« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 9/30/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, Hunter Biden received a $250,000 wire originating in Beijing, with the beneficiary address listed as Joe Biden’s Delaware home. The money came from Hunter’s Chinese business partners in 2019, which is more evidence against the Biden Crime Family despite Democrats saying there is no proof. There have been zero search warrants and zero subpoenas issued against Hunter or Joe, which is a completely different treatment than Bob Menendez or Donald Trump. Also, the demands of UAW President Shawn Fain for a 40% salary increase and a 32-hour work week have nothing to do with job security or electric vehicles. Fain does not represent the people, but instead, he is screwing the people and a propagandist. People like Fain and Chuck Schumer are trying to process illegal immigrants to replace union workers as fast as possible because they do not stand with the patriotic American union workers. No union boss should have this kind of power. It’s shocking how many lawyers in the House Oversight Committee and House Judiciary Committee do not understand the basics or the history of impeaching Presidents. The immigration laws have been intentionally eviscerated by Joe Biden and has not faithfully executed them under his oath of office, which is a violation of the Constitution and meets the threshold for impeachment. A President cannot and must not unilaterally decide he will not adhere to immigration laws and subsequently change the culture of our country.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented podcast, as presented exclusively by my favorite college at america, hills they'll college, which probably fuses every penny of government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation, Ales data for their sponsorship, quiet in the underground bunker door, most locks bolted. What a great one! just resting on our laurels, he's I'm sure you'll began is even better by giving you is best. This it's the best more club. I want to thank those great pay. Creature turned out and rain and with chile was Wendy look ends. Enrage word barnes and mobile in Maclean Virginia or thank you all
It was a pleasure to meet all of you, except for one guy, but I'm not going to get into that. That is a pleasure to meet all of the rest of you and chest. Fantastic patria, since nice can be again. I want. Thank you very very much and Obviously most of you can't be in these two places, and I want to thank you folks, to ferriera for your patriotism in your efforts to spread the word red things you may not have known about before the end of the great thing about. Concern was generally in particular here You folks, in this audience, you want to be informed. you want to learn as much as you can you want to participate. You want some role and saving this country, even if it That's some formal role was some group and so forth. You want to be able to have discussions over the holidays with your family members
neighbours when you walk in your dog in your friends and so forth,. And so this is the book. The democratic party aids, America. That will help you advance. Our cause and liberty the goal has to be to crush this is very evil. Did it really isn't even a political party at his age, it is. A state run party that own The bureaucracy that owns the media. It is destroying the country, so I can't say, you enough those of you who want to get were informed, is or is informed as much as I suppose I want to thank all the elites and others that have part stated in this great effort, this movement,
Just so many fantastic hosts local hosts national hosts, just terrific girl. I cannot thank you folks enough. Really, I do now sixty eight interview. A day. do my two fact shows. I started my too lays tv shows, and, of course my mom important show this one. Extraordinarily busy break I did about what's going on. I must tell you, though, there is this: what is an cassidy hutches, the left? is pushing the hell out her book. The media are pushing the hell out of her back in its full of gossip crap. Loaded with any see these books come from time to time, bob woodward or sky often the rest and their their flash.
in the past, but they hit hard There being pushed re hearted MSNBC and see an end to the things it she says so Morgan stupid, I had some of them are very, very serious and you have to ask her well. Why are you waiting for your book cause she's, a grifter? That's why this book is about her. In what she wants, you to believe as her life and the trump white house. Is scandalous, is dim with it. Maybe she wrote it, maybe she didn't. Obviously she had to participate in it. Its being pushed by rachel, Madeline MSNBC is being pushed by sea and its being pushed by the new york times in a wash them. But that's the nature of the beast, So that's what I'm up against his book's been out for eight days and you haven't heard peep from the left.
Not a word now, why is it? What are you going to say there's some fact that they wanted dispute. There's literally thousands of facts in this system and now they want to challenge, is there's some historical point. Some audio that I transcribed some they were written way back when one hundred twenty years ago that they want to challenge currently not so there is to be an attack, will just be a personal attack or diversionary attack, but so far they've laid off because they I want to engage I'm here I am ready to engage and that's why it's a powerful, powerful book in so many respects. And that's why I hope you'll take advantage of it before I stop talking about it. Before it's not on the shelves anymore. Bookstore last forever
not in this sir, not in this environment. There is a big story. There are many big stories I want to jump right in, and I also want to thank my buddy Ben ferguson for sitting in last night. It was Yom kippur, or the holiest jewish holiday. And we also had Russia, china, the Jewish new year, these are The high holidays should mean they're both over. And I like leaving the airways, but there occasions when I, when I need to, must have what I want, but I'm not you know, taking. To take a trip to her guatemala, honduras or even better one of the caribbean islands, but here we are- and this is the big storm in their several but hunter. Listen to this. This came in an hour ago. This is from fox news, digital.
hunter Biden received: two hundred and fifty thousand dollar wire ready, originating in beijing with the beneficiary address list that is Joe Biden home. How oh wait a minute. But mark you don't have any evidence that there was one hour that job party took the money from one hunters, china back business partners right brook sigmund to next so the hunter by and receive wires originating in beijing for more than a quarter of a million dollars from chinese business partners. During this five, twenty nineteen wires that listed the delaware home of Joe Biden as the beneficiary address for the funds. Fact whose digital has learned how so Psyche committee chairman James com has been investigating the buying family dealings and Joe eurobonds alleged involvement in those ventures just reading what they wrote.
Part of the investigation, commerce, subpoenaed financial records related to a specific bank account and receive. of two wires originating from beijing, china and linked to be hr partners that the joint venture Between hunter binds rosemont, senegal and chinese investment firm by high capital, the hiv, Partners that they beijing back private equity, firm control by go, china limited a k, a communist party trainer. hunter Biden, sat on the board of directors of the hr partners. First, why I said one hundred buying dated July twenty six. Twenty nineteen was for a tenth, thousand dollars from an individual name. Ms Wendy. There is a miss when he listed on the website for a ba partners it is unclear of the wire came from that. Why are you? The second word? ransford sent two hundred by dated august to twenty nineteen was far too
fifty thousand hours from lesion thing: also known as Jonathan Lee this year be phr partners, miss Tom ling, they committees, Try to identify lings wrong beneficiary for the wires is listed as they robert hunter button. With the address twelve one. Nine barley mill road in wilmington, delaware. That address is in residence of job I chose, doesn't know. What's going on, you can prove that he does. Common house oversight committee have obtained bank records, part of their investigation, revealing the Biden Emily and their business associates received millions of dollars from oligarchs and alaska, romania, Kazakhstan, during the autumn administration, fox news, digital has also learned
The committee has records revealing that from twenty four tainted, nineteen divide and famine in their associates, receive twenty four million dollars. Twont Four million dollars in farm payments- fifteen minutes to the binding nine million for Business associates four million more than Previously known, you know, by the way, before I go on in this really crucial storage, big time. I'm sure CNN Msnbc, CBS Nbc a b c, all the with a crap networks. I'm sure that they're gonna leave. they suddenly a marquis, line in the news, I'm sure I'll be right across the top of the new york times I said I'll wash them, though yeah it's going to be a big deal as it gets closer and closer and closer to Joe, Let me be boomers, that's right him. Committee aids,
fox news, digital other beneficiary addresses are either the address listed. The recipient account are listed by the end of you're, sending the wire it is unclear based on the wire records who listed the address. Does it matter and by the way, didn't you get regular statements or anything now explain on friday, and I thought was absolutely superb. Fabulous and brilliant statement. I'm no special pleading for Menendez bob could be a crook through and through for I know, but I very sceptical of prosecutors. These days. And it happens that Menendez as the chairman of the foreign relations committee, the senate is actually anti iran.
An entire number these dictatorships, the Joe Biden, has played wet kiss with me? I say her hair smell with her, whatever homework here, a conspiracy, no, not a conspiracy. now they issued search warrant. They went into his savings deposits in his banks. They window his home as wives closer for money in the close it further, while very grass of knowing that MR producer tell me how many sir warrants have been issued against any the Biden family members exactly zero many subpoenas have been issued by the department of justice whereas we know exactly zero. how many investigators and looking into Joe Biden right now related any this exactly zero.
You might even remember the hunter Biden situation and its in the united states attorney committed An active obstruction. when the irish was going after some locker, wherever the hell it was with documents, they wanted to get access to it, involving hunter, perhaps other. Of the fantastic family members and she tipped off hundred binds lawyers. So I want you to compare how Joe Biden is treated with how Mendez is treated Please differently, even though menendez and as a Democrat, buddies and out a favoured them and, of course, Demanding his resignation, the Democrats are lining up because he's running for re election, don't want him to run free election, they're afraid who lose member. What I said both in the book and repeatedly here
You have to understand the democratic party by looking through the lens, the lens of power a party that is monopolizing our culture, our politics and our economy, as autocratic parties do Some an end, as is dispensable Actually, if you're, counting on deep blue new jersey. The whole onto that seat and by the way is a footnote. I make a prediction that my bidding. Things worth whatever their worth. But if Chris Christy. Finally takes low, smelling, salts and realizes It's a lot that he can't begun: pray it may be held the side, people so is going to run for the senate in new jersey, one Where knows I dunno what the rules are there of the gnp or the limits under the
action laws, air who knows, but I would point out now hunter I spent a period of time and twenty seventeen eighteen and nineteen living at the Biden family home and will maintain its own clear if he was living at the home at the time of the wire trend. first in July and august, twenty nineteen, the wires just several months after the vice president announced his twenty twenty president campaign, Joe Biden august. Twenty nineteen said he never discuss what my son or my brother, anyone else anything. You do other business period, so the only Person in the entire family who didn't know anything about anything was Joe Biden and he was the entire he's in the entire reason hunter bite. In the other family. Members were able to conduct shakedown. We The home is the beneficiary, the old man's If the phone on this how I was outside. I can't tell you daddy. You haven't, been meetings we
in our dealings with the business partners, with the business partners and his staff and via the We want you to know anything. Joe Biden. Isn't that convene. subpoenas, no warrants no nothing. Thanks. You have heard me. talk about hills down college, giving away free copies of the constant washington declaration to my listeners for constitution day, they have set an immediate goal to give copies to one million americans who don't have one and if not, you then may be a young person. You know, while the response has been tremendous. However, this for your,
For for my listeners in soon so, if you haven't already order your free copy right now at Levin for hillsdale dot com, l e v, I n for a hillsdale dot com, every american should have a copy of the constitution and declaration, and these days, when most schools neglect to teach our kids about our nation's great heritage of liberty, more critical than ever to make these documents readily available to them. So to claim your free copy, I'm hills, dale, college girl of infra, hillsdale, dot, com right now, complete a simple form and receive a booklet through the mail and only available was supplies. Last you don't even have to pay for shipping or your copy. Now at levine, fray hills, dot com, that's l, easy! I am free hills del backup making your weekend even better. This is the best. mark le. Then you know it's amazing thing: america.
If you call out the u s, w democratic boss for shaking down the american consumer, the can consumer, including union members,. Suddenly you must be anti worker really. But when you consider that ninety four percent of the people who are quote workers user communist term, that's fine. And our union members are not shaking down anybody, they are. There's just a lot of people who cannot afford these vehicles right now. Now, if you're going to argue that the electric vehicle. Pursued is absurd. Had taken Actually there nobody on that For many many reasons, many reasons, Fact I'm gonna get into that a little later, but it does not justify
I have five day week. Turning into a four day week with a forty percent greece is if you're working a five day week. I'm sorry. I don't know anybody who gets that nobody and you folks you're gonna pay for this. How is that populist How's our populace to stand with these you, a w democrat party boss thugs, as those two, tens of millions of americans. How is that populist and they public injured, falling all over themselves to defend this and to render the strike area ably press trumps gonna. Do that, I think josh hauling, gaiety vance did it? Is this thing or what is this. ronald reagan, didn't massively win. You in members by pandering to them?
he massively one union members. By talking about. We, the people and common sense. Ronald Reagan broke their traffic control union. Because they were going to shut down the entire air traffic system and he put. He put his secretary transportation, drew Louis offence, ass the mind from pain, Then you charge several weeks before just in case. And they would move the military air travel. controls, or at least significant number them into the Personal towers and he warned them he said under our contract, you can be fired on the spot.
I'm gonna give you twenty four hours to return and after that you're going to be fired and you will have no new position within the federal government. Not now not ever. so a significant number. The union members went back to work, but a significant number did not any fired them and the airport Worked as smoothly as possible, very smoothly, in fact more than they are today. You cannot bow to this kind of blackmail with its public union or a private union. Of course, people deserve a corner call living wage, but the average income of the average full time. You're w member. The baseline is eighty two thousand and with benefits it's a hundred and fifty the average not all but average.
These aren't slave wages. This isn't a boiler room operation, sweatshop. She's in a hundred years ago, twenty twenty three Joe Biden. then give a damn what happens to you any more than he does when the borders wide open or the police or undermine or in flight. It is going through the roof and interest rates. He goes to that. Strike line today, historic first president, is also the first president aware depends, as far as I know, what's all this first. and he has some role and what's taking place, the mass Inflation and interest rate increases
course the supply lines, problems and then beyond that the idiocy with these electric vehicles, but that doesn't mean. That we as a people throwin with individuals who are demanding a thirty two, our work week for five days. a forty percent increase, where I come That's called insanity carrier they talk about. The executives make a gm and these are the places. Why don't you talk about. What workers earn at other facility all over the country. What workers ernie ninety four percent of whom are not members of the? U s w! What do we talk about what cop, sir and fire design, an emergency person, our truckers earn, and on and on and on how many I am referring thirty to our work, wake whether forty percent. Greece, baseline of
forty our work week, how many of them can get away with that? I ask you how many of you can get away with their heads suppose they rally behind this week, not have a political party that stands with us on this now, one because one Try the populace, the other and the american people get screwed. We get screwed. and other union members get screw the union members the steel workers. The men and women who produce aluminum plastics and rubber the mechanics down the street crossly cross the highway.
The salesman and saleswoman it car dealerships the people who clean the car dealership, I've done that over and over again that. nor audio and I pencil well, imagine it being a car. But it's the end user who gets no respect the consumer who goes into these dealerships or goes online to purchase a car? Do you notice, there's nobody? Talking about you, but me nobody, Talking about you but me, and what about it? what about the waitresses in waiters across his country? What about the small Is this people who are up to their bows and regulations are taxes? What about them? They are part of the people
They are part of the populace movement of either party when you abandoned principles proven Both principles based on human experience and embrace ambiguity, remember bumper sticker label. This is what you get. On the member of the union, the sag you like the writers who runs Right this one and the other that's on strike. the by little corner. The union is an honest right. Why? My member this union? You think I want to be a member of this crap union. This left wing cook
Would base union you think I wanna be a member, this crap union, because the companies I work for me, deal, then, in order for me to be behind a microphone or any, we have to pay these dues. These confiscatory outrageous dues, for which I get what crap. I am perfectly happy to make or break my career on my own. I don't need any help from sag perfectly name. Don't you think. It's even headed by woman right, did? You know that Mr Milosevic s, her she's, the president of sag you're, not kidding well anyway, that's my take on it like it or not, where I am
I don't think everybody out and by the way this is it this isn't, let's all get behind unionism stuff. That has nothing to do with this zero zero. This is a Democrat Union boss, they're just like party boss,. and I love her. One Biden says here: What happened me interpret. its thanks to the union's the? U s, w. Its thanks to them that we have a vibrant car industry. So it's not. We the people, Decided we weren't gonna buy american cars, and so they made them The same quality of some of these fine manufacturers I lived through this was he kidding
Many members are being laid off left and right there are, they couldn't give their cars away. Gm chrysler ford others back then pontiac, you name it. some, the one out of business. Some of them got government subsidies and loans through the back door. It was a mess until they increased in. The quality of their vehicles, americans, worker. By the men didn't buy them, they are buying beneath the german cars. thing to do with labour. It had nothing really to do a management and everything to do with you. The market. The market said you give us crap we're not buying it. That's happen and while we're at it, we need to come to. this was something here in amerika with this, so called climate change and. New deal and all the rest of these crap titles they give to their fair policies
ideally would now in industrial policy and thinking about. It's an industrial policy. It is a government industrial policy, the sorts of which they have in these autocratic countries. And in europe, which are causing autocrat, autocratic countries this administrate- It is completely abandoned capital. This is industrial policy. And many republicans support industrial policy framework, Am I? What are we gonna do really. created. Virtually everything on your table virtually really in your garage. Virtually everything in your home. everything you wear! Why. We destroy the greatest Economic system built on the greatest economic model that man has ever conceived.
It's like, we know how to win a massive popular vote with a mass of electoral college were so well, Would we abandoned constitutional conservative, unlimited government? Oh there, are places where the government needs to act like a damned border, but really Involved in light bulbs and h fact, systems and air conditioning window units and Washing machines and are aware that come from, where did it come from. came from the bureaucracy mark you sitting to the best of mark Laverne. I, let's get down to a ladies and gentlemen, Sean fain, a k, a sean fake is the damage Party boss of the: u s, w innocent, represent its people represents Biden. The Democrats.
he's on CNN. Yesterday, wilful blitzer honestly but this guide retired already, mr, but it certainly should. Here's how that went cut one go what the meeting with trap. Would you meet with him when he's in Detroit tomorrow? no point meeting with them because I don't think the man as it has any bit of care about what our workers stand for what the working class stands for. He serves a billion our class and that's what's wrong with this country. Actively sounds as an endorsement for Biden. Am I wrong, It's not endorse what for anyone, it's just a flat out. It How our I view, failure a liar, the way you spin and what you're doing this country An enemy of the people, you are an enemy of your own union,
you're, the enemy of unions, all across this country, you just another democratic party hack, dressed up as a president of the? U s, w. and that's part of the problem with a lot of unions in this country. They don't represent their membership. So this guy's, I hate on four trump buddy- pretend He's not could endorse pine body all, but did they all, but did you happy to meet with by buying flew out there for one hour on the pillow to show its support one hour and wonderful flows. Palestine ohio. Now he did those people can't do anything form. By Norway's pretended union guys a union guy always vote for the union's visa union. Guys economic system is destroying everybody union, nonunion, blue collar white collar. And he's going to destroy the automobile industry to these idiot av cars, but the
man, said mister fain,. This is a complete eighty. It he's not an idiot is devious from a forty percent salary increase. Thirty two hour week and that forty percent would apply to a five day week, although their working for four days a week, but does that have to do a job security? What does it have to do the electric I would ask these so called pockets has nothing one has nothing to do with the other. All this phony nonsense this feigning, I should say about. We represent the p, pulled out. You know how you dump your screwing, the people here screwing the paper now donald trump represents the billionaires his funny way of showing it doesn't. He. So funny way has shown it records
Employment in every group record. Low inflation across the board, trying to the cure. The border, what four billion years many billions That border open to this guy's propagandists. Poor, as I like to say, he's anyhow chuck share. join the picket line in tap and new york truck shermer manner. The people, the working people, Populist borders wide open track, hey don't bother me cut to go. Only when we are going to fight until we win do you win what.
Go ahead, and only when my father was a union die before he saw many die. He said when you're doing the right thing. When you join some important up, you eddie a moron. Chuck shimmers for the union's really. Tell me how many you union, folks out there one and open border, how many union folks are now now Come up at the figures, seven point: six million people have come across the border and by it. Why binds that it's gonna take ten or eleven million? I think that's the violation of pennsylvania or something like that. How many of you union workers think that's a good idea.
He's processing them as fast as possible, they get their work permits How many of you union members think that's a good idea. I so none of you. And then I see the farm workers union. The cesar Chavez, you'll, see chavez who opposed illegal immigration? to call illegal aliens wet backs. We have on audio did it in an overview and san francisco public radio, he would send his union members, most of whom were obviously mexican, and otherwise the hispanic to the border, to try police and when they saw illegals coming across, they would contact the old iron S any marched on the border with wrath abernathy who took over after Martin Luther king was assassinated, Abernathy was
The great leaders of the civil rights mommy was kings lieutenant and they. Still no border with a guy named waterman Del you may have heard I am he was there, democratic nominee Repression, the united states, who got slaughtered and nineteen eighty four big union guy there as opposed to illegal immigration, Joe Biden. Supporting an invasion. It's not even integration by the mill millions of people coming into the country he once they get them work permits as fast as possible. Work permits. And this clown sean fain and other clowns like him her selling out their membership. How many you union folks had their think that binding. Is representing the union and how's he doing that exactly
exactly. How is he doing that Destroying our industries by destroying them, Oil and gas industries by having down our pipelines, so they out of people think I'll making it up pipelines building the pipeline. It's still in the pipeline. What is this. Come from a just show up now hard. working men and women have to produce what about, Them, well, you know low oversight. That's ok!. You simply cannot support these, so called new deal, movement, which is a marxist, anti capitalist movement,. Centralized industrialization powers, industrial power and capitalism and labour interesting enough. At the same time,. Because you are destroying the existing economic system,.
so all you, men and women who come up through the ranks to get seniority all your men and women, particularly the trade unions, who learned a profession whether its electrical plumbing brick, laying other aspects of construction. Whether it is refining and producing natural resources, oil, gas, coal, different metals, steel, aluminium, plastic, robber, you're gonna, get screwed, you're gonna get you can ask for. I want a forty percent increase for thirty two, our work week. How do you like this toby? No work? and you'll get no increase, because that's where I had it. That's where I headed when you, EL, the industrial heartland of this country, there's no far enough
during this, it's our government doing this and more specifically its the democratic party. Doing this Though so the union members down the river as fish that say, sell the black community down the river I ve been doing for a long time. They will sell anything in any, Body down the river for power, and they will lie about it. The democratic party hates america. So why do people think it's going to embrace patriotic hard working arrogance whether their union a non union. They don't They lie, they just want the support. That's all! That's all! Wake up america, that's all what borders wide open.
Who does that help? Does it help you who does it help seriously while somebody's gotta, pick! Let us I don't wanna hear that we don't need six, seven point: six million foreigners of this country typical. Let us for god's sakes. But they are here to help large corporate Patients are multinationals who get paid pay workers under the table, and yet sean fain accuses trump being the voice, a billion twenty wants to close the border, and he wants to close The border checks humorous as my father, who was a union guy taught me. Let me tell you something. I'm in a union. Today. I've talked about the sag kind of stupid union, as this.
I'm in a union with a bunch of left wing, marxist cooks and I'm stuck. so chuck Schumer talks about his dad. The union guy union guy. What I like it or not,. but what does that have to do with anything She was the leader of the democratic party in the senate, again open borders, I get an economic policy that drives up interest rates. People can't buy homes, so they're not gonna, be able cars, but he's a union guy and shimmer says persist in person. improved Schuman is not, however, is a guy a harvard law school, he graduates. Passes the new york bar gets elected immediately after to the new york assembly.
Congressional seed opens up. He runs for that gets elected the congress. Serbs are many many years. how the motto figures he vulnerable, particularly given the demographic, and political changes in the state of new york, he runs against a motto funded by all kinds of dark money, billinger by the way. Sean pair sean she won. and he wins to senator. This is a man literally who hasn't spent a minute in the private sector. But he's a union guy said I worry about Joe bonds and other gets elected us senate, when he's twenty nine years I'll get sworn in when he's thirty. Before that he was a member of the wilmington city, council man ever work. a day in his life outside the government,
but he's a union guy too great union guys Opening the border to anyone and everyone who comes had there, not your hair, you, a union guy, hey in asking to their terrorists or criminals punch them right through both boob. How fast can we do this? How fast can we change america? The Democrats Party is thrown in with the racists. The democrat party is thrown him with the marxist, the democrat party, not just in with them, it represents them sun patriotic can say this about union workers, their patriotic. you know when you go by one of these building sites in their building. One of these massive sky rises, which always amazes me. People can do that sort of thing. I certainly can. And what's always hanging from the building, that's being constructed, were from the crane
A mass of american flag, Something you will not see at the dnc headquarters so. I really do think a lot of these union workers are being sold. Abyla goods, these. Unions are not democratic entities, their monopolies, the title. laws do not apply to them because when they were written there were specifically excluded. Because the truth is that you are w, should be broken up. No union should have kind of her a backup note: no union boss, should have this kind of power none and yet there they are Chuck Schumer, the last guy who should be talking about it's hilarious and dryden our some party there
and sure my dad was a union, he loved union. He was a union guy and you. I am using. I've persist, fight good will reward you and your succeed? We are going to persist and we're going to succeed, but what the hell talk about wanting to persist and we're going to succeed, he supports it thirty two I work week and a forty percent increase. On his own staff, I can get a thirty two hour work week and a forty per cent salary increase. Are they mister bitters? He would never do that to a step be way too expensive. You know can't do that plus we work to do here. I mean we're gonna least put it a five day, forty hour week and forty per
increase. We don't have a budget for that blackout. Get up get up, get up, get him outside my office, yes, get him in the suckers in new york who vote for this this buffoon Or the price is not high enough in new york, you think car prices should be twenty thirty percent higher how's it going in new york with the a crowd policies in crime and open borders and illegal immigrants, jobs, safety, the schools where they have school. Trust has gone up there in new york on ok, because that's what the democratic during the whole country, Van. A great one makes your weekend even better this system,
Best of mark levant, honestly, I'm getting very frustrated here Even with this sir hearing on impeachment. I'm getting frustrated by all the so called legal analysis. That's taking place by people who pay we do not comprehend what impeachment is about the history of impeachment or even the phrase in the constitution You look at federalist, sixty five. Hamilton describes it not with specificity, they did a pretty good job explaining what they meant by treason, bribery. The most important phrase, high crimes, misdemeanours. the congressional research service, does a pretty good job, are pulling together with delegates thought and said at the time, and it there of conventions.
we've had impeachments before in american history of presidents. And it comes down to this essentially. It is an offence against the public trust that is Concerted a political or constitutional crime. Not a crime, even within the criminal code, as there was no federal criminal code at the time, I'm talking about an offence. Undertaken in your office, an offence taken against the body politic, an offence against your country. edit. It shocks me the number of lorries on the house oversight committee, the house traditionary committee, protests testifying today. So let me explain to you what else I gonna go, let's start with the basics: let's
Ah, the hunter buying stuff aside- let's even put all the financial issues aside and by the way I dont mean for good, I mean just for the sake of their sorry. follow me and you're no more than anybody on tv is talking about this, the faithful exe accusing of our laws under article two of the constitution, twice not once twice imposes a duty faithful execution of the president, who must quote, take care that the laws be faithfully executed, then take an oath or affirmation to call faithfully execute the office of president unquote. These are called the faith execution clauses of the constitution, but there's a supreme say about this because they ve set things about this,
they ve said, among other things, even if a president This agrees with a law that has been adopted. By congress and signed by a prior president, he must faithfully execute that whether he likes it or not. Unless there, Some serious constitutional issue that needs to be a jew dictated. What does that mean. Well, there's going around they're saying: where is the evidence. Alexander Hamilton and federalist sixty five said the constitution to teach provisions described in peace. We'll offences as arising from called the misconduct of public men, or in other words he says from the Sir violation of some public trust such offences,
Political, this is hamilton not me, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself these offences obviously can take innumerable forms and simply could not be specified fifthly delineated so. delineated at the time the offenses occur. So as a tremendously important example,. where people, so all we haven't reach the impeachment standard. Yet are you kidding me. The immigration laws, laws in this country have been intensely eviscerated have not been faithfully executed. They have not been Paypal executed take care that the laws be faithfully executed.
author affirmation that faithfully execute the office of the president, a president cannot mask unilaterally decide that he worn out here to federalism. Gracious law and change The entire nature culture law. Of the country on its own, their executive order and. were the refusal to enforce those laws. It is a violation twice of the united states constitution and it certainly it's the standard set forth by the framers of the constitution. What do they mean? We have reached? Threshold, yet what are they talking about? We ve met the threshold a thousand times.
and ass a consequence of this president's lawlessness and its failure to favour execute the immigration laws in this country, in fact, to do the opposite purposely sabotage the ability of us to enforce our immigration laws. He's committed, peach while offence and the union Manatee that he has unleashed on the american society. What do you think the framers of the constitution that. This is not even a close call hundred thousand american. by every year from Burma we lost fifty eight thousand men and ten years in vietnam, almost twice so many every year, because there's president violates repute, Is the faithfully executed immigration laws and secure the border and secure the country? While I don't think we
reach the threshold. Yet we have reached a threshold yet another example. The united states supreme court ruled that Joe Biden Executive branch simply does not have the power under the united states constitution does not have the power of the united states constitution. To give away hundreds of billions of dollars, perhaps up to a trillion dollars in so called stood alone. Forgiven. The court said rightly that violate separation of powers. That is an authority that doesn't belong to Joe Biden. Congress needs to pass a statute if that is to occur.
Joe Biden has ignored the law. Joe Biden comes up with some. Our common aim is game and before the law can catch up with Joe Biden before the next court decision to catch up with Joe Biden, what does it, though? He grants hundreds of billions, a thousand quarter on quoth stood alone. Relief to one of these is most important political basis That's not faithfully executing the laws. The united states defying a supreme court decision worthy the Biden administration took the matter, defended the matter in front of the supreme court and lost, and that screw or I'll do the way, there's not a damn thing you could do about. That's not an page will we have
Let the threshold, what what are you talking about? I know I know When I talk about all this, is it and is an inquiry at all In favor, an inquiry not to find out if Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses offences but to gather and support them. That he did with overwhelming evidence pulling it together. Show the members of the house, but members of the senate and the american people what he has done and the consequences to the public Ass to the civil society to the american people of his unconstitutional acts and peaceful offence.
We don't need together more evidence to prove the unimpeachable of it worthwhile to gather more evidence wait as many people as possible, given the media in the democratic party that they control the narrative, but as eight surely constitutional matter. The language in the constitution? The history behind the impeachment? Is there simply any question. That, when president Natalie refuses to faithfully execute the law and takes an oath, to do so twice, the framers put it in constitution, you, the faithfully, execute the laws. The one he does worse, in fact,
He sabotaging the laws, he ignores the laws he eviscerate the lot. I think We met the threshold, don't you, ladies and gentlemen, maybe ass the first, ways of a hundred thousand people who die. Maybe ask the people who have been raped, baby s them supreme court? They go on and on about donald trump and maggie republic, who threat to democracy and yet, who is it. That defies the rule of law. Who is it that defies in court decision after losing. In that case, why is that I our immigration law. They are because that's the democratic party. I feel that the house oversight committee would have
And would do a far superior job if it let off. If had led off, as I have with the obvious violations of the constitution,. Any constitutional crimes, if you well or political crimes, if you well as the framers, talked about against the public trust. against the governmental system, the abuse of power. The fairy of who him to upholders of the faithfully execute the law. And the inhumane hellish can actions he's unleashed on the border in the interior, the united states. This is exactly what impeachment was four eggs.
actually, what impeachment was four and let the democrats defend them, let hit them defend, but Biden has and let them defend the inhumanity on the border. Let them defend the indefensible, that's how I would start. And saying what stood alone, violation. Seizing the authority So representative, specifically a congress generally its core power tat tax to span tomorrow Seized by Joe Biden, piquet relief towards political constituents, so they come out
vote and thank him for giving them money that he has no authority to give to that according to the constitution according to their supreme court, why wouldn't you lead with these two things. Other case or the financial fraud, and also is overwhelming, don't get me wrong, We want, gets into the we daily in prelim. He didn't take money, that's ok! Now, after the break, let's move on to the debate marie issue to the money issue to the bought and paid for asia Does it comes down to another simple argument under the constant who's that. we are giving you nothing, but the best the best of market, then To turn to the third issue,
people of fence, relating to hunter Joe Biden and the rest of the family. What do we have here? It is in this. Suitable, it is unequivocal. That the vine family may tens of millions of dollars from foreign entities, including many of our worst enemies. it is undeniable that money flowed into the Biden family through a hunter or whomever. as a result of Joe Biden position in government. As vice president, including up Pony was candidate for prison. Joe Biden claims he didn't know anything about any of amerika. You don't know anything about these shall corporation sir, which my was laundered millions No that when he was asked to speak score,
and scores of times to foreign ceos, foreign governments groups for the communist chinese and other than you, even speaking to them or that the region, implication whatsoever. He was just told to say hello by the direction of a son, and he said hello. And what about some other meetings, Joe Biden hat, which involve some a hundred part partners And some of its clients from overseas. What about all the trips that hundred took on air force to daddy. To meet with clients heard, I have doors, open, would nuclei and all the rest of it, what about it, What about a two hundred, fifty thousand dollar wire from beijing to Wilmington. The beneficiary address being joan Joe Biden home? What about them
millions that flowed into the Biden. In centre in Washington d c. The same time, Joe Biden. Was no longer vice president. Hey no show job for which he was paid almost a million dollars a year coincidence. What about recent his son sat on the board made millions. Why was he focused on berries, my. Why was he going after the prosecutor investigating brees matter even know about it?. Vice president knows, but a prosecutor investing a corporation that press Who does ukrainian corporations ukrainian? Why did you give them and it goes on? And so the argument is, there's no Evan its the Joe Biden, made a nickel.
Ladies and gentlemen, as I would, the impeachment clauses. Is what a high crimes misdemeanours means? If Biden didn't know that these hundreds and hundreds of conversations meetings. Hundreds and hundreds of involving his son involving his brother. involving a staff, the flights and all the rest of it. We didn't know about any of which, of course is nonsense, but let's play along, he should have, he should have now, He should have known all those meetings, all those photographs, the golf courses.
Of those flights with his son? All those shall corporations. All these things that were taking place, In front of his nose. In which he was involved, But apparently was a sucker meets the impeach a fence standard there's, no requirement the job. I took a penny. His family took tens of millions Tenzin His family took tens of millions of people wish to believe that that really wasn't.
No, the Joe thing bully whatever they want. If you fail to protect the country, if you fail to protect the office of the vice presidents, if you fail the public trust in such a consequential And grave way, if you fail in your duty to uphold the constitution, that's unimpeachable offence. It's not an excuse, the fact that his family was involved and all this corruption. Using his name selling his office pretend that he didn't even know about any of the swirling around him day and night. It doesn't matter. It swelled around him day and night.
And if he wasn't involved should have at least been aware that his family was raking in tens of millions of dollars. You know who else knows then I'm right, Joe Biden knows them right. That's why, when it was first confronted over this target and pain he said. I dont know Thing about my son's business activity. Because job, I knows what I know what apparently. Republicans in the house oversight committing the judiciary committee dont know only what the legal analysts on tv dont know. Joe Biden does not have to commit a crime under the federal criminal code because Institutional political crime, if you will, as the framers talked about it, is in society and the public trust. Andrew Johnson wasn't a pete because he took money,
His family took money, neither was bill Clinton. Neither was trapped twice. So why are we changing the standard, Joe Biden? There should be article three should be impeached. because he was that was doing his duty. I wanted a high officers in the land of that country to ensure to ensure that his son that his brother, that his family. were using his office. Where are you Government resource using his name, as vice president, to enrich themselves if he didn't about it. He didn't want to know about it. That's not good enough.
These aren't specious allegations their backed up with emails. What texts? Well I popped software with with this is their backed up. With wire accounts with bank accounts,. are backed up by the ira. The only person you didn't know was Joe Biden. Robot dope is not a good enough. Defence. I know nothing is not a good enough to her if your family Is using your position, as vice president. and using your name to get access with foreign governments, foreign corporate front groups, corrupt potentates, corrupt oligarchs, And your family or a family member is enriching him or herself as result of it.
Using your name using your offer, a user I don't know anything about. That's actually more frightening the knowing something about then Joe Biden. By not knowing about it or intentionally, not knowing about it. and now covering it up lying about trying to prevent. A house committee from getting the document using his taxpayer funded whitehouse cows never seen this before to try the investigation as if their guilty. His attorney general using his position to prevent any kind of a criminal investigation that further scores the problem if job
didn't know anything Joe Biden should becoming forty say. Look I apologize. I didn't know any this are provided. testimony in writing. In person to the committee I dont have a price With an independent investigation, I didn't do anything and go ahead. I am proud that I knew something and that I was complicit, but he does. He acts like a guilty men, but even that doesn't really matter. The fact of the matter, all of these activities took place while he was were most of them. While he was vice president who was at meetings, he was at phone calls. His address at his home with you. His name was used all the time. Hunter Biden basically will be a perfect witness, an appeal, in an impeachment trial of his father,
What did you mean by ten percent? What did you mean by MR big there's laptop its devastating. So the point is that people understand what impeachment means. What the employee, piecemeal clause means. It doesn't mean anything goes, maladministration was rejected or have a difference of policy or that's a political. The now. Fierce averting the constitution. That is, if you are committing an offence against. the public, the public trust the civil society of country doesn't even to be in the criminal code. Ladies and gentlemen, there was no federal criminal code at the time. Then that's enough. That's enough!.
I don't know if we reach the threshold for peach meant. I do. Any problem with a hearing there ought to be here. That's the tradition. You hold these hearings. And we should hold hearings: Nancy Pelosi violated that tradition in multiple ways, second, unpaid, At donald troubling, you hold a hearing didn't matter, they knew what they wanted to do trump did not lead an insurrection, didn't commit sedition and that's what the impeachment for president rats, wants you to believe that you ever have to have a rock solid criminal case. financial crimes and, unfortunately, publicans are allowing this to occur. No don't go ahead, keeping Get the information I have no problem with this The same time explained time and time again the Jamie rascal who was.
God and all that trouble peach meant, was involved in trade. overturn three reports, Again, presidential elections or the floor of the house who was and is now I wasn't, generally six committee, and I was on this committee- there's a reason why Jamie rascals history, the father, was a stalinist got bad mediocre, I any any like the communist regime in russia, jamie noses. That's. Why won't come on my programme and discuss this with me? ask them how many times mister producer three four five. Six, though I had set me straight. Jamie is a radical left wing bomb, throwing political but that's what impeachment means. That's why the clauses in there and
put it this way if it is the position of the department of justice that you cannot indicted sitting present position. I agree with the candidate of sitting president and you can impeach A president who violates the constitution and secondarily. his family commits financial crimes, tax, cheats Relations are fair and so forth early can do anything if your name is by now. If your name is trop, everything goes everything and anything and you And help from republicans like romney, MC caskey and other reprobates. now you know the rest of the story.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-01.