« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 8/5/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, what is the likely crime Joe Biden committed? He’s a co-conspirator in Hunter Biden’s FARA violation. Any other situation would have triggered a Joe Biden investigation and an impeachment inquiry. What will it take for Republicans to call for both? Jack Smith has destroyed our electoral system by bringing more phony indictments, and now anyone who dares to challenge or question the outcome of an election can be indicted. Donald Trump has been indicted again this time with 4 charges related to January 6th from special counsel Jack Smith, and there is not a syllable of criminality that can be explained in this indictment. This is an attack on free speech, the electoral system, and on anyone who dares to question the legitimacy of an election. There are no charges of treason or insurrection in this indictment because it didn’t happen no matter how badly Democrats want to believe it. The Constitution leaves it to Congress to sort out electoral college votes. It doesn’t leave it to the DOJ, a special counsel, or a grand jury. Not once was a prosecutor involved. The Biden administration has created a legal morass never seen or experienced in American history, as applies to a presidential election.  

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast as presented exclusively by my favorite, allegiant america hillsdale college, which proudly refuses every penny government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening. My sincere appreciation ale stay for their sponsorship quiet in the underground bunker door. Most blocks bolted. What the great isn't just resting on our laurels he's sure you began is even better by giving you is best this. This best of more club in the report, guns on capitol hill in the house have been handed a golden, they Handed a gold now don't get me wrong. They ve worked for peace committee. Hearings have been fabulous, but they're waiting for
pictures of like a murder scene even worse the democratic, her saying if you don't have pictures or murdered seen you know, you have no evidence that if things go on here folks. There's a reason why you don't hear from merrick. There's a reason why you don't hear from the department of justice at all. All this swirling around the present, the united states, all this swirling around the department of justice. The outrage cover up deal had they cut with hunter, binds lawyers and ordered a quiet them to get this off the table. So there's not going to be a criminal investigation of Joe Biden,
The meantime we have nancy mace and others coming forward saying. Basically, we can't do an impeachment inquiry. It's too soon to do an impeachment agree. What do you need? The murder scene and I gotta get the murder scene. You ve got tons of information here then an Others situation would trigger a criminal investigation and in any other president, would trigger and impeachment inquiry so. What exactly is the standard here? What's gonna take you ve got republicans porcelain, while this will cost us the house. If we go down this path,
you know what sometimes you do the right thing in your hope for the best in politics, but you do the right thing when you have the most corrupt, President in american history sitting in the oval office, on top of being the most demented. There are not even calling for a special council on capital here, they're, not even calling for a special council. Well, let me tell you something. There's not going to be a criminal investigation unless there is a special council and they don't want a special council. Why? Because Joe Biden, corruption will be pointed out, we demonstrated even more Joe Biden will have to give testimony under oath to a federal grand jury member, how they forced donald trump. The answer questions on road.
At the direction of the grand jury. Joe Biden doesn't have to answer any, but. I'll just keep lying to you. We, the people there grudged on where they got more. Grandeur is goin on trop or anybody else who gets in the way. Then you can possibly imagine, then you can possibly imagine then I think it at the next election. There thing it is destroying the people who were in their way when it comes to impeachment. They couldn't impeach fast enough or often enough, based on mapping but the republicans are there. You know ring Their hands some believable to me: why aren't they calling for a special council because we're afraid of
things, one, the wrong guy I'll, be appointed and number two it'll be harder for congress to get to the bottom of it to get to the bottom of what there at the bottom of it. They should impeachment inquiry right now? No, no! No! You don't understand you're a step ahead. Readier skis whatever the stupid phraseology. And they play right into the hands of the Democrats. We keep saying what there's no evidence tying Joe Biden, there's no evidence, there's no evidence there could be. Dna could be fingerprints
be everything it wouldn't matter to them. They would matter, but when you hear republican, saying we're dealing in large part with quisling says, I said the other day now there should be a special council appointed. There must be a special council pointed or job. I will never have to answer any questions that have any legal consequence whatsoever period, and I would say to the Democrats, have a problem with this: shall council, if Joe Biden hasn't done anything wrong. What's the problem puts the solely trop heads into an election haiti cap with a d in. And hat and an attorney general in new york. I
atlanta grand jury in washington, a grand jury in florida, trial now flora only he has to deal with that. Pretty amazing, don't you like now it's pathetic now I want to repeat this. What is the likely crime? The Joe Biden committed ice. This last week. What is the likely crime? The Joe Biden committed, please republicans on capital, they'll, pay attention and educating you. He say: co conspirator in hunter binds far violations or you have to do- is show that hunter of binding
one count of violating the fire. This is her Robert mahler did. This is what they did to. Man referred at set one camp, Joe Biden even before today. As I explained last week, the speaker found twenty others. Joe Biden would have to prove his innocence Joe Biden would have to prove that he had no knowledge who was, on the other hand, the phone and so forth, and so on. Yet the department of justice just said in court, that fire was an error, they were going to continue to investigate, but then I can investigate Joe Biden as coat conspirator. Are they so? He has to testify. under oath. As I said last week,. About his son, what is. I told him what his son didn't tell him about the names of the people. He spoke to
twenty times over the speaker and by the way, that's twenty times over the speaker. How many other time city speak the people not in front of devon archer. heads of state and so forth, and so on nobody's bringing that up. So I will say: you're bi needs to answer these questions under oath under penalty of potential imprisonment. Now, of course, you can indict a sitting president, but so what you still need, the information. We voters, don't we. Where is the evidence? The Democrats wanted her because they know that garlands in their back pocket and so the rational, follow up from any reporter who's with his or her salt.
Most of them are is ok, you want evidence. How can I ask me first special counsel, you ve got all this information out there, all this information out there. What's the problem now, what is far we talk about far they require certain agents of foreign principles were engaged in political activities or other. Tivoli specified under the statute and reading from the de oj to make periodic public disclosure of the relationship of the far in principle, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of out those activities, for they got how dead right that the rights
and daddy who participate in at least twenty, and we know there are more twenty in front of devon archer twenty in front of the devon archer they get a five hundred for all. We know twenty in front of devon arc. On the speaker: daddy, come here daddy. Would you tell them who you are I'm joe robinette Biden Jr, I'm the vice president united states, a lunch bucket joe. They often call me Quid pro quo, Joe, is another name they use the mark. You can't prove that Democrat. You can't prove anything. Ok, let's get a special counsel now, while on what basis do you appoint a special counsel? Okay, let's look at the at the requirements at the department of justice, section six hundred point. One. Twenty eight see afar the attorney general
In cases in which the attorney general's were the acting attorney. Rule appoint a special council when he or she determined will appoint a special council when he or she determines a criminal investigation of a person of arms. Is warranted? You said I wanted here I mean, I think we need. Answer for the Democrats when we, MR producer. They want to know what's the evidence, alright, let's get it for them. That investigation or prosecution, the person or matter by? U S, attorney's office are living Getting division of department of justice would present a conflict of interest for the department or other extraordinary circumstances. In b, then under the circumstances, would be in the public interest to appoint an outside special council to assume response. Body for the matter now notice, they talk about an outside special counsel,
america. Ireland even violated the appointment with jack smith. Because jack smith is not outside the department of just always egg, like I said he's not outside the department of justice, I spent a lot of time last night on life liberty in levant, going through that we charted We did all of it they. Please set up another department of justice and they put the worst of the worst people in their particularly democrat hacks. But all that said the conditions for appointing a special council.
have been met well beyond the standard that is required well beyond the snow, and yet they use this to appoint a special counsel to go after trump. That's not even the purpose. That's not even how you do Nobody's ever appointed a special council to go after the other party or the other can, if it isn't, it a mechanism to make sure the attorney general doesn't appear to be in conflict with and who appointed him. that's the real reason this exists, but we're not hearing what the collective voice, including from the republican leadership,
that there needs to be a special council. Now now so Joe Biden is put under oath and then you'll get an impatient, because then you'll determined that in fact he was called conspirator to violate the foreign registration. Then you'll have it, but they don't want to go there. So what's the point? America. they don't wanna, go the legislative constitutional rule and they don't want to go the executive criminal route, the special council. So what route are they going to go on. And what are they waiting for? We need to develop the case. Now you have enough, they develop case
Madam page, when I agree- and you certainly have enough of a developed case- they have a special council appointed you ve got enough for both or either we can keep chest Can you believe bang did, can you believe archers said? Can you believe, then what I mean makes for gray ratings. I'm sure it makes for great conversation. Radio and tv makes for great car and columnist, but it doesn't help save that damn punch I eye fringe, twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be I'm a better educated american look every new year's a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks had hills, dot com,
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any charges against donald trump on the documents. and, as I said sunday on fox and as I've told you folks, over and over again, this prosecutor is. He is a stone's best friend posthumously,. I just read these forty five pages, as so called indictment. This reads like nothing more than a white paper, from a Dnc. Less editorials from the new york times there not a syllable of criminality. Not a syllable of criminality that can be explained in these forty five pages. It's an attack on free. speech it's an attack on the political system. It's an attack on the right of. President, the challenge, an election weather asked his vice president to change.
A position which is perfectly constitution, weather, Is asking state officials to see what they can do perfectly perfectly legitimate. And you ll notice, what's missing, there's no charges of trees enter in correction or anything of the kind. I didn't have it if ever happened. How Cut it when he's the one who offered ten thousand national guardsmen. So what did? What did this guy smith? exactly what I said on sunday would do. He takes these. drew jenny, rewrites them and I'm glad to see Other legal analysts have finally figured that out I'll get into it. We're going to get into it, but it's really quite incredible:
Can one conspiracy to defraud the united states house up how so count two conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding how so, by having opinions by fighting the election process by fighting within the election process, by challenging the results of the election. My god can you imagine how big the prince would have to be if count to apply to everybody, including Hillary Clinton, count three obstruction. I have an attempt to obstruct an official proceeding wow. Then we ought to be rounding up, Jamie Raskin and all the rest of them. That's a completely bogus charge count for conspiracy against rights. that is, the rights of every voter in america. Conspiracy,
against all of you. This is crap. This is the worst thing I've ever seen in jack's bits They get up, there is going to read a statement and then he'll leave what cover it, because I'm dealing with it. I've asked me It is unfortunately at the eleventh hour, because here we are too poor I monologue from sunday on facts because I want to play it for you. the judge chosen in this case you're ready for this is The radical left wing judges appointed by obama, trope, always gets getting. Obama judge how's that how does it work? He always gets a radical left wing obama, jerk.
Their first minute I want to have as a judge, I would demand a jack Smith present himself in my court room and, I would say, What the hell are you trying to do? We have a presidential election. You drop these bombshells like this, like they have some meaning they have no meaning none. President as fray touch of a vice president, the united states. You should not accept those electors. My lawyers tommy acts and yet that's crime. Now that's a groan calling officials in estate. That's now a crime.
Yes, there is nothing new in this indictment. Zero there's nothing here. Lawyers are allowed to have their opinions. I suspect, some of them have indicted, but their names had not been revealed through. Six of them. Present its allowed to have an opinion. He says from honour about november fourteen twenty times, through January twenty, twenty twenty one in the district of columbia defend it did not Combine conspire confederate and agree with culture Here it is known and unknown to the grand jury to defraud the united dates by using dishonesty fraud, the seat to impair obstructing defeat. The lawful federal government function, by which the results are presidential elections, are collected, counted instead, five by the federal government who wrote that's just scarborough their purpose,
the conspiracy was to overturn the legitimate results of the twenty twenty presidential election. Can you imagine if this holds up? Can you imagine. By using knowingly false claims of election fraud to obstruct the federal government, by which those results are collected, count and certified first of He believed them. That's number one number to turn out all possible number. Three, let's print ten are false, so act if you don't believe the waiver elected road federal prosecutor with a team of road federal Prosecutors eddie chose has his from his former positions at the department of justice. If you don't believe.
The marriage garlands behind america, ireland, has to approve every one of these charges. If you don't that they're trying to usurp our election. I will take a break, but not for long. Here- comes they hit. Man himself
and when you're ready mister british. Today the indictment was unsealed charging Donald J trump with conspiring to defraud the united states, conspiring to disenfranchise voters and conspiring and attempting to obstruct an official proceeding. The indictment was issued by a grand jury of citizens here in the district of columbia, and it sets forth the crimes charged in detail. I encourage everyone to read it in full: the attack on our nation's capital on january sixth, twenty twenty one was an unprecedented assault on the seat of american democracy. He didn't charge him with that described in the indictment it was fueled by lies, lies by the defendant, targeted at obstructing a bedrock function of the us government. The nation's process of collecting.
Counting and certifying the results of the presidential election, the men and women of law enforcement who defended the? U s capitol on january sixth, are heroes. What does this have to do with any patriots? And they are the very best of us? Nothing. They did not just defend a building where the people sheltering in it. They put their lives on the line to defend who we are as a country and as a people. They defended the very institutions and principles that define the united states since the attack on our capital, the department of justice has remained committed to ensuring accountability for those criminally responsible for what happened that day, this case is brought consistent with that commitment. No, it's not in our investigation of other individuals continues. In this case, my office will seek a speedy trial so that our evidence can be tested in court and judged by a jury of citizens. In the meantime, I must emphasize that the indictment is only an allegation and that the defendant must be presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law, clarence darrow everybody. I would like to thank the members of the federal bureau of investigation who are working on this investigation with my office, as well as the many career prosecutors and law enforcement agents from around the country
Who have worked on previous january six investigations, these women and men are public servants of the very highest order, and it is a privilege to work alongside them. Thank you. had said america, the man in charge of america's next presidential election, who clearly rooting for Joe Biden, as is his boss, merrick ireland. He spoke and that's it. With a secret grand jury with a secret personnel with a secret decision making all the power That he rogues down as prosecutor needs- you have more say in this election than anybody as ever had in any allege? That was a
beach given by hall To the media and to the Democrats he doesn't care what you think obstructed the government did had a funny way shown it, he left office when he was supposed to he offered ten thousand guardsmen, which is why they couldn't bring those other charges. Speck later by former federal prosecutors, unseen, anonymous, NBC, so weak, a dust soft, these ridiculous stature? ten applies them though, you currently enjoying the show on the stitched up, then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another part cast out then follow this show their apple.
spotify or wherever you listen. You're sitting to the best of mark club, then let's see how many of the members They republican leadership in the senate speak. That mark short, is my pencil tapestry I don't know what he sang on fox petty, ought to read that stupid. Look off his face. What are the rules now for running, challenging and disputing elections? What are the? What are they Can I Kennedy: when can I candidate rely on legal advice and one camp at kennedy reliant on legal advice? This approach
are not free to discuss. Decisions about electors with his vice president is a president free to publicly dispute election results. Now, but don't you understand, my judges already ruled? Oh, I see someone. The Democrats attack the us supreme court after that they should keep their mouths shut. For the court ruled that about right. the electoral process now not purely political but subject to subsequent review by prosecutor subsequent review. After the fact they can look at it and say you know what you shouldn't have followed, that legal advice. You know what you shouldn't call that secretary of state. Why not? Why not.
He'd call secretaries of state really boniface, taken travelodge election results to leave blue in the face.
And I told you even before the legal analysts that what jack smith had absolutely nothing to do with the charges here talks about the riot there's nothing in these forty five pages, accusing trump of causing a riot, their entire house of cards has fallen. So they come up with this cockamamie crap. Now people say no, the republicans can do it, but they don't. We've got the Chris Christie's of the world that Mitch Mcconnell's are the boys. They don't do the same thing. You've got enough information, not just to have an impeachment hearing, but they have about tonight on Joe Biden. No, no no
Gotta build a case, don't you and what are you gonna be out for god's sakes and that crap senators Mitch Mcconnell says I would have had a majority about you know what the leader of the republicans and you suck. I don't see why we should Give you a majority, a minority you suck, whether in the majority? Yes, Whether in the minority you're sacked for fifteen damn years, if men and women aren't going to speak out now it's over it's over the media are corrupt, the whole system is corrupt. The fact is, the democratic party has dragged us to this point. The grandpa.
He is behind this, thereby in russia collusion toward page bent mother investigation. They challenged not just trop selection. No more on and way goes sits. There were that stupid. Look on his face says nothing about. What's going on, that's right! I set it to unbelievable. I guess this means Chris Christy's gonna get more face time. On cable and meet the press- and I d say yes: we need to hear from chris- don't we so relevant, but that's the problem.
I can tell you right now: the democratic party wouldn't tolerate this. For two seconds there already outer defending Joe Biden, leave poor hunter alone. He just joe loving his son, don't interfere with the family of this poor crap, but look at this. They drop indictments like it's no big deal the unified fear with a presidential election. They want to decide who the republican nominees going too. And if I hear one more time every time you invited his pulse go up with republicans, but he still has to run in a general election and trust me when I tell you look around you there's a lot of stupid, pay
A vote in the general election look around. You there's a lot of scope it out there. This is a war against the country, that's exactly what it is. Jack Smith has destroyed our electoral system. That's what he's accomplish I'll say it. Nobody else will. Jack Smith has destroyed our electoral system and now he's in front of an obama judge. Let's see how she does nobody. I say well she's partisan, she's, left wing she's this or that nobody far as I'm concerned, pretty amazing.
Every day gets worse around here, then the idiot olano by next. The next democrat prosecutor will step up the whole legal seem system is corrupt. Anyone know why Member of the bar. I was gonna resign. My website now you know I can't stand it. I can't stand it anymore. I spent what
actually longer. I graduated law school. I was twenty three, so what is admitted? I have spent forty two and a half years as a lawyer as a lawyer. That's unbelievable, but I see her it's just appalling. So now a prosecutor can look at a federal election, can listen to what a presidential candidate or a senatorial candidate or a congressional candidate has said why the judges have final say all these judges aren't even supposed to be involved in this process. What they have said, and I could decide if that was an effort to obstruct the legitimate outcome of an election. They talking about boy, oh boy,
You would think even the worst, never trumpery would come forward and condemn this. You would think, but they walk. This is why I will never stop the funding this man, all the rest of it. The name caught means nothing to me. Nothing to me, But I will defend him to my last breath because I know, as a matter of fact, that what's corrupt here is the people who are trying to put him in prison. The rest of his life put him in prison for speaking. I will say it now: hopefully, the back pictures were rigged.
Dictated tonight and tomorrow, jack smith has just destroyed. The american electoral system he's destroyed it just by bringing these charges whether the thrown out conviction it only get worse from here. He is destroyed the american alike paralysis. Destroyed it now, any: u s! Attorney! In the united states of america, we have an open door to call witnesses, deportment front a grand jury to subpoena information to question election results to question somebody questioning election result, president of the united states. It won't matter fits in the middle of an election after an intellectual before an election.
None of this is why this has never been done before in american history. Never there have been many challenges to elections. There was a challenge in two thousand makes me wonder: if jack sparrow were in charge of merrick garland were in charge, what people will be indicted because they dared to challenge the legitimacy of chads of the supreme court of florida? They spoke in. Oh, they spoke. You can't challenge them, while the supreme court of the united states did. I warned you about this man before anybody else. I dug into his background. I know what we were dealing with same with the court system in Washington DC. I warned
I told you not that there's anything you can do that, there's anything I can do. I brought governor mcdonnell on the program sunday, so you can hear for yourself what that man went through and died, says why for god's sakes, but don't worry, don't worry, wife. If you testify against your husband, we will not. We will not imprison you. This guy is dirty. This guy's been roaming. This country. looking for people to hunt to punish, I want to remind you, it was he who went after the tea party. He went after the tea party.
The government wound up paying three and a half million dollars to various groups. Unbelievable william heard will hurt, says trump is running for president to stay out of prison scam, his supporters into footing his legal bills and this This indictment demonstrates, is unfit for off a saw. Hutchison said other sad day for america with a former president of being charged criminally. These are the loathsome bottom feeders of the republican party swamp. They can't wait to put out statements. These are high
this, then I could only wish that ten percent of what's been done. The trump would happen to them. They are opportunists, they seek to draw attention in themselves their self right. is pathetic. Buffoons. The great one make sure we can even that here this is the Best of mark levant need had contentious presidential elections in the past. This department of injustice and this prosecutor would say our efforts to overturn election. Now. Let me be clear about a few things.
The constitution leaves at the congress and only congress to sort out the electoral college vote. It doesn't leave it to a department of justice. There was no department of justice, it doesn't, even to a: u s attorney or special council. There were no: u s attorneys her special council, it does leave it to a grand jury or a trial, jury, or anybody else certainly doesn't leave it. Inferior agencies of the federal government that didn't even exist. This has the final determination. In the first instance, the states have the determination, in particular the state legislatures I don't care what the supreme court says or anybody else it's in black and white in the institution to the extent matters?
Notes give us any guidelines. It's there too. There's nothing left for interpretation. the election of eighteen hundred and there are others, Miss jefferson and his chosen vice presidential pig ehrenberg tied for first place because back then ballots were voted electors vote. On a president, and vice president separately, though they might be running together so tied for first place. the challenge to John Adams, who was present at the time, so three to seventy three ehrenberg and thomas jefferson an air embarrassed, stab jefferson and back but tied for first. Ways due to a communication error among democratic republican electors or a burn led cons
Is he depending on whom you believe so right there, That would open up a federal, investigate Tuna grand jury way. This is and all the rest, of course I didn't happen. she went to the house of representatives were supposed to go, Alex Hamilton who despise jefferson but hey, Bear even more turn tied by lobbying as fellow federalist, to throw their support to jefferson. After god knows how many thirty six votes- thirty six votes. so. The decision was made. In the house of representatives. President president, jefferson, that's how he became president Can you imagine the grandeur investigation, eighteen, twenty four.
These are all early in the republic. All four candidates for president came from the same party. The democratic republicans. Andrew Jackson, it was a year of the war of eighteen twelve. He won the popular vote by than thirty nine thousand ballots. Captured? Ninety nine electoral college votes secretary of state, John quincy Adam took eighty four like Torah college votes, forty one one treasury sector. William Crawford and thirty. Seven to house bigger henry clay No candidate or in a majority of electoral votes, the election again went to the house of representatives, the top three or two Considered so play was eliminated by placed all had a supportive. After a month, a backroom negotiations, clay who came in for
his supporters, most of them through their way behind atoms, enabling Quincy Adams, to win the house folk to win the housekeeper. Now one Adams chose clay as his secretary of state. Soon after his inauguration and enraged Jackson called it a corrupt bargain that the entire election and appointment of John Quincy Adams was corrupt. And he resigned his senate seat and he swore he would run for russian and again, and he did anyone who was not accused of obstructing an election or anything else for that matter. Eighteen, sixty.
That election wasn't just contentious, had tore the nation apart. The democrat party chose. Abraham lincoln illinois arrival, senator Stephen Douglas the southern branch of the party defect. Choosing sitting vice president John Breckinridge as its candidate John bell of tennessee, ran out the rays on the take up of the new constitutional union party. lincoln one? Only forty percent of the. popular vote. But most of the electoral votes in the north, along with californian oregon, Breckinridge, one, the electoral votes and most of the south along marilyn in delaware, one tennessee kentucky in virginia. douglas when only missouri, despite finishing sec,
The popular vote. Imagine all the chaos. They gave us president Abraham lincoln, just we After lincoln's victory would fall, percent of the vote. South carolina voted to succeed. Thought lincoln was an illegitimate present on top of everything else. Six more southern states followed. form in the confederate states of america february. Eighteen, sixty one and they did jefferson Davis has their present I'm putting things in perspective for you. Eighteen: seventy six: this was a big deal, listen carefully,. Democratic governor of new york, Samuel tilden one by two hundred fifty thousand more ballots in the popular vote. Then, is republican opponent rough verbally Hayes
And snag: nineteen: more electoral college votes, so the Democrats, Had a quarter of a million, more votes and nineteen, more electoral college votes still the demo. Had told him was one electoral votes short of their acquired. Geraghty, a hundred and eighty five and twenty votes remained uncounted floor Louisiana and south carolina were to close the call each party cues, the other of fraud. And in oregon and elector, was declared illegal and replaced with traversal results. You're one electoral college vote away. One of the people in our again and elect their was declared a legal and replaced. As the crisis mounted threats of another civil war. and other civil war loomed what happened.
Congress established a fifteen member commission of senators congressmen and supreme court justices colluding, seven public and seven democrats in an independent today, the election. This is something that Josh Holly had thought about in the twenty twenty election for which he was vicious we attack after the swing vote, turned in his favour. Now, one voter replace the other one. It is support haze who had less votes, he was awarded or twenty electoral college votes, from the disputed states, giving him the necessary one. Eighty five, so this The mission is set, they want Controversial controversial elector. who replaced another in oregon, decides We go for a haze
This commission that have been set up by congress, fifteen members said okay, well, we'll give me all twenty haze and there's tell them what more electoral college votes A much more significant popular about he loses. Pellucid bore the Democrats didn't take the sitting down, they threaten to filibuster and block the official, odin cap and the issue is settled the negotiation and Washington's warmly hotel in February eighteen, seventy seven, the democratic, sat, pays. His victory provided haze removed all federal troops from the south and you're, not that led to the survival of the cook clan. After Ulysses, s grants and the united states army down there and a white them out
the reversal of reconstruction and effectively killed reconstruction. That was eighteen. Seventy six. What about two thousand. I'll go and george bush dog came down to the outcome in florida. depending on how you account of just a few hundred votes separating the candidates in florida to determine who. the president of the united states, Al Gore, starts with a law suits. The law suits, go back and forth. Their recounts begin in full force. Charge, hanging, chads and on and on and on on for a month. In a week, the state supreme court kept changing the rules, the try and help.
Al gore, finally, the u s supreme court stepson says enough is enough. Enough is enough. Bush who one thirty states canning florida maintained a razor thin five vote mature. Already the electoral college. Up until that time be the first candidate in one hundred and twelve years to win the presidency without prevailing in the popular vote. Eighteen, seventy six election several states sent two sets of electors, guess today, utah fake electors, for congress to sort out not a grand jury. There was an illegal. an unconstitutional, they weren't fake. They were close races. They. Resolved at least to the belief
so one party or the other, both sectors. and congress has to make the decision. Nineteen sixty. To slice of electors were submitted by hawaii, the election results first went to. and then went to Kennedy, so they sent both slates republican and democratic congress disorder. and you know who the president of the others Its session of congress was back. Then America was the vice president, united stage. You may have heard of him richard Nixon Nixon sided with the kennedy electors, but they hate nix. congressional democrats of challenge the elections by trying to overturn the selection of electors in several states. They
I did in two thousand two thousand and four twenty sixteen to no avail cause their fellow members of congress. Stop them! That's how this is decided. Vice president pence today has gotten much more dramatic and animated has any donald trump told him. The reverse the course of the election. Donald trump told not the count electors. Donald trump told him. This donald trump told him that, but my parents, which stood there pressure, my god, he stood there and said now so he's not the first. That's his view. But I read the constitution again today, as I do almost every day what
already. Does the vice president actually have when it comes to disputes? The constitution does not tell us So I went to medicines note, MR constitution, what do they say? Medicines notes don't tell us and you johnny, spin and other lawyers who said that the vice president has the power to send electors back to the state or the weight on the process or to find out what's going on or open commission the way they had a commission in eighteen. Seventy six he's a coke And all the other experts are right This day, we have no idea, Then don't fall for their free phone. The us from verizon eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick
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We are giving you nothing, but the best the best of market. Then my public advice to president trumps legal team was research team. T e m that time. by an administration, is created, a legal morass. Never seen works and in american history. His applies to a presidential election. The attorney general appointed by the democratic press is authorized, indictment after indictment of his president's passed. Both not likely political opponents in the middle. They presidential election cycle is doing through his appointment of a special council whose appointment was a misapplication national council regulation and whose charges must be applied. By the attorney general himself impaired
Thirdly, by the way as an important side issue, jack smith is not a presidential appointee. he never even stood for confirmation by the senate to hold the position check for typos wretch told the position he holds. The exercise, the authority he is exercising against a party opponent. It should, noted. At the same time, the attorney general refuses to appoint an outside special counsel to investigate his client, Joe Biden spite The department of justice regulation was originally instituted for these exact circumstance. Of course, this scores, the purpose and most of what is taking place before us today. The attorney general is approving the timing of dozens of charges against the former republican president, whose act We are seeking. Is parties nominee nominees.
the challenge, the Democrats peasant through whom he directly reports, which are intended to cripple the ability of donald trump to effectively run for president, regardless of what Paul show today, regardless of what the commentariat say and despite president trams, strength within the republican party, the outcome. election is unknown. Therefore, calls are irrelevant in this regard: moral is further evidence that these indictments are being used as political weapons. Are the timing of the charges Typically, all of these charges by the separate grand juries all controlled by the special counsel should have been filed after the election as there was no possibility, the statute of limitations would run on any of them further The special council repeatedly insists that the charges must be quickly adjudicated, meaning before the people vote
for the purpose of having maximum influence, only alike. In addition, the charges have resulted in significant depletion of trumps campaign funds to pay for me, In some legal fees, trop us to take significant time from campaigning to address the dozens of charges dropped on him by the bush administration it is. He has to expand an enormous amount of time working with his lawyers in order to defend himself from charges that collectively would result in his imprisonment until his death. The fact is that this kind of legal warfare against a presidential park against a presidential possible- if not likely Opponent to the present president is not only unprecedented in the history of our republic.
Destroy our electoral system for all time is not something that should that should be left to various district court, sir local courts, to sort out in the course of regular judicial proceedings. In fact, that is part of the intended strategy. By the prosecutors who are engaged in this assault on our electoral system. They not be rewarded for their behaviour. They might. not be rewarded for their treachery and exploitation of the legal system and the courts to achieve their political and even while getting to the merits of these to talk of charges which are easily unravelled. From my perspective, the process is what is being used, To interfere with the election. The near silence, by those who are orchestrating writing shocking legal warfare when the american people are left in the dark is untenable. Therefore, I want to publicly carriage the troubling
team to seek an emergency hearing before the united states supreme court, not to resolve legal disputes but to at least temporarily halt the abomination of this legal warfare that is unfolding in front of us were democrat, tonight. I drop trump republicans or unashamedly celebrating the use of the court's by the by the administration and democrat district attorney's to further their political wishes as the rest of the nation watches in shock, This unprecedented legal warfare requires an unprecedented response by the only constitutional body left that can do something about it: the united states supreme court. This is my view.
Because what is taking place today in various court houses and so forth, and so on as part of the strategy, the legal system is slow, it is the process, it is they process, that's the killer here and they know it. and they're playing the process by unloading, all these indictments by taking tromp off the campaign field by depleting as resources by influencing people who are not like you and me. People who No vote, two thirds of their nation that are not part of the republican base. That's what this is aimed at the polls, don't matter the poles and the pollsters her fickle. We should know that by now- and it's not about paul
top of all this. Ladies and gentlemen, Joe Biden has been able to sit on a beach and laugh all his department of injustice does all the dirty work, while the democratic da's do all the dirty work and the media do all the dirty work. You see, folks. I look at this homeless that's what I do and I get into the weeds too, with the best of them, but you gotta take a step back from time to time as what the hell's going on here. None of this is by coincidence, all of it is purposeful. If you have any shot at stopping it, you have to get past the trial courts.
past. The APOLLO court and, within with within the time frame of this campaign, hope that the EU s supreme court sees at least four of them do in order to take up a serpent. What the rest of us see. This would not be the supreme court interfering in a political process. This would be the supreme court defending the constitution. Never before has a political party and opponents of a candidate never before have they sunk, so low is to take the law.
And twisted into a pretzel like this to use the law to use grandeur is to use charging documents. You subpoenas search warrant, an activist judges appointed by the same party to undertake such treachery and if, upon an emergency, requested the supreme court, the supreme court turns its back. Then there's no stopping this today tomorrow. Next election for the rest of this republics, life which is getting shorter by them
I look at people like bill bar Chris Christie, Larry hogan, another trop brought this on himself. Don't you know? No, he didn't know he didn't all the people who are doing it brought it on. I want to remind you about who Joe Biden is and that he will saint at any level. He must when you But it would help us back home to be a racist segregationist. He was a racist segregationist who literally oppose the integration of inner city, public schools. It was the george wallace, the oral focus of delaware he's a chameleon. He will do anything.
He tried to destroy the reputation of one of the greatest legal minds. This nation is ever seen by bork. What was bob works crime? There was a true constitution. I was nominated to the united states supreme court by ronald reagan, so they destroyed him clarence thomas, a black man, would not go down on bended knee and beg his white accusers on the senate. Judiciary committee for their votes defended himself against a typical stereotype used
against black men by the clansmen and others kissing him of sexual harassment. If you will. Certainly there are justices on the supreme court who understand what I'm talking about, including the very disappointing cabinet, including John roberts, if he would actually wake up to reality and see what is taking place in this country. There's only one body left that, if asked, can and should step in and stop this abomination, it is destroying our country.
We were reminded last night by an israeli caroline glick born in america. Who said one of the great legal mines in Israel who she spoke to said you know the united states, the dredged caught decision, which was decided in eighteen. Fifty seven. The impact of that decision took a few years to really settle him and it served as the foundation for the civil war. Unfortunately, I believe we've reached this point at all said to be provocative. I said
the gravest of concerns. I say it in order that we might avoid the potential of what could happen. He combustible situation because this can go on forever. And when I hear media type say. kind of getting used to this. Aren't we Martha getting used to this. It's Thursday must be more indictments three times now. forthcoming in atlanta- this isn't a joke. This isn't a sporting event. This is serious. Does her I've ability this republic, I'm not getting used to any of it. I'm getting Six, my stomach every time it happens.
You and I know in our heart of hearts that this is really and completely unjust. Alan brag brought phony charges against donald trump. The cases brought the other day, generous, six utterly phony a phoney case. The documents kay We even the best of these so called legal analysts, likud, so much tougher case. In truth, if the judges. Is really honest and has integrity when, I hope soon they write motions are filed. She. throw that case out of her courtroom as fast as she possibly can. This is one political party trying to destroy another. This is one
but if a party trying to monopolize elections, federal law enforcement in the entire justice system, if they get away with it, it's over It's over.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-06.