« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 9/16/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, the Biden administration worked out a deal with Iran for the release of five Iranian citizens, plus the release of 6 Billion dollars in exchange for 5 Americans detained in Iran. This Biden administration also applauded a Saudi Arabia deal on global infrastructure deal on the anniversary of 9/11. Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham doesn’t have the power to suspend any part of the Constitution. She can’t suspend open and concealed carry across Albuquerque under an emergency health order. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced that he is initiating an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Joe Biden knew, as a matter of fact, that Hunter Biden was representing officially or even unofficially numerous foreign businesses, which is more than enough to be required to register under FARA. Joe Biden assisted his son in violating FARA, which does not require a payment of any kind and is not a specific intent crime -- a co-conspirator. The list of Biden impeachment issues is far more compelling than any information that was brought against Donald Trump. The left-wing media, Democrats, along with some Republicans, keep saying there’s no evidence to conduct a Joe Biden impeachment inquiry. Three presidents have been impeached. None were convicted by the Senate. Hunter Biden has been indicted by a Grand Jury in Delaware on three Federal gun-related charges.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented podcast, as presented exclusively by my favorite college at america, hills they'll college, which, probably Fuses, every penny of government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation ales data for their sponsorship. Quiet in the underground bunker door most locks bolted. What a great one! just resting on our laurels, he's I'm sure you'll began is even better by giving you is best this. Is the best more club today, something like the binding? really his sanders obama politburo has done today. The twenty second anniversary of nine eleven When the islam nazis attack the united states of america killed three thousand of our people.
For which we went to war. unless even more of our men and women This is the associated press from about an hour ago. The binary straighten has cleared the way. for the release of five american citizens detain in iran ready, but Showing a blanket waiver for international banks to transfer six. billion dollars. And frozen iranian money from south korea to qatar, without fear of you sanctions in addition, as part of the deal The administration is agreed release five iranian citizens held in the united states secretary of state, Then he blinkin he's actually not go well signed off on these sanctions waivers late last week a month after yours and arranging a facial set. An agreement in principle was in place.
Congress was not informed the wayward decision until monday do the notification, which was obtained by the associated press there kinds of the deal had been previously announced and the waiver was expected, but the notification mark them this time. The administration said it was releasing five areas in prisoners as part of the deal. The prisoners have not been named. Why not? Because you don't live in a free country- Well, that's why congress is cut out of the deal the american people can enter the deal. The politburo rolling. The Sanders obama paula beer, In charge. Operating behind the scenes in the shadows and don't even think buying consign his name anymore, what I.
What a pathetic regime we have here? What a pathetic people we ve become thanks. They have to What's in this country that vote for this crap, the waivers light withdraw criticism of Joe buying from republicans and others notice, republicans and other Let's stop right there, because that's the most accurate he's the a p says here. Have you heard chuck sure about those new york, no jail. A brand new. Top of the mayor of new york, nope habit. They govern in new york now not exclusively by where the most damage was done? On nine eleven, the governor there may the two senators say nothing. Zero six billion dollars in the hands of the there
sour crude oil, like popcorn Movie, theater the billions of dollars under their coffers. I want to make this clear a hundred percent abundantly clear. There will be a war with iran because what this administration is doing because of what its administration is doing, because of Israel, not because of the gulf arab states. Now because of Biden in the islam or nazi regime in tehran, there's like there's gonna, be a war over taiwan or a hundred percent kaput later by the united states it will result in a war one day, even bigger. Or somewhere else, you don't nip this stuff in the bud
Why are we giving six billion dollars to arrange at all those trumpeters out there. Ah you moronic trot painters out there. He had his foot a throat or that islam or nazi regime in tehran there Me was collapsing, people of IRAN were rising up and now look at this, you didn't like is tweets. Now the democratic party wants to bury him alive, sick, sick, but that's not all. Nine eleven eleven where these terrorist came from saudi arabia, most of them most of them. Deadlines, daddy. Very very rich
saudi arabia. So what happened a day and a tweet today. National security council, spokes idiot adrian watson, but they have adrian watson, ready, Lauded saudi arabia after it committed ten The billions of dollars towards the partnership for global infrastructure, what about our infrastructure. So have paid us for that. Look how sick this is this house, nine eleven means nothing to them. the islam or nazi regime building nuclear weapons spreading terrorism means nothing to them. Saudi arabia's role and nine eleven means nothing to them. Absolutely nothing. So,
Ass to day comes at an officially thanks. The saudi arabian government for good many twenty billion dollars did support ready. President Joe binding signature initiative, the partnership for global infrastructure? He really means climate change. You know. The initiative, spearheaded by buying and seeks to spur economic growth and low and middle income countries with investments in infrastructure allow work, they're gonna be build highways in the desert where people can eat where people can drink, You build prosperity is through what we call capitalism. completely out of touch these bastard and they pay this twenty minutes after the first tower, fell. Twenty minutes after the first tower for show
in from Alaska today in his name, has politburo, since six billion dollars, they the slammer nazi regime in tehran and Thanks the saudi arabian inbred government, her twenty billion was for his big big programme infrastructure in the third world, its it, sir The amazing doesn't even doesn't work anymore, and you have people defend this to the end. You all have fools defend: to the some of them had phds. Some of them are lawyers. Some of them are doctors. Almost all of them are democrats. The Democrats know that their man is about three,
steps away from being a vegetable. They know this, but they don't care. Because they hate us, they hate the country, they want that mental transformation at any cost. You know, especially yours. So what iran get six billion dollar gale. I went away carrion, so why. and so why he, he tips has had its saudi arabia dear. So what it's nine I am ever so mister bidders go ahead with that statement from the white house about pearl harbor, they came up with an excuse. Go ahead. our focus last couple days has been on president Biden here in south asia and when I asked the white house official why it is that president Biden was here and missing the nine eleven commemorations at the attack sites. Analogy that I was given is that
Two years after pearl harbor: u s president's we're not so going to visit hawaii that set the whole point of this trip appeared to be countering china, everything that we were told Ahead of it, they were going to come here to try to counter chinese influence in the region, but only finally heard from inviting he told us the exact opposite. The less about containing china? I I don't want to contain china, we're not looking to hurt shine, sincerely we're all better off if china does well. I want to see china succeed at the one that succeed by the rules and the Democrats are thrilled with this man. Their proper mc anima sheen their demagogues or out there in full force. Working their heels as they marched along a tremendous accomplishes this man, oh yes,
He's unbelievable, there's no match in history and they start attacking crop that science. He doesn't want to contain the communist chinese, so he'd unemployment containment I have a question: is somebody who supports ukraine. then. Why are we in Ukraine were trying to contain russia that China, you see my by Mr Barroso. Psi is a mental all of applesauce. Twenty is watch myself, it just unbelievable, and Very once he wants communist china succeed there still on us blind every piece: Technology they have was built on what they stole from us here.
Complete manchurian president he's been bought and paid for only a man join president whose received his peter Wiser says: over thirty million dollars at families received commerce, a little short with its twenty million Thirty million dollars from the communist chinese, the buying crime, family. That's why he says what he says: no one contain them please, the moral of bass and its great, the hair from the great republican leader in the senate. Who every day sounds like Joe Biden fishermen and the giant Feinstein. Republic into the senate are useless, but foolish stupid, even They see what's going on in this country. They can
night about around the damn thing. They can. We unite around an ice cream com, they won't do it and you get like this, for five and the leadership you know it's there, there's mcconnell. had the microphone and then it looks like they're bringing the pallbearers out. You know, oh there's stone, there's a barrage, so there is corn in there sleepy these dopey there. They are. Where are they today? Nowhere. You should be condemned as administration frigging, piquant pages pan at our enemy, six billion dollar, four, for god's sakes I keep threatening to attack us, we get six billion dollars. I may tell you Something genius about pearl harbor.
even franklin, roosevelt as bad as he was and he was lousy. He didn't the equivalent of six billion dollars to the empire, japan togo. Progress being attacked. You idiot, good god, where the democratic where's hacking, Jeff hakim Hakim. Where are you visiting with your uncle. What's his uncles naming, I forget as a matter of jobs in the book a king uncle jeffreys. I guess I don't know There is, with his uncle I'm sure, celebrating his uncle thee
jus, hating america, hating uncle Jeffrey. who came jeffreys when he was really smart was in college, defended detailed, whereas Hakim today. He knows. Is he condemning any this course not he's from new york? Where is he knows where A democrats in congress from new york city today, where are they where's that fact loud Jerome. What is his name? Jerry Natalie, you know even got that bout to reduce his way. Why or get it now it didn't just like christie, ali macro breathing Where's, a elsie where's bowman her nowhere. I have a problem. I hate him.
he attack america and remember our friend. oh my remember her missed, reduce. You know that Did that thing on nine eleven when she, the one is over some people did something online. Eleven That's right, you a whole. They certainly did memory congress you'll be respectful to members, those folks institution day has come and gone, but there's still time to receive your free copy of the constitution and dec. creation of independence. For my friends at hills, college grab your free copy, it levine Helstone dot com. You may remember that hills delves goes to give away one million copies to americans who don't have one and, if, do have one well give it to someone who doesn't area and young and old should read these documents? Why? Because liberty-
Hence on we, the people, knowing the basic principles, are free government given State of our nation, it's more critical than ever for citizens to read and understand these documents so to claim your free copy from helstone collar. Or one to give away girl event for wholesale back com I have to do, is fill out a simple form. You receive your led by male- without paying shipping and only available while supplies last, but as I mention this of her, for my listeners expires in just a few days reserve your copy Levine for wholesale back com. That's lavigne for hillsdale dot, com. Maybe you're weekend, even better this system, Best of mark levin, then, when to read you something: When I read you something from the epilogue I put can it be released literally in eight days, the democratic party hates america.
And this is a quote that I mentioned before- from neo gore such associate supreme court justice- him- maybe Twenty three of this here in the sky the opinion in arizona verses by yorkists. this relates to what's going on all over this country today, but I want to talk about in relation to new mexico, The fascist dictator in that state, since it's twenty twenty. We have experienced the girl. Intrusion on civil liberties and the peacetime history, this country supreme court justice executive officials across the country he should emergency decrees on a breathtaking scale,. Governors and local leaders imposed lockdown orders forcing people to remain in their arms. They should businesses in schools, public and private. They can
churches, even as they allowed casinos and other favorite businesses to carry on they threaten violators. Not just was for penalties, but with criminal sanctions to her veil church parking, lots recorded, license plates and issued notices warning that attendance at even outdoor services, satisfying all states social, distancing and hygiene requirements could amount to criminal conduct. Federal executive officials under the actor they deployed a public health agency to regular landlord tenant relations nationwide views they work, Safety agencies, asia, vaccination mandate for most working america's, they threatened to fire. Complying employees and warn that serve members are refused to vaccinate, might face dishonourable. Discharging confinement.
and along the way seems federal officials. May should social media companies to censor information about power Emma policies with which they disagree. We now have a federal court. That said so in a power court that sets. Concentration of power in the hands of so few may be efficient and sometimes popular, but it does not turn toward sound government. However wise one person or as advisers. Maybe that is no substitute for the wisdom of the hall of the american people. They can't be tapped into This later process. decisions made by a few often yield unintended consequences that may be voided, one more account consulted autocrat of always suffered. These defects ensure have
and that's why we're are an autocracy more an autocracy than we are republic. And I write in chapter one: inevitably, the democratic parties infinite cultural, economic and political interventions. eyes in the name of the people on some virtuous and where they cause leader Steady decline of liberty, stay rise of totalitarianism and the exploitation of the people. Fewer and fewer masterminds with an ever increasing army of bureaucrats and enforcers reign over citizenry and decide what is and is not good for them. The abyss since a power limitless, as are the just vacations and slowly but surely they people get used to it even vote for it until one day its grip is too tight, then it's too
In this, and virtually all else, it does the democratic parties. Loathing of america is boundless now when should allow under this governor michel, lou hon grecian of new mexico is simply issued a directive. not as if she's, muzzle, leaning they any other. The great totality and of our time and pastimes emergency. Just like the pandemic. It's an emergency. So we are going to suspend in fact we're going to outlaw conceal, carry permits and the conseil carry a weapons until the coast is clear, will start with thirty days? Does a gun
I have the power to suspend any part of the federal bill of rights, the bill of rights or between you and your government. That is, they stand between you and your government there to protect you from the government. So when a muzzle anyone want to be the governor of Mexico says: hey, I'm going. I suspend the second amendment, I'm going to suspend the bill of rights. You got well which part of it. Oh, don't worry it's just the guns failed democratic governors failed democrat mayors,
failed democrat legislatures. They undermine law enforcement. The institute policies where people go in the front door and out the back, they put their phony judges in place who rubber stamp. What the defence council wants in these criminal cases. She had all this crime and they blame and inanimate objects. I can assure you that a vast vast majority cases where people are killing people- it's not with me. weapons and the irony of it all the time in its own son acquires a weapon illegally
department of injustice under the mob lawyer, marilla scarlet, did everything he could. the slip occur curveball by the judge and Wilmington, but she wouldn't have any of it, but they tried here. She is governed aggression and he town hall, I cut ago, all the cars. So what's the civil war, why don't we just do better law enforcement? Both the value of the order is that it gives me three things, one
It says the same wide issue in its message to everyone to start leveraging your resources and resting people to the jurisdictions come out this, including with the objective of sections differently. Without the lever jeanne the additional resources arresting and where did they go, we can make sure that everyone is something up their services. It's a message today: metropolitan detention centre. It's a message from what the hell is he talking about. Mr Kallas is woman. Talking. What did they do? I'll go to the year Joe Biden school over mealy mouthed go ahead. premier, we have been sort stalled out to your point. This order basically says stop stalling out interior point just arrest. Everyone well,
I also have to have the ability I can't arrest everyone. There are literally to many people to unite arresting everyone, have an arrest, ten percent how's that and not only arrest them had actually put him in jail. We're not because we have this epidemic now, because Eu Democrats, You ve destroyed local law enforcement. You make it impossible for cops to do their jobs, exposed than the law suits and suspension and and all the rest of it, because, of course, there's that sis Eric racism going on as we all know that going on in philadelphia in new york? Look look what's going on in chicago the It's in Chicago! Look what they like for mayor. They are the guy who's, the defending criminals? Why anybody who can get out of these cities? Anybody
can is getting the hell out. Even the rich liberals, earlier, even their rich liberals are trying to get the hell out now. They're, not gonna. Try is their policies. You know, they'll go to florida and vote vote stupid to go to tennessee and vote stupid or go to taxes and vote stupid that they don't care. Hypocrisy is the coin of the realm go ahead. I can make the point maybe they should be. Maybe they should be sure if you're carrying a weapon legally in albuquerque this governor, what a rescue. I'm sure she had a blast or in the pandemic, MR producer, you take
interest everybody, but have you don't have a mask? We can going to rescue to church will arrest. You are involved in some kind of outdoor activities. We can arrest them too. Maybe a restaurant, that's what they call you dont want to go broke, you, have all your money and I will rescue too? I remember one of his righteous to go out of business. I remember his righteous. But now you know. P s, don't work, it doesn't matter Listen to this fascist! Go ahead! Wait, I'm willing to do anything and everything. Will you don't have the power to do anything and everything, but what she does at the to do she's, not willing to do cause. A crappy left wing Democrat and what they won't do, protect the population. The old fashioned way take the crow. off the street thrown in jail,
for as long as you damn well, can that my work. Now the sheriff of the largest county ex go says: well, that's great, but are now before us, and our lord violates the constitution, the mayor of Albuquerque. These are all dammit. It says hello, we don't have the To do that, so I'm not recognising your order, the deed In albuquerque another, not unlike the democratic, we can't prosecute for this you have a marxist and congress, arrogant, whoa, whoa, whoa, and a short way too much angle. There, lady, I don't think we should be doing this. Kosovo be stricken. Certainly, by the time it gets the sprinkler we release three supreme court decision. now all this unconstitutional by the way. That's another practice of the Democrats. Job
I was told by the supreme court. You don't have the power, you have the power When it comes to student loans to give up goods of billions of dollars, eroded the taxpayers congress To do that? So does it anyway? This other metal wrote years, while the a politburo things they very cupid. They go around the supreme court. They only follow court Citizens they like the recent irrigation activities that are taking place in this country, harvard Princeton, you name it back in the twenties and thirty eight times my role, those schools, so they Many jews from getting into those schools, because the jews. Would have been admitted at a higher rate than their population. Now it's the asian. Can have all these asians coming into our school. What about everybody else
And this is what happens when you think group is a midnight individualism supreme courts, You can't do that. You know the right wingers on the core. You know them. though I racers on the court. Clarence Thomas is, and why does it matter he's party why dominant societies so he's gotta be a. Why raises don't you know, and so they rule sixty three you kid segregate, like that, you kid criminal like that, have it should know better than that. Have it. And so they were also binding. He mumbled some stupid thing and then, of course, all the phds me. Geniuses, the professors and administrators
they also we avoid around this. We get a fix for this. we segregated a hundred years ago, Wigan segregate again now. I know I just want to remind you: we are. Days, away from it the nineteenth. And that is the release of the democrat party, hates america. It's the most important book, I've ever written, it's the longest book I've ever written. It is. The most brutal take down the democratic party. It's got facts Scott enormous amount of research. I've done it all myself, and yet it reads very smoothly. To plain english page, the page chapter, the chapter you will learn things about the democrat party, a renewed, and we think we know it all, but we'd up.
You'll see that franklin. Roosevelt was not only in a tie. Somebody was a big it. Oh, I know, doors can medicine Whenever they help her name, is she be very upset me now? Although doc, you cry They put out their promoting the great if they are the icon of the left. They really love after. Why? Because you blew out there, institution in our economic says. That's why. their former. Here I was you know. Well sir, we, if not the biggest one of the biggest racist ever being the oval office, Joe Biden early, oh, you know, is a chameleon better. Joe by he was quite the racists and segregation, is then went to centre. Kids to a jungle, a k, a black school, that's all been forgiven.
democrat party, the party of slavery, all's been forgiven. Down monuments, destroying papers and books, attacking the founders back in the constitution and the dogma, but there's there's the Democrats. Party behind it all behind all of it. Their names, not whitewashed,. Their headquarters isn't scorned demo Facts mark you sitting to the best of mark Laverne, How can the Mccarthy obviously has announced that the The house will open a Each when inquiry and before I play what he said in his ears,
in the programme many well being about an hour and a half. I want to tell you what I just posted leave. Bringing prosecutor who was fired as a direct result of Joe Biden, threatening to withhold one billion dollars in usaid pessimists, Quickly stated he was investigating charisma, the correct company. hundred bind was serving on job struck that investigation coordinate can back in his new friends and the democratic party media he's a republican from colorado, This is not evidence of anything joe by. spoke to an untold number of hunter binds far Clients, including top officials with ties to the communist party regime in china, but this according To come back, his new friends and the democratic party media is I haven't done anything in all told number of trips with Joe on air force to we.
we knew mars foreign officials in countries- and we governments in which hunter was doing business- are one to do business conduct back in his new friends and their democratic party. So what Joe by new, as a matter of fact, that hunter was representing officially or even unofficially numerous foreign businesses. That's me more than enough under the very broad language of fire. By the way we supposed to discharge is an agent, that's more than enough to be required to register under fire. Therefore, abiden assisted his son in violating fora which does required payment of any kind. It is specific obtained crime. He's a cop spirit or in other words idiot, do it or you don't registration requirement. Joe Biden, staff and hunters business, associates wearing constant contact. I guess they just bodies, and
a ton more, of course, for impeachment purposes. You do require evidence of a crime under the criminal code can buck not know this, but there was federal criminal code. When the constitution was ratified, nor stay requirement of the kind of evidence required to convict in the courtroom Or beyond reasonable doubt standard. But let me clear the list of job? the list of Joe Biden, impeachment issues that I quickly assembled here, is for are far more compelling than any formation that was brought against donald trump. He neither black the president of ukraine is alive. He said he was not. Blackmail. Biden did on tape, eddie commit high crimes or misdemeanours. On january six, when there was no house inquiry the railroad job by the house democrats with support from a mere ten republicans quick vote
by stalinist trial in the senate. While tromp was, I've had citizen in which was found innocent lives kara mccarthy, not taking a vote of this house to initiate an impeachment when name The Pelosi set the precedent for this. This sword suppose ways and at this time Sid certainly should as an aside mac gauges whining all the time. This time. The mccarthy too slow to act or whatever, actually his b as with Jim Jordan, J, comber jason smith, the three ass. They gave committee chairmen whose purpose finally said they need time but a preliminary case before each one inquiry. So I don't know why were shooting each other. At this point, plan. will the impeachment. I agree And my show sunday on fox, I ask in Jordan specifically if there were
in a peach when incurring you said yes, he felt this month. I asked if there will be a vote he said majority. If he had enough for the vote, he said he thought they did so Mccarthy. How did you do about policy and that's good. Does it say only way to stop the Democrats? The only way He due to them what they do real, how there's a piece by bill. Mcgann ST journeys. Probably the last remaining, maybe there's another one, sir. it's writers there. he says cinnamon already later Mitch, Mcconnell says impeachment should be rare, because normalizing impeachment isn't good for the country's right. But how speed kevin Mccarthy's, calling for an impeachment inquiry. Which he says is a natural step for based on evidence that has been covered by our committee investigating overs?
traditionary ways and means includes learning, the Joe Biden lie during the twenty twenty debates, when he categorically denied hunter was paid millions from china and so the lad, those russian disinformation, and that today vice president had dinner, and I had not read this before. I wrote my piece, but it doesn't matter the it is obvious to everybody and that's that Vice president had dinners with his sons. Business partners had spoke to them speaker phone one hundred called is to internal iris agents have testify the justice department sandbagged in irish investigation, a abiden, staffer, email, hunter business, associates Eric Sherwin, confirming The vice president had signed off on talking point, mr. Where we had supplied about bridgman from a man who claims he knew nothing about his sons, business any one of those or any one, the issues I mentioned is enough. Peach when angry pace
These standards, this attack on trump and the first impeachment but even based on more. So when I hear these rhinos cholera and his body. When I hear the report begins in the senate, who are lazy and useless I hear this guy can block I scratch. My hope is that what are your stupid? What's with you with three house committees already investigating a impeachment when increase might appear superfluous, but there are practical advantages: to name one would it the power of how subpoenas congress oversight must be tethered toy just played purpose, and that includes the subpoenas for information such as these. acts and bank records house investigators are asking for, and they ve been blocked contrast went to subpoena is part of an impeachment inquiry congresses acting at the apex of its power and its ability to compete.
witness testimony in demand, documents and people inquiry. Does it require a legislator purpose because it's in the day in cars duty, which gives subpoenas more force in the courts gives a house more negotiating leverage with say justice in the iris. If judiciously impeachment increase would be a roadblock forever. it would be a road back from the way its policy stacked every procedural deck and cut every can go. The corner to get donald trump. Policy announced the first trump impeachment we all by herself holding about it was already under way and then proceed, closed or testimony and limits on defence witnesses in the second impeachment. She rushed about unimpeachable without hearings or an opportunity, for them two presented present Does it say here is that these Senate a stalinist trial to railroad
tromp, while he was a private citizen. in this report are unseen and what is your name Dana? Something is at last he's at it back apologist, Dana bash, she says: do impeach a protest tip Do you impeach, president, for the actual tries to look so now the the lawyers for the white house, her feeding, cnn and the usual it's over there. You repeat, what they hear, Can you actually do that? Can you can you in prejudice right products. Yes, Fifty years ago, at a press conference in orlando, richard Nixon told a television audience. The american people have to know whether or not their present A crook Joe case they also deserve to know whether the justice department has been promised by San republicans will decide whether an impeachment increase the only way to get these.
it is well actually was decided in equally. So today by Mccarthy and I dont know why this guy gates's chewing on mccarthy's heels over this, but I know much carries chewing on somebody's heals all the time. I am not even talking about the budget year now turned about and impeachment inquiry here, Mccarthy today to news conference. To be confused Mcconnell, whose staring at the ceiling in the building over there at the senate, Mccarthy actually can speak cut. One go Here are the months that we were gone in the weeks. How publicans, have uncovered serious, incredible allegations and the president Biden's conduct taken together. These allegations paint a picture, the culture of corruption, Here's what we know so far through our investigations. We have found that president Biden did lie to america
people about his own knowledge of his family's foreign business dealings I witnesses have testified that the president joined on multiple phone calls and had multiple interactions. Dinners Resulted in cars and millions of dollars into his sons and his sons, business partners, We know that bank records show that nearly twenty million dollars in payments were direct to the binding family members and associates through various shell companies, the treasury department alone, has more than a hundred and fifty transactions involving the vine, family and other business associates that we're flagged s Specious activity by: u s, banks Even a trusted fbi inform it as well. just a bribe.
To the Biden family. Biden used his official office to coordinate. With hunter Biden's business partners, About hunters role, embarrassment, ukrainian energy company. Finally, this these serious allegations? peers of the president's family has been offered. Special treatment binds own administration treatment are not otherwise would have received if they were Related to the president these are allegations of abuse of power. Auction and corruption warm further investigation, by the house of representatives. Now I can understand why Democrats reject this because they hate our country and they Power for themselves so to be taken seriously,
dangerous group, a reprobates- screens and malcontents. But I cannot understand a single republican. who would say known on others, not enough information there. Whether the hunter binding deal, which was really intended to protect Joe Biden, even the current. likely they say indictment on gun charges again, as I have explained from day one intended to protect this president tax issues or other related issues, we're up by the mob boss. These so called attorney general. The united states. the iris whistleblower, testimony about induction into their investigations coming out of the department of justice, just a ton of information here, tons and I'm afraid Mr brok and others don't understand how the constitution works. The constant She came before the criminal statutes
Crimes and misdemeanours meant when they adopt When they drafted adopting ratified the constitution, they may very severe acts and there's a lot of history behind this there's a lot of turanian notes were taken at the time that is made. Offences of a public kind of a public trust kind, against the united states and the people? The united states. By misdemeanours. They didn't mean jaywalking there. One federal jaywalking laws, but they didn't mean jaywalking, a misdemeanor, our parading on public property. By high crimes, they didn't mean committing an act of murder, robbery, I left it to the common sense and I hope the virtue. a member of the house of representatives to come up with their own applicants.
and based on the conduct of the president. It's not a a bag of anything you want and everything you think, but that's exactly how Pelosi used. That's not how the publicans are using it. They pay Strikingly, you subpoenas witnesses evidence bank records. To pull together an overwhelming case, trot high crimes and misdemeanours against Joe Biden I want to be so careful about it. They are nothing. A real inquiry where Be hearings, willoughby testimony and all the rest which they never did for trump In the first impeachment, and certainly not in the second impeachment, so the button illustration is given six billion dollars to the islam or nazi regime in IRAN. six billion dollars.
but don't worry, they tell us preserve liars. There are strings attached. Let's. Brings it, how do you have strings attached to regime like this this? What they tell us over time, their liars, but Are there strings attached bacon, use it for humanitarian purposes, and we all know that regime is all about humanitarian purposes. Here's lester NBC news, it's literally with iran? president rossi he's a mass murders of genocidal maniac cut ten go.
do you believe you have a right to use that money in any way that you see fit pool in which literally this money belongs to the islamic republic of IRAN. So naturally we will decide. The islamic republic of IRAN will decide to stand at the chair we need as of yet and how to spend our money. Of course, it is under the authority of the stomach really thinking to himself when he says, is you stupid, americans, we are going to use these six billion dollars. Did they trial. to build new nuclear weapons. Come on the girl technology that we stole from you sick. Billion dollar we spend as we wish now they define
humanitarian aid is coming up the bush administration, has an enormous amount of blood on its hands. Crime on its hands, Lester hold question, Why would she go down to the border with here Lab investigative staff show us the woman, her being. raped in brutalized. Show The conditions under which tens of thousands of little kids are being being stored. Show us what's going on with the kidnappers and the drug king pins and the gangsters. These southern border, the united states, is now the most dangerous border of any border in the world.
almost seven hundred people have been murdered. The southern border you're this just came out today. It's the most dangerous border in the world, How many women have been raped? We don't know How many children even rate we don't know when children, how many children, have been sold into slave, We don't know how many women been sought on the sex slavery? We don't know. The binding ministration says it's tracking, every body of the people who come in for actually given cause. they'd submit these are administrative judges that full fledged judges who theirs supposed to keeping track of MR producer. In america they can't
twenty percent of them Watch twenty percent of untold millions millions We ve almost now had six million illegal aliens come into this country in two and a half years, six million. Where are they all through everywhere? you see them. I see them the idiot. You're an idiot governor new york. They see them the idiot mayor in Chicago. He sees them the idiot governor and in in illinois. While he doesn't care there's some caribbean island. They can go to hear mrs. Its changed, california, its change new mexico, its changed areas- its change nevada, its change, georgia, its changed
virginia, but then the crowning achievement, they hope Is the change texas? That's why Biden wants to keep all illegal immigrants in texas. they have children who become citizens they can vote in texas, for the most part, turns blue game over report. guns can never win. The great one makes your weekend even better. This is the best of mark levant. I imagine that you really frustrated now you're sitting there and listening in this. the house says he wants an impeachment grew. This is something you and I have been calling for now for several months. Sexual. And we ve said: when will the house republicans deuce do something, This corrupt president
we are hearing from the left wing media that there's no evidence that Joe Biden took anymore regurgitating what the democratic party says, and I really at the state run party, the democratic party and the state run media, and I want to thank some of my friends in this business on on t v for regurgitating it don't worry, you don't have to put a footnote to tell anybody where you read it trump to kick. got it from raymond around a brilliant philosopher, journalist, france has cited in at least three of my books, You can find that in my notes, I don't expect the same people who don't do their homework, that a separate issue. So when you hear people like mad gates of putting it You decide we're gonna Chris Roy on here we're gonna, have a good talk about the budget chip. But when you hear Matt gates going on about that, It's a diversion by the speaker
about enough for that. I am so pissed off. You have no idea that these republic, even so called concerns, can coalesce around in impeachment inquiry. That is overdue. Are you kidding me, I don't know what their agenda is. It's not a conservative agenda. That number one number two I'm sick and tired of hearing people I can back and others say, There is no evidence of unimpeachable offence, there's no evidence that Joe Biden took any money. democrat party, saying this, the meteor saying this: that's not the test for impeachment. And I would encourage dreams comber. I wanna carriage. My dear friend Jim drawer, and I want to encourage what the other guy's name smith of house.
Ways and means committee: you need to broaden what you're looking into here. Yes,. Continue to look into what you are financial crimes, profiteering and so forth. But impeachment is broader than that america. And here's where I want to provide you with information, here's where I want to educate these members of congress, the media are liars and they know it but will educate them along the way to MR brok and MR buck, there have been great books written impeachment. First one would be the federalists papers. Medicines notes such pretty good, but impeachment goes back. Peach MC goes back to the two british. It goes back to the parliament versus the king goes back to a significant
period of time in this was argued. It was debated at the constitutional convention. They never came up with a specific definition of high crimes of misdemeanor, but they I didn't mean solely in only crime. committed under the Monaco. There was no criminal code, they just form the government. And so we're having an entire national debate on idiocy and its intentional beast run party. The democratic party with this run media Pushing a narrative would they help of quisling said the republican party. First some current history, american history. Tromp was wrongly paid, me was impeach twice one on ukraine, one on january six remedies
Where is the evidence the imminence of what. But there is certainly wasn't any money involved there. Certain wasn't There certainly wasn't any violation of the criminal code. They specifically peached him. On insurrection and sedition, one camp, that was it rammed it through rammed it through the senate couldn't muster the votes to convict him, so Judy candid innocent, but they saw accuse him up, but that's not my point bill Clinton. He was impeached, impeachment surrounded the issues of lying under oath and restriction of justice. Andrew Johnson was impeached. Chile, every one of those eleven. calls was based on the tenure of office act. I don't have time denied to get into this, because I was nine constitutional law, but that beside the point.
To actually have Andrew Johnson impeached on trumped up charges. Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath and obstructing justice. Donald trump impeach twice on trumped up charges, where's the evidence they say. Where is the evidence that Joe Biden got? One I even heard this on fox and friends today, where's the evidence got one penalty penny there doesn't have to be any evidence that he got one penny if he opened the door. to his son having access to foreign governments too far corporation. And from which his son and sat alone page one, thirty forty million dollars that incident page while offence. If he assisted in sun it making those connection and his son did not register under far than actual
He's a co conspirator in that. Well, how did he know it doesn't matter that isn't a page follow fans. When he violates or immigration laws, when you just wipes clean, seven hundred In cases where adjudication They came to border open, so fat laws coming into the country so that murder, that they give Pennsylvania comes into the country, so god knows coming under that country, creating mayhem and anarchy. Our cities in our states, and so we on the border bad internet page, will advance we're not talking about mere policy disputes. We're talking about a real impact on the nation on the people of those countries Now, how do I know this? Because, unlike
Body also commented on this on tv and radio. I've studied. I'll. Give you I'll give you a short lesson on this from the congressional research service. Can't read it all the debates at the cottage international convention over behaviour should be subject to impeachment focus mainly on the president. in discussing whether the present it should be remove about by impeachment women are more as argued that the president should be removable through the impeach process. Noting concern that the president, my quote, be bribed by a greater interest to betray is trust, example, charles, the second receiving a bribe from Louis the fourteen they die hi crimes at misdemeanours standard during the constitutional convention or Joseph the framers did not envision. Impeachment is proper remedy for simple policy disagreements with the present during the debate there,
where's rejected a proposal to include an additional treason and bribery maladministration as an impeach while which would up. Suitably incorporated. A broad range of common law offences. Ministration was a grand for impeachment many state constitutions at the time of the constitution's drafting their frames instead adapted the term high crimes. Demeter's from english practice James Madison, objected to including maladministration is grounds for impeachment, because such a vague standard would be equal to a ten year during the pleasure. The senator quote. I agree with it, but that's where we're talking about The convention voted to include high crimes at misdemeanours instead, arguably the framers reject If such a broad terms supports the view that congressional disagree, where the peasants policy goals are not sufficient grounds for impeachment fair enough. A particular Instead, the understanding of high crimes of misdemeanours to the fore
This was a roughly contemporaneous british Piedmont proceedings, Warren hastings- I'm not gonna, get into that in great detail. while evidence are precisely what conduct their framers in ratifying the constitution considered to constitute I crimes Misdemeanours is relatively sparse. The it's available indicates that they considered and pete went to be any central tool to hold govern officers accountable for political crimes are offences against the state. James madison, considered it indispensable, I'm calling him indispensable. some provision be made for defending the community against passing negligence or perfidy of the chief executive boy, that's your fits as the president. My
Pervert his administration into a scheme of population or oppression or betray his trust. A foreign power betray his trust, a foreign power alexander Hamilton. In explaining the constitution's impeachment provisions described impeach above offences as around from called the misconduct of public men or, in other words. Since I am from the abuse sir violation of some public trust such offences were political, He says they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself. Where's the avalanche, thereby you took Co chair, that's not protest, political offences, could take innumerable forms and simply could not be neatly delineated at the time. But the north carolina, ratified convention jane
Adele later to servants of social justice. In the? U S, supreme court noted the difficulty in defining what constitutes unimpeachable offence. beyond causing injury to the government. For him, impeachment was well calculated to bring offenders to punishment for crime, which Night, easy to describe the which everyone must be convinced as a high crime, a misdemeanor against the government, the occasion for Exercise will arise from act. Great injury to the community that the present The impeachment were receiving a prime, of course, or a quote, acting from some, motive or other, but merely One of judgment some correct motive. Similarly sonia jobs within the governor north carolina later, the states first senator thought impeachment we deserve. misdemeanours against the public. These are offences against the public, but they were concerned about.
At the virginia ratifying convention, a number of individuals claim that unimpeachable offences we're not limited to indict about crimes, for example,. James madison himself argue that work the president to assemble a minority of states in order to ratify a treaty at the expense of the other states. This would constitute a peaceful, misdemeanor, hey Joe Biden, this essentially entering into a treaty with a ran he's not even trying to organise a majority of states. doing it on its own, in violation the treaty clause of the constitutional more come on. Jenny, governor edmund random, become the nations first attorney general noted, then a pizza was appropriate for a quote wilful mistake of the heart, but not for incorrect. periods, in other words, if you're intentionally letting sent into this country.
that actually sign often people bringing it into the country. But if you are aware that your policies are resulting in a hundred thousand americans dying every year that not come the country, that's unimpeachable offence,. James Wilson, delegate to the constitutional content, prevention and pencil by the way and later The print court justice delivered talks at the college. I felt I feel a peach when the following the adoption of the federal constitution, a claim that peach. My words reserve to political crimes at misdemeanours enter political punishments I get that in the eyes of their framers. Impeachments did not come within the sphere of ordinary jurisprudence, in other words, ordinary criminal law. They are founded on different principles, are governed by different maxims and are directed to different objects. that's for wealth on the impeachment removal individual did not preclude a later trial and punishment for a crime. The greatest should Justice Joseph story, whose look too often causes written so brilliantly about the constitution,
His writings on the constitution echo the understanding that impeachment apply do political offences that impeachment apply to those quote: offences committed by men, public men, in violation of their public trust and duties. Duties that are often political, unlike hamilton store consider the range of impeach will offences called so various in their character, so indefinable in their actual involution that it is almost impossible. Ride systematically for them positive law. Now, that's why Hi crimes of misdemeanours at all, about there's ambiguity, but not Ah, my chair ambiguity that it is Clear that Joe Biden. in his violation is supreme court orders. In his violation of emigration practices resulting in the death of americans. and I could go on and on should have been a peach
long time ago, so that here there sky gates and the obligations it distraction, there's a distraction. Ricky tan constitution, mystic I or whatever, We are giving you nothing but the best, the best of market. Then I also want to thank all of the legal analysts, obviously listen to this programme. I can't get enough of it mediocre right, It does a matters only other reprobates out there. If hunter bargainers indicted, which he has all the talk today to get your here folks here from
the constitutional, his mouth and only they hear it from all that has been in wanna, be seriously one of hundred Biden he's been indicted, now feast convicted. With his father pardon him one day Destroy him politically Ok, I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but I do want to address this matter of course, as usual,. the chorus line misses the point. First. It evenings ago. I was on Hannity Happen that day, is this very same. David Weiss, the so called prosecutor announced under the speedy trial act. The judge. that they were likely to bring charges likely related to thee. Gun violations by hunter button
No you hearing all day long. From the legal analyse all look at this, this guy, each all our time in national yoda, irreverent. And what do they say? What is trim and commerce. What do they also they're, saying what I told you ate nights ago here: it is so members. Six hannity show cut one go shown on this indictment. They ruses obvious, I think a close to it, which is, indeed, on the gun charge him actually get off with this diversion. But get off or not So one charge they can bring that if they have a trial they won't bring and papa bear if he's in on attack social. If he's indictment on fairer, bring buying innocent coke and spirit. He can bring him in and other ways you can open up an entire. Line of questioning involving Joe Biden
on the gun matter is very narrow, it's very compartment. I saw it does not affect Joe Biden directly so that the rules that are taking place. Why. Holy mackerel other than fourteen and a half million of you folks through the course of the week. Other than you, you know, I've said this. If you listen a radio all day and watch tv all day you wouldn't have known, I said it's really. So all day long, this is when I'm watching inherent laughing. I'm literally laughing. They happen to be right. There, Eight days light, that's ok, that's! Ok! Now we get the latest.
the experts, the legal analysts can Joe Biden, part of his son, of course, your bank parts. But if he points his son, it will destroy his electorate. Yet here this one day, Mister booth. it'll destroy his electoral chant, no one. Why. because you wait till after the election to partners son. Why. Because your sons, lorries happens to be one of the best defence lawyers Below and ivy laws already said, the diversion agreement as a deal. It sticks That's number one ground for appeal: number grannies raged a number of constitutional issues, frivolous or not. They to be heard who they heard by they'll, be heard by the appellate court. That takes a little bit of time. And how much you wanna bet, even if hunters convicted well
they're gonna stay any sentencing until he gets his appeal heard and adjudicated. Some bedding betting, there won't be any need for a pardon you job, is the ignominy in is running for present. As a Democrat, such a stupid question was stupid. Answers. Just as when I was asked about or whether what Prosecutors are the one hundred Biden, they're, really they're, really honing it now. My story: where am I going to corrupt? I gotta get Josh said no they're, not not on this. They might but not on this, because this has nothing to do with Joe eight days later Ad nauseam euro, where no words like ok, I've heard enough. I've heard the sorry that's enough already. Here is another point I wanted to raise with you. Don't think about this: don't the report.
Guns want to run against Joe mine. Isn't he the easiest candidate, to defeat. look at him he's a mess. Kid debated can't talk. Shuffles around. He bounces another walls, but even. More than that, look at his record, it truly stinks. It's a disaster by nymex does not work. Under these circumstances, say, Joe Biden won't get reelected, So why are some of these? commentators, conservatives repeal begins Why they so excited that may be joke, he won't run, David Ignatius, who David Ignatius, who
with Ignatius pearlash don't pay. For god's sakes he says we gotta push Joe Joe. look in the mirror. He says I want to thank you for the grave aramis, you done to the nation. From seed a shining shia beyond? I want to thank you for that rights Ignatius, whose name should really be obnoxious, but that's, ok,. But Joe you gotta step aside, you're, not gonna win and by the way, take your sidekick with you Who is David, Ignatius racist, dishonest on regardless. David nation says: who must be true, and so they regurgitate this all day. Yesterday I regurgitate
My attitude is so different from the rest of these people go forward with the impeachment inquiry. Expanded to include true high crimes, misdemeanours, beyond the normous evidence of financial abuse beyond it. We talk about this. Yesterday we talk but what high crimes? Misdemeanours meant the framers of the constitution, what it meant to various delegates, the constitutional convention in what they said during their various stake inventions of ratification convention. It doesn't mean hey. Can you show that Joe Biden got one? Not just one giant pirnie, you don't have to you, don't have to. As we discussed at length yesterday.
and open southern border where people poor cross and commit crimes. revenge on other deadly drugs. Come across the border and murder kill our people. And on and on and on those are the intentional acts that is the open border, the consequences of which is mass destruction. War on the american citizen, hats unimpeachable offence, Joe Biden Define circumventing supreme court decisions, pattern and peaceful offence. and so forth, show you expand your and Irrigation to include what the framers intended as well by high crimes misdemeanours. You're gonna hear all these low. I q odds, only constipated news network and over miss hollow steagall act. Now. One central that Joad took a penny
Well, maybe there's a lot of evidence, there's a massive cover going, but it doesn't matter just like He's hang on charges, they don't matter in terms of our governance. Do they and so you have your impeachment agree. While mark you'll never be directed in the senate. So why am I playing before it and other back pincher picked up on this. It's ok look! I'm here to educate! three presidential, three presidents impeach one twice and out I was there a financial matter now once doesn't mean there can't be, but impeachment doesn't follow. The criminal code
I mean there could be a crime committed. That is impeachable no question about that, but that's not the bounds of the impeachment clause. Matter of fact, it's more grievous. If you do exactly what Joe Biden's been doing, destroying separation of powers destroy the independence of the supreme court, destroying our immigration laws, causing why break crime within the country. Wide spread death within that country with fat. Now another drug dealers consequences of his decisions, and these aren't you mere policy differences them as part of a revolution right and then, of course, they look into this. They need to look into what the justice department.
Men doing what the FBI's been doing and the whole smorgasbord of peaceful offences. I won't bother telling you you heard it here first and so, for they didn't matter. I've just decided in a rush used to tell me how frustrating was that people would still his stuff and so started, you'll notice, putting sort of a background marker. Particular kind of noise on things he would say, and he did it because he knew it would work, he did it to try and tell people you. through your own ideas usual. Are you your own head. I am similarly frustrated, but you know what I mean
be it's been gone a long long time, long long time now nature hello, see October fifteen, twenty nineteen. You know that making a lot So one of the legal analysts up there saying now? Pursuing in our deep, nation of the united states department of justice under tromp was in less thief, House votes on a peach when it creates not constitutional, legitimate, ok, fine, the department of justice does, the side for the house of representatives what's constitutionally legitimate, they have their own power under the. I'm just saying I tried, but that's not true. Ninety pelosi broke that president. She broke that tradition. It's not constitutionally held, but she broke it because she was in a hurry to the herring tromp from a telephone call. Now we know for a man,
fact that that's what she did not later on, she would go out and take the vote, but so what, in order to open in impeachment inquiry she? Basically he should have fear And Kevin mccarthy- and this programme pointed out yesterday she set the precedent and he's right. Yet fight fire with fire you're going to get burned? Otherwise, the republican? Play by the rules are not even the rules by fully rules and the Democrats are, there are throwing political molotov cocktails, I'm sick and tired of it so good for me But here's nancy pelosi lying through her dentures cut three go distinguished chairman said requirement that we haven't vote and so with the english term that slob, what's his name, Adam schiff he's distinguished the reprobate start from the top.
Please go ahead as a distinguished sherman said, there's no requirement that we haven't vote and so on. at this time. We will not be having a vote and under its place, but the thought from this about carcass in terms of being supportive of the path. That we are alone in germs. Yes, yes, yes, he is, if you notice MR b, her faces drip. Her faces dripping too many face lips. And they tie that skin behind their head? You know coming loose. Somebody needs to tighten up like boy scout. They know to do those not.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-17.