« The McCarthy Report

Episode 201: Uh Oh, Joe

2023-01-12 | 🔗
Andy and Rich discuss the news that President Biden has been found in possession of Obama-era confidential material.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to the Mccarthy report. I guess we're irish larry discuss with Annie Mccarthy, the latest legal and national security issues this week. What else lighten documents and, for some reason, or not already following us industry may service. You can find this everywhere from spotify to itunes. Please give this part gas in the anti mccarthy the glowing indeed gushing botched our views they did caravan, itunes and now without further ado. I welcome to this very part, as to the miracles, then castor, none other than any Mccarthy enrich our warrior. and I spent a larry s new cycle or two yes, but I'm he arrived safely in my garage far away? from a not even anywhere near my corvette? Yes,
It was as we might have talked about during the more alive who started this. This is exactly what would happen to me if our present or vice president and had to move out my wife, a bead, tell me rich. We got a pact the stuff in an orderly manner. Well in advance, like can house no problem, don't worry honey it'll be fine, then, like the the day of the move, just you know frantically throwing stuff on boxes in boxes included, classified documents that would up in my garage or off So I just stop you wanna, because you know I know mean that know in a sort of a tongue in geeky way, but you what you're heading on with that is a really serious you know a lot. We haven't had a lot of law enacted on classified documents. I mean there's some other statutes you don't pretty much. We rely on the espionage act, which is from twenty seventeen. Would you like it?
the world in terms of how the federal government works now and how how much classified information there is just the amount of classified information naked haven't been ninety. Yet, while I say twenty yet nineteenth tee, it's a wilson era. Statue of world war, one era statute and I think what gonna this'll probably run counter to everything else. I have to say on this, but I'm gonna do a lot. bit of a defence of Biden here, not not just fine in particular, but with a greater problem is, and that is you know. I have some experience dealing with classified information in both a limited can't. and he some assignments where most of my job was classified information, and I have to tell you it's like a ball and chain. I mean I had days when I was going to court, where I
you know, I'd have I realize I had a document that was supposed to be left in the skiff and you're like half way between the skiff in court, and you said yourself: do I get myself contempt for not showing up for on time. Where do I go back and put the document the document back to my short prosecuted from his handling, and the thing is on like everything else that you do and the government these government jobs, have very hard jobs and you're on duty. All the time I mean when I was even doing what I did, which is nowhere near the responsibilities to the people in a presidential administration, especially those work in the white house, have been in the top cabinet posts. You know you it was. It was not at all unusual to get calls at two and three o'clock in the morning. You know I need a search warrant. We think of this somebody. You know a witness got threatened
so you're on duty all the time and most of the time when you, when you're doing the job, even in connection with like mafia cases, where a for, if I'm carrying an f b, I report in it and I lose it or it falls into the wrong hands. It could get an informant killed. That's still not classic. I you know so I can. I can bring those things home at one o'clock in the morning and if I want to sit in bed for an hour before I get my you know three hours asleep and and read a couple of reports, I can do that. You can't do that with classified information, and I think it makes it extraordinarily difficult when you run his jobs, like president vice president secretary of state, headed the cia, where you expected to being places and do things and at the same time, you're always on duty- and you always have to have access to this information. Your hillary Clinton memoir- and this was this- was used against her
in terms of what her state of mind was during the investigation, at least by those of us in the commentary at the f b I- and it was right to use it against about what she was describing was true, and that is she talked to being overseas and having to review classes, information, because a sun, whatever Eruption was going on at the moment and they would be in hotel rooms rich with the blankets pulled over them with flashlights reading this stuff, because of because of the young, the sensitivity of it, and I just posted something on the corner, which is probably going up as we speak. You know a better. a month ago, the washington post did it's actually about. Three weeks ago, the washington posted a report where they collected
information about the recent cases involving people. The justice department has prosecuted for hoarding classified information, including one person you got a ten year sentence and another person who was looking at a ten year sentence and hasn't been sentenced yet and basically their crime was to take stuff out of where it was supposed to be and keep it at home. Just like these politicians are doing, and they are looking at heavy duty time and now look at the time that the post printed this we didn't know anything not by and what they were obviously campaigning for. A trump needs to be sent to prison, but they they ran the arguments that the justice department, prosecutors made to the jury and the arguments are. These people were government officials. They knew how this information was supposed to be handled. They knew they were allowed to take it home. They knew that they were in danger.
national security by keeping. You too can unsafe place, and you know here you have Biden this morning say well, the garage was locked up so on all I want to say is that this has some kind of a gotcha offence. I've been thinking It's about all the people who got jammed up on this new. Now, it's fine, it was just trump trump brought alive himself, but nobody thinks these guys were actually like. You know, but I was reading writing a book and trumpet, like he likes to keep my mind those little was trying to make sure that nobody, you know that that Herrera emil's did not become part of a paper trail. You are they I have reasons to do it that didn't have anything to do with like selling the country out to our enemies or anything like that. But you know all these cases when other people who aren't as prominent get prosecuted. No one wants to hear that, but the more but the the the reason I think it's a gotcha sorry
thing in that. You know that you're also gotten the tray s direction. You know, other people is no party who has a job like that. We're classified information makes up. A large share of your duties is complying with the classified information requirements and every now and then some comes up, so we catch one of them. But I'm sorry, I'm I'm here to tell you. I think it's rampant how how these rules are flouted yeah. So for for for those who might be confused following at home, including me cause when we were recording the editors earlier say I haven't followed the breaking news. So so sorry, are we so it so we had to the initial CBS report of d, the bash at the closet at the power center. Then we had an NBC report or there's a second at an undisclosed location. And then we had the news this morning, so is the news this morning different than the second batch or at a third match her. What what is your understanding its unclear? Much because the
administrations not being transparent on this, I think you know they realized started a feeding frenzy on monday, and I must say you know just as it aside note here, although its important they delay it for reasons. I think that a politically obvious in not making, disclosure when it was first discovered that bite and had these documents, which was not every second, you Nothin delay over two months before they made the disclosure. You would think if you will get a delay more than two months that maybe during that two months you like search every nook and cranny to make sure you only had to do this one time. Instead, they wait overtime, once and now you know they make, as you just said, they make disclosure on the nine, then we heard another one. Yesterday, and then we hear another one this morning and who knows what, with your boy, you know sunset, so not being transparent? I'm sure they weren't altogether happy about
the sea be the original CBS report coming up, but I think they were ready for that. They obviously didn't do as much searching and due diligence as they should have done, but there were at least ready for that to be disclosed and I suspect the reason it took that law long to disclose it is they would have sat on it even longer, except we now have a new congress in town right. That's been sworn in and they're now up and running and starting to work, so they must have known that they weren't going to be able to keep a lid on this forever. Frankly, I think it's usually the kinds of kind of thing you would expect. They'd like at around christmas when nobody's favorite scent yeah right. So so do you- and I know all this is still sketchy. What do you make some people focused on well so was found by this layer. I guess a personal where the darkness of the pen centre, so Some people ask is why would you have a lawyer poking around there
the way? Isn't that a little weird that strike you as weird? No, no, it doesn't while not away way. Politicians in presidential administrations and politicians. President joint ministrations operate these days. I think first having lawyers apparently was to lawyers who were conducting this packing up of vines off. I think you insinuate lawyers, situation like that, because you are aware that there is potential harm. What the reason that I mean the Clinton's made, an art form this, but the reason that you insinuate lawyers is number one. Nothing bad happens, you can always say that, on advice of counsel, I can't make any more statements about that and people because they don't know any better, accept that as an answer when they should. You know it's not that it's not that you can't make another statement, it's that you don't want it, because you real
It could be damaging to you, so they use the lawyers as an excuse for that and then the other thing is if something happens that becomes investigation worthy what the Clinton is used to do you'd have your lawyer, as do the things that were ministerial task, that you would. Ordinarily, you would sign these kinds of things. Other people, but if you sign lawyers to them and anything ever comes up that needs to be investigated. You can always try to pull well that's covered by attorney clamp. Would you can't get that we don't have to produce that while we can talk about that and it worked for Clinton during the email scandal. Remember that d obama, justice department work very closely with Clinton's where's and they seriously limited what the f b I was allowed to look at and what kind of questions they were allowed to ask. So that's the game These guys play. They insinuate lawyers into minister,
real task that you, ordinarily wouldn't need a lawyer for so that anything blows up. You can try to say I can't be investigated for this because of attorney client privilege, and you can tell the public why lawyers are telling me I should yeah, so we were recording twelve nineteen as recording here thursday afternoon. We have merely girl coming out a little after one, you comfortable going on the record thinking what you think he might be about to announce your average, I can imagine, He can any longer not appoint a special council, As I just mentioned a couple of minutes ago, you have a bunch of these recent cases that the Washington post was delighted to broadcast when they thought trump was the one in the crosshairs, where the justice department has really brought the hammer down on people who mishandled pleasant, classified information again, not to sell the country out to the chinese or the russians, but
You know in violation of the of the rules be usually because they were hoarding it for a in and that sort of thing. So they know have a record of coming down hard on other people who are not as prominent is like Biden trumpet, clintons, and they know they're going to get it thrown at them that you know there's one set of rules for everybody else and then there's a different quality of justice for these people. So it has. It made any sense that he appointed a special counsel. for trot on the circumstances where there is no inherent conflict in the bite and justice department investigating a republic and even if it happens, to be dropped. That kind of thing happens all the time, the conflict of interests that latent an inherent.
A presidential administration of work. Well, it's just put it easily like the bite and justice department investigating by that's the obvious conflict of interest, so I think you know I've called garland on this a number of times in the last several weeks. Other people have Jonathan Troyes done it a lot. The discipline and a number of people who have commented on this because it's so blatantly obvious and now I think that this is unspooling on Biden in a way that is clearly they're, not in control of what's going on here. If they're having to make you know if this new disclosures every day, I think garlands at a point where he can no longer justify not having a special council on by an if I could reach. I just want to say something about the lawyer. He's got on the case now, because I think we need to appreciate how geier that's what they say yeah. So
I think this is a narrative. That's gonna be pushed back on and I don't mean to cast aspersions at this guide. John louse junior, who is the united states tourney for the northern district of illinois, which is carried out. You know he may be the most ethical lawyer in the history of lawyers. I dont know I might not know anything about him, but I just feel like it's important to know, given the garland, when he's pushing back on people who asked why hasn't a special council been appointed, he says why I appointed a trump I've assigned a trump united states attorney two investigators, and that's it. asked to put on and put us all at ease. So what I think people need to understand is a us attorney. It for a district cannot be appointed unless you have the
approval of the united states senators for the state that that district is it and in the case of illinois, do you accept that the two yours senators or dick durban, who is one of the most powerful democrats in the senate? and tommy duckworth, who was another Democrat who like, but I liked urban, is a tight ally of vitamins. Moreover, durban and duckworth went too bad for wealth when every other trump appointed united states attorney was being dismissed at the beginning of e by the administration he's the only one of the fifty five from the bible. Whitehouse retained So he had to have the approval of durban and duckworth to get confirmed in the first place, and they are satisfied enough with them that they even fought with the binding white house to make sure that
he stayed in place when they could have had a Democrat. So I just think that you know This whole idea that we have a trump appointee there. So we don't have to worry about the politics of this debt. You know people who buy that are just not completely clued on include in on what the politics of lawlessness. So there are a couple of their strengths to pull here outcome that too, but let's go to the the trumpet patients, because from a layman's perspective, you would figure that this just makes it. prosecution, much much harder, even circumstances, are different. You referred to that it's obvious, seemed trumpets recalcitrant, even though he's discovered in the the national archives, wants them back and that therefore presentations and more stuff found when they came, came and searched all that. But still The underlying idea that ok trump had these days-
at mar a lago and Biden had his his stuff in his garage. Why you only get a prosecute trump is going to be a high hurdle of political legitimacy that they'd have to clear yeah. I I think that's exactly right, you'll look? I've said, I think it's a certainty that trump would get prosecuted for this, and I think I stopped giving you percentage recycling and the amber seventy percent there yeah, I think, but but by the left. I was it about a hundred and ten percent, and I still They badly want to make the case. I think it's very interesting wretch if you notice in the last couple of days the rhetoric from it from the Democrats has changed to emphasizing the fact that trump violated a grand jury subpoena that he in contempt of a grandeur, so they're not talking about document retention, any more they're talking about making false statements to the grand jury,
In other words, the rhetoric they're trying to distinguish already what trump is done from what binds doing you're done, and they made that comparison. Again and again, I think the problem That argument is, first of all the essence of what trump did involve classified documents. There's no getting around that that that's you know if this was just other government files, we wouldn't be taught that's nice and the grand jury was the means by which they they try. To put it in. Enough pressure on him to return to the classified documents, but in the end the cases are classified documents and they're never going to be able to change. In the public's mind the idea that this is not about document retention, it's about the grand jury- that's just I! I just don't see how they can get away with that and I think the your picture it. It's obvious for the last few days why people went compare, the true situation to the Biden situation, but I think this
that's two tunnel vision is. The situation with respect to trump. The context of trump, where you're trying to make a case on trump is that Hillary Clinton got a pass. You know before you ever get to anything Biden did the problem for the job does deportment from the start has been not so much whether you had a case on trunk because I think they had. They think they have slammed on as one drop, and they have good reason by the way to to think that the best thing trump had going form is that hilary he's violation was egregious that it went on for years that her conduct was very wilful. She wasn't I of not only government rules but government rules that she herself was responsible for enforcing in the state department, with respect to help people handle government files and any records data generated by government.
as she willfully did all this in order to defeat government record keeping requirements. She did it so ham, handedly that the f b I a judged, even though they didn't make her a public spectacle out of this- that they did and that is that her system was so poorly secure that they assumed that hostile foreign intelligence services had acted and gotten access to her information. She implicated obama himself in it by having what twenty two communications with em over over the year the sombre system. So what The challenge for the justice department has been here, has not then, to make a case on tromp which travellers handed back to them on a silver platter,
the challenge has been to show, the trumps behaviour was so uniquely awful that he rates being prosecuted, even though Clinton was- and I think that you know it was uphill from the beginning. I I still think they were going to do it because you know, let's face it, that the the the democratic left doesn't really care a whole lot about being consistent right. It's not like you know. Rationality carries the day here, but Biden does want to be Reelected. So he's gotta take the temperature of how this was all going to go down with you know republicans and with independence, whether they thought that this was that it would the trunk with worthy of being prosecuted.
Even though hilary was- and it seems to me that people would have accepted that, but the justice department had a very small margin for error in making the case, and I don't think anybody fact again that it would expire But the Biden had it would in principle, with the same offences trubner, I wanna be clear. Concept, had to say this a million times. I am not saying that in terms of degree that what's so far what we know about what Biden did that isn't serious as what trump did it looks like with Biden, although clearly we can't make any. You know confident assessment quite yet, but it looks like we're talking about fewer documents and that at the beginning. It looked like this may have been accidental or inadvertent. I now have a theory for why it's not so accidental went into that we can get to, but
I there's not. This is not a situation where bad Biden is a you know, providing false information to the grand jury and fighting with the government when the documents have discovered he's turning them over instantly to the to the archives. He's not fighting with people on it. From that same degree, wise, it's a serious, but it's the same offense. He noticed the same exact thing: he's he's unlawfully retaining classified information and apparently in a reckless way, keeping it in insecure places where it's not supposed to be when it's supposed to be under government facility- and you know, he's got even less excuse than trump does to not keep it under lock and key cause. He's the friggin sitting, president of the united states, if anyone's got access to to the secure places in government with stuff gets kept its binding. So I just think it becomes
I mean I just don't see how they pull the trigger and george drop with this unless there you know at the unless and I'd be shocked if this were true, I'd be pleasantly sharpened but shock. Nonetheless, unless the justice department saying You know we're gonna, really we're going be completely honourable here and hand this off to a tiger, other special counsel, interfere at all in a fight and gets indicted the binding. Yet today I'd be shocked if they took that decision. But if they're not gonna, if they're going to charge trump, as they're setting themselves up to virtually have to charge by or else people are gonna go nuts and not just trump fans? People who you don't want to feel like there's, you know, there's a a fair justice system where people get equal protection of law are going to be very put off, even if they don't like trump by the idea that a sitting president can sit. Can
in exactly the same effect, especially after you know four years of crop with every democrat washington saying the president does not above the law, I mean come on. Thirty got me: what's your theory self her I think here's what we know about what was now rich. There's a box that of the you know the first documents they found. That has what they say is roughly ten I've seen roughly twelve as well, but like there's, no hard count of what documents were talking about and how many there were. but they were in a box that you'll notice that none of the Democrats are out there saying. Well, we don't
I know that president Biden know that those documents were there, even though fighting himself has tried to pull that because they were found in a box with Biden, family information in it like by Biden, family materials in it, including materials that involved the sickness, death and funeral arrangements. Football by an intermingled with this stuff was
what we're told documents pertaining to foreign relations, some of which were highly classified some of this stuff, is apparently top secret sensitive compartmented information, which is the highest level of top secret information, which means it could be catastrophic. But by this is this is off the of the executive order that defines what these categories me, but basically it means it could be catastrophic for national security for fell into the wrong hands and sensitive compartmented information means that it relates to methods and sources for gathering intelligence. So this is like this isn't like stuff that they know this categories of things that are clearly over classified and should
class. These are deep national secrets, evidently, and they relate were told to foreign relations involving it least. Ukraine, iran and Britain, so what was Biden doing in the years after he left the white house in the obama administration, while in twenty seventeen. He was writing a memoir and the memoir interest versus the the egg involved in the tragic death of all Biden, with what Biden was doing in the years of the obama administration, including his four appointment role, with respect to things like ukraine and ran. So I don't think it's like shocking that we find that a guy who's writing a memoir that covers these.
Events happens to have in a box in his new office information that covers exactly those events and any good investigator at this point undoubtedly, would be going through the classified information that they found and comparing the talk to it to see if there's overlap between what's described the documents and what the book lays out. So I think it's likely that he was keeping these documents because he was writing a book and he knew he needed to be accurate with respect to the things he cover in the book. I'm sorry he knew he had to be accurate You know that point and well, it was twenty seventeen region- he knew that he was looking at a presidential campaign. Anything he young, that it would be
I mean biting can get away with more than the average person. I agree with you, but, but you know he did. I think he did have a rational reason to have this now I'm just speculating, but I think it's it's you I have to have an investigative theory. When you go through this. The other thing I would say riches. We now know that after he left the Biden, the obama Biden administration, he moved his office at least once because he originally was set up in an office at the university of pennsylvania and all this chinese money which we should talk about pouring in and they establish this pen Biden centre. So He moved his office from your pen in philly to the pan Biden centre in washington and concurrently, because he's now like fallen into google of money in a way that he had never before
in his life at least that we know of he bought a year. I think a two point: seven million dollar man's on the beach delaware. So is now living in different places and he's got office space that he's moved from place to place. And now. What hearing is that? You know that finding a few documents here, a few doctors, apparently in places where he was moving from place to place. So I think it you don't just from from what little we now. I think we can figure why he may have had the documents and why they may be turning up in multiple locations at a time when he was moving around in writing a memoir so discuss this. I mean it it's astonishing cataract of chinese money that went to the the biden centred and what we should conclude from. That yeah. I think it's a money laundering scheme. I really do I mean I think that would have
Was the chinese use the university of pennsylvania to pay by a lot of money and to establish this to establish this thing? Tat fine was making an unbelievable amount of money from from pen. I think, as I saw like over half a million dollars a year as the professor at pennsylvania, university, my or my dad was a lifelong professor and then let let me tell you that that was that those weren't, the numbers you have. Academics, are your family too, so I don't think they ever saw like five hundred and forty hours a year. I mean you, took to be an academic and get that kind of money. You'd have to be like michelle obama, are you know: there's some neil ferguson Steven pinker like an absolute star, yeah right, where you getting invited, what kinds of places just to speak at high tolerated, and rightly so.
No one's ever see. Neil ferguson speak, and rightly so. Yes worth every penny more out more power to love, but I mean fifty four point: six million dollars to new york posters reported one from the Chinese to two pan and I think that you can't disaggregate this from everything else that we now. So we know that in twenty thirteen hunter Biden hitches a arrived Joe over the beijing and closes the steel where they establish this. This ball high harvest or as t investment venture where you know, Oh and a hunter and the Chinese did. I say, bovine, I'm sorry if I said that I met hunter Biden whose over two to china with it with this one are any set, so this deal with this guy Jonathan lie: who is the main guy on the chinese side, but
also on the chinese side, is the bank of china, the chinese development bank, the chinese, postal bang dislike major money and they have over three billion dollars and funding in the years to follow the clothes on a year, a cobalt mine that runs like three hundred three point: eight billion dollars they get to use technology that we should want the chinese to be anywhere near. Thanks to this venture, but there they just have access to the two millions of dollars in rich. This is even before the sea fc venture You talked about a number of times. Will we know that in just one year the bite and family took in six billion dollars from those guys? So that's the backdrop here and now what were learning? Is you? Don't you had over fifty four million dollars, one from china,
to ten at the time that they were standing up despite and centre, and a lot of that is anonymous. You know all anonymous donations which, if this were for a presidential, paying. You wouldn't be allowed to take foreign money and you certainly wouldn't be able to take anonymous money, but because it and it's not technically political donation its donations to urge you not to an academic, went away to university. That happens to be important ship with Biden. That's the way they follow the money here. So I think this is really astonishing and it in what, if I know it gets tired to save us but like if trumped saw tried anything like this remotely would be the only
story that anybody was talking about for as long as it took to to nail on the horse. So, let's head a few other things before we have to get you out of here. So speaking of hunter Biden, you think tax charges are intimate. yeah, it has been reporting rich in the last a day or two that there may be an imminent plea from hunter Biden of guilty to tax violation stemming from like twenty. Sixteen twenty, seventy so I'll have to see how that all developed. I think, though, that you're gonna be anxious to get their clothes because before there ever was a conscience percy offer. Why hasn't garlon appointed a special council for Joe guidance documents classified documents there?
the controversy about. Why doesn't? Why isn't there durham, special counsel for hunter vitamin, and I wanna again say that you know we, we ve, been calling us in the media and going us the hunter Biden investigation in order to obscure the fact that the main issue that anyone should hear about it, Joe Biden and why the chinese paid all this money and why these other foreign governments didn't what they thought they were buying and let this go to republicans and speaking vessel. patients sedate. They got a lot up and running by first of all, and before I do anything, I should have done this at the top of their this up you, u nailed. The speaker is Andy you. U modestly say when a takes comes up on this part: gas will richer the expert work, no, not luck, Where do you not on this one youth said the way out is that ro cabins, just both present, and that brings a threat
all they need to get a majority down to endure accusation to sixteen approaches which, which is exactly will it ended, ended up being, and these guys, I didn't deed vote present our skeptical. I thought they wouldn't will present, as is clear. You know voting present as just another waited to help and get over the top, but Andy hats off to you as you can You can get up. The legal analysis become a full time planet if you want yeah, never gonna in mass, so What makes you say that all the more astonishing? But I I do think that you know I think, rich I was. Six people were always likely to fault in the end, they were never going to vote for Kevin, but yeah, I think they to be able to just say present was something that they could hold their heads up about and they never voted for him and yet reduced what he needed to get and but I think, the big development it
this would have worked, and I think phil who said that you know they should start looking around for a different speaker. I think he would have been exactly right if chip roy had not been able to negotiate a deal that conservative could feel good about and that that Mccarthy could swallow hard and sign so the big development here was really. You know if shepherd benevolent, negotiate that deal, but only six came over, or say only eight came over. The math would not even I know that math would not have work for my political comment. I talked it to chip and it'll tiktok. From his perspective how this development and went down, and he said as a thursday he's like well either how this deal real, soon, cabins just now making it and then he said he. You surprised that when they actually get got the the terms that fifteen
every thought to be double digit, but I thought this would be the second round apparel for mccarthy was eddie. He'd get a deal and then you know, get ten votes or maybe twelve, but then but then you'll be eight or ten short and and then It's already some exhaustion. Your beginning was beginning to be felt the conference. You know you have KEN barclay. I really like saying gosh. You know it's this resolved soon. We just need a cup gold or another candidate, and if he had been eight or ten short- and you know gone through another for five hours without getting there or had to go go into this week, then that I think it would have been. Tougher anyway, you, u nailed it exactly that they were able to a cavern. they have organised themselves, doesnt some questions to decide but obviously investigations are gonna, be a huge gentleman of what they're going to do, and I mean they're just marry at its heart name them all so what? What do you think the promised here is an, whereas some of the central had false what you know.
wretched funny. If you would ask me that question at eight o clock this morning, I probably would give in different answer from now, but I just think that now. It's so obvious that you noticed blood in the water, for Biden on or on these documents and I think we're going to be hearing, because a so I mean you know. We always say this. I I feel like we say this like every other week on this podcast. But what goes around comes around and you know they. They did. Big song and dance about. Why trot needed to be imprisoned, and you know why he needed to be even prosecutes would serious felonies, because the government treats this so seriously when it's somebody who's not named Donald trump. While all that stuff applies the Biden too, and you know we're going to hear that I- that washington, post article that I mentioned before that I that I did was
post on this morning. I think we're gonna be hearing an awful lot about that in some of these past proceedings, and it's gonna be very hard for you Maybe that's why boron wants to it. If this is what happens, maybe that's why he wants to kick this over to a special council now and try to get it out of his hair, as this would be a lot of questions about. How do you justify that the justice department- you know, prosecutes these poor slaps, who you know they don't try to do anything to be traders against a country or anything they just bring classified documents home and they keep them in places where they're not supposed to be getting ten year sentences. Have you you'll? Have you justify not going after these other?
As so I I just think that becomes a big issue and I must say rich. If it were up to me, I would my first order of business would be what we just discussed, which hasn't gotten nearly enough attention, which is all this chinese money. I mean the biggest geopolitical threat we have to the united states. Is china there's any number of people who about neil ferguson a couple minutes ago who regard citizen and wrote a piece for us in the magazine not long ago about the second home, and you know he is, he remarked
people all the time of the cold war was a war. You know it wasn't a hot piece: it was a cold war. There was a lot of even though the two combatants didn't actually face off against each other. They faced off through proxies for close to forty years and when the cold war started, nobody would have predicted that there would never be a war between the united states and the soviet union. People assume that that was eventually going to happen. Just like you now hearing people the people who know this area very well that a war between china and the united states as catastrophic as that would be militarily, economically etc than its easily foreseeable and foreseeable. Why you know in the next time horizon within the next decade of not less than their, so that being
the vulnerability that were, and I think we should be exploring what the chinese thought they were buying in giving these millions and millions of dollars to the Biden fail, and that just has not been explored at all, and I think we have to you know if I'm, if I'm deciding, what should we prioritize I think we you know, I think the country has to be snapped out of the idea that the the administration is about whether raw you know, hunters snorting, too much cocaine when he's doing is taxed. It's got nothing to do with so any in the minute or two. We have left us also messer another option for how I should have started this part gases with some sports chatter and there's up. But a lesser who skips the first couple minutes because she assumes or be sports shattered, the beginning, a real in the fool her. She is, you can turn it off now. Okay, if you don't wanna, hear the sports channel, but so we we got the playoffs about to be
who are? You are bullish on in the nfl? I I like I follow cause. I just think it's a story book now, yeah. You know, I think, with the with this kid who, by the way, got released from a hospital this weekend and is home and you know, is amazingly talk about maybe playing football again at some point yet, but I just thought bridge, you know the first play that happened in a buffalo game after that terrible event, which I watched and was, unlike everybody else in the country who saw it. I was just completely horrifying transfixed in etc. But you know the very first play against new england. Buffalo runs a kick back for a touch her in. I've loved you know, they're my meals, there's a horrible accident putting action where that picture for the miami marlins was killed and, like the very very first pitch of that,
in when they started playing again this light hitting guy. I forget, I forget his name- hits home right just like. Magical, an electric any ran all around the bases and grants straight in the clubhouse to break. You noted two to weep. There was an amazing, but is very much like that. Do you not see many kick returns these days now unless your japan now yeah might. But I think they have a little magical, though I have to say every time I see kansas city play a neuron like like every week. You just wonder how anyone's ever gonna stop But I just think buffaloes go magic to him and then on on the national conference? Ought I can help I'm just go with the giants will see how how far go there yet I think they have a good chance this way, but will see what happens. Dallas looks to me like they're, probably the best but the cloth. Ok,
That's all the time we have thanks. I went for listening and thank you anymore. Heart thanks, rich
Transcript generated on 2023-08-10.