« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 7/8/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, Mark announced the news that box store Target has decided to boycott his new book due out this September. Why? They're scared of offending Democrats. If Target can silence consumers' right to consume - what is next? Does the Biden administration tell the truth about anything? There’s nobody better at lying than President Biden, he is a born pathological liar. Decades ago the Wall Street Journal took the position that “there shall be open borders.” How has that worked so far? Awful! Wall Street Journals claims that Gov Ron DeSantis’ illegal alien crackdown will “exacerbate the state’s labor shortage while doing nothing to fix Biden’s border failures.” Americans won’t work at low-paying or low-skilled jobs is a flat-out lie. It’s a negative stereotype of Americans.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast as presented exclusively by my favorite legitimate Erika hills, dale college, which proudly refuses every penny. Government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening. My sincere appreciation, ale stay up for their sponsorship, quiet in the underground bunker door, First blocks bolted. What the great isn't just resting on our laurels. He's King sure, you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best. This is the As of march, the it'll be a wonderful independence day, independence, They weaken the nation, birthday, those whom you hate america, hope you didn't have any time off and remember that surely Frida leave. We try to the border one way, not the other way. You'll leave leave
but they don't want to leave you want to destroy. I want to talk. This issue of free speech, not necessarily the first amendment per se, but free speech. There are limits to free speech. Like our children should be shown, pornography. When their in school or in school library, they should be taught about. Sexuality when their five and six years old they should He asked behind the backs of their parents, whether there We believe they are the right sex and if they something done about it if they want change their names Indeed, I am finding. I'm finally there on the radical left in the corporate s. actually view that has a free speech issue saying do free speech is perversion.
The violation of parental rights, now There's a lot of talk about tonight. I'm gonna get all of it, but I am now in the middle of a controversy. Why cause I wrote a book or their dirty pictures in the book? other sexual graphics and the both know that I go behind? anybody's back when there's eventually relation up towards the controversy. The title of a book. The democratic party hates america just found this out about two hours before I came on the and I now target Has told Simon and Schuster my publisher threshold books that when
what comes out in september- will not carry the book. He told them quote the title is polarizing and target once Sensitive to other guests, but We'll make it available to a target that come. The titles polarized. as I seem to recall, target. Does a lot of polarizing stuff with clothing with hiring were customers the colors with flags throw into this? Yes s, movement. But because I take on the opposite party. That's polarizing to the point where target does not want its customers have now option to purchase. Now there are left us going online saying see this
I believe in a capitalist. Must target can do it at once? You talking about you fools talking about. I'm not demanding the target. Carry the book, I mean warming fourteen and a half million listener that this company is a hundred percent work. Four hundred percent in the tank for the left on the democratic party marge and noble gonna carry the book books, it's gonna carry the book. Large gonna carry the book and a lot of them. And we'll see what happens down the road if they're boycotted or whatever. But amazon didn't blink. Frolic criticism may take didn't blink not once.
And so my view is that now that target is thrown down the gauntlet fairly publicly. Then I feel we need to throw them a garment with them. This book is For me, the greatest book ever with an anxious that those of you get in red it you'll see what I mean is the greatest book. I've ever written. My editors think so my family think our markets by family tells me the truth. The greatest book I've ever written- and I also It's the most important. Under these circumstances, it's not written for democratic.
Unless they want to wake up with written for the democratic party media, it's not written for it. The credit party professors and in democrat party teachers, unions and all the rest threaten for you. if you decide to give it the democratic such a great thing. Maybe they'll get past the firsts. Fifty sixty pages couple light bulbs go off, you ve heard people call you say that you ve heard them say there, but One other thing, the democratic party, very high on these days is censorship, but its corporate censorship. having nothing to do with the first amendment or censorship. The violet first and then we're gonna get to that in a minute. With this fabulous. Really, By this federal judge,
spoke in my view, needs to get into the hands of many people as possible, which is why I think, be illegal. The radical left ideologues going to try and prevent that as much as they possibly can. I believe them. They will do everything they can, and so what I I do believe in, as I do believe in the market system than that I'm gonna encourage those of you who have an already not to shop a target. Compel target to carry my book. But are offending my audience and they are sending me and affects the basis for corporatist censorship. Ok, fine! We can play Game too, I am not going to roll over and play dead. That's not gonna happen,
organs. Conservatives do that too. Damn often in fact, targets proving appointed a book. The marxist want monopoly control, a politics are voting of the culture of the government of the country, that's what they want, and a book like this is dangerous to them. It's dangerous to them. They know it, and I know it. and the democratic party has its finger at all of this is the organisation through which these linzer, organise again any autocratic, repressive regime.
they need and organisation they need a body through which they act politically, culturally, when elections In order to destroy elections in if that's how this book is viewed by then I think by you and should be viewed as our kryptonite, some hoping, as many of you as possible, who can afford it for thinking about getting it, you'll go in and get it now at amazon, dot com Some people have said: while the discounts been changed, discounts gonna change, to the point it's released they release it on a thirty forty percent discount only my data you will get that desk. That's
I understand it should have nothing to fear from there. Thank god there are many platforms now for publishing and for making books available to you. It's strange. You know really a strange. It's so weird Failure on going back the time of the king of england and the and the colonists who can publish what don't read them Or can public rush used to say about liberty and turning picture? You read it put it in a paper bag. Sure he'd say the same about this. What else he would say, don't take their crack, don't take their crap. During kick but- and he join in and heat up.
I want nothing more than for you, people to get this book and read it you're just going to get it to get it don't go, get it and read it in the past. It, along with somebody else,. I'm telling you only about women account for people, have read this book, beginning them for four. the vice president, Simon intrusive, my editor and assistant editor in my work. That's it. And for all of them, their chins drive our mark. You know that no, no I'm telling you and I feel it in my own, but nobody's are harder marker on me than me for their trade your tv or blaze, tv or writing, but nobody is.
harder marker. Then I am nobody on me. And the truth will be, as they say in the pudding once you get it. Once you read, it. You'll know was mark tongue into truth or not. but I know who doesn't want you read it and I know who will do everything they can to prevent it from being made? Hopefully available they will fail, but I do think we need to take names but to compare. people to do things they don't want to. Do I don't care targeted at take the perk cares, but what I can is the motive behind it. It's bigger than target.
It's the keep information, historical facts, critical, philosophical points. Present day, information connecting the dots and all the rest of it out of your hands because but the democratic parties and their marches friends, one more than anything else, its conformity conformity. They don't want you to think for yourself. They want you to be embarrassed to carry a book that says the democrat party hates america out of a bookstore. They want you to be embarrassed to, Delivered your home from amazon, they want you to be
asked to read it on a plane and carried under your arm. Are they embarrassed about anything anything there in your face during the face your children? They don't Yeah, well, we need to get stronger. We need to get stronger. I already said I know what kind of grief and should we take from this book. I don't care. When you really you'll see why. This isn't a polemical book, this city shoot from the hip Those of you who read my other books like american marxism and limiting turning. You know how I write this book flows like a novel, but it is brutal, like the title. There's no reason to hide.
And we need to make sure, and whenever I get to the day five twenty years from now when we have to hide when our children have to hide. Sure you can go over amazon com or we can drive this thing up the list, a number one. I would really think that would send a message to everybody. and they need to have a message. He can't. I completely understand target is now required. Carry this book. Did I say, call target and tell them to carry this book? No, it's what they're doing what others are doing and not just the knife. Twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be.
I'm a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks had hills, dot com, You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge to take just one of these fantastic courses you can discuss. but the beauty of the bible. In the genesis story study, the writer So cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution, one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars, so visit la and for a hills, del dot com and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge: pickwick every course you lie and resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome: com, ele, fray hills, delta com and start. Your free course today
making you're weekend even better. This is the best, mark levin. The question of those of you follow the stuff: why do people bothering bother commenting on sites and people they don't like snow? Weird must produce. Why do you come on my sites and common about me? If you don't like me, just conway fiscal away, I mean it's so weird. Get along go on the site where you slobber over people. Nobody deceive aside. I don't know.
It has all kinds of reprobates malcontents, miscreants perverts for you, democrats and liberals to follow probably do follow them and they probably follow you. If you get, my drift may be raining the target as a matter of fact, but anyway you get my I remember one of Sarah palin think it was an commercial sea had, among other things, a picture of a target. And not about shooting people, but in our political thing are getting issues in turn. Should a picture of a target, this horrendous murdered, took place in our zone a killing, a federal judge and me Amazingly congresswoman and so forth,.
And yet then we have a radical left corporatist corporation. They ve taken over this corporation, which show was perfectly fine before the board of directors, resentful trade and it's a big target and it's called target and the left love So they use the target against Sarah Palin she's responsible for deaths. Don't you know, and yet here's a whole store. That's called target with targets everywhere the bags have a target. The was has a picture that target as a target on their shared a target targets everywhere in there concern about me the title of the book. Not I'm read the book, nobody has it yet. I read the book.
Now, if I wrote a book that says that trains gendering in north new jersey, that would be right there on the top shelf, witnessed what is absolutely put a special flag on it and. how about jenny's parents have no business, meaning business annoying what their kid that narrative, That's right on the shelf. Everything's great are we hate bookie can imagine against donald trump, I'm sure they ve carried there. Not concern about that part of their Customer base thoroughly concerned about, while the Democrats there so sensed, don't you know. but this certainly does expose the problem, not just this, but a lot of a book tat in part talks about
so many things, but in this issue the corporatists and what they're doing these days and they just did it can't wait till this thing comes out, be honest with you that it can't wait. because all these books relate the what's taking place or some foresight. English or historical issue, I don't come on here and say: hey. Can I tell you about my new book on cooking chocolate chip, cookies baking? I guess they say, shows you how much I do the answers now cause then talking I'm hoping principles and ideas, I'm hawking history, I'm talking. I hope, together with you, whether we can save this this place or not.
Some deeply deeply concerned about it. As I know you are as well, and we should be more. I want to talk about this judge. Discharge this federal district judge louisiana. Do you know in obama bomb appointee, because MSNBC keeps changing his name, o bondo obama, pointy judge, tarried, dowered, doktor kitty, that's his name trop appointing. Now we have obama point appointees and remember, member one. The late great tron roberts got mad trump sent him a letter, Hey just cause her apartment point eight, but he's not. anybody letters now as a trumpet pointy must be bad. That explains everything.
Don't msnbc it thus the very soon, this level. Malcontents strange lineup of really some of the dumbest people ever walked. A crowd on the face of the earth. Terry dowdy, a louisiana fiddle. Judge rights, Harry blasphemy. My view- and I read this opinion along opinion- is fantastic issue. women are injunction tuesday, blocking certain federal agencies and officials, including the fbi, into permanent homelands health and human services from communicate the social media platforms, as my new hero man, why, the really comes after the attorney general's of Louisiana Missouri final, sudan, arguing that federal officials, Respect their mandates and contains a conservative speech throughout the pandemic, judged out, he wrote
better use likely to side with the players on the merits of the case, but issued a temporary injunction preventing communication between the government of big text, please say for matters pertaining to criminal activity or national security threats. Cases resolved now. We know the legal analysts, any leap, and we know the low iq hosts on Certain networks on a certain programmes, I judge dumb Joe. I don't know. I need their scope, a judge a age actually trap appointed for god's sakes. Okay,. That's right! The three studies on the supreme court. There geniuses shut up or I will continue. Opposition to cover nineteen vaccines, he wrote operas a covert nineteen masking and locked out
position in a lab league theory have covered nineteen opposition to the vote. of the twenty twenty election opposition at present finds policies statements, Hundred Biden, laptop story was true of the federal judge, continued. All were suppressed, did his homework. When you think he's elena kagan. Quite that each example. Category he wrote of suppressed speech was conservative in nature. This targeted suppression conservative ideas is a perfect example of viewpoints. Crimination, a political speech european citizens have the right to engage in free debate about the significant issues affecting the tree or thinking shops a target either mr, but is now The temporary injunction specifically named high ranking Biden officials cling to date
Secondly, I am I ask us and cyber security, Actress are creating see leader, Jen easterly centre, Eric schmidt user, served as the Missouri attorney general told january. Twenty twenty three applauded the decision Today's court, when is a huge win for the first time in a blow to censorship,. or will we in ministry of truth exposed he added a few hours later, and I love this guy- but see it's not orwellian ministry of truth. Is it now? Where does he say the democrat party? This is just like thing. Never would talk about marks. As you know, the progressives hero, the extreme orbital sent out a big government thou. Their marxist, they have taken marx's wanna leave, americanized that they ve tell it to our culture, and I think we ve I head with so no
need to be able to say or william mister oh well in ministry of truth, is fine, but it's the Democrats party iron fist, that's what it is safe. Counterpart louisiana attorney general Jeff Landry, with similar We pleased with the outcome, but outcome will be. senator Kennedy on their show. This probably eighth time, typically worth This day, that's tough for some centres and congressmen, some of them to make it a me lindsey grim. Then see no matter what they're doing in the senate, so we offered friday Presently there out friday, we wish to tell you that we really really try, but we can't do it. So I guess he doesn't come on the show. Mr Medina His loss, not mine, tell you that here we go We said the evidence in our case is shocking and offensive with senior
officials deciding that they could dictate what americans can and cannot. Sam facebook twitter two other platforms about covert nineteen elections witticism. Other government, more landry told the AP. You know these two guys would be great guests, why my wasting time with other big it could be greater Meanwhile, anonymous source in the white house. Condemned the rolling monmouth source Joe, are you there, Joe just checking on one hand, while others Ok, how did that get the white house never discuss business with hunter and I've never discuss cook came with artery that we have to at separate. We hold do this sort of it. We would never discuss protests though,
you currently enjoying the show on the stitched up, then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another pie cast out then follow this show their apple. spotify or wherever you listen? you're sitting to the best of mark club. Then I The prosecution on radio begin Joe Biden. gotta, be patient with ear folks working going to out. Let us in with our famous montage of many many years ago, but other hosts. Since been using mr produce on radio and tv alike,
This goes for the issue of Joe Biden, credibility. This man, who tells the truth as a man of character or easier demagogue, propagandists cereal liar. Come on go I was raised in the border region, community home passion for him. for details of the himalayas, she's, bring travel. Within my written extensively as a well. When I was a lie, Professor, I went to law school on a full academic scholarship. The only one in my in my class have a full academic scholarship was appointed to the academy in nineteen. Sixty While I didn't come to the because I wanted to be a football star, and you ve had a guy named Storbeck and billina here
want to delaware? I got started out of an hbc. You, delaware state, not to want to hear anything about dollar stage here. Ok, learn my folks back to law school and, in fact, ended up in the top half a mile I want the international mood court competition I was. There standing student in the political size department. At the end of my year, I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school at sixty credits. Only two hundred twenty three credit and I'd be delighted to sit, compare MIKE you two years if you'd, like I'm all hard, minor address I call scranton pennsylvania, my dad was not. I was he was a salesperson. He wasn't a coal miner. My great grandpa was my first job off were I want my wife to cease wife, and I want either because we do not just such a beautiful and-
in view of a job with boise cascade, I gotta commercial licence because my dad used to run an automobile ages to drive attraction and so I am a bit about driving big. It means that I've worked in the side. I deliberately went to work for three years and make sure I was the one guy, only white guy, the work, the side, because you know I want her to understand. I was involved in the civil rights movement, but what did you want to understand? What I want to understand? I didn't realize, for example, as the only lifeguard in the project pop was a bad dude and he ran a bunch of bad boards and juries up on board. One list measure esther you off the boardwalk come up and drag you are, he said, are we waiting for years nightmare? Three guys is straight raises, not a joke. I used to be a lifeguard for you
then, when I ran for the united states senate, they said well, why? Why do you want a twenty nine year old guy's only been a lifeguard, but the truth was as a practicing lawyer, I've been a public defender and I have my own small law firm, the first frost. He knew what was happening. It had a put on new issue wipers. They get literally the oil slick off the window. That's why so damn any other people. I grew up have cancer You call to make an incident drug for diabetes cos. invented by a man who did not patent because he wanted available for every vote You better have helicopters ready to take those three thousand civilians inside The greens are where I've been seven times and shot at recognize. My sunday uncle frank, the battle about anyone. Purple heart. you never received forgotten forebore. He had won the battle of bars. And I remember him over the house, and I can only should presented to him, ok with the family.
I watch what happens when the kids from parkland marched up to I met with him, and then he went off to up on the hill, as vice president and one of the hill to go to those neighbors. All those congressmen were like. No, I'm not I'm not here. I don't don't tell them. I'm around scottsburg that travel over a billion two hundred and fifty thousand miles on amtrak and one of the conductors know for years walked up aggression Joey. Maybe grab my two not a joke this day. Thirty years ago, nelson mandela worked out of prison and entered into discussions about apartheid eyed, the greater maybe you're right on our brain of rested with our you and acid or the streets of sweden. Trying to get to see him on robins island swear to god story. I swear to god to restore your store. God kid man. Now we think you're nuts actually.
Let us turn to MR producer is running for president zest, about nineteen. Eighty seven report, let's play on binds plagiarism law school. Please go ahead. I'll syracuse was bite and was involved in a plagiarism incident. He quoted five pages What else is work without proper citation? He was given an f but appealed to the faculty, and allowed to repeat the course we gotta be this comes in the middle another controversy about plagiarism, inviting campaign I met our daily dismiss charges that routinely adopts phrases from other politicians. Species called it much ado about nothing. Really mine said everyone does very the notion that every thought or notion or idea you have to go back and fine in a tribute to someone, I think, is quite frankly,
would agree to the political community in washington. It all seems of a piece of islamic law, school plagiarism and stop or examined, but this standard is not a measure of how we can evaluate the condition of our society. Can measure the health of our children. Our education, the joy Our play loses it sounded when Robert Kennedy said those words in nineteen sixty eight problems, product does not allow the health of our children there are other joy, we're play kennedy? No credit Course I did the same with neil kinnock. labour party leader one time Written and he's done it over and over and over again lying again today, I want to go to cut numbered. MR producer there's biden in south carolina west colombia, south carolina can't go to California,
Category illinois cake oda michigan can go to new york, can't go to new jersey can go to the most populous. Blue states. The nation to talk about the economy is to go to the red states where he goes. takes credit. What's being done in the red states they're following reagan, I cut to go earlier. We heard the leadership. They say that sixty million dollars is progressing well. Eighteen hundred jobs across the country. Of six hundred permanent jobs right here in south carolina, all a direct result of the so called inflation reduction act. I wrote rewrote That's it. That's a lousy the past, where so much money is coming. It make all this happened by the way for better clean. I want you to hear about the deficit
The deficit, one point: seven trillion dollars in two years nobody's ever done, get one point: seven, even hapless low rated in the back how a democratic party constipated news network cnn has said. This is a lie. Oh they say it's not true. Not true is a lie. He didn't cut one point: seven trillion first had a once every month he talks, but all the new spending, the other, how he cut now for most of us that doesn't add up, Joe binds a liar and its work with his back? lying has been very effective, so he does it. So that's second nature to him its first nature to him. The deficit was caught, cos
call by one point seven trillion dollars, because the covert funds were spent in the prior years? We're not passed again, they're gone. back two hundred billion of which they don't. You know where they went so that funding for the pandemic is not new funding anymore I mean that's how he caught one point: seven trillion dollars. He says through his jean nobody's every time this before Gets down like an old man on a corner wearing a raincoat hayleigh girl, then you know: he's he's lost
In fact the analyses tell us that, but for that fact, Joe Biden, this deficit would be far greater than the deficits and the overall debt that he's creating. She hasn't cut one penny in the deficit, not one Damn penny and there is out there claiming have a cut one point: seven trillion dollars. He can't help it when he called himself corncob or something corncob can help corn pop- that was a corn pop cereal, rye corn pops. But you understand. Esther ass to get off their platform on coal and Joe Esther he's a tough guy. You know you gotta get another talk. Tough guy. But I want you to listen to this one. In particular, this is a real doozy cut, forego
from the very search. Now when I ran like I liked it proposes it's the and that made a commitment is it for all americans what their elected officials voted for events, or not all, wherever you want. I kept my promise in fact some analysis and said it was. Sign- do work red america and bloom. That's ok! With me role: america my view. Is wherever the most that's the place, we should be helped. That's overdue, The way I look at the progress we are making good for all. We close, I'm not here to declare victory. On the contrary, I am here to say: we have a plan is turning round quickly. We have a lot more work.
He really is a punk. People are flocking. To the south in the southeast. Here luneburg reports two point: two million people move to the south, he's in just over the last two years. Roughly the population of Houston, texas just in the last two years. the south is growing. This Greece is growing, so paris, is growing states all republicans Florida, texas, georgia, south carolina tennessee naval north carolina aren't contributing more to their national gross domestic product than the northeast with its work,
going new york, Boston carter accorded a government figures. The switch happen during the pandemic and shows no signs of reverting a fly of transplants help steer about a hundred billion dollars and no income to the south east in twenty twenty twenty twenty one alone, whether northeast blood out sixty billion, Don't I analyses that's why the red states are growing. In spite of this fight this clown in the oval office. Then I heard our dear friend jessica, tar love and there but she's quite intelligent pizza, tolerable level. You know, does it.
Do your skin, like some liberals, but nonetheless she made a point. That's been said over and over and over again in the years since I've been behind this microphone, and it's been a point that doesn't get answered. That's what I'm here for rather than the five we'll call this the six today, She said the blue states or subsidizing the red states and federal taxes. New york subsidizing alabama, the federal government it's more tax revenue from new york, then it gets from alabama alabama gets more federal money. I assume she meant prick.
but our, however, then new york and our dear friend great got felt so I don't have internet. Ok, that's what I'm for I'm number six, the five on the sixth, nobody subsidizing! Anybody I just posted on social media. The federal government runs massive yearly deficits, massive. we have nearly thirty two trillion dollar debt, it's actually over three hundred trillion when you include entitlements, That means is the money, the fellow It raises from taxpayers, doesn't even come close to the mountain borrowing and spending that's taking place to the amount of printing that's taking place. It doesn't even come close to the amount of tax
that, I repeat, person in every state is paying cumulatively to the federal government, so that's subsidizing. Anybody. California is not subsidizing, anybody blows, states earns rising red states, the federal government, subsidizing everything and anything in every one, which is why I regard broke. But you see when things don't make sense- and you know when your gut. But it's not true, you know you got that doesn't add up. Then saying he spending like a drunken marxist but on the other hand, is cutting the dead. You know that can't be true or their blue. Bates had gone to hell are subject, I think red states that are better growing, subsidizing red states. The economic
Action is going on in this country, the growth, their prosperity. it's happening in red states not exclusively, but mostly because the productive elements more and more in these blue states our lives this states that are going to read states, which is exactly why job I was in South carolina taking credit What's going on, and I read state and red states: what are you sure Blow state taking quitted further depressions that he is created there. van. Everyone makes your weekend even that here this is the best of mark le then, and I read something. actually was, but a year or so ago mark season that I thought was
very good. You never get around this I was doing research from my book. I put it in a special file. I said to myself: I can touch this. Allah Joe Biden talk about race. He nominates jackson, To be the first black woman, The supreme court right. Here's what mark thieves and does to remind us from eighty. I very good pcs and opinion writer. The washed and compost So present buying once credit for nominating the first black woman to the supreme court. Here's. The shameful irony. Senator Biden warned president george w bush that if he nominated the first black woman to serve on the supreme court, he would buster
Children are nomination The story begins. Twenty o three, when bush nominated judge, janis, rogers brown genius but away To serve on the Eu S, court of appeals for the district of columbia circuit, the apollo court in Washington DC, circuit is considered the country second, most important corn and its produce more supreme court justices Other federal court brown was immediately hailed as potential cream court nominee. Highly qualified having serve for seven years. As you said, The chief justice, the california supreme court, by the way the black woman to do that. Was the daughter and granddaughter of sharecroppers. But rural alabama during the dark days of segregation, when her friend We refuse to enter restaurants or theatres with separate interests for black customers.
She rose from poverty and put herself through college, and you see ellie law. Schools are working single mother. She was a self made african american legal star, but she was enough. Logan conservative, so Biden set up to destroy her. Finally, this fellow democrats filibustered your nomination, along with several other bush circuit, Court nominees all of whom had majority support in the senate below Great columnist, Robert Novak called it the first false eleven in american history were present. from breaking a federal judge or federal judges. He wants Derek. Its argued that she was out of the legal mainstream. Of course, anybody To the right of march are illegal, mainstream public interest It should read more majority opinions than any. The justice when the california supreme court,
and she was re elected was seventy six percent of the vote, eyes. Prison draw all the justices on about which can approve, Democrats point. Doesn't it their main stream, democratic, derailed or nomination bush renominated or in two thousand five brown was Eventually confirm fifty six to forty three. If the Democrats released her and several other bush nominees in exchange for republican agreement, not to eliminate the filibuster fringe judicial nominations that came up I them in the estimate mine voted. Twice. That is a second time against renomination. He never explained why. In a brown was so radical Democrats letter through by killed to another bush nominees Why cause by has changed america, as you will see in the new book. Any more than lyndon johnson train anymore
franklin roosevelt changed. They were all races. It was about power, that's all what do you want To be today, so I could be president The following month, when justice Sandra day, o connor, announced a retirement Brown was on bushes shortlist, replace it she would have been the first black woman, Every nominated to serve as an associate chestnuts on the supreme court and by the way, I think she could even defined what womanish if qualified than jackson in every respect, but Joe Biden, one out of his way he appeared on CBS, is faced a nation to warn that if the boy not the bush nominated brown, she would face hey fella, buster Said I can assure you.
There will be a very, very, very difficult fight and she probably would be filibuster Biden, said. Is by moderator John roberts. Wasn't it just confirmed. that John roberts. I love this John Robertson fuck. He is fantastic anyway by applied that the supreme court is a totally different ballgame because quota circuit court judges bound by star decisive, they don't get to make new law. By the threatened was unprecedented theirs I ve been a successful filibuster of an hour. for social justice in the history, the republic, vine wanted to make a black woman. The first in history, to have an nomination killed by filibuster. Bush eventually nominated sam Alito course. I was fantastic. And always not a woman, I know- is not black, but he still fantastic, In a bind cause the filibuster, a relic of the Jim crow era,.
What I mean this is why I'm doing all this pulling this all together for you to relegate the Jim crow era why he's the one who did it. But he threatened to use that relic as a tool to keep a black woman who eventually actually lived under who actually lived under Jim crow off the highest court in the land. The irony is that now he wants to get rid of the filibuster and claim credit for putting first black woman on the court. since what he does, MR plagiarism, isn't it what he was doing today in south carolina taking credit for all the? In testing policies and hard work, public and governors and legislators There are many concerns on bushes shortlist, whose philosophy, bush Biden opposed, but by an only I must have filibuster the one black woman. Why.
Perhaps a clue lies in another confirmation, fight that Biden help wage. Two thousand one democrats blocked the nomination of Miguel strata the serve on the EU s court of appeals for the D c circuit court internal strategy mammals obtained by the wall street journal and by the which appear in a book. heard of men in black. They targeted estrada at the request of interest groups who said Strata was called especially dangerous why cosy latino. And the white house seems to be grooming and for a supreme court appointment, that's a quote: unquote, they didn't want republican put the first hispanic on the supreme court, so In his fellow democrats here strategy nomination. The first escort nominee in history is successfully filibuster. This was
the strategy he paid off one President Barack Obama nominated Sonia sotomayor as the first hispanic justice see our work. Democratic commitment, a diverse is a ruse says these. My was willing to destroy the careers of an accomplished latino laurina, respected black female judge and stop Republicans Putting either on the supreme court for Democrats, It's all about identity, politics told about power. Indeed, by might not have become president. Had he not made the pledge to nominate a black woman to the supreme court I must help secure the endorsement of representative james kleiber, what one by the south. Carolina primary and rescued is faltering campaign. Joe Biden tries to bask in the glory of historic nomination. Remember
we're Janice rogers brown, the black woman, who does sit on the supreme court today, because I'd is Jim crow, like disgraceful obstruction. Did you know that mr produce. Is this guy not as sleazy as they get. people focus on his old age dimension mention it sometimes, but I focus much more. On his absolute, I can character. this man or do anything so anything be anything you want nineteen. Seventy three, a racist, segregationist twenty twenty three there are great white savior. and everything in between and he doesn't give it m about you, your kids, you does it give it! about your family, he doesn't give a damn about the
image does to the country. It's all about Joe tall about Joe and a hundred picked up on that quite well, don't fall for their free phone. The us from verizon eighteen to your t, mobile folks, just another trick the lock you into a long term contract. That's gonna cost you a fortune every single month instead get a brand new iphone, twelve from pure talk for just twelve bucks a month at zero percent interest. No contract cancel or leave any time get a new phone ultra fast five g service and cut your cell phone bill in half. That's why I'm a pure- Talk! Customer! That's why you should be to you can switch right now, a pure talk that come in as little as ten minutes choose from a variety of unlimited talk and text plant, starting at thirty bucks a month with plenty of high
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but on a run, the show as a congo line for candidates just to kill time, sometimes on friends with the candidate. So at a respect I'll do it sometimes candidates. Second third place worth a shot, But if you're a five percent or under four percent or under the maybe we'll bring you wanna. Maybe we won't, we don't bring Kennedy, on all the time, the most of the time the candidates contact us and if I put on ladies and gentlemen candidates who want to come on this programme every time they ask, we would have a candidate every day five days a week will be no, MR producer, would you where would you want to listen to that? I dont side figure doing you doc. so we try and spread it out from time to time.
and I would say this, what we are learning here. It is But these candidates have campaigned staff said a really whips mark on the ball. And some of them have arrogant purposes. Nah not gonna, get into who right now. but it really is amazing. we've asked two or three times he wouldn't bring us. I am sorry, Do I owe you something so a matter keeping people off to matter keeping listeners he's alive in this country. It's not. I job to make sure your candidate does better in the polls. It's my job to inform my audience who's been, would mean, Were twenty years about what I think of the priorities going on in this country, the threats we face, witchery infinite
I just wanted to make that clear to them now the wall street journal several decades ago thirty years ago. I think everything it was two thousand to actually took Position that we should have open borders, the late great Robert bartley. He was the journals editor for many decades before apology got stepped in. and on July three, two thousand. He wrote a piece Editorial page and was titled liberties flame beacons a bit brighter. they said. Is one of this newspapers proud little traditions, the fourth of July, we off
an editorial, salute the immigration back in the? patient debate of nineteen? Eighty four, we proposed a five where constitutional amendment. There shall be open borders. We have repeated this periodically since, under our editorial headline, invoking liberties torch, the rekindled flame as I work this open borders stuff. I would ask the wall street journal editorial page. We ve now had experience with an under Joe Biden has had a good thing. Hundreds thousands, dead from drug overdoses, including fetnah drug cartels,. Controlling our border, sex trafficking of women and little children. The government any able to track young people who
Come into this country, even though their supposed to track them. Bring them putting them out as fast as I can add to the general public. Were there now being basically indentured servants? Can anybody think, if anything, good come out of open borders, so the street journal editorial page in a radical position was a hundred So rock. But this is the mentality. Maybe they changed their view, but this is the mentality they started with, that Paul got thee Individual there now is the edit, rob. Listen I've known policy go for decades in don't really talk. But when he calls me mark eleven, when he knows it's love, em I'll call him port pause. You got regs produce So here's this editorial. Why six twenty twenty three in the wall street journal decide to scrap
down will exacerbate the states labour shortage while doing nothing to fix, binds border failures. Plata governor out they really like Chris Christie. They want Chris Christie, the b the nominee. They would do anything for Chris Christie. They were peggy noon and I'll get to her later with her peace. Forty governor on two sentences. He cannot make record may be the biggest selling point of his presidential campaign. Eddies doing neither his state nor campaign to favour one enemy. Incorrect crackdown that looks excessive and may do economic damage in the fast growing state. most of these guys who write what in putting their names on these editorials, their built like pairs? I dont perishing. Autonomy must reduce, which can happen if you set too long And I don't know the less time policy god has been to the border or not, quite frankly,
Mr decide to sign legislation and may that he claimed with combat binds border crisis, but the law which took effect let's see her last week, does nothing to stem the flow of migrants. Taking advantage of the Biden. Lack border last week does nothing to stem the flow of migrants taking advantage of the Biden situate. How do they know this. Didn't they just say just cited in the law must reduce, while their pressure The law requires employers were twenty five or more workers. Do you? U s government see verifies system to confirm the legal statute of state some new hires those who don't could be Two thousand hours a day sounds pretty good to me. I mean either you can have a law and enforce. Are you not systems that knowingly employ undocumented immigrants can have their state licences and permits revolt.
Employers may lay off workers, they suspect or illegal, to protect himself. It's not a good thing. This sense like a great law by the way, because that's why people are pouring into florida, not manhattan or the wall street journal editorial pay just is housed an estimated seven hundred. Seventy two thousand undocumented immigrants. This is how they write whilst region had illegal aliens. I on argument inimical. They talk like the left lived in, Lord and twenty eighty, many of whom have been there for years and contributes significantly The state economy- here you go construction. Agriculture. Hospitality depend heavily on undocumented workforces, not least because of a shortage of u s. Workers for such lower wage and unskilled jobs that we hear this endlessly america.
How many more allowances are gonna take for the wall street journal and the other border pacifists too. Bitten by reality, how many more millions and millions of aliens is going to take. They use the same line every time jobs. Americans want do. If you have liberty and security dusted off. dust. It often go to the immigration chapter. With its entire ruse about america, How do these low skilled, unskilled, low, paying jobs is a lie? It is a flat lie. It is a stereo type, a negative stereotypes of americans. Employers in these industries are reporting that they have been losing long time. Employees and cant find new ones to replace them, or why did they hire them in the first place and when they
higher them illegally. Why didn't they take steps to bring them through the legal process? Is that the fault A governor you're trying to secure his state the wall street journal. After all, not the main street journal. Many workers who are here illegally are worried. They will be found out. And some are moving to other states accorded a half of workers are reportedly gone missing from some construction. cited south florida The main reason for that is what florida will not wilma. Honor. Driver's license given to illegal aliens in other states because it does not give drive licences to illegal aliens that is identification for lotteries, including voting. Far as a top producer tomatoes, oranges of cactus get about here,.
The crop farm workers lack legal immigration status. Now, how do they know that if they know that, how is it that all the illegal elections we undocumented workers, are here. something of your nose of the law just because a chimney gratian law just because You are policies that you have believed for dec Tat are so radical and so I drink to the nation that you know leave that a governor should secure his border to protect People are in a state, is obnoxious. We can have legal immigration, but not as long as the borders open, nothing's, legal. namely the wall street journal, can tell us,
Many members of the drug cartels from central and south america are in miami or other cities in floor. How much fat knows in florida as a result of their failure to secure the border, how many unwritten? crimes I can play this game of occurred in florida is a result of these are. border policy. They don't care and I don't know, one grower and homestead told the Just tell em mondo, that's great that she Struggled defined workers since the law passed quote south it does economy here and arms, that is, agriculture. Most of them, we know- are undocumented. She said who's going to harvest. in a we even have we
so laws my wife used to work in this field? This in her area. But it is one of the things she was responsible for the deputy general council for company. there's like scores of various types of ie is that can be given out, including for harvesting. You know farming seasonal visas and so forth and they are used and people use them and the wall street journal editorial page knows this, but doesn't communicated to you The problem is that these temporary visas and after their they don't leave supporter wall street journal just keep bringing people in don't enforce any other laws. Don't enforced Neither visa requirements and limitations just keep the cycle going and going and going and going because they talk about the farms, but they don't go to the farms to talk about the border, but they don't go to the ball
Demand for services and housing or surging amid flawed as population boom. That means more Workers are needed to build homes, change hospital beds, sir sing home patients, meals, keep restaurants, open, listen to house stereotypical and. They sound like radical. They sell like elsie trash? The american people they satellite Bernie sanders use You are my kids, shoes I want to build homes but for immigrants trickle illegal immigrants, we were shooting. We wouldn't be building homes, wouldn't be changing. a bed And be serving nursing home patients, we wouldn't have our restaurants open, had a crap. Is this, this war,
at this stage economic expansion, which has produced a jobs and tax revenue boom and an affordable standard of living for nearly everyone, and it goes on its really quite detestable. Cyprus is right: lambasting bind administration in congress for their migration failures. They polarized the issue politically made solutions. Much more difficult makes no sense for MR de scientist upon it his own state, even as he vowed to clean up the mess, and why won't you clean up the mess in the air toil page room at the wall. Street journal and to tell the american people you favour open borders. You attack From time to time, a bunch only doing what you lectured about a couple of decades back. really appallingly stupid piece. You could do better than that. I mean there's like sexy. You sit around the table.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-09.