« The McCarthy Report

Episode 235: The Bidens and the CEFC

2023-11-03 | 🔗
Today on The McCarthy Report, Andy and Rich discuss developments in Gaza and new revelations concerning the Biden family’s connections to China and the CEFC.This podcast was edited and produced by Sarah Colleen Schutte.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Are you, tired of the mainstream media, condescensions snap judgments and outrageous bias, national obvious point, ass. The editors is your oasis of sanity and clarity in a world gone mad join nor varieties like rich lowry, Charles see, w cook, Jim Geraghty, jack butler and others for an in depth, analysis and incisive commentary on the lake. It's news in american political life find us on apple, podcast, spotify or ever you get your podcast. look into the mccarthy report. Pod gas, where I rich Larry, discuss what they any mccarthy the latest legal and national security issues this week. What else the latest
the violence in chinese money by the way, for some reason, you're not already following us on a streaming service. You can fight us everywhere from spotify to itunes and please give this podcasting, Annie, Mccarthy, the glowing indeed gushing. Five our views they deserve on itunes now without further hu? I welcome to this very podcast through the miracle riverside, none other than animal mccarthy, rich oil. I am not too bad Andy. We got to megan I'll, be glad to know we got got our football chatter out of the way before we started recording. So let me mention something else random. I have to say you have the most amazing out of all the email notices ever the actual text of the notices, but the fact that you'll get An eight hundred word editorial sent to you by email,
and then this notice will come back and out of the office and can't be bothered with anything until next tuesday and then literally two minutes later, you said another email. This is a great at a general, but there is a common. This thing in this second line of the fifth paragraph. Just no one knows how to kick back and relax berlin. I will we want to take a deep that diamond and see if see stuff, with that, the binds, because we have some revelations there are, but first was do a little on the latest to Gaza. Where would it's really? It's happened now. You know what we predicted. It's totally flipped, where we have them, saying this house, stop the ground invasion. It might be less a week right. When do they really go unless last weekend? I s and they did it. It's not like. They went in You know, I mean they ve, they ve gone in gradually they haven't like gone in the way. Some people fear go, and you know it's been very methodical, but that they're not
to do methodical yeah? so there's chris mercy, murphy centre from connecticut I had a very notable state yesterday. You know Israel can defend itself, but but not like this. A basically have all these people to saying a meal aftermath, guided defeat Hamas and apparently gave no thought to what am I actually take to defeat Hamas that's right. Well, I think given the more credit than they deserve. that they were saying what they needed to say to get through a few days now that there is a true in true rhythm to this stuff. Where you don t, she hottest side does what we're atrocious thing. It does and Israel responds and You know this very as as time goes on and not time, there's virtually. No.
Condemnation of the jihadist we go. to a phase of basically apologetic on their doom. What they're doing we get the wacko theory on which all love progressive, democratic, discourse on this topic is based which is that Israel is a settler colonial power The oppressed palestinians have to do whatever they have to do to rise up against it and you know that your eyes in it serve its israel. slaughters if they cause the whole thing. In fact, we had people come out and say right after october session, that Israel was at fault for what for the barbaric things that that Hamas had done Anybody who understands the in gaza is laid out.
the glee and how its organise politically had to know that you know you can't just like go in and remove hamas. We may we talked about this with Hamas The political leadership is in qatar, which guess what we're supposed to call qatar, righto one b and we'll be accused of This pronunciation warm thanks. and anyway there, but there there nickel leadership is in qatar. They are trade. and an armed by a ran a lot. That training happens in lebanon, united, it wasn't like you, can go into gaza and wipe them out. There's a lot you could do going into Gaza, but if you did go into gaza and try to wipe out what of Hamas in structure, wise exists in Gaza. You would have to prepared to hit hard, but all schools, mosques, media enters, etc, because
knowing how the west fights war. and knowing what the west's laws customs of war are, which, by the way, Hamas assiduously nano It violates but actually uses as a weapon because they hold Israel to account for them, but that's They keep all their arsenal settle personnel. So the only way that you could actually go in and root, the amount would be to take out those targets which, of course, You know, as I said, the last time we talked about this rich you know this whole idea that You have like Hamas and then there's the other two million nice palestinians, who really have nothing to do with Hamas other than the fact that they elected Hamas to to to rule them, but they
We insist on seeing this through the lens of westerners, where there's palestinian civilians and hamas, as they were not like, inter related in fact the way that they see see themselves in a fundamentalist shariah society is there are fighters- and there are subjects there are- you know, there's the ruler Hamas, which is their obligation, is to implement sharia law and then there are the subjects whose obligation is to do what the leader tells them to do it includes dying in the jihad if that serves the cause. So it, just as important in terms of like an offensive military weapon. If you want to think of Hamas is like a military, just as important to have civilians die as it to have g,
This carry out offensive operations is always did the same thing and but I think when we talked about this two weeks ago, what what I said at the time was that the the plan to have civilians die, which they do on purpose. Is more effective against Israel than the actual mill terry jihadist operations, and it seems to me that that's proven to be exactly the but it's not surprising, because a lot of People in the political, elites- this country. We're on Alice any inside the first place, so as soon as they got some breathing room where they could get back on often that's exactly what they were going to do and now they ve cut. You know now they're back on their feet, right, it's no longer about october. Seventh, it's about you know, israel, killing civilians- he absolutely may do early pause to doing our plus plug, because
might be more natural juncture, and we're talking about chinese money. So please sign up for an r plus. We need you to pay for our content, not a lot, but just a little bit and we'd love do it entirely for free, but we camp serve signed up, please consider doing so in joining tens of thousands of your fellow after you readers as a member of an hour plus and speaking of things, though, that we will happily give you for free, we're doing a digital weekly edition of the week. This in front action of print magazine very popular with our readers, short incisive. Witty items on the news of the week and you can get them for free and your inbox. Every morning, I think around every friday morning say around Eight a m and have to do is: go to national view, dot com, slash, get the weak and it gets sign up to get the weak week? Nash view dot com, slash, get the weak
are any so we have. This latest check we talked about one. Last week or the week before This is another one. What forty thousand from james to Joe when a payment from c e, f c came is this Also, a a supposedly alone repayment, or whether the exact service circumstances around this choice. that appears to be. Appears to be the emma when they pay Biden. They put loan repayment, in the eu in the memo, so we don't I'm net so there we don't. Have it like a cheque from Joe to james to prove that there was no. They don't have anything to prove their was alone the way they paid him, and I think the significant thing rich if their, if we're going to read anything into the check and the and the numbers is that its ten four, it's ten percent for the big guy. This
a four hundred thousand dollar instalment, porter went to Jim Biden and He took a ten percent slice of the overall four hundred thousand and said check digital when that amount, so so so the whole loan thing is, could just be a total. I yell. I will say I wouldn't think. Of course one was established. I was alone retained, but it wasn't just their say so right, and I think what we're going to end up finding is that there is a lot of this gonna that being a number payments to Joe Biden that are gonna, be denominated as loan we're payments, but they're, not no one has produced alone- Yet why would James need law alone? From yeah right he's the one who's out there, making the money right plus, plus I
I just point out, I mean before we get into this. This is how stupid they think we are letting ritchie always have to remember what these guys did the same guy who looked american, the I even those that evidence was mounting and then the explanation made no sense. That he never heard of, to say with his son about the business I mean an idiot it is hardly at the time that he said that that was on of fifty years of stupid things. Joe Biden says that where he looks people in the eye and tells them to stop, that's absolutely natural right. So if, if it doesn't look like this, alibi or their defense was developed at a means of meeting. This, probably a reason for that, and so from the from the perspective. year and a half ago, or maybe even more recently, before the go go. Posters have been moved two and other news events have been dominating. This would have spoken gun.
well, they re always said you need to show the czech writers show the money or show the money. You said at some point I mean I'm resistant to that end and you always have to be careful of form. in love with your own theory, but, like I just continue to think. That's exactly the wrong way to look. This I never thought it was necessary to show that there was money directly going into Biden because either You know if you're the irs someone wants to pay somebody weather it's for legitimate or an illegitimate service person says well, don't give it directly to me, give it directly to my son or give it to brother. The IRA, it considers that a payment to you, you know they are paying for the Biden, political influence, their paying Joe Biden If his arrangement is, pay my son or pay my brother or, however, they want a structure it that much
is still income as to him because he's the one who is generating it there would be no Biden family businesses there wasn't for if it was for Joe and as he knew that they were exploiting him. I think You shut this down in five minutes I feel silly even saying he knew that they were splitting him, because I don't think that was what was going on at all. I think this is a family plan to cash in on his political influence. And he is in on it up to his neck driving this during the idea that that he's being pulled along by these other bird brains is just ridiculous, but I guess what really bothers me about this, which cause, I really think it says, infuriating as it is scandalous. You know it later I hate to be. You know it's not thing to be gratuitous lee provocative, but
can't see any other way of looking at this, except to say that Joe by ass. It turns out is what they are use. Donald trump of being here is a clandestine agent? Who's been well paid by a hostile foreign power. So and not just didn't, how did you find, in the term clandestine what makes it clandestine agent that you're, doing work for a foreign government and not disclosing what you're statuses for the fact that you doing it. So what It gets down to rich, and I mean this is so plain: it's just that it's you know I don't know what more to say about it. See here see this outfit Biden, was courting was involved in in this
this dealing stealing going back to twenty fifteen it turns out according to the to the James mars committee's report that came out in the last few days, see I see, is china there an arm of the g regime and These communist government and There is no mister about that they had china they come from ports. The top officials come from ports of the chinese government had chinese communist. cells in c e, f c, the head of sea of seizure eugene Meng was regarded by, and we now know that we get this even from fbi interviews of Jim Biden, Jos, brother, he was a protege
president g and he He was used by president g as an emissary in action with governments in europe governments in africa, see see was used by china when they tried to acquire about a fifth rose left, which is the big rush in energy giants, that trend action which was worth that the time about, I think, not at the point, when it's been variously reported as nine point, one billion or seven per nine point, one billion dollars or seven point, four billion euros. The you know the steak varies. It was about a fourteen point. Two percent state if they were trying to acquire it. Through when See here, see exploded very shortly after in connection with the trial of one of its executive, the united states government disclose
court that c of sea had been the subject of pfizer surveillance, which is why I think the chinese regime pull the plug on this a thing: c of sea was an arm. The chinese government and by its own description, it eggs this did in war two further china's road. What is the road I knowed and belgian road initiative, They regarded themselves, as is basically the point of the spear on that and that's where the I'd and family connection comes in the whole reason that cfc instrumental to alton road was, there were a lot of governments and government entities that would be willing, to indulge the fiction dealing with a company that was now,
officially a port the chinese regime than to deal the chinese regime itself, so that was the it that was your basically see I see as the young is. The price that business camouflage of the government but in the meantime, its threaded with government officials from top to bottom it's doing official, Government activity and the buyer connection them sell themselves, especially in europe, in a variety of other places having the Biden family connection here, them get in the door will people they might not otherwise have gotten in the door with which was why it was worth it. To pay them up the binds millions of dollars for nothing other than connections. yeah so workers through what? When this, when it's this Began because another talking point there
they're using this sound as democratic. I cast, I guess, he's on the committee and very harsh comments about calmer being eighty it he said one. This is alone repayment and too he wasn't it office when, when this happened, so you moron for caring about this at all, but the state you actually began when he is vice president, yes, so the investigation indicates that dealings between Biden and there business partners who, and the important ones here or a guy named James. Galileo are who is he's like a british special forces guy who has who has connections with british intelligence. I guess he's likely like we all know the type you is the Michael steel of this. This transaction, not go steel. What am I saying, Christopher steel? I apologize to Michael steel for four that mess up
and the other guy is a guy named John Robinson walker, who is known as rob walker he's, former clear administration official who wife, betsy was Joe Biden's. I guess executive system when she was first lady during the obama administration. So these are people who have long standing ties to hunter and others of the boy it means and may I guilty are, is probably the point on the sea yeah see transaction. According to what the many has developed in the way of witness statements and include fbi, to views of both Joe Biden, and rob walker. also of tony bauble linsky. Fury aiding tony bauble. Linsky is the guy who came forward prior to the twenty twenty election.
corroborated a lot of the stuff that was on the laptop and in the bank records even though he was out there as a witness, was dismissed as if he did exist. They and what this ridiculous story that all of this stuff was russian disinformation anyway, and we now learn rich from recent press reporting. I think this is from just a couple of to ago that, despite the that weiss the? U s attorney in delaware, who has had the Biden restoration, since twenty eighteen Even though bubbling sky, has been yeah he's been identified and documents forever and he's been publicly out there since twenty twenty talking to the stuff, wise evidently never put him in the grand jury and has were followed up on his allegations in connection with his investigation, which light that's like
do you like an MSNBC booker? Worse, can ignore the story, it's lorry, what but put it. But this is the thing I think that's really annoying, I mean can't we I you know, I can't remember what the date was, but either I'm going to say it was around halloween, but it was like late october of twenty twenty. I a story for our website. That was called a collusion tale. The you know the Biden's in china and this was like a week before the election and the whole, and we it wasn't like. I was involved in the conspiracy. It was out there you like, if you, if you were you know if you went through it new diligently, read what was out there including vast amount of work, that was done by chuck grass and RON Johnson in the senate, which was based on bank records, not not the laptop this information was all out. There was was available to anyone who wants to do. You know
mars themselves in it. But the- the media democrat complex got together and they decided to suppress it and they had help from the government in doing it, it was none social media with suppressed everywhere. Think it's worth asking the question. I am asking the question: if the pope, the kid known, it had been widely grasped that Biden was in cahoots with the chinese communist government, and this is like coli apart rich from everything else that weaken, unlike the ukraine stuff in the Chinese deal that we that we ve talked about the bow high deal if they had known the sea of sea peace. If they had known that Joe Biden and his family, were helping the chinese overman's belt and road initiative and being paid lucrative lucratively for it would they have
acted on. I don't know But I think it's a question worth asking. Do you oh how governments can trace crypto criminals across the globe by using mastercard cipher trace its hard to know who to trust in this new digital world, but Mastercard's powerful security solutions help you feel safe and secure within it together. The possibilities are priceless: learn more at mastercard, dot com, slash next june. Solutions the payments begin conveniently six weeks after Biden leaves off yeah? So you know what we learned it before, that is the wheels were in motion and twenty fifteen the committee, is looking at a deal, happened in november of twenty fifteen where
They haven't yet identified the company that was involved or overtly said that it was connected in any way to see if see the reason it has peoples ten hours up? Is it. It has exactly the payment structure of other sea of sea payments or the early c payments, namely one third of it goes to guilty. Are one third of it goes to walker one? Third, if it goes to the violence, so this one that the committee, talks about the young and the begins, of its most recent report is a hundred and eighty thousand dollars. That goes to rob walker in around around november five november. Six of twenty fifteen, a third of them, instantly goes to worm guilty are an as far as walker, keeps a third and then as far as the other sixty thousand dollars is concerned. It gets dispersed
over a number of weeks to various different biden, accounts and that's a pattern that dumb the committee sees again and again so its november twenty fifteen and on christmas eve of twenty fifteen guilty are reaches out. To we bobo Linsky, who is this guy, was a former navy intelligence guy, but he becomes a fairly well to do entrepreneur and he is recruited basically to give business structure to the and see if see transaction, so he, is emailed on christmas eve by a war acts that I get the most of these messages actually are what's out messages that that seems to be a common way that these guys all communicate. but what he has told is that there are
going to be a d, between china and one of the most prominent families in the united states. He doesn't tell em, a point that it's the Biden. But eventually it becomes clear that it's the violence, so that all kind of laid the groundwork, but the by according to report Jim and Joe Biden, I'm sorry Jim and hunter Biden who, with Biden, who usually get paid in these transactions and then how they did it up. It is an interesting question, but they don't take any money. From sea of sea while Joe Biden his vice president, because Didn't like the optics of that idea. They thought of well up on them, but the butt. Quoting to linsky, They were very aggravated about that because they had already established the relationship with sea of sea and they the china. Was it
splitting the Biden family tie in order to further Its interest in what cfcs, mainly trying to do is is really what china is trying to do over the world which is get access the energy resources and precious metals So that is what you know. That is what if the business is in europe, that's what their business is in africa, it's what their business was. Wherever they did business so the Biden stout like they're, already exploiting the by name, but they weren't getting eight out of it. So this as to what you just mentioned six weeks after Biden said office, they start to pay and rob walker told the fbi when he was interviewed that this earth payment, which was in the amount of three million dollars was considered by them to be like a thank you from China
or at least I dont want to be at a stretch, your I thank you from c e, f c, and I one who sang Cfcs. China, like like there's any great mystery to that but anyway that when they get this three million dollars, and this happens in early march. They give it up the way I just described at third, if it goes to walk or a third of it goes to guilty, are, and then a third of it would is, I think, one million. Sixty five thousand dollars gets divvied up among Jim Biden hunter, odin, Halley, Biden, anna and an account that's called by, that the committee hasn't yet connected to a particular Biden. That's not clear which one we're talking about, but again these payments that you know that they go from. I want to say like march two may, then the payments and they break the ghetto. They break the money,
and into smaller amounts and put them into these Biden. Family. and that's how they do the that's, how they do the payments so in conjunction with three million dollar. Thank you, payment hunter Ireland has a meeting with yeah and Meng in miami. In february and again, The time of these payments and this is the meeting where they discuss what the structure of the deal win. Them is going to be famously. This is the dinner where or the meeting where Yang Jian Mang present hunter with a diamond spin. I've seen it there leslie described is two point. Eight carrots and three point: one aid: carrots, hunters wife said it was worth eighty grand hunter says with horror something closer to ten grand hunter,
hostile, asleep says why he bribe me. My dad was an even in office anymore and in the meantime we know from the conversations that were were happening among the Biden. The people on by the side of the sea of sea transaction that Biden was already planning his twenty twenty campaign. Very early entry seventeen so yeah. it was obvious that dumb Biden was still going to be a player in politics, Just why cfcs obviously was so interested in him and his connections, but they discuss in the miami meeting. The possibility of two different kinds of deals, one is basically, a straight out: pay off for introductions, the idea is that huh Biden on behalf of the burdens and its clear when cfcs talking about the Biden, rich they're, talking about the family and they re
or to the family any number of times. So idea that its hunter and Jim their pay for Joe Biden, political influence, but the idea is on behalf the Biden's there is going to sign a three year: contract they're gonna pay, the Biden, ten million dollars a year for three years, go on longer than three years, but they won the start with three years, and that would be just introductions. Nothing else binds wouldn't have to do anything else except make connections for these people. Then there was another proposal that hunter said He was more interested in because it could be much more lucrative and it be much more long lasting. That was the idea that. cfc was going to capitalize, initially with ten million dollars, a joint venture between ye on one side and
during the burdens on the other side they would have a single corporate entity and it would be split. Fifty de between the chinese side and the Biden side and it is going to do infrastructure project which means going to serve china's interests by acquiring a work in energy and other, resources that China desperately needs around the world, but in particular one the things that they talked about, pull off was alive. Provide natural gas port in Louisiana that they hoped was ultimately going to be worth three billion dollars. I think they had stores in their eyes talking about this, but that at least was a venture that was on the table and it looks they did a lot of work towards that, including
Jim Biden doing good deal of negotiations with the local authorities in Louise again up and also like negotiating where there were gonna make the drilling equipment that was needed, etc. But it looks like a lot of work went into that, but it never it never ultimately materialise, but in any These are the two kinds of ventures. They were talking about, just a flat out payment for introductions or an end. That actually would do would specialise in infrastructure for the benefit of china oh, that was where I'm sorry sorry I was as say, and- and this is where, when this this sum seems not to be. Gone along as ex expeditiously as abiden hope. That's where you get the the than this. except message you my father's right here, you know what's happening yeah, because, I think one thing that I know
then what that. This thing seemed to have a lot of moment. after the meeting between YE and hunter in miami. They do a lot this is one bob bob ski really gets brought into this thing. To give it structure, Bobby linsky on may. Second, seventeen has a meeting in beverly hills with Joe Biden jimbo biden, hunter Biden and other people who are on I'd inside involved in the deal. It's clear that you don't Joe Biden is participating conversations about how the deal is going to be structured. when he leaves Jim Biden and of the end, The linsky end up having discussion where you know Bob oni bubble in ski basically system orange concern. Given that we're dealing with the chinese communist party-
Joe attached to this, and what Jim tells them is that they prioritize keeping possible deniability about here. role in it, but they're having these meetings And then on may thirteenth deal you are, sent an email to everybody who was involved not joe, but he sends email to hunter with the eye that this is like their discussion document for how the steel is going to be structured and they talk about like a fifty fifty, let between the Biden side in the chinese side, and then they talk about on their side whose getting a piece of it so gilias getting a piece walkers getting a piece. Jim and Joe, a german hunter Biden are getting a peace, and this where they also say that hunter will hold ten percent for the big guy, meaning Joe Biden, and there is no doubt that the big guy is Joe Biden, it's obvious
the contacts Boboland ski has said it were others who were involved in the deal who referred to Joe Biden as the big guy. So there isn't, I mean he's the big guys and that wasn't one of those informed doesn't one of the informants say he was the big guy, yes and and the ukraine stuff. That's correct, yeah and I to refer to one as either my chairman org, you know they always referred to Joe, as you know, by these kinds of nicknames which leave little doubt about who they're they're talking about so anyway, this all seems to have had a lot of momentum and they had reason to think they were getting a big pay day which Why its relevant that on june eighth job, I purchases, the rehoboth beach mansion anybody for two point: seven: five million dollars with no mortgage now.
the two to a prosecutor. That would do that would up your ears, because weird that they don't have a you know that they did a deal like that. A lot of people who have lots of money can, you know, buy things. Cash and sometimes do ordinarily, you have a bank involving the transaction. Like this, Joe Biden has not somebody who came from money, wherever had much money and the about a mortgages you get a mortgage, you have two gives give people a kind of a look at what your fee answers are, and when you buy something you know flat out for cash, you don't say what this slight out for cash under circumstances where They not only had money coming in from other foreign this dealings that were being done, but also had reason to think there were about to have a big pay day with c e f. so they claimed an eleven million, an income.
Ass. They said that was from their rum there. Their book deals because having heard Joe Biden, speak for a number of years wooden everyone trip over themselves out and out a book, and especially if you could get a book written by and one written by jill, become so but that's not established there. There's no record like this is so much they offer because whatever it was all I dont know the answer to that. I think they declare to eleven million dollars and income, but I don't believe there is any evidence that they declared any sea of sea money. Income will have to see how that develops in the investigation. So. for that there is some at home and in june you still have the deal not coming through. You still have a very Angry Biden and then finally closer end of the summer that the partnership happens yeah that's right, I mean what ends up happening as they did
materializes for two months and they are obviously getting more and more antsy, and and that's when July thirtieth hunter ends up. famous, what's that message to worm. Raymond jowl, who is one of the executives at at sea. at sea and that's where he, I'm sitting here with my father and tell them you know We want to know why the commitment hasn't been fulfilled, the commitment that hasn't been fulfilled as they having come up with the ten million that they were supposed to capitalize the venture, with whatever Whatever form the venture was going to be- and you know hunter basically presses and very hard, as you know, is, if I don't call or text back I'll, make certain between the man sitting next to me and every single person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction
so there's this kind of agitation that goes on, couple of days at the end of July, beginning of august, including a pretty explicit text message that hunter so having not a text message a what's that message with this guy gun when dong who when two regards as yees emissary and hunter often cause his own business partner when they finally do find eyes this transit. Action in early august on pay The partners are dong and hunter but he basically says to him. You know what happened here. there were two deals worse to do one of the other, one. The things he he seen to be most upset about on august. Third hunter
that suddenly china, instead fronting ten million, was talking about fronting five million, which dear said, was like a late development that nobody had really discuss with him and was unacceptable to him basically said you know you guys are crazy easily were the kind of money that we are talking about. So why are we quibbling over peanuts? This could be very lucrative view could be very lucrative for us. So end of these. Discussions in early august, they actually do go to paper, most of the documents I think or are signed off on on august. Second, in august. Third, it up should say riches the the entity that they finally decide is going to The basis of their partnership is going to be. Old. Hudson west three, that's the name of the corporate Did he and the other interesting thing about this? Is it looks
the Biden cut everybody else out they cut out bobo, key. They cut out gilliard they cut out walker, it's just be the burdens and see, I see no honor among thieves changeover. Imagine but dear opens a bank account for this business high hudson west, on this third on org fourth yeah, see, makes a direct payment not to hudson was but too hunter of hundred thousand dollars. I guess it's like a kind of a peace pipe after they had these Hence discussions in the in the previous days, and then walk whopper come so august, eighth, see, ya, see wires. Five million dollars to hudson west account and me lee you know, hunter eggs, four hundred thousand of it. This is like the first tranche and its clear. The committee looking into this. But it is clear that what
did was the fall million is sitting at hudson west and little by little, not the four hundred thousand too little Little by little, what they're gonna do is draw down on it and ports the way that they choose to force it out so hunter as soon as a they do, the Five million and hudson west he immediately takes four hundred thousand other and so to his bank account at a wasp go, which is his law firm. And then he does it. He takes Some money from that put in a couple of accounts that he controls buys a porch and then takes another slice of it, a hundred and two thousand, he wires it to Jim Biden using a an account that in Biden and his wife maintain a personal account that they call lion. Whole group
sounds like it's like some kind of an official business entity, but is actually just a purse no account. That's can try by Jim and Sarah and his wife and they from this hundred and fifty spend about thirty five thousand dollars on various various things, but the most important part of this rich is on august twenty eightth sarah. and gems wife withdraws Fifty thousand dollars from the lion whole account deposit said in the joint king account personal join checking account of Sarah and Jim Biden. And then on September. Third of that Three thousand she writes a chair for forty thousand dollars. Ten percent of the original four hundred thousand to Joe Biden and
In the memo line they say long. Repayment nazism are often complex way to get two. There is this. This loan rate repayment of disquiet at layer happens at the end of this. long chain of transactions or run a little long andy? So with it? What were skip a little bit safe sea fc blowing up, but the the basic pattern here is were repeated and at a less complicated deal, with this Americorps yeah, that's right did I. America, or is this sum? It's basically a failing health company The committee described it as a financially distressed and failing rural hospital operator, but why? We are failing Jim Biden cells himself to them as someone who, because of the Biden family name in the connections that it brings we'll, be able
to arrange for them and investor from the middle east will make all their dreams come true. and allow them to operate in the black, etc. So morocco or pays Jim Biden six hundred and ten in dollars in a couple of different payments, and then on the same with this is interesting. On the same day, one of the payments is too high a thousand dollars on march, first of twenty eighteen american war wires. Jim Biden, two hundred in dollars and, on the same day, Jim, lighten and Sarah white, a check four two hundred thousand dollars to Joe Biden, an course in the memo line they put long repayment, though
You know that looks like it's. The m o, maybe maybe I'll turn out to be embarrassed and Joe Biden come up with. You know a bunch of money that he on it in is lending hundreds of thousands of dollars that he's lending to his brother who's, the guy who's, making all the money while Joe is doing. You know public service, but that hasn't materialised yet five million dollar question is this? an impeachable offense. Does this amount to an impeachable, offense yeah, not that you will ever be impeach, but look, I think the most important thing here, rich where everybody is focused on the fire, game, mechanics of the actual payments, and they are very interesting, but the thing staring us in the faces. What is c e, f c? see I see. Is china. Why would you do this for china? Why would you help china or big
rival in the world. Why would you help it develop Energy resources and divert american energy resources in order to help them do it. I just why would you do that, except for money? right? Well, that's all the time we have this podcast produced by the incomparable. Sarah should thank you, everyone for listening and thank you any party, thanks rich. Do you know how government can trace crypto criminals across the globe by using mastercard cipher trace its hard to know who to trust in this new digital world, but Mastercard's powerful security solutions help you feel safe and secure within it together. The possibilities are priceless: learn more at mastercard, dot com, slash next june solutions.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-06.