« Monday Morning Podcast

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 3-11-21

2021-03-11 | 🔗

Bill rambles in a British accent about royal relocation, getting fitted for a suit, and Australia & New Zealand.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, what's goin on its bill burn it's time for the Thursday afternoon, just before Friday Monday morning, podcasting just check it out you I'm just. Can it on you see now you work weeks going. How things in your life far are doing the honest with you. I used to just checking on you now. I just do these podcast cause, I'm bored, I am. I thought my eight rice, Roy and bore with. I can't stop speaking in a fuckin english acts and ever since I was going to sleep, my wife was watching that royal interview. God. She had hadn't, unlike fuckin, full blast. I really think Opera Winfrey is like the king of doing interviews about shit. That everybody already knew.
So when she did the Lance Armstrong thing like wait, a minute. You tell me those people who wrote bicycles up and down mounds for a month or on drugs. Why. rights, you're, saying. That's some of the richest why people on the earth that live in a castle in England, our ray. I know you need to get the information at the, but the look, a shock, You don't need to sell it I'll fuckin stupid got them. I mean how many examples do you need. What are you guys in the fuckin by grace got busted every fuckin? One of them got busted for fuckin bead on drugs anyway
Roy sends out a clear bright. How sudden is ginger can't comes up to me? He's like Roy I'm, a prince, I'm like war He's a yet I'm like Europe, prince Prince a war is like points of England. I'm like yeah he's a year. Am I wore. Mike right get away from me, you fuckin red, can't raw. I live in a castle My wall is like yeah live in a castle, unlike what kind of castle is like a castle castle. So I got me Nick is in a bunch, so go over there right, He opened the door. This summer, with a yak head on. Fucking, a maid. MIKE. What sad easing outlets me dad.
he's having a laugh. I was. I walk. I'm out of here. A look at me sit. the castle. I sell. I kicked out We walked down the hall Roy in all these old. Why Ladys had given me a look like there's something wrong with me. They like right, wise and she wearing a made uniform outside war. He's like pay him no mind pay, she's with me, she's with Bay wrought. man that sheep with me enough. So we walk into the jewelry Rome he's like right pick something out. There was a little Can't do it, I can't I can't keep going with this.
They are also needed to do when she grew up as if she watched a couple. Episodes of Dallas fuckin crazy. Those people act acted and they would just in Texas, didn't have a castle then a ranch that A white people behave when they have a ranch like what do you think's going to happen when they have a castle in a fleet of yachts,. Harry Harry was the rebel Roy. His brother was the one they loved. Oh, come head. Here. The colorless son. ain't gonna, be the next king right, Sir Harry. He's already Reddy's, already angry right socket. He walks up to me. Hello. I'm like, yellow I don't know why she has an english ex ante. I just can't stop here and that stupid exit.
port awaken. I said no, I'm not. it goes out. Sorry, am I right fuck off fuck off you go. I say why I live in a castle and I was like go on. so where a royal Loughborough Hall and apply the box. Thinking about often myself. I can't listen to another person play a cello anyway I found a lot but she said very reliable. Grew up in a toxic environment. I kind of related to a lot of that stuff, except I did in a duplex. Right so like these people are able. These are evil. Why people? Let's move to wear the open? Why?
the law in Santa Barbara Roy. Or I can see people who look like me doing: gardening for the people in Santa Barbara out is opera. This fuckin thing on. Full blast Oh, my god, I was fuckin. I was a kid. I can't remember the shit. I was said at one point. I actually got near to stop listening to the interview when she was dying, laugh and I will go in Spain. The woman there right going. I don't think that's a little unfair he's like war so it's unfair fat. He's right what about me, what worries me? He says unfair. What that worried me never heard it! Sorry, so I ve spent walking around fiddle
I woke up this morning. By do, I don't know- and I went downstairs might in the basement I don't know what happened Every day we had some sort of flying S down their house lies. Big, fuckers right. And they must have been down there for a little bit because they that hard to hit. You know me now, Kill intuitive time with the old slice. Why talk Shit, all time the euro. actually apologize to a spider that somebody fire flies. I killed. Like sorry man, you think your legs is getting out. I just took your whole fuckin food supply. But I'm leaving you. I'm leaving you cause, I think, there's one left and that's When you kill it and then you eat it. Ok. And then they did. The next part of the story is up to you. you got six fuckin legs, you got six ways to hop, skip But I have a gallop away. The fuck out of my house,
come and see you tomorrow you got it, he was. I Roy could show. Right sit in the seventeen crumpets. I was I walked says he says it's a crumpled I took out me hot source, I put it on their he's, a Roy. What you're doing. So imagine some flavour he's I could take you brought enough slave already. You know what a main no domain nudge nudge know. What I mean anyway,. Shit, so I woke up this morning, voodoo dude and I was like you know what I'm gonna do. I need to I gotta get rid of this. You know this covert weight that I've put not I got somethin this weekend, Sid Award Show Reich, I have to wear suit, so I got
White suit, that fits that's my let's make me torrents suit. Yeah. That's my touring suit. So that's like me when I'm just walking around weight, but then I get to other suits once the suit I get married in and the other one is the suit. That I got tailored when I was an acting shape, which is about a buck. Sixty eight, some like one. Seventy eight now ten pounds over capitalist stone. where the fuck is stone. Couple of pebbles. So I went in to try on the fucking. the actor in shape suit and do what I tell you. I was missing it by fuckin three and a half inches around the ways, and I was like war You gotta be fuckin kid me and then looked at the door and then I take out the wedding suit. Black suit. Unlike ok, that's good for an award show black suit white shirt. Black tie call right
important aspect, dude you or the set your wedding. There's no way. You're gonna could make it those like God, dammit. so I d go by soup, better go by suit, so I went down It's fucking allows, you know. Anytime. You gotta go about go by a nice suit. I don't give a shit. What's what shape Europe they gonna make. You feel like you're fucking Pounds, overweight, village, It looks good and shoulders. I see the pants, am I a kick? It knows fucking things and Oh let em out a little bit. I got why don't we go up to the next size? It is I'm gonna look is good. What the fuck is somebody going to notice the next size Last time you had a pair of thirty four jeans and then next day you know you came up with a pair of thirty. Six is that we just looked at you like. Did you go up a couple inches so anyway,
but it motivated me so now I'm gonna try to get back. I'm already doing the shit. Some I'm gonna try to get back down. I'm gonna get back. Right, so I gotta go to the grocery store today by some Moura, Canada, the route vegetables man, he's boodles, sorry, sorry right and he called it a boot. A bow. Make that's offensive fees. I write what that might never heard that word Oh you mean you never heard that word. When a castle we're going to, as a castle castle would do we in service. Oh that was a joke. I said I was. Roy, I'm gonna, go fox hunting may in thirty six dogs. I was, I don't, think, that's a little unfair. They walked out my unfair
never heard the word anyway. So I woke up this morning, bad weather, due to try to get myself. I was going to go on a hike. And honor. If you got kids, I don't give a fuck what time you get up there up. Now, you do step one piece of work, one creek and would Pisa what my lovely daughter comes up I got all the way down the stairs MIKE. I gotta get it. I did I'm a dead, some turning off the outside lights, right, Jesus, Christ. You think I'm right, I'm doing that shit, fuck, it shut off the lights and Right is I'm sleeping on my second sneaker. I hear her little innocent voice day. I look up like a body The tiger wake up mommy. Unlike no that's not a good idea. Don't do that she sighed,
can t you I'm sure you can you am. I buy we're gonna Hiker, because oak Kate, but can you make me pancakes right? We ve got little bitch Amazon should get to bed. Had God am I right ok, but Commandest as she goes thanks dad. Can I help like go. Get the steps to ok, did the whole thing that major some pancakes. So, I didn't know I haven't got so I wait myself this morning, one. Seventy eight point six and I was up to one eighty three. So you know that's a good, you're, not gonna down like five pounds here, but I'm kind of all out of my healthy foods. I gotta go by some today and I gotta get a cook and just Of that shit rhetoric, as that is the fuckin key
to lose away. Is you have to not only eat? Well, but you gotta. Have you feed your feet? You have your food prepared, because if you don't, Then the demons take over. Let's go get a sandwich. Ballade have somebody else, may take a key, oh yeah, Then immediately you just thinkin all that salty goodness that you can have no legal. I gotta take the edge off after that little pine ice cream. Cookies and cream vanilla being know what one remain so yeah, So I'm just gonna, I'm workin on that. I just this is just one of these deals like the way I'm eating. If there was a Jim in my life, I just get on. Elliptical right was
it's a cardio machine, never heard of it. What what's card Watts cardio? Don't you do a shot of virgin blood. Sorry little ginger Yeah become an off, but then I will go back to like bill if you just walk outside and start walking up hills? That's a free, cardio machine! You dumb fuck right just go! Do That's! So that's what I was planning on doing this money, both in quite work up, because I got my priorities straight. You know so anyway, gotta get another covert test. Today or freckles is gonna, be on the Grammy's on Sunday. If you can believe it can seeing a lick music right. And I'm gonna be a present or to say I have to have a suit. You got you got it. You gotta! Look right! You don't like. I almost didn't wear a suit.
critics choice awards for jobs. A thousand p Davidson's movie King Staten Island, and, thank God I did when I saw it I'd like I say when I saw Donald Sutherland and he was wearing a talks with the black tie. I was They raised right right there, You gotta, you gotta, be clear. She gotta, be classy soap Starve myself into Sunday not that I'm just I'm gonna go on hikes. Some go the other way right. It's gonna keep it. Healthy and keep Fuck it moving. So I dont know Papa, but not me Jack we trousers of my neck is. But I was eating. I see the new. be a gene tories Biagi. What are we supposed to call him? Was big smiles and it turned out the first Biggie Small was a white guy. Black people always say white people, assailant, Brenda, evidently It goes the other way, first Biggie Small was a white guy. You
You guys stall, the name for man that when innocent, why guy wrapping your music So I watched the whole I was watching that whole thing: man. It was just an amazing documentary. I was talking to oversee about it. On a year, anything better part guests and just like. that guy had like fifty years a wisdom by the time he was twenty, such a Brill. Brilliant mind man such a brilliant might, And then I thought like what he was up against. I thought they were they. Just I don't know, I don't know anything about Hiphop. They just come off. Like like idiots, idiot state. They act like twentysomething urals,. now that whole fuckin thing escalated.
Fuckin, a waste may one giant fuckin ways the talent on both sides. With that whole thing. but so many similarities in history I just kept thinking about Patrice. Unlike Jesus Christ, disguise was the same thing. Patrice was like a fuckin. Talking to a seven year old man when he was like twenty four twenty five, you don't but he still had that silliness to him, but like could really have a fucking deep conversation. I always wondered like what that was about when you meet people like that. Is it like. The brain they were born with Paul. Their experiments gotta be that it's gotta be their oars, their experience, our thinking. it's because you can meet somebody in the exact same experience. I said the exact same spirits in the fuckin, Dino, dogmas,
stump, whatever the fuck, an expression is but but even start when you so much like his whole crew. It was like he was the. He was the dad. It wasn't like it was like the leader he just came off like, like you know The old, a guy like twenty, he seem like it was twenty years beyond his whole crew of people helping them stay out of trouble and all that shit, Really really fascinating documentary and I started to watch another Philip Seymour have been movie kind of going down that rabbit or somethin mahogany who started the watch it and then my wife's cells watch it and she was just like. I wanna watch that with you know they are right, but we know that we never got around to it. Oh. Anyway, I gotta get a couple more shows this weekend. geared up today to day to day. I believe today, what are they?
days coming up. If you can believe it I am going to be doing a tor. Of New Zealand. In all of Australia. it's gonna be one show, You can't believe this doing it. From LOS Angeles. This is one of the great things that came out of the pandemic, I, rather than having to give as far as environment. Environmentally that's a word. Steadily jump on a jet. You know the sky do and all that shit. I can just do it from here. Which is really cool, but I gotta get ready for the show, but. As much as I would love, because New Zealand and Australia, but to the most beautiful, my most beautiful beaches. I've ever seen in my life were in Australia is it safe
like New Zealand, it's just like there's a reason why they should all those nerd movies down there may part- this cause, there's no sag and New Zealand, and then they have to pay the actors ever again. That's a different story, but the way that it looks is, You know what I want when we were New Zealand. What time the only time we went there, we went to some beach in the sand was like all black. There was a giant like mountain on one side, with the greenest. Foliage ever annually This right here looks like exactly how it looked. When the first boat load of evil white people showed up. I felt like an explorer like Christy. we're Columbus. That's how beautiful it was. And I was waiting for like ghetto indigenous people to come out from behind the bushes.
Looking at me like what you deal, and then I could be like right. I'm the guy is a barrier to fuck all this up. but anyway, so I'm gonna be Doin. A stand up show I can't even fuck and tell you how excited I am to do this and how fuckin hard I'm gonna go on this. Shell. Ok,. People live Ben. I did. I did that benefit show, same same place. I did this benefit show where they had the other screens at all that and I just got such its summit, the energy that you get even stand on the screen just seeing the people they sit in their apartments and they like make like an evening out of it. They make some food sit down. There's a lot of dates and stuff and I think what you are on a sort of alive proud. Obviously you get that amazing energy, but like
you kind of don't get the back store! You can get like the back story about whether this person, one better apartment,. Yet all the young couple they got their whole lives ahead of em. You just get it's like you, you're picking on all these little reality shows, and they have their names down the bottom you know We could talk to him and shit. It's. its oddly is distant says. It is the distance that it's really like an intimate thing and they just sort of keep changing the screens that three screens or any good time, there's like a hundred and fifty people there. No, but I'm really really excited about it and Al Del Benny. One of my favorite people in this business. I started with him way back in the day I met him on my second or third show ever definitely. My third show.
I did Kelly's in writing or North Redding Mass first time ever bombed. I did comedy stop, then I did open my kid stitches and then it did Jack. We had had a satellite open, my groom and this bar North Redding and I ate my balls and he was hosting. I met him and he used to have a sketch group called Alan. The monkeys with Bobby Kelly Dane cook him, and, this guy J. I forget his name, I forget his name, but he added a stop to a comedy but became like a real estate king pin, so he made a tool which is awesome anyway. So I've known him for thirty years and whenever I do Australia cause, he ended up meeting in Australia, woman in New York. Long story short he's over there now and does so. Whenever I do Australia, I try to you know,
I work with him. If he's not enough, he doesn't have the gigs so. That's, going to be the show, so I should have a ticket link and all of that stuff I thought I was going to have it today I don't see it in the reeds here, but I will probably posting that, My twitter and Instagram is so It's possible. A very excited, my apologies to people in New Zealand, Australia that I can't go there because you know I would love to get as much as that that that's fuckin. That run always beat the shit out of me because its that the time change in its just right as I get acclimated, rise. I get acclimated, unlike oh my god. This is great among their time. Can enjoy this beautiful country I can go to New Zealand, enjoy this blah blah blah right as I do that it's like. Ok, now you go it back.
I actually have I had it down to our would do it when I would fly to Australia. My move was, I, would Take the four p m flight and I sat there and I would with my wife would always be laugh and a big excited. And whenever I have like something really long in front of me like there are fourteen hour flight, I get in a really stupid mode. and they want Favorite things in the world is making my wife left right. So I just start making her laugh makes her feel good. I feel good then it out we have all these snacks and shit. We're just like fucking right, we're just gonna airport just bring all is fuckin. You know stupid shit right to eat. Eddie Fuckin potato chips, fuck it. Let's just eat like we're seventh grade right and then we will get like a meal. and then I watch two movies
And then by then it's like about one in the morning and then I fall asleep and by that point you like five hours in a flight, and then I fall asleep for like eight hours you wake up and it's like you know, we ve begun our initial descent. Into Australia, everybody At the same access on the spot, just and then you ll annually. While is amazing and you like. Ok, I feel good They got any you, lady herself, that you're on Australia time and then right around like one or two in the afternoon it just fuckin pitcher and then you go down hard, and you, wake up and you like fuck, it's like eight hundred and thirty at night, and you woke up like it's eight hundred and thirty in the morning, and then you just got to fight that I've done those gigs a few times a dime IRA and he is like the most interesting way of dealing with jet lag, He goes on. I just don't fight it. I just I just go to leap and I'll stay up all night, and I don't give a shit and I'll just in EAST Timor. The ok with like waking up having like
something to eat like his breakfast and then just lily, walking out going on stage. It's an amazing thing else, it's like, while it sort of the way to do it. I think I don't know I was trying to fight, but there's a alive a lot of memories of being in Europe in Australia, trying to stay awake. I remember the first time we went to Stockholm, Sweden. We stated burn hotel, Sort of some story: They are telling us about some American Rock singer where some hissing fit in there. through someone down like fuckin idiot but I remember clearly Sitting outside the burn hotel, they had a little plaza there were, you could eat and light Just trying to be out in the cold air and the sunlight trying stay awake me, my beautiful wife man. She looked so great on their trip. Remember that when I bought some I was and stuff. I still remember her face. We just sitting there.
we were just like cave staying up right, withstand of sixteen up stand up and we lasted about twenty minutes and out. Certainly I can't do that. She gets eyeless. Let's just go to sleep and have a black out. Curtains we went in there and oh my god, I have so many fucking memories are doing in Europe and we would just fuck and go to sleep wake up, and we like seven or eight pocket mighty, like fuck the guy. just give yourself a couple of days- will get acclimated and she was always better at it. then I was doing Man I'd leave. They got a cure. This shit, soon, pilato people take the vaccine, I miss doing all that stuff all right. Let me do some reads here right. in a castle, Oh my max omega cry: a freeze on an old bastard. I love this shit living chronic pain is the worst,
Those bad is living in a castle. it's more than a anymore. More it's more than a feeling of discomfort. It can affect your whole life. Many of my listeners probably have some time some type of pain that has Granted them from relaxing and sleeping them from exercising Jesus. this, like written for me here, perhaps spent on going for a few weeks. It now has an improved with any of the treatments they ve tried podcast host to provide an experience of recent paid. All my left show, but I've been using this shit and then workin out with bands, and now my shoulder feels great enter all MAX Health Roy, you're looking to get rid of nagging muscle in joint pain immediately, while providing long, lasting recovery by way of the english people get something done about english acts and its as bad as your american exit that you think is so fuckin, brilliant,
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health dot com and into the cold, be you are to get twenty percent off cry of freeze sidewise! Oh, am a ex health dot com enter the code, birth, twenty percent off. I don't know why This made me think of this, but I watch this video on Youtube. Appall Stanley. Sing a song. You know with kiss live, some fuckin, you no explosion goes off and his hair catches on fire. Starts off small and then just gets big, and then these roads run out trying to put it out and when I tell you he didn't flinch and just kept plan the song and he knew what was happening. There's no waited smell it There was fuckin amazing. First of all that Like the show goes on, you never stop, The family that man lives by a code and then Secondly, that he has such faith in his Fuckin Rodya is literally his fucking ahead is on fire.
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the leaving pick it up for you. If you don't love it, but you will helix is offering up to two hundred dollars off all mattress orders and to free pillows for our listeners at helix, sleep, dot, com, slash per hour. I that's the Thursday afternoon. Just before Friday, Monday morning, park has plunged. Please enjoy the little bit a music here, musical interlude. By the wonderful Andrew stimulus. And then we're going to have a bonus half our purpose. Of the Thursday afternoon just before Friday, Monday morning, podcast from a Thursday afternoon just before Friday morning, protests from four years ago. However, he does right. That's it right So what's the lesson. He find some Genji Kentna boss, who says where I live in a castle. I guess don't go in it. Gave you do go with it.
and you want to like it out just sort of decompress from all the horrible shit you saw in there. You wanna go to Santa Barbara. because that's where the open minded white people live, aright I'll talk to. You gave a great wicked I'll talk to you on Monday, hey, what's Goin on its gopher and it's the Monday morning, podcast for Monday, the eleventh twenty thirteen, how you doing how's your life work enough for you this week. yeah I heard of, Jesus, you know what I can't even tell you what happened. I can't tell it I have to say to you it's gotta,
for my? Oh if you're a lucky man good things happen to you, but you're a red can't this is the fuckin zoo you'll be out on the road and find out your roof collapsed and there won't be a thing you can do about it. If any sense, I don't care if it did you know most of some of the biggest hits never made any such right, DA sugar, Pooh Pooh Pooh Pooh Pooh Pooh, you are my: can the girl. So I was touring the MID West barnstorming, as they say, driving in some no Need Dodge Suv, that's what you get when you say hey. I wanted, a car from Madison Wisconsin today, try Michigan and I don't want to bring it back. Do you have a car for me and they say all why you know why
Don't even know Dodge made an suv, you know Dodge is like the automobile of Chrysler Automobiles were nice. I'd, like you know, miss all those cars I wouldn't be automobile moment. People had a mercury. What else, they discontinue Pontiac. What has happened on this she'll, be back down the chevalier, a Cadillac, that's fucking it for Lincoln go fuck yourself, either have a? U dont once again, another sign of the middle class shrinking. Oh by the way you know I just found out, you know cause. I don't pay attention to politics anymore, because I just feel like right. You know them There eventually just run it to the ground. We have to build a back up again. That's that's, basically, what's gonna happen I guess all la la fuckin liberal face there. He sign that thing. New year's Eve basically pay. soon. After now, they can just a rescue.
Jane you without a trial forever that's good day ago, I write their people. Everyone you all made fun of me because I know vote for the fuckin number one horse a number two horse. That's why there is no difference. It's the same! Fuckin horse oh shut up built our rights. This is what happened so what can drive and there's no name dodge driving. his dog, yes uv, I'm in Madison Wisconsin. An arm. I read you all. These are some shows. I loved The towns like that, by the way I can tell this unbelievably underrated. Cities that Frank Sinatra did not think about. You know what Tony Bennet any cruder for krona has done about a city. Then You can tell right away that you know right before you. Even land on the ground is gonna, be ridiculous. Traffic and everything's gonna cost twice as much
You know my kind of town Chicago ways. Eighty dollars for a hamburger Chicago with that ok lope, where Traffic blockade: why here right. I left my heart and San Francisco that fuckin wallet and then New York, you know what that is right much. I can. Losers was stencilled, go to ease and sweat pants. They can they fuckin they're they're, making it why can't wake up in a city rightness Edna shortly written in a fucking? U Gulf, that they cut the roof off of. Put their hands in the air they drive to fuck in Times square. Make it a video for their rockerbilt album. You know all Those places, I'm not saying you shouldn't, go there. You should definitely go there right And your isa window, those sketch of the fuck it is supposed to do, but I'm telling you sleep on Madison Wisconsin. Don't you dare
look down on Milwaukee, Wisconsin and I'd say right now. I've got another one for you. This is the Uppercut Grand Rapids Michigan yeah. Why you guys gonna vacation, you gonna Puerto Rico. You gonna Cocoa now we're gonna Grand Rapids Michigan wanting to get fuck it I'm gonna go get a waffle which, at the the Rilke Food CAFE. like a fuckin, suicidal plumber. This week at least the breakfast waffle, which, when I was in Grand Rapids, Michigan, alright, Michigan. I also forgot about that too down Detroit slowly. Coming back the outskirts of pretty scary, but I got tired. They have pockets. You know there's a gleam gentlemen, there was a gleam words spoken pre play off. I think I talked about that, Speech ever Marty shot in Homer,
I get his team out up to wanna, play Afghanistan and then that Fuckin football, whether we can see a breath Europe, they're. Looking at his breath in his breath, it says: Desert gentlemen: there is a clean. A gleam agleam has never been spoken in football ever. You know in fact, if you have a gleam. I think at this point that one of the reasons why you get cut from a football team, why you get what you get rid of. I thought he was doing all right on our special teams. There was a gleam. It was a gleam gentlemen and I didn't like it. I didn't see the killer instinct. He was still gleaming, His pockets isn't gonna make any sense, because my fuckin brain is all over the place deserve a hole in the roof of my house. I will get to that. Ok We'll get to that and you will sit in. You will wait kind, sir, so anyways I'm in Madison Wisconsin. You know nay Craig unease from that neck of the woods actually
you're right near there, so he was take me around town. What's all these great places to eat wanted some, the legendary breakfast place where those Greece response that somebody's running for president stops in it? You know, has two bites eggs, the sums up with some fuckin. Great wearing an apron, and then he leaves Actually stayed there at the hall breakfast and I'm not run for anything. You know. Gotta, so fat right now, you can't they ve. How smooth my stomach is my so a great now is so fuckin smooth. You wouldn't believe that I could set up in bed because you would say that poor bastard was born without at abstinence. Apps criminals. Does the fuckin word so anyway, we do the gig. We do the good guy what
because it I've known him was Thursday. Thirty five suddenly now Wednesday, we get Wednesday. We have a great fucking time after the gig. guy from the weary traveller in restless restaurant thousand to come by we go over there. Got the man you. What are they have on the menu? The hungarian goulash When was the last time you ever saw hungarian Fuckin goulash or the raging version hungarian goulash on on a menu. Well, if you do, then you lives one of these balkan towns that Frank, never song about. Like my mother, used to make hungarian goulash. I got it. I gotta try it. then I guess when my mother made it when my when she made it. She put noodles in it, but this was the. I guess that that the noodles came in. In L, a silent evidently meant, Hungarians were near the Italians and they would like what you got no part there. You know what
each step as I want you put some fuckin noddles in their dear There is a danger. so anyways! I had this this couple if you're in Madison Wisconsin go, Highball these fuckin restaurants go to the weary traveller in and try a cup or get yourself a ball. The hungarian goloshes for it's fuckin, tremendous. It's gonna, nice kick to it. You know visited a couple old friends. Europe with I saw them. And I had a great time and now you know great mix of peace. There. We talk conspiracy, theory, we talked about West Volga, Gettin, traded euro. we had an awesome, fuckin time server? These? great enough, A breathing in the winter air Look At the dirty snow, I'm feeling Good, I'm feeling like nothing can touch me. My life gonna be phenomenal. Aright.
Now. The next thing to happen on his trip is so fuckin, traumatic,. I don't really remember when it started. I believe I was coming out of that greasy diner, then I'm sure Joe Biden has eaten it and what The eggs are delicious. Click picture taken these out forces himself to puke. I'm a la taxpayers by so these drive around it anyways The lovely me a cosmic and she's in absolute tears. I we had just done down her office, did the floors. I swear to God. You look like a fuckin basketball corner, a very small best, the boy court. You know if you will I got a fucking squirrel. It would look like a full court. Basketball, Corky Are ripe, whatever I'm just saying it was fun, and beautiful we did, the walls they even pay the ceiling. It was
the one room in my old ass fuckin house that was immaculate all right. I just got them I've done listeners at the park. Yes realize I just got the roof, don't swarm psyched cake two things, you don't want you fuckin house, you dont want fire and you don't want water, nothing. Damage like that, it's just it's fuckin over south. She calls me a crying and says the fuckin ceiling collapsed in the office. In this way. Are pouring in an arm. I'm in the middle of fucking. Nowhere. Wisconsin housing between somewhere between Madison in Milwaukee, and I get this picture and I get this phone call and. I'm immediately frantic- and I was like has the water stopped because it rain. That night
because the water stopped unthinkable for referring to the fact that the roof, what the fuck happened, a zillion things, are going through my head. How and was the water pouring in because it happened when she was sleeping. Because now it stopped and then she package because now it started Again- ass ours and do you know she was talking about a pictures and shit and unlike now the floors the fuckin rested a house get. I wish it thought, tell her to push the fuckin couch got this stupid, he account. You known you not thinking you just try to get the first railway, fuckin fuck the couch, let the cow be a giant fuckin sponge But whenever I was in the middle of nowhere and now what ended up happening was wasn't the roof. I have across between my ceiling in the roof, and there were some You know my houses like ninety years old. There was some sort of part of it. Manage things. one of the joints failed it
up on the side of the house in the water came up and then one of the joints failed and then just started the pool it's Sunday, to the wood and then you know made the plaster and then a collapsed and die shooting you're, a collapse is occurring at the couch, was also fuckin, silken wet and the damage was done. And went all the way down to the bottom life Fuckin House and my some second disaster right now,. But I gotta say the insurance company did step up. I'd say realize that it wasn't a roofers vault and that was Plumbing issue, or whatever the final, what the fuck they said, they have laptop and I came over, you fuckin help the lovely NEO clean up put some fancy, but by then the fuckin damage was done. So at all What's gonna happen,
let me set right now, because the trying to tell me that the floor buckled, ah immediately pictured, all the floorboards just every one of them. Just fuckin lookin like hammer toes, but I think that the states in the middle of the room. I dont know what, but that one, is priceless. You know, what's the word that date from trees, they cut down on the twenties that working on old trees. When What was solid. Men were men and women didn't have a voice. You got that home depots shit, you know, I should make it much easier, no kind of wood ripe. So that's my big fear, said they're gonna take out that would replace with the other ship, so I've already put it I blush on that man, like listen insurance peoples.
That's the kind of wood that was there and that's the kind of what this can be put down. A five two fuckin scour the earth defined at five to go to Detroit Gaunt, what it was abandoned, fuckin, crack house, beautiful hundred year old fuckin houses and take the word out myself. I am, I don't wanna get into it I can hold my brother's coming to visit. You know he's visit me. Twenty times in my career in the first Fuckin Sixteen, I was sleeping on a full time. The last week I had a bed and a one bedroom apartment. I finally have a Fuckin house right I really feel like a success. He's gonna come in the fuckin fuckin. shokhin this week on stage that the hole in the ceiling it look like Just imagine if a grizzly bears like parachute didn't open. That's was the size of the Fucking Hall. and I don't know why the grizzly bear. I just remember seeing one fall out of a tree: the time when they shot it was up there. You know tranquilizer, God and Dutch
Gotta came down like a big ball of fur. That's what it looks like. Maybe maybe a blue Bear say I don't know get up the whole time. but this fuck announced the entire time I've been fixed in this fuckin thing and its open shit. You can't see plumbing electrical I don't even know what else to fuckin roof. Just shit. You can't see Finally, get another fund part should you can see the floors right should you can show off to people when they come over. finally get a run down and mother ages, like Billy Boy, Sounds there? That's! What's this They saw a fuckin all when you see when are you like that. I dare not you watch the more you what's. The boy is low, fuckin glass of water, At a lower down your basement right there, Cunt, how do you like that shop.
I've been absolutely gas. I you know Just some: it's not a typical story. Typical story may and tries to do. Something takes two steps forward, get kicked in the ball. And false three steps backwards, typical restoring evidently there's gonna be some company in this at some point, but I realise its tragedy plus time, I'm still in the middle of the fuckin tragedy. Or you know what else is great cause the walls so all does its best to send. You know like one said, sir, now the people who gonna take the placid out there like, but when I try to do that, we don't have the proper filtration adjustable viable option now they're out right there, looking The ship downstairs ago. We got a test for lead paint. It's like it was made the twenties. You know it has lead paint previous fourteen coats of it under fuckin. Thirty. Six, though, painted on top of that. So. guys I just get up. I swear to God. I swear to God.
First, I hate to say this. The first time ever was in my garage today And I just and I actually quietly said to myself. I hate this house Jesus Christ, you guys say that about your kids does that I haven't every time you try to make it kid a better fucking citizen. Every time you think you fuckin turned around the stupid What comes home yet got your fight at school with a car with twelve package adopted in just like. I just wish to add that one just But the other one or maybe skip this one. I don't know anyway. This is the money money park. Yes, everybody, die, but you know something I am I'll, say some pausing, a second let's get into the advertised. I gotta help something for good buddy. My will servants who is nice enough to be part of that
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creepy is thanks. I've ever seen in my life, and I was like ok, I'm sitting Ukraine about some wet floors and walls. Was I swallowed up by the earth you know so I guess it. That's my positive way of looking at it by them, bringing that hurt image into your head. The fuck is wrong with me. There are much one thousand Grand Rapids Michigan. I had a waffle which I did say that right whatsoever, for which you ask a sandwich made out of a waffle with scrambled eggs and bacon in churches in the middle of it. I still think I'm paying for it, but you know something it was delicious. I gotta tell you, I didn't joy that waffle, which. You know, I'm not gonna fuck around with their right to emails here, because this is something has been bugging me said emails, red is dead. Billy We need to choose they said that bite thousands sixty all redheads might be gone out.
The Greeks believed redheads turned to vampires after they died. Thanks and good luck, aright The key word, and that is they say I guess it words. They say that bite. honey, sixties by twenty. Sixty all redheads might be gone. Do you realize how fuckin dumb you have to pay to believe that. All right. It's gonna be gone by two. Sixty that's literally forty, seven years from now by twenty and twenty sixty. I'm gonna turn ninety two, I'm an old right now, I'm forty five years old this year by twenty sixty be ninety two years all, but that's that's possible, made Keeping waffle witches and ever my house collapse on me, I imagine that's gonna, take it all right
You fuckin morons out there who here that in a bar a raid on the internet- and you just keep repeating it without you- thinking of what's coming out of your mouth. how many little red headed boys and girls, if you see, go to them all fuck it to three years old. You're telling me there are gonna be dead before they are fifty you dumb Fox the sulphur. Get dump some ass all said it was a recess of gene and by the time he went around the bar, we were all gonna be dead in twenty minutes, and people are so fuckin dumb and they just repeat What they hear that they come out you when they say dumb shit like that. Do you realize how many people have said that to me. I made at least this guy was smart enough to at least put it to twenty twenty sixty. I mean look if we're all gonna, be God we're fuckin taken. You come with us because unless you guys just like it, Ex Hitler comes along
and you just really hate spoken, redheads IE, but even then gonna, be one of those Schindler, less guys, who's. Gonna make a list of those fuckin redheads and we're going to survive. Right, you know, will have a museum of tolerance for fuckin redheads. and then the history channel will slow. We stopped showing Holocaust stuff in trying to balance out, show some redhead genocide. Europe And then I'll be sums, so my Stephen now ready Red Burgo makes some fuckin movie and get a bunch of awards and then the Howard Stern of then will make the analogy like I tell you how to do. If you want to make a point of fuckin when award It makes some stats movie the Roma genocide. Let me tell you fuckin blonde. These Brownies you black, is all you fuckers Lackeys that in some good talking about air,
Oh Jesus are right. We are to stay on don't ever asked him out an estimate, the fuckin heart of a redhead. Ok, as white hairs red. That's that compassion is not the devil, because we're better than you select few you know you guys, aren't you fuckin blondes brunettes? Are you Can't you got you guys are just like the fuckin for tourists. you got on the highway? There's a fuckin Julian avi. We once in a while. You see a test de Rossa. A nice freckled one as ever, Does anybody have event had a fuckin swagger about being a redhead aright one Laszlo advertised when here really quickly legal, some dotcom everybody, its national start, your business month, illegal zoom, dot, com, au gang, when talking about this. For more than a month
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Protect your family and safeguard your assets. It legalism dot com today, our right back to the podcast here Yes, so for the love of God, can you people Stop it just think. You know, are you know what redheads Eddie read it out there listening just saving them just go like. Do you realize how fuckin stupid you are right now I would have who gives a fuck. I don't give a shit, that's not my goddamn cause, you know what I can guarantee this right now, I'm still gonna be around twenty sixty and I'll be up. Their climate, that fuckin rope- and at the last bit a lead paint in asbestos out of my house, candlestick. and then you guys we're both technically not ready workers are you, fucking, fell out mission of the study had his is white. Then am I do me a favor? there is no fuckin grab my chest.
Watch my little freckled heart not feel over What do you know what you guys? Do you You can laugh because then you call your account a bill. Ok, I want a boyfriend here, we go, oh here we go bill. I want a boyfriend I know you're, probably probably just read the subjects and all will drop your panties bitch now I would never do that. Does if you said you wanted to get laid. Ah, so anyway, she says: that's not quite the case I'm a guy turn the left turn. I really need to read this. All right he's only a freshman obstinacy hours ago. I do not know how to get a boyfriend. This point have to sit comes of our based on gay guys at this point. Our day was that was Fuckin statement is dumb is already heads, are gonna be dead by twenty sixty I don't care. I got a whole, my fuckin house,
some guy, I'm a freshman in high school, and I, like guys, I consider myself. I consider myself average pretty good. Sports. decent with the Ladys he said I'm still in the closet ok, guys, fuckin sleigh it used. I spoke in slight, you know if you wanted to do you wanted to tell you. You know what it is because you gotta know out on what the fuck is this Give a fuck about clothes, the way they do what you want to watch the same shit. That's the thing: Ok guys, you guys want to do the same shit. Women want to do so. Hence you around them and next thing you know you Dixon em off. If I could just keep If I could just kept my fucking mouth shut, you know And dirty dancing, a ghost and all those things I would have done much better when I was a younger man, but would have this isn't about me about you much plough ahead because I got a public school. And there are many gaze- not not as large enough
I dont want some fabulous guy, just another normal guy like make. I like that you don't want to be like sitcom gay. How can I run gone all my love that Are there any guys like that at this point, Anyways, what advice could you give someone in my position? Maybe they girlfriend as an opinion tax bill. I love the podcasting, go fuck yourself. You know what I might even call me in for this one hang on it How can we put this pocket thing on pause. All right, the lovely me everybody can use closed the door by the way is a fucking. just a goddamn fan trying to- I hope the walls come. We are have one microphone. It is all over the place, so I don't even know where the hell, the other microphones Here's the deal,
I think we're singing back up for somebody right now. This dude wants a boyfriend he's a freshman in high school he's, gonna closets, laying it with the Ladys. He doesn't want. Some fabulous guy just wants another normal guy. Like himself I said what advice? Could you give someone in his position? Maybe lovely girlfriend, has an opinion thanks bill loved the plot. Yes I'll go fuck yourself, so here, the closet. But you wanna meet a guy Jesus rice. What did I just say? What did you just now, but I'm shrines alike, taken the situation. I mean it. first of all I feel like I have you been drinking, you have wine on your breath, yeah I was doing and Japan in the other room. It's four o clock in the afternoon, I think I mean I think you should maybe not a steadily come out of the closet to everyone, but you have to sort of go where the gay his girl and I mean just bars and sad, but there are certainly restaurants in like areas that are you now.
Believe me like a powerpoint power. Like presentation and like you have to do, go whether gaze go you shit is written down on. The fourth thing is, I think it's a little bit problematic. They used on the closet. You are free to come out whenever you want. Do you shouldn't have my shirt. I now that I'm out, but I'm saying when you're, when you're out of the closet, it makes it easier for you to meet other people and get into a whole little groove in you meet people, and they invite you places here there and everywhere, and that are you start to meet people who get up here. I don't know why I now now you can't win your stolen. The closet, there's gonna, be that secretive, NASA massive sneaking around and hiding and ducking and corners you sergeant situations. Are you don't want a ban as the closet gave her son, because I feel like any. A person whose live their life in the closet, trying to date eagerly ones how you know. What's how you that It could lead to nothing situations. So I
like you, should probably come out and away, or at least to start hang out with other gay people, one of the sort that orchestra start playing when your answer goes ever you want me I'm here to answer questions. I went to answer the way I answer them I'll meet you to tell me when I don't need any way. Tell me how to add room snaps lapse, vast and asked me to come in here. If you're, just like a micro, manage how I answer the question, what is wrong with you? You know you're an angry drunk not through a glass of champagne, you turn into an asshole, I'm not! I don't think you should come out. not as a freshman for fuck shakes people with such assholes. You know what I mean. I think you should just. I think you should go find some other knowledge is a freshman high school all in high school. You now fuckin just write it out the mother gave kids hang out with Play baseball! Thea the Gay Baseball park, and when you that one should become a watch you don't you need to do you gotta legal fucking, town behind
move towards city. Does your escort not graduate shitty. Let me finish my ignored. You don't have to sit in the lap of the gay part of town we're not gonna by almost as because a lot of high school, but I have added a lush up a lot of more progressive high schools. I have like analogy BT. You know club or something like that this. He always he doesn't have that only we fuck enjoyment he he's gonna wise go like I went to high school, you know get back. I do It's a fucking meet at school. Let's go out to those morons. I can understand why go to two fuckin payment, wait thing as he knows who he is, and he knows the direction is going. You gonna be fine, I would say trying stand shape because you are trying to appeal to a bunch of guys we're off Ok! Now you know, I just don't want him to start.
Broad swollen around on line getting sucked into some see these situation enjoys were older, guys, we're gonna, take advantage of himself because he's young in the closet and he's very you know he doesn't quite know what to do. I am worried that he's gonna get sucked into that type. A shed as opposed to trying to find peers were you're all sort of going through it together. That's why I was encouraging to come. the clause in order to release maybe sort affiliating if you're, if your high school has one of those algae, BT, clubs or whatever You know that way. You can, you feel less amounts of your less likely to, like I say, go online and get sucked into some weird head shrimp: sexual abuse legislation. Do you go there's nothing like an older now that an older predator will love more than a young confuse. I'm still on the clause. Wait a minute now, so you say an older gay guys, a predator saying there are older people who wool prey on a young.
young or listened fifty euro guys will try and bang an eighteen year old check. So why would my Lackland somebody same we're all piece of shit, we're gonna hatred? Are you spilling I'm just saying I want to bring the world together if he is in a very precarious situation, and if you start going down that road, we are just a sneaking around so much. You can get caught up in some bad shit and I don't want some older guys at all. How did he get out alone by working, chicks, kissing killing, like is hidden from all sides of the plate thing to me, so are you by now? he's still in the closet bodies, killing it with the Ladys. Were you Despite that around half a dozen confirm it just gonna be another chapter in the book. I think you're gonna be fine, sir. The neither is black ass is on its way. Everyone on Twitter. I know you guys been asked me for weeks. What's going out, the Pike ass what's happening is I'm also Ribeiro you fighting with your record label. What's going on advisers project keeping the late? Now, I'm rebuilding my website right now and it's got my films. I've got some writing. That's your podcast romas underwater, my
a classroom is under water. My sanctuary is destroyed, but that's why taken so also bear with me. You guys, but you should do. You should do podcast underwater fluttered room. Just The Congo was yet a busted. Joy still went the studio way. All right all right, I love us and we would just fucking around, and I think that the great thing is that you already know who you are So you're gonna end up where you gonna be, Then I just really is an easy for for anybody, but I will tell you this although all the fuckin bullshit she said she's right about, those creepy. Ok, guys was afraid I'm confused young man out there. You know you better than that are You got some standard, no I just hear beat it appeals are. Writing ploughing ahead? What are we, A dilemma, bill? Would you rather be permanently invisible
the condition that inanimate objects you ve touched on become invisible Jake. This crisis? or would you want to be able to shape shifted to anyone or anything in the world. You have to stay that way for twenty four hours. Without doubt, shape shift I mean how lonely would it be if I was invisible and everything I touch became invisible We want to do that. What I want to do it that I bring down these fuckin international bankers. If I was invisible. the economic inanimate should invisible. I swear I do. I touch a bunch of guns given to the regular people have go down to one of those fuckin devils. Its meetings, and I won't do it my basic shifter The real question is: who would you shaped shifted to treatment commentators game bread out the back. You know where the gates
good noticed. I have. I have some of those gloves that he, as you know that I'm an adult I gloves now, though, damn arena used to self. I don't know long, its wintertime coats and sometimes a whereas shoot you no kind of coach, I could stand it. Fuck your moves on What would I sound like. good. I shape shipment to Fucking, weird one You know what I couldn't handle that power presented. If you could shake shift, all you'd have to do. who is shaped, shift entered any girl you ever wanted to flock who ever she's fucking you just shape shift into that person. You just can't walk to the door. It always some flowers, oh my god, I'd, be the first person broad now, what kind of rape would that be
Shifting rapist. You know that they have to somehow I would they stop me from shape, shifting myself into the foreman of the jury to say, We the jury, fine, old, Billy Rape is red. Face not guilty on. All charges are Christ. Although being shaped shifter, would be great manual. freak. The fuckin world up. You have a grain of some like huge leader of the world was given a speech and you some I got mine and were also on tv jumping up and down like somebody who painted face except you look just like the guy given the speech. You know, That could be endless spoken fun. How would I handle shape, shifted, he says of conversations with a higher power with that one you know like when you drink,
he gets second like guys we're gonna. Do that again. Just let me get through this is what you gotta clean. I forget act. What do you say to God after you just shake shifted into your neighbor fucked, his wife? If you can find it in your item technically, you know, he doesn't know. he's. None the wiser and I note with rock and die. A blame, ale berries, I promise I will not sheep shift into anybody today. That's what you mean. I almost unless more things when you after I died, and God Give me that you going to Hell look now, I'm just can be elected I could shape shift the right path to peace on earth can even handle becoming a bouncer without being a douche. I could shaped shift wooden.
I was gonna, try to fuckin Ronald Mcdonald and push some killers swing. I. there were some parties that lived my block and die some other guys got to him before I did, and I should have been man enough to accept that. But you know I had this get out of jail free card. So I Shaped shifted at work when they were raw, by on business. we're just come off surprise all day early. Then I fucked up, left and then I. let her deal with the weirdness the next day when her husband came home. When he came home a day later, our home, our area. What I mean your home, where were you. You said you just in the bedroom and then he's like what what the fuck's gonna Jesus Christ Something I thought they had made every porno that you could make.
Is that a whole new shape shift important shape. Shifting Discovered right here on the Monday morning, podcast. what the fuck out of my that's all you I had this week, that's all again for fuck's sake. You know what. The innocent unity was any watch any fuckin hockey this week I watch I didn't even get to enjoy the fuckin blast in ruins, winning threaten Nuthin John. Orton beat the shit out of that Fuckin Rinaldo guy. What and how his name is. I must all of that. So that, because I was, I was on the road again to boot, blew it was it. two. I did the forestry church for last out in the Grand Rapids Michigan. And what was phenomenal about that was. I got to perform in a church. I get to go up and the pulpit given.
the speech I had a great time you don't! This amazing reminded me of Old Tiger Stadium. Because all tiger stadiums, when the few stadiums it also the only state immediately than an upper deck that when all we arrived in this charge, had an upper deck that went All the way around the church from one side of the altar all the way to the other and then the altar was up there and You like, I was in an old ballpark. Let me see here, ok, ok, here we go. Ah, during our trading objects like and fill out, the rest is podcast. I'm looking for raw. I'm looking for emails. This isn't, This is going to be doing on alive Parker. Somebody tell me you think bottom is good could he do this in six cents in us? Dixon, Stiletto right.
I'll show you? Yes, surely it kills it? I still think. I still think bottoms better than she'll ye come on you now. Was John Bonham was it was sort of a fashion these these two, where those silly little boots all the time he could still fuckin, he could still kill it. what does what everybody always trying to fuckin while I guess he's the benchmark right although she leaves the ship Are you guys on an email, I'm gonna start randomly reading these right now, hey Bill, I'm an ad avid fan of your podcast, as I Since you at every Monday, with my chemistry, Tudor who was a fan of yours as well: oh Jesus? You guys are get anything done. Are you The question asked: forgive me if I give you a history lesson, but this is something I want to get off my chest holy fuck. Is this along come on people? Try? to get things off, your chest How bad I read,
let's give the shutting out the first? How do I make a larger? Are it's kind of for me but he was a man might understand and I'm not saying a woman, would understand better because she probably would never understand it all my problem, I am a loner and I have always I relate to that. Sir one hundred percent. We are on the same page. I never made. Any friends is a kid and I was abandoned by everyone. I knew if thou right now, you just went into a fuckin. Now you sound like your written. What is it hands? Christian Andersen? that guy a rota toy story? What the fuck is called there Christmas stores, Christmas Carol, something Christian Christian, Lightner came the ghost of Christmas past part two anyway, I don't know anything about my family members because their name besides your name and job title over the years, I start to hate everybody I came in to count check with every person I met, I'd be condescending towards, and I was
different towards everyone I met, A few years ago I had this girl try and become my friend, which is where the sense I keep to myself and nobody by. Me, but all of a sudden, this girl comes out to mean starts asking about who I am. I of course tell it. Fuck off Jesus Christ do go, that's all fuck up and cold and indifferent you not indifferent. You have a definite feeling towards our fuck off She wrote the same bus. I rode she tried to make conversation with me a lot, but still just telling you to fuck off, but not those exact words, all ok, all right? but I told her to go talk to someone who cares. do it. How old are you every time. I looked at her. She always smiled at me. The smile. What was the most amazing smile, I've ever seen in my life. If a smile was a super scare, you fuckin at a crush honor. If a smile was a superpower, be hers and I couldn't help but
it's a bit. Every time I saw a smile Jesus Christ do what's going on here. Do you to go. I got into every. Got everyone in the school coming up to. Up to me asking who I was a few years later, that she was asking everybody about me for two years, and nobody could tell us anything about me so now she has gotten the whole school interested me and find out who I am just like a fantasy order. This is really happening where, like a leather jacket right, a motorcycle. They never learned anything about me now that I'm in college, I am starting to see her everywhere you? Can you just fuck this girl? I take her out for a multi already come on. This is a critical part of your life, your young, this girl, you're still your drafted in the first round. You don't, wait. You walk. You wait too long We can find a mate The sudden, you know you're trying to find some fuckin once
lifetime. Six round pick, you know like a Tom Brady, not out there. It goes way anyway, when we actually meet its awkward just stares at me, uncomfortably than runs away I don't know why this happens to me whenever I think I see. was I dont know why this happens to me whenever I think I see here are actually wanted to hear it. Something wrong with me. Why am I going through this weird bouts of fight a flight mode? don't because you a fucking abandoned by everyone around you, which hurt with the kids. Are you trying to fuck a wall? You so far? You should fuckin talk to that girl. Just tell us say: listen, Understand I'm a psycho. Have anybody in my life? I don't do this, but when you smile at me, I almost fall out of my chair. Can't can't Kenya. And of the fact that I'm socially alive far behind my peers.
That? Would you like to go see a movie. Ok, every time you feel like sabotaging it just now I'll, do that's that's it. You're gonna have to undo like twenty years a shit it sounds like now. I don't know if you can do you can't do this. You know why week like those dumb doktor fail shows you know come on, you shall everybody collapse and then you go and like the guy was to be fixed. It's gonna take what do you know something you should definitely after this girls you fail and stuff like that. You should definitely do it and she sounds like she's. You know socially on come, the will to do so. You know you can help her. She can help you with multi guys you get a lot more outgoing Maxine, oh yeah yeah, you might, you might have something there and if not at the very least going through. experience with her will give you a couple:
Bad, so when the right one comes along, you'll know what to do all right there. You go good luck to you, sir. I what We have to hear our forty nine minutes. It's fuckin dragon, I'm sorry guys! This is why I never do podcast. When I fly. I stink. I never should do podcast when I fly come home and theirs I can hold. My ceiling is Abed, always one eight billion Ripped off there's a video or their coats taken a beach. I don't know, you know what I read them off I actually read about- and I forgot to read about- and I said that this should be taken a blow job day, this right, there's, why don't watch other comedians acts, because judges flies India had throughout the course of years and years and years. Then, all of a sudden somebody asked the question you give the answer. You think it's yours and it's not stay
upload your dad and come up with that. Somebody else came up with that. So I am not. I am not offended You ask me just read my junk mail What's going on right now, please explain to me how the fuck in Montreal Canadians are in first place. How do those countries stuck in this still good you just at this point? You just have to give it up to that franchise. They just a good fuck enfranchise, but you know something the Fuckin Pittsburgh penguins language, all of a sudden there come in on. You know it, but those motherfuckers those model. Workers, they always they'll like every time. They went from Mario Mute you, then they got Yarmouth, yard and a little bit of allow there. Then they get all rosy red lips and they get GINO. I also have spoken out. What's his face, that they just trade to the hurricanes, I can't think,
Spock a name and then you think like ok, that's it it's all right. How many fucking time they like that! can hockey version of the New York Yankees from the nineteen twenty two, the fifties where Ruth Character, dementia to mantle, that's what they're doing in hockey. Is my thing. As long as the Montreal Canadians continue to suffer in the curse Patrick walk. You know You know it's a curse. That's why Try to make friends with them again. Because they realized after they bore him out of the city that he two Fuckin Colorado and started when nominate like. We don't need him all. We do not react. Zimri blue blocking rules right. They give a fuck now They give a fuck. Now, all of a sudden there asked name here, you know what kind of work sorry, it's fuckin phenomenal. and every year that goes by more
an old Montreal canadian fence die and less of em know what it's like to win a cup, I gotta tell you: I've fallen in love. You know I love about Montreal, canadian friends. You know what they say to me. Now they bring gale of floor. That's how far in the past How far in the past everything great happening between them, when the broods are they gonna fuck it? shit when they beat us now in the regular sees you understand. They owned, gave a floor. Fuck You have more goal before even watch. My first fuckin hockey gave how old you people think I am the late seventies. How was it busy recovering from being hit by a car. I love to recover today From school, I do remember that happen on Wednesday and the guy said all right. You know what you did. You shouldn't go to school Thursday, Friday socket cycle. For once. I don't have to fix sick. I sat there.
and I was I watch cartoons right with little spoon. Spoke as the butler me run on the side of the head. I've done this. for in the pocket book the two fingers run. The Saudi had right. by down on your mother superior back teeth Thing that goes into now, that's right, where I got hit sword hurt to chew. The idea was a little spoon for two days and I could go to school. with the greatest things around me. The suggested Evan, I believe fuckin guy get none of it. Like I don't hit, I told fuck and drove right into the guy? I didn't look. I thought I looked is another guy saints taken a DJ dick spreading this had nothing to do with me had enough I do not think it's not my if somebody else's our idea. We last thing I want to read this can mercifully be the ended. This park has been
But this might interest you it's an article about divorce disguising illustrator tougher the whole. I am to three years and still no settlement and the guy's broke as result and has stopped producing work and hopes that the parasite- eggs will give in once. Does no cash flow? oh and the guy is prodigious prodigiously good as a painter, You know, I think I actually have faith in some of these divorce settlements that I think in the near future. There's gonna be way more way more light shines on these things, and. eventually it gets gonna. It's gonna come around Europe. Can there be a year? I don't get that shit we can just it's just too one sided with one personages live off the other person at
about all this shit, a zillion fourteen times have I you know that Oh shit, where raw, the woman our stating a new guy, but she won't let the guy moving, because her last guy made more money. So the two of them just sit? There live off the Falcon First guy, you know you have to get fucked up. Well, I do all right. You know what people I tried. I tried it. You know I did my best. I tried to do Porthos, I think that's it sank hole. what damage hockey small towns eating like a cunt yoga Stop doing that, guy's I've! Really let myself fucking! Now it's weird! look good with a short on, but with a shirt off it's not a. It's not a good thing. Like my chest,. Is thirty five, but my fuckin Fuck is this: is this can be another guy telling me that gets asbestos are right,
this. Only fifty five minutes as we people I apologize. I ll give you an update next week. You know what I owe you guys five minutes and you will get those five minutes next week. Ok
the progress for this week go fuck yourself, I'll talk to you next week.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-15.