« Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast

Ep 448 - Complic8ed (feat. Kevin Iso)

2023-06-14 | 🔗

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HELLO. We're back with our weekly podcast. Rejoice. Our bro Kevin Iso joins us this ep. We talk supplements, Rap Battles, Being Him, and soooooo much more. Please enjoy. God Bless you all. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Woo, hey, dude, we're live or so we're working. So can you get talking to them or are you high? No, I'm not high on David Kevin here, seven I'm submarine cable. I shall get anywhere a large amount of limited our talk about. We are, they sell. Some supplements now wasn't. I was fraid, to take them without consulting matt magnesium evil who gave way and have an added for it. But magnesium. I thought about I've heard We talked about stuff that let me start drinking coffee and I quickly depleted myself as a sort of using coffee. So but the magnesium is a shit, you don't abuse it. I want it just the way you think about it. Now, don't tell me my I can only take so much pause whereby I will be able to sleep or you re so.
yeah obama, big magnesium guy right before I go to bed pass out. You have cool dreams, pretty tight, you take anything else taking mushrooms yet yeah. I take mushrooms. I bet I think mushrooms as well. I was a I was listening to heal ram hawk as I'm of guy who's. Here is what you guys would say he was talking about some shit called l tyrosine. I looked at it. It was a it's like a dopamine thing. Oh no, it helps you like focus and stay more alert. Second one seems like you're on it. Right now seem alert. That's how I would describe uk. I figured one time. It was like pretty good, really yeah, it's okay. When, on stage I was like, oh okay still slow, but yeah you gotta get your slows nice on stage. It is a works. I just I just heard word that I'd. I talked too fast the beginning of my sets. Dude I fly
fuck me up. I guess I'm not trying to not let these fuckers get a word in getting over set. There to put all its value to outdo trauma, at russian writer. You shall again chamber they walk through where they just get it all out war. Here you're right, you're right, you good somebody else. I love you and every geologists making a living thing about the guy sitting. Next to his girlfriend, the whole show this Finally, masters of the kurds, just while I'm talking vision, the thing they too scared. They go through the airport, others like scream. I join those words you and matt you to eat, and do this thing that I think is like it's kind of cool cause. Y'all hold the mic like this yeah yeah ethan. Does it ethan? Does it so
I'm like, I always tried it a couple of times, I'm like hey. It feels like I'm getting my words out quicker yeah. I broke the habit, I'm back to pc What is needed is a region that was your original idea that I fucking went to these waking ways out back. You see president peace here is your original how's, your most power pc, rail, mad cow, now go out yet again that we do have the ass, his elbows. Looking these elder epi elbows and these elbows easily, like it's like fuckin fucking rhinoceros, did try Sarah on, would you say your elbows reggie about their homosexual. Can you really help? I support them. not all this. Not today, breathing Well, it was the jacket, would you be deja again Yeah. They got me fired up, did whatever twitters gum amount of twitter is getting.
What were they doing? I haven't been on twitter and they fucking did a pride thing at the white house and this by the way. Now not so they're out there twerking on the white house on taken, it sets out in the white house allow they don't like a process now used with the present he was up there. I gotcha mass Joe Biden, rivers, people, I've ever met with it. He was out. There was a problem with the though he was hair sniffers float yeah. These are the smell. A little kids. Air float is not really was yeah, to tell you Why? there do that got me at the white house at the thought. Do I should be read or fog in blue tie quietly on the larger number negative proposal?
or is it also and f transgenic person flash in the treaties? that was an obviously was now feel right away pretty hot? He got gotta pick, It would show by like why do jody noted just picture jutted. It was a video binds ike. This is like us now it's a video, There were only when it came up. They picked her. Do you see any rather with what? that it with them go out there doing. I guess again I gotta show you as long as they. You know as long as they fear. What did they? Let puerto ricans go. Do their thing on a day on the white house, today's puerto rican teddy's at the white house right it was puerto rican day parade yesterday. Wasn't it was it tidies at the white house
I don't really know. I don't think that I don't know whether there's no way that our no way puerto rico has been given full reign of the house lawn parade teddy. That would be more acceptable. Yeah, there's a little bbq out there. Yet. I don't I it's really getting to. Maybe for sure what I like. It's working the hours working unlike sitting here, I'll look at it and be like you, don't like it. You don't like it, because, probably everybody because of what he the proud boys naked in the white house. They do show penis just fucking five inch, birds, dude five, probably have huge dicks. The reason I can find it in zaire, europe row your brow, just No I'm not pro themselves? Are you guys know? Let us make a gig, I personally don't
I just want to know why you why oh yeah, that's what I'm trying to examine. That's also what I'm trying to figure out. Why? Because Is it because everybody else that shows us the way house has to be some sort of formal or I mean or from wherever them. Dudes was from just the it's almost like. I dunno it's tough, to explain it. It's hard to really explain, but someone so like Biden's, giving a speech in front of like a rainbow stage and he's like you guys are the most brave people. I've ever my wife, and I can't do it. You ve handed out metals, water areas. Are you the raven endeavours and filming just like your well known, there's no out of like older helping us united, up. One alone I get in your fucking face white house, Why are you doing?
It will show your tits they're beautiful. I feel it feels like an agenda is what you're saying I think it's absolutely. I mean it's literally a political joke. I mean it's the definition of an adjustment. How you know them, gay people didn't go like kill somebody in Iraq or something and then they get they. They stay medal of honor, showing the cities. Before they were, innovation. Is that that possibility? Those could have been war. Hero is going to be war heroes. That's what I'm saying you don't know that LE mayor doesn't like it that he's they can be war heroes. You got a rule against a no. We do not anymore dude. Now, if I didn't, I didn't think Biden repealed himself Biden was against trump said. It and then he just twitter is a trans. I allowed military I'll. He does. That doesn't mean anything he was about. He didn't actually, there's no law that took presents tweet means nothing read it. I call he just said: I pray, I call it in fact, which I gotta trans dibs.
Do we are soldiers, it is vague. It's a whole fake, fucking, stupid thing that comes from this thinking. I'm right, that's kind of hard to prove. Do they check your genitals Do they do they want at west point they give it they issued. You skip this as the white. No too cause they. They would have like your file from yeah they'd know your birth certificate, all that split up on them day. One underwear at west point is sad that it kind of gives everyone around why. Why did they have to give you issued whitey tell you you're, just like wow marching in the summer and fucking
The hot and pants with whitey titles is going to be chafe said he didn't know they control your undies yeah. What the fuck you can bring your own fucking, your own boxers. Now, hopefully, patent gets in there dude. He made his own zone unaware she meant yeah, that was patented general that isn't fucked up. I dunno they controlled your underwear and the control hotter as fuck governments control your hands where I can get into that so that everybody on the football team? If we get is like sneak compression shorts and all I got it. I snuck a couple in, but after two days of days I was, I was out it's time to resort to the ladies that are real when I quit that was my. That was my ring. The belmont put some lady tigers on. I was like I'm going home upset it. So you sure, but these are employees or go to making war for the end of the day than just until such a boy from marching standing.
ordered the moroccan yard zero a year. georgia, wear white underwear. Recently, no dude, I I tried it in college. I was like yeah I'll be fine. My roommate was like bro. Have you worn them for awhile? I was like yeah, it's the same dude I'd end of the day. I checked them, I'd, inspect them and lay them on the bed and go Jesus Christ. has his version. The japanese flag is what I of just ass. Yeah. I was watching the speaking japanese. I was watching letters from Iwo Jima. You ever see that it's a it was so clint eastwood did flags of our fathers and then he did letters from Iwo Jima and it was about the japanese that he would Jima and it was that they were fucking retarded. Why
they just they've they've killed themselves constantly really are like. If we're going to lose, we gotta kill her started a culture though I know it's dumb part of the kamikaze plane cause he's sick. This is just literally us sitting here, be like I they're, probably gonna win. We should just do the honorable thing right now and kill ourselves, and each dude just takes a grenade down. It's like goodbye, everyone just say it's. I don't do that, don't take the grenade and throw it at the guys, yeah, that's it they didn't. They were like that. Don't be a coward! You gotta, fucking, kill yourself right now. Damn it's kind of the opposite of how it's also a good war tactic to, though just yo, Japan, on. Were winning and look for the uk, a fire us we quit, they did Ok, really really consider you, no doubt thirty and mad, and with this I thought the tire off the game. I heard them solely at the low mermaid s will win.
so miss, I can't believe you have got on, as we well know is true or not, but he was lake, yet in that zone a low mermaid out there, because those enjoy our china, China will China's exceptionally races, but then now, but there now, the black spider man doing good. So yeah man, it's like an m night shyamalan twist, though he takes his mask off at the end of their ago, yeah yeah yours is black, and be able to go to china, and then they get off the boston This is clearly very worried, Oh really, I rather like a vicious deaf marbury loved it over there. Do you see the documentary now they result
It was over there like crying because they like he was like. They treat me like a god over here he's a point. He was a point guard right, yeah for the next. You have to be tall man, dude true. Finally, the tall man. True I love you. I don't, I wouldn't say they're all races, yes, isn't funny spilling over here. Just the ones you just gotta have idle saw a couple of videos. Those get me now. The outer I've seen as very nasty videos, guys you're gettin death videos, constant member. That was one of the initial side effects of covert like early on. They were saying it was turning chinese people, black. I swear to god. There is an initial they occur. There say that, due to a first things, really people in china, those guys we're like getting coated skin darkens like four tones,
always have they just put out a grenade, yeah fuck, this yeah? That was one lady. She had a groupie for the shanghai sharks, fucked Stephon marbury, a black baby. It was cool yeah. It was covert yeah daily, at least yeah. It was on new york post. Is that going yeah yeah? It's honestly, not the oldest newspaper in the country, now they're actually WU tang.
Yeah, I have become yeah. What's going, we got to resolve the general yeah. I like it. It's it. Is nice cause it's hard not to what's up dude, I'm here, I'm happy here. Energy is fucking, awesome, dude, real, no bullshit appreciates your mode. I appreciate cabs one of my favorite people to see it. I would like to see either. Are you mad that it's hard to tell if you're like this and yeah? I was just with him and reggie, and I was telling him I was like you guys are so fucking good at this. I just never know when this guy's, like serious full of shit. As I have always it'll ahead of this. Like you see me, if it's after a set, see I'm drinking I'm serious, Emma yourself is always during and after is it true
I'm usually nice. After that, the benefits of its beef you'll, let you know Dude is, I guess, a main around Oh that's all I'm saying is that serious in the same year like we do need the shit you like our flock. yeah. That's me. That is fun. I know, but I know you're not actually gonna be, but I guess you would have had a lot of nasty shit he killed me. He came over I got done. He was like good said. I was on him the news a year vulgar they do yeah,
Are you there, because your fair did their J was a little one of them, then your them as the one? not about everyday sense it's. So this is a coffin off. Him. Just like goods, be nice if it can say now. What did you see how much diagnosis? First body
Did you down the white house, dude reporting for duty, servicemen to say goodbye and it's fuels podcast? If you are true, it's not gay. It's tough yeah? I'm him now you there! and then I got you I said. Don't just. I was like the ones that don't mention being black, but I went through to watch too hell I get. I could be like every doing absolutely. I guess you know you're a second ahead. While you talk you like, I could see before he said,
yeah. Let's see what else before me. Now you got the same crowds at the cellar now wait, which I absolutely love yeah. No, I don't like your your crowd, that's great, but I I like that. I like that they love you because it's like okay. Now it's a challenge. Ok, know what I mean like after coming like once you go up in there, like oh shane, all accidents and I'm like. Oh, my god, is my regular voice. Yeah figure this shit out and but but you came up to me and he was like yeah fucking, do a set, don't talk about being black and don't say my name yeah. I know I would say no that's what I would say it might just get up and start soccer. She said all the my fans would have loved
I, like the other. It is funny to see that influx of the sun The thing is I ain't a shave, oil. As I see it, you can see the tables of brows getting hammered out. you do the up or go to brutal I could almost see you in the wild now
I guess you can see them. You can identify. You absolutely can see who's going to be like sheltered, yeah. There's a distinctive look yeah, the most powerful man walking around as easily as most people start. Is it? Is it gotten to the point where they well, I dunno cause. You don't really dress a certain way, but sometimes, like fans start dressing like their favorite. You know what I mean yeah. There was a shirt. I think the guys who, like us already dressed like this yeah right, okay, yeah, sd, central as brotherhood. Yeah dogs are riding up, getting a show: yeah yeah yeah. That's it's been very enjoyable to see that yeah. I can't believe on podcasting right now. My doctor told me it's like bro under no circumstances why the toxic cloud the doctor was like bro, you can't podcast, I said watch me. He said I have to do the people need it. It's like you can't.
Take two weeks off as a toxic cloud. The fucking smoke in canada, oh that fucking crap from hated that I hated that Clinton made me scared the toxic. I was scared of it. Yeah dude was fucking, hurt my lungs. I was no longer a long day. I was truly scared of is why I was checking the air quality. All I was like we back in about a couple of days. Yeah crush me came back, was all thick with smog. I was like fuck man. I couldn't really tell the difference. Yeah I mean I was outside a little bit smelted, but it wasn't like it just smelt like you know what it reminded me of actually, and I don't
I say this because fuck go on, but not when I like first landed in nigeria, the very first time yeah, it's funny you know cause I don't like shitting on my country. What goes on at first landed there. The sky was like orange just like that, but they burn their trash dude. I was talking to a guy from Afghanistan. Yesterday my uber driver, which dude that's that nothing better than a thirty minute drive with the guy from Afghanistan, but he was saying he went to Pakistan he's laying out all the places. For me he goes. Pakistan, no good, Is I too many flies the smells now he said they burn address the fucking trash out, weaklings, evans, burns or trash. They do that a lot of places. I'm surprised you talk to your bedroom, I talked it is not stopped
yeah. I love especially if I have a afghanis like a guy from Afghanistan. I, like slowly soft hours from now, was like what do you think about american women? I love talking to bro, it's the best I want to make a family I've learned yeah to make a happy family yeah. I said man is every one of those guys as a conservative. I'm like I know, I'm like. Why do you think that is though they do? They just go off. It's jeff on it's a good time having those guys just fully go off. My wife is housewife, my wife
my attitude, the divorce rate in Afghanistan? Guess what it is less than one cent yeah. I could eat a reason: dude can't all willy nilly yeah, but that's I don't. I mean I dunno what the afghanistan laws, but I assume that they would like get some bad yeah. If you tried to leave like I well yeah good luck, everyone's going to beat the hell out, he is yeah. True you guys. You can also take multiple wives. You think he was breaking down the multiple wives saying how it works. You gotta get separate quarters you gotta get them their own. Spot is like he is like you are. How to do it, but you think it's more of a process. You'll receive a video of Fela. Kuti knows that, like he's a nigerian artist, oh yeah yeah, but AC he's had like multiple wives.
I never really yeah. Have you heard of them now? Oh really dope. I kind of pioneered the whole afrobeat thing that's going on now, but he had like he has a video where he's just like sitting around a smoking talking about like music and shit and is like seven or eight girls just around him. The stay otis isn't like a hope. I guessed isabel s. Having Is it? Is why not as it is? I think that this is from, like the sixties these are already did they crack down and I get any get like in trouble, something now the misery of someone he got a shrine and Jim. let see if of the same guy every I read the rules, it does J j culture. Is one of the greatest athletes of all time. Dude is it which was sport. He was a soccer player. Oh, I don't watch soccer, that's it!
as well. We gotta you know style, bender, guys yet kill him, the? U of sick yeah man! There's nigerians coming over and rocket, although they were already like. What's his name, ah c'mon man, where was he born he's always actually from nigeria? There was a isn't. There's no other way to have your south african days fightin in July. These been talking. Shit is a white south african, as I am fog in africa Really all these guys, never let go. That's fine there s always a binary from really annoying tomorrow's from Missouri side. By going on at das, I'm going to see him fight, I'm going to fight July. Eight c, Vulc vulgar be nice vulcan a route, a route. No yeah everybody will anyone wedding several, the priest?
You said clip on line of them listening to a system of down. we me see that it's, oh nice, I've been to several is fun cause. I've also had I've also been do something cause. I got cousins is like married white girls and says it's fun just watching that juxtaposition of, like a wife like they'll, dress up in the in the jails, yeah and drips that wouldn't be watching, like, oh, my god. These guys still have to lay down and like prostrate himself before the white father in law, because you know they do it. You know that one of the ladies, a father and you just beg I'm like. Please do. I love your plead on his pills.
if your daughter is so fucking bad dude yeah, I think they skip that part yeah, I'm sure they have requested yeah more american tradition, yeah My sister got married in egyptian and had to wear a cape, and we all sat there laughing at or would like to make your dress up, though no I literally yeah, I laughed start to finish the entire ceremony. is, it would do shit and the women women that the whole damn is called culture. Shame. I noticed my culture, laugh at reforming the judges in ice, cold
We just going to sit there ever like there's a nice twenty minutes. We haven't talk to each other, ignore, what's going on, let's go get drunk yeah, we gotta hurry up and get fuzzy. Well, let's go man. They drink, todo, oh yeah, I fucking. I, I can't even drink that shit that, like my pair, what do they drink so at the last wedding I was at it was just a bottle of remy. I like on every table and I'm like yo. This shit is wrong. I feel like rum would be big there, rum yeah, and he was part of that triangle. They're traditionally they've got a lot of rum. True, maybe I'm wrong. I know now that was a gift yeah yeah, that was a big part of
Brain operating ass herself up and his money and they put away where the slave trade round was in our clinic slave trade because there was a sugar plantations and they would take the wrong the autumn. The sugar cane than there is like gifts, though, give it to the afghan deuce video here some wrong they're like gadget, brow trade or they could his guys on the wall, yeah well as custer great liberator, great lou, grant sherman and John brown dude. You got come on man, man, john brown, men. browse the like at eight. The area lay ok, ok fischer for sure I'll, write array he's right.
You guys doing alright, alright now cause. I have that benjamin founder of the kkk yeah- that's adolf hitler, aka random, expect them pictures of you doing shit. bert inorganic either. As owes me kid, rocky corner is simple: war generals. I gotta say I told you have a sick picture for you, I'm waiting, I am wayne, I don't want to burn you with more stuff die from lost opportunity.
Very I dunno I'm curious how you're going to like it. It's very, very primal. It's great work alone, yeah! It's very primal! Work of art, nice, yeah man, I'm excited what are you doing la mer? Moving with some? I got your gift. I forgot it was in my bag. You have a gift for me. Well, we got it in a cincy. You left it there: okay, you're returning a gift. What digital name? Oh nice, a picture that guy drew yeah that was cause yeah! Oh, that reminds me I gotta sportech! I the hat would have that since he had, I was wearing hold on. You guys, support. I'm sorry! Nike or procedural you saying your own maka route, now yeah, I'm putting in smoothies I'm trying to do I'm trying to just I'm trying to do the cold shower thing as much as I can too, but it gets it's it's easier to do after award
go like it's really for sure at workout, but it's hard to be consistent with that shit. You're playing with the ingredients of a serious boner recipe, cold showers mockery. Is that what that athletes lead in the cold showers gives you really? Oh yeah that'll put lead in the pencil. wandering around your do. Ok, I moderates it increases have you been noticing a more prominent direction? I haven't I mean yes, but I haven't had sex since I started doing it like a week. Okay, so it's no sandra route adds up. Okay, pretty intense, I think, yohimbe days, another one. Every culture has their own natural aphrodisiacs. I've known of you, traveling are all like feel like anywhere in mexico like drink this, that Jamaica was hit me with that rebel and red wine, and he was doing that at the bar or all fuck all night with that guy. It is it's pretty tight to go to other country and you'd find she's gonna get fucking hot,
Brazil yeah. I have no problem talking about it, though they talk about it every single time. This is going to get it so yeah. I bet soccer seasons over guys who stopped like yo. How hard your dick you know. It's pretty fucking hard dude. I found some other sports just do talking boaters imagine going to like if you're a foreigner going to a dive bar here, someone You want your dick hard, partly as a gay ready put me on the honey I didn't know what there she was at all what honey? What's the hurry, It's like horny honey, your gas station boner pills going to yeah. It's like a packet, you suck yeah, but I never got it from the gas station. I think he went and got it from like an actual sex store, and then there's always a freak world, good man,
I thought you were gonna give all I wanna do there's a youtube wore black user. Reviewing guess, there's your boat! It's so fucking funny. I can't do that. That's what I mean a sex job is in gas stations are pretty you breathe a pretty good a gas station. I don't know the gas station boner pill like feels year feel feels hearted body of yeah, my buddy biting off while out, like they're, highly reviewed. I've seen guys reviewing them up just being like bro, I fucking. It's always fucking dunked on her. Due to the analogies are awesome they're, not just talking about just dog and a chick yeah. It's like take this you're going to punish the woman you're with yes, you wanted to hurt her.
go to the gas station. Some of the ads are literally stick figures he's going to hate this dude there's one I think are, ladies, like crotches on fire as the advertisement. It's I take one of these and they chose like before just like lady, like laying there and after her like vaginas on fire, and she was like rolling around screaming in pain. The guys is going fucking right, dude, have you ever taken? No, no okay, I'm gonna have a gas station. I took a blue shirt before not that stuff now did it work, bluetooth, work. Neither I nor the doha to tobacco. Diego really. My takes two small get a privileged status and I think that's all just put up with
I think, I'll, just mozzarella, daughters, never good dog you as make it up a cigar, premature. I'm telling you that your asshole, probably don't want to sit down for this. This type of news is never easy. You're not allowed to have gas stations. the review ass pop out from, but to her about boner that a thanks. Somebody else. If the white community? That's? Why we're so ornery? That's why we hold as it was yeah. It can happen to anybody that grind it all, but could follow us all, and it's quick too you'd think it would take like slow. It's just punches ali at the back of your socks
that's great! I was thinking, oh okay, my bad. The died suddenly version of that fucking ducky like isaac, yeah, that's crazy, good doc, that'd be nice, that'd, be a nice one. That'll be nice. Guys' asses popping out, like my father, passed away. His fucking ass popped out The us guys he was shuffling a sweet caroline his ass over, but you know you'd make me wonder yeah. I guess that gives it that that gets me going. Everytime yeah. I hear that at a wedding, I'm like yeah, time I let me get up there, german, I would beg and sit on the floor.
Why a classic! You know that baby Do you know not invaded? Do it again? You just lay on the ground, classic. My man I dunno shuffle like we are where we got Shovel lay down, did begging I've, never seen a white guy lay on the floor and start dr I'll. Show you gonna get mad about lay exile coupon as they like anything new to beg of medical body. We go to us in an awkward sue step that fight the goats That's why I'm gonna handle a worm and when not here, the worm row, the worm remember the world, but that was I remember black. People do in adverse really yeah
when I say it like start the yards, I say with like wermin in a got corny leave member, why people did the doggie air It is kind of tough to do. You ever got our hands on the doggy. Now they are just tough. That was a white person pride pride. If you could do the dougie, I guess I'm saying it's hard. That's a tough to to be fair about the worm. The first person I remember seeing doing it was, two haughty and that's all you're right, you're right, you're right. Ok, Why? Thank you you're right. I remember that game from russia. I think that was a russian invention, absolutely looking to look up the originator of the shows like a break dancer. Yeah, that's what I was there. It was a eddy gordo from tekken.
Scotty duality. You don't remember his ski doo, ADI and Ricky she and the other guy. It sounds familiar. It's a grandmaster sex, a I know I know the names guided you haughty, I can't put a face. The guy here says it was popularized by scotty too. I would add, on popular right arise. Only worm was performed issues in the nineties seventies and was widely popularize during the night and eighty swung period entities to be associated with brute break dancing notes funny. I was looking up suicide statistics and suicide dip big time in the eighties and early nineties now back on the rise in the warm weather, taking suicide rates down this? in case of outer watches, and when do they went away like today's europe looking for, He gently lowered himself to the ground, killing killing someone at a break, dancing cow killing yourself at a break dancers. Nice come out like yeah
it is better than where are they it's part of the act yeah. Where did the final, be when he's supposed to yeah gotta be terrible. If I do yeah that could be one way sign up for a fucking rap battle would be nice. What did you say about me? Gotta be crazy. The first be anybody What can I do that yeah. That makes you there's nothing. There may be more nervous. A better they were rabbi. Mason is therefore most sincerely
so terrible. It's the most intense environment possible for performance. I would love it is. I would love to go to one, but then at the same time, I don't because of the way that the fucking room is first of all it's about. Maybe you get probably like twenty five minutes a wrap then an hour and a half of niggers yelling at each other like arguments here. How watch him a lot alike? yeah. I watch that I watched just when rone was doing them. I used to watch them and they they promote the whole fucking time in fifteen different permits, yeah, it's like what are you going to get to the yeah like here is either one of those checks. No one of my favorite videos at worst. It's like the wars, rap out of water out. I've gotta be good words,
we'll watch it and I want to show you doing we have. It is some brutal shit on there. Is this guy say rock and he's like rapid, because sometimes I do men verses women and he deserves the worrying, but he It doesn't stop row he's like you, big neg bids you refrigerator built. It'S- you need desert like it. I'm a buzzing arrived. I don't. Fucking rose to brutal Well, actually, really dumb. You bad bill. Bitch, you gonna do
blow on the bottom built bit, I'm like nigga. What like what the fuck that's as hard as if he were floating on a cute ugly bits. I like you come in that is so me. Why did women versus men? That's fucking, crazy, yeah! guy and in its that's me I've seen one where the girl was like actually really good, because she wasn't going out from the sex angle, I was just going out from your fuckin loser whatever and Adele was awesome. Shit like you in the period and by the end it was as I take it you get out of here. So one of a white dude there's a club going around, he gets he gets punched immediately, but he's
You say I won't use the same. That battle. Anyone be read as with the other gotta pontoon Zella words. I know where you sow use ie onward. mega pop right! Now it's this As an aside live restarted. My love s, smart thing to do you, don't have any other. Like worry, I, like you, I see a man, I'm not out of pocket. What as a wild strategy damp
good video, that's tough, yeah! I'm excited to yeah. Here we pause for a second yeah. We gotta say this yeah, the cds with this lady, the two girls hey. I forgot to mention this on the last episode when I was wearing this cool Cincinnati hat, my buddy teddy teddy harris pushes bangles, but he gave me this hat. If you like to hat, go to the since he had dot com, all proceeds go to the village mercy, Murray ci, offering an independent lifestyle to adults with down syndrome and aus and autism pretty sick, dude
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I'm excited to try and report back to you guys, big mac. I, like I had tabled harshly and you can really like. If you can take a lot of it too, like you can double it, I got it and there was no there there just aren't package of and there were no no tenant. What the fuck that says, I'm gonna wait, till matty gets taken before you go to bed at night. Just say that two capsules hit the sack. Okay, I like it. I have scary nightmares, know will say I bet I had a dream. I have a nightmare. Magnesium dream about a chet hanks had stolen the cast and was bringing it to jamaica in pat, jamaican patois, and I'm watching that mother fucker store pie, but then it was he was delivering it. It was so funny and he was accusing us of we left daggers in like the room of a jamaican infant answer he's like you know, jamaicans are scared of daggers dude dude yeah. That was it. I woke up and as a chet hanks was translating the podcast in the patois dolls because it was so nice magnesium. Bigger, it is now I get on the mag brows, asteroids
like all now he has good battles, guy's echoes, say rock Iraq just made for Believe me advance is like a drill side. Those why canadians that was only a name. I forget serenade and as it goes initials just like tsk or something yeah, she was obese. She's got a nice cafe or serenade serenade. If it felt like she was just like, like like a teacher talking like it, didn't even sound like rap or anything, I think she thought rap was just saying something: a black person would say just try to be a hater heydar yeah. She was, it seems that far off, it was also a hot, crazy. Lady confronting reality has all the was so stop here.
I leave you will give majority. Do you never get in there? Your battle wrapper negative. You seem like a battle rather than a lamp upside down snow man bill. body bitch that the the stop that is Rosanna a bit. Your the isle of man and oil. Will there was the most really committed, item to be funny arrow rise money that
crush that lady man, that was, she was yeah. She was like smile and didn't come back from that yeah. That's not! Okay! You don't come back that okay, bro yeah, that's permanent damage, yeah a lot of times in battle and sometimes they'll say like like because it's weird cause some of them dudes is actually like. We were just like wrestling, but then they get in a ring and it starts getting real personal and sometimes they'll, say shit like somebody says something about. Like If your wife got shot for you. Will you still wouldn't marry her and whole crowd was like whoa and it like? Isn't it but that's where the people want to see, and then one white kamikaze cause he comes in here goes watch this charlie liner, your wife get shot. He's a fucking nightmare. I will never hear the end of that. I refer, you might take the gun.
If you've got a finisher you've to put her down the finisher, put her down yeah asheville rice, I'm going to be taking the trash out for sixty years after this I got that for you well to be fair, it was not a good marksman. you- what you're doing there in the first place, told you to say that will never hear the end of that. I got fucking shot for you. That's also a test and met a lot of women will say, like I'd die for you, it's like well you provided they would honestly women value their lives and watch everything,
I don't think they value their own lives at all hm. Why why you said it? I dunno. I just think they're, just like whatever like I, I you ever play a cards against humanity with women. They do a lotta suicide, jokes and shit. I think we hang around different women to get. You hang out with the exact same if I remember I remember, roche, actively cozy and I'm literally making stuff up but yeah. I remember playing cards against. Humanity has nothing but like the most vicious suicide jokes and I was like Jesus Christ, There must be a different girl. Like ma. Am I just heard somebody describe comedians comedy? Is just cards against humanity for old, just fake shocking for morons tests as prince? That's a hurdles hurtful
Yes, it's pretty brutal. I said I'm not trying to be a hater yeah. Nobody hated to shoot a guy on facebook said I sucked at rapping, but I was kind of cute yeah. That's true yeah avoid believing remember tat actually doing really do is try to be as bad as you must fulfil it. Back on our capacity and me bay, freeware cassidy, Cassie lose all this stuff busy, like botched murder, against a guy, then we dunno fell from great. It wasn't her. They use a man. Are you a job? He was a jail, you wanna say was larceny, but I don't think it was that we came up
jail and bragged about killing. In the guise of the enemies, amazon you jerk use again way imagine yeah. He was awesome, real gospel rap at first and then Then you realize that doesn't pay the bills a stop doing that and he started battle rapping and his battle. Reps are not that great. I laugh. That's kind of that's gotta hurt yeah. There's this guy from Philly, though name easy to block captain fire. Is nice fyi there's a dude from Philly who does he was on the run for awhile got killed, there's a dude who was on the run for murder, and he just got murdered now. They're like now he's like famous or like all, he was the best rapper yeah. He was like releasing music on the run. Oh shit wait. There was a guy, it was a set, you know who take. A's is old and he was on a run. He has a song called on the run or the race is called the race and he
it's like running across the country for a murder charge and they call him like I dunno somewhere on the east coast, had take taken back to dallas he's like fifteen years old, though I heard about that yeah I go to those late night youtube holes of like murdered, rappers and I'll watch, all their videos and, like would great there? A lot of them? There was a king VON documentary, I don't know the murder yeah, the mass murder. I started that film was that the it's it's cold, so the theory is cause. I don't know if it's true or not, but it's like rap's first serial killer and they just kind of it's like a three hour. Fucking youtube documentary and they just talk about like he killed and people apparently. But the thing I like about it is like this british guy, this report in it and ass. We
he's I want we did. I don't got a bridge acts do not what's his name is, sadly we throw is ages ages ago, guy on Youtube these guys are real sick, o mine he's killed most the version that has made the first the appeal of rap chicago's drill, rhapsodies brutal. I didn't want it. my wife streets of chicago gangs, of his disciples, among others, a vicious. Stan firearms narcotics,
all in one set of project yeah, I hate them yeah. I just doubt these will be cool. When I was like brass knuckles, most brutal projects. Clubs are good as long as you get to the end of the dark man. I was probably like twenty minutes, and that was like really dumb. It was the sweets lakers now like, rather than what he was like yeah. I need blood you're tweeting like I was crazy shit again, I don't know if any of anybody but apparently, after like they say he kill, somebody would sweetly who died in an like laughing emojis after that, I'm his kids, it yeah status before
after chief keef with the way man, then you say Chicago just like g buck. Bang, bang, oh boy, is that what it is o'clock o'clock, yeah they're around the same time too yeah I dunno, I'm from there I was watching the key ones that was just the who's. The doo doo, was the white guy that did the all gas no brakes. He did one. Oh yeah yeah, no black one, that was pretty good yeah and then so did a guy before him. That said, he was cheat or steal it from him, but he was very uncomfortable to watch a white dude when there yeah yeah. What was it like? Vice almost like a guy knows the white: do that was challenged Would a basketball at that fucking be wrong on that? Now that's a different yeah, there's no way, there's a white guy that would go down, and that was like I'm here in the hood good at basketball
He was a white dude that was decent at basketball around the hood and be like talking about to school. Some of these guys, the tough guys sure yeah just be like I schooled the best ballers in the hood guy that had just found the guy yeah. That's all it'll choose for real, say: hey. What are you doing me had now. Do I vice documentary about is an abandoned. Building in lay uses. Stupid is They are talking about the ST louis and they're, like it's, the most abandoned city that is so fucked up and there it is in an abandoned building. Like can you believe this yeah, so he does a fucking abandoned building. It was an abandoned school they're like wow. I used to go to this. School like a fucking bother me yeah, I'm gonna watch it. They would just present you the worst problems of all time, and that was enough. I was uh yeah
and do you go said they had another fuckin drill and oil and congo, or some shit. yeah there Warlords are controlling like oil derricks, so yeah. Well, I think vice just gives people I think I've heard they did. They could give you like a little programming like a a bible. Basically for like this is how you shoot a documentary and er so yeah go for, it can be rough. I took, I could be totally wrong I think they started to send you work for them yeah. I think they have like a pretty barebones thing where life again. I I heard this from someone who was like yeah. Eventually that is like, if you're, if you work for them, they just give you a little book like this is how you shoot, documentaries and here's your gear. They started that fucking we've talked about before the one in the library, Erie is fucking great, the cannibals general, but god here back when by started, was shane smith yeah. They were fucking and say his name,
haven't. I was it now, I can say is their controls, but if it out again and nobody else- I've, given you a founding the travelers delays, there was a joke. Didn't they started to take with them. Gavin we get is in jail. I could be wrong. I think it was one of the founders of the library ones. Yet, while did it was fucking they used to do that. Then it became dislike. Votre. Hilary they were, but I guess we're cool. They more show me liberia. They had the magazine. Do magazine was a big deal. There's a quick! I want my somebody got bob. I rupert murdoch like fucking disney Did you really are a bee? Who device get bob? I am not disney, but now they says yeah. It was bought by disney there as well that their problem a charmer congo, here boys, let's you be a good vice reporter. No, I wasn't trying to be reporter be funny. I was trying to just like hold the camera
or something, but it was the murdoch's yours. That's enough eu eyes matter. Unless there's an abandoned buildings, why don't we lose on a white nationalist ass? I went on, we pretend the bigger problem than it is. Dude the guy was skateboarding inside the school is a. I brought my skateboard, I'm gonna try to skate in here and he just fucking fell like this. I saw the bus I was I was was watching the movie. I saw, I think my new favorite movie. I am yet to watch it. I only watched the trailer ooh. It's called as also seek to watch movies. Like many of the trail of my nuclear varied by called american insurrection, and it's just liberal poor
indeed about if the insurrection happened, white nationalists take over america and it's like all, it's just trump supporters that are now fascists that are like. They have checkpoints and shit, and it's a gay couple, an arab woman and a non binary woman. What she's wearing like a mad feminists t shirt and they go on like a killing rampage? like execute the preview there like executing trump's border void, a really nice dude. That's what they remembered. I tried to do that if the, if the federally want make that issue think about it. Every day, yeah. The nazi nazis were the nonsense on which they blew. That could have been also a man in the high castle yeah. That was a man in high castle. I was fantasy what they did have they had one about the confederacy yeah, though I think it was where h, b, o or something and then they they they they they got so much backlash before it even came out that they scrapped it. But yeah be honest. No, no! No! No going
I haven't watched it yet I'd be curious to see what were they thought they did, one where it was like what if america sided with the nazis- and it was just jewish people, not the anime. I thought I'm gonna go ahead and stop Yeah wait, that was a that was a there was a show: fucking viewers, com and but yeah. What if america side was just like america is nazis, they are yeah. It was like the point of the show. I was that guy enough of this yeah, it's kind of stupid, no, we're not in fact we killed them yeah, so the oppose them where the opposing force against Nancy's. You said the right thing: they did it didn't beat all those white noise must restore the beach. Might not a euro score on their own. Go that way. What form here version I was an uncle. I don't suppose in her That was the day was a no go that way. That was a move at a real movie theirs
nato series. I was like that all hands. Instead was kind of weird girl, psychological point where they're like they're, all they're being controlled and like like religious male authority figures. Really you have kids now I don't want to. No I'm not done work, and now I don't want this to affect you know, and you know it s about. Why did you wasn't? I met niner. I was a little bit. Did you watch it now? I watched my wife watching ideally catch her watching and be like you love this year I know the bringing it up. What is it now? It was just. It was a point where I didn't I that is dirty live you loved it I it I was watching it I was. I was trying to get a joke out of it. I forgot what the fuck the joke was. It was something about calling them like out of a name because they caught them off red and off whatever or something and then
the punchline was bitches are, is exactly how it went for others. Neil, my favorite thing to do with Zellers is to get Keith Robinson fired up about politics one of my favorite sit down and be like. I love trump do, but there was I'm not going to say who was? There was a comedian there, an african american comedian was sitting with us and they were like. I voted for trump he was just like you in an area as they are either you're dead. Well, yeah, he just is he forgave me he's like that's your your family guy, of course, is how you feel, but it was a blackbird he was. Ah it s great ass, the one thing of that thing: keats s seriously, then, because we just saw him last night, his hours great brought in line with its only really good
It really is good. He's more powerful and who's second show made him more power. Yet another one yeah. I didn't know that he goes on. He doesn't. No one cares less. Oh, my god. It's fucking shit and he's so like brutally Keith there. It's like the sympathy thing is out the window immediately like don't. If he gets the onstage and you don't feel sorry for him at all such a bad person yeah like I don't want to say anything, I'm going to say one joke, we can say want to click on, but he's like I've. The absurd case for burn it, but he's like I I forget, I'm like this because he's joked he's an honest
I still see a handicap mother fucker and see him on the street and I'll be like. I will be like look at you, mother, fucker and I'm like oh shit. Yeah did, we shall get it he's the one who said the sailor. Am I back the file that yeah now salem, but that's the only one that he's the one guy I'll be sitting there next year. So I got to fuck. Are you going to fall Do you love, and I talk shit about. I followed him once the villain hours. If not yet no keep drive right! Yeah! That's why I'm going to get the fuck off the row he dressed like! That's all that said. I got a second job, so yeah, it's funny.
I think it's hilarious and weird to be alive, but every time I see him getting a car, I'm like whoa, you really yeah. I guess you only need one side really the other ivy league was spotted. Tell me about the fucking. Those planes called where they take off the vast and everyone past goes planes that need dude you ever lady gaga stroke from on a really will do there's there's there was recently as a plane, flew over washington DC and, like the jets, had to go like follow to see what the fuck they were doing and, unlike smaller thing, like private jets, a lot of times on smaller flights. Something like have you reach altitude too quickly. Everyone fucking passes out, dies and they're. Just a ghost plane flyer on like an autopilot around the city that makes sense they'd like bring it down the pressure, the yeah. That's what happened.
yeah pain, Stuart, the golfer, really the cabin depressurize. I'm sure! That's what it's you take off too fast. Maybe they had a quick enough here like there, you private flights, where everyone on board is dies instantly. He was on a private flight and they just had the Let it flies to steer each eye steer, delay crashes inlaid, devoting they die. Pilots die. they ever gets a euphoric and giddy for, like ten seconds is no oxygen and you pass out that we have more than malaysian flight. That's what they thought impossible, right, the ocean. I was one of them there did you watch a document in they just come up with wild theories within they show you like, You know I mean like their footage of accurate here's. What happen these to russian guys sat in the front. They climbed up, opened the hatch, but then you, watch it. Yet that is what happened there shown me, like you. I believe that I can see it and then they cut like an expert that
now you're back out, obviously use as you'll image. Your brain has that's real is what I have heard here now, just one expert, quick fuck, you yeah. I dunno why I thought, because you showed me it showed me a moving image. You show me it took that yet they were everything. Russians got in there ripped the fuckin, the cables danced in the basement of addiction depressurize the cabin. Then they took control of it. would they do. Why would the russians landed in Adam? It's all bullshit yeah, the hijacked in Atlanta that, like this is ours. Now there was something where, like the pilot was running flight simulations of kind of the exact flight path,
we yeah were like. Maybe this guy might have done it yeah, but I don't. I don't wanna put that on eating a pilot would run a death. You think they'd run the death spiral see like what's up, they can do it run the yeah, like crash, shouted a barrel roller? I they would have the same sort of volcanoes. Take the same space to truly money went up, never thought about that you're up everybody's looking down. He, your daddy, went everybody's, look at their shoes, I'm out here. Looking god, hell? It's gonna come look here. Yeah,
If there was a lady that found it right away, that was great. They they did this thing where they gave satellite imaging to that there was like a website. Anybody could just scour the or the whole area like it'd be impossible to look for it, so they just sent our websites of every freak on earth could just sit there. Looking at images of the ocean- and this lady found, like wreckage in the south china sea- and there was just like no nuts on it cause. I think we might have shouted down something like that. Wasn't that was one of the theories it's possible. One of the theories was it was taken off going to china with some technology on board that we were like when the eu or you. But oh, are you a big conspiracy. Theorist guy depends what we're talking about true yeah I'll, entertain them I'll.
Certainly entertain them. I don't even think have any. I don't like jfk for sure yeah, okay, the election, obviously rigged yeah, see I don't be now I'm not. I don't I don't yeah whatever you like coven, for instance, you don't nothing or yeah. I think they. I don't think it was on purpose, but I think it was they just covered up. It came out of a lab that in china yeah and just still not in pursuing how did that they're not pursuing Epstein at all, yeah, no one's pursuing that in the whole country knows well, he they are dirty. They sealed it that he was busted as a pedophile and they sealed it. The whole court record was sealed somehow like yeah. This is there's a law where, like during a super rich pedophile, we can seal the whole thing yeah and like no one can ever look into it. There was
so, then I think that ones, not even a conspiracy family, was clear. It was more of an intelligent programme, balance clear eyed, her letter. Would you think of it? Was you know, I'm not really just begun. the win- oh shit, okay, if Israel, whatever they say, is real, but I don't I'm not combative like that, but I have a friend that's like yo. This shit is fucking bullshit. Is poor shit, I'm Sylanez the door is done. am I get into like I I didn't want to get the vex. I didn't want to didn't want to get the best salary had to so we were actually and actually so that I was. There was bullshit the forty years, the voyage yeah. I mean- and at this point I you know, I know people that that not comics but like people that faked it then, with a kid yeah I
You got a call from it at all. I got into a demagogic I'll. Tell you, I don't feel no differ. I do think it's like fucking ridiculous. They like it somebody dies, Will I see you bizet vaccinated you gotta get their legs eight. J, f js how about jamie foxx ever there's a wild thing going around and that that's the thing about the internet. That pisses me off that if I was jamie foxx, I would just not even show my face. Until the need, I think he's fact. you do yeah he's. I guess I thought I could swear. whether he had not associate yeah. I do yeah? There are still in the fucking hospital hospital. You was in the hospital, I don't know he had a stroke delete. It was This centre had a stroke in. If the car didn't come out and say didn't think I could be wrong, but I thought the candy came out and started saying some wild games with the truth. Nick cannon he might now Nick is at the forefront. He is no. I gave you
As I looked up, I heard nick cannon came out like spill the beans, but I couldn't find it on Google's yeah but you're right. I dunno why the daughter would. We then he's lamping area where there is so much conflicting information on and she was. I use all, go displaying pick a boy, but why would she? But then it was like he had another sure I've lived. Who knows it's, it's terrible jimmy foxes. Fucking man there is but yeah there's a lot of people that went down that I was like. I could be vaccinated yeah. That could be a booster fuckin related pass out. Maybe it's because I'm nigerian, I got all the strong, you know what I'm saying immune system and blood and shit. You know we the superior race, so it's just not just don't affect
There can be a sad fact that why you tonight I lose the ability to give EU blackpool like for two hours we don't get over. that was a real report which was fucking. That's when I'm with that's what I'm mama conspiracy theories to them like. Why would you put this out? what thereby people, don't you go haywire resign, arrogant and there are put at alexandria but immerse. It was I day
I get it. Oh yeah. I remember that and then it was like you nick is all dying yeah. I they didn't. I also I think, like most conspiracies, they didn't know what the fuck was going on and people are just reporting, shit and, and that happens all the time like, like sandy hook, they were like they've apprehended a second shooter. It's like yeah, they didn't you just got false information, said it and now that's out there, one local news station saying the wrong thing. You know maybe a tiny dude came out for Jamie. It was like some white dude was like. I know at first hand he got it now. He's fucked yup. They were like fuck, you dude, but it's like he knows he could just be trying to see what happened with the dude from the bills. What on a fucking died on the field and people were like they tried to say, as if vaccinating I mean it's never happened ever yeah.
Well there's a there. There's there's a theory. You are ears it. They know So I think it happened, it originated in the lab. They covered it up to save like the government's your self whatever and then all of a sudden it was the big farmer. Companies were like whoa hold on hold on wicked this'll, be nice and they made billions of bucks and force everyone to get a thing and dude. It's sure people have gotten. Fucked up from it for sure so many people I talked to a lady who passed out at the second shot passed out. Myocarditis apparently bay. I talked a lot of people said their cardio is fucked up there. Yet people do pass out from needles, though a lot true, also, but back to the big pharma thing: yeah, it's not a conspiracy to think that our government is controlled almost entirely by corporations. That's not a conspiracy now! So when it comes to something like this, I don't think it's very
conspiratorial. I wasn't even thinking about that. I was actually talking about the disease, oh yeah, about whether it exists or not how it's not that serious. How all of us in this room have gotten it like five times yeah for those times didn't notice, yeah, and the only time I did is when I stuffed my hand in my ass and smelled. It then, where holy shit oh yeah the old! ass test that was for smelling salts. It dude. I wake hung over I'd, be like this. Is it it. Hangovers are usually not that bad? Oh, no, just a hangover It was ass, smell of doktor just be like
yeah yeah, see this mind. This is what is both like yeah, that about young dog smell your ass. where we should switch over the past year, we wanna take up Matt unit be, and I have to get to the gymnasium work out or If I stay for another hour, if you'd like we got nothing, no pressure, no pressure, nah, I think I'm a bogey at which a thanks cat. You got anything to promote. You go pikachu and shit like that nah bro, I don't even do podcasters yeah
the first one I've done in maybe like five years in hell, yeah, he came over yeah. I was just like fuck, it yeah, I know, but I'm gonna go right with reggie. Oh nice yeah, hell yeah. I do that was awesome, always made it awesome love! I love you too.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-16.