« Monday Morning Podcast

Monday Morning Podcast 10-4-21

2021-10-04 | 🔗

Bill rambles about filming in Colorado, malts, and closing the curtains before sex.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, what's goin on its belburg menaced for the Monday morning. Pod cares for Monday for money. August now October out of things it should show already October forth. two thousand and twenty one. What's goin on. Why as a goal. Now my voices a lily, a little rough there, ok bunch of shows this week. Now to me me ends a low willowy, maybe at the fair and I worked at the fabulous, the Fabulous Fox Theatre my perform their before, It is an incredible Stevie. Raven tat touches us autograph right on the door. on the inside of the door in the green movement. Every time I see that I just cannot believe so. I got to
the two nights, their working with Dean Del RE. Getting prepared to My show at Red rocks, which hopefully potentially will you know, would be a special. So you know I crushed the first red rocks show of two weeks ago- and I was I got right- my act is up and running. I felt good man that felt really good like I wouldn't you know, cause just film in this thing, just because I wanted to have proof that I was there. You know you never Novi, inevitably get to go back Great so, but I felt good enough to be a special so I was like a highway, would shooting so will see what we got. Mac fills Goodenough Are you gonna do with someone? You know two couples. Watson allay, and then I'm gonna run my our one night somewhere. I go on lasting, just run it just so. I got it and I'm up and up and run LO and behold, this fucking called that's going
on around that lingers for like two weeks. My kid brought it home from school and I got it and I had a bead by Sunday last week, you know when I went to the Rams game against the Tampa Bay Tom Brady's. And I smoke too The guards like an asshole brought MA. Am you, system down to nothing and the coal came right back now, like Fox. You know and then the whole flock a week. I was trying to get over the goddamn cold and all that shit I didn't do any spots. not one night bomb. After dawn L wrongs at the last factory, we can always if justice is just what is always fucking happens like this Right Salzburg
we all feel better Monday. I got a nice dinner. You know just end up going out now tonight and I ve learned so much. I forget what sells looking back to whatever so I get to Saint Louis and adjust fortunately the first night. They have just such a fucking great crowd there I was able to go out there get in the grove of it. You know everything for fucked up a couple of jokes, but not the noticeable and then the next night. It was. It was humming right then, the next day I gotta go to red rocks and I swear to God any time I'm shooting something show a special whatever I get, this feeling of dread. and I started thinking? Why do I do this, which was the name of my first special? You know inherently shy person. I should adjust whittled wood and just sat in a corner and stay away from those ignoble. This is the fuck an eight year. I'll. Do you always do this? You revert back to that orange added kid with no friends or whatever the fuck. It was, and you just gotta push through this shit cells that guy
normally I go. I think about retiring, like I don't do the same or when I just downsized, my life had just fuckin not deal with people like I can testify. So anyway we go. We fly out. We go to Denver, land in everything I don't know someone gets a red rocks. Second, I get there do sound check of goofing arouse MIKE Bind. The director was a sharp paper tiger and I just got myself in a stupid mood. Noticed was like era. I hope this goes well, but the first one went so well like I was get me my head. Look, I didn't want to disappoint. You know my
for anybody else by not doing well and last time I was with partners this time I was with the industry and they went up, Fuckin murdered murdered and they had a little pop break there. You know I was just sitting there fuck. Second, I get on stage and fine it just the waiting believe Tom Petty said that the waiting is the hardest part, and for me it definitely as they once I got out there. I don't know it. Just all fuckin came together and I got off stages like that felt really good animal was saying. I think that was better than the last one. I think that's the one at global bob. What so? I will see how this thing looks and if it looks good, I'm kind of added again, as I believe that my tore yet with this hour. So then my plan would be you know, put it out
next year. While I do my tour and write the new, our big Bang Boma hit the ground run, it could be fucking. Great could be great. I want to thank everybody. There came out in Saint Louis and red rocks and then afterwards you know I do two nights in a casino, just outsider, Minneapolis, Minnesota swung by mats, got myself a juicy Lucy as a reward for fucking crush on it. red rocks and went out. Had to really really fun shows in many posters. All the stress was gone and I was really just extra silly and stupid. It was just a fucking great. Great trip and I'll. Tell you the old me, the old me Billy. No, kids, Billy, no life nothing to come home to write them old me what a hung around for that Vikings, Browns game to check.
That New Stadium metabolic Viking fades gave me shit when I was fuckin dino, fanning myself about so fine stadium, but you know I got kids, so I come back Not bad, you know come about from in Minneapolis she'd get out to allay you don't get not to that of a headway get out here little over three hours. Tat Tat was fuckin. Awesome summaries, I thought was for ours too The cargo so Minneapolis, who more Northanger no less a tail when we left, unlike nine fifteen there, we left, let it twelve now, there's somebody three and a half hours. I forget what what is so anyway? I think I have that in the rearview mirror. I think I have. The special is hoping that it looks good. If it doesn't, then I can take.
place, and I had a great practice- and I also have this thing. My back pocket is something that I shot because we spent the money enough to make it look like a special saws- very excited about that. So I can put that to bed, and now I'm old Billy check right now, just flying a helicopter every day, all day get ready for my check right for this instrument rating come up. I don't know one. If I take it this month, the and the beginning of next month- I don't know, but I'm just fuckin, go I'm gonna get that behind me gay. I get the special jaime. I get the rating behind me and then you know, efforts for family is about all wrapped up in that series is done. I have all that stuff off the table, and all I have is my stand up and spend time with my wife and kids, which is before
Can amazing you don't fly help after sale, fuck em I get a bit about so that is the deal so anyway, it's Sunday night and as I am taking this in the background, I have the New England Patriots, verse, the Tom Brady Tamper Bay buccaneers. It's seven hundred and twenty six one thousand four hundred and forty two go in the third quarter. I got a bad feeling here in the second half I mean I gambled this week. I guess I don't. I just go up against further on the verse upon the anything better Podcast Forbad M Gm. So we pick for games a week right three enough who'd you pick bill. I pick the bills lay and seventeen and they fuckin they forget fucking drop in the bar. We might win this game. I don't think so.
We need that drop like a day that cause- I know Tom fuckin late in torment have time getting these guys These guys go so anyway ploughing ahead. Here, the bills lay in seventeen. Josh Alan is first rule of the game throws a pack. I was this like Al Fatah going to lose its bed. They just destroyed, I'm forty, two nothin, I had the Arizona knows Ursus the allay rams I was getting us shit. You go tribute that River of Antonio bra run run. I was a flag down. There is a flag DOW holding.
We will use the falcon and, on our other partners, go fuck yourself, replete about thirty three fingers There are forty one bravest, I think the Patriots France did a perfectly. They choose Tom when it came out of the field and the highlight at all ship. On the game started, we ran out with the buccaneers, you get booed, that's perfect. I know it can be a bunch of fuckin sports talk radios can you believe they both about the relevant data, will be crucial to class, it's just like now. Do we gave you the tip cap and now it's gave tat we want to fuck and when Jesus Christ. I was a whole than I have what they was holding a fuckin thing, a jiffy, I couldn't tell you: there was a home, I fucking hate or silver helmets ever said that before this is, favorite uniformly they ve had since they went to the flying Elvis is far from the neck down like their blue a little bit a red stripe it looks like
but I do not understand what the fuck was wrong with Pat Patriot those ones in mid seventies. Where was the all Red Jersey? What the white number in fucking Paul Revere with the football I'm I was for me than a black cleats. That was this shit right there anyway, and then I had the Seattle Seahawks Gettin three. I think I'm gonna get five with. There is on our own. Now don't get all my teams cover? They all fuckin one so we'll see here my chance to go but go for,
Oh here then I'll be eight made on a year because I went to into one and three unwanted three us get my ask. If data to pick games when he got kids, you know when you get nothing the fuckin live for. You can watch this shit look at stats and I say that it helps me do a little better than fuckin, whatever the hell I judged was three and five are three now what was at nine eight losses? I was fortunate, that's what I was fuckin pathetic, so anyway, I am back here. I'm gonna be studied my ass off. I got my flashcards right here and I'm just gonna be flying flags. and then come home and doing the simulator little Fucking computer games. I just do all the protests holds
All of that shit. Just I'm gonna, I'm gonna get this thing man. I gotta were spent a long time. Comments are going to get this thing when I get it the past I'll be a better, safer pilot, none of that shit and then I'll, never flying that stuff. As far as my piloting goes. I'm all Billy may stay Billy sends out, sons out bills out. That's how I fuckin fly. I look at the visit. if it doesn't say one zero. I don't go. Second, I have nine, a ghetto whatever other quick little one seen seven. Unlike African, I don't I don't need. We were Michael. What we're Michael? That's the advantage you have of not flying for a living you fly for living. You have the kind of go pretty much, no matter what, unless it's the worst fuckin day ever so anyway,
When I woke up this morning, but do but the dude I saw this, I saw the sum that urban Meyer was was trending and I guess he went back to the house. They came at a couple of. ups in several was given up shit about his behavior, but I just love like how come they don't give the woman shit to you know it's like what the fuck you see Don. I will get her in trouble. Everything but just fucking cracked me up, and I was just that shit like whenever it Things like that, I go that's between him and his wife. What is it. Why do I need to know that that fuckin happen, and then it was the rat who sat there and seldom like they give a fuck about the sanctity of marriage. They don't give a shit. They just try to get likes and try to get hits it try to make fuckin money but Avenue said that Jesus Christ, you're urban Maya, my god. I will say this if they Jacksonville was too into, he doesn't have that.
He drinks one and three may You know you go up there, oh and for you know, some shit can go down. Get a little hammered out of, and eighty breaking hard comes on, get off. Checks. They live in Ohio. What are they gonna? Do they don't have a dream? They got nothing going on right She didn't. You watch the video I just thought of what he was going to pass out. He looks like the guy in the Teddy BAR You know that the Strip persona wakes up and leads back over the atm again. They was like that level drunk these guys dams phones, I swear to God. I swear
God, man, it's just a fuckin, the gate, a bad night inelegant down! What's gonna happen anyway, pats driving down the fail. I don't think I've ever bet against the patriots in my life. This is my way of handling this game. Emotionally time came in and kicked out as we stated when money and if we win it supports and I'll feel good. So Togo may have not. You might even got money on it. I can't bring myself to fuckin rule against to stay ago. They go. Let's say second one, second of why what's goin on here, I will say they gonna run. They got two guys in the bag field, they're going to run into the strong side. That's what it looks like right up there, nothin. Everybody knew what even the comedian right so anyway. My next runner dates
I'm doing a bunch of shows in Atlanta. School is. I have substandard friends that live there now. So I have my my usual I'll have an open and then I'll help couple my friends pop in two due to do some guess spots or whatever what I'm honestly one of my favorite cities to go to even other traffic is absolutely fell. Speaking teddy bars. speaking of the old Teddy bars there I'll be back in there when it. What do I try to do podcast when there's a game on in the background? What do I do this? Our ship, not complete, tat fuck, you fuck, you What does what these defensive guys wherein like feel, go kicker numbers five, nine six was it the fuckin nineteen Thirty's, the aisle Jesus
that's a formal all day, but I don't understand you made a football move right in what he did. He look like I tried to carry too much shit out of a room. You know, you know you the laundry you dont folded, you just gotta grab a bunch of socks and underwear and Stuff Obregon upstairs and do it and you can drop it every goddamn time anyway. So I wish I had some more stories from the road I didn't do shit. I just literally stayed in the tell the entire time. You know quarantine and Minnesota was a trip It was probably the most hard core we're not getting vaccinated crowd than I went for enough. So I had a fuckin blast with them. We'd never ends it. Never! Once you know, I had a blast when I would go into fuckin
Trump cities. I had a great time when I was going to Hilary suit cities, unjust, trash Hilary watching these people get so fuckin mad. This is why I was so in this sticks names that foreign this day. But I was just in Minnesota right and I A bit on that GM see Sierra or the Gypsy pickup truck with the fuckin, the tailgate that you can fold fifty eight different fuckin ways that's about obscure as it gets right it killed. You would think that I was doing a joke about the president apps.
They killed us talk about people been too fat fuck it even just role into their trucks. Anymore came just put your leg up on the bumper needed of the tailgate to turn into a staircase, and I was joking that they should just have liking Melanie Yellows old people chairs that fuckin taking up the staircase those electric once they can have that next people's keep luggage our so anyway, it was great to get back on them see my kids, my son is a friggin riot. Strong is how his big thing now is we get like this big like a play? Pen type thing: we keep all toys in it, we dump everything out and spread it all across the room in any just starts, laugh and any picks the stuff.
and he runs over two to the crib any does like the old tomahawk dunk for way back. You know when you put it all away, buying ahead the double hand, it's funny can sometimes he does it, and if it's like a ball it'll hit is it'll. Here is the top of his head and rolls down. The back goes the wrong way like a fumbling sunlight there, so I filled them doing it and afterwards I put my hand out from to give me a high five, not a low five, the all school low five and he brought his hand, lay back in luck and slammed his hand out of sight. Both my kids slap five like that do a little enough dead fish. Think some of these people. To what am I talking about your people? I am if they are put pause in this game, because my fucking train of thought is gonna, be nowhere with this fucking. Why
this goddamn gave look at this crisis on the forty guideline. We don't need this shit Leonard, Fernand right up the metal, nothin nothin. He looks all this shit by the way, I'm nobody they do. Fuckin runnin around the outside. Like me, please, Touch football and why he just look slow was crazy for fifty three old way committing be saying black running back and the NFL look, slow, to say he looks like me. Anyway, all you know it's funny about Red rocks right, absolutely brow, Taking scenery right but because we were filming, we had a spotlight on me and it was so in my eyes. I could not deflected passport. the spotlight was so in my face.
I couldn't see any of the Red Rocks, so I felt like, Talking in this giant walkin closet, but the end, Gee that people wars amazing and like four times during the show. You know when the wind was blowing towards the stage this cloud, a weed smoke. What why over me, and I was just lays fuckin amazing. Am I gonna lose this fuck that shit? it can be everybody. The next day is a tiger panic down a tip, Bang, I'll tell you know they started off all right. It's it's Where did you know? You got all the same players to roll back, but tell you these, like you know, Bob Bob, we're gonna jump at Bay and, looking at the last two weeks, I gotta tell ya: I dont work. What I see in a far Bruce Airlines I gotta be taken when is top
any gonna take over their head coach rains like you did last year, so we can win another one. And, what's that Alice, you Auburn Game right up into the and then I had to go and stage so miss the ending. I don't know how we ended up losing until they had a fuckin ball. But how they watch a watch like another upset, I'm just open. Oh, how state loses again lockers. Really give a fuck, I just love when they lose and just listening to their fans, talking about why they should still be in the play off. It's like a fuckin tradition. Your house, they could literally have to losses in the big ten and they'd, be like ok, They were early the season. Ok up, just listen! My argument. I want to tell you why we should still be in place. Then they go in the play off and they get fuckin smoked like now. Times out of ten, they lose by fuckin forty points. Sobs
They go. Why do they keep put these fuckin assholes in the play off debts? Boring game and get fuckin smoked, and I just think that it's gotta be rating sing. You know it's kinda, they put noted Dame Notre Dame was on before you could buy like packages in shit, college football packages or whatever Fucking know today was on every single day, sackful like fifteen twenty years, and they would just on because everyone would watch so think how state has a little bit of that going on. You know I don't know, drawing the big tenants, but I love you. They played one game outside in and they get their fuckin ass kicked and that's what ends up happening that they take, all this shit about how tough the big tennis and then they go in. Like I said nine times out of ten Ninip fucking seem like they lose by, like twenty. There's been a tough podcast for the fucking urban Meyer fits did they take down the statue of urban Meyer now another? Was there gonna, fuckin sort of a buffet?
wild wings, lap dance like how does the math work on that? We shall see man I'm in one of those places in a while. I was speaking to that dude I gotta, like you know, once I get to see the instrument rating than my next thinks. Gonna be is to get rid of this fuckin covered. wait. Man I got to. I got to knock this shit off. I did pretty good. When I was out there, then I got the Minnesota. It was like the day after the big fucking stress think so I got a burger and asshole didn't eat my salad. That night, you know cuz. I had the burger to me going to a man, let's eat something else, that's fun and having a mini pizza and a fucking chocolate chip cookie- and I woke up this morning and my my belly look like how it does usually at the end of the day like what the fuck did. I do. I woke up like that. I was like alright.
We ain't goin up that we were going so I got. I tried. I tried when I was in Saint Louis. I really tried and went to her. There was a fucking smoothie place right near the hotel walked over. Then they had this peanut butter. Protein fuckin smooth I go. Is this thing healthy and she goes yet delicious. So I said I right. She makes it for me and I gotta go Jim, I did legs and eggs. And. look about synchronize celebrating the sack there. What there was. They should have be doing that Nepal. They look like synchronize swimmers here they just SEC, MAC Jones, When did they both? Do it with the other guy was just supporting. She can interesting they frame, but nice, LUCA, music, video for half a second.
Though the away by matching z always seems to have his legs like awkwardly, underneath him with some three hundred Fuckin palm guy, is bringing down to the ground the sick, the second or third time this game alone. Oh Jesus Christ,. The failed I'll kick your again number nine and, like all young people? He is impressed with himself what happened. He just went on the big boy clear to both out that guy's, a problem not number nine, that other guy It was like a fuckin car with the break off just started rolling you know than the owner tries to get in front of a D. Just did that to a Fuckin offensive, Lyman Patriots, Hunting out of their own enzo, do they have more fucking graphics?
the field they make, unlike the grass different colors, it's like I get it. This is the ten yards Maybe. Come on you old bastard, say it's ours, Jesus fifty two, that's wishful thinking come on now now, how the fuck did they get it. There was like three of us down there. The ones leaden Gulf. What's the other guy, don't. The other guy there was side control, as I too guys, like the fuck, Holding the hope, diamond and there's another guy, you know that's like that's like one of
this person dies and that's like the distant relative that shows up like I fucked him for a week, can I have a car, This right is why you take a game. This is gonna. Take for far can ever. Then you have to go into the heard you gotta talk. This guy's got his head off here. Why? got a year. Unsportsmanlike conduct your ass. I don't like this coral molded look and mother fucker. What is the problem? What the fuck just happened? Why is he wearing number eighteen.
are we got pushed out of bounds own then he didn't try to get back and bull shit yeah. I didn't notice us watching that. Like three times as sir, I call I'm sorry Carl molded I was running down the whole goddamn Nine over then, you should go back and bowed Slater. Do they have to let him get back in. Bill. It's like you, stand on the front of a yacht, Regner Sailboat Jesus that would have been fucking huge. We needed that forget
Don't say, drew Bledsoe from behind as he or she is assuming. You guys are watching this on Youtube. At this point, summaries uploaded the game. Every house is like a bit. We don't give a fuck. What are you talking about? How long into this Pakistan? Because I think it's time to put my daughter to bed- I swear to god- I would be more fuckin focused our I gotta stop right now I put my daughter to bed and then I'm coming back right common back back. While I know what the fuck happened. Take. It Brady went right down the field and squatted touchdown three minutes left in the third quarter. So I guess it's yellow lights for contend. Twelve play drive. Is that what it was eight up the whole fucking third core women? They slew, don't laugh there aren't. Let's that's that's, let's get back to the God, Damn part cast here. I swear to God. If I lose this bet
the patriots better? When do you don't first Adrian's asshole puts gets his own for contain. Someone like me that's thing. Artless, let's do with some reads here: aren't helix everybody helots helix sleep has requested, takes just two minutes to complete and matches your body type and sleep preference to the perfect mattress for you. Why would you buy actress made for someone else with Helix Alex you're, getting a map, Instead, you know will be perfect for the way you slate. everybody's you knee helix, knows that there really Kay Bring to the the a generation of social media, everybody's, unique and special in
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time. Writing in. I currently live in L, a as an actor. I What I mean it's a great thing to try takes a lot of balls. To do Bill in your plot last podcast, you are talking about malts. I figured you get a real kick out of this. I grew up. a soda, jerk, jerk. Does that mean you worked the soda fountain it simply. I'm from a town called Yarmouth, Port on Cape COD, Joad Cape COD, Massachusetts, fucking, Clam Digg is my grandfather, great great, great great back in eighteen. Eighty nine was the postmaster general town. Select when an the pharmacist, let me do that in Boston action. It was postmaster General Tab select when the pharmacist an ice cream, soda fountain and my extreme we ornery father still runs it today, I've generations later it just turned
Thirty, two, this summer, dude I'm going to this place. What's the name of it anyway, if the chocolate efforts are still sitting heavy including a recipe for ice cream soda is below what a good which are a lighter, but just as good. Add. Your malt encase you're wondering why did include the name of this extremely well described, landmark its because I know you like figuring shit out here. I find you self on the cape with the family had the province. I've never been there that's way out on the cake. right at the end and go. You must go back to Boston, Curls Albert back around and go to Macmillan Wharf and learn about the pirate. Sam Bellamy And this now is this: actually a real pilot or pirate, or is this like some gay bar that has a theme?
as you are promised, and the shipwreck of wealth fleet and the recovered gold. The which his lover in the story is my distant relative, though this is This started off like something out into another sounds like some conspiracy theory babble did your other personality just kick Our family name is the same as the ice cream. Soda fountain. Ok, he's he's giving me mysteries patriots on the goal like their plants. ash about big ten football. Two touchdowns baby. Josie Upstart, the upstart. Ladies and gentlemen, my eyes are two factors Is that thirteen that thirteen? Yes it is. We got a game. We gotta game but by the liberals, are right.
if the thought of searching for something sounds like a whole fuckin thing right now, which is often does fuck it. The store called block yours, if you want to go in the fucking little magical mystery toward their habit. anyway. It's all weird New England Shipboard ever go down some internet rabbit hole for this The following I want to do it now: so that's a great story is witches and pirates and fucking soda fountain, something that's that's not the love. Wait too, which is date. Pirates zennor goes. you know what I call it where those nerds called in middle earth world, the fuck it is FR, initiated, seeing you and curb fox and reservation dogs. Thank you hope to work with you. One day, go Bruins, go fuck yourself right. do this is supposed to be lighter, a pint of ice cream, Hersey Chocolate Syrup, Celso, Slash club soda,
get yourself some good ice cream. None of that shit made with the water which ones made with Water Haagen does is preferable for store, bought, go with chocolate, don't be an asshole who sherry recipes written like this guy. self, a pike glass because you won't have the right, fucking glass. For this anyway, do I am ice cream, soda glasses. Somebody gave it to me my birthday right, watch you fuckin miles, you think I'm not serious, get a big stone, nothing crazy, just bigger than the average cereal spoke first put about two ounces of chocolates. in the pint glass, then about two to three ounces of the ice cream. Now mash we're the serpent the ice cream into a paste filled with the stone cold primary, add a little more ice cream if needed. You can also add Malta, this point, but don't go overboard. A little goes a long way with mob the sagoths speaking like approach now
a paste consistency start adding a little club soda back in the day though the fountains had away to pull toward yourself for streaming soda and push back for a very thin forced shot ass. If you You got more! If you push back, you get oh yeah, it's kind of like the pulse button on the mixer, keep mixing at a bit more club, soda They had is going to start getting big because of all the cream. Then you can see it settling We'll keep adding club soda and keep stirring until the pint glass is about three quarters for should have a big head. Due to five or work with you. I want to watch you do. This should have a big headed, form now take a big scope of chalk that ice cream place it on the side of the glass Shamash passing it on the rim to set the scoop in place of the room insert the straw in a long spoon and enjoy you can make them with any flavor. As long as you have the syrup and the car,
ice cream? Don't mix cheers, in other words you strawberry syrup with job that I got it. What a good shit. pays the shit sort of man, let me know how to be a fat fuck, right. The milkman way of life is still around, I have mentioned in the past how, when I was a kid, for inflation, not there the doll, baby, sorry strung up the run really nicely The same argument milkman: I could have a state or wife if he wanted to right now he did just deliver milk pick up the empties deliver the milk it was just like. You know. Like there's a real like something I don't know.
don't listen! All this fuckin social media shit, where everybody saying you just gotta, keep pushing yourself to be better to get better, to do more, to make more to achieve and all that shit and that's that's a great way to will have your life go fly in by learned to fuckin thirty years of doing just that you did a bunch of shit. You saw a bunch of stuff, but how much of it we actually live. So, Oh, I always look back to some of those jobs like what, if I just fuckin drove a milk truck destroy that around town, you know breakin balls with the other guys down at the fuckin place. You know you come on come on, the lunch stayed on. Wife has a sandwich ready for you, like the whole old school thing right,
so I went away because of inflation and all that crap every August we print like a trillion dollars and act like this ponzi scheme is still working well, this guy claims the milkman way of life, is Ro Dear Billy, burger with a large fries bur. I've noticed the past few weeks. Listening to the MP and anything better that you ve brought up how you used to be Support of family have stayed home. Why life, while working as a milk man you're like a simple avenant regulators, blue collar job, around town, you like a male man. I think. Even then you know, even if you were in the Fuckin Union and all of that shit, you still need that second income. It seems we granted by and the day the kids won't go on. I want an Ipad. You know which back them they usually ask and focus spaceship. I would just like to inform you, then some parts of the world that is still the case. My father lives in Nova, Scotia, Canada and its. Two years ago. We did just that, that's
so we started a ninety. Ninety. You woke up three, I'm five days a week for almost thirty years he delivered door to door, to local restaurants into convenience stores. Luckily he was Able to sell his melt route to someone else before the covert struck It wasn't a glamorous life we lived, but brother now never went without yet play sports, always food on the table. Lots of presence at Christmas, a typical middle ass white trash upbringing. Yeah, that's that's my wheel house right. There did Tom Brady just run for a first down it. Fifty three Of age, did he just do that? Forty four years of age? Look at this takes off right up the middle. Nobody saw them coming Why do people like rap their arms around somebody when they go to Taffy Katy? They believe in holy shit I made it
A middle class white trash upbringing- that's my we'll have right there. You live in a duplex right. You neighbours, smell you food! They hear the arguments. My my stayed home with us until we were in high school in old enough to take care of yourself it paid a salary or an hourly wage. Either he made his money from buying milk from a local, dairy and reselling. I learned what about work ethic when he would take me with them in the summer's. Do that's like the Bronx tail ride around? the bus, that's all Just wanted to let you know that the milkman lifestyle is a thing of the past, yet he now spends is Is managing the liquor store to keep himself busy he's? Also a ball pasty current like you, big fan and thanks for all the laughs and go fuck yourself, do I think that I gotta be also. I think that is an amazing life to do that and to work like that in others. That great sense satisfaction and you're really providing a service. You know that
There were times people needed milk and they didn't have the money. So don't worry get me next week, as you guys we're all in like a first name basis, and we ask the shit net Tampa basis, not playing a well your brain like Jesus Christ, These guys are all more athletic them if they would. Just try is hard, as I do. We wouldn't keep getting these stupid penalty. I was at a time of Ireland. A superhero front to sell me a fucking suv, piercing blue eyes. He just winked at me. I think I want to buy this. I thought that was Captain America than he had wings. Catherine America does the wings of the wings. I thought the hawk I had wings and then Captain America drove around with cheap, though, is an army guy they just had thought now. Thor's fuckin hanging out a one like fucking ACE, venture. Right, Australia, beatings,
I love? Australia I've been there a long time sketches on time. Listen. I saw you years ago, and it was incredible: yeah, I really miss going down there. I just don't know how to do it with my kids, I really dont, so I have to figure that out of the way tat they get a little bit bigger or whatever I have had such a great time. Every time I went down a fucking people down. There are hilarious, Ray you really funny people's just a fun and the most beautiful coasts in oceans. I've ever seen in my life and is so funny is those were the most tempting oceans to go into and they are littered with sharks down there. which, by the way, I saw this amazing youtube. Video, not sorry, Instagram thing this woman, like taking fishhooks out a shark smiles and they will come up to a like dogs. You know, I hope you don't fuck up the world.
on repair, before we figure out how awesome a lotta animals that we think are fuckin Fisher. Whenever there finger off. You know it's. Clean, abusive relationship that we have with animals, and we know we blame so many of them, just as we're afraid of Realities is no reason why we should everyone come in contact with shock us. oh you're, beatings, Jesus, you, I saw some this. I was wondering if you heard about what was going on here, It's very unsettling the measures the authorities are taking the physical brutal. the against people sitting outside in the middle of nowhere without a mask on is psychotic, yet it sounds crazy. Are you ve seen the videos people being beaten with patents for their own safety, That's not why their beating him! This is point there. Just sick of waiting for them to get on board beaten. Mate yeah
just yesterday, a member of the government said the people who don't cannot cooperate will starve yeah yeah, it's going at this. I hate to say about this The route it's gonna go let's make whatever anyone believes is their own right. Yes, have you believe, as your own right until you're hurting other people, and even if the guy It wants to err on the side of caution, fine What kind of society are they creating when this is the tone? Also the beatings, aright, the beatings. A terrible also is bad, is to not get vaccinated and continue help spreading a virus in your round about killing people's grandparents or their fate. Uncle or whatever I may lets me what's going on. Is nuts. On both sides. Both sides are crazy and yelling at Each other in sight. can gallons of milk and convenience stores and
beating somebody who's not wearing a mask as are outside, but they're, not near anybody like beating them like what do you do like all of it is fucking nuts and but unfortunately, not surprising because War is still legal, you know then that is solving a problem with violence. You know, and that's Human beings. Are it's fucking ridiculous? But we ve been around this long that this what we do and you see all the fall out and all the documentaries about all this shit still end up doing stuff, like that, I think, is actually horrific, that their being their own citizens and in the same way I think it's absolutely horrific that someone New York
vaccinate. Fine. I don't give a shit about that, but you least we're goddamn mask, but it's like you're, not even going to do that and or act like you, don't do the passive aggressive like not, you know, put it on properly and you can really kill somebody. You you're, so fuckin wrapped up in your own shit? I mean it's just not, as obvious is just walking up and beating somebody. I mean it's just a horrible thing to see, but, like I don't know, I don't get it, but not going to tell anybody. What do you do, whatever the fuck you want to do, but I made this what's going on down this is this? Is gonna, be hopefully You know modern medicines going to solve at the way they ve solved everything else. They don't get credit for fuckin, slowing down the AIDS epidemic and I can live with it me. What they ve done is incredible. I had a rough appendix and nineteen eighty, and I'm still here because of doctors and nurses, because of what they did forty fucking years ago. So I dance with what brung me
I'm sticking with this and the internet, is bran fuck anew and there's no rules of libelous slander, and you just look at how these people. Now all the some think the world is flat, I mean, and that is a symptom of the internet in these giant uninformed, think tanks that are going on it's just it is what it is. I do I'm really sorry that that's going on down there, but human beings in power solve things with violence, They always do. Oh, my god, no fucking were taken out all we're going when we're gonna win this fuckin gay pull out all the stops. I think Bill Bela check. Maybe you know some of these fuckin
sports talk, radio, guys when Brady won the Superbowl, they were said, they're gonna. Do that major bray? Well, it check didn't do anything. I think he took that personally I mean that's like the second trick play. We ve called this game. I love it right. Ok, here we go so anyways. I do not condone beating people that don't believe in what you'd Right: men, not organizing, hey, Billy, bulbous bullocks, I was listening twenty or may podcast clips on Youtube, and one thing you said really stuck with me mentioned how women are better than men when it comes to getting things done in their benefit, because be able to organise themselves into groups in order to champion for a cause.
yeah, they are good at that their good, its threatening men. You know On a one on one level, in a relationship all the way up, although I know they're losing big time, you know in Texas, if you're, if you, if your approach, severe pro life, and I think that when you are undergoing involved that shit made step in and that fucking swap Where is he said? I think it was your explanation of why feminist on top having so much influence, don't seem to have a male counterparts. How do you know what that means. Pity goes, I have to disagree with their disagree. I don't I don't know what you're talking about comes. organised or because they are better able to to organ themselves into groups in order to champion for a cause. I think
It was your explanation as to why feminists, on top of having so much influence, Don't seem to have a male counterparts. What does that mean that are of a male counterparts? Foresaw dude? You listen your podcast. This is me just trying to Philip hours ago knows are adding rubber have the should. I say I have to disagree with their. Oh, you know what I agree with you you're right. I shouldn't said that shit. This is the new me just ends, type of conversations right, man, Ike body. Why did I say that, for my experience, the biggest miss that men who do get together to stand up for their rights are either ignored or immediately labelled as hateful Agnes by highly recommend you check out a documentary about the men's right movement titled the red pill. Interestingly enough, it was created by a lady documentation. And by the name of Casey J who, prior to the production of that from entry was a feminist. In fact, a documentary
originally made an attempt to show how evil men's right activists were. Ok,. I don't know much about men's rights activists. I'm about fuel them tried to like attach themselves to my part. Yes and I reading. What they were. Writing a just and like a bunch of guys that working late, I'm all forward force guys are going to vote for what happens in divorce court to most of the time, men, but straight crossing who was it was ever making more money. Because now you see that with women now that they're getting opportunities in their fuckin, crushing it may make a lot of money and all the Sunday divorced- and you know the guy starts, ask ridiculous, alimony, immediate just it's a fucking travesty. Whoever happens too. I just don't understand why these two people involved Mikey both a Yo Yo,
Your relationships failed, so they should be fifty fifty responsibility and how one person, who makes less money gets to basically lived the same lifestyle and just have the power so they don't no longer love removed from the situation of minutes. That's ridiculous! to do that to a man or a woman anyway Sad, is that her abandonment of the vessel much of the doktor material who want one to do a thing to show men's right, people, look alike, assholes, and then she became one. I guess I guess feminist secession Stockholm Syndrome, what sad is better? Abandonment of the feminist label arose when she found herself attacked slandered by those once considered she wants. Can friends in the feminist community simply because who is giving a voice to a different perspective. Yeah there's a lot of that in everywhere from
sports fans to activists. And especially on the internet. People like to hear people say what they think makes them feel better and makes them feel right, makes some fills mark, I don't know what it is anyway. Also, I won't lie, maybe I'm just a crier, but some of the universe is shown in the video made me shed some big it's in any way. thanks for reading my message, love you humor, you podcast and you're acting. Thank you best wishes fairly peace, loving, go fuck yourself. I we also do. I have enough issue with women. I don't need to watch that I dont know don't because I over correct the other way, so I need to buy, can be a little more pathetic, haven't said that I'm not going to lie, I don't let myself get walked all over I'll. Take the fight I'll sleep on the couch. I don't give a shit boyfriend interrupts sex time to close curtains Billy, blue balls, Billy Blue.
Ass, we get here long time, lady listener, here by Ben with my lovely different for two years and despite being very much in love they get irritated by our sex lives. every time he initiates, and I put that in quotes cause. How he initiate is sending me a message, while he's in the other room, while jerking off brother expecting me to go to him and skip over all the foreplay is trying to Postman pussy this guy is trying to skip all the common attractions, get right to the chase since I've kind of easy- and I like to have a good time. I think I trained him not to try our. I will It's you take responsibility for a little bit of it. That's great shows that Europe fully formed adult some level, so
What I would do is, I think you need to sit down, have a talk with the message that it He does if we do start off Get in the mood is get up and Middle of undressing, close all the windows and curtains not an inch. exposure is tolerated, am returned, like you would, after pausing a game, the power. Missy forgets it's an online game about Sammy in closing all the windows and curtains are no longer in the mood Romany FUCK Windows d have also with all these fuckin perverts and cameras they get drones. It's probably doing you, a favor I have addressed is for For, but to no available he's paranoid, someone is watching slice recording us while we're fucking. That's a good thing to do. The little colonel, I'm sure there are creeps out there, but I feel he's blowing it out of proportion upon attendant its becoming boring routine. Were I'm sitting there half naked, watching him slowly closed the curtains all over the he's like when you go to.
the diner they bring your eggs and they like the toaster common. It's like eggs over easy any toes with this for the yoke. Sit near while the eggs are getting cold or exit by How do I convince them that nobody gives a fuck about sex life? is to walk around naked in my apartment, not given a fuck but he's. A wary of even a few seconds of exposures, exposure thanks and fuck, you PS, are you doing a Europe tore anytime soon arrived. Ok, see you more of an exhibitionist. You walk around naked in your part, moved out Can you know currents close? Guarantee some guy figured out a way to look at you jerk off cause. That's how guys are these days. It is what it is. Ok, it's like snow in the winter
you fucking a woman and you're walking around the apartment naked. Eventually, you one day, you're going to look in this going to be a guy's head. Looking in the window, it's just gets done at happen. Alright, we do not live in a perfect world ACT accordingly, so. I don't know, what's I would get you just. This is easy. You just need to talk to him. Just say: listen, but you go downtown a little bit instead of fuckin. You know. Go and right to our cruising altitude scale goes right to the under of the fireworks eighteen twelve overture. That's an easy conversation. The the blinds. I that will. Let me ask you this: are you? Are you someone gets off from the fact that maybe somebody is kind of watching
walking around make it in you know back in my day, single bill. I met a number of women day. They they liked being a little bit of exhibitionists. I have no idea if he's go, the other way, you know maybe that's turning you off beyond it get new the mood? Is it also turn you off a little bit. You know this is what he should do, advise what I would do if I would, if I had was paranoid like Kim, and you like- to walk around naked in the apartment. What I would do, bang you at night, ok, I'd! Stick it out the window and I pulled the curtain downright to right. Above you know, with a tramp stamp is and I'll be back from behind you get out. We had at the window a bolt happy! A relationship is all about compromise everybody. That's it. Get a little fresh air you feel like you went for a walk.
So anyway. That is the part that that is the podcast. I'm watching this year, Tom Terrific, is going down the field. This three minutes Then the game is he gonna cover my bet, first down Tom Brady. This is why given success because I need him to score of fuckin touched out now. Wait, don't I'll wait a minute losers, but I forgot my spread. Was it was minus six in their fucking down by what one. So the score touchdown that seven are you fuck? I'm gonna push a round of applause for Fucking Vegas. I made this anybody. Do it better than vague? how do they do it? How did this sambre seen stages pick? The perfect number course I wasn't gonna go.
For no one might that's what the fuck was. I think it right. Look it Bruce Wayne suggests is drink, geeky, sixty nine years old, he's on his way out he's got a player coach, the greatest quarterback of all time, got himself a super bowl ring last year. I'm surprised he came back cool dude, like that. The Congo, hats and shit. I've figured he just be get himself The cigar go off into the sunset. The man loves the game. Hardest, stairs I've ever seen in my life. You still think about run a lot about this, see and the parties for almost stay on it for the final couple minutes here, this Patriots, Game Tom, Brady, right Paul, you guys
the faster than me, but no nosegay better than me. Just do what the fuck I say: we're gonna win another one: ok onto onto ready break to pelagic squinting is always emotionless second and ate. It says, run on the grass case. I couldn't the bottom line, fuckin screen term Brady gone for a fact that those drop in right. Third, in eight thirty eight, this is this is gonna, be the very exacting I didn't want these fuckin asshole, I'm gonna kick, I feel, go to win. I bet against my own goddamn t he's but Miss miscommunication, their second towards the back shoulder their return.
Gotta, do it in practice. The water boys coming out Bobby Bouchain Nobel check with a fucks, my son. Someone was marching this, the other, Do they re was talking about football? Pants are slowly just becoming shorts, like only that no new paths, most of dirty word, new paths that the pants are above the knee she's amazing. To me. This knee injuries and your fuckin career a lot of these guys, the flashy guys there, the father, that's what I call the running backs this wide receivers: Guys they get all the Fucking Ladys right. They need to be fast. I would ever
But everywhere that bury bonds, fuckin middle aged thing, middle ages, thing that fuckin war. Here we go again same fucking play a juggled. It abounds now its fourth and eight. Now they kick, I feel, go kick a feel, go they go up, it will make it. Nineteen, seventeen and I've lost my bet because even at the patriots come down and kick feel go goal we can win. The fucking gave us enough time. We can win the game Jesus he should I had it. I mean look at this guy, forty four years old. He just puts it rightly. What are you gonna do? Is you got a fucking handed to I gotta? Go this guy's gonna, miss it: push it wide, ready, fucked one up today. Come on. You shit bird push! It right push it right.
Are you fucking bastard good for you good for you? to put your house in the market. I am not going to sit here. The two minutes, a time out and fucking commercials son of a bitch we'd better when this fucking game phone or lose my bet right. That's it that's A casket fuck yourselves emigrate couple days and I'll check it out on Thursday.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-16.