« Monday Morning Podcast

Monday Morning Podcast 3-7-16

Bill rambles about blow, cake and the UFC.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, what's goin on his bill Bernstein for the Monday morning, podcast for Monday, my seventh two thousand six, what's Goin on a warrior housing We can't deal into the weekend. I can feel my foes our view: What are you doing that You forget some chick on blow. You did do blow? When you were with her- and I know you were there now, you do a bluff, Bush I can't believe that shit came back. You know a colleague has just done? You know, after all, people did what they did from my generation. You would think that the next generations would be like you know what I'm gonna stay away from that shit, works, one generation does it. My generation we will live.
While man, let's stay away from hey man like let's stay away from LSD and Heroin, cassettes like a bad trip, man and then we fucked with like coal, can crack crank, all that shit right, that ruined Oliver Fuckin lives generation, which is like a man fuck all. Stuff, let's fuck with crystal meth right now this next waivers like fuck Crystal Meth, yet kick in old school is: go back to the coke right. You have an entire generation of people that not only and fill effaces buddy? I evidently they like it. Where do you go from their sorry, I'm trying to update my my musical tastes. I've decided that, after four can forty years of listening to the same fuckin, ten bands yellow, Would you like? Thirty minutes, Jesus Christ. How many fucking times can ulitsa toward
ways like those euros people while walking in the search the circle in the jail at midnight Stress remember that when you walk and counterclockwise and then the dude is going to escape would get the drugs you know who's girlfriend, put it it is up against the glass he started, walking around the other way from that That's what I'm doing right now walked around the other way. Never my generation is just go. What are you listen to this shit for sale? me timescales day when I listen to that fuck in thirty years. I gotta go. I don't know I just see. I would like to listen to something new, so the lovely NEA was watching the all the performance from the Grammy's last night, so I just started downloading everything that I would see whether I liked it or not. Unlike I'm, just gonna, listen to the ship of scale.
When I try to put a new our stand up together, just like he announced this. Doesn't this isn't a good idea, but I'm gonna say it anyway, because I can't stay the other shit cassettes coming out. I just start throwing should against the wall so this morning I was listening to worm. I listen to a little bit of the weaken those out just like Michael Jackson. Right. I think it is Who else did I download that girl looks like empty M C, search by the fox, her name not enough choosing about a relationship and she was over it and she just look like she had this high tab fade. You know I also know what I like make I'll fuckin rocket, Do you really smart? You know like you, wouldn't fuck with I don't know she got it all going on. It's like it's a nerd. Is this a bully
Is this a wrapper or is she a witch but the bandits fucking great. So she- I don't. You know after all, that shit and prominent guessing the fuck. It is even if I figured out cause I'm gonna shit on people like that anyways kill arrest, though the fucking three pick ups enough, and green they went out. They crushed it right like she saw? What's your face there, the forget the due to get in the worst tattoos ever he's got them regaining and forget. Unlike Eleanor Quichua Johnson, chased up his front door. The fuckers, they Justin Bieber. I she watched so that I could sing he's fucking town did I just don't you should just just do that. Just let's stop filming yourself play basketball and whatever else it's do would mean Mugen, you're fucking GO proof, just sing a song for can go home. Why? Why would you do it actually
to take a in life when he threw the acoustic guitar down and they get you know when you fucking PETE tangents you're, not caky you got the interior, fuckin minors, the protecting your hearing? Ok, you're! Not you not, though we ve blown, but drumstick and part of the fucking drumstick goes right. Do you fucking Erika II, nobles get crush you ve got cancer, save work dollar that out, you know, see, and then I go right back to the grumpy old man. I'm just Trying to get the kitten copies for, could really tell tat you can actually really sick So anyway, the analysis in the other. Do there what the fuck's his name for the life of me. I don't understand why I can just download shit and then just find it and every fucking I'm. It goes back to the album thing I like when they just list the songs, but only to see that the picture of the apple.
Every time this happens, I forget how to do it all: ok, artist, songs, there we go out, and speaking of which on everybody was shining Bunch of each week want to do this Thursday, Thursday afternoons. Before Friday Monday morning pledges. You know when we go into the greatest assets of the Monday morning. Podcast is always a little musical interlude. I do not pick that music. That's Andrew them. And then he pulse the twitter site. The name of the music is so last week it was snarking puppy. Ok, that's who the fuck! It was posted every week, just fuckin. Look it up. Tat. The M M podcast There's some shit. I forget what I don't want. A twitter account is when we follow myself anyways, ploughing ahead so Friday night all freckles
took a night off from stand up right Friday. That's a big night to take a night off. That's like not shown up Thanksgiving. You know if you like, you know. So I went down to the will turn theatre. With the Andrew and I saw a mute math and they will fuckin unbelievable, cannot Sweden I can. I can I overstayed how great a fuckin show that was, and I wish him over the name of the open and ban to they were also great, but what just killed me was, I've never been to a show like that, like whatever that style of music is out of you know what the style of music is blood. Scotland from you know that yet. I have been listening to the thirty a stray one. She awoke in pause in cars. Are I listen to the same? Ninety songs for thirty five years in a row
never wanted to be their guy. So just one of those seen those bands just how they use guitar words more use for like mood we're when I was growing up like a guitar, was like the dick that got thrown on the table right, just slap, you write the face with it It was always the lead singer, and then you had the guitar God and then the fuck do plain rhythm guitar, who was not appreciated until at least Twenty five years into that bans career. You know. Like Malcolm Young, really didn't get his props until two like the mid nineties, I feel bread Woodford same fuckin thing. You know Ronnie would all of these guys just plain rather guitar hold now fuckin thing together right and they then I'll get shit for the longest fuckin type, but Jesus Christ, Newt math live man, fuck and unreal, so by the way they play in Portland Oregon tonight, that's Monday, depending on illicit is Tuesday there in Seattle than off for a week, and then they start back up again enrichment.
You get a chance to see them. You will not be disappointed and if you're an old fuck like me, they are a great ban to go see to try To bring you into the modern era you know, you listen into this. Come out. You can't tell me some easily bit younger than me haven't been listen that Fuckin pearl jam record ten yell they're all giving each other the high five, the big Bro picture we're all in this right You can't tell me that you haven't been listen there. How many times you jerk you twenty five years later. I mentioned Don't ever listened to it again, right! Look, you could do it. Fuck, you want, but I never wanted to be, that guy got J, J, music
then going into my house Babbitt Betty Betty about our noble bull right, going in there doing the fuckin Jitterbugs excessive deficit. Having said that, just back is playing the holly with bull, and I have to see that guy's, like seventy he's. Guy is opening up in there's no fuckin way. I'm gonna miss that guys when the great ideas, the guy. You know, I think from it. Oh fuck in areas other than Jimi Hendrix out that you did you gotta, give it the Jeff back right now, to my mind, I'm sure, there's some black eye out there that I'm forgetten enough who got stolen from as far as white dude, who list the black deeds and then reshaped it right. I think you gotta give it to them now My opinion, you know, gotta get fucked upset by So anyways, what I'm obsessed with right now is, like the drama, Daring Kay the guy's fuckin insane, and it was
why? Because you know You got to know those guys, so I got to go back stage and medium briefly and after the show, they were gone. Age learn anything watching a drummer, and I was just like now. And I heard the drop down those Like I didn't mean I hope I didn't come, offer insulting Wetsuit IKEA two fuckin far beyond anything that I don't watch. It was like watching like Keith. It was like Keith Moon play and dry. Base and then they have is sick. Ass, fuckin light show going on and I was just sitting it squinting. Watching just go unlike why? What did we do? no fucking clue. I did take one video, while they were playing because I like this As you know, the Iphone is and how great the video isn't everything I just fucking hate like being
it's something and then just near filming like I'm working for CBS Nightly NEWS or some shit. It's like I want to stand here and I want to take the same there's enough the current year. Film in this shit. I can work, This will be on the internet forever right so anyway, since his son clipping that they play. And down. I had no idea what he was doing and analyse go much. What does here that he literally has like two drumsticks agenda. Two drumsticks in his right hand, and he's planes This is gonna, be some drum geek shit seem. I wanna passed through. This he's put by far is like those basically planes, sixty no triplet dedicated to it that the treaty for right, but he's only these play in like he's doin it with two sticks in one and so the one on topics at the top of the higher the one underneath is it the bottom of the higher. So what
what is really just use plain. Like every other noted the tripled, like TAT, TAT, TAT, TAT, TAT, tat, tat tat, but he guessed what were these bring in that take up the one underneath heads it. So that's how we get the full sixty not right. Sorry, I'm always is really nourishing and then, with his left hand, his basically go Think me off be an immense, in the back be onto and for an dragon. I believe On a final note, the Tripoli and the one. That's, what he's doing nine all its drum nurtured, but our the video it's fuckin insane. Of course I went to the enough went down the studio the next day and I tried to do it for like ten minutes, occurring in whatever you learn, something you know with the first. Do it immediately try to play at the same
hamper is the drum God that you saw play in its always really fuckin frustrating. I think I said what the fuck like ten times and then I just dinner. Scroll through my ipod tat, would have my five found and I jus hey man. Just plain in this same should have complained to thirty five years. I don't want. My deal is Thank God. I buy new clothes. You know if you should be like They got, I buy new clothes, you know if you should be like you should be forced to weigh the closed. If you don't move ahead artistically your wardrobe should neither you should be what the fuck and where the same, I should be where an acid was genes with a fucking half shirt driving down the street my rusted out, eighty three Ford Ranger and they re like lesson. If you're not going to progress. With the ATA music, YO or whatever watch the same ten fuckin films had no idea how far behind I was so
look at me, Mass, like they haven't, been fuckin crushing for ten years actually went on the internet. I looked him up any like did Letterman two thousand five legal bills. We'll be on the cutting edge, so whatever I feel like. I took a major step forward. I want to thank everyone in the band for raw. Does come back and say hello, real, quick there, Paul Roy Todd. You guys will fuckin your crushed it. Thank you Andrew from far taken me down there and point now what what was going on so I can eat off. So the old I could figure it out, but I will definitely see those guys whenever ominous city that therein and are able to do what it was that could have a fuckin shone like a southern Portland than Seattle, and they get away. Often there are now Richmond so definitely check it. Up. Anyways ploughing ahead here. So that was my Friday. Our rights a comedian there's no way you take a Friday Saturday off unless
Did you ever see has a fortune paper view and God? Oh my god Holly home of fighting rights, all my car I gotta watch. I thought they were both title fights. I do realise that corners fight was not a title fight. I think most people didn't realize that most people like me, got drawn into it port when there's someone like his I go in and out of it you see like most should I go in and not a cooking. I go in and out of being a good comedian obvious. I made it up right, I'm a fucking Gemini amended with em into it. Don't fuck yourself. Remember that shit and I come back right separately. User catches held onto it. First, the little a little too. You know you can't always what you well What am I talking about anyway? So we have a two people over right, we'll go out, I go to the grocery store. I get a bunch of get some booze again I get some gabble, I guess organised by war. I guess
the cheese and all that shit I go on. I get a bunch ice cream. Sandwiches everybody's I'll, FUCK insulted up the directives and we sit down to watch the shit and done what a fuckin paper view. Man. You don't spoil it off the yet others say who want from me should take. Beat Holly home. You know need ds. Economy? Gregor was spoken. Unreal might the it anybody else host a? U S, fight party I'll fuck instead astride did you feel was unreal. I had like ten people screaming- oh my god, over and over again, like I don't know Superbowl flipping the bed out and screaming and yelling during that paper view that I've in any superbowl I don't know Superbowl party to bend to a wife,
it was unbelievable, but Jesus Christ once again. Why are we hate? What I wanna comedian is getting ready for. A special offers are a late night spot and they say that they trade like a fighter the Ets. Disrespectful to what the men and women, do who fight for a fuckin living in his did is the most bad ass. I'm trying to think like a more bad ass job than that other than you know, you're one of the grants on the front line in a war. In your fucking job. Is you just train yet training to beat the fuck out of somebody who's trading, the beat the fuck out of you when you, both professional, should do for a living, a whole crew, people shows up given. Fight after school, like ten people showed up, was fuckin nerve. Racking fly like skies. Could you a fucking arena short Let's just walk down there. Are they gonna stare down some fucking maniac
or the divine the ground bright and they just taken I can elbows and they had the presence of mind to look over at the clock like If more than another minute, thirty eight of four, arms. To my fuckin, forehead. I don't take it so unbelievable fight? I didn't realize that Conrad gone up to weigh classes like a set very like novice fan of this stuff, but Jesus Christ. Fucking idea, sit near this whole faces all bloody. And I got this: I've taken your worship God she cared not me up. It's just scarred tissue I've blood before I don't know, I don't know how to fuck. You do that Was bleeding so much it look like both of them. A bleeding to death. Does he once he got up against Macgregor what it was all over both of em
I don't know, I really don't have anything to say other than I was blown away by both fuck it fights. Doc?. Do you always hard, as it is to what I was? Was the watch car lose because a minute guys a fuckin superstar top? shit and then back in it up. There was you know what they do is choking to fuck it. Was. I was fuckin on real. I don't. I don't wanna bite the sport to talk about intelligently, but I will say this: I hate when someone like corner loses. And then everybody here you fucking pussy, say all that shit on the internet? You now go on twitter and start trash and the guy you know I want to two people right now, if you and those people are due to how do you? How do you like? How do you do something like that. Like looking self in America, when you gotta brushy that night inner, knowing you haven't, had a fight since, like the seventh grade get the fuck is wrong with you
You talk Doyle for shit. That's what made a grave cell in the fight. How great was that fuckin lies? You just now the economy choked our economy Gregor. How does it feel three grams of my goes? surprise motherfuckers, Are you guys, Botswana, flock and cool things? I've ever seen the fuck. Joe Gods, somebody's gotta Macgregor than stand them all. Fuckin bloody and just walk around flaccid, not even wiping the blood of napkins about how fucked up your faces, you don't give a fuck right whatever Christ, the second I got a little scratch. I would just like I want that
there was great to see Mr Michel went to, but I for I've eyes. As a fellow, fair skin person, I felt better folly home. You know Second, we start getting beat argues that the camps are faced. Just get so far can read and then are yellow eyebrows stand out. I just thought there was a lot of means should set about her. When it came to that. I just really relate, by the way what the fuck happened. It needs the side of his face. And his neck, those crashes. Other then act like some. We took like a fuckin we get some. You took a nice down the side of his face in his neck. Sidney upon added I've gotten scratch like tat every time somebody like exhale, just the wind of that made me, go into the fatal position, but anyway, Steel It's crazy, you see paper view was. It was just makes me so fuckin sad about what has happened a boxing. If they should.
Could somehow, if all The piece of shit you know promotional entity like that. You have see us right. Could you not? You know? You know that the other promotional entity like that. You have see us right. Could you not in a United Europe? if you're in Europe, If human, any level of show business, you know the promoters of fuckin over the axe. You know they are in an end in view of seeds, the fighters- you know, I know it's something I don't know anything about it, but I don't sell over there. They are getting thought and because there are complete monopoly, I'm sure they're fucking with their money, I'm sure the pressure to make people fight in that type of ship, which is why they try to break up monopolies. Having said that, it's fucking great for the fence because can stood I did. The fighters have no other options, it's just the best the best unlike last night, like I haven't, had their kind of excitement like watching. Like a boxing,
paper view like consistently the way you have seen consistently exciting like that, since I would say the middle way, division in the early eighties when you, Roberto Doran, Tommy Hearns marvellous Marvin Hackler in Sugar, Ray Leonard off fighting each other. They offer Each other they fought each other numerous fuckin times. It was incredible. I guess MIKE Tyson came along with. That was just more the spectacle of how quick was he just not these people out, I don't know. To see a paper view like tat and seeing that it took fuckin ten years for them, whether patchy our fight and then one of em shows up in his fuckin hurt, doesn't say anything you don't say anything and you still sixty boxes this brutal. So anyway, hats off that fact.
Paper view. Jesus Christ actually watch the Macgregor fight again, I'm fucking believable. I was just looking at the blood ogoni. Just gonna keep fucking punched him right now. I He punching a right, not fuck, and I like who did that to that guy with the Fuckin yellow hair bleached here fuckin what the fuck was. His knee GS p. I gave notice fuckin names you just kept punching to do in the eye over and over and over there was always. I thought, that's what my bread was going to keep punching need in that fuckin. I. Listen, I don't fuck! You sit there within that fucking Aren't you scratch me, I'm done I just keep saying the same thing over again. I was blown away blight, respect everybody you there ways. You know it's way too, as Macgregor still the champion at another.
I think I just assumed if you lost that sit right, you know champ anymore. We want the belt you're, always a champ ray. I don't get out of this. I don't know anything about this point. Let me let me get to the advertising that better. We saved me what the fuck is it Africa. There is there we go about up the Andes me Undine drying up you fuckin twice, but who do we Andy's beyond days is dry dont, say, is not realities What are you wearing a suit or sweats? You spend almost twenty four hours a day and yeah, but making a statement like Superman types under is everyday clothes. You, your underwear, is probably boring me It is here to change that they're gonna, give you exciting underwear entered. Using male pennies?
these include the following: its pronounced modal. How many times after mispronounced this before I get some decent copy, all right, it's all! written in lower case ammo age dash D, elf. It doesnt tell me which one to two fuckin stress it's either model or model. I was ignored. Zog at every turn me undies is made from sustainable sourced model motel affair. Briquettes, twice a softer cotton. Nothing He described the fit and feel of me on these when they get up against your balls. A smile just comes across your face, like the Grinch on Christmas but once you try, I'm on you gotta understand well called why they are called the world's most comfortable underwear Who calls on that? Why me undies does then I call
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Lastly, on I got to Morrow, I shall take a break Jesus Christ. We get three more We gotta get over the happier write em. Empty watches movement watches was started by Michael Victor. I got tangled you're their minds. We said then, that New Tina, Fame movie whisky tank, Foxtrot is that that is not the worst advertise movie you ve ever fuck unseen. It just is whisky. Tangle foxtrot stay with a squint and under the sun, holding a notepad and there's something on fire behind. That's it. That's all I get. You know you can. Hooker up with a little socket district description, Maybe I'm old, maybe maybe that's that's the way the kids like if they dont want. They know what we're theirs, as was the colors slug line or some shit.
She's right next to another pocket. Billboard and there's like a like three Japan, so can do told him. Shoguns warriors swords, and I know what that's about. I know roughly where it takes place. You can just go into the sun, home and notepad. You know it's like is she in Arizona. These are our view on fire in the Grand Canyon. Is she in I rack? Maybe that's what these positive like us, both pick my interest and I'm supposed to go on the internet. But if you're someone like me who does not look up shit, you know or starts, if something up and sees a picture of something else, then click on that two hours later goes wait a minute, wasn't I gotta look something up and you can't fucker remember what it was about to say he's earned. For. I think she aren't. You know a little more respect them that right. Dogs. She hasn't made fuckin millions in box office. Can you fuckin help her out with maybe half a sentence?
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Oh fuck and Joey roses, one by the house, we had a couple: a cat tails. Right and then he went all over it. The hipster that he is overdue. Hipster neighbourhood me enough. This fuckin is jigsaw on. One of the kids were wearing nowadays and Are you in time? I snore is one I've slackened booze, so I was gonna. Do that to the lovely near so I crashed upstairs and down I've thundered enlightening at night and what's fuckin Polaris about living out here, slashed a fine Is it never rains? when you hear thunder, you automatically think it's a fucking earthquake, but you better moving. So you gonna like awaited me, am I have never heard an earthquake that I couldn't feel You gonna, like do the math when you half asleep go and they sat like an earthquake
In the valley- and I can't fucking ear- I can hear it, but I can't feel about that. Doesn't make any sense and then you fine figure, my god, it's thundering holy shit. It's fuckin raining out. What does that infringe? You put your play. I can't fucking remit socket that shit. It needs It is snowing anyway, so starch fuckin raining ed, tremendous, its range of budgets and l menial year, thank Christ but what else always a depressing thing in the back of my head is is green and his luscious, the hills look right now This is like basically, the only rain we're gonna get for the next three years and I know We can't out here is taken long showers now go on aid for can droughts over you know. I just hope I open fuckin rank keeps raining as much.
They possibly Falcon cans or they can, or these on a massive goddamned plague area. One of the other sums gotta give right. Its depressing. Is it all right? Let's get into work where's maintain nothing. So yesterday I just drive around hanging out with my wife, and now they get a bunch of open houses area. So I can't fucker. Let's go look at some houses gets him. These four, our old ass kitchen. She will real kitchen looks like ripe and I gotta tell you, haven't, bought this house and through all this shit that I've gone through look at houses entirely different immediately. Looking at the windows, of the old ass original windows and I immediately wanna go downstairs if there's across space anything I want to go down there smell and for water and began We do that a lot out here, because then it doesnt rain enough, but I immediately look underneath the Fuckin house. I look right up. It's fuckin skirt, like the home Harvard I am,
and I'm immediately looking for, I would see away what does the electrical work? Look. Look like you know. The galvanised piper kind of shit hole. You know, look in House office put together, does it look like in an apartment are not and dumb. They are all the sexy should goes away like we have pool, and I'm just looking at it going like adds locate. It looks like a p. The shit to me. That looks like you need to redo the whole floor. That fucking thing answer dump out all the fuckin water, and evidently you can't fool. You pull up of water anymore out here you have to fly the Fuckin Waterin, so fuck that pool I may get an how shit You know it is a classic they're saying it's a two car garage, but it is if you dry, if you drive to model t forwards, if you have any sort of modern car, you not can be able to get the organ get to win their, but nobody can get out of the cars I was just a negative: now we can actually realized at my house is as bad as I thought. It was now that I'm fucking dumped everything,
condign that I haven't you dont, maybe, good I'll, just walking the kitchen like there's no proof space here. All this discussion, I don't see any place where I could fuckin slicing english muffin. You know what fuck this kitchen fuck, the poor, thought the kitchen. In fact, this galvanise pipe of this hour, while rugs rugs in every room here take issues are wiser workers. The floors haven't been refinished fucking. Eighty years like these floors, let's go upstairs, Greg. I see this used to be an attic yeah. You call that an office yeah yeah I, like you, shown during the winter time, because I know what happens in the summer time. It's fuckin heats up here. Right could grow fuck. God, damn push bushel of fuckin marijuana up here. We fuck three hours fuck this office. Do you want to sign up for our mailing list? Now I dont projection. One piece of shit houses. That said, I walked. I was done of course IP.
My wife is already wishes, just shut off the fucking up. I actually upset my wasted, because you know she's, like nor do I think we did you have do what you have to go in the house and be route to the real estate people Like those people, because it They don't courage, you to sell your house. You know air quote for a fuckin, off it. Then you can buy back into the same market in an area just made anyhow, she gonna buy. You gonna spend again just to get the same. Fuckin house actually said. To the guy. I think that this will be my wife met. Young people making money out here. You and the banks and the guys like little. That's not necessarily true. Do the math tell me how that works? Can we get your the mailing list alright. Let's leave some fuckin questions here: here for the goddamn, weak Jesse.
Can you say more sometime? What is what does casket tell I'm just never gonna get. You know what I'd there's no reason for me to speak it. Alright, let's play had here. Alright, the march Podcast fucking, brilliant podcast yesterday March match third, two thousand sixteen. Thank you. One of the, breast and I've heard hundreds of podcast nobody droughts in their own farm, it any more great brain dude. Thank you. Greg and hamburger. Let me know if you're coming over well, that's not a fucking questioned. I have written compliment these questions that it will take. If I'm gonna be Doin Germany, hopefully towards the end of the year, are definitely getting over there a guy who invented the invented. Email died
He said Uncle Prodi died, conquer, Freddy hey Bill, I'm sending you and email about the guy who invented email dying today. This is my way of honouring what he did. I imagine he'll get very little press because Nancy just say no Reagan died. This weekend to here is an article from an isn't search for an article about him, internet hall of Fame or re Tomlinson has died. Thomson was the man who basically invented email. As we know it today, including making the choice to use the ad sign in Address he was set, me, four years old Tomlinson, I think I said his name on the first time, Tomlinson invented email, stay where a user on one network could send a message to someone on the another network in eighteen, seventy one all they left, some of it out of there. Thomas invented, a network the way I see it. Tomlinson
almost and, however, I feel agreed at Tomlinson invented email. System, where user on one network could send a message to someone on another network. While the government, tyres and hackers could all read your price information. This was vented in nineteen. Seventy one Tomlinson at any idea what people are gonna do with his invention, woody of made it, invented it answer is, of course, he would have how What's he gonna get some pussy aright This was his slug like egg. Can you meet me? Fuckin friend Tom, once unaware. I don't want to meet him. Where did email- oh my god, Could I put your p b That's actually really interesting, theirs in a hollow famers. Now I have
get up using the internet Hall of Fame Jesus Christ, Missy images to see what the fuck these people look like Internet Hall of Fame. Here we go come on You know Hall of Fame Homepage holy shit. Two thousand fourteen hall of Fame and dug these- I didn't know this. This is fucking also. You don't know all of fame We see internet piracy will. Let me see the list. Induct ease. Here we go here. There is a list of who, who is it. Are you some of the pioneers look at these fuckin against Jesus Christ, while. Wow. Oh my god. I would, if I could do a fuckin screen shot of this. I gotta put the link up here. My god
is it about being super smart, interesting, I get it. We would. It gets one gift, these peoples is a rough one. You know there's a lot. Fuckin, lonely prom night on this page Douglas Angle, And he's is good. Looking is I've forgotten, namely those like a swede, all man, let's see what this guy doggie Jesus Christ said the old man face in nineteen sixty three Don't angle barred sounded the augmentation research centre, lab sorry ass. How do you tell a woman that that's your dream and she's, not glaze over trade when that, while it fuck it actually feel my things went out with you. I said I want to start the augmentation research centre lab where you're going where he pioneered assistance for augmenting human intellect
its workers sitting at display workstations. Collaborate on solutions to humanity's problems through a vat? online information space? It didn't matter that no one ever fuckin uses it. Look at this, He fucking to see this is what all these guys are off. Now these men and women, their hearts and a right fuckin place, and then these fuckin lunatics in it. Cooperation, see sociopaths get their fuckin and a fingers on these things. Alright, Susan Estrada, you get till. She was a look back in the day I gotta go These guys, fuckin jerked after which came around the fuckin, maintain lab There is an area in this problem. She's plus is probably the woman was there. She was bliss This woman was probably the inspiration for the fucking virtual reality. Sex suit that they're trying to work on a strong,
founded the sea are surf net one of the original regional IP networks in nineteen. Eighty eight surf nets. The academic and commercial communities in California. I still don't even know what it is. Isn't it Second director she took the initial National Science Foundation, funding two point: two million dollars and grew the network from twenty five sites to hundreds of sites. I dont know but it does but splits Louis. Dennis Jennings Sky, looks like us, can any so rough from nineteen. Fifty eight is the this programme director for networking? At the? U S, National Science Foundation, Doktor Jennings was responsible for the design and the development of Anne S. F Net programme. No way he did that. I have no idea what it means for. Could people did? come on. Man strong to find somebody Ok, then skies not a bad luck, a guy! Now! Yes, he is
isn't gonna full had a hare bee diseases Spaz for those guys seem sort o com, so we started laughing at Eric, Bein ass being a cocoon I think I've internet and know what that is. First version of the Mosaic web browser and ninety ninety three, I think I've kind you know what that is right. You know what and with that I'm Fuckin board, just like the chicks walking away from these people at the black Internet Hall of Fame are well. You know what a moment of silence for Re Tomlinson. His heart was in the right place, know that files would use his invention and pictures and shit from Scotland, Dear Billy, Billy, The rebel I've been working flat out in work back in Scotland. In now
A three week vacation in the: U S on twenty seven years old and have never been across the pond, so this is big deal for me, will welcome, a chance to see you. Not cases up close and personal, I'm planning, Vegas Death Valley, a grand canyon, to see some outdoor epiglottis, then on it Chicago to see the Blackhawks White the floor at the flies while manage that the great trip then these day or boy the New York City to part. My we cherry to a first time in the? U S, what would be your top three things to do You're kind of doing you don't so amazed, of your big Nancy boy, ok, three things I would do. I mean you're kind of doing you don't some amazing shit, I diffee. If I was coming to America, what would I do
I live here. I don't know what the fuck do. That's like you know, you never know what the towards the shit is doing. You're utility in your own play should take it for granted. I live in New York. I never went to this. I want a statue liberty. Once I went My grandmother visited euro, I'm doing that shit. I was just trying to get to work. If I had to pick three cities, I would do shit only three. You gotta go to New York. I would say Chicago, but you get enough. New York wish Chicago I would see San Francisco and then you'd have to do something down south? Ah, you know just to get around, you get both coastal any get down south and all of those are their own fuckin world I do not want our Blackhawks games. Fucking great. Do you know what you stopped me? I don't
What I would do I would go to New York like you're gonna, do and I would fuck do as much as I can. You can't miss there is vague answer the fuck. Would you do. I don't know I live here. I don't know what the fuck, what I do, if to Scotland Gimme Gimme your machine, p ideas. I guess would I would go, though I were rugby game. I think you know you mean you're going somewhere. You have way more ideas in the persons living there. I can play can't. Think of anything to do I you know, I don't fucking stake house, you don't Definitely indulge in the fuckin cuisine over there. We're gonna get my footing here right. You go into a hockey game. I go to a sporting event, any sort of fuckin basketball, anything and see if we can go see the fuckin the state warriors they want to
Regular Caesar records of all time began. Taken a fuckin show go see new mass for FUCK's eggs. I don't know what I would do it. I'd go down south right, I go to work, Fuckin gun range do some, like tat. You you want is what you want. Do you want to use a metropolitan shit? You want to do some sport, shit and then I do so backs what backward shit. That's what I would do. You know find something trinkets of moonshine out of a fuckin jar. Some jar and then you know, haven't fuckin smoke a guide, the import shouldering go out, shooting guns, a Gulf rights and for wheelers enough do something like that. You know a lot of people sleep on like Wyoming Montana, the decoders can all be funded, go see and I could see you guys living I little ass country. I don't do I've run a fucking,
Classic american car and when I went, Fuck in New York. To Chicago. I would I've that I wouldn't take the highways? I try to find some old route and stop Africa. She spoke very go Erika Jesus. I there's a couple ideas. I'm sorry, you're, really fucked you over on that one butter That's it was somebody you men back in the day when you actually shopped Youtube cities and stuff. I have all these cities I want to buy and then, when I would walk into virgin, I can never member what the fuck I wanted. I'm sorry man, I've got the ball on that one. Time are the others not it podcast got me in trouble with theocracies. Family Hey there, Billowy Bertram Clinton. My fucked up manage you can probably guests from the subject line. Cue the oh gee age as well, background I'm getting married next month to my thought: fiance, who was wonderful love of my life and all that we were visiting.
Her family last night in playing ball games, which we to do now Jesus, we Frank it did you get competitive, the accuser mom of cheating goes off spare you the details, but we were playing a card game with a bunch of characters. Everyone gets the same people, but when You use them Israel, the key to the game. There was a projection. A powerful card I had held onto until the very last stage of the game they can Just name was Grannie, Wada, it's the last report. Now, scary? What I gave you the pronunciation and accidents. You wouldn't fuck it up. While it is spelt W. Eighty eight Grannie, why It's the last round of the game in everyone's going around revealing their card. I was last and my plan had worked perfectly as I went.
To reveal it. My inner billboard took over and I really got excited I flitted over. Our identity goes on now Ah, no, it goes. I said Grannie far again don't you dropped the above my god, I wish I had podcast tee shirts. I'd send word to you. You didn T Go silence followed as it echoed through the house. My He says family were stunned. There super uptight people, but people just don't just don't throw fox around during a board game. You know for there were only got worse. My fiance is listened to your podcast, so she knows I was imitating you she tried. Stammered out. An explanation are now she had to explain away your behavior dude.
He goes, but it didn't really do anything else. Try to apologize sheepishly, then? that that move gave me enough points to win the game over everyone, so the awkwardly mark my score, which made me the winner, while dude. Now, when you gettin married next month, so the fuckin taste to this is still going to be in their mouth. He goes left almost immediately after and of course, I got yelled at all the way home. I knew I deserved it, so I didn't even put up much of a fight. That's your first good move in this story. While he my question is: do I try and go out of my way to remedy this situation, or do I just Hope everyone forgets about it. Moves on getting married in six weeks, so it's not like. I can avoid them for very long past, because I fucking crush, impression to thanks. Go fuck yourself. So
for the Hillary Clinton reference in the open or, I think, she's a cunt too she's a contractor. Celtic she's an honest person, and I don't think just because fact that we ve never had a woman, the president That's reason enough to What someone is dishonest and his phony is her anyways do you know what I would I would actually without your wife, I would just drive over there just say: listen I get to apologize. I've listened to this podcast, I'm a big fan of the guy. Was making a joke, and in the moment I didn't realize that you guys to listen to the park cast. If you want it just catch you up a clip, will you have it which might a bad thing to do, but like just have me like say something else Arctic cavvies, easing shea butter, but any might be factors I don't say fuck. Just
Just tell him, you're really embarrassed to whatever I think. If you went over there by yourself, I think it's truly her dead preserved. I think the big one there I think this. Something extra words. You know It's always extra No wait when you get married, like you know, if you are, guy in order to the dad's gonna, be looking at you twice as hard in the margin. Noise, relax now and then the other way around is, if you know They have a son and he brings woman around like the mothers gonna be fuckin. Looking at her receive she's a fuckin, evil little whore. You know that It's gonna be looking to you like. Is this guy gonna be overbearing and slap, my fuckin daughter, right or whatever and autonomy piece of shit. I am I gonna well.
You said it's Grannie came a war. Due to view film my god, Jesus Christ. Do I gotta give I got it might Tipp of the cap for you there, man for doing that holy shit. Uncomfortable just think about the while our college, can I apologise to you she for being a bed fuckin. A bad influence ain't. You know what play these to play this two year, your future in laws future and laws hello, billboard, I'm the one who says Grannie there. I say this type of stuff been the bed in Florence Be mad at him, I'm sure he's a wonderful deal with big. I'm sorry, MR messed up your little game. He's gonna make great son in law.
I could use doktor, cavvies easy sharing blame them. That's not gonna get you anything. You say heedless system morons, he must be a moral or they can have ass, a moron kid or not eating birthday, cake. Huge, fairly podcast twenty seven year old who works in us stereotypical. White collar, suburban office, thoroughly enjoy listen to you by your biweekly rance at my desk, wonderful man speaking which I work in the corporate offices of sales and distribution company that has about fifty employees, but only about fifteen people work in my specific office location, which means that about Once every mother fucking month, we gather in the big Fritz Room and do Cliche awkward office. Happy They song now with candles and Kay, routine, and all of that. What I
by no me. Ok, while I am by no means a health, not. I also try very hard to take care. My body during the work day by eating properly Drinking locks of war. I have also got really into by gracing over the past years, which is me a lot about the importance of nutrition, etc. So the thought of eating a giant piece of chocolate cake to thirty in the afternoon when my eyes are Pratt practically bleeding from staring at a computer screen all day, would do nothing, but make me feel like absolute shit, and I really have no interests very smart. This is why, for the past couple years, I politely turned down every piece of birthday cake that has been offered to me at these four mention ceremonies. Unfortunately, I am the only one of my co workers, most of whom are women who has done Did this no cake philosophy, so every single time I stick, I stick out like a sword thumb after I declined the p, that is passed me at which point I have to deal with this way, the past of aggression from these lay these regarding
our decision to abstain from the sacred ritual, I also share a birthday with one of my coworkers, so I'm spared some of the awkwardness that goes along with confusing cake on my own birthday, but still Meda. To be some kind of monster. Ok, he's just go on and on your way intention of succumbing to the peer pressure brought forth by my colleague this might be the best written Fuckin letter I've ever had on the progress. Is it possible that are being rude by not sharing in the celebration. What's more is that even if I found out people did feel that I was being do she by not eating cake. I still give a shit what they think does this. Like me, a sociopath. Now what and it makes you somebody who knows what he wants and everybody else is enough. You just can't you know you, you need you just get a little spacer couple, a little verbal. You know, you know the great ones create space in all. You know football,
okey, basketball. You know how to do that baseball, but you Norman the great ones, create space Ok, so what you have to do is you have to tap into your greatness and you have to create space. Ok and you say, look people, not that I am not happy that ensure birthday I used to become a large ass. I mean I'm not being a dick about. You know a lot of you, I'm not going to say who, over the years use MAX just keep getting bigger? Could you keep eaten, always fuckin cake right? You blew without bodies and I'm not going to be a part of it, Let me dies every time and watch. You guys eat this shit. But if that's what you want Do by all means go ahead and do it, but I'm not going to become a fuckin cow like most of you guys are. You know I mean, have you share bells or on you fuckin. Next right they get. You didn't, write, where it they'll never asked for kick it. Get you promoting, get invite. You know, that's what fucking.
It's what Sidney Crosbie would do right, Mary, remove the grape must create space, Now, do you not a sociopath right, you doing the right thing enough, I don't know why women like sweet so much I actually I like sweets, I'm just a bit from basket actually like sweets, but when I stay away for, while, if you really, steam from fucking deserts and everything. If you walk into a place that has a bunch of crazy desserts, it doesn't even look like like edible for human consumption. You don't mean it I was in it looks like clown food. You know me, like a clown sneezed structure of this We like a lotta like fruits and fuckin, whipped cream and all I should just like to look ridiculous salaries. Crazy, colors greens and purple right You did the right thing. That's all I'm saying you do the right thing.
Ensuring that migration. You workin out. You know this the deal you there she got chance, a bag and bang and one of those fuckin caky brought in in your section, because shove it down the euro. I bet, if you walked around your little section in every cubic causing you looked at their keyboards are better keyboards, a greasy about this crumbs and they feel guilty euro and they know that after they eat that in that sugar is going to be in their veins and then I'm going to go back to their desk and starting a handful of fuckin shudder, flavoured goldfish, to shovel down the Euro walked around you little sexually. Every cubic, causing you looked at their keyboards are better keyboards. A greasy about this crumbs and knew not I may give you to go to work their reading. About that. That's all I got out of that. Fuckin learn. Is your podcast for this week. I want to thank everybody for listening that I read only. I did do other fuckin advertising dammit bill running your fuckin mouth. What are we going?
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don't wait, get started, withstands dot com today, don't go to school to stamp out com before we do anything else, put gonna make for the top. The homepage typing barbie you are that stands out. Commenter, Bert NEA This is work where You know what I'm trying was in a motto: music, that when I can't listen to she sounds like she got rue feed, Now I grant grant drag our. She's, one of those people. You have to watch or doing the Sancho she so beautifully like I can deal with this, but I'm just a voice like you break up with their over the phone What Ryan call me up a bit like we. Have to break up up up up my story, shut up about the judge me I'm an hour in Almaty, Jokes s wise to this guy works at this fuckin office in
he's got into cycling and workin out and nutrition of that type of thing. So there's like fifteen people in his little area, the officer he goes. That means about it once a month He has to go to the Falcon cafeteria and sing happy birthday to somebody in passing around birthday cake. So he always says he doesn't want the birthday cake and then there, like you, would for whirling cake. You gotta, eat too or will feel guilty. I got my son sociopath that I don't give a shit joystick I guns, are changes, have cake once a month. How stick the United sexier Guns- and you should tell people that you're on a diet is people like all that's great. You know, I've been really tunnel is way deal I mean, obviously not today. You know they don't say that, as are about ready to eat a piece of cake. What do you mean you can't go? a crack house until everybody that you got sober and the crackheads, maybe like that's? Why may you can sort you re, but you can say now: none for me. I'm trying to watch my weight that there was a
back now, just have one presented: go: hey fatty. No Do they know I'm really can't I've been doing really well those last. Then I'm really! You know I really feel good and I'm just out now don't like an peer pressure. Office offices are the worst for that. Shit when I words in the opposition was always someone's birthday someone's always like. I may brownies over the weekend, and I just can't have them in my house: memorialize ate them and is its. Hard because everyone is eating you're sitting in a fucking cubicle all day your board is shit. The vending machine, I should caution. Is it true that the bitch is being what, when there, at the office. Y Y, all bids is being that island. The female bids is all be eaten. Why why why bridges being widely is being no baby.
Funds are so hard to be on a diet with cause. It's safe food concentrate because it's so fucking boring they're all day you just eat, eat some not send out of a keg one less quickly forgotten. Speaking of that this body takes me to take her ass, the gym, so you gonna make thank you It's starting today, since I'm going to marrying again starting today? Why can't you didn't shoot for me I mean, I'm yeah, what why you for small don't like hijack and my health gold is not about you. Ok is about me. You had spent in there for a second. I did a light help. This guy helpless, Gaia right, so we sort of backtracking you're in the park. Yes, I'm going to paraphrase the park yes coming
who is due to get married in six weeks. He's over is don't read. It just doesn't make a nice. I heard you talking about it or did you say really loudly he's, so they plan a car game Has the cup the Trump card? That's gonna, fuckin, be everybody does the name of it is: is Grannie Water W DE so, when he plays it, Apes, Alaska he slammed down and nobody listens to the poor parents is future enlarged. Do not listen to the park ass, any swam down egos I gotta get ready. Stunned? This not super uptight people, but people just don't throw fox around during a boar game. You know silence followed as it echoed through the house. My fiancee and family were stunned. This not super uptight. But but people just don't throw fox around during a boar game. You know it only got worse, is busy can't say trivial since the podcast suggests and she fell down the hallway, see what you're doing people
begin them and show their future and laws Yoda young man, apology, poligized and I apologize I made of a little fucking audio thing. Then it could plainly to inland waterways What were you saying? Fog over and over again why I had no that's going to help, how to do it in a way that they, like you know so well, Employees are always just a silly awkward moment. Spying. Everyone will get over it. It's ok! It's funny story there solely due to the judge, back and tries nods leg Today, which are now looking for it here,. But always be doing two legs, women be doing their legs. For FUCK's shakes Jesus. You spilled the wax leave glass of water on the floor. I tell you that all back in time, you're always leaving lack of water on what happened. How many times we do you knock over a glass of water because one for how these eyes.
Are you done? Are you done yeah? Can you say sorry for spilling the war on here? I'm sorry for spilling your water It also knows no, but there's no buts. Sorry, you re the sorry you're, not at stories the water supply gas. Everybody speak on Thursday.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-27.