« The McCarthy Report

Episode 230: Family Business

2023-09-29 | 🔗
Today on The McCarthy Report, Andy and Rich discuss the Biden impeachment inquiry.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Welcome to the Mccarthy report attack gas, where I rich Larry discuss what they any mccarthy the latest legal and national security issues this week. What else the latest on the piedmont inquiry by the way for some reason: you're not already following us on a stream service. You can find us everywhere from spotify to itunes and please give this park ass, an anti mccarthy the glowing indeed gushing. Five starve, they deserve on itunes now without further I welcome to this very podcast through the miracle riverside, none other than any mccarthy, they were georgia, I'm not too bad for you. I'm doing great, I'm having well, who was says everybody gets. Fifteen minutes was Andy. Warhol said everybody gets fifteen minutes there was, but if they do impeachment. Every every few months.
I'm gonna get like fifty minutes with setting up to forty five minutes of our three engagements right, so it's dig it. We had the first hearing yesterday a big picture. Republicans are look it's a it's an inquiry. This is just just getting started. Maybe the case? Isn't there yet? But it's an inquiry. You know it's not an actual impeachment and you have general, say, look at this. Even their own witnesses say that their cases in there and nuts new to see here. What official yeah well This is part of why was problematic for them too. Label this impeach. inquiry because As we said rich, when we talked about the the standing committee. Investigations leading up to this point have been very, very effective and I marveled yesterday at the fact that people kept saying that
Nothing yesterday was just a nothing burger tone the flat, no information and unlike if you know anything about this at all This was the very first hearing and you found out for the first time that between many fourteen and twenty nineteen, the by family raked in one in four million dollars from people connected to it, corrupt and anti american regime's undisturbed from stances where there is no value, none other than access to Joe Biden, which is going in the other way when the money, he comes this way, in these transactions and, where water to collect the money they set up. This come come located web of twenty
limited liability corporations that don't appear to exist for any reason, a lot of them other than to take money in and theirs different financing channels, different people who were overseas, who wore the connections forward, there's the pattern, I'm getting big payments and then spreading out the payments that good the words the foreign, the forum concern that pays the large sum of money pays it to these Biden, partners over pay the Biden porters first, and then those partners disperse it into the biden accounts through these. A limited liability corporations over time to make the big payments like smaller payments, so that they are not obtrusive n the thing have to keep bearing in mind when you watching all this is that, while this
nothing in the way of value, that's going the other way. This is just money coming in so You didn't know any of that and made that out yesterday, for the first time, I think we would have been like scooping our jaws off the floor. So part of the reason this may have seemed like a nothing burger yesterday, when all it really was was the kind of thing that you would have in any impeachment inquiry you know we were just yoke and before we got on when I was a kid, when Nixon was impeached that was like thing you didn't think of like well. What are we doing in the usual way impeachment inquiry, because there was an unusual impeachment everywhere, but now that we ve had now that we ve had a bunch of them in the last stuff? You know obviously since Clinton, but you know particularly the less. This is the third one now since twenty nineteen right, so in each of these Hearings- and I know this rich because I actually not just have have this I was asked to testify.
when nam when the house was thinking of impeaching John koskinen, who the irish commissioner back during the obama administration I was asked to testify, so it was at a hearing just like the hearing yesterday. In fact, John Turley was on the point, on the panel yesterday was on the panel with me that day and its it's kind of standard, fair, that at the getting of an impeachment inquiry? You would have a kind of aid. Eagle panel slash you no witnesses who can in broad brush tell you the kind of things that were expecting too to see and cover in the ensuing hearings, so may have been a tactical mistake by comber. He hasn't made money, so you know, I think you know title to one, but it may been you know there they may have raised expectations and away they shouldn't have about
who is going to happen at this hearing, but I think again. I know me too to go on and on about it, but I think part of the reason it seems like nothing burgers, because the committees, the standing committees to this point, have developed such amazing information that yesterday may have seemed like a dog because of what we already know. So, let's talk about another piece amazing information that we just learned was it this week last week about the the wire transfer that goes to Joe Biden's. Delaware address what two hundred fifty thousand dollars and a mere ten thousand dollars to hunter Biden to this address, which has created a debate over where hunter of war so, how significant? As this piece of information, significant, although I think part of the reason and let me make a broad brush point and then dig down I think part of the reason that this is spectacular.
In the way of information is because this has been teed up wrong from the start. The way this has been. Talked about, including by republicans, is that hunt Biden has this business The goal we have is to determine what, if anything, Joe Biden, knew about, or was some way connected to bud. you know in the way of doing active things in connection with this business and Ivan start. This was entirely the wrong way to look at this and it's not the way the law would look at its not the way the irs would look at it as one of the year. Witnesses. On the panel yesterday said, the business was Joe Biden, It's not like hunter has this business and we have to figure out what you know about it, Joe Biden was the business. There would be no business without Joe Biden if you widen, had wanted to shut down this business or didn't one hunter and
family members capitalizing on his polluter. who influenced he could a shut. Is down in nothing flat and it went on for years and years and people can you to pay millions and millions of dollars. So it's not like this hunters business and we gotta figure out Joe, really know anything about it: jos, the business so because Dave David ended up as its hunters business there, forever now scrambling to show that Joe had some knowledge of it or so implicit participation in it, I just think you don't make The press would have would have treated it that way, no matter what, but in the iris, if you Pay somebody a bribe by paying say of the sun
or the wife or some close family member, you ve paid the person. You and paid that you know that. That's concern the constructive payment and the income would be yours if, if paying you if they're paying him because of you. That's your income you know, that's the way they would look at what have it when you, if you want to get a security clearance in the government, you have two filed this book length form tickled S eighty six or something, but on four pages and pages- and you have to fill out not only your personal business with anybody overseas and your connections to anybody whose overseas every single close family member you have to put what associations they have overseas, what the nature? their financial track transactions or if they have any accounts, if they had any financial transactions
want to get a security clearance. You have to fill that out because the governments. Experience is the way that the way people get blackmailed. Way that they get compromise by foreign powers. That involves big payments to their family members This is like institutionally the region, you have to fill the format. That way is that David for over the years through experience, they see time and again. This is the way people get get themselves in trouble. So this whole idea that, like hunters, independent actor out there, what this independent business and were struggling to find out how much joe know about it is just it it's a farcical way of looking at this, so with that. As background, you know, once again, you have a little bit of republican unfortunately, mrs describing what their, what It will approve here which have
the media and the Democrats take advantage of, but just some soup want to send this: it's not like a check, male to Joe Biden at his apartment or or at his home in in wilmington. This is a bank account That was a personal bank account of hunters, but the addressed listed on the bank. Account was Joe ireland's wilmington home, the wire transfer to wire transfer means it's a bank to bank transfer. So it's not like a checks get mail to somebody's house. It's it's! It's a why transfer, that's going from bank data bank, be in this case from the from the Chinese? partners. Jonathan lie, I forget what the other guy's name is off. The top of my head the licence to two hundred and fifty thousand dollar checked the guy since the ten thousand dollar jack
it's the July august, two thousand and nineteen, which means it's right after Joe Biden has formally announced he's running for president in twenty twenty, and so the thing is big, but because of the way the debate about this has all been teed up hunter and the burdens are now desperate to try to the eight some distance between. Joe Biden and these payments and Joe Biden and this account. So what they. Ve tried to float what are too to pull died off is to say that hunter was living. In Joe Biden house at that time and what they say. Basically, as you know, it calvin, He moved in with his parents
a lot of families, went through that, that was where he was a hold up during that period of time, and it's you know it doesn't work because first of all was uncovered yet covered didn't happen for several months after that, but or to the point, hunter in his memoir explains that he was living in california. In twenty nineteen. Wolf I'm sorry weiss, the prosecutor in in delaware, claims that Hadn't been able to died, counter for thee, the twenty eighteen, twenty nineteen taxpayers or twenty seventeen twenty eighteen taxpayers, because he did get cooperation from the? U s attorney in California, where the venue because that's where hunter was living in the talks at the time. So you know the? U S, attorney, hoo, hoo, hoo,
this statement of facts in connection with the failed play agreement back in July he wore with hunters lawyers on that statement, effects they have been living in California, which is exactly what he said all the time, but I think The thing here is rich. goes to show their consciousness here. In the sense quantum, obviously wasn't living. Joe Biden's home he's living in california but their trust. to pretend that he was living in Joe Biden home because Otherwise, how do you like The fact that all this money is coming in and Biden addresses connected to it, and the reason they are desperate about this is because everybody knows because the way this has been teed up, the game is to show it. pieces of how Joe could possibly been somehow connected to this. When I just think if you look
this, like Joe Biden, was the business that none of this surprises you too like completed, and it doesn't really matter where hunter was living, yeah and anything. sure is Biden said hundred and get any money. Getting can my dears on this way from china and it was ten million dollars from this law. I think we're being conservatives on the sea e f c thing that have gone over. You know it's amazing, mistaken about this. Earlier this week we spent the last couple of weeks talking about the charisma stuff because facts are so bad and that the Mt some money make your eyes pop out. You you forget that the chair, stuff is even worse, charisma, stuff and there's more money coming in it's amazing. Let me positive They do plug for an hour plus, and our plus is your way to read it mccarthy unobstructed talk about obstruction come up here
then there are regulated I like how you did that? That's great, isn't it planet subconscious, just just just happened happen. the other. Now jackson adjective this progress daddy, but anyway if you get a you got a couple of free bites of the apple at national review. The way you do so many the places and give how prolific andy as you might exhaust all those bites, just in one week of these material alone. So you need to be a member of an r plus. You should be a member of enter plus are all sorts of benefits, and it's just the right thing to do. We need the pay a little bit for our continent. We think were providing a lot of value to people. We just asked for a little value in return, not a lot. We have great first time deals run. at any given moment so for not already member please join today. Become one of tens of thousands of your fellow nephew readers who are a member plus, so any that a brilliant sideways now
at the other end of it is now upon us cell and rise talk about the various ways investigation was stymied to protect the binds. Most of which involve this leslie wolf So let us get through that door. Particulars here yes, a leslie wolfe, was the assistant. U s attorney in Delaware who why sport in charge of the Biden instigation, so I think this is would be given the way a. U S, attorney's office works. peculiar small one handling a big investigation, should think of this as why send wolf, because wouldn't be doing what she was doing without sign off from him, but she's the one who's out front and some of this stuff reduce just like unbelievable you, for example, in september, or of last year. So twenty twenty two the irish finally, after years get
permission to do a sit down interview with Jim Biden, who is a major player in the scheme. Jos, brother and the course of what seems like it was probably a very interesting conversation that should have been a lot more interesting. Jim admits that they were trying help china and c e f c. Is china like it that he doesn't you don't from that they were trying to help c e, F and and thereby china acquire liquefied natural gas plant that they wanted to do in louisiana and joy admit that, the asian mine, de the chairman that counter always talks about was crowded is very impressive woody
you can do chinese and russian pronunciative put yeah? But if I have to skip from one to the other eye, but but dumb the asian ming was protege of gg paying, and don't ask me to say that, like three times fast but But Jim admits this thought they knew that that this outfit they would deal with was basically china and you don't be foolish to pretend otherwise, given the way that that china is structured and and works so that natural question, you would ask- is wool What did Joe Biden? No about all this. What participation did he have? After all, we know from tony bobo Linsky that Joe was quote on quote the big guy. He was that this was the deal that he was supposed to get the ten percent out of the liquid natural gas thing we don't know
What Joe's role was because leslie wolf instructed the I r S and the f b, I as a condition to being allowed to do this interview. Finally, they weren't supposed to ask any questions about Joe Biden. So that avenue, which would have been a natural avenue which actually would have been like one of the first, questions that you asked was was off the table and not ask again I've never heard of situation where you told your investigators not to investigate something. You can decide afterwards that you dont want to use it or whatever, but you never tell the agents that we do this to me Information like there's nothing. You know those things that you don't pursue now I shouldn't say that they sometimes when you were afraid like, for example, you We tell the agents, don't ever ask somebody about
defence strategy or they are their conversations with their lawyers. So there are certain things for legal reasons that you tell them not to ask, but when, doing the active phase of an investigation. You never tell them not to pursue some avenue because somebody might get implicated so that's it stem but they re another thing that just a curse me has gone through this. Is you know I I don't leave. It can us. Obviously it's been blown up in many many ways, but that the the jos contention that it never talked a hunter about business beat. You know like. Harry there's some plausibility in on this, the train wreck. I want to look the other way I just but talk to your son or your brother about anything they are doing. Business will heights. If it's just insane is an incident, and it's interesting. You say that, because one of the revelations that dumb that also came out in the last week or so was
at a time when, when hunter was was going, through bad phase of this drug abuse, desert they now a text message where hunter basically says to Jim Biden. I'm tapped out. I can't pay anything. can't pay. My alimony can't pay child support kid. Just all them He's gone on broke. and Jim basically system look, you need a safe space at the moment dad and I can get the work done. Usually you know you just need to take care of yourself now, so you know every little piece you see that Joe Biden, it's up to his neck in this, as you would expect him to be. You don't look just like from a you human standpoint. Let's just put the corruption on the side for a second, and I think Joe widened was probably concerned about his son and his son.
The ability to make a living. You know part of this may have been motivated by that. For all know, I mean I happen to think these are scummy people and they like to you, know they like money, but do the the thought You have a son who has been if we destroyed his life over narcotics, addiction and you have it's his life, that are that are essential like what he does for a living that are off limits and you don't discuss them. I mean that's, that's it does it make any sense to like it? it make human sense? You don't forget about corruption I have to by the way I am going to take a stout data, a little bit of Allah. If you don't mind, so speaking, of sketchy people as some is dealt with on a lot of them and near prosecuted, lots of them. So what is bob menendez mindset was, was what your gas will see. Us is always in this too, to try to enrich himself in such that you also
a busted the first time right. You get a hat hungary, which at imagine you know it's like drawing and incites straight most time, a hungary and then you do it again, and it is just these people, this did this greedy. What what he thinks, the story there I think a lot of it is, they feel invulnerable and you know if you, if you get near the fire like he did, come out of it, You say, and I've heard a lot of people make the common sense point like man. If I was that close to to going down and losing it all. You I'd go to now, a right I'd, never get myself opposition again it's not how he's wired I mean the lasting we heard and in new jersey rich. Is that Menendez has let it be known to fill murphy, who would to fill his spot. A few steps down filmography the governor of jersey- that, if more if he would appoint Menendez is suffering
it's the next senator Menendez might have done so I like even now here you know, he's willing deal and it's just the way he's wired. I think some people work. I can the skin, how could he go out this week and say The reason I had gold bars and half a million dollars in cash sown into jackets at my house is because family? Is cuba, where the government is confiscatory, they'll go in and take your stuff and like.
But then, this is a united states senator who did not grow up in cuba. He grew up in the united states yeah. He thinks he thinks the government is going to what the government did come in and take his stuff with that, because yeah yeah, I love also as he just needed it. For emergencies like I dunno you need to put down a mortgage on a second home in cash like right now, yeah right! Well, you never know if you're a united states senator you never know when, like some one, the seventeen people, you have access to take you around in the private plane they may be there for. You now see the gold bars in case. You need to go someplace, quick so that back to things threads we're not pursued the the api. I want to investigate this character, Kevin Morris, who is the sugar bro for four hunter for campaign
fires violations, wolf just sat down to yeah. You know this is the guy who paid his taxes. Who basically has a you know. Given all kinds of, I think, bought some of the art. You remember we forget that hunters, the next rembrandt every now and then right so apparent this guy's on the hook. For that, so he's he's paden millions of dollars to to her for this and that, but but I should remind people, and we this a couple of months ago, I think rich there was always a great mystery about what did hunter do with the ten percent share that he had in that both. I trust that that the Biden campaign in the bible administration insisted that he was going to get rid of, and he never did. And parlor reason that I that I, Believe you never did was that, even though they were telling people, this thing was worth like four hundred and sixty thousand dollars it was actually probably worth in the tens of millions of dollars,
that both high trust You know David bonds and could probably give us a better idea, but but they they manage like somewhere, between two and three billion dollars and they ve been in like mega mega transaction. So a ten percent slice of that's gonna be worth a lot of money. Here. Answered it to cabin morse. So you know there may be a kind of an explanation for why Morris's that this sum giving with all these millions of dollars at ease that he's gone into his pocket for hunter for, but anyway, the f b. I wanted to look at him for campaign finance violations. Apparently wolf shot that and said she wasn't interested, not angle, didn't want the agents wasting their time working on it. and then there's. This is the most outrageous one. I think ritual though their role pretty outrageous, but. Remember build bar put. U s attorney from pittsburgh, this guy scott Brady,
in charge of varying the information that was coming into the justice department about ukraine, and the reason that he thought it was import. That the information was Rudy giuliani had been over in ukraine, where with this guy love porn, us and they were doing. They were trying to investigate the bidens in ukraine, and there was a lot of concern about whether they were up to no good over there and doing shady things or who they were talking to and the up the democrats in the national secure Community would basically have. You believed that everybody Rudy spoke too must have been a russian intelligence. I get a when in doubt their russian intelligence agents right so to avoid tainting the cases that might be worth doing in the the crane area to avoid painting that with bad information,
bar did was a sign. This guy's got Brady to go through everything they were getting in connection with ukraine. to figure out was rudy stuff and and what else there was an But what else there was was this confidential informant? Who was fbi long time informant that they had judged credible and had interviewed a number of times and he the one that Nikola tesla chap ends telling that he paid hunter and Joe Biden, ten million dollars in bribes, in addition, two pudding hunter on the board brisbane paying him go gobs of money for it. Position that he had no experience and no competence for so The? U s attorney or the assistant yours attorney, we ve been talking about leslie, wolf when Brady more both times offered to,
if her investigators on the Formation from the fbi confidential, informant, she, climbed the briefing her rationale for declining it was. Oh, that's all that rudy stuff, which of course, is what the Democrats were saying even during the twenty nineteen impeachment right. If Rudy touched it, it's it corrupt or russian or whatever and you know it would have been very easy for Scott Brady. I don't often did tell her this or what the nature of their conversations where we only have the reporting that we ve seen from the committee, but yet, He could have told her and five seconds that no no! No! This is not the rudy information. This is a confidential informed that the fbi has but she wouldn't take the briefing and as a result the irs whistle blower gary, shabbily when he testified by exactly says the iris was shocked when the
found out about this ten twenty three form? That's the the interview form are the informant, lays out all this information and says that You know it's low chaskey said that he paid this money soldier. he said that he talked to Biden directly. We now know that slow chaskey did talk, dividing correct, directly, remember so just key and posts. the other guy from but burma they. The meeting at the four seasons in dubai that we ve talked about where Hunter Biden puts Joe on the phone with them, while a pressuring them to do. thing using their influence, but what the ukrainian government to make the investigations go away and as discussed about four days after that, conversation in the four seasons That's when Joe Biden goes to ukraine and threatens that if, guy who's, investigating Brazil is not fired. Ukraine
not going to get a billion dollars and in u s funding so You were an investigator on this case. obviously having the informants information, whether you know you, obviously you can't corroborate something unless you know about it to investigate it, but it would have been very worthwhile to them to have this investigation, for reasons, and yet the arrest, guys who will looking at the money trail never were told about the fbi. Informant. It's amazing, so to nail nail Joe Biden on this, though right you need to do what did you know, is a term conditions. Chalked up to incompetence or just chuck chalked up to the end Annotation higher ups didn't want these things two pursued it to be pursued at how to take the next step. While I
Look I think. First of all, you have to redefine what you're what we have I mean it might have been, it might ok to india. For a while the idea that hunter had the separate business that was separate nepal for Joe. We now know that Joe was the business and they should like they should rethink how they think about this, but Do you think that you would want to forget it in some ways rich forget about like the info negation and even forget about the forget about impeachment for a second, let's just that but the national security of the united states right china has the Biden like over ten million dollars? What getting for that? That's like crucial for the national during this country, I would point out for example, I haven't seen any coverage of this in connection with the impeachment investigation, but
in twenty fifteen hunter. in this ball. High partnership hell the chinese government, the aviation industry corporation of china, by a u s, auto technology company called hinges which specializes in anti vibration technology, which are the Lee has military uses, which is why aviation industry of china, which is part of their military apparatus. That's why they wanted hennig in the first place. So it occurs to me It's occurred to chuck Grassley as well that the committee on foreign investment in the united states during the Obama administration would have to have signed off on this in order for it to go forward if you're gonna do a transaction of that size with? Do you, technology that would go The chinese government
it's gotta, be approved by the government headed that happen you know what was the net. What was the american national interest in giving China time when they are trying to build up their military, two rival or military, and We ve been worried about war, that region will world for a long time. What interested we have been giving China this anti vibration technology. Somebody ought to be taken a hard look at that Lena bad arena, was the young, the wit. oh uh, former mayor of Moscow Who is one of the most rich women in the world and was had a tough for a time at least the richest woman in russia. she's, essentially an oligarch. Close to the families been close to Putin.
supposedly or government, is sanctioning every oligarch around Putin in connection with ukraine. Some miraculously she's, not on the list of all the people, get sanctions she's, not sanction? How come you know? Why so you know the charisma thing we ve talked about like the quid pro quo evidence there now is pretty well known, but it seems to me that There's a million things, that go on in the relationship between the united states and china and man be digging into that to see what kind of accommodations we're making now you know. Look it's not that never going to be easy to say. We made an accommodation in china's benefit because the burdens are owned by china, because if you look at what happened with IRAN,
they are giving ran all kinds of benefits, and I dont we don't have any information that a ran is involved in the you know in holland. whose business so I think, some of of what you're gonna find is philosophically these guys. Just or not. You know they don't there there were peters. Their idea of foreign relations is too, is to give in so it could be that we made a lot of accommodation to china because that's the way Biden is wired, but I do think it matters that the Chinese have paid. The Biden over ten million dollars and we're making what kinds of policy accommodation system and for the life of me. I can understand why we will allow that transaction to go through, but we did hunter, also work which, with china to buy a three point,
Eight billion dollar, basically cobalt mine in africa and cobalt. is an essential element. The batteries of these electric cars Joe Biden is trying to make everybody in the union states by you know why? Why are we working with china on that? What how is it in a man work in interest too, the chinese corner the cobalt market, you know if I were doing this investigation, those of the kind of things I'd be looking into. You know if you're going to operate on the assumption that the chinese wouldn't have paid the buttons over ten million dollars for no reason they had to expect that they were going to get something out. Let's try to figure out what they got: this listeners, a national podcast. You already have all the riveting political come to renews analysis. You need but good news.
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like the things you outlined, obviously seem worthy of investigation, but also seem complex, investigations. You know that you're, probably not gonna nail down what you're you're goin for in a couple weeks. So can you just set keeping it in impeachment free open in turn next year and just keep going where the facts take you. Is there there's some realistic? You nancy policy. First impeachment, of course, the pressure to get it done before the election year began yeah that, because that was the political dynamic, then I think this is more like the january six committee rich in the sense that they, need to get their work done before the next congress in another, and take as much time as they want to because the next congress, if the, if the publicans lose their narrow majority and the Democrats back in charge. The impeachment inquiries are going to exist anymore right, but the you know who not that'll be
post election. So so, who knows what the dynamic will be, but I think I think rich to be totally realistic about this and think about it politically, rather than legally, which is what German is anyway we all know. Joe Biden has never getting removed from office right and we also know that they did. even have the votes to doing impeachment inquiry. So the idea that they're, going to file articles of impeachment when they have like eighteen plus republic into aren't even interested in voting on an inquiry is remote, so you, then have to ask yourself. Why are they doing this? think the answer is they want to a parallel in the the of Biden going on while trump is undergoing all of these criminals. situations and I think they really care how long it takes. You know, I think, and combers been very methodical about this. It's good that he's steering the
compared to like you know some of the other rudd dingbat that we'd seem. You know trying to coordinate stuff He seems to know what he's doing so. I think they are doing is now they're gonna crawl into the banking workers, where there's gonna be a lot of damaging information. more than likely and would combers been doing dribbling out information here and there yeah. He shows little leg here, little like there and then every few weeks they put out another report, were they the hearing, whether you know that yet some explosive information they put it all out at one time and could easily see them doing that for months to come, because I think a big port of doing knowing that there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow right you're, not actually gonna impeach and remove the sky. So what this is about is making the case mainly it's about the twenty twenty four election. I think me really it's about to the extent that the
tromp is very likely to be the nominee to the, dented the rap on tromp, is that you know he's he's. He could be a multiple phelan by the time you get election day what the real look and want to be able to essentially say, is: what's difference between him and Biden look at all this stuff on Biden you but tell me you're not going to offer cork trump cause he's corrupt, but in abiden, you know. So I think that was so what's here. What's your latest thought, some people have moved put any political pundit hat. So both moved based on latest polling, just how incredibly by looks, as you know, I'd I said: there's no way good, when I could he could win now. Are you still stop reanimate that trump can't get it done? wouldn't get it. I was. I was exercising while listening to the editors the other day, and I was throwing stuff at the speaker. Mr Karas, I I think those eyes
continued here. They rise good exercise for tries to thrust of, but I continue to think you guys are crazy. I don't look. I know I didn't The only scenario I could see we're trump would have a prayer would be as if a credible third party got in which throws out happen, but it's one on one. He doesn't have a chance and, I think, risks. Finally, I thank you eyes are underestimating the torrent. That's coming, around this time next year will have started already around this time next year, but we, Never in history, scene anything like they're gonna, throw a trump between you know, just one one small point which I think is worth making you and Jim, I think, we're talking about trump. crazy. We used to call them tweet, but they're, not on twitter thereon on his social.
Nobody knows about this stuff because, as you say, it's silo right. Everybody in america's gonna know about it. This time next year, they're gonna have trials, are going to have all the january six stuff that the committee put together on a loop, they're gonna have of these crazy things. He says on social media now I say all that, with this background, rich looking at those new poles, the thing that struck me Looking at them, you know that the one the washington post, the bbc one, was complete nonsense. I mean even they couldn't keep a straight face. Reporting on that right. The only thing that ever has had him over fifty percent, but a few every single other pull that you guys we're looking at the highest trump is. Is forty six. and most of them he's under forty six. So to me, this is all about Biden. It's not about trump trump card
get over forty six and twenty sixteen he couldn't get all of which the forty six in twenty twenty one he was present and when he was the incumbent president, He's never gonna sniff forty again I mean You get to forty. Six now is bad things or providing the country has made up their minds about trump, and I By the time. The Democrats, it's a through throwing at him, and the media is through, throwing at him everything that's going to be thrown at him. After all, these trials, which he might get convicted at and by the way we didn't even talk about the that that happened in manhattan this week, wherein the civil case with with tis James he got put out of business in new york. I mean just the destruction of a company in its own, That's all two billion dollar three billion dollar empire gone, so they're gonna throw at this guy is gonna, be like nothing.
Trump would say like something: let's look nobody's ever seen before and he's not good Forty six he'll be lucky to be a forty three and I think it will be lower than that. Lemme. Will you make a compelling case? That's all the time we have the spark s been produced by the incomparable. Sarah shitty thanks, for listening and thank you Andy, mccarthy, thanks rich
Transcript generated on 2023-09-30.