« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 11/14/23

2023-11-14 | 🔗

House set to vote on two-step funding plan to prevent shutdown

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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to avoid that shot down will explain that plan plus special, So jack smith responds to Donald trump push for cameras in the court room in his federal election interference case. Meanwhile, former presidents, eldest son takes the stand again in the civil fraud trial against the family business. We'll get legal analysis on that testimony and we'll have the latest out of gaza on the efforts to evacuate patient but the largest hospital which, ro says, sets above a hamas command her eyes, and you look at the past first today- and that's really that's the headline on so much it's it's about. The fact that that is Israel forces in gaza, Rita hospital. This is in All three general talks about as convinced and worsen the lead in the new york times, hospitals eggs as gauze in Gaza, as its rage at at the door step,
and it really does willie far for both sides. It feeds into the suggestions of of of white. Both sides are accusing the others of of, crimes on whether its israel going after that hospital, because they believe that help Ices acts committed war crimes by hiding behind civilians having a vast network of tunnels, wife, under these hospitals and other civilians instead they are are certain- would not be bombed by Israel. it makes obviously the situation there so much more complicated for personal israeli sewer or are trying to root out the terrorists, but all to try to figure out. What's underneath theirself we're gonna be covering that the morning. Also David Ignatius of posting from Israel that that that we ve heard that deal between Israel and hamas
defrayed dozens of hostages, maybe at two hundred women and children. They are act. Closing in on that deal. So we may hear some good news on that in the next few days. Let's hope that's true and go back to the fore Part of what you are talking about, that is, the central dilemma of the war were passed. danger, saying today, Israel militarily stop attacking civilians, Israel saying start building your command centres, hamas under hospitals and understood also. We are seeing that play right now we'll get to that in just a bad, but we do want to begin this morning with new red nations in the fulton county election interference case against donald trump and Thirteen other co defendants, the washington, post and abc news and made public excerpts of videos of former lawyers, jenna, Alice, Allison, sidney power watch now. As elsewhere counts a conversation with one high ranking trump adviser where he said the boss not leaving the white house for any reason,
I emphasise him. I thought that the on the claims and the ability to challenge the election results was essentially over aside arms mean that kind of excited tat wall. We don't care and we're not going to leave, and I said what do you mean he said the boss. I is not going to leave under any circumstances. We are just going to stay in power and I said demo doesn't work that way you realize, and he said we don't care video. a series of recordings and which alice was working. To lay out everything she knew that the prosecution could use an extra. aims for play deal and we see news did not obtain the videos they ve not been identified and apparently verified. Alice is one of four co defendants in sprawling georgia rico case they accepted a light defendants in exchange for information They Powell, another lawyer, who accepted a deal discussed in her proffer session and meeting with former president trump, where he was
he lost in twenty twenty. Were you around? When someone anyone told donald trump? Did he laughed election year? Patsy bologna error, kherson Derek lines all thought he had lost them, the wretched meeting? Yes, what was present from reaction. When is this time? advisers would say you lost. It was like well, I would say that and then laid out, and he goes This is one idea with all the time. I will also discuss your scheme to seize voting machines from across the country. Says you talk with the former president, often while carrying out her plans, both she and trump now claim she never represented him wash impose also reform, can a chess brow a key figure.
plan to use fake electors, told prosecutors he briefed. Upon the attempt to falsely certify his win in battleground states, chez statement personally ties. If I present to the electoral plan before counting district attorney's office, has refused NBC news request for comment, translated in georgia said this about the report quote if they is the nonsense line of inquiry being pursued, and this is the type of bogus ridiculous Evidence da willis intends to rely upon one. More reason that this political, travesty of a case must be dismissed. That comes from an attorney for dollar. droplets brain for a. U s: attorney MSNBC contributor, Barbara quaid and business responded VON Hillyer and the it's way too early white house bureau, chief at politico jonathan, your vinyl sovereignty you've been covering this very closely. It is striking to see these two attorneys. These two women who were so brash during the twenty one election with their claims of stolen election being humbled. Now that the
has caught up to them and they ve cut a deal with prosecutors. What it's so striking is to see these two on video, saying this in this is the part that I could come actually that I was at trumps counter rally to the debate about down in miami there. In To this day I mean one one gentleman telling me that locked unloaded, ready to go a real hot civil war and his words. You know why, because of people like alice in sydney, pow sitting, while standing thereafter pressure after oppressor, suggesting she was girlies a crack in there was an international cabal. There was at the heart overturning the election had taken it from donald trump, JANET, alice Her time line is a little a little off based, but in arizona she was down there with Rudy giuliani, making two cases speaker a rusty bauer, overturn and allow the arizona legislature to give donald trump the win in arizona. So to hear this, to the extent that
boil loyalists here from these folks and see these proper videos, I'm not sure, but it hits at the heart of the argument for the cameras. In the courtroom for the federal election interference case, because these are impelling in the reveals. Is jonathan the book on on the big still tell us about these who players and the significance of them stepping forward. Now saying it was all a lie, and specifically the donald trump was told by his lawyers, time by his lawyers. Many times he lost the election yeah, that's the most important point which will come back a second, but it tries refreshing those memories on these two attorneys to the power path, the cracking jenna, Alice and regionally awning made up the heart of trumps legal team. After the twenty twenty election, they worked with johnny spent a kind of chess bro, on not just the fake electors scheme, which, of course, is central to the federal january sixth case,
but also these other measures, whether it was voting machines are challenging. The results are falling lawsuits which they have a right to do. Those were all, without exception, defeated in court, but they propagated the bees lie, and that is to Vaughan's point where people are still believing three. later, people still believe that the election was all from donald trump pull suggest the majority of republicans. Don't think the job was duly elected and that's the point here they injected into the american political bloodstream. That is not good away and now certainly Alice and powell. Are you there test only here that they were aware that deal. Was not in fact stolen that they told donald trump, though that may get into whether truck the trumps mindset, whether he truly leaved or not, that he won or lost in? I reported in my book and others have as well the trump data. Times privately concede that he lost telling Kelly. I can't wait one moment: how could I lose to this belief in guy meaning Joe Biden
and though the trump team is trying to downplay the significance of these two layers. Testimony there's a limit to what they can new and there's a sense that ellison power or just part of a chain that could lead to others flipping in georgia as well? That would endanger the former president further laws, that too Barbara mc. How valuable is this testimony? Is it to get others to flip, or do you think that some of the things were hearing from these two individuals? How can it be used in the trial how useful invaluable willoughby. Well, I think the purpose of risks waiting. Their statements is just to lock them in so that they can't change their story later. What was it trial. Is there live testimony, and so they will discuss all These things and more and of course, be subjected to cross examination, but they revealed some very port and things already that we heard just any excerpts and perhaps there's more the fact that donald trump was aware of the fact that he lost the election really important
they had meetings with him where they disclose the plan. According to kenneth chess brow and a statement, fit dance, convened the deputy chief of staff said: oh, don't you haven't. You heard here leaving under any circumstances, and I think that robots the claim that he thought tat he had left willing, won the election, and so I think, that's important. I think there's one their important dynamic here and that is having to on the inside admit that it was all a time to the extent that a dreary presumes a defendant to be innocent. You know, hearing the evidence of a prosecution, says one thing, but to hear people say yes, I have pledged killed. I am accepting responsibility and I was in on it on this and here's how it went down. There can be very valuable for jury to hear I shall cancel jack's myths office is arguing again
having hammers and the port room jurassic. Former president donald trump upcoming federal election interference, trial, saying the former president wants a quote, carnival atmosphere. in a filing yesterday smith's team, wrote there's a good conscience socially sound, broadcast prohibition that has governed federal prison. trials, no matter the dependent for decades there is no reason to depart from common practice, media outlets, including MSNBC parent company, NBC universal, are arguing for the trial to be televised initially My president, trumps attorney, told the special councils office. They took no position on televising the trial. But over the weekend the trump team change course asking for the trial to be broadcast. While accusing the special council of wanting to proceed in secret
At this point, the trial is unlikely to be televised, given that federal criminal proceedings have never been aired on television. What's more judge, Tanya chuck and has repeatedly stated she will treat trump like any other criminal defendant and that broadcasting as trial would be a major departure from the norm, what do you think Joe? And secondly, it's gonna be really hard to treat him like any other criminal defendant, but I guess you can try. I mean, of special, because special treatment, Many walks in the dorias secret service people can't what an engine el, necessarily without the secret service they have our your? How is treated like a normal dog donald trump winds when, when we Donald trump is able to play the disruptor bright. When able to go outside of a court room, and yet and wave his arms and tell america. Why just happened inside the court room and we
seen it? We saw it with robert mauler. I'm we're seeing it now with jack smith. People are saying just by the book by the book: let's go by the board, had down we're going to do this, just like any other guys. It's not any other case and aside any other defended and and the kid We borrowed barbara acquired for transparency in this case is I'm out, I'm really surprised and really disappointed the jack Smith's talking about head down no note its parents say. Let's just do the case like we do every other case, americans need to see this they need to see it. Because the rule of law is under attack and they need to see what's happening when a former president is tried and possibly convicted for the crime of trying to steal an election. Don't you think? Well what we would like to see is different. I think, from what we can see. I'd love to see this televised has, I think otherwise, Donald trump will misrepresented
actually going on in the courtroom. However, what jack, where the saying is that we don't want to be televise, he's saying the judge lacks the authority to televise it from rule of procedure. Fifty three prohibits prison the courtroom, and so any advocacy on this issue has to be taken up at a different level. With the judicial conference. The group of judges who make up the rules for happens in court. Her hands are tied by emotion: do that can't carry move to get that done not, and the judge lax authority to do this at the? I think, what the me Companies are arguing is that she should strike down. The rule is unconstitutional, so if makes that finding. Then I suppose so, but other courts have already found that is, and so I think that she lacks the power to do that, what the place to advocated with the dude a conference to change the rule- and they have time to do that before that this trial begins. So the trunk campaign
trying to downplay alarming comments made by the twenty twenty four republican front runner over the weekend, which echo the words of twentyth century fascists, on social media and then later at a rally on saturday, trump vowed to quote root out his proceed. political enemies whose live like vermin within the What he said live like vermin within the com, fines of the country that has quote in a statement to the wall. Imposed afterwards? A campaign spokesperson hit back at those drawing parallels between trumps words and the words of dictators using more extreme language. He told the postscript those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly grasping for anything. and their entire existence will be crushed when president trumpet
as to the white house, says it's such a stop there. Let's hear their entire existence will be crushed when president trop returns, to the white house, made earnings and willie later on. He said one that sad existence nodded tire existence. I mean it distinction without a difference, but I mean how ridiculous that a guy comes out. The fat white people who's, trying to talk tough for four for a fake, populist, I was going around spreading hatred and trying to overturn american democracy and israel fines to to it to two trump grass back at a nazi reference for the nineteenth thirties? Is this these people that are criticising him are going to have it in time existence, Christ I mean it
these? Are these yellow? Where where do you find people so vacant and so desperate and adjust lacking any any centre any kind or they would talk about people's entire existence is being crushed. Well, it's a job. Requirement, as you know, to work for donald trump. All those things you just lay out be obsequious echo exactly what he said and in this case it's not reach its exactly thing that he adolf hitler said he used the term vermin. So that's a statement of fact and it just pull but one or one right for a dictator and authoritarian to dehumanize your opponents of that you can do things to them then seen. dear supporters, fair and just in some way, because They'Re- not u minute and VON, it's been striking once again to see the lack of it.
odds from any republicans at all on any of this living. Its could almost have given here. At this point I ve been asked, and we only we ve been down this road for almost a decade now. Can you believe that france, it. I don't want to talk about the campaign, and I want to talk about dollar proper, focused and other things. Can you believe, that he suggested general merely should be executed. I didn't hear the comment. I don't you know this is we know this, but my god they won't talk about this because it's what we are living through for all these last year's donald trump could very well be in the white house for former years, and you know, lottery vowed to destroy him reynolds the guy will governor and for the can, jones back home in the state of ilo. When you say your governor being threatened like that. You know that hostile place, an environment to be here. On the one time that I was invited on two thousand plain. The share was from Waco texas back in march and the united with these campaign staffers, including this press secretary on a daily basis and What is so striking this go around is just keenly aware. This campaign,
team is to have only boilers, on their staff, there are no less affairs this time around, there's nobody that is trying to do good from within and when he got back on the plane after that rally in waco texas, which there were a lot of questionable remarks made by the former president. He got back on the plane and everybody applauds great job boss and he puts his hands up and they are like that, and that is what the president wants to hear and frankly when he sees pulling numbers like he does. He has every you feel good about its position right now. You want retreated like the dear leader and Jonathan here. That's it also private. What will see if he's reelected in his cabinet and the people who we surrounds himself with we did here from the white house This, though, yesterday these vermin comments and the white ass is really up to their rhetoric against trump criticising trump in the last week to grow afforded, we reported the last week or so that they were mulling that shift and well they have done it the day I've decided to draw the contrasts much they can. They ve been neely sharply critical of trump on comments like this, but
the stance on abortion. Other political issues, as well as a europe with a likely with a trump binary match so likely there not wasting any time and some felt they should have made this move sooner. I know Joe, does but they are doing it now, where they're trying to draw these contrasts. But to your point it is surely loyalists in that next time, ministration were he to win again. We spent a lot of time yesterday talking about the twenty twenty five project as they have deemed it and trumps immigration propose. those draconian to say the least, what you can evolve raids in camps in friendly american measures to try to rid the nation in their words of illegal immigrants, and that is what is is coming here: it's not just rhetoric. It's instantly rhetoric followed by policy, and certainly we have heard trump since twenty fifty use sub human terms to describe this political foes and we're seeing that again here with the with vermin over the weekend and there's no sign of it signed yesterday afternoon was said in a post on social media that he would institutionalized special council now Jack smith, the current deputy attorney general
tomorrow, as well as former d o j prosecutor out unless and Joe just quickly. The vermin comment was not an ad lib was not a slip. He posted this exact comment to his so right media side as well. This is the story he wants to tell now diabetes twice. It is a nether line. That's crossed another time, then it should but not surprising and again I am glad the white house is doing what what they're doing it makes it makes. when somebody apes, Adolf hitler and apes moose waning. Meda Mussolini, when they left words from nineteen thirty, ashes speeches focus The humanizing jews. when they talk about executing the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, because he would go along with a military coup when they talk about
still to tional, the second he's elected, and this was just yesterday institute. nationalizing people at the justice department, cause they're pursuing invent allegations against it when he talks terminating the constitution of the united states of america, then yeah yeah? I think I think, Jonathan amir The white house is really do you want we are talking about yesterday, there focusing on die problems worse each one of these cases instant, snow lies in people and the justice department that you don't like and he makes that threat yesterday after lifted. hitler and Mussolini's words. What they used to this, jews and other other enemies of their views. Fascist regimes when he's talking about terminating the constitution. When he's talking about doing all
these things did end and when he has such extreme remarks on fallen soldier sandy, doesn't respect them me doesn't understand why he calls because men and women who gave their lives to the united states losers well, you're on It's a good thing is bringing it out and I just want to say I want. We underline again that I its donald trump words that he's doing now- and you know, he's got an all that is over? Seventy seven, it's an old act here here the end and so what does he do We can do is keep we upping for the shock value and he wants to re up for the shock value. So we'll talk about it and other people who talk about him, what he does- stand, is it's a double edged sword? very words he's using are now being put together by a campaign
that's gonna beat him again: they're gonna, beating with our words and we talked abortion yesterday Donald trump bragging. I am the one who terminated, roby wade, the one that killed a woman's right to choose what you do with her own body. I The wine that took freed away from your daughters, from your wives, fifty rom, your loved ones. I am wine that crushed fifty here's a freedom, I mean those me here bragging about doing all of that and leading little, ten year old girls being raped by illegal immigrants and having to flee the state of ohio, because a wide donald trump dead and he's bragging about that. Who s going to be long fall for donald trump trump, since fifteen is have this political trick where he is speaking away
just ambiguous enough that people can really do what they want. He can dismiss it. I don't know I was joking, I was exaggerated, but we I've seen the peers believers, his support, Take him at his word may believe him, and we saw that is what fuelled janeway six their belief in his words about The big lie and were set by the way they are in jail right away. There jail Jonathan, aren't they they believed in, and you think, there's other group like that. That's going to believe him to, or do you think, they're gonna be willing to sit in jail for guy who says fat, dumb, happy at moral lago run for president making money. While these, working. Class americans are rotting in jail because they bought and do as lie. Will there is a sense that his when he's called for protests in recent months, they ve been sparsely and it because it's true believers are already locked up, but your point about words words being used against in which seems to be the Biden campaign playbook right now
on things like abortion, on things like extremism, on things like threats of political violence, it did those words are being used against donald trump, and we should also note, of course, his words are also can be the first time used against them in the court of law that also, We're going see him on trial next year. Amid a campaign being held legally council for those same words, so donald from junior his son testified again yesterday and the families new york, simple, trot frog trial this time as a witness for the defense, The trial is mostly in place to determine what the punishment will be since the judges already found donald trump and his adults, sons guilty of fraud. during his testimony, don june praised his father as a visionary, an artist and yes, he described the former as someone who quote, creates things that others would never envision, this is true. Trunk junior attack to paint a picture that the property
are extremely valuable and at the company actually under raided them in statements. Those of the statements that judge has already deemed fraudulent sell their son failed to provide any evidence to support his claims. While the prosecution has presented spread, shapes financial statements and more to the point so as a bar, it just seemed, without juniors testimony. There wasn't wasn't a lot. take away from bad. Nor was there lie to take away from the other hence, I think Eric made one, why pretty significant but other than that did did did. I think you should get anything our did. The did that the state get anything out of our it has Monday the children. I think they do. Is subtle points, but I think they did. I think that the they got some evidence that lenders rely on these statements of financial worth. We heard that from a vehicle.
prompt and we heard that from Eric trump. I think we heard some Evidence about donald involvement in the valuation of these properties, as well as some of the children, and that is important for this phase, where some of the other claims require proof of it. hint, but I think largely, as we just heard this cases all the amounts, and so that's gonna come down to what's on the documents, as opposed to whatever our will description? Donald trump junior gives of these areas properties and shows gauzy images of beautiful ball rooms. What is going, down to are the numbers and numbers don't lie they are not. There is a will. There is a massive spread, my law the value of back to prior yeah, what drier cliff just a massive spread on white he valued the mad and the white. What the court his and the witnesses have said the value of it. Is I this
really hard to get at you. You, you, you donald trump and again we're talking about something. That's already taken place. He's already found a to Fraud committed fraud, but yeah. Now there are appraisers? There are property appraisers that will tell you how much a property is worth and donald trump and well body else can just add four hundred per because his name's john they're yeah, it's almost comical I urge them attack appraisers these guys, who have no political interest in this whatsoever. This guy's with calculators assessing property that their somehow corrupt. I mean you had with a straight face, trumpets said this to wear trump suggests sing by their math, that more along the beach club were down. Trump lives is worth somewhere and then of one to two billion dollars. That's their assessment. The assessor headed down like eighteen million, it's probably worth more than that actually but its proper.
really not worth a billion dollars with that is trump math for you former eu us turning barbara quaid and embassies barnhill. Your thank you both and still I have on morning, Joe during this, surely criticising speaker, my Johnson's plant upon the government, president Biden and Democrats now say they are open to. It will have the letters from capital hale s there down deadline looms, plus tens of thousands of people are expected to participate in a marked for israel. Today, a rally in washington, including jewish groups, from Chicago flying out to attend the event no more we'll get alive a word from o hare international airport, you're watching joe, will be right back
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So I pictures cargo at five. Thirty three in the morning as the israel hamas work continues to rage. Tens of thousands of people are expected in Washington today for the march for Israel rally the margin, organizer say they expect about one hundred thousand people to attend the rally you show solidarity with Israel and to bring away as to the rise of anti semitism across the world. Today, It comes as thousands of pro palestinian protesters marched at the capitol two weeks ago to demanded Cease fire in the war journey is now from o hare international airport, Chicago's NBC news corresponded maggie vesper maggie's been talking synagogue groups which go we're heading two dc from o hare for today, Rally maggie morning hey, whether good morning, that's kind of a drop in the bucket as far as the mass migration that has taken place literally coastal coast today, as you set up to
hundred thousand people expected in dc coming from across the countryman work here, specifically in terminal three of the o hare airport, because we're waiting on a local rabbi along with several members, adults from his congregation- and High school seniors, who want to travel, are travelling to dc later today to show this is the message that we ve heard from communities. Jewish communities and congregations across the area we talk so that they want to show that they will not be cow, they will not be scared. They will not be silenced by the rise and anti semitism across the country and our team. Our network has been sorted touching base with those communities again across the country and columbus ohio, for example, or local affiliate, their reporting to bus loaves of students from ohio state Diversity are travelling to dc early this morning, similar stories out of raleigh up and down the east coast, and then we have a lot of flights coming in from the mid west and the west of specifically according to the jewish you
I did find, who, by the way, is subsidizing a k paying for a lot of these trips for jewish americans across the country. We have close the thousand people from the chicago go area alone who are planning to travel to dc, about for those were told. Our adults and is specifically within the community, and then we're also told hundreds of them and of reiterate that earlier point, our students, alot of high school students, a lot college students and, as you know, with covered the rise and anti semitism, specifically on college campuses across the country. So a lot of these people, the majority that we ve, talked to see two days march at the: u s, capital as the chance to kind of deliver that mass message that again they will not be cowed and they want hide amid that very jarring and rise, of course, of anti semitism across the. U S, promises to be a huge showing a word sticks are some of those who are getting ready to board these flights to dc later on this morning, ass people come from across the
for including right there in chicago and bc. News correspondent, maggie vesper, maggie, thank you as well and guys will we joined tomorrow by jonathan green black, head of the idea of who is organised were shaken. To be a massive rally today in washington. it so important for that message to be sent across amerika across the world and willie. I will. I will say was really heartened in this morning. In the new york times reading about a march in paris, one hundred thousand people marching in paris a place that that is, fraud with anti semitism and in many cases come from islamic radicals. That's it ants more so than in the united states. Where you have extreme laughed and the stream right, showing showing signs of anti semitism and pressuring jews in america, whether they be on college campuses, are just trying to live in communities? Are you look in detroit
and the head of a synagogue brutal stabbed death after the october seventh attacks, but people of paris stood up one hundred thousand of em and protested against anti semitism in France that is so important when we see one european country after Other european country forget the lessons of the holocaust, Have we seen it so much ugliness in the last month, or so in terms of anti semitism just out in the open in the streets right here in new york on college campuses and european capitals as well? So we will see, though a shall we believe we hope will be a massive and peaceful display today in washington. How right coming up going to be joined by democratic com when Gregory makes on the heels of a bipartisan delegation. He lied to Israel over the weekend. Also ahead after eight seasons. The circus aired it's so
spinelli on Sunday will show you an ominous clip from the final outcome so that feels quite a lot about the current state of our politics. Was one of next guess, says: democrats shouldn't let up on abortion rights. Knowledge on fast will be here with her new peace for vanity, fair warning, Joe will be right back like Syria, ukraine in lebanon, displaced families are experiencing adverse winter weather conditions on top of, or hunger and displacement that many makeshift refugee camps cannot withstand extreme weather. The international rescued from any response to crises as the weather gets cold by distributing essential winter items to refugees, including food, shelter, few medicine, blankets and more as well as cash assistance, so families can buy the winter items they need to survive. You can help donley today by visiting rescue, dot, org slash rebuild
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they respond to drop and they looked back and trumps presidencies that hey my wages or higher inflation was war. We weren't wars all over the place, maybe the guy's a jerk, but the what these are bad ass in the world, fierce him in cells, and not only does this complain about people whiny, then that's actually looking. That's it will unite us valleys. It's not like. I look it by this organ ira. Take on the administration state. This driven this country into the ground he's talking to taking on the ministers have to help people's lives. You time going after the people were mean doing here. As oh I'm going to have the d o J target bill Barr because he was meant to be I'm going to the deo J target John Kelly, because he turned on me: I'm going to have the d o J target Jeff talks about that he doesn't talk about helping people through the sad truth, but here's. My question a mega lawyer! Thanks, go in your podcast, like Davis Here's! What he's suggestive of the top priorities for transit turn a general one: five.
the deep state executive branch to indict the whole Biden family three deport ten million people, kids in cages that will be glorious for detain people get five part in ever. January sex defend it. What do you think of about five? Fantastic, live all five worship, the largest deportation programme in history- all ten may and must- must leave louth part in exchange for a long time, trumpet visor steep ban in from the final episode, of the circus joining us now, one of the we'll call those to the circus political strategist, mark, mckinnon, plus MSNBC contributor, MIKE barnacle and spent corresponded vanity, fair, hosted the fast politics, podcast lala john I know mark mackinnon and weed about this earlier, the use of a sort of above- and we were donald trump and said something extreme and then back off and go no. No, I don't mean that I don't mean that at all now, they're all
common, compensating, usually bad and would say something crazy and trot and is for decades now bear aligned now abandoned, said for years. I was seven years ago, I'm a lemon. This I want to tear down the state. Well, try worthy. Now, tropical leninist trop wants to tear down the state. They say I want to arrest the entire Biden family. They want to. Arrest, people, even his former lawyers, that that turned on him. I mean this is just full on fascism and their proud of it that's was remarkable joe and I were just talking about it. There's no secret to the secret plan, believe them when they tell you what they're going to do banning went on to say that this movements moving on beyond from the trap and there, in his view, as a moderate, so in time, but the greatest deportation in history, it's pretty chilling and, as you said, the grammar
the thing about it. Is that they're not hiding the ball on this, so everybody should know team democracy is time to suit up and and willie. It is again that their bare admitting the quiet, loud and now trumps even got where he's is lifting he's lifting words and phrases from hitler. Speeches in turn member. He said I am your retribution to his supporters and now not just did not say that in some vague way, molly, but now specific plans from people who presume would be close advisers in in the administration about how they would go out carrying out that the patient, and we just heard steep ban and take it for its worth- he's podcast,
it was probably going to jail. The negative my podcast know what I'm saying yeah. Obviously, though, influential in the magazine, the fact that he's just saying out loud yeah, we should just pardon all the people who attack the capital. The people beat up cops and january. Six. Let's party trump has said that too, by the way. Yeah, you know it's interesting publicans, Trump has have these ideas. They are not popular with the general electorate. Right they're, not we'd, see this again and again. We saw this in the twenty twenty three off year, election, Ideas are not popular ballad initiatives by democrats over perform, we're see you know. This you saw santorum, say democrats get to run. Sexy ideas like legalizing marijuana and abortion. Ok, but their popular, that's what they are. Their path it is an meanwhile on the trump side you have republicans running on trumps retribution, deporting people putting people and get my keys
or ideas Joe is currently one of the larger questions at the country confronts has to confront its way will america stop sleep walking towards the of democracy. I mean all of it. I can recall the summer of twenty fifteen when Donald trump, More wind, John Mccain much more wine to service malign korea everybody. I knows. Well, that's it for trump, but who says that about John Mccain, that's it for trump! Well, it wasn't, and it isn't up until this moment in time he can be up and click My new hampshire over the weekend on veterans day calling Americans vermin on vat friends day more lining democracy outline and exactly what he intends to do. He says the truth,
loud his own, true, believe him. Why? Why do we sit here? Why does the new york times and other major publications not start confront this you're right, it's time to suit up, but it's well asked half time, I mean we're in the fourth quarter here. Actually right jack, your item on the field. It's it's our marvels. We know from two thousand fifteen. I have that saurians. We know how this one could in so we would. We ve done really what scope somalia seems to me you're right. These are not broadly popular ideas, but they are popular among his face. This is going to be a base turn election, never seen before has this right now in events mean voter seem like their unhappy with both choices. Let's have said the motivation aside for the moment. So what can the Democrats to tell us? How can they turn out their base because we ve seen a raft of poles and reporting in recent weeks that the sum of the dire usual democratic voters just aren't then
you asked about this ticket right and what's interesting about these poles and again, I I, I think, throw the pulls out by in these polls there is, good news for the generic damn right. That number does really well and that's it that the democratic brand is actually not in bad shape. Right, despite the fact that there is a lot Talking you know, a lot of puddens will say the democratic branded tarnished its non democratic brenda. really. The only thing that's come out of this that just doing what and we're seeing it again and again in the special action democrats have popular ideas there, not too crazy man. Republicans went too far right. Try went too far. Did you know, mainstream voters, don't like the abortion stuff? They don't like feeling the government is in their bedroom, they don't like it. Then it's too much and so on Especially like the trans panic, you know that so did not work for republicans. You know the public bandits.
Look I just want. You know the mainstream. Voters just want nor more transparent, democratic I that's right that transatlantic. Quite there s no fly. I had always on twenty two. I had republican strategy, so cholera go here? What you can do this year go you're, not gonna, believe it people and state. I won't say the state it would reveal the guy has. He runs the Republicans tour. Operation and this one state people in state are gonna, get twenty different pieces of mail trans athletes taking their honours position and track, and you go but on and On- and I sat there go into myself, I said: wait, a second aren't these the guys that have been bitching and moaning about the fact that the Democrats aren't talking about inflation. The Democrats aren't talking about crime
The Democrats aren't talking about the southern border and they have this tsar obsession almost like the speaker, as we really strange obsession sexuality, and now men do What they want to do something at all in their bedroom is going to be the collapse of waste. civilization? I don't know who obsesses about on the sectoral in their language and evaluate ilities vista? Did they did they get this porn sharon's? Here? I could envisage some guy, it's all very it's our south somebody help. Seeds are sound, let's and then yeah. It's certainly. I got all this stuff go on on molly and us world, Funny thing happened on the way to every Action in somebody making nineteen twenty twenty one, twenty, no delivery! All of these had partnerships. whether its southern border, or rather it's abortion whether it's trans athletes, you name it book, burnings
whenever, whatever republicans wanted to do they all else, because all begins- always have lost all away under performed even now swear they barely squeaked by a year before covered the cards amory sitting. fifty states now? Why does and says on these free. things that a small percent if their base obsess over yeah and they made a person the door of the house who was so out of the mainstream. They could someone who was more of a mainstream, you know candidate for speaker and instead they picked might Johnson who is who has all of this religious writing. Who is nowhere where a mainstream voter is- and I think they're gonna pay. For that I mean they cannot. They just cannot temper the far right and so they cannot appeal to mainstream voters and this one of the problems with trump ism. You just can't keep control.
over this far right fraction- There are things I like it here I think might has a right. I mean If voters are going to sleep walk through this, they know what the nightmare is. Now they might be napping right now, but I think I think, by the time we get to next year, the stakes are going to be so clear people are going to be they're, going to be jumping out of do it- why out the giant democrats more to the point on all of this, the why? Why are the Democrats sort of sleep walking as this was always going on around us, that I think they're nap and I think they're gonna, think another civic up in time for the three or the three points that I answer, that our go, my girl MIKE and then I'll answer. Why seems like their sleep walking, because my hope that the three points that you just mentioned Joe, you know the trans panic the book burning. abortion and everything like that's. Why dont the Democrats? say hey this party. Particular slice of this party, the dominant slice of this party, the republican party they a fool around with your family, and they were.
come into your house and tell you know you can't do that. They know. I can't do that with your child. No, you can't do this with which you, kids in school and Andy pressure that guided and he won by an action and he wine and the state. turkey or dollar. Twenty five points That's quite a lot, I will say so, while the white house, several things if we saw the white house is doing, is, has started calling it out. You know Last year I was talking about how now these people is extremely should be called what they are: weirdos insurrectionists freaks right. The white house started talking about magda and and present by The added- and I think it was the smart move. All dramatic, It may not unrolled off the tongue, but all dramatic Tells you tell you about the type of people that other guy? My johnson, who He says, oh by a while, you know
Now about my worldview, and my governing stance has just read, bye, bye and viable as my guy and is David french set- and I say, there's only say Stay there's gonna be a pro life later in the republican party. So but they got a really extreme leader there and is David friend, says a guy. I was a thing or two about the bible. Saving French said his rise to power in the house is the antithesis of everything Jesus ever talked about. He came to power on the big lie. shows the biggest lie told in a mess. can political culture since mccarthyism he braced it and he took it on his shoulders and the house trying to get other people to buy into the big lie again not got away
all alai. Yet you're, not gonna, worry about that in the sermon on the mouth. I want I do want to say. Also, though my barnacle one of the reasons why may not be as much of a focus on what we're talking about right now is because Joe Biden and his report show it. Joe Biden is deeply involved, in Israel and in the middle east, and these trees stop that war from growing for every day. So that's that's awful. time job. We last week how involved. He is making sure that ukraine doesn't go sideways, he's completely occupied with that as well he's also, of course, meeting with president shame because he's kind of having the worry too much right now about the possibility of china, listen present J, listening that people like tommy tub, urville,
at present. She listing the other republicans and thinking that now is the time to go in taiwan and by the way, that's where chairman because said, but tell me, trouble, builds doing what republicans doing right in the presidency's hand, so Joe Biden is right now trying to stop three regional warts wait all can be connected china, russia, to want to hamas stay hezbollah and suddenly we are in the middle world war. Three, so right now he may not be quite is focused about the trans panic and the republican party he may be more focused and trying to stop, and he was there like world. With just two or three mike. What do you think? Well I'll tell you what I think. Very few of us and very few in the media really pay enough attention to the weight that this precedent. aries each and every day you mentioned most of it
now he is carrying two twin towers of tyranny. Why in donald trump here domestically the other baby Netanyahu in Israel, who is perhaps the biggest obstacle was to say solution that exists today. So the president has that on his plate, he's gonna me tomorrow with president chief, we may in in san francisco- he's got that on these play, but he has every hour of every day something comes across his desk. None of us can comprehend the weight of the presidency every hour of every day and ass? He would tell you if he were here today. It's amazing how every country in the world looks to the united states for help for solutions for just almost anything you can think of. Every single day. Really every newspaper in the country we every newspaper in the country about president Biden within the first two paragraphs still, doubt he's in his eighties no kidding
He knows how old he is. You couldn't do it. I couldn't do it so forty five years of age. Couldn't do it every day every day, but he does it. How do I make it I've talked to some me dip Add some world leaders over the last three years and they all say the same thing they are. They all say that the guy has, as a The EU has a grass for geopolitics strategies all the goals and he gets it like. I understand that, doesn't so well on some right wing I guess I understand people don't want to tell the truth. With another news channels, because it may hurt their ratings that they actually tell the truth about present bible I must tell you on foreign policy, I talked to the forum leaders. They will tell you Biden understands in many cases, what's going on in their region better than they understand has brought together and again. Nato is progress world together and the thing
and this is the most part I'm gonna lose it literally. I'm gonna lose their like. They bring up his age. You bring up his he's eighty years old, he makes jokes about his age, and yet he is working on every level, for and domestically, and then here's your Are you making? The argument is one making the argument that oh he's, eighty vera for a voter, gonna both for donald trump like the joy was worried, donald tat, seventy seven and and yours any sound when he was in office. He had executive time where he just sat off the road. When the losses and he would watch cable news around the clock whereby it is working around the clock, on foreign policy, and these guys in eighty donald trump says: veterans are losers, Biden, eighty donald trump stasis steals nuclear documents binds eighty but all drawn calls. Countries
asshole countries binds eighty trumps a racist, I mean come on, you can even say fine. Eighty and he over saw and managed the larger. Now the largest expansion of nato and you as history and is managed an extraordinary extraordinary effort in in ukraine, and I have say finally might broader benjamin that that insult anybody. What mike said, the israeli people believe, and the israeli police people trust Joe Biden a hell of a lot Or did they trust Benjamin Netanyahu? Ok, so morgan draw breath so much to say here well, because it's the insanity that you here we day another. Now works. Insanity you here on right wing, podcast, there, so much to sort through and it just isn't but I will say: eight molly
something awhile back, I just have to pee all who are all lathered up, and ass for fighting over still over new york time. Siena polls, Articles written going gas. Well, you know this election was really great. For Democrats was really great for Joe Biden, you were talking about the generic democratic rand is doing well willie, we found over time is Joe Biden He has the generic democrat user. You go generic republican. crap verses whoever's on the ticket, with Joe Biden spy. He wanted because there's not the drama there, because he's everybody's face all the time because he actually does it make being present the united states about himself. He promised to be boring. He he's back there and they're not really thinking about him, but they think about the generic democratic and we ve seen time and again, we saw it in twenty we saw it in twenty two we saw
just a couple weeks ago in twenty three fees, red waves of disposed to crack down on buying, never crashed down on Biden are his party, and I would be hard pressed, maybe there's a historian out there watching that can tell me when you have a president that not only one his first off your election, but also one three years in a row hardly ever happens. I can't think of a time better and you always get elected, and then always a counterbalance from the other party by won twenty by you wanted any one by one we need to buy a new one in twenty three bernie for a guy It says he doesn't know politics and even as you hear democrats fishing around panicking about those polls, you just referenced, so maybe we should put Gavin newsom in there real quick. We need somebody, young and vital the white house and the president would say Gavin newsom's great. I already beat donald trump
I have ever been writers, actual evidence that I can be downright everything else is speculation and wish casting. So they still believe They have the upper hand that they can, when its talkative easy is going to close, just as it was last time and mark quickly I ask you, as someone who's run, successful presidential campaigns to look at this the Biden campaigns, point of view, which is you got good economic that they're going to try to lean on, and then you ve got this mary choice with a guy who's telling us that we are talking about for the last hour every day what he would do to the country if he were put back in the white house. Well, that is so stark mean that what you want is a clear choice, and could there be a clear choice between these two guys I mean the guy who is negotiating ukraine and israel. and add brought us through a time of international crisis. The way he has. I don't think anybody else could have done that he's the only one that had the history internationally to bring the nato together like an hour. So listen
elections are all about choices, and we can do. We can talk about this, that and the other, but at the end of the day it looks increasingly likely it'll be donald trump and Joe Biden, and that choice is pretty god, damn clear, yeah, absolutely political strategist mark mckinnon, vanity fair as Mali john fast. Thank you both very much for coming here this morning. Can you remember a time when you thought someone you disagreed with, might actually be right in the new podcast. You might be right. Former tennessee governors bill has lamb and fill bread is imposed that question to guess like Paul ryan, Al Gore and Judy Woodruff comfort. The stories stay for the substance and expert insights into some of the most challenging issues facing the country, including affordable housing, crime and education. Listen to you might be right, a new podcast from the baker school at the university of tennessee available wherever you get your podcast.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-26.