« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 8/26/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, President Biden is the ringmaster and the crook, not Hunter Biden, and has spent his entire life as a liar. Biden has his Politburo running the government and pushing our country over the edge, while the “Never Trumpers” are helping him along while claiming to be Constitutionalists. The Democrat party must be effectively dismantled and neutered, or else their anti-American agenda will be implemented to the point of being permanent. Also, a private jet carrying Wagner group bosses was shot out of the sky with a missile, killing all passengers on board. This is exactly how Vladimir Putin takes out his opponents, and this was to be expected after they had marched on Moscow with 10,000 troops. Putin is a former KGB assassin, and this is right out of their playbook. After the first GOP Presidential debate, Vivek Ramaswamy is the toughest to unravel because he is essentially a blank slate with little to no record to back what he claims he will do. We can’t have someone who says they will lead a revolution if they have never stepped on the playing field, because talk can only get you so far.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segmented pod, cast as presented exclusively by my favorite college in america, hills del college, which probably refuses every penny government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation. Ales data for their sponsorship it's all quiet in the underground bunker door, First blocks bolted, what a great one isn't resting on our laurels. He's I'm sure you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best. This is the more club in the new york times rights, this long story over the weekend, political rights, a long story. And some of these feeding them information. Now it's very interesting. see for me. I want to know what the substance, The story is, but I am also wondering what
feeding what information a whom and why. So the new york times points out that this guy David Weiss. he was going to sign off on a deal. Were hunter Biden, didn't plead guilty to withdrawing ten? Nothing. Then the iris whistleblowers came, and little it off it, and I want to tell me I knew that during that hearing with those two iris whistleblowers, two very brave men, there was. single democrat on that committee, that defended them, They wanted to hear what they had to say. Not one in this damned goldman in new york is a cover up artist, one of the cover up for them Crime, family- and I want you ve, always remember that that stand government
he thinks he's representing the people, whose district, while do the people, whose district support this kind of criminality going on, having their congressmen trying killer so They were wise is corrupt. Now I want to educate people out there, particularly in the media. When they say he's a trouble point tee, Why spend his entire legal career Wilmington Delaware, Joe Biden owns Wilmington Delaware. He owns the stated of delaware, it's a tiny stay with a half a million people, nothing have Since delaware, without job. I didn't knowing it back, use an iron fist, MR produce else going out with this thing hold on america.
here we go at once and for all. So U s attorney to be appointed in the stated delaware by donald trump well, he has so much going on when he first becomes presents, probably not something he's really thinking about. Secondly, the head essential personnel. The time was John banners guy they made a huge mistake, did the trump distribution and putting John banners guy, that they had a presidential personnel. Huge mistake. So they're probably couldn't deals with bide number three, if binding doesn't support the trumps nominates them Biden were blocked the nomination effectively killing him They say it's a trump appointee. The media are lying in the Democrats, relying yes trump once the mechanism, but everybody understands
understands how this works that he's bygones guy. It's happy to be a republican, but he's Biden's guy and that's been proven. If he's not buying guides of funny way shown it of not showing it. So he was prepared to cut a deal in which. the gun violations the tax violations, while the other violations will be scrapped? There were just trying to figure out the language it listening. New ties, peace talks about scores of emails, going back and forth and pages of negotiations and discussions, and they were working with each other that come up. proper verbiage and a try and use pass at words rather than active words,
slipping into the into the deal that they wanted to slip pass the jack two things worked here: the whistleblowers and the judge. That's why I'm only of a judge like I believe she pronounces it nor ia. But the warming tinder, whose obviously an honest church she's out, Partisan hack, like the judge, channeling trumps so called generally sixth case and there's no evidence of any partisanship in her bankrupt, no statements from the bench trashing in a convicted, Individuals, lecturing them the way, judge driftnet
did whatever the hell name is she doesn't do that the whistleblowers save the day the judge saved the day. As a result, Somebody's feeding information to the new york times, that is exposing this entire racket, hawaii, with the new york times run with this, because Somebody at some point is going to expose this. Then times has been in such cover up mode, four, the Biden's for the Clinton's but the democrat party and for themselves over the century, And certainly decades in the past few years, that's what's going on here, then political.
Political points out that hunter binds laura guy named Chris Clark quite a thug. If you ask me. Course he won't be disbarred investigated by any democrat city bar committee. he said, look you guys prosecute hunter. I'm going to call the president to stand as a material fact. Witness. And, of course, what did he say? What did he mean by that. In a job I will be exposed for the crook their years, and so they crumbled the prosecutors it parliament of justice crumbled again. What did the whistle blowers say? They thought they had a deal with the prosecutors at the debate. Of justice and then all of a sudden they kill them.
They wouldn't say why, but they kill it. And then they were getting orders from the department of justice obstructing their further investigation. preventing them from getting what they wanted to get member Since the s attorney member, her. She wouldn't agree to a search warrant said it would look right, All of this is being orchestrated by monaco that baby turning general and got When the attorney general there in charge of the department of justice none of this can happen without their say, so none of it. This would be the same monaco. An garland who are overseeing the charges against donald trump, the same
europe mines the same ones who are defended by retired, judge, looting. By former attorney general bar there defending the same mob operation, because I hate trump. lie about what a great thread is to democracy, yeah terrible, been awful, Amazing bar was the attorney general united states, tummy tummy bill. All the time you were attorney general under trump. What laws that he violate? None. I assumed by, would have resign if he thought he had. He was in charge of the form of justice.
But now he's trying to get his crept back inside the bow I possess realise pretty much so now. a politico, saying that Chris Clark basically threatened to depart. justice that he was gonna expose Joe by he was going to question about the laptop Question about meanings, question about phone calls question about all these things. We can have that. Meanwhile, we're going to appoint a special council to investigate hundred now that the whole thing fell apart now that the whole thing has been exposed and we're gonna, The corrupt? U s: attorney David Weiss he'll, be the special council because we need a fresh look at this evil.
his post appoint somebody outside the government, as we discussed over and over again, he picks the Van the guy inside the government. movement sabotaging from within the american people, the rule of law to Draft statute of limbs have already have already fallen, the major tax evasion case and the potential bribery there already gone to this day. Hunter Biden has not been charged with any there's no one day. To this day, I'm not even aware that there is a grand jury. What have I been telling you for months and months and months? Finally, some of the legal analysts on our favorite network of figure It took him a little while but they're there now and that's good since nothing to do with one hundred Biden. None of it is Joe Biden
Joe Biden is the ringmaster your binds, the crook. Joe Biden has spent his entire life as a liar and over achiever, because politics puts Some of the worst people and powerful positions- I Joe Biden and. various shop on around scott is poor, The bureau run and government pushes. country over the edge that has never trumpet. For it is all over the place. Every trappers, don't understand there really never constitutional constitutional allison patriots they're, just not There's no way bill bar can be said to be a patriot or constitutional standing by the way the face
So now So now the media are also just like parliament, just as they move around, everything they can to trash this judge cannon in florida. Why. She's, an honest judge, Not part of the party operation, like the judge, In washington d c. she has some questions about venue. Well, that's not a legitimate question. Two hundred percent legitimate question: she some. She's about how trumps posted Himself without being able to see classified information seems pretty important me. These are legitimate questions, any judge. What any judge
The same time to doing everything they can to protect Biden for doing everything they can to destroy, who, they believe will be the republican armani or they don't want to be. The republican army. Or maybe they do with a lot of damage tuna. but there's singularly focus and in the case of troy, twenty are they all want trials right now, right now a reason to delay this particularly the january six one wise, so they can then use their section three fourteenth amendment argument. I want to ask you what I asked an hour ago. There's tens of millions of americans. We voted for trump by one vote for tromp vote for him in the future. You disenfranchised
Because a couple of morons got together and decided section three of the fourteen the moment blocks tromp from even running. As they sit in their basement and they write this stupid stuff, don't realize the consequences of what they're, doin saying: tumble, mobile into these clowns? Thank it away with donald trump. Does bill bar think that his blunder busting all over the tv that the arguments he's making are gonna just stop at donald trump course. Now. And I shall remind you that it's the bar, who. Gave all this authority the? U S, attorney wilmington David wise in the first place,
Judgment whatsoever on bars, pie. Europe has an excuse, always has an excuse. But he's the one who appointed this guy. I french. Twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be, am a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one, the good folks at hillsdale college, You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fantastic courses. You can discuss But the beauty of the bible in the genesis story- study the writer.
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Was the nominees or binding trump jump off that bridge? When I get there. of a poignant, see issue, so I wouldn't recommend that bill Just showed his ignorance. and that he has no no concern about the future of this country and I would say the same about others, and you know I was critical of mccarthy. I didn't attack him, but. No, he says he's not alarmed by theres many sorts noticed him he's not going. Four trump attributed now many interests can win anyway. So what's the problem and she will be destroyed anyway, You know, ladies and gentlemen, we men and women and uniform, often in secret, who fight for the future of this country in every give up.
Eddie grandfather when fortunately pair The way the age of seventy eight. Who joined the marines at the age of thirty? Four after we were attacked at pearl harbor He wound up seeing hand to hand combat. are you a gmo is falling guam, he said At the same time, whose Of witham, rather when he sign up. His brother law went by the name, it is really was william. Married to his sister. Obviously, he joined the marines as well, and he forty guadalcanal were to very tough men. used to drive one of those all trucks from german town in philadelphia.
To call country in pennsylvania fill up their their rickety truck with as much cause they could afford, drive it back to german town. Where they were then go door to door and sell it. his call was used to heat up stoves and heat homes at the time now, of course, we can't even use natural gas, but you get the point. These were men who had little or nothing and they loved this country. They were second generation, in the case of the rubens anyway, my grandfather, his father, had fled russia Great rush and the programmes, the age of fifteen, came to the united states.
loved this country, his son, my grandfather, loved this country. His daughter, my mother, love this country. His name was Marie's, he hated his name, went by the name of mom. They went by the name, a mile in talked much about what took place. And he would GMO Guam. But as we got a little older, he spoke very briefly. it was horrific, what they did to our. P o w on that island on both islands. the middle of the night. They could hear them screaming, they were being tortured. And so on they were jima, they decided they were not going to take any prisoners alive
We used to fight wars and win them today, of course, at all be court martial than they'd be any military prison. So when I hear people in this country have never faced anything like that, never nothing like it wouldn't dream of facing anything like Heaven, Between version by now jump off that bridge, when I get to it, you know efforts between burma. I excuse me a trumpet bud voting for trump he's gonna lose anyway and that country's dead. You know, I think, to myself, you gotta be kidding me. You have got to be kidding me.
I can only imagine my grandfather would say about what's going on by the way he was a Democrat, Wasn't it eddie alike, he wasn't even a liberal. He was a rock solid conservative, but in philadelphia the party Duffy he lived in it was democrat, so is a Democrat I didn't mean anything to him and the Democrats back then we're not the damn. Threats of today, they simply were not they weren't marxist. For god's sakes,. They were not even John Kennedy democrats for the most part, they were more conservative. So when you think about what somebody like that had to deal with, we came back from the war honourably discharged.
For then, and for our families, a big man, he was over six feet. Two inches taller was very strong in work. He was very strong. He'd been a boxer. amateur boxer. Just for the hell of very back. It was a tough man. For the first time. I saw me war leather coat there, one from at the back of his neck and shoulders down to his knees. One of those think remember this code. It was tan anymore, stetson,. Any talk like this Is he lost his voice.
while fighting on which he lost his voice, and you never get it back. And when I know em policy was a much older man, his hands would shake. Did you shock even complain? Did you're shock. In other words, he wasn't the shaggy man who came back. And neither was his brother in law. Teddy Who had massive hands could break it? Next snap.
He wasn't the same man either. The one thing he told me. is one night only would dream. He was with a hundred and five men they Plenum up, it was horrendous, they couldn't dig in was volcanic ash happening we dug in and they all top. Sir. Despite all the the fire, that had been senator that ireland from the ships. So many of them were sitting ducks, they couldn't begin, they couldn't foxholes in everything
And he told me that he was sent to get. What we have more ammunition- and he came back at one hundred and five of them- there were about twenty one, He said it was unbelievable again, he barely were talk about it. It was horrific. I learned from him learned from my father, my mother. There we are blessed to be in this country.
And those of us who sit on our asses and our air conditioned home. post things on social media. In the weeds splitting hairs about the niceties of the law on documents and whether trunk this document in the bathroom or in a closet, and where these The crimes of this century. for which he should go to prison for hundreds and hundreds of year makes me sick to my stomach sector. My stomach. I'm almost sixty six years- I don't you know the vietnam vets. there are seven seventies and eighties
some early nineties. If they talk to table horrific things they confronted syndrome With a vehicle, the annoy vietnamese, all supported by the communist chinese and others, torture, the horrendous jungle conditions, the mosquitoes, the snakes thee, the traps and all the rest. Mother being trashed by the demo. Crap party in the left here at home, burning our cities. claiming it was on their behalf when they are undermining our war effort. Last time we had a draft. telling anybody in this country today would even understand what a draft is about. Half of the people who are drift. We go to canada, whatever.
They must be saying to themselves the same. Damn thing I just said accepting the right to say it. You sent me over there to fight these communist bastard. Lost my wife, I lost a big chunk of my life. I lost my best friend, I lost people No, but it was horrific. All in south east asia and was very young canoe and look what you doing in my country. Look at what you are doing to my country, our care for your former federal prosecutor with the attorney general, the united states, the current
ernie journal, the united states, the babbling fool in the over. I don't care. These people have no respect, none so for the people who created this fantastic country and the people who defended it. And apparently it's asking them too much. to use their various public perches postings columns Parents is on tv, Tis on radio paralysed. It's gonna little to care much. There stand for this country, No
you currently enjoying the show on the stitched up. Then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another part cast out then follow this show their apple spotify or wherever you listen. you're sitting to the best of mark club, then something It happened a day and I can't be ignored regardless what else is going on? And that is the assassination of the head of the magna group by pewter many conservative your big trans appeared, and even They claim not to be beaten.
All kgb operative is our friend said sebastian. Gorka tells us all the time ruthless, vile, violent attack. America always has been murdered is waiting, We have nothing in common with him and if you believe in the fridge. America agenda than you don't believe. The first thing to say is that america is threatening russia, that america's imperialist, that america's colonialist, but for america and other jewish president of ukraine, is neo nazi, even though a he's Listen, you lost family members in the holocaust. If you believe in, stuff, there's nothing. I can do for you seriously. You're, probably in the wrong place, actually doesn't mean you have to agree with. Hundreds of billions of dollars going to ukraine, and so were not what I'm talking about oh right from wrong moral from immoral evil from good tyranny
Totalitarianism, when you see it anyway,. Crime. Any tears here that the head of the volcano was assassinated by Putin, but demonstrates repute news and who use Putin's overthrew the democratic entity, elected government in nigeria year, nigeria was one of closest allies on the continent of africa, they allowed our special operations are special forces to operate from there. We ve intelligence activities. Were able to land our jets there and so forth, not anymore, not anymore, because Putin's overthrew that govern Putin's back syria and a slaughter. That's going on over. There.
Putin's backing iran, as is china, and, of course, IRAN's backing putin's. Let's, let's stop playing games, I mean, I don't understand the. I do understand these calls happened like I said before we had a prior to world war. Two and the consequences were, terrific, how many of you, like Winston churchill,. Was he not a great leader. was he nodded tremendous leader. What churchill cab warning about hitler? Nobody would listen. Britain lost a lot of people war. One so did we. This tremendous isolationism going on that continent, well, as in the united states, the first america movement Then led by the likes of charles lindbergh opposed any support for europe. Any support for britain, even ass hitler broke out.
And started conquering one country after that we heard the same thing other sedately and I was always german: oh they speak german and so much austria scenario, gay. Ah, the czech trappers, slovakia. oh, ok. Well, you know they said that they are threatened. M, try it on a border there. They have a right to same damn thing same. Damn thing and we don't even listen or Putin's says what he writes he's already threatening poland and romania, and the balkan states, like lithuania, estonia, so forth. so hiding it. Moldavia, hey you gonna have to get crimea, yoletta, georgia, take care, for that is already been done. If it wasn't for ukraine
If Ukraine had rolled over and played dead when they were invaded, which everybody expected them to do, if it wasn't the brave ukrainians, with our support and support of nato countries, not troops, not even air cover at this point, just support against the great russian military against their long range missiles against their their checks in their bombers against their navy and the black sea. We might now be well worth three, because our red lines would triggers all over the place in nato. It's you Anyone who have prevented were war. Three, well Biden in his eighties, they have prevented world war. Three everybody.
it backwards in upside down and inside out. they stand between Putin's and nato. They do they stand between Putin's. Allen between Putin and romania, between Putin and the balkan states, between Putin and Moldavia and beyond any way, circling back. So apparently, this private jet, the wagner group boss, had several He wasn't all that far from moscow is patently and between moscow and saint petersburg. Was shot out of the sky with a missile poof,
shut out of the sky. Ten people on the plane. As far as we know, including three pilot now there's some people out there. We don't know if he's dead, it may be the kill, the marylanders at Nana. He kill them, and this is the way he killed him. There's no need to pretend he didn't. There is every reason for him to get as much propaganda value out of this is possible and that was expected. Wasn't. You can a march on moscow, with tens of thousands of wagner troops, these harden troop, these vile vicious murders. Now, all of a sudden you're going to stop and turn around and you think you're going to have a run at the country. Just have a grandpa Putin doesn't work that way I ve never work that way It's an assassin, ease kgb. We now have general Keith keller the programme at ease.
Oh chairman of american first policy interested. She is the same way to have a foreign minister about six weeks ago, he had been the ambassador to the united states from communist. China is extremely loyal probably raise some questions about what she is doing on one matter or another race. Concerns perhaps and he's disappeared. What happened here? Who do you think happens? They probably took him out back and killed him murmured. The former chairman of the communist party of China who served his ten year term inequalities. angel lad is most. Genocidal maniacs do they pull him out of that conference? The congress that
meaning, so everybody could see worldwide. What happened to him he's got: rethink happened to him, the probably buried in a shallow grave somewhere. That's what Stalin. I've done that's what line lenin would have done. That's what now would have done. That's what castro I've done that's what they all did why, in our world, the threat to russia No it's russia's nuclear aimed at us, not you! they don't have any nukes anymore. It is amazing to me how cowardly we become as a country.
The american first movement so called prior to world war. Two resulted in the deaths of millions of civilians and hundreds of thousands of american troops, because the goal is to stop the before it starts. One make sure we can even better this best of mark le. Then you ve heard a lot of people go on and on and on about the debate. Last night, one ball used to say to me, but they We heard from you yet mark In a few points on the internet, let me give you my opinions. It's not very complicated.
I completely right off anybody who does not understand. The nature of the enemy there were face, and it's not donald trump. Asia, hutchison to me sounded like the kind of bureaucrats are used. Have listen to the department of justice. He did not agree. that the military should be used on the border, except for processing paper. That's not what we need right now. That's not gonna work he's a throwback. We have five million some say six million illegal oil to poured into this country. Something has to change. Chris Christie honestly did better I thought he wasn't as bad as I thought and I'll get to my pension, a minute, because I think my pants took the role of Chris Christie for the most part, but I'll get to this.
Chris Christie really has no reason to be there. He doesn't have much of an agenda, he hasn't thought Very much They give you that as a perhaps servers, student debating society. Just don't. I don't see any lane for him. I don't see any reason for him. the governor of bergen from Nor decoders seems like a perfectly fine man, I think, could be the great sector of energy may be sectoral commerce. I do like his federalism approach for the most part. But again, I'm not your wise there, that's three other you out of the eight. Now, let's get to the tough part, starwood Nicky hayley
I think she presented herself very well, but something huge was missing. Massively huge Whether we like it or not, agree were there not show, must didn't talk about her eight year record at all as go. He mentioned school choice. I think I didn't hear anything else. She attacked us. At the federal level. What did she do? A spending at state level to taxes go up. Did spending go up? I have no idea, Nor do I the interest, even google, it and look it up She certainly wasn't running honorary your record at all, which tells me it was milk purse. because if she had a great record as governor, she have talked about it. Least alone more than she did, which was
almost not at all, but I don't know exactly what she brings to the table In terms of a presidential run, I I do understand that she's a woman she reminded us of that repeatedly and I do take offence when people say you know, You wanna hear people talk, you pick a man when you want action, you pick a woman really what about nancy policy last time I checked and I've never check fact at least reportedly she's a woman. Come Allah Harris is a woman in michigan as a woman, so. Bromides these stereotypes, I'm just not into it in the least she's, not margaret thatcher, if that's the impression she wants to leave. So that's my comment on that
Then we have so that's what four of the eight mr producer, something like that. I want to move to a we're tim Scott. extremely likeable, very deep. Send very nice guy. I gotta believe he's running for vice president. you didn't say anything. He hasn't said before here swear which is ok, but it's really color hard to run for president is a senator when you're one of one hundred What do you say? I spotted this legislation. I voted for that and so forth, and so that's great, but when you take it, The man he's a good man he's a good man, actually think you'd be a very effective president, but I don't know for sure that leaves us with three.
my pants to me last night, look like a lunatic. He was loud use of noxious. He. And over his time repeatedly was absolutely disrespectful. I think he did a better Chris Christie than Chris Christie did Chris Christy Some man I've known for decades and receiving like this, and then I don't agree with the question we're all supposed to pay homage to my pants as they please. The senate. Did he do that? I think, or not- oh yeah. I think so. Yeah yeah, then there's christie. We have to all agree, get the right thing. Then we have pence himself, patty So from the head on the back taking bows kissing his own ass and all the rest to amazing. To me.
Not one person on that stage? Will they all didn't, have a chance quite We raise your hand to go to the restroom- I do agree. That was ridiculous, but still I thought them Raiders were terrific under the circumstances, particularly those who kept interrupting especially tents and by the way after Pence wines that he doesn't get enough time that the major subjects Discussed I mean he was the subject of like ten minutes of it. I saw side him that I feel really is repugnant. The other thing you can take credit for it thinks the tropic done. You know I need. compense administration or vice president, does nothing. They sit and wait the president, the dire resign, so they can fill the slot. That's it. They have almost no constitutional duty accepted with the president of the senate. There's not another duty, none, but just one.
people who are really effective or they ve been leaders. They don't want to be vice. President pinch wanted to be vice president, so don't tell me he did all these things, as vice president, We think I'm remember pencil reduce actually to standing behind, trumpet, smiling and promoting fallacy Those are the two things I remember, MR producer. He was utterly obnoxious, so there To me as a huge negative and you can see all the never trump ers and the Democrats, they keep praising the course he's. The january six kennedy. And I would say this to my pants now you say you up. The constitution, maybe did maybe didn't site to me. The exact verbiage in the constitution show us where it is
He claimed to be original listener, textual list that says what, powers of the vice president. That is the present in the senate, What are the powers actually that he has her doesn't have when the electoral votes are being counted? The constitution says nothing that a word. Now you may have done the right thing, but dont tell us that you are upholding the constitution, you an appalling anything. As I recall, you fought like Hell, you didn't want to get in front of the grand jury. There was in vain, the gaining january six and then it exactly. Privileges denied president trump than you go. You you make your statements.
Then afterwards, when the indictment is released in your statements are quoted. Now my god look he's the hawk and stood up for democracy, I'm the one that shape that shut up and sit said william but even that, didn't matter to me that much can went down to the back and decided. I don't trust him back. Why don't I trust for back so many people, particularly my brothers and sisters at facts there really swayed by particular, Entrap loves the guy boy should because the guy's dead
in one hundred percent in his corner in that's fine with me, but that's not my point. Why would we agree president? How would you may get elected present when he turned about mark? With the slightest bit of research not done by me but done by others, would you have to expect? opposition research? You get the media at all kinds of stuff he's flow flop on a number of issues already and eighty six out there and says I'm not bought I'm not a politician, the people. The truth now he says, he's going to abolish five federal agencies. Now he's not. You have to have congress, Pass authorizing legislation in this case to eliminate them. Departments and agents here
and have a magic wand anymore, that Joe Biden. Magic wand when it comes to student loans. How would he do this? He won't he could have done. A ronald reagan would have done. I reckon fought like how to get rid of the department of education was brand new. After carter, he was blocked in the senate by republicans. And nobody had more influence over republicans than a man who won a mass of landslide popular vote in a massive landslide electoral college vote. So how'd you didn't get rid of this department of education and here's my problem, it's like they gun control, not jobs and all the rest. When there, Talking like this. They don't have an actual solution or we can't fine and actual solution. when you're waving stuff in front of people the: u know cannot be accomplished or no cannot be accomplished, I'm going to abolish it
Permanent education and parents have a parts about to raise their children properly, I don't think we d. With a ladder, and we certainly support the former, but weren't gonna get us right now. Nowhere. So I ask myself Has MR revolution is so we got a little revolution. When did Come to this revolution. I challenge you go online yourself go everyone who is he go back three years for years, five years how about in virginia when the parental rights group started a burst onto the scene. Did he participate was involved in? It has gone to parental So far has said. We need to. The revolution, I need you to be part of. It has gone to the tea party. groups that are still there fighting, you said we need revolution. I want to work with you, we gotta fight, it has gone to pro life groups, etc. We need a rather pessimistic,
grass roots. It's not washington, All metallic we're talkin millions of citizens who have already become activists. To embrace. Then you ve got to figure out how to expand their pace of activists. It's the bottom up at the grass roots. As much as I love it, it's not shown up on cable. talks are even CNN are going to kensington philadelphia or the isa chicago. I am all for that too, but that's not where europe lotion is gonna be led. Your revel should it has to be led by people who serious about saving the country. the van we are giving you nothing, but the best, the best of more cloven trying keep an open mind s eye,
Through this, and then discreet me, if you like, took her but drawback is the toughest henriette. Because he's a blank slate, or at least was coming, let me ask you this just be honest with yourself nine eleven who is responsible for nine alone,. Al Qaeda right with the backing of saudi Arabia right. So why would even entertain conspiracy theories involving our own government; that's lunacy, nine, eleven We know the enemy is, we know what they did. play with people's memories, such playing with families. That I've heard from my what is that a bath seriously? You think you're gonna get through a general election without being pummelled over something like that? But let's move on
It really that hard Why now Israel's different than say syria. is it that hard or print and saudi arabia. That Israel should integrate into the other matter middle eastern countries and that he's gonna have a couple of housing we do that we don't have any idea, none personal! so stupid statement. taiwan, Taiwan is going to show us how to manufacture computer chips. No other done showing us how to manufacture computer chips, and we become independent. Comes to computer chips. Then they're on their own. You agree with that cheerfully and by the way vector call me anymore, I don't want any these candidates call me about the offline
Call me on the show. Call me don't call me her asked me to speak to you. I don't want to talk to anybody, I talk to my audience straight up. That's why Harry was able nail its positions. Were so strange me why on tv, both on the left and they play over and over and over again. Why is good for ratings? Now, let me ask you this You got one candidate onstage who applied to be. And became a fellow for policy this organism source his older brother. Got another candidate onstage, who is fire to join. Sorrow, supported prosecutors in estate.
Does that mean anything to anybody. You can a leader revellers. How could you possibly have added If it's ten years ago, fifteen years ago, ten weeks ago, at this point you're, really a mature person. Your minors is, is an adult, its developed europe, In hundreds of millions of dollars a year, you're you're an entrepreneur, you really don't know what the source families up there. And one question you didn't get, why did you pay somebody? The broom thing of your wikipedia pay. I mean have any the others. I got they'd even get away for it, but here's my point to you seriously and I and we wanted to send. You're thirty, eight years I'll, give me almost seven hundred million dollars, and that is a great thing.
You ve had to build business alliance. Is so surely you understand as a nation, we have to have allies right. You didn't build all that on your own. You probably have some banks, investors partners, but when it comes to Israel and taiwan, and countries like that. You take a different position I am also sick of this line. Sick of it. And by the way too, many of them use it. I want to spend our money on our border, not ukraine's board. Ladies and gentlemen, I remember what we used to be able to protect our border and fight the nazis. And fight the japanese and fight the the fascists in ITALY? I remember all that I wasn't there read about it. I remember that we as a nation were able to
Sure our border and you support to our allies. I remember that, don't you remember that, so let me get this straight. Let me get this straight, If we support it ally, whether ukraine or anybody else, I guess we he had pulled the southern war. Is with these pseudo conservatives are actually saying. so we can pass away a trillion dollars and that every single year, but we can come up with twenty Billion dollars to secure our border because of support we give to other countries better fighting wars that we may have to fight if they weren't fighting them. Are you kidding me and by the way I do regret? the kind of John Mccain marker, Rubio lindsey, graham intervention,
this mentality, the reagan doctrine is a doctrine. Donald trump, is used to strengthen that it's the most prudential and success farm policy doctrine in american history, nodded to scientists. It wasn't very flashy, was he wasn't very flashing, And I feel I can get a whole lot of time either to be honest with it, because the guy. Next time on his, I guess his right or two to over My pants wouldn't shut the hell up. He was the Chris Christie. Their night, He was angry. He was obnoxious kept talking about himself, there's not a lot to talk about my quite frankly, you're a vice president.
stop with the trump pence administration. Did this trump pence administration? Did that and then, when it, The general search- that's tramp, tramp tramp. I saved the nation honestly making a damn fool out of himself. Two meriting top upsetting to me. I knew the guy. no, I don't want to talk to you either so there's dissenters, good looking guy. Where is the best look in on this day,. Don't really matter well spoken man, so he doesn't have the flare to speak. The way
the expats very few people do, I think Barack Obama's another one, but not, but not the governor, floored tokay. But why did you stand up. she had a great one liner until I get any great one. Because he was a dynamic speaker. Ronald Reagan, I wouldn't say that this is what tv focuses. This is what commentators focus on In my humble opinion, why. I understand this when that debate he was respectful. He was dead, He came across to me like a ohioans.
like the blue collar gentlemen. He says he is and how it was raised. But even more, why. that's enough right!. Because the man has already led a revolution, he doesn't talk, at the revolution is going to lead more than anybody on the stage he talked about what he did in florida. Florida is the freer. One of the most populous one of the most vigorous states on the face of the earth. when he got there, it wasn't there way he completely changed. political dynamics of that work. Reach including trump or what
If they could win by a percent attempt, the percent may be two percent now, crash right off. in one term as governor. In one term, they all talk about school choice. The most extensive school choice programme in the united states to places arizona florida, but floored is a massive state. They talk about breaking the back of the teachers young. He did. He did. They talk about, we don't want our kids taught about sexual asian. We don't want them talk about critical race theory in he ended it. He stopped it.
There's not another person on that stage. That can say any of these things. None of them. Talk about the corporatist and workers are what they're doing to our country. He chuckled America's darling disney that had been devoured by left incorporating santa ally, one total oh nosed, and those with them did something that he took a lot of heat for he wanted. After making for god's sakes,. and many people on that stage pack them for what did he do it. Because they are trying to use their corporatist, woke ism power to stop. He was trying to do in the classrooms education. Not this other crap.
And he said you know what california doesn't get the comedy florida and do that to us the pandemic. If he wasn't the first, he was pretty damn close to opening a state keeping schools open, rejecting mask mandates, He had because my family and I benefited from it. He said All over the state, all over the state, Through volunteer fire houses Through community centres and everything else monoclonal, if you wanted it shots for people who got covered,
Wasn't approved by the federal government, he said, I don't care what they approve. My scientists, my expertise. I read it. I know what works by the way it did work. He looked at the science, he said The only people right now who should beginning vaccines were terrible. Morbidity is the very elderly and so prioritized it. He didn't do it: the governance of new york, it and the rest, these blue steak. Voters. In some of these red state governors. You saw real marxism and fascism going. Their churches and synagogues and mosques little. Tracking license plates. Were people parked in these mega churches so they could arrest them. None of that happening. He passed an entire bill of rights for parents.
He invited police from other states to come to florida. He would give them a bonus. He said long order. They pass very tough, laws they saw what was happening all over the country, cities burning. She put maximum penalties in their sentences in there now Major city in florida burned not one Now why do I say this cuts were good chunk of the year? We live there. When somebody talks about he's going to lead a revolution and he's never been on the playing field before with six Fifty million dollars- god bless the guy he's not invested and grass roots efforts, or anything like that. Eleven we see as the sorrows cannot this a complete playing
late, if not worse, but he can talk man and then you look at a guy who doesn't have the gift And here the commentators are about four weeks of experience themselves and they say This other guy connects this guy doesn't connect now one of them lives in florida. Now one of them. Because when you live there, you know he connects you want the debate last night. because when he says he's going to do something evidence is he'll. Do it? Not a be, muscle his way through the system and he will eat this them.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-27.