« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 11/28/23

2023-11-28 | 🔗

Israel and Hamas agree to extend pause in fighting

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Just how many americans are still being held hostage in. Do you have proof of what we think the number is much less than ten percent We in the neighbourhood of you know about eight to nine, but we don't necessarily have firm, solid information on each and every one of them. Now, the security council spokesman, John Kirby, with an update on the number of american hostages still being held by hamas following the release of a four year old girl, the humanitarian pause in Gaza, remains in effect this morning, we'll have the light two on when more hostages could be freed. Also ahead, an update on the college students of palestinian descent who were shot in point in vermont will hear from the mother of one of the victims, plus
as if a re match of twenty twenty wasn't bad enough. Donald trump is bringing back a top issue from his sixteen campaign. It's a pledge on which he now delivered, will explain what that and- and I mean it's unpopular too- when you deliver he's going is, is once again going day promised something it's extremely unpopular with people, but we're talking about and others a wall street journal led talking about israel and Hamas extend the truce. Today's new york, I'm sleeve. The saying I talking how Israel a modest agree, to extend, pause and often make you know, you said something yesterday that really really struck a chord with me and I think, with a lot of people who are watching when you said you know what for people make age an issue, your damn right, it is an issue and work
through this process of negotiating with some very difficult very dangerous. In some cases. Very terrible people and the press This is still moving forward because Joe by He knows all the players. I mean this is the big stage. The world stage and with everything at stake on two separate fronts, war is ukraine in israel literally pudding, thing on the line for the rest of the world for global security. What I wanna get a man who's got loose today, student and as forty or fifty is out there. What I someone with forty fifty years. Experience on the world stage. That includes decades of winds and losses, police clay and geopolitically, and I can't think of something else. I'd want to. the name of well, meaning that a better. At this point, more money- Or mind that can attack these poor,
lumps and address them with all the different levels of emotion that to come to the moment and and he does it were an anders a third door that carol moral standing in front of willie, and that is not a guy with a fifty years of experience, who is extraordinary in diplomacy, are a forty year old straight I stood, and I never knew any of thousand. Neither did meagre by the third or the voters can choose from guy who's, dislike authors, rock or who try to overthrow the united states government, who said he's going to terminate the constant, of the united states and his vice president deserved hanging said he wanted to execute the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and confused does not know what decade he's and thinks he's running against Barack obama. Methinks tat we may soon stumble into world war.
we want even get into the leaders that that confused by use running turkey whose run hungary. It's all very very confusing to it by now, but These are the days these the days where actually. Experiences extraordinarily important and after a bit discounted by voters for far too long and look what we ve guy and railway network, what we ve got and for over the past twenty years, it's good to have somebody in the white house, who knows what he's doing and knows the players on the world stage and can protect at least some sense of com equally standing with israeli people, while privately pushing Benjamin Netanyahu and the way his prey securing the war, richard houses, with its love. Some thoughts on that in just a moment, but to your point, more hostages to be released today. Now that Hamas and Israel have agreed to extend the two,
very truce qatar officials who, in mediating the talks announced yesterday, both sides have agreed to extend the pause and fight for an additional two days. The original pause was set to expire today Biden really statement welcoming the new extension. He said he remains deeply engaged in the deal to ensure contained to deliver results, adding he will quote not stop until all of the hostile held by Hamas. Terrorists are released and quote he's really Government has not officially commented on this new extension, but it had offered to continue the pause and fighting if a mosque This is an additional ten hostages. A day late last and officials announced they have received. The names of those expected to be freed today has also ass for more humanitarian aid to enter gaza, joining us now live from TEL Aviv, NBC news, chief foreign correspondent, richard richard a good morning us more about how this new ports is new stanchion came to
the play and what the deal looks like in these prisoner exchanges for hostages. So we were expecting that today. The the israeli bombing campaign against Hamas in Gaza would resume that is Israel said would happen. It said so. This. Temporary pause was over then, mission to eliminate hamas from the Gaza strip would begin in earnest, but in the eleventh hour, as they were just a few hours remaining for this? This is this temporary truce, qatar and and Egypt announced that there had been an extension and then Hamas also accept that There had been this exact extension under the same terms, which means that for every one hostage that is released, there will be three
city in prisoners released from israeli jails, so we're expecting to see ten, perhaps more than ten released today by Hamas and then another ten tomorrow. What happens after that is is an open question. Will Israel, it's bombing campaign, or will there be yet another extension? Israel says that if Hamas stops winning over the hostages. It will immediately go back to its military campaign, but there is a note of caution that hurry and other arab advisors are- are- are sounding. They are saying that it is not just Hamas that is holding hostages. There are dozens of other hostages being held by other militant groups in inside Gaza, so they are appealing for more time. They are saying that what has been established now, he should be built upon that this should develop into a more sustainable truce to allow Hamas, which is the still the local government there, to try and
get a better handle of the situation understand where these hostages are Israel's concerned, that Hamas is just playing for time and wants to keep the pressure on so we think we know what might happen for the next forty eight hours with this deal extending and that its sitting of completely open question. After that, Sir Richard. What do we know about the hostages that have been returned to Israel? There were three year old twins among the eleven yesterday and we're see. Young children were seen older people also release and then, on the other side, what kind of prison these are being sent back into Gaza. What kind of criminals are they in? Why were they may held in Israel? So there's up? so far from Gaza. It has been just women and children, women and children that Hamas said from the very beginning. It was willing to to change for I've just give up or exchange for females and
teeth and minors held in israeli jails. These are real generally speaking, the easy hostages, it will be much more complicated once we get into the the idea of exchange men or young women which considers soldiers. Some of them are actually soldiers were serving were captured in uniform. Others are just of The terry aged men and women who are most considers soldiers because they could be drafted into the reserves, are called up for duty at almost any time that will be far more complicated because Hamas, will ask for more senior level militants, while ass four key players that are in the end is ellie jails and will ask for far greater numbers, and it could ask for all israeli troops. I leave the the Gaza strip. For example, we don't know exactly what hamas is going to ask for, but the price will certainly be be higher in terms of the the people that Israel has been relief release
generally, they ve been very low level of these have been not people who Militant leaders by any any stretch of the imagination they were people who are held for quite minor offences. Some of them have only been in to be for a short amount of time, and there has been I'm frustration among ordinary palace. The un's who think that Israel has been rounding up, people well using new laws using new incitement laws. Here there are new laws that have just been passed, that if you tweet something online supporting a gaza or that that is interpreted as supporting hamas, that that you could be quite quickly arrest, so Israel at this stage is just releasing low level. People, including some that have just quite quite recently, been in detail, NBC news. She foreign correspondent, richard angle in TEL Aviv again for us today, richard thanks so much. We always appreciated so Joe
behind all this. Obviously, the qatari government is working to mediate this, but president Biden is right. There is he indicated in his statement Buying some more time is just forty eight hours, but the first goal, as he has said, and pray. Mr Netanyahu, that is getting these hostages out of gaza, freeing them from Hamas and then once that is done the EU. Now Israel can continue prosecuted, swore to uproot and get rid Hamas. But for now good news that at least some hostages are being released. God knows very good news on that fraud and the front page led story written by Peter baker, It is right and it was present Biden that that they get this done Presidents urging Peter baker rights. The two sides agreed on monday to extend the temporary pause in the war between Israel and Hamas to days to allow the release of an additional twenty hostages according to cutter
that gives all sides more breathing space, but only postponed summers, critical question by another forty eight hours, namely what happens whenever the negotiating pause eventually, spires and richard house we all salute the present it's extraordinary diplomat, ec skills and and the team that he has working throughout the region, and He has provided more breathing space. What I'm hearing from from The mass and leaders in the region is that that they are very, very what to do deals with the israelis moving forward? They want to be able to do that, they are very concerned. That of Israel goes right back to mass. Lombard, meant the end and what we saw before the cease fire. That is, in this sad middle peace back for required
some time and in these arab neighbours who want to be allies with Israel, since abrahams accord process started just I'm gonna have the breathing space to do that. So why does by the administration why, after this next week our truce ends will show what we think we anguish, from the by the administration is two things. Is almost done. say: there's been a shift in emphasis, and I say: let's get the hostages out. First, prosecute the war against Hamas. Second, that's the by the administration is coming from. Quite clearly is also, as I think, the israeli public is not one israeli government has, but the israeli government is forced to agree with the buy them ministration and the israeli public. At some point book, I mean this is all the hostages won't be either there won't be an accounting. Hamas will want to keep some. Some of these other groups may keep some and then the quest
the resumption of military operations come up, and that's the other big emphasis of president Biden and the secretary of state less whether Israel resumed the military action than how you're, going to say, is increasing pressure not to go back to the mast of aerial bombardments. There was a power for peace in the new york times about two days ago, which essentially made the case that this is unprecedented. This amount of large scale environment against civilian populations, closing this amount of civilian casualties, even if some of the numbers coming out of Gaza inflated the numbers are still are still terrific and on an unprecedented. So I think you'll see More pressure that is real need, to go and small more patiently, not to attack were its inevitable. You would cause a large amount of all of us civilian casualties in some ways embraced. of policies that a lot of sense, oh forces units in this country's would argue with the lessons of iraq and Afghanistan.
Be patient, be small, be targeted, doping, Are you don't going big from the air? what made it supplies is exactly right. It's your lessons of Iraq, of afghan, stan and of syria. Now talking about from two thousand and three to two thousand six. Seven when we had met the numbers of troops there, but why We ve been able to do and pushing ice, is pushing back terror groups, pushing back, a rainy and terrorist groups moving across the region. You are so right, a much smaller footprint, a more nimble footprint and for your opportunities, and I think that obviously is it is what the region jobs and again, by the reason, I'm talking about arab allies, of israel's, who want much more to have a future with Israel than they do with the palestinians as just a reality, but
on a personal. Now, just as personal note morning, Joe we're very relieved here, I think the new State authorities are going to be backing off of us, the child labour laws that we had been violating sound time. I am Jonathan lonely here today is raised birthday. He is of age and when I would put it that way, but he they sub age. Today, legal working age in a morning, John studios. So congratulations sounded as we are all on europe, one as it. Your eighteenth birthday birthday finally evaded already long enough, and we can start on the open now the attorney general has been busy with other matters at the. Thank you. Yes, thank you guys you. It is by its very much much much appreciated Joe. Let me time in on this wretched little news on this developments to richard point about what the? U s, looking to get out of from this Israel right now
director, william burns just arrived at in cut in qatar, to engage in talks with their prime minister as well as the head of my side, who has won a baby, then yeah those top advisers to talk about a bigger deal, to try to broker a bigger deal for war hostages try to extend this pause in the fighting to yawn The next two days, coincide with secular state blinking, also heading back to the region later this week as well, so that this the white ass, it is now really publicly signalling to what had been privately communicating. Recent is is that they want the focus to be cheaper to to keep the fighting down. I get more hostages out, and we heard yesterday from John kirby, the white ass podium, acknowledging that I'm not sure how many americans are still left. They think it's seven or eight they dont. Conditions they don't know their whereabouts truthfully. They don't even know well, how many of them are still alive. So this is really a focused right now. To try to get to keep the fighting down to get more people out
moving parts and a lot of news news to cover still so up next in just one minute. We're gonna take a quick break. The suspect accused of shooting three college students of palestinian descent in vermont on Saturday pleads not guilty to charges, have attempted murder we'll have the latest on the investigation. When morning Joe returns and sixty seconds of jobless For me, the news is so much more than a headline. You didn't forms spires and it still matters recovery. You have to begin, it will take you to the front lines of a store. Works actually have with NBC news journalists on the ground from all over the world. We cover what you need to know and bring your news feed to live in prime time and streaming live. It's your news. Playlist join me for top scored weeknights at seven eastern on NBC news now get the best of MSNBC at all in one place every day. The MSNBC daily newsletter.
morning in your inbox. You'll find expert analysis. Video highlight of your favorite shoves running for real web assent as we actually get you a postcard from the american people, previews from our pod casts and documentaries, as well as written perspectives from the news makers themselves, understood enough for MSNBC daily at msnbc dhaka, theirs. Factors gunman in burlington vermont the shooting there that injured three palestinian- u s, college students pleaded not guilty to three counts of attempted Second degree. Murder. Yesterday, forty nine year old, jason, eaten was ordered to be held without bay according to a probable cause affidavit when law enforcement came to eaton's door, to execute a search foreign. On sunday he told agents quote I've been waiting for you, police searched eaten apartment and found a hand gun at around of distinctive bread, tipped ammunition, the same type as some
and at the scene of the shooting this kind As we learn more about the three victims, the group of friends were on a walk speaking in arabic and wearing traditional palestinian scarves. When the shooter opened fire one victims, their tells NBC news that her son, never walk again, but she remains helpful for hoping that his strength of car and his determination will mean that he will pardon and- and we gain strengthened what is a very, very strong young man, and I really believe in his abilities to make a difference in his health, No, it is. It is just so so absolutely disgraceful willie that of these three young men, these three college students set, are walking around burlington vermont coming together from my belief, brown and have referred and trade. The college,
and there they are coming together to celebrate thanksgiving walking down the street and they come up and get shot, we're still awaiting the fbi and any conclusions on whether to crime or not, but it certainly It certainly seems again for what we know occasions are that that is a likelihood, but regardless what an absolute tragedy I mean it the appalling, when you see the these three guys like we were unknown coming out from college, grew up together back home, go into, and uncles house talk go to a movie over the weekend. They went bowling the other night just three three by he's from their their home town and they were apparently, according to police, wearing distinctive clothing, so you know that they haven't it's a hate crime yet, but it doesn't sound of big leap to stand up what likely happened here that a man whose
casings in his apartment match those found on the scene. He said I ve been waiting for you to suggest. He knew exactly why the police were there to talk to talk to him and It's got wrenching and it brings to mind the heinous stabbing death of a six year old palestinian american boy in illinois just over a month ago. These are hate crimes, sense and disgusted. We are rightly reminded us of the rise and anti semitism since the attacks of October but then we also or all too aware of the fact that sixty percent of hate crimes and america are targeted. Against Jews, despite the fact that only make up about to two and a half per cent of our population. At this times obviously muslim americans deserve, deserve our arm. Our focus,
and our attention and our protection and our love and our care, because well I mean it at least, and my eyes are not muslim americans, their americans somebody's knotted, jewish american, an american and these people, who are going around trying to separate them out from from the rest of us there, the on american ones, they're the ones that should be to it than that that should be condemned and in the harshest terms, I prayers again with with all three of those young man, richard haass. I want to talk really quickly about bill burns, a guy I am we'll burn shows up in russia are built shows up in doha. Here the negotiations are about to begin to talk about the importance. Bill burns going to Doha and and beginning these negotiations with the head of the sod
Also, the head of doha. A bed of cutter interesting I work with bill for for decades, very unassuming, very low key, but probably the most experienced diplomat. We have he's in there. The cia role, but what's interesting, is the admin straighten is using them as a third principle, alongside the secretary of state in the nationals secured adviser spill player, local role with russia, he was ambassador, knows Putin, probably better than any american official ambassador to Jordan earlier career knows a lot of officials in the throughout middle east and west, also seeing things like hostage type negotiations. The fact that he's there had of my shod it's less through diplomatic channels, the way the israelis and the americans doc. This is often through intelligence channels, with their arab count march and with greater and that's the way you reach Hamas at all, with with with goby things
so bill is taken a role that far beyond providing intelligence, analysis and support to the present. Become the third principle on the fire. policy national security front. I would think if there's a second might administration, he could vary to be in line for something like the state department, given What is already doing now I just wanted jonathan on beer, what we're talking about the hostage negotiations and and and talking a pause in fighting. I want to draw attention because this is certainly the they too not only in Israel, but also an attitude shared by out of u S, law makers and- and that is the wall street journal led editorial bay. clean, saying the united states provides aids to Israel, but at the same time we can't put conditions on how they fight a war again, terrorists.
There is going to be again that that rob again coming very soon because again the israelis who endure and what they endured on october, the seventh will obviously take u s guidance, but at some point, if we stand in the way, our our suggests, we're gonna stand in the way of them, destroying a mice, I think this relationships gonna go sideways fast yeah, and there are few tension points here. First ball in washington, there is come on, send democratic senators about putting condition on the military assistance on the aid to Israel, which is not unusual, would do that for most other countries. There's been some thought we wouldn't this time around. Now Bernie sanders a few fewest. All Democrats are saying that we should its unclear what Jordan shimmer were president Biden, thinks about that, but that some of the world here in the states and then, of course, had been flashpoints. Drought in the present has made clear that we're not as the EU astronaut gonna tell israel how to conduct its work, but they certainly have
vited some thoughts and some guidance. Israel has accepted some, not others, but to your point, you're right Israel will make its own judgments and this what worries a little bit about the western, because they are not sure, the most trustworthy partner and prime minister Netanyahu as we discuss in the show quite a bit that relationship between Biden, Netanyahu is is law is certainly spans decades, but has been quite fraught and the white house doesn't believe. Netanyahu is their long term that at some point they can see the holes in Israel. They believe that now moved out their preparing for that, even if it still months from now- and they were slightly. Not you might do then yeah whom I do to continue his power exactly ass. He did a lot, all this coming up. One of our next guest says the stakes have twenty twenty four are too important to spend time obsessing over every snapshot of the electorate that There is Molly John fastball join us with her argument, against quote treating poles as actual news events mornings.
it's coming right back the chief whitehouse corresponded christian wellgood joins me now from across the nation. The number one issue for you to the national states and I welcome them to the final twenty twenty presidential debate were included. Results were killed still too closed. and what power was helped with his abuse of power and impeachable kristen welker. At the moment now she joins meet the press as it's new moderator. If it's sunday, it's meet the press some days b c,
I this is already melbourne, we're living through an unprecedented moment in history for president trump facing criminal indictments and trials in an MSNBC, podcast, busking, Donald trump bedroom prosecutors, Andrew Weissmann and Mary mccord break down the charges. What we could see at these trials search for prosecute donald trump, wherever you get your podcasts it's hard to say our alive. Look at the white house ass. The sun still has yet to come up over washington d c. The binding administration says it plans to hit back after donald trump over the weekend, again threatened to repeal obama. on social media on saturday, the twenty twenty four republican front, runner rhoeteum. He quote seriously looking at alternatives to the affordable care act. If you in the next year's presidential suite the heat he thinks it just passed last week because he stuck if he thinks it's night. Yet he thinks it's really hysterical
looking at that time has its advantages for environmentalists and two hundred and fifty dollars a million dollar civil. Soon I got it he's got the time for that. Of course, trunk vowed to get got obama care before he was even elected. First time, but once answered the oval office. He failed to follow through and never even presented an alternative healthcare plan, regardless the binding straight says it plans to seize on this latest threat in television ads and elsewhere. No tactics is out of the question that campaign eyes or tells NBC news adding to fell present trumps plan as part of a pro deeply historically unpopular. agenda, on which republicans are running and republicans, I've never had an alternative to care will have our never never, never. Never it's pretty remarkable. I mean the debate was in two thousand and nine. I think they passed two thousand ten and
everyone's battling, meaning from s wedding republicans. For a decade they talked about. repeal and replace the never once think about this too. If you want to talk about a pause, It is an all bankrupt. They never had an alternative to the affordable care act. Here- we go again never had alternative never put one out there, that the party gap behind and that's just the opposite. When and then tina. These. There is a debate about the Clinton's and and the health care and they Hillary Clinton, was a champion of of of universal health care. Republicans came out there about five, six, plans, if they were debating Democrats had their own alternatives. There was actually, a real debate. Jonathan We are one of the bigger problems right now for donald trump is again. You know you say
boxer past his prime. He thinks he's running against Barack Obama and he thinks we may add a world war, two sound sally. I don't. I can't figure out whether isn t eleven are nineteen forty wine this summer of forty one but he's Talking about repealing the vote, well care act again. I think yeah. It is is aids need x Y, don't worry! Twenty twenty three, to get into twenty twenty four, because foundation and took him by the most recent poland. I've seen that says something like fifty five fifty Ex percent of american support the affordable care act, those who oppose it and the low forty scissahs. This is becoming strangely popular law on the books and once again Donald trump going back, in time with his way back machine picking,
side on yet another issue, yet roots remember, I did try to repeal obamacare in twenty seventeen when the Republicans controlled the house, the senate, there was the effort that was defeated by John, cain and others Mccain's famous thumbs down the senate floor defeated that for in the one trump has never really revisit but even then, for they were trying to take away mama care. They never had a replacement plan, it would all weathers coming in two weeks in two weeks, in two weeks that was the birth of that that sort of meme that trump everything will be free. Now in two weeks was this health care plan, and we are now not just two weeks but we're six years later and he still hasn't come up with any sort of alternative and to your point, the policy so this have changed it, and this is living in the past or living in an echo chamber. Just the hyper. whether its on portions fox news or other we can serve commentators who still want to destroy obama because the word obama's in It- and I think that's a political winner for
based on that basis. Small most voters want you, people barometer, at least good portions of it, because it is help their lives, and this is an issue to bide whitehouse. Let's just say they have seized upon and the buying campaign, twenty four hours has organised number of calls we're here from Nancy Pelosi later today on this issue as a binding campaign, surrogate joe, they feel This is another issue along with abortion, along with trumps Dangerous rhetoric where they can stretch democracy would they can paint trump and republicans as extreme and out of step when anne and willie I just looking right now at a history affordable care act and again donald trump, because is usually about a decade behind. When he gets on stage, then it's late begins confuse is actually about a bomb a bomb. stammering around like that talking about starting world war, two and start talking about irwin running turkey are are r r.
here too one does run turkey talking about or bond. In turkey. Turkey urge one running hungary, it gets all very can, as he remarked signs of stuff, hezbollah, smart president. She brilliant kim jong own love letters, it's all very confusing for donald trump a sort of in this does this, I dont know actually Are you so confused about everything? But you you look the history and you you actually see that over the past of years, or so the approval writings for the affordable care act have gone up. Forty eight percent in two and ten choose sixty two percent and twenty twenty three. This is again so very popular law. It very popular and is John alluded to republican
It's owned washington from january of two thousand and seventeen to january of two thousand and nineteen. If they actually meant that they were going to repeal and replace obamacare, they had plenty of time to do it. It also raises the question, Joe of why he keeps leaning into these issues that are harmful to him and his chances to become presently united states, we can talk about obamacare bomb, a care before it will character. Popular is Saying again, and again I am the man single handedly who got rid of rovers is weighed the issue of, orson, obviously not a good one for him. They seeks real can also leading into the fire did. He tried to overturn the government in twenty twenty talking about how he's gonna, fuck the january six writers, and he still believes he one that was not popular during the mid term last year was popular again, this fall, so he keeps going to play. is that, as John said, Joe Biden in their campaign is very happy for him to go its brain or conversation, our good friend him
embassy covered contributor might barnacle and special corresponded vanity. Fair hosted. A fast politics, podcast molly john, ass the monarchy, a both somalia. We can get into your new peace and how it fits in to all of this, which is that the whether its abortion or a care or january six, these issues that Joe Biden is very happy to have raised by is likely opponent, donald trump and the twenty twenty four campaign here. I mean so my my thesis is basically that and it we can go back to two thousand sixteen and talk about that. We spend so What time covering the stakes of a Hillary Clinton presidency right? Ninety percent, seventy eight percent. Ninety nine percent trump has no path right. There. Didn't spend enough time covering the we covered that the odds of this Hillary Clinton presidency. We didn't spend enough time covering the stakes of a donald trump. President say- and I think
that's what poles do they shift the narrative. Anyway. That's not necessarily so helpful and they drive a lot of new cycles and I've seen that their message- and I am not even talking about the accuracy of poles- I'm telling the more as just sort of the wrong engine for a lot of reporting as it is, and it is a complete obsession. And we around the table and mourning Joe ended this summer and fall of of two thousand. Sixteen would say that donald still had an outside chance of winning, and they hatred and the anger either, When we were being critical and saying we didn't expect in wanting to when I made the
sessions on the poles and these meters, like ninety eight, my wheat, four percent and ninety nine points that those those needles, the ones that went to auburn. Having a ninety nine point, nine percent chance abundantly arose in there One way to do it. For thirty one circuit by society, that obsession and then I remember my barnacle as we get down the home stretch of poles, I river singapore that show Joe Biden ahead by thirteen points, wisconsin and I just tweeted out at that moment, I dont believe of the poles and sure enough they were, They a lot of these state poles, especially the upper MID west way off, and then you have this insanity and biscuits to I of molly's pace
election night several weeks ago, he had a real mess? it. Can voters gal to real voting births and we're gonna. Have though we all data from a real election for networks to go over and another work, we want name, decide, did that on that night? They were the drop a pall at sea, and pay when the vibrating birds, clubs, and they got to actually reported on real numbers, and why did the polish Joe Joe bone it's terrible. Finally, all of these Paul's that are like you, you read headline? It goes the war knows ever for Joe Biden and I'm thinking. Oh my god, he was right,
is bike in delaware in a calm dropped on em, crushing ended, doesn't death the link and I look at it and they call me at free paul's, where the present The united states is with the margin of error. Crazy dangerous man who has isn't even really in the front people's minds right now, I'm like I just sit there think we'll wait. A second network had we'll human beings to talk about buttons, dealing with voters they wanted to talk about a pole. would push their narrative but how bad Joe Biden was doing when, in fact, voters in virginia, oh hi, oh dear kentucky, overwhelmingly affirmed just how well the Democrats we're doing swimming against the tide. Will you
the interesting thing about poles right now and it's the only interesting thing is that it's like taking a picture of a sunset Paul, there's gonna be another sunset. Tomorrow change and nobody's paying attention really other than people like us to have it's your election year away the interesting aspect of it, action, I would submit, is We have one political party, the republican party- soon the interested seemingly from top to bottom in march in this country, backward them their principal interest in taking things away from people. Things that people have grown used to living with. but I can add, includes mike they may. They have already taken away. A constant national right they prepared, as women had for fifty years now they want to take away health care.
And tease that americans have had four rounds in years correct and that what weight in this We have a reconvening of the house committee on weapons zation of government and what that will mean is they'll go through a list of things again. The people of Gaza, used to living with that people like benefits that people like and they'll, be looking to cut back on those benefits reduce those of its sometimes eliminate. Those benefits is the time in our history when I've had a major political party you used to be a major political party. Now it's crazy political party, the republican party seriously interested again in marching this country backward. and molly. As you point out in your piece, we don't have to go back very far to show that the panic about poles was on did you go back a couple of weeks to some of these special elections that we saw. Gubernatorial actions are just go back a year ago to mid term is where there was talk on the
on election night, I'm coming red, These are obviously that didn't happen the issue of abortion would end democracy to things that again we'll be on the ballot next year and bought those things poured fairly point I remember right before that election people saying what, by doing going out there in talking about democracy, people aren't interested in that. So I would say Think barnacles earlier point: it pulls are shadows, not substance right. This is this Daniel born steen idea from the sixties that you you yet these are? These are not their pseudo events. There, not organic of and so you should treat them as another data point. I mean I'm not saying to ignore all poles, I'm just saying that they should drive coverage the way they often do. That's. What's your sense of helpful in policy might play a year from now. Obviously the war in Israel is of mind particular out of young voters who say they don't like necessarily the way that they Joe Biden, is
handling this and the relationship with Israel. Obviously, ukraine is still there They usually said it form. Policy, isn't decided a domestic election, but what's your sense of work may play, the sheer think is an enormous gap between the impact, the farm policy. Would on the election and the impact the electorate will have on foreign policy where far far greater consequences of this election. If it is present, abide versus present trump would be enormous, then Different forty yard lines you ve got president Biden on a forty year line. You got donald trump and an end so fundamentally different approaches. I think in terms of the election. I think it right now probably heard the present and a little bit. His focus on fire I'll see what I for forty one when he was president americans, often don't like a president being focused on fire, I'll think even if few successful that's what happened to george herbert walker bush. I think also this problems a little bit in the democratic base. So one of the reasons I think the white house would love to see things calm in the middle east is the point
I can. I help calm them and then you could put oliver's energies and be seen to be putting all of his energies on the humphrey it would be good for president. Obviously, eventually will either have of it. com in the middle east. A peace deal done eventually between russia and Ukraine is we're getting reports of the new york times said, mothers are now begin the protest against the longer nepal hence the rising debts russian soldiers of their signs of their husbands, and would be good news that the problem with foreign policy, it seems often, is that if you're doing it right. You can have as a politician and as a president, the common complaint that the cia has, which is whenever get pray as for the bombs that don't go off nobody reports about that, those that do Obviously, have a massive impact. Well,
Afghanistan's a great example of of if something goes wrong? A president, for that if all of these things that Joe Biden is doing right now we're going right. Well that's usually discounted by voters, but make no mistake of it if you want working around the clock starts. being a regional war from beginning in the middle east side being a world war from expanding of bringing in IRAN and china and all those consider a enemies it would have age, a major, significant impact on the economy on the american. but when he s on the election next year and remit, Have you seen if a young voter will stay away from the polls or will change his or her vote going into the polls eleven months from now based on policy? So we will see molly's new piece online now for vanity, fair titled. Let's stop treating polls his actual news. Events amen, molly, John fast thanks, so much and richer hoss. Thank you is welcome to see him still ad.
we had new images of the four year old american israeli abigail, even after her released by what's next hour, we will speak with her great aunt and cousin her ordeal in captivity as the well I truce. Now it's fifty plus presidential candidate chris stay joins the conversation discussing his recent trip to Israel and much more more jobs coming right back Fifty three past our former president. Jimmy corridor is expected to attend a tribute service today for his late life, roseland carter add Glenn level church in georgia. He will be joined by press,
Joe Biden and the first lady, as well as vice president kamala Harris and the second gentlemen. Former president bill Clinton former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton and all of the surviving former first. Ladies, and former first lady roseland card or died at her home in planes georgia. Last week, her cat, get arrived at the carter presidential centre atlanta to lie in repose yesterday and her funeral will be tomorrow at the baptist church and play georgia whether Carter's worshipped MSNBC, will have live coverage of the tribute today. And on capital, hale republican congressmen. George Santos may soon be kicked out of congress. How speaker My johnson weight in ahead of a potential expulsion vote this week, I have spoken to enlargement. Santos.
over the holiday and talking about these options, but will have to see its not not yet determined. We would be talking about that. We give up tomorrow, changes spawned into johnson's comments posting on social media, that the talks were positive and he would stand for his expulsion, instead of resigning centre as maintained. He did nothing wrong. Have you everyone to provide an s NBC with your opinion about their tv programmes, newsletters, podcast and more now sure chance when you join the MSNBC insights. Community you'll get pier, attic online surveys about MSNBC these it NBC pc, dotcom, slash insights, to join the community. Today.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-30.