« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 11/15/23

2023-11-15 | 🔗

Thousands attend March for Israel in Washington D.C.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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I think we've been awkward for an extended period of time. I think people are somewhat getting tiger, listen to have little things that happen from time to time. It is not that big a deal get over it, There are dumb days and on capital hill and their dumber days like capitol hill, and this is one of the dumbest I've seen it quite a long time. The house pounds to bill, that's the news to avoid a government shut down, but all of a lot of lights, fighting overshadowed eyes, childish, behaviour, pushing me all over the hill. By republicans, although chambers, we're going to show you more of those antics ingesting dogma, is you got one guy really get? You started of his reign. Yeah a man rules and taken off. Taken off marie awry, vita come on Bernie sanders, one of the best life like death
Debbie rafts of all does not address. Can I speak? men's adjustment. Now you can I don't you sit down and be quiet, any notice. Lay there dry merrily just goes wrong. Her name is the grown up in the room. He said you are united states, senator sit down, and this senator molen persisted from Oklahoma, trying to fight the head of it. Our common labour union, physically fight the united states I asked pathetic a a lot lot. Leather news we have by the front page of the wall street journal, this march man in washington, just incredible Will rally not only for israel, as some people say, this is a rally for Israel. I think it's a rally for all jewish people who were under siege
across the world and sadly tragically? Not just and Israel and in gaza, but sadly for four four hu. We are as a people on some of our most elite college campuses willie. I would love to tell you that general word for my children friends of my children, are, are saying: hey we're, turning a corner and people are more and now they're, not not either anti semitism on college campuses. Here we are over a month later, it's just its grouse it sickening and yet you after all, the presidents of the universities accountable. You have to haul, I mean that the the signs. Are there allowing up so that is not free speech. Some of it is just the majestic
laws propaganda and they allow our children's brains to be righted with it. It's grotesque, it is good task- and it's been over a month of this now just explicitly since the wards in many many years. Of course, before that, what we have seen it small handful. These schools pushed back. Some of it is tokens of, and it looks like gestures where there have zounds assemblies groups for thirty days and cannot hold. Events on our camp is because some of the rhetoric we ve seen for me talking about some of the pro palestine and frankly I'm cases pro hamas marches and rallies that we ve seen, but that seen the pictures were looking straight, a massive crowd, more than with thousands yeah by some measures, totally peaceful, calling for the return of the hostages, many of them children with them see citizens being held inside Israel. Some political leaders were there too, but you're right joe. This was about more than
Israel, this was about jewish people around the world and here in the united states feeling under siege in the last month or so the irish people being under siege and just just a couple things. First of all it is fine to? I think we would all agree here that the rallying for the palestinian people, find amid the palestinian people, treated horribly. I mean you look at. Why, aside to the palestinian people. You look at that, Some thousands of palestinians were killed by Assad and syria you what's happened to palestinian people being killed and treated badly across the middle east by other arab countries. The five hundred thousand arabs slaughtered by aside in syria during that civil war. I mean yes, I think we're we're all second by and we talk about here all the time it is bizarre that that, when
arab skill. Palestinians won't g there. there are no protests. One Assad kills tens of thousands of palestine, no, no protest. Suddenly so yeah, whatever we care leave us alone? But, there's a chance. The attack Jews That's one! Suddenly, everybody amazon and suddenly becomes is massive cause because and we're gonna talk about this right now the wind talking about the fact that it it's been confirmed now is confirmed Hamas is hiding their troops. their operations in hospitals, and we ve talked out, there's really I've just got to say: the? U s commander at first there's: theirs is moral ambiguity in this moral confusion, not only on
college campuses, but among the leads across amerika and the west, make no mistake: come and there is no moral confusion here. if a? U s commander worse, adjusted or ever moved troops am I a hospital too high from the enemy they would immediately be court martialed. They would be taken the command structure of the united states military thing, be Marshall did be dishonorably discharged, it just one, then that, with hope ass, the is their strategy. We knew from the day the attacks came, they were going to go. They were going to hide behind civilians. They were going to hide in schools. They were going to hide in the hospitals. We new, that and and as We really why it's exam what's happened? It's again, you all three journalists, torreon page talking about it in their lead editorial talking about the fact.
Today, in Gaza, Hamas terrorists use the same war, crime tags tactics that eyes, Instead in the battle of mosul only now reverse rush to I, for when isis was high gonna hospitals in the battle of mosul, Oh everybody's lose the worst thing in the world. Now that Hamas is doing it, it's Hamas. It's getting criticized It's the israeli people who are flying to root out the terrorists who were hiding in hospitals who s there. Command structures in hospitals, because wanna, be able a slaughter rape, burn, bead, kill by hand is railways and torture, families had to torture, families abbas is and get away with it because you're, like you, know what we and Hamas, you got it together:
haven't shown, they know how cynical that of Israel are, they know they could rape women, they knew they could burn grandmothers, they knew they could shoot babies, bodies they knew they could burn them, and then they knew they could go hide in the civilian population in Gaza and the world would stop Israel there. do that and by the way we said that here a month ago and that's eggs, actually what's happened. Willie, that's exactly what the world is called for. Their saint just yet what cease fire just. Let them go ahead. I'll kill you. families, rape, your daughter's shoe your children burn your grandmother's and then just just let it be cease fire into your point: the nationals, here. The council here in the united states said yesterday now, for the first time publicly that yet Hamas is hiding weapons. Ammo people civilians in the hospitals putting themselves behind
the values of the difference that Your laying out as the united states military, the israeli military most militaries around the world. They put themselves between the enemy in the civilians, Hamas, it is not an army. It's a terrorist death called put civilians. Between the enemy and themselves to hide and potentially themselves tat, and we should say the same thing about this question about fuel, which is diary needed on this hospital around Hamas, as fuel will say it again. Hamas has fuelled they're using it to fight this war. They're using it to attack civilians and kill people in Israel; they have fuel, they could giving it to power those generators of the hospital, so those trade, It's of infants dying didn't have to happen so that people didn't have to be taken off. Life support her has fuel they just don't want to you because I don't care about their own people when and why We said here from day one when Hamas kills a jew,
that's a victory. for Hamas, when I was standing, dies vat. Victory far hum I see and when a palestinian baby dies because Hamas holes the fuel, so they will power the generators for the hospitals where they're hiding that's an even bigger victory for Hamas is dead, alt and well. You just put it best, you in the united states our men and women in uniform, put themselves between civilians and the enemy Hamas, that death called they do the opposite. They civilians between people better coming to, justice to them. For their terrorist acts, they put seville is between them and
people better. Looking for them. We have richard house and chatting green bat that many others coming up to talk about this, and we will continue our coverage. We also we're going to preview the high stakes meeting today between president Biden and chinese president XI, Jinping, and will show you what president Biden had to say about donald trump. Veterans, day speech where he called his political rivals, vermin, long with show willing and may we have the hosts of way too early white house bear a chief at political, jonathan le Maire and u s special correspondent, poor bbc news, caddy K, joints, as well. Let's get back to the politics here at home. big news, laid yesterday, a potential governments down in just two days, ass. Looking a lot, likely this morning out to the house past speaker MIKE Johnson's unkind, General stop gap, funding belly yesterday, largely with the help of democrats. This is interesting. The two step
and was approved on a bipartisan boat of three thirty. Six to ninety. Five, too, nine democrats and one hundred and twenty seven republicans voted in religious ninety three speaker out for this state did not, but you know that's exactly what they were gonna kick courtyard could pass a bill like that credit support. There was kicking and shoving it just wasn't. Among the tell why this ninety three republic and two Democrats voted against it essentially punts, though of public spending and five until after the holidays, speaker Johns until then quarters. He was pleased with the outcome. The first big belts are ours. We just need to get the job done one day, but any concern about the number of republican defections that we're gonna get our team together around the agenda. We're ready to do that. How do you get your team together? You'll see,
the measure does not include spending cuts, were any additional conservative policy add ons. It also does not think that it does not include is apple mental package covering things like aid for Israel and ukraine or additional? U s so so Jonathan or mere back to the wall street journal editorial page, they ve got an undoubted torreon, sag, saying meat, no speaker saying as he old, partaken. Of course, we won't get gold again. I read this for a second biggest I know it brings up the We are all asking which would like whether second, if Kevin Mccarthy had done this, he would have been kicked out. A speaker. The wall street journal editorial hedge races pop quiz. What's the difference between the bipartisan stopgap funding, build that pass? The house tuesday under new speaker, my johnson and the september equivalent pass by former speaker, Kevin Mccarthy answer not thing
but the self defeating republican drama. So for the claim that their goal was electing a quote. Committed conservative as speaker and they finish up. The lack of rebellion this week from the republican romp is welcome and apparent Proposing two speakers in a few weeks was too much even for them, but it further exposes the hollow claims from occurring. The eight made for their october exit, vision as some and that's all it wise. It was sound fury and gestures signify nothing, but what do we say? An attempt to get or hits on our side and more clear and more twenty five dollar donations from across Europe. it concerns all he's really committed. Oh, what then, can start there about putting up where the bullshit? That's all. I want to watch tv
we'll get around conservative and what did they do? They got a guy. They pass the bill This same way, Kevin Mccarthy, pass the bill but cause- and It is important for the grown ups in the room. It was the only way to pass the bill. there are few things at play here. One is simply fatigue think there was a sense that republicans didn't want to go through another messy couple weeks, ousting you're fighting over the speaker crazy in a speaker shutting down the government, they didn't want to do that right. Now we can t Secondly, that the wisdom about putting that fight into an election year, which they have now done assuming this- does pass the senate and then go to the president for his signature it's in your right. He just did what cost Mccarthy his job, I think there's sense among republicans, they gotta give johnson time he's only I've been on the job a couple of weeks. He also has you're more money,
a credentials in some ways. The mccarthy did you know he, of course was the author of some of the big lie. Petitions legal petitions in twenty twenty also with mccarthy, was clever personal with Matt gates and others. That's also some. that led to his astern, perhaps why Mccarthy was an a foul booed yesterday which, what we'll get to in his covered confrontation with Colleagues on the hill, but what this does is that right, keeps the lights on for a while, but what it doesn't do provide any aid to ukraine provide any aid to Israel. Provide any border security money provided aid to taiwan and those are very, very, very thorny issues going for and, in their future frankly uncertain. Let's bring in the co founder of punch ball, it was john brown, then, who covers capital so well and so closely john. So how did you play out yesterday. How speaker Johnson get this much needed. Victory funds- the government, through the the year at least, but
in your view, what's different about this and what costs bigger, mccarthy his job. Mean Mccarthy edge pointing out in and Jonathan pointed out, but what are these hardline conservatives? They just didn't like mccarthy, they just they never liked, and they never trusted him. They saw more as a political tool operator than as a committee conservatives, whereas they see johnson, is he is a hardline conservative. He gave was involved legal cases and twenty he's a developed christian he'd, I mean there's no challenging. Is religious beliefs really isn't it about christian he's one of them and that, I think, helped him. But if you look at the vote from September thirty at when which, which cause mccarthy, the ousted and the vote yesterday essentially the same. There were none, the republicans who voted. it's that bill. The in september, thirty
and now there are ninety three so like it was literally the same bill. I do think it's well give Johnson, some more time, Japan Abrasions builds or try to pack asked them it he'll. send it will work on Israel, ukraine, taiwan, border security package in december they'll, try to see you can put something together then move to the house that I'll give some room press ahead on impeachment joe vine and possibly preachment only clarity. Secretary new yorkers bill had killed, throw some bones the right, but in terms of government funding keys not gonna, be able to change the deal. Mccarthy cut with fine and back in may. That is gonna, be the deal, a venture, they're. Gonna have to come to one house, rhubarb, kids, get a one minute. That's where the run I have to be will actually be from the government, I warn about shut out loud Can a k, a curious, your take down
internal mayor said that one of the reasons this happened as they wanted to avoid the messengers of the past the Mccarthy time, and yet there skirmishes breaking out across capitol hill, which we will show you in a bit, but my god intentions were running high. If it's like a bunch of children. their own capital. At the moment I mean it is great that they ve managed to keep government open during the holidays, so the people are not gonna, be losing their paychecks over thanksgiving and over the christmas holidays. That's one news, but the fact that it coffee was accused of elbowing. Somebody in the back may tell all we need to know about why my johnson managed to get this tree and kept him account. He could not get this through. It does not seem to me that my johnson is the kind of person that goes around. You know something people in the back or allegedly something in the people in the back, so perhaps at all Council people really just didn't like Kevin Mccarthy. Clearly, Nancy maize has her own issues with Mccarthy felt that she had. He had promised us something on trying to protect ray
victims and then never actually done it, and maybe it's a symbols that they just didn't like Kevin, but I'm John. when you look at what what this leads us into- and we have now the set up for the prospect of all of this having to be replayed in general, February early in the new year, those ninety three republicans who voted against my johnson effectively. What have to them. I know he's calling himself an arch conservative, but they have we will pass is. Are they going to give him? I think, that's what I really don't see him getting another one. I don't think bill asked John and even in january I mean I I I I wouldn't bet on it now mean where also they go. We saw that twenty two days had told them to get Johnson in the first place. There is no one in that conference and the republican conference of the two hundred twenty one members who could unite them and they get. Like that, there's literally no one johns
was the least offensive across the broad spectrum of the conference. So I think, at another, then these caught in his favour. But here again I mean: do you know party cut a deal in may the Senate is living with the deal. Buying wants to live with a deal they're gonna to come back to that deal at some point are going to have to deal with it now again, please god, leverage on ukraine the president want ukraine funding that issue problem, she could put speakership on the line. If you puts a ukraine bill on the floor he said, he's going to be open to discussion about it and that's it huge, huge globally important issue so mean we'll see what happens in December. This is not just about republic and in fighting what happens congress, but he's out across the country and across the planet. So did the unease the really big issues equally, as mogadishu catty K, I, like your top complementary,
exactly mine, but at the same time we are, you guys got other next, I get it. I knew it may take some time time, Janine and sort of some uniform and aiming at the community's imply development. it's easy, and I was we normally has that's why I wear the clothes in the morning that I go to sleep and before we do not do that, you know it, so it is again. We mentioned it by these republicans, refuse to fund the southern border. They refused him. Joe Biden has put a lot of money out of on the southern border, a lot of money out to support Israel. A lot of money out to two to support. Stop stop russian tyranny and these republicans just say now that saying now, stopping russian tyranny say no to supporting israel. They say no, to funding the southern border, its
mass. An next in one minute drama will show you the ten stay on their health or house republicans with a first hand account from the npr correspondent who was there when former speaker Kevin macaulay they allegedly elbowed tenancy republican, ten brcko, We're back in sixty seconds each year. Planned parenthood provides vital sexual and reproductive health care services, sex education and information. To more than two point: one million people in the: u s: anti abortion rights. Lawmakers are now trying to use the court system and state legislatures to strip people of essential health care, but planned parenthood will never back down joint plan parenthood in the fight for sexual and reproductive rights. By making a nation visit plan. Parenthood, dot, org, slash future to make your donation. The international rescue committee serves people whose lives have been opened by war, conflict and natural disasters
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depending on where you were? There were some ugly moments, tensions among house for applicant large scale over yesterday? I don't do what are you going to do about here at least so this is interesting. Although Joe started getting newspaper Zeus, migrants christmas every time the papers come, he loves his newspapers go ahead, interrupt continue. Your room a couple days ago, Jonathan, a mere. We are talking about the proper way to say I turn on the west coast, yes well was not here here. There's a story right now about about and closed. may I end it was a mistake. Now I don't think she knows that you at the two now what the four or five right you I do not know that so We all learn this course and tina Faye in thirty rock, when she took her ill fated tribute to los angeles during the rodney king rise above
shea alarmed that you always put inv in front of whatever you like said gee. I turn that did not sound right to me and jonathan mirror you actually linked up with politicos west spiro and one they tell you yeah. I did a little reporting on this, because just like to you Joe didn't seem quite right to me. Just there s now get the california and also how should I dug into this? She did so it is now we get and we were mostly there. It's not the eye. Ten, it simply the tent the fellow for whatever might be dropped, the that's how they do it in in southern california the ten freeway, which we should note, will be closed for a few weeks now, because a virus, the garrison fire that they don't have any suspects. Yet given loosen the governor there right up there, on the tent so here is really was. Of course he was on now doing some research,
pouring in veil on monday, so he was unable to be with us, but will you would have now? This is your hang out with stars? I bet you know, don't worry. It's called the ten right yeah, I think we're showing a little east coast biased your definitely is the tenth definite article than just the number out in southern california. Ten, four or five, for example, oj, is moving slowly up the four o five like that kind of thing. We should do this conversation again in the fourth time for our west coast viewers, so they know yeah, of course, or maybe not well. Let me tell you: there are some up right now: san bernardino cat, a lot of people say: let's get back to the location on the west coast, lingo, alright, tensions among house republicans spilled over yesterday when former speaker Kevin the allegedly elbowed one. His colleagues who voted to remove him from his position last five years old, being interviewed after a conference meeting tennessee report.
Can timber chat says he was hit from behind by Mccarthy were shut down initially apologized thinking he had been in the wrong, but then chased mccarthy down the hall to confront him and be our congressional correspondent. Claudia Marseilles I captured audio. There education. Take a lesson, sorry gavin did make elbow elbow, mean the back gavin calving, you got guts, jerk You got no, you did so they set their number porter set it right. There we're gonna chicken moving here. You are so pathetic.
and then they are, as claudia resellers joins us now. That happened right in front of you and they knew that we were in the middle of an interview in these kind of rolling, it's kind of like, like work in the middle school cafeteria accept these are the people that the country tat tell us about it, I was very studying. This is a tradition, tuesday mornings, one republicans meat in a nearby conference room in the basement area, and we often talk with members as they pull off to the side of this hallway birch. It had the same. He had come to decide to talk to me and as you very he said, one sentence me before he was shot of tea lurched into me. We're about to feed a party, probably lurched, about a foot, in front of me, and so I was just a very shocking moment. I look over, I see its mccarthy, this detail. They are not so at all during that entire confrontation mccarthy's, looking back
respond to large and deny it even chuckling at one point when birgitta saying you're pathetic man, but it was just studying what happened. I, repeating over and over to him and others. I cannot believe I just saw that so called from your view, it was a little shot from the former speaker to birch it, he was shoved and because he lurched into me and Also it was clear to me. Thought? Initially it was a joke, but then a few seconds pass before. I realise this is not a joke at all, because you said our through later on even denied giving what bird to describe as a shot to the kidneys tenancy a book and thou not backing down from his version of events I run and hit the guy. Didn't kidney punch him. I did not shoot the shot. No, I did not go up if I if I would hit somebody
I'll, take, take a polygraph test and have take. What did you say to him right now or you can real it's just it's just a little different. The way people react in tennessee than they do in california and tennessee. If you come across the face to face, I guess the cheap shots in life- and you have seventy million dollars in a security detail, will still be a while just taken abroad. Shouted southern california in this is that the first time mccarthy has been accused of hitting a fellow republican former, congress and Adam Kensington says mccarthy did the same thing to him. Now, on a couple of separate occasions, John brezhnev, had I wish we had an in front of us. I don't have that you had a great tweet yesterday, you ve been covering capital for a long time. I think you said this is one of if not the dumb. stage you ve ever witnessed, I thought kind of downward. He wrote and then today happened
yeah I was I mean. If you came, Rather it is reading your next week, which has guided the stupid step with me. We have this. We in denmark wayne centre, mark Mullen challenging in a witness, quite the head of the teamsters, the we, you know we had Jim comer, chairman of the oversight committee, calling Jared moskowitz that congressmen, a Democrat from california calling much a liar and a smurf I mean we just yesterday was at yeah yesterday. Just a hurricane stupid armenia was like you know, look I think The house has been its action for ten street weeks. Joe knows that members. They get rest. lest they don't like being around each other. Now now it's not an excuse for violence,
Y know what europe is doing, that weird things happen, but I also look, I think, there's I think this brought a couple. Broader issues here. First is of course, sitting of american politics. There is no question of eye in the town, tromp error you have drunk saying what he's done and everything, and then we can take this. We can't take this. He just dismiss this in the imposed post six, but you have one sees the attacker is right right now. This is this: As you know, people do these stupid incidents. You will know what good won't upon social media and any then when the public sees it they take. It is reality- and this is ok, that article VI is ok. This is what happens when we get members are shot. I bet more people, you know Steve squeezed. I mean stuff that you can't you you can't just like this a little thing and expected not to blow up into a big thing out the public well- and
and donald very well. Other days ago, mocking popular the guy in his eighty sue almost got beaten to death and donald to making jokes about it. We talk couple of days ago about you. Had a republican member of congress beat up a reporter, beat up report or a few years ago for asked question about health care reform and what did donald trump he praised town graph on beating up a reporter, so of course, this follows and you see it in the house. Just thank god. Thank you, we have the house of lords, we have the upper chamber with people You know what it's like the exists and is the most exclusive club in the world and with this, it happened in the south to break your heart, but it does there as well as fresh mention to a brawl nearly broke out on the other side of congress. Yesterday, during a hearing of the senate, help committee
again? These are our leaders there, Oklahoma republican mark wayne, melon challenged. The hearings, witness you one think a guy with three names would do this, the president of the teamsters union to a fight This is a time. This is a place. You're gonna run your mouth. We can be two consenting adults. We can finish it here. Ok, this fund perfect We want it now and love to do or in a stranger, but up then you stand there have. Although stop the other problem. Sit down. I or canada, or do you know you are united states uttered a listener coffee? Let's love love to do you're back ok, lot back on anything you're, the one you're a one hundred thirty to be the most influential people in this country, making change we have focused on focusing on article eight is not relevant texts urine and ours moments after every state of marrying. a year now
I understand mall and was a former inmates fighter willie I'm leaving the teamster, allow. Let him be shy. Machines, irish brothers, I guess it close to heal exec. He can handle himself quite going on. It's I mean it you're waiting for it's like the anchorman scene, where they just come out with the more preposterous groups that want to join the fight, and you got the house, we got the senate, we got another one bernie. There is a little backstory here, as you mentioned these two guys kind of been going at it on social media. I guess, since back in june the first challenge, the teamsters president to a fight in response to a tweet where the union boss, two molin as a clown fraud is they went back and forth and now for the first time John, I guess they cite other face to face and decided. Let's do it now that shot o brien pride
medford Massachusetts there on the other side of that confrontation, and yet this was, as you say, this had worked up on social media. We, the centre. There are started, pull off his rings because he was gonna throw down come, but I think it can be said. It can't be said enough. Credit to Bernie sanders, who immediately said the euro call them out your and I'd, say centre were better than this call them into recess innovation. cool down, accepted is because the senator later went on the intelligent every last night I suggested is happy to throw it out at any time, I am not at all suggesting he would back away from a physical conflict as Joe has defended senator Mullen in that interview. So well back in the eighteen fifties: yes kane each other. If we disagreed, we just beat each other and we need to go back to senator sumpter in eighteen. Fifty six was his argument. Andrew jack. Yeah, I'm in F Y parts as mark wayne is one name It's like you. Don't say Cricky bodies to names, but it's really two names that are too first may I mean
claim you know about senator he's, get three nay, you expect fiercely ring. I m glad cheering and eyes morning and I'm sure are shorter with such I'll against, where there's there's a lot. There's lots of violence breaking out here in caddy its again. This is seen by americans. Right, I mean think I've. Nobody brought it tried to the fight with this is seen by americans. These are the People are supposed to be leading eyes and end they The again it's its governing by gesture as a wall street journal, what was there? What did they? They? They talk about with excitement the drama of october. Exhibition is a wall that exhibition ism he's gone into november. Now it's just pathetic yeah I haven't. make. There was all men Of down those little dry indications, I'm just doing I'm just
just put it out? There ought? I loved, was Kevin Mccarthy saying oh well. If I hit somebody they know about it like that that's his demands in the morning. It did that. Actually, oh I'm much tougher than that, and I get into fights all the time when I do. People really know that I flew the modern around as if that's meant to be some kind of mitigation facts at all. You know it's embarrassing as its embankment. I think you know Bernie sanders, thank god it, but he's from the school of how things are done in the worry. Is that there's the old school of how things are Then it's Bernie sanders school, saying, you're, not united states senator behave better than that and then there's a new school where the language over the last few years, an american politics has become more violent. You hear people talking about civil war, you here you know the former isn't saying it rallies that heat people should be punished if they say that he would like to punch them if they dis, heckle him. Also at a a rally and twenty sixteen. So it's it's a kind of it. It gets into the
there it becomes normalized people get a bitch waited to that kind of language, and ITALY the kind of things we saw yesterday pathetic bought, but there is more. Where was how republican house oversight committee chair james calmer, responded to democratic congressmen jared moskowitz of florida. It started when, congressman Moskowitz asked the kentucky Republican about a daily. his story published last week, asserting that congressman comer loaned his brother two hundred thousand dollars? As a land swap deal for contacts, com or has based leslie accused president I've never engaging in shady business practices by law, in the same amount of money to his brother, James Biden, comber denied any suspicious activity and then what in the off on Moskowitz? I went to the bank- and I borrowed money about that.
I didn't get wire from romania, china, my family doesn't get wires, ok, never loan. My brother money don't have an llc, but you and go man who is mr trust fund. continue to night proclaiming y know, I'm gonna give you your tab. I will stop a clock. You are continued. You look like a smart here just gone awry on at all this stuff, no louis, mr chairman, you have all done if, where you can we're not on time, we, u dissimilar mo you, you have done on something you did your new and stymied your brother. She may possibly have questions. Why? Just the lady. Why do I believe investigate? Why do they believe me? There are given rule freedom resident, there's a different meaning, why they believe you're saying, MR chairman, why you go on fox news and said
low, our way using taxes, we don't know, that's what you're doing or not. We don't know. We have no idea worth about to take your word for it, but when the Well, you ve got the improvement and irish remark with. What's that you ve already been proven. Allow loose proven me a liar you, yes, your needs I go to my home too. There's a camera today and opposition research crew there today Did you hear me? They seem to have gotten worse, seems to have gotten under your skin hay for your ticket. I think the american people have lots of questions. Mr chairman, and perhaps you should sit, maybe for a deposition week. I will be happy. I will sit with one hundred Biden and Joe Biden and we can go over our llc that I was there not so long ago airmen, never acted. They just didn't take debate like that and willie. call more to call any body. Smurf proves only one day says they looked like a smart. They are
You usually don't have mirrors com or house well, it's hard to know what to say watching that back and forth again bread. This gets back to the investigation. Comber is leading in the by family, into hunter Biden, and he is said himself well. We got an awful lot of smoke, no fire. Yet it's when you don't have any fire. You engage in fights like this as a distraction. Perhaps we ve gone. Pretty much queues. The bribery I mean. Have you I mean I've interview calmer heat, pretty much a right as improve. It was what I mean. We are and, of course they have not proven anything at all, but he coming here clearly leaves at it the speaker my Martin seems to do you think you know a fine has done something wrong as well. I do think that, geneva seen in how for public- and you ve seen this since january, this entire congress, they had it
the great majority. Remember that that stuff on the floor with my rogers and matt Gaetz, richard huh, but another congressmen at a cool bike, rogers that that from Alabama way from gate, when we saw that fine in january we ve seen this direct. This commerce up republicans are fighting over. There you're their party that future their parties it's here and each day, And inside their party, their enemies, in fact they're there their enemies. They seem more. You know. The model in their own party or more of an enemy than the Democrats are, which is just you know, that's when it's become. And by by moderates, actually there so few moderates there. If any year really talking about people who don't want to turn burn the institution down, I moderates when I was. There meant some completely different even ten years ago, meant something completely different. Now
moderate means is somebody that doesn't want to burn the place down, destroy the institution, a moderate, as somebody who wants to get things done. I do have to say just to follow up on calmer Commerce proven absolutely nothing is saying again gone back to the wall street journal editorial page about a month ago. I'm sure it's all smoke, no fire right and he can keep searching. They suggested, keep church and see if you can find anything. But time for time after time, after time proves he has nothing and in fact here I hope we can find something Instead, you save law, guarantees, peace, impeachment inquiry with absolutely no evidence, and they ve met it yeah, they ve admitted they make the charge and they don't have any of the evidence
in the republic. The potential and most likely republican nominee for president is the leader of all of this type of behavior. He is opening the door to it. Claudia will will close this block with you final thoughts. Thank you for coming on, but what make of this behaviour in terms of the grand scheme of things in the direction of the republican party, its future it's it's a very tough moment for republicans. I agree. We ve been seeing these struggles since the beginning of the year and they only escalated when we saw the speakership fight. So one reason I've been focusing on house publicans and their inter party fighting, is because of concerns of physical. All patients. It just seems like that's what this is all going, and so studying as yesterday was it was not that shocking in the end. That's what we keep saying stunning, but not shocking day after day congressional responded and npr, claudia resellers and co founder,
Punch ball news, John brush my hand. Thank you. Both very much for coming on this morning and coming upon morning, job will be joined by house minority leader. How came jefferies discussed how has robotic and needed help from democrats to pass that belgium avoid a government shutdown down plus will preview today's high stakes meeting between president Joe Biden and China
president changing ping morning, Joe is coming right back. Small businesses are the backbone of our communities and mastercard understands that every business has unique needs together with our partners. We support small business owners with innovative and tailor tools, resources and solutions with mastercard. Small businesses can connect to capital technology. Financial tools and more to help grow and protect their business. Every step of the way learn more about the tools and resources available through mastercard, small business community at mastercard that, u s, backslash small business ratio is sponsored by better help,
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I com slash morning Joe today, to get ten percent off your first month. That's better help! H, e l p dot com slash morning, Joe the forty eight past the hour today in california, president Joe Biden will meet with his chinese counterpart for the first time in a year. Chinese, and ensuring paying landed in san Francisco yesterday, where he was greeted on the tarmac by California. Govern Gavin knew some treasury sex, Cara, JANET yellen and us ambassador to china nicholas burns Biden, cheese meeting follows a tumultuous year for: u S, china, relations as these powers now aim to get back on track. Made issues will be discussed in their talks today, including human. It concerns the path forward to keeping relationships stable and they ongoing wars in europe and the middle EAST. Another goal will be finding a path.
reopening military communication channels. Yesterday, press Biden was asked how he would define success in their meeting. But how would you define success with your meeting with president? She. The back of the normal course of corresponding being able pick up. The phone talked one another crisis, Being able to make sure our military to have contact with one can't take, as I told you, what we're not trying to decouple from china or worse we are trying to do is cheap the relationship for the better. From my perspective, if, in fact, the chinese people who are in trouble right now, economically, average homeowner home on the average citizen in china They will have a decent pay job offensive salmon benefits us I'm not going to continue to sustain support for
This is where, if one invested china, we have to turn over our trade and the president emeritus of the council on foreign relations, richard haass and MSNBC contributor, MIKE barnacle, that's good morning richard. Let me start with you. The stakes, this meeting today. This by lad are what exactly. This point to the front page of the wall street journal headline: why she no longer brags about the economy taken, but the swagger he might have had a couple of years ago. There is not. into the meeting today, not so much what does critical relationship of this europe of history, and this is a relationship- that's been deteriorating for several years, both there are now willie have an interest in establishing what the president always calls a floor. United states need another military type crisis Where are we about our hands full in europe in the Middle east, doesn't want china be helping. Russia in ukraine is worried about no one saw us. We have a political military agenda. Chinese
is a magic other got all sorts of make headway sherwood they're! Looking for no more? U s pressure on their economy; they don't want new sanctions, are not what new technology controls and so forth. So the two sides, very different agendas. China's economic ours is political military, but both I want to stabilize this relationship. Don't get it they'll, be something of a fly we'll see how strong it is. How long at last, what it covers is not going to deal with things like taiwan and the big differences, but all things being equal. I think it will stop. generation? The relationship will have to see for how long the same thing happened. Go at bali. They met literally a year and a dagger they establish what they thought was a fly, Then the balloons she showed up one day in the united states, the flu didn't last so will see how this goes MIKE it is that because of the economic problems, shine has been having over the past couple of years and they steadily declined over over the last two years.
a lot of news reports. A lot of foreign policy analysed saying that could actually get some. Some significant things out of this summit is, if it, by significant again, Just we watching this relationship re launching a baseline on security on the other. taiwan and and going back. To what was the status quo on at issue, and we ve already seen both sides talking about progress on environmental issues as well. This would have any for different summit six months ago, then that we have we will see today Joe apparently. The key word that you just mentioned is baseline, a baseline for the relationship between china and the united states, from the get go. What happens here until we clearly evident in the end what we see on tv when the median occurs, the first meaning occurs, but richard howdahs out as a relationship with china
prove one. Do you two countervailing things happening in china is flooding america with fattened, knowingly flooding america with foot sentinel and the united states. Obviously sensibly is, is busy, putting together relationships up and down the pacific rim with australia with the philippines. Things like that, how what with what we mean? be success in this relationship and sometimes so far policy would bring about real cooperation. You want to improve relations here, probably definition of success mike is more modest, it's what you want to avoid more than anything ass. The united states and china need to avoid conflict over taiwan. We need to, why china specifically arming arming russia, we don't want china to things in the Middle EAST. That would make the things they are more more difficult now, if Beyond that, we can actually get some limited improvement on federal, reassigned pushing military, the military communication. So if there is ever an incident, it doesn't doesn't somehow escalate
and is more interested. I on the economic side, but I think we ve gotta, be modesty, This is a relationship but really hasn't found hasn't where they found the definition for itself its highly competitive. and the question is: can you avoid having the competition spill over into something conflicts will now You find some limited areas of cooperation amidst the comp competition, maybe, but we're not going to get shot, help on north korea or not yet were probably not going to get trying to help on russia's. What sensitivity Does china not have a huge demographic problems, lee and the very young unemployed that, if only I try to china's what one point three one point: four billion people the estimates are over the rest. Century over seventy five years. China's going to go. something where they are now. One point three one point four billion to something on the order of eight hundred million mash of democratic, quiet and, as you say, already, the ratio of those working to those who are retired, is moving in the wrong direction. A lot of young people, some of them still bright brightest are leaving over twenty percent youth unemployment,
which is a real problem, really interesting, article recently by urbanize, notion the york it's like about Chinese believes. This is this is what she should thing has done. Is your strength, The government strengthen the communist party, but its had a real effect. Economy. Society he's prepared to make that deal. You must in short, make sure they maintain political control, but China's paying paying paying a price for this. So we used to the china is ten feet tall. We now stand, it's not, but this is still a difficult china. We shouldn't underestimate, some of their areas of economic competition. Things like I did. The worldly a thing solar and all that, but also a china that has difficulties at home. Is it necessarily in east you're trying to deal with a broad and that that's really the challenges facing us
not an end, not easier at all. You know. It is interesting that over the past ten fifteen years would bed people coming on our show talking about the rising china. It was going to eclipse us. It was going to leave the united states in the dust I said no saying things about japan and nineteen. Eighty six, eighty seven, eighty eight, eighty nine just wasn't going to happen with Japan is not going to happen with china, but there there's no doubt within a mere one of the reasons why the? U s? Economy is still so much stronger than in china's or because of a lot of self, inflicted wounds. Yet you you look it again the demagogy. I think problems right now it's just that it's just a demographic time bomb waiting to go off, in China? You add, on top of that, how she is as as, as basically shape
sit down some of the best entrepreneurs and put the the of the fear of the communist party and I'm so there on the cutting edge, what alternative Pineau want to move to china right now, a lot of american businesses, don't really care about, staying there anymore. They were always talking about expanding it. Look at what happens with hong kong all easy and then just this past week reports she trying to encourage young people to move out to the contrary, because jobs urban centres. Let me get this: is this as a society going through some pretty significant signal Guess changes said anne and a lot of them, not good yeah. It's a pretty humbled she's paying that comes to this meeting with president Biden, even much more so that a year ago, when they did meet in in bali and two richards point in a moment ago, sea or what I say is pre viewing this They tell me that that's the expectation I just get back to bali put did so,
stabilize where things were before the spy balloon before number of other confrontations and flashpoints between two nations. To try to draw this rough. Take down the temperature resume communication on the military level. Increase it elsewhere. Try to make some progress on clay change fetnah. We went through the list, but really it's about to try to just com things down. So, frankly, the? U s can focus. other things because of the situation in ukraine because of the middle east and of course it is about to head into a real, you're. So that's that's. The goals we're today modest but important? The two metal-
this afternoon and then make it will hear from president Biden holding a new conference this evening? Small businesses are the backbone of our communities and mastercard understands that every business has unique needs together with our partners. We support small business owners with innovative and tailor tools, resources, an solutions with mastercard. Small businesses can connect to capital technology, financial tools and more to help grow and protect their business ever step of the way, whether at setting up shop, online, accepting digital payments or boosting cybersecurity readiness. Mastercard connects small businesses with the support and tools they need to help reach their goals as part of master community small businesses can hold their skills and learn new ones as they build, manage and grow. Their enterprises learn more about the tools and resources available through mastercard, small business community at mastercard that, u s, backslash small business.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-16.