« Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast

Ep 436 - Ample Men (feat. Sam Tallent)

2023-03-29 | 🔗

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YO. We're back. LIVE from the Big Kahuna's crib. The D.A.W.G.Z. are blessed by dear friend Samuel Tallent this week. Go see him on the road and read his novel. God Bless. Please Enjoy.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
He's like I know. Last time I was just a producer now, but now I'm cool. I was a producer now and the produced yeah sounds like a threat yeah. It was a great clip to start out oman what riff raff yeah? That was great, it's very fun. I gotta watch that every day to be like whatever I'm worried about anything but wait, there's that guy just need to tap into that it's the best but sam? You were saying That's something I'd like to go back here. What did John till you John said how and what you know, I'm cool now. Why just ass? There was in a voice, a text message I didn't say: Lastly, my chops I would never lie primarily. The treaties are shot jogs set of unnecessary barriers. It run ideas like this by media.
No, this is your world dude no way did. I forgot. I had either camera to sit in my Also read all about as my base. It's a great idea and producer shot. A project manager found footage holding it as close to showing as you're getting tight zoom on the legacy of the marriage on the blair, bitch proudly, the majority. handsome. Nice boys has a metal to look out on both my suica specimens when Van air there from different is unbelievable, they're, both the same species. Aliens Do you think This notion did nothing but invite me to come to a show. He was very sweet to me. Damn he big time do you said I can get you tickets to my show. Yeah he's, like I put you on the guest list. I can't get you in the green room. Access prevented come on dude, you did he put his hands on me. You were just shown where are we
Do you like a readers wheels in the boston as soon see to suggest theatres elicited super. What do you preferred prior technic, what was in the teacher cannon sean notice, you can wow about it. You're only day you don't need to take. That is all good we're just It's a warm up dude! So we're just warming up. It's it's for the best before it'd, be like we'd, be le marriage on a fleeting last dude. If this were ancient, greece we'd be getting flooded by these guys yeah, so you could you could give them the knowledge they needed to engage with withholding relation like stuff about cubes from them, and then they flayed us. May our here's the deal fucking q! here's a little to say what you like this like it, just like a double multiplier, revisit triangles.
Just as long to this side. Isn't that sad? When teach you about the world of ideal head, I did. I can't believe I didn't flayed any my geometry teacher. It just kind of fucked up. That's why you don't obtain it that well, I was actually pretty decent but yeah. I would have remembered more if you were good at geometry. I was nasty, I dunno, how do you what pyre, squared terrible at fucking algebra and I took geometry fucked off as well, and I'd be like doing that I want that and how do you know what I was hopeless? Do those press I've somehow could be like Bam, spit amount fully a b average did images. Did I don't wanna parallelogram areas, but that's about it. What's parallelogram, it's like erecting, whereas squares were the two sides are exactly parallel the wrestler, I did like to think about the parallel lines going on forever. That was one thing in geometry class that I was like: yeah fuck. Yes,
mine segment of every attach yet never did said forever. They weren't hearts did and when all they want. You points the so close. Unrequited lines is a parallel the thing about parallel universes, we should just postpone the parallelogram move. One hundred and ninety nine one is correct. Like yeah talking like an am radio, it's a stream of constant dogs go on forever. He just gives our in sounded bags? You pull my hotel Bobby, a guys. This is great.
Powerful same talent, everyone so concerned at whatever angle they sit on this couch, be in a call me a while to load. There's no money, this entire time cause. If I sit forward they're going to be like good lard, then folds on that sweatshirt we got you want to lose dude why it must be so cool to be big and strong. Like you guys, do such a tour tour that I was asking fucking where I was asking say about the weather, it was a hoku yeah he's like they're, perfect for the ample man yeah, they are doing us ample men might be steal, an ample valor, definitely We only those. I need these. You don't fleet I come from.
Ample mandy armies of major hocus brand themselves, is like for ultra marathon runners, bridges due to punish able man walk executive goods as the tailor it. My wedding called me: do you know executive, guys we're only an executive cut for you in your groomsmen nose like whatever that means. Yes, I like, when they do have biggest like nature in the presidential size, is day looming over its weakness. Yes, often they get a big daft of we. I got. I took a bath this weekend power. fuck, an incendiary. There are guys like us, tub top big enough for military nature. Now may drop different, have drowned. I didn't have to stand up to staying to come get me get me ready deems all us up our brain.
you gave me why it is not also gets here has upset you once and israeli salt do they're nice. I added a further that leave clearer pigeon. Do I open the caught it yesterday and I saw them- and I thought man was very nice man where they lavender satellite, accurate. I did you sell to my beth due to roma therapy results here. So I really nice waters hottest diagnosed piss pretty quickly in the time in the near future. Did you really did your lease archive suited in the air. I laid, in my opinion as well
Okay, I saw the stream go down with my own piss. Then I blew my nose once cause. I thought I was in the shower yeah yeah. I took an aerial monsters beneath the glamorous life the shower after the bath yeah. That's actually probably good for you, though, sitting here they say drink your pisses give. You have never heard anyone debugger a little budapest. Look at that deep of a diamond you done on that very, very big girl during his purse, episode? Remember any really! You ain't even app Is it not? The plane is below one for me yet for some
for the other they fill magic was like a regular. It wasn't. He was actually out in the wild now and there is a whole team of producers in came every wandering around my drinking created. Sometimes you have to use your own personal once again was drinking is very like the hind your horse in the world's discovery net geo is like this is our guy. Here I wasn't gonna. Do those watch river monsters still river monsters? Is nice pretty catch big fish, dude, carp, legal cafes, prehistoric, preachers saw me was in indonesia, catching puffer. Fish are biting guys as a bunch of puffer fish bite motherfuckers. Jesus get rid of them. Yeah people are going to say. I look like a puffer fish in this video. Now did I got only ever many got hit hard after the last one. Could I'd worry, long, sleeved, key west shirt and they were like oh good corbies,
in this like. Why am I reading the matter with me? I did it last. I read some youtube comments. Would you read? I was just bordeaux sitting here. I started scrolling until I tried I tried to find one. I got one sheriff you scroll are so many good ones. There are so many good leads and I finally found one I was crazy guys. Great arms are good at boundaries lie is like even more is so funny fox. He doesn't know yeah, whose complement of you doesn't know when you find the guy calls you a loser. knows he's getting dark souls connecting online at some guidest typing on ah Those are the lines connect true sadness, chaos year at his fine seeking out the one that is really hurt. Your feelings is yours it's fucking, crazy, fuck. I knew it yourself. It's a new feeling like it's a real feeling than gratitude, and just gotten yourself or no one can see.
the true. It is kind of like cutting your very actually right about finding a complete stranger that calls you a fuckin dickhead. I knew it yeah. I was thinking about. When we like, we eventually start to die and then like be like processing your death as well as online comments, I mean Lord will and the cast goes into like just cast. Is not going anywhere yoda that might not stop you. Imagine his dying and being like this guy is a jerk, I'm being serious about my death. It's really affected me he's calling me gay, yeah. The duff always negative com. Reverse, though, when you die best guy attack picture? You go now and one a subreddit they d like fucking guerrilla. Now this is the soda told me look back that certain services beans on now, you see smell the billions of me.
He's? No. What is it? What is the news alleges that he revealed that it was the little it was there last easily use of shit was asked. probably tv I don't know this is the media's loudly is only a year ago. It was like the aid the final jaw shit. Out of all of those days, I was the last season of the show. So nice is the best he's. My favorite, smoky hill brain over your new york city, kids. trash out of aurora colorado and expect them to be your mouthpiece for your multi million thats for sure I would go to when I when I first moved here. I was in his apartment every day and it's just it It was funny to see what happens when a trash person gets money like that. His whole apartment was just wrestling figures.
Just do it wasn't me rang a couple doubts wasn't unlike set up, it was like a folding cable, pleasantly gaily mark. Would you shit wrestling belts everywhere? I would payment video games you'd, aware that not all shoulder solely with Come the colorado around christmas we'd be like damn: what's it like in the big city and you'd, be like oh right, god, it's the greatest! You guys gotta come out there and then like a bunch of terrible open migratory hit them up when they come to new york and you'd, be like I do you there these these, the king the he is. He would take me. The seller can sit at the table I'll to sit at the bar instead. The people that somebody who's your friend movement, I think I'm I consider
invited me down to the cellar tonight. I don't want to re, recreate that you're sitting at the bar, I'm not as a tiny stone, yeah gonna look like a candy apple yeah. I'm going to look like an ice cream cone. Just plopped, hello, Jim Norton people. Don't respect you instantly. The series goes at the outer love girth. They loved your. There is in fact an earl even clear. They do everybody respects girth. I was just the same in the penis community. Everybody respects cared light. They don't have lagged I've girth, I'm like a toad value in the clear thirty men. Yes, You claim that nicaragua like half of a cocaine- are you where you have length and not go and have no length? Terrifying algorithm, think girth, immature
Yeah. We don't use that word in the community yeah you have to plug the plug yeah. That's what I tell my wife, the blogs governor. It's me in that bathtub and tell you what the water is still be in that hold isolate all those cheers better. The bathtub yeah, just yeah, we've talked about for just the tiny tip. penis breaching the water. Oh yeah sticking straight like a dead body, he didn't people. We are not the troll, the river figures, your naked, in a pool during the daytime. You look down you dick, that's a wedding. A fine house do who arrive friend was tell me use like Heaven At this point I looked down and saw my little pig dick in the water yeah. It does distort your beard. Your beard looks crazy under water during during the song,
Gouty painted your dick refractory therapy there. My legs doable the fart underwater. Have someone go to the other end of the pool and go get underwater hurry up the equity for it. They can hear it across from yeah, there's nothing more fun than being in the pool every summer time due warning in the pool. but he's still like you, don't they have steps in the pool to go down the top step or there's barely any water covering it. If you go bare ass on that and fart on that off, there's like a spider yeah. I remember, though, it's like a shower say: noise here are pretty wonderful to have you push it against the wall or crack a lie no, I haven't forgotten yeah whenever waters, while it is not bit of water, a waterway report summer sweeter, there's a community pool near me, my goal the summer shit and pull the total from outside.
In that year they lower hands into almost daily suitable, does give one, rain. Do they would now, if you d like once a week today this crime and panic I don't know yeah grab the kids. You know it'd be nice to get the news away from all this terrible stuff. That's been happening in the pumps pool, so you try to be the change. You wanna see, yeah, I'm picking pool to be the shit you to see in the pool, I'm a refugee right out from philadelphia dude from the chemical spill. Oh yeah, reflecting you they keep all they do. Is they give you a text on your phone there like water, still good up until tuesday now they're, like you're waters good till Wednesday, there is waiting for to enter the reservoirs. They don't so I'd,
I been trying to get my supplies up anyway. So now I finally have an excuse to get some clothes on base. I'm lightly. Prepping I have like right now, I'm sitting at like twenty five girls in the in the basement. You fill up the tub. I know I should have they said: you're like they want, they told people to store the tap water now cause it's good to like yeah should be good, should be good, so keep delaying it. They're like yeah. The water is good. Now we'll check back in like midnight on tuesday and we'll. Let you guys know what the deal is there. It's fucked up, that's what philadelphia needs more mutants. I know yeah real dude, twelve thousand gallons of like some like latex finishing chemical filled. It. I think I think it's the stuff that makes like when you use paint it like that. It's like a liquid latex. It turns like hard. Yeah. So I think it's yeah. I think it's the stuff that, like it's like a reactive agent, that's likely to get it. and achieve erections. True every crazy. While I wanted
rock hard and fill it I'll be really getting my I've been pretty breaks. I've been waiting, a break lately is not fun. When he's getting Well, there and real hard won. Maybe I hurts Oh, I love that yeah when you're like oh blood flying my dick through Barely here through the fort, Other things work on either way you, where are your blood, is right here in the one you get hostages. Anyone here I love deadlier blood flush, rushes, your penis, when your love is. I fucking love this. So much love so hard right. Now, love this little radical, audible story, fucking so hot right. Above all, I still have not viewed board, but I had will be honest. I have used lit erotica audible. What did Love ervic man rule not viewed it
but you don't have the books. I listened first and then went over to you. Let it play while you are obviously lead. Airplane gyn swept up in the narrative. Yells for I have on ivorian grace essential, but Viewed exactly have someone. You have arisen, years, though, you're being penetrated with it, not an old rights rights. I'm in a grey area right now. The underground like this right now, article Yeah but I have allowed you for asking. If you had not viewed. No, I haven't viewed. If you don't watch porn everywhere. When you go back you like day, importers elevate sometimes forgot her coupon was. I did get off ready for the same reasons I quit porn as well to say my seed for my lady. That's I had a deal, if you get on reddit and you're, like oh okay, this little tomboy with her nips out. You have to fucking fight so hard, not to engage in that act haven't fallen. To read a point, thank god I could get.
love Tom, who has given rise to man, the lady from the end of ghostbusters, on top of the building. The one are you a god then die, then you and fidelity, and here I can open a code Nobody ever made fun of me that way, have. You told me that it was eimer recently that reactivate its lifetime, avatar you'd. Rather there is large scale. Environmental issues, levers and evil at a summit was a good or critters. Remember that will be created. someone called me a clear recent works glitters. I look like a creator. Oh shit, legality, shit little balls.
With a legacy as full critter away. You didn't wake in this flatworm, just my podcast job, you believe it We're gonna, make a moment, you're. Critter jason is well pathetically. Reviewing the community pool, I was gonna like bulgaria, romania, acreage jason gear that america, q guy, like areas here you are you have a cute eyes, yours smile even you're pissed, it sucks the horizontal maggie tell them as upset. You have aboriginal general, like I'm want to sell it again and again he got upset with you as yet if he doesn't normally, if you make fun of me gifts, but then I'd make fun of him and he would be like he would. He would stand up, it'd be like no, I'm telling the truth,
on this really not yet we're getting fired up about like technology about chechnya. we see what you ve broken, I work I was saying limited no shit and he's reading headlines what he said. yeah yeah, I'm really reading headlines, but no stuff, and I know he dies. He don't have significantly more me about what other with Jaggi begin. I don't hate it as much as people think they should it's not that bad. It's not that bad, it's bad, but it's not that bad yeah! What's bad about it! It's going to. It's got a decent advice, people from learning skills, but it's also going to like do the stuff that people really don't. So it's going to like turn these skills into. Like things we don't need some people just get fatter and dumber you're, saying
yeah we're going to turn into wally yeah, perfect, so close on him right now, just trying to be mean to a man yeah. It is very expensive yeah. It was a funny and whose expenses and funny it's all about the gone wild did. I was afraid. Oh well, whose role I loved you who's gonna. While I wasn't going to absolutely love to talk about gone wild, I think it's fair, The talk is your well gone. While you know sammy already guy. You know about the gold, while groups- oh yes, I do. I was trying to suppress those longings that I have for them. Well, was it really wonderful story? Go it alone.
now Milwaukee gone wild, I went to Milwaukee go out Friday night. I go home yeah taking these let's or was it thursday it there's ephrata thursday night ass. I get take these on thursday. I goes straight. Back home la muse's like I'm, going to go out and use the scooters, I'm gonna scoot around town, nice and then the next morning we wake up. We go la mer, not going to get breakfast and he's like I went. I went to an orgy last night. What he's chewing his nails? Wait you other lord, you last night, I guess less. We got here, gonna name I didn't give you regarding this incredibly high, you gotta, they regarded the orgy. Now I just did paid keep it. Yes, dear ripped off, we whatever work is allowed
He goes. I went to annoy you last night, but I couldn't get in and then He was trying to hide the fact that he paid for a ticket know. How am I and then he was trying to hide the fact that he showed up. said he got there the initially the story was he showed up and he was I now. This is for me tat. He left me. They see vague for this already, Then I have it the outside. His story was he got there. It was like. I can't do an orgy. Who am I? What am I thinking here? I gotta get out like you not, I got ripped off in scale chronically drowned out. What have you like now I get in there I texts at home. They said the girl, the end they're too busy falcon and I was like well then wait. You paid seventy five dollars to be a part of an orgy. You got, you actually went to the hotel, Sat in the lobby. Dm issues like hey, I'm here actually were too busy. Fuckin, we kill you in your ripped up. If the right off, then you ticket just van modes,
I believe every word you're saying I take it on snapchat, I think, is that the ticket is fake. Come on man, if you don't mind, I have a check for ten thousand dollars coming in. Do you want to check your bag yeah? Where? Where did you buy? Where was it wasn't like a days inn or something? The days like three? Am there was no orgy? There was definitely like five teenagers laughing in fucking Indiana, we got him. We got. This fucking guy just gave a seventy five dollars. This is crazy. This is the best night of our lives. What's the what's the sales funnel look like? Do they have like footage of it or is it like? Are they showing babes? They have pictures, they show me pictures and video of it happening actively. You lives, dreamed an orgy and then can gain access to
They are hard in the lobby of a days inn and to be fair, it's a noble mission dude or two, or do you hope there is no that's a point. It's a porno! It's part of a porthole you're in a fap hole. You see an orgy thing, you're going to go to a fucking orgy. I gotta try it. You would do some damage in there. Man, I hope, yeah, you do know, that's fucking crazy. Have you thought about getting revenge? You should try to get revenge and area sweet red. She went on new walkie, he's gone, wild sub, read it and found an orgy again, Will you be exotic? The head jargon, they're just element bouncing off the was spinning rings popping out. A number of this nature should cause hampshire. Did a snapshot. Fuck
you should be offered. The call you should say can is a crime by seventy five dollars back, see. There's a guy answers at were too busy for Did you hear any sexual? Nobody? It was just like messages. Nobody answered mankind We're! U guide right now I mean I can't believe it worked. it is yeah. I guess it's easy to trick a horny guy who got a little cash jangling around and oh yeah. I had a couple of vodka soda students yeah you were fucked up on the road. True like I haven't been. Duped in my younger days on their own nigh I don't think it's anything shameful. I think it's It's bouncing wyoming, a guy who invited me back to her hotel room and I got there after a show and like gillette or whatever, and there was just a man waiting for me and he says, give me the money and I was like what and he's like. You were. The comic give me the money and I was like alright and I gave him two hundred dollars, and just
went back to my hotel sucked going to get blown all the lady wasn't. Even there give me the money- and I was like fuck, I David glitters, you just know I was just like in wyoming and twenty one years old man yells at you when you're sitting on the bed at least er, I didn't even get in there. He was just in front of you that came out from the side of like the motel. Give me the money here. The comic announced like with fair How do you do they? Do you see anything in the early? Yeah was Yeahs a yeah, you do it sucked low point. I didn't know about that. But now I do support la mayor's, I'm jealous of his confidence yeah. I would I've never partaken, I wouldn't fucking. I would have fallen for that, the second la mer. You would think that of all the writers- or maybe he would be the best in there but in an orgy you they serve as a threat. I agree, but no one was a big eyes.
As for sweden, in their yeah she's lithuanian sweating, like a hot in here somewhere. Where do I lay down? I need my late for. All of you are right. The biggest little torp did get about here. I want your party recently. Is a birth also, there's no way, I'm so glad. You're here is no an orgy. The days in Milwaukee is fuckin good, the habit of it a horrific she would have smell like a puppy. My every week to dude you smell, like a bunny, age affair, it household duties and there would have been vulcan brutal. Its tongue, peers dues, We've been sick of I for more la mayor's. Here the critters in a hotel- although this does sound like I'm using a racial slur that does yeah go ahead and walk that one back and I'm sorry that was our trip was pretty good nice. We can recreate that this weekend in Denver
one of us getting the julius, recycle julius family, gunnar. There was on the walk. There is all and tat was all about the build up to the fact that the initial story was. I got there. I dunno. I didn't want to do that. I was just like I second guessed it like wait. I broke it down within one minute, three. I am you had a change of heart, we like not where the whole weight of the days and then it is changed your mind. That's too many girls for me, or you know that thursday night orgy today's animals The young lad.
That is the only body that is always the moon animal, but that's not good how're, you, thirty two, who, in their even better suited, It is on a rather that's what I love about. Taking the mare and nay nay goes. Not now with women just exploring goin out there, This is awesome. We're on the road there so nice to have new people now enjoy. I usually just gather my grub. These are oconnor with me. They build a road too much. yet every their eyes, slain are raising. The ceiling just use, bring a carnival malevolence from city hours. You now you're the youngest go now young women
the forty seven year old, maryland easterly, or I told I told you about this, but the boys. I think I told you what happened to me. I told you last week, I'm here I thought about the swimming thing. Oh yeah yeah, I told you about yeah. I saw those boys it's nice to go on adventures on the road yeah, I'm very reluctant. I need someone to be like come on. Let's do it. Are you gotta get out and see that city man see how these fuckin cities do their ideals magazine? Dude I get out there. What happened no longer than you. find a new enchanting thing to do now is going on a gaunt linen out. Now I wasn't sand I've seen em all like in a You haven't way better imo everywhere. I am about to launch a less regard. I am, writing shall gain horseshoes, don't count but you're a nasty.
It. This way, I did not make it this way I eat at bar shows in fucking why it was my fault ago, and that was in two thousand and eight rewind. The tape watch you'll see you'll, see what we see where it turned I would just say: I've been I've, been I've seen on the cities. Look the same. I don't like going out. I invite you to botanical gardens and columbus in responding, responded, gay, That is the idea by the best botanical gardens in america. The franklin conservatory and I want to share with our it down fuckin flowers, all yes, those of a butterfly exhibit in their butterflies. so I got it allows. Exhibits are now have been exhibit is fine there,
and the land on you yeah. You feel like a little flower. Where was, I was with her connor Mackey nice. I forgot phoenix as an asset. Maybe you're in phoenix phoenix has a pretty nasty both in boston real. I bet they got there. Yeah educated whites, love, butterfly, exhibit yeah yeah, pretty nice got to see the butterflies that was fun. O'connor was wearing a shirt that he thought was cool, as he does it's pretty awesome. Hampshire was, I gotta find it is one of the funniest looking share button down. Yes, short sleeve, like lime green plaid button yeah. I definitely have this, but everyone can fall short sleeves hell yeah. I had one I had my short sleeve like plaid button down. I thought it was a shit. The only people complimenting it were hookers I guess I didn't new demographic they're like there like, I was, does indeed that's robbing a bugle boy, The short answer, a nice omens
back and while he fills genes is just Roma related. Web show now is one: where is the crystal you about when we did that don't tell thing in san, diego or santa Barbara together? No, oh, my god. Of course you didn't do she wasn't allowed to. We say that india will happen. Chris was there and it was me and a couple other comics. Unlike you, santa Barbara at sundown, it was beautiful and this guy brad, who hosts the show, was like hey, we're going to make sure that everything here goes just smooth for you. We've got the best crew. We've got the best crowds in all of don't tell in all of america and they're. Here we're going to make sure the lighting's perfect. The sound is great. we what's gonna look immaculate increases goes. Can you please shot the fuck yeah? This guy was trying to be the most like hoss. little housed in the higher the arm, and I hear that from a where are you guys? It was for taping right yeah,
The guy was, I just make sure you don't like trip on something like uses, giving I things that could go wrong. Yeah. You they try to make sure we are all alike. I don't use the canoes shunned. Vodka fuckin tell me things dick, go wrong. I don't want to be fuckin thinking about ready in my class, Chris Wright everyone, and he was just like simmering. I was like yeah yeah short fuse dude, I mean it was fun to see him awhile because he popped off nasty style at this very handsome man. It's like what happens if you see dads that act like that. refused it out now. Happening that we're all getting old yeah. Did you see it like we're all becoming men that are, like god, dammit dude? I was I gotta: go. Do this fuckin, my gps. The whole way up, I was like looking at the matter. No, he
was like telling her where to go, but exploring alternate route. So I the clicking this way clicking this way, and I listen. I was a guy you're, gonna left and my phone was like. Take your right now. I almost went onto the median, I'm like no matter where you go and we just stopped on the top ave major he's elderly yeah it blows my mind. I thought you were like a fresh eyed, bushy tailed. Twenty four year old, his grey bearded? I have a great the gray I'm young do: how are you ready for yeah we're gazed at the grab, my beard for this like thing and I took out get old stuff yeah kind of I like it, so I don't mind it, but I there's certain things that I like. Like I talk about la balding, it's tough to I buy the early on in the beginning. The process, as I understand it, go ball, did fuck it and I started going like. I would give up
I had said that somebody else. I wish. I said that a thousand times I was looking up early onset alzheimer's last night, You'd do now I googled all types of primary last night. That's crazy. Do that I was lying here, has hit my what is written. Almost asian has just fucked up What's Adam Curtis, again a keyboard, you know, there's a keeps making these fuckin like totally disillusioned, Michael everything's fuck it. The bankers at the early I left at the bank. I might be a dog whistle. Do not, I think about bagger might be the gown curtis might be being would be seen as a message what things possible the bankers green raised, relax. Why are people come to me? I was reading on the way up,
I was reading a mac anyway to interpret these intelligent document. It is decided to use by dint of you read about if you do read it the problem. As we read about what's going on in palestine, Israel, it's like genuine. the fucking heinous. Now he has written a regular magazine on the way up here, and it was just like their describing. There is a compelling hawaii, something not the. What naughty, whether while arcos halloa an idea to do. Therefore they hold their called settlers. the early there on the frontier settlement, the cowboys cowboys and they go, other they lay german ngos and also like lions. There were the palestinian commands, yeah dude. These guys just got used to jewish cowboys, got shot and they're just shot to death in their apartment and then dudes went and just lit the fucking place on fire. Like israeli news came that citizens lit it on fire, the government's like y'all come on. We gotta play by the rules. Well, that sounds just
honourable, do it it's it's just you read evaluate this. Is it's a horrific we're going on with no end in sight is always likes to exhibit groups rising up. It's pretty not yet all bad, very bad the only get into a year in china by switching to their currency The dollar were, I fired, whether they are switching the china currencies anyway says china in life india, saudi arabia's, the big one right. They start trading oil. In in china. You on what you want: you ain't yeah. Whatever there shit. Anita areas. Are you still? No rwanda are these things fearmongering. I don't think I dont yeah. Of course everything you look at. The news is like it's it's happening it's all going. Bed coming down, and it's like. Ok, they switch. So then america becomes, like fact, money wise. It's like what do you think's going ahead?
we're going to take that lightly, Dana Dana every fortunate sun, blaring everywhere or slide over yeah fuckers canada is burning. Good links we didn't have to up. We could link with those boys do totally fine. We don't need anybody else's money. We are awesome Mexico and Canada has all the oil we have everything. Mexico has got the labor. We need right here, dude, where we can chill. We can continue to chill and also have Brazil. Hadrian's gonna still be there for you on that'd, be sick and we're like hey guys, we're invading china right now. protests I remember that we were right about. She got back from ex prisoners.
the statue of liberty in it was a great man in both word and deed. Ass. Soon, ass, they had done. Nothing goes to paris. Yeah, I don't know your a hero. Dude, instead of I'm gonna die in a hotel stays intimate yeah. I just got seventy five off this l'amour guy ripped off an idiot, she's scamming people we can buy coke with this might be the chorus of angels. You hear when dying in a hotel, because that a bunch of teenagers excuse me. I see it there whether I love it? I bet
but he's excited that I welcome this, nor if years, when the door opened and saw me and my disgusting by nasa we're uncut when I walked in a woman, didn't audibly go now work even with this wretched, big girl, the damn get here yet in stiffened an orgy like what I really want to stick form by everyone. I was walking, make it in my house last night I was like dude. Could I go to like what would happen if I went to a new discovery? Were these feelings? I don't know, It is like a completely jail there. There's a whenever. I think that pretty each others and for his ear you would be furthest from the biggest crate yeah. I mean as creature sitting here. I know that I miss amatory about is a tiny philosophy is related. You walk out of Judah. Those guys do say lies. I think it's hog life yeah he's I'm kind of like
in a situation like them appears is gone miguel angel did on stage, but I repeat, it is a fact. Where's is gone. Very buggers, penises guarded fears, gone right now pointed out. Will you take my dolls, but you know that our interests can be bombed out against pregnant Innovation is aiming at least at the end of canada you're. My head is ago. You ever see ellen may. I saw the very others like a very nice message. Secretive, oh yeah, amateurs eager the world that we have the power to make? It would have Leah some along those lines yet does not just ends.
It sounds just like yep we're fucked yeah. What did I told you, and I did that when I did it five grams of mushrooms that I liked I was like coming back into my body and I came back. I remember how the world was set up and it was like a big time bug out yeah. I was going like the sisters, so I'm in a country and there's other countries, and they all have fucking like I was imagining like bar wired fences and like weapons and shit, I'm like they're mad at each other. I was like oh man, I was so bummed when we see what's everyone doing, but you have to get money. You know Oh man sounds like reconstructing the world and literally coming back to it and going like houses. Single als is all thing set up and I went that's scary, hero. What's the other options, did that's what we think we are If we can get to go along with the system, we are thinking. No thank you getting. If everything is where you getting of market office, z right our true true that china, we therefore he was established, Is there any sensitive, partly media, the weber report organization? Is they sit on
and when they travel so after nine eleven there they found out, there was no wmds when they invade iraq and all I still whereby the were definitely still hit. Hidell fuckin. Blair and bush had to like be like? No. This is good, it's good. We did this we're bringing democracy to the middle east, and so they called gaddafi and they were like they will lift the sanctions. Just say you got rid of your nuclear program, but he never even came close to having so he was like yes, I deal then he had to. He had to claim responsibility for like a terrorist attack that a plane there was a bombing and some scottish plane and I, but then they they had to like do a pr thing to make him like. Now that they brought him back in the good countries? They'd be like he's actually one of the great thinkers in the middle east as they sat him down with three other intellectuals in england, and he had his green book is his book. The third way didn't I want to know is that, like Jesus Christ,
I will certainly be reading one I was like this makes no fucking jessica. We're like the good grasp of modernity, keeps us from like actually doing anything new, because we can imagine any way out of like this gilded cage we live in since they what's next, I don't know It feels pretty good yeah. Let's just keep it how it is yeah as long as they don't change, don't improve, keep it. This rules, yeah that does kind of rule, but then like we're all being poisoned and beautiful daughters can of water. Now you know source water. Ashes, update I'm prepping now, but I literally have a bunch of solid my house what it was for a while water is what was done for a while. Yet I gave you lived in philly like you wanted, years ago. Unity in the school was rail. Piles of human shit, your hands on your kid would get fuckin true, cholera, yeah yeah.
If the void was this, it's not new that you can't drink out of the schedule so that that's my thing they figured out the set up now I'll have to figure out how to not set ups dude. It's I think. In the seventies, there was four billion people, and now we're by twenty thirty they're saying we'll have four billion overweight, slash obese, which is kind of a victory, we lap yeah. It's a spike in the entire world population. Nineteen, seventy five in two thousand and thirty will be. Oh, have been it'll begin a beast planet basically and they fear it is going to see us as fuel too many too many sits. So safety units length is so sick. They just run at things or walk towards things yeah. What is funny is that margo log style and his role nail yeah. It would just take like everyone in the developed countries, you just take twenty percent of their food- emulate I'll share this area over the edge. So everyone jill and without filling out most
stream. Elimination shall remember that. That's me, the war with china's can be a bunch of fats rolling down. There is a lot of aachen digress down. I like it material or if you weird if we had to go to war with china, though cause it's a socket. So what if we lose do that we lose due for a big whopper yeah? Oh yeah, we lose to russia and china, the son Ella's kami, if everyone seems up against, says that sucks, emu elsewhere team up india, What I think any ideas I need my rose to the brows any job back is there we might need to be president dude, I mean he was doing better than now. did you see by after the national shooting. Now he was having he had like a press conference right away, but it wasn't for the national soon he was just doing like a white house meeting
It was like a small business meeting, but he comes down there. Like the president's about to speak about the nashville shooting he goes, it goes my name's Joe Biden, the wife of DR jill Biden. I like vanilla. Like chocolate, chip, ice cream snow came down your desire theirs and chocolate chip screens. Did you think I got a whole freezer other upstairs he did I do it either. that's what he opened. The nashville shooting but it wasn't. In his defense. It wasn't that press conference He was giving a small meeting with a small business always getting jerry. You get laughs It came down and got laughs. Everybody was excited to see him. He was like I didn't know. I came down here for some ice cream, hey so far, so high there's no way he whispered speakers. Will he lorries whispering to make a point
That is why I want him away. I was too, there was a third binds beach and watch this week, how they do he was in canada. I watched him address canadian pilot projects, let us now and then I watched him deal press conference with trudeau after it's, as somebody was, I guess, and so they match given russia weapons, he was like. Everybody has they're gonna, give him webpages all time, guess what they haven't. I yeah. What's wrong, Yang yang twins, you going union to russia, tell her really want to use, We do not do and that everyone up in it and other friends. You know, though, infringe on everyone like five years will do some wild infringement and like guys, we have to do, is down ever ever big manner, work in which I can only ask me, he had it
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I go wrong. That's true! Classic dot com code drenched! It's look good, feel good season stand to look at and feel good yeah. You look fucking jacked in there too yeah. I notice when you're laughing at veins in your neck. Really you jack me fucking that vein right. There respond the essential classical granted. You look like a fuckin troop. Did I mean I pretty much targeted for where'd, you get so jack, did I met, get back to the shop a year and they'll be this year. Watch them give speeches and then last night connor was up here when I was at home carers docking we at the end it was like I'll fuck. He was born in he's like our dad's age, this guy. Shut up, I wanted a documentary film made true, but was like wait a second and
O'connor was like imagine your dad making a documentary, and I was like yeah. Imagine a guy twenty years older than your dad running the country yeah we yeah. We had a nice laugh yeah, you got right now. Add twenty years, raise at mentally. Horny, now sick, not goodbyes side monotone that doubtlessly horny when it means voting or the like. girl was not yet. I got like knee high boots and mobilise not bad luck. not a man just started non wages is totally its energy airline laughs where they might mom died, Now my dad's, like You bet your married has in my point. Like ten cinema, yeah. That's all the while I was running this happening here knows that it is now the institute dogs, my dad god bless him he'll, be like hey, sorry, buddy. I can't come up and watch the game or I got him. The head of this grief. Group
When I go to a one on one with his lady, your husband died about thirteen years ago and she's really going through it, and it's like dad. You say you're going on a date, yeah we're happy for you. You did your time with mom. You wrote hard fur. Please begin it in. I want you to become a model train guy. Like a bird house, collector leg, we talk my meaning a hooker with them they are. I can't be mad yeah, I'm spotting the freeway with my cat else kill yourself. I know I'm taking my son to get laid. That's the horny his dad dad's worried. He doesn't know, do all the new tricks honey, so I'm here holding his hand ooh. That would you I would cut my
penis off and yeah my mom's great yeah. You got your dad's as he drank oh yeah. That is the that is the post nut clarity of a three way with your dad is suicide. Yes, or you end and you are Nothing does matter dear to me, my data like likings, wherever this is like an angel with men, are supposed to do at the end of it where they locked devilish. I read you the weirdest level of gay there by the rugged better out of me to say I do not like one of these thirty ali blue your mind by proxy bid it up in the normal. So what I ve never seen. Another did work. Craig is everyone's while we watch born like these debts. Definitely duty fuck like this now because watching porn pornography and the guy was it always doggies argues like fish. Looking
man. It's down his heart like I'd, feel terrible I didn't know: yeah, that's bad. I miss the days of like, like you know, like real slow, like watching like b t after dark, the real, slow, some that's a little more mice year. So again the groove back right here John lifestyle rise on a bad enough. It's actually they pretend I'm making love every time. Guy who in a flash known, but this is just so nice to I'm going this as I have no other option- it is why an alibi they're going to regulate the cramp in my left astern. guy, having already regulated by the pass out a kid might not dave d and a fuckin three way with me on this That's all I give half mexicans a leg. He looks
very, very mahogany, so I bet he looks better in the lighting of that strange shrew situation. I came an imagined seeing my dad's face receiving sexual pleasure, I would be so bad either is your dad, so he he would. Now there are, you do know worthwhile my boys over there. they were about to come how much of them comedy daily them getting up. never admitted eurovision. We get you Is it your dad? He would have some zero, not bad. Let me tell you that, but not bad faith,
what a good shakespeare medical career with a view to achieving the tube it's really yeah. He just said yeah yeah slow down jeez. He should save some for the rest of us. Yeah where'd, you watch is your chance. You failed a hooker like an expensive one too yeah. Let's see your dad shamefully try to work it up. I can't Is he god my dad takes of agri done, for
then he's gonna have a harder? You know? Oh, they can't do that yeah. I dunno that's what happened to fucking Keith. He just he took a fucking the robinson though he took a viagra on a plane, a strip of real. There was the plan. The plan was to land and fuck. This chick immediately, love in the parking lot I took one on a plane. You ever had one of those viagra yeah, oh yeah, but dude we found out. We found a bunch of boner pills once in, like I hosted an open mic in denver, lion's lair and me, and my co host roger went around and we were like by people beers and put a boner pill in there, is hamburger dozing, be with border bills, allegedly and then we just gotta watch people like
slowly, one by one. They all like, laugh, you, oh boy, you're your hard out. Guess they lose their bluetooth Yeah I got it on that and it's nice treat buddy you get so hard hurt it real? It hurts, like. Greater dick. It is the biggest dicks everybody really and its is it so hard said it hurts it's about. Didn't I d say for your hearts: will you stay autumn him at all times where blood pressure, medicine, women think, cardiac ailments, they take viagra, they get boaters and held there. nor is it right that the borders never dare to go to. So just kinda probably goes like this then what happens to their blood because they don't have a dick there, but yeah, it's worse. It's worse than ours.
look: it's converted a negative thoughts. Let's get out of the accusation, part of that right. It's your fault! It's weathers argued that mental surer jujitsu there really not wages we have to along with it. You know what they say that I actually interval well battle this is where the court of law was invented. The corral, women johnny depp, one right near. He won and when he won, we want a dude huge that must be so nice the whole room for peel with Nah lady. Now you lose Even then they obviously she's it's never gonna work. She's, never gonna make you gas, lead the whole jury editing. Here I was wrong. Let me I saw in her tits she will whose cuban there
some of them. Scooped up somalia. Have you got in sean? True restarted nick mean John guard weaning meeting hard. We see that penis, one day. Please did you valve on the tour bus at all. You didn't know that reverse edited the sound effect by accident or denied, and he didn't masturbate on the tour bus noah. Just like we had hotels for the beginning, and we were here so as I purged everything I guess Well, when I had the chance was it did you get to sleep on the tour bus yeah? It was so nice to ever talk about it and at first I was scared by the rocking. I thought I was going to make me sick, but then I just
It's like a moment isn't going to do. Were you pulling put on the crusher mobile? I did masturbate on that yeah. I jerked on tim's bow yeah a lot of TIM had a bus. I attended a bus, he did not like it. Of course I was going to say that doesn't sound like him now you can't park the bus at like the four seasons. You know yeah, so we had to stay like at airport, hotels and he was like well. This was wasted. Money gotta be good, but it was bad. It's paid. Maybe it's good is bad. It's good it's real bad, that I'm firing these people being close to dem rules like fucking shit, while he's the best yeah he really is but yeah. I was really cranking it off hard in that bus cause. it's like once everybody was out, everybody was out doing something I was like. I'm sleeping in ye got one off oh yeah, into a sock and to keep the sock in
in the bed had I only that I hunted into my shamefully through my luggage I threw out I've, put that's knocking ash data, might lose us again this year, then go to your laundry. It's like stuck to your sweater, I like oh indianapolis, yeah, hello. It was when a mass raid shamefully on a bus. I was whacking on that bus and I heard ten minutes or a phone call, and I was like twice it is easy owing its utmost idea. It was not easy. There was an alpha level training. Is he attempts cream on the phone with somebody here you gotta not laugh at whack off through yeah sounds fun, though just jerking off and just like a You cannot suddenly. My really nice is really nice landscapes round me. I'm gonna catch him on a flight in the bathroom. Some have that's that is truly, and so do you think it's two seconds there's some dude I've been on planes.
and you're right near the sewer. Do they have lotion lotion on some plane? Do they really? Yes, it's scope, it they have hand lotion in the bathroom on first class on delta. Really yes, they're asking for it's a yeah I was in there. I was like this is for real. This is for guys too. You have to sometimes years on the plane. the summit have, as you did, I altitude of your, like you view of too many of them saved up when you open the skylight that you go get em Wake up incredibly hard on airplane I'll have done. Is our voters for entire for do through its revision? Things is hard for fifteen hours to Tokyo. I had I'd masturbated cry those eyes great. None of us remarkable movie, is necessary you may ass well on the way to turn to Tokyo, Tokyo near I had to get it out because it was hard for like seven hours. My wife's asleep
Why that matters? If she was going to blanket me yeah she's lucky she wasn't away cause. She would have caught that boy, the airport or on an airplane seat. There's! No! I don't think anybody could reach my penis. Well, went, but where his dignan, at my knees. He has to say: there's no way you can get your head in there. It's like a gated community yeah. It really is This is the worst thing over dick that here honey, though to be like that of your legs. wound up with your wife and they you would just put it on the you know, for fucking stewardess, but like surrey, like a man inside my wife right now. What are you talking about How dare you insinuate that I'm inside my wife and my wife, a slut, I'm here spoon? Did you call her son, Did you say that you are useless? Did you're right there. That leaning forward is military. I dont have
peanuts when that happens, to have sex with a girl that wants to do that position. We are setting out ass, easy ass, you like Ebola, artisans and where its work at one time on this, my wife. What are we to do? Lemme get sitting in a chair like a stool, and it was like why stool, set up even sit on so now I hate source, I'm I'm not bill for any height. chair did you like have chosen disasters on our tables. I they do that. Girls like it is I don't like lording over love, high top shit I know they weren't getting them on most of the sticks and then they sit in their ridiculous, like let's sit in chairs where our feet can't touch around at all right, I'm going to step off of those on the balance myself when a public debt fall drinking and for how much is it even displays? A hundred dollars that sells
reasonable yeah? Two hundred dollars doesn't matter it's my money. Yeah. I don't understand it's the circus dude twenty four of an already planning, expensive, briar mortgages, That was one thing Biden and trudeau are bragging about they're like both of us for the first time ever have half of our cabinets with women. I was watching like yeah. That's why the chinese It's weird everybody's, switching and ecstasy. America is going to have no idea what money is and about fucking yeah america blew three trillion dollars on edison light when asked the secretary reserves that I dont really our staff that the airline by a fuckin, fair black lady,
Oh yeah, I got met at the line of scrimmage, got gilbert green clowney various michigan. I got as I tried to ask a question: dude so they lost my luggage. It was in wisconsin and well, it was. It was the easy I saw it coming a mile away. I flew from harrisburg to Milwaukee when I, the harrisburg flight, got delayed, landed in Chicago. I flew from chicago to Milwaukee, which is a one hour, drive yeah kind of annoyed me I kind of a chill drive, that'll be nice, but the flight was the yeah. It would have been very marshy flight was delayed. I had to fucking switch airlines in chicago american switch me to united or whatever yeah as soon as they did that I was like there's no way you guys would get my luggage because, like I told the lady, when she did, I was like sure you gonna get my luggage under the other blaine she's. A yes get of course led him, a walking back out there
hmm I go to the united desk. It was a. It was the black lady. She was like your problems with american, so I went over to america and was an asian man who worked his hardest. Works is can hardest to health, and then he was. I bet you can check with that. Lady. Now that you have the bag number, you can go. Ask again. I walked over and I was like me and she was ass. I told you your problems with american mike just forth on what he's left it at that yeah I was like well, I lost you, guys lost my luggage. Can you I didn't even say it. I was like oh okay. ok yeah, yeah and there is no line. She was literally just sitting there mike you now and around. I wasn't like here and there. I said so and when I came back from paris they lost my luggage and it was gone for three days and then I was in Detroit and I was flying out and I went up to the lady on my flight out of detroit. said I know you're buried in here, but is there any chance? You got this and she was like honey.
Allow me ran me down to sunlight terminal in my bag was coming down and she was like is that you and I was like yes, it is, and then we did the hand. Hug Then she did a little worm thing on the way out. Here is a big deal for me. It is there to help you can get. every year, We have been able to help anyone for a long time, but I helped you. There is certainly the average area. I ve been a marathon version as well when men, when they hit made loggerheads dick, there's nothing you can do about here. When they do. Again. You can just fucking cross yeah. They actually brought the luggage to my hotel room that day they did yeah. Oh yeah, that's pretty nice. I didn't know that I will I see, there's a chance to get. I d go by us. It's yeah, that's fun. The outfit was sick, it's not fun. It is cause I gotta to go to the dsl and just be like here's. My card treat me. I it's my glow up. I can't buy anything.
Why? Why don't I we talked about it last week I got fucked up thing and then, of course, this happened, exact nightmare and by a fool outfits, how things work they did bought van. Now they were sick. Now it was insane. the other was security off it was I just grab whatever I could This group- and I would just five different story, essentially whether resuming beach they say. I when I was a boy it was you that earmarking does. It was like an on talk it I'm going to try to do with whether helping as hard as they could any can bring me like baby it's sweaters and try them on warm. I was like I dunno. If gonna work like big body, bad off, it was talk and then I I finally went to zumiez about pants vans and advanced t shirts jeez.
There was a skeleton like a grim, reaper, informal clock and I was like its revenge where there are stage now, thank god the fuckin luggage got there. I thought I'd say: strange times now. It said its revenge time across the top and what I want to try to be, as it was deemed idea in mind, kids, what it had to be alive, no drake, but I was watching what best sports calls of all time on an airplane, gummy emotional. It is very fun and one of them is a home run and the guys what a time to be was that the band was on the field. The field yeah tiger woods, chip yeah not a horse racing gulls. We all ring that's weird. He runs for history. There is great when they enter toronto. Did you link up with a certain person, jersey, dragon
I know, because I was so close yeah. I know- and I was so close to maybe getting an invite from someone that didn't happen- think I would invite you to have a drink is theirs honour. Would, though, because I was talking to criticise, you are scum, do the same go through me, they're good. I try you know and then I get no response. Maybe I was doing a show. I made time. I was also doing a show doesn't feel good. Does it I didn't bother you while you're doing a show of your other you we those grow like I'm in town. I can. We cannot come to the direct party. I didn't ask that girls don't hesitate Jane what you do in body it we could show lacks reuben same city oh you're going to go the records. While Europe definitely believe that gives gonna be like six on answered yeah, it probably will from you go the tape.
When was allowed, so how many of you even ask me? I didn't ass, though, to drink. I would never You know your honor was like hey, we might even have a drink and I was like that would be cool to be invited to listen. Don't you didn't ask me anything about hang up. I did to nato. What's going on, are you staying in toronto tonight I said tomorrow. Ok, acts, I'm at the royal comedy theatre is bleak again. The next day izzy yeah to realize things yeah. He was a retard that you got enough openers on the first show. I said that too many I got three. I wish you I wish you would have asked yesterday Oh then, when I said that you said I felt bad about asking, then I was like, if I don't ask, maybe you'll think I'm a dick and don't like him. I've been fighting a private war, my mind about it. You understand. I do like you and I hope you vague. It shows us that I totally understand a nice text there. I told you understand. I like you too, I think a very funny. You said I knew Would you the man I have to do this fuckin midnight show now so not I'll see you at all
Then? You said hey I'll make time now. Those are you didn't say that the next text was a picture of you anatomy get when you're in austin earlier. You did not ask otherwise, I would have said yes, definite. Come hang we're just at a bar Apso lately would have said. Come hang out at a bar real loggerheads here, no or not. That was the that was it. We have no proof if racket, anyway, he's recover. Socks and areas says. I'm sorry, I didn't say that the openers requite nice, but now we are close, causes cause, drew ski was in town whose risky committee then that these were friends with drake. While he was in town. I knew I could financial my way into their I said what, if I can get drew skis, show the drizzy drake's going to be there yeah sure enough, drake they were like yeah, you can come over. The drake showed up and they're like nah we're pretty busy as fuck.
the orgies. That was the order out there. These days and yeah, we're not going to hang out with O'Connor posted a photo of like a cool like upstairs ballroom area, and it looked like that might be drake in the photo, and then he took it down pretty quick, and I was like, if they're hanging out with drake right now and I didn't get the invite, I'm going to be really wounded. Let me tell you, okay, and it happens here- I'm not inviting anyone, okay go, and that makes me feel that no one's invited yeah, it's just you and him one on one, I'm gonna, it's just gonna, be me and him laughing and having fun. I listen to every day, I'm so sick. You listen to me all the time you guys on go. Karts can be a montage of best friend and the battery is going to be unbelievable. How much drake definitely likes me he's tired from behind me. big, overcharge shake his head again pushed the five security. I don't know what it is. I am yours he's not you don't know that EU area guys
excited shady diac. You might be a shade yeah, the sky sky, that you're also a shania, quite true yeah who's, going to step up and take his place. He was like king alpha drake yeah drake was like the king of the culture. He was king of modern pop culture for awhile. It forever. That's for sure, for a while longer than anybody to g was ahead of him there. Yes, turkey, him, unlike the human eye, to brought a lady of the humongous ass. yet a ladder brought in a given region lies with drink from the wheelchair. Yes right and they were the top of everything dray became the top of everything, and now who's gonna hit the top rise. Good? Someone's gonna hit the top who's gonna, be theirs young, there's young dude doing now, but I'm too old for yeah. They, I hate them all. True You know le maire, whose number one loretta yeah.
or who's like a young cool guy, that's going to take drakes. Oh I dunno. If it gets playboy carti, actually a campy. I think that's the guy so you guys are going to start dressing like vampires. There has been a barrier now, I'm thinkin. Is he a vampire guy play we're going? India is the red hair, like he's kind away like Michael microsoft, hold your slowly shifting
or a borrowed yeah it'd, be scary theory. I think your view, your view, your vote, maybe a little bitch you didn't. Guy them is written, anime black eyes, regular the guided only like eyes all kinds taken soon at his triangular lucifer, it's gotta be a year What girls like two girls, love drake journey dealer to unite the He doesn't know, Johnny get all jacking ruby, gillis I loved. When I was like. Oh my god, it's cool. I wouldn't do that too. I would think I'd think about doing it all the time his grow. My lovely just look in arabic, become a jack there. Then I want
were those flowing white gowns that arab you can do it. You go to dubai, you can wear it. I know I wanna wear it here. You could you do that too. I don't think so. It looks ridiculous on ample by now, but I will try out of me. I've seen wide use doing westphalia. Theirs is why guy who went for muslim was a big. the earning their browser if you're fat, it looks in, say it now, a silly you fucking nuts, now. You are now less gigantic. The eggs Those out was better to answer. You look a lighthouse you staggered increases near. we should switch to a patchwork. We had our thirty four. Oh I like it sam you so good mom, you so fond of you guys you the nurse or to their sorry about it. You guys so much. I have it's kind of now there's something yes, I've, a podcast culture. We behemoth, which I only ever plugged anywhere on the worst at it, but listen to that. If you enjoy this kind of humor also philadelphia, I will be at the helium comedy club on April nineteenth
and that'll sell out. I hope so. Yeah yeah get on that guy. All my dates are at sam talents: dot com, hell yeah, oh stress factory, please new brunswick! This weekend, please, yes, new brunswick, new jersey get the fuck out. I added a bunch of shows yesterday dude when you post that and then the next one is they're all sold out. I get fired up on your behalf. It makes me very happy. I love to see someone funny when it makes me very happy that concern oh dude, because you see all these people post dates and then the next thing they post it's like it's sold out.
Like, I would bury your ass and you don't want to follow me, but yeah. It was nice when someone good gets it ultra update if you're, if you're in Boston April, seventh and eighth m b, a hideout comedy. Please correct me: attitude, yep, Denver, comedy works April, thirteenth, Houston, Atlanta, at checkout, guard dogs, new pot, yeah dude. It's all the rage, the super ultimate audio visual experience, swap it like that name, a lot dude three postman, yeah like something: a translation of like a japanese game, show that goes beyond the patriarch.
Transcript generated on 2023-03-30.