« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 11/17/23

2023-11-17 | 🔗

Israeli troops continue to search Gaza’s main hospital

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The long awaited ethics report on said came out today. Investigators found what they called substantial evidence: criminal wrong doing, and it therefore claims, among other things those used campaign funds on personal items like safari cause medics trips to it, dick city, and even only fans turns out. They don't sell fans at all the name of this. It is very misleading, but republican congressmen. George santos, providing an awful lot of material for the late night shows will go through a very damning ethics report. That was just the tip of the iceberg, bear from Jimmy kimmel and showed the risks. And from the new york lawmaker who says he taken around will see if he can talk, but that in just a minute also ahead by the way from the Middle EAST. Israel says it has more evidence. Hamas is operating out of the house
in Gaza becomes as the idea for covered the body of a hostage near that facility, and we will reach happen, other diplomatic day on the west coast for present binding where he with the leaders of south korea and Japan can mourn welcome to morning Joe it's Friday november. Seventeenth. What does this mean? we have a host of weight to early whitehouse bureau chief had politico jonathan le maire. U s special correspond ever bbc news, caddy K, former chair at the republican national committee. Michael steel the managing editor and washington bureau chief for the new york times Elizabeth abuse so, let's dive right in this morning. Israeli troops continue to search Gaza's main hospital for more its Hamas is operating out of the building. Yesterday, israeli rarely defence forces release this video, but they say is a operational tunnel shaft. They also say they have them Hamas weapons there. Nbc news cannot independently verify. claims, but we have been able to verify
the location shown in the video is just outside of the hospital building. Israel says there had been no casualties since its raid began on Wednesday. The hospital had shut down over the weekend due to a lack of fuel and supplies still hunter. Patients are inside and need medical care. The fuel shortage also cause internet and phone services to collapse across the Gaza strip, the breakdown of communications network, which is crucial for coordinating and deliveries we'll keep the united nations from getting aid into that territory today, Joe the idea, says the israeli government now evidence that Hamas is working out of that hospital and We say it would be great if Hamas will you some of its fuel, it has reserves of it to keep that hospital running right about a front page new york times talking that israel coming through the Gaza hospital for evidence, hamas using that hospital the times find it
Messiah has our our international editor of phil, pan and art some beer, chief, Patrick kinsley. What went on a tour of the hospital with the idea forces with them at the whole tat the whole time they said they saw a shaft dark shack that seem to believing underground, but you couldn't. the israeli forces didn't want to go into it for fear of the booby traps and fill phil and Patrick reported that, couldn't it seemed to go underground, but they couldn't go into it, so they could completely in a verify the claims that road that these tunnels that we also know from our sources from the administration officials from intelligence gathering that they say yes, there are tunnels underneath that hospital, the administration says these are our our own. Intelligence sources, not israelis right you! This is where the fight goes now. This is where the battle goes, where you're going to have israeli troops eventually having the lower themselves into shafts, try
to figure out how to work through the tunnel that works it only to seek out Hamas, but obviously the look for the hostages. He I mean there are people in this world whose job it is to study warfare in tunnel. specifically there. Academics who study this and be useful. I've spoken to a couple of them, but its incredibly there. gold. What these rallies I'll think you do, partly because of one elizabeth said that these a booby trapped, so The hostages may be in there as well, and so there is a risk to the hostages. But potentially this is an easy feet. We are, I think we have had the perception over the last few years that the israeli military- and these The intelligence services were almost invincible. They had this reputation for being so powerful and so all knowing and the events moreover, the seventh reveal certainly for the intelligence, was not invincible and now Israeli military is going to be tested in a way that it is very difficult for
military, miss puts person against person, and israeli military forces have not been training very density over the last few years in urban combat they haven't been doing simulations of tunnel raids in big nam. For a lowest really exists. It is extremely difficult. Is it not? Easy is an extraordinary. This is me, this is what do you It states learn, to do over twenty years, leading up to mosul now where we had the guide warfare. Now Street by street billing by building room by rumours, extraordinarily difficult, but again his caddy said area israelis are used to know how to do this. What's this, met me was so busy taking the flies go down this road. Court in the rule of law stop, focusing on their main enemy. They stopped focusing in every way and other stuff focusing on
an enemy in Gaza. Instead was obsessing over allowing streamers, to settle in the west bank in every single way. They have left the israeli people vulnerable and it's not like. We started hearing this on october eighth, I started hearing from people in Israel throughout the year that the that the secular secular israelis who had been the best bone of defending the nation pushed out- and I was extremists, religious extremists, who really didn't give a damn about things like the military or are none of. I think I think show that the points that both you and carry raised speak to me. idea that You have a situation where the politics over overwhelms the process and the information, and that because
the way in which things are dictated an end up? arms are determined, and so you lose lose sight of of the mission, because you are concerned about the politics you just reference. You know what Netanyahu's going through domestically. Meanwhile, You have a policy, Cheese does not want to engage on the two step: two state solution: it takes out the table so There is no intelligence gathering with respect to okay. So what happens? What's gonna hat we take that up. The table, and you have concentration with all their was desired. Samuel, I let you say it's not to excite his to take off the table Israel is there because of us, is not right on tables. Here's that haley's he's the one who put Israel in this place I have end and we are the ones that are going to keep is real. Fighting going too continue to support them. We have every right to tell
Netanyahu and anybody else. if you want our support for one hour, continued support. You gonna take care. Otherwise, if egg, but do you goin, a buying ways in time is stored and to say a sage told them to to protect palestinians on the words it s now, Joe. On talk about what, before now before, but before we got an owl over two hours. Of course, denied an annual review of israeli policy was not to engage in all right now. I know I'm does not entirely I'm telling about now. Now now it's it's. I don't know how much the israelis in Netanyahu actually listening to the bad administration. I blame day the administration was very hard to delay the invasion made somewhat, but that the israelis are not taking all these ties, the? U s is giving might all, and so and now the? U s is stuck with, but we're seeing is pulling back and saying. Well, they have the right to defend themselves at a moral obligation to defend themselves, but we had they have got to. They have got to watch
for civilian casualties, and now we have eleven thousand allison instead in Gaza. We believe that is the right word stir. Brazil has it. That is, that health ministry numbers. So we don't know almah slumber, yes, but even last night, Phoebe Netanyahu on merit, in tv was pressed on whether he would still support a two state solution that would support a two state solution, given everything that's happened and give them the going on right now in gaza, and he would not would not really you're just not getting standing in the way of only thing that could lead to some sort of silver lining out of this horror, Imagine a worse face. Israel right now than baby that me, whose everybody that sees him on the screen, except those working in his Understand willie, that every step he tags is is a move. Preserve himself politically. Everyone knows he's the guy that lead is real down here.
The guy that allowed october's seventh happen here, the guy for years with so was so focused on undermining the rule of law and israel that he actually compromise forces there. So who says that who says that some guy in Washington dc that the israeli say the israeli say and imagine how horrible it is across the rest of the world that the question is what Does he leave israel to have a new start. So everything they do is now the through the through a lens of suspicion and pulling simple it's? What you just said, which is that Israel is our united without question because they came under attack, not october over, but they're, not united around maybe later their united around their their nation and jobs. In the mere to the question of the president, but he can do here, he does have
some levers to pull. He does have some weight to four round here because of the united states support of Israel. So what is your sense right now of the balancing act? He's there calling for more than a month now, which is unequivocal, public support and private press prime minister Netanyahu on the way he's prosecuting the war and on the way he's behaving in the west bank, and that was the last place from the beginning. The present bind would hug none close right started this trip to Israel, but also to create that's is for him to tried and push if needed in those pushes have picked up in pace. He doesn't look like he's enjoying that hard. Now you can see the australia like seriously. Do I have to do there as my god? Okay, it is always careful. It's always carefully said that these two men have known each other for a long time. then added that they ve liked each other. A long time has not been a big fan of premise that aim for quite quite some decades.
But this was that was not the hug like when Harry met in baghdad picture. That was either the hug at the end when Harry met sally, are you get mail that as Tom hanks and meg ryan the casablanca and then when Harry met sally at the airport that movie choice here, as we go into the christmas season? We're talking about the middle EAST? Next we're going to tackle the second most controversial question of our time, and that is whether love actually is the greatest movie ever or just pure, unadulterated sap. So, let's get back to love, actually fan, but go at let's out I'll. Take the other side of that. But let's take let's: let's skip a bit later, but let's get back or maybe no later view Jonathan. Thank you. Sudden rateable go ahead, go ahead so back to the thank god
let's get back to work, but in the middle EAST. Yes, We ve heard of the administration still unequivocal, probably Israel has a right to defend itself, but their worries behind the scenes have really grown in the frustration that yahoo as well, and we ve been reporting for weeks now. The white, as is already planning applauding for considering a post baby. Israel? They see the poll numbers they see how there he is. The opposition leader has come out this week, com for Netanyahu to step aside, there's no expectation, that's gonna happen immediately there's a sense. He will be allowed to steer this, first phase of the war, but as civilian casualties. Mount you're right we can't take. Hamas is Hamas. Numbers precisely but there is a sense from neutral observers as well. Those numbers are high that they understand. This is difficult situation for the: u s: yo, to keep fully back in Israel. every phase of the war there hoping to slow down.
They are hoping. This will remain a targeted search, but there's some frustration. The deal there that temporary paused to let the hostages out, which was similarly close. A few days ago now now Joe seems further apart riding in there's some independent there, some independent numbers that that our clothes thanks to the numbers said Elizabeth. You re talking about giving the united nations has taken a guess, added united states governments taken a guess at it, and there are saying it's in two thousand: there don't know exactly, but it gets back their bad turbary buried. I disturbing the are very bad valid disturbing, and am I he's getting back to the to the two state solution on the other, This belief during the abraham accords- and I thought it was ethical at the time that Israel could make peace whether you I e Israel could make peace with
with the saudis jaska Israel can make peace with bar razor. Israel could make peace with everybody and just pretend Palestinians were fair and we said at the time it sighed gear, you think you can work, or I say this to people in the trumpet ministration. You think it can work around the palestinians. Therein going anywhere: and it underlined two things one. The israelis, worse, cynical and we're doing everything they could tell ignore the palestinians plight and this, and thing. Is it's not really reported as much just how much so much the palestinians, neighbours just detest them- have you use forum ever had any useful for a very long time. Don't want him in their country and are willing to act. Really team up there, the sunni arab nations team up with israel,
and at the expense of the palestinians, and now this is blown up for the entire region and now they're paying in Jordan. They're, paying and egypt they're paying and saudi arabia again for not Tackling this issue head on and on saying is when we Yet through this first phase, however long the next month or so and that means whose moves aside the united states just has to say. Yes, we support your right defend yourself to destroy Hamas, but we also are going demand. The other That is not going to be easy to do now, but at some point, got to move to a two state solution and take care chaos that's going on in the west, but I think you're right about that. I think, in the end, when you are so we're talking in a post netanyahu, israel we're going to have emerged,
Presumably, as was reported, you know, the opposition is already beginning to position. The israeli people want that change. You're gonna have a momentum on energy behind that of the work in the left by the. U s: well, They necessarily as difficult as well as it as it otherwise would be, which is a good thing for? U S, policy, but more to the point where you are making the pot, the powers in the region will have a greater incentive, in the end, on the heels of all of this now to get behind that two state solution in a way that they before october? Seventh, they were. Inclined to do for their own particular reason. That is the one thing they stand to come out of. This people hope that there's a baseline case. This is the only viable solution or out of this mess is a two state solution and in a way where this is discuss philip further over the past month that this is the this is One thing that will come out of this disaster is that this
the only way forward, and it can people will say that in the Middle east, a known interestingly at times had a really interesting viewed with hamas leaders a week or so ago, just done, basically were feeling so so isolated in the region and they believe they lost this attack is kind of a last resort because they felt completely abandoned by all everybody else and realized. This was the last thing they could do. New american politics is moving this way too many interesting for the even before the october, the sub gallup poll, the first time earlier this year that amongst demo, There was more sympathy for palestinians and there was for israel since they attack sixty percent of people. Are thirdly, in this country, say that america shouldn't be many israel in the way that it at the moment and that that's a shift can place an american politics that I think, if you had a too state solution that was actually viable with a leader in Israel that actually see
to be doing something for palestinians not just constantly against them? That could actually have american held the white house to as this pressure building in this country. For that, too, you know why you like osama bin laden with the towers, fell Hamas actually has been victims of catastrophic success. as the saying goes and they they they. They left Israel. Its allies. Even of nations with no were Turning to move away from them. towards future solution, and let me four sunni arab nations. They can no longer cynically ignore the palestine It's flight and they're gonna have to go together in the region, along with Israel, the united states and everybody else to move the two state solution might be held. Full of israel stop the illegal settlements. because every illegal settlement they this sat up at this point, make seed, your process that much uglier down the road and they ve been doing that for years now,
when we come back to follow up on yesterday's conversation about how I don't know why, but The old party just loves to hate the united states of america. it used to be. Would raise flags would sing proud to be americans ago, america greatest caution, oral hell, yeah now donald. constantly trashing, the united states of america concept, We trashing the military constant he trashing our law enforcement officers in the andean community, and we got a speaker It says the united states is the prey sort of asylum and gomorrah. that Jesus is common for us How do you rule a country that youth so little love, but I regret that. We return on this happy? Sadly, white house. Corresponded christian wellgood joins me now from across the nation.
The number one issue for you to the national states, and I welcome them to the final twenty twenty presidential debate were included. Results were killed still too closed. and what power was helped with his abuse of power and impeachable kristen welker. At the moment now she joins meet the press as it's new moderator. If it's sunday, it's meet the press some days, b the one on Tom yarmouth from top story on NBC news now, every night top story is your news. Playlist. We take you to the front the story. Words actually happening with envy. Jordan, journalists on the ground from all over the world recover what you need to know. bring your news me to life and now Tom stories available as a podcast. So you can listen anytime and anywhere subscribed. Now for new episodes every week
beautiful picture, the united states capitol six twenty one in the morning, the son just starting to think about coming up on a friday morning, a new report by rolling stone, looks into how speaker might Johnson's views on american culture, which he calls quote dark and depraved in an october prayer call just last month with the world prayer network weeks before he became speaker of the house johnson talked about erica facing a civilization moment The only question is: is god going to allow our nation to enter a time of judgment for our collective sense, which is mercy and grace back for some time, or is it give us one more chance to store the foundations returned here too well do without words, because it is so flesh is another trust in the the seven. Everything is so great here that we discussed
have to bring people to their knees. Look, I believe, god is about, do something here. The answer the question is any more about the issue of this convention. judgment for america. Well, not at all perhaps an appreciable acquire on is the zoom collar, maybe the honoured bar- and we know that the terrible stated that were em the fact that our institutions is lower than in the history of our nation, the that, Then the culture is so darkened and depraved that it almost seems you redeemable at this point. We were all church attendance in america drop below fifty percent, the first time in our history, since they began the measures that the data two years ago and that do number of people who do not believe in absolute truth is now above the majority for the first time, so one in three entreating girls contemplated suicide last year. One in four high school students identifies is something other than streets.
the culture where to begin their Joe there's so much america sharing deem of it's dark and depraved just to let's lift ourselves out of the sub taxi went on to say really. What he's talking about here is that we have gay people in a manner he said one in four high school Students say that they are something there than straight, is the way he put it. So he's very worried about that, but also I just had to say Joe. He said the faith in our institutions and doubt about absolute truth. This is the man who helped to leave the attempted coup against the united states government and overturn the twenty twenty election he's very worried about faith in institutions willie he ran I can tell you now that jimmy swagger and then go to your motel room and certainly faxing around
conspiratorial documents eighties. It is the hypocrisy I then there's so much hypocrisy to go back to whether its german tammy, they baker, weather Jimmy swaggered there's so much hypocrisy. You go to hear about a guy again trying to undermine our institutions the guy please try you lad in the house of representatives the attempt to undermine the united states constitution an again presidential election and an attempt to basically and american democracy and thence. Suddenly Suddenly there is great profit is jeremiah of our times. When quietly silent is me, rushed the people's house where he was and battered and abused police officers with america, flags, dinners,
ogres sailors, moraines and airman talk into bed over two hundred years to defend his country, the hypocrisy, the hypocrisy. in the words of I think, was homer simpson when somebody accidently through communion wider and his eyes it burns burns, there's so much hypocrisy here. That's part one parties too, as I did go back to the question? I am just random serious way. republicans hate america, so much I many van jellicoe. I believe whether people think it's crazy or not I believe you know what the gospel saying but the sermon the says I believe in Jesus where our centres were all fallen right, but the optimistic about america's future, because I see the good people
I see the good in this country is interesting. He's is like trying to dig stetz statistics about. I don't know queen shows or something What I see is that not so long ago, th, pregnancy, all time low in america and something that we we heard about the euro, the southern, discharge, growing up, shut poverty, The mass children like a fish Sixty year low beg our how are you doing well a lot of things going in the right direction, but- I gotta say: if he's worried about pews emptying out talk to young people, and so many will tell you in russell- moors- talked about this with christianity today their emptying out because they don't, to go to a charge, we're preachers, worship, donald trump, instead of Jesus Christ, so he represents.
De the fullness of the emergence of the the christian nationalism that these america's through a very different gospel. then, the one that the man they profess to follow. Jesus preached in fact, reported a few about a month or so ago, where you have now even jellicoe thinking that what we- I have followed the teachers are Jesus, because the two woke frame What about Jesus becomes woke for guys I can and weak woke me, and don junior and other people around tromp said the whole, about? Turning the other cheek, Two. We have two way that doesnt work and he saw it banned the bible in some districts and text that they see when you start banning the bible and things like that, when you start when you start,
imagining the teachings of christ in your image or in the image of donald trionel tromp. You have a problem the speaker from war, I'm sitting. It is Harkin's me back to the concerns that people had about catholics in this country for a long, long time giving them close to power in they. Well, you know with their pay tendencies which would be running automates the government? What's this? What? What is this I would say that the speaker, could you before you open your mouth the next time. Could you go and read what the founder said about religion number one in this country as it were forming, but never to go, we their stories and unjust. What kind of men they were. They weren't the kind of christians that you think they were that you make them out to be many, they were ds somewhere atheists and yet they could.
This thing that you are now trying to re. Imagine in a way that even they tried very to avoid and so I think it to your point- about the peace and the churches. The fact is no one, whether you are thirty years old or ninety years old, want to hear that from a the police, were you know, that's my next question for you. What is it? What percentage of the of americans is financed appeal to mean a large percentage of their a working party now about a third problem, certainly going to revenge a little, but it, but it turns out, does it mean, the sentence that she'll get majority, see, that's that's it turns off, and this is why they do losing elections rattles their focused on their third of their party. Therefore, percent of their party, which makes up about percent of the electorate around random, I just ran a campaign based on the idea that of americans we're up in arms about exactly the kind of thing that the speaker has just been speaking about and where
he even in the republic from primary poles falling as well as those it doesnt work. Nobody cares about it that much they don't want it in there. I thought that such a small point, the people don't want it's not what america was Madam president, can I just say that have because we need to pull back can say that so have this supercharged christian nationalism, saying america's enacts ottoman, gomorrah and better governments turned its back on god when the very guy who's done. It has turned its back on the constitution prior the truth and god by the big lie, that's legislative branch, but we have to talk about the supreme court Leonard LEO's, literally extremist, and an extremist extremists. In his view, about the constitution and catholicism. There I mean, aids is extreme view of catholicism that has put in we must, on the court. That is, Do the I mean nobody talks about this enough, but we are
Ok, you others happening the house. This is supreme court, I mean is every appointee catholic there and other public inside I didn't lunch. I think one may have converted to becoming an capacity must be a physical, my memoirs, if they're all catholics. We all have a view of of abortion and other issues that have led them to overturn against all sort of a public opinion polls and I would say, against pretty good strong fifty year, president to overturn. right to abortion. But again as it is, the real a of judicial constitutional principles a religious way, an answer That's the connection that desolate. these these individuals, to this face now
Is there our their time tied to tonight? But these statements, but is it look at what has happened since roby weight in the last year state after state? reaffirm the right to abortion, and there are now there's no less abortions. Now the united states- and there were before so there. Had their moment, but that you know the people have spoken I would say that the ultimate, except for the supreme court will dominate american political life and life and our bedroom lives for the next thirty years. Because they are young and they will be there for a long time. Emissions This in a way, is one of the is it always strikes me from the outside. Looking at american elections is how you cannot win an american election less. You profess your faith, particularly ok, If so is it is just a logical extension of that? Wasn't this inevitably going to happen. If you I have to say I am a christian and I believe in god and Jesus in order to be elected in this country,
how does that sound? A christian now he's either Leonard LEO the winner LEO catholic, but Biden professes his faith, but he doesn't that he doesn't talk and he doesn't wise. Faith is a political shield. He doesn't there isn't a lot of room in american political life for the kind of atheism that you were talking about was there amongst the finding the founding fathers either. There isn't tonight you're right about that, but the but about what's and by the way the founders didn't go around saying: hey everybody, I'm a d s right now. Politicians too, they play both sides. There is no doubt it was a more secular, very loud to government. That's that that change started changing actually in america at the turn of this will want to get to Jimmy carter, but like in in the nineteenth century, there was sort of a great reawakening. I turn its back on a lot of the sort of so called Although I remember that the founders came out of an environment in england that at that time, that they were
to make it very clear that way not going to fall into the trap matter that the brits fell into with You know the fights over religion and end the wars, and things like that. So, while they were, they were men are phase. They want to create something in which that would not be the dominant thing that that that would be the driver of the politics of the nation and all the other aspects of living here. So they that's how they why they wrote the document the way they did well- and I gotta agree with Elizabeth willey- that this distorted view of the gospels. to a very, very small crowd. Even evangelicals, like myself and Russell moore, David French go down the list, people that have been guilty of southern Bab discharges their entire lives I think there has been no. It really goes back. Nobody wants to really talk. That this, but in our charge- goes back to nineteen, seventy nine. When
I was in high school going george, I am with parents sinister it's three four days: awake vat large and every other southern baptist church was pro choice they actually had in southern bab is conventions. They actually passed pro choice resolutions and continued to confirm that you up and jerry fall well and three publican operatives decided tat. They needed an issue to pry working class americans and catholics. working class catholics away from the southern baptist. President, the united states, Jimmy Carter, so richard viguerie Paul. Why and sharing well said we going to magnet, listen for those who have ears to hear hear Listen to this
They said we're going to make abortion We issue we're gonna make as an issue that's gonna drive working class voters away from the southern baptists democrat in arms of the republican party. So they did that and Suddenly, abortion, came a litmus test, not just for being a conservative, but in them the perverse sense ever really the most perverse. Since everybody see what's happened over the past forty five years to being a christian, my grandmother, my mother, my aunts, people who grew up and whose existence was shaped by this. other and discharge, and by the teachings of Jesus Christ. I never held these views because well the church still hold these views until people
did direct mail for republicans decided, this will be a great issue, a nineteen eighty has it become? One? Might johnson embodies at a meeting go back twenty years to some of the things? Not only He said in interviews where he said Gay marriage would lead to people marrying their pets is a thing he said many times, but also just as a lawyer and believe it is only my. I just you know what maria pets and the southern baptist church. When we had people obsessing over certain things we ve taken decide you do hey friend, you need to talk privately as quick, as you sure, are taking up a lot of time in Sunday school obsessing over marrying your bad. None of us are thinking that neo project.
just like donald trump, with his beauty pageant service projection per job. I mean it's all. It's just over compensation, man, that's all! It is there's a lot of protest in darfur, resting and an island that speakers speaker, jobs and obviously this I just want to underline the comments we play from rolling stone, we're not from twenty years ago where he was a lawyer. It was over. Third, it was three weeks before he became the speaker of the house. Now not many people knew who he was, and I told her third, but they sure do now, and we just heard the view he has of america on a number of issues, but more broadly, that it deserves odds wrath for all the things we just talked about some coming up, we're to turn the page That hayley appears to be benefiting from a shrinking field in the republican presidential, primary creeping again in another paul will tell you about the new donors, she's, also picking up and show you where who stands in that way.
Pull out of new Hampshire morning, Joe coming right back beautiful shot on a friday morning. What does a private bathroom, bogey, boogie back and a hippopotamus have to do with the behind the scene, chaos between his knees last to see Yossi Bob, I grew and bob cheaper. I'm cnbc media reporter alex german, and I spent nearly two years reporting on the inside story of a ceo succession plant on awry. Listen to my two part series. Disney's wildest ride available
now, by following the squawk on the street podcast wherever you get your pockets Tom yarmouth and for me the news is so much more than a headline. It informs spires and it still matters the covering you have to begin. It will take you to the front lines of the store or its actually have with envy seems journalists on the ground from all over the world we cover. Would you need to know and bring your news to life in prime time streaming live it's your news. Playlist join for top store, weak nights at seven eastern NBC news now, beautiful. I picture with the sun now up over the white house, six, forty two on a friday morning, he Hayley is picking up more campaign cash and support in the race for the republican presidential nomination. Some donors who previously have back south carolina centred tim Scott, are now shifting
two hayley after his exit from the race this week, meanwhile billion, hedge funds? He oh can Griffin, who gave millions to run the santas for his campaigns for florida, governor told blue tv? This week he is quote actively contemplating backing hayley Paul by cnn, and the universe of new Hampshire release. Yesterday shows donald try but the commanding led in the state at forty two percent but hayley that your second choice? At twenty percentage points six points higher than chris Christy So Joe Nicky highly has had a couple of good debates prickly last someone with just five them on the stage she said we shine. I guess the question is: does it the matter given the margins, Donald trump ass, I mean you're forty, two percent matters matters and the fact that it may be imagined Barack obama was running to be democratic. Now even their share. open field
be getting forty two percent now be beginning. Eighty five, ninety percent, there still a lot of doubt and the republican party about donald trump, and Hayley twenty percent, pretty it? I will save if it donor sure you'd be the same with me down here said they were actively contemplating supporting me and I was sitting across the table. I do this ok, but I, I'll, be here, I'm not get you keep it. We can't just write it, but when I think there I think they're going that way, I mean I make with waited with Chris Christie or the sad is out of the race. This re suddenly becomes the bed the, but they have this here's the thing you drop out in our like this show the politics dictates. In my view, drop. You endorse read, so you drop it
the term scott, you drop out, you say I'm dropping out and I'm supporting nicky dropping out and have supported christie. You cannot in this in this campaign with Donald trump it for it percent new hampshire and am and much more another jurisdictions and locations. You can add the hedge, your bet with the donors, the the political actor. you have to be precise, and you have to be very clear- is the only way you little this thing down this once it to set itself up to be a tromp hayley battle, but You still have men on the stage who won't give that air and let it breathe. you have donors who won't let it breathe actively. Contemplating is not actively doing and so the reality of it- is none of this matters until they make it matter. It's nice headlines and it looks good she's sitting at twenty percent is the end of the day. Donald
still the nominated the party until until they prove otherwise and they're. Not people here is my question at the republican party. All the polls show that she does better against Biden and trumpet does the all the visa. You know all of them. She's done very well in those debates. You know she's she's done some. It's very hard for women, canada, seduce she's, she's put down the swami and away that's very cutting but amusing. She doesn't offend people right, So what one is with the republic of a party that they they don't see this their trumpets defacing for trials next year in the middle of the campaign on care about that they would they care about, is what tromp wants, what trumps doin? That's that's their avatar that's where they they feel their retribution coms that's he's the one who is going to make it right away they wanted Nicky, Hayley doesn't, that in their view, Nicky Hayley. Yes, she was administration, but she's not
all the way trot right, christy certainly is not said the rat, only for a lot of his supporters is why what I go with light when I've got the real deal why what wild flight might take president? But this is not what this terrorism practice is pure, is about and practicality, but at that at the core business is something that No clue has been reported, I genuinely believe this time next year, Donald trump will be getting rate while back I'm alive, they keep losing keep losing donald trump and they've lost every year. Since we seventeenth consecutively SAM stein, a white house editor for politico. Thank you. They keep lucy and so a losing donald trump for some better than waiting with somebody else, but begin Hayley does clearly outside brain Donald trump in the general election. I will say, though, sitting at twenty percent
rising up from white may be seven six, seven, eight percent a couple months ago. And being therein in november, I'd taken and any day of the week. Yeah there's a path here right like it wasn't visible a couple of weeks ago, but you can see it starting to form. I don't think it's a particularly great path, but there and, if you out of the three non from canada, twenty forty nine, that's forty three percent trumps have forty two. now it doesn't work that way right. It's not like every vote who doesn't moves on from run to is going to back Nikki he'll, probably back donald trump, but there is path. Now I will say the elected billy. Are you mean that I for one, but obviously republican voters don't buy it sure, and you mentioned the trials where they're telling pollsters they don't care right. Maybe they telling you maybe get a lotta. I get a lot of family members and friends that we're all in for trump in sixteen and twenty who low with him.
but so sure there that admit that europe Ulster calling them up here. That might be the case. I've thought about that too, whether these polls kind of overstate things for him. I will say what we were able to report on the trials or anything actually plays into this a little bit. Here's it's! Not the they're, just ignoring trouser trouser, actively helping trump in the press, primary voters rally round him because think he's being target, by his political opponents and they feel empathy for him. We know this because the club for growth conservative group that opposed to trees on call them to conserve desire. They used to be here yesterday, formerly conservative group, that used to worry about balancing the budget in death. the purposes of this conversation, a group, the trump their their allied pac, ran a focus group pads going for him on his legal troubles in the most
the was bell. Backfired, formerly adds a put together. Three of them actually increase support for trump, the fourth one just kept things normal in that Are you see? None of these other primary candidates. Use trumps trials against him in the course of this parliament. It is just not touched because it actually works situated successfully made those trials about them new six. we transferred for that. But polls show. At least our poll showed that if you, if he's convicted, that changes things, oh yeah, that changes things considerably and you're talking about the general electorate and the primary where this, where the actual process of the republicans at a very high high bar for turning on trump. Okay, if only indicted for stealing nuclear secrets from the united states of america we're good with their guns TAT every day. So so the mayor
It is interesting that sam was talking about. It is true that donald trump was It is shaky position until the manhattan indictment came down. Then his numbers started to grow up. They continued to grow up, The every passing indictment, it is fascinating that you look now maybe starting albert little bit and I'm just curious if there are no more indictments between now and new Hampshire. That's a big if this this race could get close could tie. Your trunk trump was really wounded. Let's recall, after twenty twenty two, terms where there was real talk of the party moving away from dishonest. Had this here win in florida, the term a trumpet visor is trying to get into off his announcement, which was coming a week after the mid term, because so many candidates loss and there was real momentum against trump, thereby trump went forth with it because
That was, he needs to run to stay out of jail and what does he didn't count on? But what has now happened? He has just new guys just noted down very effect wait is, is transfer hid the prosecution, it's him and making them about his supporters. They come for me. They come for. You look at this. It's this! It's this deep state witch hunt you right now seems to be a little bit of a closing, but we shouldn't overstated about where the ray stands right now, Nicky hayley deserves credit. She has clearly become the best alternative the Santer still seems a deeply damage, but I say just mentioned points suggests that for so many these candidates, their second place choice, its trump is trials of they may go to trump if the scientists bows out or of christie can't make it to primary their whatever it, whatever it it be so this is still the donald trumps race, to lose no question. and then we see when the trial start at the moment there is a belief, probably just two
the the january six work election trial that will start and conclude, and maybe even if there's a dimension, get assent, sing before election day. Now that wouldn't happen for the farmers, but that is so That would certainly have to count we'd have to factor in to of general election calculations. We really swinging the general elections and we really do say divided republican party here with again at present. Getting forty percent and ice who's be running this massive. Movement nationwide, look at the new hampshire emerson polls from earlier this week in new Hampshire, new Hampshire, obviously, an extraordinarily important state in the general election has been since two thousand It's your by no means a thirty seven percent approval. Writing there still beats donald trump. My five percentage points in new Hampshire right I mean I gets woefully premature to start talking about violence weaknesses in the general action right now, because we just don't know
the political landscape, my look like in half a year, let alone three months now there are clear vulnerabilities right and when we see a time time again, age, question stamina, enthusiasm among the base and you will see personified in protest outside the deep sea. Does it mean that things will change and, of course the binding people are hoping for the change. The big variable for me is not just you know, can bite in shore up his base. Kenny, actually actually find out a return to this issue of age which isn't going lavishly it's what happens was with these third party candidate to on top of it, and especially as they like in Hampshire right here dependence streak up there returns shake up there. You know just some like robert F Kennedy: Jr come in and really pull five ten percent I dunno Cornell west he's making big plays in states like michigan, for instance, to the the arab muslim, american and black american populations. There does that take away today. We're five percent cent mean in these states were talking about margins victory that
in the tens of thousands. That is a game. Changer Elizabeth. You never know which way the independent candidates are going to cut. What you don't know she texted attempt to catch. The rfk jr takes us much from ca. Part time jobs where potentially, given his stance on anti accident and its justice very extremist positions. So it's just hard to tell I mean corner west s takes more from Biden, but from Pino, it's so interesting about trump. He was praising rfk Jr. Is this guy at all of a sudden? You know he he turns on him, but it looks like he's going to take those away from it's like day to day. That's amazing, really donald trump, actually, turning on somebody that he wants praise, never seeing that guy, who could come in our guys, thanks so much elizabeth bumiller miller, SAM stein. Thank you. Both have a great weekend will see next week's everybody. Instead, scarborough did you know you streamlining job live on peacock, that's right! You can find
in the morning knows why feature every week day, beginning at six, a m had to pick on tv. Dot com, slash Joe for more information, see you there
Transcript generated on 2023-11-24.