« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 12/18/23

2023-12-18 | 🔗

Trump echoes authoritarians with anti-immigrant remark

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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being comments from the former per but I also had we're gonna go to the massive sieve ruling against Rudy giuliani, a sum that well bankrupt former mayor of new york is, it said, it's basically a death penalty forum and economic dublin. Plus enough. from capitol hill on foreign aid negotiations, the package which would provide critical funding or ukraine is being held up by republican demands for stricter immigrants. empower, lobbies, military hope looks like there's. Some progress might be some we'll get analysis on the bided ministrations porch to get it or to scale back, it's war in Gaza what's going on there with us. We have the host way to early whitehouse bear cheap at politico, jonathan le Maire, former aid, the george w bush white house and state department, Elise, Jordan, the president the national action network and host of MSNBC politics, nation reverie,
the owl sharpen, joins us and rogers chair in the I can presidency vanderbilt university historic Jon meacham is with us this morning. So let's right to it. At a rally in new Hampshire on Saturday, Donald trump once and use the language of twentieth century authoritarian, while separately praising this kind strong men. He also repeatedly referred to the people, victims of attacking the capital. On january, six, as hostages and again said, immigrants are quote: poisoning the blood of our country. Take a lesson, we're like a rocket ship was like a rocket ship sent by Kim Jong and the cycle who is very nice. I will tell you he's not dead so fond of this administration bodies fond of me, and we had good relationship platinum
of russia says that binds- and this is a quote politically motivated. Persecution of his political rival is very good for because it shows the rightness of the american political system. Victor Orban, the highly respected prime minister of hungry, said tromp is the man who can save the western world can you imagine, presidency of China, proud of what kind of the hate when I say that all yours so nice legs now he could draw one point: four billion people rather ruthlessly right. I will erect a completely overhaul the J to invest every radical out of control, fake crooked prosecutor in america or their illegal raises, then reverse enforcement of the law. If you remember in minnesota minneapolis, where they took over the police station, they took it over they burned down by the way. What happened people are those people in jail with the J with a jail
ex hostages. What happened to those people come to think they're not interfere with the J. Six hostile prisoners like all hostages hi seizures We had a lot of work to do. You know when they let either. a brisk fifteen, sixteen million people into our country when they do that we get a lot of work to do their points. In the blood of our country, the crime is going to be tremendous, the terrorism is going to be, terrorism is going to be, and then we built a tremendous piece of the wall and then we're going to build more and Once again, I misspoke it's the centuries strong man that he was talking about, but again, why? Why do we show this look? I we always get that question. Why, get him attention. Actually, this cannot be normalized and he is there publican front runner? He is so far the republicans choice it's getting more explicit.
Getting worse I am still shocked by the clowns claim to be media critics out there. I had sat absolute clowns that debts the media for reporting this You just don't get it. You don't understand in connection with the audience you just say to understand when you're actually, helping him by Focusing on you, Are you saying he's fast? Is it a job meets him? This is this This is very straightforward. I just write it down He calls the worst tyrant on the planet. The most cruel, a tyrant kim Jong only says he's very nice doesn't have a good relationship with whether when he does most presence would take. Take great great, honor in in not having a good relationship with that thug. And then vladimir putin- and this is the one that really sticks with me- is zero terms.
We're talking about how horrible america's out terrible america is when when he's not in office. He didn't before he's doing it after an and he quotes Vladimir Putin approvingly to talk about how latin american democracy as he quotes. President XI, says that he's rather was an Praises Amman points the medes as they don't like it when I praise him and they goes on and praises for being a guy that that that's that's concentration camps with millions of people. it says. Rather, roof was tat but the january six hot. It. We're talking about people who beat the hell out of cops of course, goes back to were echoes of asia, hitler talking about poisoning of the blood of of this country god. It's getting more explicit and
that fools that are covering the horse race would somehow attack roy It offers journalists for what warning this and putting to the readers without an explanation, but he also is talking about economics they related to to somehow talk you out a bit miss the much bigger point that we are in the fight for for american democracy and he's. more and more explicit on how he wants to american democracy down. we will never be able to say we were not warrant right right. There So we can remove that off the table. There was There's no surprise attack, hear this is explicit its clear just listen and you're right. people who, out of it
came. I never can remember the phrase, our utter over wedding beds or being hysterical or or what it is but words matter right, The root of the ward rhetoric is action, and if you don't think this is serious. I don't think you're even remotely paying attention and I think The problems with the current era. Is that too many of us and I've. I've been one too. So this is a centre or not a saint docking, decide to say the least. Is many have applied conventional rules of gravity. The original rules of analysis, conventional rules of politics to what is an unconventional force. That is it. matter anymore, whether Joe Biden had a good week or a bad weak. It does or if the white house staff is arguing about acts or why debts
and an a long way of envisioning and under. Standing? Our politics, in what is an unfolding disaster- and I don't think it's It'S- it's been in fact it's not simple, But do you use your work? It is straightforward my final view of this. Is it We on trial here, the american people, on trial here and to the fish seen twenty percent republicans, who do no better, I'm guessing Who, for various reasons, cannot bring themselves to ending this voting against this fascistic force. I would just say you're alive, richer today than you were seven days ago and you I'm right you you all have a week. We made some money here
this is not a disastrous era If not, we will echo carnage in the streets for these elites, and yet these elite, or making this possible, and I think that in so far as those folks can be reached please please please listen to what your putative nominee is saying. This is this is a moment where at least we Donald trump, quoting Vladimir Putin. We have have him praising? She came. Gentlemen Orban. We have em, referring to january sixth, convicts as hostages, and we Have him using language that evokes what adolf Hitler to say there is no white ass. I have said to me: they made a compelling case in recent months, the Biden. Why asked that they feel like americans, do not pay attention right now, to too early we're still almost a year from the election that next spring
you after the republican primaries, which are not competitive, are over and can start actually listened. Donald trump was we move into the summer. We move in an ex fall, it's a general election between Biden and trump and when america, our pay attention. Again they were you're this from tromp and reject it. They will say we can't go down that path. Again, we can't go down that path I get. My question, though, is, as trumps James is. Poland was rolling up both of them the primary and now, in general, general actual survey after elections, server ease ahead of binding most measures and the journal whilst regional just now moments ago, says americans feel better about his policies. May do bite. My question is: are we sure americans are gonna care So I think that you're going to have a week before the election maybe fifty million low information voters voting on how they feel their economy. Is doing right then that we can October twenty twenty four. I think that you see the extremism of american.
politics right now you see the radicalization of so many of donald trump support those who are fine with his most extreme statements, they're fine with imprisoning journalists, they disagree with their fine with in you know. They think that the political opposition is enemy. So many americans believe that now on the left and on the right come enemies and there's not any kind in groundwork, finding with the other side whatsoever? How do you have a functioning democracy, I think that that is going to be the real test of the democratic party To really say that people Who you are winning stands up there and explicitly embraces dictators strong on people and and has them common quotes them commenting on an american election if you
for that then knew all right with that. I think that with the Democrats have to say when each about how people from non white countries in central america and africa. He them. Says that the Poisoning the blood of the country- Jesus racist as you could get- I mean what are we he asked. What does he have to do? put on a client role for us understand as racists? So in you talk about young black, your vote for that? That's what you think of yourself is that you poisoning the blood of america. I think it's not about by. it's about who you are as a voter, Call signing this kind of politics, we gotta think that this is what the real test for the Democrats are. It did not make it about them. everyone put a mirror in front of them and say: is this? Who I am I a racist and I'm I wonder, breeze and fascism
jonathan, merely ask you, though, one year from now. They can be over american democracy can be over Donald trump one year from now could win he's all this. What he's going to do when I say american democracy is going to be our tie and said this donald trump to guide that settings wonders. King about executing generals at her, loyal enough to, though, a guy that song about terminating the constitution if it gets in the way of his power? He's a guy talking about taking news network said he disagrees with he's a guy talking about prosecutes? and putting in jail people who disagree with them. He's one saying that so you ve now can all be over the american experiment at an end one year from now So let me ask you, with that being the case with Joe Biden, small numbers getting worse wisely I was going around singing. Don't worry, be happy because that's basically what they're saying? Why does
by. You still have all of his campaign. People inside the white house winner, going to go out and start working on the campaign not of his lifetime. A war like time, women going to start acting like a democracy, is on the line and said telling everybody to that worry start by echoing what you just said. Anyone who thinks donald trump can't win is kidding themselves. He absolutely can when he has a one in two chance of winning. That's how close this is, and I don't think we have enough evidence suggests that this legal troubles next year will derail him. There's pull after pole they won't work, really glad work done over the really good work done over the weekend. That suggest that even a conviction in one cases likely that federal election in its case, wouldn't do enough to dentist support that he could still when even if convicted now this is. The bottom campaign has been slow by design.
in ramping up. They have spent the last few months raising a lot of money that president in in recent weeks, has gone from fun fun. You have after fund night after night after night, they think is really a billion dollar campaign and they need that money and that's that's, been their focus. also don't really have any kind of democratic primaries them. Yes, dean, philips. What he's largely being on challenged years. They think they're the luxury of time. That said they already it responds some pressure about a month or so ago, and they started ramping up the contrast between trump and bind. They have done that. There's been a solid month I ve been on the offensive in pouncing or on trumps comments over the weekend. The hitler comparison we had state from the campaign and white house, but you're right. The full fledged campaign is still alive or two or more away they they're letting the republican process play out before they really ramp up. That's at least the plan for now not to say can't change, but we're not going President Biden aggressively be out on the campaign trail for some
weeks ahead and their arson democrats show echo your worries, who feel like it might be getting too late, get out there now. Why do they, we want to move some other people from the white house run campaigns over toronto campaign. When we are less than one year away from democracy, possibly ending. We will talk about this in a moment, but coming up in one minute, giuliani is on the hook for almost two hundred and fifty million dollars that are we'll jury as ordered him to pay to georgia action workers who he falls. He accused of ballot fraud, we'll talk to jack Rosenberg about the verdict more morning. Joe is back and sixty seconds
this data verbal you always get. The whole home, not part of it, but the whole of stirs the whole downstairs the whole fridge, the whole backyard and the whole nap room, because is it really a vacation home if you have to share it with the host? Only more they kitchen homes? Always all noise book on the verbal app each year planned parenthood provides vital sexual and reproductive health care services, sex, education and information to more than two point: one million people in the? U s anti abortion rights. Lawmakers are now trying to use the court system and state legislatures to strip people of essential health care, but planned parenthood will never back down join plan. Pay
I heard in a fight for sexual and reproductive rights by making a donation visit planned parenthood, dot org slash future, to make your donation, though giuliani, has already been found liable. This trial was just to determine damages which ultimately turned to one. Forty, eight million dont, know contrition and actually repeating his claims outside caught on monday, just watch as spokesmen choice to shut him down, I told the truth: they they were engaged in changing votes. There's no you're damn right there is somebody giuliani you see today is the same man. The streets of new york has improved.
the stock market. There is so much there that it's prophetic, that money is desperately trying to coast off the guy. That giuliani was twenty years ago. It'd be rare attempt to weekend at Bernie's someone who is still alive. So he bailed on that defense move sentence yeah I was going to get to nine eleven, but this isn't a disaster you're just getting to the former trump lawyer. Rudy giuliani, has been ordered to pay a hundred and forty eight million dollars in damages for his role in defaming to twenty twenty election workers and a person We decided on the final amount after a four day, simple trial that saw Ruby, freeman and hurt or shame moss testify that look lies, spread by giuliani after the election lead to them leaving a wave of racist and violent threats giuliani, along with the former president,
and others repeatedly amplified false conspiracy theories, free minimum, we're trying to change ballots in georgia during the course the trial. Giuliani admitted these claims work true freeman, spoke. Reporters after the trial on friday. Today is a good day. A jury still witnessed a word. They Juliana dear to me and my daughter, and held him a cannibal, and for that I am thankful. For now I want people to understand this man We will never solve all my problems can never moved back into the house Our own, I will always have to be careful about where I and who choose to share my nay with
miss my home, it's my neighbors and I miss my name say something mac. I it's unbelievable giuliano statement and why get down? Well, what's once when he says that the amount is absurd. What's absurd is that so after the election after he giuliani, spread that lie people that I know from all over the country that supported donald trump, we're saying Did you see what happened in georgia? Did you see what happened with the votes? Do you see two black women, what they did with the votes they took votes out of a box like that happen. Because of rudy giuliani and now I was all where the country donald trump, all over country,
their lives as they knew it effectively ended that day too. Some workers think about to election whirling, sickened unity, community. Let's In former. U s attorney and MSNBC contributor, chuck Rosenberg chuck. When you look at this outcome, what are the implications for other cases per donald trump and I think the question everybody asks is: will rudy Giuliani ever have to pay a dime of anything to anybody, or how does he actually? Truly? sperience accountability. Here, Oh that's. A great question. Make us help. The jurors verdict writes that seventy five million dollars and punitive damages sends a very clear signal to anybody inclined it what Mr Giuliani did not to do it. I mean what it was a vile. What he did was a grievously wrong and dangerous. I dont know that he has the money to pay. I think the
image of ms freeman and ms moss getting one hundred and forty eight million dollars, or about one hundred and forty eight million to one it's very unlikely to happen. They may get something they certainly deserve. It and their reputation impact on, rudy giuliani life moving forward? What's the impact on his life after this verdict he's a broken man, Joe and I've- never really enjoy this whole thing is schadenfreude out, you know taking delight and the misery of others at bet. That's not my saying so what happened to him the implications of a civil verdict. Pale. Comparison to the implications of a criminal verdict against him. Remember he still under indictment in georgia, still a chance that he gets convicted and goes the jail the implications for him? There are much more severe and much more significant than they are Here too, ever have to pay money to these two good women, I hope so will be,
in forty eight million dollars not a chance, but implications for him in other, matters had. He faces are incredibly significant. He could go to jail. river. Now this is obviously a case. You no good bit about and followed closely What's your reaction to a verdict again is not about schadenfreude. This is about A man who destroyed to women's lives because they wanted to serve their country a man, the gaming ruin and he ruined their lives. Any continues to defame them even today, he ruined their lives because he saw them as collateral. Damage is political ends, and these aw them as worthless, not think what the verdict, and the amount that the jury gay is assured they are not worth in this weather. We'll get a hundred What do you mean dollars and not the value of their lives has been affirmed,
This jury, that's important, and we must remember drouet giuliani enough for never got along, were and antithetical all of his meriting, but I to see any one that was, U S, attorney of the most celebrated district in the country and a man of the city of new york. Eight years give em because met for like this, because it damn it. is our perception of what those? forces hole. So, even though I dislike a lot of what rudy giuliani stood for an and the light it is not. good for us to have people that had reached debt level too far like this. The reason he was believed is because of the positions held. He took a stella background in position and dumped on innocent women did, he felt was defensiveness just
we fought, always use like stop in france. He felt people didn't matter. This verdict said people do matter, and you use them as pawns for your political objectives, Does that's the significance of it, but I'd? I agree with chuck. I don't think we ought to celebrate the demise of rudy giuliani. We ought to celebrate that people's worth has been on this score. The jury? No one is expendable, so I understand that I certainly not interested in celebrating anybody's demise. At the same time, when Donald trump has this civil sued, when aging carol sues him for defamation and now the two women when a massive massive amount in a defamation ruling? The question is: do people are sued and lose in these civil suits. Actually experience Annie round,
vacations or can they declare bankruptcy? Can they kind of skirt the law? I wonder beyond the message that they have value and that they were dead, aimed the guy continues to defame? So I want to understand what the consequences that actually the behaviour of cases. Women tell you what's in that bank rubs, he won't protect, rudy giuliani. I do. I do want to say this- john medium we will circle back to chalk big pigeon. Do it for the longest time we can say whatever you wanted to say in the world of tromp in trumps bubble. Then it's just a matter of people- go on tv every night, just lying through their teeth. spreading vicious lies attacking american democracy, saying american democracy was rigged,
and we see with rudy giuliani Eighty eight hundred and four million dollar- affirmation verdict We saw with fox news after their hosts lied about voting machines. Seven hundred and eighty seven million dollar verdict, we saw with Alex Jones lying about sandy hook. Parents billion dollar verdict. There is still another billy two to be sorted out for fox news again. Moving forward, there's always been in the law. There's always been the verdict and then the collection and election process trust me make it their lawyers up and down the east coast. Who will take that that verdict and will will spend the rest of their of rudy giuliani's these days, trying to recover that verdict because they ll strike it.
we'll del Valle, get a percentage whatever its recovered rudy giuliani, but John as far as sport is an fair. an open debate I think it is worth celebrating that words he'll do matter there. Still. for four lies for defamation, for four for attacking people packing american democracy. It still comes at a cost. A lot of it. Don't tune. Tell me this, the validity of this statement as s college exams say, I think. A lot of this came out of the phrase is not mine, but the political entertainment media complex that was has been so strong on on the american right. There's this capacity. This willingness has been this willingness to live in this world where Everything was about the cable hit right
thing was about the cairo. Everything was about stirring up the base, because the bases, what kept your rating strong- and I think that this a case where there was this. This almost, pretend world that actually now the folks who hey this stuff realized is not pretend that this is real that there people who are trying to count ballots people who are trying to ensure free and fair elections. There are people there are judges and judges clerks right, their heart prosecutors, There are. The civil servants said the president and the governor of florida, both problems to fire, quickly as as as they can so There are these people who make too is background to where we were whom the american democracy work is a perfect, no,
as a large human enterprise. Is it more perfect that we have much of a right to expect yeah? I think so and so what we lifting up the process while we reaffirming these guard rails and which is, the founders wanted, which is what conservatives. Hello are supposed to why right now, entire judicial philosophy that is dominate the supreme court for also the political resets, that's about. Original intent of a document that is about checking ambition, he's good to if it's gonna take the civil courts. If it's gonna take the criminal courts to do it. Then, let's, let's pray and work for the legitimacy of those institutions. Will any of this change the twenty twenty four election. I don't know, but I do know this
We are certainly not going to do ourselves any favours if we shut up about it. If we that oh, it's really about the economy. A presidential election is about whatever X hundred million people wanted to be about, but This is really the obligation of folks who want the constitution. To endure is too defend that constitution. Why is there I get it, simple, it's not simple, but it is straightforward way. Exactly you know, people who claim to be conservatives are the people who was to conserve what is great what is best, can serve the constitution of the united states conserved. What is best about country, and this weekend you not stay silent, as you say, John, as as people are packing america this weekend, you had
Guy who's is most likely going near. The nominees for the republican party, the so called conservative party and What did he do at he? He quote vladimir Putin and talking about how rotten america a wise, so called conservative certainly attacking and bashing the united states. Military are men and women in uniform. You were stronger now than they. a bad, and yet you have republican senators that are saying there weaker now than they ve ever been just because they don't like whose in office. for three or four years, and so you have one institution after another, you have so called can the saying that they want to tear down the fbi they wanted down the justice department. They want to tear down the education, they wanted, tear down the military, and again here we have donald trump praising dictators, with korea and communist china and russia and again quoting a russian tyrant who says
american democracy is quote rotten, donald trump quotes that and positively and channels Adolf hitler and when lindsey gram is asked about it. He says he couldn't care less how's that for conserving. What's precious about our constant, there's republic coming Tromp consistently demonstrates that he has no concern for american strength. American greatness, the american people outside of his own personal self interest. That's why he is happy for any foreign dictator to do anything that might, by some extension, reflect poorly on binds leadership and you're looking at how he is getting his supporters ready for his most radicalized supporters for this next round and
it's not about in a specific policy issues as much as it is his grievances and the grievances that he is channeling through them, and that here, presents at this stage in the car Many are so stark and so disgusting and just historical parallel so chilling that its unbelief will that we still at this phase, don't take it that seriously we know history. We know what has happened before and I do think the media has done a better job of talk about the stakes in this next election and not just the race itself. Miserably be higher and chuck is part of that conversation earlier. I cited this for the conventional wisdom that the one trial that could conclude before voters go to. The polls is the federal election interference trials of the january six trial, as has been short handed, but it ensuring moves there in recent days where the trump team is suggesting he should have immunity from exclusion. There, Jack Smith,
looking to fast track? This may move at all the way to the supreme court. Give us your analysis is too too, where things down these legal. donations and like you, I always thought of that particular trial, currently scheduled for march forth of next year, be the one most likely to go and conclude before the next election. I don't think that that date is doomed Do you think that data is endangered and for the reasons you say, MR as this is right has appealed to the next highest court. The dc circuit court of appeal arguing, that he is immune as president from acts takes while office. I don't think he's right, If he loses that too, our question, though, how long does it take for him to lose? That is that a question the supreme court will here immediately and unusually so before the appellate court. Although the supreme court go to the appellate court, which is typical and
here the case, if it's that second thing Jonathan, that could take months, if not longer, if the supreme court is willing to hear that question out again, I think it's resolved in favour of jack smith and the government. I dont believe that a president has immunity for criminal, conduct while president, that's enough sir result, but the question means. How long does it take us to get the right answer and will we have an answer before the next election, and can we try that case and perhaps others before voters the poles again, I dont think the march trial date is doomed. But it is certainly endanger, while chuck Rosenberg Thank you very much for joining us on this monday morning and Jon Meacham. Thank you as well good to see you both and coming up anger with the railway government is growing after the kind these military admits to mistakenly killing hostages,
arms, as theirs new reporting on the money that funded the hamas terrorist attacks, Israel a pair. they discovered the network years ago. Netanyahu's government did nothing to stop it. No real effort will go through that. I had on morning job verbal vacation homes come with twenty four seven life support So if you ever need anything, you can reach. No person in about a minute, further private, vague John rentals for you and your people, whether in person or remote, open communication with your doktor is key to managing any condition, including heart failure. How are you feeling both are great option? to continue having open conversations with your doktor about how you're feeling and when you see openly with your doktor there. Better equipped out visit heart failure, talks, dot com to learn, more
it's not that he thinks that guy's got better. You just thinks you're good, better opportunities, led by party curls out of trouble down credit mccaffrey gets text out. Looking like a shot like establish fantastic voting system on second unforeseen, look, he began to arrive at a snail's pace. Its territory stays state, takes fifteen began at them already
go deep, look again feel chased by gary washed. Looking going, he hailed Mary, so don't come on come on. I am maize, is that is a guy who will never get a drink boardroom injury cargo again lies from yes raising the veil games, including forty nine clenching, then at sea, was with a win over. The cardinals abounds bag victory for the chiefs. After last week's meltdown- and you just saw the now biting final playing- the brown bears game browsers, having a victory over them after nearly converted the game wedding hell mary
sit down on the last second item. In spring right now. The house whatever finds out on meadowlark media espaa and pablo tory problem We saw along a sell out a great highlights, yea go and I fell and act like. I can't wait to talk to you about the forty diners are sure how I mean how the bill I just came out of nowhere and a rising dallas team, but first, let's go up on your ear you're thesis for the year, and I certainly agree with you It's such a mediocre league three four years ago. You, you, can watch game after game after game. Just sit there going well, there's a reason be that vat play that further vast now suddenly you're going on god. You run around that way. He all my god, you and even turn around like block backs. There's just Joe only a rethink play.
What do you see that in college right we're using in college are well the college players, but the pros you're right rabies right, there's so much mediocrity, the nfl this year yet and its own say it. You know that Israel is our lone remaining mono culture, while the nfl and taylor swift, which is not coincidental, of course, how they have come together in a story we may or may not talk about, but the reality is that it's okay to point out that we all watch this thing. Even if it's not that good! That's Quality of it, in fact, may be the reason why we are looking towards the sky box towards taylor. Swift is because, what's on, the field is not quite as interesting lately, and this is coming from a person who has been addicted to various forms of football fantasy and otherwise for two decades, this seizing was just ninety zero a year I was reading theory theory. Well, I think, there's a lot of quarterbacks getting injured joe. I think that's a big point that we can talk about jake, browning and Joe Flacco, who is these are guys piloting
I have teams right now in the in the bengals in the ground. Somehow and then it does not end there and la jolla mirrors to my left and he's a patriots fan and also there's just the idea that the institutions we relied on. I think there's something to talk about on your show, the institutions that this country has come to rely on, or not quite so resilient, that moore and bill belichick seems to be one of those as well. So it's from the top and the bottom of the league, that's crumbling at this point. survival. As I read the good now, we ve talked about the ugly, the media agreement signed by the good and it so funny we ve gone in these phases this, yet forty minors were the dominant tame them out. Do they christ they cowboys, but then there they. They had their there come up and two or three games. You then add the eagles, who then get beaten badly by the cowboys. So then it was the cowboys our I this is dax year and then last night not occur.
I extend a train wreck of again and for dak and the cowboys talk about it. Yeah, being a Dallas cowboys fan is a particularly strange form of kink. I would say I realize now how early in the morning it is for me to say that word but go here's. The reality show is that they know what it's like to feel pleasure. They were so good when I was growing up the dallas cowboys everybody sort of expects them to be just around the corner Surely this is america steam There is a shame in what always happens. Ritualistically now around timing here on December january, certainly in legal terms and as it were, in the face, reputedly reverend ass to my right, reverend allison mike tyson, do this. The people with the buffalo bills did to the dallas cowboys just look on the ball in their face over and over again Josh alan do for you. A hundred yards with James took back ran for almost two hundred. It did not stop. It was just predictable,
and overwhelming and by the end of a little bells look like yet there are class ahead of the cowboys which, in a league of great parity, slash mediocrity. I feel that's just what we should expect from now on. I also think a theory as to why the players diminish we have so many years were often was king defence, assorted, mates, just in the leaks kind, one out of rules to change as a healthy offence. I think that's, that's part of it too. We have to end of summer storylines yesterday, the tender I mean devito era, can crashing back the giants, the dear jets, faint plath hopes and air rogers alive. Come back. That seems, like that's gone too. There are two teams, though playing pretty well right. Now, the ravens last night that win sunday football, the b, the jaguar they they're the topsy nancy and we met in briefly but the forty niners do look like the one good team now they're talking about their injury concerns there. If that that could be a problem, but right now they
like there's trouble about this. Is that seem atop my power polar right now, the forty nine is their problem. There. Controversy is whether brought purty is the envy of the league. That's what qualifies as controversy in san francisco right now, because brok- parity, if you did not know mr irrelevant, was the last picking the draft a year or so ago, and he comes in those four touchdowns in this game leads the league in every conceivable statistical passing category with the problem is that rock purty things the envy of the inner fell is christian mccaffrey. His team made was one of these guys, who are very fast and very strong, and they are utilised in this offensive scheme. That is brilliant, and so that's the controversy is brought purty better than his own teammates and therefore the best player. In the end, I fell. It's a rare thing to be a spoiled by that many riches The answer to that is brok. I really know by christian Mccaffrey lax
level? Yes, yes, now level do debo. Also my guide did so I want to gave up a my It's amazing I! So let's talk about a team that that, for some bizarre reason I've always loved, following whose a good year this year, the browns brown diagram gels lack of one of the nine in five. Now there is no more shocking fact about the unifil. You take nothing away from this conversation, the brows being nine in five, does feel the loosening tory and the is there the other joe Flacco is back in the nfl. He was playing at all last season. This is, of course, a former civil winner with the ravens abc lean years ago, and here he is here is lack of rolling out, as if he's a young man again and look, the function of mediocrity, is that you're to get a bunch of teams in the play off that aren't? Actually that good, I suspect.
in five? Browns are not going to be long for the post season, but in the meantime you have a game like this, with an ending by the way, an ending that I don't even think we can give credit to the browns in any real way for this, but there's a there's a I'll marry at the unjust and fields wines you'll see it in a little bit. I presume- and it's just the thing that happens is there. It is it's a metaphor for any election result you'd like to claim ray it's in your hands, you're on the ground. You ve almost possessed it and into goes into the hands of on the defensive so sorry. That was that you know what I love about sports. commentators like you, you, like political,
commentators like me, so sound on a sunday sunday morning, where's this gallon. Well, you now. The thing is what we get our year job. I knew this would be the worst thing ever. There's gonna be a red way, he's biggest eighty eight of all time. How could he be so stupid out? You know and then after the election now read. Wave they're, like you know Joe Biden's, pretty smart driving at five fifteen sunday morning to go get does our box for Mika, who pushes me out of bed at five o clock and says I need my starbucks. Tell me what do I do. I turn on The radio theirs is the EU s beyond, or maybe you send a found that work turn it on Europe and and here, but you know we have to just come to terms with the fact that Jared golf is playing the best best Paul of his life. He said.
extraordinarily wrung from their young man. I hear for three weeks, exposure and off it's over the lions need to trading. They need to bring in a young quarterback he's toast, man Saturday night, that guy where did up in lyons term and for how exciting Joe. You been on this story in a way that makes you love, Fortunately, prescient than a lot of the gas bags like myself, who really didn't pay much attention to the Jared goff experience in detroit when it started, but you're right cast off the former number one overall peck. Of course,. with the rams. good enough to be their superbowl winning quarterback. They got rid of them, send to detract from Matthew staff working here here. The lie in the top, the annex c, they joe security in these territories, where the first part of the twenty four team is what I am reading out. The bottom of the screen for the first time, which shocking to me shot
down, but this is real. It's a real thing that back for a board flip excuse me. I'm is indicating around the city of the term. It You know what's exciting about this team was again last year. They started that one in five and we are talking now, there is the best one in five team. I ever saw its a great message to contains that's that's doing poorly here now, just keep it. Can I ask you one of question about this. We want is shown pains deal with as quarterback one. dead serious he's he's, He's been a jerk too a guy who, I think could be a future hall of fame. Are he's been a jerk to Wilson, since I first got a good guy, any to ease yeah, at the helm? After on page the challenge,
I didn't know you noticed. I noticed the broncos had two touchdowns. He should have challenged them, they would have been called and what does he do after blowing it? Heals quarterback Russell wilson, much if there is a platform on national television with more empathy, four russell wilson than your desk. Joe. You ve been looking out for us a lesson he has. and underrated. To your point, another one of your favorites who has been over performing the criticism which on paid I mean Joe, keep it that shown paid in post, bounty gate had to take a year off, and there is a good kevin james movie about this. I believe, which must have been frustrating on various levels for john payment Bosnia. This is a man with many pent up frustrations, and so we comes into this team having taken over Russell Wilson, who is so disastrous. Last season, the broncos, where an embarrassment last season and champagne he's trying to prove the difference here. It is me the guy who could
coach for a year, I'm the genius- and so you are seeing the frustration of. operational brilliance in a guy who wants to be on the field. But of course, has the headset and gangs or do? Did you see the gang? Did you see how she on peyton actual let two touchdowns go both without stopping the game and chap he caused his team. Seven points on it. Who plays and If he, after it's over to go russia, Wilson, the here's my deal with wells and, first of all, a great guy, but you don't go from possibly be a future hall of fame- are damning bad season in denver and suddenly garbage he's a really really good player. He has been I just by bedlam. Did you see that the ideas
weird year for sean payton, let's remember his team gave up seventy points, seven hole to the dolphins earlier in the season. That's on the head coach, not the quarterback up, but then they they ripped off. I think five straight wins at one point, seemingly back in the playoff picture, and then they got throttled a saturday night and the coach of the year sean payton buzz, has sort of probably vanished along with it, but it does seem like all that he inherited Russell Wilson and didn't really want him. There, yeah russia wasn't always a favorite of mine for the goal line, interception he threw in the superbowl against the patriots? But you know he has to Joe's point had a good career yeah. He was lousy last year, but it doesn't seem like he's done, but we're now stuck very strange dynamic. Did you want somewhat by the way we can very well what happened there? The it is another another humbly, another humbling defeat, but right now we have the second picking the draft there. The question is whether or not bilbil a check the one to make that point. This was funny. This was playing. This game was funny to me because I was thinking of John very much the whole time. Thank you.
It's just a misery by the way. I want to point this out about taylor, swift. He mentioned at the top of this whole thing. We've talked about how the taylor swift effect is changing the nfl. If you were to the video taylor swift watching now her kansas city chiefs, it's very clear that hasn't radicalized taylor, swift. She. Cursing, she was yelling. She was furious as viruses My home was spiking his helmet on the ground. Ever he threw to pigs in this game. It was a home game for taylor. Swift job is what this felt like. As straight. I try to stay away from it, but that was the story line of this game. You guys brought out john banjo, be no offense. Jean valjean overshadow the eighty recap. Just one point this out for the record to restore clean. There was a quote: a tepid reaction in comparison to taylor, swift for MR bond l b, which snails and is important. If I'm just reporting asylum swear
why why why do you ask my hands bob, I write possible. Let well nexus, listen, you're, making said method. Pablo is admitted. There is true, In fact, I was responsible for we're coming down with them, and I had of the girl on the detroit lawyer further. Why did but for fortunately true yeah so far they have low to our age. So much good to see you again, and they vacation homes, come with twenty four seven life support. So if you ever need anything, you can reach a person in about a minute, further private recent rentals for you and your people
Transcript generated on 2023-12-20.