« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 12/16/20


After weeks of delay, the top Republican in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, acknowledged on Tuesday that Joe Biden will be the next president, following an Electoral College vote that officially certified his win on Monday.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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see, bowling, branched, icon for details show This morning, our country has officially a president Elect, and vice versa, so today. I want to congratulate President Lula, Joe Biden, president is still involved in ongoing litigation related to the election? Yesterday's vote was one step in the constitutional process, but he has taken all statutory requirements on necessary to in either ensure a smooth transition or a continuation of power. Well lost the popular vote. He lost the recounts, he lost the electoral college and now he's lost. Mcconnell Good Morning and welcome to morning Joe. It is Wednesday December extent Joe the morning off, but along with Willie in May, we have what has from for this. I say press jive than Le Maire founder and CEO vaccines demand a high former
the George W Bush White House and State Department, at least Jordan, is with us this morning and NBC News Capitol Hill correspondent in hosting way too early case. hunt so veteran. May have made him to it, but we'll die right in with the most powerful Republican in Congress. Finally, acknowledging who won the election, the Electoral College Hush spoke. I want to congratulate President Lula. Joe Biden also wanted gradually. The vice President elect our colleague from California Centre Harris all Americans can take pride in our nation. Has a female vice president elect for the very first time here we go. The president reacted to Mcconnell comments, tweeting, that too soon to give up well and that the working party must finally learn to fight, but any sort of fight is likely to come from the Senate. Mcconnell
actually issued a warning to Republicans on a conference. Call yesterday warning the carcass, not to abuse to the election results when they are certified by Congress on January sixth according to multiple sources. Mcconnell too, this colleagues that it would be a terrible vote for Republicans, who would have to go on the record voting, against the objection and thus voting against Trump told no one on the call pushed back on this request, however, The same cannot be said for the house. Where minority later cabin Mccarthy has still so far refused to acknowledge. Widens victory is all done little to stop some of its members who are planning to channel. The results which could Congress to have to vote on who they think actually won the election Willie times.
Its wild, since the idea there in the house is that they don't want to include they want to contest the battleground states electoral college votes do not include them in the count that idea in the house figure that one out Casey so obviously Macao said yesterday. He does not want to go along with that effect. He despatched senator fool around and said to his senators to his republican caucus, guys don't even think about going along with this house idea it's bad for us. It could be bad for us in Georgia. So what exactly walk through? If you can, what exactly Mckenna, was thinking in terms of timing. He congratulated violent December fifteenth after the rates have been call on November, the seventh he always waiting for this date and how does the Georgia race Fit into all this. so Willie? They had always telegraphed that this was a very important debate on the calendar. This was true in conversations that I had before the election even happened and obviously
watching the process play out, it's impossible to avoid. It now Mcconnell, is obviously extraordinarily careful and how he approaches Donald Trump. We have catalogues that at great length over the some of the last four years, but obviously they were in an increasingly difficult position and they did. They did have pick a line in the sand because now they are going to have to work again and we talked about the past. Dynamics are yesterday on the show that he wants. He wants to help run the government he wants to. he's the one that's gonna have the power after Donald Donald Trump leaves. So I think I think, though those are some of the ways in which that he was thinking about it. But you know this electoral One thing is pretty interesting because, again, in arcane process, and we should point out that has happened before people have gone to the house floor and try to raise concerns Joe Biden. In fact, when Trump was elected, as vice president action. Had to push back against some of that
it's never been a real threat and it takes the house and the Senate to actually cause a problem. or cause action to be taken. So that's why Connell's message to Republicans is so important because if any one of his senators decides they want to go along with what's happening, house than all of a sudden things, get much more difficult from a political perspective for conall and the fact that they felt the need to not just say this on the conference call, but then this was a very clear example of them wanting to let everybody knows know that they had said this on. The conference called we're here talking about it. It was written about widely that only and if they want us to know those things it says that they are concerned that somebody might do this sum senator might do this and it would cause a huge headache for Republicans So what about in the house? What does the end game here I mean so many.
them have committed to the idea to this fantasy that their election was full of fraud and that was stolen from president trumped. They signed on more hundred of them a hundred twenty six out, and I think the number was signed onto that Texas LAW suit so where they go with us. Are they just never going to recognise that Joe Biden is present of United States? They're gonna have to decide if they actually want to get anything done. I've been requires help from the other side of the iron they're. Gonna have to grapple with that. But you know really from a political perspective. Dave! This has become, I think, a rallying cry that is going to define these members going forward for, however Long Donald Trump is a force in the GEO P. Bates and Republicans in in the base are still extraordinarily loyal to him and these members, especially some of the newer ones. When you have this Georgia person has talked about you in on a conspiracy theories in the past,
you know. That's that's not something is going to change in a fundamental way in the house, the incentives simply out there so for somebody like Heaven, Mccarthy, if he wants to be speaker here, ensure that he gets those people on his side. So you know so long as trumpets of is a force, and this narrative is in the election was stolen from Donald Trump. I think you're going to continue to see them pushing that narrative the incentives are completely different for them. Then they are over on the sentence. I Willie let's stay in the Senate for just a second and Mitch, Mcconnell Jim Vendor high access has been taking a look at how much Mcconnell kind of stuff. You know tromp at his own game, really are still in the game and out lasted him usually muscle Trump out in terms of a who is the dominant force on Capitol Hill? I think
the case. He put it perfectly like there's just different incentives right now, but conall needs to run a senator. Has a lot of senators were up the reelection in two years. He wants to govern, needs to govern in the house, don't forget a lot of these members, most of the old timers. Lastly, there were defeated or they just left. How is it? You have a republican conference, in particular its dominated by people who have invented town that long and certainly work here during the era when there was compromise, if really well grown up, it's an era of competitiveness and most of them are Ciampi and write. A lot of them were blessed by Trump and get the sea because of trial. The party desperately wants to be speaker of the house believes that, given what happened usually in a bit from election of a new president's, a term that they couldn't win back thousand twenty twenty two and so he's gonna be the way he's been for a long time, which is whatever Donald Trump wants he's. Probably going to do in that? Yes, Mcconnell will be the dominant figure on Capital Hill, but is you They talked a lot about, and rightly so, you're gonna have
Company outside everyday doing the things that he's doing today. have as much power you'll have a look power- you see that it is, it is very- impressive. Yes, people of plate mischievous gains in the past this many mischievous gains to basically say that a president, a lax somebody won by a big marginal than electoral college in the popular vote is not actually the president. Alas, this is unprecedented that just shows the mesmerizing hole that trust continues to have, and probably will continue to have at least over House Republican. He might have power when he leaves office, but but, but I think everybody whose covered presidencies knows Jim Benda High, that, while what, when you walk out of that White House, the lights go out on a lotta level is a lot of people. You sought we're right there. There are gone or they are running as far away from you as possible. Things change dramatically
for in a previous administrations emanated mean its shocking. At times. We'll be shocking to Trump. He might be trying to develop a power base, but the question who will ultimately be with him, and what When will they get out of that? Does the choices some of those people are going to have to make and Le Maire I want to get to them. reporting that you have with your colleagues although some of that President trumpets considering pushing the Justice Department to appoint a special council to advance a federal tax investigation of President Elect Biden. Son Hunter. You report that the president actually consulted on the matter with White House, chief of staff, Mark meadows and White House Council paths, sip alone, that's according to several administration officials who spoke on can do. of anonymity. President was apparently angry. That outgoing, general Bill bar
didn't announce the two year: ongoing investigation into Hunter binds taxes for for the election. The fact that he did should tell you something so now he may be willing to forsake showdown with the incoming acting at tertiary, General Jeffrey rose, and to hamper the Biden Administration with an invite the of Hunter Turning to Jonathan Le Maire, reporting Trump is also interested in having a second special counsel. look into his own baseless claims of election fraud, rose and is expected to agree with either request. Raining from your report. Pro Trump is still Wang as options considering whether pressure rose and to make the special council appointment or, if needed, to replace the acting in general, with someone more likely to carry out his wishes, he's even his team of lawyers, including personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, oh boy, to look into it. The president has the power to appoint it
Special council himself DR and Le Maire. This is aspiration and the crust. We'll be, who will do so low as to actually followed this advice or request. So the backdrop maker, of course, is the president's frustration with I'm gonna, try general Bill bar overlap. Few weeks were bar still, In an interview with might by some of my colleagues is first remark say they have not found widespread voted for the president's baseless accuracy Friends were indeed baseless. That obviously did not sit well with the present and that he learned last week that there has been this investigation since twenty eighteen attacks investigation into Hunter Biden, the present the President Elect Son It includes a business dealings that he may have had in China and Ukraine income. Perhaps you didn't report there's a lot about that investigation. We dont know and bar Theo J Guidelines, because
was an election year and because it was a candidates, family member, he didn't publicize that he didn't try to fast track it. He followed what Paul had been established there. Now course. We have learned about the probe election day infuriated the president who, as you say, has been really flailing here for weeks. I was dealt another blow yesterday on which were Conall father recognised by President Elect and according to our he's steamed wrap this her for a few days. He a bar, of course, is now out he resigned, but for the present pushed him to do so. He wasn't unhappy to see him go now. I heard there's a newer to acting attorney general and the princess. Something his top allies, both inside and outside the White House, to see if he could. Indeed, if there could be a spell prosecutor, a special council appointed here who could enshrine this probe. Therefore, presently I wouldn't be able to survive cast aside. Would he takes office? And this, of course, is complicating binds pick for attorney general,
That is what cavity pussy is not selected. Yet when he does, that person will face questions about whether or not you know him person he or she would be the boss of his prosecutors, who would be potentially investigating Joe Biden? and so we are seeing here, there's not a clear sense that International Rosen, who is a matter of career person close to bar other sea people close to Hammett, suggested he would not likely willing to appoint a special prosecutor. That's the case trump, is at least considering ousting him and replacing them with someone who who would which of course would be, another in the eleventh Hour Visa Administration and get another destabilizing move from, This white yeah Jonathan, I mean the present clearly trying to come up the works a little with a month left on his way out the door we heard a minute ago, cayley machination continuing the false the fallacy in the fantasy that there is some sort of a past ability that this administration could continue into a second term. The islands
pretty small, though much what kind of walked away from President Trump has turned on the three Supreme Court justices that he nominated. What is any game here, is it just to continue to raise money? Is it to keep his profile opposite to show his base that he's fighting what eggs Where is he doing because he's still now is going after much Mcconnell? He still about voting machines and other conspiracy theories. What's the point of all this, within that press briefing press briefing after the press Secretary Willie and it was striking yet again she and her boss, who refuse to acknowledge the outcome of the election even than is now the most powerful Republican Capitol Hill, is willing to do so the presence and yet he is still told people that he believes there could be a last ditch effort here that indeed that certification in January, perhaps a senator, could break ranks with Mr Connell and back
the protest movement that may that is good, likely gonna come from the house. Well, that's a allies. The present say: maybe that's a ran Paul from guitar. Your time to remove the incoming centre for Alabama would be willing to do that other age or longer now Mcconnell edict yesterday, certainly so that can happen for present people around him. They start I too. What's next, yes Without raising money is part of this. They ve raised a ton since election day. They could to find the presents possible political future. We don't know whether or not he ll officially announced a candidacy for twenty twenty four we now in January twenty authors mixed signals from his inner circle about that, but at the very least, there's a wide held exportation he's got a fort. With that idea, tease did idea. Keepers relevancy keep his name in the headlines, which is what matters matters to him. So much and try to freeze the republican fields, keepers options open for a while that way he can make a decision at some point whether he follows through with that race in twenty twenty four. But this is clear as a final point here
try make things as difficult as possible for Joe Biden Anthea Interim, perhaps with this prosecutor probe, but also he's already planted such doubt about the legitimacy of binds election doing damage to that too, in the minds of tens of millions of Americans who have listened to this bay. These basis, conspiracy, now for weeks and making Zyobite job that much harder on the land. We started here one of the ways that their raising money for Donald Trump, with less than three weeks until those to Georgia Senate run offs that will determine all the Senate. The president needs money to help Republicans there. At least that's he's telling his supporters in his latest fundraising messages, but according to plan, let it go and others that money is not going to senators David, Purdue or Kelly Leffler. Instead, Stop that is going to a super pack for President TRAP You can see on this disclosure that seventy five percent of donations up to five thousand dollars go to save America. The president's new pack, twenty five percent
then goes to the hour and see political reports. Donors who give even more money can have their key directed into a Trump legal fund or other accounts benefiting the hour and but regardless of the amount given none. Of the money goes directly to the georgian Senate candidates top Republican, As you can imagine not happy about this. There weren't small donor donations are being reader get away from the run off as well the National Republic senatorial committee has reached out to the White House into the Irish to express its concern and a question The decision- that's according to two people, familiar the discussion, so at least the hustle continues in this time the victim is press trumps, own supporters, they're sending out a male saying. We desperately need this money so that we can elect these two senators reelect these two senators and run off and maintain control of the Senate and, as they put it, save him It turns out there just trying to save President trump
It's really sad that republican leaders are still being bullied by Donald Trump, even ass, he has lost his power. He's completely emasculated needs on the way out the door, and yes, Donald Trump is going to remain a cold light bigger with around twenty five percent of the country. I this power is dramatically diminished and the fact that they are still letting the Griff continue, and they still can't stop it. It shows just such weakness in this whole episode. I can't believe that we are having to discuss who won the election, that its even a thing, Let the Senate majority later so Oh hey, while looks like they looked like you now Biden wanted it such disrespect for a republican voters, that their leaders thing they are so stupid birthday.
actually are going to fall in line with this fantasy game. That Donald Trump is plain, hoping that the Santa Claus of elections is go, go into event What we all know is reality and that's the Joe Biden has the President elect what we got that point We understand everything thanks always present, like Joe Biden announced his pig for another cabinet posed yesterday. Selecting former mayor of South spend Indiana and form arrival in the twenty twenty demo are the primary PETE Buddha judge as nominee for Secretary of Trends, rotation and more We'll sources tell NBC News that bind to dominate for nominate former Michigan Governor Jennifer Grand Home to lead the debate men of energy governor. and home, has yet to publicly confirm the news sources. Also say that Biden is expected to nominate Gina
Mccarthy, as his domestic climate coordinator, Mccarthy, The former chief of environmental of the Environmental Protection Agency under pressure Obama. and alleys. I e an aid to New York. Governor Andrew Cuomo is expected to be binds pig for Deputy Whitehouse Climate Coordinator, able Hoboken mayor in Western Kansas has resigned after receiving threats over her support of a mask. Andy! This is bad. Dodge City, mayor, Joyce, worship announced her rights the nation in a letter to city officials in which she voiced their concerns over her, so Tuesday, after receiving threats via phone and email to thrive came after worship was quoted in the USA today, article on Friday, showing support for a mask mandate, saying what we just felt like. We had to do something. So everybody the wear of how import
it was for everybody to be responsible for each other's health and being, it is worth noting that the city Commission imposed a mask mandate exactly one month ago will follow and this story out of the state Department the raging pandemic secretaries. eight MIKE Bumpo and his wife continue do Whitehouse parties and their own parties. inviting more than nine hundred guests to an indoor holiday party at the State Department, Yesterday, though, only a fraction of those guests actually attended. The reception after public health officials warned that it. turn into a super spreader event. Accordingly, officials, who spoke to the Washington Post about seventy people, where did lay our s be paid, but even fewer than seventy showed up pump. was scheduled to speak at the event, but he report
cancel that at the last minute tapping another speaker this date to bar. did not respond to questions about why Bumpo speech was cancelled. Other questions might pertain to why he would hold super spreader events of major raging pandemic when top health officials are begging, the american citizens to not gather for MR, not gather for thanksgiving to stay home and trot and mitigate this virus until a vaccine is in full effect across the country. Man is this man, just to help himself what some sort of desperate need to run for president some day or be just doesn't care about their health other Americans. He keeps her. parties are going to party at the White House like it's important. To be seen, in some social setting, its some desperate need to keep going. As if nothing was going on with this pandemic, despite
over three hundred thousand people being dead, still. I had a morning Joe, the latest on the campaign to get Americans vaccinated against on a virus and questions about whether the state of Florida manipulated covert data to help Republicans. in the election will have new reporting, but first bilking friends, with a check on the approaching northeast or bill. they make it here. We gotta biggest winners storm in two years for the northeast, and it is already moving in we're seeing freezing rain and sleep in areas of North Carolina snow throughout the Ohio Valley, and it's gonna arrive quickly today in areas from the MID Atlantic up the northern nuances. Seventy million people impacted by this tormented he's winner, storm warnings, area
read will be hit the hardest. Here's the snow format that pink is eighteen inches of snow from Central Pennsylvania. The Hudson Valley to central new women also Southern knew it. I notice that sharp cut off south of Philadelphia down around Washington DC you wanna be off the roads by the ceilings. Let me give you the timing on this for Washington DC snow moves in this morning in nineteen eleven, A m, a wintery mixing, glaze weariness, and only about one, the two inches possibly rain later on the scene. It let's move up the coast, that's going to Philadelphia snowfall begins around ten, a m to nude since changes to sleep laid this afternoon, but you're gonna get about changes of snow likely three to six before that change over to the road to be very difficult. Around Philadelphia, as you're going throughout the afternoon today, right around sunset, especially and then up towards New York City. You want to be off the roads by about five p. Dot M snow will start lightly during the afternoon ITALY heavy from five p dot m to midnight. New York city
six into the snow on the ground by midnight. Tonight and then, finally, about eight to twelve total at a time the storm is over with and in Boston. Snow did all this evening for you heaviest early tomorrow morning about ten sixteen the snows, and this will be a blockbuster snowfall event. Play the winds won't be too high or we're going to see a lot of power outage is but a bee paralyzing to be on the right later on his happiness evening from Philip the all the way through Southern knew a lot more updates on the storm as we go through the day stay here and MSNBC and tomorrow morning, at this time, the Rockefeller Christmas tree will be covered Snow you're watching morning Joe will be right that we get support from grub are you know about grub? They d Delicious food right to your door. If you like me just a mention Grubhub makes your mouth water seriously. What's not love you, because growling you want some good and you don't even have to.
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Two sources tell NBC News that vice president, my pants is likely to receive the vaccine by the the weak, possibly on camera, though nothing been finalized president. Has said he is open to receiving the vaccine, though its unclear when, as for incoming president, and vice President Doktor Anthony found recommends. They take the vaccine as soon as possible. for security reasons. I really feel strongly that we should get vaccinated as soon as we possibly can, you want him fully protected as he enters into the presidency in January. Biden says, he will get the vaccination publicly when it is his turn, and you know who else says that really the sea Pfizer who doesn't want like jumped the line, it's kind of cool. No, I think that's a good example to say: let's talk more about this with the Presidency of University Hospital in Newark ME, Jersey, Doktor, Sharif alcohol that hassle
became the first in New Jersey yesterday to vaccinate healthcare workers Sure it's great to see this morning. Thinking for joining us tell us about that moment. Right there. That's my home state. It was a proud day for New Jersey who has suffered so much over the nine to ten months. Tell us about the moment. It was such an emotional moment. Her eyes were university hospital. Remember back the spring we had was three hundred patients and our hospital. Every bad essentially was filled with a patient will cover nineteen in euros like muddied, sat or walking two rooms every day afraid they already get a deadly disease. We can do you just save lives by doing CPR chest regressions, getting close to patients with this disease. and what she said to everybody yesterday. Wasn't she no longer has to be afraid and that is so inspiring and it really marks the beginning of the last chapter of this pandemic and also we need herds, be the representative to the community when we try to a case in just a few
it's time to get the general population vaccinated, because these are the folks are trusting in argument. As you said, that's Merida been equal she's, an emergency room nurse who has been on the front lines. That was just a great moment. You could see the tears in her eyes and her to the Heavens, to thank full, hopefully for the beginning of the end of this, as you say, communication and that example will be so important. There are many people in this country who are sceptical, What would you say to people considering the vaccine, but not sure they want to get it so early on first thing understands that there's a lot of understandable scepticism. This was a process that has is unprecedented We had people labs work on this vaccine less than a year ago, and now we have it available to folks new prioritization over the next six months, so explaining why the sides was still appropriate and rigorous it fast, but all so why the vaccines are working and what we need ultimately to get situation where at least
having the eighty percent of the population is vaccinated one thing we have to make clear is that getting Maxine does not excuse you wearing a mask, so distancing, avoiding indoor gatherings. All of the people Hence we need until we reach that critical threshold of the population, which again, is what why trust is so important to get books vaccinated, so I simply doktor about modern and their vaccine, which should be should be in use within a week or so depending on the approach process set out both states, municipalities, companies, know which one to use. How does that work? vaccines are rolling out according to the border at which the sea is evaluating them, Fifty eight is issuing an emergency use. Authorization iser happened to be first line because they were the earth to submit the results of the trial
so every healthcare facility is administering vaccines as they get them. The pies Rebecca, He is going in particular to places that can do all drug hold swords, the negative, seven degrees celsius storage. Our hospital has, one of them which the first to get it, but return is going. too many more sites. They don't have that keep ability and the rest we'll be allocated strategically across the country. There will be a point when folks can she make a choice right now, what he's getting vaccines as we get them How are you confident you will have enough dosage of this vaccine to meet the need and, as a follow up, and do you believe that healthy people in New York and around New Jersey will begin to get this shot. Doktor Frankie, I indicated What days ago here on MSNBC that could be as soon as late March or early April. The beginning of that process is that, in line with what you're saying
We have more than enough vaccine right now for healthcare workers. We had three thousand doses the lever to us, will more than compensate for the first, those as we are able to administer it had. The great thing is duration warp speed The shipments every week to hospitals, Linux and healthcare facilities across countries, so we're not actually worried about spike it's so much planning around logistics. The more likely bottleneck is going to be. option getting people, trust the vaccine and actually take it that time, is optimistic, but I think it's possible again. If the bottleneck he's trust and building trust with the community, including the hell, our community. Every healthcare leader in the country's name should be working on that right out, even with their own employees, but is there Happens then, certainly that timelines possible doktor surely found the whole presidency of University Hospital in Newark New Jersey. Thank you for your time. This morning and thank you for all. You and your staff have been
throughout. This were also grateful. A meagre debt, let's look at picture one more time of emergency room nurse. reed, said Ben equals it arise and when she gets the shot, looking skyward I mean this is a huge moment. New Jersey, New York. This area obviously were the first to be absent we ravaged by corona virus and now as down the hall, said a lot of people viewing this. Hopefully, as beginning of the end right there with that shot. absolutely. There is light, and it may be six months to a year off to really really get as to where we want them to pay, maybe never normal again but I think of our young people who really suffering for them. This has been so long and and obviously those who have lost jobs and their livelihoods and I feel that there is no end in sight to this. There actually is. There is, but there's a lot to do before we get there one other.
lying Willie pertaining to the virus? The? U S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the first at home, covered test that does not require, Prescription Americans. It will soon be able to buy the dust at a low store and get immediate, positive or negative results. It takes about five minutes to collect the sample, which gives results within fifteen minutes. Test maker says it will cost you about thirty dollars and well being mobile by January, coming up our next gas says, he's confident deal will be reached to uncover relief in the next twenty four hours. It goes Jack Sherman joins us for this latest reporting next on morning Joe morning, Jos, supported by Norton Life. Lock this holiday season will all be trying to stay connected with family and friends through our devices
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An idea worth making progress in racism were women in the right direction? I agree with the possibility of getting a done solar arising as soon as possible, it appears reality is setting in for Congress that time is quickly running out together. Corona virus relief deal done before fry. its deadline before congressional leaders met until about ten o clock last night and they seem to be optimistic that they can get a deal done join. This now senior writer at political and co, author of the Playbook Jake Sherman, he's an end NBC political contributor Jake? What what are they fighting about? What's? What's holding up this being being done yesterday.
should have been done weeks ago. Meagre has reared its head in the country needs it, there's a lot of expiring provisions that need to get renewed and- and this was always the endgame nancy- closing bitch Mercato, Chuck Shimmering cabin Mccarthy in a room negotiating out. The final piece is here now: here's the challenge. We are Today's Friday, from is the government funding deadline and all of the leaders want to attach a covert relief It is true that deal and fighting over there's a big disagreement over state and local funding liability protections. Businesses in schools and universities, and things like that. Those all have to get worked out that those are not difficult things to work out an end, those two clips, You played meagre so indicative of weird. Negotiations are, which is, they are all in a room and they find out, and they knew this beforehand. That
we do not actually that for our part, so I'm very bullish that in the next twenty four to thirty six hours, there will be some sort of compromise to Casey, as you were wearing earlier on way too early, they were meeting to about ten o clock last night I'll be up early again meeting today we discuss, this deadline of Friday. For a couple of weeks now, you and I ve been talking to show that None of these men and women want to go home and face their constituents and face the people and their states having not passed any legislation, especially with the better its expiring the day after Christmas, that's right, Willie and that's what makes it I think so confounding that we haven't able to see anything be done until now, because- it's not like
many of the other scenarios that Congress deals with where there is disagreement about whether to take a big action or not take the big action. Every one Republicans Democrats across the country knows the country desperately needs help that this is a relief. The package is not some sort of a stimulus or some other policy tool that that there's ideological disagreement over everybody knows that they absolutely have to get this done. specially right before the Christmas. Today's and I mean Jake One thing that you know I grasped trying to explain to people is why they waited until now? It's in many ways it's impossible to explain it, considering how just what a difficult time our country is in right now, but How do you see in? Why suddenly do we have this optimistic tone heading into these last final days of negotiation when they
we have done this months and months ago. What is it about the political environment? That's making it this way the question gazing at something that you and I, and our spouses and our children are fortunately, custom to which is that nothing in Washington gets done without a deadline. Nothing never ever end, We are today that of a deadline of fuel durations here I will say number one. This is why I am a little bit sceptical that it's gonna be eased to reach a covert deal in the first part of next year, because there are none of these deadlines that extending government funding from September. So I dont know what the shhh enforcing mechanism, is in the first quarter of next year, but what you said the soldier Gacy, like the universe of policies here, is not very wide and that's unusual for a convention
negotiation, everybody agrees on the things that need to get down. They just disagree on the size and scope and their actual now finding that the size and scope disagreements are actually not that wide or not that complicated. So again, it's a shame that Congress does this at the last minute. Every time for the last hundred years by here, we are the mere words the White House on this as the president taken any interest, is exerting any pressure on process here, as we come to the end, or is he just tweeting about dominions voting machines. will. He is largely just waiting about dominion, voting machines, yes, but he has certainly secretary minutiae has been their representative in these talks. We ass second press secretary helium. clarity about this yesterday she certainly signalled They support the trajectory, but do not committal she's sort of said well, we pushed like why hasn't the present been more. front on this in her answer, was simply that he has been born
behind the scenes, but not providing really any details as to what that is. Certainly we have seen a shift in time from the White House in recent weeks are looking to get some sort of of deal done here. This recognition, of course, how much and I want this and has also been There are a lot of second guessing there. Certainly too many people in the president's orbit who have wondered why they want more for this new beginning, why this? If a deal perhaps could have been passed as much as the realities as Casey engages laid out there so well about debt, have wash and works on deadlines, but if there had been some push pray Action for that have helped the president. Why wasn't he pushing for this too, could have bolster the economy perhaps and and generate some goodwill voters before the election, which could hit helped his chances. We don't know, though, what we're here for the president today. He actually has surprised and events on his public schedule but it made, as we know, those tend to go on and on and sometimes turn into almost dear leader event the events of the chief executive. For now, it's
this close pressed for the smart money would suggest Willie. That will change in that. We will get a look at the present at some point today and will put these questions to him too I get the feeling you ll be in there with the present at some point today, Jake Sherman, at the time of the weaker you bring us a new political morning, consult pole, and this week you guys looked at vaccines in the way the american people are thinking about. It here What about that? But I also want to about one other interesting nugget here, which ties into all of this. Everything we ve been talking Nay, I think, is especially important right now. Forty one percent of self described conservatives say it's harder to be a Republican then, before thirty nine percent heads easier than ever. So as we exit the trump era here, we are getting over a republican party. That is that is quite true.
sure it over its label and I think, as we get into next year and as we get into the future of this party and the future of governing under Joe Biden that something that Republicans are going to have to grapple with, especially from a political and and legislative context that people are not happy. Many people are not happy with what the party has begun about become under Donald Trump Rate, in its impact in incredibly important credibly, noteworthy that either self described. Conservatives of people who does who have voted for the President and who have identified being one of his arm. One of his people, and one of his voters. There are not happy with what the party has to come right, Jake, German. Thank you very much that saw politicos morning consult pulling Jake good to see you think so much meagre all right: had the president left New York City and turns out his neighbors and palm beach don't really want him there either. The wash
Post Carolina joins us with her new reporting on what's going on in and around Mara Logo Morning, it's coming right back. I it's MSNBC alley. Well, she you know these days, there's just so much news to wrap your head around its hard to know. What's most important, that's why we're updating msnbc dot com with a special feature on our homepage called MSNBC daily. It's a place where you'll find the same type of expert analysis, you're used to getting on tv, but now, with the new written perspective, section all neatly organised in one place, so you can go beyond the headlines and get a deeper understanding of the stories that matter most you'll find perspectives written by people uniquely qualified to write them people you're from
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Transcript generated on 2020-12-19.