« Mark Levin Podcast

The Best Of Mark Levin - 7/29/23


This week on the Mark Levin Show, the Democrat Party is creating another phony issue to upset Black Americans to try and create a permanent smear of Ron DeSantis. A committee of scholars in Florida put together a thorough course on slavery – and the left is trying to say DeSantis wants the school children to learn that slavery was a good thing. Does that make any sense? Also, we have a bureaucracy that tells us how to cook our food, what kinds of homes we can have, and what kind of car we can drive. This comes from bureaucrats who we didn’t vote for. We’re going down a slippery slope at a high speed. The judge in the Hunter Biden federal court case put her foot down and refused to sign off on the corrupt plea deal, forcing Hunter to plead not guilty instead. The Hunter Biden deal was a way to cover up, censor, and kill any attempt to investigate Joe Biden, and Merrick Garland and the DOJ were all in on it. Jack Smith violated DOJ regulations when he had a grand jury in the wrong venue in Washington D.C. when all of Donald Trump’s activity occurred in Florida at Mar-A-Lago. The entire purpose of the Hunter Biden plea deal was to cover up and protect the Biden Crime Family, and now it is collapsing to the point of labeling Hunter Biden as a foreign agent. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast as presented exclusively by my favorite allegiant america, hillsdale college, which proudly refuses every penny, government funding to remain independent. Thank you for listening My sincere appreciation. Ale stay up for their sponsorship quiet in the underground bunker door, first blocks bolted. What the great isn't just resting on our laurels: he's I'm sure, you'll weekend is even better by giving you is best. This is the asked more mark. Did you know that rhonda santas supports slavery? why in fact rhonda santas once the school children in florida to learn that.
Slavery was a good thing. He learned all kinds of cool skills from slavery. Now, let's stop right there, a minute full of you who are rational, zen, make any sense to you. Does that sound, like ron decided to steer see Democrats can never actually run against their opponents. they have to lie about them and try and destroy them. The scientists doesn't believe slavery was a good thing. In committee, a scholars who put together a very thorough course. On slavery, among other things, And led by african americans, including two f, americans in particular, they didn't say that slavery was a good thing.
What they said was an essentially is horrific as it was and is horrific as it is. People learn some skills that they were able to you. Later in life. That is what they're saying now is a pro slavery statement by the scientists and his government. Those over a hundred. Ninety bullets in this. curriculum. I went through a number of them. It is the most thorough discussion of slavery. I've ever seen it doesn't make the united states
look good snap pro slavery, it doesn't, it doesn't play down slavery. Quite the contrary. It's in your face. It's very blunt. Here is scott journeying, cnn senior political commentator on CNN yesterday. Cut fifteen go was using the me that how little calmly apparently has to do this. You can read something twitter one day and be on an airplane the next to make up Nothing literally out of nothing. This is a completely made a deal. I look at the standards. I even look at an analysis of the standards in every Since, where the word slavery or slave was used even read the statement of the african american scholars that wrote the standards, not rhonda scientists, but the scholars
everybody involved in their says. This is completely a fabricated issue and yet look how quickly calmly harris jumped on it. So the fact that this is her best moment, a fabricated matter, is pretty ridiculous and I've been with because the democratic party cannot survive without racism. Anti black race some through most of his history anti white racism today and then they protect under republicans with they in their party did to the country, and I write about this extensively, my new book eugene robinson who did not look at the standards Going about normalizing unique horror of slavery in florida curriculum And a navarro, who is a psychopath into languages, She's on the view she clearly didn't look at all with stands a sheet and look at anything and
she's trashing screaming at the said this for a whitewashing slavery. He did no such thing. and there are others, of course, come Allah harris trying to exploit it, because khumalo harris doesn't have anything. Certainly nothing substantive. Then they turned to come Allah Harris. Maybe turn to herself the trying exploit this, which is outrageous. So Florida has not done what they say. Flirted dead rhonda say this didn't write The standards he pointed the people there is nothing wrong with the standards. If you go through look at all of them, including this one one of a hundred ninety two, and so this is a complete,
leave phony issue that they're trying to use the upset black americans in this country to create a permanent smear under santa? So this is what everybody thinks about when they hear his name, and this is what the democrat party does. Every fascistic and marxist regime to ever exist on the face the year did what the democratic party is done, and so they ll From controlling the language controlling the thought process, that's what this is about here. She is, as an example, cut fourteen go extremists pass. to prevent them. from learning our true history bands in this year of our lord twenty twenty three.
And while they do this check it out, they push forward revisionist history, Yesterday, in the state of florida they decided middle school students will be taught that enslaved people benefited from slavery, They insult us in an attempt to gaslight us and we will not stand for it. She's a nut, she's, a race baiter, and I think enough of this country. Now has embraced race baiting that its problem. everything she said is a lie where she fact track. By the new york times the wash and posted they fact tracker they, when I look at all the standards, including this one and so.
They insult us in an attempt to gaslight us and we will not stand for it how she hopes they get votes first of all. Harris cheer party that enslaved black people, it's my party that led a civil war to free them, and it's my republican president's lincoln grant, among others who did exactly that. and it's your party for a hundred years after the end of the civil war, whether its policy versus ferguson, segregation separate but equal, is equal to your party that prevented black people from voting in the south, with a variety of of obstacles created, your party did
My party opposed it nineteen fifty seven. It was our president joint eyes, an hour, a republic who, personally Nineteen fifty seven civil rights act and it was your guy, johnson who watered down in nineteen, sixty Another sovereign right, jack past push by eisenhower's, well you're guys watered down that one too linda jobs, lineage And what did it take credit for being a civil rights leader, is leading the southerners in the senate to water down these bills. Nineteen sixty four, the civil rights act, Eighty percent of the republic to the house and the Senate voted for sixty nine none of the Democrats in the Senate voted for it and he's
percentage smaller than the Republicans voted for it in the house same with nineteen sixty five civil rights act that your party that took the grand kriegel a west region Barbara made him the leader, your party, in the same. majority leader. I majority later your president, Joe Biden, a man whom you share the man to whom you Vice president of the united states, who opposed integrating our public school system where blacks and whites calling it a jungle for his children,. I don't even have to go back a hundred years. Your man did that, and you told us that so eloquently during the debate
you're such a hack you're such a power hungry, nothing that when they offered your vice president eager barely control yourself, that's the truth. they don't teach that in school and of our oh, you moron, they not teach that of school. Do they jean Robinson, you cloud they don t any that in our schools, do they was a Democrat who was present of the confederacy surrounded by democratic generals was a democrat general during the confederacy who, after the civil war for the complex clan, My republican president Ulysses s grant said the united states army into their south destroy the clan and almost dead. Your party, the democrats in the mid term elections, took her house. I cut off
funding for the army to go down south and finish the job. Anybody know that now you know, how do you like me, teaching history and I come on- I'm not that I'm not done. The democratic party that supported lynchings, including including in their platforms, it franklin, rose about what a being put on his desk.
I buy partisan bill a federal law to outlaw he refused to sign it. That's your party how about that history- and it was Joe Louis who back. lucky for president, a republican against franklin rows of and when it was asked. Why said, because rose about won't, stop lynching in this country, Fused, a sign that bill, party nineteen, thirty, six that invited all the white members of the electric light to the wider For example, on a black man, you may have heard of jesse owens. I once was asked about this
Graffiti said hitler didn't not me, I didn't see. Hitler rose about snub me. He never told to me- and I invite everyone to the white house, but he didn't invite me. This is the democratic party that and a hundred more facts that you'll find the democratic party hey America you wanna go further. Mr producers is helping. Eugenics was something so called progressive, were pushing pushing hard. Why? Because these marxist believe in the perfection of society through experts.
But society could never be as perfect as the progressives wanted. As long as there were people, they believed were inferior in positions that they didn't think they should be in. You want a more perfect society. You gotta clean up. The population woodrow Wilson was not alone in this regard, but he was the president and he and his fellow Democrat Margaret sang replant parenthood supported eugenics to use against quote idiots other people and black.
Want to hear more when he was president of princeton university bragged that not a single black was admitted to princeton when he was president of princeton. You want to hear more republicans before woodrow wilson, Theodore About howard taft, these segregated the federal government days. Aggregated the military You know Aris aggregated em, a Democrat woodrow wilson. Anybody been taught us. Woodrow, Wilson blocked blacks from getting sick, positions in the federal government. Fact he forced most of them out and any black person who wanted a position in the civil service for the first time ever photographs for weeks. To be presented along with resonates G
wonder why. I got a million of them. right now I friends, Twenty twenty two as history, but have you thought about what you do and twenty twenty three? How will you make it better than last year? That's why I've a challenge for you resolve to be Am a better educated american look every new year is a new opportunity, so I have a great way for you to make the most of this one. The good folks at hillsdale college. You have made their amazing online courses free for all wish to learn my challenge. To take just one of these fantastic courses. You can discuss but the beauty of the bible. In the genesis story study the writer so cs Lewis or explore the true meaning of america in constitution- one oh one. There are many more to choose from and all these self paced free courses feature hillsdale faculty and scholars. So visit la
In four hills doubt icon and pick one of more than thirty three hills del courses. I hope you will accept my challenge. Pickwick every course you lie. and resolved to be a more educated, american and twenty twenty three girl event from helstone outcome alleviation, fray hills, delta com and start your free course today, maybe you're weekend even better. This is the best. Mark Levin, all I can do is. this enormous amount of research try and lay out any compelling an interesting way and put a between two covers. And given a name and offered to you, it's called a book. I can't do any more than there and. I'm just concerned: I'm just concerned.
the people who really know what we're dealing with the democratic party. People think we know, but we doubt that you will those of you who pre ordered. I want to thank you because, obviously,. You stole engage even though its summer time, even though there is a thousand other things going on when you what's going on in this country, losing it is an understatement. Losing it is an understatement. or more than losing in many ways we ve lost. We now The bureaucracy that tells us how to cook our food. We now have a bureaucracy that tells us. Where we're going to live, what kind of homes were going to have.
Single family homes are gonna, be banned, the combustion engine is going to be banned. Whenever bureaucracy telling us and of automobile weakened one. they're gonna tell us, we can have an automobile the slippery slope. We are going down that slope had hypersonic speed. and one day will be to shoot me one day. It will be just too late. It will be too late because the damage chicken control, all the instrumentality of government policy Mentalities of the culture which they do now. They're gonna control social media, they're gonna control speech, which their working on diligently right now.
There won't be a court in the land the independent anymore. Megan saw you want to marry the first. This book I compare the united states, Takes place in communist china, fascistic russia, this isn't written for the left and you're gonna see some similarities needs here. They are. they're, gonna scare, the hell out of here. You know they have elections to over. There. But they know who's going to win in advance, so they pretend they pretend there having elections, but their non of election. we're about an eyelash away from that of what's taking place. took place in the last election. This is why you know how to talk about it
why they're trying to destroy the careers of lawyers who litigated against every allegation was an accurate? Some of them were quite cockamamie, but some of course significant, particularly on the law on the constitution. So the electoral process is a mess, gonna get worse and really for the day credits, the citys, the icing on the cake. Why These changes are being imposed on you right now. All these costs now all of a sudden, your washing machines, not good enough. Your dishwashers, my good enough air conditioning unit, ura europe. Water heaters, not good enough that combustion engine-
like a worthy coming from bureaucrat. You did vote for this. Your representatives didn't do this, but they ve changed our constitutional system to an unconstitutional says with the help of the courts, but it all started pretty much unwrapped the yard, but it's really hit hyper Feed right now, when you read this book, you're going to find out who exactly Biden met with. whose advising him on a regular basis, you'll, be shocked? What's motivating this guy. But I've turn of my wife who standing here and I say to her- I don't think.
That even my audience is gonna he's gonna jump in summer time. Many people dispirited. They see what is being done to Donald trump, they see what happened to people Henry six than turn up peaceful protesters. Many of you are frightened this whole project might be for not named I'll get out of the writing business. it will get out of the whole. Damn business, unfortunately soaked in this stuff every day and all night.
every day and all night, maybe I'll start running novels and don't think I can back of the shot. People just get lost in things like everybody else, but I don't think I can and like I can. I fought hard to get enough copies this book, so each and every one of you can get one eye Hard to make sure retailers would carry the carrier make it convenient for you. I promoted in early because I know how the amazon, Algorithm works, the more priorities you get, the better the discount. So that's going on. I have decided to do three books, signings, and I should tell you I don't.
I love doing the book signings, but it it can be a dangerous situation. Today, when I mean it's not. It's not as easy as it used to be a reality that way. I'm gonna do some tv. views do as many as I normally do, I'm just not. You think my wife who standing and then the cynical people out there let your wife now she's, very tough on me, my box, they'll known as tough as me,. So I'm done, I ask where every time I asked in amerika marxism- I said I don't know this might be too complicated. She said now this is important for on this one. I get advice from her and so forth.
She insists it's the best book ever written ever. But I don't think the early searle sales are indicating that much excitement our. I can't tell you folks, everything Le nonfiction side, our early sales are beating everybody else. below them away, they're not at a standard that I think, is necessary. to engage this enemy, the democratic party, I've talked This before- and I m not the first to say, it philosopher- been saying it for five thousand year: ideas of consequence, so called climate
and they d growth movement. It's a communist movement can idea at first half a century ago, and here it is Ruling and ruining our lives marxism was an idea, an idea. hundred million people lost their lives with billions. Enslaved starts had an idea. The american experiment is an idea: constitutional system, checks and balances separation of powers to ensure, What's happening to our country today wouldn't happen or a country today starts out as an idea.
I said a friend of mine today, zingiber driver, but he's a friend and I said to him: what does the democrat party I don't mean redistributing wealth infrastructure, so what does it build? That's lasting at humane. that promotes unalienable right. What is a built bills? Nothing. What would this country be like today. If there was never a democrat boy, We wouldn't have a civil war. We wouldn't have irrigation. For one hundred years we wouldn't have had eugenics.
And I go down the list, we much different country, much better country. So should they be held accountable, should they responsible for a list? the camorra, Harrison only she lying about the sadness, but how dare her get up there. You're not at least say my party was reached Possible for slavery in the united states of america, for at least is persistence, Isn't she at least admit that. So many the other horrors that have taken place in this country as a result of the democratic party We cannot allow this to continue anymore and at times black racism known a tie, white racism at thyssen, material in the thirties and fortys anti semitism today now pushes
economic marxist movement. It's behind not us for the average citizen goes to work every day, breaks or ass. I gazed consequence. Their ideas are impoverishing us in the past. They ve killed us Their destroying our society, their ideas have created more murder in the streets, more drug cartels, activity, more sex trafficking on the border, that's their ideas. Those are our ideas. Where were they rule it's worse? Nobody,
To be in the big cities anymore, lest they have to be, unless they take chances, nobody's gonna, walk down a main street in philadelphia. Pennsylvania intertwined michigan, los angeles, California, in chicago illinois,. At midnight, or one in the morning, unless they're out of their minds, whether you're black white or immature, less you're out of your mind, you're, not even going to drive a car down the streets because you don't want to be hijacked. What's that oliver, the democrat party puts power. Above people puts power of country, puts their party above everything else. That's what communist slash marxist parties do. They are the country it's their way or the highway
and so I have a couple knucklehead professors here, which will get to say that Biden should ignore. The court wanted an agreement that is tyranny there. there are ten years, should be yanked studies Celebrated his deep thinkers, nothing deep about them. In my view, their evil, but they believe it look at these hearings happy. I was blowers iris, whistle blowers, material witnesses, fax texts, emails, laptops, Democratic party doesn't want to hear a thing about because it will take their man down and their man pussy. I q of a come quite. Is surrounded by marxists obama types who believe in potent quote phenomena
transforming america and bind those still because he's figure, that's how he became president threaten with this crap? Would it be the senator, throw him with the southern segregationist teddy at three When would the northeastern marxists, That means you go whether they can an engine in your car when. Our energy independence in Japan, I, how allowed for energy or food. that means you're committee, You're gonna be destroyed by hud. If that means your inconvenienced too damn ben too damn bad. Anyway, so long way of saying, I hope, you'll take a look at those book, hoping it priorities in its forty percent off
we be her three hours a day five days a week, but you can get lost this book and keep it on your shelf and pass it every family member you have ideas have consequences. We Yet our ideas out there, it's over said simple if somebody else writing books like this, then tell me who they are his But he also has a book like this out there. Let me know who it is I'll, promote the hell out of there. but they dont mark You currently enjoying the show on the stitched up, then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another part cast out then follow this show their apple
spotify or wherever you listen, you're sitting to the best of mark Laverne. I hear people say rick complicated. What happened in federal court today in Wilmington, delaware, with a federal judge, their very complicated, everything everything blew up the sky hard deal and so for the judge. Is Mary Ellen the and has reminded over and over again she was appointed by president trump and, as I remind you over and over again at the district court level, that federal trial court lever level. A president makes these are Immense, but has to make the appointment with the support.
of the senators in their state or they can their support in blocking a nomination forever. So it is Tromp appointee in Joe Biden, state and so Biden or his people the two fake senators from though Had to go along with a bit, so that's neither here nor there. So what happened today. This judge whomever she is whatever her background. Put her foot down. She did something that not a single federal drudge in washington dc asda, not one. A more on that later to because those judges are in the tank for the department of justice there in the tank for the government,
in the tank for the binds effectively. Some of them are republicans, but they come out of the department of justice, and these are their bodies. The very upset were trump, and so constantly ruling against tromp unrolling against his people, but most of these cases, wind up in front of but not exclusively, obama, when it judges is that a trump upon a there and these he who's a complete department of justice, hack, complete hack, Again more later, we have discussed- Phony deal at length on the show twice take the time.
Sometimes an hour sometimes to three shows: go over these. That's what I do, because I want to be educating people about what's take place and what's going on take place. The hunter by india was an effort to cover up then sensor then kill any. Astrogation into Joe, but the question is one will Merrick arlene and the other I am a Biden marxists, who run the d o J, be directly exposed and held to account. There's been no talk today. Lots of talk, lots of good, but no talk today about. senior officials at the department of justice, and that has to be married, garlon, lisa monica,
The deputy attorney general the head of the criminal division as well, the director, the fbi, Christopher re, moron, him later they all had to be in on it. They all had to be in or because David Weiss, this guy, they keep talking about. He reports to merrick garland. He doesn't have an end power. Garland says: oh, yes, he does. I gave it up, but you didn't appoint a musician. Council. So you didn't give him independent peril. There's nothing in writing. So the question is: when will merit garland in the other obama Biden marxist, who run the department of justice, be directly exposed and our due account the Mob lawyers are destroying our country. Now. This deal never made sense to anyone. You ought to be a lawyer.
it? Was a brazen mob deal, and our noses were rubbed in it. Despite the best efforts of the corrupt democrat party and the corrupt them our party media to run interference yet again. Now that here. called for no jail time for tax evasion. No. Jail time for tax evasion or purged, on a gun application. he committed perjury when you sign that gun application, any committed tax fraud, no ever seen, an illegal analysts amiss lsd, Illegal endless new york slimes
Thank god, we ve never seen anything like this. I mean even pledge to a misdemeanor. You never do that attacks gave these people are liars there, the worse, the worst merit garlic Also, let the statute statutory limitation drawn on tax fraud committed hunter by covering one point. Five million dollars in income protectors, twenty fourteen twenty fifteen. He paid no federal income taxes, the statute of limitations ran ran while they know they knew. The time was taking. so he didn't pay hundreds. Thousands of dollars in income taxes he got away scot free and he's never going to pay. Any explanation for that only one, the mob lawyers. Meanwhile, the debris
We have just said that the investigation was ongoing, thereby attempting to prevent any effort by kind which we talked about this to look into any aspect of the investigation and the deal the judge s well then, what's still being investigated this, this proposed plea. Immunizes him from everything and anything and by the way, why does it do that to cover up for Joe Biden, the prosecutors reluctantly admitted that fara, you know you're supposed to register as a foreign agent. They use this against the republicans like Manfred. Why didn't they use it against hunter? What we might the judge, should you might He just said this is an immunity deal affect effect of this is the end of it
So one sided your mouth you're telling me the court that the case is over if nothing else to investigate its all done its caput. How did the other Are your mouse you'd tell me you're still conducting an investigation for what and to what end. She's, the one who brought up far by the way the answer is the deal would immunize hunter from any further investigations, thereby in indiana eminence Joe Biden? Because there is no separate investigational joe by its number one? There will be no far charge as products hunter Biden under the deal. That's number two. Number three merrick garland was gonna firm and not appoint a special council to investigate your by. So everything is done.
Olive doesnt matter. You, an irish, whistle blowers subsequent to this deal that permanent, just didn't, say, wait a minute break out more information. No remember it was deals that shut those whistle blowers down. That's why they became whistleblowers. Feared and the irish investigative nor make sense, because that's what happened. The individuals addio J responsible for this Garland and the others must be held to account because at the table about a corruption here is. Beyond anything, we've ever seen, and I don't doubt for a second that the white house's involved? Why wouldn't they be? They have a private media that will support them. Defend them. No matter what planetary magda republican juno, there,
democrat party that will back and no matter what and of course they run. department justice, suitor mob lawyers? They can say. do whatever they want. So why wouldn't Joe Biden behind the scenes give his opinion. America garland are more. This is why we are up against. So when you are brave judge mean all agree with everything she does. But certainly here I do have a brave judge who put your foot down as is now I'm not, Sign of my name to this cause He smells a rat. She knows this is absolute corruption ride to the core. Washington goes, oh, my god. We ve never seen anything like this thing about this. I would remind you in this gun: charge were buying, says, he's forgone control hunter was true
with possession of a firearm by a person who is a known drug user. That's a felony had called cobra third. special for eleven days in october, twenty eighteen, but he did more than that. He waved it around and public. He threw a trash can not far from a school. They had it retrieved later no big deal right, yeah, there's a big deal very big deal. They hang eighty seven thousand iris agents to do. What to harass you and me huh turbine, didn't pay taxes. For several years and he got away with it because a d o J. That's not a big deal either right so that tax fraud. How are we gonna illegally? Two things: the Democrats,
is being in their chests about, and yet there president's son has done both and more and more so. The deal is dead. The judge the two parties to get back together and get back to her and sixty days. and my theory is that tomorrow or very sir, it's been exe. Did, but sooner than later, an actual drop with my. lorries at the department of justice while dropped the charges on january, six against trump.
in the dna and alone is watching all this to she's a political hack and she waxen to divert the public's attention. Certainly the media's attention And I know for sure that the phoney special council offers. does all this because they live and die by the press. They leak incessantly. and even more than that, remember they sent a letter. A notice letter target letter The Donald trump's lawyers to sunday nights ago about general six. send those letters on sunday night are there looking at the calendar they're watching the media there giggling among themselves when their stories are roger dated by the media by them
He had remains of the world as they were before. during the phoney russia collusion, phony investigations. So the judge in Wilmington has done the opposite of what the judges in washington d c do. The judges in wilmington, the judge in washington, stood up to the mark. The judges in d c. our part of the mob. the great one makes your weekend even better. This is the
best of mark le then we're going to have an incredible guest sunday on life, liberty and Levin least one. But I have to wait till friday to tell you why you know the bag benchers. So just wait, we'll be patient, and this is what I wanted to tell you the first hour by we ran over time. I've gone through the backgrounds, the history. The many the people surrounding jack smith, these special council, so commonly trump manners and air. It's not that easy. There, some information, but you really get a pull teeth, tradition. Watch pursued the special council for an entire list of their staff and they won't provided and for good reason. because our covering up even that
keep a few things in mind. The purpose of a special counsel is to break out an investigation from a justice department. To create an independent investigative operation that, as note Eyes to the existing administration and the justice department and too, but from the attorney general, even though the special council reports, the attorney general, the special council, gives deference she's me the attorney general gives deference to the special council. That's the way it supposed to work, that's the way it has worked, except now. Now we spent the first hour in hell we ve spent months talking about those hunter buying stuff. So you see how thoroughly colored corrupt this administration in their department of justice is, but it's worse than you know
And I'm gonna spend some time on this on sunday. Why was jack Psmith appointed special council? Does anybody know we know the purpose but how was he plucked out of everyone else- has It happened as anyone. You know. I know. the deputy attorney general united states, have told you about her before a name is LISA Monaco. She held many positions in the obama justice department, she's a I'm through a radical leftist debt turning generally united states. Well, she What's call an associate deputy attorney general, her top assistant she appointed to serve his name. Is Marshall miller, whose Marshall What does much matter? The marshal miller worked with jack smith
The? U s, turn his office in brooklyn for many years and their friends so the story goes, it was the deputy turn general top aid line prosecutor. Who recommended jack smith and they Amended jack smith to merit garland, then appointed him. That's number one number, two more on jack smith, As you know, jack smith was in charge of the public integrity section from twenty ten to twenty fifteen. At the time, colder was attorney general. That's right, Eric holder was attorney. or that appointment came from recalled her now
jack. Smith was involved in many highly political investigations and many failures. Cutting some democrat. He oversaw the internal revenue service, targeting the tea party gave advice to lois learner. I what he thought could be criminal acts and she took that advice and she went after the tea party and a grave damage to the tea party in order to help Barack Obama, of course, they blame the couple agents in cincinnati. But that's not what happened smith as head of the public in Togo,. Section oversaw the prosecutions of virginia governor Mcdowell. New jersey, senator menendez and former presidential candidate John edwards cases.
He lost the Menendez case because he tried to rewrite the day. Commissioner, bribery and the jury would have nothing to do with it. He lost the Edwards case because he tried to right the definition of a federal financial contribution. The jury would have nothing to do with. He lost the governor case, because the supreme power rule eighty zero. He wrote he wrote that bribery statute to and they said that doesn't fly as the head of the public integrity section, his his. Service, overlapped, insignificant part. With a b I director commie any We call me in company with him you can And they usually appear in the public integrity section in the fbi goes to the public integrity section for help. He also worked with b? I general council may her to this guy andrew weissmann,.
Part of the mahler investigation commentator on tv, hard core left wing democrat? So it's interesting so far, Eric holler comments constantly on the faint ass, a job, the jack smith and married garland and the others are doing the question. Is has he had any role behind the scenes whatsoever, its clear that people are known Eric holder and some of them are more than just known, but we're associates. and the same goes with Jim combing, who thinks that everything fan At stake is going on right now, a jack smith and silver. These are but he knows and he's worked closely, but it gets worse. The chief judge, all the district level judges in Washington DC, who retired recently her name judge barrel how
HIV debbie li l, l and, as the chief judge you, in charge of all emotions filings respecting the two grand juries are investing crop trouble every single motion at he, his war is filed and the government On every single motion that they fire pollution. she's a radical left, disappointed by Obama and she Ten years on capitol hill for Patrick Lee from nine ninety three to two thousand and three that we judge barrel was in ill judged barrow. How. And minutes before she left office and retired, she should her Good opinion, obviously secrets we don't have it lets the government thought they could. Likud. Denying president trump attorney client privilege and awarding smith access to
trumps led documents lawyer and all the notes at he took in that served as the basis for all the charges against trunk. That is a huge. Huge fifth amendment violation, which I'm sure trumps floors were. While addressing emotion at some point, how can they not through else David harbour, eight J, r b, a c h. His former special council, thereby director James mister misdemeanours. He is Jack Smith's one of his right hand, hatchet men, neither coma guy. It was also a former top official to Jack smith when he was in the public integrity. Section say: hidden he actually prosecuted the mcdonnel Edwards Menendez. Even render renzo case too, he was the guy and he was an accord
In florida last week in front of the judge lying to her. Then we have somebody named J brat, J brats with, The department of justice are very river by the way is a sound like an independent special council. So far to you, MR bloom, though we have j brac chief of the catherine, How agents and blah blah blah section four research than yours, turkey, of course, in Washington dc he was directly. And a moral largo raid. was there during the initial document search he's the one they need to get another lock on the door, he said boarded the search warrant argued for the market for the fbi, swat team raid when fbi agents several them opposed to any he's now accused of extortion,
by a prominent attorney representing the co defended in the documents case that is now Your secret review by the obama judge reply The other obama judge he was in the florida courtroom lying through his teeth, the judge cannon as well. So that's brat and harbour. Julie, edelstein, deputy to Brad. and she and turn for representative benny thompson. Mr Buzek,. But you know we don't want an appearance of a conflict. America. Is a guy named raymond hustler. Oh, yes, he's Also very well known, ajax met since he was his deputy in the public integrity section. And he hired harbour involved in the mcdonnel Edwards menendez cases.
There are often the renzo case too. So I understand it. So hustler is back on the case Timothy derail, the: u r E he donated to the abiding campaign and twenty twenty then reduce himself Stay with the minimum amount, what's the problem so here D been out, edelstein should have been out. judge how, as a hack, whose left then here who is Mary dormant deal h, Are any another prosecutor in the independent councils off she clerk for former chief judge barrow how MR trichet dont have accused, or so I know your eyes are glazing over. This is just amazing. It's sickening actually and there's more.
Many get into this heavy duty on sunday of life, liberty in love, I only do so much on radio and chris way re christopher re. Christopher wray was assistant attorney general for the criminal division during part of the bush administration? Did you know that, Mr Ruth? That's all you got to know Chris, christy, who was a fledgling? U s attorney in new jersey and, of course, friends with ray and they defend each other. You know who appointed Andrew Weissmann, as the head of the enron passport, christopher ray. You can see the incestuous relationships here. If I went to the- Full judiciary in the district of columbia, you would see even more incestuous relationships. How many these judges come right out of the department of justice are very fast.
There were many these people who have worked with several of them. You would see that too. That is exactly why jack smith violated. department of justice regulations when it grand jury in Washington dc on the documents case in the wrong venue when all the activity took place in south florida? that from our largo is that's where the documents were. That's where tribe, why that's where the video were so why You going a grand jury and washington d c rather than in florida. Why do you think that grand jury was made up of Democrats? Ninety three percent of their city, a washington d c, voted against trump. So I use a grand jury tampering. Charges against trump then moves to florida. That wasn't a mistaken.
Was intentional currencies as slaves bar he's maps theories ahead? Man. And I can assure you I don't talk to these lawyers- I don't even know who they are, but I can assure you trump's lawyers aren't stupid based on the transcript that Julie Kelly, sent me and that I reviewed and they're going to be in that courtroom at some point to move for the entire case to be thrown out. You don't pick grand juries and Very trial, jury and another you dont form shop that way or other be no end to it but a demonstrate how this has been politicized and the worst way. Look at all these hacks look at by relationships among them, and it took me for five hours to get it done. You told me the new york times doesn't know about this, the washington.
those are now. Nobody knows why don't I figure it out. The whole world knows now and you're no more on sunday, life liberty in berlin and all your back patriots plagiarists, keep your stupid hands on that of this stuff, You don't understand how to explain it. we are giving you nothing but the best, the best of market. Then will you know that Of course, Programme, the federal district judge Wilmington delaware among us. thing specifically asked. The government. What ongoing investigation. you're, giving him immunity hundred biden from everything for everything, despite the fact that he's only pleading to attacks case and a gun case,
Then, of course, all hell broke, look on that it loose on that and other matters have legal analysts out there who bore hopped on this, and they all said, I told you this would be the big issue. Actually Didn't this is one of the key issues of many issues. Are we discussed here that he might be liable for big issues? Molly she will know it, but I want to take a step further here is a Jonathan Turley, very smart guy, real clear politics scrubbing what he he said to julian turner on fox. During the course of this she said, I think the crucial question, at least on a lot of people's minds, is whether what these unused proceedings corroborate, or at least substantiate the claims from critics over the last few weeks that this
please idea was a sweetheart deal. Excuse me to begin with a god knows: we ve talked about it here. We ve talked about it. You ve, we ve, talked about it everywhere, Jonathan Turley, I think it does support that view. The problem of the plea agreement is, you can actually type wink and not right in the problem of this agreement. Is that the judge read it and said what is this? in part of the obligation of the court is to make sure that the defendant and the government of very clear what the agreement means and they weren't in a broke down with the most basic questions that was What was so surprising here is that these are the types of questions as a defence counsel, you work out were prosecutors in advance. Let me stop here. These judges are not monk, they're watching the news there listening to radio. They know that. There's a lot of questions about this deal. that simply don't add up you.
There were a lot of questions about this deal that don't add up So she basically ask one question: our whole darn thing fell apart, and so the question now is: where do you go from here like a wedding, we're both bride and the groom objected anyone else's sitting there saying wait had a week. add here and where do we go from here?. Turner, I know you know you don't know right why this reading, what it says But why did they end up here? What are they get to this point? Courtroom today They didn't agree on what they actually greta Turley. I think. Part of the problem, is they really did want to cap out the cases? Now? Let me tell you why and then I'll continue. I said at last night. Because the governments getting everything at once from the district courts in washington d c.
Because almost every one of those judges come out of main justice? They know each other. They know the prosecutors, they know the assistant attorneys journal. They know all these people plus Many the cases are go me for these radical democrats pointed by Obama Clinton to the court. and so my point to you last nine and I'll repeat it today, as the federal judges had are not in washington who are not from main justice, they're, far more skeptical about the department of justice, main justice, federal bureau of investigation and the special counsel in the case of the trump attacks. That's why this judge never worked at main justice,
And she's a judge in wilmington dollar curly, I think part of the promises they really did want to cap out the case, which is true, the barbara just as one of the cap, this investigation, but they did When I say that it was now over in front of me enigma hunter bind team said this is a close, our plea agreement. There would be nothing left to investigate, but the debate It is telling congress we're not going to give you there these witnesses or these stocks. because there is an ongoing investigation. We talked about that. Did it make any sense? community from everything else, but at the same time the they're saying that, the cases over he can't do both things? What judges asking you to specifically address whether this was a close out or continue investigation. That's the truth I think in the washington dc courtrooms, they expected a rubber stamp and they expected one from this judge.
Because that's what they ve been getting and all the trump case but they ve been getting in all the on the challenges. But it's not the dc courthouse. It's the wilmington delaware courthouse or it's the four pierce florida courthouse. Curly says this is a big problem this, while all supposed was all supposed to be scripted. True saw supposed to be as wide a habit choose me: cholera, a judge with integrity.
He was really going to look at the law really going to try and look at what's taking place, makes all the difference in the world all the difference in the world. That's the lesson from this that we count on a judiciary that is truly filled with people of virtue. That's what we count on to be a check on the prosecutors and a check. Department of justice. We haven't had that up to now. Turley goes on and if he were here, we go. Judges raise the one charge at the white house, most fears, which is the chance that hunter bind was a foreign agent if he was a foreign age and the question is for an agent for hook and for what purpose? The president was that purpose for influence peddling peddling. It's in
large over the president, so if you go for fora, it's going to bring all this stuff in including some of these tax accounts for twenty fourteen and twenty fifteen, that women of justice allowed to run allowed the statute of limitations to expire. All of that can get bootstrapped into a foreign issue. The whole purpose of this deal is collapsing as we're watching it. taken washington. By other surprise, I was on they held talking with the members, and everyone was floored, ok, which is why the department of justice, when it goes back to this court. I think it's thirty days, today's it's to do everything it can to work out another deal with hunter Biden. That may well include Fora ok, violated farra? Maybe you'll do a few months or me.
You're doing fine, or maybe it will do something, but what's the real exposure here, the department of justice is not going to indict Joe Biden. Because its long standing department policy under republican, a Democrat attorney general that you cannot indicted sitting president you can't I've been, Fourthly, sitting president to testify in a criminal trial, you can forces sitting president to testify in a civil trial. If he's the subject of a severe losses, the supreme court is settled on that, but you cannot force the president. The test for criminal trial. Must, of course, he's killed. Somebody on the street, in which case I raises even more complex issue,
but we need and go there cassettes now. What happened? Let me tell you what the big issue is here: consists department of justice under no circumstances is gonna be able to, even if it could drag the the united states into a courtroom. Does it sound like attorney general garlands willing to do that. Have you seen any evidence of their whatsoever? He won't appoint a special counts this case in order to prevent the door. thrown wide open. Joe Biden is a co conspirator in the violation
Of fire by his son or multiple occasions, his son flew on a job here, forced to with him. And that was done to help facilitate his business transactions with foreign governments in front corporation them all. four times. It is said that, I was sitting with his son when he's making threats to affair. Rules and others and foreign lands for shakedowns job I was helping to facilitate to facilitate hunter Biden's activities. Congress already has all listen information that
These committees have done a hell of a job. They ve already pulled the teeth. so, they don't have to show Joe Biden received a nickel to produce not a nickel. We know. That hundred Biden received millions of nicholls. Tens of millions of dollars They also have information from witnesses. They Babylon ski among other organs. from devon archer. On Monday. They also have scanned. information on how often Joe Biden met with hunter binds miss partners and others. The case against Joe Biden as a coke spirit, tour.
Assisting his son to violate the farmer is overwhelming, but mark you just said: they're not going to charge him that that's correct. It should be the absolute. first, article in the list of articles of impeachment against Joe Biden, because it is compelling it is bulletproof. There is no speculation. You don't need evidence. The Joe Biden took a nickel he's a co conspirator for his son, who took tens. Millions
why if they investigate and find more that's perfectly fine by me, don't get me wrong. I get me wrong. but they have Joe Biden dead rights for people right now. As I speak,. That right.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-30.