« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 11/16/23

2023-11-16 | 🔗

Biden, Xi hold high-stakes meeting in California

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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after what was otherwise a productive meeting yesterday with chinese president, changing tang will have more from their first face to face talks in here I will say why does it make? If I I know I don't know robbed, but I will in this case, could try to burying the weed got well only we have we had a meeting that I thought extraordinarily? Well, fortunately, we have the wise men here who can tell us and the wise woman here who can tell us what they think, but I for one loved hearing what was said there and love the fact that they are actually I understand that the united states and china weather Their side likes it or not. Is we're gonna be enough.
running a large part of the planet over the next half century is for is the economy, the environment, you name it yesterday, it sure was good sing. The two leaders of that country get to get their those countries get together, and so They said but again I'm gonna worry celine higher. well hold on. I just think it's great that he could say the truth right there in front of them and continue also to try and work together to two things can be true thing doesn't later plainly hate. Am I I agree with you make out what else do we have today, the lightest out of gaza following the israeli rate of a hospital which sits on top of a command centre for Hamas, the idea, releasing this video of weapons? It says we're inside that facility also had the honeymoon period for MIKE Johnson.
Over as some hard line, conservatives are now putting pressure on the new speaker. They ve, given him a lot of space thou compared to mccarthy, along with Joe willie in may we have former age the george w bush white house and state department, at least jordan. President emeritus of the council on foreign relations, richard hoss and farmers Prima allied commander of nato retired forced our navy, admiral james. To read us he's cheap international analysed for NBC news so, let's get to our top story and willie. Take it away. Let's begin with that, high stakes meeting between president Biden, chinese leadership, ping that was held woodside California about thirty five miles south of san francisco market first meeting in just over a year. She was quotas were translator as telling combined, and it is not an option for either country to turn its back on. The other.
This also said there is room enough to coexist into both be successful in that one country. Success is an opportunity for the other. President Biden said he secured agree. it's on three major issues, including an effort to reduce the direct shipment of fentanyl all forms from china to the united states. President binding, fortunately also announced the two militaries will resume direct contact and communication and that both nations will court made on risk and safety issues surrounding artificial intelligence after the meal The president spoke about the progress and about managing Relationship with china is a tangible steps in the right direction to determine what useful much not useful by stages and what's acceptable. Nine states will continue to compete. You see the pr see but when a man is that competition responsibly, doesn't veer into conflict or conflict. Words possible where our star coincide,
work together, like we did on federal, that's what the world Expects of us restful expect not just In people in china, the united states, but the rest, the world expects that airbus and that's what as stated be doing so wretched. Let's go big picture. First, just sort of the objects of the two men taking that walk through garden and then the delay, labels. On the other hand, which is that the military communications with admiral can speak to in a moment as well. How important? this meeting, how important was even just the statement from Then she that the world is wide enough, in effect for both of us to succeed at all things being equal good day. It's not sexy its day to day diplomacy. The word use that exactly the right word. Willie management things not solve these. The so called the rules are agreements will see whether there are implemented. A lot of life is about implementation, whether anything really changes with sentinel weather different when there is a crisis? The military to military channels were whether this
a change in climate? We go through the list, but the fact that their meeting pie I would they get a better sense of each other. You come away the slightly better feel things I think I think that's healthy is at a turning point. Is the tree promotional. No, what is it all things being what is this sort of thing positive? Is this constructive answers? Absolutely and our own, considering how bad relations had got cancer. In fact we could not get chinese well leaders on the phone, considering everything that was going on and I will say the fear of a recent war in the Middle EAST. The fear of a regional war in europe, the fear of china using that chaos and stressed united states military to go, taiwan. All great fears in this quote every is you and I have spoken about this before and she sort of.
the code, what a lot of foreign policy people have said when you said turning our backs on each other is not an option and I realize I'm a nerd, but that is a sexy video right. There baby. I watched the leaders of the two most powerful nations who have been at odds whose military have not been in communication over the last year or so doing. This is the starting point, but that I and that's all it is, but at least we're at the store. Point of rebuilding this relationship yeah a hundred percent- and so much a life Joe, is compared to what end compared to a year ago, visits of cabinet and officials were being cancelled when, spite balloons were circling. The united states when ships and planes were being in the night, this a much much better day in and by the way I wouldn't under
stay particularly wanted. The deliverables, this military to military contact with a criminal otto worry us is idea of a miscalculation either on taiwan, in the south china sea, which china claims in its entirety as a territorial body of water, so you worry not so much about tony blinking and lloyd Austin in and Joe Biden and their counterparts. You worry about goose and maverick flying around those jets up there. In our close with I think too much, being made of the dictator com. You know sodomizing saying that he's dictator is like saying that Jim staff readiest is a short guy. I am it's a reality, so I would, I would say, Jim treaties is a learning, learn respected voice, a giant of a man in foreign policy, but go ahead. Yeah. Maybe
I have picked up a few things along the road but short guy, and so at the end of it. All, I think, on with Richard hoss, it's a good days were. I think it's probably up. Quite positive, if done a turning point, final thought, I think, there's little bit chemistry going on here and that's ok, you think back to reckon nick and reagan and gorbachev, and how that turn out actually we stop the cold war right. Could we look back at this moment? I don't know, let's police, three, three three words stuck out to me. Today, when she called I, my old friend you look at what's happening in Israel and Biden, may have to move another one of his old Four rounds off this stage work with israelis, but I
I have said this for quite some time and so sick and tired of of people talking about we want an outsider too, to run the most important country in the world in the most complicated governmental beer. So we want rock, we want tromp, we want these. people who just again have no idea. No, no! No, if I'm getting brain surgery, I don't want a guy who's, good and action movies. guy who's, the best brains, the original who's done it a thousand times, and this this is where we see as far as foreign policy with theirs. Many flashpoints that are happened, right now and thank god, Joe Biden, is in the anger, saying that, thank god he's in there we saw when trumpet meda was about be blown apart. It stronger, that has ever been we at what six hundred new miles along the russian border, it's just its Ordinary the transformation
and all that is that's work, relationships using? U S, power, leveraging it for good, so again, experience who would have ever thought She leads to good things. Jim king in particular. Seventy years old he and Biden have you know they had a few spin The wheel and may have some experience. There's some share sperience there. I actually loved that he just was honest and said he's dictator I it's good for him politically. In america, the american people know he's a dictator. China is a politically contentious issue. There are very few foreign policy issues that actually matter to the electorate, but, on both sides you there are americans who are infuriated by war, They see as china taking advantage vice through trade, and so I think that at the same time, the Biden can the relationship we need to be talking. He needs
to present to the american public that, yes, he's still going to be tough and he still is doing this through a reality based lyn, sir Richard what about taiwan, and they said they discuss taiwan. To what extent we don't know we talked about Israel talking about ukraine. Taiwan, of course, is the more direct concern when it comes to china. What's your sense of worthing stand between these two men? Now nothing changed but here fifty years this system, the central issue of the? U S, chinese relationship politically. From china's point of view, it remains the biggest potential flashpoint. This is actually been brilliant diplomacy by the united states and china for half a century. We, We ve learned how to agree to disagree with financial. We haven't saw that we talk in certain code, but the bottom line is that we have different views of where things should go most important, that we keep saying. We do not want you, China, to resolve this course of action. She's a middle EAST phrase. Funnily enough final status is gonna, have to be determined by the main linden taiwan. Our view is it not. for where so we agreed
degree in the meantime, she's in paying tax but this as essential unification for what he. the rejuvenation of china itself well to his legacy, but we can we can, chinese dreams. Here what we can do is once their behaviour and continue to signal to them that any use of force any coercion against taiwan would end who s chinese relationship as we know it. It would be terrible for the chinese economy, the sanctions and self or grant so my hundred yesterday, it's every meeting. I've had with it's officials over the last thirty forty years. We go through it. It's almost like everybody talks in shorthand and you go but it has to be said, but I think the bottom line is nothing was changed and that's ok, we're not look with admiral. I've spent this way since nineteen, of denying since meagre served caviar, and spilled it on don. Shout sir ass:
that's not so, let's do among its has until now and then and then tried to wipe it off afterwards. Joe. Perhaps one is a great by the way this was confirmed by Jimmy Carter. Who say: did you not amicus spilled caviar shopping scratch, but anyway for those who do not understand why she was in that position is a nine or ten year old girl. That's they opened relate hence normalize relations at that make us her house. At one time where the dixie youth baseball bank, with over at a on our on our then, but you also build caviar, was a barbecue sauce, but I bet going back to nineteen seventy nine. there's always bring this sort of this creative fiction once the policy. China, you say what you say. We say what we say: we shake hands. We do
stella delicate bands and we we basically keep the ball in the middle the table, and it appears that and by the way world peace may depend on that ball, staying in the middle that tape and is creating a sort of fiction, but it looks like we get You got a little more stabilization on that front. Yesterday, yeah, I think that's right. In all add two richards excellent points a moment ago put yourself in, campaigns. Shoes in beijing has he watches this debacle unfold. Ukraine, and if you she's in paying your kind of asking yourself three questions. One is, I wonder, generals are as bad as those russia generals appeared, see. That's a good question. You know. no you're generals have been in contact. You can write what I was going to say. Those generals have ever had a shot fired at them,
and that's one of that's- one of the important things that we ve seen. Is it not out of out of the ukraine war that she, saw russian generals get gone down in a war for any is saint, just the horrific There are reasons to talk about how russia's doing well, russia's. I know this has been devastating for russia. It set their military back thirty years. It's expose them as extraordinarily week. What I mean you're she carried that message and yesterday is well decidedly absolutely and an let's face it. Yeah, it's an enormous uncertainty for she having watch this russian military break its stance on ukraine and then. Secondly, if your she, your thing and I wonder if those taiwanese are gonna fight like health. The way the russians have answer, he didn't know, he's never been to Taiwan
There I met with Madame side the president, I think I know the military pretty well. I think they'll fight and that's uncertainty for sheep. And thirdly, he says your point say since he watches the sanctions on russia. There not perfect. There are slow moving train, but he looks. at mirror and says you know my economy, it's too big to sanction right there, we'll see, In essence, that's a ton of uncertainty for a man who doesn't like uncertainty, I and five years ago. That economy was doing much better than it is doing right now, there's been a series of missteps by the leaders there that have actually in a position where again not negotiating from the position of strength they would have. Five years ago I wanna hold up the official paper of record for wanting Joe, the new york post on the front age, graphic illustration of war crimes, war crimes committed, of course, by Hamas war crimes,
that won't be discussed on college campuses today, war crimes that won't discussed by haters of Israel today war crimes at war. discussed by haters of joy today by anti semites about hamas knew when they launch the attacks against the israelis that terrorist attacks they knew where we're going to hide, and that was many hospitals inside of hospitals all around any any any soft spot where civilians are at their most vulnerable hamas, The terror group is going to hide their away crime, a war crime that you won't hear about on college campuses today, but war crime will discuss when we come back and
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and more as well as cash assistance. So families can buy the winter items they need to survive. You can help donate today by visiting you dot, org, slash, rebuild. welcome back to morning, Joe Israel is solidifying its hold over Gaza's main hospital troops stormed the medical com yesterday amid claims Hamas bill, the command centre under the building in a video released israeli defense forces spokesperson, says troops found rifles ammunition, and military equipment. Nbc news has not independently confirmed what shown in the video the white says defending Israel's raid officials u s intelligence supports the claim that Hamas is hiding beneath the building. Here's. What president Biden said last night, here's the situation
a circumstance where four war crimes being committed by hamas by having their headquarters or military hidden under hospital, and that's a fact: that's what happened? Israel did not go in with a large number of troops did not re did not russia. Now got in and I ve done it with their soldiers carry weapons programmes. They were told told precise discuss the need for them to be incredibly careful, so the photograph the joke showed in the cover the new posts, the confirmation from the usa a couple of days ago. It They just evidence of what everyone knows that this is what Hamas does. They hide between civilians. What we talked about yesterday. They hide behind civilians, instead of standing in front of them to protect them, and so this is case that Israel has been making there have been some,
million casualties in Gaza and they're trying to avoid them in that's a terrible thing, and nobody wants to see infants taken off life support machine. But this what a mass does it hides under hospitals and schools and hides behind civilians to create exactly the scenes that were seen by the way willie those those infants. Let you know that meeting fuel. Guess who has fuel. Hamas has plenty of feel this lengthy. If you look, this is actually what israel self against and every single military operation the israelis need to plan you ve gotta, you ve got to deal with this dilemma: how do you Hamas, without causing all sorts of collateral, like what civilian houses. I think the fact that what we say by the way, is alarming. israeli forces on the ground rather than using large bombs from the air. This is actually a good thing by the way it was so critical. Was it not last week when they may be two weeks ago. They actually cut gaza and have very putting themselves in a position where they did
I have to have the aerial bombardments as much as just again going street by street house by house room by room sir for Hamas and their weapons and, most importantly, the hostages. Yes, it's more dangerous for the israeli soldiers, let's be honest, but they are willing take that respite. They pay the cost of that numbers of israeli soldiers, wounded and killed. His has pads going up, but this is in some ways to deal with international pressure that they do. This is gradually as discreetly as they can there still big issues to stem the mega strategic issues. Israel hasn't addressed at hand off to what two states We can talk about all that, but this I thank you. I think this is educational. Go back to a Joe said. This ought to be part of the conversation just underscores what israel up against the need we have Hamas. This is not a bug if this is this is the feature. This is what Hamas does and how they do it, and it's what makes the miller population against them sewed so difficult?
every single minute. You are faced with dilemmas about how to how to powder to how to fight a war, a war against the state, Well, the against terrorists and its euro. Again, Hamas did this: not hamas. Isis did this in Mosul, amazingly tyre international community condemned. Isis, you have Hamas restored, this war with War crimes, unspeakable war crimes. They commit war, times every single day they have. Buying civilians. and the international community condemns Israel. This is this is surreal when you have the leadership of Hamas hanging out at the ritz Carlton or some fine hotel dough high, they their hanging out in their calling the shots and they plan this and they knew what was going to happen when unleashed this horrific terrorist attack. What
going to happen to the civilians in Gaza, they were going to have to seek medical care after is Reigned hell on them in the how? How then, would it israelis, able to clear this hospital? And can you just talk about These sheer impossibility of literally routing Hamas from the largest hospital here look, let's start with, the centre of gravity militarily here like that old movie, the graduate when he gets advice in one word its plastics in the movie. in in this scenario, the one word military advice is tunnels, tunnels, Three hundred miles of these tunnels, Israel cannot avoid shutting that down Otherwise. They cannot more. If you, let's just say this. Okay If you are in charge there, you don't You ve Gaza, now until then,
entire three hundred mile tunnel network is destroyed. Hundred percent yield an finished or act. all the terrorists driven above ground and arrested are killed, correct and it's it's. A mega task, but the right answer is boots on the ground and you know it. All the time about: precision, guided missiles and our very precise drones, the most Size thing on a battlefield is an infant treatment with a rifle and so what you're seeing Israel do. At least your question is used. Very precision guided weapon. The infantry had cost. Richard reminds us by moving them? Man, that's the only way you can near my cease casualties, but all ups conclude where I started The israelis are not going to leave that battlefield until that time, the system is gone because if they don't, they can't turn.
To the mothers of Israel in your children, are safe in their nurseries. Tonight, they're gonna take out that tunnel system. They should So, while all this is going on in Gaza, going on in israel back here at home, at least one person was arrested during a pro palestinian protest outside the democratic national committee headquarters. It was a wild seen last night, you s, capital police. Were there. clash with demonstrators at least six officers suffered minor injuries, credit storing the organizers say at least a hundred participants were injured. A green peppers sprayed and pushed by police the glue calling for a cease fire in the war as scores of Democrats, representatives and candidates were inside the building for a campaign, reception protestors they wanted to block the entrances and exits to force the politicians to listen to them properly. Posted on social media claiming about a hundred and fifty p report illegally in violently protest. It organizers dispute that
I am telling the washington post, they had just locked arms when police responded, quote brew. Four zero will I hear ship was in there how keen jeffreys and others in their exits and entrance blocked by the brian. The police DC police were were prepared for them because those same people had thus violent protests when Assad killed, five hundred thousand arabs during the civil war, and also when tens of thousands the palestinians were killed. By aside those same test, of course, taking place outside the day and see what I wiped them getting worse? marty in correspondence, but that didn't happen that did not happen and how fascinating, but that the only time we see these protests or after june get so slaughtered and jews are trying to defend themselves against the worst attack since the holocaust, but they have the. they have the nerve.
act. Self righteous, when they sat in silence, is five hundred thousand arabs were slaughtered include tens of thousands of palestinians by aside, see it's ok for them. There I'm palestinians were slaughtered by arab leaders is When jews try to defend themselves. Suddenly, it's a war crime and suddenly there getting self righteous, it's kind of segment day after day and see what the young college campuses and, let's just talk, practically admiral about the idea of a cease fire. Hillary Clinton wrote that peace today ago. That said, that would be a nightmare for obviously for israel by the weather was a cease fire brief one in place on a gambler six. We saw what happened, and I told her seventh, the this point is that a ceasefire Hamas is not going to he's firing Indeed, and militarily, enormous differences secretary cleanse exactly right.
A cease fire that blankets everything. That's like the put down your pencils moment on the s, a t at all stops. That's not what's gonna happen here. How Israel needs to use a whole series. pauses. That is the correct phrase. To get humanity we need it to get truck, sent to evacuate these hospitals and by the way that ought to be the job of Hamas to the civilian, shouted these hospitals and get them is really safe. Rouse get em out. All that is manageable. I am in a series of humanitarian pauses, but the idea of the cease fire militarily is ludicrous at this point, and of course, when must wouldn't do that, Hamas, like seeing palestinians killed, gets in fact that sat up their entire defence too high behind studies, civilians aliens. What really said yesterday was so clarifying that you, troops, do everything
I can't stand between them and with a gun and the civilian alive does everything they can to put the civilian and between themselves send the person coming to get them to get retribution for the terror attack. That that they had before richard Even the term ceasefire. If you're, an israeli and you the term ceasefire. Its affable, because ceasefire defined so loosely when you're talking bad hamas, the sea fire means Hamas rains rockets down Israel, and they can only hope they can shoot them out of the sky before their women and children and grandparents are killed the term nonsensical when you're up against the terrorist organization, whose charter and whose behaviour is to kill jews and destroy the jewish state. There's no such
As a cease fire at most, Hamas has tactical pauses, so I think the end, as Israel needs to agree to these points in some ways to push back against us his since a ceasefire makes no strategic sense for Israel, given the threat they face. The real for Israel to embrace the pauses. Is you need something to be back? These calls for a ceasefire, this makes sense on the humanitarian side. If you marry period, pauses with very awful use of military force. I Israel and the united states can controls elise enough but the narrative in the u n and elsewhere, and I think, that's the goal and again then the pressure on Israel to complement them. Military strategy here with a larger strategy and that's the conversation for another day. How what is it we'll do to deal with palestinians who are not hamas rat? That's that's. really been missing from this israeli government and that's what I think
president Biden is going to be the challenge you and I have talked about it before, but people like me think he ought to go to the knesset he ought to put on the table. A much larger strategy for israel is that the united states ought to get behind, but in the narrow, if we are going to, we need to continue to push. walk against a ceasefire, and so I think I think this is this. Is the way to go about last night the present was very strong on X. In my ear said the king is there conversation for another richard us retired, forced our agro james providers, both job Hence I tell you joy and send you a foreign policy, but they have so much will be more. This make great group coming up congress. Averts government shut down. for now, we'll have the latest from capitol hill as another spending fight now looms in the new year amid new debt, dissatisfaction with her what can leadership from party heart liners in the house plus Joe mansion said last week:
he will not seek re election to the senate, but he's not going out a run for the white house will show you what the west virginia Oh cried said yesterday in an interview with NBC news Jim morning, Joe we'll be right back, the! Sooner or later, everything breaks sure you may carry a full toolbox everywhere with you one else. There's letterman tools, these pocket sized multi tools, equip you for real life. Tighten the screw cut a rope falada now even small fixes can be lifesaver. Sometimes letterman tools come in different sizes and set ups, and some have special features like fire starters and rescue whistles so get ready to save the day.
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ash morning, Joe today, to get ten percent off your first month. That's better help. H e l, p dot com slash morning, Joe the leadership with the right bills, on the floor with the right policy and then at the right levels, and then we'll go for it, but don't act like you're, actually trying to get through correct spending and don't act like you're actually going to fight on these issues? When you plan to fail We ve got to fundamentally actually achieve aiming single thing. Our voters and zero g speaker, droughts and has now the time over thanks giving to coordinated plan. He said that it needs time now and then and I get that our eye freedom, as members telling reporters they are frustrated over the clean government. the bill that pass in the house with support from democrats on tuesday, which did not include spending cuts nor conservative policy, add ons. It comes as the house
recess too early for its thanksgiving break after republican members of the conservative freedom, caucus, revolted and tanks, a vote in the chamber. Yesterday, the vote was for we're to move forward with one of twelve appropriations bills. The house pass each year. It just is waste exciting on capitol hill Joe well, pins, and why do you consider it aside in I did like the headline of the the wall street journal editorial yesterday meet the the new speaker same as the old speaker. Kevin Mccarthy would have been torched politically, to pass a clean see, are that depended on massive democrat in support, of course,
I know guys throwing elbows around now, so I'm not so sure that there's ever outback care for speaker there, but of I made this whole idea: young people going, I'm going, we ever more conservative speaker now you down it's it's the same. It's the same problems and, and it's it just was all gesturing. Let's bring it right out of the house way too early white house bureau, chief at politico, Jonathan weir and special courses, on four vanity fair and host of fast politics. podcast molly john fast before we get, we have a new hampshire policy, is absolutely fascinating. For you do that I want to get your ear impression on on. Did this meeting yesterday. Would she that really find He moved sort of the ball back to the centre of the table, and it was it was it was about. for the counter back to november twenty twenty two, when the two men met bali
This bible, before relations really deteriorated, why asked his ideas on that, yes, there's a lot of discussion last night this morning about the press in this q, and afterwards saying the presidency was the dictator, but by definition Is she and by the way she took that as a compliment? Do you know what she said? Damn right I mean, although I will say the actual, when you're watching the video, the reaction of sanctuary city blinking when bites visibly so there might be a little bit of clean up to be done. There are facing the most part by us just to go good about the federal agreement. We feel good, very importantly, about military to military communication. Feel re established some agreements on climate changes? Furthermore, there is in fact the two leaders, but there they do have a personal poor. They they knew. years ago, when there are both equipment and vice president in their respective governments Taiwan looms flashpoint for this report and for this white house, if you like, we can reset things. We can calm things, so we can devote our attention,
other matters like Israel, and very good David Biden good day for the united states a good day, for again more stable table world order because of this relationship speaking Joe Joe a couple days ago. We commented here that job I'm just maybe, the generic Democrat that always fares better than by the actual candidate, When the election comes to it happens time and again, job it is always underestimated. Joe Biden way, That's what he's been doing since twenty twenty, so been doing since south carolina. So so I had a report me a couple days ago is doing a story that help me out here what that, if, if, if you had to pick a number That's a most important like it. You could now, when you number on election day, what would it be? would it be Joe binds approval ratings and I left the yoke mad even loves not even close cause people just
my job. I know now. I said I said Its irrelevant it's been are irrelevant. It was your relevant before the so called red way, on and on and on, and so yesterday. This report calls we back and said you see new new paul and said now. He said you should look at it because it proves your point here. What's t J T, J, energy area each day, so I'm not going to tell you how he's doing the actual paul, but Joe binds approval rating in new Hampshire, a very import state, obviously one that both candidates, whoever they may be need, went off Thirty seven percent. Now you match their martha with saint evil that game with thirty seven percent approval rating to sum up, we were the election. Ok DJ. This is you go Joe Biden bidding I'll drop by five points in Mali
you throw everybody in the kitchen sink and Joe Biden still ahead, the point being there. Ok people kind of like the bitch amount, sometimes when they're talking to pollsters, but when women's Joe Biden, Donald trump in and in the swing states that matter the most there just gonna break for buying whistling pass a graveyard. Thank you, star what we saw. That's right. The reason why Biden dot the nomination was not because he was. for this left, or even the closest a minute was because he seemed the most electable and we ve seen this again and again. We know he goes into these elections and people say was boring eddie you don't we excited about him. We want some other random candidate who's going to get. People excited ok right, the wrong, but the reason why he does well is because people like these craddock ideas and they think, and then they ve seen him in that a lot of but like the democratic ideas, they like freedom for women.
To have power over their own lives. They, like tens girls having the freedom along parents and their clergy and their there there echo providers to make decisions. If they ve been raped by illegal immigrants. Donald trump doesn't Certainly the united states supreme court decision, Dobbs doesn't add. They also I mean J like what they saw yesterday: a grown up dealing with grown up problems, they take away from donald trump and she and their first meeting was the swear to god, Donald trump. If nobody remembers said we had the greatest chocolate cake, more like you ve ever had we have.
The good news is delivery was said and fair was that we were at spells out when you got in various ways to get those type gags was that when they dinners were classified, documents were just floating around. Are you writing thousand? That's shows the jap baby, but when they get it, we laugh about now when they get the voting, both all of things we talked about freedom, but and an act, a grown up dealing with with huge crises, in deference when people walk in averting this and donald trump, it's only gonna get worse over the next year. Just think how january isn't gonna be justified by what's happening in the communist sit in the primaries. It's going to be done, trumps? Legal problems are just gonna keep been at the forefront, and so I am really watching you're talking about dobbs decision what I boats- com, dobbs, dads and those who tend to be conservative and they might
be pro life, but they don't like that. The government has gotten involved to this extent and is going to dictate their wife, their daughters, healthcare, and so that's enough that if Biden can pool those others, and I think that he probably will, after what we saw just you know too too, years ago, or latin donald trump running round bro you that he quote terminated, roby wade exactly and with others dobbs dead. What two weeks it we can have a go in kentucky was armed, Regina, we summon balinese, should have no higher and other interesting element of that poland, some others they came out yesterday. John, is that this is for people word about Joe. By is that Donald trump really is the best option? for J hidell, these other head to head matches, rhonda santas, leads by more than donald trump. Would He hailed a wilder mass of leeway over Joe Biden in one national paul self, Donald trump,
it's not going to be easy, it's gonna be close. We already know that, but he very well may be the best chance for Joe Biden, real. I must have always been the case even before the twain to midterms talking a why. How strategists and those who want to get Joe Biden can term we're like well doubt If we want to see, we want to see that we think that's who we're going to see. That's also who we're going to see and republicans had that. Had that choice I mean they do no votes have been cast yet the right now trump is up thirty. Forty percent in every Golgi oki? Also, certainly, he looks like it will be him and the one team feels they know, it'll be close, but they feel pretty good about that in part because they know just like in two thousand and twenty there may not be. Groundswell of support for Joe Biden that there will be a groundswell, sprang again style trump and for certain issues, particularly about yeah, let's just today, what what you're we november sixteenth! Sixteen twenty twenty three remember. I said it here on this date:
it Biden runs against tromp and if by beats tromp is, I think, you're the conspiracy theorist will say Donald trump who's on the ropes and then the democrats knew they were in trouble, so they started indicting him and every indictment donald trump approval rating in the republic party went up by unease, The latest isosceles saw as he eighty five for said when you down to fifty five sixty percent before were the indictment started coming, and that can be a conspiracy theory if you want. But how I screwed up to belong party that actually rewards guy for being indicted for stealing nuclear secrets and stealing elections, but republicans have a basic problem. They are based controls their part right, and so that's why Donald trump is gonna be there are not many- and I am thinking about with this off off your election and all of this
is that they ran on that were losers. Besides, abortion book bans anti awoke yeah stove, when I say that trans trans, panic, trains, trams, panic, terrific bed there you're that your kids are all going to become trans, by which, by the way, my married my favorite, by favouring illustration of how crazy that is, is they have huge fight in utah tat. There was a oh, my god, these trans athletes are making over. All the women's points is the worst thing in the world and the governor said we have for students, and the entire state of yet or can we can we I figure this out and do with compassion mean that, like guy The transition and in women post puberty compete against a plan, but we have students. Let's have a civil war over for students, but that's it.
Panic and they thought that was going to get my work taking freedom from women did not work stealing elections denying. I didn't want this thing. You right, it is a basic democrats. but they do with our base will get back to it can only be made by the republican base, is learning the They want the yes and then I'm in the book bans mobs for liberties. Liberty had a really bad night, I mean all of this stuff is because republic and cannot can their base. Their base now runs the show, and so you have these the ideas being shot and republicans are losing on these ideas and quite frank. They showed their morally reprehensible and the gulf, and you know it's over wage people, don't want the government in their bedroom and era, schools and in the I mean they want the and and yet, is actually an outfit. Mom's for
liberty. He asked who support freedom being taken away from them. others think there should be an outfit called dad's for freedom, that says to the government. You know I will take care of our daughter. Will will was her mother, and I will make the decision with our daughter with healthcare specialists with like get out. Our lives mom's for liberty, seriously, worried about what roberto calamity books and use and you see doctors, I mean that this other things as they are undermining doktor s right you have actors leaving red states because they can't this menace, where there are already or not enough, only dubai and providers in rural communities? So the saying goes: democrats hate their base, republicans fear their base and that's really play now right now, and you see I mean that the Democrats,
taking their bases, my turn and now. But, as is that year, handed that's a little. You know at a long time, but if you look at those new hampshire poles and just how nicky hayley would crush Donald, she would crush Joe Biden if there were look embody actually had a political apparatus that if they know that we did some party control and actually was in wood, strong arm, but instead you have a political party that each person tat leadership once keep their power and I will not be transplanted by tromp yeah, although sales. So really. I I this in Joe Biden's when present I'll say it again, the progressives have been extreme ordinarily patient getting been the opposite of the wing extremists theyve actually progressive have kept the bigger all in mind, we need to win elections. We need to have Joe Biden continue to appoint fatter Judges we
the wind governors. I mean vey Progressive ism done the opposite of what the extremes in the republic party have done, and it shows the cause of that. cousin progressives working with moderates pages, putting a lot of those they looked at the results. Now. Look at last tuesday, look at twenty twenty two. It goes on and on and on and to release this point that the pole near types, Deanna pull the custom, much panic for Joe Biden went sort of unnoticed that nicky hayley in had two heads was winning by double digits. Over Joe Biden in those swing, states and yet republicans are by enlarge, want to cast their lot with donald trump and now there's been other push them. Glp donors were I haley there might try thrust more money behind that, but it might just be too little too late. At this point, just a few months from and then new Hampshire and the right job? The progressive and remarkably discipline impatient were sealed splintering right now because of what's happening in the Middle EAST. Right, certainly that something-
alarm some people in the bible world is there? Are they going to stay with us? Are they going to stay home, but to this point there with the They have been with the present to this point and its coarser of enthusiasm going forward again, if trumps, the name on the other side of the ballot they like to check it out molly. The problem with the base in in these poles that really won't matter at all wherever they wound tat. The base is going to vote for Joe Biden more specifically is going to vote against donald trump. The problem- so not really been with the democratic base as much as its ban with people of color. especially men, black man, hispanic younger voters that spend the problem with way. those poles and again you're talking about groups it by
alright you're going to come home. I seriously anybody you think sandal trumps gonna get twenty two percent of black voters, please go to the morning Joe betting, signed and and and and and bet heavy on that over under welly eleven and under eleven fifty under but yeah, I will take kind of zoo. But but again, it's again just to underline again progressives and, of course, ain't. They they feel very strongly on some policy issues but again have stayed gather with a cock and Biden, has done a lot of progressive legislation. I think it's worth remembering that he has gone and there the infrastructure spending is huge, progressive legislation. You know they ve their rebuilding trains and judges and roads, and also you know, he's worked really hard on student debt and while the supreme court has gotten in his way, she has
continually try to do. Creative things were student debt in a way that a president who was more conservative probably would not, though about a vanity fair is molly john fast. Thank you. So much is always great to see you molly. Small businesses are the backbone of our communities and mastercard understands that every business has unique needs together with our partners. We support small business owners with innovative and tailor tools, resources, an solutions with mastercard. Small businesses can connect to capital technology, financial tools and more to help grow and protect their business every step the way, whether at setting up shop online, accepting digital payments or boosting cyber security readiness. Mastercard connects small businesses with the support and tools they need to help reach their goals as part of master
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-17.