« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 12/22/20


Congress overwhelmingly voted Monday to pass a massive Covid-19 relief package and government funding bill, its second effort this year to bring much-needed aid to Americans struggling during the pandemic.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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what are the janitor anymore? I gotta get up what's up Roberto, let eulogy I say basis now for seizing machines by the federal curve for two years I've been trying to get this information that just round the FBI, the ice age. It went to went like this to the witness, I think, to the extent that there's an invite investigation? I think that its being handled responsibly and professionally, within the department of Present, suggesting that the massive hack may have been carried out by someone else, not Russia from the information, I have agree with Secretary Pompiers assessment, certainly appear to be the Russians, but I'm not going to discuss it beyond that
lay there is a bridge too far, even for William BAR good morning and welcome to morning Joe, it is Tuesday descent twenty second along Joe Willie in May. We have White House reply for the Associated Press John Mayer learning to get up way too early this week, and Washington anger for Babysit world news. America catty gay is with us we're going at a slow moving coup in just a moment, but first overnight Congress past one of the largest stimulus packages in the country's history. It tunnels two point three trillion dollars who's, not only in the nine hundred billion corona virus relief bill but all government funding package as well, the combined bills, which include direct payments and unemployment benefits, tops out at nearly fifty six four pages. It was only given to law makers to rig yesterday afternoon due to some texts,
Payless shoes in the house. It past three hundred and fifty nine to five thousand three hundred and fifty Republicans voted against it in the Senate. It passed, two to six to Republicans missed the boat while six voted against it many of them, citing the cost of the bill president, how we say we have deficit hard, goodness we're be better lie acute. Is that one of the biggest step is its in? U S! History, even though, or covered the biggest Dat American, streaming and now their deficit hawks. Why, convenient that their deficit hawks again with a democratic coming at a present, because the presidency because I sure, as Hell, weren't deaths at odds George W Bush was presently guy. Caesar said there. for said, hawks now and now will aid. They don't like mean tweets and they don't like it. When anyone uses naughty toy winners, were I have
breaking news guys there's going to be a lot of hypocrisy over the next four years from the very people who brought us Donald Trump and aided and abetted the last four years you had RON Johnson the other day saying guys we can't give people one thousand two hundred dollars to some government does not write blank checks when out of piggy bank. All of a sudden. They found their fiscal discipline, its extraordinary Jake Germans here with that sees the senior writer political co author book, also MSNBC political contributor, Jake Good, So how did this come together in the final hours? And why did those six republic and who voted no vote now? Well, you put Well, they are ready their religion, let's say on debts, deficits in fiscal discipline, which I imagine will be a will sweep through the Republican Party over the next couple of years. But listen. I will say this: it does show I mean to the extent if we could take anything good from this. There's these last
eight months, it does show that the congressional leadership is still working in some way shape or form, because at the end of the day, if you think about it Tuesday. Last Tuesday was Mitch Mcconnell and Nancy policies first meeting, so they were able to over the course of a weak put together the second largest stimulus package in American, his We only second to the one that they put together just before that so it's a massive package that will deliver much heated but delayed. Let's be cleared, delayed relief. The Joe Biden has termed only a down payment for what's gonna happen next Congress, which will be a just really quickly, both the most but a busy legislative session that I think we get any of us can imagine with. The slim, is margins in the House and the Senate. here. Take it very interesting. We got information last week. This is moving forward
and I ve been following some of the key players for quite some time- move a telex, we're gonna get this done. While Miss Connell was sending signals that it wasn't going to get died and You, like it Joe Mansion, Mitt, Romney, Susan Collins, even Lindsey Grim and their Jean Shane others Mcconnell was saying no! No! No! These moderates in the center of the Republican Party and republican and democratic Party, were both saint yeah. We're gonna get this done, we're gonna have the votes in the end it ends up. that majority and minority leaders don't have a complete stranglehold on their parties. If they decide, they want to move together and forge consensus they're going to do it in the last couple of weeks. Prove that debt net it did it
that there is a centre of the Senate that still works, like you just indicated, and what this centre was able to do better than anything we create a menu from which the leadership was able to eventually choose, and I think that is an important thing here. They showed that there is support for a variety of proposals that then Mitch Mcconnell Navy Blowsy got into a room in narrowed down, so I actually think I mean decided Very late, and not including everything that that anyway once this is a good sign that shows that there is some functionality left in the end The two should in the post, trump error, and I think in the New York Times, wrote this on its front page today. It does show for the first time that there is a road map for Joe Biden, which is to create some heat in some action in the center. Among the people you just mentioned Joe imagine, change game some of the moderates and and function members of both parties, parties, creed
some sort of action from which the leadership could then build upon them. Kevin K: let's go over those names again we ve talked about in here for a couple of weeks. You get more Ellie coming from Arizona Christian Cinema who may have a different image: a different constituency but change old mansion vote together, ninety five percent of the time hick and loopholes. Coming at a moderate, the conservative, democratic governor you ve, got rob me your Susan Collins who seems like she has something to prove this year, which is she's. Pretty or fallen, can forge census. If she wants to LISA cow skews all Spain, very independent pat to me, who has struck compromises before with Joe Mansion on some difficult issues you ve got and change a hearing, jumping Aunt Lindsey Ground was very involved in this
and again I think they they flooded the zone, they overwhelmed their own leadership and one thing. I noticed in the negotiations. We are time and again I know it's going to be dead because there's not a state local later hours, it's gonna be dead because they don't have the liability shield for the corporations and time and again, these, I would just the solution. Carcass Edna, ok, listen will just put those to the side. Let's talk about the aid and we can address those other issues are really are not to be. two gloomier, but it is a problem solvers carcass they actually more focused getting something done instead of just bitching About the other side- and we this morning and act they got something done, regardless of discouragement from the top.
yeah and met separately. They literally went away from Capitol Hill to have their meeting in one of the senators house, and that is did you know what we're just going to come up with the bill. We're not gonna come up with concepts or till principles right you going to come up with legislation and present that too the ship. Sometimes congressional leader doesn't love these gangs because, as we have just seen, they can get themselves a whole load of power by being, as you say, solution oriented people looking things down and they can act in a bipartisan white? We thought by positive. It was totally out of the window in this congress we ve just had our first demonstration of it it'll be interesting to see two things, if Democrats were to win in Georgia and have the slimmest of majorities? Do we still see some of those Republicans coming over in that situation and once Joe Biden is president, do we still see as many those Republicans again coming over on working with them? Where does that? Does that caucus managed to hope
because either way whether Democrats take children. All that can have this tiny majority that caucus, if it holds, could have a huge amount of power, Joe Biden goes into a legislative session that is gonna, have massive hurdles, a need to do big, substantial legislation of the kind of infrastructure and second stimulus abilities already talking about there's no way that done without this centrist group, from the other side as well. Well even with Georgia, for some reason its highly unlikely, I still believe its highly unlikely, even if of those Senate seats in the special election go democratic, you're sitting at fifty fifty, then you have what was described as Chuck tumors worst case scenario a month before election, and that is a fifty fifty Senate where Ty breaking vote is not the vice president, breaking vote is Joe Mansion and so
regardless of how this shakes are you gonna be hearing? A lot of exaggeration is going to be the end of the world if it breaks one way or the other you're still gonna, have these ten moderates ass conservatives sitting in the center? No matter, is called majority later and they're going to be striking some compromises over the next two years, if, if countries lucky at all. If we actually some legislation passed instead of just having executive order side acre teachers get path, get her than thirty days. Let's turn now to the ongoing Trump coup, still desperately seeking ways to overturn Joe Biden selection win Here's how the lead in the Washington Post describes things quote with his based the claims of widespread voter frog, rejected by dozens of judges and GEO, be leaders present. tromp, has turned to a rag tag. Group of can spirit, Z, theorists, media hungry lawyers and other
medical misfits in a desperate attempt to hold to power after his election loss. The president's bed has grown more extreme as and more as his more mainstream allies, including a turn agent William P Bar, have declined to endorse his Chris, namely radical plans to overturn the Will of the voters trumps Official Election Advisory Council now includes a pardoned felon parents of the queue non conspiracy theory. A white trade Advisor a russian agents former lover so Willie. These a confederacy of done, is that you would not one around Europe the council appliances and certainly what want them: cohesion, your shot guns on the back porch. They they really are a rat, tag Group of Miss Phoebe, when a mass yeah that that's putting
kindly, I think, ragtag group of misfits, I mean you have a q and congresswoman it as meagre just mentioned so. Q unofficially, is in the oval office sitting next to the President of the United States, offering her counsel you That's not my leg, just explained the underlying theory. For those who don't understand what q and on underlying theory is regarding cannibals and whatever else. Yet, The bottom line is that it believes there are people in this country elites. Members of the media Democrats, mostly who remembers? Satanist Cabal betting. ages in PET Ophelia. She what did to the United States Congress, and now she gets meetings with the President of the United States, Sidney Power Fringe attorney now appears to be at the right hand, president drop even that Rudy Giuliani is on tv, saying no she's not entertain, while she's been at the White House three times in the last four days so The island is shrinking and president from bringing on whoever will join him in this fight
charade to overturn the election. One person who is not any general, William BAR. He refuse yesterday support the present in his quest to overthrow the election results that was display yesterday, a news conference. Simply to announce new charges related to the nineteen eighty eight bombing of Panam Flight, one of the three over Scotland Attorney General BAR, knocked down a series of president trumps. False claims. conspiracy theories. He began with this comment on the Hunter Biden. investigation, I think, to the extent that there, there's an invite investigation. I think that its being handled responsibly, and professionally within the department, and to this point I have not seen a reason to appoint her son. The council and I have no plans to do so before I leave ok, special Council on Hunter Biden than this from the attorney general on President Trout report,
push to seize voting machines. I say basis. Now for seizing machines by the federal really does not warrant special council investigate. If I sort of special council at this stage was the right tool and was appropriate. I would do I would name one, but I haven't, and I'm not going to. Okay, no special council they're, not gonna, sees the voting machines and finally, this on the president's claims that Russia may not have been behind the mass of cyber attack against. U S federal agencies. from the information. I have agree with Secretary Pompiers assessment certainly appears to be. The rush but I'm not going to discuss it beyond that. So attorney general bar their job
from a mere agreeing with secretary, say, palm pale and most cyber security experts. There was, in fact Russia something that the present, decline to say suggesting a tweet the other day that maybe it was China. We should tomorrow is attorney general bars last day in office. So that really was is valid actors, news conference and he took all the time it took all the questions to make those points, and the timing here is certainly not a coincidence, Willie and I think, for general bar there's a little bit of attempt to reshape or defend pieces of his reputation and legacy on his way out the door in ensuring General Course Hoover, most can was seen as being extremely loyal as to the present first days in the job when he shaped, and colored the Mulder report findings the most favourable way possible for President tromp, allowing the president to claim falsely that he had been exonerated, but certainly we sign a clear break with President on a number of subjects, one, they didn't go over well how we are told in the Oval office of President, of course,
heated meeting has had several human beings with bar recent weeks last we accepted his resignation and now the question is what comes next roses, the acting attorney general and it's not clear how he will receive the pressure that is surely coming from the white to appoint a special council about action, fraud or even more personally than the Hunter Biden case, at least at this moment, and point, those around rose and say is not inclined to do so, but they don't know what it will, how he will respond to the debate, and from the oval office, and the potential, of course that Rosen could get dismissed in the present wants to install someone else. In that but we are seeing also Willie this legal team, this rag tackled with hazardous. We ve been saying: I'm uh, there's divisions even within that is really Giuliani, suggesting that city power does not speak for the present a right now, but your palace, but in the oval office, three the last four days. They can agree on a strategy here, certainly all there all this all of their legal challenges, of a network defeat, and now
Finally, one last ditch effort. This idea of that we can January when what we call with Congress meets a sort of violence or college votes. They were trying to get garner both sent and Republicans from the GNP to do the president's. to try to objective that. That's not going to work Joe Biden has certainly present elect, but it remains so very damaging to the remark see and undermining at least in the minds of some Americans, the legitimacy of a viands election. That's that's! What's dangerous here and It is really important for Georgia. Republicans to remember is, as you go to vote, my fellow Georgia natives understand that Kelly, lawful or who is on the ballot right now Sidney Powell, who is with the present the White House every day now it seemed she's, as stay with me that Kelly LAW floor was involved in a conspiracy with Governor Camp.
To illegally push often to steal the election from Doug Carling, all right, so According to the president's closest legal adviser. Right now Kelly LAW floor shouldn't even be on the ballot. stole the election along with Brian Count, she stole the election for Doug Collins. So since the present is working with this woman, again just understand that you have been cheated and they have stolen the vote from you and you should get retribution by not letting somebody like Kelly LAW flower who is involved in this can spirit to Terry get elected anyway. That's what Sidney power? What wants you to say Torres rose and at the White House make after bore leaves I
Can't imagine. the strain that is to be on him. The pressure, he's going to be under when he's running the Justice Department. going to have to be why Shouldn t his soul did ensure that day after my guide, he may even have to put up with ugly it's for sixteen, so Nineteen day lack relays will see if he's a man enough to be able to do with had. But series pressure. You call that pressure sixteen or seventeen days and not a house. sixteen hundred Pennsylvania avenue. Yeah. Please try not to screw it up in the seventeen eighteen days. You're gonna have body does not really that much pressure follow the constitutional, televangelist Pat Robertson, who at one time had been one of the president's most ardent supporters called on him to face the reality
He lost the election With all his talent and the ability of or to raise money and grow large crowds, the present still lives on an alternate reality. He really does pay. they leave lies about this that they are. But now he Nathan lie to him. That's the truth. he had the biggest crowd on another rushing day. He had that he had more people that ever he was the most popular of people up and he's saved NBC, but within friends to go down the line of things that really aren't true and the people pointing to them, but because I loved him so much and he was so strong for the evangelize or with him all the way, but those thing about him was good. God placed him in that offers will in time is a marvellous job. The economy
the same time is very erratic and he used People are here for people and he is insulting people and keeps going down the list, those its and I think they would be willing to say you ve had your day hand. time to move on. That Robertson also said the present should run and twenty twenty four saying there would be a mistake. We really I had a child. I got to say this. I say I say in about a lot of evangelical preachers. I grew up with and certainly Pat Robertson, came into my grandma themselves. Every day in Pensacola Florida, seven hundred club we watched day in and day out, every time I was over there. She had it on. I mean these a strong, strong voice in the evangelical community for decades and there's, a guy you at the end several times over. The vast several months is actually
in saying this sort of thing said. Other evangelical preacher should be saying that are too fraid to say, but their Robertson. Just plainly saying a body served time to go. Stop this nonsense. I mean that's a big deal that the seven hundred club and Pat Robinson still has big sway over a large flock of people who watch watch a show. So that was a a big man I mean there is something to this catty k, watching both Pat Robertson and William BAR and and some other Republicans right now so fine Jesus, if you'll forgive the expression, impair robinsons, cut by Robertson's case and now suddenly standing up to the present of United States after four years of what we watched, I guess we'll talk at the end here, given what the present the United States is trying to do still assembling people to carry out some out of a lame coup that he still fixated on
you have these leading Republicans leading evangelicals Jellicoe, the attorney general now. Finally, at the eleventh hour, standing up to president trap. Yeah we wondered how long it was gonna take, didn't we Willie and maybe it took this may be put took president Trump, so focus subverting the democratic process on on undermining democracy in Amerika. For these people. Finally, to come out and say: actually This has gone too far, even though that doing it in somewhat milder language. I think, as you said at the beginning, Willie we're gonna have to get used to a certain level of hypocrisy over the next few months and years from Republicans, who have been stolen. Defenders of the president Bill BAR and Pat Robertson have been, and
coming out and saying. Actually this is not ok or whether, as on deficits, whether its on vaccinations, I mean you know, people who had been backs pandemic sceptics now suddenly wanting to jump to the front of the queue to get their vaccinations. I think, a lot of that in the challenge. I guess, but Joe Biden is how much does cool that out. How does he use that? Potentially? What does he do about? All of those applicants who had been so lockstep with president are now prepared to come out and be less so. The only thing I would say is that, as we get as the president becomes more exclusively focused on something that nearly everybody, the Republican Party thinks, is why goose chase and is out in the fringe here.
surrounded by people who are more extreme. So he's got this very small group of Republicans who are prepared to follow him down. People at Mo Brooks Sidney Power there in the White House with him, and they really are the fringe of the Trump supporters in Washington and that kind of leaves the other people like Bill by Pat Robertson, with a choice to make do join them who are way out there or, do I say, What I have to say what is obvious now it seems that Pat Robertson has come around to that. Now, let me just say I'm good with that: bad conversions when constitutional norms are on the line. I haven't good with death. had conversions is still take. The look and Jesus his parable of people working the fields. I don't care. If you and work in the fields all day, are you come late in the afternoon it like if you're here, when the cause? Right now, I got a really short memory. I just said that just a really upset a lot of people nor audience but Bill
When once told me and yeah you're thinking, yeah Joe and Bill Clinton talk like now, we were just at an event backstage Annie was commenting on another presently said. Let me tell you something: he said the best thing, any policy she can have is a short memory, because your ways going to need their vote tomorrow. That's what the Democrats, a lotta republicans Alot of Americans, need to remember. As we move into a new era, we can sit back and growls and wring our heads over the horrors of the past for four and a half years Gonna! Do us any good moving forward, not going to be doing people working class Can any good who are suffering right now. he Pluribus Unum. We forgotten that lets me. focus on it. Now, let's talk about the house in space vaguely house leadership because Jake, you guys have been looking very closely. What the Democrats and Republicans are thinking of their own leaders in the house in the Senate. Nancy policy will actually lead
focus on the house. Nancy policy and Kevin Mccarthy what have you been fighting, as you guys have been making phone calls about the level of support? These two leaders have continued the speaker, and already later? The big dynamic shifted, you're gonna, see Joe in the coming weeks and months. One Joe Biden takes the presidency's just a big shift of power back to capital. Will when you have a president, that's not taking up so much oxygen so to speak and founded the newest politico morning. Consult poll has fifty three percent of Democrats want to keep policy a speaker. and a forty. Eight percent of Republicans would like to keep Kevin Mccarthy's House republican leader now, listen to me, we have to take these calls for what they are, which is party leaders, get more get increasingly unpack or, as time goes on, but still this is a useful metric to keep an eye on as we get into this new Congress and we get into taking leaders, Nancy Policy is going to have to get two hundred
the votes on the house floor in just a couple weeks. We expect that she's gonna get there, but it's gonna be a white knuckle experience, as always is for an ugly your seeking speakership so to support to keep in mind if we get into the next progress with all the power shifting back to Capitol Hill Junction, and thank you so much and still I had on morning chose federal prosecutor, say their investigation into Rudy Giuliani. Isn't only ongoing, but that its very active embassies, Julia Enslave, joins us with her latest reporting on that plus more than four, the country's halted flights from the UK amid fears of a new strain of covert nineteen, the you however, isn't then an update on that,
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Like Joe Biden, received his first dose of the covert nineteen acceding yesterday and am really did not even floods. Can I ask your question? We now see the present lacked get it. We ve seen the current vice president, getting it wonderingly as we talk. If we talk about people who are key to America's economy, I'd have their awful on people off track bedding. system are waiting for you and me they get our sides because it has not been the same. Now. Obviously, sensors been social distancing. Yes, yes, maybe we ve gone in one or time two times too many, but at same time. I think we should be next in line for that. I think so. I think we ve got to protect that element of the american economy. That, frankly, is carried us through this pandemic. Defining Joe you and I were out front, creating the o tv app many years ago made
this year a right now you don't have to be inside the betting parlor. You can place all your bats unharnessed racing at aqueduct right there on your phone Grab lashing out idiots. you got my skip and a little bit right there harness raising it ass, Lydia, four and also the dogs wheel of patent, the little dog is. Meanwhile, more than forty countries. We need to take you back now. Really we really not enjoy now Antonia. We need to take you there. taking the dog track, you there's terrorists you know. Willie and I We try to participate in much of life's ridge pageant as possible, and you mean you need to go along with ordinary, like what
you need to get your proxy, I think we can get one for you, because if you, if you will go to o tb in and dog racing web site, I will adopt all the dogs and there will be no more digressing. That's ok! More than forty countries halted flights from the United Kingdom amid fears of a new, more infectious strain of cover, nineteen circulating their part. of England, including London, were placed under a new locked down over the And as Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned, but the new corona by restrain was seventy percent. transmissible. But U S puppet Health officials are reportedly not advising, etc. a ban on travellers from the consumers who make sense. If you want seventy percent doktor end, they voucher warned against quote over reacting to the situation, but governors across the country or taking matters into their own hands.
in ten states, Governor J insulate issued a proclamation yesterday calling for applause from the Uk South Africa. Other nations, where the new covert strain has been reported to quarantine for fourteen days, New York governor Andrew Cuomo has called on the federal government to ban travel from the UK and has asked airlines to test travellers from the United Kingdom to the state and former DE commissioner? Scott Godly says he doesn't think a travel ban will prevent the mutated strain from coming into the United States because he believes its all here. You go great, neurons, gotta UK. What are your column plants. Look like hiding with a fine with a volume of things that the internet is an exact.
Now this amended earlier have top IRAN for Boris Johnson, the guy who, early on in this process a he and his cabinet trotted out the idea of heard immunity he had been a sceptic for some time, got it struggle with it. I mean mightily and seem to find religion a bit, but still now saying he was gonna open things up for Christmas than he had a shot Christmas down. Now this seventy percent number, certainly having to be very jarring to the people of Great Britain do not mess with Brits and Christmas. It goes candy and over there, and so people a furious. He really has very little support, because the government is to have handled this not very well and that the first indications are the The scientists saw this new strain back in October, and I think Scott got leaves
right. It seems to me almost impossible if it was back there in October, and we ve been having flights to and from the UK and is seventy pissed more transmissible its. really hard to imagine that it has at all you need, was one person to bring it over on a plane right and that person to meet other people, and I think We have a strong chance that over the next few weeks, we might see this propping up in the EU in the. U s anyway. The first the concern ours was so much fun. They decided to give us another one that was even more efficient. movie. This is going to be the plot twist. Fifteen minutes before the end, where you ve got the vaccine and your racing to get it out, and then you get hit by a new strand that is potentially gonna overwhelm health services for the UK feels kind of like Armageddon. I have family members who have now got stuck in different places, not where they wanted to be a family members who are planning to fly home. This week they ve been looking after my dad. After my mom died. They can't get back home because the countries them and be living in
no you're not allowed in does a massive amount of disruption. We ve got thousands of trucks stuck at ports because they can't get into France alike packing up on the french side trying to get in and guess what at the same time, this is deadline for negotiating outbreaks. It deals. It's it's kind of his eye is all coming together and the UK, both symbolically and literally, looking increasingly isolated, you're right. You have to some sympathy for Boris Johnson, but there are a lot of people UK who will say the whole way he has handled. This has just been so chaotic, so late should he have given people a chance to it out of London. He gave them twenty four hours almost to get out of London, and then he saw these massive scenes at translations is like member. When you see the scene, the people when the Germans were about to invade Paris and the provisions fled. That's what London look like and, of course, there standing translations with no mosques on and potentially spreading this virus, even further
Now several airlines govern Cuomo announced yesterday. Several airlines will test any traveller coming from the UK into new city at least, will come to that in just a moment. Let's turn out of the investigation to President trumps personal LAW, Rudy Giuliani, two sources tell NBC News prosecutors for the summit. District of New York trying to gain access to Julia these emails, but first need approval from federal counterparts were seeking a search warrant joining us now NBC News Responded: Julia Ainly, whose on this story so Joe, good morning, what exactly what investigators be looking for in this case. well, they would be looking for. All of his electronic communications in particular has email, but it's really complicated Willie, because, as you point out not only is Giuliani. An attorney he's the president's attorney, and so when you talk about getting information getting communications that are protected under attorney client privileges, some of these would be. You have to go
through main justice and a lot of times they set up. It's called a filter teen. These are people who have the very tedious task of reviewing communications deciding what is protected, and then they are the ones who decide what to hand over to prosecutor. So the prosecutors don't see anything that could be protected under attorney client privilege. Now you ve talked Giuliani he wears in many had some of these communications very well could not be protected by attorney client privilege, but then you have the added layer that he is the president's attorney, and we understand that there could be a reason why some This investigation was at least can we it for a while that you can't take overt actions and instigation that is as closely tied Canada, and at that time the president. Canada is at an end lead up to the elections, had that's why we may have not heard as much about this investigation. In fact, we really hadn't heard. about what was happening in this investigation into order Giuliani out of the southern district of New York, really since
last February. We need that these investigators were interested in. His bank records that a lot of this stemmed from activity in Ukraine, is very activities that were in the spotlight during the president's impeachment trials. But now or hearing that this is ramping back up to They say its ongoing one telling me it is quote very active. So Julia is this an investigation just about Rudy, Giuliani and potentially, as you say, his dealings with Ukraine. We know that Levin Igor our arrested recently they please not guilty, but does reach into the president's orbits specifically, or is this just about ready Giuliani so like this? Well, I don't know the scope and its especially hard because like we're, so we we haven't known about it for so long. There's a lot than investigators can come across. and then investigation like this, especially with someone like we're doing Giuliani, who is involved so many pieces of the press. in life and so of course
these are headlines. We would expect the White House to look at and not just think. Oh, that's! That's a Ukraine thing we put that to bed when you're talking about the communications, averted, Giuliani, we're off, interested in those communications he would have had with the press and that's why I'm that pardon trigger seems like something the press may we know he's in talking about, was already giuliani- that's been reported, and so I think that that It is even more of something that we want to have been looking for now, because if the president not only wanted to protect we're Giuliani, but also himself, knowing that some of his communications can be seen by investigators that partners in his back pocket and because this is a federal investigation. The president does have the power, and all he would need is a pardon. put this entire investigation to bed and, as we know, it's ramping up and it takes a lot four prosecutors to even get to this step. There were taught about what they, which means they have to have a lot of formation before they go seeking a search warrant? They do
jobs. Le Maire wanted to follow up on that exact thread. Is there have been any too quick questions one is an indication of the re sort of state state level probes in a Giuliani. Therefore, pardon would not apply and, of course, We ve been discussing tangible barbarism that, to out the door to be replaced, This act, International Jeffrey rose and achieve any sense, is senses to wear. He stands on this. Has he been briefed Z involved at all? on this investigation into Giuliani as a first I've. No indications that there are state level investigations, at least from my reporting and then when you talk about Jeffrey rose, and I think that's a great question. We know that he is involved in so far as at the deputy. The number two with the Justice Department is in above the criminals. he sees everything that has been criminally investigated through the Justice Department, you could imagine that something this high profile, what have crossed his desk just like if the other high profile politically, evolved investigations during
tenure on, but his role will be key because main justice has such a important role in an investigation like this. When we talk about that filter team attorney Privilege. We talk about investigating someone. This close to the president made justice has a bit role than they usually wet and other southern district or other investigation. Sometimes we call it the sovereign district of New York because they can do so, John they're around one. This case mean justice, play, a key role, its not clear what direction rose and may take, but he would have the ability to put a block on things like search warrant, but as we understand now, it's thing up and do not have any indications that he himself is putting his thumb on this scale, but of course, That's that's the next thing to watch for as well as a pardon the full peace at NBC News, DOT, com embassies, Julia angels? Thank you. So much for your reporting is always good to see Mika coming.
with less than a month left in Donald Trump Presidency are next scarce, says he still The centre of those Georgia run off elections that will determine control of the Senate, we'll digging about reporting next morning. Job, hey, it's crusades as we gonna talk ass. Why is this happening I'll, be talking data, scientist and election consultant David sure about what exactly happened in that twenty twenty election. We talk about College and Non College, and that's just because that something is very easy to measure. But the real divide is long kind of these deeper cultural personality traits- and you know that's kind of claim here, but I guess soon back, you know polling, so this in opened out this error and calling. I think this highlight something that really scary about pulling, which is that you can have a method that works and then the coalition's can change or who answers the phone can change. then suddenly year several break that this week
why is this happening search for? Why is this happening? Where releasing right now and subscribe everything is at stake when it comes to the need to elect Reverend Raphael. Warnock. to elect John Ass. I did a leg. Daniel black men everything is at stake. Everything that was sake in November, is at stake leading up to January. Fifth, Vice president alight come La Harris Campaigning in Georgia yesterday, for the two democratic candidates in the Senate run off actions, now two weeks from today joining us now. National correspondent for New York magazine, Gabriel. Do better daddy, whose deep down I've into the Georgia races for the magazines latest issue is entitled.
devils went down to Georgia in which gave bright's quote in the newest swing state or the Senate run off. Candidates are relying on tromp for one last turn out Ex again are they going to get it gave way It certainly looks like the turnout is off the charts compared to what we ve seen the previous run off at least not yet clear. If it's going to match exactly what we got in the general election, but so far this good news really for everyone involved. The Democrats feel pretty good about the fact that there is so much interest in this race remains to be seen. Of course, whether this is going to drop off a little bit over the holidays, but use there, and what our Vice President Elect Camelot Harris said yesterday in the state, the stakes are enormous, and this raises that's lost on absolutely no one. There was some time there were Everyone in the state was a little bit worried that there was going to be inattention drop off, but you know a basically after a few days after the after the general election in November, there picked right back up- and I-
to tell you it is completely overwhelming on the ground there, it is inescapable. This race is just a fact of life for every single person in Georgia. Right now gave at this. after the conflict here, for Republicans is the fact that President Trump and by the way, the two senators running for reelection said the previous. action was rigged, despite the fact that the vote has been counted three and yet they're asking Republicans to go out and vote again so how our colleague, Leffler and David pursue why king that line of being seen as siding with President tromp. They don't want to alienate his voters, but also the allowed their devote I'd, say this the central conflict that they're trying to deal with every single day there too interested as wanted. They dodge questions about it. There not willing to deal with the actual substance of the question, but two
they say as they try to be when they are cornered on this essentially told the Trump lie and say: well, we shall have to investigate the president is right to isn't legal recourse, but you know, what's really important. Is this race right here right now, and you saw it when the president himself actually went down to Georgia items that you know when he took the stage and thou Dost Dickie essentially said he got make sure that you will vote for up or doing leffler to make sure that communist don't went, that's how he refers to the democratic in it, but then he spent there the time. Essentially you know talking about how the last race, at his words, was ring, so clearly as a matter of concern for the Republicans, but the waited there try to just baldos through. It is essentially saying we can't let these that's when we can't have socialist control of Washington, which of course is a scare tactic right from the you know, trunk one? I want to get Johnson the mayor Picking up on that point President is expected to come back to Georgia in a week or so. What are you talking to when you try to Republicans there? Is there any anxiety that he'll contain these attacks? On the
in Georgia, the carbon governor of Georgia, the republican Secretary of State, of Georgia, and you opened by saying that the enthusiasm is has been offered I saw you seeing had their fears to this point. unfounded that the trumps claims a rigged elections might to persuade dumps, Republicans in Georgia's well, my vote doesn't matter. I won't even bother you feeling like. Maybe some are embracing the thought that its rigged but their student, out there in the first week of January, so far, we ve seen a lot of what you just talked about a lot of people saying this is right, but we still gotta get out there to support trump and that certainly the point that the Republicans are trying to make. However, it is really complicated for a lot of these folks, especially for Kelly Leffler one of the candidates here who was appointed by Brian, but who always are political career to him, and you know when you have president trunk going after camp in such strong terms. That makes life very difficult for her, but it didn't
thing here to know they were really talking about a race. It's going to be won or lost on the margins. So that's why everybody on both sides is trying to make sure that we essentially have a hundred percent turnout on both sides. because this is going to be so close. If you look at how Georgia went in November, it was the closest race in the country were likely to see a pretty close race once again of no one's really sure what that's going to look like. So that's what president from coming back and that's why the Republicans are welcoming him back essentially say we're just gonna have to you. every single tool in our arsenal to make sure that every republic in the state turns out. Democrats of course, say, come on back. You know, He motivates our voters to. All right we'll be reading the new reporting in New York magazine Gabriel dependent daddy. Thank you so much for coming on the show this morning, Still I had a real mess. That's how new reporting is describing the crises that true
It is leaving behind, for Joe Biden will speak with the Washington Post, an gear and on how tromp is reportedly undermining Biden before he takes office Joe, is back in a moment. I it's MSNBC alley. Belching. You know these days, there's just so much news to wrap your head around its hard to know. What's most important, that's why we're updating msnbc dot com with a special feature on our homepage called MSNBC daily. It's a place where you'll find the same type of expert analysis, you're used to getting on tv, but now, with a new written perspective, section all neatly organised in one place, so you can go beyond the headlines and get a deeper understanding of the stories that matter most you'll find perspectives written by people uniquely qualified to write them. People you're familiar with from our network like Barbara Quaid
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Transcript generated on 2020-12-22.