« The McCarthy Report

Episode 203: Better Check Your Bookshelves

2023-01-25 | 🔗
Today on The McCarthy Report, Andy and Rich discuss the news that former vice president Pence notified officials about classified documents he found in his possession.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to the Mccarthy report card gas, where I rich Larry discuss what they any mccarthy the latest legal and now national security issues this week, what else the very latest on the classic? documents, all of them, if some measure not following us on stream in service, by the way you can find us everywhere from spotify to itunes- and please give this part Gaston Annie Mccarthy, the glowing indeed gushing fight our views they deserve on itunes. Now without further hu, I welcome to this very pod, cast through the miracles then cast or none other than any party hey we're, celesyria, good andy, you I'm great, I'm I'm sure, or listeners, at the edge of their seat, waiting for expert analysis. Good. Since I, since I completely
add the nfl playoffs yeah. This is gonna start with, so the cowboys did not turn out very well. I mean that was your first bump steer that in you've, given any one about any matter in a long time- and I forget what you said about the ac- I had the bills the cowboys and super superbowl. Ok yeah, and I set it on your side. I would on the siders wording for the giant so that when well too I am, I was shocked, drove the bangles looked? I think I mentioned on the pod cast last week that the japanese three guys in the center fell short so certain the bengals they all predicted the biggest with great. Certainly I had no idea why, but I guess they knew knew something the rest of us didn't looks like this. My homes, injury is serious, because I am not a big bang guy it's funny. I I think I talked about gambling last week to source, for somebody who is and who is not a seem gaia, seem to like look into it a lot. I guess less. We talked about the under an over, but I saw that the bangles are
favor. Now it's only one and a half bangles a favorite kansas city and the only way that it makes sense to me- is that it is because their homes, injury usually, I used to do mafia cases. In via copious free time, I would talk to some of these bookie guys and what they simply say is that the young, the home field advantage, is worth about three points on the square in many places, If it's inside a three, that's pretty much a pick. Em game like they say you're on a neutral, feel do it would be closed so too have said the natty be favoured in place. We would like Kansas city, that's notoriously tough. The airline is something Yes, so I dishonor my ears, in cairo and having a tv on mute in the background. The chiefs had been favoured. Fourteen
great policies and games like that might in the long run over- and this is the first time ever moans hasn't been favoured- knew well I ankle sprain, I've had a bunch of em in many ways it's worse than a broken bone. You know broken bones kind of them, it's awful, but it heels the high ankle sprain too, for it to happen. It's got. You know you have to: u have to kind of at tendons and they never quite go back and it takes a long time to heal its just it's it's a real, tough injury. yeah tony romo was saying that kind of thing. Where he's gone through this and during the game you just got the adrenaline goin. You can keep playing. You know you're looking little, but then the next day you can't work. In holding out your contract itself, So we'll say so the other question I need it. Ask Andy, sometimes just the two it's will use video or we're not doing that now as well recordings senior hamas has many a time, and
it's got a wonder. You know you, you handle, classify darkness back near your day and you've got a bookshelf back there. That looks a little disheveled and not necessarily that organized at that. Sarah has been wondering the same thing. You know it would not make this podcast look very good. If, after banging on about people mishandling classic. documents. Have you got anything back there? Have you have you search you bookshelf? Are you sure totally clean. I know nothing. I know so. What What should we make of the tenth thing? You know? reported immediately, but at it those two I think, you're specula right initially, is the reason Biden might have been looking for stuff someone finally said, you know what you're really categorical about sixty minutes. Are you sure you sure you don't have anything in common It has no one else who had ever handle classed by darkness is going the very same process now and in in turns up a couple thanks, yeah, you know guess: rich theirs,
I'm comfort we ought to take in this I mean for the most part. This is a catastrophe of the story. because it really makes. You wonder, I, I think a lot of them the chatter about it in the media has been about like well like what are. We do about this guy, and what do we do about that? Guy and yet that's completely understandable, but like it. If you can looking at. This, surely is a national security issue, then under sarka europe, that would end up, meaning is like put aside Who did it. the only issue is what got compromised right and if it's a top secret document that really would cause cattle. Traffic problems if they fell into the wrong hands than you know, the only the thing that matters is the document it's to it? You know who who did? It is like a b and whether you prosecute them as a side issue. That's why no matter
You don't know matter the gauchos politics. The ball is in the end, the carelessness that it better all suggests. The catastrophe for the country is the signal that were sending. There is just were at the highest levels, which is whether the most precious secrets are yeah consumed and analyze and debated. We're completely cavalry more about how the stuff gets handle than that's really problematic, But I guess you know if there is a silver lining. It's that these guys did report. don't like that is no. I know that they like, for example, there's this some talk that, like all, we afraid that trump destroyed. Some classified information because they found these envelopes that didn't have the documents in them. which to me is silly. I mean if he's gonna, destroy it, he would destroy the darkened the envelope to write. So there is much more likely that
you misplaced things than that. You destroy them, but there's no reason to think destroyed anything in under circumstances where they had to know this would be terribly embarrassing and nevertheless reported it. As we've talked about it and report it to law enforcement, but at least he tried to get the documents back in the government files and pants after planting his feet by ripping Biden it. It was humiliating to find at his weak. If these press interviews, in the office in the very office where they found the documents, No, no! No. I would never do that and of course he did do it, but yet they reported. So what are the things? That's been You know I mean we talk about this all the time I it drives me nuts, when I can't figure out why people do things, and I, if it all up pardon me, doesn't understand why these guys didn't just why not just shortly
documents and no one will be any the wiser were, after all, like with bottle with look at Biden, I mean so that it does so. in atlanta, just had a conversation with someone about this very topic and in here as they are all numbered right, to someone knows should know a file is missing in what what what it too broadly covered is that does that sound right here. Well, that's one thing and the other thing is I actually looked into this a lot because it's it's bothered me so much and I that is correct- that it's that their number, but it's not numbered is how many copies they make Oh yeah, you know not at all like a like, while also lies yeah, I got it yeah, I'm one how do I get around in there to other copies, at least And the other thing is, I was thinking I remembered the sub national from the terrorism stop for the euro spent at the defence deportment, why don't they just
have a system like separate net, which is the classified system that mainly managed by the defence department, the state department, so that you can access to documents electronically and there doesn't have to be paper trail and it's like super secured. But, like you, I think this note, There's no such thing as super secured. I had forgotten about this with the law Imitation on net is that it only goes up to documents at the class at the secret level, so the top secret. like the d, you know the crown jewels and not on the system which to me, implicitly says the system is not you know it's not as safe as they would like it to be, because you'd put everything on there if it was right, so I I I looked into this and I think the big problem is that so much classified information and this in the last quarter century. The amount that we have is like,
balloon by like a factor of of wondered of one or two, and that's because when you start to over classify the young the code, during guidelines of classification induce people to classify even more at the edges. So we're constantly classifying. More stuff. Then then, you should and most of it is at the at the ethic financial and secret level, but as we, I think, discussing wait. There's four point: four point: five million people in the united states who have security clearance, and one point: three million who have security clearances for top secret and ass the level documents. It's important rich with that, though, to two undiscovered people, especially because of the way Biden has talked about this like they ve talked about the fact that the guy at the year
albert the guy at the white house councils office has a security clearance yeah. The fact that you have a sick already clearance does mean that you read into every high level classified program right. So you may have you may even have a topsecret security court. I had a very high security clearance that didn't mean I could documents in you know: code word programme an essay I stuff that I wasn't right so there is still a need to know thing that that is on top of all this, but I'm digressing than the important thing go into. The question you asked is the the category of documents that they purport to track on the top secret sci level stuff so the words this so much secret and confidential stuff, and this so many people who have access to it. They basically throne their hands, they don't even try to track it. So now we're talking about that,
the top secret cia stuff they're supposed to be able to track, which means supposed to be like a library book except one that you're only allowed to review in, like you know, secure places, but it's up Is that that system is not working. You know because the documents that that we're talking about not all of them, but a lot of them with greece with respect to trumpet Biden for sure we know happen with hilary. We know what happened with betray us, we're talking about documents there with the very top level. We don't know what the word pencils documents, what level thereat at this point, but in that also makes sense right. If you talking about the president, the vice president, the headless cia, the sit, the secretary of state that the stuff that comes before them, that raises up to their level. Is the euro? is the main security issues that we deal with. So it's not that surprising that they have the heavy duty stuff, but it looks like-
Maybe this is just a very human problem, but it looks like there there's a culture of non enforcement at the top levels of the executive branch I mean it looks like a with Biden. It looks like there's a problem at the senate to write, but but certainly at the top levels of the executive branch and I'm starting to think that you know we left this off a little bit with trump because it just goes to so much of of triumph personality. But like member the thing with trumpet They didn't want to ask him for the stuff back. You know cause such a pain in the ass to deal with the euro and- and he was already a rubbing about other things that you know it got to the point where you know with patsy baloney people were asking patsy bologna. Why didn't you get the stuff back from the residents and if your civil lonely
like. Every time this guy sees me. He screams at me over stop the steal, yellow and I'm trying to I'm trying to keep him on the straight and narrow, and then you want me to used a little bandwidth. I have left to confront them on classified documents. I have a feeling. A lot of that goes on, like you know the the the high ranking official and an executive secure the agency gets a document because, An underlying with a security clearance brings it to him, does the underlying make sure to go back and say: hey boss, you gotta give me that back as I gotta make sure you know, I have a feeling that that's what's going on here, that you don't you start to get a sort of a cow show that the rules don't apply to the top people, and you have to have some sympathy for the top people, because there are stealing with national. security issues, but at the same time they have to be out and about in public doing you know public stuff. So I think it's a hard program. A problem but
what were definitely seeing. Is that there's a culture? or of non enforcement of the rules at the highest levels, and that's the only way you can least afforded, but but that's what we have I can see very much like taking classified documents to the right. when you're in the white house, you know in your office is downstairs in this most secure building in the country just does not shock my my my conscience, but so special counsel for pan, sir, this just a small number of documents immediately report taken custody of by the fbi, nothing to see here so so that you don't need it. A third now. So I just wrote a column for us hope we'll go up later today, we're talking on wednesday this week, but. The problem here is that garland. politicized. The special counsel, with respect to trump.
And it's completely natural now for people to say for consistency sake. If we had a space, council on documents, the trump and if we had one on bide and we have to have one for pets, but the thing is there should never have been won for trump, and that's that to say the shouldn't have been investigated. It was being investigated There was no reason on god's green earth that the justice department in the note when the ordinary course could not have continued to investigate trump on classified documents just like they had been investigating him for two years on January six they had been in. As to getting him for many months on the on the classified documents without any problem. The issue happen. The issue that happened was trump declared. His candidacy, which everybody knows that he was eventually going gonna do that he did it very shortly after the mid terms as it turned out, but it was of the inevitable that it would happen right,
Biden knows that the issue The trump wants to raise one big issue. The trump wants to raise in this campaign is that this Biden is using the law enforcement apparatus of the government as a political weapon against trump and trumps following so what garland did to try to create an illusion of detachment between investigation of trump and Biden its name, a special council, not because there was a conflict of interest, but because would serve Biden, political power, This is to say, I don't have anything to do with the investigation of trump and my justice department does it. We gave it to a special counsel and that's a that's a box, on its own will not dealing with that. It's a total fiction because the special council reports to garland
and the special council exercises binds power so that you can't you know, Biden I didn't ask Biden to be president and we want to be president if you gotta, be president you're. The chief. Executive and all of the prosecutions happen under the guise of your authority. That's just a fact if he didn't want the job than you know, we should not taken the job, but that is the job, so he can avoid the fact that if, trump is under criminal investigation. It's it's going to be by the Biden, justice department and what looking to decide about that rich is. Is it a worthy case or not? On the basis of the evidence, I mean, I think people look at what happened with the classified documents and they don't think that the, but this is a matter that, like the Biden, justice department trumped up a and invested, should on trumped up. You know this is a real serious matter and it looks like you know,
the honesty they they tried for, like there were two half or more to settle it without having to go to the things like grand jury, subpoenas in search wards and and all that stuff. But the thing is You should never have a special special counsel's, a terrible institution for all the reasons that we've we've talked about, and should never have one unless There's two things. One is concrete grounds for occur no investigation, and this can one in this is that this is the important point here. There has to be a conflict of interest. and there is no conflict of interest between Biden, justice, deportment and investigating trump, any republican or most democrats. The only place is a conflict of interest is if the I didn't justice department has to investigate Biden or the administration or guidance family, so the political nature of this is obvious not
from the political motivations for naming a special counsel with respect to trump, but also because at the time that he named one for trump, he hadn't named one for Biden in the investigation that they call the hunter Biden. Investigation that's been going on for two years. If ever there was a conflict of interest, it's there, so it was entirely political. But the thing is do we now say what what people or are confused about? I think when they look at this because of the way this unfolded? They think because this because pensions situation involves classified documents, which is the same thing that these other investigations that have a special council involve than he. It's a have a special council too, but it's got nothing to do with the subject matter: the crime that's under investigation. The only issue here should be conflict and the should becomes. Because
garlon made the first mistake by appointing a special council for trump Is he now obliged to make the second mistake and appoint one for pets? And I think it a certain point: you have to hope that they just say You know this was stupid. We shouldn't gone there. I don't expect him to confess hour, but I write. They just say. Look, there's no reason that the what You ought to come out and say, I think, is look we think for now, as a preliminary stage of investigation, we don't know if it happened to pen stick would be other instances they come up. There's no real at this point to thank the justice department can handle this and then just leave it at that and not appoint a special council and hope that you know we ve now appointed to. I don't think you can ring the bell on on the one he appointed for tromp goes that guy's already gone to work, but I wouldn't wouldn't, nay more and make this even worse yeah. I guess I gotta think that there are other trump officials that have caused by darkness are going to find him in at least
one or two, maybe maybe obama officials, yeah yeah. I know it's gonna, be scouring, so I think that we were discussing the editors when we recorded yesterday, so what so, the by this special council? What do you think is likely to do who in and recommend and will we know what he recommends. It could you recommend a charge in and we d never find out about it and it's you know it shells, because he can't indicted sitting president what what what's what's likely said apply there. I think they get a drag their feet, for a long time. Can they really drag their feet for two years? I doubt it, and the thing is that this is another problem of the special care, Oh, but you know like every single other kind of investigation rich if the prosecutor can't make the case close the file, and you move on right with special care
So the regulations require the special council to write a man. random to the attorney general explaining any decisions. Charging or not charging right, so Everybody knows that the. But that heard who is the Biden special council is going to have to write a report. at the end. Obviously, if you charge the person that you're investigating the report, that the indictment is the reporting in a kind of speaks for itself on its way, You don't george, that you end up getting report that lays out. You know here's what the evidences and here is, why we didn't charge and it's only in the special council contacts that we get something like that. What I think is going to happen is was it the plethora of these cases that were like
we do see, and even if there is no more it's it's still. Obviously, in the public mind, it's a much more widespread problem than than the trump situation. I think they're going to decide not to prosecute anyone and if Biden and assuming that the or the Biden justice department, will still be politically guided by the politics of twenty twenty four and I think what'll happen is still closed. case on trumped first and then no one who care that they closed a case on binding, and so I think that that's what's up to happen now here's an interesting thing and we actually anticipated this in the last two weeks. few. Listen today to the commentary especially post, revelation about pants. What were finding is dead especially in the democrat messaging, there is now an effort
to distinguish the bite, an pence situations from the trumps situation on the grounds that trump obstructed and lied to the grand jury. And so I think what you gonna hear now in the public rhetoric about this case, is an emphasis on obstruction, the grand jury and a complete disappearance of the fact that what this investigation is about in the first place is mishandling documents. I don't think for the reasons we've discussed before. I don't think this distinction is going to work, because I think in the public mind This case is about documents and the reason that they justified that they had to do it had to do the sergeant Our logo was, because the national security implications of the mishandling of these documents. So I dont think at this point after
You know settling that impression. In the public mind, I don't think they can pivot now and turn it into a grand jury case. You knowledge in a case of lying to the grand jury, so I dont think this messaging trick he's gonna work and I think what they're gonna do is just call it a day and trump won't be indicted if you do, if you make the decision not to indict tromp on this stuff, which is harder decision by the way, because I think you know them the case of iran on trump and they ve been as we discussed for They ve been treating it as a real case, whether you know lining their ducks up in a road to actually file an indictment, go ahead, this has to have light, thrown them for a complete loop, but I think it if you say we're not gonna do trump, then the special council can you know file, indictment or file. A report with a garland explaining why he's not charging by
and what they ll say in that connection is that you know look Was irresponsible? On the other hand, you know they did report or to the national archives and in the first instance they were cooperative in the investigation. The the chief executive does not have to allow his justice department and his f b I to search his residence. Yet Biden allowed that to happen, you know you. Could you could imagine what the What I say right then they'll just say: the better part of valor here is to exercise prosecutor, aerial discretion against china. Or against recommending the charge against the present, especially under circumstances where he can't be indicted anyway, as a sitting president- and I think people will have less heartburn about that if the case against trump is already dropped, with with pants. They shouldn't have a special council with ten, so that'll just be dropped in due course by the justice
as well. You know if you have others, HU should similar depends that now arise? I think they'll be handled by the justice department. Madame quietly go away, and I think what oh infuriate people is exactly what you guys have been talking about on the editors which is in this particular the two tier just the system is not republican democrat. It's you know, who's a top left the level in lunch or connected person and who is a low level slob writers of the top level guys get away with this, and if you're you know like, if lieutenant in the new heavy on a nuclear ship, and you do some stupid? You get you know eight years and slammer, that's not right but I think that's where we're gonna end up So add another story you other things. This is just rich. With irony. We have this some official,
who was involved at the start of the Russia gate investigation now indicted for him dealings with our russian oligarchy. What's goin on here yet oh, but embarrassed that I didn't know who the sky was until a couple of days ago, because I looked very ye, I wrote a book about the russia gates This is not in. This was not a name that was a prominent. In my defence. I'll say that mechanical this guy's name, Charles mechanical he's been out of the f b I now since about. I think two thousand eighteen but he was the head of foreign counter intelligence division of the new york office of the fbi and the yeah she gave thing was run by fbi headquarters and the young and the washington office of the fbi, so
I dont think this guy was like a major out front player in the thence that, like you, know, Peter struck in that whole crowd of people work, but at the same time it looks like mc articles, connection, I guess we're the background here is we're talking about mechanical because he's now been indicted by the southern district of new york in the district of columbia for the federal government in both places for various acts of corruption that involve dealing with foreign people in the southern. strict of new york case it it's in connection with the russian oligarchs, in the district colombia cases in connection with albanians, but it's completely corrupt activity the guy's connection to russia, gay apparently is. Remember alexander downer, who was the
australian ambassador who met for drinks with george path. doubtless in the in the bar in london, where they were Papadopoulos said something to him that caused downer to think that maybe russia was trying to help tromp in the campaign, but he couldn't he couldn't articulate A papadopoulos had actually made that allegation, and there was nothing that at all that was said about emails. Much less. Dnc emails and then my later, when the day and see, got hacked down sitting in his office. It has a light, bulb supposedly go off. We're says: oh, that must have been what george pappa. pulis was talking about three months ago when we were drinking in the bar together, so he tootles.
Or to his power. Was it the obama state department in london and tells them that he thinks that he hurt something he heard from george adopting. This may suggest that the russians were involved in the hacking the day and see, and maybe they were doing it for trop, so addison. the point, what we heard is that the state department than this department where Hillary Clinton had been up until were was a toothache twelve had been the m headed state department. They report this the fbi and it looks like some. One of the people in the chain who this was reported to was, in fact the sky mechanical It was mechanical. Evidently who reported the down or thing to washington:
That becomes the germ on which, from which sprouts the yeah, what's known as the cross fire hurricane, allegations, so the whole thing is built on a complete the foundation of sand. and this guy's in the middle of it. I, you have to say one more thing. I find interesting about this whole thing is the involvement of what they say in the indictment is that this split in southern district of new york this guy, went to work for a leg, develop darrow pasqua, who is said to be a russian oligarch whose close to Putin, but for for law enforcement purposes. Has been sanctioned by the government under federal law, where the president can designate people as as specially designated actors. are helping regimes that we are in hospital. Patients with so daring,
ask her, was I He was designated around twenty eighteen and what this guy mechanical did after he left the after he left, the fbi was to work basically work for deripaska, number one to make efforts to try to get em off. The list of spain designated people cause he really darrow pasco has property in the united states need much prefer to live here. And, secondly, I think they're pasco task them to go our information, which would be helpful to him against them other russian oligarchs. Oh that's what the allegation is to me the interesting thing about this is just an idea. I think this goes to the discussion we ve been having about what do we do about this fbi, at where I've suggested that we should take their foreign counter intelligence mission away from them.
and if you want to make that argument, this is a pretty rich for comments to make it in I mean so I was running foreign catherine intelligence in new york, which is in the bureau the two most but never see I positions or in new york and washington bar none. So he's like you know, one of the handful of most important agents in the bureau in and one of the very top agents in foreign can or intelligence. So he's completely wrapped it appears, and the other interesting thing to me is the direct pasqua. If you, if you look at what the bureau visa be darrow pasqua, it's a tale of both incompetence and distortion. in twenty sixteen before they even start thee before even start the the across by hurricane investigation. The fbi, Are you trying to flip Dara pasqua against putin
and who were they doing this at the behest of Christopher steel turns out when Christopher steel left british intelligence. He went to work after after rub. Investigating russians he goes to work for deripaska. and the young, the state I've been he used to bring Some of his reporting to the state department- and you know there were reports about a couple years ago. That basically said the state department dismissed everything they heard from steel because they figured it was all come from. Dara Pasqua and it was you know it was Putin's view of the world there was the world is, as Putin was trying to convey it to american intelligence, so they didn't they. What still said was reliable. The bureau, on the other hand, thought it was so reliable that they ran to the pfizer court with it right, but at the time, the bureau is using steel and taking his
information without corroborating it to the five accord. Steel is working for terror, pasta and the fbi tries to flipped error, pasqua and the things they ask him when they sit down with them. Is what about this tromp russia, conspiracy, endeavour, pasqua, like What are you talking about? There is no true friendship, conspiracy and obviously that was the wrong thing to say le bureau. One of the reasons they got. This is not going to work out with therapist, because you don't don't have any evidence that there's a trump russia conspiracy, but they had a conviction that could not be changed, that there was one When deripaska wouldn't play ball, they decided he wasn't so worthwhile. So then they go from like let's flip deripaska to let do deripaska and said that they, you know they go from now we're going to designate him and you know, he's a he's, a putin right, hand, putin, henchmen. Let's will
as a native will take his property will give them a screw. Is life up as much as we can and then In the meantime, we have this guy who's in the fbi here if the fbi, I, where he was investigating, deripaska and goes to work, the therapist, I mean you yet even make it up so that stupid era, pasta and and on the you know, he's doing something. But after I guess, while he was still in the f b, I he got about two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars from a guy who was kidnapped. To all and intelligence, and then it appears that he he steered so national security investigations to favour the albanian regime against some of its political opposition so seems like a great guy. yeah, so as to give other great people we have far Adam of and elsewhere well, and alone, omar being excluded from
It is by Kevin Mccarthy, which is obviously a tit for tat. The way nancy policy operated. What he make this I think it's exactly what you say. You know it's one of these things like what goes around comes around. I you know we talked this in connection with the with the january six committee, I dont know that we have talked about dumb. I don't think we have talked about them with the dynamic that's removing was it marjorie, taylor, green and Paul Paul goes far from committees, and I think we didn't talk about that, because we would have had to pretend to care about it, which I just you know. I mean I'd rather shoot myself which yet there are many things. I would say that about, but but you know that at the same time that has consequences, and Obviously they can't be that the democratic
the that, just because the media's gonna back them on However, they do that republicans just gonna unilaterally disarm. Let them get away with everything. So you know it was outrageous, but I dont know how outrageous it was to take green and ghosts, are off those committees? I mean there. They both say screwball things and why you would have them on a committee and think that they would add to what I don't know, but. in connection with the january six committee. It was outraged, as for policy not to allow you know Jim Jordan and Jim banks to be on that committee. It deserves the credibility of the committee and then it was moronic because their their best witnesses in that Many were republicans into work to trick for tromp who, when they as defined jordan and banks would have been able to lay a glove on the right, the all the best in your. In banks could have done, and this would have so we ve been valuable. Is they,
would have pointed out which the January six committee did not allow to be pointed out, that the justice department steer You prosecuting the capital riot. People was completely the antithesis of the the theory that the January six committee was pushing with respect to travel. violence, so that would have been something that actually was enlightening, but you don't whatever, whether that would apply out. The Democrats can't think that you know Joe and banks are not like low level. Members of the republican prince right there, senior house republicans and their effective. whether you like them- you dont like them the fact as their effective, so they can't possibly think that they could They could thing those two guys from a big committee and that the real publicans were going sit back and say: well, that's, ok. You so, of course, they're there now playing tit for tat. I It's probably a mistake for Mccarthy
Come out and say with respect to swell well that you know if you got fbi briefing that I got you would have swell well on any committee, because, if the fbi now? You know the fbi's got plenty of problems right now, but if the fbi. Why you know, then I dont want to brief mccarthy anyone. You know I don't want over there, if it look at that, were giving you there information because we're supposed to cover as an oversight function- and you should This information, it mccarthy doesnt work go out there and politicized at immediately, because that's what you know I mean, first of all, that's what shifted. and if it turns out that mccarthy is not accurately representing with the f b, I told em, which- and I dont know if he is a reason but like if there's an inch of difference between what the f b, I told the core theme. What mccarthy suggested to the media then he's gettin than It is going to say, he's he's just exactly
but he claimed shepherds ma am so I dont. That's a game they wanna play, but it in time I I have to say I support kick in these guys. so of committees, because I dont think you can allow the Democrats to do that and not respond yannick. Not like. It's not like a wholesale thing. With a kick. Hundreds of people were piano, they did they did. Article strike. This A good reason to take you on a more foreign relations, that she should never been on it in the first place, this very good reason to take small, well off intelligence. Given that history, I don't the mccarthy should have talked about it, but I think there is a good reason to do it. I think the thing with schiff I'm not sure how that's gonna play out. I mean you probably would be a much better, course on this than I am I think ship is, is one of the top democrats in the house, and
you're very vulnerable to the to the client. I mean you know, look on our side, we can't stand on right suddenly the visceral reaction to him, but I have to say it like a I'm usually pretty good at trying to put my visceral action aside. Just like sort of analyze help effective people are ship is very effective. Excellent in the year in the ukraine impeachment you, the yes reign in regions unilaterally yeah I mean he's data and compared to I mean Jamie ask him, was a joke in the second impeachment compared to how good ship was dinner in the first one- and I just think you you know Do we really want to take their most effective player off the field cause? You know again we always talk this right. What goes comes around, and I you know I just seems to me to be the kind of thing I can't say you know: don't don't ever do something like this
but I just think that when we may regret, Lastly, in the comments we have left, we have this oath keeper trial, where these guys are convicted of seditious, spirits. He so does this give the the mainstream media and in the left cover to say look. This was an insurrection. Wee Wee wee nailed the leaders of for this, so that this this crime, certainly it certainly gives them cover to say that to my mind, rich, this is more of the same. You know this is like that there's a case these for defendants should have been tried with the first five that we talked about before and judge mehta in the district of columbia. severed the case
for reasons that I have never heard of before, which had nothing to do with the evidence. In the case, it was because the physical accommodation of the court was not sufficient. He thought for nine defendant trial so we split it in half an hour, so we had start with the first trial two months ago, and then this one where the four got convicted, but it's it's exactly the same case and it's you know it's more of the same, which me the only way that the justice department was able to make this. it's conspiracy allegation fly is by saying that trump had nothing to do with it, in other words, they wanted to make sure these guys did not have the defence that we weren't making war against the government or consumers.
Worrying to use force against the government, because we were acting at the behest of the chief executive of the government. So what they had to do was stake out a theory that trump was just a pretext and the stop. The steal stuff was just a pretext for a a rebellion against the government that the oath keepers, or planning to do anyway for a long time- and I guess the thing is the media wants the insurrection only because trump is his implicated in it if trump is not implicated in it, which is the justice departments. Theory I dont know how are you board is to the media and the democrats to have their insurrection
and you can tell in the coverage that they're trying to cover over the fact that the justice department essentially exculpate trump from the violence, because for example, that the first paragraph of the new york times report on this is that these guys were convicted of seditious conspiracy to try to maintain donald trump and power that's the way the narrative is going to be written and you have to read like fourteen of team paragraphs down in the report to say you know trump had thing to do with these guys were were hoping. Tromp was gonna end up the insurrection act. He never did. They were helping the tree. we call them, is a machine. You know the white house wooden engage them more or you know have conversations with them. There's been a tunnel.
Investigation, including by the january six committee, to try to establish that there was some connection between you know, trumpet the oath keepers and trump and the proud boys they can come up with it. So yes, I think is this going to be valuable for the media and having their insurrection. Narrative yes, but only because their reporting it in a dishonest wang which I'd get out. That's what they do so or I well. On that note, that's all the time we have this spot gas has been produced by the incomparable Sarah should he thinks I want for listening and thank you any market thanks, rich
Transcript generated on 2023-08-10.