« The McCarthy Report

Episode 197: Twitter Revelations

2022-12-06 | 🔗
Today on The McCarthy Report, Andy and Rich discuss journalist Matt Taibbi’s Twitter thread from last Friday and consider its broader implications.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to the Mccarthy report, the pod gas, where I rich Larry, discuss with Annie Mccarthy, the latest legal and national security issues this week. What else the twitter file for some reason, or not already following us on a streaming service. You can find us everywhere from spotify to itunes and please give this podcast gaston, Andy Mccarthy. The glowing indeed gushing I start views they deserve on itunes and now, with further ado? I welcome to this very podcast through the miracle of zen, castor, None other animals a rich area good handy. How are you I'm good? I thought about the greeting you in a different way to neighbouring. I didn't mean to give you a complex since its now a thing now I think now I feel like I'm. If a lot of pressure to get it right.
well just couple days for you and is so maybe just move on and not to talk about sports and the same mega. White game was not as amazing as it was. Originally. It was a really good game. It was very frustrating at the end that they couldn't punch it in there, two really good chances to win at the end, but I couldn't help it. Yeah means very frustrating, but I feel I feel better about them. The coach knows what he's doing You know if I needed a silver lining, the That's now have what's the problem, the bay has like a lot, then eighty million dollar payroll. So we now have. Ninety million dollars tied up to forty year old pictures so that everyone can really wise needs us, but eventually he won't be ages. Yes, well, that's when the measures usually get them, so
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Looking got evidence of any sort government collusion to go back to that were an twitters. Says you you would disagree. You are think that's the wrong standard, but let's, let's first get your just. How would you state. What we saw frightened How much did it surprise you, given what we already learned about the decision making here prior to the release and then we'll get into two to why you think this is a more so MR story, then a people have thought took four first by just thirty thousand feet observations on the threat, warm, really glad mass doing us, I think yeah. I saw something I think it's. The wall street journal You said yesterday, which makes a lot of sense to me, which is that I wish that he had done different way like I don't I don't have any beef with really to tie, but I do wish he had put it out
a little bit more broadly, and especially with the underlying documents easily available, because it's hot Before you know, it is, we criticise the media, burying the story: when must released it, in a way that they could plausibly say that they couldn't verify all the details, because I didn't have the information available to them. So I think I wish I d done at a different way, but that seems like a quibble, because with the we're getting a look behind the curtain. Here is very different from what we usually deal within these opaque relationships, the wayne nowadays, in particular a media outfits and the government, including the revolving door of officials, who you know son, they ran the government, sometimes to bear some sense. You're outside the government waiting to get back in the government. So I think having no appeal back and and
I don't want you to look at. It is really good I wasn't surprise. I think we could see what was going on from outside and we could pretty much it accurately imagine what had if you're going on inside. You know I have a piece today about the fifty one. Former national security officials. ran with that ridiculous letter that we can talk about, but you know the fact that that was going on rich, It's me is so blatantly outrageous that they would. You know trade on there, national security credentials in such an openly- Parties in way I think the underlying message here as we look back on this now two years afterwards. Is that
The media and the political establishment simply decided that there was a different standard for trump that there was no limit to what outrageous nor breaking thing that you would do if louis or the europe if it was perfect good of making sure that the fight and one in trouble I said, I really think It was more about making sure front lost. I don't think there was zone We said that any number times during the campaign- and I think there was any great democrat affection for all buying, certainly not great enthusiasm form, but there was enormous passion to defeat trump and I, blinded people, I think people acted in a way that was just stone even for them. Standards are not particularly high to begin with some of them. That went on here was just outrageous. So did you think it essentially an effect on election
no. I don't think so. I you know I first of all I might take on the election. I know people highlight the fact that you know forty thousand votes in. However many counties, it was flat, but the election result would have left and you know I've, maybe that so It just seems to me that this was a pretty mean when you look at what the bottom line was on. And you forget about those the timing issues of when they open may Owen valets verses when they counted the european day of boats in all that stuff, you just look at what the I totally were. Fighting favorite to win, and he warned anyone by seven million votes, if highly unusual election trunk got an enormous number, and always been founded puzzling that done, her trunk the truck contain.
is to say, you are buying, got eighty one million that votes you kill me and, in the meantime, trunk out about seventy four million, which was war He got the first time the way we think that it was a threat, by he got what he got, not the trunk. I could. He got. I've always thought with we're, but it seems to me that it was a pretty that sort of a neutral. The active analysis that election just as soon as he apologises for not something attic gathered a word liberators again, but I put it to seem to me rich that dumb. Yes, It was outrageous that day, so ass the story on social media, but a lot of people because it the controversy over suppressing story and the fact that, for example, twitter locked, the ports account for was it like two weeks.
as well. However, why was it tat, drew a lot of attention to the story and it entirely possible that you know, maybe more people saw it and more attention was given to it than would otherwise have happened, which you don't want, The things we learned in the in the the disclosures that, made over the weekend. Was that role corner the year? at the Democrat twitter gently. You know this is actually a comeback. Invite you and I, I think that is probably right. I mean maybe that day he called more attention to something that they were trying to suppress by suppressing at dinner than if they had just put it out there, because this hunter Biden stuff with it. swirling out there anyway. The like god, they were gonna prevented from being discussed yeah, so Google searches spite and and remained elevated. Despite What twitter did just important remember
the media and political class obsessed with twitter, but it's not the main source of information for most be warm, probably anyone really so can I just I want to if you wanted to at least raise one other thing that I think you're, probably better suited to to speak, to Then I am, but I'm just amazed yeah tromp makes this outrageous statement over the weekend. Outrageous must be my word the day, but it just seems to be at described the story, but you know trump of course, as always goes way too far and basically says. If we now need to trash are the tunisian system, because we have the off terrible fraud in the history of frauds and obviously he needs to be restored. The weather we have another election or we simply restore herman So that's all crazy, but
Stick it's interesting to look at the trajectory of what fraud means. Because when we were going through the sap, the steel stuff, there was a lot of chapter in the trunk can open. Massive fraud the thing that I noted again and again and again, as we covered this day after day for those two months, was what the trunk illegal team was saying in the four corners of its civil comply, thanks. And the representations it was making in the courtroom didn't match the allegations about fraud that they were making not only on the courthouse steps, but that truck was making quite publicly. in the beginning, we were led to believe that the fry was what you would the governor election fraud, which is like changing ballots in and the like, and then
It seems like it evolved into a procedural rigging which It's really more a matter of like which government officials have the right to tweak election laws, whether it in the face of covert or whatever, and when you stripped away a lot of what was being argue. It would occur The answer was should the election laws have been changed by judges and executive state. Election officials versus the state legislature, and a lot of the allotted this is what that comes down to. And now it's about the media coverage you know and what stories got pumped up and what stories got suppressed, and I I think I don't know I mean you Different idea about this than I do, but I just seems to me that in every single election sort a part of it,
oratory of being a Republican is that the media favours the Democrats, yeah anyone whose good news for republic gets get suppressed bad news, republicans gets magnified and vice, ursa an anxious thickets, You know the more he talks about the institution in a way that just would shred the constitution, and is so indecorous on his part and so undermines the idea that he would be fed to be. President again, the less there seems to me to be to them. Fraud story yeah, so on the election procedure stuff just obviously, and almost everyone. These cases, the the legislature should it be. The legislature relate sent to some specific anna enactment of the law. Legislature, but you know it's
Democrats or doing this or you know these election bodies and democratic states counties we're doing this, because I thought it would favour their side, of course, but sort of Ok, it weathered who turn out I would cite help more by turn out these days I mean it used to be conventional wisdom. It always helps democrats, that's not true anymore. I'm just went over the numbers I mentioned earlier binds but trumps way up to so isn't not clear how much sham you know anything you do to to extend time or make the the loo the rules looser in philadelphia. Rice can help democrats, but you know, and and and the and the aggregate turnout gains, more complicated than the old national wisdom betrays it and then yes or see the twitter thing as a symptom of a media bias, which is a real phenomenon. Its is wrong its insidious. We should blow the whistle on at push back against it, but if you republican. This is. This is playing field. I mean that this is. This is what it is. They eat. You just need to find a way around it
and trump didn't you know and and sixteen because he he played the social media game very cleverly, you know the facebook ads and all the rest of it. So part of this as a reaction as in issues. To that same, we can't let that happen again, which is bad, but you have to find other ways around. It gives you just never gonna have media. But he's giving you and- and I an even playing field as a republican. You just you're, just not so at that that's a definition of a stolen election. Every republican law says has been to some extent a function of of this kind at quantico, rigging, I think that this is part of why people of just how with this stuff. The fact of the matter is, if you had evidence a real election fraud, a lot of going in and changing boat tallies or or manipulating ballots. Then, I think you would really grab people
attention, I mean it would have to be massive to make up the kind of the gap we're talking about that would be that the fraud that I think could capture people's attention. But if it's just a matter of the other media makes it is you're playing field or from a legal standard if I'm a voter and the state election law says that you have to have the votes. You know the last is whenever the poles clothes on election day and a comes in and says no we're gonna count them for three additional days. from where I sit is about a particular. If I'm not a lawyer steeped in in constitutional law and election procedures, so far as I know, a court says that you can vote for three more days. At that may be illegally wrong. It may be right, but I'm never going to think of it as fraud as it's like a you know, there's a there's, a a state authority.
that seems to be empowered to make the rolling it made and it made the ruling. And then everybody abides by the ruling enough. There's no evidence that yeah it a bunch phony valets to be counted them. How is Young people are not gonna. Think of that is fraud the bigger think that, as you know, it battle between branches government over who should call the shots as far as election was concerned, but I think this very interesting to Let's get to the government angle because, yes, you had by campaign officials, trump officials. To saying, and please take this down life is understandable, a nude photo of someone or or whatever, but In the end, the too heavy emails themselves is no the fbi's, never emailing. Please block the story. about hunter binds laptop but the backdrop to this
and this clearly influence the thinking of people involved. They told us as much but the twitter and facebook you're getting these weekly fbi breathing about potential russian information, operations so this this kid who, You know I I just have instantly have a negative reaction to maybe he's a total prince but former head of trust and safety at at twitter As has been said, you know this had all the hallmarks just just like that. The from the intelligence official says, all all the earmarks of russian influence. Operation. Now the kid raw what is his name says that he he didn't. He he thought was wrong decision, but this was clearly in everyone's minds and it had been put there by specific people or perhaps for specific reasons. Yeah except it's funny. You know This is the thing that bothers me, the most in its. What bothers me about it. It is a good reporter he's. Better he's obviously got a point of view, but I think he,
He has a history of especially in mourning. the times as a separate himself from LA from a lot the young there. slanted reporting that goes on of at least try to get the basic facts of things and then we can argue about what it all means right. So time is a good enough reported to know that, common sense says: if, if what you're looking for smoking gun, where the vi orders, somebody not to run something that could be harmful touch to work. you're, never gonna find there. That's not the way this game his play, and I point out to people that you know they're a sophisticated actors. Both sides of these exchanges of information that we ve learned about between you're, not the fbi, twitter, not least
You know the one I would emphasise is europe the who is making or whose advising twitter, what to do none other than Jim baker. Who was in twenty exchange when he seventeen the critical russia gay time, the general council of the fbi. So now twitter and what s happening is you know them the bureau comes in and they basically say on, you know Social media companies need to be accountable for the kind of information that is peddled on their platforms. This isn't anybody saying that to them? It's the fbi saying that to them which puts them in, prevention that if they it having been warned if they allow, on their platform, information that the bureau could perceive as russian disinformation that could be problematic for them legally,
and they do this against a framework of telling them that they think in twenty twenty the site the thing is going to happen, as happened in twenty sixty and what's the aversion about what happened in twenty sixty the russians in aceh. it's the way, as if it were unprecedented, as if the russians had never tried to interfere at our elections. The russians I had cyber espionage operations that resulted in hacking that was aimed at helping trunk and hurting the democratic candidate. So that's the thing, in that you know in which the context in which these briefings I'll take place. which are extraordinary briefings in the run up to an election, and the fbi is not in the business of sharing all with private companies. Its intelligence brought up, and you know it's it's criminal evidence, it's not something that the f b I die. So obviously, if for private party in that kind of an exchange. You know you
I take note of the fact that its extraordinary that the bureau's providing this information, but what I would say, rich about the history of this is number one. at I was undoubtedly aware in october, there are twenty twenty one. These briefings were going on that the hunter Biden, laptop with it knew about at that point. For a year, and which it had had in its possession for about ten months. They knew that that was not russian. This information every reason to note with that russian disinformation they had it. as we pointed out many times when this the post first exposed story the information that was on hunters laptop was easily verifiable. And not only was it easily verifiable, you had a witness
in connection with the one of the china transaction. See here see you had a witness, this guy tommy bauble whisky who not and came forward and corroborated publicly? Some of the stuff that was on the laptop, but it turned out that he had his own array of text messages and and and the like that, stop in time with what was on the way Also, there was never any there was never any faction oh basis to believe that that laptop was russian disinformation, may I yeah. Sorry edit, I think back a little, but I think on in an hour at castle in the wake of the two thousand and twenty election were incredibly good, and it is not me it was you have. You are so right about everything. There was like no legal matter that you weren't right on member correctly, like a niche first time we talk about dislike, you there's a little weird stuff. You know, I know them there,
the store owners a bit of an odd darker, or has it ever been Rudy's hands, but very quickly. You just said: wait a minute, so a russian agent just left it there. I just hope in that eventually, here the owner would call someone would get too to root out. We would never made any sets as you, and a lot of people? Just not pointed this out that the the fbi add the laptop it had the laptop and it knew it was yeah. Of course it did and- the poor, the rich, that partially explains the young. The northern went that went on here, the smoke and mirrors that went on here. you're not gonna find them any place, I mean. I know that we have the service to be your guy, that you taught me the young progressive guy, who was an actual here who says hunters name was mentioned. The fbi disputes that, but you, I would be very surprised if you found a piece of paper from the fbi that either said. Hunters name bore the laptop
because they know it wasn't fraudulent. and they know it wasn't this information, but what they did was they went in and they told these social media people tat. We expect in the run up to the election, that there's going to be a dump of information that is very similar to what happened in twenty sixteen, when the russians were trying to help trump and trying to indeed the Democrat, so they pay a picture from she's social media companies went the deuce oh, if we have something that matches up with that, we should assume, especially if it comes from a computer probably hacked information, probably russian disinformation, or at least the fbi's gonna, think its russian disinformation, and They are coming in admonishing us. We better tat. He and in case where you know, we had all falter
in whether we should take heed or not. We have good old, Jim baker who's now working for twitter who says we're all you know if they say that you should be cautious. You know we can't say that it was hacked, but we can say it wasn't so, that, still caution to me and somehow caution always means, then, when it, anti trap, information or anti anteater. Information it gets paddled and, when it could help drop, it gets suppress. So now you know so so there's the whole thing that they had, which is a big to me is a big deal and then use the other thing which that I thought understand, especially with a guy like t, be the report is as well. I dont understand why this hasn't gotten more play. but we now, on the basis of things that have been reported, that we ve talked about on the pollack, asked by gradually and RON Johnson who were doing the and for doing this investigation upon her not have hunter Biden but of the fighting
scandal, which is all the foreign money that was coming into the bargain offers. Now I point out to people that the first inkling we but this story happens in july of choice twenty, which is important, because that's three months before the post breaks story of the laptop right. So The f- I knows about the laptop at this point, but we don't know anything about the laptop What happens in july of twenty twenty? lastly, in Johnson are pulling together. This. information of millions and millions of foreign dollars going into the binding family coffers and the congressional democrats having you know the Democrats having nominated a binding. are obviously concerned about what the effect of this could be on by his campaign What are they do? They call their powers at the fbi's washington field office
we're good old tim theobald, who has since been fired because of all of his anti republic in an anti conservative post, Then he put out his social media right, he's running the washing field office and he brings in his pal, The supervisory intelligence analyse Brian, and the two of them put their little heads together and they look at the information that's been amassed by gradually and johnson in the breslau johnson haven't asked them for their input. They have often do and intelligence assessment that The truth is that the information could be russian disinformation, which in august twenty twenty somehow gets leaked to the associated press, which, instead of focusing on the fact that there's lots of money going into the burdens they re
story, saying: what's this ron johnson peddling, all this russian disinformation? Does he know that he's doing the kremlin's buried? So that's what story becomes so the point is that The fbi is working with congressional democrats in the summer of twenty twenty on a narrative tat, this, derogatory information about the bindings is russian. This information and gradually says no. We haven't seen the proof of the check that whistle blowers in the bureau have come forward, I think Jim Jim Jordan also says, is from the house that they heard from whistle blowers from inside the fbi who say that people who was then running. The washington field office took that in turn away at the bureau to bury ports of the Biden, investigation and also obscure in their internal system. What the rationale was for? Shutting those!
the investigation that so there's a whole lot of stuff going on at the fbi in the way of dismissing the Biden evidence as russian disinformation. for the laptop ever even emerges but Wendell, tat comes forward. What is the big thing about? The laptop on everybody wants to talk about hunter and the drug use in the new treaty and all the other rub crazy, it's on the laptop, but the importance of the laptop, is the corroboration of the foreign money coming into the bidens and who was involved in it and who was aware of it so seems to me that what they did here because they knew that story was coming and they knew all about it because they had the laptop for such a long time. This was already a moving story. This is all you know. The bureau already had work this out or the washington field office migration condemned the whole bureau on this, but
washington field office. Pretty important envy already had a moving dynamic narrative on this and when the hunter stuff came out, just folded right in so trying to think of an analogy of that, the briefing so I know it is a bit like the fbi. I'd briefing just you know, weekly the washington post at some point, during the cold war is impossible to imagine right. I mean the the briefings you'd get occasionally right were the new york times is about to do this big story a spy network, so you know, the head of the cia calls the editor in the new york times says: look if you do. This is gonna. Have this arm this arm in that harm, or you know, you're wrong about this. Please I'm publish this becoming. this routine probable prophylactic interaction just seems very strange.
I would imagine the Washington post's of the episode. Are we going to come talk? She wants to wait, there's no way. We don't want to hear from you or on the other side, while that you wish. That was true. Why, which that this probably comes under the general heading of what they recall. A defensive briefing, I think you're right to highlight the difference. between what we're talking about here in the normal defensive briefing, is that this was continuous in time. Over a period of weeks We talked a lot in connection with the with russia gay. Defence of briefings because remember one of the big questions that came up is if, if the era was telling trump that he wasn't a suspect but the bureau in good faith suspected that perhaps the trunk campaign had been infiltrated
Then why didn't the bureau bring in you know Chris Christie or Jeff sessions or rudy giuliani back then no one thought ruby was crazy. Back then, like now right these were all people who are connected to the trunk campaign and who had high level national security clearance is from prior Did they have done in the government and in rodion in gazed at the time in the justice department, and they could easily have gone and briefed them, and what we learned was, that my cable data deputy director of the fbi, Jim commie, who is the director and the? loretta land she was the young. attorney general at the time actually talked about. Should we go give the trunk campaign a defensive breathing but lynch couldn't remember what had ever happened to it and it turned out that the bureau decided not to do it, but there have been many contacts over time. We're
euro develops information the criminal information or intelligence information that some harm could be done and you don't even know, there's always a chance with that. Can compromise your investigation. If you speak about that with with people They make the judgment that the greater good is to give somebody a heads up south it could have gone to the campaign and give them a heads up. I've seen in mafia cases rich where they actually to people who do not think they develop on a wire to have some evidence that maybe there's a murder plot against somebody. so they go to talk to somebody and sometimes what they're trying to do is role the person and get cooperation. Fact that usually with trying to do but also they don't want to be in a position of yours, but he gets killed and it turns out the f b I knew was gonna happen and didn't take any actions that that's the kind of them right away right, but
that that's, a specific, tangible, understandable harm Some are getting killed and clearly part of this narrative was the backdrop I would say that fallacious, certainly exaggerated idea. That was Russian disinformation and body that somehow swayed the twenty sixteen election you get the Dnc hack, which she now address, screwed up the Democrats for for a day or so, but by these bots on twitter again we're talking right at the top of our people. To exaggerate the importance of twitter said these boss. I wrote about it at an immediate aftermath elections you know their efforts by russian influence people you have protest, flora and the be like five people on a street corner. So the idea that that had any meaning-
what influence on this massive national election with two incredibly well known people who are spending on what it was like a billion dollars each on an advocate advertising their campaigns and trying to tear down the the other one? It is just it's preposterous, but what seems like the epi? I was caught up in this, this moral panic over yeah there was that cartoon image of of of of Hillary. having the arm wrestle with satan, and I know that really move together. As I pointed out, there is an account, a twitter account and to see that was actually pretty good, like fifty thousand followers like one retreat and kelly, and that was a russian bought recycling and always point to that, like that, did it yeah? Well, I'm here. I now want to say something that will have some people bronzed about me, but I've said it again and again, and I want- I think, it's important to put this in context. because the bureau watson like us into a permanent thing. You know where the russian ten feet tall and regular. Fear and our elections, and it's all you not like
like this hasn't gone on and didn't, go once wrote the gold why this was rich. I think You know where collectively old enough to remember that this was never an issue until it suddenly started to bite democrats, this whole long history of you know, especially during the soviet era of you, know a lot of communication between Democrats and the russian government, and yet some that's the you know that history is has been lost, but I just want to point out that the biggest in that they always talk about, is the russian hack Do you see? and I must tell you, aside from the fact that, as you just pointed out, the really wasn't much too that as far as the discernible impact on the twenty sixteen election, since hilary was not really an email, are there were no embarrassing Hillary Clinton even hours in the day and see. That, in fact, is the hurry. Email issue was hurried home brew, sir
it wasn't the dmz stuff, but the other thing I think, is important to point out here: the evidence that the russians are responsible for, the day and hack is very spar. Now. Can I heard about the internal community may be right about this but it turns out that you know the dmz never allowed the f b I to the to examine the servers and for some reason, the democratic, controlled justice the never subpoenaed, though never did a search warrant. Call me always said G. We really wish we could have got to look at that. Well, you know they have this new thing. That's come out called the subpoena. Very good at getting the fbi access to things, for some reason they didn't they didn't. Do it in this case, the fbi, the dmz brought in a contractor- and this was michael assessment by the way who is representing them. They brought in contractor crowd strike it turned out. The crowd strike gate
the money in the intelligence committee of Adam shift, which they kept under wraps the two years. Where they said. You know it turns out that we didn't really have evidence that the russians export traded information from the Do you we have a theory. as to how they probably happened, but we don't have hard evidence, we can. We can improve it and then what I said a number of times was dead. mars to russian indictments were more like, preferably suspend indictments because he would never try the case That would never be challenged and what ended up happening here. It made the mistake of indicting one of these companies that have an office in virginia right. And they showed up and they said we're here. We want our trial, we're ready for the discovery. and the bottom line ended up being the justice depart
when Eddie muller's office, dropped the case rather than try to prove it They were never going to be able to prove in court that the russians did it. I want to stress here that doesn't mean the russians didn't do it, but the evidence is not overwhelming that they did again This is what the f b I wants to make a full time, parliament. The thing that every year, We have to have intense government. intervention and monitoring of elections, because the russians may interfere with them and I just You know we oughta be taken a horrid. Look a lot like. What's all residents number one that they did it and number two that it had an impact because even long history, the russians doing stuff and to my mind it hasn't, had any impact yeah. So to final questions here. I warn you that the second one is gonna, be an energy style, acceptable
So I guess you're right it put a number on something: I'm not gonna knock, I took my hand, so we ve, apparently it elon musk has given additional information and documents to very wise. They also dissonant reporter from there. Centre, or maybe the centre right, it is zero Is there anything obvious that you want to know more? that you're you're hoping to get filled in our knowledge of this. This whole episode I really I would really like to see so that we could judge for ourselves where, if I were prosecutor on us, whatever notes there are any recordings that there are of what including any like powerpoint presentation and the like of what the government presentation wants to do so. Should media companies
and I knew I would like to see that be fed into everything we know about this- going back to twenty nineteen, when they first got the hunter of laughter, and then, if I could just go forward rich. What I think is probably more importantly, twenty twenty at this point is this is we're talking about like section two thirty reform in the light of that to see everything he's gone on between governed officials and social media. There is no resolution ago, rubio bill There is no real bill and you know, there's this concern about. You know national security, but you know That's you have the gang of right. Maybe they should Rubio is right. We should be able to see all of these communications and if they claim that its national security, they should have they provided to the gang of aid so that at least we know that, for republicans saying to the apt
so that this is my exit question easy up. The word outrageous several times so so write. Your level of outrage over their twitter sense, shot by the story and the as eyes and involvement at it and in it at one level or another, from zero to ten zero. Not not not a big deal, ten as ominous as it can get eleven yeah, because I think the fbi doesn't belong in our elections and what I, what what? What it bothers me most about this rich. Is that after the legacy of twenty sixteen, they should bending over backwards to stay out of this right, instead. What happened here is call me.
but forget get who I must say you know I as a as we said a million times. I know call me for many many years and I've always thought while and then I it pains me to to speak like this, but the fact is they play games and twenty. Sixteen don't blame for trump winning. Now tropic call me figure travel that hilary had it in the bag. He did that thing of reopening me investigation. Ten days before he thought I was gonna weak, but he as always too clever by half right. So we figures will do this, then we'll show down then hilary a win then she'll have a clean slate and will never hear about tromp again or russia. Then, when you that stuff, because trop winds and in while breakfast so the bureau feed like it was responsible for trump win looks to me like in twenty twenty. They made sure that wasn't gonna happen again
Democrats were worried, that they hadn't pay enough attention to social media and twenty sixteen, because trump made a lot of hay for dropping caused a lot of free publicity for dropping it? He probably in many. Is one on account of it. they decided? Clamping down on social media was gonna, be a priority in twenty twenty. So I think we know why the sab but it's albert, but I almost said outrageous skin but yeah, the f b. I should not be involved in our elections, that it happened a second time after that. The base themselves. The first time to me you just saw and down. Maybe this is goes on law enforcement person. This is more you're more strongly about this than the average person would, but I just Don'T- the standards yeah. and just also you even consistent, you're, a critical that the coming breathing when when he did it when men, when they Republicans, were happy just to take the wind,
of having the fbi director talk so publicly about the the whole case. So that's all the time we had this part gas were produced by the incomparable Sarah should he thinks I want for listening and thank you and thank you for it
Transcript generated on 2023-08-10.