« Monday Morning Podcast

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 9-3-20


Bill rambles with Yannis Pappas & Chris Distefano about NYC, childhood pressures, and not listening to other parents.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, what's goin on Everybody Bill Milburn is time RE special edition of the Thursday afternoon. Just before Friday, Monday morning, podcast we have to my favorite stand up comics to my favorite people, Coming out there. I say youngsters to show my age through the phone, spoken guys and I really got to know them last summer, when I was out doing that movie would be Davidson and then these guys we're just children at every night and they have an absolutely amazing hard cash. That is now on the all things coming at work: history hyenas, please welcome Janius poppies and Chris He's the final: what's goin on guys, what's going on, what's gonna bill oil, a delay, I just want to say, is tat. The spark of Saint fought made the browser you ruin in New York. You know, I thought the plaza thought Culvert, it's not real. Let's get back out there
Why is it not real. Because listen, I'm no scientists, but here's the deal. We Come to the conclusion. Through our research, daddy was created by Nancy Pelosi and that's just what it was She made it add she's been throwing it out there and it's time to vote to the right guys. As I just like that whole point started with because listen yeah acquires when you know what it was said, he created it. That's what it is. The only positive thing for me is that, when it hit in March, I was in the absolute throws up a fuckin sex addiction, and I think that call that showed up to my body was like there's no room here. I think just saw too many. It was acknowledged guys got things you fired up with clear baby, and God knows what else. So, let's just move on and I beat it did you have it.
Now. I never had it, but I never had the antibodies and I never had corona. You know I don't know, I'm weak, we none of us. None of us ever had it here. It's like somebody just notes and we're in New York, city yeah. We don't know, I don't know. I think you know what it is. When you live in New York City, I, the immune system gets so strong. If you, if you from your like negress, that we eaten so many foods and have rat piss and rash shit ration them that, like covert, can't stand a chance next to the types of diseases there rats have thrown in our body best it's time you ve blown New York, Worley two minutes in too many I had all but all eyes I sat. There was an optical cages, it bore state say it back in the pocket. Thoughts. Here- I should Eliminate- was so party. We gotta go back you what's so funny about that, as I have no idea. What's going on in Boston, if I don't want to quote somebody Stanhope Special
I believe yon as you did out. You took time out of your stand that special to do a whole bit about how much you and New Yorkers dont, don't care about Boston or pay attention, and I got I don't know be it. Sports or a pandemic. You seem to be. I think these last twenty years really hurt you well. You know when ever since we move the capital, we are the history hyenas from New York to Washington. We ve always been a little jealous of Boston cause You know you guys really started the country, so that's what it is, but you can't watch my special. It's called blowing a light on Youtube and Milburgh the thumbs up, even though he hasn't watched it. What are you? watch the clips. Now wait a minute. I don't. I thought it was thought the kind we started in Virginia. I note know you know we just we. We were for us history secondary. What's first. That just one We we speak to the war people in the world that served
priorities. That was what we say is right and It doesn't have to be factually right in history, but it has to be morally rail. The only reason I ve been brought up New York, verse bosses cause I'm just trying to get things flown on the algorithm. I was just taken that maybe you'll be some type of New York Boston, clip that we post I just want to get the fuck you on the algorithms good side on this Goddamn, you idiot the gatekeeper used to be whomever for module comedy festival. Now, at some nerd in India, on who's, gonna, fuckin, say, watch clips are going to put the algorithm, try to get some waves from you or Joe Rogan. That's just the way it works. Now you blew out what what is the algorithm Are you algorithm on Youtube what the algorithms going to decide, what clip and chose to showed a viewers that all your fans. Looks like you know, something that's interesting or gets a lot of views or similar to your audience or Joe Rogan answer him. Bill is already there to show somebody about the algorithm.
It's probably end up one wrong you're, not supposed to curse. In the first five minutes, I opened up by say: fuck the Red Sox Swami, lady, and I apologise to the algorithm. Well, you must be happy about the Red Sox ACT? I don't think we have enough write it up free agents this year, we're gonna have to rebuild Read it I haven't, I watch baseball? I can't get. I haven't gotten into this. I couldn't even the Islanders, I'm a big challenges, fan Good about going to stand? Any Charles been great for me man, I dont know why it's just not having the fans there. Everything seems like preseason everything seems like exhibition, and I realized that I, sports my whole life, and it's one of those things on my. I not love sports, because if I can't watch it without the fans, why why was I ve been watching it to begin with? I think I used to just do it because it's what
dad would make me do I now he moved far and has these on fucking dialysis a who not use used unconscious after diabetes, gotta watch is got little blue. Your money, so he's got some money to play around with my dad's got some juice on the games. Yeah! That's what it is at that guy. Did he force you to play sports? You think he did that that's the tat was the thing like my mother would always say when I was a kid was like Tony that he doesn't want to play, and then you built, you know my doubts, but now he does want to planet, but I really do want to play music. You gotta fork play and then I would. Play. You know, basketball and baseball, and I remember once I mean like there was no, I don't want any got hit by a pitch, we'll play baseball get hit by pitch. It was like eleven years old. I was crying and home plate at just one summit to comfort me and my dad just monkeys. During the game, walks out these, like Robin my back, you always like you gotta stop trying to fuckin embarrassedly. Unlike my back hearts, I wanna play the game. Are you really going to be? This is the name on the back you George you're, embarrassing me using. I cannot wait. I cannot fuckin wake. You get home because I'm in
should I do you and then I was just you know they never happened, but I was just yet. For so much of my life? I just play sports because dad. You know, which is mainly me, like division to scoring record Korea, the only I'm gonna score in my college, and I never wanted to play the game, but I would just still shoot a thousand jump shots. Every day play, you know, base A basketball it was just because I wanted my dad to be proud of me and You know. Guess at the end he kind of it. You did you look back you're playing career, be like what the hell was that, always while you were doing it, like the last six months. Did you realize, like I gotta, stop doing this, because this wasn't my dream. I think that It's just we were talking about before. About like addictions and stuff, like that, I think that it's just off, I done. My whole life is just change. The that I've had like first
basketball and sports, because my dad was like this. What you want to do- and I like I, want my dad to love me- I want you might get to be proud of me. I'm addicted to act as he left. Family was divorced and I'd like to get this on. My dad, proud a thousand jumps out so then boom basket accolades accolades accolades and then stops and I'm like all I don't wanna play anymore. So then Turn to getting my mother's life because my mother would say I remember my mother said to me once when I was twenty one shoes Nike feel like you do everything for your father. You won't do anything for me. She's, like I feel like you're such a smart kid never applied yourself academically. That's all I ever wanted and all you ever did was prove stuff to your dad's. So then I fucking it's a graduate school and got a doctorate degree. I got a doctorate in physical therapy because I swear to God. I did it for my mother, I just like put my head down and doing it doing it doing it, and then I'm doing physical therapy for a year- and I said fuck this. I don't want to do this. I want to do something for me and then I went to the Gotham Comedy Club Open mic.
But doing this ever since I think I've just changing addictions and then eventually this probably Peter out- and I don't know what I'm gonna get you out ass needs to do- is now fresh IRAN, you they become the greatest call housed in this. What time podcasting history than you'll you're you'll achieve that to you. It's all trusted here. The Andrei Argosy Blockage, every that open. No, I never read the drag support. Now. I've never read a book but actually looks like a resource tennis player from Australia. What are you saying? He rightly wrote this book were eaten. But he never wanted to play tennis. Dad. It's a fucking, crazy, dad decided he was, the play tennis and he just made him go out and progress. He was cry I didn't want to do it. Just amazing. The will of that guy and M keeping up on play is one of the few.
As we want to grant slam on all three different surfaces, never wanted to play. You might want to set up. You also Malta will crack right was was on crack, he did smuggler crack. I don't think that's true. No. He thought he was dead. I was a boy boy at the: U S Open or that all the jobs or the job selected Queens Dirt bagger. Here let me now is on crowd. I swear to God. I want my racked so denied more crap Jennifer Caprio smoke crackdown on I smoke crack whither, so when I was a boy at the: U S, open and Everybody else like Wimbledon in the front Roland Garrals to it like a leaf kids like diplomats, kids to be the ball boys and bloggers imported tenants, court not in the: U S open its just, they get dirt bags from queens, so they, did you know my neighborhood middle village ridge would go on the other.
Scott all these kids. Now we're just you know, and we didn't understand really the sport at all like we're just car sing and we await we're not being quiet while their falling the ball back for we, nobody fuckin those we're like alternatives, is gay. Like with like all. We will watch undisguised, Andrea. You're, not smell crap, by the way I smoke crystal meth crystal meth, what our eye Janius, Meda smoke crack with Jennifer Capiatu, a couple of times and I have the greatest need. If you still want to be like you know why. That was because you can't keep your fucking mouth shut, why are you smiling the beads honor because you know I mean I did. That was a big news. Then she came back and she won the. U S open after smoke, crack. I mean where it was. It actually believes out with your big knows that she smoke now she was just joking. I never smoke with. I didn't have the honor, I never had the honor smoke amateur.
Did have some friends who knew her, who had the honour of smoking with her true story. And yes, I guess I get your podcast now true story here we got yeah yeah We just don't. We don't tell the truth at all. What yeah mink work workers were to gay kids trapped in straight bodies who love history, but don't talk about history? That's our podcast! Thirdly, a unique niche: what did that the thing I was saying, which was crazy. The odyssey with so when we do, we just sit at Argosy with I see yeah. So so we we arm. It's just fights a funny thing cause it's like listen. It was two thousand once you could. Just say what you could say and is just wasn't a problem, but You know nine slash eleven happened. We were all court attendance there and ball boys and you all my friends, I'm still friends with day they're, all fucking firemen and cops now, but after
it was Argosy verse Empress and there was an end in a right after nine eleven. When I finish the: U S Open, it was this insane rainstorm. So we hit the ground school. We have to clean up the rain and do all that- and you know Dr Courts and all that, so we were under the tunnel. While the Zambonis were out there drawing and you don't nine eleven. It just happened in August. He asked ass, he was falling, they were to him and pizza. Just following the ball back and forth on me and awful more my other friends and I'm still friends, there just sit down there. We got nothing to do and then they asked us Andrea Argosy asked ass. He was like what did any of you guys anything happen to any or families in in you know when the terrorist attack, and then you hear that speech. Airports were sitting down on their racquets. Listen, to me and my friend Pat and a couple of guys talk about nine eleven and all that and then one of my friends he was like It's! U Andre! Argosy cause! It's just what I was again. It was two thousand when we seventeen, because you're a good guy Andre used he's like we Sequoia Andre, foggy, see but
you're, pretty good guy Andre just last year, just laughed, you like I've, never heard that one and I was like You ve probably heard that one kid had a sick mullet for a little while and used to wear the dangling hearing, but he wasn't wherein it that day this money was bald Andrea to see it was practically mind you got. Aren't you gonna read that when he was starting to lose his hairy add a little peace said he would wear and he actually lost. I think he lost her. Gay tournament was concerned. He was sweating so much that was gonna slide off his head. That's what he was doing. What it is like a can't seem to get that first serve out of the net Harry. Was I'm telling you do it's, it say yeah, it's credible alarm. Incredible region, as my listeners Rita, I dont praetor dick. Does anything funnier debt air peace right. I don't get anything funny I funnier than thinking of a guy taking is is peace off in putting our statute next to his bed. And lay in his self down to sleep?
I can imagine this a couple of things, one, how hard it is. I just it's where, in like a woman had all at times like that, you just feeling you're, you're, scalp, being sweaty and then also got the bed. He is single, and you were in a piece when you meet some woman, that you have feelings and he can't have any secrets. Boy. You fucking with that thing off dude built, it happened to my father, my father married, my stepmom is still married to this day. Had no idea. It was three weeks after they were married. She said I have something to confess to you and she pulled her hair off and she has a whit she's got a piece. She's got a piece I used to put away when I was a little kid and make an do, jump, shots and call myself. Grandmama is what Larijani going to flout. She had won he pulled her hair off yet dude, I'm tellin you, nobody, nobody knew, and then I remember my uncle my uncle. Who is dead now
You know I was fuckin horrible thing, but he just what do these things for laughter these psychopath, but poor and was horrible to even think about this now, but as an adult, but when I was a kid I was just doing my uncle said: do told your wig off on Thanksgiving dinner and ran down the block with it. Like all pioneer for women, will told me to do that. We will be fighting it'll, be funny What does she know? She was mortified mortified indeed always had. You know, resentment towards me. Forty years, that's just recently, you know opened up to kindness and love since I had my gear now, she's happy and you forgot about it, but I was. If I didn't. I was a little kid I was being told what to do. She's got to be some sort of pioneer for women. I didn't even know women would could have peace yeah. It's a nice thing, it's a nice! It's sometimes you know my mom when they would get Nordmann. She bring it up. You now yeah she's, just out and make little jobs about your arms always got roll over her Yow, its brutal yeah yeah. That's why you, You can't. Do you just gotta, you gotta shaved, ahead, get shepherd!
weeks, and then people can't remember what you look like with hair and then it's over when you saw him. Walk around Kelly divided in the closet, sit not what I'll do today. When did you just shave it bill? How old we want you to show how far back was the hair was the hairline go and how much was fat Jos song leaned back before we like you know what let me just given to this hypocrisy. Prince Y know I'm over that song. Now I was losing it in the back. I still have it in the front. I don't have it here. So so one, just go to Woody Allen with the law. Landing saucer? You can put it moreover, it maybe. I think he already has its teeth kind of done that look through you look good now, do you like it or not? They have mustache. I made it out, you have the right face for they, what the fuck of certain people just I don't wanna, go with that guy's baggage and only be rural workers him, but it
You, do have a nice round head like so works out nice. You look good, you wanna guys, look good ball, but if you didn't, if I did If I went bald in my head. Wasn't his round is yours. I would try a piece I would. Put it. We don't want to hear they do now is bringing reinforcements as their going So now a vacuum amount derided guys who, back in the day the option there. Before when I was a real little kid. You had those awful like aunt likes. It literally you'd, look at him and so like that got fuckin horrible and then Then they came up with a new thing whether they would cut like again Athos slice back of your head, and then they would lay it on the fuckin table big statue, you back up this way and then would drop a man like that, not even knowing if they were gonna work or not, so that you'll see guys my age tells you see they had a smiley face scar on the back of the head. That's from a tree!
despite that didn't take, but now you guys you spoil, millennials They can just vacuum a mile in the back. Now Scar and then drop a man and you're good to go, and now you know weren't show business. We ve actually seen people losing the battle and all of a sudden and the full corner. They came back and one in one big, a day, and it looks great too. I'm just stop. I'm just not into it like. I guess I could do that, but I I dont think I like. I guess if you, if you look like Brad Pitt, I get why doing it but like. Why would I do all that, like I feel like it, you look like me, the more you looked like a regular guy. Better chance. You have at getting work. You know like somebody get here, plugs it fifty two and will be the next fuckin heartthrob, I'm fifty two spoken of, right already the white, so now. What do we do?
when you, when you wanted to the role and the aperture movie about p today, today at some point, want to put a rug on you. Use went along with the bald look. Now, counting. If anything, they were like what if we grow it out I was gonna, do that I kind of look at my head like a blank slate so like whatever you, whatever you want to do with it, I don't give a shit but like I'm, not gonna, why you know acting is wanting a right but In movie, whatever you gotta look a certain way, whatever you know like stars, data day like I'm not dealing with gluing. Some shit on my head, taken some shit, that's keep my hair governed by its crushed? My liver dial fifty eight with a nice for you yet all healthy had a hare nice. You know I don't like it.
I'm its labour. I do the best you ever look you're the best you ever look now you just guys just get the fuckin facial here with the boy looked actual looked when you, when you're late thirty, she had kind of your hair was it was receiving anywhere Fuckin Bell bottom genes, you're going out here you're out of your fucking mind, I was like this guy's a funny guy rescinding looks like a fuckin idiot, why you got stars on his shoulders with clothes and we all wore them and you wore them too I just created Jane. I could see you shake I've, just kid. It attracted valley. I can tell you this. Why me can you get me? Should I give it give it back? That's that's. The game do it I'll. Take all this shit, asking you to want just telling you what I'm gonna do I I actually unfortunate had a friend of mine password. The past months I went back to look at photos to see what I had often memorial and all of that, and I have to tell you- is shit is the seventies gets foreclose.
The nine. These are the worst What kills me I had like a fucking, eight pack stomach I was shredded. I was just I showed off and I was wearing like potatoes sex like do this right here this little Samia, that's supposed to be like right here on your shoulder was like almost down by my elbow yeah l emphasis. It was the whole fucking. Everybody looks like they used to be three hundred pounds, and did so sad diet and lost. Like a bug gaiety, What are you jack writer? You got the gods gone, we all see impressive, say again. So you, flax and now that take their economic, because I know you know what happened. I gotta cries of five and do your question and I got a chill through the air conditioner and it's maybe floods up, but then I did look up. I ll try to look at my tattoo, which looks like shit. What is what. It says.
Scripture. I want this one's my nay my neighborhood on my amateurs establish nineteen eighty four, the areas born stupid than I script. For my arm, I got across on my back. I look like I'm. Fighting in a fucking catholic crusade that doesn't exist. Yea looks like Robert Deniro from Cape fear. Yet stupid he's got like fucking agriculture's. All you guys, you guys are really big on your neighborhoods, yeah, we love the neighborhoods anyway, I made out of it immediately. It was funny this is all it is nothing but a horrific stories about a shitty. It wasn't what happened but like nobody. I respect that young. The act is functioning. You guys are that the Bay rich Boys, now where the day orange noisy areas voice, we made it even more local. We got to show business to make going more local yeah. What we think is the most obscure neighbourhood to call ourselves they Ridge, Brooklyn Vague, Bill? Did your friend who passed away? Did he passed away from called it now
That's it sucks to die during a pandemic is something else: it's not a disease. It's like dying on nine eleven, but you'd fuck you weren't in the billygoat pike. Aria yeah, you don't you definitely I'll get the big press release now when it is without gates, homely ill. It ended in dealing with just when you know you start paid for your since, but I got it Yeah dad, I would suggest all you guys, special you janius, are you sickness sagging, that the press look on your face. You got a lot of weight on away. Between your ears, I would definitely go to a higher and between is TAT loudly. I've got really fat recently bill. You know I just you have such a man. Shit. I can't hear you. I can't hear you what have I will. I will I Donno cutback it'll come back hello Atlantic skinnier me now, you're gonna, miss site you are talking about.
I just know that I just know from what I follow you on Twitter that the Bruins one last night. Now they did, they lost their get past you should be happy. That's up! That's a Boston, Tina didn't wanna champ each, but you know That's what we have in common as Boston and New York eyes as North EAST Corridor, guys, where, from is a big part of who we are and that you tweet about Boston sports being a national and a lot of ways. International comedian also shows that yours fuckin stupid as we are. I mean I don't get moving somewhere else and then just be like wine. I need a local team here, What you are it's hard for me is that when I moved to New York it was At the height of the curse of the bathing, and then I come out to allay- and it's always Celtics Lakers and shit like that and now you know Then, with the whole ass rose
damn dog and the guy was couched in the Red Sox. We beat the Dodgers. It just becomes like this then your highness sports enemy lines for so long that recently, when I went to a Bruins Hong game, I couldn't believe that I, where a Bruins T shirt And not have to have it slipped up and have I just do not to block an old to be deleted? We all in Evian shit like I usually just go like plain clothes, I just show up quite root for my team, and I leave I am, and you said the fact that you guys got to be in show business stay where you from and now I still be able to go to the seems you want to see, but that's also why New Yorkers such me heads is You guys never leave and your prayers, fact above the world is like literally twenty blocks. Yeah just like the sky line. This is amazing and then, when you go
elsewhere. You act like you're, not uncomfortable yak, like it's just a piece of shit you're above it, but the reality is the sector You guys get away from your favorite place to buy a kicks in your pocket. Tita yeah you get horrific the uncomfortable. Now I'm not gonna allay. I appreciate decides now. I roll around in California go to left over here we got a fire, that's on fire over there, so that whole black area on us that it is on fire overhear those Mexicans right there, they're they're working over there for less than a minimum wage over there. There's a being hydrogen private. Another site over there. This place shouldn't be here how should we we stole the country on us, I know what about your. You can't do that in New York,
I now have you in New York Geology like over here I got shot. This is where it almost guy take a shit about illegal aliens. You don't have any. Those in New York that's why I got out there and that's why I'm living in New Hampshire now, an hundred away from your man, they're taking my goddamn touch, you you're not going to do it. I got myself a gun, I'm a gun owner curbing get some anything comes up. Dale, I'm shooting it yeah, are you gonna do about sports, there's trust in sports. Now I've got a gun. I bought a gun. I only I now and you're. So yes, You got such a fuckin diarrhoea, the mouth.
When you buy a gun. The last thing you do is go on the podcast and let people know that when they go and that your house that they need to be strapped to critically read your playbook, a dummy yeah. Well, you know what nobody knows where I live, because I live in New Hampshire, so come get some you want so good gives era, I'm just going to stay at I'm in Brooklyn in the fucking thick of it, parliament wants to go, but now I dont know I made this it's like. Should I go just go down with the ship, but that's stupid, to write bill because it site? That's that's what I'm doing an ally you go down with not european move to ask any like everybody liked half of my friends at this point the die got cancelled or now leaving allay so I just feel like. I feel like a fifth year superior in high school right now like. Where did everybody got a job? It's bad debts, but definitely are definitely weird
If we were to have been fighting off, I haven't the blues, one quite all right but I definitely had been fighting that Cyprus should outside and trying to throw myself into. Other things? I guess socially distance shows coming out on. How was tat was gonna Dave, chapels thing It was incredible and I heard you made a lot of money. If I may ahead of a first, I bought the next town over four days I bet. Quickly now than he fucking flu is all it was like a paid vacation, and then I got to do fuckin got to do stand up the way used to be everywhere. These funds were locked, and there was this. Oh my god I can say whatever I want to say, and I don't Deal with white chicks, trying to end my fucking career or just the idea of it.
I'm really hoping The same way, nine these clothes went out. Style that when all of this is over this whole I'm sort of comedy, nothing, I'm a and that they're doing and the way people like I've been did this modification comedians better just cause signing on accusations when it's like it met might happen, might not happen, and there I'm trying to help take out these guys. Is it was pretty I open it. It's weird when you run into one of those comics, and you know that they're, the ones that will just go with what anything is said and then they say hello to you and you just gotta. Look at em like high. Until somebody says twenty years ago I sneeze on their fuckin burrito or some shit, and then then you get is like. I know who you are. I know what you get you gonna do so
I just find the whole thing is just such a bizarre bizarre. Fucking time you know, gathers no comedy community. Now it's yet you everyone's Jupiter enemy error is ninety five percent of comics are not doing now and I just really think I just says a lot to me about a person now because a lot of times to its, not just like that, obviously is somebody has like fucking. You have thirty women coming out. Ok now, the person still didn't get a trial, but I mean it's like what the fuck. How did you thirty people off have roughly the same story. Much like I. All of that. What, like my thing, was one they then delve into. My favorite thing is when you see
Just slowly start criticising the comedians act and all this shit. You start to be like a wait a minute. Now let us try to stay on straw, to keep it on the road here. Remember what your outraged about your outraged about these alleged victims? You not outraged about how this person was getting more spots than you were at the forefront, chuckle huts. Steadily yeah. It seems like did so huge package. You just have to say hi back because its cost You know your quote, not worth it. What I mean It's hard from for raw I don't know I mean I don't like to live my life, not saying what I'm feeling so, but it's. It is. It is what it is. As I say, it's not your Irish. Those in kind of that what you guys doing Yawls deal are mostly Jerome Well, I know you trying to kid a lot of movies apart. Irish, people I dont know what irish people are like, because I mixed with a
different your white european shit. So I want to. I would go to Ireland to find out what their like bud you know, I'm german, an Irish you guys are you guys aren't? Is that a fugitive with your emotions? It's more more serene I know- and you guys have big Zachary works- I urge colleagues movies about your fucking. You know Did you not you didn't? You did educate yourself through library fees The librarian! take a janitor job at Harvard just to be around people but scurry off when someone wants to know who did that equation on the wall. That's not you boy, CLO fires in our fuckin goodwill. Hunting reference go wild. You tonight, look if you're depressed when you come to do you shown Connecticut.
Please meet up with us, because we are the cure for depression. I can take you on a ferry ride. Fuckin set sail with you, will take you to the museums, will prance around get some fuckin ice cream and get fucking, kill a drink, some smooth ease and put a smile on that sour face. I wouldn't do that in a second. But yes, I know you after the smoothly in and the sugar rush ends, I know he s, s, dress, says Jani Long days comes in, Now we ve got Barton by those who keep forget what he said. One of my favorite clips I saw of shop, which I absolutely fucking love. I think you guys are superstars man, people watching, as you gotta check these guys up I was watching this click next, some guy talking about Corbett talking about the things, bad things that were happening and Ian
just stoking. The five guys explain: Azumi Hospital beds field is going to go to love, love lot and then Yonex just goes rioting in the streets because, like Friday in the street- and I literally I swipe at that- it's like I don't fucking- listen to this shit yeah. You know. I hate that I'd so much I avoid. I bet thought because I know how I'm wired and paranoid. I can't listen to that shit. The same way like I avoid a lot of discussions with parents When did they get into that hysteria like? Have you got the kid you a private school. Yet you gotta do this. Are they doing puzzles that do not require the people are saying the butler I just fucking. I just walk away so yeah. Yes, I mean I want the right I'd get this movie, I gave you
Chrissy the nod, and then I would slowly just back away and I don't even give a shit what subway line it was on and which way it was going. I go down those stairs and I would get on it they're, just I've gotta get away from it Yeah well, if you don't think we're gonna make you take us, A simple distraught and yell q. Why you do it yeah we're gonna, do like I'm again, if you don't think we're gonna secretly films and put it on patron dot. Com slashed by rich boys got another comment about the content: babies, yeah, that's that's got another thing, comrades, one of my favorite, That idea, man, They come in that's a fuckin old school that did every if this guy thinks is basically This guy thinks he's gonna be doing exactly what I'm let them get away with he's got another thing comments like speaking? That does your letting him do that? That's it I regret that the former tough talk after the fact when I was a kid
I know I gotta I gotta daughter come in she's due in the beginning of October Anytime For me, now manage other than its it's kind of a great thing. That's it! It's happening during the pandemic is great, because you won't be gone on the road or anything you can be there Everything I haven't a kid is one of the few things that lives up to the hype. It's it's. It's great I would just my only advice is he's really be careful who you listen to when it comes to other parents, because anybody can have a kid and I've just I find that of parents have a kid older than yours. They they know everything and what their kids doing. You're gonna do so. What I learned from that is, I'm not gonna. Give you any advice, What do I know? I've only been doing it for a couple of years, so I just I'm really happy for you and you're going to have a great time and like I
just watch out, you know if you feel your heart rate common up talking to somebody just get away from that includes fucking doctors. Do you, I am all this babies and await this babies, overweight. They don't take into consideration the building family not all of that type of shit like you know that it's just still. So sponsored till like doctors- I don't you know it's like Doc allotted doctors like those companies, it drugs in these vaccines at their own spots and they're paying, and given them kick back, so you have to just be. You have to do your own research and now with the internet. It's like. I just do all my own research as much as I can try to work collaboratively what the pediatrician, but I'm also like you're, not gonna, give my kid this medication, if her fucking what is coming up negative for strep throat, but you just want to give her the antibiotics anyway, it's like no I'm not going
that we're gonna leave. I'm definitely I definitely got my kid. Like all the vaccinations, all you know what I did to say like antibiotics or different things where it's like a sum of that stuff is not always necessary. Yet it's it's an ugly game. So not an ugly guy. Maybe I heard that when they bring their new drugs there they have good. Looking. Bring it to the doctors and the doctors get a little bump universe, They bring a little hardy and there, of course,. Cells guys I love you ever heard yet time yeah, big time, which is highlighted some successful I'll, be worthwhile. Couple acute kids without a doubt. Without a doubt, when we got hit your your gay straight show pod live. And I am one of the local gay clubs. That's it a good look. We have the largest transgender fan base, any podcast that has been
Absolutely locked into and research, where number one we are already most trans fats, snap at all. That's a great idea, form for that very important subset of our fan base. Yeah We would actually have a fucking great show it to get. Why can't we just say that now, like I don't think so, it's a fucking feel like I'm trans today. What like, like a mind, a bad person. Now, if I'm ok today, I feel trans and that's what I want to go with, but that tomorrow I dont. Are you shaming me by telling me hey? Yesterday you wanted to be transit today, you don't like it. I just feel like everything's, a fuckin free for all now on what you can and can't say to you. You know what to do with Bill bar. I wanted to go transit nets. I felt right and maybe tomorrow I won't. That's not nobody saying you can't go trans. I don't know why you know where they came from well, I've got a hundred or cut my dick off.
He's he's Egypt doesn't want to do our fathers alive is waiting for his father passed. I think he's got for criminal acts that thing dude and also the problem. Is you got your your protruding brows gonna be tough, yet I ve never been able to take a good look inside. If I'm really being honest at myself on Yahoo that who I am as a man might my sexuality is because my dad still alive- and he just there's something it's a block, but when he dies I may come right out. I don't fuck, you know, I'm communicating handsome man, but a woman. It's a little scary good shape that Brown things have taken make people's dyke. If they got the big lantern job, they can fix that big I got that Frankenstein think too young. No, I'm! Actually, I know I'm not day. I know my day and late I haven't had sex with any one in five for five months, and that feels good till I realize, like you know,
I was just a sexually sexual sex, maniac awhile, but better the Ladys love this kid bigtime lorries stories. Man our way out here, yummy I made. Big Day, a man he was indeed managed. Nigger Christian, that he falls in love with many a sex women. Now we Couldn't wait to get this package cause. You seem like a real comfortable person to talk to this two about this. What do you think it? What's is mugging Chris when you said that not because you kind of afloat, you use your kind of a fluid guy you're, not really you fluid. So what does that mean? Chris likes to eat falls in love, a memory as sexual women. What take on that as an open minded, give Boston. How many? I don't regret Boston into it. I know it's gonna get yell because I wanted to get yelled out. I want to get skull. Did I gotta fares for it what does that mean? Well, I'm not a sex therapist,
I don't know that. Could me anything from his unresolved issues with his dad all the way to like she felt like. I think this you know I got to be on. I just think they stick everything in a box. It's like either you're an addict you're, not you gay. Why, yes, I don't know what else I really don't want. Don't you know you know like drug attics find each other sex attics find each other till. I noticed that and I will. And I want I want to lie to meetings to like you know like try to go ruined and talk about. I notice it's all ages to have all you guys in the same remedies did not start fuck it on the table. Just all. Now it's not it's weird. It's not like that. I thought that's what I was going to be really like that at all. Yet I just what I started fuckin crackdown on, as if you like a lot of good looking people in their right, you have now is: was it wasn't there was there was one day I was like eighty five years old. Then there was. There was one person whose transgender was a couple of girls and air was mostly guys and then
Anna and yeah, it's weird, because it's like we just we all it was all and it was always empty sex on both sides like I would imagine like you know, people go. Do coke or fucking her addicted to crack or whatever they just do it, and then that's it. I didn't get away from me, but Spend nice for the past few months to be like us, have clarity on. I didn't realize how much my mind was being clouded by just trying to chase pussy all the time gigantic. Now you're fucked up a lot of time, and yet thank you for once again perpetuating the myth that all racism in this country exists in the South and in Boston. You won't say that when I say that, he kind of did because you open minded Boston, guy Oh yeah. I meant that the sort of away that you give your guys guy bill for sure your guys guy near projected. You're, not a dirty, I'm not a guy's guy. I look like a fucking pumpkin yeah,
let's not. You haven't got a bar or man Marlborough Man, the good guys guy as jet black hair, a brown hair, a straw fucking job he has paid meant. I made that debts That's Hollywood's guys got right yeah, but I mean if I came to you with the problem and it wasn't like a real real problem, but I just need to talk to my emotions, about my emotions, I think there's a chance, you would tell me: did you suck it up? and work harder. I need listen, there's there's who I am and who you think I am yeah.
Is there. It is yeah, I'm getting no matter what bill on the one who's gonna get yelled at after this fucking episode. So because last time I checked in and you guys were arguing was fuckin screaming at me. So I don't know what to say now. I was just talk on. The phone cannot agree inside. I wanted to start doing pockets with this Greek. Who is it that the producer kit, yeah fuck immortal abuses? Here you can walk. You can keep your feelings professional. I think you guys can do a lot of stuff, and I can't keep my very professional with that fuck, a beautiful hair that kid's gotta I had a beautiful hair and its it's. It's pulled back at its turn me on. Greek kid. So for me and him it's quite natural, you guys you had have that new culture as much as we do. But look I'm not saying I'm a gay kid, but if I went to, if I went to jail had been pretty good at it, you're an american and your from New York City. So, yes, with all the fuckin old country horse shit you you
one hundred percent of this country, you're out of the soil. That best that's what you are. I am. I am I am searching I'm an identity, and I could tell you right now: you don't get fatty, grateful Can you are? You are eating american poison? That is what you are eating. Yeah I gotta get my time and you got you got maybe at the cop going there yet. I mean I do as they like an I'm telling them it's gonna get its it. I could go one or two ways when the babies born either something I'll kick in its Jeanette. Accordingly, kick him say I gotta lose the way
baby and do this or that or it's just he's, gonna be so exhausted, especially those first couple years that I mean we get into a real. I mean I'm talking about a four hundred pound situation, where I just did a fuckin slap bacon off the states on the patriarch all day. I real evidently has Potential to book a big boy. You see a visa is one of those issues, guys, but you can also see you can see fatty within about breaking up on you now yeah meat, as version how I e he actually says is actually can I believe that I have not blown out fully by the way. He's actually said that I sometimes put on displays that rival, like Bobby Kelly, displays about it at the airport, version can throw that it. Yeah and not only that deck I can thrown out whenever you want early lake
double up. Those double had her that I can eat that guy controlled up again I'm smokin sticks every day by the way, since this pandemic, you think that's a problem. I am so envious of that. Although I have found out when you do it every day, like you so burn out your taste buds, then you just do yet to be doing it so I try to. I try like go like two weeks. I gotta tell you many anticipation after two weeks is just history this, when you kind of do a day in and day out, when I went out what I went out did chapels. I just said: flouted it and brought like Four five with me. I believe knobs for during the day, like one of my favorite things to do on the road is to do laundry. I just a common home with like fucking dirty underwear and sobs I'd shit only the whole of only the hall of Fame. Why guys are going to Dave chapels camp. You see,
Kay John Stewart. You gotta be hall of Fame. Why? If you wanna get invited to chapels, not middle road, why don't get that fact and call back? It's the big league, whites and listen. We deserve it, I'm not matter for its idea. What the fuck I get it. I never do for you. Yeah, I think I am right when he's hall of Fame to Adam Radio, already Phobia Dante Adam Ray, I did. I did a roast. You would love this Janius. I did a role the big poppy eyes. Austin Adam re was on it and do He hired and make a person and he came out and care. There is this guy, like twenty years older than him walls wherein like a Yankees Jersey, He came up as a Yankee fan stress the Falcon Red Sox. All fans and all a Boston he fucking murder. We loved it
every law used, I could we get twenty seven, you fucking cop suckers and pick the everything that he said. Everything that you would say to me that would get me going to argue. He said but it was hilarious because it was at a roast. Everybody just knew that that's what it was an arm Tell him I have like any also was on Joe Mcintyre shall retarded the MAC encrusted on that he's. A super soup without the dude I feel I hosted a show once it was called off the back. It was like on MTV tool, but it was major baseball's attempt to make. Sport like young and cool or whatever and big poppy was the producer, and we were this is fucked. We were. It was me, a camera guy and big poppy, and we stop she had to do in the back of his suv. He stops here interview Gets on the visa guys, please turn the cameras off gets on followed this agent, and it was when the red Sox wouldn't sign a tool. A one year deal to be too high,
is paid. The agent league- and he says I've had enough of this shit- he's telling his agent right in front of all, but, like I had a fuck enough for the shit, you sit down gimme the deal I want in one hour he's call brine Cashman and its on signing the Yankees. He said this in front of us all. I remember you totally ignoring yes, attitude toward item on text. I tell my father I like that bigger size? You keep your mouth shut, its a true story, because I tell my data, my biggest Fox news of all time. I said dad, I think poppies come into the Yanks gonna, be: Big news I'll explain when I get home so then I forget, I even texts at my father. My dad just takes me up my word, of course they Brian You got it back, he'll never happens. Red partly becomes a higher pay de H in the league. They read such won. The world series that yeah I got a call from my stepmother next I got a call from my stepmother maybe a day or two later she goes.
What the fuck is wrong with you and how much? What are you talkin about? She goes. Your father just put five thousand dollars on the Yankees to win the world series because he said big PAPI's going to be there dh, but I saw it on the Red Sox Yankees came in third in the Al East that Leah and I got yelled at by my stepmom almost every day of the season. Every time the Yankees lost she was like really. This is what you do Christopher I gotta do a little like I do little advertising rigour, Rather it is. I appreciate that do you Yankees by the way you in the Dodgers a favorite, I've done win the world Series and we both know. That's gonna go Yeah. I don't know my father that cause I'll lose another five Kay now the Dodgers can't they can't swing that leg over the fence. They can't get over that are there not later you so much younger Papas, Christy and if I stand updates, you said it s a cut out the linen? Yes, if it wouldn't trees, you
he's dead updates. Did you want to. Yes, you are, we history, hyenas dot com. We can check out all our stand. Updates there. I am on the road October, eighth to the eleventh. Delawares, Granpere Pittsburgh P and tape com situated with Anderson, Tino and then October, twenty third I gotta live streaming, show at eight p m anywhere in the world any state, any city live streaming for an hour October. Twenty third Christie comedy dot com for tickets, yeah I'll, be a distress factory. My only show before my daughter's born October First, the third in New Brunswick New Jersey, are given get tickets, pianist Pappas, coming dot com and please go check out my special blowing, the light on Youtube. It's free enjoy, hopefully, and of course yards
follow us history I mean is this ranges and also Patria outcome slashed by rich boys, where we go really uncensored behind the pay walnuts comedy like the old days as bill was saying where we go out of our fuckin minds. Patron dotcom, slash beverage, boys, pre, pre white, chick influence on stand, I gotta go our guy snaky! So much. I hope to see you soon when the shit is over. The ex bill, if you're over your man it it's up our I'd, say about the background changed she was happy little Wanna be called glitch. All right look who's here. Nobody, Hindus, sixty six percent of men start losing their hair by age. Thirty, five, once you ve noticed staying here can be too late. Why do guys turned towards solutions- are do nothing when they can turn to medicine and science solution we're hymns dot com a one stop shop for hairless skin care sexual wellness for men. Time to write a new chapter, one which you have here for
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We'll products from seed. It was her own. Me goes down there s own pad out. Then I saw him back into the Fuckin Razetta stone, spanish. What's goin on its billboard, it's the Monday morning, podcast for raw September, those doors they all sat. All I've been listening to worry about away before I get before it for going today show is brought you buy, audible, dot, com, slash bill sown with those who say now today shows Did you buy audible? Please visit, audible, dot com, slash bill for your free audio books. Download right! Would you like? to go to a party within Ascot on and sound like your well read. Even if you don't read, does reading make you sleepy, but for
some reason. Somebody else's voices in your head reading a book makes you feel like you're being held. While I have the solution for you, gotta audible, dot com, slash bill and get your free audio download book. When you listen a spanish radio right, what have you called Latino authorities whenever you spoke the mere I made out whatever the fuck you spoke to say you know you just try to pick up words right. So, while I do now, as I just listen to the M radio, of course, you know why people are all or on Fm Latinos and like fucking psycho political people in sports are all on radio, religious people- you don't owe me like, if you just on FM radio and you're, going up and down the dial and whatever, like you're living in a completely different universe. If you switch over,
two, a M radio. You know it's, it's I do not think you can literally listen to like some game and at last got in Alaska. You can next channel somebody talking about Jesus in an intriguing here too. The appears to pay aliens in John three point: six: five euro there, gay people are all gonna hear whatever the fuck they're talking about right and then over the spanish station. You try to fucking listen. You spoke a marsh yourself in the language It's starting to happen. I connection We hear different words. I dont know what the fuck they mean, but it slowly but surely happening, and I don't know what the fuck are you talking about, less. It's like a word like that, just totally like the english word, with, like an all with the end, more important all, and you like, very important.
But always in the end, always in the end when they give out the phone number. I know they're saying: oh, no, all just sat outside our water or single lateral. For its own all anyways, and they say they say parallel pedal. That's now get down taxes. The Monday morning, podcast me Amigos in me: amigos lot of shit go on. You know he knows where the last few weeks, when I do the park- yes, I do it downstairs. My fucking dog looks like it got shot with the tranquilizer gun. Just fuckin lazier mocking you don't you Lily. I feel like I'm bombing causes, In reality, the dog is my only audience in economic fuckin picture of a right now, you're not unwilling to upload it. I've never shown you guys are picture you with great about this. You guys have never,
seen what my dog looks like and I'm gonna send you a picture and all the dog people like alike he's fine. Do it wears a thing you're not going to see your face it be like people magazine when these to try to get a picture of these try to get a picture like Paul Stanley from kiss. You know that yet another horrific group from Detroit. What is wrong with white music from Try they got the black shit down so well, Motown, all those guys right through Marvin, Gaye Wegg was a molten artist, but that Jesus Christ, their white music. Than Eminem that is, and miss out there the base. Eddie Royal rollers over them. Sing about Saturday night Little Coke spoons hanging around twisted up and adjust here was another gig. Who else
had Nugent catch grants, we were worried. I throw him on that fuckin trash sheep kiss, who else is from their kid rock? you know you should melt all of those people down and then fuckin reform into maybe like coffee house musician. You know bill. You got a lot, but no matter how many fuck it I haven't, you solve our go. Fuck yourself. I got a goddamn our to fill here. Ok, kid rock, always worker of no shirt on in a bud wiser. If we get it you down to earth I was there paparazzi here, whose I stepped out of my limo. With my bud tall. Did your publicist woken open that, for you. You go built trash somebody who is relevant. Ninety nine, our right, have you ever been relevant bill c that that's? Why
I like to think that I'm even handed because, as I trash other people, I also trash myself, don't I maybe not, and it was a shut off the Fuckin goddamned camera you Nike plan on my phone. I keep playing ice rage. You play that hockey game I play at the highest level, and I had this mother Fucker beat like, I just refuse to play any other level at this point other than the hardest level, and at this point. I am one and about two hundred and sixty that's my record. The only time I won. The first time was because I did this bitch move where got to goes right in the beginning and then one another face off, and then just fuckin skated with the park like a minute, kill on the clock to escape, or are we getting chased by that little mother fucker right? So yesterday Like I'm gonna beat this do and square. An arm
It means we home Alabama early in the morning in who downloaded that How many fuckin hit songs you gonna fuckin slammed together and then you it's not about it doesnt fuck and make any sense, You got the whole the way worlds. London. You come out of the gate with that bump bump to put right we just swiped. They had song. What do you think? That's why we swipe another one ever put that in the core. The aims we all my Alabama, Cheryl crows, kids, you know what happened she politics in the camera, namely that the universities debts, that acting is actually a product of everybody
steel and music, and this no, my music store. So this is when a memory I m wrong. Maybe I'll kid rock and apology like this is what this this is the level of fuckin hoops. This dude has to jump through. In order to have a fuckin hit record, how do you get your music up. That's the amazing thing about Lady Gaga right. The new queen, queen of the gay community, you know they always loved checks like that who played like dress up and were crazy hats. You know pulled down over their beat noses. I don't know what it is, but gay people they can't get enough of checks like that right, but I would say: you're. Looking at Lady Gaga go what the fuck is she doing and not now I get it there's no there's no radio at another spanish word for you.
Not radio. Just Rowley rowdy of Saint now speak in Spanish. Now backed English too, can make a fuckin crossing over in a verbal way. Breaking your flock and ankles of such adduced this week, rights or even send me emails about what to do sham because I'm completely aware of it. Ok, if that makes me more of a douche or more tolerable, but I'm just let you know words that didn't even move, then even fuckin move and I get to remove Argos. Do you wanna? There goes the tale Clio. Do you wanna, fucking dog psyche? I want, I don't, have a fucking driver's license. I cant open the front door yourself. Maybe my dog is having its fucking depressed. The poor man we're gonna do is walking
another room with me. Do this can allay here all day the fuckers I talk about in a nice rolled up, oh yeah, there's no fuckin, there's no radio, there's no fuckin MTV doesn't play videos anymore, but he buys you music. I fucked you get your music out there. You gotta, put on a meat, dress. So then all that guy that guy there there with his little Skippy CUP on that paparazzi, shall be other just say less than I fianna flat get made dress. That make others shall anyways people You know I would start actually yeah. Am I going to use audible, dot com, slash bill? She can, I use it audible, dot com swash bill. Can I go use that in the fuckin. What books? What I get you when I, when I used to read where
I was twenty seven and I thought I was gonna be smart. I started reading books thinking it would make me leaving a blow job. Never forget happened because I looked like run Howard, where, I was twenty seven, I'm sweaty ways. Now, I'm forty four. If I was gonna, have a box read to me, I will do that. The urine welsh Series in out cause I'm a big fan of that that fuckin, what is taught the accent fuckin irish spring? Let me come to some soap with us with the shank accent, and there was a bunch of words in there that kind of figured out, because he literally
Said how they say it, and maybe if I you know, I want if they actually have like somebody. In always, if you gotta do the urban welsh Series of books on audible, dot com slashed bill trying to fill my contractual obligations with these people on trying to say is many times is whom I should like these guys you now considering is now there's not a bookstore anymore. These guys are actually pick it up back right. I, like audible, dot com, slash bill. You know, I don't like I'm, I'm not doing the pro flowers thing anymore. Ok, I like those guys, but I like em on Valentine's day and mother's day, other than that. I can't sit here with any sort of good conscience and trying to sell you guys, flowers in the beginning, a fuckin September when he gets me flowers for Fuckin Lee.
Today. You know my she accidently ran over somebody's foot on September. First is no fuckin recent get anybody some flowers. Well, what if they have a day I'll go? yourselves you know, then I gotta fill out all this bullshit to to get focused, Nineteen dollars is not even worth it to me or I shall pay flowers, if your listening I will see you in February. Any with this. This is like reverse good business so anyway, the fuck am I talking about. Did anybody watch any college football? How great is it that footballs back there? Nobody gets. Good into that Michigan Alabama game like guided, I had the fuckin fellows over. You know my woman, my peace. Property. Is she kill me forever said
spoken, she's out of town. So what am I gonna? Do there's only two options: either I get some hookers and I honor. For I have the fellows come over and I fuckin get hammered. I chose the latter. Have still fuckin its country, like I used to me, I picked up a cigar habit, anyways. So yet number eight Michigan first spoken number two Alabama in it. My head of gaunt wise Michigan, number, eight, how they never ate. They sat last year. What happened? Who did they get, did? Did a couple of fuckin beast from Penn State, you don't worry or even then you only allowed to sign one. What the fuck happened. How are these guys number eight in about an hour when Alabama was up like twenty one, nothing or somethin like right at beginning of the second quarter. That's when I figured
oh they weren't number rate. They just made him number eight. So I would tuning and invite my fuckin friends We're like an asshole. Watch like seven minutes about game, and then that was it we would downstairs. Fuckin hang out the grill. You know. I took up my climbing rope because everybody are you climb. A robot can fuckin do that, and people are drunk trying to go up and down the rope in our back in it that would be funny to me and all in all, I am thinking in my head. The whole time is some he's, gonna fall and they gonna break the hip and then I'm gonna get sued and that's what it means to become old. You know when you young, when you're friends fall down. You can just laugh when you're old this there's somebody has to pay for it. There's a liability Jesus. Why didn't? I bet that game I could maybe do I just know it is now the game's over, but if ever there was a fuckin lay up
What about denied? Why did you go to show you some fuckin he's fucking Assisi fast and always plain in Assisi team? Ok with me,
just became another fuckin quarterback, and that was that he actually made a couple. A nice throws blood, but you fuckin people, oh god, Damn stadium, who honestly who the fuck would buy flowers in September. You don't me why we summon flowers that set corporate mentality. Eeg, wait. You just make all your money iron on Fuckin Valentine's day, and then you make the rusty money. The back in the back. Nine you make on mother's day any collar year go sit on your fuckin boat. You know a lot of what are we just created? This need for flowers, twelve months of the year, but if you just left him in the ground and you let them continue to produce oxygen for us
you do that that a rapid amount of fuckin ground of a goddamn, Dana Jesus, I'm on a fuckin tear here. You know it is no bill. What is it I am? I I'm gettin geared up I'm doing six straight fucking weeks on the road. Extra. My year is basically over summers over this Amazon I'll go on in the row com and to you why dig jobs and a close and shit joke, and that's it for you. By the time you realize you got fucked over I'll. Have your money My wallet bottle bottle. I'm fucking do when I'm fucking doing the white trash tor.
What do you mean by the white trash the white trash to listen to the cities that I am going to this week? I'm going on Orlando Florida Kay and unless you have kids and you want to go visit, a giant fuckin mouse with a struggling actor inside of it. There's no fuckin reason ago there if you're, some whore and you want to go blow to, the woods. I guess that's another reason to go there and our whales. Would you go to Ireland to buy some bait? Europe's don't go in there first and then next week I'm gonna be inch. Charlotte North Carolina a span loaded up intricate, we didn't realize civil war had ended. I'm going there joined the combat zone. Doc. Then I go to New York City standing next. To about you shit. There must mean I'm successful to write,
Let's get a slice of go in there and then the week after that I go to Jacksonville Florida. These are bad. Jacksonville is People a Jacksonville GO to Orlando to vacation right. Jacksonville Jacksonville another one of those cities that if it started, if there was a flood, you know That you had a bad in New Orleans if, if Jacksonville, literally fell into the sea. I think it would take at least I would say, thirty six hours before, like that lightened that news actually hit the national airwaves. You know Thirty, six hours after an entire metropolis fell into the ocean. Somebody would finally Come on tv be like we have a developing story, something.
Going on and not Jacksonville Floored is only self Eastern North Eastern. Thank you. Thank you. Robert. The north eastern part of the state, like no fucking, know what goes on in Jackson, for he had a. U s. I felt him back in the day right. The Florida gaiters and the third George Bulldogs play there once a year. Everybody comes the town they drink there, beer and they fuck you women yeah. Then they drive out man. That's it becomes quite again a couple of tumbleweed blow across. You know. You got the jaguars. That's actually pretty amazing. You know for a city to get a professional franchise when they have no other professional franchises, like is late in the game, is Jacksonville gonna, fuckin team. In order me like take, let's say Portland Portland Oregon, they got a basketball team. I could see them.
Maybe get a baseball team. I'm gonna get a baseball team. They show up with those fucking try these rights Jacksonville had nothing nada. Zero jobs. They had nothing to Florida it is in Georgia. Bulldogs play there because it's some neutral shit, the Miller FUCK, no words like a musical united like when they have like. The two gangs are gonna fight, for they do. They walk in a circle snap and their fingers right, they're, stupid, fuckin genes rolled up. For some unknown reason other than www sexuality of most guys in the play. Guitar, tough guy ways? So that's what I'm doing and then, after that Cincinnati Ohio
Since Cincinnati Annual, that's one of those zombie cities, because all these great hardworking people right up, for fifty nine in the afternoon and right at five. It's like the Fred Flintstone. They all slide down the brontosaurus gettin a goddamn cars and they vacate the city and then all that is left is drug attics, unbelievably poor people and the comedian working at the club walking that's what's walking down the street a five or one as the sun starts to go down. You don't owe me he started off, is probably the same feeling like you know that zebra has and that that split second, where is is peripheral whenever the whole herd scattered and you dont know why, and you start to feel the brow, of an alligator NEA. Like a fuck. I guess it's me today, right. He's is built was Cincinnati that bad. You know what go visit. Your visit.
I did I mention any dates: Jesus, what the Father, what kind of ways to sell a goddamn tour. That was like reverse rocks singer right. There were fuckin rock singers. Go out there. We like, let me tell you, shouted Jacksonville, we Donald. The citizen is door, but I gotta tell you not take the fellows. Balmy will agree. We may cause the crowds right just spoken, jerk off. There is one I m excited to go these cities. I just want to see what the fuck people do in these cities. Eddie, Orlando. I know it there, that's just a bunch of fuckin strip, mall those Adobe structures. You know the excitement out day, one of the fact icebergs prize you will go down here
It recommends Gothenburg it up. They probably all looked down on Disneyworld. You know, don't you fucking poseurs, like that's how you like you're a rebel in Orlando. Has you trash Disneyworld? You know, I don't know why. Why would you continue this way? You know what it is. It's not going to be the shows it's not going to be the people that come up to me after the show say something mildly racist. You know, it's not gonna, be that it's it's gonna, be the getting on and getting off a fuckin airplanes allergies, and this is like the tampon fuckin minstrel cramp pocket podcast right now, Should I feel lucky that I have this amount of work. You know when all those glass workers got laid off recent the out there and date no higher than they just close down the glass factory. Do you know
economic glasses in this country anymore, anywhere around we made the Philippines. I saw the whole thing or not. Sixty minutes. You guys, what's the last episode of breaking bed by sea. It is a bunch of fuckin cycles right now covering their ears I can't recommended show enough: there's not result twinkled toes gotten a couple episodes here, it's just it's the most unbelievable fuckin show I've ever seen. They just keep. They just keep twisted it tighter and tighter and tighter, and every time you think he can breathe. You know cause some problem got for cancer,
something else comes along and its even fuckin, worse unreal, I'm not going to say anything that how I probably should even brought it up, because this probably half the fuckin people listen. This aren't even listening right now for fear that you know I was gonna, give away something from the show and I'm not gonna throw. This is the Monday morning, podcast everybody. If your new to this show. Welcome welcome aboard if you live in any the city's. I just trashed. I stand by that. That was joke no. I know- and I know what I'm gonna do in Charlotte Charlotte, I'm gonna go is it street side customs. I'm gonna go check out the old cars there, that's what I'm gonna do their New York City, Comets New York I'll, be fine Orlando. I have no idea what the fuck I'm gonna do. I tried to find some college football. I somethin.
I don't know what I'm gonna do. I think I'm gonna walk from, air conditioned comedy condo to the club and then back, but I'm actually excited to be their cause. I've never done that one. Let's try to put a little positive shine on this fuckin white trash tore here and I Jacksonville There's gotta be some redneck shit. Go on, there's got to be some sort of rattlesnake round the of some sort of gun. Show you how to read next with there frogs chained together tried drive in different directions, whoever ends up with the other guy, differential wins. Yet how can I got somethin like that is, if I consulted for me to do there but actual when I'm in Charlotte, I'm gonna go to the Panthers gained Carolina Panthers game and when I'm a Jacksonville, I'm gonna go to a fuckin Jaguar.
Game and when I go to Cincinnati, I'm gonna bangles game, see that that's how I do the fuckin road at out. That's how I do it pointing out himself with a thumb our right here we go. What's let's get blood, yet the salad, let's get some stuff on the way here, a voice everybody. This is like this has taken off like wildfire. You know that we are, I know you just lie in air, would not in fact any sign bonding your body, but I'm telling you a voice A voice is, is, it is killing and you're, probably say in a boat what is what is even worse. A voice is basically your mobile phone at work. Ok, you can get all kinds of different phone numbers are always forget. The word virtual virtual phone numbers like gonna, be great. If you could give some guy
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this podcast macsharry and a bird in the Referral box. Let's be you are at the check out for more savings. Leo Zoom is not a law firm and self help. Services are provided at your direction. In other words, if you need help asked for it all right so back to the pact, last year. I you know, I wanna buy a peg board. Hang up on my garage, basically start my own little Jim here so body weight. I gotta climate rope, I gotta devastation pull up thing and then I get that peg born right lobby of the go up and down it with my skinny little legs, enough, because I'm not doing any squats you don't want to do. Is our body. My was telling on Joe Romans. Podcast he's got this hope. Those kettlebells work out, I heard his listeners ago and not get now Jack. Do one that I want to do it. So if anyone knows what podcast of roads I gotta listen to where he, basically
sit down and then I'll do my cheap ass version of it when I'm on the road, but basically goin out by two great fruits and put them in plastic bags. What does it say? Principles, advice right, bill, border problem Jesus Christ. Here we go dear bill, I'm approaching my twenty seventh birthday and in the past couple of weeks I bet misuse with getting erect aright are about Jesus. But here we go instead of getting would having sex or looking at porn. I now have the fiddle with myself just to get hard. This is due to my up to this. A shelf fuckin beyond this is doctor, drew question. All right, then I'll, listen to make, but I gotta make this body do right so fast forward this, because I want to add to your psychological problems. All of this is due to mild depression caused by Dress being overweight or I'm just getting old, and this is
I'm going to be, I am overweight, but since April have been steadily losing weight and exercising good for you, I do have mildly I should I know where you come from. I got to an bouts of erect out this function in the past. But they usually don't last more than a few days now I don't know what to tell you, I would say: don't rub, went out for a couple of days. You know I then stand on your back porch with the junk hang out. Imagine the first time the wind blows and you'll be in the game. That's my advice, it's off the Chicago unless women the title like ours. I would seek some sort of professional helps if you got a circulation problem I think the biggest thing it doing, which is great issue, losing weight, because Are you too many for consent bonds? It did clogs up the plumbing, and I know that because I don't have a medical degree, ignoring girlfriends past bill,
and ass. He with the beautiful girlfriend out speaking of Australia, I'm going to Sidney In October, you see what I just stood there. This guy's in our actually basically started conversation with me, and I just interrupted him, I'm being that do shit the party right now, but actually you guys have seen. Did you see that video, whether fuckin Lawsy bullies, punch Fat headed fuckin kid who, like outweighs by eighty pounds and finally, the kid gettin bullied. Just can't take it anymore, just pixies kit up- and I can't even like live sum up- basically a little above his head And if you just drop them there, that would have been amazing, but he like fuckin. It was he was ringing out. A map is how he threw his kid down. The fuckin growled like shaken out a beach towel exposes kids rag doll body like his the kids whole body. Did the fuckin warm
except when he came back each from like six feet in the air, and he slammed is clear on the ground. I couldn't believe this kid's leg still worked. It was fuckin awesome, but now they got like they have like it's become this entire. Like many serious, they interviewed the Kyoto get bullied and then the interviewed the kid who did the bullying funny the bully. Crying and he's trying to say that the fatty fuckin was hidden him first, which is total bullshit, as if you look at the facts which I really should be saved, but you know I'm just try The island of so many minutes hearing the the husky kid, the fuckin kid punches him in the face and he just stands. This hands down to his side. He could tell you know if he was walking around, in people his whole body, language, but a different. I didn't believe it the little mosquito looking kid, but then so the interview. Both of them and then they have the two of them interviewing each other, and I gotta tell you
I don't think I've ever laughed so fuckin hard in my Entire life knock, as I think it's right, or I think it's funny. I just Fuckin this just something about it. It just took me back to my childhood. Just how fuckin mean kids are. Maybe why what what was like most like when, when when, when you went to school, like what was summit, what with some of the things the kids used to call you, I knows his brutal fuckin aussi exit Maybe that guy, you know to call me a call me fatty acids, With every me name, only but my ass off it get to the point where the kid study was suicidal and I've been Through all of that, I've been through all of it
and I actually said they're laughing my ass off watching it and I'm asking you guys: why am I laughing? I don't find it funny. I feel bad for the kid, but with the meaner, the detail is the harder I fuckin laugh. I don't know, I don't know if that's like some sort of like fall out from trauma we're after while you just like it's just, becomes funny things like nothing. What else you gonna do like I'm, I, every fuckin movie I gotta see. I know I've told these stories. Zillion ties with if this actually fits in it, like I'm a one eye, sauce, sling blade and when that country, Dwight Yoke and when he saw the guy in the wheelchair out of the house, watch com and practise Randy and get the fuck out of my ass any fuckin zone. There the wheelchair, the guy, the wheelchair, like it did like the whiplash thing, went through the front door like.
The people who are watching the movie around where you this quiet or gasping and I was roaring laughing and not that I think that's like its due Norway like it's, it's so wrong. It's it's funny provocation off. Like a maniac, I did. I would turn out. We were flying over the fuckin when I was magical kingdoms over there in Europe, but they got a Starbucks next to a Fuckin castle and. I was sitting in the aisle needs in the middle seat, and then there was some girl on the window Yes, I was like coach to go to the funny bonus in Afghanistan, and I was watching a movie on a laptop and I was laughing so hard at one point I was fuckin wheezing
It was almost deals. What I'm laughing so hard people around me are laughing just at how hard lot with the girl on the window was laughing at how high I was laughin and I was laughing Hard that I woke me up and new up and immediately was like laughing like what the fuck are you laughing at and then she leaned over, you know cause you can't see in the computer screen she leaned over and that I was watching our precious and you know starts punch me in the arm which made it even funnier, and then the girl by the window founded even funny. I told you got lost in the fuckin, storing what point I'm trying to make me I'm trying to you. Why do I find shit like that hilarious? You know like whenever, I watched the biggest loser and thereby like you know. So how do you feel about yourself here? You're fucking, Zepplin, you you now and again.
I'll be like I you know. I had my good days, and I am I bad days and then his voice cracks in his pocket. Forehead, wrinkles uppity just starts fuckin cry and like a baby, I I I I fuckin, laugh I laughed like I'm watching Stripes intervention, you know intervention. When the family starts reading their letters of pain to the Falcon degenerate drug attic and they start fuckin cry I immediately I just start roar and laughed like it's too funny. It more laughs out of that and if I was watching one of those sick comes with the good looking people in the couch fuck him talking about anyways. Let's get ahead the plot guest here, oh Australia, the austrian right. If anyone knows what that is, if disaster-
anybody with any still white like I was just saved some sort of psychologists. Listening to the shit. Look as if I deserve professional opinion, Joe you guys, listen to my fuckin more on opinion every week, whatever your plumber I'd like to hear what you think I ignoring girlfriend, pass bill, I'm an icy with the beautiful girl friend how the hell do. Stop picturing her getting nailed by guy she's, dated before me, what you myself with these thoughts, we have great saxon everything gets you how you think she got that way to use the days clay line, from Bang and all those other people, sir. What
understand it's something. No one likes to think about it. Do not just breaking your balls. Are right. Look if you love this girl, you just gotta get past the fact that she's shocked other dicks. You know probably enjoyed it knocked and destruction with you know it was me.
How do you get past it? I never think about. I just look. Look at women like you just picked up a fuckin free agent. That's got you no good, fuckin career stats here. That shows that they can get the job done. You know they can perform in October. In order me just look at it like that way. It's like the dodgers just pick up all those red Sox. They got, consolidates the and only think that they care that Fuckin was plain baseball and some other town. They will give a fuck just come in here and get the goddamn job done. So when the championship. That's, I gotta look at it all right. If she shows up and she's clean, she doesn't have any go. What about you, sir? Next time He's fucking blowing you thinkin about think about all of for controls at the truck stop it, you left, put put their mouths you and now she's down there. You know this
not enough shampoo condition or to clean your dick pass, a certain falcon age, and that's it God, damn truth, and you don't say thing about that right, as you put it in sight of her gimme a fuckin break, Alright, sir, it is what it is: she's banged, other people, you don't have to get fast it. I can guarantee this. She probably hasn't been with remotely the amount of people that you have not to mention some of the fucking complete traps that you're gonna me I like to think, that women are little more raw, have a little more discretion in my issues with women right now. It just kills me that I'm saying something pro female because another I'll fucking nodding I try yet this one way or the other there either really discretionary they're, just fuckin whopping horse
and was a generalization. I apologize friends unholy wedding. Two hours do so great in this vote. Guess I don't know it's somewhere, I lost the fuckin momentum. I lost my mojo when I was talking about why I laugh you know it. People with the fuckin crutches fallen down a flight of stairs. I don't know why but instead of friends unholy wedding bill, I got a problem that I don't think I can go, go to my friends a friend of mine is getting married. I've been good friends with the guy, since we were five years old. We are now twenty three he's, married about a year from now. He is selected me to be the groomsmen all I'm guessing: either you fucked his wife, future wife or she's back. You know seventy people or is fuckin around that's what I'm guess or she's into the devil. One of the other issues have to be why this is an unholy wedding. All right he's getting married about a year from now good. You got time
he is selected. Sorry near just was colonists, he's gonna kill me come from another african country and I just shut it after the attic. I got a finished his pocket. I guess he putting podcast than me Please get married about a year from now. He is selected me to be a groomsmen. This means I have to pay for a flight to attend the wedding. Furthermore, his bachelor party is being used, mother fucker. This is what it's gotta be about money. This me I fuckin here Second, the lovely MIA everybody NEA. Listen, I'm doing the podcast. Can I call you right back sale, podcast listeners.
Tally ho I'll talk to you later that she had a fuckin hard day and I'm not. Therefore, when a piece of shit, let's get back to take but here I have to buy a tuxedo. You know right away This means that to pay for a flight to attend the wedding. Furthermore, his bachelor party is being held in LAS Vegas and I would also have to pay for this light, as well as other expenses of a bachelor party. Normally, there would be an issue. I'm a college student and saving the approach. Me a thousand dollars this would cause would beast, would stressful, but it would be worth it to see what My greatest friends get married, ok, see not a cheap fuck. You just seven money problems. However, my friend has often lied to end. He did on his fiancee. I didn't see that one common. Why didn't? I guess that they go there's a whole new Fuckin Jesus, I'm not judging them.
I dreamt I disapprove of how we treat this guy is actually a good shit and I actually call them piece of God. Ever I judged on your first couple of sentences. What're you gonna do because I disapprove of how we treat sir, but I don't get myself involved. He sleeps around and hides from her the fact that he smokes pie and drinks heavily on a daily basis. I dont know how she hasn't notice, she's, probably because she's Sweetheart. Sweethearts always end up with fucking decks like this she's, never smoked or cheated version. I dont understand why he doesn't find a different relationship, but again I dont get myself involved. The problem is I can't in this marriage will last very long, and I dont want to pay a thousand dollars for a sham marriage at a time when a thousand dollars is like the lottery to me, a MAC, the offended. These asked me to do all of this for the wedding and thus spend all this money. I cannot imagine asking any of my friends to throw away that much money on something I didn't give a fuck about. Should I declined,
Ten, the wedding, any advice would be appreciated I don't know if I can go to our other friends with this one, this As always, is a million different ways you can play this there's two options. Three options are right: one you just fuckin. But your tongue- and you just go to the goddamn wedding
think that I'd even what's gonna fuckin blow up, maybe he'll learn something from it and then you know by the time, is thirty he'll grow up and you guys can actually be friends again to your fuckin? Dare I say it was three already forgot, the other one, so we are going to be to her. Why do you guys listen to this? You know why, because it makes you feel better. Doesn't it should good, fellow from serving a purpose now just sit together, we like to convince your question? Yes, your men, fearful. What's up what the fuck are you doing what he really will be? What am I don't? I mean what the? Why are you getting married given cause because I loved it where it is going down?
you're fuckin everything that moves. I walked slower. What I'm around you that somewhat shit that you're fucking? Do you understand me? Don't stay we're coming from and you're asking me to God: he doesn't know you bows. She doesn't know that you smoke we'd get out. I this is a thousand bucks, if you actually, you know this is like me flying To go see the fucking go, see the pod raised. First, a Fuckin Colorado rockies. What where's the fucking point! You know. Yeah you're you're a piece of shit. This marriage You're gonna last. What were you doing? on a mean that I am going to sit there and have a conversation, you know I gotta figure out. Part of her face and when I look at because I can't look around the eye, you drag me into it. Jesus is bad advice. I mean you gotta, thereby please don't say it that way, just be like
and I dont have a thousand dollars. I just don't to go to the marriage and then it is to go to the wedding start with that? Never forgive you shit just say. All, that's your other opted just say: listen, I just don't have the money and you bite your tongue and look the other way. So you don't see them the train wreck, that's gonna happen, that's the option or you can just come clean and just say: listen! Do I love you too, that you're my body, but what doing here this is wrong right. You not be fair to her, you not being Let me add year: you're fuckin, you screw itself in the long run. So just what Wanna. Do go, do it, but I do want to be a part of it right here. So my guess is your best fuckin option. As far as likely
least. Amount of drama is too and mental trauma for yourself is to do the one I through there in the middle way to sell us, and I just don't have the money. Do they keep Lee I've told you brought Bro my wedding dude. I can't believe it. I can't believe you're fuckin everything that moves and you fuckin smoke. We oppose every day and this girl doesn't even know about that and you're acting like enough. They wanted and it's a fucking me and expect me to stand there. You understand that you understand. I realise that your fuckin everything that moves right, and you're gonna go Mary, this girl and I'm not to sit there. What's you, How is this girl? I love you earlier the body, the blood that pumps through my heart that bullshit I gonna sit there staring at my fuckin was on you. You know, there's gonna be Lazard hey time, you gotta cook from one fuckin ten people, they just make a big trade. That shit
have a meat based, we have a vegetarian. Is that big, fuckin silver truth is the last one office assure podcast, fifty minutes and satan his person says built if Satan punishes the bad. Doesn't that make him good? That's from our way. Yeah, don't get the math on that. Like most things when it comes to religion, it doesn't, it doesn't add up. It's like. Shaken was in Heaven bright how two factors
go: isn't it wouldn't iron made the song? Can I just go with delight die with your boots on and the know how this story goes like alpha or Judas priests, yet no point of entry or screaming for vengeance. Not they have a song about it. Whatever saint was basically, you know it was like the zilch and brothers before they had a fight and then one broke off and created sapient right. One of my was like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs right when they were having a little circle. Jerk around a fuckin. Tiaras eighty would have what they were doing their little fort. You know plain dungeons and dragons play poker for each other's loafers, whatever the fuck they did, they want their separate ways, whatever shape
in the club, but he wanted to run shit. What did he do? The fact that the guy do again somehow he pissed off guard. Oh I'd all he tried to take over. He tried to take gods position God was like all now you day and then cast him into this fucking pit of fire. That, never goes out. But somehow Satan is such a bad mother fucker that he sits the flames and adapted you don't
Somebody back in the day they had bronchitis, so they sent him out to the desert to fuck and dry out, like that was going to cure you. He actually got cured to the point now Satan's down there and is just Chillun I'll look who got up oakley I'll get over here I gotta each fuck for nine hours Yes and I use down there like fuckin, you know- lucky Luciano hang out? The fuckin flamingo. And then you go down there. You got out, you basically live your life. The way he wanted you to and then you shop, club and eddies, he's mad at you and then kicks the shit out of you. It doesn't make any sense and technically he's then punishing you for doing what he did. Is it like, like that's like the male Roma gods mail,
so we said no sword. Certain envelopes, like he still workin for God at I really don't know, works actually went to church this. We go I went there and Can I walk and I just can't like eight I don't buy into any of it. I went with the I went with me. His mom. We went to church and what I try to do when I go in there is go above all of it and try to like you know, connect with something like Whoopi Goldberger ghost. You don't try to connect with something else other than what this, like, literally what their preaching. It's like. I know you guys had the holy wars. You had the fuckin acquisition. I may give you fuckin, you know a jewish people after World WAR, two were trying to get this shit back.
The amount of stuff that went into the Vatican meet you down with the Nazis. Like powers is played like how did Penn state lose all those victories right lost all those victories and what happened in the catholic church. Yet I've I've talked about this, a zillion fuck at times they have broken. A global level, every major flocking commandment that there is, and they just sit There- Holly Lee up to now. Fuck and tell me how to live, my life yeah just don't buy into it. Money back came around I've, given you motherfuckers shit as with news
mom and ass. I can and will be an asshole forever. So true, five bucks in their five bucks. I just pay five dollars for the fucking defence attorney and a pair of file case. Gonna egg, but tell me I'm not going to hell right, then, for being so goddamn stupid Yahoo and they had a guy there d, this irish tenor guy, who was singing all the songs, keep an eye on that and he would do like this big conducting thing. It was like totally fuckin into to get the crowd, go and radio this awful suit on it didn't fit him. You know he doughnuts and shit, and they stay in the guy in the preacher gave him shall we go this way? We would like to extend congratulations to that guy over there can fit do. Is sport coat for twenty years of
begging, socks, air. This georgia- and I want to say here to another fifty years, air, this church, every clap is like he's gonna be dead in fifty we're all going to be dead. More, maybe not right. Ninety four word for word. Andrews. That's gonna be a sad flock and day. How can we, when my ass under the stage fuckin at ninety four years old. You know somebody with a Jetson hair cut interviewing me for the show, do you still enjoy? Do you still edge. Do I, People whose Fuckin Sidney instead alike bottled water. Backstage I'll have like vital organs being grown. To be honest,
I did in me before I go out there. That's like the level of that will be available to me. Dick Cheney have that should still be walking around and he was the fuck. Was I just talking about how we resolve fifty is gonna, be dead? Look it up. He's like forty pounds over fuckin way, he's sliding into fifty about ninety miles an hour without a helmet on the way this guy's Falcone he's not he's not gonna make it. He probably has some fuckin horrific collection, porn he's not wearing a wedding ring. This faculties sweaty like what is he doing sky sad? He has no fucking life. I feel bad from was gonna. My hair cut get him
your membership? And I will we make the last seven years of his fuckin life enjoyable about that? Why don't we go out and get a harlot for this guy? You know these physical equivalent to a dozen doughnuts he'll be able to relate. You know I might even say any: that's true people, that's just what was going through my head. When I was there, there was some game. The pew hate that word pew in front of me and he just look like an evil mother fucker. You know he was balding. He was like in his ears. I push in sixty tan fucking balding body, still dinas, hair jet black and he had a pinky ring in a brace went on.
Right there pinky ring in a bracelet your dishonest motherfucker, monsieur check your guy anywhere in that you know that doctor venerable Botz, Fuckin outfit, that's it you're piece of shit and he just ass. He looked over me peacefully with you, I'm gonna be like Spock. You now tell me what you know what it's for, what the fuck you did since
Sunday with your pinky ring in your bracelet, I Jesus Christ. I think I was just sitting there. Judging people get out, they had altered girls. You know said of the altar boys. Just to keep the priest honest. You know, which I thought was brilliant. That's a brilliant way to keep them away from little. Boys is to let girls do it because they were all girls. There was no boys there. When I can I trash about it, I came up. I need you gave the homily and I didn't member one fuckin thing that he said he wasn't might I can understand what he sent out. I was my those muddle triptych fuckin church, but I went but I went and ass. She saw the confessionals and I was sick and Jesus. There shit that I have to get off my chest and then but then I always think like a one. In fact, I want to tell this guy.
Why do I gotta go in there, tell it to you and then it goes. You run it up the fuckin line, you no fuckin weirdo. You just want to hear all the Shit that I did, did you not allowed to go on fuckin bang abroad? Jesus you just you just you just going over old fuckin! point you ve already made. We get it all d. You don't like this shit, let's let let's, let's conclude here with: let's: let's try this round is something positive. Our let's start with, video games. Very, oh games, why Don't you like on video games, see that I was caught up with a jungle for everybody Amazon. Dot com, though less online games like Carbet everybody? They don't say baby like our car baby.
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I would get frustrated now go online and I find the cheats and I get all the weapons that I would finish the game and twenty minutes it would make me feel good. I then I would be allowed at other people because I would feel guilty. Ah anyways Jack Games, like our camps, lifer go on there get the video games, you that you could fight Possum, The ever want stack them all up around your face and you won't have to deal with the world anymore. I'll write, bizarre dot com, would you like to help out this podcast and support the troops. Got a billboard, dot, com and click on the banner Ed anytime, you gonna, buy something on Amazon. Just do that. Click on the banner read the Amazon banners on my podcast page you'll, bring directly through Amazon, dot com. You not to do anything else. Go out there go myself a ladle, whatever the hell you looking for a peg board possibly like what I'm gonna buy later on after this podcast- and they
we a percentage of whatever you know, people by and then I take a percentage that I'd are basically overall, ten percent as every week of the advertising money there make, I send it over the water worries projects it's a great day thing and why not after this last hour of filth and all the horrible things that I've said it's nice bring it around this this nice little moment here, you know Holy Ali. Gee? That's the fog podcast, fuck yourselves, that's it that's the pockets for this week. Please- how to see me at the forest, stop on the way trash tor. And at the what the hell am I gonna be amended the improv. In Orlando Florida. Would you like the exact dates you want me to hold your hand through this whole thing?
I know where Orlando EV, but what am I supposed to be? There, go this fuckin computer, Coma, Orlando Improv September, seventh, eighth and ninth since September. Seventh and eighth- is that true I thought I was there for three days, Thursday, Friday Saturday's one on their comedies own Charlotte September, thirteen fourteen and fifteen. I'll see at the game on Sunday oh by the way, if anyone has any ideas or some shit, that I go to a gun store, something that's gonna, fuckin be a cool thing to do. In any of these cities for the love of God, Let me know cause. God knows the travel channel never comes to your towns Carol. Since the make up date from July, I'm gonna be there September twenty twenty one, twenty two and twenty three and I will be there, with the teen idle sensation from the open Anthony programme. One and only job Joey roses. De Rossa. Ok
since is farewell performance as a feature act. Okay. This is literally the end of an era, can't even say he's. Arguably the greatest feature act of all time. He is the greatest feature, act of all time. Do we want to thank him all day, headliners in this country, for his dedicated service in the future position for all of these years. Ah he stayed there longer than he had it. Then he had to kind of like a blue chip prospect in college sports who leaves after his freshmen a sophomore year. Joe is like the TIM Duncan of feature accede, all four years. This is his farewell performance course he's got. Get even more dressed up than usual. Which usually the one thing that if I could critics I see Mr Way, he always out dresses me as a feature body.
He always pulse backs up the reins on his talent. You know because he chooses what's good for the show over what's good for joy roses. Ok, that's! Why he's the bees the greatest of all time? He did things in the future position. That have never been done before and die in the opening in the open. Sluggish on PAN one, my favorite new comics out there, it's gonna, be a great show. All of us have drinking problem, so will be at the bar after words please come by and say hello, but don't overstay you're welcome if you know of Saint right, come by little fuckin high five get a picture with Joey roses on its final performance and then move keep moving aright unless there's somebody there. That's gonna show us that it's ok. I think that that's reasonable. I think that's a nice little zone that we can exist. Can't we, then the combat zone Jacksonville Florida. Ok, I have never been here.
For if this is literally carved in the side of a fuckin barn right next to a czech caching, or it will not surprise me, I'm really looking forward to seeing what human beings look like like what with you, You're gonna say like Jacksonville Florida. You know got a cities you gotta, be cities, cease, you like, where would you put them? You know to me: it was like the the day I was taught to do. I was talking to somebody in we're talking about this guy who is dumb but wasn't mentally challenged. I basically said yet. He got the FBI Is basically that was my way saying that you know there's nothing wrong with them. He just got it out as the aid brain the bee brain, the sea, like a brain would be fucking, you know bill gates in those types of guys Einstein. Yet you get the crisis. A great new paper get the F bread. You know you failed. You failed life, there's nothing technically wrong with your brain
You know what it's like a car you like when they had the z twenty eight, but they also had like the rally sport would think of these six engine and no air conditioning you that the brain version of that I. So I'm going into is a city. I will do what I say Jacksonville and after I would say it. I was it's a d, it's a fucking d are right and you people a Jacksonville. If you fuckin a by this, come out to the show, and I will give you the floor, I will Have you a minute during my shell, to stand up like it's a town meeting, and I want you to defend your fuckin city and tell me why it deserves a better grade than a d.
All right. You can tell me why you better than tamper. You know at the end of the day to use that overly used expression, I'm gonna, be in all of these cities. So I'm not a bottom. You see that. That's me pretending, like I'm being humble and down to earth right now I can. I can I talk to you guys about that right now, not being humble or pretending to be humble can think fucking. The amount of happy shit. That's on the internet like on twitter that somebody comes up with something and everybody dives on it. You know like when people do that that that feeling, when those tweets you're gonna, be like why Would you think what you like thing? Ninety is fuckin person to do it in the last minute that that still fuckin cold
shaking my head, you know just a bunch of fuckin head and then I'll turn around and criticise movies and shit. You know or a guy like kid Rock. What's wrong. People are right. Oh fulla, shit, hypocritical, built, that's it. I'm done go fuck yourself have a great. We Another podcast was a little weight late today, but you're not today off stop act like you when you're cubicle, you don't shit to get you today right football season starts. Who do you like to see a cannon? This part? Guess I gotta tell you this. I have fuckin issue with the quarterback. My team are right. I saw something very disturbing. That started did not to start this season and it had nothing to do with the horrific pass protection that have seen in the preceding it has to do with the particular quarterback
on the cover of this magazine with a document pincher and the Dobermans growling. And he's also gone. I like the dog to add its just. This is not a good look. I remember there was a time of this particular individual said you know, I'm not into commercials and that I just wanna went championship and I'm looking to this guy with his perfect teen idle stubble. On the cover the magazine as if he said hey, I have a shoot on Tuesday they should. I stop shaving utter.
I'm hoping, if I do this, this will be like the reverse jinx, where this will actually make em when a Superbowl, the sheer ok, because we won that thing last year and fuckin choked it away and it still bugs me. We had that fuckin game, one where one we fuck and choked it away do actually accounts they choked awake. Is that takes away from the giants victory? I say this is what it is. We had the opportunity to win the game and choked they then had the opportunity when the game and did not they delivered. We did not write so on what the fuck we're on magazine covers. Four growlin with dogs for when we came in second, does it make sense to me I say back and they wanted to watch paid man. You know lose another fuckin play off came an extra. You know, he's drive
now the Fuckin street and pace of women at a camera. You know with the July Razor in his hand, I don't fuck him understand that really bill with twenty minutes. A fuckin advertising on your part. Cast you don't get it. You dumb counterpart in Almaty of Sea,.
Transcript generated on 2020-09-10.