« Morning Joe

Morning Joe 10/20/23

2023-10-20 | 🔗

Biden urges Americans to support Israel and Ukraine

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
American leadership is what holds a world together. American I will keep us america save. Values are make us a partner that innovation you want to work with. to put all that a risk we walk away from ukraine. We turn our backs. And israel just not worth it properly. President Biden's address last night, urging americans and congress to continue to support ukraine and israel in the Lastly, different wars, each is fighting we'll go live to Israel for the latest and they expected ground invasion of Gaza. Meanwhile, organs are somehow creating even more chaos on capitol hill another speakers votes scheduled for this morning at coms, as the temporary speaker is getting fed up and is now threatening to resign plus. we'll get expert legal analysis on the surprise guilty plea from one
of the many defendants in the georgia election in you're in case that's a big one good morning and well, there really enjoy it's friday October twentieth, I'd love to get those. You and willie's reaction to the president's speech last letter. I. It was really effective. Sort of part teacher part influenza and trying to spread the word of do my part comforter I mean there's no doubt willie that last night speech. if not what they expect of the president's speech and think sometimes read me some platitudes here some platitudes, their tugging any president. Last night so was a significant stage. This was a speech that was delivered on the heels of china and russia as leaders getting together russian foreign minister and Kim Jong getting to begin or raw Hamas, coming together. We heard that term in two thousand and three
axis of evil. I will we in fact, Word is offensive to people out there this morning will make them spit out. Their law. Will just say there isn't it axes of anti american. Forces out there that are coming together that want to create the world and their own tyrannical image and, against that backdrop, Joe Biden gave a historic speech last night. It was a speech that talked about america's role in the world at a time that a lot of republicans on the far right and a lot of democrats on the far left want to retreat and Joe binds. Not for retreating. He also was a conference in shape. I thought it was very moving when he's and if you are hurting out there, whether you are jewish or muslim, I hear you you are part of our family. You
or an american for those credibly import. thing to say, I'm so glad he said, and he actually called father the six year old child was brutally murdered since firstly murdered comforted him. Let him know that he is Jill were praying for his wife, so it was. It was I gotta say was a surprise of his speech for me in surprise some people who are Joe Biden vans bread, you called it points remarkable and said it was by far, critically important speech in the best speech from the president's career, this present has had. It seems absolute clarity on this issue, since the war actually going back to ukraine, but especially in the last two weeks since Hamas attacked Israel there's been,
equivocating in his support for Israel. The way he talks about america relationship with Israel, he flew into a hot war zone two days ago to stand shoulder to shoulder with the prime minister, and that was on display. I think, last night in your right and a time You have putin meeting with said she, you have hooty rebels, you have different iran. groups attacking now american troops trying to withdraw owns. It feels like a very The dangerous serious moment for americans were watching this all play out a wondering where on play. Isn't this and I think, you're right that the president trying to settle people little ass. They say we have an important role to play where the united states of america, but we can do this We can continue to support ukraine. Here's a reminder why that's important and we must support Israel. Here's why that's important if you're wondering and he did something that we heard president bush do in the days after nine eleven was try, as you said, to reassure muslim americans that day a part of all this that they have a safe place to be and to talk about that view,
a six year old boy who was murdered just for being muslim, so it was. It was a pretty extraordinary speech and, I would say in a string of extraordinary moments at this present has had in the last two weeks. He's there much in the moment and understands the assignment clearly from his decades of experience and takes made in form policy over time and its brought him to this place where he truly. Stands. The mission here. Here's president Biden, colorado accounts to support both Israel and ukraine and their respective wars, and explaining why its critical to our national security, commercial food represent different threads producer. This. In common? They both want to completely annihilated neighbouring democracy, completely annihilated Hamas to sustain a purpose for existing destruction of the state of Israel and the murder of jewish people? Hamas does not represent the palestinian people Hamas, youth policy.
Civilians as human shields and innocent palestinian farmers are suffering greatly, because of that meanwhile, put denies. Ukraine has or ever had real statehood he the soviet union created ukraine. I know these conflict can seem far away actual ask: why does this matter to america So let me share with you why making israel in ukraine. Succeed is vital for americans. National security in our history has taught us that when terrorist don't pay a price for their terror, when dictators don't pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and death and more destruction. They keep We and the cost and the threats to american world keep rising, and if we away. Let Putin eraser ukraine's independence would be
it shows around the world would be emboldened to try the same risk of conflict and chaos could spread in other parts of the world in the indo pacific in the Middle east, especially in the Middle east, IRAN is supporting russia, as you you in ukraine, and supporting hamas and other terrorist groups in the region and will continue to hold them accountable. I might add tonight innocent people all over the world who hope, because of us, who believe in a better life because of us or desperate, not to be forgotten me by us and are waiting for us but time is of the essence I know we have our divisions at home. We have to get past, we can't let petty partisan, angry politics get in the way it possible, is a great nation, we cannot and will not lead tears like Hamas, tyrants, like prudent, win,
I refuse to let that happen, let's break and the host of weight to our ally, whitehouse parity for our political, Jonathan, le maire and president emeritus of the council on four relations. Richard house region, as I was saying, I am surprised by the scope of this be, shall be the importance of this speech, you really had a democrat Democrat president going out there. Actually sounding a lot like ronald reagan in the middle of the cold war is saying we weak not let tyranny win in it. It sets up battle for republicans between the reagan wing of the party and the josh holly slash charles limburg wing of the republican party. And last night Joe Biden was quite forceful and said the die,
so whether you like it or not. The dots do connect from Hamas to IRAN to Russia to china to know korea across the world. What will be the impact? Richer, look, expect of a mile dna I like the full throated, so lord of internationalism. The rejection of the word isolationism leave. No, I don't think he explicitly use that that were Joe. I you're how many mines it would really change. I don't think that that many exam to those wings of the parties? You talk about what about the richard on the world stage, because again, the world stage right now is looking into republican congress. It seriously could make a bowl of oatmeal and wondering where the united states, as they say president of the united states, speaking again, such a full throated way and commentators on fox news praising him for the senior commentators praising him. For that I mean
the audience and contracts. Audiences is not just a novel chamberlains and the Charles lindbergh of this republican party. It is also the international audience watching this. Is it not especially people who consider america their enemies? It is only thing that doesn't reassure p, internationally is when people look at us- and I get this about three times a day- people around the world, particularly our friends, no longer know, what's the normal and what's the aberration, so they Joe biden- and this is exact- what they want to hear from the united states and what they don't know is, if there their only gonna, be hearing at four twelve more much so they did. So this there's no doubt out him given ukraine and israel. What there are doubts about is exactly what you're pointing to to what extent Does he still represent america? To what extent friends at world bank that what he talked about will still U S, policy, come twenty twenty five
The only reason it doesn't have the reassuring effects that you suggest. Let me say to other things: show one of one: argument. I wish the president had introduced into the speech was the idea that not all we should do what he was talking about, but we can afford it. The biggest criticism. I run into all the time it's kind of the old guns versus butter. If we spend it This money on ukraine or israel look at all the domestic needs that are going on that and what the present and could have done was exe. how historically we ve been able to do both how, during the cold war, we spent a far far higher percentage of our gdp on national security and the like. They check the economy and society did pretty well during those decades. So I wish she connected that to take on that organ and then, second of all, he talked about how the united states task to make sure that both Israel and Ukraine succeed, but for a lot of people was still left uncertain, is what is isn't definition of success. Yes, Ukraine must be
independent, but does that mean ukraine and united states should be funding ukraine to regain every square inch of its territory? And yes, Israel, species from terrorist attack, but again What does that mean? These should be what we support in Gaza so you are the president will settle the conversation. Willie, I mean I'm a president can only gives us a lot of arise again and so specific, and he did. I thought the president actually framed it well when he talked about you by saying. Vladimir Putin thought he was gonna march in the cave and take up the entire country in three days. He has failed for us, That's a definition of success. Even holding Putin aware he is keeps from his main objective keeps him from all of his objective shrilly, and it seems to me that's what the united states, as do. We cannot allow a rush.
tyrant too large and the neighbouring capitals any. I made the point did that you can allow a terrorist organisation, the organisation Hamas, to go. Checked and in a moment like this, it and john it's a critical case to make, because today the present is gonna request. a hundred billion dollars in aid for ukraine and israel combined package by the way doing that a congress? It is incomplete. Chaos right now is republicans. Try to find a speaker of the house. For starters. Do you think he made that case now, when he goes and asked for that much money for two foreign conflicts, you think will come up with the cash yeah. This was a tricky speech to deliver to try to sell americans on these two distant wars, white matters. So much to their nash currency here at home to that point about letting terror or dictators go unchecked check said if they do, they cause more chaos, more death and destruction. They keep going and the cost and threats to america, can you go up to? That was a key line here, trying to suggest.
this matters on our shores, even though these conflict feel so far. far away the president It said. Obviously it's been time the speech last couple of days. You could tell he joked you. He started want to it as one went along, he got more personal. We talked about americans in our americans and palestinians and how do u? S feels their plight usually rude. I thought speech got better as it went but now there is the great unknown about what happens. neither side of pennsylvania avenue agenda mika like hundred billion dollars is an extraordinary amount of money. The president made a forceful case to sell it I've seen not just you quit Israel, this border security, taiwan, domestic programmes in their as well, but it can't go anywhere without it representatives in the present it didn't make that point. You didn't try to score political points. Last night you deftly took the high road. He was global, statesmen, but now this goes anywhere until republicans can put their own house in order in the capital well. The question really unquestionably is Mika. Are the republicans willing,
I know some are the till. I vladimir Putin, and ukraine and also more subtle, sent away with them literally or where they brought? By about you, listen to what they say they could be coming out of russian television prime time do they want is railways to fail in their effort to push back again the Hamas terrorist group will we'll say: maybe they do do they want fat? Now flooding over the border win by this wants to spend a lot of money to protect the border. From that also, They asked for border security. We talk about fourteen billion dollars in border secured security in the southern border of any do they want to vote against? That is well. Maybe they like I said, and maybe I overestimated estimated em
and then maybe maybe not only, can they not make a bowl of oatmeal, but they have an instant. They would hurt themselves trying yeah, so that definitely get, for god's sake, keep the blender away from them. This is a group of people that that I I never seen such incompetence. Confusion! That's why richard making good point, which is the world is watching their wanted. Now are we go about bow down to Vladimir Putin. Are we going bow down to Hamas? Are we going treat from the world. There is a very very important question to be answered, and right now it is the republic and how of representatives It's not answering that question as they can't even elect to speak for most of them. Their guy just got another really bad piece of legal news: that of georgia, which will get in just one minute. We ve got full coverage of the breakdown crack and mighty she'd she crash she, cracked, the entire gripping capital
republicans- have twenty two hundred and twenty one members in the house, and they cannot pick a single one of them We therefore want the variable. Somebody failing efforts to choose a have stayed here when we come back and sixty seconds historic, duke competence I think it might be remembered is one of the best. If not the best speeches of his presidency was firmly with unequivocal. He was strong, as he has been, particularly in days when he was before he went to Israel and while he was over there struck by the fact that he spend as much time as you did on ukraine, and I think it was good thing that he did everyone on Tom yarmouth from top story on NBC news now, every night top story is your news. Playlist we take you to the front the story. Words actually happening with envy jordan. Journalists on the ground from all over the world recover what you need to know,
bring your news me to life and now tough stories available as a podcast. So you can listen anytime and anywhere subscribed now for new episodes every week, hi I'm jennifer, palmary and unclear mechanical, where the hosted the innocent bc podcast how to win twenty twenty four. We both know first hand that winning an election is hard and having been in and around tough races for most of our don't lives. We have some unique insights into what it will take to win this twenty twenty four election and some crazy stories to share to listen to how to win twenty twenty four now on spotify new episodes, thursdays. It's a cannibal, rising yadda developments. There is never a new house for speed
the schedule this so that guy supporters, by the way like to stop providing deny exiting techniques, are lets. You stop right in that guy now right there, his people our calling wives texting the wives of rope wicked members and read me val, can bach gotta report that can box A lease it is local office, gatt cancelled because he did not support Jim Jim pressure is mounting from all over from right. Wing freaks. Let me say it again: right wing freaks who are threatening forever republican members, if they don't What is written? Allies are really good to politics, willie, not really a good way to win friends and increased influence. Fellow members of congress, in fact in the words of Aristotle B,
careful ye may pass them off, which of course was used in greek, but indeed case Aristotle again- and you know why I think he was right. harassing people's wives as a political tactics? as awaited way arms to get there it. Who would have thought it's backfiring spectacularly on Jim Jordan, all these member our going public with these stories in saying there, people from his office or people, get his behalf at least threatening us. We ve had to have extra secure because I won't vote for Jim Jordan and insurrectionists a guy who wanted method Joe Biden the twenty twenty election. I dont know what thinks his path is he's not given up the game, though me he's gonna go up for another vote today. few hours from now. Actually he thinks somehow this vote. Total is gonna go up when in fact it time they go to a vote
its fewer votes, and it might be the harassment of members loved ones. You ok, then the move com nearly twenty four hours after the ohio congressmen said he would support temporarily empowering interim interim speaker, Patrick Mckendrick north carolina to take on the speakers role until january, allowing legislative business to continue in the face of two wars. Andy looming government a region like le maire. a couple of hours, republicans got together and is portion of the republican carcass being stupid as they are politically so stupid, but I think that would be like turning the floor. Oh to the democratic that would be another one like waiting. constitution said it would be unconstitutional. I get them that what is is north
well like a breakaway republic is regular order and why? Why would it be why we turn the floor over democrats. If you gave this big, We ship temporarily to a republican, so things could from north carolina, so things could run effectively they could, pass appropriation bills and the republican party would not get further back by along this america, could speak one voice on terror attacks, yet my not from cambridge or Brooklyn he's from north carolina and there is you're a real sense of whiplash. What happened yesterday in the house, representatives were Jordan, didn't it the votes decided he would throw his support behind the mackenzie new virtual temporarily increase His powers, Jordan himself talking water saying this. What we're going to do, then behind
doors, as you just alluded to a lot of dissent about this. A lot of anger at the eight republicans who ousted chemicals in the first place, in fact screaming at Matt gates, one member threatened to take us wing at him. While they are behind closed doors, then we realize they don't have the support from a country, jordan back out, says well, we'll try it again. Word then leave Mc Henry like quit, that he's not gonna. Do this role any longer if it doesn't go to certain seizures, and we end up worse, and where we started- and there is no path, there's no one suspects, willie that that jordan will have the votes to get through today, and then it becomes well how many more voting? Does he want to put up with her? rounds of voting to solar public its allow him. What happens this weekend does What else step forward does mckendrick events to try it again? It's chaos, its chaos and it comes against the backdrop president I'd states last night, ass in the nation say we did help our allies and we can't
asking for a hundred billion dollars unclear? Who is asking at this point? There's nobody in charge springing congressional investigations report for the watch and imposed jack alimony who's been all over this story, Jackie. This is truly While at this point the gym jordan in a few hours is to go up again for another. and try somehow to change the dynamics Edmund going away from him that toward him in the last couple of days. In fact, when he called that me yesterday with his detractors dragons to try to convince him those men, I just came out of the meeting. It was reported and said: no, no. We wanted to have the meeting to tell him to get out of the way that you'd there's no path to to seventeen for you. So what gives here. Are they gonna have the vote at ten, and it is there any way to get two to seventeen I think this is what Mitch Mcconnell my com mutually assured destruction. We are now counting down the minutes until an atm press conference with Jim Jordan after
John accurately, described a day of whiplash, where the crippling dysfunction of the speaker, this house, that has not had a speaker now ahead of these, must pass deadlines for over two weeks believe it is and Jim Jordan's going to come out and say whether or not he's going to go ahead with this vote. This through vote at ten, a m which she is all but certain to lose his his or has eroded it's going to continue to erode and again, as we said, we ve set all week The opposition to Jordan is profound. It is out of power, supports not out of a negotiation tactic. There is a faction of never jordan moderates traditional s lawmakers across the board appropriate errors, people of all stripes and ideologies who are again stored and are not going to be able to turn by him and, as you said in
meeting yesterday after jordan reversed course? After agreeing to this plan to empower Patrick mc Henry and then came out of this house to house geo meeting and said actually wait, never mind. Where were we full steam ahead? that that there are there he's not going to be able to pick up the votes here so wilson happens happens. There's not many people who want the shop that few people who do want the job that few people who could get the job don't want the job so we'll see so jack. You to that point, Actually we sought Patrick Henry there in that video, alongside Jim Jordan them back up plan, and all of this is to make the speaker proton Patrick mc henry of north korea. Wine at the temporary speaker of the house through the end of the year. But now even he's saying. Well, I don't want that job. I don't want the short term job. I don't want it without some much is that all actually have power to do things so easy that plan in peril here. Yet
There is this, basically the house, freedom caucus and some other the harm hard liners. You dont want to kick the canned down. The road have basically said that they are not going to even consider this resolution anymore, that was introduced by the house, we moderates dave, Joyce and, and has some quiet buying from house Democrats who want to get back to You'll order and again, this plan would go until january. Third, there are some sort of constitutional questions that are being raised, although I heard from a former house count undertake o neill yesterday, who said that that she did. See any issues constitutionally or with the house rules and empowering patrick MC henry. But I do think this is a matter of sort of these underlying relationships, relationships and complications in the house dynamics, Patrick Henry wanting to step on Jim Jordan's, toes cabin mccarthy, quietly lurking. In the background,
some talk about him, maybe swooping in and trying this a go at at speakership again. If these eight people who Would it against him to begin with finally apologize there? So going on right now and I think that that Patrick MC henry in just doesn't want the job or think that it could function in the way that I think people think it could. You know, Jackie yankee was always watching those jackie element. Thank you. You know we will I talked about how we had them back you dont know this. I don't usually tell people this, but I think in this case I really need to really are either military are, if I thought so, I need to tell you this, Different time in my life is worth noting that on tv I was once in congress, I didn't break out again.
the early inside out it was, ninety four, why out by writing the grenelle we're up here it was actually can I wore I got away, were to be able to wear. the house and flannel exists exactly how life had had their hands, I had my walk man on and yes, I played smells like team spirit on a look a little bit in mixed in their little pearl, so yeah so shows a guy. I understand it's what we they were always. We were always considered record. Crazy! Because of we voted did we get vowed. He never got get to develop a new gingrich got out of town Because a group of us said we no longer supported to speaker wet weights,
important the realises that happened the day, after the election. We made the call me This is what we're going to do. There was some chaos for about three four days, while congress and was recess and when we get back elected a new leadership, and so I guess just bring that up to say it would be I'm a imaginable for eyes to blow up the hill so representatives and the speakers ship in the middle of a and keep the speakers share vacant for this long unimaginable in a million years with any of the twelve or thirteen over that were considered radicals freaks all this we would never ever. contemplate, doing that which
I was you how nihilistic this group of reports? in a whole thou saw trim per se. Are not conservative? There's nothing conservative about them the radicals and did they actually the antithesis of I edmund burke or Russell Kirk or william math Buckley ronald Reagan, would ever define as a conservative, yeah and it's radical, of course, to get rid of the speaker of the house in the first place, Kevin Mccarthy, but its reckless- to have no plan do you get rid of the speaker of the house, but to your point, though, that small group of of radical republic as doesn't think about There does their blow things up politically and get attention for themselves, but I mean we're not even talking about the business of being a cop, where men are congresswoman and getting legislation passed and getting money approved for wars, and things like that we're just talking.
getting a leader in positions of the divine begin to do those things, and they can't even do that and by the way, as Jackie said, it's not clear how this its resolve that me we're sitting here? Two weeks later, Jim Jordan doesn't have the votes, Patrick mckendrick doesn't what the job necessarily or that small group radicals doesn't want him to have that job temporarily. Where does that leave them I honestly, don't know I don't think anybody doesn't capitol hill. Where yeah, we will. Other concern is again. There is really no ideology here. How did not ideologies really sentence about about owning not the lives here, owning the Republicans, It's to draw it talk, video being the raise money by saying, hey, I'm goin up against the man, the republican man and its It's all gesture, that about legislative, we'll, say again contrasts and with what we did and now our singular focus. Our group was balancing the budget and and
making washington responsible fiscally. That was our singular focus and at work. There is no singular focus here. None it is is just chaos and I still don't understand how Jim Jordan even would think that election denier. J. Six, her as speaker of the house, is good for this comment. We also threatening sunrise. We on nothing reckoning, people's wives, so dwellings, and then work charming about the guy who inspired a lot of these folks coming up on morning, Joe Sidney powell vowed to release the crack and to help former president round, but now she could end up test fighting against him in sudan in court. Former? U s a journey chap Rosenberg joins the conversations discuss what how pleading guilty georgia election interference case might mean for her former behind. Can we just take a minute? Just listen, listen!
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it was six misdemeanor counts of conspiracy to commit intentional interference with performance of. action duties, those charged It's are mostly related to powells part and breaching voting equipment in a rural georgia county in january of two thousand and twenty one as part of a plea deal. She was sentenced to six years of probation and will have to pay. thousand dollars and fines and nearly three in dollars, and restitution to the state of georgia. Powell will have to turn over all documents related to the caves and write, an apology to the states. Citizens, She has also agreed to testify against the remaining co defendants in the case, including trump and his former, lawyer, rudy giuliani palace sentences, significantly less severe than what she could have faced a found guilty jury trial, which was set to begin next week. Powell.
Who appeared in news conferences and spread mass election misinformation was a frequent whitehouse visitor after the twenty two election, so keep in mind. She was in there. She dealt direct way with trump and giuliani withdrawn, but one when considering naming her as special counsel to investigate alleged odor fraud ring and former? U s attorney and your fbi fish allow Rosenberg shock, if people believe those alight sense, given that give everything by design and just add that she actually has information than the georgia. Prosecutors really need quite possible
Well, I mean to that point joe. She avoided a felony and she's going to avoid jail time. So you know, I think in some ways it is a light sentence. Does she have information? That's going to be helpful to prosecutors. Well, there's a couple of hurdles here, first that he from a that's an admissible. I imagine certainly the. second, they make a determination that she's credible on the stand, and she said a lot of crazy things and she's done a lot of crazy things. So putting her on the stand means that the jury will believe her and that she could. Stand. What would be? logically, a pretty difficult cross. Examination in third Think this is a really important caveat. There is still ending indictment and federal court in the district of columbia? She isn't unindicted coup conspirator in that indictment, and so, even if she wants to walk operate. She still has a fifth amendment issue thing
said she says in georgia, if she testifies against others, including MR tromp, Mr Giuliani could fear may be used against her a federal prosecutors decide to charge her. I don't think that's insurmountable I think that can be resolved, but prosecutors would have to address all of those relevant, inadmissible information credible enough to put on the stand and with on on the stand, a trial and to withstand cross examination, and then they would have to address her lingering that amendment privilege again self incrimination but yeah. She could be a very important, but the shore so check as you through these plea document sidney powell, basically just comes clean on everything says. Yes, I took all those actions after the twenty twenty election with the purpose of wilfully tampering with machines that were tabulating votes. She tells the whole story, actively, which tells you what kind of witness she could be removed our view is a bit about what she could say about donald trump, potentially, given how close
was in those crazy couple of months after the election I usually make alluded to this and she is exactly right. There was a raucous meeting in the white house on December eighteen sidney powell attended and at that meeting him sorry that got fairly heated between normal lawyers and abnormal lawyers a couple ideas were floated, including whether or not as make us said to name sidney powers, special counsel, to investigate election fraud. Thank goodness that didn't happen also to talk about whether the national guard should be deployed in part help sees voting machines, whether the election willie ought to be re run, and so you know Why is the? Why does that matter? Because president Tromp was there
the most important witnesses in any criminal case are those who have sat next to talk with heard from the defendant and MR tromp as a defence and get why she put she important information, absolutely you still after resolve that that lingering fifth amendment issue, but I think, make and it in her opening she has proximity to MR trump, so could be a very important witness about MR trump, and I mean it's flipping, so I chuck the the question that sort of hangs over this, or maybe the reality clearly what a face some pretty difficult consequences. If she was found guilty and clear away Can you make the assumption, given that you right there from the ground up on election, denying an election interference just from what we know so far and the amount of face time that she had with Donald trump
she was brought in like that that she knew. that there were not a lot of options for her that she has a lot to offer a cat. Is there an assumption that can be approached fair that she has? good information to offer the prosecutors, maybe and I'm sure they think maker hopefully I mean it's not unusual for people who have been charged with crimes to plead guilty overwhelmingly that happens and if they are lucky enough to have information at prosecutors. Think is viable than perhaps they can that's part of the Oregon. That's part of the offer: that's what they can give prosecutors in response for here, the ability to plead two misdemeanours rather than felonies- and the ability to avoid jail time too big things that sidney pal gets out of this deal, assuming that it all of survives and goes through cleanly looks
god, has that's pretty remarkable. If I can, though, maker, brings me to one thing that troubles. about what is happening in georgia, and maybe it's only because our practice in federal court is very different. Make. If you and Joe robbed a bank- and we charged you with each with a felony and you wanted to plead guilty, then you would have to plead guilty to a felony. We don't engage by and large, in the federal some of what is called charge. Bargaining dropping a charge from a felony to a misdemeanor to induce a play? Georgia apparently does that. Maybe it's just my discomfort with that states system or the fact that a boost to the federal system which that does not occur, That is a big benefit to defendants who want to come forward and resolve their cases, I'm sure it's not lost on seventeen other co felons who might realize, I can get rid of a felony and get a misdemeanour could stay out of jail. If I do what she did, we make
see more of that happening. Why was that is something former? U s attorney chap Rosenberg. Thank you very much, and still I had on morning Joe, we turned back to the israel Hamas. Are the latest on the possible ground invasion of Gaza wall talk with a spokesperson? for the israeli defence forces about what's happening on the ground right now. We're also to be talking about Joe Biden speech last night considered by this On both sides of the aisle, the extraordinarily important we'll talk about what means across the world, and what the political fall out may be here at home. You watching morning jail we'll be right back. For it to operate by the laws of war, that means protecting listen combat as best they can people Gaza urgently need food
medicine, as I said, in Israel as hard, as is weak, Nine gave up on peace. We cannot give up on a two state solution: Israel, And palestine is equally deserve to live in safety, dignity and peace right, richer highs again is, as I said, a speech that widespread praise, I did note as you did, that the president united states, fulsome supporter of Israel. Still down three markers for israel's leaders last night. Talk about that absolutely what the first was on, what Israel, any basically said, don't make the same mistake. We did after nine eleven. Essentially be smart, don't make foreign policy just with your heart, make it with your head me essentially was a marker- don't go into big and don't, for too long
that was how Israel better- and that was the reference to the as of one that you have to take all sorts of steps to make sure that civilians are not injured against the siege And- and so and then. Lastly, whenever the dust settles, he put down a marker about the two state solution that ultimately there, to be a political track that absent the political track. The The game in town is terrorism, so if we don't want Hamas to have a monopoly on promoting what they describe as palestinian interests. We have to empower other palestinians with the hope that their legitimate political aspirations, can be satisfied, so three specific markers, what israel does, how it does it and what comes after quite interesting. let's bring a now spokesperson for the israeli defence forces. Major Libby Weiss major weiss. Thank you for being with us. This morning. We ve seen pictures even this morning lied pictures of tanks mast at the border with Gaza expect
reveal your war plans on national television here, but are you fully expect to go across the border sometime soon. While we are awaiting the government's decision, but of course, in the meantime, we are increasing our preparedness, both in terms of through training and an operational planning. I believe of course, will be ready whenever the government makes their decision are Confident major that the seville in the northern gaza the cheap now given several days to move south to clear out the area, especially around Gaza city. Are you confident that those- billions have moved out of there to the extent that would your country, well now to go in. we encourage, those who have not left to do so. We know that some ass is making it quite difficult to do that and, of course, this mess to them has been out for several days, because it is our hope that asthma,
as possible, are able to move to areas that that will be safer. The we have designated, but, of course, we understand of Hamas is making it very varied. well for them to do that. Horrifically sound facts major morning Can you tell it yours, not eight, please, on worthing stand with the quarter, supposed to be opened up with egypt and others are, and others are real security situations there you guys are watching carefully at least as of us Time ago it is not open. Have You were seen as your government receive any up they just when it might. So is it for something about on the diplomatic level would have to be would have to be addressed. I dont know to give you the specifics on that, of course, we will facilitate whenever a decision will be made by the government and forms of that corridor. Measured, for ass? If you were to go in the israeli defence forces were to go in sure understanding of your definition of success and efforts to eliminate Hamas
would then administer Gaza, who would have the political authority of running day to day Gaza? I am speaking, of course, from the military perspective, so I unlimited in the scope of others would have larger a long term plan that I provide you simply because I don't know that's a military issued from the military perspective. The goal here is to make sure that huh no longer has any capacity to do what we saw that they did on October simonov Emma they continue to do since. Massacre just about two weeks ago. So of course, that means making sure that they no longer have the military capacity that we that we saw and they don't have the administrative capacity to to do that either? And that's that's certainly what we will do and what the military focus is at this stage, so one element of your security situation is obviously to degrade hamas'. What is Israel going to reconstitute its defenses in the south and west of the country. They were much weaker than people thought they were overrun. Can you say something about? What's going on inside Israel to reduce
Israel's vulnerability to something like this ever happening again. Well, there's no doubt that there'll be some long term, lessons that will be learned and, of course, I think those will be addressed at a at a later stage. Right now there has been a very active call, of more than three hundred thousand reservists, of course, very much monitoring the situation along, not only the southern border, but elsewhere, We are monitoring the situation closely as well, and our northern border and this is what the focus is really at this stage, major there are fears that, when this ground vision happens if it indeed does the acts from the north will begin from Hezbollah. Another of course IRAN back group. Are you prepared for? circumstance and to defend israel to the north as well.
What we are monitoring the situation very very closely. Of course we will be prepared to defend the country, but we do send a message in a question. Bronzes is a better way to say it to to lebanon, which is to say, in their interest to join hamas and what is taking place and two to pay some price. That will inevitably commas. As a result of that, I would have it. Answer would be no, but of course, we will defend ourselves as needed wherever, wherever we we need to fight major the explosion at the hospital inside Gaza. A couple of days ago, Hamas blamed Israel. Our own reporting in that of the united states government shows that was not in fact in israeli rocket that it was likely an explosion from a Hamas rocket. Can you say definitively that that explosion at the hospital did not come from the israeli defence forces. They did not come from us, of course, the research it was done and then the vetting that was done on the u s side and by others. Clearly,
firms that The rush to you assume that he was us into somehow take Hamas. His word eyes is, of course, very concerning and then unfortunate, and I dont know how we can trust the words of people who can now babies and end the elderly, and of course Hamas will lie in a national issue to continue lying about this. But, as was stated again as well by the: u s, It was not israeli fire in any in any capacity that that led to that spokesperson for these rights, defence forces, major libby wise. Thank you for your time. This morning we appreciate it. Have you everyone to provide an s NBC with your opinion about their tv programmes, newsletters, podcast and more now sure chance. when you joining MSNBC insights, community you'll get pure article online surveys about MSNBC visit nbc dot com, slash insights, to join the community today.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-22.