« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 10/6/23

2023-10-06 | 🔗

Trump reportedly shared nuclear sub secrets

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Several months ago, a four in policy expert. On the international level went to advise donald trump and three times he asked about the use of nuclear weapons. Three times. He asked at one point: if we, have them. Why can't we use them That's one of the reasons why he has just doesn't have foreign policy experts around trump s three times three times in an hour briefing Why can't we use nuclear weapons from wondering about the use of nuclear weapons to stealing more plans to reportedly spilling secrets about nuclear submarines. Donald trump has a long history of problematic me. If your with intelligence classified intelligence, we'll have more on that new nuclear
nuclear intelligence waylay I mean this is again in his love of autocratic is kind of a bad max. I mean I mean we already. We all remember that that vat, that disturbing time when we said he was ill fed but this guy- that's been reckless with reckless, with intelligence from the very beginning I mean with one of his first visitors in the white house, he had had the the minister of Russia and the russian ambassador to the united states- and what are you do he spilled? He spilled ass. If I'd secrets it, we got from another country, no really others in their. No. U s reporters there, but had in a russian probably russian spies, posing as reporters inside the wider asia's just right some dangerous, but we ve known that for well six, seven years,
yeah. We shouldn't lower the bar for reckless dangerous outrageous, it's all of those things, but, as you say, it's also completely unsurprising. This report It will get into re bc news in the new york times about him. Talking about nuclear submarines with an australian business. Man at marilla go fits because it comes in the post. residential time when we know now that he had documents classified documents hidden in the bathroom. And tucked away all around marilla go also Patio at marilla go strikes again. Remember right after you became president. He was sitting out there with the jet these prime minister, when north korea launched a test rocket was just talking openly as the membership sat around about what he had just heard, what he knew and huddling with Steve Bannon and mike flynn out in the patio. So again, outrageous, yes, surprising! No, Why get these? These aren't thing said that again arduous. I don't worry about it. This is no press this is no president. Wait wait. Wait would do this
just other other than donald trump, and so again I remain absolutely I'll I'll try to be I'll. Try to the emotionally level of this fascinated by the fact that people are still willing to vote for a guy that steals nuclear secrets takes them to his beach club. Stills war plans takes them. There was a beach club, now in this case tell talks the specifics. about our nuclear submarines and talks about how close we can get to russian nuclear. So this is the sort of information that right and spies would die to get our spies would risk their lives to get from other countries and donald trump. Sitting there, moral law go blabbing it, and then this guy goes around and tells me be twenty more people ass, a whole another problem
Also I had on morning Joe republican congressmen, Jim Jordan picked up a big endorsement in his bed to become how speaker, but one prominent Republican is warning the party about what could happen if he if the gavel along with Joe willie and me on this friday morning, we have the host of way too early. What has fare chief at politico, jonathan le mere white house, editor for political, sam stein and pray then too meredith of the council on foreign relations. Richard says with us. So we ve got a lot, reporting on donald trump legal case the many different legal cases and the many different ways that he is trying to do in these cases out, but we'll start, and we also have very fascinating bowles and Jonathan, where I want to go to you just really briefly on this there's been one poll
for another pull after another pull this week. That has shown that the republicans are just absolutely bashing. crafts when it comes to issues. In fact, gallop Adam a few days ago, where they reported the largest gap between road, publicans and Democrats since they started these balls, and despite the republicans have a massive lead. We always going where what how can people still go go along and republicans to go on with a drum I mean it: out of a law. Despite the fact that democrats are minus twenty minus twenty five, even minus thirty or like Paul, who do you trust more to take care of the economy? Both both parties are are not light are true stood by fifty six, fifty seven, fifty eight percent of the population and
Joe Biden and in the latest paul it's out among likely voters beating I'll drop by three points. It's amazing. The advantage republicans have are two points that republicans have going in. This election on the issues I ass donald trump keep strain. yet another saddled with this trump issue, and if they were had any other candidate there are they there be neil alarm among democrats and the How about what these poles are, showing we just take through one there that market, simple we just showed their yes, the top line shows trumpet by Biden ups, but within the margin, barracks close range. We know that, but look at this hoboken wayward paragraphs on issues like inflation, the economy, immigration, bisher, twenty five, nearly thirty point marge authority creating jobs, it's unbelievable, huge, huge numbers. Now the other way, democrats, as you might expect what do you trust him more climate change, abortion, apology for policy, healthcare, medicare and the like, but
election so often shows you will know, are decided on the economy, and these are big warning signs here. Instead, There has been some other starvation swing, stay voters prickly amongst women, voters who, just like trump immensely, but still really It's approve of how this white house has handled the economy, and the white house thinks that can change. They point to some underlying metrics that say things are getting better. They think that narrative change come next year, but This is really really come on. Bulgaria really think. Do we you're not going to change jobs, narratives going to catch your eye, don't actually economies. The economist, willie you're, still saying that hey, we may still be headed for hard landing by economists. You're still say interest rate they continue to go up right now I mean the white house. I think they're, starting to realise that made a really bad mistake with is by now makes roll out. And orderly Joe Biden was against that, then They went ahead with it anyway, it's not working. You can't convince people the economy's going great when they don't feel
like the economy's going great. Even though She's got a hell of a lot better than any other countries in the I that it's just narrative doesn't work for voters either. Why? Why are you listening to our story that were telling you that things are going well we'll? Because maybe in my life I think things cost too much is usually the answer you here and John, It was the concern when they went with abide, not argument which was Okay yeah. There are a lot of good things to talk about in this economy, but when you call it by dynamics, you now own everything about the economy and that's what republicans are using right and that rebrand hasn't worked at all. To this point and numbers can be with numbers, are perceptions. Different voters are going to probably cast their ballots based on perception and immigration other issue there that the dynamic? hammers on a lot here is being a real problem for them. Rats and we're singapore reflects it and now we're seeing a by demonstration doing or river about face on a couple issues about deportation of Venezuela. Migrants is also construction
Donald trump's border wall? I know some of that's because they have to because of a funding issue, but it is a nod that that's a vulnerability too and if there are I guess it. Anyone other than dial trouble atop the thicket. There could be a real world worries, but even with tromp. This is gonna, be very, very close in there warning signs. The white house and all the internal paul said I've seen in this wing states just really tight weather. in pennsylvania, kinds in our michigan, the, inter Paul. Show show these these candidates clause, not close in georgia trumpets is actually from then turnover. I've seen trump is, is moving ahead in georgia right now, so a long way to go. We're just talking, though, about the problems right now that that also are facing. That said, because such a long time ago I won t say it says here: you know you, you can ok you're out about who you're going about far, who you're not going to vote for or against the incumbent that than that
we're getting to that voting. Booth, things change and I still think when people are getting the voting booth. It's can be hard for to check off donald trump, a guy who says he wants. You know, he was in the chair. the joint chiefs executed. Dinah says he wants to ban tv stations that he doesn't like guided set up. It says the most horrific sayings jokes about eighty two year old people getting their heads bash, stand by sam stein one underlying issue that again a week out from the twenty twenty two raises? Nobody was talking about because it was showing up at three four or five percent of the poles taking women's right. choose away. It proved to be a fire storm on election day? Thirty, five percent of voters said that abortion the huge issue things haven't got better sense, then riders, it is in the state of Florida is enacted at a six week ban since the
twenty twenty two midterms. You want that huge, huge, landslide and then did and then passed ace. Wake ban, that has republic and some of the biggest supporters bob of republicans financially sound. That's I too radical. We can't go along with that. So many cross currents right right now, you usually say its economy stupid, but because of I'll drop and because, in some willie extreme policies, like in Michigan sways date and eighteen forty nine ban because abortion bad. I mean it's locked the playing field for democrats. We Democrats should be down ten points here, and you know who thinks that this could be kryptonite. The Republicans is donald trump bright. Donald trump is out there right, probably saying this a bad issue for republicans that they should not be embracing six week. Bands eyes were
gently, show that he would embrace harsh abortion legislation himself and counted the fact that is responsible for the pre supreme court justices that ended row, but he's I have been very bright by what he thinks of the political costs on the italy's moved away from it and so yeah, that's a factor and we'll be in twenty twenty? Four and look I mean we're so far out right were what for, months. It's hard to just divine. What's gonna happen based on board what we have seen, which is good, some democratic up the optimism is these special results that have often seen democrats outperform distort the market his expectations now mobile, pretend anything between twenty four who knows I'm so far out. We economy could take a minute Mr turn, again I completely agree with John and willie, like the binding, arbitrary brand, really bad, the better fatal, you don't wanna, be owning an economy where people don't think that it's gone. For them, also centres the economy and barred and not on the people would allow
democratic had been worried about, but we have so much time in so many different concur in issues that I think we just need to take up a bit of a brac vienna. The up now about we a lot of time and I'm so glad you brought up those special elections. You look at a state like florida rainest. As one in a landslide republicans one in a landslide? They wine, because democrats just didn't fight. Democrats work in state of florida. It wasn't competitive. So what happened when Democrats pulled up, of their stakes laugh didn't fund the twin twenty. Two race in twenty when you three there's a special action, what happens for the first time in a long time, a democrat when jacksonville in jacksonville anything can happen, but sam's right. We get a long way to go, but look at these special elections like the jack they'll mares race and- and- and you see again that, though republicans
are ahead on issues. They still are being dragged down by donald trump and aboard and bans high. Everybody pause. We're gonna be back in exactly one minute and in one minute we'll get to our top. Storing we'll talk to richer hoss about the damage done by donald trump potential Sarah sharing nuclear secrets and what damage could be done that is nuclear secrets, are shared with adversaries, we'll be back in one minute here in the west, russian dictator, Vladimir Putin is always seen as one of two things: kgb, spy or Judah. Faster, but to anyone, who's ever lived in the soviet union. Putin is something else entirely a street kid. There are people only understand force. He was fourteen years old when he said this listen and follow about a boy, the story of lattimer putin, an odyssey original, podcast and partner but puck available now on the free odyssey up or wherever you get your podcast
tom yarmouth? From top story on NBC news now, every night top story is your news. Playlist we take you to the front The story words actually happening with envy, Jordan, journalists on the ground from all over the world recover what you need to know bring your news feed to life and now top stories available as a podcast, so you can listen anytime and anywhere subscribed now for new episodes. Every week. so here in the details of that new reporting on tromp and clear secrets. Former president donald trump, reportedly shared classic, information about american nuclear submarines and their capabilities so some of the most tat, did secrets with an australian business man who then a share the information with more than a dozen for an official sources. Familiar with the matter tell I beseech
Meanwhile, two sources tell the new york times that from disclosures, potentially endangered the: u s nuclear fleet, the business man anthony pratt is ain't. Member at marilla go who repeatedly discussed the supper. In the tramp in April, twenty twenty one great According to the times, the former president revealed at least two pieces of critical information about the EU s submarines, tactical capabilities including how many nuclear warheads that vessels carried and how close they could get, the russian counterparts without being detectives, just It's just I bought point or you will rush of agent. It's just staggering and at what point two people stop voting for somebody who is actively
and aggressively helping the russians either suffer, is it a lot easier by being of funding to help russia sources? Television news upright described trumps remarks to at least forty five other people gooding. Six journalists elaborate on his companies employs ten us broadly individuals, three former Thirdly and prime ministers, why go to jail, rogan Joe dude, the pretence this closure was reported dispassionately if the jags smith, my nothing this enough richer eyes. Doubt how damaging is this information doubts outside the skiff landscape little bit of background here, Joe you have levels of classification, confidential, secret, topsecret and then at the level of tax. Secret. You have what are called compartments and when I was in government immediately some time ago, you more than a thousand compartments and the whole idea was to restrict acts
to the most sensitive information to a real today, I literally had a need to know stuff dealing intelligence dealing with submarines among the most protected information, just because of their importance, two american strategic deterrence. stability more more broadly shares idea that this kind of information was widely shared. This. This is the kind of stuff at a minimum. You strip, people of their security clearances and worse. You prosecute them today. This just gesture responsibility on steroids, in addition that it gives potentially russians all sorts of insights The capabilities on our part, vulnerabilities on airport, imagine A friendly government, Australia in there is others. What does due to your willingness to share sensitive information warehouse? I think this has a elite chilling effect on our ability to work with our allies and partners at the same time, its
gift to our adversaries and richard yet to put this in the context, do not have when this took place, which is April. Twenty twenty one, which is when we now know was boxes of classified documents, were stuffed in every corner of moral. In other words, not a one off exactly a pattern. Just what I was saying: this is not an exception. This is the rule and the support it. a pattern of irresponsibility of negligence and essentially lawbreaking, again in dealing with some of the most sensitive national, sir security secrets that we on sir richard DE. What's the fought now today, with this revelation in the massacre at community, like How does the scramble? What the? U S, needs to know? What protect and whereof. What know Try as an ally but not everyone. This guy spoke you may have been well again virus. I would speak foreign governments, looking at what they might have shared under the trump presidency, trying to do a bit of a damage assessment
agent of certain stuff. We share with us reach certain other countries. What might I mean fire in the navy? I would be thinking about what difference. Does that make what exposition thickly, what was potentially shared if it reached the russian What would be the tactical the strategic consequences of that mission? And I dont know I don't have access to this information when irish government. I had no need to know this sort of thing. This is really restricted to people in the military and the intelligence. Shrewdly dealing with this type of military involvement. This is not the average no diplomat would have access. You didn't need to know So, sam just to get on the record here, the trump people say the story lacks proper context. Unclear points on our way to talk about the
in the billions of nuclear submarines, with an australian businessman on the patio at mar a lago context. For example, in the current context, the context is what was on the menu that night what they are eating. The appetizer is that we need to know that now I kick it by richards point that if anyone else lower than trump I'd done, that's right. Imagine someone who now unique access to this stock- or I am what about spilling that we will probably looking at a profit, you should write and it's just you know the double standards or the different standards. I should say that trump is held to are not just political right like I know. I know a lot democrats. Are there saying? Oh, my god, if, if jobs, what you have done this. If Hillary Clinton were to have done this, we would never mercury about. There's enough probably should write me leader forever about dns servers, but the real standard is you know trump and people below him any does things that other people would be prosecuted or fired for.
What he and his staff dismisses saying. While that lacks context, or while he's the president, he can do it and so on and so forth, and in a it's just that, striking to me maybe roger, could elaborate on that. But what would actually happen if staffer the cop, revealing these taxes secretly. How would that be handled internally and by prosecutes that's easy. I mean in the short run, you lose all access to any classified information, you're probably lose access to your computer and your job and at best, should be on administrative administratively, estimation would be begun by the security services. At some point it would be handed over to the justice department, and we see this this is this is what happens to people who are either reckless with classified information and in some cases that actively handed over to others. This is this. Is this is not a grey area? This is pretty black or white. Got me many black and white, and any you look back again.
Look it officials who have done so for less luggage prince riots, I wouldn't where's, that the great irony here willie as general, betray us. One of the reasons, Donald wrong said that he didn't select general betrays the secretary of state is because he had classified information on his lap top nothing like there's nothing like nuclear secrets and then just couldn't. Let him be secretary of state because it was so offensive to the other generals who were working with you, get sandy burger again now thing close to nuclear secrets. Are nuclear war plans? You look it at a door you're doin each of the cia. These are all people who took things at Richard I mean no tell you, oh well, below nuclear seekers is nuclear, seeing some of those protected secrets that you think about. Let's say that general matters.
Had leaked information, are blabbed information about more plans, nuclear, a nuclear of secrets or nuclear sobs You would have been prosecuted. You probably want to spend I'm in jail and that's what irritating about republican soggy, double standards, no body now body has led by a double standard, that is the end been getting a wider birth? Then Donald trump? And here? yet another example of this once This would send any of those people straight to jail yeah, and it has sent people to jail for much for much less and it is this bigger ideas. You say a grating donald trump on a curve. What is get a pass on this stuff. When no one else would wider republicans go oh yeah, he said he he thinks the general millay should be executed
That's him papa off its donald being. Now they moved the window so far that they excuse almost everything is an important point to make here that this isn't just a fascinating story or curiosity, this information, one of the new york times and abc news intersects with jack smith, especial councils investigation right, which may now call all anthony pratt, this business man as a witness in the documents case against donald trump displaying further how cabin here he was with classified information around mar a right coming out new legal developments in five five
separate cases involving the former president, including a claim from trump's legal team, that he's immune from federal charges related to election interference, hold on second coming down then denied morning Joe, be right back hi, I'm pj vote here to tell you about my new podcast search engine and search engine. We tackled the kinds of questions that keep you up at night like. Why are drug dealers putting fentanyl in everything? Should we be worried that you'll and musk believes that we're living in a simulation and for the love of god? Is it actually unsafe to drink the coffee, on airplanes on search engine nope
she is too big a new questions to small, listen and follow search engine with peter vote, an odyssey, podcast, global now and honesty up or wherever you get your part guests hi, I'm jennifer parliamentary and unclear mechanical where the hosted the innocent bc podcast how to win twenty twenty four. We both know first hand that, when in an election is hard and having been in and around tough races for most of our don't lives, we asked me nick insight into what it will take to win this twenty twenty your election and some crazy stories to share to listen to how to win twenty twenty four. Now amazon, music, new episodes, thursdays donald trump legal team is working to delay or dismissed several of his ongoing legal battles involving the former president. First, the trump team move to dismiss the indictment in his federal election interference case by claiming presidential immunity from present claims. His efforts to
return, his twenty twenty election loss and to remain in the white house were at the quote. The heart of his shall responsibilities as president and quote new york city, the trump team file to have his case, dismissed regarding the falsify of business it's the one related to hush money. Payments involving adult film act, a stormy daniels. The team argued prosecutes waited too long to bring that case. Next up, the former presidents classified documents case were trumps lawyers and once again judge Eileen cannon to postpone the trial until after next year's presidential election. Also, the former president unexpectedly smith. The five hundred million dollar lawsuit against his former lawyer, Michael Cohen yesterday, while thou. To revisit it. At a later date, trump had been scheduled to sit for deposition. The case on Monday, ihop and laughed They donald trump lawyers are expected to ask for a pause in his civil fraud trial. Today, after an eye
rate for present less the courthouse in new york city. On monday, his attorneys return yesterday, informing judge, arthur and goran of their plans. seek a stay in a case where the former president could have to pay to fifty million dollar fine be stripped of all of his new york state properties with his sword through all of new york times, investigative importer, suzanne Craig she has reported, extends, We on the finances and taxes of donald trump and want a pulitzer prize for her work also NBC news legal analyse. Captain christian cheesy former assistant district attorney in the minutes at the DA's office good morning to you. Both you need one of those big old boards reconnect the the yards like Kerry and homeland to keep track of all the us so suzanne. Let's start with what you've been covering this: the civil fraud trial. Where are we in all of this? We're going to see donald trump in court again or as he sort of made his blustery point outside the courthouse and moving along
he was here for a few days this week and then accident and the attorney general has been there. Every that I that I've been down, and we don't know if donald trump, come back. I think you know every day you sort of wonder but will be there, but their speculate. He may come back from Michael Cohen's testimony next week. That's it a grudge match. It's been going on for a long time. We don't know actually, when Michael calling will be up, but it could be, Wednesday thursday. A lot of it depends on the placing of the other witnesses. Recent of dry accounting. Testimony now and then after that, Michael calling should be up. That would be fascinating, is long time right hand staring down right in, and Michael Colin has already sort have been. This presence in the court room there's been an opening arguments there with him. He is now was evoked by trumps lawyers and he was called in pathological liar, and you can't trust him. No cohen on C Msnbc the day before the trial was like, I'm gonna, be there monday morning, and I ve been a face
down and I'm gonna look him in the eye. So I think a lot of things are building right now to Michael collins testimony it's gonna, be it'll, be to see if, if Donald trump does come back to the city for at government level, on the subject of Michael Cohen and that separate case where Donald trump had sued for five hundred million dollars suddenly dropping the case. Why? Because he would want to be deposed exactly because you know. Maybe he forgot that if you're suing The defendant has a right to call you to a deposition and take your testimony so was reminded a bed, and I think that's probably the reason why he said never mind Joe this suzanne for those of us who have known donald trump for a long time and in others, river now arise or other people. We We just note as a difference in the way. Donald trump is responding to this civil challenge in in manhattan right now and always responded unless with contempt, to the criminal cases this.
seems to be heading so much closer home to him during as somebody who is followed them and reported on em on these fronts. If you sensing back to that. He understands this is a much more direct immediate threat. The who he is how he sees himself and ability to running flowery living living a lavish lifestyle. I think I think there's the reasons for that. I think it so true, and I think you know that the first reason is it does really strike to his heart. This is his image he ran. Being itself made billionaire to be president. There was a reason that we were supposed to vote for him, but this is you know back to when he was. It's it's it's all about the money I mean he always was I'm worth this even when he went Wasn't in oh, he was in the nineteen seventeen. He was appropriating his father's wealth in saying it was his own. His whole essence is this, but I think that The reason that this case strikes so much just took to home. Right now is it's it's,
going forward, but there's already been real repercussions on it there. The judge hadda in order that he has already been found well for fraud and even more than not theirs receiver over his business. Somebody else is going to be running at an end there. Do you know their fighting a real life fight here? That's already, had you don't just huge precursor repercussions but the business their business certificates have been Paul. so you're saying I think both you're saying something that strikes to his heart and then there's something that's actually happen. That's huge, and at the end of this year there could be hundreds of millions of dollars and penalties. I can see that that's going to go down to thirty or thirty million? So you could be seriously looking at the liquidation of some of his sets in new york there fighting for their ice and there in your seeing it. I totally agree the second part of what she said Joe. It is the bottom line because he cannot function without as businesses
least appearing to function, rights and there are already being impacted, keep in mind his showing up in show up at you know things you would imagine would be existential threats to our democracy as it pertains to the diamonds. But this is a fraud trial. He showed up for three days to a trial he's already lost run. at he's, making the arguments to reporters outside that the judge our challenge will on the eu, he doesn't I have to be there yet he sang other forcing me to be another. Not I know, there's some people in fox news that are saying I can't believe they're forcing nobody's for somebody there. What happens on tv that leans right, whether it be fox or news facts, they only cover trump saying I don't have to be I'm stuck here. I shall be only the trail in trail. I have to be here and I'm stuck here. They don't actually ever correct that so when
do cover these stories that are extremely negative and reveal horrible facts about donald trump. They somehow just run soundbites trump and then repaper trumps? add and then move on. I write it was the twisting the facts it on capital story. So it is, it is This is a challenge and donald trump has been lying about. How much is worth its entire life thing? I am wondering boy put out of the deal out and and and painted himself? Is this masterminded, americans stead, so that's a business person I want to be at the same time, the new york times was reporting that over the decade when they got that ex returns that here cost more money. He reported more losses than eighty american at that, I'm so the art of the deal. No! Thank you. I don't want to.
ascii catherine it usually when I look at appeals that donald trump is is is putting out there. I like now now, no, no, no, but there's still there's one that we read that in that I'm curious where your thoughts are an end. That is the manhattan de taking too long to bring them. money kayser been a lot of legal commentators. Shown little patience for donald trump arguments and is yours arguments, but this is one. This is one thing again a lot of commentators after Alvin brag put out those charges were scratching there had going. We don't exactly get. This is possibility. He could when that appeal, not not for that ground. The statute of limitations in new york for a felonious five years, but there was covered and during covert be then governor, cuomo extended a basically told the statue limitation
because there were no grand jury, there were no trials, so they the minute days office calculated that they were with the statue limitations, so that argument will fail in it and it will fail with such machine guns to trial judge and it will fail, if he's convicted on appeal Sir Catherine, let's turn to one of the other legal developments with trumpet are so many. This is this seemingly hale marry that his legal team is throwing in the election interference case in washington, the federal case, not the one in georgia, suggesting because he was conducting his duties as president. Therefore, here like immunity by suggesting that no president can ever be held responsible no present can ever be charged with crimes It's that? Is there any chance back to be successful? While what and I showed suzanne the old clip of richard Nixon telling David for us when the president does it it's not illegal, that's basically their argument that you know you cannot prosecute criminally a sitting present of united states
it's the lore. Is you cannot sue a lawsuit, a sitting, president of the united states, so what this will? What will happen here? In the end? It's really about delay because judge chucking will deny it. It will then be appealed to the deceased If the court appeals, they probably will deny it, and I think they will move quickly to decide it, but then they're going to file cert, meaning they're, going to ask the supreme court of the united states to hear it and that's where the issue is not whether or not they gotta say their right. Will they take their time and citing it and decide it after the election. This is all about trying to delay that general six trial until after november twenty twenty four new york times, investigative reporter suzanne, craig and NBC news legal, analyse, catherine christian. Thank you both very much for being on the show this morning with your insides. You know we should invest them about. Mr pillow now we're
do that soon we ve exert, but we're going to talk about MR painting, you we'd. I think we figured out why his pillows or so won't be rheumatic. I said: is pillars? Were law renounce its really mad? If you talk about Islam propellers bad, there are, there was one person in a deposition who said that, as you know, we're not going to talk about europe. I'll be pella lawyer insinuating their super lot while so it won't be. Maybe it's because he's keeping his money in his pillars. A mattress is, of course, only singles, maybe put online single ass now he's by each party because he's paying his lawyers, that's for sure. So maybe he's shovin the seventy eight dollars that jill ass left here or the unwilling slippers and are now what you got me, those for christmas picked at night, but rudy lay, whereas them days remaining slippers yeah. He did like a commercial for Mr Pella. Lessons must have the ruined us via relation the city and in those slippers, but I mean I don't know.
What is it where less pressure lose all your money? Well, I got now we'll talk about all this coming up. This is I have to take an anti grass fairytale where MR pillar slippers. Does it examines all your money we're going to talk about out really and ciao. Lawyers and now, Mr pillows lawyers. I say: yeah now you you're lucky tellers yeah, we'll be right, yeah. Erin, depending on a rainy new york city. Can some tat we use it down. A bad.
Twenty five on the east coast foremost pillar. I know you know he didn't learn the lesson that my grandfather, Tom always tell me if you can started business sullen lumpy pill You shouldn't cell lumpy themselves enough, but my grandad's it, but if you wore yeah, suggests make sure. At the same time, you don't spreading conspiracy theories and try to do your part. A word turn american democracy about naxos want. They dont worry that that was at number. Two number one was dumb. Swimming right now for big mill, so there are a lot of things easier. Some basics right, yeah, willie's grandfather told him the same thing. These are just some basics. You do this do they get caught hamster go bankrupt I mean really: does this guy, not I'm granddad telling the stuff and during the third
two minutes away between the meal and the swimming. Don't call for martial law during a presidential election that kind of stuff. I never wanted to be doing any of that and by the way, I've never tried them my pillow, so I don't want to despair, but generally speaking, what you want is a night flat cool bill. You dont want all those alarm interrupting you now about now it just alright. I guess if we don't laugh at your hiking, that bunch of up and down up and down on my domain- yes good god, I know you're still in tennessee, and you just wake up then I notice that the syrian this updated, I found picks up everything. Look everything we just said is going to my predecessor. First of all, your first, the divine russians. Thank you for doing that. Secondly, I say I never ever willie turn on siri, because it is our guy takes acts ridiculous. It back to the top. Only talking about MR pillar
lawyer, standing the my lumpy pillow guy. I usually have that problems. Poverty mention mr perry What did you use on my pillow, my lumpy pillow? No, you give me the slippers, but you didn't give me. The pillow is alright lawyers, defending that my lumpy pillow guy are seeking to dump him as a client. because he has an all paid that fist. Going around in projects at sea, is a very. Those authorities are currently defending while on the pillow founder and see my plan dal and his business against defamation claims from voting machine companies and smart matic and dominion voting systems along with the third lawsuit brought by a former dominion. Employee, all's reclaimed. reputations were damaged by land. Dell's, repeated claims of fraud sprung the twenty twenty presidential election, but now attorneys
Orlando claim he is months behind on paying their legal bills amounting to millions of dollars they say they can no longer afford to represent. There's nobody does nobody. Does nobody This crowd understand that you get retainers from these people, because guess I guess they I mean Linda of course, brings is logically. Today I know is what lawyers thought that guy we're paying bills? and were giuliani, would pay is bells well and, quite frankly, donald trump. Ninety runs out of monastery. Pillow told us busy, newsroom glad we keep paying them if he wasn't bro, But of course is my grandfather could have told him if you'd only listen to him down try to run a pillow business, an online line, pill, pillar business. Why trying to foment yellow a coup and it s really sad and between you fried chicken and you're swear on the wake column
martial law willie that never works by what your grandfather was a visionary that he saw online shopping coming that lie there isn't really really exempted the pillows caress ethically adduced. This guy now borne in six any esau this common way, but by the way. in all seriousness. Mike Lindell has been sued by dominion for one three billion dollars. He says: he's lost a hundred million dollars because this product was pulled from stores like bed bath and beyond in walmart. He says it's care culture, they say no, we don't want to be in bed with a guy who's, calling for the overturning of elections and martial law and disparaging people and so on have a business decision to make an they stop using the MR pillow stuff, so here as that he has no money to pay, but in the end like are these guys he's the victim?
yeah. Always that makes them by the way. Let us just say: let him I just want nobody, no with we'd, never it was MR pillows pillows are slippery lumpy, maybe they're the best in the world. We just hear their lump and people say. Well, I will say: they're lumpy, then it's like your neck is hiking the appalachian trail and that's what some people say. Many popular saying, yeah many People are saying that anyway, how ready they once american air not too good, not to now Rudy Juliana needs new lawyers. Now, in his george interrelation interference case in atlanta, based attorney told the hill He filed a motion wednesday to withdraw from the case. The move leaves giuliani without any local legal counsel after another, georgia, based attorney, withdrew from the case last week. I can't believe that neither attorney gave a reason for their decision, but it could be a money issue. Last month, giuliani was sued by his former lawyer to claim he owes them nearly one.
Point four million dollars in legal ease that he has not covered up. The army has pleaded not reality in his georgia election case. There's a pattern. Giuliani also owes the irs for that, half a million dollars in taxes from twenty twenty one. He also is Lena property, he owns and palm beach. Florida Giuliani reportedly has put that property up for sale adviser, giuliani, responded to NBC news yesterday with a statement. Writing in part, mayor giuliani through his accountant, has a formula with the irs to pay off the liability, remember he's, calling in calling and try to get donald trump to help with the legal bills. Donald trump kindly a couple weeks ago, held that fundraiser for rudy marilla go to raise money for his legal defence, fun unclear where that money went towards helping radiologist, they actually got it. I mean it's. Probably the signs probably kept seventy five percent of that, like they always did with the way that women
those stories we heard about the when when they were now it's it's sam stein is not going well for him and he says he's striking to deal with I arrest, but I'm not so sure that arouse is gonna. Forgive all that for a couple cases of chateau guam I mean aids does have the money to pay this off. I don't know I don't how he gets out of this without being guy going bankrupt. It show for asia You took my job. I was gonna to suggest that without pay, lawyers with pillows but died? or a version of this was much better than mine. I went through these guys are going to fight and show there there is a first year. No, they they have trouble paying off their bills because broke, and this is what happens when you get yourself embroiled in the current legal problems? paying a lot of real peace, and now the again I'm I'm would make up in our you're gonna IRA. These is fine, why are you should probably get a retainer and, at least in the case,
our trump there was that lawyer down in who said now, you're gonna get me three billion dollars and it s for amp authorities. to our representative. So some, whereas no they're, no know what to do not altogether. Where you, SAM stein. Thank you. So much for being with us all saying goes always great to see you how it did it would Stop for a second, I wanna talk to richard about David Ignatius. Our good friend, David Ignatius is gone to cave and is reporting from cavan it. Sir incredible reporting there, but before willie I do just stop for one second, where these guys have been acting outrageously. So where, where we're joking around about it. Just how stupid and outrageous they ve been bathing. But fiscal bacteria, we talk about gravity. These people live for years, just live for years. They call for more so law. They live through their teeth about stolen,
actions, they lied about swore matic, they lied about. You know they put people, rudy giuliani, put people's lives in danger by lying about them? stealing votes from from georgia vote counting centres and the bill comes. Do the bill the bill is coming due for down from this? Is that phase we are in an american history? We, the age of prompt where you could lie about stolen elections. You can lie about people that we're election workers you can lie about. You can lie andy sandy hook, parents, you can you could save the most horrific lies all of was bills came, do all of em. now we're seeing it for The ringleader of these lies this alternative reality. We're seeing that come do in a way that I think is going to
that being financially crushing to him, and I think we should just step backwards because for years we ve asked. How do you get away with us how do people just like through their teeth and they know they're lying and the people better the go on news networks, no they're lying, and they? get away when it well kids you, watching. Guess why their night the bill all away coms, do and well. It looks like it's coming, though. Only for mike window and rudy giuliani, tragic story, but also for donald trump. Yet sure does, and I think a lot of people were impatient widest donald trump, get away with everything, and while people were asking those questions, special council, jack Smith was building a case The eight fanny willis was building a case done fulton county georgia. This is in new york were being built and now donald trump. We ve seen him week, sitting in a court room for three days, were currency next year, this bunch of different courtrooms here.
Facing the music beginning now and will continue through this year and, as you say that people who snuggled up to him. I think expecting that he would protect them guys, like giuliani and MR pillow guy? They thought being closed, donald trump is going to save them was gonna rescue them in some way, and now here we are donald trump, isn't paying back your loyalty. They thought that they participated chiefly in this attempt to overturn the election of twenty twenty to throw out redirect to say things that just got them attention. They got them relevance, Case of Rudy giuliano will now he's effectively broke down. Trumps, not gonna, save him when you say things about election workers in georgia, like ruby, free and shame or send you make wild accusations defaming their character when they were volunteering to participate in the process that bills come do two. So, yes, it took some time, but the bill all across the board are beginning to come. Do for all these guys so what
What is so again, I don't know: a lot of people have always hated rudy. There are others that commodity for what he did after nine eleven. I certainly did in and the turnaround in new york city. By, do you want to say rudy and the commissioners and ever else from ninety three? Ninety five remarkable What about giuliani was that that I taught them privately well, Donald trump was running watson, Donald trump found he just wasn t was In fact, he was critical of the way negotiated and thought. It was always was a zero sum game, and actually was critical of the way promptly goes. didn't thought it wasn't away. A leader should negotiate, and you know. He was a girl. She was so desperate to stay in the spotlight so desperate to stay relevant betty.
I ran to him anyway, and now donald trump is, it looks like donald trump is bankrupted him and destroyed a good bit of his life. The whole thing is, is tragic and again we didn't laugh, we'd be crying and that they are all the different consequences of this behavior ever wanted to provide MSNBC. With your opinion about the tv programmes, newsletters podcast and more now sure chance, When you joining MSNBC insights, community you'll get pure Article online surveys about MSNBC visit NBC bc, dotcom, slash insights to join the community. Today.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-07.