« Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast

Ep 467 - El Podcast Secreto

2023-11-09 | 🔗

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HOLA. Matt's in Tejas, so SG held it down this week with two of our sickest bros. We're joined by Marlon and Luis, our two hispanic friends. Chito is fresh off a title fight announcement, he will fight Sean O Malley for the UFC Bantamweight title at UFC 299. And Luis just fought our dear pal Tim Butterly in Florida. LA LUCHAAAA. VIVA CHITOoOoOOOo. Please enjoy. God Bless. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Nobody here. Welcome mats in texas. He was cheer wherein louis J gomes. Now hispanic episode la vega. When I go because I'm here yeah, we do a little get us. I got a yeah. I am not a very good hispanic. I I I don't speak spanish at all. I mean I can say like three things I can say: Adamawa lecce give me the milk. There was really gave away, I left and right in the eyes of my god. They ve sent into many worrying signs and lobby august music gimme, the military, the milk is again violence in spices. Super guys, guys like you actually suddenly is alive. And this is as you're unless you as your mommy, hey mom, on police gonna, get I dunno, but Indeed, there is it, get out and what do you know they gave rise, as I
Yes, now to say my god, my god, I'm yeah little! That's a pen writer DA mayor measure, gimme, some head, I heard you say a good basis for no now to bundle Juba miller. There were other available secularism in my lab. Where super can you suck it? Please, I wonder how much money among you gotta simply to cover eggs. And yeah good shit daily about says measures. Are you and mother it? I know it. The. I didn't say that is that the blue, my martin, through, demonstrates without breeze, but doesn't it and ass? I got them all. No was the mexican action they speak knives. close the said, Saigon, Austria, you do. I get the sleepy man.
It's from the cartoon I was like, oh man. I need to hope that hotel was all I could say. I knew spanish. I was like. I know spanish pretty. Well, I got down there, they would talk to me. I was like oh shit, yeah the dialects fully Was it in every single year, sponge? God you I'm there's someone I close speaking Gunter lake. You can, if you ve a spanish, pursue honours and everything, but they have leader wars for Everything and they all men, something else. What is It's something like cause. We were talking before we got on. You know. I obviously chose a fuckin professional fighter, you're bad but fire, there's fighters that are like athletes, that kind of care themselves bound up in kind of like you know, this is my job and then those guys we're fuckin fire. come off like a fighter. You come over the guy who, like you, don't want to get on your bad side like your money in writing to throw down, as somebody says, some shit. What does some shit? spanish, that somebody says you in spanish really got his fucking disrespect and that's it it's on. I mean we You grew up as a kid like. If somebody goes lake teacher to my,
It was meant you might have boys I suppose it doesn't make a: u yours you're! You teach us a little kid yours. What anybody can save for you or your nozzle or whatever, but somebody said that a new swinging unicycle, your inward is where does, but we don't come so any wars, other yeah ever aren't you today are having have won a sponge. What I like, you can save you you can go online and go bananas and you call this lake the given the power to their wars fought with the war is over. Where's. The worm is nothing. I'm alone unless you are a real piece of zeal, but I haven't made when did work, what happens if you would have, as if you dont, like your mother, zero? talk about moms was the all day long on my girl, you're, probably going to get the point you're not wrong about that. I mean if you
I mean this is like a little thing when I was a kid. What, if your leg, All in all, we will call the, but if you give using the london you get eleven point. You range what is it? What does somebody cause? I was a lot of fighters in my day and it's like what is gay people, don't often challenge you right, but help quickly. Do you ever think about this and we fucked with you in my life? Do you ever think, like? Oh shit, I'm a fool later. I have to hold myself to different standard on the ground of the sort, but isn't it in its above people. Viewed people's today get crazy with I mean what you say, but everything going for a further got. Nothing really goes leg. louis gorman, saying: hey fuck. You will read your mom, that that will not happen. It's a guy, well. You might read my thoughts what our accounting, but you might,
right now we are committed by like those three doesn't happen. Europe You didn't never see a true for, like a real positive course he's a funny thing to meet us fun. If I remember, I will love many visiting was fucked up thing about me and my family. Levelling that's actually failed, and I do but nor are. We would have the same mind. Rather we want to see that the breath now leg, but I mean, if you, if I'm walking on the street, then your closest friends is one thing I might flip the usa. Welcome here, but I will keep walking I'm going to chase you but you a very visible. Really and he knows they really they fuckin believe well close to me and you're, saying fog, you and I mean I been to hoard, has liam going to grow. thinking my weightings, robin where they have yielded any closer fucking, letting go using gaze,
so be like. Oh, I of Joseph. Arguably I mean that's fine to me here about what about getting suit like what about, if the other than you figure peter finally to trying to surrender their go. I mean this is exactly what I do not know. What happened to two jorge punch call we only one free. He they prove. You started I mean you can go lions and some shit about some kids and them is begging to be like us, really hate us argue about it, just because it comes from a bunch of I hit you with that. But then I take the I take the battery, because if you can prove that there's gotta be some kind of like rupert goold over whether some crazy shit, you say no, unless you're as for Vaughan yeah to your friends. Yes, even if you don't know me, I'm telling my daughter this and that that's great yeah, I dunno that's what gardenia was saying: before you got you
and before you got here, it was like. I was talking about your daughter. I don't want to say dude really after that the one night we're mad at the word cool, yeah. That was a great that was a fun fuck. I was a good night where the the first time we met was good to reject it was a steakhouse. We are getting. The flu is cheap wine I got excited, the men were leaving the fight joyously you wanna go. This data was withdrawn aid the following year. And I do a labor of love, but we went to texas and an area where we can say who took his absurd either in some wine after like two in the morning, because it fights and late I didn't realize that we are fucking, we're there all night like maybe for four or five boroughs or one yes, the roof,
of the sorcerer might like to know why the EU is an area where there are due to all the while others get was beating me the way there was a good name. That was a good name. would again a wine drunk his fuckin catches. Up to you, as I only drink wine, I'm I'm kind of good like I know when to stop, but why will for you and two cubs get you drunk yeah? Oh yeah, and honestly I don't regularly drink. That's above one eight. I I natural one Where did you harder, but there's no hung over thou wine My way was loving than his ever spoken at my house. It was out of my mouth, maybe my bread. I was fucked The heading of one is great yeah. I do I love. I love drinking wine and dude, I'm fucking. I drink a bottle and a half of wine. Last night I we did, we did have a fucking fight and we did a comedian fighting event this past weekend and I I fought another
comedian and leg? Fighting fighting here by his lab oxygen, pull his hand embody the tomorrow chinatown following my mice, medicine. Yet, though, sir in legally adopted at the loose. is being legally adopted by the winners. So we're filing paperwork now some legally adopting him, that's fucking what I said Actually gonna guys actually happen. He's my fucking zombies. is twitter. Right now says little or system gummies you can't. You can't do it, you don't think so. No I mean, I think you legally, you probably can but neither legally can forgive give he's smart. You should Did you run away I know I'm going to also I'm definitely cutting them. Out of my will, or I mean yeah big giveaway- that he might fucking gillian to go you're married, but he always did I've been just fuckin. Since then, I've been eating. Everything inside you looked so hands type on twenty two pounds in three days.
Twenty two pounds in three days: I'm not even exaggerate it. I was like mad when I saw you because of this and other jack, I like values, does it I move that the civil war, the usual by yourself, a book I like my friends being fat and allow you to do and whether it was a new icy was now a little I already have the rogue you're a fucking villains, all I'm fucking love. This guy is one way to really does have a fighters to like because, like you know, I always see similar in between like comedy and fighters right. It's a one man, sport, like you, you know you you do it for the love. It there's no money in the beginning, you're just fucking doing it crazy masochistic reason you just sort of like you know going. Do it and do you comes liking, It's a certain level of success where you start to go like oh shit. I can be happy for my friends and then everyone's like. Oh, this is pretty good and then your friends get.
that much more successful exchange so successful that I stopped being happy for him. I was well I was watching. I was watching. I sunset with my girlfriend is a show on netflix is already gauge. It's a very good yeah, but so and I'm watching it and- and I I pause I was like then I was like I was like I dunno. If I could watch your shows, I think I don't know that I'm ever gonna be able to afford a fifteen million dollar house, and it's kind of like I dunno. If it's meg inspiring me or burma me out and just as we pause it literally, glaser walked into the room and carry it out, and I was like. Oh my god. I mean that national is crazy. They so crazy houses, but if ever you want to do now, I hear about it. Boy has to be on one leg. Just she'll. Whatever knows the emerald doing the power I can be arrived at about people grow hot checks, smoking hot by me and by the bread, because
depressing. You know what I was looking like. That's definitely the couple of shows. You know when I see that shit now I just I having that much like or not. Fifty million dollars for a houses wild, just a while the man I mean that MR liese gotta have fifty. I mean who knows enough, he's not marcel, argued magic numbers areas like brazilian students have first meeting after the first check its ten grand for a weekend. Now like like all I thought the heart of the talk is always open for big J. For years I bought two thousand dollars a weekend was the most you can make up at all for nine years ago now that years ago, on the actor to kay- or we can do what it that's exactly. What I mean is that does doesn't larry you climb in. I fought for any books about my might my enemy. They be it the baby, seventy bugs them for a few fighting over leg for free. My first five out of the country by number was ninety five. It was even a hundred
I pay my flight tickets out. My whole it'll give me some responsibilities. What has become of you? The beginning, you, your literally going on the road you're losing money? You know you by your flight, you buy you just to have the opportunity to get up and just cut your teeth into. You know, try to figure it all out and then slowly but surely after a decade you go oh now, I'm making a little bit of money and then it just doesn't feel like enough. I mean but exciting, but because we always want more. I like I like, comparing it, though, to like doing a fight and am. I did my first open like we're. Just like your fighting. Do a black room in philadelphia. I understand I is worth it. Morgan season there get into the savings. Are everybody have the same design by not over is willing to fucking walk the walk in his day, there, because he's fucking shitty know what I mean and it's like embarrassing. People are like he went to cleveland for eighty bucks
the bomb in an ecuadorian yeah. I had to yeah my dad every time I'd leave, I'd, be he he asked me every shot, it'd be like how much are they paying? You hey where my that I've gotta belonging? Not you are you making only forget two hundred now they don't ask now. I know now my data last meal of goes. You might help you and much therefore, can pay me on those who are by your house right now. I got my mother. My may exist, guided his dagger satellite where money is clear, personal violence and I say about a buyer. right now he's like shit you're, an asshole
it's! I now you told me he told me that he'd give me a million dollars if he killed himself. He said just no strings that you don't remember this. I promise. Do you promise me if you said, if you kill yourself, you give me a million dollars no strings attached before you killed yourself without saying anything, though I hope it gives you a promise. If you kill yourself, which is actually like it's a decent bet, gonna get some other do. I also hope you guys, don't you guys just a merry under who gives a shit? Will you be beat it even five? You believe outta the money back here. You sign that that undecided to do it, you can, I forgive you step in europe, has now how sagres you're the one with a metal tat. We don t know how quickly could you beat chain to death with your bare hands learned the railways are my revolver reels require? I think I think you know that guy. I know I think in order to kill somebody is not this dollar twenty point. You got an excited for a mean nonstop,
We have to take a break, gives a motor fuels almighty level guns, rumbling. I've killed employees, the goal, but for a million dogs annie visas, everything that I love you Glad that made it get, I think, to kill him with your bare hands. You probably just showed him the adobe quit the quickest way, oh, but you gotta really target, because if you're a devious took it literally, who will come back at us fuck that you gotta fuck yeah your money, he wakes up, you know ea and if you beat the fuck out of him, he's honestly fucking agonizing. Can you give me out following nine million? Is less every like now do what you got, now. Do you like me to death? Is
where are you really whether when the moral and missionaries otherwise is going to come back with a vengeance years later here, but a high almoner yeah, he's I have is Joe forget to? Is that what she's she's a tub machine changes and realise our toughie is because we ve, we played sports together, you're, so strong. If you wanted to beat me up, you all you, I have to do it because you said this because you are like oh cause. You were talking about me and butter. We fighting like our tim, would piss me up like no do you're, so strong. All you would have to do is grab me by my shoulders. Are pushing my head, but you really do I'm telling you right now: I've like burma, the poor boy, just picking me up, I felt like a child. I thought you ever. You guys know fuck in june to now real you'd. I would not like any cell in desert burned that does it does it does it leader differs between no, when you do to taking a boxing glass into safe
ogi industry, like is a different animals, are different energy that if you get to grub anybody and just fucking, throw them against the war? I don't give up earlier. fire. You gonna hurt yourself a most people out there, we'll billy, only god is actually to do yeah yeah smash his head into a bar. I tried to add I've talked about before, but after a podcast I was all fucked up and I started like pushing rogan like just like or like my call them and you sold Alan now. There were people in ireland, but we just got down and I was I was. Obviously I knew rogan was going to kill me. I wasn't like I have a chance to, but I started like run blackened like offers of mine football If you can't do shit, my arms are too long them him and then he he just puts mobs out of the way choked me in two seconds. It's also a black bear What is its money varies: a stronger falkiner, Wraye gummy egon before giving firewall five five
five yeah like my side, but he's fucking a fucking freak, a huge full about yeah. We want to use it without a helmet I was hammered so yeah me in an arm bar- and I was like this is nothing new policy. I remember to have your lawyer. He really and I'm still hurt and fuck. My shoulder I mean you have to I mean you have to have your home- is a foggy you gotta yeah yeah, yeah then he felt bad. I I call him the next day I was like dude, you fucked. My shoulder up he's like I'll fuck do like come back, come back to arsenal at work. You're understand that it's like I'll. He smoked up he's like. Oh, do just he's like hit up the knees over toes guy. You have to get the world is the dynamic emmett is gonna. Answer me jack when Joe is Joe? That's a fucking lane. I ain't gonna fucking fight too, I mean yeah he that, guy that guy can kick your head at any day. Here with the stages you'll forget fucking, take your head off
go liberally stretch and share it's funny. How much like ARI doesn't know about like a fight that will be in the we'll, be talking it'll? Be me aryan, norman and he'll be like. Do you think we could take Joe it's like noted, we have no, you mean or three together here. Are you norman, I'm in our lives, both I dunno he looks like a guy. You would have spit on his face for yeah. He loves to smoke cigarettes all day. Schooler, I think always got a chip yeah yeah slam already? Does Michael rapid glad we're out of linking someone, Madame lebrun adversity, just last year is a famous andrew Michael rapid word is and will be higher learning Well, he didn't do anything about it. Now are just laugh. That was his defense was the laugh, but then they kicked rapper boy out of the bar and it was pretty funny or the gema yeah. Why is that? Just because a comedian
I was talking to us, argue cancelled for making fun of kobe bryant when Kobe bryant money, diving helicopter crash, early hates our hates the lakers I'll go right over. There was a no go anywhere the way, so I m in liquidity. Already like me a minute before. Are we they call me at his daughter, die in airports like and ran? Why video is like tackling laughingly there, whose had it was bad. You know, are you understand why its body does? He would do videos like that for a lot of libraries when they love, I am sure, his funny ass Larry. I gotta. If I'm in charge of the cancellation group, our billig I'll, give you the go a pass it was generally the comical. Look. Here's a reality like you know, is number one. A really funny person and number two is actually a genuinely really good. Persia legitimately, like swede, auto person very selfless,
helps. Fill out is sounds gonna, hear him and shows it sounds good days. A man, you're good Imagine broadly with a constellation. Did I mean if I fully view the calmer for living and you get to a point that you're actually good, you can get away with anything these common they would pay. Doesn't I was raised. They are whatever do. They won the love of the yolks. Of course, give it a rest, your euro, spanning rice or somebody. If you're in a comedy club and somebody's making hispanic jokes from for me personally, I love that I feel like I'm a part of the show, if they're, making fun of everybody but my race or might like I'm what what? What what is going on here, I a friend at tickets for your role, and this is fucking- seven years ago, I want over him by me and with the commons was right before him and she loves him his leg.
who the fuck is. Mexican isolate bitter vernacular is another to do, is for ladys look away, you guys you, because you're there's begging me to believe yeah? Maybe I feel it counterculture doesn't like fighters much because you I mean not at all we're just about them, entirely negative organised as table for that now, I think I can say anything I mean either. I was kind of a regular bite, the nose of a nineteen year old man in a bore, her husband s, speaking, have already taken approach that gives you took airport there you go from behind a lot of having decades. We drove misunderstanding here. Don't you know, you're gonna, eat or giving no country is like brow. I went to worry. They give us yet those
if the gunner over him a drink and he'd, say fuck off yeah yeah and is gone or he was barely kg, doesn't like fuck you fucking drink yeah? That was those actually worse, look forgotten its core. It was a hard hitting literally uncountable the amount of things I like not just hitting the old guy, but the old guy swallowing the punch and just here. They almost to the council while you there's no disrespect to the little showed that anyone like the bathroom at like the lakers gamer whenever event like it came out later, is the picture of a fat checking. like nobody, buys that came later. She was sitting with him she was like it was. It was clearly but I mean in defence of him, let's see what they were, the meda put up and he told security kick out the boy Tell the girl to implement a resume whenever that would have happened, but I am sure, a boy from weather. I mean does what was of a military or anywhere
It may be angry. I imagine my girlfriend, you bitch, in this area, but I mean Is that true origin? these one jig sailing, I'm gonna, do it? I saw a motive for with him and then said. I want to do this and then say tell everyone equally balls. We don't arrow energy, you almost it's almost. If you have the opportunity to, through a celebrity or corporation. It's almost stupid, not to. Cause you're going away. Every time does give assent. Allow like fuckin. Let me just get this, Out of my way, Does this happen all the time you see in our people with frivolous or is it is a leader out of control? I mean you, these would be. Every day could be used for the picture. But yes, it simply for the picture. Artists, working Lordy, really need to fight yeah he's running is to earn some respect this, I think, there's ways. Bargaining me have leg.
Nowhere is like forget, as a man down, please read famous but being the best. I that there has to be something that, like very you, people are the best like in the worldwide the absolute passing over the time. We're connor was genuinely the barrier and he's chasen that dragon the money. The fame, the any like he's got everything he needs. Unless you change your just so hard. The wrong thing, I mean, don't get me wrong. I wanna be fucking broke, I wanna have wanna be loaded, but you wanna be dead. Loaded and everybody. Vega was kind of like yeah, it's kinda fucked up yeah, it does suck when he made it and everyone's like now. Now is a money fight. Obviously, the two people are just like fuck you, the job of work and go to amend it. Yeah I'm fucked up he's doing blow some famous that he like on twitter is. I got Joe yeah yeah yeah. How does my very early news vulcan?
I love twitter is fun. He only he don't rival twitter and he pulled the boys out on twitter heard his voice a voice and he was watching the watching. It could be a fight. Obviously I don't say obviously, but it sounded like he was probably doing blow watching. This can be a fight and he was making fun of rogan for being like that's. An illegal strike. These, like that's illegal, heard, strike shut up joe yeah yeah I got it is for these is he is new. The delivery of the arbitrary I'm assuming A browser is a really cool the animals ass. If you have your Pa Are you a corner and like iran as good, as I'm sure he's the fucking coolly world just in private, doing their best in the world have not judge you. That is both an actually good for you, don't you
when the gives you a better mind. I dunno to my relationships. I mean it's pretty easy like ninety one guys, instead of like eighty for preparation, you know or maybe yet those are the only rehired connemara gregor below, has to be the best below in the world. Maybe, there's a lot of it with a day would surely blow to minister But if I lose one, do you like? decisions season every day are wrong line yeah. I know how you prove it: A good lead, isn't a machine that was bbb, but all it is fucking good. Now you gotta give it to one of your loser. Friends, I watched them. Do it with gas, digital staff, those fucking guys podcast producers. Yet,
can go for the line is like a homebody yeah. I get that first line. Yeah I mean the one by lincoln, really send your heart to a fucking boom boom, yeah or a chill, and that was the last time you to coaching. I didn't go to african now I did it. I did it wants this year, that's pretty good. As grave negroes version barrier first got to new york. I was like what you or me You can simply come and see how it could be a couple bucks in africa over yeah. I did one little at skank fest somebody gave me into Rosa bag and we were like fuck dude. This probably isn't real and I was like I'm not going to die. I didn't feel like doing it, but I did do a little fucking gummer.
That is account and then I was like. I was like this isn't even a real coke and then, like thirty five seconds later, my whole face was frozen. Yeah every laugh If I was in for years to come on, do you just get a little bubbling? Knob rob fucking beer. I want to keep like that, because alone dunno, what's going to have been evacuated, I it do it down should that I've never never I get it I get to thirty years or with an The aim of our one of these is spent. The non cocaine was, but I will say it: seven out of ten are weekly users, Bertha journals, gray people they have. job their own cause. They don't say the anguish of good people. But I do a lot more than her eyes lake. I didn't want a lot of cocaine and their filed it and there was a come on each other This is data on brown. Coal phone is not legally. I can tell
cognitive, but I know you you. If you beat Sean O'Malley for the title, you gotta do a bomb just one bump, as proposed here and abroad. I use it. it'll happen, I mean the cobra good offer me want to be a buzz on it. Is there any person in the world that can offer you cocaine where you could not pass on it? There's gotta be a person. I will say I mean I'm getting up check this out- I'm getting an item saunders too for happy gilmore on my leg. Dice maybe maybe dagger, but even even he might pass it on. Drugs, him, which is known as few had already known for new initiatives. As our group is so fucking foreign girl, I'm fine weak, I watch we're single other southern was areas have a human the a boy
boys with one is a duty. These his diamonds as a glue into remo, damn the gems of their younger tumbleweed names on the Adams, where what? Why are what what had become more tat? You re getting. What is it? I gotta go through think funny, yeah yeah bio, my leg yeah! That's that that movie me. Me laugh harder than any movement would get us into the clown who were hidden his fucking bees, as did I was a kid cloud today: a cavalry watch breeders, him a dozen wasn't. I can watch every movie everyday, I'm really good as stop watching movies are all for a few months and they may go back What do you see? There is great his grade or great. I saw my son. My son is watching
they will be over and over. I behaviour is unwilling to monitor that money will be laugh. I love it. I love like a mother. Father would use it. I saw waterway five times in theatre. Wow, that's a gross, that's how dumb I know I saw it five times. I would go to the movies you find me. That's. Why, like every day for yeah I mean. Maybe if I was like come on dude, I started speaking like happy gilmore, really yeah. How much does he know I'm little just a little bump at the same hour, the volume next, I, but that is with any they are like us. Are you also get Alex? I like the last time I saw you at roca you you had just taken. Mushroom yesterday, without back there was a van we're a vampire who had events where van that was like park there for a little while- and I remember you- Biofuels are mushrooms are now they told me. You were hanging out back like outside I,
It's our somebody's burglar for years, the anti movin giving one by two look. They were coming out of. There is room As has been dead, therefore, figures I'll, I like mushrooms, they want to get up what the hell are. They I got a gaps as well. So do I I just gave up dabs today I know, obviously we usually take dabs in and spoke once, and it was like this to mushrooms and a cough. So I was like I'm going to do just joints yeah. I I love you, but I need you.
yeah. I know I I just in my head, I'm like I dunno why, as I'm getting older, I feel like I'm going to get cancer, and I know that like nobody's ever gotten cancer from weed- or you know, we don't know- actually saw Chucky. So you you have that if you have that thought in your head is no good re because you think about it. Fasting will kill every single concert selling your body, your face for, like dope shit with intermittent fasting, fucking, five fuck yeah but like if you like, eat. Let's see you go six to six every day and you gotta in a good habit, and then you go for a day. He surprises resume running. You don't start at thirteen months instead of half a mile yeah, either through they face every year waterfalls every six months, three days three days while just wearing coffee under.
When is ready. Thank you. My friend went by reds socket from electric know when my roots up is is hitting up, but like fast helps with that, of course, a clean diet yeah, although I don't think about it, that's not a good thought to I got to do an interview after your interview with bennington. I gotta do an all night, but this is the best way to do. It needs real high. I cannot get I almost when did Joe is biogas? I almost without leaving a nervous so where that was there I think I've getting a lot of mushrooms and that during their podcast and-
fucking roof with the stars or that hey we do it and I will take mushrooms and I'll just not talk I'll, just sit there I'll sit there for like two hours just now than than the big. What's going on I'll, be like dude. I can't do this. You know I almost got nearly almost pulled almost instantly and I didn't want to say I'm sick because, as we're yeah, I was the grades to get into. corruption and went to the hospital. I was the only way for a thousand. They got. It sounds like some sick, but grass does Maria. I was just like it when I wasn't there over going to israeli, I saw you like this was illegally shake their current one is a move and the over driver was like a lovely talking a lot
yeah man yeah. So do I have no idea to do this, how you like austin, I'm late but get yeah? I was like me, fucking ally, yeah, getting fucked up in in Joe studio is scared. Get it he's fine Joe can take whatever, for he doesn't understand. I got me. Maybe you guys are different, like four may, so in my head about everything is like the whole? and I was on like this- if you norman, comparable uncomfortable I'll, do this a lot like I'm thinking? as I know the vague due to the nervous take that I have the conference itself competent, touching my face and the whole
well time on Joe's podcast. Doing this really Joe tells me yeah, I can be forgetful with really hurt me was I was in my head. I was thinking half a gram which I'd take that all the time and it took on the ground like mushrooms of mushrooms microdosing. So instead of took two pills I took for I dunno. Why make me took four on that day, I'm on board. All the data were overcome is nothing I do my thirteen miles on it. finally, while train your train on only running or surfing, I don't any thing related to fighting. I don't do it. I went up because a moment
if I have to be afraid of what could happen. No, I mean ice for far few times high, but the reason I don't like it is because most of the time make me feel better than not, but I'm not gonna fight height to keep it the way it's going to be. When bisping took us to Ruka Barbara, diego diego sparred with you No m chewed off fucked him yeah, it was vacated, was ass in bodega bay, It was pretty good. He said he's a tough guy but took us out. He came by the gate and just tossed the egg. I want to spar and er. You remember this yeah. I remember that on polar was like rum people yeah, okay, europe yeah,
by me for him. What a cool experience like literally fucking I'd take a book. You can take a crack at him. I mean I wasn't being one hundred percent. I think, but I was dodging him where's diego from florida know. What's his colombian is colombian red headed colombian yeah? That's a weird yeah, australia, mixed with a guy or something you got that right, yeah right that era, but era yeah really have you might have call fucking best friend in the mountains, there's no gingers in southern mike yeah. I don't know if I met a junior growing up yeah, we got the you know there. It's weird people, weird people, yeah. You look like a ginger cheetah. You got a little cheetah in that. When I leave
Is one longer you gonna, be my junior. I agree you should spar. You should see here's the way, the way that a hobbit was like he was a wrestler yeah. I don't really defend. Tickets are ready to grapple, but wrestling is a very important thing to have I'm guessing, but that day he said I'm guessing you need to raise rare, but was were hitting mid, though it wasn't a sporting day yeah, and these guys were, like you know, fucking around misery was there and he literally walked through the cage with gloves, shingles and had to get like yo. You want to give a run, and I was like I'm always kind of like us coach yeah. I am pretty. Good in the gym. A borderline come up and a half years as the wrong guy embezzling pull me down with a body shot wages factor
I can't do it at will like he was just like he was like watching. The skies were shot with a I did when I was doing this bar business may give me around like dodging right. Yeah. wanting in the year, I'm literally when I get close to him, he was seeping punches like yo. What the fuck the bear fuckin bedroom, a bunch of normally Is it to twenty courier abysmal? What's his name rock, on retraining there as well lucan bisbee always had like you know, obviously, because busy getaway idle, but there they would like kind of like dislike out. feel like energy and kind of like look at each other weird, then one day they were just like. We were there. They were like, let's just have a grappling match and they just went fucking hard. Just rolling around mats and life agenda, the what it would, of course, like a really cool jim. What georgia has ever better with Libya has gone well, but are they closed down
because goes the mother making something better right now it is ever ready soon There were. Those who were in the game is scary with those to be guys both think they warned was actually one want to. Piss is legal. If they fight, I wouldn't separated the two big. I'm gonna kill each other by the rising business like twenty fake everything that affect our say legs. They were more road roll up. These leg is getting there. It's almost not fair. Here, he's more he's more inside Worse than human, at this point to fucking metal knees a little cooler. He gets things saunders neck. You want the title with one eye: bonkers, long he's. Always you listen line. I would do I won't I do with various was with him and is but eyes the eleven. So what is done?
I would not only rowan what has always made their cars come in that way that he wasn't going to fires. I like yo, you Kimball yourself you fucking gotta go like or whether it is the guys in my bosom. We totally feuds. You don't really with it. bigger, Zadig hog illegal. enjoy. May I will find soon as one time I never no more. I say I'm here with you at all. the one I knew. What I away to those not at all. It does is one little fucking doesn't want. Peace is being blocked.
Is gary. That's where that motherfucker is that tough mean just think blue eyes, and does your new no fog there? That's does a sketchy yeah, the yeah they're, just as a definitely a tough breed of human just like we're just even that I've guy went to england and just there's like just somebody boeing. Like did you gotta, like scotland and ireland, I would describe as little towards those guys like just think gazing. toughness editor trying to fight the yeah chee harry gelatine, hard drinking, yeah. They don't give a fuck up there. Now try to fight you part of culture. On the contrary, if that was not part of my culture growing up, I was a fat theatre get yoga I was a cool guff wherever I wouldn't I was there. I was the topic of the goths, that is a dangerous goods, like the most gehrig act as if you get beat up. I got that very embarrassing now, but I was like
buried on most of the god. Damn one idea there: when the waters were the ones will ass liner ought to know what is a guy. I thought it was no able to charge. There's the took its did: bills under his earlier. Isn't it Now then I'll go an altar boy? Those differences are victims. Judah yeah. Where does a go? always eyes black guy liner, Marilyn Manson t shirts, like oh, you were emo emo kind. I came about of Zima. Well or that interview wouldn't be vermont. The golf is more manly than email. I will ruin your life, you wouldn't make the sacrifice yeah it was. I was talking about yeah. They do the same things, yes Everyone is thereby joy. There was a thereby pressure
god damn that's sought? A year ago I was in a row. Gotta. There was goths in the gulf except me now like so like. I would like. I would wear like Marilyn manson, t, shirts and wear like eyeliner, but I was like yeah. Those goths are gay, so you know you're. Ok, now I walked. I walked to the beat of my own drum bologna. I was. I was nominated for most individualistic in my class superlatives nice. So they said like that it was. It was I didn't when it was on record. He didn't have fresh number on it. Then you have a diploma, then they could have just put virgin, but it didn't do that. later they nominate, chicks, are fucking gotha, their monsieur le maire, nominate, chicks, are looking for, by god checks at the time. I was. Virginity too, after on high school. How is that? I've got a little. Cutting your arms and flogging was we we listen to pandora cemetery gay. He too panther.
I saw to ireland they will die without raising around occurs the music A few years ago I did, it throws Why do you will Leonardo caprio does not put the ear buds in anatomize? That's sad I can handle. That is all but a mask and I got a robin s. Goals robin to have one did and I put music on. Did I walk? massage and the rubagub music on the whole time it was so decision You're David was so disrespectful for this morning. It was the best I can do that. We doubted fucking heavy metal ways. I died despiser music. I anyone been here yeah I got One friend out of my whole group little list to her email. What were the car? I tommy, you put your misery, kill, you haven't, got no further Amelia. I give you like because it deals with that specific needs.
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This. The there exists, grace you're, never like I have to be jogged, like generally be like During I want walking market logic and I, like whatever sound, I was making she'll mocked me yeah sure sure sure, oh that really got on my head. I was like oh shit. Do I make sounds like a bitch choose to use the lid forget what I was now did a couple times you guys funny that making a danger? I would like a little minded laughter and there you haven't you the time has come for the most one island is fog, invisible visible. and you get a mere like that in, like a hotel room, I can't you guys are formulated miracle psycho do not black suit. My wife, I hate when I
many members have myself and I'm forgets even better. Is this there are lots of aid because I look at myself my damn. I'm fuckin her good luck, In my opinion, these hours, I didn't, as we have a good person added and I believe it was it was when I was a kid. I look at the moment in holy shit. You falcon breed and this wall. I really I looked at them. I think I can see nothing better than me. I mean that's a good that's, As I know, that's exactly nurses but little detail, and also that you want so great. It would have a mirror, I would say god. You're good fund should be dazzled, minimise personalities. What made me good is that of was looking man gone. What the fuck Didn't have you back? dick made me funny,
dick. I will be the biggest piece of shit you harold little dirty, I mean for boy. Yet again the shout out in you better be funny their view. Take ourselves seriously with a small boy. You're fucked. Your vote is not another furs. You'll get through I took several myself as a buzz. You know you trouble yourself, you will make it too far. A mere a mere one. Fuckin looks I'll catch a glimpse of a mere. Like always bragged is my inner boucher deliver you do what I brags my pauses page and fight on the mirror. Like my website, you fucking your brain is out of control. Like I look at myself and I sort of moving my hands and especially what the fuck that I'm like don't fucking, threw me the target yeah. I know about how I would as crazy that's actually it's nice action, was the mo for an auction. The robbery was laughing at me that day, because I kinda feel like I have a leg they gave me like. A cd of yours beats by alchemist. It just means like it's like just for you
for instance, as others emblazon into desert. I have been in the car and I kind of like confess that to them bra they keep There was making fun of your way you rat I dont round I'm gonna get bored, Let me get excited like eyes. Yeah, I'm gonna, I'm gonna have to buy my mba yeah, that's good to know when they were in bihar with it, whether they like a carpool interviewer and the guy something happened, and he turned away again seen as against four, should I say shit about the guy there he might head some of those were like four, that's actually pretty good. Like nah, we did that we did on his podcast, where, if you make your friend genuinely trellising is the best. Second, it's hilarious. It's a ballsy protestant may yeah place in which are synchronizing any song, the best you can, but it can't be like it came,
I know I know, but I'm saying it can't be like you can't pick like johnny cash, no way like it's something that hasn't yet like singer, Natalie, I'm going to I'm not going to just pick some monotone shit. You want something one notes: yeah alright These out, is a few it ever fallen, great volume, lonely the in my witness, show me killed till we come face. the first is to weaken phase to flatter it's called stars using I miss away where girls and period while I mean you got you. I know I can say for sure, but I did use that's almost an audition school for your eye
and there's no one song. I know that many lyrics I the most I know like who let the dogs up I mean? That's all I got see it again, though see it with. I try to sing it well. Actually, I was brought up sending it to get into my last fight. because that was the near my son were like walking into the lobby were like the doktor, and I myself will be like a little fucking, a euro as guinea, it was a big and I was trying to love for him in this. organiser of totally, has been damn someone you, so you get a maximum. Far gaff further building does exciting both of has fears. I feel. I'm a slow process The leg come of an apple. but I would just dream about been signed to the gypsy. everything in winning and finally, as ITALY, there
Yes was announced that what were they now before they told you yeah, that's normal Nine other summits, but this thing there's two ways to go about it. and going guy, no go fag news fog, you baby are when you can just go hey, let's made up now. Let's monopolise the stock was over, everything is doable approachable. If you use not a fucking amending gotta didn't went crazy, but Well, as far as your like fuck you piece of shit suck, my dick that I'm like. If you work at a construction centre go to the guy with a yellow, helmet and the timber unless you're gonna fuck you piece of shit. Pay me your fire yeah. Even you can go to you know, magazine I would go into the eu- is willing to those in power. What are we gonna? Do that yeah? It's also like you here this business advice. While I look, I know
You well yeah. If you're looking you're looking, I mean I say I mean I they without ever having an affair with you see since I why one of the first wave of enlargement three I want, and I was a big wrestling van as it gets. I I went I watched the ways crazy when the first one man, I've been a whore war fan for a really long time and I am not as hard core. They use it because what things become really popular than unlike us call them. You re, the hammer progressing like eyes was well. Equipment is gone. Like the? U have see as genuinely it wasn't even a thing. They created an entire industry and I think that a lot of people are very critical of the. U s: You wanna go like they ve made millionaires out of so many people. You know guys edge. This is there was This wasn't even an option there. There was. There was much more source, it wasn't even a thing. So I am. I
really support the you have seen a lot of their business decisions. I think that there really like grill overall fort for the file authors and for the support I mean. I know that a yes people complain about the fighter pair whatever, but I feel, like just created entire industry, people were exactly lake need, took a bottle all my word, macmillan's years, mother fucker, they d born every time, years. My wedding, a canal, maybe fury those the rows of those fuckers doesn't There's few real bugs that they're like hey need, their bon ton was the other guy. There is ground for, like they're making money to feel more, but he's like this. All champions guy. We learn of the fear of the rest of the family megan bullied, seventy five bucks right you're too. Others are hundreds of guys in the sea raw sir, and a lot of them armed, brilliant feeding, their families, the islanders, there's, there's journalists, there's pie
gas reserves in entire industry. That was created a big eyes and examine his eyes at the bottom. Making tenant in their families are eating like they have a job. Am I getting should resume don't get too fucking beach amazing cause. I'm vernacular, like kind of like assume love is a little harder with someone you fucking soft poses. eluded, the guy on fighting next he's kind of like that that are kind of like frey you little fucking, oozes and that'll help bro vision of the world around us, because people to follow them think there s a way to be Are these revisions of the little deserve nothing on fog yourself, but also like the bones, are like the foundation of the EU? Have saved really consider what an initially was. There was no way classes you did who you are fighting that night, it was a torn identified three times within one night. I have yet to win and it was like it was just like the foundation was narrow. Fuck, you put the guy in front of me. I don't give a
fuck, who is on the toughest man about land out just watching the nose? It wasn't no holds barred the like. I watch the one where the dubious. quickly, I mean you couldn't fish: are you couldn't gout people's eyes, a punch in the balls back today that I just wasn't a video? They can do this in a headlights the girl was Joseph dairy, goodridge, obligatory right. He had chosen to go to jail for murdering a check that gear and he was also in the autumn powers movies. Without me, business. Bold hurts a bad, yet he held it took like several of those. there is no legal like that. I'm crying, and I must have that guy. I took all your elbows destroyed the head of the cock If that road is the only way come or religion
it's the guy that has like a big fucking jag, alright, hell yeah. I think we're fucking we're good. It's been fun good, our only fifty seven I give it going. I got to yeah. This is great. So, what's going on and how's how's, it feel to like, when a day announces. Two days ago, yeah I mean I was on the are going to brooklyn and then it was calmly guy. If africa, who I say, maybe it allows it and I'm like oh cool. I bet it wasn't a wall, they told me they told me they did say like jojo part of your march, but like there's a announced hourly well, I didn't mean I fucking grateful as a fucking
Does on my lovely return, doesn't lived, changes are you? Are you win over him, the first by re and it was there was, I guess it was an edge raves. I can I get. You kicked him and me right and then something happened with his knee. I mean there's it, but we have nerves everywhere. I beyond AG unexploded, because I've been keep on the lego. My chagos numb by them is like a meaningful confide. I'm respecting that do not happen. I'm broke into the get kind of like a spending to get caught in you good I'm going to I'm going to fight through it. I mean a gig his leg and there's a fucking nerve in there. Like you know, all these dogs came all the others and mother fucking blah blah blah blah blah I mean I get at is I wasn't able to stomach? I felt it on the tip of my dick. That was a real kick him in the leg and he should just die, but I mean you can pull gar. You can sit down the fight, that's going to stop. If you sit down yeah, but you can kind of like the girl to me whatever, and that's it
whose away like in a minute, let me show you was not like injury with the kick. It was just that you have the nerve and that it just sent him by fuck. My bless me is to that was the first round that happened. First, the main found the ground was quite right. I went to the guard he does as well, and I throw I was in his face and I'm guessing the nerve making them go to live and it was yeah. I remember those guys it was in the olympics, yeah. So, like you can you can hear the elbows and it's like. It is it. Can you do. Are you looking at that fight at all, or do you completely get that out of your mind, or do you kind of like look at that fight and going or I beat this guy already? I already noticed to be in there were the more you expecting completely different guy. This I mean I mean. Is it a tub of people that I lead? I it go, I'm not thinking like three years ago. You say this about me or three years ago. I bid me or you beat me or whatever I used a. I generally, don't you
fuck, I'm really searching social media. What people say what he said or use in gentlemen, I'm a pretty good life a brutal cool life, I'm hanging over the people. I look up I know people I love. My circle is closer economic, worried about discipleship northern iraq. My golden lived to be world champion idea. What it is my daughter, the beginning of my career, I'm just accomplished all my fucking goals. beyond the homeowner I'm in I'm fucking worry about. If I beat the fucking eat it three years ago, I don't even dislike him. I don't have a seat fillers, but does it go in front of me? I'm going to be sure everyone, martin barrier, does not yet talking he's gonna happen he isn't is bit different fight is gonna, be I mean is being few years. I want my bridegroom. Thirty, his
toward twenty nine. Twenty eight will not fight how how much? How much of you change since that fight as a fighter I'm busy, as ever. We are willing to do something to somebody comes world champion, We have a lot of money lot of resources. You know what I'm saying. There's some people could get complacent. You watched people like Ronda rousey if it could happen once in awhile, but are they more often than not? I think you see the best, version of a finer after they get that title didn't want to lose? It then want to lose that heat right, I'm sorry, I'm assuming he's gonna be a better version of himself right out of prison, but the us dollar razor he's. Isn't that guy? That isn't is evil. really said. What are you really through too much? He really waits for an opening to throw I that does I got I also is he's fucking suck your lucky for. Can fire peat bogs invites suck. He could throw bunch, I'm sure he's dove. I'm sure you get bored
but he's a resolute that happens to be a great athlete does raise. out of balance. I mean labour leave if the guy sparser a real boxer. Is this fuck? osborne? Bravo, eggs. I know what I mean that it with a real mother fucker through crazy budgets. I filled the area fill this bit. Bismarck that's what parliament's middle inequities by willing. These guys Will you shut my eyes? Oh my dear is everything then it is risky, but you don't look- was formal oda by driving a sixty, so you gotta go browsing. Then I'm sure I ll be better. I'm sure he's motivated, but fuck him. I'm sure I'm doing the same thing I mean the age it really comes out to lake was will into a little foreign I'm falling down.
Does your kids? Are you you're laughing? That's another sign of it as well. Do you have a good night? Levigated? Ok! Never, but I think he's married bullshit. Yours are allowed, have never mind. I got three in the morning. Early return to motivate obviously have a good out of his mouth. Nobody have again. Are you hit the who? Let dogs I thought it was a natural that was so I had to give it ever was. I would appeal for life, when he was at his barking, lit earthly liking, my back at very low volume, again, that's great There is always a big fire that is is falcon here, Jim in he devil brings that too. You too, but it wasn't. Even if people thing is bullshit people the lagging fleming It brings out into the world wide take over all The wind agreed it gets it also that's part of their rights. when europe, you realise that the others you like this
because of the big personalities and of huge followings social media all it takes. Is you beating them, and then you take all of their power right there. Then I mean it's is really die. Them is really your rubbing, the guy's hauser. must. I more by leg is a huge fight and I mean if I don't make sense- and I say this before: There's two guys ahead of me: the rank is but the same. Hagen's press right It says moravec fees, but they can because not even their models are watching the fight. yours like these new world of legs or meat and everything is opposing. You know you walk looks I was they were. The picture is not my thing, but if I go one of its fuck, why not right either the mega dam, I'm I'm fogg almond leaves longer them
I thought the hales you have. I ever went over everyone as well, which deserve your story, is right there and I have tended to fighting the easy. I mean they're fucking news, that away. alma if I would say that was close, it's not like if you were to beat the fuck out of me over there. You know what get ammonia I'm a man that, if I was it, was a she. It was a shitty fight. I prefer shit I was like if you're really dead good, while you're try to push him mean he was in writing, although the boys are needed, when it is. I laws I took it, I'm not making any excuse, but if you want to try to get it back for you at least be a leg. I stop him might up a mile before I stop cruiser all this former terms, a man here, there's all systems as a fan like the politics behind the scenes. side. You must want to hear you know I don't want to
you're sam hagen talking about how it should be him, I want to see him scope taken ex fight and fucking, get the knock out and make the statement and make the is, and then he is next in line very obviously in the stores right that the stories right there, I think I don't you just don't want to really you don't hear excuses after a fight. You don't want to hear people complaining about the opportunities that are not getting. She want to people taking the opportunity does the way I live. I mean it took me twenty to fight to get to where I am and I'm not falling, planning about, like all my times, a leading, a dazzling. Others like foggy. That was my road. We all got different parts, I've everybody. So you can see the guy next year will fall. He made it far faster or hard remain benchmarks, about my shame. Put his special netflix right, which was fine. not on youtube hundred. Seventy two thousand views one in one or two months. That's all you know!
Let me barrel punching yeah punching novia. I announced my special networks, like you know what we're going really shane special the same exact day, wider levies, it's a band in two words that use the same banner to neuter the same venue, venue or venue. There is a bathroom by now like the same place to film it, or do we not We did have a massive theater. I didn't a hundred sixty person comedy club. During my recent visit to monitor the activities of the argue, hundred and eighty dollars. If I can almost no strings attached, it'll come on you you two hundred eighty, you still got so you dig up That is a rather we show my dick, but do it again those parts- and I just watch him like our duty and I he lives Jamie's. That's me a thousand years showing my did. You call.
He lay play a war zone. Words on innovation. You gotta know not, but I am a cock show. Really wiser to show my sitting on his show, but you gotta know shut homer shot. You know it later, rock paper scissors. The loser get pose a big pig tall dude. I got areas picture of your of your ass every day. I see it. I think about posting is far easier to sell funny. at those emotions you send not a bit. People are available for sale, I gotta do isn't working. Oh really itself, on omega shares, but I have no other flat fuckin discussing but Does normal people like you, yeah, because he's like visit my lady?
above all it. Jigs yeah, my guy, with a gloomy, build you a picture of what's his name John lennon and yoko Ono, where they're both naked from behind I have one of my know. My ass is a combination of both of the rest yeah. It's just flatten long and wide. It's it's fucking crazy! I'm a large nonexistent saying this. Why don't understand how you guys look in the mirror when you fucking dude? If I look in the mirror see my rigour brought my ass. He might have you see your ass, the mere thine the holy I'm here to the mere behind our language areas. If worse, I wish I could see it. Are you going to do with servants? I was with his flat georgia. Then you can see that there's nothing! I've! A video of me fucking, my phone, that I'll show you after the pod guess. Why look? I would like a fuckin king islands like us,
you can do whatever the angler that guy got the fucking angle on did our ship I check will be manifest. I won't show that you ve never mind yeah, that's for sure to do that we promise I would never do thou never show. I love her love. I do. I wish you the one she that's no were those injured. The one is good. The one time you saw the video. You can't show a video, the one she shot to she, she's fucking, I'm off bluetooth with her. Oh, no, I'm off Buju, I'm going all natural, as probably that's, probably a let down for now. Dude I'll. Tell you right now! That's how into her. I am that's nice. I don't even bluer I cause. I was blue once in a while I'd take a blue charles. What am I even doing yeah? Why am I doing I'm trying to give her more? What is that
we'll take back the idea you anything there are rules does wrong. I don't take it. Ok. I have, though, in its it's great. I feel you usually when you need in the one you want new way: to leave you drunk while at night if I want to do, I am drugs, a miser is a mature ibrahim trick. I think we're dock at different levels of drugs. the arises out of the air no form of albanian at night. I won't arsenal not investing in running thirteen fourteen miles yeah. Well, I gotta go. Forget, dig forget how to find oil. By with this does room that leaves sure geo so fucking funny the oregon's I liver,
walking into lamaze the latest video of him, where he's just dying to teach, had to have like electrical things on his muscles that are trying to shock his muscles alive and he's like your liver, getting here, you're, very five years. I've limiting, not viola your heart king noticing that a much of drugs real doing dunwoodie there. It is like doing like axes and could gain and found a little on the same night. You can leave like that and you there is actually tell the boy yeah use it deliver. Like me, it's crazy, if you ve ever seen you for the people out there if you're normal person, and you think we're taking those pills. You look like that. You're, a fucking needed someone. You fucking what that's his promise like. I don't look if you wish just like on it make these things and then that's that this parliament is part of a marketing but he was claiming straight up like I look like this, because I'm fucking eating this shit, it is just did I and I almost can't look away. It's like water,
your car crash, I want you, eat an entire cows emulate popped out. The eyes During I mean how may do get tricks by that. Does the fucking ro. I know lies here. I know guys. I was on the liver king thing, specifically the always call him around here. Is, it is all too so you need anything to get healthy to his leg. I get it you all their you for partner. Are you getting out of shape? I, like maybe drink, knowledge is like you, gonna find I need to go to hell, but if you're younger- and you can do a lot- don't get fooled by this fucking scum, like I said, let the germans come like, I eat liver. I kidney a heart I have argued feed Brady it all new super healthy food like that I mean there are benefits to eating organs, obviously are gay, but you look like that. It's a scam, it is,
then he got caught using steroids and which I also don't give a shit. What views there are general power jake, I'm gonna be like ways ago users does it do a little bit, but I think these pills, montenegro, the berger. I by that even more than usually irony I walked by me- was I natural on his nose. A trash can do brow he wore where you live. Do you still haven't time were killed in the scarecrow legacy? the super tied fucking shortages, legged tyres like other munich and gay guy. long, early courtly, no sir, walking that you have given a lovely and wall. Are they really giving the the the the benefit of the doubt that wasn't him? That was probably has something in there? Yeah comes back
Yes, my nose hurt like it was like. I was a week, thereby where you are doesnt shower at all hours of the disease, all nodules it takes longer. He showed only leggum fountains. Will you like sober deodorant and shit, nothing like that? I'd like I use everything very low greens, my soul might load, I'm fucking retrocession create something for them. Nevertheless, I never the boy but does mean that I'm the stink fugitives it. I mean no one on his team is lake. I love you knew a listing. Gruner I will do my home in a goes cleaner forego. I want my home in their letter to that? As for do you saw what happened was I know
He's got one I now live with. He was doing like I dunno what the exact the exercise was, but it was like a fucking rubber band type thing dude after the tornado, so he's really blind. So he's gonna, wanna trash man who are glimmers great yeah, it's kind of like you more I like it, I am, and but for him I mean I don't I don't hate him he's bother me like you, lie to people Yeah, like that's just kind of cringey, it's kind of funny. I I five I dunno if I follow him, but he definitely comes up on my feet a lot I haven't seen him in a while last time I saw him he was doing great working in society are poor rooted in the world is or leg or failing before. I harbour delivery queen, because dialogue is the live.
I kid I really like raw labor in germany. They don't I mean I don't really. I want to expose my father like that, like my kids yeah, like they love me, because I cook meat almost every day like I would big tomahawks and stakes my bridge, by the way, when I had liver, I got him It is more than that until it gets, it is ribeye and they believe me so like. Oh, this is fucking great. I mean. Therefore they don't know they're getting the best. is it gave them? Those funding is not now get sick. Thank god for the good for living there healthy that you can see the entity that there are more briar. Skiing, looks good yeah damn I gotta start eating liver like yeah, but you should start eating better overall the only eventually item four guaira once in a while, I'm in anyone ever dog is great. Do they love the brass tacks my favour bird before? Rather they torture that
fuck yeah. They make it dude yeah, don't they force the force, feed it to get so fat and it's liver becomes so decadent and delightful, that's fuck! do the videos areas they literally a tube doubted ducks fortunate causes for pumping laszlo I don't wrong. Doktor execute Normally I like ducks like that does for them. that's super, I mean, and it's true that is, if you watch any of those documentaries and what they do to food. That's why? I just don't watch them. People like all you want to watch fucking the meat and I'm like nope. No way I want to enjoy a cheeseburger. I don't fucking know if they tortured this cow. I do feel bad, but don't want When I get my made it things that I believe is in place, Joseph and their leg, cars
the fucking heartbeat and grass. All day dessert my friend neighbor gods. He is great comedian. Super squeaky, clean comedian, but he's got a great joke about that. Here's like it's like the talking about is like you, gotta get a free reign, shaking his. I gather that the rome free his leg was, I gather, You don't want the ones at wanna die. So you do. The big says is not wrong. Ghana raise magazines and they re always happy years. There's a great youtube. Video words like this dude. He goes like you're, gonna, he'll kill, causing your farm We this whole thing just shoot cows and the head brilliant. you'll be raising cows and he's like yeah. It's time to like this called somebody already comes over just fucking shoots, a bolt into their head and it's a whole youtube channel and the first two or three. I was there, they kill he'll he'll be right here in the cow he'll, like hey cow and the guy was like woo, I remember charges dropped and the first two or three are like that
and disturbing beareth how's your like. This is a good thing. The funniest thing whoever's, murdering cows crazily. When I was a kid I was, far more love so like on boxing day some day. They led the mob. You go by one nothing I love when they have to put an emerald down. I was like who created but I want to be part of the garden. Taking everything up for a poor were easy to watch that little bit borg garden, ride, the middle, letting letting home for like few hours. That was okay, a cow I was like. I can see a cow, they are not a cow and the culebra the cute take dump pigs like don't they have like personalities, smart yeah, yeah, I'm I'm more. Okay with a big died. I never really eat big, so I can actually you're what I won't eat it, but a cow have you hunted before nor I ask
We hunter the window. Please take measure falcons servant, I wanna be there when I am having raised by did well, but I'm a great Is your bag and go up and down with a fucking little bridgewater? Do you take you? You would have to go hunting in texas. Last time I went they. They go hog cleaners, yeah yeah hey, I did dean stanfield yeah, it was like they were, gonna, go hog hunting in the night and it was like it is even for the food like in taxes like as while hardly anyone like they're all over the place, so they'll pay you, like thirty bucks per hog, that you kill so they just go with like machine guy s in fucking major, like a big thing, a in the middle of the field with night vision, is the yoga ball. Debris field is very weak, guys are eating a user. Does it even for illegal in the fucking in in the words and fight poor poor dear. I wouldn't. I would feel so bad if I like cause I've,
friends who, like deer, hunting, I live in jersey. I live out in the suburbs. I have friends who I'd go. Deer hunting and I just feel like I'm going to feel If I shoot it dear, I don't kill it just listening to it. Well, it well fall. It yeah follow the trail to try to find it. Yet I would love to her. I allow like really like carry packages, I'm working clean. I, like the typically illegal, been broken. Others if you haven't been other there's like that in the middle of nowhere. You don't know this The sound of the silence under the sun rises sources. Brow. I give problem that of My mental health is today was a grub without it every day. Been on a horse into. I don't even know where I am. Did you go fishing lock? did nothing nothing else. I use a lot of his armor lashings. I love fish too easily had so fuckin thing yet a rip, the hook out its stomach
I would rather was yeah. I got a little show that was for the shark. That was the remainder. Are women awesome? I took it out of it. It was like. I was now I'm at the word I said tebron either there. Isn't it won't, do it on their own. Is said what I said a little shark. They were anita. The word unseat the dependency to fuck yeah. Stop embarrassing me in front of the monitor guy was a full yeah. Although they will lose, I was doing And what I got dominated, I'm learning that then send a bug. Spur was also govern the hook, That was my only time I say no more. I don't want to cause another non usable animal. I struggled with fucking putting the nightcrawlers on the hook. Really you will get a big ass worm, yeah yeah. They like they know it up there trying hard as fuck to get away from that yeah. We we we go. Every time I go on vacation with the family will do like a catch and cook you like rent a little boat.
If they bring you out, you could catch a couple of fish. You fish a lot. Dude yeah! You do. I I remember when I went to we don't remember or I'm peacock bass fishing. Everyone was like. Oh you, gotta fucking guardian these could be so jealous, but I loved you care we a fish in the morning and then bringing it back to a restaurant and cooking it that day and fucking. Isn't it? Oh, my god, that's a hop and is running you fucking you're eating something that you fucking winning is a different film. It's the best That's where I could hunt. If I knew we were going to kill it and eat it, I knew we were going to eat that fucking food. I think I could get there yeah, but can kill anything. I normally like. We know by filters and managers leaving. I killed a mouse the other day in it. It haunts me to do so. I got I had a mouse in my drawer yeah. I had a bag of bread that was like a whole and I was like oh fuck got a mouse. So then I got two traps are put peanut butter on one and it put cheese in the other
in both in the drawer, took everything out of the draw. I was like, let's see if this fucking mouse comes, I when smoked weed or when I came back like twenty minutes later and heard open up about wicked about around their this man's got quarrel. one trap and then it sort of wrap it around the other trap, so the other traps snapped on its head. But the body and the other one There is an. I was just getting animals logan. I guess it was towards like this and they just we'll go out. I was gonna, do it wasn't grey. It was like a brown one like almost like it on your mouse or whatever. If I see one of those they let them be, I felt so bad dude and then I was like fuck dude. I was like. I can't just take it and like put it in the garbage and let it be tortured, so I I brought it outside I did. I forget psych ifor committed by the girl. My fucking did do that. I did do that those brutal three months ago as observers. It got its life, you haven't you visa rod, idle huh. My family was debited the head.
This allows, I see them, I did. The brenner just like the god traps who is running are now and I had to like fuckin hold the mousetrap. I got a boot in just one. to put it all over with just one yeah I put in a bag, and I feel that I have been able to anyone I brought. It will lead them severity of again to the less. Do you have to As you know, the man you gotta, do what. I fear that this thing, like the last shot, is what fuck me up like you, the idea of gotta being in the garbage offering all night or down the toilet it wrongly. so two weeks ago and the guy who used to live here when the guys you live here. He was at his parents house. It was over covered, I think, and something kept eating the food in the garden. So he set up a trap and it he caught a possum.
was like I gotta kill this fuckin possum did the path. Hundreds of those are my guy homicide. He took the person he wasn't, he didn't know how to kill it. So I just took the cage indebted in a rain barrel and he drowned this work around it? He lives think they got that. That's all regard took a picture. This is all in order to gauge so large indicate holding on he took over the spot, forget it great. He told me about this and I was like bro you're fucking, please yeah. He was like possums these, like they're bad, and I was like dude. I don't think possums eat regulators cause revenue. Is google possums or good forgotten That guy was not the one eating the tomato.
What should this vote? What they do is legged ruggles may cause to eat the worms. didn't wonderful, but they destroy your player. I, one of the best. Did you kill raccoon? I fight you haven't, got you but I've been thinking well and I will leave the iraqi molest them. Mother fucker food, am. I right now turns out. I had a beautiful. Seven rose did good feed families. I don't give babies to all my fault as I will do the greatest solid and these rules Get out of. My soul was following the best figures. Worms and they suddenly destroying destroying and I will fix it. I will fix it. There was a boy I couldn't do it They forget up, vehicles are neither yes let it go under. The icelandic putting alarm in the middle of the night coming you gotta be begun. Jake, I got one yeah, I've falcon drill a whole.
to his face violence in the Middle EAST. he's trying to destroy blinds? Supposing I used to us, it was already our little garden go over. There was dying. I was sad I should like to pay their way. Allow. Obviously I got your god you fucking Lerigo draft was he did for me. yup bb gun. He was probably gonna. Buy me regardless, like I'd, want to sit in the box. As I have the same, it's been a real gun. Okay, if you don't have to pump gas, you just want to to do that sounds heavy or you kill the fuckin adorable raccoon, then adorable. Where does my food that I mean you? If you have a ninety minute pilot in the house, are we if I say at a new orleans, family, cool or women, poisoning I'd, say they fucked with my food. That's another thing I was a human fucking with what would you do with the body
with the dead reveries had an us microbial transferring bag is job in Dallas Go, go, go, go adorable! go they are not an isolated eyes out. There wasn't a summer house, there are no happen gotcha. I figured out sorted, you execute a fucking raccoon, nothing! I did it guys. James did you carve chito vera and chest is granted though he is, he is. He is putting the garden live, but I mean don't forget the foot. Raccoons are a son of a bitches when I was in costa rica with the raccoons to figure out how to open the doors and come in the room in the middle of the night I wake up and as a raccoons families, three raccoons,
sitting on my counter just opening cookies in eating them. Looking with their father thought here, that's a lie that really aided by then they are poisoning they buy you or the dutch whatever it is like they're like actually poisoning there there, no good. There was a pretty good really wants dupont, possums are horrifying. Look, I saw baby one, into my eye. I was like taking all my garbage and, like I had like an empty like soda, like a twelve pack of soda, like just the box yeah, and I pick it up in other words of others, that I look inside yeah. There are obviously some people that it was a. It was a. It was a baby, so it wasn't bad. I know it wasn't so yeah. Some guys, like areas is literally it's pretty pockets realized that was a idiot was a third area like not it's all. It's dead, this poor thing, and I think I can hear it of its working body now and then I fucking go to
get up again and went out. Yonder invalids whole being like a genuinely on comes out, is laid down. this relator curled up in a ball. The mouth like I have you see people like tat on youtube. Is yet there like pretty kind of kyoto, and you get over the fact that they look like their from hell to conduct I was growing up. There was a at our bus stop. In the morning. There was a wreck, a possum. We all just thought was dead. He was laying it was curled like that a fucking cop showed up and shouted in front of the kid there must have been rabbit. years later. Recently I googled it. I don't think they can even think I think they're wrong again nah. I didn't bosnia, have nothing like really nothing, for you lay nothing but good, the absolute as god made
so looking back, yeah the how that going play bottled in that case a buzzer ago as fug records but there were other men did out there like a bird dog They really want to hurt you, organ yeah. I don't like his vulgar his it's funny. You ever watch people try to feed pot or great video, this gay dude trying to feed a raccoon. He walks outside there's thirty raccoons, so it comes out with food and he's like. Not just comes up, don't like slower than yours, worrying, Anyway, we should go was rather is up to you. The falcon man thing about louis failure. Thank you like you'd here, but I forgot how good it interviewing you stop. It cannot do that check out my hand
christmas, yeah check out his have our special take it up and obviously wants to do when the title when the fuckin fire, then you boys, you better say who had dogs out a new post me. I will actually for your next, especially I go into the open. I got more like a single illegal rise in sea level rise and soon the topics my hair, letting them something good I'll. Do the peace
Transcript generated on 2023-11-11.