« Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast

Ep 143- Everything is F*cking Asshoe!!!

2019-08-22 | 🔗

Had to slap a cast together before hitting the HARRISBURG COMEDY ZONE!!!




We talk China

We talk Glory Holes

We talk LA

We talk Economics


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
What about up up episode? One forty three. We think one, forty three one, forty four who care is what it is. It is now we lack our pocket. Go we lost count added were enough, in a mean right now we're in blue time wave zero with the fact that it's just like you, don't even know what zip code here and you don't know, what's wrong stone or gravel man, I'm a ramblin man, but I never know never know where I'm at by no way we could be an hour. Find out. Who knows? Who knows it now, everybody somewhere in the world, as I find the Santiago DE no eight or going to wear it fairly? The area where in Mother Fucking Philadelphia, I'll studios is fairly, who watch in fog and sick ass, like stay here, is illuminati hotbeds on the really game, really talk about it, but I'm not really easily Illuminati harbour some insight, Freemason ship,
Illuminati left awhile ago. Who do you think's Illuminati here make meals for sure, obviously make males has been adopted. Mc males, doubling the king and the Illuminati in her filled out he's not hold up only raptor only wrappers, or allow only wrappers and George Bush allowed. No Illuminati right now really show that's the eleven I ran away. I can't talk about it, but he s pretty much Rick Ross, George Bush, kindly where's got kicked out from what I've heard: Kay was dig cheesy disease, for I mean I might have started Illuminati here in my eyes, are the king, Queen yeah, I'm an investigative journalist? Now I've definitely investigated it, and I thank her. Dear Park, the you have my investigation, I found out their Rick Ross is the high deacon Jaycees appropriately Illuminati make mail is coming up he's a cardinal is carnal only Illuminati and, of course, George Bush's, like somewhere them export local priestess raises a little. Some will dig in real deacon. I represent all the power
Well, remember: you address average control the government. Would you investigated Wiggers Instagram Incidentally, I made up I'm really investigating the thought of important authority here, yeah how's it going do there is an evil empire is literally it is their like you, so still have no I'd. I still haven't found out. I owe them sooner. Dont them, honourable, and never get it. Yeah Oh you know, thousands were bees are coloured to pay for that either the old roles is going about. It. Run errands yeah. Ireland, thousands, if you switch your place, they leave you alone to yet another ticket and then you'll be back up in the system. Such switchblade gotta pay. I pay any tag and you can beat you can be safe. You know, I am, I think, I'll go you, my registration to dig a coroner roses. Hot, we'll, take it yet altogether they gotta get
Do the Philadelphia Parking Authority has. I think they bring in like eighty million dollars a year and then they bringing like three hundred and sixty million dollars a year they own, like. I don't know if it's like twenty five thousand all three parking spots, all the archery parking they do all the airport parking. Then they have this weird deal where, like they give money to the school district, but in like they got audited by David over the Fucking Beast when he lighted a David of sounds very good. Johnny he's a partner yeah, who we had a partner in the office, be a partner in the corners out of taking on the Illuminati. Obviously, the studio as an age old forgot battle. Dude you seen you seen in their data like the imperial grasp. How long is battling the royal grasped we'll get on come so right now, oh put herself Hong Kong due to children. It is a fact man. I talked to him
some days. I don't know if it's like a sister or cousin, she was saying he's been battling, the PPA for a while, so he came out and was like he's like where's the money going there like yeah, don't worry about it. He was like he got them audited and they're really turns out they weren't giving like any money to the school and there's eighty million. Missing and they were dislike. Ok yeah are bad. We clearly have some issues here. What the field of important authorities trying to do now is add a fifty cent ride on right years, we're getting paid off by right chairs to exist because the day o nodded taxi, medallions and fully and like the tax, medallions tanks right shares a future supporting authority, the steed fucking bureaucratic slug that it is kind of like. Well, ok that leave totally went up against her lawyers and lost so
we're gonna do is wont to add a fifty cent tax to every single ride in the city limits and that'll go to us all which will pay to the school. That's right does too has sent to school and wise. It have to go through your guys, his hands. I mean there is it's like this crazy, what they're up to them and they are trying to expand into like giving out tickets for other stuff like walk round hit. You like with ash finds. Yet it there are like a fucking evil entity. And no one knows you call the city there like ours, stating wholesale Nike. No one knows where the money actually goes so we'll say case day to nominate I'm trying to get there all their like real deal. Financials immigrate, oh you, fuck them did again to shit. They might kill you today like take a car of years before they ve taken like three. As regards data for guy, I kiss likely minivans combined with Libya One would have my brothers and you just keep it ba.
That might get the right. You owe us two thousand dollars my get funny Gazette Cars worth four hundred dollars, so keep it that old there. Then they cheat. They charge you for selling your car. It's fuckin is bullshit, but either way. So I will not deny excellent vessel journal. Yet you by the way out of respect for vessels of journalists. Now I thought all like fun. So you a lot of pouring shitty research. You know that now I thought I'd be like a got the cloth someone's slide me like a wicked weak, did I announce us investigator journalists on the right MA, am here. If anyone has any state Barbara secrets, double whammy, Scooby a nightmare that suck knows I just had a red. I realise that there are no secrets issues. Nobody took the time to make fifty phone calls. As yet there are no suit you negative and once you get you know your asses. I'm telling you there, Jerry bad blood, very rosy, blue- that out of the water. That was a literal secret, that they didn't have a working prototype and he Coke set out of people who signed Andy's. Okay, so their secrets brow
Town of ESA get journalists have no secret in yet he knew there was a secret therewith pv. I think it's. It is just as you know, as you said, a bureaucratic slug. To their Andrews, just gonna be a million no age Europa. Now the water they are like. Now the money he's a right show us your. They wouldn't show financials. Now they cooked up financials, but I want to see the actual breakdown, cuz they're, just saying, like administrative cost, eight like seventy nine million dollars and they're all tied in with the unions and shit. Now inside sources. I've talked to a guy or to a the union's like all those guys. You investigated by the FBI, other literally up to secrets and like Vasquez corruption, beers, you have real, I'm on the fuck em, my dicks in the fuckin freighted, which addictive someone grandma, it's in the middle you pull my Dixon urinal did you ever come arise during the memorial using just as we did in the p p a glorious Yes, I did when you're hoping to get socks where my skin yanked launch. What I'm calling for an open source of us
that's the way I fucking glory whole hand job yeah. We ought to be a real, let them know Oil job that would suck how you like you stick. You dig a hole like Someone jerks are always going to suck my doing alarming to fuck a lady, there's gotta be something nice on the other end said he get some woody. Yeah, I guess I'll guy serious I strike, is severely glory wholly they use our bank did not feel jerk model. You knock when you're gonna, not yeah I want to. I would always hold out the hay ones to shift change I want to have someone else out of the yellow hen jobs. Also, though I mean I'm saying did you dig in a glorious you're, not gonna, get a disappointing hand job, true, the personal or they could be have assets, as it could be another all that their focused on that could be danger. That can be well job out something. You see a dude right next year, this Dicky S insecure, like yours, that active young illness. I should go to secure the perimeter of glory hole. You have to secure perimeter because otherwise that person could be
In fact, Europe, maybe you could be or if they obviously obviously most likely he, but if they see like hey, I'm giving you should hand job, because I'm getting fucked on the other. I didn't do it, there's no words in a glorious, cheeriness speak sticky. Here's your little hole through you put your dick through. They stick your fingers and check it. That's no such thing as a guide side as a mouth, I'm the guy. Who could that people find out just like using every a shave? You must ask the yet that you got devilish, secure the primrose Lord, who I am. I should have an outside observer, yet because that's like you're right, if someone's double time and although, if someone's a case, use a shitty hand, job, I'm getting fact curly, I'm a big The well known, there's no top welcome news, no talking as welcome new
Are you getting in ways that you cannot global world trade has only two options: you either by poor. You dig out trail in active fucking protest yeah, but then you got aside it back in and hope they got. The message or my uncle has an Ipad she's a trucker, and he did nice. But to do this, you try to look into a glory home instantly poker I out real yea. You know how to look at a lot of truckers. Are that I see trucker within eyepatch. You know each other. Cherry all over the audit report. We see a comedy: finger in the eyes, stooges mystic, where he is yeah that's going or if it sees no one's ever picked genuine success. Imagine ever ever using a fucking Gloria I mean to that end is lower your boyfriend eyes, I shall lovelier hope will porn, is core to see sure but a match, our sticking digging a hole in his hoping, so it doesn't cut it off there I mean the rush must think being similar endlessly guaranteed aids or whatever you get
That's true, miss I'd! Rather, would you rather drink from this? They drink directly from the school or what something that goes around New York, the Hudson Hudson's earth Google drink like a leader of water orders, Signory own glory whole caught him on the landscape, condiment. I like that. It's a tough one, I'll go! Probably the water you drink civil war. The age is probably like. Fucking horrible diarrhoea trail, especially the extent of it, yet a successful blowjob here his thirst quenched that you could actually of a water. That is true, we're fine! Let's talk on condoms,
without or do I have to. Let me let media this is. This is one more important messages of our time. I mean this guy. This might be the voice of a generation dude. We find this. Let me find the stage this is our train by data wrote my night this area is, is our new rallying call. I was on a plane when Matt sent me this and I did not stop laughing. I was like a very loudly laughing cat shaking that in an accident- and this is in the middle of the floor- is probably a kind of unnerved it like. In the end, it was a red like it was a late night flight, so IP, warlike, asleep and probably come off. The guy see your screen. No one saw now. This is a means. Gaza, absolute freedom fighter, seemed to think he should step in Chinese as the programme
I mean how forking is needed at all times? Its literally probably the front I wash seven times in a row. It's on the relative, Xavier all around you. The guy is fuckin behind. Like John, let encircle shades horn of a banner look. A lot like the Chinatown boss Express Maharajah, so you want just stops for all other. Is him with like circle? Shades on during his face is just deadpan. Do its awesome, Hong Kong Freedom Fighter, he's incredible he's calling for tromp. Do but people. I can't help you with China. That's how her dude. I was fighting with my girlfriend because she was like you're, not even listening to me like, oh, my god, I was watching this video. It was so funny. I showed it to her and she actually broke
her. That video is so beautiful. It broke through the ice dude. That is my girlfriends very unnecessary and I see bitch it broke. It followed her dude hack. I saying at hair literally higher her eyes ass, how quickly, with a lot of walking line, I was saying yesterday you tell sick without be, they became their six emperor, Turann Astute dear when, rather than a rattlesnake in his eye, China is ash hair. You have you read tat. Taiwan has some good ones to go. There is like a bunch of things, legged taiwanese people playing video games. If you just yell like China's number one, they are not really. I invite, if you type in China's number one on Youtube with, like the title China, not number one. China number three, China, Taiwan number one doesn't really does China Lake, it wasn't knows it I want that was a slave colony for China. One of them was, I forget, Hong Kong was those imperialism.
Hubbub. There is year. So in eighteen, like an eighteen vision, my cup of it, I think eighteen fifties was the opium moors yeah and we broke him off England. Controls on there, they had a century. So England, I robbed ready. They drop cradle on China and Hong Kong, Hong Kong, ducks and creative oh cried: Miss s home, so yeah England, controlled Hong Kong until ninety. Ninety seven that when the treaty ended in ninety ninety seven old thatch dog went over their Thatcher, talk to the Chinese, they shouted and they agreed that to go from british Control straight to Chinese would be tough Cosette. You lose all your rights. Yes, I, like Hong Kong, had Hong Kong has rights sure they have like human rights freedom of speech things. I bet that allow us such gems, that guy
exact, has the constitution ever been more me word how many people you think I've been shot from the Chinese Communist Party for saying child pies alike. Someone columns, adapt as now now you're, so many people in a bar just like something that we are passive resistance chinese. Amelia, spotlight more family off the map. Did a lot of people have died for chinese asshole whose work I do about it s, really a while those areas on a horse and to do tat. I needed to Hong Kong NEWS like this there are too many we must go home. Is China how Then they signed a treaty after
Ninety seven where Hong Kong is, has it until twenty forty seven fuck is that he was so they get to either down did Katrina ease them into dictatorship? Ah, yes, said slowly taking their idea just like Now they are, they. They have their own elections, but Beijing gets to select. Like the committee, I heard it without total far, so it's literally just to ever Beijing once a year and now, there's in China, this a China s how the exit tried it was it no moving with an extra valet connection rightly bore, and it's their government bizarre. They just so fake their living in a fake democracy, sword of more extreme version of our fate democracy, yeah. It's like an irrational, much really yea. I can get off a microphone and said.
China, Donald Trump in the head and every few go to Chinese and say well, that's because the present doesn't matter Dear lady found the due to control you like some of that. Take this person now they be like you'd be would be did, but True, this is much less is much less and it's very harsh Leslie dude Maya. So I started my friends. Brother, active troop, he's actually look at a troop lawyer now so he's like a lawyer for the Marines and he does like rules of engagement, kind of logic, which is so crazy because you, what are you explain to me, was like the weaponry, is so advanced at lakes of your flying information. You can be locked on what used to be like the rule. Was you know, people flying violate with a scarf and shit near to open fire? You can fire back, but now you can die in a second so like. If you know, there's anti aircraft stuff on the ground is a technically that could be engagement,
Let's see if the wait till the guy funny you blows up, so you can engage Scylla used like domino Lappet either you say he went to China as using Japan. He was like it's very well known. They don't bring your cellphone over there because the government takes yours too soon. As you entered China, they take your cell phone and strip all your data off when they take all your personal information cause they wanna know. If I see a three letter agency, guys are there, so I guess you don't match up selling all this death. They breached our intelligence system. So, like eighty million Americans, information does are building a dossier that did know if a foreign spies in their thing- and that's that's what their use in their interest to do so, is that you bring a barn or phone. You don't bring anything, has any of your digital record, because the first thing I do a steel off your data. Soon as you go in and he was saying so silly, Valley thanks, so they get the military lot, the the military will come shopping. My here's, what we're looking for product? Why so you know like, but the way it works is before you get funding. You gotta show us how
and then you know, the american military in good faith will be a cool knoxville that we have to make sure it works. You can chinese investors coming here and being like show us the goods and there was like thanks and they'll. Even they steal the plans inverse tangent, like turn his asked. How do such everyone occur? Such fucking azure, because I heard the currency as hell they're coming over here too, like with we know with money and then being leg thanks. Thanks yeah, they to steal a thing: go home like in America in their court of common law. You could see them. They just go back to the Communist Party that fuckin change you saw on issues like did. Excellent actually did ass. You are standing, so it's like air. There is now the reason that none of the ECB and their like when people like well
China is a good example that communism working its eggs will ye ebbed date is completely disregard all the rules of international law, all that stuff website. They they fix a currency to drop the currency. They steal fucking intellectual property constantly, which is funny you so my twenty four year old leg, graphic designer Billy. You know it A process, for example, may still her before I got five forgot. Their souls idea that is like they're going pure they're just like us over them fuck the world there they can plan for a hundred years at a time because the way they visited the guy tell me the way they move. They have hundred year plans so they're just slate what they don't they there doesn't move endued like it doesn't matter this Oleg Quarterly Business shit there like ok, yeah I got to keep doing. You were going to keep hammering the book right now. It's all about, like a cyber warfare
Are we kind of started at fucking with I ran by like trying to Trinity disengage their nuclear stuff? We're eternally blow their stuff up like half their stop and have a mountain and how, like everyone's in on an Alex brushes in on in China's in on it- and this is like it in the way it works- is no government wants to like they set it up. So it's kind of untraceable, but it's kind of obvious. Where comes from so like? No one admits it. Everyone doesn't secret. There's like crazy cyber warfare going on right now and it's like nobody really can talk about it. Cuz, certified, but then the guys like, as I'm, walking through the CIA building on my phone, how did the? How does you gain access as a journalist into the CIA? building thing. I want to write about your top secret programs, like kind of sceptical about the book by pretty tight, to read those type these because I walk through only two in Virginia and I'm here I see the top officials, as I did. Ok you're running a secret book about their secret fucking programs. Like commanded a lawyer.
Your media, get the fuck out of here on a real and thus gave us following. I walk through the halls of the people here, a hot dude. I'm carve. Consider me carved it, that's an absolute compromise. They could cop naked compromise me so easy below yours, forty, five hundred dollar super gotta how they gave the amnesty. Don't really said that we'll document you're thinking because I'm a bad day they they really they offered me embassy. They were They were like just gave us like my mom so mad. They give us like a hundred box and will forget they did it. Everyone will forgive all the debts now, PBS Ash hair here that they didn't give diatribe. Don't trust, PDA, PBS and ask I didn't give it to us. Fuck that loves to be reviewed is definitely is shared. Review is what, if I break story ppm is trying to destroy pcbs. Why how I could be China Hawaii Hawaii? What's it called again? I know. What's a five g should go,
Why? Yes, a wire so there's! No! Where have I not hawaiian away you wise, but yet The idea that you don't know shit about China he's I do that, just like you, it's on if anything, they don't play by any rules. And it's like these Dusar bout attitude. The image is a day. Are you know their planning for details? I wonder if it didn't help us when we destroy Japan You know the japanese Euro Arab fighting each other kind of keeping the Chinese in check and by keeping them in check, I mean invading and raping them constitutes a trail. Once we killed all China, your daily planner that'll take up some time. You won't be able to make knockoff apple watches if you can rates, but then how people by figured. You purses ya. Think about that. I know I do think about that.
I'd, lose sleep yeah. Now that I've been valid, people can afford high ambrosch and they want to wear the arc of wearing knock off high fashion. Shit is like one of the most tragic It is crazy to see- and you can tell way you know- you'll see like you'll, see like a black dress like soldier boy walking around with, like crazy belt, you'd be surprised, and I know how much of them real through the note or their money is the most bars deathlike deal. That's the real deal. You can snatcher G bout off a black dog around. Take you shouted the sea like a twenty three year old white check. They saw again into the figs. I guess you see a lot of a lot of like girls. I feel it. I allowed. The figure is thereby out in the black deeds and there is like black. Can I say to sniff out fake stuff. The others also reported guy. Year in year out there like ours. You know one stands a true, but no
stanza lose more on fake fucking Jordan's than black dude in the hood is there is like it. There was like a literal task force that you're out looking costly. My girlfriend's cousin got busted for us, a mexican MIKE's dude who never lived it down. Their number was forty five states Papa. You did Michael Jordan number forty of copies he's like fuckin I like these. We came back a year. We were rewarded the area, daring and forty four There are forty five zero tonnes of Guiana, not a good time so yeah. That's it. There's lots of vigilance round fake stuff, I'm ready Chris Hedges book right now, do so fucking good or about the fog. It's some anabolic illiteracy. Whatever his book is the title of illiteracy in it. Delay semi that yeah man he's gone base. We Howard is sliding down into like some. They were wells version of what's gonna happen and Huxley Orwell was like China was the like. The the scary situation were to be like smite like just bullied into submission
so he was more like no we're gonna be like coddled information with a ton of unnecessary bullshit to where we don't know. What's real insight, China Kind of one Orwell Burkina gone Huxley. Yet, where do you live deal? The literacy rates have been dropping where it's like forty, two percent of people out of college, never pick up a book in a third of the country is like functionally illiterate or forty zero people and they never pick up a book again cause you don't need to anymore. I mean yea do yet continually the keeper finding himself dealers world changing all the time. You don't pick up a bookie. Only why? Oh? No, no! I meant, as far as entertainment goes that's why people read they were reading for refinement back then. Their reading to be like I have nothing to do here, is a story about a whale false falls of us way false yet do when Abraham Lincoln gave the what his address at Gettysburg addressed. That was like an eleventh great reading level. When George Bush spoke, it was alligators seventh grade reading level, so Peter
worried finding themselves to reading and there was like there was an advancement of knowledge. It was like. It was sick that Lucy rates are significantly higher now yeah, but did national like the way people resent issues? Is that, like a higher levels of people who could read bookkeeping themselves like a higher standard? Well, maybe they kept it at a higher level so that the popular didn't know what the fuck their talk. Literally rates are declining to many other, not irony. I succeed Earth Day they spike in early nineteen, hundreds and now they're, starting to decline. The declining late precipitously in the early nineteen hundreds literacy rate spite not only right after slavery, mainly you re spite among black people ready to slavery like among living? Unbelievably, I thought your tongue by the population More people are literate, but it's like it's bad, though literacy dropping from I don't know.
Exact time, but its little any, even if the fact it like, I guess, there's more more people now I don't know what they're saying that there's a good third of people can't really read it all and that the majority of things is it's been things. The public discourse has been dumb down from an eleventh gray level in the Abraham Lincoln Time, to the phrase greater and I'm saying, maybe they used to talk like that to make sure that it was only the p that were able to get education were making choices and listening and things like that, yeah, I don't know I would go with that, but all this shit I hear like any politician talk about, as is bullshit, so it's like they were breaking down important concept. So you guys you understand this, but the dislike look you're about to be raped by Mexicans got b b weary be ice was only their lake. Is I like, when authors do, that when they write books for the masses, I got my shit to fucking esoteric amateur write, a book tat like everyone get behind, but it's like
Internet is Chris Hedges as the ultimate like we're dead were doom and gloom Bob did he was talking about the show the swan. Number that the reality showing you know that was years over the guy pretended not to be a milliner. No did not adopt the swan is, I know, you're talkin about the swan is that in the early I think two thousand for they ran over this sorrow. I remember vaguely when I read what it was like well, I forgot all about that. So, like you would so, if you are a bay, You think I'm a pretty my husband doesn't have sex with me and they are, and they will do to range, a team of plastic surgeons and give you surgery, personal trainers, psychiatrist, and they will give you like a ninety day makeover. You just come as like. A new like complete new draw. Plants, everything done wardrobe and gaelic on value in front of your house on value funding on value in front of alive audience. Yet for and then in his? U verse another person, whoever's prettier winds and the one who's not pretty Lee is like you know they get like
reserve your to the family of family. They give you a dollar. Secondly, the families there and his leg still block all you re families all here, but yeah you lost, you don't get to go to the beauty pageant. So we have these. People who are like rippling body images, body image issues and then you given plastic surgery and you make him compete for whose prettier three have someone who has like still totally rocks from a lifetime of yet not really liking them. So in a new body, and then you lose
that's two seasons and they found great. They trashed it that those two thousand forty there was a show fuck we watch on the bonfire was like you get hooked up to a lie: detector before the show, and they ask you questions and if you tell the true yup you advance and the questions were like. Did you cheat on your husband member that and they d like yes, like that? That's true and then like the husband would be sitting on a couch right there and he'd have like a button. So you could skipper question a question was to fucked up. You could skip it, but then the next like to cordially elected you cheat on your ass. Many big skip we'll need to know that don't worry about it. Honey Let's get some money. Okay. Next question was like: have you ever fucked one of his work friends while he was gone and it's like? Well, I'm just going to say it. You know we're already this far. Yes, yet aware fuck, what was an immense showed the whole shows. Aguilar time them just burning their family down for it.
Lastly, like a hundred thousand yet lasted very short out was right around the same time as this one there is, there is a real pushy after survivor to just come over. The most fucked up. Reality shows that reside. That's what had not gone age of Jesus Pure Fuckin, who is a coup care, spoke again back to her. With that Pd Live pities fuck the speedy, it's alive cops. Will it also hook up island? Would ever that shit's called live pity is like cops. Did european affair? Read them so I have already shown is on. Then I found our cats when I put it arguing the regiment. Yes, yes, I, like all we got some crazy shit on Arizona, Santiago check it out. You'll see someone's Gordon someone's now not in the Red Zone, it just like a method being arrested. Is it is it is them foxholes value, such as the exact same format? It's a dude there's like three cops in a fuckin studio, and then I again some news from my view. No Grand rapids, let's go check Alice. You
It goes. The live live cops with arresting people dude. I did. I did a show in Providence And a guy in the audience, punched, the GM and ran out and he got arrested on live, beat it. It was you talk to Serbian were there was rephrase it was exactly like. Ninety, like it was TAT the whole we're like holy shit, we deck. I just got arrested on national television, what the fuck at this year, while brow yet well. That's so that through the hedges book is about, is how like that's the only thing left, is getting or access to television and like hell, that's like the only portal for like left for meaning for Americans. How like it's like, celebrity culture, television, how like he was showing these shows up. People dislike literally incinerate. Their families were like a second in that's pilot and how all those reality shows are pumping out.
Fuck everybody getting ahead. The only thing that matters is it? That's! That's our like. It's a literal like religion right now, so you know. I hope you will be always right like this in a religion, but he was like that's kind of our subsidies for religious values wherein, like a total, downsize, Gus Real downer hedge. Spent his whole time? He's also is a fellow of us. You have journalist, he spent his entire like things by twenty five years and active wars owns where countries were like. Your regimes are being toppled. I think, using like Bulgaria somewhere, he walks like an eastern european government volume to another place. Another government got overthrown, so he spent years over there watching societies collapse, and then he came to America. He was like he is all eerily familiar, so he was like we're in that we're in fuckin we're in decline or slide down on alike study. This were twenty five years.
This is what happened over there when they're about dude hedges. Stuff easy, as is the ultimate he's, a blackmail peasant Spencer. Did it a marine his book and was gone of Jesus? Oh my god, there sit around being like cause. The literacy thing is not true rights. It also miscarry the rise in it, but he saying the basically we're being dumb. The discourse is dumb down. The disk whereby, on downtown light, the discourses education is down down. Discourse is dumb down for a pretty obvious reason, which is because now it's entertainment, and now it's meant to reach everybody you, but even the educate,
in protocols damned P2P police learn like all the classical language. If you went to school, you went to school of you didn't, go school years worked, but now it's like every kind of the school but Aramis bullshit education before you would like learn the classics. Learn mythology, learn history, learn philosophy. Now, though I stay, capitals are authentic, you know you're fucking out, so we're getting a pool. Shit, education, youth and Education Dasso ask his ass had or did I d learn shit then give it there's. There's proposed all these there's proposed all of these huge problems where you were forced to learn cursive and I Iliad who gives a fuck. That's the problem, okay, so back then yea you did get to know. The classics now become a computer program.
Show, so there are at least room for both. That's as they are even learn, lucky viewers. So I think it a talking about computers. I can learn like the books on reading right now. This even goes my school now that I'm learning more affordable than I am, and I fucking school, where it's like you couldn't. I could have learnt like that book. All the shining things like the progression of western thought encapsulated in quick book were now ago: ok, cool at that's a useful peace to be able to do. Where did our thinking come from how're certain lines of thinking revolutionise where we now need to learn any that it is kind of like how to be basically ineffective, factory worker, which is fine, as whatever Dude it's I don't need more philosophers. We need more factory workers, know they're they're done weedy moralizers. Now we re more philosophers, economic killer content. Well, yeah! That's what we are That does not mean that's true. There are literally a factory work,
yeah you're a mile did factory work a mile. Nice grew very. Yet that's out every time somebody rights books like that are like said she like ours like this is it this is. The end, is like the end of the roman empire I've been saying there forever the same people that are saying this is the end of the world, while you re never ever as a couple our ears and it's a roman empire capponi years before. So I think we are not saying that that about like a couple, they have been saying that a couple hundred years about the United States, the account the United States, is a couple hundred years old, the Al Qaeda, so they when they Jane and, like the railways, do their literally always saying like did. The end is nigh forever well, Charlie I'm gonna be right, but check this out. Nodded If that is all too easy, you could get, but we can pull out of it, but he was like we're so enmeshed in basically all the bullshit and there was like there is one other thing I sort of watching. This was really really good.
Mark Blithe, its global tramples on the future of the global economy, He was saying how every thirty years Basically any capitalistic system. It, like So you it is like he calls the hardware and software so like in the seventies it was like. Labors labor was a strong force. Lady. I think the labour pool owned, like seventy five percent of the wealth. You know it was. Everything was worked out to our like. You know that worked at a reduced unemployment, but then inflation rose suddenly he's at every thirty years a bubble presented self and has to be fixed. Then we went to like the NEO liberal approach, where it's like I we're gonna, just like stop keeping money in a country in this are putting it everywhere in that way, like you something reproduction skyrocketed but late, though price of labour supposed to increase with production that stops labour stagnated and the production skyrocketed, all the wealth is concentrated.
Unlike the hands, are very few that that is our literal situation right now, yet we have a problem with too many none of those too many fuckin, like billionaires- and that's ridiculous yeah made, it also will be cool. They can live than one percent of the one percent. That's the prow! Now that's that's like what we're facing there's trumps trump, like figures popping up around the world because yes happened. Kindly ass, some great once today, really India, some fuckin. However they have any jobs, did did every billinger. So all these, World countries are all new money, so they are not handling ratio. In America, like England, Jim when you're a billionaire. It's like I'm a Vanderbilt. I've been built like a certain level of prestige. These Indians get money that I burn.
Billion dollars a day on Instagram aghast eagerly wild. Yet their great I mean Sykes, Dubai yeah, just a golden Ferrari sock our focus very soon, but you that he was saying any rational entire things really good. So far, the guy think was a useful communion. You say now Heller so many reasons he sector the only area, comedian, Hastings Posterior disguise horse That is why we demand that so much area, duties of the past Tell you guys great yeah. He
He goes and basically gives like a presentation on the economic, the history of our lack of short history, capitalism. How now like every thirty years or so you if you watch like the grass it bugs out, hits a hard deputy gas because others to make new factors entered into an old system and the system needs to be continually change. So right now is there a problem? Is there the wages have just stagnated and all the production or the people, the people at the top with who are like the Capitalist Basler Lending money like the finance class there they got all they're getting all the gain for all the production and wages are displayed rated. Nearly people does not have an it so and when there are sanely tromp is coming just because of racism. It's like sorry, brow and think about who stands to gain from being like it. Listen I donno trumps economic service
racism not even like he's gonna save us all he's just having and all this discontent he's like. Oh, I can definitely has run of Agnes Run. A populist fucking thing here is a position blood, but people try to reduce and when all the major new think about alleys newspapers are so against them. He's running he's he's trying to smash this economic system. That, basically, you know the people who own the near times, Jeff Phases, Washington, Post, stand gather off so much as a labour people who were to say the labour pool used to have so much of the money. Now they have a lot less things like sixty percent. Now thirty seven percent say how they lost a significant portion, but it doesn't seem like a big deal bill and produce rose, I much they didn't get any of that. So it's like it's a a big units. Basically worldwide, you have all these wild men pop up the auditors, Ip Billig it just racism. When I do. This is not just one effective too. Obviously, but it's like so lot deeper
people just wanna be like it is again there's a bunch of there's a gloomily narrative that there's a bunch of lake dormant KKK people who are dislike loaded and chilling who are like. Finally, it's time you come out. Yes again, do sorry, no, it's not the fuckin case self. That was that guy's thing that guy's presentations awesome, really fuckin nice, yeah yeah begun I'm stoked on that the sick, pretty I'm pretty it tramper is gonNA is, is don't battle with China, still we're gonna fields and we're going to war which was going to collapse of him talk instead to China, I mean, did we're gonna, go to fraternity, like look, I know the short term might not be good, but we got to do this long term. I mean dude, it's going to be, I don't know how we're going to do it did you, I don't know anything. Did you see the thing? I think I see you're out in Europe for weddings in Brooklyn. I saw a I saw thing on New Brooklyn has like woke advertisements, just like fucking posted up everywhere.
There was a thing. Those dear America, walls anti answer signed Germany. It's like you guys think wall or what people are given you guys out at first of who knocked down that war, you ungrateful had been walking on crowds who knocked down you dirty crowds dude, and there lay Oh yes, we tried walls like how you guys are really known for guys, don't be all mandatory and you guys still gotta sit on the sidelines. It's like. Oh you mean the wall that the communist spilt in your country about one. I wish I had a sore who context you'd like thing about the Fucking Z S where the fuckin yes Jenny ideas, so you got more known, fury morally right. It's garlic, fences and barbed wire access. It. The Communist Party build a wall, yells EAST Berlin. To that level. Funny. After World WAR Ii we split Berlin, the Soviets got EAST Berlin, we got West point, the allies got West Berlin. So then everybody was trying to get to the fucking West. So you didn't live under the
do you live under Stalin? Pretty much people don't want to live under communist rule for most whenever they don't they. How do we save time using pops out we're like war, and then they get water there like now and then the other side has like cool adds because they like the buildings. Are you see like a fucking Coca cola? What the fuck is that yeah we're so with grew, what's really like. They have creative expression and weed out there. Words, the liberal attitude is a big fucking deal did not have leg. Revenge, you said even if the whole thing goes and again, if it's gonna get if you're communists, it's gonna become a little tail totalitarian nightmare view. Go full capitalists. Punch me Lord, I a rich most people, don't I've kind of suck is what is required is like take your fucking Isn't it again? If I was control, I think I could come up with a third way actually adopt. I kill me like they did Gaddafi, but I think I can figure out a way. It's not funny, though his leg.
Dear America, walls are the answer, love Germany and say: ok, you guys Has known for your where it has never been a central gazed at the most recent genocide in Europe also nodded and but whose most recent beside the armenian genocide, the army, They ve Zita Parker Jude up hard, but those road were one ok sake, but the agenda: it's like Bosnia. We went over there to help the Muslims stem homes or get modernization, genocide that either Bosnians all these days in Europe was not none too pleased with MRS really so they started Kellerman. We came over protected. The mullahs really ok, back off the area only weaken bully the Mazurka Little Brothers digitally hey man. We fought with them, but all we ask- and I was glad on turning the last european genocide in Bosnia did it using the nineties early nineties fuck it
We need definitely again there wasn't that wasn't western white people gotcha gadget! That's what the big thing about the Holocaust was year. It was useful, Brady much White on white whose, like they look exactly like us, an act exactly like us, the Germans and the Jews, weird to see them, kill it like Rwanda, like the guy, who gives a fuck tutsis, invoking Hutus or whatever. Yes, there, that's, I care, relate to the ongoing that's ongoing genocides. Well, Rwanda, I don't think so. They have to pay out o Thou India, Don T at all fuckin locked down. God, you you'll stand. You do I ever in the Irish Sea lights. James I come to my holiday- is an early in the year? Is a bunch of genocides going on right now about its in Africa like yeah yeah? What How do you? How does China is there there?
My rounded up the Maas endowed like camps and shit. That's no good May has great India. Pakistan is about to go to fuckin war. That was one. That's like that's a hotbed, as has always been, but yeah India. Pakistan indicated the battle over Fuckin Bob's. I feel it. Bob's over Baghdad they're sending Bob's say anything. I just wondered like India is. Is leg? Is Pakistan dislike Square Ass, India? They seem like a real serious version of India. India's varies from a very serious Any kind of does like dinner that but the butt of genuinely translation somebody will, I dance reject. They have at least they have bollywood ia. Pakistan. Doesn't? Pakistan is more like sheltered, Osama Bin Laden? still nobody's they'll? Have any music legacy is now Pakistan, as we think Camille nah Gian here, whatever dude from Silicon Valley, Daisy
August has ever done danced summertime. They don't obvious I must highlight level maternal or rather, culture did. Pakistan has excuse me, Pakistan, as decent balls. I worked with the pakistani Use man, I'm not saying I hate Pakistani? Don't I don't think you do quarterly arrival, passionate his way more serious, so that was it that was used me of travellers who told you that was not a genocide who India and Pakistan Hu Jia is legit each other hot. So yes as genocide, killing people, it was his people on people wasn't even military. Genocide is like the Germans state again. Both claim genocide on this, though India, Pakistan, because there were just ass. Anything any was a! U genocide. In his first, you fuck genocide is first exactly what they're doing any fucking genus. Pakistan wasn't a country that there were Muslims and Hindus in India. How many people we need for energy, for Joseph India did a thousand. As our say I have,
because I don't know that after the number is. What is it? I guess, if you have any idea, I assume you call your should have you Babe Ruth it like a private, ailing these people and they entail a couple. The government. It has to be like a systematic, you know yeah. I bet it can be left, but if it's you took a government targeting array, sir dude ethnicity, religion in all twenty two in terms of the Holocaust that wasn't secret for us right yeah. So there was got. There is german conspiracy theories. Like we York, bring the Jews, and people like come on. There were Jews, true that were saying, they're killing they're, going to utter Jones. Yeah I heard about other Jews were shut. The fuck up to do you think about that dig out here. You're fucking, tinfoil had often look up. Jesus Christ flock is now wild thing about the conspiracy theory then be. I do I don't know it seems. Like I swear, I saw I'm going into them around like come on, did with the butcher the book in either the book night opens on you gimme that
The guy. You came back scaped and got to the next house and was like they just put us on a ditch and shot us and ever was like you're drunk, and then they woke up, and I did a god damn it yet, but if that's all they could do is be like now. Let us draw you know. If you have someone told me, lay there come down again asked at populate. Let's go, let's forget. If somebody came in to this like eight, so Shane her yeah chain or breaks in his like yo yeah, there rounding up deeds in north failure, common Westphalia neck. How'd Libya, Yolanda fuck up. I would listen to you, if so I gave it was like hey. I just came from the other town there, murdering us I'd, be like ok. I bet you dont women, like nineteen thirty's. There's some real dump: rail trades, Roman, the hills trail. It is a duty in the book there like we thought he was an idiot.
With an idiot by nineteen thirty's. Poland standards is that's the dumbest guy. How did he get out? Is so damned it is craft religiously, so damn he just. I think you have forgotten the buggy Seti play dead, but parsimony TAN, but yeah it is. You got some. We got some good news, wild sugar, Amazon's burn in Hell, the Amazon Fire Amazon, bull scenarios, calling he saints Eco terror uses I use or dislike environmental groups, letting you know fire on purpose, which is really that's it That's a bold move. He's coils ethos is the environmental. False lags get his own conspiracies gone. The asian unrolling. Do that's a good way to fight? Also it's funny to think about. If I get a conservationist Munich, what's burned down a quarter of the rain forest get them. Finally, some attention get the fuck out of here get just,
for a station ass one, but is that even need a lot of the guy it will dumps and water on a bill apes. This is fucking, obviously my political enemies, lighting the rain. Forests, provide our announcing owed. No one would blame that on you, yet we gotta fight those. While it is his four, why cause he sold all the fuckin land and they're? So the reason it's burning is because the deforestation off this is all them like. Do, I think, Mcdonald's as a fuckin like, like several small states worth of land in the Amazon of just cows and like they just cleared then Firestone, ok and make sense or dog deforestation is his fall. It literally is that goes for his his whole campaign was like we're: gonna sarmatians, fuckin money dude, whereas our mining and all that shit in the Amazon, gullies fuckin trees,
India is like I'm sick. These fuckin tree. Imagine beers about bugs and frogs and share the maghribi that rock was get glop attributes that cock of someone's acknowledge do like the whole planet needs is reinforced. Policy bitch, how the world needs oxygen. Fuck you guys do. I need money that guy's awesome. Let me that that some fucking there- that is something I wish. Sometimes I wish is that just like did you held it? Did you see a video of south power? Now? It was dark at two p m because of the smoke. It was night time in a major city day as how big this fires, it's like scary, to look at two p m in South Africa.
I think it's like their most populous city, the ebony yeah. It was pitch black white hair. Brow see clearly the work of my political area. Spooky times I mean it could have been a video from night that someone was just like this was two p m, but I think it was real, probably a problem. You seem pretty real. I would say a special duty that guy's response kill me It is, I mean you go terrorists, clear of AIDS is a false. Why should Turkey is the ego terrorist false, flagged frame him? So they have the pesky environmentalist like well, we'll burn down a bunch of rain forests and then we'll get him tight one. The one thing we're protecting bring you down. Yeah, maybe did I'm telling you. This is why kind of people were arise up though it's like again made me across edges, algae on the cutting edge dislike edged, people are being dumb down, people bring fuck deck at an economically and then a guy comes he's. Leg, flock policies in every way,
Yeah I mean it's too late. It accuracy tat got movie like it is not that, but there is different forms of literacy. Obviously, yes, like sure a kid kid can't read: fuckin Moby Dick, but he can operate night. I yeah, then you just select a propaganda, video watches in his like for here, but you could have selected a propaganda book like the protocols of Zion. True summoned, it's just a different form of. Yeah. I say I don't know, I don't know, I don't know yet. There's a book called like everything. Bad for you is good. Was that it's the guy kind of arguing like video games that have a ton of benefits tv. You know yeah in its benefits, Pilgrim s view that you know what I mean to you right now: sellers Zella, Hell books with curse words in the title that hell that's my shit. Dude subtle are not giving up on those that those the name of the book
that's my shipping or the wondering how to kick ones, get your shit together another once a subtle are not giving a fuck. I mean a storm Pearson with us, wayward literally to clean your fuckin rule can be room pitch, make sure your dick is clean. Water. Dick. Every man stood, I'm telling you that's it yourself. How book and put a curse, Marilla title you get it Moreover, some one will take that up and give you by forty grandpa, but most of the girls that outdated, but real girls love those books. Getting shows the Mexicans girlfriend with searching for that. What she just kept she's, like I fucking hate self help. Since she kept covering the yet others are the ones I be a bitch. The appeal which could you please be a bit? Are you trying to make more money right now be a fucking bitch to everybody around its yet all assets discussing it?
Havana Chagall that yeah dude. I suppose I'm sorry about your last. Indeed, I saw him. You insult Joe lost Solid YA senior. Would man had tickets brow? I ran into Fuckin Bill nine punch of faith and bit ly the sides pleasure I'm sorry to cut and that's what I'm getting hot, so you don't. We haven't. Borneo, hung out we can. What was he doing cocaine now? It was funny players about cocaine so in at the store in the green room in there's like a bar there's like a back bar for like comics, unlike hot ass, celebs, yeah and Andrew. So I was in a green room for the first show. First I did there last week and yet I was nervous. Yes store that place. I've always wondered perform. That's one. Its limited special, their rights and blast looks ass. Imitating it's not that roads as rogueries had got so I'm in a green room.
All his colleagues kind it you know they they do a thing, but they don't talk to you. If they don't know. You sure- which I never understood, because if somebody's and if I know everyone in the great let's say you me- and bees her in a green room- yes and somebody else's in there are much- can keep having conversational utility vehicles up dude, where you from What do you do? It's the weirdest any such or outside it. So we are to me it's it, but then Andrew Santino came in great dogged you'd like this guy. Isn't that yeah, Santiago, good bore real came in school, we obviously let's go fuck and chilled it gets beers. We went down and then I scooped up the masters owes me Mackey Santayana we go down the green or that bar and ah there's like a squad of clearly famous it yeah. I just you know who the fuck they were sure that we can cut his hair and eyes Asia. We get easy to carry out the weekend. If he had his hair, I would have known sure. Instead, he was just like a chubby black dude sitting on a store. I didn't even think he was the alpha.
I think I, like my hand to like one of those drivers yeah. Yes, it's nice to meet you then I should, when I took the weakest May I make eye contact got big talk differ so would subdued as I am saying, hey I'm Jane. I did that you got. You got the exact treatment is like everybody and then one do that was way like a sweater in a chain of some answer. Really it was noticed some ray. I had the wrong guy. All I had the wrong guy squad and then I'm sitting over there and Mackey like TAT was the week like that weakens white. I shook hands. Even my life yea and was a test. It is the weakest banned, because I thought I saw the weekend music. He caught his hair and there was a call: that's a wheat together, take A knows me, the death, I say it out loud enough that they like looked over us.
At the next night. The next night I was at the improv did a set and build a high. Was there a bill? Now has the same. He was with my agents, yeah he's under the same wraps and Don't worry about the light. I wouldn't you when he walked out to me as I do global warming, the fuckin hoax, and here he was of anti liked my stand as us, which was hilarious cause I was like. I think I have an episode of my pack has dedicated to how much of a volcano tool by FIFA metabolic there were lots of it. I have a lot to be done. In recent years, Why don't? I was wanting it? What are you don't forget, while also Larry Byron that episode of yet ashore Netflix and he had like a whole ass? I, like your gender, is just made. And then there was about her. Oh I forgot about. There was a girl fuck, you wasn't, it was like a female comedic actors are comedian. He added like a gender wraps on his show.
Write something that was your rights are so bad Saki put our trash. He got us as you put out ration outrage that junk out chopped, that's Oneida junk, guided the junk out a hurry back, a backed up a trash tracking down some junk down on their funds. The donors ass, how he might ass well, he was at home now he's the man because you resolve he loved my stay languages. I worry that that is the absolution of any and then he was like when I when we started- and I was like- did you fucking fat cats scientists trying to come up with global warming? The whole myself on, while you fat cats line in your pockets, he was. He was a good sport. I so fucking funny and then he'd. He demanded a selfie. What's his next move and then I think someone was liking. Obama invented the selfie affairs like sectors of no yeah. I think the guy with the first camera that yet were sure exactly what area he's crimson guide.
The picture of your. Why get such fuckin bullshit yeah, where we saw some bruises build, I'm mega fans from waste info some lady, but Bill now has a mega fancy that was like really the whole place was Bosnia. Don't I get pussy definite the grass was gained pussy built, I definitely gets pussy. Do we'll nine like the great buildings there celebrities, yet extra fuckin show networks. He gets nest grass guide and up he got Jan. He got your damn them. He had caught his eye low inside he generally, the jam development have happened thick built. I was a man and then I saw Please vote all other than it has he done road users be enrolled jack. This fact road users be Ajax. As far then he got off Satan watched. It was called a watch him watch ideas in like a small room. There was cool miscellaneous leaning s coming towards the coup
This fuckin place ever Gabby automated Dick commie sellers asshole talk so's, I hope, is still sellers. Asshole commies allocated only seller number one or no known have historic country stored over one of how Mozilla Asshole this stand The data is at obeyed councillors at how competitive footing it has to pass there. We have to delete this. They re Yoruba, we like you, but you you call us ass hair like do you guys are asked to do. If you have you guys, I was one poligized everybody. I called Commissar ash commissars, obviously for sick, but the store I mean did come so sick. That is good. It's a dizzy world verses universal Theme park. I know that you're tell me there's just little
their attractions there, maybe lava better mood going on there. That's the thing. The stories like you do it. It is electric the accepts its though every room is fucking pact. Every single room, there's like four rooms. There are all packed every route, the road Jesus, fucking hoppin around these fuckin sick. That's fine, say it. You did kill Tony. So I can find that was fun. I was not did. That was also again mere disquiet. Will you fuckin till you guess love? Is the man really? What is Africa. Yeah thyself, the fuckin just by you. I knew it I discovered it scare us the everyday. Bizarre dog, but yeah yeah. It's beyond our radar dog dude hands, cliffs canteen, oh yeah Yeah exert using a lot hate. People are hey known, but that is what it is. It years just caught come some was kind of corny, whatever
However, there is also the good show that showed kill. Tony's of August shop came through really you lookin giant his big. I don't even I didn't seem performer anything, but he decided about. As you have C4 record no shit, I've got an idea of a yet. You know he ran away in the ring right. He would keep me that he put a documentary like an hour, long documentaries, trash God. It's like the forties part, afraid to say this is when. Back. I talked about when job mention people, gaming wasn't a hustle back eyes like voice How can he was a good reason to say you seemed outgoing every day, twelve hours later of any other came running away. The rain is like it just some do for not a thing. You do that it's like did out. Piss me off so yeah, especially because it a sport running away in the ring, is like a major decision, but the air Yazzi like Fuckin, kneeling the ball in football.
This was also a fight to so there's like you can win on the score car. I worry that people you get your face. Bashed end. I always feel more like you got art I can't talk show because in baseball I dont think I ever didn't jump out of the box once I get Bala come at me, and I was like a third. If you're getting beat up, the fact that the getaway wake up honey, Homozygote, watching a fight. Where were they wanted? They got a knock em out. They got over the knock out the losing the fight year. Then I take over the fuckin, not they're gonna Fuckin pommelled, and
the guy who's kicking their acting as an egg. I ride a knock em out scary cause you're gonna get laid out. You just try not to get back. There is a guy. I would take a break from like being terrified. This person is clearly stronger and better me and fighting, and I'm gonna just get the one that get someone say. Yes, I can have less you kindly retarded that helps of yours. I damas FARC in yours, like a gag over the knock asked D, as is the issues. Where did you watch those rights which once he has just for anyone? Yet it was Cynthia down? There is a fight, your well Romero verse, this Brazilian did Costa yeah and its war, the funniest fights you'll. Ever since you are a marrow, Durham Room, giant jacked black dude from Cuba, Yazzi doing like traps to his ears year. He looks like he's. We literally looks it gives a turtle shall that's how his bill each no like that, but then causes huge to CASA wasn't a fighter who was a body border for a while, I kind of ever closer. I now think I've heard of him. It was such a funny for dude. The fight starts there like jumping in the air
punches like flying around you. Our marrow gets caught in the first round gets like knocked out falls. Face first starts getting hit, he comes back, gets back up, they start their own punches again. Your Amira literally goes look over their swords have you just having just been knocked out there and not the other guy, like the other guy gets up, and they both laugh. It's a fucking funny is for Europe, and there is I too Jackie through a giant jack dude, clearly both, but I would say clearly righted sure, just not literally not need each other out, fourth and getting up and be like her, who one isn t bother rock steady, really wanted a costume,
a one on what exactly is a fight on the show till CASA, one on decision, but they were like taunting, each other and laughing the entire life FARC, and they call me avers me out. It was fuckin, says yeah you did in the end the fight, Korea, Korea was winning. Orton. Then also me out, it's like figured out. He could just throw body hook. Like you, when you're playing you have seen like when you play a video game and the other guy does not like block the leg, yea keep throwing it. This stopped. It's always on the oceans was just like. I can just hook him in the belly as just throwing like hey, maybe this duty bell and after the third one it was like, I he's gonna be dead. Now he added with a sub zero slide. Kick but this logic like Dick Year, and that is that a qualified majority and punch this tallies opposes belly, and then he was dead too then noticed just fuckin tutor total. Isn't it was ugly at the world. This is the same for the fucking corner was holding him in the air in the beginning. If I Korea was literally like holding him in the arena rose like
he's gonna, kill him. Then he urges huntsmen haughtily much with them all. If men nerd punch, please accept zigzag punch of a guy like sitting and lockers a Jew do so then, As for the other guy endears, while palace, which deal just as you spoken to dominate the fight did eagerly J together, tornadoes Yeah INDIGO says, but it was just she three of three rounds do not last autumn the ideas it s. This is a new thing. Ways is like. I only fight whoever whoever's doing call shit. That's who I want to fight is agrees. I fought palaces cause he's actually don't call shit. The reason I want to fight. As with all its cause, he's doing cautious. So he does I greatly when people are blowing up, he discovered they face the end as vital, as is my dears, is also like he's, like the reason I wished I took offer three years is gives everybody here is a pussy sigh,
fire buddy you his speech do you like? Not it all you don't go shit. Alpha VI in me, basically ended Macgregor rain. Data, the wind out of the sails hard. I mean fuckin. What's his name real it became a readily. I got was the beginning of that. Did you see Macgregor punched in all? Did why rear socks and all dude relied cannot achieve saints all about his whisky alleys, his eye, scaring out his whisky handkerchief. I gotta give whisky to these all did as like. Pr thing in an ordered sitting at the bars must admit, said something his friendship saga, just fuckin punches imitated ordered took. It is like what the fuck he has progressed Macgregor out of his mind now either loss. It fighter turn business man. His lake has yet having word idea. George war,
so the real relevant he was very hands off the daily. I know a way he had anything to do with any that he wasn't walkin around guys in the park. The heroic lamp. This shitty shall arrange a baronet he's. Like you replied you people left to right. They did don't please on trial and chicken. With that piece of shit. I hate forming rules there. They are bad. What about a waffle maker but for chicken via the only reason I like them is because it was the old way. I knew how to cook thing. I got on my right. It's like a microwave beneath. It really is as if you're ve a hairdresser, fewer retorted guy. Like me, George Warming, girls, its spokesman literally air drier. That's just has like riches the same targeting spokesman say: hey. Are you fuckin retorted? Well, go to the fog it gonna wanna, give twenty pounds of frozen chicken you're trying to cooking today, Donegal form just throw him on the phone. Robinson. While your thousand do just leave it go watch tv for a half hour.
Come back. It's going to be hard, it can be bad dry chicken, but you going to eat off. Of Foreman Grill for like five years sucked I mean I don't really is one the drop in water on. It was settled now through that that collected in that you get to see the jar I lost my fat tray. So I showed you get those arab it onto the sinking of the Erika. But if you forget the gas, the tray or like it's off a centimeter, that's a problem. Tinfoil, let alone before as war. How do get therefore mentally followed fall? They ate. It has set out a new reality that not every form girls inaccurate. Not, although a lot of fighter turned mutations kind of doing it takes
However, all lawsuits, rape, alligators light being arrested for rate yeah. You went to jail for rape, yes to vote when the jail for rape he claimed as conspiracy, he did go free play now is pure lie in check the gang Bank than his hotel against her will. So, even if he didn't do it, he was pretty complicit knows his boys implicit year each the agony also two part, I kid shouted NED Viability told me that I got over that kid got. It met with a bullet like out over that one has again: oh it cause. I listen if you boss, greatest Iceland on the bus, and here I listed only this bread and then I was I heard he was watching documentary about his. Were you know his life? Basically, he caught their rape case and he was like. There is obviously taking me downs, bullshit. No one may be taught Arousing I awoke to bark. He showed me. I believe it. The idea now year presented me with information that that was a gang rape. So let's go.
That's what I was a bit, but then again I might be that might have been the false information that they're trying to who's trying to bring him down. I don't know I forgot. He said it he's pretty good in a way he what he said in Africa, what he said. But years ought. I saw me to block it was just kind of you, I was being represented and controlled by white. It yeah sown. DAS on that will then I love this fierce either your song about the Euro like your label, is rendered labels agents. Are that sure? No one is trying to bring you down there. Always you Ellie Police, hey now, toes eight, nothing of any heinous how's he had now. I may Illuminati style, not nobody. Nobody! None of the euro, this little homeless, John, I audibly no go was to make money off. Even there you'd have like what the fuck. Having a J Edgar Hoover file on J. I do the J J. No J, EDGAR Hoover, you delegates
I'm due to be like. I don't fucking like this. Do the illumined I loved it was destabilizing the arguments. I know this for short I do trust but yeah you thought you. Third, I'm all over and over this duty, you now Fuckin Malcolm X, met widely the kings dead of annual sure in all these other guys who it is telling people to sell Dog snoop dog was in he was in the meeting I was told. I know I know this. I got the das and all this that is fun. Oh do when they say when they don't count that as a mass shootings, I was not ideologically driven his black boxes black. Do they literally do that and they say no. I watch a guy on a thing on black people. Are the guys like? They aren't? They used to always say all eyes all senseless violence he's like what like we don't wear like retarded. He was, like those reasons, are: do people argue like ideology behind the gang there's the Taliban. There is white supremacist, sushi people, there's the fucking name of the one you killed, but gangs. I don't name a specific want to get fucking.
Down by set that there's like there are you are you leave? You said the blood for short I know, but, as I know, a couple blows it here. They were big, others, your part gas. We fuck you up, but it's like they act as if the gangs out an ideology, it's like dude, it's the same framework is ISIS basically did just different motives. Different set of it it's a very similar organisation, very similar to those areas brotherhood. If and brotherhood when in shots and one that would be an ideologically driven, hey crime. If a crypt goes into shoots, five people, it's like that. You said the right: ass black ass, the narrative of the poor. By people and black things. Dude, I'm telling you there's always looked ass. Ignorant Biden was, it was like you see is little accurate. Like just as good as a poor people, are just as good as white, kids, usually whoops using an end and chinese and black heads and Mexicans and everybody do. Did you see the whole far from now?
Oh, my god, Troms making fun of Biden for his little gap is like yet it for, as well as political enemy. Second of all, to eat, like is trumps at work where stuff it's like. Ok, jumps out worldwide, supposedly work and is constantly fucking up, which is only he's too old. We have to stop fucking run in these gazers dude gazers. Do this do driver's license test? Then you can get. You may be think about it. You know way. Bidest fastened drivers that might be the macaroni thing. What the Simpsons Fourthly, there is a clip on line of the Simpsons. They made this thing where Donald Trump take. What the limits on is that from the song from not fell on the west side. Sorry, maybe at an economic downturn Amerika. Bravo ever married ass, my daddy's big musical
my dad loves musical suit. He seems like all I ever did when I was little was like watching tv, so I would like to watch musicals all the time that sucks He knows I can berossus he did. He might be right. My dad I'll do sing all the saucy loves him. I know that's gay assumes a no waited musicals musical fucking rule. Because a very easy calls rule go. You hate the theatre, yes, I'll change, you'll, be all get refined did in Europe. Love the theatre. Did I start listening more books on tape. Maybe you'll love theatre. Did I don't like it? You will say. I know how to tell I love on day patron of the iter really. What are you what you ve ever Chiu Ming play yet now. It's me it's your age, ass, Saint Thomas, the Apostle fiddler on the roof and someone who met someone who performed on Broadway, often which I do well, I'm around the arts quite
you are the art. So what's wrong with was around with fucking musicals I've theatre, its by definition, is gay oats nodded it's the essence before of expression derived I did like Frank, the musical here. What was at southerners some dinner. Eric every item using every as apply to call the diary than Frank supply as a musical, but I don't think it's a fucking musical to play the other, some other musical, every music will be less all Chicago. When I was a kid aided it at our saw guidance he any musicals. My dad tells my dad literally. I know you'd still Monday. I look again at your defending your part of my daddy did. I know you love your daddy. He loves musical. I'm saying that sucks! That's right! I love my dad, isn't refined washed. He saw fiddler on the roof but had loves musicals. I like sphere
The movie said I'd watch and that's all my days all they got only saw the music. I liked it because I was watching it in in a class. So it's nice try not to have class to be clear. My dad's only ever seen the musical movies. So you see, like Greece, the merry fell on the roof. The movie Saxony remember all. The movie really knows all the stuff for at least fiddler on the roof and then one other. He knows all this house, Greece, sucks it is like. If I watched fucking, I know all the songs from lion. King cuz. I had to watch him with all my little brothers and sisters watching over and over. I took an ex girlfriend to see the snap, my ex girl from loved beauty and the beast and the for some reason. The cartoon was back in theaters not the new one like there was just the old one cartoon just in the theater classic. She was begging me to go and we went and it socked ass light.
You'd go watch where those other, so the other really bad suck. The other may also Pocahontas is good, Paganel Zionists. We can't be showed any more zirks. I wash. It recently runs into lots of loans from year. That's precision, IRAN's in a lot like this. Is the white man's land? Did it's pretty fucking funny their hidden said? she's really are Pocahontas. I watch out your lucky day of the year why should they realized was hard as factor? Oh, my God, brochure. So sorry so the night she looks. Yes, you that all the Disney Princess Israelite does infringes nerds drawn those dude cereal draw some they're all over these big ass fucking eyes. I mean dude. Imagine what the ports, have drawn drawn, they probably drawled. Although bootleg vine moment of silence for that area. Well,. Imagine then let I feel a little mermaid, how I feel about about low mermaid. You know me brows, more
Pocahontas Jazz, no known as the new little mermaid, I was area grandiose em. Now, as a blank cheque, is the little mermaid. I do I funny to me when people freaking out about that. What's funny when people freak out it's like they people forget that yes, movies for little fucking, kids, of course, so until lake. If a bunch of like nine year old you're, like what the fuck the little mermaids black it's like. I would you like now when you talk about, but they're not go, I like if they raised the issue with a dead fucking little mermaids, black, the we haven't got her. Wages risen in thirty five years that it's like. Then we can talk. I'm alive, you will freely about that is again it's fine. It's not a big deal that I saw maybe what area Ariana Grande, though it's like air a grandiose lay like useless little mermaid, and now she looks like a little mermaid early for very funny classic here. The idea, we will do that shit. It's like it's for little kinsman
if you had you been a little nine year old your way, although mermaid your dad's, like fucking black line, mutilated fuckin, taken night off, did relax. Let a kid just like you, You re came through like world war to Vietnam. If only all fucked up shit, loaded in your head. Just for the sake of the little kid, despite it back a little here, you can, you can be, John Fucking rules by love. Little mermaids black, to like tat, of course, lay behind your shed. If he didn't make it triggered Fuckin require not my little murmur. Servants are nonsense. I've literally been doing that the exact voice you just like your voice, not my little That's right, gotta from and then comes from. I don't like it. I like little mermaids white and then I have also been talking about. How was it? Oh, it's now it's now
That's a little mermaid off but as ever need somebody asked of that's. That's not original I don't know I thought of it. Anyone know what's taking to do the local theatre area I am bringing it onto the stage is a very good. I go theatres, gay. I actually go on state every night and talk when our people- discover how fucking corny stand up as I do. I think it's coming. I did sky think it about Lake Bro. It's even that is coming is just there's a group of kids shoes I mean Stanhope will be good for lake ten. Fifty men equips our long special, I think, will die. I think standard will be fun, and this is where things
I was actually supposed to be for his leg now, a late night monologue but, like you should write like twenty minutes specials about what's going on and I get a given six month. Time hid it forget it see what else is going on. It should be reduced to light when I've at the seller by the way, that's that's a show and common sense is early. Every week it's called live at the seller and topical weekly stand up with. That was the joke. That was the audition. I bought Believe me, I want you were never did you need that Commie Central wanted me to get an audition did at the fucking asshole Who said I have argued bomb regulated. I took out all that wants to come back on. You can t. Do it again. I won't do they ended, but trust me I did was try to make ha ha tried to make my jokes topical, whatever material I already at other. Do you have sieges happened this week?
here's. My ideas impression there they need a lot of the tv stuff gets filtered through like people's ideological lenses, so they need they. They have that crack. If you have like, like the capture of your, do, an open migrate is hidden fucking, like a grain of over MIKE's in you're, putting the cream of the crap on or like whoever crushes around the thing, if you're just travel round head, nor that put that on a show, do thou crush you do thou be awesome. Few did NFL Road zone per cent. You set up cameras at the asshole Sally. You said at the coup ass walking stand here. He said one of the store you just like oh shit, rubies on let's cut over the rogues, if that's what it should be caught, but nobody in there is going to want to give up their matured, get about it. Forget about your lives. Special did your point out nuggets be like fuck you and they fucked with your pod gas. That's to stand up for you, but that's all it's gonna go! That is out on that one. What's his name, some shots Andrew Shots is doing that he just live streaming on, yet another illegal usually come on. We're gonna become webcam miles it. I just skies you jerk off,
Do my papa! I answered room godlike, not verified, but once you hit stop once you get a check to, I don't give a jack once you hit ten K followers. It goes to this weird, like you're, an influence her your profile check it. When I hit ten k on followers, yes, aged the format of the instrument, it was like, you have to define what you are like comedian actor activists like out. There is a lack of Asia they liked and then you can promote posts. It also shows you whose interacting with your posts. Now it shows you like where people are looking at your post, how many profile views got that like you're you're, absolutely right, you just instantly became metrics. Now I have metrics assumes you get ten thousand followers. You get metrics on your answer him! That's fine crazy! It is you know yet to do right now is rent a ferrari and is going to grow
hey guys, really well yeah promoted. You should be like AL asked me how I got all this. Is you go full tie? Lopez did so you have a whole new instruments. They do that with live till you get like high up in the live around your shit changes in only tell how really lived drivers have told me that I did my lift dislike times. Three, all the time nice feel good, live driver yeah. You if you're I put in like forty fifty hour weeks, you that you get anything ahold of Rome. I discuss tax, I have to this. I have to cancel cap city, she can't or weak in Austin next week, as a mother, fucking, bullshit Speaking as I do my my fuckin agent manager to ask how total ass showed you know my Its management are not as one of the core things I'll ever probably want to call things. I've ever done is what I have to get out of here.
For sure for in a week or two we'll talk about it, but obviously right now can't I love I saw the ragged wraps, but next week I'm doing something here you can dream of, don't do anything if they or save, therefore, at her, and I think they are definitely ass. They exert fuck, you bastard leading fog, mainly due to allay, was just meetings of four different studios like a day? Will you how's that and sit down with cream? the crop jays. Yet these are vice out. Illuminati, Estonia Illuminati tried to get me to fuck, and stay stay now stay here. Why, following
they'll, Sonia Matthew being so rich to see. People like working whole lives like. Why can make money off that guy? That's exactly that's exactly what's happening right now. It's crazy they're! Just like we love you, everybody they alike. Are we love? You have one company, those really everybody was cause. Why one coming out I offer is finally Jerry sit there and just be like they didn't listed a couple. The comedy sense the comedy specials they just they produced near and it was just dad dad dad and I was just like I can leave and it would they was all weird specials. It was like a normal year. Downy dude wave of the future is light, dropped especial yet on whatever platforms around get on. All of them, and then they knew that there is a gap in article. I think what to say I can think of. Is the guy's, a man Tamar don't deal ten Dylan Fuckin put our nordic Lock African, whose like now gonna like Amazon or somewhere to timber and timber on and Andrew,
like end result, has been leading the charge on the yard. Louis did Louis Luminous his own thing, which, by the way that the only thing I talk about every single meeting yet was down trumpet Well, I don't think I was going to do that, but that's why I wonder what was wrong they would be like who implement whose, like you sit down with job has a lily every single time, and then we that incident would get into pc and say I like well know ever do behind closed doors. Every single person is nobody likes to shit it. Nobody likes it fuck. That was with every possible studio in production, like every tv, every fuckin show. I went to everybody hates Danbury, hates the planning, the belly of the beast, there's only like five people, there's a bunch of people or like like that all essayed up your pc thing is like a kind of living,
the siren calls people attention the stuff like. Ok, I see this and then all of a sudden, its lake, here's what we're gonna do and as I go, oh, oh, no, no, no! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! You got nothin. Very bad? Oh! No! No! No! No! I should draw our attention to that forgot. A good thing around that thoughtful slowly, fuck down. No, no, not yet, but it most. My school, a guy. We get it and then there's a couple words feeding off the shit. It's like spyware, nobody likes to imagine the Trojan horse. You- and I are I mean you're fuckin Trojan horse into the fuckin world of education- are just when the Hollywood, through the fucking macros for liberal fucking, bullshit gay think
the day of do that. Fucking wilder and everybody in Hollywood was like yet were don't this everybody's domes now working for them? Yes, that some money for spoke of this whole thing was about and always will be worse them sitting around being like it. It was just funny to sit there and everybody's like when you think Louis, coming back like everybody was like he's abbess these all they let that there are letting that guy that is senator gather, gone trouble. You like bushy S, eyebrows kind of looked like Frank, Frank and frank and frank in whatever, through letting him their guide our bad. We, the meta, meet, really mean slammed Duncan meet you when you that hard by think that this agreement, as I worry and Lily back then the ranking for lily there should be it is like the racial draft, the left and the right guy we get Lui back, I think with there was for all the pc essay doubly. So
It was like these corporations or flock we're gonna get in trouble and there are. I then there like things like a business, they try to like, invest in it. Now I have already hates this guy less. Let's walk and run it back in bewilderment hated it yet sick. They did is knowing elastic to the study. Years ago. Words like seventy on average about seventy percent of people from every race kind will again the shit out of control. That was that I mean that's. What like all these people really do you think Louis coming back or when I be like tat ethically and also if you leave like
this industry, or like woke people in a city literally no one cares not all well already gives no one knows now people they give. You taught you talk like women, even fuckin checks, inner city. Just talk to me like Louis, like. Why would he be in trouble dirt often for girls did like what motive freedom, the freedom fighters, one on one, I'm speak from experience brow. They start there like a did. I've I've laid and gaze into their eyes. Did I slept with the enemy, is away back on his back and allows Dana's Avant enter doesnt gender. I've like I would get I'll go on dates in his argue with women, and then we would fuckin,
I'll take you did out she's. My sword do live on Re S, government, let's lay down I'll decide, you lay with them the half hard dick, ok, just ass, though he was there and talk- and I was just quite alike- and I were talking about stuff indeed like those for the one. Lady is really funny. She was asleep ice workin retail night hate, visions and like to do is arguably about me saying white trash. So it's funny you get it. I'm saying you will see her argument. Was this lake She wasn't S J W what she was like the reality. There was a reality, sinister reality underlying wretched, w, dumb, where she was in retail and she was China was at her. Dear Joseph China was Ass, China dude I got. I got some critical. I got some budget lines. It just doesn't need every chinese roses it s here, but if you we, if you'd retail, break our ass as China's. If he were here, if you are a waiter or a waitress, prepare for Indians and Indians or come in, they are asked how the
I've seen it really. Indians are very definitely daily food to the servants bedroom like servant when they try to fuck you, I just spoken like they try to persuade your hair go, gives the fuckin water really they treat. They have served as a whole. The lets a caste system do cycling. Third, if there's people like socially below you, it's totally. I watched him when the greens, when I was over zero coup. They their way. These acquittal you'd like a total wreck. Shy, was absolutely right on five us, because if we go to pen, that's Koala rubber, drugstore crew, most of our duties didn't look what I got that I heard that one. I understood that good
funny about tonight. You now sick, he's fucking tonight, gonna map, because you're making this fucking returned to this stage. Dude underage man, even tell you what happened to me. We believe, though, yes, three twenty six, it is show. Is it but we re, we started the robot to Helen assessment. Our twenty met. What we ought to get another one in more, do you? What's your I'm gonna be overcome back Sunday, the twenty fifth Bobby Abiola come next Sunday will we ought to go and I gotta go to DC tonight. Harrisburg, twenty third, twenty fourth Deasey Draft House come Sandy Lock one up for the weekend and I'm gonna do I'm in town now it now
often just got cancelled, I'm in town and then all of September. Basically him in New York, sick, sick, also turbulent month. That August was wild, as turnout was a lot, and that was what the twenty eight and twenty four some Indianapolis it helium helium and Indy. Twenty eight and twenty four September Haliae, but um yeah lot will figure out some page stuff for the die. I fear this weekend. Maybe we can do something third Sunday will get. We had to have a rip. It yeah, Pooh Catwoman oh yeah. I hope we will be what we were talking the added in September due to be overtaken by conflict and I'll did. I always amalgam lie always wanted this park ass. To have a seek, always was a park ass. It can't talk about their yet. Oh my damn. That's all whatever. It is now even Seeger days ago, ass. How I ever actually have a secret and harbouring as well. You have to cost which, by the way while Bonanno have I wanna go together.
Yeah. I know I was ever in Ireland in immediate secret right, narrow de gondi. I might by Might Davy the news tonight, nice every phone. I lost a lot of fans. A lot of the balls are shown up in a minute, bless and bless them with a absolutely beautiful fucking them. Beautiful announcement. I'd give it away we gotta get out got Israel eat our shit,
Transcript generated on 2020-03-24.