« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 12/15/20


On Monday, the Electoral College made Joe Biden's win formal, the first coronavirus vaccinations began in the United States, and President Trump announced his AG Bill Barr would be stepping down before January. The panel recaps.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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See bowling branched icon for details wise like tiresome, I earned hundred and six electoral votes. see that two hundred and seventy Electra votes needed to secure victory hundred sexual lecter votes is the same number of electoral votes that Donald Trump Vice President receive when they wanted. Twenty sixty at the time present drug calls, elect electoral college tally a landslide. Why isn't standards these number? represents a clear, three then- and I respectfully suggest they do so now- every single avenue was made available present trumpet contested test results. Took full advantage of each and every one of those evidence present. Was denied no course of action we wanted to take? He took his case too. public and governance and Republicans state, as he criticised many republic, is-
legislature to Republic in Nepal judges at every level. Case decided after the Supreme Court's those rejection, a judge appointed by President Trump. Woe wrote quote this court is allowed. The plate of the changed make his case and is lost on the merits. The electoral college. Yesterday, cast the formal vote to make Joe Biden the next present and of the United States confirming the three Britain six vote victory he secured five weeks ago, and with that we finally got the recognition of Bygones win that we ve I've been waiting for us wait for it wait for it. This morning, the Kremlin announced that russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a message of congratulations President Elect Joe good morning and workers, while there are more than just like, what's left of confetti four hundred
So whatever this point, it is Tuesday December fifteenth along with Joe willing and me, we have chief White House course, and for the New York Times Peter Baker, and then we see news and Emerson busy contributor Shanna Thomas's with us, as we know, in all fairness. Well are you there still are quite a few hold out and the Republican Party who are actually behind Vladimir Putin, in recognising the job I'm going in and around the United States agreement along, we had quite you come out to yesterday, but still Mccarthy, the man who said famously that he, Dana Roar, Barker and Donald Trump Whereon, Vladimir Putin's payroll yeah. He actually allowed Vladimir Putin to get the word out first here scoring at home. Vladimir Putin beats Mitch mitzvah and Kevin Mccarthy and a long list of other Republicans to the pond to congratulating Joe by
as an ex president, elect extraordinary. There were still Republicans yesterday after the electoral College, made it official official official, saying well the in its path, certainly her narrowing to victory here, they're holding out there there hanging on their going along for the ride. This is over its over for a long time. The electoral college just made it official yesterday beggar. You wrote about it quite a day yesterday why that officially ended the election and actually gave hope to the end of it deadly deadly pandemic, he fell This kind of inch point yesterday right. These two big big events ends The year a year there's been pretty rough on a lot of American said we ve had it Of course said: the corona virus Racial Spry street violence, economic data occasion and the division of the rights of which we haven't really seen in generation, certainly not in combination so the year
a kind of had this amazing feel that there was at least you know, a path right. We can see the day that the vaccine we'll come along and be able to anybody, Anne and finally, to beat this disease. We can see the day January twentieth the new president there's no longer any content, adding any any dispute about that. Despite the refusal of the present day to agree to that nobody can make any rational cases anything other than a migration in store had acquired as either What kind of yellow gave yesterday this extraordinary split screen be all right? The images you D showed he will getting of shots and the images of the electors Estate Capel's around the country. Ah, you know ratifying the election results in November. And then shot soon after this, actual results were ratified.
The end of a bull bars shameful arm, as attorney general is announced, yeah I mean it. It does say something of Bill bar feels the need to resign or is fired, that's confusing, but he did really Sir resignation and letter before the end of president trumps term. On January, twenty Eightth at twelve at one p m eastern time that that Something is going on on top of billboard not being willing to go along with President Trump saying that the election was rigged, which, as we keep repeating it was, it does not appear to be read. It was not read the election was carried out by lots and lots of people who Joe Biden name checked in his speech who on state in city levels. Their job carried out democracy judge carried out democracy actually by even deigning, to begin to hear some of these complaints from president trumps lawyers this
stem while slow and messy worked Bill BAR chose to come out yesterday and President Trump to chose to let him come out yesterday and say hey I don't want to help you with this system anymore. This. The system into in some respects, worked So I do think it it's funny than he's going to step down right before press bite in his inaugurated. It is unusual for an attorney general to step down One thing that I found to be interesting about the electoral college yesterday was: I would can I looked at two thousand eight and President elect at the time Obama's transition records and the heat speech about his energy and environmental team, but didn't even mention the electoral college. It is We see how far we ve come and I'm gonna give president trompe one bit of kudos in that he has allowed us to really see how democracy works and play out and have this different, schoolhouse rock lesson in front of us, since we were
watching state capitals in the electoral college yesterday, so there is at least that but you know, if the maybe bar is doing the right thing for his own personal history, where well actually won. What happened was billboard out in writing a letter back against the wall and forced to write a letter, because Donald Trump obviously was going to fire him, but billboard ended up doing what other Republicans ended up telling when the wind they could. Undermine american democracy by their words when they could spread began to the latter a potent, could pay for when when could lie, out investigations that were conducted we would gladly lie, Mothers investigation and Miss state facts when he
chance to go and testify the Senate the House he would openly can part three still surprise No one ever wrought charges against him for that, but like those local republican officials when it came to signing his name on a legal document that would expose here legally years ago? You never did it bore, ended up, being just like tromp, just like all the Republicans in Washington DC, like the one hundred and six it signed on today. drain effects, twenty six, that they had no problem with passengers that undermined can democracy they just wouldn't sign their name on the dotted line in a way that would suppose them legally to undermining the United States of America South It's interesting bar leaves with with one of them
the most horrific records for any attorney general He was startled trumps Roy Count, get near the end of the election, there were some things that even he, even he wouldn't Willie yeah. That was his one sin right that the end a couple weeks ago, in an interview where he said the Justice Department has found no evidence of widespread fraud? Obviously that infuriated President Trump drew his ire. It's obviously preposterous that bill bar is going home to be with his family and can't return for the final two weeks of the administration, so he's leave because of that confrontation with the present, but, as you alluded to his letter, his resignation letter ten years, the narrative of victimhood for the president. Obviously there as part of the deal that he had to write this letter, underlining that he thinks president Tromp was the victim baseless accusations over the course of his term again, happy end to defend President Trump
ok. So this year's electoral college vote came with some concerns of violence against electors Arizona electors voted at an undisclosed location, while in Michigan the State House was closed. because a credible threats electors there had to be protected by police, you believe this as well both the set of California, with its fifty five electoral votes, put present liked Biden over the top Seventy vote threshold at about five zero is turn time. Bringing This tally. Two three o too Hawaii additives for electoral votes two hours later. By the alarming push to ignore the actual vote, count and state legislatures, appoint trump replacement electors. All vote were cast for the candidate who won them There were no faithless elector, sober zebra, let me bring you in here:
so the centre held hell. I don't know how many times this coming was quoted in in bad over the past as four years. But this professor of Governmental Dartmouth College Brendan. Nine I welcome so this and are held and we especially saw federal judges doing their job, We saw a local republican officials doing their job, and yet we saw that some people had to cast a vote Cereal vote in effect in hidden locations because of fear of violence. Where are we right now? You ve studied this so much over the past five years, so Where are we right now? As a country.
Well yesterday was good news that the process did end up completing in the way that we would help given and given the outcome- and I think you are right to point to the legal outcomes as reassuring judges across his country, regardless of which President appointed them reaffirmed Joe by Victoria, as the legitimate outcome At the same time, though, we see tens of millions of Americans who don't you How come as legitimate, we see a president, continuing to question legitimacy of that outcome, and we see two thirds of the members of the House of Representatives on the republican side, signing onto a baseless Texas lawsuit that you know, questions that the outcome of the election and, under those circumstances, It is worrisome whether future you know future elections? Will the outcomes will be respected in a way that we would hope this time we got through it? We pass the test, but barely
and we ve weep unfortunate, broken new ground in a way that people rejected that outcome, and I do find the very worst now when you some barely talk about talking about your your biggest concern. Where did we come closest to wear we come closest to watching real damage being done to this report. Institutions. We could certainly imagine if the election had been closer tat. This could have been more successful. come down to. One say with their seriously have been an alternate slate of electors put forward. If one If it comes down to one state could you know a handful of judges have, thrown. You know the election outcome. You know we saw a close vote in Wisconsin on whether set to hear the challenge there just afforded three boat. The margin here are smaller than than people might think, and you know it's important to reaffirm that, while them
Because it continues, democracy is in a binary concept. Part of them because he is assuming the peaceful. A transfer of power will continue to maintain that as an unquestioned, nor and wench almost two thirds of one party is challenging the outcome of an election basely that is is dangerous and worrisome to the stability of democracy going forward, you know, is it: does it become part of playbook after elections to question, whether they were legitimately decided, something we see after every election because, ultimately, cues from their reports when their leaders tell them this election wasn't legitimate, wasn't fairly decided. They listen right, attended. Millions of people have unfortunately been. Why do, but what happened? The selection. I think the ramifications of this are far from over, but it's also why we can't let a lot of the broken norms that we witnessed over the past four years. Go by
Joe Biden didn't neither. It was quite a speech he made last night where he rest, the issues and hand as well as to try to bring forward empathy and and sort of a stabilizing force as well take a lesson. Our democracy pushed just it through proved to be resilient. True Strong electoral college votes which occurred today effect the fact that even face of a public health crisis. Unlike anything, we experience in our lifetimes, the people voted when the extraordinary things we saw this year, was it every day, Americans friends and our neighbours, often, Volunteers Democrats Republic is independence, demonstrated absolute courage, I shouted deepen, unwavering faith in and a commitment to the law. They did their duty in the face of the planet.
And then I could not and would not give credence What they knew is not true. Selection was overseeing was overseen by them. It was honest. It was free and was fair. They saw with their own eyes and they We believe in the same anything different, we're all wish that our fellow Americans in these positions will all we show such courage and commitment to free and fair elections. It is my sincere hope. We never again. see anyone subjected to the kind of threats and abuse we saw in this election. It simply unconscionable. Seventeen republican attorney General then a hundred and twenty six republic among the members of the communist. Actually actually sign on or Lawson far by the State of Texas. a lawsuit, asked the United States Supreme Court to reject the
five vote. Counting Georgian Michigan Pennsylvania and Wisconsin This legal maneuver was an effort by elected officials and one group of states, I get the Supreme Court to wipe out. The votes are more than twenty million. There is another states, the presence of a candidate country, the electoral college lost the popular vote lost each and every one of the states whose vote they were trying to reverse. it's a position: Sarge Stream, we ve never seen before a position that refuse to respect the will of the people refuse respect the rule of law and refuse to honour our constitution. Thankfully a unanimous Supreme Court immediately and completely elected this effort, the court. Send a clear signal to president trouble that there would be no
Are we not impression the sole owner democracy better way, that day electoral college Day is not a day. We ve seen a president Elect make a speech like that before, because long since been conceded, but we actually, get used to really no one. That day was as as, as we heard, a little bit earlier in the show. So what is it? Sort of the vine inside the Biden transition right now, because he, the present has shown restraint for the most part over six weeks, but kind of rip a little bit yesterday. The idea he has not wanted to engage in tit for TAT day after day, exchange with the outgoing present, because for one thing it might seem to dignify it might seem to suggest that there is actually something there, and there are two sides to this debate and, as the course a clear there. Aren't you size that every single core, I think, except perhaps in one minor incidents as There was no there. There
in anything that the present his allies were bringing forward. As this, as the President Elect said, that will you not United States Supreme Court didn't even think it was worth issuing full opinions. I was so you know untenable. In their view, they dismissed it with a one page statements joined by all nine. justice. Is I think that that's that didn't it That was the conclusion that the buying can't wanna to leave out there not to not to engage sort of an extended election campaign, which side is he's going to be it did I think, the knee last night after this electoral college, but the ones broad duress. These issues to the Americans were wondering what was going on. This year is the view of it, which is that there is in there has been an attempt to overturn the will of the people. It has been rejected. The system has held in that sense and he wanted. To address that before moving on, I think from now I'm going to see him probably moving power, even very steady. She go in assembling his team, focusing on the corona virus, the vaccine.
distribution, no at the continuing he takes office and that's that's. The tone is planning to strike in the next day. Thirty, some days until his inauguration, China is its bit trusting that so much of what Donald Trump stun over the past four years he's done do his own detriment. and now, while their been obviously legitimate complaints about what he's been doing over the for weeks since the election, he is provided extraordinary cover to Joe Biden, instead of having one article after another, article from a group on the left or a group on the rider Republicans are Democrats attacking his choices for the cabmen? That's all the bottom of the page below the seven outrageous things at Donald Trump said or did the day before a court challenges might you start to see a sort of a more intense examination of
Biden in the coming month. Now that it seems that a lot of these election challenges are going to start receding. I mean I I think so because I think that especially the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, they had made their sort of annoyances about some of Joe Biden choices known, but to be, We still have an excited about another month of President Trump and I dont get any indication that at least his complaints about this are going to stop, and much as people one been media the media to stop talking about what the president is doing. I do think we are going to continue to talk about it for a couple of reasons. One president trumpet still the President, the United States until January twentieth too, Every move he makes, especially after this point now that the electoral colleges certified Joe Biden is President Elect
becomes another move to undermine democracy dont know how we don't cover that, and then we are also going to want to know how those hundred twenty plus Republicans, how they're going to act come the day Congress needs. Do then count the electoral college votes to be. January. So I think president tromp is going to continue to give Joe by color, when he actually has a built in story that could help no, I'm not totally sure how you could do this, but that could help his legacy in operation warp, speed and the fact that these people, vaccines and their arms yesterday to try to stem this pandemic to a certain extent, so I think there will be the inviting that we all expect there will be people who will be annoyed by President Biden, choice for attorney general, whoever he chooses but in the end, do you really think Donald Trump is going to stop talking about the fact that the election was stolen from them, because if he really
once to run and twenty twenty four. This is his way of continuing to hijack is party. still got a lot of other big news to cover this morning. Still I had on morning Joe the first corona virus vaccine in New Jersey, we'll be, this third this morning we'll go along without state for the very latest, plus the pressure is mounting on capital held for our current virus relief deal. And now a bipartisan group of lawmakers has released one, but two bills in Israel. Anything actually get past dear, morning Joe will be right back. morning, Joe is supported by Norton Life. Lock, this holiday season will all be trying to stay connected with family and friends through our devices, But you, but I've already started my blizzard of online shopping, but all that on activity can be more chances of exposing your personal information. In fact, sixty four percent of
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I know that everyone needs to do their part to put an to the pandemic, and this is just my small part. That is Sandra Lindsey in New York City nurse speaking yesterday after she became the first person in the United States to receive the corona virus vaccine, and this morning it is needed. These turned to get going joining us now is NBC correspondent, Antonia, Hilton she's live in New York. New Jersey were the first medical workers in that state are set to receive the vat. Seen today and good morning morning, That's exactly right! This is a big and historic day here in New Jersey, and this Hospital University Hospital is actually a pretty a special and symbolic site. So a handful of their health care. Frontline work, We are going to be vaccine this morning, then they're going to come out to this court yard. right here behind me- to talk to reporter. Like myself, but this hospital really represents the community,
It serves. This is a majority minority City Newark. It's been hit really hard. By this virus, a long history of crimination segregation here and the people who work in this house. All have not only served patients and seen suffering in the patient's they serve, but they have themselves. experienced it as some of them have Slav one some of them have themselves gotten sick or seen people they love, suffer and Is that duality there of them both being healthcare workers by residents of this historic city? And You know there's a flip side to that as well served that was taken here at this sight, found that only fifty percent of their Girls are feeling ready to take this vaccine, so There's gonna, be a couple. People coming out excited today, by the staff here over represented as people of color. There still feeling nervous about it, because you know even though they seem what this virus can do there still members of the community here in Newark, they suffer from same distrust that we ve been hearing about the last several days and so the
here have their work cut out for them in terms of building trust with the community, but the staff here to such an interesting part of this door. There are health care professionals who still sceptical themselves and MRS Antonia Hilton in New York, New Jersey, where they get those first vote, scenes later this morning, Antonia thanks so much Mika Aspirin backward serve government Dartmouth College Brendan nine, who has a new pays for the Atlantic on how to build, try to end. The vaccines- and you argue argue and in that to succeed in eliminating the population against covered nineteen. The United States must draw on the resources. It already has explained what you mean by that two important resources here. The first is that people overwhelmingly already vaccinate their kid, so America's actually much more pro vaccine and people realize you know what Ninety percent of us fully protect our kids when they enter school, gets a committee
What disease that used to ravage this country and that's how we ve gotten rid of so many diseases that where one so deadly that's one of the great public health achievements of of in human history, and we can build on that success here, as we try to turn the page against this pandemic. the other resources, is the network of trust that exist in our communities So it's going to be really important. We are rolling up, Maxine, dress, the distrust it exists. That was brilliantly highlighted in the report that was excellent, build on relationships of trust. So, to start with, folks were trusted by the public. and to use them as trusted messengers to convince people that the sack seek new, safe and effective. That starts with people like Anthony found she at the national level, but all starts with your health care provider. Your Charles Health CARE provider right to do that and healthcare providers. You have a relationship of trust with France in particular, and in those
disadvantaged music. It needs a power that distrust success. We need to find leaders in those communities who can most effectively advocate to other, folks in those communities and who can show themselves being vaccine like that that nurse in New York City, kinds of messages, I can be quite powerful and getting people the two you know get is vaccine out into the population? Work protect unprotected. Don't be a beggar. The White House, specifically Donald Trump, finds himself in a specific and in an interesting position when it comes to the pandemic, he and his supporters had marked and ridiculed Anthony fallacy scientists and doctors throughout this entire crisis. He started by calling it a many of the supporters continued to call it out. Midsummer. There was a huge Conspiracy theory, video play endemic that get millions of views on Facebook and influence. What tromp believers thought about
that not only the pandemic but the coming vaccine that this was all a conspiracy theory between Anthony algae and bill Gates if they threw in the Trilateral Commission and build a bergs or not. everybody was gonna get together and make billions of these. Only vaccines. Now it seems the wider changes everyday first, they are going to be the first in line to get it then Donald Trump said now, and then I started hearing reports that there are scrambling to get this vaccine, whereas president, where is the White House? Are we going to see a picture of Donald Trump? Are members of the White House getting the shot in their arms yards great question, we're in this odd position where, on the one hand, you there's a dynamic in which we say we need our leaders to show leadership by getting the shots themselves right to demonstrate. Trusted demonstrate bathed in this new Maxine. That's what you heard Burma
There's Obama, Bush Clinton, say they would do on camera. At the same time, you dont want and before politicians are worried about. Looking like they're trying to jump the line, they try to get something that the regular american public is not yet able to get rid of. This first batch, of course, is going to healthcare is frontline workers in and the elderly people who are living in some these residential homes have been so targeted by this virus. So you ve got it against what is impeding political? you know, dynamics here. How did the present states as you know, is, is demonstrate. personally himself, but White House. First, we're going to say yes, we're gonna go, go ahead and backs people in the White House that leadership for the continuity of government plan. That's that here the idea that we have to keep government going in however, to protect them and then You didn't like out. Look when my colleagues any Carney and Maggie remember word about it. You sleigh tweet out. No we're not gonna. Do this we're talking to the White House staff go first
at the moment. Actually, when asked I haven't heard, what's going on this point. They haven't gotten any clear direction themselves and what will happen for them in the same things happen on the hill right you, she senders, humor, saying I'll get them. Maxine as soon as is appropriate? Again, I don't want to jump the line you ll be good. I think, Americans to see their leaders getting the vaccine, displays President Ford it one thousand nine hundred and seventy six when he tried to demonstrate leadership when I think a President Bush same thing with the smallpox shot. He was having a military get during the Iraq war, Nobody wants to be accused. You know to give out something that bring Americans can get gap ip. Stand by, and our thanks to Dartmouth Professor Brenda nine for joining us this morning. It's time now to get to some other stories making headlines this morning, early in person voting for Georgia's too highly anticipated Senate run. Offs has officially kicked off pulling location. I've been yesterday around the state where roughly one point
million voters have already, requested absentee ballads and more than two hundred and Sixty thousand have already voted by mail. It is estimated that between point. Five and four million Georgians will vote in the January Fifth Run Offs President Elect no Biden, will travel to Georgia today to campaign poor candidates, John US, and I fail Warnock LAW information is emerging about Russia's hacking of? U S: federal agencies and private companies that parliament of Homeland Security and the State Department as well the National Institutes of Health joined the Treasury and commerce departments as targets of Russia's cyber espionage campaign. According to the Washington Post officials speaking Paper said that the list of federal agencies breached by russian hackers is now expected to grow in parts of the Pentagon. Also reportedly comprise
compromised by the hacking and Tony Award winning choreographer and actress and Rhine King has died. The Broadway legend was known for old style, dance merger, jazz and burlesque. She was featured in the revival of the Broadway Musical Chicago, along with Broadway rules, including sweet charity. Oh here in good time Charlie. She also co started the nineteen eighty to film version. The Annie ranking asked away while visit family over the weekend. In Seattle, the cause of death is unknown and lend Manuel Miranda STAR of Hamilton tweeted. This a singular talent has left us Ryan King was seventy one years old and coming up. New York Times, Jeremy Peters joins us with his new reporting inside
the right wing media bubble, where the myth of a Trump win lives on morning Joe, is coming right back. We get support from grab are, you know about grub? They d delicious food right to your door. If you like me just a mention grandpa makes your mouth water seriously. What's not love you because growling, you want some good and you don't even have to the house, one of my favorite things about rubber especially right now, is deliver safely with contact, free delivery or curves, I pick up no hand off required. They ve also got perks, always on deals. Free food and rewards on pizza tacos She and more so you always have options for all their piggy eaters in your house. Grub up, were three hundred thousand restaurants nationwide from local restaurants to national favorites,
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Rob workmen of Ohio, issued a clear statement, affirming the win riding in although I supported president from the electoral college vote today makes clear that Joe Biden is now the case. an intellect Senator Lindsey Gram of South Carolina, was more evasive, saying in part it's a very, very narrow path for the president. I don't see how it's there from here, given what the supreme Where did Andy that he had spoken to Biden and some others equally cabinet nominees centre, Joanie earns Tobias end quote like it or not. I know for Ireland's its disappointing. The process is what it is and the constitution will be followed after that means Biden. Has the President Elect earned, Sad it that's what the electoral colleges I'd today, a guy
and Senator John Barroso of Wyoming said he would quote respectively, out of the electoral college vote today, even if he was the running cell and busy NEWS, Capitol Hill, corresponding and a host of way too early crazy hunt, also those New York Times reporter chair. Peter is so. It looks like a lot of these members are at least heading at their other there, but they ve been saying to you and me and other people privately for some time, seems like the damn really broke yesterday. Three cheers for tomorrow see right. This was too obvious. I think for any of them too. Decide that they were going to continue to keep this up, and you know soon, I think my favorite quote, which was a message direct directed straight at President Trump. He said In the end. At some point, you have to face the music
That is something that all of us our day to day lives, have had to deal with figure out how to learn to live with those kinds of disappointments. It's a thing. They start teaching you in elementary school. We have clearly seen the president, very good at it. But republicans are finally at the point where there saying nope we gotta move. With this, and I mean Linsey Gram. Of course, he's talked to Joe Biden, of course, he's try to reach out to the people that he knows, you're gonna be in power. That's that nature of the beast They all know that the same power is shifting, and frankly, especially somebody like like Lindsey Gram who Joe I know, I know you know very well, he wants to be so the centre of Power- and he knows it's not gonna- be President Trump for much longer I've known him since one thousand nine hundred and ninety four- and I know that if Joe Biden invited him to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom on January 20th, They wouldn't grammars. Jeremy would bring as Germany's and is is Blanqui and he would be. There Jeremy, Peters, while
public and senators are facing the reality that waxy that they ve known of along there just saying it out loud that there are of course, Trump Pro tromp outwards that actually or becoming even a bit more. bizarre and their ramblings it, and then there was actually is split between news MAX and Other one yesterday were news max. seemed to recognise that, yes, Joe Biden was going to be the next president, you right now did, although I caviar that by pointing out that they did have the word President elect him, quotes a news max for most of the day, so it doesnt appeared at their quite taking it seriously as most other people, including those on animal health, and I think it really in this is money maker,
a lot of these media company. That's not just a moneymaker, it's an audience generator! It's a money maker for the Trump campaign because they send out email solicitations at the rate of what seems to be about one and one slash two. and they have legal bills and debt that they have to pay off. This is something that you see, I think across it ends are as a whole, where there is money to be made by getting people cited about. Unwinnable causes an that's frankly. What this entire process has been about? Setting the bar saying we can win this court case. We begin push. The state legislature turn to do so: being that they're just not going to do, and then, when those battles fail from and his eyes, move the goalposts and they say well, as we saw Stephen Miller, do yesterday, which I thought was really extraordinary, and never anybody who stating that the Republican Party is is gloomy.
Right there behind your by nor the way I would I would point to Stephen Millard Commons yesterday, and he said The only thing that matters only date on the calendar that matter is January twentieth Day but the a new regulation is stipulated in the constitution. So that's a long way from now, and I think there's gonna be a lot of complaining about evaluating and a lot of empty Rights of new law suits over the next several weeks I don't know if Stephen Miller thinks he's going to be able to put Joe Biden to a case. I keep a children into a cage, but it's going to be very badly for him if he doesn't his office as well as Donald Trump by twelve noon. On January you know Willie. This whole thing has been scammed. Donald Trump knows he's lost. His lawyers knew all along. I lost publicans on both sides of of of actual hill knew he lost its by using this terrain
a lot of money. Last summer's zelie raise over two hundred million dollars. You ve got the TV, cable jails were making a ton of money, thereby simply denying reality. That's what, and over the past four years you had conserved and publications that, whenever trappers and the second Tromp one the republican nomination they had. scribes or they had people is similar, podcast and suddenly All of these never tromp purse on talk radio We move publications on podcast. in the blogosphere on cable news. Suddenly had conversion. He went being this horrid human being the somebody that they are going to support, and they did because I have a cottage industry, they have pale, the tromp people. They can't pick em off. I you look tired time again, you had people saying again and the prime. harry what a horrid human being he was ever
Kelly macro mania. How do you say your name is what a horrible human being he was. They all did they all I'm gonna get elected, they fall. The power these media outlets followed the money you know people say you guys imported tromp, because of my now now we actually didn't we were against him and said it blatantly comparing too were back in December of twenty fifteen. And the closer he came to power, the more the more we pushed back, but these people These never tromp are suddenly loved tromp when it in power and import because there's subscription based depended on it. Their ratings depended on it. Their livelihoods depended on it, so they follow the tyrant over the cliff. They did
There's still make a lot of money off that victimhood. That has been at the Centre of Donald Trump story now for so many years. He is now the victim of the media. he's a victim of Democrats has become, the victim of courts has become Victim of state electors, doing their jobs across the country and, most recently, the victim of the three Supreme Court, just says he nominated and got confirm to the Supreme Court. He expected some kind of trends action from them didn't get it as those too. Motions were slap down quickly by the Supreme Court, so the narrative narrative of victimhood has to remain in place for the story. continue and for the money to keep falling and, as you said, Donald Trump is raising a ton of money. There are the text Messages and emails to his supporters to prove it. We need your support. We need thirty five dollars right now to continue to prosecute this case. money go somewhere else, so he's hustling his own voters to build up his own pocket book in the pocket book of the Republican Party. Speaking
C of the Republican Party in the leadership. Their Mitch Mcconnell is talk. About covert relief. Again, he's gonna haven't building today, you might even recognize Joe Biden as President Elect. I guess we'll have to wait and see about that. But let's talk about it, just nation in front of us. The clock is really taking its been taken for a couple of weeks now, but we're getting up against the holiday and a recess here for the people who have lost track of this process, which I suspect is most people watching right now: where are we and how likely are we to get some help to the people who so desperately needed. well well, we as of this morning, were in a better place than we have been. They are moving toward. What we think is be the broad outlines of a deal, but, of course, thing is final until everything is agreed to, and so what people are saying screen. Right now is the way they are trying to solve this political problem. They basically took out the two most controversial pieces that Democrats and
will contribute in this stand off over and they set them aside and a different bill, and they put together everything that Americans really need help. First, Businesses extension of unemployment that again is set to expire the day after Christmas and also money to distribute vaccines that stuff everyone based, we agreed on and so they're gonna take. and set it. Aside in a separate package, and I think the hope is that that's going is the way for this to move forward, and perhaps they can deal with some of those other more controversial questions later on. There is still a lot of time between now and Friday, when we have this made deadline, and we could see I think, some more ups and downs in this process, but I do think people at this. Can feel a little bit better about where things stand as they had into the hall. season. I think it's, it's so important to point out that people are trying to figure out what to do their separated from their families. They there are struggling to get by and to put food
their tables and in a fine something for the kids. For for Christmas, there were four Hanukkah which is going on right now, really tough time than I think that there is a recognition of that finally and some momentum, I'm getting this out the door and Willie to earlier point just very very quickly to the the money in your that Republicans are gathering that that President Trump is raising Republicans on the hill there pissed off, because they are taking that money and- and they are saying- oh, you gotta help us win these elections in Georgia to win the Senate majority. The trunk team is take, that money and doing things for themselves with it right. So swear? That's where we are, as as we are trying to get help for these people out out in my country, who are struggling that is what the president is doing with the money that people are sent from gonna drop, actually for His son himself and nobody else, he a shock
how important is it covered relief bill gets past soon. I mean it's incredibly important. We are people facing evictions, we have people, as Casey pointed out who are really having a hard time, putting food on their table lines of people waiting outside churches, as communities tried to gather enough food to feed their communities. This is incorrect. Important but the cynical part of me answers part of why it's important to Congress into the Senate, especially, is Georgia Senate run off. If you David Purdue. If you were coming poplar, who are currently senators in the United States Senate, do you to be running in that run off. If they,
Government is not sending unemployment checks or spending more money to your constituents. Georgians are literally their constituents right now, and so I lay I hate to be cynical about this, because there is so much pain in this country. There are so many people who have lost loved ones. There are so many people who have lost jobs, but part of the importance is the fact that we have election. Where these Senate majority hangs in the balance and you are. Basically, if, if it meant colonel doesn't get it together and get his caucus and the Democrats to pass some thing he is leaving his two republican senators out there with nothing to defend and no nothing to go to people and say look at what we ve done and you know this is this is not only important for people in human beings is also important for this election.
here bakery? Is there a chance of bi partisanship, just maybe breaking out? We have moderate senators on the democratic side and on the republic inside are coming together. Now you ve got a president coming any really likes making deals of course, the last six years of Rock Obama's term there. Lookin Congress and Brok. Obama could agree on any significant legislation to be passed, the light for years. Really we haven't seen more than one or two significant pieces by partisan legislation. Do you the new members that have come in the more Kelly's that he can losers. and you see a possibility of Bible some compromise in the next four years. Well, I wouldn't be popping the champagne corks on now and I think that the others will be a Senate either it is fifty. Fifty fifty one, forty nine fifty two forty eight. However, these Georgia run out, work is going very narrow majority,
For either sigh, whichever side ends up winning, doesn't there He put more meaning twice in the hands of the moderates. The moderates on both sides that, except there aren't you, after nearly as many as they used to be, but you know we said that before I think it come away, recognising that even the moderates end up. When push comes to shove, stay within the tribal. You know, dynamics of their party these days- and you know here we are in December- is extraordinary. There were still talking about cobler illegal matter in one since April, at both parts, agree. I that's the thing is remarkable right is not the one parties hey, we don't need it yet prices. We do hard to say that we needed both parties recognise that there are people out there offering a communist said, and yet it has been eight months, without a deal. This is the most basic dysfunction of why You did now will present by India will change that you'll have it.
don't use more inclined bipartisan deal baking, then his predecessor, but the dynamics kind of argue against. These data structure argues against compromise. Our ip Baker, Sean, Thomas Casey, Hunt and Jeremy beaters. Thank you all for your reporting this morning, and still democratic Senator Chris Murphy with the latest on negotiations for covert relief and talk negations aid for the incoming Biden administration. Her range Pierre will be our gas this morning morning,
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Transcript generated on 2020-12-19.