« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 1/2/24

2024-01-02 | 🔗

The Morning Joe panel discusses the latest in U.S. and world news, politics, sports and culture.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's the top of the hour. Welcome to morning Joe, it is tuesday January second happy new year, every body, Israel's round them in Gaza is entering a new phase. The israeli military has plans to pull back some troops and shift more localised operations. We're gonna go through that development and the escalating tensions in the red sea plus a damning new report on the intelligence failures by the israeli military new york times. Investigation found that there was no battle plan for a man, save hammas invasion that they were warned about. Also ahead, a look, a long to do list for congress and twenty twenty four, with several crucial items that we're just
simply not addressed late last year, plus the supreme court has a type time line to rule on what would be One of the most consequential cases involving the presidency will get expert legal analysis on the issue of removing donald trump from the ballot. Two states are they're, gonna, be more. How will it be handled with us? We have the to wait to early. Why does birgitta political jonathan le Maire com? an associate editor at the washington post, David Ignatius and former support allied commander of NATO retired for storing navy admiral james to read, as he is, cheap international annulled Four NBC news, but first willie new year into a long, yeah and bad jos on his way. Back from the rose ball, I watched I watched It- was really painful it was less painful as it gets.
Jos. In mourning this morning, we can understand why a crimson tied fell, owes a great game in overtime to michigan decided with the top seed. Was the favourite this game alabama was up Michigan came back. This is in overtime, blake for their great running back time, things up and then their fourth, four alabama saving going with the quarterback, dries got a good quarterback who can run the ball low. Snap probably heard him. Michigan gets stop this grayson is on for michigan fans. They go to their first college football playoff championship game. That's coming up next they night in Houston, and they will play in another great game. Late last night, meek open washington, also unbeaten the two seed in this tournament. Beating taxes in the sugar ball, again, Texas was fighting right till the end: how to play late last the game away by war, they hold on really good
the underrated team, so your national champions game, jonathan le Maire, michigan, and why in two unbeaten teens. I gladly we can say another. Two best teams in football when the results, but on behalf Joe. That was a tough when they alabama leading late michigan alot of credit, their defense was awesome in the first half, especially all over jail and mention row row row in the back field there. So we got a lot of now not convinced we're going to see Joe again, really really really tough one blow a late lead there you're right, the album michigan stevens, was so good early on. They sacked the correct six times, but it just Are you so inevitable? Alabama is inevitable. Saving is inevitable It took the lead and you thought they would hold onto it and its studying that they did and let me show you down the field and are pretty shaking. They call called a kubi draw from fort down with michigan offensive line had been so good and they just completely snuffed it. He had. No chance
whatsoever and now sets up a great I'll get in so unusual to have a time again, featuring the acc. That conference has dominated the ball for so long, and it's just something fresh what here michigan verses washed and that will fine, but certainly our condolences to Mr Scott you'll, be ok he's actually got about that stuff. He loves a great game, no matter who wins, but it's great to see you guys happy new year, Jonathan I've been waiting to be really tired. In joining, We need a more belonging to the authority. Are you don't sleep at all will, I know, is he didn't the way too early thing? Are: let's get right to the news? The israeli military is planning to withdraw some of its troops from troops from Gaza. Reservists from at least two brigades will be sent home. This. The idea of says this is expected. To quote significantly is burden on the economy. Many israel, businesses were forced to scale back or even shut down after losing
much of their workforce to the war effort, the movable also free up units. In that case, what a wider conflict begins with hezbollah in lebanon still the eye says the fighting in Gaza will continue throughout the coming months. But u s officials say this withdrawal signals. Israel might be shifting to a more low intensity operation, which is something the Biden administration, has been pushing forcing you wonder if there are also responding to pressure from their number one. The united states of america, where there are well they a lot of questions that are not only their strategy, but how this all went down exactly, and it's a great point, because we're learning now the relationship between israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and pray and mine is reportedly becoming more strained. According to several sources, speaking to the new york times, president Biden has grown more and more of france great in recent weeks by Netanyahu's refusal to change tactics in Gaza. Despite the
distance of the united states in early december Biden. Reportedly, please some within the white house by going off up to say Israel risk losing international support. If it continued the quote indiscriminate bombing of its name, it has many many phone calls with Netanyahu. Biden reportedly has urged Netanyahu Take a more targeted approach to rooting out hamas, something the israeli prime minister has pushed back against the sharpest dispute, still according to the times, has centred around what to do in Gaza after the war ends with Netanyahu. Reportedly resisting binds calls for an eventual. Too state solution. Nigger have an times now is out with a sweeping investigation on Israel's failures in responding to the deadly attack launched by Hamas on october. Seventh, one key reason. the israeli military had no battle plan, despite intelligence, showing the terror group
likely planning an assault. This is according to current, The former soldiers and officers who tell the times if a plan for a large Gale attack on israeli soil did exist. No one had been trained on it. The paper reports is rolls military was undermanned out of position, and so poorly organised, that soldiers communicated in impromptu. What's that groups, lied on social media posts for targeting information, the israeli military. Reservists were also not prepared to quickly mobilise and deploy major in the reserves tells the times their training assumed There's really intelligence would learn of looming invasion in advance. He says his paratrooper mobilized on there own without a formal call up order. Way. Seven hours into the fighting he turned to the reserve is
to him and asked: where is the idea ass, making matters worse, if that's possible military has acknowledged that it moved to commando companies more than hundred soldiers to the west bank just two days before they attack a reflection. Israel's mistaken belief that a Hamas attack was not an imminent threat. This doesn't make sense The assault on a military base left soldiers there fighting for their lives rather than coordinating a response to the invasion. One soldier told the I mean that some did not even know they were under attack until Hamas was in their sleeping quarters, several were killed in their bunks, others barricaded them and safe rooms? The times ass? The idea why there was no plan, the military replied that questions of this kind will be looked at into a greater stage. So
David Ignatius and admiral steve regions to reduce admiral. I know that you have already said it is long past. Do that we add to this questions David I'll start with you, though? I dont know what the options are here in terms of making sense of this. because the new york times peace as incredible as the reporting was leaves more questions than answers. It actually is worse than we could have ever. giant as women were being raped as children were being forcibly removed from their homes or killed as people were being killed mass in the streets and anna concert, you had an army that had no clue what was going on or was caught in traffic. So what are the options at this point In terms of an explanation of what could be the explanation for this and is there a nefarious wanting so make the image
as I found in the new york times, reporting actually haunting that people people saying almost pleading where's the idea where's this army that Israel has counted on through its history. That's been regarded one of the finest small arms in a world. Where is the idea of the of soldiers being shot in their banks in their bases in an attack. The base if were not warned of, or not, paired for images of appeal, as you said, turning the social media rather than their own battle: planet, to the side of oppression, and I think the problem, a meagre is that that disorientation that we saw the first first day, over seven on the days that followed contained in some ways, Israel didn't dick expect that
moss, its adversary was capable of an attack like the one that have this simply had never considered at their work plans for it, because I didn't think this. They could do it and as they ve fallen, Gaza Hamas has turned out to be tougher adversary there. The may expect than that why this war is, as it is, gone on and on, and why Israel has gotten so much international criticism for for what what people says overreacting they they simply haven't been able to take control, there's much of Gaza as they as they thought were now getting to appoint. Finally, where the israelis, in part, because of economic, need the need to get reservists back to work, so the economy functions better, we'll begin pulling out initially to brigades through more brigades or planned, although no, it has been given an end Israel, certainly in the north, will now now move to a kind of stand off operation us senate.
Where they'll get intelligence that Hamas is located in a particular place. The sun troops in there rather than maintaining the troops, rounding, those those positions that ease the casually burned for Israel. Hopefully, will allow greater humanitarian relief in gaza and make that such way, better, reduce the criticism on Israel and the united states, but more to the point, help the desperate suffering of the power of the palestinians but the more we know about about this war probably should at in the near his political and judicial programmes that are coincide with with this intelligence failure. Military definitely more. We know about it. situation? The more I think it's right to see that HU as embattled as having embarked on a war for which it turn that neither He nor the israeli military was adequately prepared, and now, as several months later, really really
struggling to find an end game. When I talk to israeli military commanders maker, I simply don't here mere answers about how they think this war will end were who they say. What come on after the israeli military, to maintain order in Gaza. I think that's where the west's gonna have to play a key role. Because Israel itself doesn't have the answers admirals to reduce David was talking about the news that broke yesterday. Israel's high court, striking down Benjamin Netanyahu, judicial overhaul law, something I think he needed politically to stay in power and avoid indictment, or at least the kind The point is of an already existing indictment. Putting that, side. I think it was among go. You said it was too late that there were no answers. What the new york times is
boarding has only given us more questions. Only given you as more kind of a sick feeling that the answer is no be good. I ask you: what are the options here at this point now the no soldiers were killed in their beds, sleeping they were stuck in traffic. And let me add that Benjamin Netanyahu supported the funding of hamas through cutter that Benjamin Netanyahu says now is not the time to these answers. I think it is exactly the time, especially if they want the support of their partners, complete support transparency. And also what does it say. I guess there attitudes toward women at the at least are less than to be respected, given fact that it was women. Researchers who raised the flag months ago
that this attack was happening in a forty pilot page blueprint on this. I ask: what are the options beyond the fact that Israel was not present? heard that seems impossible. So what are the other options when splits back to why this happened? I think there are three big reasons. One is complacency. The israeli military simply could not conceive that Hamas would be able to generate this kind of high and strike. Combat attack in the underestimated the degree to which iran had provided the weapon to do with the training the functionality so complete under estimated of Hamas a complacency syndrome. Secondly, touched on it a moment ago. Meagre internal divisions in Israel had even skin to the israeli defence forces?
We had seen reports a reserve, as he said, we're not to reinforce in until this constitution, the crisis is resolved. That's pretty room workable in a military that absolutely relies This reserve component in there Thirdly, the sum Ass itself stepped up and did the expected. You know we talk a lot about nine. Eleven feel, you're, not of intelligence is but a failure of imagination. It was really those, but that the crew sis for america that has some echoes here- is really pearl harbor. it's where our military was literally sleeping in their banks and pearl harbor had no idea. Seemingly this attack was gonna come even though in retrospect we saw plenty of intelligence. its flickers out there so that that moment for the
as rarely military reminds me of the pearl harbor moment for the united states in terms of options, I think more imports, We then all of that and then Israel will pull that apart and tat happened fast enough. They need doing this in parallel to the fight and let's face it, they're not fake fighting, the japanese empire here. They are now under existential threat from Hamas, so they can do the investigation and understand and after Oh harbour with the united states did was bringing new commanders. Are we rid of the team that had allowed this to occur. We brought in new fresh admirals, like chester, nimitz, full hall z rain. Sprue and seas were relatively unknown monster, who stepped in and recovered from now, situation pretty remarkably so Israel a needs to invest
It is now and fully be reshape their milk. Terry leadership based on the leadership failures that I think are quite extent quainter? he is here and see she'll. These internal divisions here will get back to the political and benjamin Netanyahu situation. It hurts israel's national security bad, but has make a man. and quoted the new york times. An idea spokesperson said questions of his kind will be looked into at a later stage. They just don't want to talk about what happened on that day. From the point of view of the military and david you've covered the middle EAST for so long. You understand Israel so well, and you know the way that Israel's sleep at night, when their surrounded by people who openly call for their destruction, why they have a thriving democracy in an economy in all the miracle of Israel. Is that because they trust the israeli military has then protected. They trusted things like this can happen. They trust that they are one of the most sophisticated intelligence operations in the world
So what is your sense internally inside israel about how that been shattered a bit and what kind of pressure is in fact minister Netanyahu under internally from the Israel, people or are they so focused right now and the effort to defeat hum ass, their unified and that question willing to accept that will deal with what happened that day at a later date. So will I put your finger on one, as has been said, from untiring for Israel, Israel lived on it's the strength of its military is is action that, no matter what its adversaries try to do is real would risk quickly and decisively, and the opposite happened here. Israel respond slowly and uncertainly, and I for israelis across the country. This is then deeply this
granting this this isn t the Malta that the expected and need. I think, there's been a lot of of of second guessing up and down the chain. I think a lot of this has come to be focused on Netanyahu, a leader Seen as being more, cost on his political interests in india in power than on the unity of the nation. Certainly in the months leading to war, Israel was as divided as I've ever seen it as a correspondent now as the world's being fought as I talk to israeli really commanders people whose To have the best sense of of the battle. Battlefield are aren't those same idea commanders the date they if you, if you want it, about ideas for where this and about the day after, as we like to say those things that that the best people in the idea for thinking carefully about, unfortunately, does not put
for consensus behind them yet, and I think to begin to think about opposed netanyahu scenario, for israel? He is embattled, losing support the supreme court's rebuff. judicial reform package makes us problems, I think, all all the more difficult, but to go to the basics. issues, as you said, an army that symbolise the country and on which the country depended seems to have failed here and that really hurts and upsets the whole country there's two things were talking about in this giant and le maire number one when admiral of reduced talks about complacency syndrome that makes sense for the weeks and months coming up. I mean it doesn't to me, because when they talk about Hamas led in their lives twenty four hours a day, seven days a week to want to kill jews wanting
EL. It is railways that doesn't sound like you should be complacent. Just you know from the outside, but let's just let's lots entertain that it doesn't explain what happened in the seven hours. Ok, the eight hours nine hours where soldiers were operating on their own, making up stuff on, what's app to try and figure out what to do to help stuck in traffic solely being like somebody in the moment, was making decisions or not and that's the question. I guess I ask you, as the white house interested in these answers. As they work to help their partner, the working on wars on two fronts, ok were where they need. Clarity to appeal. Talk, congress and the american people as to why we are supporting these wars, and I guess my question is the white house interested in these answers. Are they concerned about the answers
Oh, they most certainly are in from the early days after october, seventh EU officials made it very clear that they were and to know just what went wrong in this. Is this? so devastating for prime minister Netanyahu really build himself as the the secure The national security prime minister, and it's not does its. Both camps since it, but also being distracted the Netanyahu's this was on the west bank. He just redeploy took commando units. The idea riots in the days before the attack, because that was playing He is political base. His coalition government of the extreme right wing settlers in the west bank- that's where he wanted to focus at, is certainly didn't put its focus on. two state solution and that make a is- is at the heart of the frustration rising frustration that the white has with Netanyahu that that they that he is not given licence to this support, they feel like a two state solution, is essential for peace and stability in the region as is admirals tribute, is the idea that Israel shouldn't be part of gaza occupation.
Whenever the war does come. The white ass has been so clear about that and yet now. Similarly, listening- and this comes at at at at at a difficult moment where we're seeing tensions rise in the red sea. The, u S is taking more aggressive acts to ward off these houthi rebels. their leaning on Israel to be more targeted in their strikes of Gaza depends on the day whether israel seems to be listening there or not. But it does seem like that, though Netanyahu's has become an unreliable partner, the? U s feels he's not go anywhere, at least for now. So u S has to be. Will the managers? How do you think they can First and foremost, let me go to the sea for a moment in and what's happening in the red sea. This is big casino for the global economy. Frankly, this red sea is the size of the state of california, lies right under the suez canal and far, that hooty rebels, who are completely creature.
Of iran trained equipped organised, ordered much like Hamas is these good rebels are actually creed. meeting the conditions in which the big shipping companies are simply not going through there is closing the suez canal now we're there yet, but you I could see the outlines of a real blow to the global economy because fifteen twenty percent of the world's shipping, it true. The red sea, so yeah we have to continue to work with our friends. Partners and allies in the region that Israel, but it's also the kingdom of saudi arabia, the? U n e bach rain, as well as our nato allies, who are all engaged in the maritime side in this way to land for a minute. What I worry about Jonathan here are two things. One is tactical from the report back to make us questions? How could you This happened. Another point:
but we haven't touched on, is no plan no tree No sense of practice to respond to this. That's pretty well, market because that's what militaries do they build plans that you're what their enemies might do? Then they try against some to me the most striking thing in the new york times. Reporting was that the lack of any kind of play- in training or exercising? As me go said soldiers making stuff up that just hurts your heart. the military professional? You can't conceive it and then, secondly, at the strategic level. What does, and this is what would keep me awake at night. If I were in israeli in my bed, is that data prince, is shattered the opponent see this week this, the law says the who these say: Iran says deterrence. If
shattered is certainly deeply weak and tear those It concerns the. U s to stand with Israel in this time, but we have very troubled partner, leading that nation protect. admiral james to rate us? Thank you very much for coming on happy new year were glad to have you this coming year in the months to come as we covered this story, and this question still Adam. Joe former trump staffers echo warnings and concerns over the possibility of a second tromp presidency. We have that plus a breakdown the legal battles facing the geo p front runner this year as the election approaches and later, why has pressed secretary for marine jean pierre will join the conversation to discuss but the fight and administration has planned for twenty twenty four you're watching joe we'll be right back,
hi, I'm jennifer, palmary and unclear mechanical, where the hosted the image NBC podcast how to win twenty twenty four. We both know first hand that winning an election is hard and having been in and around tough races for most of our adult lives. We have some unique insights into what it will take to win this twenty would you election and some crazy stories to share to listen to how to win twenty twenty four now on apple podcast, new episodes, thursdays, Chief whitehouse corresponded christian wellgood joins me now from across the nation the number one issue for you to the national states- and I welcome them to the final twenty twenty presidential debate with critical votes were killed still too closed
and what power was helped with his abuse of power and impeachable kristen welker. At the moment now she joins meet the press as it's new moderator. If it's sunday, it's meet the press, some days, b c much as him in his retribution is must call like falling. He has over his most diehard supporters that the threats that harassment, the death threats that you get one targets you and he's deliberate and targeting is is- is really horrifying It has no place in our american discourse and as unlike anything, I've seen in the decades plus I've been in politics are a singular focus needs to be. He is the nominee on making sure that he is not elected. The president again, next november, even if that means elected democratic chile. Disappointing because I look at these options and I'm upset with them, but at the end of the day, I trust one person
with our government and democracy than I do the other, and so I'm never voted for a democratic, my life. But I think that sex selection. I would put policy aside and choose democracy former trump white house aid speaking out on the dangers of a potential second trump term. The supreme court is poised to rule one of the most consequential ballot cases in a in history. At least two states now have ruled former president Tromp is not eligible to hold the office of the present see, the colorado case has already been appealed. If the supreme court agrees to hear the case, the near times rights, justice as well, in the shadow of two competing political realities, the times reports they will be reluctant to rest from voters the power to assess MR trumps conduct, particularly given the certain backlash that would bring yet
It will also be wary of giving MR trump the electoral boost of an unqualified victory in the nations highest court chief justice. John Roberts will doubtless seek consensus or Please try to avoid a partisan split of the six republican appointees against the three democratic one. joining us now. The author of that peace, supreme court rapporteur for the new york times, Adam look tat. Also with this. conversation former: u s attorney and emerson bc, legal, endless, Joyce bands Adam in your reporting. What is the question before the courts here because while in some of your analysis, there's a concern about looking partisan or tipping, scales. Isn't the question about engage an insurrection whether or not he did. The quest for the court is illegal question in that she is whether the fourteenth amendment to the constitution adopted after the civil war bars.
people who have first taken an oath to support the constitution and then, engaged in insurrection and lots of people think the case against donald trump is airtight. Then he did both of those things. But there are a lot of sub issues and threshold issues that may be attractive to the court if it takes the case, it hasn't taken a case yet, but the colorado republican party has already asked the court to take the case. It act really fast before this super stay primary. So it's it's quite likely according age, You guys are asking a second about how quickly the supreme court needs to take this up, how quickly at it well. But let's talk about its job in this case, is it not the job of the supreme court here to interpret the constitution without concern for the political a clash with the questions that might arise for
country which are all noteworthy and things we should probably concerned about, but in terms of the justices on that court, are they not Looking at whether this is constitutional, that's the job, is Adam points out? The issue in front of them is the pure legal issue of transatlantic billowy. The court isn't supposed to take into account any political considerations, but I think I'm dead on the money when he talks about there being a lot of potential procedural or france that the court can take. That would permit trumped on the ballot, and I think in The situation is difficult to believe that dell completely divorced themselves from the policy considerations. A lot of people are concerned and about removing the choice from the hands of voters. But if we look at it strictly the legal matter. There are certain eligibility criteria to be. President you'll have to be thirty five. You have to be
of born citizen. Those sorts of criteria are a little bit more black and white than this question of whether Not trump engaged in insurrection said that I, spect is the area that the court will focus on if they want to avoid disqualifying him based on the fourteenth amendment. Joyce. What about the speed? Some of these ballots are to be printed in a matter of days. Actually, so how quickly can we expect the supreme court to move here right supreme court could go ahead and accept the case based on the existing petition. They might decide that they want to wait for the former present to actually file the notice of appeal here the bottom line, the trunk does not feel this ruling and the court doesn't hear the appeal from the colorado working party than he will not be on the ballot in that state, maybe that then he believes survivable, but with so many other states and in play main is
when one of them there another of under other states. Looking at this, I think the court will have to go ahead and take up the issue and with least main in colorado. Part of the super tuesday primary group. They need to do it quickly, Adam prior experience covering the highest court. To put this in some context, for us seems like the most important election. His case since gore, v bush in two thousand and frankly, one of the most important cases that it may ever take and men beyond that. Tell us the role of what you, how you see chief justice roberts approaching this and what sort of strategy or consent still he might try to use the court, as you know, is embattled it's going through a rough period if its public approval ratings are down. It's been the subject of ethics scandals, and this is not a case the chief justice is eager to have, but its problem Leon unavoidable. This question needs a national solution.
and his impulse is gonna, be to try to avoid doing damage to the legitimacy of the court, which is six three republican democrats split of the applicant on the court would give rise to So I think he would look for consensus. He would look for something incrementally would look for something technical. There are, as we been discussing off ramps their ideas that congress has to act first, firstly, that it's a political question, so I think the chief justice will will want to find a way not to give trump of victory year, but to tell the american public, then it's not the court is not taking a position on the question of whether engage an insurrection, but probably look for some technical way to rule for trump, but not in
kind of earth shattering way. This is not a court. That's been particularly sympathetic to donald trump, it's a conservative gourd, but in his rebuff- Trump and his allies, when they tried to get the court to overturn the election, and when the men had ba and its congressional committee sought records from him. The cord voted. Seventy two against trump with all of the throne batboy these in the majority and only justice is thomas and Alito in descent. There is some reporting that tat far present trump is very worried about this and Joyce it's very hard to count how many differently the battles this former president is fighting at the same time in this case colorado and main the only states that are doing something like this. You know, do not make up other state have ruled the trump does get to remain on the EL. The minnesota supreme court has taken that position and their proceedings
a host of states. This is complicated because don't have one national election, we ve got fifty different state elections with different rules, so, for instance, in key colorado, trump path to establish his eligible to run in that drove. Some of that ruling in michigan where the lies a little bit different. The the courts have held. The trump is ellen to remain on the ballots, at least for the primaries. So all of this complexity adds up to atoms point that the supreme court We will have to decide this issue. We can't have a patchwork quilt of fifty different states with fifty different rules when it to a presidential election MSNBC legal, analyse, Joyce, vance, one of the co host of the sisters and law podcast. Thank you very much supreme court. Rapporteur. For the new york times
adam look tat. Thank you for your reporting this morning. We appreciated and still ahead. It appears the college football play off committee. Got it right, both game, yesterday were a credible one went over time. The other came down to the final second we'll go through those In some of the headlines of the nfl with pablo tory, it joins us next, morning job today's news, requires more facts were context and more analysis. The world's never been harder to understand. That's why it's ever been more important to try b c understand more time, and for me the news is so much more than a headline. You didn't forms spires and it still matters recovery. You have to begin. It will take you to the front lines of a store words actually have
with NBC news journalists on the ground from all over the world. We cover what you need to know and bring your news to life in prime time and streaming live. It's your news. Playlist join for top story, weeknights at seven eastern on NBC news, we more! texas trailing all night long, one last chance to advance to the national championship game or the
some of the scenes from yesterday's thrilling slate of college football games. All coming down to the last play the washington huskies there at the inn, defeating the texas. the words in the sugar bowl. in michigan stopping alabama in the end zone in overtime shore, the undoubted over time the rosebud both now face Monday night in Houston for the national championship journeys. Now the host of Pablo Torah is out on meadowlark media ii, spans pablo tory our good buddy, publicly, I see him and hello happy new year, happy new year to you. So let's go in order, we'll go back Joe's, not here, so we can talk openly. Well, we used to talk about loss which is painful for all of us. We should talk about Joe. I know this is embarrassing for everybody that I cannot I cannot yell at him willie like Joe that this game Joe saw a nick team, which I would say this its impressive that they got here What happened at the end of this game raised all sorts of questions that I would have loved to make fun of jealous. You didn't like that.
At the end. The call that we'll get to in this highlight reel, because it was back and forth alabama was up in the fourth quarter, but it gets to overtime and they run zealand middle row on it's actually, a quarterback sneak right up the middle, and he just collapses to the floor and look mission, the horrible, and of this I want to also like doff my cap. This is a man who was a little bit napoleon elbow elba little bit of ankle, monitor house arrest. His season dissolve spying scandal, but his She can t objectively mortality turns out in alabama which not a sentence you can save very often, and so Imagine that some, whereas this play is unfolding in michigan, is rolling down to three years overtime: late go out there. an impressive iran and somewhere there is Joe in the stands. I presume weeping make out an oak and beech that these things, but I feel like when you hear the play running right into line and people are just like that's what we called after, like five.
It's time out as it now milborough can use it, for Well, runner, yes, is a low snap. I'll say that kind of killed the defense, but still that's tough right up the gut against a run defense that had been so good all night. Yes, just chicken michigan's d. its dominance of alabama is often wine, I think, was most shocking part of the game. Around the championship game against washington. Yet twenty feet it made me doesn't get all the love it deserves. I think it will start to now. Michael panics junior is incredible finnish. Second, in the highest men, the fourth thirty last night and credible ill, this game down to the last play as well. Yeah he's about to suspenseful games. The first game was a defensive slugfest. This one was more offense. This is no slouch either, and so this game was certainly more back in if Michael panics jr, as you said, might be a top three pick in the nfl draft, a guy that will see I dunno if they put kids on an adult, media boxes anymore, but like he's a candidate for that sort of thing through brazilian our yards, as you said, but watching these games willie.
I'm thinking to myself. I don't know how many people are familiar with the experience that is, the washington huskies and suddenly the national championship game you're, going to see a team unload. All of that that canada national michael critics, as holder is gonna, be unfold display. and this was a game- admittedly, they got a little harry at the end, Washington had one of those lights Age game, like experiences where you're, like I hope, they're not gonna, just blow this and choke it away. They should have neil that they didn't try to run it. What they are, ass, Texas and it was, el butter to the end, I think we can say: can we not that the committee? After all the consternation rough lord estate and everything else, got it right here, these eyes that it invests teams? I will state late. I was watching last night thinking. I still think georgia would beat all these teams, but that's a conversation, friends,
well, Georgia would love to have it. I mean Florida. The state of florida would would like to have it less because they are blowing up by fifty six arts degree airy. Yes, yes, all the votes have been counted got out by sixty. It's embarrassing for f you. They threatened legislation because they were left out of this. Georgia lost alabama Kennedy and complain too much, but I think they got a right Your political system, I daresay worked Ok, let's just quick, nfl man, Baltimore ravens look Lamar jack, probably the envy p. I think he led my fantasy team, most importantly to a championship. on sunday. You whispering this before the segment and I was like we're really going to yeah fantasy deserved it. I mean they smoked, a pretty good miami team that absolutely fifty sixth nineteen and the baltimore ravens look. There's been this carousel of teams all season, because I believe the nfl is the most defined by mediocrity this year, who is the best team, it's and right now the answer is unequivocally the baltimore.
And Lamar jackson is. The envy. Lamar Jackson is saying records. He's a guy who's been question Whether he's a real quarterback he's a quarterback enough and yeah. Looking at this throw gritty quarterback have sufficiently quarterback he, I daresay, and so the dolphins were once the team that everybody was afraid of, and here come the baltimore ravens, statistically, as well as just by the eye test old scouts, love the It has looked at what you're I tell you this is the team. It's probably gonna win the super bowl. Assuming everything holds or they're telling me the mars vary quarterback. He really quick. What's up with the eagles, they look man, they look terrible. Lately they were the previous answer to who's going to win the super bowl, while the team that was in the superbowl last year lost it, but now they're back into the vengeance. They have. This play the tush push that no one can stop. They push. Jalen hurts cheeks and no can figure out how to solve this. Well, the cardinals the arizona cardinals have now solved that a number of teams in the last month have solved it, and so the filter
The eagles have gone to that very philadelphia place of total ecstasy a one point to suddenly. I think we got a fire, the head coach. I we get a fire people, people are angry and I dont have answers for them other than to say that they are in fact, to quote a former cardinals coach dentistry They are not actually as good as we thought they were eleven months after being the suitable elsie signs want everybody fire. That's how it works there. You can catch more model of through his podcast pablo tory, finds out on a lark media. Pablo tory always great see my friend. Thank you, sir. Still, Richard haass, standing by with his analysis on why twenty twenty four could be the yes dear, yet for democracy? Also, edward? that's how a change and messaging has shaped the abortion debate. How that's me disgust and wives now leaving conservative scrambling to respond morning. Job will be right, back
is this morning out. If you could where its two largest cities have come under heavy attack. This morning, russian missiles at the centre of our keys and in kiev cap five areas of that city were struck the ukraine. air force said the barrage involves some of russia's most powerful weapons follows a massive assault on friday, the kremlin's largest single attack and ukraine since the war started? At least forty civilians were killed in that barrage meagre? I we're going also to this breaking news recovering out of Tokyo. This is on the heels of an earthquake in Japan. Yesterday, japanese local media is now reporting that five crew members on board a coastguard plain that collided with a passenger jet after landing have died, were told the pilot was able to escape it.
Happened overnight on the runway of one of Tokyo. Is busiest airports suited? and bursting into flames there as it landed. Get this all of the four hundred passengers on board the job, these airlines flight god out safely. The coastguard personnel was on the way to help victims of yesterday's earthquake right now, cruisers still working to try and contain that fire. But look at that. Those pictures of the fire unbent in the ball. When you hear that the reports are these, four hundred passengers had under two minutes to get out of the plane, there were multiple toddlers, and everybody got out of the passenger plane alive in credible will be
Following this breaking story out of Tokyo coming up in a dark prophecy foretold, her death, then through fire it came to pass and the faithful mourned it wasn't the hand of god and lit actually mortal sin. New functions from deadline and from me judgments all live a suit of motorists in or a valuable, now completely free to hear. All dateline pod cast had free, subscribed, dateline premium on apple podcast.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-03.