree of risk?
to this change in the guidelines were after five days. You're saying to people hate in this go outside will take your word for it. They are ok, yeah absolutely Jonathan, Anne and weary I've compared the? U S. Policy with other countries that are either implemented are considering implementing implementing similar policy paper example. People really do have to test negative, yet a kind of prove yourself, and we also have data from work placements school surveillance, testing programmes that highlight Jonathan. Exactly what you said. People will have any symptoms test negative, get upset our test negative with a rapid test and then get pcr test, which is much better. That will be positive, but of course that's short supply delays lines around the corner, so we know that this Stephen others kind of chilly Willy's comment earlier. This says, feel the timing, as well as the lack of comment on testing for isolation. Let me be clear: isolations what
when you have a positive Chester symptom, a quarantine is what happens when your expose, I'm all four shortening the Florentines time, if you're vaccinated CDC make that distinction, but this testing causative, if your sentence quote resolve and I to tell you after almost twenty years in practice, I dont know if I can trust even myself because of you go back to work. Is that your only pay check? You bet, you're gonna, think your symptoms are resolving. The four may try to stress meant if it were up to the individual and don't just to be clear than you could test positive, ten twelve days after first feeling, symptoms and it you did, should you still be quarantining at that point or under the new guidelines, and my guess is an indication of how confused we all are under the new guy I knew I? Could you leave quarantine? Kate? That's that's exactly the point. I do think that
the timing of your of especially your quarantining, because you are exposed to somebody. I do think that if your vaccinated and you're a symptomatic- and you ve tested negative around day five- that that you ve only been exposed knife you're symptomatic or had a positive, though I do think you can in quarantine early. I do agree. Cdc did the right thing on that policy. That's consistent! If your vaccinated, that you don't have the whole away in your house waiting to test, but if you tested positive caddy came to, I think also your comment. You ve tested positive or your symptomatic, and then you just wait. We ve seen patient to have been tested positive that just day ten, they ve been having positive for twelve days. That's not the norm, but it is possible, and we know that those people are still likely to be infectious and that's the point without testing, without distinction for vaccinated individuals and without thumb criteria to say what does it mean that your symptoms resolving
your symptoms that you should be looking for these all mimic. The common coal, though I could have somebody with a true called, has no ability to get tasks not tested than they could be locked into this confusing advisory from the CDC for weeks even yeah a long list of questions to you, this more even speaks of the confusion. I think a lot of people have about this. Let's take a step back before I let you go back to prison just get a snapshot as we come up here on the end of the year where you from we are obviously the all mccrone varying has changed a lot of things but, as you have said many times for those vaccinated hospitalization and death is weak. way way down and most people in the hospital right now, our unvalued needed, as has been true for most of this year. So what's yours,
of where we are in this pandemic, as we turned the corner here to a new year. While I think we have turned a corner, I think the COMECON has defined. Can empower train the corner, but with the value of vaccinations, I know that there is enough misinformation and public. Some would like to jump on while putting quote look that things don't worry that is simply not true, because your right were keeping people out of the hospital and by the way, even with the surge of cases, were not seen. This proportional rise and half locations to your point. Vaccines are helping. Keeping people out of the hospital out of the emergency room. So I do think that we turned a corner very different from a year ago, but we must turned a corner into something unknown. I would like to believe that with a number of fronts urge this will put a burn out and that this will create an inn Many were now chases become more like it. common flu or endemic as we like the call it. We ve got more this immunity across our country, but there is in scenario, where this virus just keeps turning off the throne curveball
mutating and away, and we have to stay vigilant then, on boosters, this com about UK and whether or not they need a fourth shot is in the public. That is tired and we can't get more confusing information out of our science advisory group. At the federal level there were two the corner, where this is going to create either incredible fatigue and people to give up, and nobody will listen. Even people like me who want to follow the fight, or we will actually be able to say look. We got through this big hump and we're gonna be able to get on the other side and for doing it through vaccinating wearing what wearing masked. When we need to which the honestly, I would tell everybody watching with this change an advisory. Get yourself a high quality mass werent, wherever you are around people, you dont know, because this could change the game. So that's where we are good at with their alot add to this morning procedure happiness to make sense of this doctor Kavimba potential
great to see you thanks so much amid that increase in covered cases in long lines protesting. President Biden is working to reassure state and local leaders about the administrations response to the pandemic president held a phone call with governors yesterday promising to provide aid to state straw, working with the Imo crime variant, but he also acknowledge state and local governments will need to take the lead in controlling the spread here. Some of what President Biden said just before that phone call work, there is no federal solution. Biscuits Our current state level, my message to the governor, simple: if you need something say something we we're gonna, have your back in any way. We can see how tougher was for some folks together test this weekend, shows that we have more work to do we're doing it. The bottom line is one or screw the american people that were prepared. We know what it takes and, as as this group of bipartisan governors shown we're going to get through it by working together
so Jonathan, the headline there there is no federal solution, obviously flies in the face, frankly, the reason the jail I was elected in many ways- was that the federal government was going to take control of this effort, it is out of the cove and pandemic. Here. Why? He mean by that and obviously present Trump came under heavy criticism, and rightly so for certain making the same case when he was president. Yet now you provided the right context there Willie, The president's comments there raise lot eyebrows on both sides of the Isle, because it flies frankly, is a complete contradiction He had said earlier in the year where he said, though, the federal government is going to be in charge us we're going to steer the nation out of this pandemic. We can do the big it was the central piece of his campaign. It was to depose of Donald Trump, of course, but also to say, look can rest control of this pandemic and the present common yesterday indeed echoed what trumpet
on more than one occasion in twenty twenty that he put the onus on the states now I tried to what our special yesterday. They were quick to sort of clarify what the president meant and he was trying to there. They needed. Operation from the states that the states could no longer be an obstacle, a hindrance to the federal spots this virus. We know there have been some republican governors and states like Texas and Florida, but it resisted things like mass mandated, really put. Back against back seen. Mandates have many times been an obstacle to what Washington has tried to do to battle this pandemic. That's what the president meant for governor, of course, The midst of trying to surge five hundred million tests across the country of sums over the next month, or so others to a lot of things to be worked out as to how exactly that will happen course no- the CDC change its guidelines. Yesterday, as we just discussed as a lot of employers are really having trouble. Finding work,
right now, and we are seen cases just sore across the country and, yes, I'm across appears milder for those who double vaccinated and boost, but certainly those who are on vaccinated or great risk mercy, hospitals, across the country and had pie and federal health officials told me that they are deeply concerned about the state of play in a number of countries. a number of states, and I will say it was really refreshing. Despite the push back machine, they republican governors that markets are Gunnar S, Hutchinson actually offered some by partisan praise for the federal government yesterday for the binding measures response when specials quick to point that out, but that's the exception and the wool right now Jumpsome. Isn't it
the testing? Isn't it because, actually several times over the course of the last three months since the end of the summer, the President said he is going to ramp up testing. It has made it sound like in the in the last week or so he's made it sound like well came out of the flu and it caught us by surprise, but actually he has said multiple times, we're really going to ramp up testing, because we need more testing heading into the winter. What happened? Why didn't that? Why didn't they millions to ramp up testing translate into actual tests heading into the winter. Yes, certainly there are more tests available in the last few months and they were safe earlier in the order in a highly penned Eric and twenty twenty, but they do fell short of that. You make a good point caddy this stuff, a second time. And the White House officials have acknowledged privately they'd been a loop caught off guard by the speed of this pandemic, certainly over the summer. The best example of this is I forth from the president, said the United States about re to declare its independence from the virus, while the Delta
was already putting Europe on fire at that point, and we No one truism, others pandemic anything happens over there soon here certainly were caught off guard there speck, the surge. Cases and now again almost want didn't faster. To be sure, then Delta did Even then, there was a sense that they worked quite ready for it, but I think the over to the overall point. It shows that the the shift in both focus in both in terms of resources, and rhetoric has been on the vaccines, not testing that Administration has really said is that you need to get vaccinated and boosted. That's. How will get out of this? not expected so many boosted people could still come down a test positive because of overcrowding to go back six months ago, and the White House is not alone in this setting. A lot of us felt this way to it felt like we were coming out of something that we turned the corner. Maybe four even in this pandemic, and we heard not mission accomplished but almost from the president himself and then
this new variant than then delta and alma crime, and then everything ah said for it swept through the summer and into the early fall, which is gobbled up, as you know, because you're there everyday reporting on at this straightens agenda that it came in with these. Are things that happen when your president states things you don't expect, but how was this illustration feeling now looking ahead to twenty twenty two, knowing that we will with without a doubt, be mired in this pandemic, at least for the beginning of next year, as well. Right, public officials hopeful that alma, Crohn's gonna peaks and later, and it may be I say February first, while on the other side of it and their hopeful again, that another variant will emerge in its wake, but they know the pandemic. Is everything for this president that as much as the focus has been on us she's been back better after they still hope to get? His agenda through Congress in the early part of twenty twenty. Two they hope to sit down. A mansion and work that, through they hope,
to deal with some of the inflationary issues that everyone across the countries babbling right now, of course, due to the pandemic, they do feel good, that some of the supply chain woes have eased and they also, of course, to turn to voting rights. Sooner than later there there, where of Warnings issued by civil rights groups, including reverend shopped enough familiar face on this, show that the Democrats in a way some particular need to show some signs of progress by M L Day or there could be real backlash among african american voters and locate day not too far away, but that all of those things I just listed all take a back seat to getting control of the pandemic in right now, as cases surge across the country, as much as the administration is sending out tests and preaching vaccines are saying you get boosted, on zero stubborn pockets of the american population, largely in red states who are not getting back said. This virus is not going away
is no question about it. We're talking about testing getting more people vaccinated SAM Brok in his report, the top of the show mentioned a labour shortage that increasingly its pharmacy technicians, who administer many of these things, with a renewed push for vaccines and boosters technician, absence- is now leading to store closures and delays on other prescriptions. Nbc news corresponded, Vicki Win, has more mama Heidi Strauss meant more than sixteen years working as a pharmacy technician at a right aid near Pittsburgh in October. She abruptly quit the job she loved and thought. She'd retire from all of the parts of my job that I have truly enjoyed over the years have slowly just gone away where pandemic stress and just all the unpleasantness. it is going on in healthcare in retail today, pharmacy tech support the pharmacist count, pills answer, calls work, the register and more, but increasingly their quitting in a survey, independent pharmacy owners who make up a third of retail pharmacies, nearly nine,
eighty percent say they can't find technicians why our pharmacy tax soul set up. I mean, I really think a lot of it comes from the fact that we are grossly underpaid, ass. The board median pay for a pharmacy Tec is about sixteen dollars an hour. But it's not just wages, it was routine and my store when I was leaving to be threatened five hundred scripts past you at any given time, and this means people could be going without their needed medications, four days, absolutely and be seen. You spoke to twenty two retail pharmacy technicians in sixteen states who recently quit or consider quitting their jobs at major chain pharmacies. Each said their biggest concern was patient safety in some states you. How do you know sixty or seventy pharmacies are closing per day, days on end because they don't have ray staff, I'll Carter leads the National Association of Boards of pharmacy. He says the short
Joe Pharmacy Tax, has led to a spike in complaints and concerns about medication. Mistakes in the glass We have four months I receive prairie doubled the number patient matters In the last year we reached out to the country's leading. Pharmacy change right aid were highly work said in a statement to help alleviate stress immediately. We are temporarily closing most of our pharmacies, one hour early to allow our pharmacy teams to catch up from the day and press for the next CBS All greens acknowledge workforce shortages, Walgreens saying it continuously were. You staffing levels and impacted stores may have temporarily adjusted hours, CBS that its teams were made flexible in meeting patients needs in a dynamic environment, all three say their actively recruiting with CBS and Walter. Increasing starting tech salaries to fifteen dollars an hour. So she wants pharmacy tax to receive standardize, training and competitive wages. Another technician are we being a mass, hopefully payment,
other. They need to make a change, lotta people counting on those prescriptions of course Vickie. Reporting for Sarah still ahead here on morning. Joe call out Airline workers who have tested positive for corona virus feeling massive flight disrupt through the holidays. Another reason for the change those CDC guidelines will dig into that and the weather speaking holiday travel more difficult for of you you're watching morning, Joe on a Tuesday morning. We're coming right back
This message is brought to you by region. Iran, if you have diabetes, listen closely, because your ears can help your eyes. Excess shudder from diabetes could lead to high damage, envision loss or even blindness, and you might not even notice it at first. So remember now is the time to get your eyes checked. I care is especially important with diabetes, see a path forward with actions and potential treatment options that may help your eyes and protect against vision. Loss, go I care specialist and visit. Now I see that come to take charge of your site these days. The news never stops the mornings headlines change by afternoon and by then
the day. It's our only different, so, let's get into it, what's happening right now what it means for you for an hour every day I get it. I know it can be hard to keep up. So let's get started together and go from their pay and highly Jackson, and we have a time gone on. Here's the deal, how we judge the amount we do so far: on these issues welcome back to morning Joe. It is six twenty nine in the morning with alive. Look at the Washington monument that surge of corona virus cases we ve been talking about this morning is causing disruption. in the airline industry. More than a thousand flights were cancelled in the U S. Yesterday, a staff and crew members called out sick due to covet leaving thousands of passengers stranded during one of the busiest hollow travel periods of the year and severe weather out west is only adding more strained to the system. Nbc steep
Edison has the latest on that. But first here is embassies. Carry sanders. on the snow storms and wicked wines that cause delays and cancellations, those airline employees who are forced to call in sick and quarantine due to corona virus maybe back on the job sooner. The decision but the cdc to reduce quarantines to five days down from ten means. Airline employees, just like healthcare workers who tested positive, can now return to work sooner if they feel better. I do think airlines are in a position to begin to catch up in the next few days in part because of the fast putting o mccrone variant. Airlines were facing employees shortages this past weekend that lead to more than twenty five hundred flight cancellations and began a domino effect. The whole family with a long morning delay from Michigan
What time did you guys we go? We will go bad about four o clock in the morning. We can look about like salmon and still not on the plane. Everything was fine and then one of the island but our turn into two hours two and a half hours. Without a guy here, the flight attendants Union had wanted the tender quarantine to and feeling anything short was caving to business pressure. What we're doing is we're saying that profits are more important than people, and that's just the bottom line in, and we can't abide by that. This comes as flight attendants, you're physically closer to passengers were forced vat again Sunday to break up a fight, one unmasked passenger confronting another who had pulled Mass down to this is not the picture of what aviation is and it needs to stop a blast of winter weather. Turning parts asked into a blustering snow bloom, making holiday travel tricks,
in northern California, wider conditions on the road. There was so bad that they would be basically impossible. yet from one area to another. This year of mountains, hit with several feet of snow shattering December records, burying houses, straining travellers is being by shutting down several render states the blizzard sparking several spin out accidents and roadside rescues is the most We ve had listened twelve years. The mountain snow directly needed after years of getting the serious, no back, which feels much of California's water supply a major boost, but the snow fall, overwhelming Lake Tahoe Ski Resort, forcing them to shut down authorities there searching for a forty three year old, Skeer missing since Saturday across the country, twenty five milk in american Gender Winter weather alerts from coastal coast in the Pacific. Northwest frigid temperatures causing winter worries to make people had done
driving this no parts of Oregon getting pummelled, while Washington State Press for an unusual now in the Midwest Blizzard conditions lasting the region from Minnesota to decode it in far out near RO visibility as the region braces for bitter cold Winchell says: Lois fifty below zero in the forecast, a dangerous, deep freeze, closing up the year with more to come, and we see, he Patterson reporting forests. Their President Biden sign into law a seven hundred sixty eight billion dollar national defence authorization at issue. statements, supportive of the measure over all the critical of provisions that effectively prevent him from closing the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay State reason part. Unfortunately, the act continues to bar the use of funds to transfer Guantanamo Bay detainees to the custody or effective control of certain foreign countries, and hours. The use of funds to transfer detainees into the United States unless certain
sins are met. I urge the cat where's to eliminate these restrictions as soon as possible. End quote authorizes seven hundred forty billion dollars for the Defense Department, which is twenty five billion more than the present requested. That includes a two point: seven percent pay raise for service members. It also includes just the twenty eight billion dollars for defence related activities in the Department of Energy. The first commanding officer of Navy Seal team six has died. Richard Marcinko was a two time: Vietnam, war v, and who also served in Cambodia and ran it was best now for creating the Navy seal team six in the wake of a failed attempt to rescue the american hostages in IRAN and nineteen eighty he commanded elite team for three years, the universe, no best. Of course, for killing Osama Bin Laden, two thousand eleven Marcinko listed in the Navy and nineteen fifty eight and eventually worked his way up the rank of commander, in addition to it
military career, he wrote several books, including autobiography titled robe, warrior his son the New York Times Marcinko may have died from a heart attack and is Virginia home on Christmas Day or Marcinko was eighty one years old. Coming up next morning, Joe New reporting surrounding the house committees, investigation of the January six, the attack on the capital now looking to a phone call former President Donald Trump made in the hours before the attack. We will talk to the reporter who first broke the news about that phone call. One goes back in a moment.
This message is brought to you by regeneration. If you have diabetes listen closely, because your ears could help your eyes, excess sugar from diabetes could lead to high damage, envision loss or even blindness, and you might not even notice it at first. So remember now is the time to get your eyes checked. I care is especially important with diabetes, see a path forward with actions and potential treatment options that may help your eyes and protect against vision, loss go see and I care specialist and visit. Now I see that come to
charge of your site- hey it's Critias this week on my part cast wise, is happening I'll, be talking with near times, tech columnist, Kevin Ruth about what exactly is driving the end. If t market up by billions, it's the quality that gives most offline objects their value in the reason that real estate is valuable, is because there isn't all that much relative to the demand. The reason that Picasso paintings are valuable is because you can't copy them indefinitely, and we know who owns them in there's a record of their ownership so and if it is in some sense, are just taking this concept of scarcity that we see every day in the offing world and making it possible to do I'm like that's this week on wise is happening. Search for wise is happening where were listening right now and subscribe, be how select committee on January six will hold public hearings in the new year on the attack on the United States Capital, the washing
ports reporting the looming mid term elections have out of a sense of urgency to the committee's work, as Republicans our expect you shut down the probe if they regain control of Congress. The panel is examining whether to recommend the just apart pursue charges against anyone, including former President Donald Trump and weather just later, proposals are needed to help prevent valid election results from being overturned in the future. Committee is zeroing in on the January six activities of republican lawmakers, Jim Jordan of Ohio and Scott Perry of Pennsylvania. Also, on January fifth, phone call: that's according to the guardian, it was made by then President trump to his lieutenants working out of the window. hotel up the street that call allegedly sought ways to stop Joe Biden certification, his victory from taking place the next day, Chairman Benny Thompson says the panel is looking into the details of that conversation held in documents national archives. Trump is fighting
release of those records. In a case before the Supreme Court juries. Now, king, rational, Rapporteur for the garden she, the law has been reporting ostensibly on these select committee investigating the January six attack and breaking falada news out of their Hugo. It's great to have you with us this morning, so walkers through this key on January. Six alleged to be from the president to the their hotel. What were what was the substance of that call and wise the committee looking so closely at it. Yes, I was just pretty pivotal moment the night of January five into the ideas on January six, when Trump picked up the phone calls the White House, according to outsourcing and instructed his political operatives I will add hotel fine way is to stop the certification from taking place at all the joint session of Congress on January six, and if you speak to trumps. lies. They say you. This is not a big deal. You will just Jonathan.
Ways to delay the certification to find another day, but I always thought this was a real, disingenuous characterisation, because either way whether it was through action or inaction, he managed to get the certification stopped and the captain was attacked, and now it's gonna loom large in the committee's investigation. If they can get de rack and strong sprinkle, so you got the questions about the former president. First is, what's time table to win get a decision from the Supreme Court S where those records of eternal. Yes, the committee is ass, thus bring right for an expedited decision in this an authorized case trumps claiming executive privilege over light couple on the dot, once that our help from the the previous administration, so I think we're looking at decision, probably in the spring, if aid granted, which I think that likely to do if you took an emblem of Committee Council in the committee and in Council for Camp as well. So I think that the timeline rougher you're lucky
It seems also that this is a classic investigation where you start with the small fish leading Europe so the big one and it does seem like in recent weeks, the ridge growing growing, focused on Trump personally at what he was doing is not just about meadows and bandit anymore. It's the present for president himself to people talk to your obviously very well source in this. What is growing likelihood that some sort of action will be taken against Trump personally gets increasingly becoming more lightly because they are looking at nor referrals for the former president that still can that ban, and then they start looking at Giuliani amusement, and these were the guys in the Willard that Trump card out on on the night of five and saw advice from Might. There are multiple war rooms at the moment that was one of these men and Giuliani abandoned and that a separate ones that people might flan and but just stone and Alex Jones and those like a massive, duration happening, the Willard plenty of others
apparently your rooms available- and it was just across the street from the White House, as you know, from and then the Treasury department, so there was a standard stone's throw from the White House right up until the new up the capital, so this is gonna lose breeding, the three I think in the investigation, but it's true they are focusing on the culpability of Trump himself and whether he directed the word to then direct a cap of attack and if there was some sort of an over conspiracy, so he then we're just gonna spend let out well out for us a bit more in terms of that phone call and what the select committee might able to actually find out from the records mean they presuming to them. If they can get hold of the reckless from national archives, they could find out what time it was made and who is made to. But how are they going to find out what the content of that phone call was because if they can't find out the content of that phone call, how much good is it
so I think this is the key question I caught up with the chairman of the subcommittee Benny Thomson before Congress broke forth, recesses. for weeks go, and he told me- and let me say this story that they are going to ask the national markets. One of the White House communications from January five and general six and its trump made. That call well I've, almost schools to the women, because he called the noise, separately and the critical operative separately, then those those cause be reflected in those records. The trouble is, of course, that that just records they tell me that time, The date, the duration of the calls in the intended targets, but they don't tell you didn't, can be a transcript that tell you the continent, those cool so sure of that many interviewing and getting depositions and testimony from people involved in the will adopt Gratian, I think, is very, very difficult for them to find out the contents of the cause. I think
one caveat and that as if someone like ban on or EAST nor Giuliani corked to other people- and they then proposed by the committee on aid and adviser- and they can inform the committee what they learn from those people directly and then maybe that's the way the committee goes since there is a lot of caveats here and a lot of things that have to happen for the commission to get the information it would need to find out. A first will exactly what happened: and be whether there was some actual conspiracy intent premeditation around the attack on the capital. What's yours sense cause you dig into this a lot of how much work they have done and how much time they have left to cover the ground they still have not yet covered. Given that the mid terms are what only ten months away, let months away
against this deadline and it's it's a hard deadline at the end of this Congress at the latest, because if, if, if Republicans, we take Magellan, this is the end of the committee, the not gonna wanna reinstate the committee and the investigation so they are up against this time limit, but they have amassed a real trouble evidence today right they spoke meadows they he ultimately decided not to cooperate, but he did provide a trove of documents and communications and text messages which we ve only seen sliver of, and there is already quite daring and chum, is in a bit of a meltdown from what we understand and a monologue our. So, yes, there are caviar, but the committee, material. The work where they proposed around three hundred individuals have like thirty thousand documents on file, so even if they can get the testimony from people like Bannon, I think there's a pretty good chance. They are able to construct a pretty full picture of what happened in the outcome.
The capital tat you go whether we find out or not what exactly and specifically President Trump said in that, call in January, the fifth we know just from everything, that's publicly available what he said on tv, what he said at rallies that he led the effort to overturn a present to election led his supporters to the capital that day so Does this select committee view as its objective here? What is it hoped to get too? As you say, hopefully, by the summer, in this report, we know how things are. Filtered through media silos. Right now we know that half the country's gonna dismiss it as a partisan exercise. We know that another half the country perhaps is rooting for an outcome here be of what we ve all seen what we all know. So how is this? proceeding in that environment. Like Mc Committee, I think it Try and do two things are going to try and do a report and they're gonna try and do criminal referrals if they are warranted at the end of the day. Speak to members. They say. Look real mission here is to bring the facts to light and to fully
the stand. What happened on January? Six? Aside from the breaking of capital farewells efforts by political operatives, all efforts by Trump himself, to support democracy and effectively stopped MRS, what he wanted to doing want to stop the certification from taking place, but it was deemed delaying or stopping at the end result was you just didn't want Biden who legitimately won the election to be set up by on January six, so the committees as this is that they want to show the american public what happened if there was criminal activity involve, they will make. Referrals than nonbinding, I'm just this moment, but it will probably put a lot of pressure on Justice Batman, HIV Merrick Garland to take some sort of action failing that they want these have report, whether at several reports or interim reports on it. We know yet, but there will be a report and people What are we from cells? What the committee has uncovered? Let's do it. Work with more subpoenas on the way congressional reporter further Guardian Hugo Low Hugo thanks
but for being with us this morning, good to see you still out here on morning, Joe President Biden tells governors there is quote no federal solution to control the spread of the overcrowded variant. Pudding what he meant by that plus new report from inside the administrations, failure to avert a covert testing shortfall when you just coming right back, go beyond the headlines with MSNBC Daily, a collection of written perspectives help. You better understand the issues of our time. Read now at msnbc dot com
Transcript generated on 2022-01-02.