« Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast

Ep 466 - Daddy's D

2023-11-02 | 🔗

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HELLO. The D.A.W.G.Z. are back with your weekly podcast. Business as usual. Praise be. The bros discuss rest and recovery, daddy's d, baby's d, and so much more!!!!!!!!!!! The bros took a pizz pause and go right into the paytch afterwards. Which is why there's sort've an abrupt ending. Please enjoy. God Bless you.  ttyl

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
My my represent realist in the game. how did you not obviously is his merges. Probably the secular stewed represent real in the game represent where they represent turn into a starbucks this morning was pretty weird really what it was like. A fuckin moron, represent, I would say, represent yourself. Did I will put a lower. Is a good report. the ideas as they do at represent? Is the six march you're? Not when you are visibly out of shit you represent,
It feels weird like representing represent, who you think that represent. I represent notre dame fighting irish, I love the notre dame fighting. Irish, I see is true. So you're like don't look at the right now, guys guys, I'm a poor reflection of notre dame's for running, plays I'm poor reflection of the nick Diaz army right yeah. Also, I was wearing these grey sweatpants again without underpants with the boner and not about close to a tiny boner. That's perfect knock down the rebels added, monsieur de l, nicer dawns been defined, gravity just perfect float, matthew Did the cold blooded yesterday in my gun out almost caught a glimpse. Matt came into the room where I was changing and almost caught a glimpse of his clothes. What would have been one of the nautilus tennis? As you know, it was the smallest Europeans can pass it. thereby was the outer happiness. Might create mind was I while I was like rebirth,
We will deal agree birthing. You can like there's guys I do like a certain type of breathing or someone coaches. You three like experiencing your is what are we doing there? All that I all. If I I like my penis, and I I think it's real, because I looked at my penis, and that was all of a sudden like you'll, do it around my neck, god that peace is here, Joe still has a year. You knows a better luck, look I thought What sort of guide in my head I want! You should probably see the fucking. The thing I go. Look in my head. I want to do. Don't me, I literally mad. I was like looking at his dick and I was like hey upon say rogue is: is it it's the hog I feel like? He would appreciate. us given props on have how europe's he's got no talk of decent I'll get posts, fucking called lunch. Haug there's a lot and I got a vicious glimpse. Kosovo's he got out here gotta go right in so he was
standing there. yeah. It's huge boost for that extra thirty extra throws the warmth I needed the flight or flight. You see a hog like that drop dude for real. That is like. That is a mental. How bad is that fucking song dude dude have you thought about you be little glimpse. Can I please the automobile and remedies alight work out yesterday gave us a nice one can, at least before I forget about this idea. About that dude AL covering is it to see daddy staked is not see it, but I see daddy's dig polish government's undertake what I'm saying there could be a part of her legs.
How'd you get here jack, goes to happen on the earlier part of your boy. Psychology like sees your debts hughley internally hijackings university, while you're in the course of recent years. Yes, people are best as they keep you give them some day I'll, be around thirty five sunday I'll be up. It's gotta be important. Issues like everything because it runs counter to asia heightened board, you take it at EU level right now, I'm ok, I'm safe! Not that's! All I'm saying you talk about it at the time? That is all not trying to be weird. We're not trying to be weird reviews. Forgive us forgive his brother, sorry! These are nothing but compliments for okay. Dear son, I wish I was scary. Yeah did I
Well, for sure I had that one lock I was like this is not bad. I was very happy for the first couple of minutes when you were like I'm like an iguana. There's, nothing to move across would be like dude. You have no idea. Ten minutes. You have no idea. What's coming towards the end of ten minutes, I'm like alright, I'm seeing double eyes. I had to like train my vision, twenty minutes at one. Eighty five is what keeps us on it and it's so fucking bad that I couldn't breathe. I started your. I was telling you I was breathing through my fucking nose and it was my burgers or hot yeah I'd hot. I have a rebel hair. Your hairs do that Joe Hart that was fucking me off, hurts to touch your hair, yeah dude. I was it isn't going what the fuck was in the air Oh fuck that I look at you guys. We redouble eyes and ability Yet this is not only at die. You not hear that you're gonna dude, I was die. My god waterless I was fucking. waterless studios must bring any water with me. I gotta stop doing that. Load up in the morning she made I did this bottles. I too exe
where's. He retorted it eco friendly, that is actually very femme. We do that shit was scary dude. I thought that was going to be the easy part in the plunge. I was like that's what I'm china is. Definitely the harder part dude, that's fucked up the cold blooded, so you get out. Does I there. I went to the romans studio a while ago and I put my hand in the car, point. You know they are literally never do this ever. when they see the hall you gotta, I gotta, I gotta be a man. I gotta do this dude my pants will get big something yeah and yeah. You gotta get out dude, it does give you it felt like molly. It felt like as on like you get out, and it's blizzard completely blissful yeah yeah. I got that, although it's like, I get someone rick moran is my fucking hog. You get out, it's like honey. I shrunk my fucking hog honey. My hog has been shrunk was in the grass and answered is all it ever was like yeah. This should hog. Well, although the hog comes back
the highly re emerges budget. What I mean Actually, that's all relative hogs. You feel tat. Actually today after you, The golden I got idea did I felt a little sex. I felt sexy. I felt so com into sexy in conflict, give real. I come. I come out of that thing and I'm way I was driving my card. I was like I'm like a real it s. Not a figment of I would imagine home was. Nice did also forgot as debts. it's funny say that, because I really was driving like I'm like a and I was just drive me- I'm not just a collection of fuckin neurotic bullshit, so Thank you to war author, then I got tired. I was like I got so sleepy, also that's another area to say that you're going to be fucking feeling great the rest of the I was that first year last night. I apologize to everybody that came to show. You really think you said that it was pretty fuckin bed The first show I was like asleep: oh yeah yeah. That's all we can do
and then the bottom of the barrel woke me up dude. That was fun so funny. A lot of I liked that the default is just The worst thing I can think about pick topic was: is best school fight com? but now is also areas. Those like do. Let me tell you that schools, knowing the nay the date and time was persia hurried back I was there was one last. I was born stand alone, stanhope was nice. This is what I'm always worried. I'm telling you drive into our- and I was like this- is so good, I'm looking at it now and I have to do it and I'm like I have to do tomorrow. Tweaks, as regards alabama medicine, whiskers was caught in a very big animosity dude, Gabriel elaborate on the those bycatch. Yes some so happy about. Also now we're talking cultural, but here s our condolences, colorado, they do suck
Now I feel bad about trash. Do they saw the other cassock there's too much Parliament knows our pleasure. They got fuckin rob this week. No not like on, like literally somebody went to the locker room and stole all their fuck ups. It was probably the coach of that team. They're, probably fucking, stallions michigan is a secret each man he's a secret agent for real adieu. My apologies to the cholera buffaloes. I take it back there fuck anything. I had a lot of college football news dude I was at the texas game, really don't care. I got to fire the cannon at the end of the eyes of texas awesome. I was, I don't know. I mixed juggler Brian like fully like make away. Guy. These. They brought me into the pen beaver. The fuckin longhorns giant longer, and then you could datum
I literally I asked I went and I was like am I allowed to judge the pool, I was afraid of it. I got in there. I was like this. If this thing moves, I'm dead, fucked, it's fucking, its horns. Look like that. Like decorate, like it's six feet is friendly. He's he almost like sedated ass each year by I got an already where, as I get my lad, the touch him as one black. I know how to thank. Christ, I wasn't gonna might read my bright red tat. Is it about I got in there. You could touch him. I walk up to the side of it. Galileo is decidedly better. I what I scanned into a top secret room and then we were you. There should the cannon, as I thought I was I was pretended. I wasn't terrified of this fuckin castro is so loud. and then plugs in yeah
This is why the can raise you and I at the end of their eyes of taxes, which is their fight, the racist whites on the not one. Now jack. I lowly. Allegedly it was logically, but I don't think so yeah j, firmly against it. I've done no research preachers, their smile and agitators it's my grimace like zack. I the early during five can wear. It went smoothly as type yeah. What's the mechanism did so he didn t valuable, a pen pinball like you just pull the thrill daddy's? It's also there was a rope involved that I was going to have to face a tiny fuse and see just for yogis, your bop yeah, that's kinda cool, it was neat, It is your ripping gunpowder disappoint. They gotta sent a ball It s an bows aimed right, be why you section is light up those moments they could.
They couldn t shirt ball. I think that what happened in texas, mornin exe I think we were light, not the moment really yeah? Let's run these family get all major and actually to be, as as america that you didn't you much modeling mitt romney has is import had a compound them Did they are limited? I've ever heard about that accounting. What mitt romney is dead, like that. I like her. They like it at this fucking weird and he's gonna. Come religion compound in mexico that has a ton of baseman additives. What is it he was actually mitt Romney eta, believe merchant niger, delta of mature cup, of making a ground the title that song was taken from confederate and robert E lee and apparently they would perform it in black face sometimes whew. They're fine! I can, and it could be it
in certain billy aid measure was black face. It could have been ap news at enough It'd be news as fuck analyzed, the liberal rag that liberal rag yeah fuck well, never mind, but Penn state is worse. Penn state is way worse way. Worse, I mean everyone's got one skeleton in their closet. You know, speaking of skeletons in the closet, emission overrun, my true most hated team as fall apart, Michigan they hired a guy. What are their coaches steel signals tickets. Oh yeah, illegally, go to games it is that, like the craziest thing is still signals if you're during the game, but this guy's there for him to fly to regain their playing. He like scouts, it films and shit apparently I don't know the full details of the story, but the guy seems honor stallions. He was a fuckin, he went.
naval academy near and he are using the melodies a psycho and he wrote like a manifesto of how he would turn around michigan football and then got leg superman then just stealing signals in vienna. Good age. Man, damn and then there is I like that aspect. I I mean there's a figure. At dedication to the saucy I like someone to do in that it did. There could be a guy who's, a double agent on your team. I'd I'd legless that college open that up. There's some cool moments like that year. mike leech, when he was at Oklahoma, dropped a fake They both on the sidelines before the game. If the other team got ahold of what I mean us. of your ip lead and you can go on cooperating those all those guys with like sexual blackmail, you're on a college, town, yeah yeah, it's it's Epstein's. I found hard to do those guys around yeah. You could just send fucking freshmen at
I think mrs stage coach just got five fucking jack and offer something really talking about a measured You say there are many men in downright or blue michigan. this use of michigan state was jag off the missing was jack and offer something what did the misconceived coach there? these under investigation for sexual misconduct resorted to vision. It's a fallen apart, Michigan is falling apart and then fucking colorado get all their jellystone in colorado, get all their fucking coward with college football's fun. It's all. It's crazy, they've, really hyped it up. Man who did it they rode on it. I saw that ice figures adders and state, or where were the. That's the load of ice, the data. Yet It should organise relaxed on that's the big glass real. I was like Anderson celebration was just wearing a rolex? really here, you'd go whose would score.
we were only plays if he were when he, but everyone knows that these talking the rowley Are you all right so, that's funny it is folly, so as not to lose sports I assume the cairo buffaloes had insurance. on the drawer cerulia there. So about the emotional significance I have one hundred pieces every last one you ve never lost peace, but I've had I've had to stereos ripped out of a car yeah and that is a very vulnerable feel when some steal something from? I never understood all realise how shitty feels I never felt violated. I'd always been really, I felt very violated you, a house that would be violating my car. I would just be like some dude cut. lock cylinder out one time and is took my whole lock and in his portmanteau while they want a busy sri descended the same thing for my radio here, for
rip. My fuckin whole dashboard out to sea. They are my colleague at the fight was my high school part in what the fuck was that what happened? then. The second time is just right for my house just stealing from like- The ninety seven jeddah like a piece of shit as factor I shall leave my car doors unlocked as I see a broken into so much, I'm pretty sure. Dude was late. I used to like smell like a homeless guy. Every now and again I think a dude was just popping in there german old fort? Could offered staying car shrill, brother. I know this summer down here this heat, I'm going to continue our traps and it I might pass out if I reenter my if you trapped a fart in like one hundred degrees, so is there one meal here? That is not doesn't have fucking hot sauce, and I don't think so. My buddies just get. Bathroom and you're the beef different down here to yeah I've been
lot of beef down here. It's not sitting. Well, I'm shooting hardihood. Kick it rested for longer. Long understand its common out. Do I e beaver? Why, when the mask, dies, they eat the stake. Really that's gonna tied, actually, three native american It is actually a recessionary. Sobered philately soldiers should do that with their mascot. What's the matter, The bulldog or the You better get international game somewhere than like giving up They play. I don't know your everley bring called you jerry I in the it mean relax? Ghana, maybe like norway, is a scandinavian deleted below they would add much. I think up their data nice turkey leg on him like a fried bulldog, yeah that'd be a nice haunch that would actually would be funded. probably pretty good. I wanted you think dog tastes, gamey, french boolooroo,
a low, rotisserie bobo, who suddenly negative of said about the abuja. maritime are eating or having sex with talks that basically, whenever new last night, really yeah on the bottom of the barrel. He was doing a joke about watching him when he was young. He saw a dog get fucked I think on the internet. I didn't catch the beginning, I assumed it was the in real life. I could see why the audience was like. Oh, my god yeah you can't talk about fucking a dog I dog foggy lady is much more power that's fine! No! That's true! yeah. I have made a mistake several times by your way to be like this talk about murdering dogs, people get very maria. I might as well have nothing to talk about us is funded. Since I know what bothers, because it is the worst year abolished. People in is strangling a golden. Did we had a baby bird near house, like literally,
instar door was like a I dunno. It was like blackbird, yellow belly. I couldn't get a clear id on it, but it was totally idea I was looking up like I did. I think I might be. If I can, I mean obviously myself, bird roger, I told you. I was very large eyes, Didier Antonio, your ogg forward euros on ice. How billina being all heavily big, it got there due to the other belly. wings and little guy wasn't a total baby, but as young earn images huddled against my do, I felt so bad there you go, I want I don't want to touch it is. I know that, like that's, not true, really yeah and I gave it a little. I made a little tinfoil bird bath and here's a moderate least, and we went away. My parents house from enough his birthday, I came back and was gone and I was like maybe got launched, differ.
maybe flew mere. Hopefully this flat spread as well. You can begin even back in the nes. Can you really I didn't know where the nest was as brown ye, such as that old yeah? I think it's a good. It's a good thing to teach kids, though cause birds, his fucking disease trails live, ones kicked out, that makes sense My wife is like there's nothing when a bird has, whereas weird knowledge about birds, Paul's myself again no dude join. A lot of politics is affiliated with the show hit him with the kershaw laden with great. Actually all that is like a grackle and I'm like without a phone. How do you know this? She said when birds are down like that, refusing to fly is usually is an injury. That's like chronic yeah and you take the best thing you can do. just fucking, put him out of their misery. Hasn't Jesus man, stop on a fuckin baby, birds, you'd know Husseini life just like break their necks like that's like it. What the fuck. as irma. Do that yeah I'm not going to dilate a birdbath out, and I showed my uncle you the word a little baby bird and we came back and it was gone so she got to be like he flew away to his mom yeah. Yes, definitely a cat! Definitely
one of my dogs would have eaten it right by where they came out us until the sniff on it it get out of there. You may well out later is just one step absolutely I drive you know. There's I'm like! I can build a little box in my house, I I'm not the others The leaves out the omens now, Scared of the animals around me. I saw a video that snake you saw. That was a very snake, yeah dude some I've been here and it's a gardner said: gardner snakes are called garter snakes, yeah garter, I artery exactly. I do something that slipped right down kiss! I like to watch it weddings from people. Take the garter belt author do yeah they gotta, there's the ardor belt wrong. I think there s a good thing on the side. Diver in four initially it's like when you got to a lady's garter, they won't marry gay they're pussies. They don't stop right here. I dunno. pretty close you're going to touch your pussy. Please stop with the garter garter belt and it was
When did they start there? They couldn't have started. I remember the first time seeing it as a young boy at a wedding. was related to the broad I like yeah, is something doing something. I don't need this. In the context of my experience. What's going on here, I was just sprinting around drinking soda and all of a sudden, I'm experiencing a horny this, yeah. You saw like a yeah that would that would have fucked me up guy reaching up address yeah man. That's what I everyone one. I guess I mean it's a bit improvement from holding up. in the blood the family be like. She had a fuckin hiding I myself saw back then, when you say and your wedding night- and it was just like- is nothing nothing there. Yet I would have cut myself out of yourself, you re like now, you're fucked, you do what I say yeah is chores crazy, but just short is you have to come? for your whole family books? Somebody factor,
somebody votary volume for each quarter and putting the shit out of her mom everybody. I tried. I thought her heart could or even out your family. Then someone has like for real and then I think what happened is one of your uncles. But let me see that need smash and be like nope. She had the jaime real small penis and you can dislodge the height of quickdraw two. must have been every day to its way. It's crazy. They are breaking jaime's because of your Talking like I mean that that was a hundred years ago you hold up the fucking time sheets yeah. If If you're seventeen you're getting married you've been stopped by garter belts, Let me ask: what are you saying that do they not quick instantly. Where is the elderly probably were fuckin back to back to when he came back to back. If you that worry, veryain married and yourself, you can not again here yet you found it hard right away. Rodya fight if I hate eyelid, I'm just
if they there like annihilating or if they were just like you're talking about annihilating the posts of like porno to watch them just be like. I have no idea what it is: they're just getting in italy, Oh yeah. Imagine if you've never yeah you'd have to completely like someone would have to like whispered to you in a field like this. How you doing, yeah. How would you know you know? What do you feel so nice It would be crazy, reappear instinct. I thought is not. I never thought about it. But you didn't do it If I was just mish, your dad was probably I totally down lay belly, lay belly and just hotter No wonder, you're, you know what I mean like how the fuck do they tell you that they tell you about sex year. They would get her. I mean you have the same wave birds and beasts nearly a birds and beasts talk. I just watch porn with my parents brought it up for second, my daddy. Yo chill out of the deeds in the sixties fund they had the day, would watch
I guess I ll get mags yeah. I can go back to pre, I think that information does exist and like a kind of yesteryear, that your brothers would be like. Take your prick You still going shovel pregnancy, welcoming people vulcan bullish across like shit. You I got fucking, my my, which my reactions, the last night really wainwright where do dude walks up in a scream mask full outfit. Did you it was the real screen for duty army's, like kind of like I'm watching them walk up, and I'm out I'm just like looking at a maguire article costume bus, stop a fucking now that you yeah, but it was, it was lost. I was big knife, but it was me can't fucking tell dear set up a knife like any legit ive out on seventh street to stay there wainwright will do goes dude I for real one. Resume, combat stance, and I was just like anyone and I got a better look. I'm like it's fake, fucking knife and I had to give it up My dad? I was actually pretty nice, that's crazy! It was indeed a shot. I know it was insane that he was going to do that
the guy was trying to die they or just having a really good time size and good judge of size and people up. He was six states pretty pretty rough. Do that that branch. Add pranks so happy. I fuckin put on my eyes instinctively, but I just want the snake These are instead of flight run a few screamed I, the fall in myself and either direction does out you have I been like I covered my head, which I could It could have even happened in my brain to know dude. You know you actually fucking few actually put up your dukes and could have taken that off. I you were hitting the heavy bag. Earlier you were going to hit him with the combo. I heard the ribbon, those combos dude I was trying not to rip. I was trying to be just chill. I used to hit heavy bags all the time. Like techniques probably trash But I used to get real enemy like blah blah blah blah blah blah about as fast as I can. The comments I do a couple when I get into the motor by our farm machinery, when I fucking
the thing is I never gonna get kicked his heart? Is I guess you have to have it I get. right here and I was like ouch. It was good, though you got a good deal. You got good technique. They had to go up your step across yeah. You pivot, So what do airy nice yeah read the union rhythm once you learn its oh sick, hit. So one of the hardest part is not wanting to ease ass or a joint european loan. Me there's a show you something you start with tears in her lazy or with the at her I'll kick in their own state. Excellent directly. In the sight of me, I could have negative like it. guiles within my right, which shows from kick them trode get back, get back screens Yes, they created is absolutely ridiculous. He was it I was ocean That was why I got over the shock of either like watching. I walk away and walk into a crowd out like that was insane yeah. I can't do that to me.
that happened in scream to remember there at there? The movies, and there's a guy, everybody was just as a scream guy and the murderer was actually there that could have happened. you could have been stabbed on. Sixty like the man I was did I mean I like to think I mean I'm kind of one. I didn't controls risk, you did you best striking the falcon The duke stairs was nice to finance is pretty crazy or something I literally one. Don't you! do they did Those are land where you are. You have outlined, fuckin fear. I've left! I was really wrong. I was relieved. I've been it's all a bit assailed by nice man before so. I was like Nice man got in brazil, As I have robbed my knife and in fucking game came every week This point pointed out that they do they put em like literally right. Next to my one hip this year I had one my belly and ours.
is there I was ass. I kept saying thank you drink here drink here, you miserable yemen elsewhere, You go out of your body when again rob you just go and you get so calm you, sick it is like the major slow down barriers in shock. Nigeria in allegorical moves just gone through, You are you look at that guy's face and it's so we're due to marry your body. Does it is nice to tap into that, even more by bears probably bliss as soon voyage glosses over your brain joyously brother. Look at this brother hook. Check out these coalesce fractals, I'm gonna hold. I would like to give you do deities, irrigators or yoke. You are going to be launched into the fucking the next the next year. Oh yeah
can eaten by a bear. It's a rough way to go. Isn't there just saw like campers, you got a husband and a wife and a dog just got eaten by a bear. I heard that the real story, the last taxpayer within a fuckin fairy. The love was they all authorities, they see. The last tax they said was bears year, help solely to Neither an older couple, but the dog much do all three of them. Apparently, munched by one bare and they set off attacks. bears here airs hearsay out, o an old couple. Those damn you Retirement you're with your wife and yet again much did by about it out of those words then yeah for real They cannot arrive reward. You said they text it out. Ass. A west bear attack, ban Owsley blood out my god. Where was it alaska mountain
a charter that snorted that sniffle. I didn't really my came a ban if national park, canada, canada, it you know offensive that our brothers up north as algeria and no s eso es true, did attacked by a bear and be like? Oh there's, your e o s, a fucking mexican, sorry, brothers up north dude. I'm sorry, you guys have to deal with that. All the sisters up north sorry, to our sisters, nor that would please me off man, fathom again America's reunite posies gives you can't be wait. No we're not we're the tough ones, yeah dude lol, not in a not that does suck. So I could kick your ass. It's like yeah, maybe dude, but then I call the army and read your army latin. What can be done, canada and they beat me up. I could probably call the army, like you, never see him at yale yeah. He said one helga handle this business judge is rocked, he's fucking conducts
because people are opposed to the military budget. They couldn't uber. The military out the ties a little bit words I yo brow. We did what my neighbors true but imagine if you can do like retail consumer, serves yo my neighbour straight trip embryo here do something lashed bang him is, it has, did it flashed being my neighbour tossing one and that's just secure, is ours is ten thousand dollars to flash payment? or secures ass. We go to kick in his door and his fucking secures s. Dismay tourism. I fucked up self theirs. I also think it does Yeah I mean that's swatting in people It had to online gamers jill there's a fuckin documentary about a guy. Swatted is like these two due to talk in children. How do you swore wise video games? You can call the police The one do as while people you'd be like I'm calling, from inside the house, I'm a hostage own laws it. This is henry for that.
so now you swatted, so this would happen. The swat team went to the so the guy who, gaza talking shoe online gaming. This is my address pussy, you won't fuckin swami fuck you. I was He gave him his fuckin neighbours address now, so they swat the nasal deal. The neighbour boy till this guy, the swat into yes, Any details, or just kind of like it, was just probably grabbed a shot and walked down onto his porch. While he was watching, he was just hanging out fucking lights and shadows are yet don't bulgaria has gotten up. He opened the door like hey in ages. holy shit. He might have actually had a gun at all. Remember that's our bear attack by the way their cops. I controlled buster your window, looking growing the hatred as we hear something
General boy called kind of laughing say he puts some kid. Prank call us a shoe. You kick your window in reply, down from serious. You seem to know about that. He got twenty years. He only got one. The kids should be forever forever. Swatted yeah Twenty I mean twenty years in jail is an involuntary manslaughter. Basically, it seems almost volunteer. the well. I imagine it is shocking that yellow did died. You don't know that funny he was a kind of he was like bragging about it. Was you really yet a kid who did it sucks? obviously it sucks, so he dude. Never doesn't suck. That much I mean I'm a fan of his of his work is yeah. I don't want him he's an internet yeah. Well yeah. You could probably have the internet in jail, he's probably sweating like crazy swan everybody once you catch a dub dude once you catch twenty, yes
a time they don't. He claim that he had accidentally shot his father in the head during argument and that he was gonna shoot the mother to be pretended to be one of the brothers at the house, that was the middle. Oh, my god! Do you he imagined hallo related call of duty. Again, my job is a swat team. Was they went? absolutely kyoto, guy and endless gonna like wait. What the there's no one here that sit there, unlike their highlight their intelligence, wash like probably six hours of screen recordings of c o day, and we like. What now dude, the guy being the guy being like stop using the shield the shield, just like? Oh, my god, I killed a guy, my life's ruined over that over the fucking My ship part is the worst audio manual with acceptable gag pussy kids screaming. This was at the gigs. I was at the guy. Now there was an him servant, which was the
yeah that those on like that is pretty lame, is using the shield. Was you jumping like that? Several to get all those jagged utilize jumps in those games. Yeah slide near a big one: yeah I'd sanitize! Hey guys, are you know I'll, tell you something: not getting enough sleep, can really mess up your body in your mental health or sponsor beam has created this awesome dream powder, its healthy hot cocoa. That helps you sleep. oh man, James listeners, get especial disk. Alum beams dream powder, their best selling healthy, hard cocoa for sleep with no added sugar that sound. You know. I was hoping for sean fuckin hot cocoa dream powder. Dear baby. Now it's avail, well in delicious flavors like sea salt caramel. How do you say carrot caramel? I liked I was a big carmel guy always go back
Fourth seesaw karma normal caramel, so And cocoa and chocolate peanut butter, better sleep has never tasted better. A recent clinical study, real dream, helped ninety. three percent of users, wake up, feeling more refreshed and ninety three percent reported that dream helped them getting more restful night sleep. Dream contained a powerful natural blend of ratio. magnesium, l thea mean melody in an annex, c, b, deed help. You fall asleep, stay asleep in their wake up and refresh personal endorsement. I fucking love it. I chug it gary for the best leave your life. If you wanna do beams best selling dream powder get up to forty percent. well for a limited time when you go to shop being dotcom, slashed, drenched and use code drenched check out. That's that's shy. Beam, be a m doc
from slashed ranch news code drenched to get up to forty percent off and that I'll tell you what sean? If you want to chug hot cocoa before bed, that's the product for you, you're, going to sleep great. it's alright. Thank you b. Mes Gomez was nice and we're keeping him comers was nice, though he was a very fun. He was NASA just sat here and watched. Louis gomez live stream of him playing those elements. Louis gomes, playing call of duty. The reform is good, yeah, it's very good that was fun get him. Is he so locked into that bed still going on, or is it done? I dunno I'd like to get our next time. It does luxury maki. That back here are given five hundred. If you answer was used to show his penis, I'm actually I mean I lost that bet though he did. I don't know me. I like that. I had leg of I'd like from wasn't sure I was out there like an hour. I came back and he was still go on is like to leave in an hour after pick up my say displayed.
like three more hours, so it is a magazine doesn't have the shows. Businesses is a funny battling I would like him to show spears and he loses the next one, can you yeah true yeah one more chance. That's like is, I think the problem is that you get demonetized. You show your penis on on sceptics, Linda's yard, again, the other can live, do it or gas digitally eat and show pr guys, fair, sealed ill. Probably well did I'm sure he's done that before the prom The other aerospace has been shown yet. So these wrote a passage ass. They were showed Dave smith. Very he's got a big. Have really this fact in the health programme thing about out the titanic, those poor guy they all died with the smallest Is this true? You know yeah they're, going to bring your bodies back to bodies. Every family was just like that. Already crying your mother, a glimpse, your
I can must have had such a hard life must have been so hope. I never knew was there, but I knew he was a little dick motherfucker when he came out like that I'm pimps, your heart is she peeped railway repeats, zogg, baby? baby. Hog is a world of data. Sorry for I'm not sure like when I like, having a magna carta glad have daughters vital I show my name He signed the nurses I guarantee they deserve on a hog and the enemy like yeah, John creating a weighted, canberra yeah. That's reality! I realise its growing did. It is not for us off my side, a family here. Are you sure about that? but this guy that shot the town people just got low shut down. Did it do its The I worry about that is. Is that something
Fourthly, the baby ogg urges like big the only where the very first timing he got hard. Look? He has a boner and she like well like that too, Then he may like a little laugh and as I don't ever do that again, oh yeah below the energy. As you know, it's really hard, as I don't do, that no judge. I mean baby boaters daily these six months, Iraq is a six month old. There doesn't stop this, Don't you know it possible? I dont really thought it. baby borders, I that one, Bobby, whereby I saw it in our opinion, is diaper, so for sure yeah that'd be hard, if that's usually how diaper that's usually how they piss in their own face. If you take off the diaper and they have a boner and they piss pisses up
so yeah what if he saw that fucking divert stream in the morning and you're like yeah. It was his boss baby up to the good doctor. It'll eg you'd have to look at look at your wife like the babysitter true- hopefully, god We take them again it is at present. I. something that you'd stop everything that would solve everything nude. What let me check up of a fuckin beg of europe, He for opening the army. I'll, be unlike cnn, Breaking aliens are actually never mind more pressing matters. Be in texas that can shoot ropes. We because using the next year, yet I mean
good good stuff. Well yeah. I have really thought about that. I'm, like you know that is kind of like a trolley have to go If we have, a son is like the world has basically kind of a few decades ago a serious. Can babies even have dogs like dollar babies, born with, like I hate those babies. with donjon google. I know I think our babies at her, like Cho I believe, the point where the nurses probably laugh and I'm like whoa. Okay, yeah he's the man, it's all proportional, exactly yeah and then gotta deal with them, just be a quietly being like images on lisbon. Is that going to be a ladies' man? What are you saying? Yeah yeah I've thought about that, but also you know I'd. I would He's lying in a warm incubator, so you so you'd find face down for lower your brow, but pressure brother near welcome to Heaven.
What can we do in this for the next thirty five years? but a billy down for a second layer. What's better than that, when you snuggle into bed start fucking smashing a dick into the mattress a little, thing, there's literally nothing better on a winter night yeah, oh my god, due to the way that, When they arrived there pressure players themselves, that's true. They, their big pillow pillow. Has it If the latter women fuck pillars your bill harbours. yeah, they gotta do stuff, they get, they get hernia as well yeah, and it is for in barely there yeah. I think the only know what's going on, I have no clue I don't know, honey is up. it's crazy when they get horny. That's a wild horny this to just need, like a like a fucking insert, I'm just trying to spray Alex brand totally chill. But if I was like there's a,
there's a vacuous and just look around look around the kitchen and the fuck shown here? I am incomplete yeah, you know for me, it's like I'm overly complete. I need to. get this out here, but has like I'm lacking somewhere that been breed of talk about the fridge, That is crazy. I know creeper. Did you ever do a puzzle and realize you're missing a piece could be that feeling I know it's around here somewhere, incomplete puzzle, feelingly just one more piece, and there can be that how's your puzzle. Yes, I don't know I'm doing a long time, I'm pretty, I say another question for you. I think about this. Almost every day I make waffles lotta days of the week. Do you crush degree? when you bought her laugh or do you delicately spread the butter across the great, unlike lifted out of each grid, and try to spread the butter procedure and I've been meaning to useful. I to myself tat I
depends how hungry I am because you crush the grid. I sometimes I like to take my time put a little in each little ooh. I'm gonna enjoy this belgian waffles. That's what I was curious about talking, echoes or I'm I'm more working with agis. Just so fucking good, though they're crazy yeah, but If you take, he goes I'll I'll hit a spread, crush the grid. Yeah, let's go outside. Those are my hotel, belgium, awful ye gods, retailing known for I can't believe I got done making it. I can't believe I made it without a hitch because there's so many hitches, yeah true get to them. beef, zaga fucker, you open this thing. Spin it around and business woman has to come up and be like you, gotta, like what the fuck thank you man hey man year, yet I gave a gunshot sane man. I've always liked to those Ivan I want to have, and I love the way of an almost here. Get breakfast prefers a yet. Is it a fortune
hundred eggs. That fucking, I love those did. I think I had breakfast buffets. I might eat two packs of bacon yeah, it's like how could you not do it, but your breakfast sigh albright. I believe they freely was not a real thing. Like a pr company started the idea of breakfast, it was a good thing. It was like a branded idea like people weren't eating like eggs and bacon in the morning or just the food people would eat, but it became like no bray eggs, bacon orange juice. This is breakfast This is breast. The energy need to have a sugar crash by launching here, with an app time these, our breakfast food, it all started with a serial companies, zero companies kellogg's in all them we're like religious fundamentalists, except like he was like part of lucky. I forgive you look it up. There is like they lead and balanced the early. They build envoy, moral, avonlea, bad moral care, if you are eating like they tied in the idea of a balanced breakfast with like moral fortitude, and it just light cereal popped off the kind of weird negative
Sugar dog food crises, palsied or else you're, fucking devil, worshipper falcon, I'm gonna, have a road jura, are put in work on the recent past. Did I do those things? they left only wanted. I would much box, they were banned in my house and what have you got to go to fucking neighbours? europe presents us with us I should be india, japan, whose gross shoving phil fills grocer shopping. We're talking, kellogg fuckin did you ride along is below cost. It can. I have that meant that I had to go put shit back. We get to the front and I got a fuck to that. Getting back. That was the best living stuff that isn't just watching it go down the conveyor belt like nobody's, noticing Yeah dude. I just tried it. Candy bars saw one other thing. Is we like cream, pies coming home,
yeah, that was nice, then riding home the whole time. It was just like having like a kilo of coke in the car you're like, oh, my god, carry the Al Qaeda yeah. I have fucking head stash pop tarts is like these are going to write in my yeah that about all is punishable by death of you. I call the heads dash moors. Car prices use our you know I didn't blow. You are so good. My my friend had constant flows. More is party to this house and pepsi. I couldn't believe there are certain has yet at all times. Yeah dude the houses were prepared, ass wild is not, on tat, sir Oh kellogg is the one that started it with cereal and He said that masturbation was the greatest evil and that eating cornflakes could help prevent that there that's what it was you get so for a big, outdated, jerk off sancho the the core placed on our joy. They don't worry that. But
that guy was. He was all on that I sold it. He's stop. Fucking famine, My way through a society is, regrettably, powder killer their EU money. Cornflakes. It does have a good castrating effect through this guy, like what even his life is hell who's. This horse food on meeting those things fucking sought I tried eating the rice, krispie, treats or rice from that restaurant. The trees are good rice, krispie treats cereal was fucking. That might have been the number one. Do you ever make? Homemade rice krispie treats cereal no day after you're, fuckin thing or ever have like a bunch of residues and I would just by hand polio. Mousers is part of a milk- oh my god sense of it. It is, to this day, I see a pile rice, krispie treats. I go mad, I'd like to taste it can. I take those they thrillers leftovers, credible breakfas by main when it They start making rescuers retreats cereal.
These other here, I'd like to talk to the guy behind who shot at them. Surely around is obama, keep it. That is why do my agent orange yellow, my obama's wife came into his like getting gives due to him fat shutting down shut down a fast id. she would have like two thousand fakirs in guantanamo bay. Star room did those hotdogs. That's got to it as an adult. That is money having tat seventeen troll Let this happen on his way out our present. Did he was you never use? Your raising treaty was so busy there. You know you so much that's easy, they fuck, so they really did like this was. It was only a certain general thing like yo entities, these are two goddamn delicious, maybe fund up.
This has got to be like as a job seeing those things in like two thousand, where the fuck were they sell knows I dunno, probably black market dude loop. If you look into the box, can we did in the vatican the idea. I think now their start to say, honey, not cheerios can't be labelled as healthy and He was a certain amount of sugar, the gambling. This is healthier, it's good for your heart, ear, eat candy the morning really yet they're not allowed into the guidelines. Just change now. Would you like the most? obvious sign: and there is corruption at the highest level. So you're telling me we just figured out that that's probably not the best food for years there's no way They didn't know it ended in Japan, it was weekends as well. They said it is carcinogens. De suite is Well, the others is new one they're putting in place a bed.
There. Is this new ingredient? That's getting listed as like, like a california carcinogen like this product is known to contain, was eating crackers and I was like what the fuck is wrong with it. Dude, I'm region involved, but I think it's like a cream of mind or something. cream, a mine is this new on. They have come up with a year to do things just for You are and easily. I think they have added a thousand pounds of it, a rat like its head exploded. I don't know it do you, like a sea are. Why else am I in eight years of the ugly remember the name and how to spell they have no concept of what it does not go back to my mind, the pudding coal, mine and stuff. I see a bad idea. I've, google, I've got all this stuff constantly area forget incited scale Oh, I remember the salmon. Remember the s sake possible carcinogen. It increases several types of cancers is what it says here which causes me
patient in the dna of cancer. What the fuck yeah man, fucking crackers, spoken crackers never forgot the crackers bill, and crackers causing cancer. It also taxes nervous system causes was muscle, weakness and a number and hands and feet crap I know about, is this: what is it in. Oh no, managing like these. Gregory. I am I'm thinking about type of crackers like a gluten free cracked. I think the gluten free shit, goringe rise, potato chips, crackers, cookies, breakfast cereals- I it could be a run on everything, good I think it can be run off the egg for when you fry oil, that's not lay like a polyunsaturated fat. They turn into like just basically talks like a almost they turn into a plastic yeah cause like saturated fats, have Agus more stable molecule. The gluten free stuff there just taking chances
It all the sweet science right now. You know no well here's the thing they they add a lot of crap and additives, those things so then you gotta, find you gotta go through the different layer of like well. What are these ingredients? I've been doing this my whole life. My mom is a health nut, so like she's, like you, and pronounce it don't you was there ever since I was little. I pick up ingredients if it's like anything, spinach, true at a tough time, without word for a? While? Will you know havin, spinning by the way? What another fucking thing we spanish, whereby spillage Shelly isn't as high in iron as everybody thinks that was. Mistake they do that if they did, they like label. That spinach has like fifty thousand percent of your iron is what papa was out there. Flexible exactly is bullshit, it doesn't have. It has a decent amount of iron, but it's nowhere. The reason it's so this is the iron vegetable is due to like a clerical error that a Certainly, if the company was like now is kept
it up and they sold a fucked on a spinach put spinach on the map. Won't get jack to eat. Some fuckin spin and people came out like that's not true at all, and that really showed our policies exude a cartoon, no shit. Nobody cares to hear that though yeah, but it's still fucking spinach mixture forms biggest fucking. It's like it's kind of good, but it's not yet the spinners you're on the map with a scandal, apparently mcdonald, it has three times more than what the? U s? Environmental protection agency allows in a glass of water. Oh the crillon mine, yeah, dude yeah we've been cooking food like morons. Nobody knows very, very bad, but those those like weird little. palm oil is itself a barely when you hit those boys up by chris gouges, it's just a toxin yeah, it's a! U frames of, but I guess is the cheapest shit and world, but in a year he didn't say whatever, we go back to his catching animals. Do you
and getting whatever fuckin worms and diseases they had yet you're here, eat em up, mean do I've. I've got on a roll dairy. Now I aid I here. dunno again ITALY's, whereas by that dude I was curious. Some I avoided like the plague I drink, like milk, regular milk instantly I get walking congested to the point where I'll get a cold? If I haven't more than two days in a row, I'll get what feels like a fucking cold for a couple of days. I was like. Let me let me fuck, I was making burgers here. I said. Let me fuck around try this raw cheddar yeah bro, eighty slices of it not a single bugger nice, my farts Consumer rights defarge were crazy, but that's a thousand texas beef. That's funny! Yeah he's out her foot Ro rochester raw sharpshooter, far suit the farc. Zawoiski relate like their wealth, but you did the right sort of added varietal that that was a kind of like a bit of a revelation to me.
I've been locking a cheese monster up within me for years now Sandra loose two's Well, I had a one nighter, so maybe it was a fluke. Don't go crazy, obviously had a burger then mistakes. I may lay seven burgers. I shall have reversed earlier tumors out, but did ahead. I'll get a burger again right before I came last night crushed it it's all yours sleepy your head. it'd be to eat a burger right before you do standup, just a borg sleepy time there's little lawyers. This is, I am a burger questioned right away too, is like you're eating a burger right now and I was like yeah I'm hungry. I worked out today. Leaving protein allowed borges, but you're right with you in recent years, a lot of crap and I've ivan gone far. It is horse everything searching far why I found him, but you get the stuff that has no horse in amidst like it's These things that are like their made out a buckwheat which is He went away and there is the there like this. Then you get a boy
like this any toasted edith, munch arap. I love it. You like the waiters yeah I just liked like having dislike almost like a beef turkey for a bond tissues existence. There too terrible is bad. English, muffin. But when one of them I forget, bush and I like it gluten it's common for a lot of people. Do a lot of people see it it's coming more and more people I know are like dude. It's fucking me up, so I hope not hope you get away from it, but I'll be here. If you want that curse on anybody, I wouldn't, although it's nice cause you just like you, go to parties and you're like I can't eat any of the shit. Yeah I'd be picking otherwise it'd be three cupcakes for slice of pizza. I can ever had a thing about this data resentment of fuckin valley body. I can eat anything there. Yeah- and you get a lot of work and family point- nine million us ass, we get him. The time here I can't eat any of the fair, eugenic I'm doing the math. It's a whole different life,
good heavens, whole other life that, like nobody, even cares about I'm at a party as yours go gay, so I couldn't have them. I can't even fucking to have to go. That's right. What do you have? That needs a shame. Fucking gaze at like porn or something. I go no uncle mike. It's wheat flour, the gluten wheat gluten, so it makes everything taste fucking good. I can't have it. Yeah frill does gluten free pizza. Crud, some of his actually noisier ice. You know it they have had to have had a slice. Your grew in free pizza yeah- I I found some good ones- find some good ones. Then you get to the point where I didn't know you, I just money that shit yeah it's promise was not have I'm sorry, I'm a fucking clerk crying about my gluten allergy, now you're, just very serious telling you. I think it's common for people, though, because that's a thing of you, people, if you deny it, what can happen, is they can start to it? your own body of food particles, your stomach idiots, Legal and people in those areas of Israel ear got kids. to become more permeable than it should be so food.
Articles leave your garden flutter on your bloodstream. Immune system starts attack in these food particles and then it attacks, and it turns in leonardo remuneration where they can start attacking organs. Your body tat caused irina greens because of all the fucking great air from the fuck him If the script is simple to get like a thyroid, fucking shut down where your your immune system's attacks, your thyroid, fart yeah, it's crazy, yeah dude, but you know that's interesting yeah and I have to it appears. Can we pauses for a second? I think we were definitely on our arena. Now almost were at fifty six years. That's about all of this and I will come back rational connect. It is,
Transcript generated on 2023-11-07.