« Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast

Ep 462 - Protect Our Dawg Parks (feat. Mark Normand & Ari Shaffir)

2023-10-06 | 🔗

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Y0. Surprise Mutha fuggas. We're here. Well Matt's in Austin, but SG would never leave you hangin. Ari and Mark stepped up in Matt's absence and joined the Big Kahuna to create a wonderful podcast for you all. Please enjoy. God bless. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You can move anybody like way in approving an out and out of a closer to the porch, yet good pooch like an absolute bedfellows paintings, you had better how to ireland. I thought I really do you look like that. Was I grab again shown you heard and put the graphics John put it and why you're not part of yet the guards you just learned postman's, mats ennasin already removed these answer here- yes, he moved ass masquers down there already, and I was glad he had more bees issues. Yes, we ve got dog here. protect our dog parks
yeah. What are you fucking laughing at? You? Think? It's not funny is that where you're laughing yeah and actually speaking of thinking, it's not funny. This is a funny story. I was a. I was at the the seller, the other night with you and I was down. his bombing was bombed at the vu at the new stuff new stuff that has been between every new stuff bit. Finish want to go hey it's crazy, how bad it is, I'm with vietnam and good good. They were doing things there is no scientific material. At least two years is our crowd. That knows us righteous did seller p. oh yeah, of course, were mad at me. The whole tab. Also the cough was not gone. what right of alarming and coughing the entire set. You will really sick. Yes, they made it up not fully still there
Okay and but liz from the seller came down and I was like she knew I was going to bomb. I told her I was like this is I shouldn't be here. This is a huge mistake. Yeah stand up in a week ray, and this is all bad it's a bunch of young guns bringing the heat with the new shit. Everyone else is killing alright and then so she was in the back. She sat under the vehemence just die, like this latter. Let's get lapping when I was bombing, And he and laura saw me at the seller and he was like. I was like fuck I'm having a rough night and he was like we talked about your killing was like what do you mean like? I came down fucking. The manager was chat. Girls. I m never see the manager cheer for someone. I know she was actively making for the mocking meda onstage it's yours, their marking the best rather liddy. Rent crackers over the lake well ruth that she was like I went, there was the girl for the first time and- and she was like he does some jew jokes and while I was issued as toms
quarters item is good, comedy owner. But the worst part is they see the special and they go hey this guy's cooking. We gotta go see this guy. Then they see you alive and they're like. Maybe it's not a lot of alive. Guy laugh tracks exactly So that's that's gonna happen again tonight, you're saying I'm with you and hopefully the coughs, gaunt cuffs it'll there I dunno, because I read it while he was coughing I was like well, I have covered a set it to the guy was like pardon me, I have kobe, oh then they they got very upset. These are more upset than this. This was the big hit big joke of the night. I told him I knew I had covered cause. I did the smell test, which is a
I shoved my hand in my ass and smelled it and I couldn't smell it, and then I was like, but I'll tell you what vogue's you better make sure you don't have taste yeah. They were very, very it still. It was a nightmare set that worked really well, you got the opener yeah I'd saved. It got me on the way back in the bathroom and that bombing classic talked about shoving. My head up, my ass: can you blame it on lincoln's, like a flu game thing you're like oh, I'm bawling by covert? That's? Why? If I was actually I kind of tried to do that, but they were for real. They are. Didn't like me from how bad I was doing when I said I also have covered. Everyone was like. Oh great, You suck tonight now we're all sick. He aims the thick and thinking your body. There was a further effort, not worth at least the manager. So because of the book or sire. She doesn't have the the you might be like. Oh, this is funny that
Die, I actually believe is he's gonna go yeah, I'm goin to whatever I'll say that, and I yeah I miss you this gang. I know I was so lambro tell me about tons of drugs. The yard about derosa. I heard about the role of the public. Is this now I dont know. Oh, it's dark out on everything be on everything it's in the skank talking privately, he said it on a pakistan herds heard president. He admitted it online. You mean he admitted stanhope, yet you he confessed. sure. Is public yet out any, and I long I think, had they talked about it on their part actually happened was the best option in the world its eating audience impossible to refuse a chant, oh yeah, through that but there was a contest to see who could be the last ring cargo for mania,
So there's like we didn't get a second brazil. Any girl come up right now and for girls came up, one was. new to being a woman, nay, nay ago. You mean she was young. We don't I mean yes He was a young woman, as you are very rapidly: trans fresh trance, yes, transit pre up. No, I know for sure I'm gonna get no up cops I like the black arts, op yeah. So there was a piece on this woman. So one day he was like, I could lick my elbow people like greg good talent, necessary. As I look my tip definitely want. come on you're better than then does the third lady was ireland suck my dick, the woman said she could sucker and a new element the new with what they are. I mean it's, not one
it gets, gives it away. Now that you have the details to know which ones which I can talk about on the deck and I was like well, this is going to make you the leader, but she goes. I gotta get hard for someone they get me heart would pay an inhaler girl and the audience chose big died away gender and he wasn't resisting there. I might say I wouldn't know he was. He said he goes no eight zero chance and our chance, but included as last name, and then it was like. Ok I'll. Do it for one condition out all standing this lady inter hardness, left of fog it better your bucket cause, the last three grand the night before it hit it for three great people to put money in his bucket pass it around everyone's like absolutely, and he went upstairs to to get her heart This is not one by the wizard. Thirty day, why one? If I We had a friend that I could make you do. Some gave her three grand you would have thought of it. Out of
on the euro. Derosa was that cheap he'd do for less as this was. I will not deny level around it. Yeah he wanted to do here, and this is a big old lady is like a little. I heard I urge you, six foot, six or would you know when she got one two or three points that I think should be out of Sonia was susie, Where are you with a six foot smacks pens day? That's pretty, yeah big armed srinagar, pretty pretty ok yeah if this was I'd say this is ninety. Ninety four before you to her such things, you would have been like add inaccurate. You pretty this Am I jacko willa neck? Is pretty woman yeah similar? over time.
Have you got a billion loan will on ideas, fuck, there's a call. If I laugh maybe they're laughing, that I was bombings talk as though they were not aware sugar yard says says: hey, I'm never going to bail maintainer all the way back down the steps. Around to this. They go upstairs in the venue yeah upstairs and around to a bathroom and so she's like there's no way there's not. I can walk downstairs into a comical environment. There's not going to stay hard. That long, that's gotta, be a weird walk. You know you're going to to a bathroom to know you're going to jerk off a trans person, about and that walk apologies. I think about a new hope eagerly. I got a new idea. I was getting. Two minutes is only easy, what is the upside down. Why did do that
It is the early xilai. They come down, she's telling a story and then she was like does nowhere and then louis like what did you come and she goes? when did ah what version of the commission like to prove it. we see here either made this thick showing ads out there. I will tell you about the people but we're sure public follow by this implies iguana How are you of all make sure child louis is very high? and here the rosa was he was that they carry on their shoulders. He was like that mayor of lie. May water, when articles of granite tight, hold him, because I heard about it so little that night and I called him too,
are you sure this happened, so it was like I gotta make sure to have him. I mean that as there is anyone- and I called him to make fun of him and as soon as he answered I was like fuck, I can't make fun of Please make fun about. I've worked out, but in our relationship. He said he liked it. He was like it was hot. I'm going to shame. No shame, it sounds. So then I think that was a girl that being awesome experience earlier. You know that as she blew him and at all events big dick to labour rights anywhere, where I am in the size the difference it was like. It was almost time one very made of eliza cock where's that they had a bigger payers. Yes, not back. I want to try. The programmes that they got the wrong rather singular her.
hurry. She coral dog, karla. That's that so that was day one of scan for oil and the brothers is did anything else to happen. There was even After that I heard about it. I don't it's a beat the name right ear get the time step. A while ago and withering whatever wes anyway, back so a lot of crazy shit, While I was the bees you does it see six at all I don't seem at all. He gets it as they that he gets not even see him as a couple of female sexes. That says in against the unrest handwriting us wrapper.
nah, I was like before it. Obviously I like, I was supposed to get there thursday, as I fuck, I'm never gonna make it I'm very sick. I'm gonna change my flight to saturday I'll leave monday and then, by the time I got to sat or I didn't I don't like I'm fucked, I analyse a. I did lose a lot of money on flights and I got a nice hotel. This had a casual and you over the glass as well. Yeah. It was a lot I fucked up but flies a helicopter there. I was also happy because it was like nice. I get to fucking sleep this weekend, true, but then I started looking at pictures, which are not always, and I was like fuck. I wish I was at scan access. It is a bitch to get there. I had. I flew the day of the flood, so I was like the last chopper out a nam. I was crazy. I was already gone all that at the actual I heard before ellesmere national anthem, so they gotta go real singer to sing it death and then I'm like little dragging out of my
It's june Penske in the middle of the ring. At the start, it was like ugh that Adam corolla, bailed, so DR drew, was just jumping on everything. It's like I remember let the levels will. I saw the saint cloud pass. He was there that yeah, we'll just an unjust lies, not only not a positive one and saint cloud member exactly and seeing it the icy bigeye next Zach Amigo is crazy cause. He looks normal next. His act as acts terrified hair, a startling shit do is treated as a veto. He went killed. Anyone know sure we'd like pink make up in a small argument. It's it's is that its own population from his dick, because he just gotten his is a principle back in and he said it would rip. The whole happened to a friend who went for it anyway. Now he's a lizard dick went to the naked rose,
night. I'm he ran that thing beautifully. Eliza long ago areas often down fell in. He was a target that our gotta make that there was a rough I forgot all about it cause it came out three weeks after we did it. I know cause I've totally forgotten that I was looking at youtube and I was like oh no. Crazy viral sounds that asian policy for twenty minutes I believe that in there I don't watch it at the they didn't. I out, that's very funny you there he was alive. I watched it on youtube in the police, you guys tell me that there is a lot out that a lot of it was. I wanted to make It doesn't make sense that year and I was like whenever he was like- you guys- are minos- a gorgeous Yes, that's a race exactly exactly asian pussy twenty times just megaphone, I am, and it would get a laugh but
now there are yearning. If there's one thing, you know varick flare. What is your ressler one of the great promoters while you? wrong, it's yet. I respect people's time. I will never make someone who donate their time? That's the one thing you know I could ever anna sunday I was the susie brought about like I'm out im not going to make fun of them one more time. This is had a bunch of like hasty. Every doves, or else do you know who is doing louis gomes is therefore right it in rattlesnake that he was. He was ready for it. We have a cigar lounge and got infiltrated by. Like others, yeah
That's a problem so Bobby Kelly got them to donate one of the staff members to stand guard to comedians and he brother he brought in with regular, regular yeah and they just stood there and said sorry. No, there is a little bit of a church and state problem at skank fast like to get from. Here too here which takes six when I walk that turns and no forty eight pages and am happy to do a, but somebody got a spot. You know so that gets to have an you start running out. Immature well, and you know what to do the old stuff because they know every single thing: I've ever written yeah. So you're gonna air limiter. This job now than natural other through force, ok ragout. I would you eight minutes under rosa than I do. It's a joke and I get off The times said he had not given. It was baldos around sunday, oh yeah, sure about their nolan. They have a really great, pretty great turn. Only just cost to draw
cod is didn't all night, last year I was a mistake and I was jealous, month in Europe. flew home changed my bag flew out to vegas and the jet lag it may like two days an ad hoc brutal, but I got scared versed in their science. It was like. I can't find mushrooms. I sure hope, but how can enough one hour let it go? I know why you laugh now. Yeah, I'm happy. He was there, he's aware that he ruled he fucking went for his great. He was going for. Oh yeah yeah, I didn't know he got out early fucked up. Is that israel instruments on the plane? I don't know you went after the events in norway and radio yeah. I didn't buy your rank. You just does shrimp all they are entering that's why I've never seen him get rally the seller After a little the other night, it no way more than I thought we did as nice and I will go hung over his fuck. I was bad, then you get get text and I just woke up was just saying yo
The lights are well, the seller will do that hard, leaving a couple lit his game and my spots were late. I got there at midnight base of my arm. Yeah, that's good euro fucked up when I got there right. What are you up to now? I think it's hasn't got start out from First of all, I decided tat. It will take an area this, the afterward he starts at one addison, If the club, so you know, You'Re- meant to protect our parks strip club after party. That was see that what was that lasers without asking me or already just posted- and I figured out what it was. I didn't see this so that I was like yeah. They didn't have permission to do that, because then I got a text like hey. Would you be willing to do an after party like no, and This no fuckin way is like a strip club posted, a flyer that was just me and already the Oh weird, yeah, weird was his idea. You know
I don't think I'm going yeah. Why am I not in it yeah? I know we didn't. Even we wouldn't say no yeah, I would have hit one, probably obligated to go to the fucking club yeah. I will say I want those strippers. Where did you ever go? Yeah? I went the first night. They were fucking aggressive, aggressive, really habits of de rossa that first night he said he fell asleep good lorry driver. if he falls asleep and wakes up and is two puerto rican women looked up. That is why he goes there like. We should go to that. We should go to the town it is like okay, what to take to access max it out, give it to ask goodbye she, nice this? Guy had a fucking weekend. Oh my god, for a sixty one year old, he can roll yeah laughs. It's funny cause last game face. He was like when we got to like cause. I went to the doctors, Stop drinking later is blowing guy
like I'm gonna legality. Look if you got a better help, doktor, that's her countries only once it has also starting a sandwich job back. Then I had to keep it on the up and up here we gotta visits to run. but not a blow little around as well. I missed it. When they hit you with a drug term for a drug you don't normally do surreal, I say something and they hear whatever they think you know and they go. Oh do you want to just some terms or doodle dandy and you're like what is that? What is that like the idea of whatever I'm like? I don't even know what to do. it makes you itch: yeah I'll, give it. If I've whip it's gone away, were I little sansculotte did somewhere, but this as well as the same guy on whip. It's an enormous role with them. You sent her. He looked exactly like fuckin, fried from fear
drum watching that's wild. Anyway, we are back on well yeah shit. I was gonna say somebody do that in my mind, with a fresh rovers picture: graphic post shit to hell Are you don't whether to those s house, gray, tony one adobe's, ike I don't do well on whippets like when's the last time I did it cause I've never done it like. I fucking hate that helmet how these anybody never done don't. Do that. All the highlight the highlight of the whole fast, yes, was your show the show to end bag. Hiding. Just like I said an hour. Timer was a last minute ad we were like, sold out suggested it at the skating fest opening, which I don't think any of those are taped and they go. Let's do a show orient Joe shit on any comic. You suggest, with hinchcliffe and Bobby Kelly and tony and louis I ve done we're doing it. Am I lose? You didn't write down or text
We want. Never we're gonna do this so certainly on our own push rebecca Christine, they added lasher was epic there. great right on real, I mean it. I got it got to rio. Godly reloading goes hard and other rosabella cries out those kids names and tony's like he goes, The money that was there were a few hours. It got for real serious, so he kept to the up and out of bill burr's stuff. I was like I was like this is too much. This is a strict, no phones policy. I'm talking about staff members in there and not every like twenty minutes, guys again, no fucking phones, you see anybody, you gotta tell them. I filled half of it a little bit crazy, show it's crazy, derosa, justly de rossa, and we said like we set. They suggested one of us like five endings. I should like to close with that
Johnny jolly yeah. Well, that's good! You shit on each other yeah, but I set my timer for an hour and then went thirty five minutes over that. Oh yeah. And I put a lot of emphasis was hey buddy, you're like eyes, a good guy, the abbot then immediately we got corrected like that's, not what the show at the arrow true given they suggest people you, like legitimately respect and you're like I'll. Tell you that part of him. I don't respect, gets personal and in the best, when tony tony and derosa starting on added ya. And you won't shit on rogan thinking about someone else. Oh, I totally didn't that because it's like some of people who are tangentially who they are brought up with, like they're bringing the costco you're gonna get. Well yeah your I ran natural, and so they were doing somebody else. It's so and then somewhere make it rogan joke and he was still think are the first isaac, you won't you wouldn't do it throws. Then you ve got the money goes
roseanne, like Rosanna, rugged complicity and need our net as a loyal boy, he was like, oh that one hundred by now, like he just moved at all. That was a great moment. It was, It was a yeah. There was one where, like a lot of people hate this guy and so he's like he's taking the alternate, you know it's like it's actually cool whatever, and I was a tony. I put my hand over my mic. I was like we shit on norm for, straight minutes and I got norm now. I missed it. What are you guys disguises? yeah, ion duress and tony were gone backwards? Tell ready to help out. Around here it was just a good zing like this is all this is all fine de rosa. You ruined netflix you're, the one that one shall attend. one show that's where you put your mouth, the Jews or whatever, and then Tony goes. You blew
the guy yeah then everytime he was like tony you're gay goes. You literally blew a guy yeah or something like. Oh your netflix special sucked it he goes at least I had a special interest. That goes. I had three and tony goes. I had Now I don't know yet either from an old network. These used to that called comedy censure. They work. There were good, they had a moment. Damn it out of you, I wish I was there guys get. Does it festivals? Emma s sake go weirdo, my head, I get the first double anxiety. I about my hotel. You sleep till noon hung over and I I go. I can't I can't go back out there yeah, so you can't miss any. Then you find out hey we're all smokers because, like why did you tell me yeah? I know, but you gotta just force it. You just gotta, go down and get out with everybody, though that's how I felt this whole weekend
I literally just laid on this couch sick, just pictures fuck. I wish I was there to do that. That'd be so, but then you know I was very grateful. I've yeah it wasn't when you think about this. Episode tags already. I gotta get an uber go to the airport book a ticket in the hoods too much and once you're there and then everytime you like also just to I would have just hung out with fuckin guardian la mer and just my friends, that's what happened. I just got drunk with the same people. I get drunk every every possibility and then people come back by the you can make fun of what responsibilities do you have? I dunno you gotta call your friends. Do a podcast five pm and it's a good mix. You like I like get drunk I can see tat my contact them all and I could talk to all the guy. You fuck our duty. broad, literally hung out with de I somebody you could barely than being when I say it out for you Turning out o my god black
sickness. I had I wasn't there better, but yeah you gave it allowed people lot of got at. Will dabbing. What were you smoking weed? I have a spoon. A lot of cigarette can vegas. I I smoke way too well anywhere. So I was smoking like two packs a day and get really drunk until like five am both days yeah and then I was just out of commission for like a whole. It'll fucking, as you go to the stripped of all night. You know you scan first it up. Then I want to go to the sheer club. Now it's fun, or, like I gotta go home and then your home is a casino. Really. I do a has five other guys value. I don't go in your want. Come out over the come on our one re seven, I got a text for thirty from norman. Like you out is: don't you out now Scholars others, but I need A blog and a gold arose that a good guy and he's never done anything gay, his life now
I waited until he was fifty except his outfit yeah. It's just. He has to have done some. I think his birthday I just died. So It doesn't mind now really is adopted here, adopted its dignity, No, I don't think me not. Second dick has to do with my having pant walter, having parents in the north sea. There's no way he meant tried not having passed, but I don't think that would I I don't think one of my parents died going to jail. got a guy imagined morning. Fear that finally dad's gone, I didn't see you probably drinking more that weak it's not the birds is the friends talking on podcasts. Guess, that's all its low media It is a bad herb of friends to jack off a guy with exactly yeah yeah we're not a platform cause. Five million people are gonna, find out exactly.
It'll find you it's in the clear. I have a lot to do. Yeah I know I just talked to ryan. He said they hadn't put their episode out yet so he's going to clear it with Joe Joe says: he's gonna, let him clear it with Joe and then, if he clears it, we're just clear we don't that's true that surprised mine were talking about. I lead you to scan on yours, yeah and legion is gang. That's true, but wasn't recorded. Was it I mean it's sale or oh, it's pretty. He did it in public, yes, and it was all over the show. It was a strange mint show I mean he's back in show. Business is like catapulted back to back directs his back yeah we've all been like. If I could just go get get running, again? How did it yet anyway, only man among us senator vault in politics will not take a chance as good a debt it it's gotta. Do that! That's good! You know it.
I consider that transport is getting no credit. No one knows your name or any happier has anyone it regards as accomplices. Is that operable culpable, but no love ass, you get em, there's a boost or only vans, but no one knows who she is. yeah. We get her name, we gotta get her name day ago. She deserves love others those eyes, irey backs what a fuckin soldier tilted. jack off Joe Rosa One thing now be as cox in the fucking business or I've never seen a cock. No one has its shrinks up, it's good. As you can imagine, fuckin heart he's got a great rap sheet? Yeah rapeseed yeah! Perhaps you can tell us about their later some good As of now, you see him out, lady gillis, he does very
well for how he looks now he's a guy killer, also yeah and eventually himself, yeah wait. What was I gonna say? Ah shit, I lost it again already made fun of me for being friends with football players. we did now is one that came up. I understand you see the end of our place. Cortege do celebration. I don't know it now. That's? What I thought bitch I agree that wasn't as we did it. Baby now just have been sent a gave this dumb stupid. Real of this kid I didn't realize was a kid get a haircut because I didn't who knows his hair, such hidden, brazil. That's like he's agnes he's doing this and it goes like this and then he has a hair cut. Me looks back of ngos. so I was like gave us to do this. When you score, he's a guy. Well, nearly every week you tore me fuck. I forgot
we went his way these hoard first, I shall again he walks over the carriers That is great. It was awesome. Wow yeah, you ever thought you'd be there to tell like lincoln or yeah what I was watching the game I celebrated like it was the fucking superbowl Oh, I love you. I got there is railways ruminants. for swirling. There's another nfl player gonna do this week, although I'm just saying, watch the red zone and see it see what it is. Oh boy look at every celebration watch it. I want to talk to you FC fighter. If you win go yeah we will organise, gave volk due dignity as we do I just on one's own. What else is going? what else we get?
and you guys gotta have something. Oh, I got one story for you. What semi I was there in skank fast found out my built up a new studio flooded yeah, not that not the part that the studio's in but the back bedroom and the kids. flooding about this area built up here and in it got flooded, reserve there, so thirst. Fox second floor is not as bad another floor, yet multiple force in the whole building that's mg. the whole building, though oh thought, these are all your different rooms. She can't get into the guy above means higher place easy. One post, title red sox with my facial hair in post, and I think it's somebody I'm sorry to tell you I'll. Look at somebody was insulting you. The other day was like you look homeless, so I can
yet you don't think I know what I'm talking about life. Look at me at I'm trying to look sharp homeless. I was trying to look sharp with this beard. Duffy not it go. I think you are good things. so the guys, but when she came or what we can do- and I like this about dogs had need the tin, reanimated bag. Stick on it. That's true! You then on yeah, I ride the rails at my shoulder. If you're going to have to go harmonica can of beans and beans yeah or a girl gotta bring out a can of beans. Am I going to go forrest gump for halloween forest gump run in with a baseball cap on girls, ran against the wind, so
evacuate? One guy above me can't can't get into a place. She can't get into his place because he hates me I am not going in there. I'm, like god, is fucking flooding everywhere, and so I won't go in and walk around. I was like, oh if I would ever find that the people start pumping out the oxygen and whatever the heat. Finally she's like alright, I gotta go in. dead. What dead who died? Go above me. What am I can't leave? I interrupted that's what I'm going to talk about you shooting studio guy dead in people above two above above above said. They heard him coffin a bunch and then not covered fuck you're naked. who are they opened the door, a flood fuckin six for us all. It was lord, isn't plucking open, susie all wet and dead floating my guest looked like like one of those rogan
her chamber- and it was an early meditated- is really really their holy shit. So what happens as urban migrants living in there it's like it's just a bunch of people like I picked her up and are a sanctuary city whatever that means, though, as it was in brooklyn, is that where you're yeah yeah so did you go to brooklyn sorta cool brooklyn, trying to be cool yeah it used to have one in the village. I live there. Oh yeah, I did my last one was yeah that'd be a better place. Well might have to relocate, come back to the island, yeah, it's better there. Now. Let me throw this that you guys throw it so I'm trying to get life insurance. Why cause? I might
tour? If you get life insurance, you get more money. What I dunno it's some weird loophole that my jew agent, new life insurance. What is your tour sponsored by like when you get paid upfront paid up front and they want to know you're not gonna die worked So I go. You live insurance. What nay she gets money through dinosaur. Procure reimbursed. from the yeah. I would imagine if you pay someone a the contract to work for that, so that the Then I must warn you know the area that is also these towards. It doesn't make sense. Now they give you a little up front, we at nice, but then it's like, like they they'll call. You may like we ve gotta thirty million dollar contract for you in your like holy fuck. Is it It's like what do I have to do that you have to earn thirty million dollars yeah. It's like wait. What's the contract yeah,
I just worked for you for a decade, but they give you that advance up front and you're like I'll I'll. Take it slight exactly so, you didn't do the math, they got us by the balls. These ticket prices, right, but everybody out this contract problem, albeit a casino in philadelphia locks with, I suppose, but is doesn't it make the big money is natives fuck and pay their native philadelphian. The gay with us. that allows hetty alive and juridical so talking to the lady she's as well the question: how old are you the smoked he drank and I was like nah? No, no, not really wanted wanted to cocktails bar guys go, we might be drunk and I have a drinking problem ever among over right now, but to drain away and then she's like we're about Let go. I tried I dummies for every now and then a slave
but I gave it up. I had no recall I gave it up is kind of like you're, whatever it's called doktor now, would you get budget with a job? You gotta give me a resume ass, like lower your and take on a total exaggerate, your lack of use. So she goes. Sounds great. Does there's gonna be a breeze? Will get? This will get this cookin and I go grape two days later. How much We dug in barely any sweet affect your life. What the weeds, no good, I was looking for you to snoop dog. Not have life insurance leeway on its doctors. Tell you to smugly got comma brightest suit, she's I. What about any other joys I go, I don't do any drugs and she's a guide. Some of us all protect our parks and worrying me. shhh rooms like hale. I thought about our mouth. I got denied.
Reserve this protective bars are. These guys are rugged. Whisky were driven out of illegals. Bargain is taking horse pills for medicine as part of a protectorate. Parks is when you see like a like. I was just watching it. I didn't even remember really us listening the freebird at the end of the episode Oh you mean those like your girlfriend's egg. I bet he's out with girls and it's like me, my friend, in the garage I'd say it. That was great. I got about nine million messages. Stop talking during freebird. You can does it guy shit, you're right. I think I was I. Whenever we still get. if the guy starts screaming yeah yeah, the rest of the episode is just me screaming. I really gotta play it very bored. You get quiet, when I get to factor yeah yeah, we'll be like you pass out on those the the recent watching every like this is funny. It's the mushrooms make me star watching yeah that's what I'd start. Fuck me up when you're ohio, mushrooms look around here in that room, yeah
Joe here you with some serious, I get quiet itself. Which is what gives me reverse, because at the beginning of every episode, I don't talk true and I started I fucked up and I just our yelling. Yes, and then what I remember you play videos and I'm just like works. Why are we gonna come at other bees? Rogan just go even just talk about who is nonstop yeah. This monkey here is a certain Three, the rubicon. God knows that, knowing how many so curious at any point of only really come here, I want to show you how we can avoid dodge the one whose business it was real and enjoy gale Really I do a karate move jody billing. essentially start you telling me shoulders store
there has been no the fuck out of here. Listen, my coaching. I try to pull I don't even think it's like a statue he's a freak, dude yeah. That was funny. He taught him when you jumped on him. He did a thing of like a giant like a cabins back, I m really. Nothing is not an easy one this is like this strasbourg, Thirdly, I was a girl as a girl dog I pussy genders done. Dude, let's go jail, he'll tell us What are you gonna, outdated, shane I've seen tv woman's instagram Craig and I found it from the roses and scream so im, not sure if he's ashamed of it or not. I don't think you
It should be ashamed of, but I don't think it's. I don't think an area should be ashamed of a very progressive yeah, but he tagged her in the photo so wow, I'm telling. Before instagram. Okay, I'm excited to see her again yeah. She got only friends, I you know you got some listeners or a fuckin get that yeah. I didn't get a good laugh. I only saw her when jos a it was under dick. I get it you gotta get out because targeted that's what she was gone for you, but you can see in moments. You say this is a different matter. I'm not sure I didn't realize that's her I said, I looked up with a different drag you just on one on free monastery, that does not lie and how I would do that for me all right. here, then I brought the street is a skunk like that.
Elizabeth is like a fan, a fan of skanks gang game, derosa posted, he said: big old dump number one from skagway, as he posted a photo number one picture. Okay, that looks more like her. Oh okay. Alright, I see they all jump good for him, though he is yeah. Just barely can take a dump at that impacted, ass. Hey guys, are you know I'll, tell you something not getting enough. Sleep can really mess up your body and your mental health or sponsor beam has created this awesome dream powder. It's healthy, hot cocoa that helps you sleep. Well, man change listeners, get a special discount on beams dream powder, their best selling healthy hot cocoa for sleep with no added sugar that sound. You know I was hoping for sean while fog in hot cocoa dream powder. Now it's here baby now it's available.
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Lucy products are for adults of legal age and every order is age verified, so don't even think about it. Youngsters this product contains nicotine, nicotine is an addictive fuckin. Chemical, so don't play around with it yeah good time. So I ain't got no life insurance, oh wow, that's very funny They just watch protect her fortune, tat, no chance cosette. I want to give it to you already when you in that their business, they don't pay it off what you don't. They just think about to die at sucks I don't like every comedian does to, in my view, no shadow, now? You're fucked I, as I did the doktor. The guy was like how much you drinkers so I'll be honest with you, he's out as every other year dot. Everybody lives like I'll. Tell you the truth. I probably have fifty a week and it was like. Oh my god yeah was like. Oh, Probably ever that you're pancreas has to be failing in this as well?
get some bludward right now, that's in and you can't be doing it. So what am I a bloggers? I gave you Fine you they always do that here, come on. and your young doctors had drunk still there liars they are, but they ivy all day long battle by the ivy did. I found my dad eliza grew up by the they do it. You don't buy wild with. How now works, never work. How can I get ready spiderman? I bet I bet for your health. It does work. I do agree with that. I'm just saying that it does not. hang over now much worse on it. It was like a phobia. Does The epilobium inheritable carrying over you old age is grubbing up only that Alex career dog. Yes,. admiral gears eyeing over the other. Barely good bob. Did it's a girl, a garbage good dog no help
those serious dog. Regular shares face, is always very. It's almost said. We do you. Can you make out of sight You may go there and don't make out the dog known likes it. It's weird vessel had beard a dog eyes and the bear their breath smells like we're all made some. The roses Clearly there is a dad. I now I want you to picture. You go get a drink. in a chair, did mitt others without towards a good. So we thought that we should have begun a temple. This whole time fish at the heart of it. Yeah yeah there goes Davis presidential bid yeah right yeah. He had a kid like during scanning fast. I think his wife really yeah and he's
showed. I thought the kid earns gave us all. Your high school got. It localize go about about high school. Vegas I wanted orleans without were Adam Adams, Friedland, vegas, really yeah. I thought for sure he was in new york, jew yeah, like the most new york, do possible crazy, look and do what we ve just had a crazy gaston. did Chet hanks yeah, thanks ass, that guy's awesome yeah. That's awesome, very funny, yeah totally and on the joke. who did well on that who's. The black lady that had that. There was no way z were usually while it fuck. It did well what'd. He doesn't like me a while she was like come on. Gimme somebody's like no fuck up you just get out of this he held in his day in the pocket. He had some insane joker quote.
oh he's, like a dog. If I catch a car it'll. What I'll? I don't know what to do with it. He came at Eric Andre is the worst guest of all times that it came in trying to like make it funny cause fuck. Are we gonna fuck with you, yeah the hours I actually, I actually respected in response to their countries any was addicted. would he say he was a year decode the whole show is you being an asshole to people. I wasn't going to be the butt of the joke or like something along those lines. Yeah he's not wrong. I guess he took a dirt bike and was driving around on set the day. Yeah you mean Hannibal punch, somebody yeah, fucking, yeah, there's a dirt bike there, that's great, that's a great response like he wrote the dirt bike around. So I was like roles yeah. He was in an episode of atlanta. He just had a trinidad accent the whole time. Really it was pretty great for him. What do you think? Do you think Tom watches that and he's like, oh jeez, or is he like? Hey? That's a fun son,
I think it's the ones that I think at this point. It's a fun funds I think for awhile. It was a little like ooh this kid. What's this kid going the yankees. As the other kid was, the car is a great actor yeah, but yet he went. You know. Family business and the other guy went road. the other. I follow in your footsteps and tom exactly which went live in my shadow, the other one's like I'm, going to be online. General have on must be patois out of israeli fuck. You dad you're better, while I said read it It is, but that's all over the internet. By the way I wrote a pedophile joke for your vase yeah. He did it in the monologue at the. Global golden globes or whatever or rose on the congo. I just wrote of ice baby cut. This really say it though I was a big surveys van what he did the whole trashing. Wherever the minors are so good, except the word from alsace, Al Qaeda? They haven't network yeah
The so you I know is your friend all that, so I sent him a batch of jokes, I wrote and on twitter idea dm on twitter, some bad jokes and he wrote back hey man, I'm probably not going to use any of these, but there's some funny stuff, and I appreciate it. I like your work and I was like, oh whatever I used one and it was a pedophile joke and then that they cut to Tom hanks. It goes that met the world, but it was pretty. Girl were congrats yeah, just how long rows of six years It goes. I just threw it out there. You never know proposed now, keep Our group does not want people to know that he writers, o embryos, writers for those won't furtive that's! Where we'll talk about it. You only got bad I don't think that it's known everybody who's anybody that does the latter has rags? Ok, but that's all glasses number one credit
oh yeah occurs. Rotted idea, good point. Ok, those number one bosses, the man yeah. Let me correct that voss is the photo we just had vos on and then I went in Iraq. I fell down a rabbit hole on youtube. Just like ugh, a crowd own avers own divorces, debates the king down her bible, fucking funny he got me once stir it fuck me so bad that I like. I didn't talk the rest of the low pay. Again I say cinnabar, so So they're like what's the weather- and I said I dunno it's raining near, VA some spit joke and they had a guest on like a scientist. Ngos are that's pretty good how bad you ever had a marked norman. The guy goes now and I was sitting next to the guy. Oh my god. It's gotten so bad! I did the fake laugh and then I shut up the whole show. We watched the I watched the voss roast it's on you. I was there that I know is. It was crazy, yeah
it was actually right after skank fest in new york and it was escape vest when I was in philly. So they gave me like a two p m spot in the garage at the creek of fun, and I was no I hated. I was like fuck this fuck all these cocks fuck, all your guys, I think they're, so fucking good fuck, this I hate I'm never going to live in new york. The next night I went to vases a roast and I was like damn new york's easily your best the bad guys, comic alpine, but calling quantity Ah, these occur gangs scatheless, was a creature from it. And then I think, what's his face with the guy with the please Florida he killed. He was good. He had one, it goes. Everybody wins. Gold was good, yeah old, bruise, the only one that bombed well. I have one
I could see what florence he goes by, but it makes fun of bonnie, but she moved here and she's living the american dream. She got dumb, rich yeah, oh yeah, exactly that was the point no sword. Dana gomes did great. You economic goaded great it's over obviously use writers and then it's embarrassing to say, use right LEO fat bobby I almost the height of Bobby, That is the way of it coming that's it was why yeah yeah, they got it. They went hard. It was great that was pre keith, stroke, nose right after I was right after the whole time, they were just making fun of his new stroke materials killer he's the best he got a netflix. I heard I hope he has. That is going to be. ask me gillies gather bit about eyes like it's weird I liked to make for a retarded piano, and I We see a laugh, and then am I
in the mirror and alike again. Do it by butchered there, but it's yeah, that's good enough! That's that's! Wonderful! Keith. With new material ordering kills with a black disabled guide, murdering come I been a a good thing about high school football. Yeah boss fosters hosting what's the old standard right after Keith had the stroke and the follow them comes in with his with his. You know, and right handle fucked up and he's trying, and he goes. You know how hard it is. Hollywood they auditioned Keith. This crazy thing happened to them and they auditioned for the role of a man with a heart attack and one arm doesn't work I like studying fucking nailed the role in the gulf. Sorry, we need a guy with a left hand, doesn't work yeah. I did patrice benefit this year. They played to the fucking jeopardy music for his when he walked on stage took me? Several vos introduce the music.
This is probably next year's benefit makes him noise type. I didn't know when a when he die when patrice died, and it was like all the sands. You know it's sad. It was this all these stories about how much they love then I went, and there was a weird somber moment at the end and david tell those guys you gotta, don't eggs, we gotta by a giant purposes, it's yeah. It was great or purple gulf and fuck yeah. I think I fucked it up works. Both was alright. I get life insurance. Why did you get life insurance? To make more while you're on the road that doesn't make any sense cause. They want to know you're they're going to either get their money back through the insurance, yes or this. Yes, they go get the money back they fronted you, they look in his eyes. If he dies the advances, pretty bay. Insurance will cover the day. We hear you think your mom's gonna fuck age, but by monday
now the mom gonna keep the advance the business or get refunded through insurance. For his yes, but what they were owed in the future. On the, but they paid what your life and rights by relaxing this, I don't I'm the bare minimum argon on you. The egg get a waiting here. Have you we're before anyone can kill you way, not saying? If you don't get it, I'm ready fuckin retarded with this idea, is, I don't know one thing like that: My concerns are gonna because I have no idea forget about ass. You are your phone call from relating to user guide, as we owes a bomb ruin oh yeah. I had no idea. What are you talking? I say: that's all I have is everything you aren't they fucking retail someone clause let's go to. I did the math on moving to taxes like how much I would have saved and it is quite hefty- goes worth living in texas. Yet its peoples are ruined goals. Umbra delaware,
the same benefits and another point I dont know: if there is the other donors, no state income, analogies no sales tax. oh really go. There really are a pencil better tailored to the research. The house will just outside wilmington tat. Lord, I think taxes tell us anything, Well I mean I had pennsylvania alaska. They pay you to live there. I bet pennsylvania is good, though it's like seven per cent. Okay yeah looks like thirteen. I think you should do this. Do new york city yeah, it's crazy cities, a lot the! What's it called tax, the home tax is way lower in california than texas, property property taxes, property tax and austin has a lot of shock. That's how well that, Really that's how they get. You ran up time and I've lost my freemason austin except smoking. We
is where they draw the line in abortions abortions, abortions, they're. Alright, I've never had one. I paid for a bunch of snippets that an ideal yeah paid for was really nice bro Michel. Then again, I use the wrong paid. Woo, feminism kind of them is paying for an abortion by yourself. yeah the migrants. What else is going on? Really? I really didn't plan on doing a podcast and then I realized matt was gone and he needed to do one half a short drive on his podcast. I should do one yeah now, usually it's matt just sitting there telling me a random fucking thing:
If he's good at it, when we have a good time with random things, you guys do you guys have any sec that guy, like that little guy fucking died. That was really good. I went to a sex club in berlin. the best year, otherwise it the better What happens. its users, berlin, interesting they. I don't know where the hideous They do nightclubs right. We do in this area with the lights in the disco at the ball, with their glows. Take it all bullshit this you walk. You know this its basic, an apartment, complex business. women pool inside as a hot girl, duenna rope over the poor, little theirs major running around naked jerking off, there's a naked guy in a wheelchair there's, those there's nothing but how women their wearing nothing, but like a chain here and there and as a tango room is attacked. No room, there's a room,
This would people getting hurt like a dominatrix tricks, weapon, a guy or ladys glade wax poured honour its insane. It's a feel for the senses. Earlier than usual if people were fucking in front of everybody's fucking, couches everywhere that you just walked by like oh, I wanted somebody somebody's honor, nice guy standing up and going, but by then I'd been there for an hour or so like wherever yeah yeah, it's at arsenic, yelling reality. It is a fact eyes, dancing with now. then why naxos supermodel dancing all totally budgets bars each part of orange aim or border. I saw partner with the girls with a gun apron on and is I got here. yeah. Here you go and he turns around and says boys yeah. I saw a lady get fucked in the ass right now I was crazy. Breads goes smell or it might notice ready it was wild and so rose. You do. I just did shrewd. because everyone jesus- I don't push it, but that was amiss
take so much to see in their rooms in tat kind of fermi off by withdrew god, but so eventually you're therefore, like seven hours, because you just start forget you lose track, was no clocks. No windows, though not the cover, george pay, the girl, and I'll, never be there again. So I got a lady, we gotta, we gotta bang in here and choose. I guess we should crazy that I got a hard lesson public, its own public and what the foreign good dark room, their techno room had a little little darkroom like a landing and was people like lay on couches. You know you like trip and I'll make an hour and servicing let's go over here. I put her on a table and we start Plowin and the guy This guide taffy on the shoulder was like oh we're, probably in trouble, maybe I'm in the wrong room or something because I'm fucking in public yeah, that's fair you'd, be like it's, I'm probably
wanna fault, yeah, yeah, all what and he big guy, we're in a wife bitter, and it goes me next me next in a german axis I was like oh, I get that, but he's not that's, not weird right. You know he's in the right and I was like nah get outta here and I kind of shake him off, but now I'm a little rattled by that, I'm like sure let him go. Yeah. I was big like the rosa Press is weird. Did it was weird, but it's soon locked up and back in there, I thought well yeah. When in rome you start to adapt. I know you could do it, you could do it. What's the craziest place, you've fucked a girlfriend or anybody thats up there. That's very public monsters ink the movie. Yes, I fucking clerks to that. The best thing that we never have always done. I beach knows a beach subway once ocean that was breed. The scope
that doesn't work recently. Subway come back, combat coney island sandwich. and I was out torrential or rainstorm we're like fuck, we got to the subway nor on our car. It's awesome. We each other, like yeah, we'll de train as I was wow yeah. It was pretty awesome the navy. What did you do at the stops? You stop and you're like come on. Nobody get one, nobody get one was that exactly to stop shoes blow me and then was like stop like on still nobody in that one and then were like towards that when somebody might have come on the forums.
And then we're just like wow yeah, wow stan and then it starts to fill up as you go and then the concerts dripping out the tj's all over the subway yeah. It's always been Jews, oh dude, god are married, or was she wearing a skirt or something now jeans? It probably took a maybe shorts. I don't remember what it was that'd be great yeah. That's great club is great, such as fucking nuts. So I didn't finish so. I'm Joe I'm Jim, I'm I'm great dinner on plough india guy after the tap rattled- and I looked at my left-
well an old guy just going to that like here to hear this close and I'm like, I couldn't take it. I just said: oh we're done with and she's like what she was kind of getting into it. Why are we stopping and I go go next year. It was like balboa ball again a year. Big away grows dong, that's a wrap this there and we went unheeded. Cocktail. Oh wow, far away, and I were you fuckin totally naked fuckin. Now I was due scared. I am now pull that put up down here and pulled out of the boxes. Ok, Allow says what even lawyer boxers now want my ass out to expose. It's too, some very put my gay exactly, are you got the test and how the lady feel about this. she was. She was mad. I stopped that's. No,
But I was like music as german go right there. Yet until you couldn't is a big german nazi helmet next stroked his name was humbled helmet lang albert Wang Dan it's wild. How much being that normalized relocate? Can I can I go now? What are we doing here is: is a train or exactly getting or there's a one on one nana, I was like no thank you when he was mad at me like alright, jeez, you don't have to yell at me, yeah, oh yeah. I did that I was like pigeons. I was like yeah there's a bug in here Then you see saw an old man jacking off negative, to makes MIKE tax when you looks little bear any, was granted and swearing dubai, negligent heart again now
it freaked me out. It was too me. It was too close like if he was right. Where guard rail is, I could have done it, but he was like where you were gone and she was doggy at that point. I've I've flipped at a doggy, so she didn't see anything. I want to go to one of those things out of your girlfriend. People forget that I wanted to go out again, will that be that guy, just like that's accepted accurately, their places impact with deeds, jack and all bouncer, very big, bouncer, very big, but you're, not you're not allowed to jack off like that. Well, it was all it was like seventy thirty women. They let him women a gaze, yeah. They yea hard. We only a good spoken each other now now make it out, but very eyesight one one guy making out with a guy. What's the fucking vibe in here, is it or is it like? It's super back. Its is very hey, you know, and this would be shut down and six minutes at america good
Only the the ga we are burn the for places. It was worth seeing, fella collegial it was like the roman empire Women laying out on a bed after they got in the pool is completely naked. In your like trying to be cool, yeah. I know, but Oof fear was wild very hot together your back there there was a lie banned in one room. It was incredible. I didn't do shit fuck around a guy like that number. Israelis. Hopefully ears, listen, in this area, we're gonna element from berlin girl. You, this mother fucker, would not that everybody thought this woman I will say I did the show there and the crowd. I did the holocaust. Jokes were twenty minutes and they ate it up. I love a love, yeah yeah yeah. I think they liked. Then it's a nice release. I think their secret wanna bring it back.
yeah, it doesn't feel like two generations past we have bigger ship, it didn't feel like. I went to australia and it's just like the originals genoese ever made in the native there such policies. I know it's like you, didn't you do any your grandpa dead or whatever and its in every commercial you get off the airplane. They hit you with it. Yeah just give them I'll show you can get and just relax every show they start where they do not acknowledge that this is what the been here. If not happy, go lucky buck and losing the battle array logical. It's your lucky. I don't know whatever is like this in the right vibrate, How many of these have not having stories on youtube? They would just put any commercial so be somebody spring another
that is bad! Mario, your! I read your lawyer. Who was our world chris about opener? I know right away by any adverse doers. Starboard add but you'd you make fun of the virgil right away, and I, like you, now begin early. Cleverly them ass. They acted with the ship. We can have an average will open for me and their lives. both one minute in I had to eat it. I had a maori open that guy rudi yeah yeah. He was cool when it came to Nan mccann mccann great. Did he just text you about a now is moving here. Oh yeah yeah needs to write a letter. Yes, I didn't, I didn't even reply. I should have I said: can you right outside it right? I fuckin recommendation Larry. I don't know what the real gills aboriginals fleeing australia are a lot of these guys of europe or wherever they get this. They open doors to the one guy cause big english, not new zealand, so the open for all of us yeah and then it's like hey you better, do!
with cheryl, because it's the same crap that his act as killers are great great stuff is a good dog too. That's great yeah. Like I like dogs, I, like dags, I like fuck. Cats to major man? I'm a cabinet myself. People you're very upset lamb They always like alexander idea, love dogs to Can we talk about my camera match its. Right, yeah, we're really yeah ledes a maine coon. I want to make and is what I want yeah there's a bit of dog of cats that got the best of both worlds. They sleep next year they watch the tv with you they're, great, very social. We had a party the cats walking around high fiving people. smoking, jag off difficult dialogue, you got a bang the life today, they had to move the cat off the bed. Is you don t want to be around people can't do it with a cat watching now it's hard plus also there
Snap, your fucking balls, affirming a bang marriage recognise like yeah, it's always a slap sound like a rubber scene when people don't like Hell. I watch on instagram his cat same attacks on each other yeah. It's like they're like way too there buddy and then. yeah such guns. What are we supposed to do that? How do people not like, but you know, right away, you know you, you people want to yeah, I gotta eat something it's a little thin. It's like ally, Mcbeal, just the right size bed at the eagle marks on what you make. It feel that's an old reference puppet. about that. It gets more lionesses like simpsons d'oh yeah. You skinny fucking dog, the rights side. That thing hang out with says it looks like the few drama animal
What's that on the brokers. Now, though, is a bit of for it is land all another kind of disappointment. Your next he figured special. I had some going their guardians. These passing around guardians of the galaxy, the guard, the iceberg, superstar. What do you mean he's he got drunk the other day and said he literally looked at me. Goes I'm next up, yeah! Do you never doc? Essentially, It's like something he did not say that I get Remember you haven't got out, I don't really like a method. we re at this early hour an hour ten more than an archaeologist. What's enough, not flew by our three that's enough in those years and was it worth. Although we gonna handed out about seventy eight minutes, maybe maybe you did not allow budgets believed the whole thing sources.
That's a precise answer I was liberated, rosa is like a warhol or something there's a lot of reddit posts about it. So I dunno we're fine yeah, I'm telling you man, it is out there and loving every minute of it, not not embarrassed. He didn t fifty eight He did it. How old is it for him was recorded? Well, he's always telling me like. Oh man me and David Brenner did yuk yuks and I'm like how old are stories then steve martin were at cantor's deli. He knows well from when yeah I did have to stop making fun of them. Though you did a hard stop me. I remember having a tough time with our relationship. Really he would come in and I wanted to raise is fought every like able,
We started us, we never had a regular real commerce and what we ve made fun of each other. A lot you gonna media like what's up Joe, you fucking idiot fuck, you- and this is like a bright enough here. It might be the best hang. He is immigration, as he is he's, also one guy who's about to throw up and will still try to get you to do shots were them yes, guardy lud shot and does so stupid and we'd all cause your posts for ten minutes around. We start to grow. Throw up also he's a sheer talker he's a should target as after a thrive nor shall I really aligned He was gone in who'd you get who s here, it'll, be a couple of ladies got it pretty hard on the chin there, and this is all It's the elegant out. Then Lewis comes in with Robert Kelly unbeknownst. What the story, what the show is and I'm like- hey hood ticket. He was just pretending to be an audience member like how about this guy, so we just shut on Bobby Kelly. It was good.
I mean the people are like standing on the walls sitting in the city on stage it was crazy. It was the last minute ad was great. You've got to do that. Every year we gotta do it at the comedy fest in new york. Fuck, it do it at montreal. Now they gotta do what's his name, a macho who's guy. Does this stay? The union Oh kindler yeah, just one gig yeah. He does the state of the union, as I do don't even in comedy police have got to eat and is no little fuck threec real anywhere. Anyhoo. Yes, that's good! You got to you got a gig right. I guess shows minutes in an hour yeah you should go as braga yeah. I gotta go down there too. I gotta fuckin. late spot, the sponsor. Where night- and I am delighted to take over of Joseph Barbara in common- I tore the mid west-
and it's easy, however, area yet come. I think they'll be welcoming nice. Let's get turned up the little bit I'll, just hang and highest Yeah, fine, I well! I got you, don't thereby leverage birds, lady goodbye, thank you
Transcript generated on 2023-10-07.