« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 10/22/20


While campaigning in Philadelphia for Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama slammed Trump's handling of the coronavirus. The panel discusses.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I'm Lindsey. Graham, the host of Wondery show american scandal. We bring life, some of the biggest controversies in. U S, history, presidential lies corporate fraud, corruption and sport. In our new series, we look at a decades long campaign by federal law enforcement to target activists fighting for racial justice, federal agents were for everyone from Billie Holiday to Martin Luther King Jr and would ultimately face a public reckoning. Subscribe to american scandal on Apple podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get. Your podcasts join one re plus to listen ad free in the Wondery APP look. I get that this president was. sport, credit for the economy and arid and zero blame for the pandemic that he ignore. But you know what the job as a word that way tweeting at the television doesn't fix things making stop that doesn't make people's lives better. You gotta have a plan you ve got to put in the work
That pandemic is rounding, the corner, they hate it. When I say it are you turn around with it as the ASEAN vague do see it at all. You here is covered, covered cover, covered Java, Gub Gub, that's all they put on because scared the hell out of everyone- and you know them testing. You have the more cases they say cases are up. Yeah testing is up. We are board testing than
India, China and almost every other country put together. We literally left this White House a pandemic playbook that would have shown them how to respond before the virus reestar shores- they probably use it. I don't know prop up a wobbly table somewhere. We don't know where that playbook went a month into this pandemic. Cases are rising again across this country. Donald Trump isn't suddenly going to protect all of us. He can't even take, The basic steps to protect himself with coven. Is there anything that you think you could have done differently if you had a mulligan or a do over on one aspect of the way you handle it, what would it be not much look it's all over the world. You have a lot of great leaders. There are a lot of smart people to all over the world that came out of China. China should have stopped it. They stopped it from spreading and to other parts of China
after one Johnny should have stopped it, no, not much. I did it very early. Just last night he complained up an area that the pandemic made him go back to work, I'm quoting here. He was upset that the pandemics made him go back to work actually been working. All tat never want to get this of bed good morning. Welcome to morning Joe, it is Thursday October. Twenty. Second, long with Joe willing and may we have historian and Vanderbilt University? Professor John Mitchell, and journalism. Professor at Morgan, State university politics that are at the Rio and an MSNBC political contributor, Jason Johnson to NBC News Capital Hills, correspondent in host of way too early Casey Hunt is With us, you know really, we, it was hard to imagine having two presidents. Any different than George W Bush and Barack Obama
various issues where this green, a variety of them, die. Trump and Donald Trump late into October, less than two weeks to go until the election is still living, in an age of magical thinking where still saying that turning the corner. Things are getting better this way school systems are shutting down outbreaks are raging across the Midwest things. getting worse, you talk to doctors, you talk to Epide ologist the situation is getting worse at Donald Trump is sitting there still acting like This is a media out. You remember way back, beginning when Donald Trump in February called this. A media hoax he's actually reverted back and all of the anti anti trump all set have really been been.
Shamefully responsible for the continued support of this man by by a lot of their people, love that the eighty tramples I don't know he wasn't calling it hopes. He was just saying that the media was whipping up into a frenzy and though he called it a hoax here doing the same thing now suggesting that networks that cover the deadliest and then it can over a century, as it rages into the fall are somehow part of this media, he has learned absolute leave nothing. Two hundred and twenty thousand deaths later I had the same thought watch in that speech last night, which is that if he made that speech in February it would have been much different than it is today. The differences instead of zero death, so one death at that time. There are not two hundred twenty three thousand three hundred and sixty
at the same way we say a lot of these rallies could have been lifted out of two thousand sixteen, with the lock her up chance, the attacks and the media and all that strategy and placed it twenty twenty. This speech look like from another time where we hadn't learned anything and whereas you say, if you look at the map, cases are spiking across the country. That's not a matter of opinion. That's a matter of dates. that's a matter of science. It's real. It's happening, it's not a hoax! So yes, where to continue to talk about coated covered, but right there, couldn't have been a bigger contrast with President Obama and he Systematic takedown, unlike we haven't seen before of the for years under President Trump yeah is quite something and by the way, those cases around the country. There are some surge spots. That will happen wherever this president has held his super spreader events, dating back from Tulsa, one of the rallies that lead to spread and corona virus in state and
health officials have been watching the numbers when he holds a super spreader event: numbers go up, so it's he's adding to it as opposed to tracking on these numbers he's adding we have a slew of new Battleground state polling yesterday in Pennsylvania Biden leads. By ten points, the latest San and assess our s Paul by eight point, in the new appear university Paul by seven once in the latest USA, today, Suffolk, University, Paul and by fire. In the New Fox NEWS, Paul Skoda. Iowa, the lightest Monmouth Ball puts Biden up by three which falls within the margin of error. Then time. Santa college pole also has beaten up three points within the margin of error and the M in college. Paul has trumped up two points, also within that marching in Florida, with the latest CNN, assess arrests and the Reuters obsess polls show
Biden, leading by four points. Fifty two, forty six, percent within margins of error, in Michigan the New Fox NEWS Poll has Biden up by twelve fifty two to forty percent in Wisconsin the fox Paul has Biden up five points. Forty nine to forty four in Arizona the light Reuters, Ipsos Poll has Biden with a three point led forty nine to forty six within the margin of error in Ohio. The the Fox NEWS poll shows ahead ahead by three point: forty eight to forty five within mark there. Let's look at Texas, the latest Quinnapin diversity pull their shows. The two candidates tied at forty percent of peace. That's a lot of different states to work at Joe. What are they well? What they tell us is what we ve been been thinking for some time: That is that again, Willie that Donald Trump
having real problems in the area where he was expecting to run the victory in the upper midwife The Wisconsin Michigan Pennsylvania, those states where the states gave him Obviously, a shocking victory. Two thousand sixteen, but you to work intensively. percent, plus eight plus seven plus five Michigan was twelve Wisconsin, plus five full there, which is a little below what it usually is: even in Iowa, to pulls out yesterday showing that Joe Biden up by three points that, of course, Estate Donald from carried by nine again, if this were any other candidate, if this were other election cycle, we would be talking about the end for Donald Trump, but of course it's not because there are a lot of poles show Donald Trump doing poorly four years ago, the question is: do the pollsters have right this year and if they do even in the state of Florida, where
poll suggests he's down down by four still think it's end up being a one point race. If it's more than a one point race, either direction, then then election Over the rest of the country, this this this elections, not gonna, be close, but you look right now conversely, very good for Joe Biden. But of course the big asterisk is that the poles are really good for Hillary Clinton. Wait for years ago. Yet they did not quite this good, though, that they do for Joe Biden in the public pulling anyway, and the problem for Donald Trump is there's not a lot of time to change. The dynamic of this rates were twelve days from election day. As we know, there is a time of mail and balloting voting, tens of millions of mail in boats that have already been sent in he's gotta debate tonight. Do we really Think anything's going to change. Is he suddenly going to convince a bunch of suburban women? Are a bunch of seniors that he's not? Who he's shown to be for the last three and a half years He doesn't have a lot of time to change. So, if he's looking at those numbers
doing rallies worthies drilling deeper into the base and not expanding the map. It does give him a lot of room to grow. Let's bring a national political correspondent for NBC News and Amis NBC Steve Pornography, Steve at some of these pollings? You put it together with your map. What are some of the scenarios you see playing out here? Yeah, let's take a look here at the road to two seventy and what you see. This is how things landed in two thousand and sixteen, of course, Trump with three six. But let's work off those poll numbers. You were just going through right there, because I think three states you're just about them really jump out. Agnes Pennsylvania, Michigan in Wisconsin and remember when Trump One, those states into We sixteen in all three of those states his margin was less than a point. It was a fraction of a point. Of course these were also they had not gone for a Republican in three decades since then, eighteen eighty, so these were narrow wines in tradition, the democratic states that made all the different from how important our these days.
Four trump look at it. This way, this pause. We just showed you if Wisconsin into by its mission. Went to and if Pennsylvania went to Biden those three states along the Trump one skin of his teeth and twenty sixteen would put Joe by over the top and Trump would be in a position. At that point, in Florida he could win Carolina? He could win Arizona, Georgia, Texas, Ohio, Iowa everything else you mentioned. He could sweep him if he does not get one of those three Midwest states that he flipped in two thousand and sixteen he's under two. Seventy doesn't win the election. The only other thing he could do with that point is you could pick off a state that Hillary Clinton one in twenty but then are in a world where he's losing these three states? But somehow, winning Minnesota these losing these three states but somehow getting New Hampshire and that it becomes an implausible if he can hang on to at least one of these grasses, and certainly his campaign has been treated in Pennsylvania, with twenty electoral,
as their most likely target there in terms there too. In terms of their resources, you can see if Trump did find a way to hang on to Slovenia, okay, now I'll be back two to eighty you'd have to defend Florida defend North Carolina still would have a very, very small margin for error, but just stay in this thing. I that's one way of looking at it. I think these three he's gotta find a way to win at least one and of course Steve if he doesn't, when Florida Katy or the door it's over right. Now there two poles that that came out showing Joe Biden up by four points that hard to believe it's hard to believe again talking to the people that know this state better than anybody else. It's hard to believe this race is gonna, be decided by more than one percentage point talk Florida and now. Actually there is also we get in vehicles we talking about weeks, we're gonna. We may be doing this for weeks and weeks and months and months. Of course,
the alternative. That is a fact that Florida could, let us know by nine p m on election, who's going to win any either direction? I remember in two thousand and four Seeing that where's come out of Miami Dade, Brow word and Palm Beach county. What report call the killing fields for years. I nice The George Bush had far out performed we did in two thousand- and I turned everybody onset, then and said This is not going to be two thousand George Bush is going to win Florida fairly comfortably and most likely when the rest of the country that we talk about what we may know actually by eight p m election, I their debts. fascinating thing Jew in Florida they were kind doing covert style elections before covered pensive mail in voting extensive early voting, getting them all tabulated unreported out quickly, so that yeah
in a situation in Florida, elect these famous last words, of course, because once upon a time into thousand Florida was was disaster on election night, but nothing like that happens in situation in Florida, where we're going to get in that first hour. When polls closed these counties all their early vote in all the mail in voted, they ve tabulated in and the rest is going to come in and most of these can he's very quickly and you're going to be able to look at counties in Florida places along the Gulf Coast for infants where to buy at eight hundred and thirty, election night. Two thousand and sixteen you could see trust was running up the score compared to meet twenty four years earlier, where turnout was through the roof and where you could say, okay, something has happened they are in Florida and then you could quickly work your way up and say: North Carolina, you saw the MID west. He sought, but by eight thirty election night When he sixteen, you had a sense at the political was changing because of Florida. That could be the case again on election day. Twenty twenty two can I just reset it to twenty? Sixteen, if by word or get Florida
It is possible to get a result there on election night relatively early if by word, gets Lord at that alone. Brings that total from here Clinton's, two thirty two to two sixty one that's not enough for binding, but that puts him situation were basically any one. Other state look, I just said Pennsylvania, but could be Michigan. Anyone other state with Florida, pretty much would put him over two seventy, so yeah Florida kind of set up as a state with the potential to get a lot of its voting to really give us a reader and kindness. Up as an early, almost elimination contest for Donald he's gotta when he's gotta when it we're gonna get Florida, and I think potentially, North Carolina in those early hours, a Lotta carolina, while their exact Jason as you look at all the numbers that come flooding out. Of course. Yes, numbers it did. The trunk campaign obviously is not pleased with
it's it's hard not to go back for years and and so well. Hilary was ahead as well. The one thing that the binding people will say even though they are really actually about, is paranoid. Is any group you ve ever seen? They will not say they have a janitor even went his legs and are they well size ashes? They website ass. The one thing that by man Hilary never had was a huge collection of poles where he was over fifty percent. That is, for anybody that's ever run. That is the magic number. When you're looking at polling. There's a couple of things about these new Poland risen. I always tell people to my report,
nobody is leading until somebody is averaging forty nine to fifty something percentive of so when Hillary Clinton was leading in a lot of these states. Forty six to forty four forty to forty two. There were too many undecided and undecided tend to you, don't always know where they're gonna go. Sometimes they break for the position. Sometimes they break for the income. So that's one thing: we've seen Joe Biden has distant leading in these days, but increase in these polls he's averaging fifty one. Fifty two, fifty four fifty five percent of the vote, and that is huge. It is really he's political scientist four years ago, it's not that the polls in two thousand and sixteen were wrong in that we were paying attention to the national polls and not the state polls. After the come letter, things were trending against Hillary Clinton, K, midwestern states and everybody thought I was a sort of background noise Et Cetera, Et Cetera. We haven't
that, if anything, all the October surprise, which at this point happens every fifteen minutes they've always been about Donald Trump. The bad news that has been breaking in October has been about Donald Trump and we've seen polls. Trans me in favor of Joe Biden and the last thing is this, and I always say this is important. Anecdotally, we're you may see the press suppose you can always Tal raises going members of the house at this hour, away from Hillary Clinton like we saw a little bit in two thousand and sixteen that means their internal polls are like okay. This could be bad. What have we seen as what have we seen, we've seen more and more Republicans come out and say hey by the way. I wasn't in favor of the thing that President Trump was doing and these are in red state received, so I think, Internally you're seeing Republicans be very, very concerned about these numbers. It doesn't just require sort of propaganda from the White House and again it's good that Joe Biden has not been to be complacent. It's good that they're still out there campaigning, but this is a race that for
something strange is friendly towards Jo Leinen, state level, in addition to a national So I made some. We are twelve days out from I think you- and I would probably so to be the most important election of our lifetime? The final debate Is tonight against the backdrop of these poles. What are you expecting What's on the line denied and by Trump debate? Well, it the traditional thing to say here is this: is the last chance to change the narrative and to alter the dynamic of the race, but a lot of the analysis that we understandably offer is analogue? You know, we were living in the political equivalent of climate change right now, right extreme weather. It's it's man made
oh our appetites, our ambitions helped create that this climate, and I think the real story is in my sort of historical dorky view- is what is it? Donald Trump and his performance as president that is convinced Forty seven to forty eight percent of the country or- states that you been showing that he should be president again. I am not saying this is some sort of reflexive crazy, liberal right I mean I live in Tennessee. I voted for Republicans. I voted for Democrats, I'm you and I are talking in large part, because when I was a kid, Ronald Reagan captured my imagination as this figure of a kind of, Nicky and grace in the presidency, George Bush's biographer, I mean that this is not a reflexively partisan thing to say genuine question about forty six point. One
another country voted for Donald Trump last time and that numbers up a little bit. I mean that's. The big story of the age is is that because the contrast, but what's gonna, be on the stage tonight. I think, if you're going have a bombastic bullying Clearly, out of his death incumbent talking over and trying to bully both the moderator and the democratic dominate? And the Democrats that money is not outside the American mainstreamed. In many ways he is the mainstream Biden as a centre left figure. Even if not aid centrist figure in all he totally explicable and understandable. In turn, new deal through Obama, politics and that's great has its vices to end The reasons Donald Trump is president is because people found that conversation in that culture to be
commensurate to their challenges and their needs in a global era. Ok, but we can have that operation right. That's we need to go to reality. Show Berlin classes to try to understand that. We understand what White Biden this egg I was I was totally struck by round on on the social media. Yesterday, video of Joe Biden Green, in special. A son of a victim of the park, lane, shooting we get you send it out to you. Watch that and just answer a fundamental question. Watch that and then watch tromp dismissing I covid covid as we hit in twenty five thousand deaths, and you tell me who one in charge of your affairs.
I really I actually saw the video and it's interesting you can look at that video and I think most Americans would agree that this election is between the good man and a bad man. You and I I feel comfortable, saying the Donald Trump, is a bad man. Job meet them? Because, because, like you, I live in a very, very red, area you and I may be per cent of the For that we see every day are voting for Donald Trump. ninety percent of the people that we pass on the road every day are voting for, Donald Trump and I have been polite and lovingly talking to my friends and my neighbors and my
relatives and my loved ones asking why and they all say. Donald Trump is a terrible man. He is a horrible example not. in this country a terrible example for our children. I would not want the man over it I house bite and then they start explaining their justification for a vote for this terrible man as they call him, and it's either that Joe? By is to all that he's going to be right, is administration, be run by a secret cobble of socialists and communists sore I saw something on Facebook that says that go and extraordinarily disturbing theories. Some will just be blood enough to say it's about regulations. I think that Joe Biden will it Greece regulations on this country or my favorite Joe
Biden is not all mentally. Have they seen Donald Trump over the past four years and so you have all of these justifications and, of course, the paint Joe Biden as some left wing creature. When, in fact, Joe Biden knock. He was absolutely excoriated inside the Democratic Party for the past year and a half for being conservative, conservative, for being moderate, moderate for not being progressive, he's been attacked. I I mean Hell, Donald Trump, attacking him for being too tough on crime for supporting the crime bill for putting criminals in prison. That's Donald, Trump's attack in black communities to Joe Biden that he's too tough on criminals. Joe Biden of Course got attacked throughout his political career for being too close to banks to close to credit card companies
we go on and on, but at the end of the day You are right. You are right, there is. Is there it is a very clear choice between oil A person you want leading country, and a lot of our friends in a lot of our family members and ninety percent of the people that we see every day. John major voting for a man who is right now. trying to get his attorney general tour, rest, his political opponent, with twelve days left We need to stop right. There I'm gonna say they get John. What does it mean that your friends and my friend some of your family members and some of my family members, the over. The majority of people that we see every day for a man willingly who, twelve days out.
Trying to have his attorney general or rest his political opponent. A man whose leading him in the polls and the son of his political upon what? What? What does Mean four where we are, is a country right now, regardless of the outcome of this race? I think it is that it is the triumph of our worst instincts over our better angels, because what that ninety percent of most of the ninety percent, what they would say, Oh you all are prevent awaiting he doesn't made. It gets but why should the way? He is here now is not serious but because they believe and race has a lot to do with this too, and the role of the of immigration. The view of the rapidly
changing demography of the country? What they believe is that day, ultimately will be better off and more comfortable in a Trump America than a bite in America, and that I think, is the existential and most troubling question, because I could not disagree more about that and look at me that Boring Lee Heterosexual white, southern male episcopalian right things tend to work out for me in this country. Kind of person who's supposed to be losing our hegemonic role in the culture right RO it. I just I get it I get enough to say: ok, look people condemned disagreements, the oxygen of democracy Right Jefferson, said differences of opinion have shaped free government, since Greece and rope I'm not suggesting
there's a ninety percent agreement test and wooden the gun, we all be better off, if only they saw the world as I did, I'm not saying that what I am saying is that at critical moments in the life of the country we ve had to make a decision, which is Do you wanna, be the American? of Frederick Douglass Abraham Lincoln or do you want to be the America of Jefferson, Davis and Robert lately that with that was a question the nineteenth century. be the question, do you want to be the America of Bull John Louis or do you want to be the America boycott right and those I know which sounded history I wanna be on, and I think it's just as blunt choice, just a sharper choice today and even our best very quickly, even at our best we only get sixty sixty five percent of the country to agree on something right. Ninety
sixty four one thousand nine hundred and seventy two one thousand nine hundred and eighty four sixty percent presidential elections, one thousand nine hundred and thirty six, you know most of the time. It's it's fifty five, forty five, it's not fifty one. Forty nine forty nine forty six and that that's what's troubling, is why why can't enough thus assess the evidence and answer with a full hard as those two worries about our identity. In our wallet. it's well said, and you have to add into this conversation as well the information filters where people are getting their information, certain cable news, channel certain websites from Facebook. If you watch Donald I'm speech, and you get all your information from those places. It all makes sense. The Hunter Biden story makes sense everything that Donald Trump is telling you fits into a narrative that you been led to, but is true. True, you watch it from where a lot of other people
like us, are sitting its factually untrue. Let's go back to Steve Pornography, real quick over on the board. Stephen looking at big picture. What may on election night, of course, there's a lot of concern that we've heard about that. This could go on for days or weeks as they count them in voting or think about the state of Pennsylvania, where the Supreme Court is upheld, a ruling that they can count mail in votes up to three days after election day some of the states you'll be looking at in terms of what we will know on election night and what we won't know till hours days later, yeah, it's good we were talking about a minute ago. I mean seven p M Eastern, your basically getting get all of Florida exam panting and is going to start reporting in the eastern timezone Florida. We could get a they're in Florida, early on and as the night progresses using. We get a full result Florida, nor Carolina. Seven thirty p m a lot like in terms of its good, pretend here to get a lot of the vote.
Florida in Florida. The ballots can come in a few days after the election. If they're postmarked, I don't think that's going to be a ton of ballots, but that might affect the ability for that race to be called if it's very close, but I think you get a ton of go out and North Carolina another one George had a messenger primary seven p m: the poles are gonna, closing Georgia, it's possible. wide say will see its powers, we'll get more out of Georgia better read out of that, then were expecting based on primary another one, that's going to start coming in you know, maybe eight clock close to nine, probably for all practical purposes, Texas, member Texas state is not doing extensive mail in voting this year. The early is already well under way and texts again, Texas, with the law, history of early voting? like other result at a Texas and again it can at least point you, even if their results Why does very closer something that alone could be a clue about broader trends that are happening nationally, Ohio we might even be able to get something out of Europe
Pennsylvania, Michigan Wisconsin, these three figure to be slow by the way, six p m, we're gonna get a six p m, get our first pole closing in Indiana we're not talking Indiana is a battleground state, but one of the things were asking is the return come in from everywhere else on election ice. There blue wave, suburban shift met. a politician areas, areas outside cities all over the country that you signed twin eighteen starting to break away from trumped. There's some indications in the polling that that's continued in may be accelerated into twenty twenty riddle right. Indianapolis Indianapolis has Poles closing at six p m our. Are we getting an early indication of? movement in sport, traditionally republican suburb suburbs, around Indianapolis, it's stuck with Trump in two thousand, and sixteen are we seeing movement there doesn't mean Indiana is a risk to for trump to lose it, but if you're, seeing big movement around Indianapolis that p m our that might be portending something too. So I think that could be the very first.
I look at when we start getting returns election night, alright, and Casey Hunt with a narrative tat Joe laid out the backdrop of a president thirteen days before election day, urging his Ernie General to arrest his opponent in the middle of a pandemic in the middle of an economy in freefall? Who are the Republicans who are pulling away and some might ask? Why aren't there more while maker? I think truly that an end was reflecting on this, as I was listening to to John Mitchell and talk about what it means in the context of history. I think there are some Republicans who are starting to realize that History is taking a turn away from the place that they have been for the last for years now. In events, ass is someone who thinks about politics.
the country in those types of sweeping terms. He didn't come out in public and say in a straightforward way any of the things that were on that leaked audiotape, which says they're still fear among Republicans about crossing this president. They are not coming out. And and sharing this from the mountain tops her from the rooftops, and I think we have covered the way that they have approached this an end. Their critics call them cowards for it John Cornyn is another one, and there are some signs for me that that that race in Texas, which is not one that has been at the top of anybody's list, says it is a potential flip from Republican to Democrat but he told a newspaper in the last week or so that he privately broke with president. Trump on issues like the deficit and the border wall. He just got the better way to try to deal with. It was to do behind the scenes to do it privately, and that tells me that There is this I toward the what could be an we
all afraid to say it right. We are so I'll shocked still by what happened and twenty sixteen that we're looking at all These numbers- and nobody wants to say this- looks like a landslide for Joe Biden. the Biden campaign is Joe sat at the very top of the show. Probably the was paranoid of anyone about potentially doing this, but Are these signs that this rejection is in the offing and if it's, what happened it's gonna leave a lot of these republicans. You know how are they going to answer questions about where they were for the last four years? If that's, if that's, what actually have They have sent out to the wilderness, anyone who has rejected Donald Trump Jeff, Flake, Bob Corker. All these people who frankly, had long distinguish careers in republican politics. Dont have a home anymore, and I do not think that that realignment is going to be a real, a real reckoning and there are. have to answer to history. Frankly,
I mean a meagre, you think about it, think about Mark Sandford and Work Sanford's, a guy that that survived and excruciating personal controversy personal scandal, and he survived by going around his district and apologize the people one by one and they forgave him and they elected him to Congress teeth, but they then threw him out because he only voted with Donald Trump. Ninety percent of the time yeah. So why aren't I make a choice? Lighter army says he did not vote for Tom Moat say who voted for and the question is, is a really why what is the upside for these Republicans now what when they say it will not be in the hut? Could he do to them? What is the upside down for them coming out? In being remembered by their republican, constituents is being the people that are banned, Donald Trump in the last twelve days of of four year term when they should
actually this? themselves, a long time, they may be seeing no upside in it if Donald Trump is defeated. If these poles are accurate, then that's actually, when the questions start for the Republican Party will vey does speak out strongly for a peaceful transfer of power. If Donald Trump does night, it does not support a peaceful transfer power? If he's trying to call the process rigged, will these republican official stand up and speak out for democracy, or will they continue to hide Craven Lee and trump shadow. That's actually going to be the real test. The test that Matt still I had a morning Joe. U S official say Russia and IRAN have obtained
U S Voter registration data that and that IRAN use the information to intimidate democratic voters and BC KEN Alanian, joins us with his new reporting and later House Speaker Nancy Policy, will be our guests ass. She works with the Trump administration on a covert relief bill and tonight Joe Willie and I will be leading debate coverage on Peacock and Beast universals free streaming app will be joined by Bob Woodward, whose had revealing interviews with the President plus NBC John Harmon. Member of it Our Times Editorial Board, Mara, gay and present essential historian, Michael Bash loss? Are coverage? Kicks off night at eight forty, five eastern, you can find it at Peacock TV doubt you can stream it on your phone on on your your ipad or are you can go to the Apple Appstore and downloaded on your on your tv
kind of like what I share. Your else on e bay we'll be right back with much more morning. Chow hey. It's just an errand from the generation. Why were we explore hundreds of unsolved murders and conspiracy theories? This week were talking about the murder of Anna Hill. Some people considered it a wrongful conviction. but we always like to follow the evidence and not narratives. So listen. Two new episodes generation. Why podcast Spotify where the wonder you join wondering plus in the wondering to listen, ad free, Hi, I'm Randy, and this is dave- we're the founders of bombus makers, of the comfortable socks in the history of feed so comfortable with and donated millions of pears, yes donated, why we learned that are the number one most requested. Clothing items almost shelters. So he said
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They added that IRAN and Russia have acquired voter information that could be used to undermine the upcoming election. This data can be used by foreign actors to attempt to communicate false information to registered voters that they hope will cause confusion, so chaos and undermine your confidence in american democracy. To that end, we have already seen IRAN send spoofed emails, design to intimidate voters in sight, social unrest and damage president Trump an absolutely right now that was now that last little as witnessed little bit, all director of national intelligence campaign here way way, we'll get it Did they hadn t, and I actually just say that in a press conference,
he's scared of his boss. He had to make way in a way that has, at last I shot because these emails, Aerial Biden, director of national intelligence, actually using a press conference to try to promote Donald Trump he's a joke he is a joke in the briefing raise. What a disgraceful way to act when you are entrusted with such position of this individual? That's a sort of thing that he's with somebody the rest of their lives and he's doing that for what thirteen twelve thirteen more days and talk about playing the short game just he's not a series of man, the director FBI, direct, their Christopher RE sought to reassure voters about election security and, It has praised the quote. Great work of our law enforcement agencies, who stopped an attempt by
because adversaries to undermine our elections. Meanwhile, NBC News has learned that a cyber security company says it found a hacker selling the vote registration data of a hundred and eighty six million America's underscoring how vulnerable amount kids are to email targeting by criminal and foreign adversaries- let's bring in NBC News correspondent, covering national security and in Agents can Delaney and so kind explain why it was important to have this press conference eights it's very close to the election. It was in the evening. Kind of felt, like it came out of the blue and why that matters that they actually decided to do it? This close to the election and also the point that Radcliffe made these emails hurting trump, what the heck is going on there he was busy lying. Could he be wrong? Hi, I'm Brooke and I'm Arica and where the host of even the red,
a show about people with a lot of money and a lot of feelings Brook what's the worst thing that can happen to a politician getting voted out of office. About driving your car offer bridge and leaving a young woman trapped inside, which is exactly what TED Kennedy did in nineteen. Sixty nine. It was a scandal that rock the nation and threatened to bring down the entire Kennedy Empire, subscribed to even the rich Chappaquiddick, an on Apple podcast Spotify, the wondering app or wherever you're listening right join wondering plus in the wondering apt to listen ad free. Look I'll tell you what a senior yours intelligence, visual, told me last night, here's the theory behind why they think this could her Trump If it's believes that a white nationalist group is sending emails threatening democratic voter saint, both for tromp or else or we'll get you. There is perceived as harming doll, trumps reputation? So that's that's, the theory bind and it is true that
intelligence has shown that there are elements for the iranian government that would like to see Trump defeated because the trumpets put Extra sanctions on IRAN cancel the Iranian Nuclear deal. So that's not really in do. say that my democratic sources on the seven tell this committee yesterday, said they really did not much of a problem with what Rackliff said, as he described the intelligence that was there. understanding as well to answer. Your first question Mika this scores how different it is. Twenty twenty, that it wasn't twenty sixteen in terms of the sensitivity to any hint of foreign election interference. This pain. Wasn't that impact followed didn't reach that many voters, but they found out about it. Only vetoes Jimmy only started grappling this early yesterday I am told, but they decided they wanted to immediately alert the public in power to send a message to IRAN. We know you're doing this and stop in part, also the Russians on notice that no danger that the Russians have border region information and could do with them.
the thing on a larger scale at any time really, but you know, one sixteen the government was very hesitant to talk about what new about foreign election interference in this cycle. The belief is: get it out, inoculate the public the public understand because the threat really in tampering with the vote. The threat is Information misinformation, undermining confidence, the election and the real worry is what happens if there is a disputed election, because the opportunity for this misinformation is so great by we're adversaries and cyber criminals can there. There are reports that the present growing increasing frustrated with Christopher RE, as well as even even his Roy count attorney general bar and is considering dismissing them after the election. What can you tell us. So the Washington Post is out with a report and it's not very surprising. The tea leaves have been pretty clear for a long time. Trump
has no patience for the FBI, director, crisper re, who has been saying things all his tenure that are at odds with Donald Trump's world view he's been talking about the threat from white supremacy, He talks about russian election Interference, and Donald Trump is not happy that the FBI is not uncovering direct for information about his political opponents and even William BAR appears to have reached the limits of how he can stretch amount. Injustice help Donald Trump when Trump I call on him to indict you know, Obama and Clinton, and two issues or in the last days of the election, saying that there is an investigation to corruption by Joe Biden when their when there isn't one even born can't do that and so Trump has lost. Patience with bar you'll be interesting to see what happens because it is. There is a widespread belief it go Biden. If he's elected would keep, is FBI director. The FBI director serves a ten year term, and it's supposed to be somewhat independent from the President
if re is fired in the post. election period button is elected that would get buying a chance to choose his own person, but it would be more sort of chaos and turmoil for an FBI. I've seen a lot of it in recent years I'd embassies, candle janian thanks so much by the way the NBC Peacock Plush way over his shoulder available at the least right. Now, thanks so much candidacy, Jason, go to you on this week we mention briefly these emails. It looked very heavy handed to us alleged to be from the proud boys yesterday and so that's why you're here Attention this news conference last, I am because Christopher RE was there a man who somehow has managed to keep both his job and his integrity while sitting at top. FBI under Donald Trump, but John Rat, The dna he's this week, but on Fox NEWS, pushing the Hunter Biden story talking about the laptop and everything else job one for him appears to be to please. The like so many others in this administration,.
Yeah. She's still frequently seen in now, of faith that the public has in these officials. Right, I mean think about it, we're thirteen days from the election and we have national security officials. Saying hey, IRAN is involved, and most people are solar show they don't believe it. They don't trust this administration and, quite frankly, after everything, we've seen to hear this sort of Scooby Doo result of like. Ah it was the Iranians all the time like nobody falls for right like why of all the things that IRAN could potentially do to impact the election. Why would they do something so specific in great has to come up with a chain letter email from the proud voice like it doesn't make any sense, and I think that reflects where we are as a country that even win a moral integrity is presented by the federal government. Most people- don't because you for so many lives this administration all into supposedly favouring the president or
so much going on a social media, let's bring in the national at our? U S national editor at the then times at loose who's column is perhaps an unexpected take from him arguing why foreign policy may be the case for real, acting trump ok and make it because it seems like he's, got some challenges on the world stage, and just Clara, isn't making this case himself, but I thought it was the challenge to ask what would be there. best case for electing Donald Trump, not a The fact that I don't believe he should be in that case is we'll. Entirely on foreign policy. If you look at his promises, capped checklist, which either best way that rallies and on social media. Mostly, jack straw in the foreign policy side so enjoy
I promise not to start any new wars which she hasn't He said he would defeat. Isis, ices areas lost its territory, daddy its leader was killed their commander right. He said he'd get I rise to spend more on defence and the two years of of requesting Europeans nicely to say more. On the fence. Previous administrations have very little luck. He says lucky for Europeans to debate about it. European defence arrangement stuff, you probably wouldn't have imagined without Trump. Getting very nicely and you ve got course from identifying. China is the strategic threat that you might disagree with any or all of these foreign policy priorities. all the way he's gonna about them. I do but a few want to make the case for tramp. It is the tramp
the alternative to what Ben Rhodes, the Obama Obama official described as the blood. The Washington foreign policy The establishment and the tramp made vows by and large she has stuck to, which is a very sentence to have coming out of my mouth just to emphasise that he is and making this case even though he is. team, arguing for more time tonight, tonight's debate to be devised- foreign policy so add if, if Donald Trump were to lose, are there elements of his policy that I'd- let's say our european allies or are others around the world, would want binding, continue. That's a good question.
points here were Trump goes against. What we think himself? He clearly he envious and admires platinum approaching at other autocrat has been beating Germany around the head for this Nord stream to pipeline from Russia. It's a gas pipeline, any amount Germany is building we'll give Russia enormous leverage, greater, reach over Europe than it had before. I think that I think that's a pretty reasonable critique away. He makes Socrates isn't much good, Others in Europe quietly, I agree with it he's pulling troops Afghanistan think nineteen years after America, when two women better results than than from the beginning. It's not unreasonable to say what is it going to achieve? with another few years amidst longest war. Ever that has an already
a cheap, which is actually not that much. Master Transformer national security advisor compared see decision to withdraw from Afghanistan to Munich and Appeasement emerging thirty eight, it was kind of over rocks analogy, but I think Japan roads to to fine, the blog as one it is so I saw you trouble next threat to american democracy and I very much hope he loses and I think he will lose, but his defeat will be return of the blow and that's not as normal. Mixed blessing if you look America's foreign policy record over the last twenty years. We should we We were debating that. In a loose? Thank you so much will be reading the new column in the financial times coming our prayers
and Trump and Joe Biden are set to face off tonight for the final presidential debate, the EAST Johnson Lemir joins us with his latest reporting on that plus veteran Democrat strategists James Carville- will be our guest morning. Job will be right back. Hi everyone, it's joy, Reid, I'm so excited to tell you about my new MSNBC show the readout every every week, I'm talking with the biggest news makers about the most pressing issues of our time. Like Joe Biden, the words of president matter and so is President United States. The first thing I'm going to do is stand up and talk sense and be honest with the american people level with them at mayor casual lance bottom. We need as many voices as we can have as possible sounding the alarm, encouraging people to wear masks and to take all precautions, antibiotics
science and the data Senator Kamala Harris. We send folks into a war wearing camouflage. So what is going on here, when you send camouflage uniformed officers into a sitting and many more you can listen to the reader as a pod cast by searching for the redoubt. That's our HIV! Oh, you t one word were ever your listing right now and subscribing for free thanks for listening
Transcript generated on 2020-10-24.