« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 1/11/24

2024-01-11 | 🔗

Trump 'proud' to have 'terminated' abortion rights

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
For fifty four years they were trying to get roving wait terminated and I did it and you have done it. They wanted to get it back right, you wouldn't we have. There would be no question. Nobody else was getting at that meeting and we did it did something that was a miracle when I Don't do this the stage today, a gentleman in a back probably works for fox nice. Guy said, sir, like Thank you. I said for what he said. You saved two million lives in the last Three years, you save two million lives, and I said thank you very much. I know exactly what he meant. Two million lives and nobody's done more in that. We're going to be. Ok, that's perhaps the most important admission from donald trump last night, again bragging being the one to eliminate a constitutional right for women's health care that has stood for fifty here and ended, here's here's donald trump problem is he
goes into, I would call it soft ball, a softball wall van I've never seen one as as as as farming. Sure. What why do they have to house there they can adjust, had unwinding, sit there and smiling say great. Ask another softball question: as I t ball, and even t ball on on the biggest issue of the campaign he swung and hit the tea in the ball rolled off because he brad to carry about terminating. robert wade? He said if it weren't for me that you're old girl in ohio that was raped by an illegal immigrant for me. She wanted had to flee the state. If it were for me, women wouldn't be like dying outside of mergers rooms, because doctors are afraid to conduct women's health
the region imbedded in again, such an easy for them. It's not like he was backed into the corner. He admitted he was the one who terminated well, we wait and I wanted to buy people do last night, just hang out they, there are probably laughing at all republican chaos in the debate and then laugh The fox news has to adjust absolute jokes. It was just embarrassment fox news, we're gonna be for dessert. Even this sad is his people were like seriously. This is a paid advertisements for donald prompt, which it was even in that setting he's grown so old and an hobbled No, actually I gas does he thinks he's running innsbruck obama he's here but world war two story, even in the gentle of circumstances he made
and they were political mistake, and he knows it this morning. He knows it. political mistake. Last night going, I was the one who terminated roe v wade. I was the one that me nobody else could have stripped off fifty years of women's rights away. I donald trump did in the end its about me right, but every conversation I have had with the trump campaign of the last couple of months. There's been this effort to paint. Donald trump is more drouet on abortion. He is there he's going to say we cannot have a federal bam he's the one going to say to other republicans role, the way that you talk about Roby way, don't sound extreme on abortion. He said after mid terms that some candidates it jeopardize that bears since on the republic aside, because they had been too tough on abortion pointed out: rhonda scientists in that respect for his pain then, which is trying to get him to say. I am against it
draw ban will have a fifteen weak ban because that's where the american public is that the most american public had accepted either ways position by that's what it's down on his campaign. Why don't you just position to being a key, but you can't do it. I mean let's, let's play the. Again cause again. I was shocked when I was sitting there was absolutely shocked. Setting one in going. You know, are they going to like? out some dreamland ribs falling. I sit there and talk about football, once again the easiest they had never seen, ever seen a bad aid advertisements on fox news like our anywhere else just was like this. Was I back survival seeds back when he had a show. There was like an advertisement for donald trump and even that setting he did this. For fifty four years they were trying to get roving
where terminated and I did It- and I am proud to have done they wanted to get it back right. You wouldn't we have. There would be no question. Nobody else was getting at that journey, but and we did it we did something. That was a miracle when I walked to the stage today. A gentleman in a back probably works for fox nice guy get out is really something really. He said, I did it. Nobody, could have done it. Herman aided row they weighed and everybody in his campaign staff was like bearing that the old man did it again. He can't help himself at this point, then Biden campaign doesn't have to put out statements. They just retweet clips of donald trump same thing over and over and over it, but it's literally what they're doing oh there. He goes again he's taken credit for the three processes and the supreme court. He wants credit for getting rid of a fifty, right in this country, and why
watching Joe you're right that town hall, you should start with rather than saying here with what the lies were almost nothing. He said last night was alive and then you can work backward from their, including the fact that he said. The economy is a disaster right now when he was confronted about the question where he said on tape that the economy crashes over the next twelve months under Joe Biden, and then he can help them to recover. He was asked that last night he was certain led along to your point about. We didn't really mean that right. Is it now, I think I am because the market will crash under Joe Biden. Actually energy and the economy could be a market is gone over. Thirty, seven thousand! That's the deal! number and we can go to all that. The data about donald trump, This economy is a disaster about unemployment. About it JD he growth about item now, I'm taking down all the things that have come and see me inflation taking down. So
just go and you listen to that and, if you're being, on its with yourself, watching that town hall, how you could build, If anything, he was saying, because almost everything he said unchallenged was a lie. Last night and people have to ask themselves if that some day they want to vote for and will find out in days if they do I mean it's a media question about this. To immediate question is: is this fox news now right? Fox news was going to be like pushing back against tat the murder oxenford all along they don't like done. They only done from out suddenly he's he's allowed the lie: he's given a town hall meeting of format where he's allowed to delay the entire time very pushing him back here. Guy this past week there past week, who said he hoped people lost. Their retirement savings are for a one case. He hoped the item crash. He hoped the car may was destroyed. He hoped the star get crashed, and here
let down the primrose path last night here is a guy this past week, who said a aunt lincoln, got it wrong by now. caving, too pro slavery forces in the south and the link that dispute and avoiding the civil war? Nothing thing. There are so many things this guy says every day and just letting walk, so the media changed, extends to yeah j six hostage. You can go on and on. Terminating the constitution? Executing generals I mean just go down the list is: is this I mean it's fine. If that's! What fox wants to do is this is this who they are now have they decided now we we where's donald trump, because it your look like it last night. Well, I mean there are a lot of things to do.
I deal with here. I mean first of all, I mean yes to foxes and has been who they've been for a long long time, but it's not like donald trump needs, prompting to go to these places, and this fiji settlement terminated. First of all, he talked about terminating roe v wade. I mean interesting choice of words by the way terminate that that's the kind of that somebody's just gonna keep saying it all the time. That'd be the Biden campaign. I mean he couldn't pay him, but you don't say something more damn right, but you lose mean it all blurs the mind. I mean by way abe lincoln didn't over colonel be waived. Eddie you're limbs like set out he savvy academy yoke, abraham lincoln tat. We look at the media. I certainly have no sympathy for per fox and certainly how they handle a thing like that, but what began begin man in these last. Like five minutes, we ve talked about what six different things that could have blown up any campaign in history. My point. Is they didn't mention one of them with like it
mention mother didn't stop on one of the main look at me. Those town halls are imperfect and you have any specially. When I mean it, let me put it this way: he may plenty of news last night news and the dollar from contacts, because I mean, what's gonna, really breakthrough next week I mean we forgot Dictator thing: we forgot the verb diameters every I mean same thing is like twenty. Sixteen, but sat like you. need someone to prompt into their something. This is mortal point data the problem, but it would be nice if, once in awhile gives a what you're saying right, there's a lie and we get we. We get out do not have that, and so I find it even unprompted in that situation, gun donald trump forget his campaigns. Message goes out and just just gives again can survive and campaign the greatest gift they couldn't last year can rarely see a moment leverage. A million dollars in political advertisement like one line that line will be,
in millions of dollars of political advertise. The next eight months. It's just package He called it a miracle right. You can see their baggage wouldn't advisers this like professional practice, softball interviews, but I won't know to your point that the things were talking about that the statements he made have all come when he's gone- exceedingly easy for so long night is one the dictator further line. That was a sean hannity interview. They talk about and he has hope for an economic collapse, thousands of jobs, and sometimes these interviews again, not advising that says think of interview practice. But sometimes these interviews do trip him up because he thinks he's in a very friendly forum. He gets overly comfortable and he slips- and you know this is I heard his campaign and we're talking about all this Actually we just want onto the next people forget there's a ceiling on support for a reason. Whenever we talk a lot about Joe Biden has difficulty recruiting. Voters trump has the same.
I am going to say when the best columns I've seen this week. Jamie last road in the bulwark he's adheres Adele this binding slow, watermark everybody. fishing and a whining everybody's crying everybody's hairs on fire they're all running around all Democrats, bed, wedding! All that we now donald trump has a ceiling We know that Joe Biden has sort of a basement level of support and young voters are going to come home. Most black photo Gonna come home good bit of his panic. Voters going to come home not as much historically but enough are those of the base are going to come home and this is going to be a tight race by the way you're looking at pennsylvania and the pennsylvania poll that came out and we're starting to see this. Not just for Joe Biden, but futterman is pulling than he has in a very long time.
Tea jam. They do this by the way we have a new pencil that we have a new pennsylvania coal that has Joe Biden up forty nine forty six, it's only one poll, it's one snapshot, but I always looked at polls. I never believed them, but when I was running I always looked at trendlines and you look at the state of pennsylvania. The trend lines are very good right now for democrats that could share, huge at this in time what sam said, what, maybe you I said good point trumps out a ceiling at he go These says things like that. It's wee wee wee wee wee basically admitted to take for money is well while he was presently united sates taking a hell of a lot more foreign money as I guess his whole family seems to have it then and I do Biden, and so he Stumbling of himself they want, is to play it, play an earthquake and then aren't as good There is this report house democrats documents that say that nearly a million dollars in payments to-
businesses from foreign governments. China included saudi arabia, while you're in office, they say article, The constitution says you can accept money from foreign governments. While president, would you? to divest from your business in the second term, as are the presence of done so its wider. That's what reporter I own hotels, all over the I dont get free money. Somebody Tell roman such research a much money I get back. In fact I didn't have to do. I everything in trust and if I If the and somebody comes from that small amount of money- and it sounds like a lot of money- that's a small, but I doing services for their people were staying in these massive hotels is beautiful, tells because, at the so tells the best clubs I have the best clubs at the I have great stuff and they stay there and they pay. Eight million dollars for doing nothing like hunter Yes you dare? Yes? Yes, you do and it so funny all of the saudis. All of the chinese
well. The foreign sanitized that finally final, the trump hotel right by the white house. This can he leaves he sells the hotel he catches zoonotic fastened, it could be a follow up questions. I will well what about you too MIKE pants like when he I, when he was I think ireland they do Where did MIKE pincers fly to go to the other side of the country to stay to tromp hotel I mean it in government money there's one example after another example after another example, but again not pushed on that we'll. Just last week we reported on this this big report. As a result of getting tax returns from maize arson, similar democratic has done, It's on the oversight committee that that he made at least very bare minimum. You know five ten million dollars in foreign when spending by foreign officials at an end
countries like china, saudi arabia, a laundry list, but all of them this. The this comment came hours after house republicans held first held their content. Tearing to hold hunter biting in criminal contempt of congress for for defying a congressional subpoena in the impeachment investigation into Joe Biden for allegedly involved in his sons, foreign business dealings, the the contrast is, you just remarkable at the end of waste, but that they should there is absolutely no evidence vaguely wearing out keep making fools of themselves has today was another example again, like you said. The contrast Contrast is just remarkable, and I mean you saw trump they're, trying to make this very bizarre distinction in that different types of corruption and why his is vital, All because this is what he is an industry that has been in his whole life and hunter biting. Meanwhile, has no experience in business, but
talk about a ceiling. It's it's also fascinating, because trumps advisers. Last night were texting. My colleagues, we were did this morning that they were really happy with his performance on fox news that they did. They felt like she did appeal to it, earl election by coming saying? Ok, you know I know I said I was going to be a dictator on day, one, I'm not going to do that anymore. You talk about a lull bar. I was I am willing, while zone of good night in a well agree and judge that, by seeing what the brine campaign did, their design bag can terminate, take cut pace. Up on their site, making that making this social media job really easy over there and trump actually said: no, they cut it off. They took my code of conduct
asked about wanting to be a dictator. If you're parsing your quote about wanting to be a dictator, it's probably not a great great moment and jonathan le mere people are obviously or after a decade of this, a little bit numb to what donald trump says. But we ought to point out that, just this week the man who wants be present again? First his attorney said, they believed it order: seal teen, six under the right conditions, to assassinate one of his political rivals. He said he would like to see the economy crash. The stock market crash, the sheer he pushed a birth or conspiracy about Nicky Hayley. He said there will be bedlam in the country if he's convicted in his federal around the twenty twenty election. Also, when, after a blanket, for not negotiating with the south to end the civil war. That's all within one week with months left to go in this campaign. He also suggested that he'd have beaten, abe, lincoln about thirty points, and I ran against each other. Several this they dont donald trump is spoonful display this week that words for me as we're gonna get to a morning, along with from the polluter
and legal forces are really kind of pushing together at coming to a head for him right now, you'll be in court again so many times in the weeks ahead. This is for the best, campaign. This is the contrast that they want to offer that this is worth it. ben damon hearing for months and months and there they they have taken the criticism that their campaign has been been so to move the vienna made their push back as it will last year. Their second path, lasher, is about fund. Raising this going to be two billion dollars. We have to spend on those adds. The donald trump whistle helpfully provide for us. We still need to pay for those, and we heard the press, friday and valley forge ahead from again monday in drawing contrast to what he offers. America and the extremism endangers the donald trump response. In itself and it in german briefly that pennsylvania, pole pensively so and is, is probably the most important state on the map. It's one that Joe Biden likely can't be president without winning again. He has spent so much time there he's going there again on friday, he's going there again next week and pencil
the state where they know their pockets of that state, the doctrines going away. They see how pop there. He is in the western part of that state, but they know there are just enough. They feel like they can turn out sort of the democratic base and they've got worries about the democratic base right but if they control the base in the cities, and then those suburban voters will be turned off by this everything. You just tat. Everything dont trust that in the last week, that's not the women voters the suburban, when voters who are who, of course, are outraged by so many of them the lack the roving way been being overturned and donald trump take credit for that's the rejection, the bite campaign, is banking on, and they think right now everything trumps juries only helping the robbing a primary organ. november, and also this week guys we seen president Biden for the first time. First, the valley forged ahead south carolina taking donald trump head on in going direct, the atom calling in the loser down the pulpit in south carolina so that the view the Biden campaigners you guys. No talk of them is just patients.
Just we have a long campaign paying to have. As we know you seen some poles you dont like we understand. Young voters still need some time to come back home, just we have a long campaign ahead and once that contrasts drawn as clearly as it has been this week, they like their chances. We, and we are. Your list was incredible just this week made the argument that get only sell team sex to assassinate a political opponent, and he have immunity has been last night right. No, not really the barbarism of mickey hey, I'm sure they brought that europe now not again. Act, Abraham lincoln that much question time or wine out. They didn't do that either we can. He doing this morning and we will do whatever I want. I want to go back to that pennsylvania Paul because we showed you the headline, but sam and caddy, wants to talk about this part of it because
Everybody is focusing on the younger voters who right now or are not move towards him as much as they thought gotta come home most will you look at this number thou voters steve five and older Joe Biden sick. two percent donald trump that sam nobody expected this, but we I've. Seen this older voters have been moving towards Joe Biden steadily quite some time and of course, as we know, all their voters day by day, I I was picking up on this a couple of weeks ago. New york times did a story about who is actually concerned about trump's legal troubles and if they thought that they were serious and you sound the same age breakdown. Sixty five and older way. Are concerned about it. Then the younger generations, it kind of pick my interests. Why is one theory, is everyday? through watergate, uninteresting severity. The publishing and pull after pull after Paul were older
is traditionally conservative, more conservative, traditional publican backing Joe Biden mean there's a whole number of theories around. It may be the age attacks on bad in our actually offending. I think I think, that's a big part of the year, but either way I mean this explains to degree democratic success. Midterms right. These are the reliable voters, come out no matter what, even in off years an air drifting democratic and Now it's just a remarkable tectonic shift in politics. That kind of his gun under appreciate. The trunk campaign always felt the thing they have going against them is trump. I mean The irony, of course, he's lost people, love em, but is exactly the kind things that he said last night that get them word old, reno a mob milk should be executed, is that chaos factor that mickey Hayley is starting to play up in new hampshire, we keep hearing, I told them out, you don't want the chaos of donald trump. If you're, an older voter cases
Chaos is scary for everybody, but is particularly scary. I think when you're old or new feeling more frail- and you feel more fragile about the world anyway, to have that and of level is chaos, and perhaps your little bit wiser new pair that with what we heard me too, and we were talking, took risks the other day. You know there are economic numbers that are starting to look good for the Biden campaign and even Considering inflation raises a white rising enough that people are better off in this country. Have we seen reflect, and I know the frustration in the white house, the people to feel out yet give that six months and the white house is certainly hope. We have those two things with which we asked frail and fragile about old voter sentiment, magua mark by one change. Let me reiterate that may redirect added just say that we we also understand that when you said the stock markets higher than its ever been setting records who
the biggest beneficiaries of those people who were so five and older there looking at their retirement accounts they I, those retirement accounts to get them through their retirement years, possibly to give them later on, and egg medical end of life care. So there look those numbers, and then they heard Donald trump saying we hope retirement goes up in smoke cause I wanna get elected presently united states that at sea you hear that It has an impact and over there I mean I also run into two one. Caddies point I mean the chaos message the chaos just the sense of chaos around him is especially disconcerting to older voters.
Like myself. I do you know when I called at nine a m. I looked in me for a moment. What did they get in its policy on water, heater, daddy, replace so that it is very clear started now becoming up whenever we have so much more to get you we're. Gonna recap: a chaotic day, our level of ale house republicans continued to put their grievances our government? Are they getting to continue, make fools of themselves, which the committees that voted to formulate recommend the full household honey?
binding in contempt of congress. As usual testify waterway day arguments. There met us to fight, he was there and they were. They were at a low point. Those actually asked the first lady about the idea. I sat down with the first lady doktor Joe Biden, port exclusive interview, and I asked her about that development in real time as if this playing out will play for you. Her answer and why she says this is the most important campaign her husband has ever run. Were and just a moment, the better of MSNBC all in one place every day, the MSNBC daily newsletter,
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so I picture the united states capital coming up on six thirty in the morning the building where yesterday the house, representatives again cover itself. in glory as two congressional committees voted along party lines to formally recommend the full household hunter Biden in contempt of congress for defying a subpoena in the republican impeachment inquiry into his father. Despite the fact he has shown up to tests, earlier in the day hunter made a super eyes: appearance at the house oversight committee hearing sitting, the audience with his attorneys for the first thirty minutes, some members have come. addressing him directly while sparring with each other. You are the epitome of white, privilege coming into the oversight committee spitting in our face, ignoring congressional, so not to be deposed. What are you afraid of? You have no balls to come up here, Mr chairman port of inquiry, MR chairman
in general. If the gentle lady wants to hear from hunter Biden, we can hear from him right now my experiment. Let's take a vote and here from hunter Biden. What are your favorite artists on hold on? One hundred binds to be arrested right here. Right now goes straight to jail. Mr chairman, I ask unanimous the unanimous consent to in our information for the record. What's the information over glad, I bade deprivations? Thank you urged the right to trucks. Let the minorities not provided a copy of the material for the record in the past she's display pornography is pornography allowed to be or pornographic photos allowed to be displayed in this committee, rumours term, it's not pornography or career. They. The expert vote, how do you? I am not an expert, mr, like it She did in fact hold up a nude photograph of hunter Biden in the united.
It's house of representatives, numa democratic harvesting, Jared moskowitz of florida pointed out the obvious republican happen, see on this matter? Listen up I'll make this bipartisan all vote for the hunter contempt. Today, you can get my vote. I can get my vote, but I want you to show the american people that you're serious here is the subpoena to representative scott perry, who did not comply. I'd like to enter this into the record here. Is that subpoena to mark meadows, I'd like to enter this into the record, who did not comply here? Is that subpoena to Jim Jordan, who did not comply with a lawful subpoena I'd like to enter that into the record here? Is that subpoena to mo brooks who did not comply? I'd like to enter that into the record. Here is a subpoena to Mr Biggs, who did not comply I'd like to enter that into the record and here's the subpoenaed and Mr Mccarthy who did not comply I'd like to enter that into the record. There is an amendment coming to add some of those names into the contempt order. You vote. add those names and the american people that we apply
while equally not just when it's Democrats right, it's a crime when it's democrat, but when it's trump and the Republicans, it's just fine, no show that you're serious and that everyone is not above the law vote for that amendment and I'll vote for the one hundred Biden contempt and they did not vote for that amendment joan meeker, so you had in that first, who have kind of soon mace screaming at hunter Biden for having the stones. Let's put it that way to show up and testify, as he's literally sitting in the room willing to testify they don't want it to happen in an open forum like that also, in comber. I said with straight face hunter Biden. No one is above the law in america, as they spend most of their professional lives, defending donald trump against the charges against him I thought it was interesting. Arnold appeared from greenacre said actually whispered that line into the air, and then he replied. Yeah yeah still the smartest smile,
this guy, decided that the ilo is so all in the old tv series, green acres, yeah pig was the smartest guy in town, but anyway you get your time. Ma'am drivers are not shouting. Pig are the smartest also in town. So it's a romance. You may say it: just it has to be dizzying I'm a reasonable person you'd have, though I'm a reasonable person, just as my mom and my boyfriend, or you know I like They will seriously rise. We have a description for that westward: that's called a runaway beer truck, that's exactly what she is, but I underline the hypocrisy. The german who had shout by the way those will all members of congress gal the congress that were defined this area like schoolyard republicans, and then
getting what they said. That a hundred Biden didn't have the sounds we shall say to testify she was there to testify in public. But very It- may have the guts to let him has to fight. They did not what transparency they did not want them can people they hear the truth. They wanted to get behind closed doors. Again republicans, shooting themselves in the political foot and personal the republicans don't have the guts, but hunter Biden doesn't have the stones. This address these requests by the way tat you do when you and willie for saying stones, because this is your horse that it ain't, you know I mean look. The hypocrisy is, is itself explanatory? I also the white house saying when it was, the close wait when the house under performed for republicans and last midterms. They loved idea- and they saw this coming- that this was
to be the circus. I was going to be frightened centre for the republican party in a sort of I'd show donald trump, which, for example, I can. Why am I getting done by the way, what they're doing anything and a good stuff fun on tat, not a deal to fund the government right where the Jackie also historically, this is the the least effective congress, moorish generation, they pass laws, Less legislation done last. This house here in this valley circus, like show that we saw yesterday, not just the hunter bite, increased contempt hearing, but also the first hearing to impeach AL. Andrew my orcas sort of covered up the bigger, show that MIKE Johnson is facing right now, which is the complete collapse of the deal that he claims he negotiated, which is really the same deal that Kevin Mccarthy hashed out a uphold his agreement with the job
in the binding administration? Republicans voted to kill the right that they voted against a rule which you never vote against your own party, exactly you're, seeing the exact same revolt happen again, hardline right republicans, who are not enough four of this additional spending is to sixty nine billion dollars in of aside agreement that it has his held fast, An end headed for government shut down the exact same problems again that republicans face three months ago, when you don't miss johnson. the case, for why he would be a better speaker. Then Heaven carthage really quickly about every it is ukraine gonna get funded. Is his rigging get funded and, most importantly, right now for domestic politics are republicans going to do the deal to toughen up per day said the southern border that also in limbo. You have these hardline republicans, who think that government is
worth shutting down if hr, to the very staunch border security bill that that the house passed last may and are not willing to accept this bipartisan package that is being negotiated in the senate, which is now also falling apart over a few different provisions specifically and parole and the expediting of work permits. So there are a lot of unknowns on both sides here, which is all to say that is at least another week of negotiations, and no, we are not near funding under Israel or ukraine. Thank you. So much jack you for being with us. We greatly appreciated mark. If we bring some jarrett all yoga magnesia that had been gay free joints. We stay another carried out first, our way we do provide now breaks for our our seniors. Our I coming I'm fine morning, tat mars, resonant buying a stepping up these attacks on donald trump, drawing a clear contrast between the two candidates.
We're going to discuss the strategy his re election bed with one of the campaign managers neck, morning, job chewing ambition. B c simone sanders, towns and Michael steel and eliseo menendez as they team up to host the weekend. We want to get the news makers, the people that are in the middle of what is happening with about a conversation. A lot of americans check out of conversations. We want to check them in conversation, we begin and that you continue
We call on the weekend saturdays and sundays, at eight a m eastern on MSNBC. For me or saturday. I am jennifer palmary and unclear mechanical, where the hosted the MSNBC podcast how to win twenty twenty four we both know first and that when in an election is hard and having been in and around tough re says for most of our don't lives, we have some unique insights into what it will take to win this twenty twond for election and some crazy stories to share to listen to how to win twenty. Twenty. Four now on spotify new episodes, thursdays I ask everybody then asked me that question you know. Are you going to be here for four years? You know some players will ask me, you know every time I look at them and say what can you to me that you're gonna be here for years, and they look at me like Well, I'm not
those alabama catch coach nick a week ago, laughing over time, a during the interview on the path mcafee show. Last night the legendary coach analyses hanging up after seventeen seasons with the crimson. let's bring right now to your chance by seller author and is being come date or paul fine bomb he really size been the voice of crimson tide of football. Basket by everything for years and also those depository finds out a metal arc. yeah, yes, peons p tory you know polly, and I spoke off line this past week. You sort of saw this coming. I couldn't I can figure out exactly what he was going to do. Don't see him guy, just like kickin around the golf course. But but you know, maybe he had said that the EU can failing that, maybe it was just time tell us about that.
There were little signed, a memorandum a number of times each year end here, seventy two whatever that means, but every time, I saw him, he just seemed a little closer to the end and as far as the news broke night and then, as I heard from european in new york, I couldn't help but think go january. Fourth, two thousand and seven joe. I was aghast munchkin. We're all country and The topic was how much money they were paying Nixon the name is making for me in a year and I did the head and they alabama border trustees A coal mining executive said this is outrageous. We shouldn't be paying ceo time money and we all know now nick save it has been worth hundreds of millions of dollars in his university, and I think he took that into consideration. He took it uprising season. We were here one shudder,
weeks ago, talking miracle in armour nuts. I think I just felt win or lose in pasadena. It was the time to pass the torch, yeah hello. Have some distance from this in a way that certainly I do not object, Never I I've always seen john wooden as as he pity me of coaching, maybe now, Sir Alex with man united, could put him in wooden category for anybody. That's that's followed for merely probably agree with me there, but the path, couple years. I've started put saving and that wooden category, because for him to do when he did- and in this age of parity. I still I I'd love to talk. sometimes not about football, but about manage leadership and how he did it, it was really horrible joe. This is an incredibly difficult job college football.
who happens to become the greatest of all time you mentioned the age of parity, feels like the end of an era, part of thing about him. Retiring at this moment is that the sport is also changing around him. And yes, this is the unbiased propaganda from Joe scarborough on screen right now, men who helped get this guy. office so to speak and joe Whatever you saw him when other people didn't give you credit for that one, became, is unfathomable because he is a sort of culture. You say things like more first round nfl draft pics, forty four, then he has losses as head coach How about some of these a guy who has every four year player who ever played for him winning a national title and so in this era. Now that is changing. Of course, the transfer portal Name: images like miss payments, all of the stuff that complicates the advantage that next Sabin, by dint of his greatness, had both as a result
you're, and also as a coach and all the resources of alabama behind him. I think he looked around and said I maximized. All that a human being good maximize during this time My time is over, and so too is this time in college football near you know what I saw was a strong strong leader, a smart guy in alabama needed one person in charge and not night, a bunch of retired football players, YAP and fry in their take control of the situation pablo, brings up a great point this is a chaotic time. Then college football just in it absolute mass. You look at the transfer portals. You look at all the money that throwing it kids. We for years would have people on saying that college players needed to be paid for from. They were doing, but it's it's gotten so chaotic and out of control I can see why that also be a good reason for saving to say
there were moving into a new era. I think I'll, just pack up and go home yeah I mean it's a hard time to be a head football coach. You make a lot of money. I get that no one's weeping for these guys, but some are like nick saban who talks about family and keeping a team together at the end If every season you have to recruit your own players, not to leave for a better opportunity, because ls, you or tennessee array and amber somebody's offer, offering your wide receiver money- and you know an endorsement deal with a local car dealership to leave that's a totally different job. And far when a political meat on the bones. the case for an excessive and the greatest of all time. I guess pulp bear brian visit and the conversation is well neither alabama great save Seven national title, six of them at alabama, eleven assisi championships for been winners far and away the most number one first round, nfl picks. So he talked about that giving is
his kids a chance to succeed and chase their nfl dreams, and he always did that. Another number that I couldn't believe ahead of check it twice Paul was in his seventeen seasons, nick I haven't had a number one rank team at some point: the season fifteen times that you shouldn't happen over the corset that many years very bound? some downtime bad years or putting class injuries, always found a way to be in the conversation for the national change of extraordinary over that length of time willie. Look like things one about Brian first about the transfer portal one last season, the twenty one season then alabama did not make the play asked he had
the opportunity to grab the top wide receiver in the entire country, and he was faced with having to pay the guy about three million dollars now exactly how legal that is, it doesn't matter, but that's what that's what the price was. He said no way, I'm not going. I cannot deal with that on my team that guy went elsewhere and that player been on alabama's team last year. They would have been in the playoffs with a great shot at winning it all back to bryant for a second, living in alabama all those years and joking related as having been to school around at the time of brian leaving It's a savings started winning championships. It was difficult and nobody really wanted to say he was better than Bryan and one day I was on the phone with mark tyson. He happens. Lee Paul barrage grandson. Then I was dancing around the subjects and finally, he just cut to the chase. He said when you listen you you don't mean you don't need a sweet taught me. I said my pop up. My grandfather, Oh great, he was please
Archer, hey, nick Sabin is the greatest of all, because he s Their bright was greatest I'll die, but he would be the verses say that makes Sabin is now twenty thirteen just talking about how tough this job is day in day out year. In year out, I was talking john le maire, the orange ball. We were playing notre dame and I was talking before they game actually on the field with Joe mansion, whose booze fight get yet a brother tat. Next and they both grew up and west virginia right by each other and you know as we walking- and I said how long you think I'll stay here. This is a decade ago. He goes I can't see I'm staying here very long much longer. He said he said the poor sure is overwhelming. He said if you lose one game and
sk kaluza. Now it's a failed seas and the pressure on the kids, the pressure on the coaching staff, Joe too much and and Joe match and had predicted it. He would have what he was gonna leave a long time ago. He said doc aid and he just go. Running championships, remarkable story and to do so in spite of pressure as willing just read the resonate. I mean the greatest college. Coaching record of all time and deserving israeli lobby accolades he's gonna get today so pablo. When asked about what's next and it that doesn't mean the belichick to tuscaloosa rumours that I know you're about to start, but it actually furniture of college football, because this does the end of an era, and we just want to mention two how much more complicated it is now that that it's gonna be that much harder to network more money into it. We know the classroom to expand it, there's a sense that the car It is a changing. Every line for people who
for a long time is a sense of supporters of spitting out of control and saving leaving at safe in such an anchor is long and add to that look college. Football is pulse going to test has always been knots. It's the crew, the most popular sport in amerika for people who don't appreciate the institution. Is this the most popular sport in america right behind the eta fell and its regional tribalism beset now by economic change. like kids, these? Where should be paid, but also that demands? Ok, they did and stay. And how do we manage these egos? How do we manage all of these people? Have we manage expectations and so the expectations Obama. I'm curious how Joe feels in his heart right now, because the replaced of a mixed sabin at this specific time that job is not a job. I would ever want to have our electorate What is that guy Joe? I dont want to that guy, because there is no way with all of these pressures that job over under
three year that guy lasts religion. Earlier this boy, a unit willie, I learned a lot actually watching people try to replace spare brian. I was in school and he laughed and it was savage, whether it was ray perkins or spate of people that that have followed afterwards and it that's one of the reasons why I was calling for somebody tough and strong like make say because he had a stair down. not. Just the boost, rosetta stare down the legend and you need a big enough and saving, as I get basically ago, thereby It was great. That was then. This is now, let's build a new and they're just how many people that are going to do that and heart as it is for me to believe mix, haven, shadows, gonna, be even bigger, so who We want to follow, fall, it better, be somebody who has a strong self since of themselves
and who is not going to listen to all the actors who were going to say for the first five years, he's known excitement and, as you said a minute ago, the standard is so while that this year, alabama lost one game at home to texas and people's hair was on. What's wrong savings done alabama sun, while he just went out one every game, the rest of the season, including bidding origin, the ssc championship game one bad play at the end of overtime away from being in the night, title game again, that's the standard. You lose one game and tusk loosened, there's a problem. So let's spend that question you paul fine bomb. Who is? the clubhouse leader right now to take this job. a lot of talk about dan landing at work, and he was a graduate assistant alabama great defensive coordinator, George aft. Now do in a really good job on organ steve. Sarkisian who's got Texas where it wants to be a former assistant to save, and so there, sir, all these saving disciples in the conversation. Where do you think it's gonna go
I think Dan lanning really is the coach to watch right now. It seems too too difficult for sarkissian who coached under saban and really savings saved his career. He got fired at u s because of up we're gonna intoxication one. quick story before you go on, and I know we don't have a lot of time for people. We started this conversation about what makes nick saban unique when he was at the miami dolphins in two thousand and five in the preseason, his first preseason there got a call from the white house george w bush was coming down and he wanted to have a dinner at the famed joe's stone crab house which everybody knows about. He had he had Dan marino lined up and don shula and he wanted shaven to come and save and sent word back, and I later asked him about this. I said: how could you turn down dinners?
with the president of the united states. He said what do you mean? He said I was two weeks into training camp. I had no time for that. I wasn't going to interrupt my job, nor would have interrupted a major crisis to have dinner with me, and that was the end of the conversation. He didn't blink an eye gosh. Now that is what call focus bomb. Oh tory. Thank you guys both lives and can't wait. talking to you guys early next week up, we get through the first round of the and I felt I also share we now and make it we're done, I will see you. My story is wandering about unexamined when when it was going to do- and this is the same- story you'd alone out, because they I went to the rose ball yet so I did not see usually football again. I'd says for it's not really game to see, live, it's a tv game cause. You see all the reactions up, close it's like a movie really so he got back as we were in the road, jack and joey, and I were there watching the game
that really sorry got back. You said the mix even was strangely passive on the sidelines. I was just Reacting in you, you and your daughter is a mass of football fans said something was off which, as we have seen, reflective that's also. Maybe a lot was on his mind, but it was deafening. Both looked the other side- I wonder what's going on with him- now- is gonna where you can run against tommy. Tub of any kind are back. A dark prophecy foretold, her death, then through fire it came to pass and the faithful mourned, wasn't the hand of god, the lid, naturally mortal sin broadcast from daylight and from me, Josh Michael's, listen to all episodes of mortal sin. Now, where ever you get your podcast,
Transcript generated on 2024-01-12.