« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 12/21/23

2023-12-21 | 🔗

Biden on Colorado 14th Amendment decision: There’s ‘no question’ Trump ‘supported an insurrection’

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Amnesty international. The world's largest grassroots human rights organization has been protecting refugees and people on the front lines of global crises for over six decades. Some of their key issues include freeing prisoners of conscience, ending the death penalty and protecting the right to protest. Rather than accepting funding from governments for it's research and campaigns, amnesty international relies on donations from people like you today, all guests will be triple matched visit the usa dot org slash act to make your tax deductible donation.
Hey colorado, Donald trump is no longer on the ballot, but you can still vote for a proven winner, a glorious leader with a very large, a brain. His name during those germ ever been impeached, indicted or incited insurrection. Donald loves. His children, garrett, Ivanka and journal to journal does not hide classified documents at his florida imagined Murtha larry ago, the journal term, and he will make the united states goodness as it once was interpreted the good I welcome the morning joe it's thursday December twenty first great to have you with us celso with, as we have whitehouse senator for politico sam. Stein who intimidates people who work for him to say that on his favorite poetic out, we heard that I am also a resident vinci contributor, my barnacle washington bureau chiefs far the usa today, susan page and staff rider at the atlantic.
leave of edge present by many first remarks as re about the colorado supreme court ruling that donald trump disqualified from bad states? Twenty two. For primary ballot because of his role in the january. Six attack on the capital in Milwaukee, by an initially refused to comment, but then This when asked. If tromp supported an insurrection, Why things are self evident? Saw it all now whether the forty five of the coordinator, I certainly support insurrection, no question about zero. You see we double down, but anyway gotta go by way, there's nothing controversial about that and we might barnacle we also with our own eyes. This is this is one of those moments where you? What were you gonna believe me? Are you gonna believe you're lying eyes, a bear
can saw this with their eyes. They understand that donald trump did in fact take part. We encourage an insurrection and take place. They know that he told people that they needed to storm the capital they needed stop the count he got ordinarily angry with a secret service when they stopped him from going up there because he wanted a march on the floor. He wanted. He wanted to be in this of the insurrection and mike you know, it's maddening, when Donald trump talks about the quote, hostages now grotesque to say that one, going on in Israel, but Donald trump talks about that postures that are being held. He talks about letting people who beat the hell out of cops out of jail after gets there three. And why is every time they come up its? worryingly obvious donald trump still is Justice donald trump
is not in jail for committing insurrection, which we all know, we did can now he did but he's out because he's rich and powerful those p for being in jail. Those working americans had followed his instructions and told the judges they were just following his answer: action instructions therein jail because they're not rich and powerful, like donald trump, so yeah committed insurrection, yes There were just as already he'd be a lot more concerned about things in just not being on the colorado republican ballot he'd be concerned because he's be in jail Joe you now, the proof is in the in the pudding so to speak. In this case, the proof is on the videotape. Like all sports us analysis to say, let's go to the video tat would take a look Donald did indeed support and promote an insurrection. everybody in america and everybody in the world. Sorrowed play out was not agree.
David democracy, certainly not a great day for for this country and donald trump, still he has yet to pay up Joe, not only for all of this, he really in effect, has not paid the price for anything over the past. Thirty to thirty over forty years. Imagined business in new york he's now I've been touched by the law. he's always avoided with delays in obfuscation and wine, and he still at large around the country. The sad part is he has enormous support, considering the large country we live in and the amount of people in this country who pay attention to politics, but not really all of politics and the colorado ruling. Sadly, as logic Some people think it is. It is more or less a get out the vote. operation for donald trump for his people, and if it's just it's kind of disturbing, why you maybe
get out the vote operation there are those of us and I've sent all along it. I know it's irritating to people who just think that it takes, is about everything and men are above the law, but we either constitution. Are we have a constitution. Here's a factual question did donald trump commit insurrection. Yes, if donald trump committed inside, action. Then, as judge saluting said yesterday, its night anti democratic follow the constitution of the united states and section three of the fourteenth amendment. that's in fact, the most pro democratic thing that can be done stay with me, because if, in fact he committed directed against the united states. This is the ultimate protectorate about democracy
they die understand it sad and it's pathetic that people Wilson trumped arrangement syndrome- oh this, oh that on other networks, are going to be trying to the confusion they're going to be trying to move the ball they're going to be trying to confuse their own viewers, which they do quite regularly quite often fact is. A constitution is crystal clear: If a court fines is colorado, court found Donald trump come did insurrection against the united states government, then you re there all of the constitution. Are you down and you can talk about democracy? All you want. I'm sure people that were following Hitler were talking about democracy. A lot I don't know mostly everybody say can go and wave waved the ban democracy around when it's actually the opposite of democracy. Actually opposite democracy committing insurrection against united sates constitution trying to action? steal a presidential election, the antithesis?
democracy, you see what's going on right now, these people would want, I believe that, if the cards, to show of the united states is followed, that's anti democratic Why should I believe that the fourteen, the men is anti democratic. They want you believe that section three of the fourteenth amendment, which is crystal clear is. Anti democratic, the fact is what it does is fourteenth amendment six three protects us against those people and protects us against the the the fog that sent those people? The capital and I am not alone in saying this job four percent of americans- Michael though one second fifty four percent of americans, fifty four Kind of americans approve the colorado Supreme court's decision to kick donald trump off the states, twenty twenty four per, essential primary ballot. Fifty
percent of americans approve of it only forty five, set of americans disapprove of it. The survey conducted by who gov america found that eighty four percent of democrats- forty eight percent of independence, forty eight percent of independence in twenty four percent of republicans approved of the ruling and mike do Paul's dictate what courts do? No, no, they doubt. But when you have donald trump and and and people who want an authoritarian taken Control of washington d c again This is a radical decision. This is anti democratic when in fact it says the opposite Paul is just one snapshot to show the magician, if the americans that idea yeah you know what he shouldn't be the ballot because he committed insurrection against united states. You know Joe, I dont disagree with the word. You said I fully subscribe to all of it. My my problem, is I'm conflicted and torn about it, because we
country of habit, we just by habit. We have certain days memorial day, your life and with its habit. What we do in those days brett one of the habits that we all share is election day and its vote people on or out of office, and I would think now courts have spoken in colorado. Other courts will speak, the supreme court will likely speak within the next month, We may be sooner. I mean the habit We have a voting. That's the way to when Donald trump, that's the way to do him in its up to the democratic party president Biden party his paid for re election to do the job, to help us right do the job to get rid of not the core, I completely understand what you're saying, but when the habit, is impatient. Voting peacefully is broken the first time since a civil war by somebody that what's this
the peaceful transition of power that habit that norm is broken by donald trump vat. sad will understand what my barnacle saying and susan you you ve been, and Why- in almost as long as me, I'm sure you understand and and its act, I know you thought about an awful lot, this supreme court, this Robert supreme court- they have a massive decision to make and I think it forward just a law review article being written. They would prefer come down on the side of the colorado Supreme court, but with all the applications MIKE's talking about, I just think house, it's going to be a? I people don't understand. This but how hard it's going to be for the united states supreme court to get there even if its legally correct thing to do under section through the fourteenth amendment. She, still real life implications are going to be so massive. I think an instant
functional, it's like John roberts and his cord is gonna have a hard time getting their shit fishery tough decision, We think it might be a nine o decision. Instead of a five for decision impossibly, that would be sharing, I think, for a lot of americans. Whichever way when you know you think back to the two thousand election, would was decided by the supreme court with a for decision along what amounts to a partisan lines on the court, and what strikes me about the time since then, is how, after that court she came down. It was accepted by AL gore, even though he had won the popular vote. It was accepted I most americans there was not riding in the streets over an election being stolen. What if the court with a decision this time around five four closely divided, largely long, partisan lines, that went one way or the other with a five or decision, would probably go trumps way, maybe it wouldn't with the country. accepted in the same way that the country accepted the court decision in two thousand
I am sceptical that that would happen. I think the consequences would be considerably more serious. I agree with you: it's area it spent a right twenty three years, since the supreme court decision that that decided The two thousand race here hears were attorney general bar, whose usually critical of what donald trump data knocked october six and in the days following act. A january x, I mean generally, in the days following. Also yesterday was very critical of donald trump right it's language that that channel data of hitler will show you that clipping a little bit, but here is bar former attorney general bar opposing. colorado decision saying it only helps donald trump. Take a look. I think that this Sizzle is legally wrong an untenable. And I think this kind of action of stretching the law taking these hyper aggressive positions to try to knock
that is the race, are counter productive. They backfires, you know he he feeds on grievance. Just like a fire feeds on oxygen, and this is can end up as a grievance that helps them. Again. This is markedly vicious. It's just a fascinating legal question. He said to things there, You said it was legally wrong. I actually disagree with him there and I think, a lot of legal scholars, of which I am not wine. lot of legal scholars would disagree with the former attorney general that its legally wrong. I think a lot of them might agree on the second thing he said which is untenable, and I know that a lot of people are watching and an end. There their noting the friction and wait a second you're saying that, as it may be legally correct, but untenable at the same time, that's eggs, Actually what I'm saying mark because of the consequences I mean I. I would hope that that the supreme court
put on blinders and say this is a law the we're going. To apply section three fourteenth amendment Way that it was written but again think there's any ambiguity. The court maybe in the nine o fashion, is going to rush to that ambiguity, even if that's not legally correct, I think the notion grievance- and in this context it is frankly a political construct. Right I mean downtown. has used grievance to his political advantage and the legal act. This is the minutes, obviously very contentious, and it's something that that is to be argued up the ladder, and I think, though, that ultimately, I think most americans would think that this should be decided by voters and whether they theoretically agree with a court case. Most people haven't really really read terribly closely is one thing, but
I think voters shouldn't get off the hook that easily, and I think that's the view of a lot of people who disagree with this decision, whether they disagree for political reasons, practical reasons. What have you but ultimate Voters need away and on donald trump at some point and Joe Biden too, but whatever the wherever the election comes out, as in next november, it's going have to be some kind of national consensus and it's very messy. It might be an electoral consensus, but but ultimately I mean the court here is, you know I guess, when attorney general bar was saying, is kind of models the issue a little bit, it does turn it political inherently. and you know it probably is not going to save us ultimately from what's gonna be an extremely messy election. Just let me just add, couples you're one is that your boss, you know he did As agreed with the decisions and stretching the law,
and maybe so, but I think it's worth noting that the laws being stretched not by the people who have brought this case ford being struck by tron pride. I mean trump on this issue upon himself by actions, ungenerous, actually never had to debate these legal issues in the fourteenth amendments third clause before because, frankly, I ve never had a president involved in exciting an insurrection before so. This is the situation we have in ourselves in. Secondly, is that you know, I there's probably a lot of public mis conception about this, but this says. Yes, it's been cheered on by some liberal judicial activists, but its being brought forward by long term and conservative activists. Obviously they are critical of trumpets are you know these are I can now ralph NATO types. These are people who worked for better with society's. That's also to consider, but also, finally, to marks point I e. When you take, temperature of even democratic. I I thought the most interesting thing. Yes, it was just how quiet Democrat
we're about the same and not sharing it. They recognize it's a tinderbox politically for them to say, yeah, let's words, you know not trump off the ballot, it looks like they're kind of engineering firms defeat dean, philip, whose challenging Biden city disagree. The decision, I think the general consent politically. Is that this can be held up that there has to be decided at the ballot box, but to underscore your porn Joe. I don't think there is a seriousness to the challenge and the legal issues at hand that bar probably dismisses to kindly what he did I dismiss way too kindly I again. I understand the political impact of this or a couple of laughable arguments, though, that if you hear somebody saying today feel free to to to to mock them, I don't mock them. joking, it's christmas season, bees, swaying and maybe just gently correct them. The number one thing is it: this is some kind of leftist plied. This is not a leftist plied this.
Idea this law review paper. This approach was actually In framed by two two highly respected members of the admiral as society, people, that the new members of the supreme court that were appointed by donald trump, no all too well and have read all too often to just simply dismiss this as some of let some sort of left wing legal. spirits, he so samuel exactly right. I think bill bar was wrong to dismiss it out of hand and saying it was quote stretch The law is not stretching the law. The second thing is again how anybody supports Donald trump could say with a straight face at this is anti democratic is sam, said again. This goes back January, the sex. The most anti democratic actions that were taken against the united states of america since fort sumter, and
the very people that continue to support that insurrection and promises of donald trump selected again he's got. Jail is opponents he's going to assassinate generals, he's going. He is ill. going to ban media outlets said he disagrees with these The people that are now preaching about and I democratic amendments to the constitution of the united states as they fall on their fainting couches and trigger Somebody may actually apply the constitution to the at hand on an insurrection. They donald trump spired he lad than he was responsible for again, so many of these people are, sir. jail time and donald perhaps not for one simple reason, because, unlike donald trump, that you're not rich and powerful
Please spare me the anti democratic lectures allotted to innovate when we come back. We already showed you some of white former turning general bar said about this case. We're gonna show what he said about donald trumps, poisoning of the I'd fascist rhetoric. going to show you some of the more mealy mouthed responses from republican presidential. nowadays, when one in jail returns each year planned parenthood provides vital sexual and reproductive health care services, sex, education and information. To more than two point: one million people in the: u s: anti abortion rights. Lawmakers are now trying to use the court system and state legislatures to strip people of essential health care, but planned parenthood will never back down joint plan parenthood and fight for sexual and reproductive rights by making
No nation visit plan parenthood, dot, org, slash future to make your donation in places like syria, ukraine, in lebanon, displaced families are experiencing adverse winter weather conditions on top of war, hunger and displacement. The many makeshift refugee camps can withstand extreme weather. The international rescued from any response to crises as the weather gets cold by distributing essential winter items to refugees, including food shelter, few medicine, blankets and more as well as cash assistance, so families can buy the winter items they need to survive. You can help donley today by visiting rescue dot, org, slash, rebuild. We do know when they let I think the real number fifteen sixteen million people into our country when they do that we get a lot of work to do their poisoning the blood of our countries. We have no idea. Any of them. Are they come from africa? They come from. Asia
come from south america and its true they're, destroying the blood of our country. That's what they're doing their destroying our country- They don't like it. When I said that- and I never read my comp they set off. Hitler said that in a much different way they come from all over the world, people all over the world. We have no idea, they could be healthy, they could be very unhealthy. Could bring in disease. It's gonna catch on in our country, but they do bring in crime, but they have coming from all over the world and destroying the blow. What country did destroying the fabric of our country and gonna have to get him a couple of quick corrections here. I would by the way that is, that is rhetoric. That is eerily. Emirate reminiscent what adolf hitler sat: donald trump, I've read my comp, perhaps here
I read mein kampf, I don't know. I do know that Ivana trump said that he kept a book of hitler's speeches by his bedside I told vanity fair, that So maybe it's not me. Company, certainly channeling that book that avant tromp said he kept by his bedside. That was some donald trump worse rhetoric lately and, of course, there's there's quite a hearty a competition for the worst things and he's been saying recently. But that was some, and this is of Donald trump's. Twenty twenty four opponents, who are having mild criticisms at trump for his repeated fascists. Rhetoric talking about migrants, poisoning the blood of country and then the released yesterday by the christian guess, network florida the right to Santa said this. When you start talking
about using those types of terms. I dont think that that helps us move the ball forward. I would not put it in those terms of form who and ambassador nike Hayley gave a similar response, selling their more rights. For yesterday. That trumps remark was quote just not helpful. Compare that two former new jersey governor Chris Christie. Seen in any view sunday called donald trump quote disgusting for the comments and he was dog whistling to americans. Now, there's a dog so much as a fog one when you're, quoting hitler, I think we may beyond the dog whistling stage more than dogs can hear hitler rhetoric, and here is what our trump attorney general billboard had to say yesterday about it. I'm offended by because it has racist terms I actually feel. As you say, we have to control the border and a lot of people coming across borders
anywhere in the world we don't know where their common front, but at the end of the day, the fact of the matter is that the hispanic americans that have come up from south america have been have made citizens. You know they have strong values: their entrepreneurial My son in law was a marine combat officer and he said the best marines and his unit in Iraq where recent hispanic immigrants, so I dont like these racist overtones and the broad sweep of history. The fact that we the reservoir to our south of these people, who cannot western tradition, that religious people, good family people in general is a boon to the it states. Does that mean? We all are like that now and does bring and a lot of people at once from a different country. that puts strains on our system.
And and and and and harm the country to an extent. Yes, it does, but the attacks on the on the idea that this they pollute our blood. Can I think or foul yeah. You You know who he sounds a lot like his ronald reagan, I know that tromp republicans We don't understand that because they probably don't read on Reagan, what one reagan sad or ever listen what ronald Reagan used to say. That's exactly what reagan said. In fact Additives farewell dress to americans how important immigrants are due to the core of this. country I'm so glad. Also, he brought up the fact that hispanic americans are some of the bravest, some of the toughest some of the best. Fighters that we have in uniform and I've heard that time and again So it is interesting, susan page wall, so the Condemnations may not have been as full. Throated is, as some would like. It isn't.
Trusting that most republicans now do feel comfortable, at least presidential candidates in at least condemning him for what what bilbil said, was foul language. I added, No, if I would give them them, is cut and Nicky Hayley the child of emigrants. She just says they're, not helpful. I mean these a disease or dehumanizing comments with a fascist history poisoning lot of our country earlier, former president trump had referred to them as vermin. Does this language we know something about in so long ago of our history, so how can it not be denied? in a really full throated. Why why? Why are the candidates who We want to replace him, as a republic We need not not calling calling sound and in a more serious way. It's it says something about the state. The republican party in the whole that trump continues to have on its voters.
linear to me it's you know, it says something the citizen tragedy of immigration, in, and fears of immigration in trumps appeal. I mean this has been the sort of bedrock principle of trump ism from the get go, starting with the muslim ban to the attacks on Justice is over their nationality and autonomy. Are follow the guy for, while I'm conduct, by a graphically prior. Who is political days where it is come from what is inform his thinking on this, or is this all sort of a plane crash? calculation that you think he's making. if I may refer following two of his three wives- were immigrants right legacy It's not that it's not that. Could you know that tends to happen. Sometimes, where are you you know? I have a familiar collection to an immigrant and you just vienna say things that are blatantly anti immigrant but anyways. I didn't internet is true, no, no Both I think, there's always a political calculation. I think there's a visceral calculation here. I think it also you gonna come
from a world of of ethnic politics and ethnic friction. I mean that's kind of the whole melting pot of new york and is often very vibrant and dynamic, but it also can be turned on its head. They can be an incredibly divisive notion that can be used quite cynically, so I dunno I would just say that it would not tell me never to hear the expression. That's not helpful again in power than any idea that everything must be helpful and and you're. Right, though, I do think it goes to the level of passivity that is, that is the end, Tromp resistance in they were working party, which is frankly been abysmal, as we have all said why and in my barnacle susan page brings up a great point: four gaily to just say it's not helpful, whimsies, the daughter of emigrants, somebody that has seen first hand the american dream and seen how important immigrants? to the american dream. What you know just like
Donald trump mom was an emigrant just like Two of donald trump's three wives were immigrants. Mickey. Haley's parents were immigrants. We we have just like people who we have made and we made silicon valley or immigrants. We can go down the list of people who we see on tv people who impact our world people who make Eric is stronger and more vibrant in the world. Ronald reagan and their emigrants I detect susan's point not helpful, is not helpful. She needs to say more everybody needs to say more, I mean think about what we ve been talking about here for twenty minutes. This kind, He is in a state of turmoil who caused the term. largely donald trump cards, the turmoil because of his behaviour, because of who we are and what he does so
question is, for all of us. Is americans, not the politicians, all of us as regular americans to ask? How did we get? How did a guy with a forty record of being a fraud skate on everything escape from every charge. How did that happen? How does it happen that he was once a president of the united states now light be again and a president of the united states as he's running for president and clearly has the nomination of one of our two major political parties. When this guy One judge has called him a rapist. Another judge Another court has declared that he's a total fraud, a fake, a crook, a thief. He is going to be odds on favorite to the president of the united states, where democrats in dealing with this? Why haven't they gone after him harder than they have ever in the past? The republicans our food?
they sound foolish, they sound fraudulent. They sound really really weak, I may Nicky Hayley that's a perfect example: the daughter of immigrants- and she says- oh, let's not helpful, I mean she's, not helpful, it really is it. It is again yet not helpful. it's also vast mary. What mike said susan, that tunnel terms ever been held accountable, he's never been held, cannabis for anything. I m his his supporters are so shocked and stunned that there are all these law suits. All of these cases. All of these charges that have been brought against him when You were saying here in two thousand and nineteen if he lost in twenty twenty here one again, so we could say their only coming after me, there bringing these charges against me, which people knew were coming there, only bringing them against me, but cause I'm running for office.
there was talk, you can look in the washington post Look in the usa! Today you can look in the new york times. There were people that we're telegraphing theirs. what he may one again, if only to be able Is it as a shield against the process, ocean setting, those is our coming and of it is seeking to delay a quick supreme court decision on presidential immune That's one of the big cases coming up. If we succeeded in having kind of the regular order, which means a slower process, the delays victory I think this year for donald trump, because it would put him in position if he wins the election in eleven months that he could dismisses order the justice department to not pursue these terms, is against him. You know one question I have is we ve seen this phenomenon where all these indictments have not affected trumps support its. In fact, solidified term support does a conviction,
is a conviction on some of these serious charges before the election does that have a different effect that is as yet have a kind of reckoning effect that will prompt some voters who have not yet a change their view on trump. Reconsider their support and that's a question I I I don't know the answer to. I wonder if you know I've seen more cleavage, I'd seen some reporting that suggests a recent polls that it doesn't have any pact. We heard originally that it would it said that the more Travis indicted the more wrong doing. That's exposed the more republicans like him. You know that guy doing so in some cases, in some cases voter surprise us, they surprises sunday. The things they dismissed. They can surprise us why the things they seriously, though this is, I think something to just. I think it's just something to be aware of, and watching you think
But then a conviction would move the needle more than an indictment. I mean there have been a lot of indictments now at this point, but but also do know people will say. I think you know now that the process has to play out. I mean need, needs to go through the courts and so forth, but to actually be can did by a jury of his peers. What I think make a statement. There would be a lot of courtroom drama around that, and you know it might make for a different calculus yeah paul show exactly that. They show a quarter of the republican electorate would turn up if he was convicted, which is highly significant. kind of interesting according to pause. If you look at, is that the people more likely to be turned off by trump because of these legal problems our voters. Sixty five in older, not traditionally, that's been a geo peak constituency by day. Our more. You know offended by this. I wonder if it's because maybe maybe more, whither Watergate understand the severity of this or me.
It is more inclined to turn democratic in recent years, but I have noticed that in the polls at sixty five, an older tend to be more turned off by trump because of this stuff Why? One of the reasons why looking at now a bit more sceptical because how upside down they are. You see Joe Biden doing much better, holding on with older voters and donald trump. we better with ya? your voters, something that many of us believed up until now, Last couple of months would actually just just being reversed Our next guess describes this past year on capital is quote grossly unproductive? I know a couple days ago, axiom says who's. The least productive sessions in Modern american history we're gonna break down the record. store dysfunction in the house and what it means for next year morning, general be right back leave is one of the most important sources of america's greatness. we lead the world
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your time is around the holidays, get thirty percent shorter average way time when you buy a book online at discount, tired at home. So you can spend more time with friends and family this holiday season discount tyre. Let's get you taken care of beautiful, shot, lower man four days before christmas. Welcome back to morning, Joe, it's been seventy five years now, since present Harry terminate made the eightieth? U S, congress, the do nothing. Congress actually helped him there. Much in his re election campaign, but title actually maybe bidding Today's one hundred eighteenth congress, more than the eighty eight congress recording the bipartisan policies, entered the republican, let our sins held more. this year, while passing fewer laws than any other time in the past decade, they really have done nothing. But dont their word for it or my word for it. Here's
lookin congressmen ship Roy one thing. I want my republican colleagues to give me one thing one, but I know campaign on and say we did One anybody sitting in the complex if you want to come down to the fore, come explain to me. One material, meaningful, significant thing. The republican majority has done besides. Well, I guess it's not as bad as a Democrat. With his allies ringing congressional correspondent for the new york times any carney, she details the planet. paralysis stemming from the house republican taking over in her new pays. this is a train wreck legislatively from the start of course, Kevin Mccarthy. Could they could even pick a speaker when they They get rid of him than we went through that whole debacle again, but for now don't lie here in your article.
you talk about how they only enacted twenty seven laws compared to twenty twenty two Two hundred and forty eight laws were, asked bills were signed in the law and you just look the comparison congress by congress session by session is this really is in a league of its own. Isn't it slowly it was a historically unproductive congress. There really did nothing the comparison cheers bells included in a landmark legislation like the inflation reduction act at the first five, as bill on guns? In decades this congress are those twenty seven bells include a green mean that a veteran clinic and something about a commemorative coin? For that marine corps, these were really small, bore items.
little bit of that is unfair. Last year, democrats controlled the house and the senate, and they could easily pass things descend, bite into sign into law, but even in comparing this year to other years of divided government when the house was controlled by republicans and the senate was controlled by democrats and even factoring that in it was a grossly unproductive session, and most of that has to do with the fact that, people like chip roy, enjoy making the point. The government does nothing and that's why we should less of it. I was gonna say: how can you call it unproductive and produce the likes of george saunter sue gave us so much drama but isn't it isn't goal here to do nothing like, given that the entire point of why republican took over just a basically stop everything from happening, and in that case is what we're time. Let us mission accomplished here. Oh yeah, that's part of the problem, but first of all, if you can't leg person
grievance and drama was like sewer product. They entered the three members of congress, they expel george stand as they have. Lots of speakers is so in that sense very productive year, but the do nothing is the point, That is why that is going to the. Why of it was. Why was it so bad? The republicans have a tiny majority it's only getting smaller with santos. His expulsion and mccarthy's resignation given these people who want our here too, rain in government, and you now basically dismantle garment, outsize power and the republican conference, and it has allowed them to are you not kind of hold up any agenda chip. Roy look like he was having a ton of fun, making that floor speech. Talking about how they're doing nothing and got a good cop out of it that we then he can can mean a campaign on that no government is useless and
has made. So not only is it a moment of divided government that republicans have been divided against themselves and this small group of far right people have outsize power there. So any were on the verge of a new year and is a relatively new speaker MIKE Johnson we have all witnessed the turmoil. Over the past year we have witnessed government currently being thrown out and johnson succeeding him after multiple bow. And things like that going forward is a guy. we the same or is it going to be the same movie? We're gonna be watching, is MIKE I'm gonna be walking on eggshells for fear of alienating. Maybe three people who is that hey get him out of here is that we are looking forward to yeah. I think so. I dont think you actually afraid of being ousted? I I think that republicans realised how hard it was to install someone. Dont really want to do that again, but it's the same dynamics are there. He hasn't
The same goes, the mccarthy did he's January is gonna be much worse. He has we have. They passed short term government spending bills to avoid a shut down this year punted that into early next year the far right is him for the same reasons that they are Madame Mccarthy. Thereupon, the same moves to decide to demonstrate that by voting down rules are in the house, for which is something also. That's never happened really before this congress never happened to the past three speakers. So yes, I think that day, alex, haven't changed. The majority in the house has gotten smaller MIKE Johnson, so far, proving to be pretty indecisive leader and, despite being like a far from the far right, is a party There are already very angry at him man is over. I don't think
one should extend next year to be any more productive. Unless I'm, oh, my god, what a clown show. Mccarthy tagging, like fifteen sixteen ballads, george santos. Large retailer green lord bogart there there are different, exploits the new speaker very fascinating times, irrational correspondent for the new york times any colony. Thank you so much I greatly appreciate you be and whether we have the great holiday alright and more cleavage. You coming up we're going to talk about whatever work, we're going to talk about, but I want to go to mark leibovich, I'm sorry. I was supposed to get a break, but whatever clean of ages here this is a you know, he's he's an idle to all of us that we the atlantic. So I just wanted to ask you really quickly. You other commercial can way said me always so you
You have had this really interesting relationship and Kevin Mccarthy I'm curious, what your insight is on on Andy's reporting on the house geo p about how it got to where it god just how dysfunctional it was again. I talked about how Mccarthy, how hard it was for him to become speaker Lauren, beaufort and t j J, santos, and now you ve got girls, channeling, Jim and Tammy Faye baker, and why dead serious. I I ed series since channeling, em just curious what what your thought is about not just led to where we were, but what kind of what? What looking through all of your reporting on Kevin Mccarthy.
What did you say about mccarthy's? You sort of want to ask him, I mean? Was it worth it cabin? I mean this guy wanted one thing like yours, entire career, which is to hold the speakers gabble to get the photo up of him. Holding up the gap, Well, when kind of look like a toy in his hands and then pictures themselves outside the speakers office. Was it worth it? I mean he had an extremely tumultuous speakers of less than a year. Speakers tenure What is interesting, though, is the two things that really gotten booted by his own carcass were do. You believe the only two responsible things he did. I mean he crafted that debt ceiling deal with the white house, and you know he he helped ensure that the government stays open when it looked like it was to close and again those are kind of standard speaker thing is I mean that's what happens and that has traditionally happened without people in a real blinking an eye he does them and then he is gone, and I do wonder what he things from the outside and by all accounts he seems kind of bitter but how it all went down. He seems to be a bit of a revenge tour,
with some of the former colleagues who were behind his ouster. But look this is what we're looking at right now for as long as republican control congress, especially with these margins, witches speakers just terrified of you know ticket, off the wrong person and in having someone you know, do the next motion to vacate the next chaos period can immense. So I dunno I mean, I think, Mccarthy he got. What he he was looking for, which is like a bunch of photo ops, I'm not sure if it was worth it in his in his mind. maybe now add its official, that that was great, It was worth putting this story offer about nineties I can, but let's do it now. It is a fish all the ball, or orioles will keep playing camden yards for a very long time we're gonna talk to marilyn's governor wes, more about that and much with more. there's more mornings, coming back
The patient you to day and night after night, hoping for a moment like this, but one wonders story is branded a third remote areas where I'm glad the red sox had at least one bit of history in why season There's a mulder, orioles clenching american ladys printed in september for the first time since twenty fourteen little rougher. In the first round, but they Can we gazed down here last year by the orioles, make no mistake-
great team last year, and they got some of the best upcoming prospects, they should be good. Quite some time and on Monday owes fans were given another reason to celebrate when the team in state officials formalised deal, they keep the birds it can yards for. The night thirty years, with his now Marilyn's governor, wes more governor thanks. So much for being with us talk about the good news. its grey out. No, if you guys are little hot, I'm a little hot here if you It's a my if you need some help, you know just let just let me know here. Let me with so yes, so its activities to the cigarette and of all of our red sox yankees vans the aid is champions, are going to be involved more for the next thirty years and and We were a static, it say it's a great deal for for the state and and honestly we showed this is how you get big deal done. You do them in partnership. You know we didn't partnership with a team. We didn't partnership with a general sense,
We need a partnership with american stadium authority and our outstanding new chair craig thomson, and this is a d we know. I had three criteria. When we entered this and there were no negotiations taking place when we took office eleven months ago, and we just now one. The most storied franchises in sports was about to I have a lease and be homeless, so we said we're going to be aggressive on it and we had three criteria: one. We are going to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars too. We want to create winters on and off the field and three, I'm not doing a short term deal that our state aid history of doing these one year deals- and I said, these these short term deals there not only there are not only unimaginative their dangerous and only long term. Deals and so were really proud that this is. deal both going to keep the orioles here for thirty years and star just say a larger process of how we re thinking this a renaissance of baltimore, with one of baltimores core anchors at the forefront
First of all, I just like to say it's so refreshing to see an american politician with a grin smile a sense, of humor about himself. A sense of purpose about his mission. That's you! governor west? More so I want to thank because these are pretty dark days politically for a lot of us who cover politics and talk about politics, each and every day, but camden yards it was by a guy, but the name of larry le keno, a baseball icon, and it's been. It's been the model for nearly every new park. This been built since the early ninetys that followed camden yards changed major league baseball, so this new thirty year least tell us what it means to the core of the city of baltimore city this had some problems economically and otherwise what it. What does it do to the core of the city in terms of future both for the city around camden yards thanks
much mike I and you're right. It's everything it are economically. What it means is we have. Our anger is between the orioles and the ravens that are now give each. crucial players in a larger master planning process about how we thinking a downtown core- that's going to benefit the entire city. It's gonna help small business owners, minority business owners, women, business owners and people who now have a measure of predictability, because it's difficult to get someone to invest in a city when its core angers could potentially leave and we in the consequence about that oakland we're seeing the conversations that are now taking place in Washington dc between the wizards in the cap's you need to give predictability. And this deal guess predictability, but In addition to the economic growth that this will spurned, the ability to The a live work play environment that everybody can benefit from its also psychology of it, you know the orioles us there are huge part the psychology of this city and the psychology of this state and having them here,
for a long period of time. Data just doesn't just inspire memories that so many of us have coming up and go and owes games, but it's really to know that my kids and grandkids, hopefully one day, will be able to There is a new and watch the birds when so. This was a major major win for our state and major one for our taxpayers I'm wondering when you mentioned the importance of doing a long term deal I get. I tend to agree on an ethics fans if they're going to invest emotional into a team, are there to be around talk a little alone. But about why that was important and why this is one of your priorities here. What, because decree measures are predictability, and only long term vision and long term deals can give you that, if, if people think that you could have core anchors that could pick up and leave that could change negative economic dynamic of a region. Then they won't, invest, they'll find other places
and the bigger renaissance that taking place right now, we're we're looking baltimore where we may have a state making investments in her, replace in in the harbor making investments in the baltimore orioles and the baltimore ravens, making, invest went in housing. That's that's impacting everyone from less baltimore, niece, baltimore and all around you know. Baltimore right now is a measure of rise where this is the first year in nine years, that baltimore will not see three hundred homicides and it's not gonna come close where for the first year in nine years, the homicide and the nonfatal shooting rate in the state of mail and is beginning to break where we had that you rise over the almost double for the past, years. So this is a new time where there's new energy new momentum, but but these laws- long term deals become crucial, because no one is going to make long term plans when your anger,
are they are on a short term basis. You ve gotta, give that measure of predictability and that's why they became so important in that's why we took an administration just took a different posture than what we see in the past governor, you're, rising figure not just in maryland, but also nationally, and I wonder if you could take a broad look, the divisions were seeing emerge in the democratic party on issues like immigration and on the middle EAST? I wonder if you are, you are. You are concerned about these divisions and what is your assessment of the state of president Biden re election campaign as we head into this election year. Well, I'm I'm excited to go out and and campaign all over four for president bite and not just because I'm I'm fearful of the alternative I know a president Biden has already delivered for our state. I think about the fact that the president, has been here multiple times that the federal government has
a million dollar. Forty. Fifty million dollars of investments in this maryland to help rebuild bridges and roads and tunnels. I think about the fact that we are going to have while broadband and wifi for every in our state by the end of my first term, and that could not have happened. without a children's sixty seven million dollar investment that came from the federal government and right now since I've been governor maryland jump twenty slots and economic competitiveness. Now has the lowest unemployment rate in the entire country, and I know that all the progress that we are making that melanthus or excited about it, because we have the partner that we need in president Biden. and so I m excited to make sure that that we're going out and- and I tell the folks in my state look at what we I'm done in eleven months. Imagine if you can give me another four years that why I'm out campaigning for president Biden and that's why we feel very confident that, no matter who the republican nominees inviting will, when reelection x, number
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-23.